On Rifts: Japan

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On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Jesterzzn »

Another thread got me thinking...

I didn't care for much of the Japan book, but I ended up using bits and peices of it. The main problem in my mind was that there wasn't anything there that made me say, "Wow, awsome idea." At least not in the same way that many of the previous books had.

The Coalition is great because it takes the American setting and recreated it into human supremacist oriented bad guys in the Nazi mold. A nice twist on the concept of American exceptionalism.

Atlantis is also a nice twist, this time on the concept of the "perfect society" as described in Plato's writings. Rifts Atlantis is the perfect society...Perfect for Rifts Earth anyway, and its a neat twisting of the original concept.

England was the first book to lack a decently clever twist on established mythology or traditional presentations. The Avalon section attempts to do it, but the concept is just not all that interesting. There are a few good things in the book though.

Africa...nothing of redeaming value setting wise, in my opinion. Some cool magic ideas though.

NGR got things back on track, even if in a bit of a predictable way, by giving us another powerful human civilization. They are not the polar opposite of the CS, but they appeared to have a conscience and are probably what most of us would have thought would have grown out of America. So you have a nice flipping of the script with the decendents of the nation that gave us the nazis being the more benevalent human power. Predictible, but well done.

Underseas and South America both have their parts I like and parts I dislike. Overall, though, neither was all that great in my opinion and pulled the focus further and further from what I thought was a great theme of the game's settings being twists on established ideas.

Then came Japan. Japan, for me at the time, was one of the most anticipated RPG books I ever purchased. I had high hopes that the focus would be put back on the originally recurring theme of taking the typical or established way of looking at a region or mythology and giving it a nice little twist. Japan has a great mythology, it has a rich historical record, it has a bit of a unique societal structure, and all that could have been used to great effect. Some of it got some play in the japan book, but there was too much focus, in my opinion, on the cliche ninja juicer, ninja borg, ninja crazy, ect, ect. I wanted them to take the rich mythology and give me a setting that is a twist on the cliche. Maybe all that strict societal structure as been perverted over the years of constant struggle. Maybe the honorable and diciplined civilization we see today has been turned into a hedonistic amoral version of its former self. What I didn't want was for them to just give me all the tired cliches from every anime in existence rifterized in MDC.

If there ever is to be a Japan 2, I would like to see them reboot the area without the "rifted" city junk and MDCized class tropes.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by MikelAmroni »

Jesterzzn wrote:Another thread got me thinking...

If there ever is to be a Japan 2, I would like to see them reboot the area without the "rifted" city junk and MDCized class tropes.

While I agree with your point on England and Africa (come on, really, that's all you got for AFRICA?), I have to respectfully disagree with regards to Underseas, South America, and Japan. I'll admit the power level may have been a bit off, but all in all, I liked it a lot. But that's not a compelling reason, now is it. :D

The one thing I LOVED about japan was the rifted cities. The Glitterboys I could have done without, but I didn't write the book. Same with the SAMAS. So many other things they could have done. The Dragon Borgs were new and shiny, and fit the mystique. The prevelance of special Ninja classes (aside from the "real one" in the first part of the book) was a bit overdone, but its done now. I wish we had had some more information about the areas that weren't the republic or the New Kingdom, but there were too many weapons and power armor for that. The cyberoid is exactly the sort of regional flavor that they needed for the high tech Japanese cities, but the cyber-samurai is completely unnecessary. What about this wouldn't have been better done with a headhunter and redone flavor? The main reason I have never been able to run a game there is while I can think of a decent low tech game to run, and a decent high tech game to run, mixing the two is hard, unless you go into the completely undeveloped badlands that are mentioned but not even give the same detail the burbs of Chi-town were. The rifter article on Crime and Punishment in Japan was awesome, and added in some new intrigues that I loved, but it was a Rifter article, and highly limited in scope. Oh well. :D

My biggest complaint is I wanted a Merc Town or a Ciudad Juarez or a Kingsdale. Not in terms of detail, but an iconic place for adventurers to meet outside of the traditional new kingdom and the high tech republic. Otomo Shogunate is given that sort of feel, but I couldn't shake the feeling they were just a two dimensional villain, nothing that made me sit up and say OOOH. The rifted city did that. the presentation of the samurai did that. The Yambushi did that. The warrior monk did that. Heck even Ichto did that (though it reminded me of Genom in BGC, but that's another thread entirely.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Pox »

While I do agree with some points about the book, I do feel that if you watch at least even a modicum of anime...you can flesh it out yourself.

