Aliens for BTS

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Re: Aliens for BTS

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Um, all of them? BTS characters are just fighting what will become known as "D-Bees" in Rifts.
As seen in Rifter 20
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Re: Aliens for BTS

Unread post by green.nova343 »

duck-foot wrote:i was wondering if there are any BTS netbooks or something with alien stats.

Not exclusively for BTS, no. However, you can probably use the alien races from HU2's Aliens Unlimited or Galaxy Guide books.

I'd recommend only small groups of aliens, though, or the BTS2 characters will be overwhelmed in power level (given that most of the aliens will be super-powered, while the PCs will be lucky to even hit their x6 multiplier).
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Re: Aliens for BTS

Unread post by GreenGhost »

Years ago (around '98 or so) I had found in a BTS webring the stats for an Alien: Grey. I don't remember what site it was though. :-?
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Re: Aliens for BTS

Unread post by Lord Z »

What tone of game are you running, Duck-foot? If you want strealthy invasion-of-the-body-snatchers type of aliens, I would go with the Pleasurers from Phase World or the Night Princes from Nightbane. If you want to big and gnarly conquering type of aliens, I would use the Zentreadi from Robotech or the Khreegor from Phase World -- or what are they called, Artorians?, from Aliens Unlimited. If you want tongue-in-cheek surreal destroy-all-humans type of aliens, the Naruni salesman wants to speak with you.
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Lord Z
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Re: Aliens for BTS

Unread post by Lord Z »

I just thought of a suggestion. It's a non-Palladium product, but there is a very good little e-book for D20 Modern called Alien Invasion. I picked it up for information on different alien species, but I was surprised by how much I got for five bucks. The information is mostly based upon actual research into classic sighting and abduction stories. The book even includes instructions for running a classic abduction scene. Link-ariffic! I think it would work quite well with BtS characters so long as their powers aren't too tightly focused on fighting certain monsters.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
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Re: Aliens for BTS

Unread post by mrloucifer »

A good source of inspiration on this subject would be to watch the Doctor Who spin off "Torchwood". its all about aliens showing up in small amounts in the 21st century and has a very "Buffy/Angel" and X-files feel to it, making it very BTS inspirational. More than a few episodes have inspired some of my adventures and monsters created :)
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