Yes I know it is not the readers' responsibility for the most part to do so, but ya take what you can get and run with it if you have no other choice.

Personally I think that mixing in some converted Ninjas & Superspies for any of the kingdoms, some Chaos Earth stuff for the tech-cities, and hell even some China, Russia, and Underseas stuff would be just fine for the setting.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by MikelAmroni »

Where are the HOT BLOODED mecha pilots using gigantic robots built by their grandfather fighting against the evil Monster Robot Empire?
What do you mean the SAMAS and Glitterboy can't shoot their fists with a ROCKETTO PAAANCH!! ?
Where are the teams of color coded warriors each with their own Robot Vehicle that transform into one Super Duper megadamage megabot battling against city toppling monsters?

Thankfully absent :D
Why doesn't Republic of Japan have an elite corps of motorcycle riding cyborgs (with their trademark RIDAAAAA KICK) that fight for justice against a nefarious underground monster creating organization?

Minus the kick and the monster creating organization (cause well, there is the atlantean backed yakuza and the oni, don't need em), this would be a neat addition (I don't know which anime this references)

Why didn't Neo-Tokyo get destroyed by an out of control mutating Mega-Crazy who's searching for the ultimate Mind Melter?
Cause Akira was a good movie, not a good game setting :)

Why can't my martial artist fly, teleport and shoot GIGANTIC PLANET CRACKING FIREBALLS AFTER 10 TURNS OF YELLING?
Because someone shot him on turn two after they figured out he was just going to yell alot. They Shot him a lot, until he died a horrible horrible unrecoverable death. And then burned his ashes and the shot a rocket into the sun with the remains of those ashes, with a nuke timed to go off before all structural integreity was gone, the backlash of which would help create a solar flare that would utterly destroy anything the nuke missed.

Where are the magical girls? Where are the MDC 100ton hammers? WHERE ARE THE TENTACLE MONSTERS?? (OH WAIT THEY'RE IN ATLANTIS)
Actually they are all in Atlantis. Well no, the hammer is in Russia.

On the other hand, corporate espionage ninja cyborgs are from Robocop. If anything, my problem with Rifts Japan is it's kinda American-view-of-Japan, and doesn't exploit enough from anime/manga/etc.
They are also from Ghost in the Shell. In fact Ghost in the Shell actually did it right (IMO). And I just don't see it as the American view of Japan. But I don't claim to know a lot about anime, I just enjoy watching it.

But its my view that the problem is they focused too much on their iconic extremes and not enough on the actual middle ground that adventurers need to survive and thrive.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

my twin brother (who occasionally posts here under the name theblackprince) actually expressed the opposite emotions. he thought Wb:japan was decently done (he was critical of the over use of ninja's and samurai), but he was quite disappointed that aside from the tengu and the oni, very little of the mythology and folklore of japan was included.

my brother is a big fan of real world japan, and has actually travelled there, and he expressed the beleif that (aside from the over use of ninja and samurai), the groups portrayed in the WB are plausible extropolations of modern japanese culture, albiet highly americanized portrayals. and he even liked the traditionalist ninja and samurai, it was mainly the tech ones he didn't like.

his main complaints were things like "where are the kappa? the kitsune? the kodama?"

japan has a rich mythology and folklore to draw stuff from, but the WB barely scratched the surface of it.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I like the Rifted Cities too.

I hope thers Japan 2,I like to see some Npc,s.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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One thing i dont like about the Ninja section is that Ninja are supposed to be the bad guys. Samuri are the good guys yet they get no love why?
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

glitterboy2098 wrote:my twin brother (who occasionally posts here under the name theblackprince) actually expressed the opposite emotions. he thought Wb:japan was decently done (he was critical of the over use of ninja's and samurai), but he was quite disappointed that aside from the tengu and the oni, very little of the mythology and folklore of japan was included.

my brother is a big fan of real world japan, and has actually travelled there, and he expressed the beleif that (aside from the over use of ninja and samurai), the groups portrayed in the WB are plausible extropolations of modern japanese culture, albiet highly americanized portrayals. and he even liked the traditionalist ninja and samurai, it was mainly the tech ones he didn't like.

his main complaints were things like "where are the kappa? the kitsune? the kodama?"

japan has a rich mythology and folklore to draw stuff from, but the WB barely scratched the surface of it.

I have to agree with your brother.
I lived in Okinawa for 6 years, and went to "mainland Japan" quite a few times, and Rifts: Japan is fairly ok as a game setting, though I also looked for the kitsune, and others.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Just want to point out that there were kappa and oni in the book, which seemed to be missed here, as well as Japanease dragons, and there are almost more original japanease mecha in the book than the cs has...just saying.

I wonder if anyone here even bothered to read the book...
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Marrowlight »

Prince Artemis wrote:I wonder if anyone here even bothered to read the book...

I imagine Jester simply licked a few pages to make his opinion of the book. :rolleyes:
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Jesterzzn »

Marrowlight wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:I wonder if anyone here even bothered to read the book...

I imagine Jester simply licked a few pages to make his opinion of the book. :rolleyes:
It's better than what I normally do, but letting people know you wipe your butt with a book to form an opinion is second date information.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Marrowlight »

Jesterzzn wrote:
Marrowlight wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:I wonder if anyone here even bothered to read the book...

I imagine Jester simply licked a few pages to make his opinion of the book. :rolleyes:
It's better than what I normally do, but letting people know you wipe your butt with a book to form an opinion is second date information.

Hell, at least that means you've gotten more use out of some books than I ever have.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by MikelAmroni »

Prince Artemis wrote:Just want to point out that there were kappa and oni in the book, which seemed to be missed here, as well as Japanease dragons, and there are almost more original japanease mecha in the book than the cs has...just saying.

I wonder if anyone here even bothered to read the book...

Well I did, a bunch of times. I had to replace my copy because it got ruined from being used and out so much (there is only so much abuse one of those covers will take btw). :D

This got me to wondering. How many are there? As I type this I don't know the answer, so here goes:

CS: 7 Power armor (as of CS War Campaign)4 of which are SAMAS, 6 robot vehicles, and lots of vehicles (so totally not the point, but I'm mentioning it for completeness.
Republic of Japan: 5 Power armor, including 1 samas, the GB, and two GB variants, and 2 Robots.
Ichto: 6 power armor and 7 robots
H-Brand: 1 power armor, plus knockoffs, but those don't count for these purposes.
All of Japan: overall that's 12 power armor (wow!) and 9 robots.

I've always known that they had a lot of bots and PAs in WB 8, but that's just excessive, and yet awesome at the same time. I just wish there had been some work put into cars or motorcycles as well. A Japan 2 could easily touch on this part of the market to bulk out some pages (APCs, naval vessels, civilian vehicles, patrol and army motorcycles), along with a dedicated look at the spirit folk, the non-evil faerie creatures, expand on the areas less defined, and give us the japanese gods, at least their names. Yes I can look this up myself, but have you ever looked at the amount of gods there are in Shinto?!? But unless an established staffer/freelancer does it, or a newer freelancer comes along and does it after a few other projects, there is little to no chance of ever seeing it. Makes me wish I had the patience to sit down and write one thing for long enough to actually produce a book of length.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by runebeo »

While South America may have had some power level issues, it's packed full of awesome stuff. Now that Rifts has upped the power level South America sure gels better. Achilles Neo-Humans, Monster Hunters, Master Blood Rider and some of mutants would be a big hit if they came out in a newer book, but these great R.C.C. got caught up in the stigma that came with South American books. Carella was a writer that wanted each player to be able to pick up the slack if a comrade goes down lol! With his characters you can run a campaign with epic characters that can hold their own and that wield remarkable power that stands out even in Rifts, much like how characters in movies and comics are a cut above the rest, that how I see what C.J. was trying to do was add another way of playing this game without limits or stretching them. You can just tell he was a massive Star Wars fan by Phase World and if your looking for a Jedi type character a Achilles Neo-Human comes close, but their hyper-telekinesis is nowhere as strong as a Jedi's and they can't parry lasers either, which with Rifts killer range rules would be their greatest perk.
Japan was full of Oni, ninjas and cyborgs, but needed more flushing out on the currant culture, like how Rifts China back story was worked in. It has a good 80's & 90's anime feel to it, but maybe needs a second book to bring it all together.
Rifts undersea was well put together, but our group didn't care for the long deep sea adventures. Its kinda like deep space adventures, a lot of going places, but little hands on experience with ship to ship combat if your not the pilot or the gunner. Sorry I wasn't into the whole Aqua Man or Sea Titan type adventures either. I can't get by whales not being M.D.C. creatures even by the Rifts M.D.C. game mechanic, size has to some part. How are you going to cut a Blue Whale with in half with vibro-knife? Wonder if whale poaching in Rifts has loss some of the excitement with common availability of M.D.C. weapons lol. Here instead of making them tougher less give them robotic armor with ranged weaponry. Did they not see the movie Orca or see how they treat seals & penguins, the killer whale is not always so nice, now give them rockets and laser cannon and the seal & other aquatic population will suffer greatly. The Lord of the Deep was one of the great threats ever put in a RPG. What you gonna do when he can grab you from thousands of miles away? What a menace!
All these world book were good, but each one seemed to be geared to a certain genre, which is great if it interest you and your group, but some people have trouble tiring something different than the genre they know they enjoy.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Well Rifts Japan always intrigued me. Alot. But seemed , like Rifts China, a book who somehow got cut of some stuff.
Now for Rifts China we know why we are not going to see the third book, sadly....(moment of silence :( ) But for rifts japan there is lot missing that coudl be fixed.
Now Rifts China 1 pretty muhc give most supernatural monsters and spirits you could find in japan too, after all Kitsune were nothign else than fox spirit, nothign too complicated.
But the Eta/D-bees? Is not said what D-bees live in japan, nor in china. Evne if is said that there are.
Now i've some ideas. Considering the thread seem right place to post them, till they are this hot in my mind.
Eta/D-Bees of japan
Here some idea of pre-existing race that, at least IMHO, fit Rifts Japan
Kankorans - A nice addition to the "kitsune" racial group, BTW in Japanese Mythology existed different types of kitsune. Kankorans could be for Japan what Wolfen ar efor Italy and Europe. Kankorans would choose Mystic Ninja (they are cut for the job) and they could have their own Ninja Clan, or Ronin Samurai(self styled), Female Kankorans could choose Sohei pathway. Personal Option: Kankorans could be of different tribes with different fur colors, like white or yellow, who could hav einnate special abilties(psionic mostly) due being born in the Hyper Mystical World of rifts.
Ratlings - Aka Nezumi-bito, too fit Japan. Dilikly the Kankorans they won't be too attracted toward mystical form of Ninja, preferring becoming Tech Ninja, if they could. They lack most mystical feeling, while they would love becoming Technowizard ninja(albeit their low ME make it hard, only the most excpetionla Ratling succed), they appreciate the cyberoid career, muhc like the like the city rat, and dislike humans the stuck to the job way after they grow older for it. Ratlings of Japan are almost completely tied with criminal underworld. Ratiling Samurai or Ronin are unheard of, as Ratling, even those of good nature, are not over fond of the strict code of bushido.
Nymph Faerie - While not exactly a D-bee, Japan is , after England, one of the place with largest number of Nymph, perhaps due the presence of millenium tree. They are higly respected and feared.
Changelings - They too seem to fit the place, but due their shapechanging nature one never know how many of them there are. Is possible they ahve ties with splugorth. If the case one should expect not the base changelings, but a bio-wizard pumped up ones!
Gremlins - Where technology is, Gremlins could not miss. Is possible that they coudl refurnish one of high tech stuff. But is something that does not happen often, unless the gremlins get seomthing in change.
Kappa: these guys add confusion. They have presence in japan, but they hate being confused with the SURA-kappa. The feeling is mutual. Some particularry brilliang Kappa could become Bishamon fighting monk, or even Ronin samurai. The latter very rare case.
Rahu-men: pretty much same story as china and most asia. Some wandering Rahu-amn could find its way to Japan. But there is not thing like a community or colony of Rahu-mens in japan
Gigantes: Another thign comon to both england and japan. Gigantes are often confused with Oni, due both bearing large mutations. Rumors tells there is a a small Island, invisible to most, at large of japan that is inhabitated by Gigantes. This monster island, is rumored to host also the legendary, and more powerful and insane, Gigantes warlord! so far no one had ever been to this island. Or if they did they never come back. Gigantes do not like Oni, as the latter like to enslave them and use them as warbeast, sometimes even as riding animals. A fact tha tupsed gigantes A LOT!
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Well Rifts Japan always intrigued me. Alot. But seemed , like Rifts China, a book who somehow got cut of some stuff.
Now for Rifts China we know why we are not going to see the third book, sadly....(moment of silence :( ) But for rifts japan there is lot missing that coudl be fixed.
Now Rifts China 1 pretty muhc give most supernatural monsters and spirits you could find in japan too, after all Kitsune were nothign else than fox spirit, nothign too complicated.
But the Eta/D-bees? Is not said what D-bees live in japan, nor in china. Evne if is said that there are.
Now i've some ideas. Considering the thread seem right place to post them, till they are this hot in my mind.
Eta/D-Bees of japan
Here some idea of pre-existing race that, at least IMHO, fit Rifts Japan
Kankorans - A nice addition to the "kitsune" racial group, BTW in Japanese Mythology existed different types of kitsune. Kankorans could be for Japan what Wolfen ar efor Italy and Europe. Kankorans would choose Mystic Ninja (they are cut for the job) and they could have their own Ninja Clan, or Ronin Samurai(self styled), Female Kankorans could choose Sohei pathway. Personal Option: Kankorans could be of different tribes with different fur colors, like white or yellow, who could hav einnate special abilties(psionic mostly) due being born in the Hyper Mystical World of rifts.
Ratlings - Aka Nezumi-bito, too fit Japan. Dilikly the Kankorans they won't be too attracted toward mystical form of Ninja, preferring becoming Tech Ninja, if they could. They lack most mystical feeling, while they would love becoming Technowizard ninja(albeit their low ME make it hard, only the most excpetionla Ratling succed), they appreciate the cyberoid career, muhc like the like the city rat, and dislike humans the stuck to the job way after they grow older for it. Ratlings of Japan are almost completely tied with criminal underworld. Ratiling Samurai or Ronin are unheard of, as Ratling, even those of good nature, are not over fond of the strict code of bushido.
Nymph Faerie - While not exactly a D-bee, Japan is , after England, one of the place with largest number of Nymph, perhaps due the presence of millenium tree. They are higly respected and feared.
Changelings - They too seem to fit the place, but due their shapechanging nature one never know how many of them there are. Is possible they ahve ties with splugorth. If the case one should expect not the base changelings, but a bio-wizard pumped up ones!
Gremlins - Where technology is, Gremlins could not miss. Is possible that they coudl refurnish one of high tech stuff. But is something that does not happen often, unless the gremlins get seomthing in change.
Kappa: these guys add confusion. They have presence in japan, but they hate being confused with the SURA-kappa. The feeling is mutual. Some particularry brilliang Kappa could become Bishamon fighting monk, or even Ronin samurai. The latter very rare case.
Rahu-men: pretty much same story as china and most asia. Some wandering Rahu-amn could find its way to Japan. But there is not thing like a community or colony of Rahu-mens in japan
Gigantes: Another thign comon to both england and japan. Gigantes are often confused with Oni, due both bearing large mutations. Rumors tells there is a a small Island, invisible to most, at large of japan that is inhabitated by Gigantes. This monster island, is rumored to host also the legendary, and more powerful and insane, Gigantes warlord! so far no one had ever been to this island. Or if they did they never come back. Gigantes do not like Oni, as the latter like to enslave them and use them as warbeast, sometimes even as riding animals. A fact that upset gigantes A LOT!

This is if all for now8but if i got other ideas i will post, if is ok for everyone.
Oh check also this site
http://www.obakemono.com/introduction.php Lot of information of mythologica creatures of japan.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by MikelAmroni »

There are some really interesting ideas there, specifically the ones involving the Kankoran. I don't agree about the gigantes, namely becase the oni fit the bill SO mcuh better IMO, but what do I know :D

That would be an intereting thing to do. Use the Anvil Galaxy way of recasting an old favorite for a new setting and giving it a substantially different twist enough to give it a new name. Perhaps the Japanese Kankoran Kitsune and give them a new backstory, along with a link to their palladium origin. Perhaps they were native to Japan in ages long gone, and some disease or natural predation killed them off. Now a new batch is back, and they are investigating their mysterious past. perhaps one of the Gods opened a rift for the survivors of some tragedy and dropped them in Palladium, and then took back a few when the Rifts flared up again. The same could be said for ratlings, and I'm not convinced they don't need their own warrior class (and I don't mean mercenary soldier). But again, a redone background would do wonders for their inclusion. Rahu-men always struck me as more chinese and indian than Japanese. Mentionign them as travellers from the mainland would be sufficient. Gremlins would deserve a mention, to be sure, but not a stat block. As for Kappa, I don't have access to my Conversion book right now, but it seems to me that Sura Kappa should replace them, since Sura Kappa are what the japanese would call a kappa, and the normal ones aren't, but again this is my opinion.

You;ve got some good ideas there. Keep em up!
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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MikelAmroni wrote:I don't agree about the gigantes, namely becase the oni fit the bill SO mcuh better IMO

Well my problem with Oni of the thousand, is that they are small. Even the giantish ones of them are never more big than 12 ft. Of course you could say that this is true for gigantes as well. In truth there are not many 20ft + tall monsters, apart dragons. The pic of the Apocalypse robot give an idea of how unbalanced are the thigns for the oni. (Actually they are far from being a great menace, being poorly organized as they are, compared to the perfect machine of Yama kings, or Gargoyle empire.)
If the oni had access to some spell as giant that would change, but they seem to be limited in magic avilability.

As for Kankorans/Kitsune
They are descendants of the clan Myoubu, the servants of the god Inari. When the conditions of earth became too harsh , due pollution and dropping of PPE, for living the God inari, who himself like to assume the shape of white fur Kankoran or white fox, decided to brng these Kankoran tribe to one of his pantheon dominated world(each pantheond has at least a pair of worlds where they completely rule.
In this world the Myoubu Kitsune(Kitsune by the way mean fox in japanese so is broad term, like saying werebeast, or nature spirit) prospered and grow, till with the coming of rifts they were able to come back earth, following their protector god. No one know exactly how many Kankorans/Myoubu Kistune exist in rifts Japan, but is supected they are the second largest ETA group in Japan. Myoubu are born to be ninja, and Mystic Ninja is their Principal OCC. With Ronin being close second. TW Ninja or Wilderness Scout/Explorer are also being favored.
Myoubu are humanoid foxes, like kankoran, with a fur color that got from white to a reddish yellow(or pale orange), with ice blue or ruby red eyes.
A 12% of Kankorans/Myobu Kitsune(60% of them females) possess great psionic powers, falling into either Mind melter or Psi-Druid. Note that they have access also to the psionic powers presente din between the shadows Nightbane source book, expecially those related to the dream stream. Their Astral Self look like a fox fire, a blue like fox shaped fire ball. Those with psionic powers have a strange marking on their forehead and 1d4 additional tails
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I hate it when I come across resources like the one you gave a in your second to last post. I get so many ideas, and want to put them down, and lose momentum before I get very far, and then get sad because I have an awesome idea I haven't fleshed out....le sigh

After I finish with the ground work on the CS Radio podcasts I am working on, maybe I can work on this...or the campaign I want to get down...or the stuff for other RPGs or....

Okay, one thing at a time *smacks self*
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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And to finish things up here other "kitsune".
Fox Spirit. The wild kitsune, Ultimate prankester, they ar epresent in japan in far larger number than suggested in Rifts China book.
Fox Faerie: Uncommon, but has stable presence here. And can be responsible of all the bad fame Kitsune have.
Zenith Moon Warpers: before you say "hey but they are wolf like not fox like", in their description give a general canine and as they are depicted they are somehow between the wolf and fox. As for most Kitsune is HARD to know exactly how many of them exactly populate Japan, but dislike other "kitsune" the Zenith Mooon Warpers prefer big cities and crowded places.
WereWolf: They are present, and werefox while rare do exist(exist weredogs, why not foxes?) Were foxes are pretty much the same as werewolf, except that their attributes and personalities match more the werejaguar(Attributes of Werejaguar and the rest from werewolf), Their only uniqueness is that Werefox have a peculiar choice of magic powers
Magic power of Werefox: Metamorphosis: Animal, Metamorphosis: Human, Summon and Control Foxes, Repel Animals, Chameleon, See the invisible, Tongues(but feel extrmely natural) plus 1d4+1 spells from the following list: FireBlast(from mouth in fox form), Fire ball(from Tail), Charismatic Aura, Horrific Illusion, Charm, Mask of Deceit, Hallucination, Wisp of confusion, Illusory Wall, Illusory Forest. Rumors tell they also areable to cast the infamous and dangerous love charm, but it is false, is all due their natural seductive skills(seduction is one of their base skills +20%). Werefox are neither good or bad, with Anarchis being their common alignement. Like Fox Spirit they prefer to play some dirty tricks. But from time tot imes they behave as champions of the defenceless and weak, they have soft spot of oprhans. And werebeast hate Oni as much as they hate vampires.(Oni quotations are slightly above Vampires and Slightly below Gargoyles in the world of supernatural beings).
Japanese Werebeast Speak Japanese instead of Euro.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Hmmm I hope this thread don't die, nor tha ti'm the only one posting ideas. But i'll keep posting them a little more. Hope It won't hurt.
Ratling in Japan.
Japan in Rifts Earth has two great record. The second largest concentration of Kankorans after Mediterranean, and the greatest concentration of Ratlings . Of this second one they frankly would like to get rid. The Nezumi-bito, as they are called there, are not loved too much, and generally , various crimes commited by the nezumi are always pointed out as example of the dangers the ETA/D-Bees bring to humakind. Is not to say that the Ratlings are all evil, just that their standards of "good" or "bad" or "honorable" are significantly different form human ones. While for Kankorans these standards ar epretty high, for Ratling/Nezumi are pretty low. Above everythign there is survival. Of the clan, of the family and more importantly of oneself. In japan ratling are generally mistreated, even worst thant the average ETA, and in most city they are the prime suspect of any investigation run by police. They are not allowed in many places, and not welcomed in others. They know this, but they don't care, at least not too much. What they care is how much profit they can make from any situation. As for Occupation Ratlings are too unfocused to become true mystic ninjas, albeit many try, and Samurai is simply out of quesiton for them. Thei favored OCC is Tech-Ninja. Expecially if they can keep the tech as secret as possible. Note that ironically the Ratlings are naturally talented for ninjutsy and the arts of stealth. Ratling Tech ninja automatically know ninjutsu and one Art of Invisibility power(this vary from Ratling clan to clan). Other Class favored are Vagabond, Bandit, Cyberoid, Gambler(same as Rifts NEW west, except replace cultural skill when appropriate, like language also see below).

OCC compatible with Japan
There are some OCC that fit japan better than others. With little modification Here the most unlikely from NEW West
Gambler: Gambling in Japan had always been hot, be it with cards, dice(very favored), yakuza run illegal lotteries and don't forget pachinko, that somehow not only survived, but attract even the new empire people(Pachinko and karaoke seem the only two things that most New Empire people are willing to forget being modern). The Main difference of japanese gamblers are the language(replace American with Japanese) , and under the quick draw, add short sword(wakizashi or ninja-to) to the list. Shurinken and Kunai fall into throwing knives so alreayd covered. also in OCC skill replace WP revolver with WP sword or Knife. For the rest are identical. Gamblers can choose HTH Kendo or Karate at cost of two OCC related skills. They are one of the favored fake identity for Ninjas.
Saloon Girl/Barmaid: AKA Geisha, and their job is pretty much the same. Entertain guests, and amke them confortable. Disliek what many thought they are not prostitutes, at least not necessarily and having to choose. Skilled Geisha can become pretty famous, like an Idol pop star. Difference are minimal, Just add the Domestic Skill Wardrobe and Grooming and one classic japanese domestic skill(Go, Ikebana, Calligraphy at +15%) to their OCC skills. Also The can choose HTH basic can be changed to Aikido at no skill cost.
Saloon Bum: No chang eneeded, apart the language. Native of the new empire has one arcaic WP in place of energy pistol, but apart form this, the drunkard is pretty much MEGAVERSAL OCC, the same be it in America, Japan, Europe or Atlantis.
Bandit: Talking about Megaversal Occupation, what is written in New West, is true world wide, change only the language . Many evil ronin end up joining these rogues ranks.
Bounty Hunter: and where are bandits...With one note Due the fact that many bounty hunters in japan can get as option, in place of their special equipment(that must be from the equipment availabe in japan or rare stuff from china), to know Zanji Shinjiken-ryo and the special samurai training
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Even more ideas (not that anyone care....I could just type bump :lol: )...But naaahhh Is not my style. And since i've not any de-motivational poster...

Other Race Fitting Rifts: Japan
Quick Flex alien: Big eyes, small nose and mouths, sharp features, almost humanlike, fast reflexes....hmm suggest me that yes, they would fit Rifts Japan indeed. Sadly they are not cut, for the classical jobs like True Samurai or Mystic Ninja, but they make amazing Tech Ninja!

Amorph: Giving a look at Japanese myths, you can't help thinking that Amorphs had visited in past, and keep on visiting, as is a very interesting place.

Ogre: Surprisingly they do fit, somehow the Japan feeling. Albeit they are often associated with Oni. Even if the Ogres of Japan seem to have found , through the study of martial arts and meditation, a more civilized approach to life.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The Baron of chaos wrote:Even more ideas (not that anyone care....I could just type bump :lol: )...But naaahhh Is not my style. And since i've not any de-motivational poster...

Other Race Fitting Rifts: Japan
Quick Flex alien: Big eyes, small nose and mouths, sharp features, almost humanlike, fast reflexes....hmm suggest me that yes, they would fit Rifts Japan indeed. Sadly they are not cut, for the classical jobs like True Samurai or Mystic Ninja, but they make amazing Tech Ninja!

Amorph: Giving a look at Japanese myths, you can't help thinking that Amorphs had visited in past, and keep on visiting, as is a very interesting place.

Ogre: Surprisingly they do fit, somehow the Japan feeling. Albeit they are often associated with Oni. Even if the Ogres of Japan seem to have found , through the study of martial arts and meditation, a more civilized approach to life.

I'm reading and enjoying your insights. I'm going to be running a Rifts Japan game soon, and I'm having a blast with this.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The Baron of chaos wrote:Even more ideas (not that anyone care....I could just type bump :lol: )...But naaahhh Is not my style. And since i've not any de-motivational poster...

Make no mistake, while I may not agree with all of your ideas, I do like them in general. Keep posting! There's some real gold in there.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I am getting insperation from your ideas too. Great work so far!

Don't forget the numerous tales of Kami (godlings/spirits) having children with mortals in Asian folklore. Opening the possibility of demigods as a R.C.C. from these unions.

Poltergeists and tectonic entities can be the cause of tales of the Tsukumogami, comprising of ordinary household items that have come to life on the anniversary of their one-hundredth birthday.

The Naga R.C.C. from Pantheons of the Megaverse have a place in Asia as well.

Also, I plan on using Death Weaver Spiders (Tsuchigumo) as a group of villains in my new game I just started in Rifts Korea. As opposed to the goblin spiders in the Japan book.

So far we have a cyber-humanoid commando from the Republic of Japan(ala: Ghost in the Shell), a samurai SAMAS pilot, and a demigod body fixer (who does not know she is a demigod and doesn't get all the mystic stuff she can do).

From the Empire we have an ogre sohei monk.

From China we have a Geofront robot pilot, a blind mystic and his enlightened demon body guard.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I also, would really like a Japan 2.

That's up there with China 3 and Federation of Magic 2. (Once again, shameless plug for a 350 page Federation of Magic 2)
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Seneca wrote:I am getting insperation from your ideas too. Great work so far!

Don't forget the numerous tales of Kami (godlings/spirits) having children with mortals in Asian folklore. Opening the possibility of demigods as a R.C.C. from these unions.

Poltergeists and tectonic entities can be the cause of tales of the Tsukumogami, comprising of ordinary household items that have come to life on the anniversary of their one-hundredth birthday.

The Naga R.C.C. from Pantheons of the Megaverse have a place in Asia as well.

Also, I plan on using Death Weaver Spiders (Tsuchigumo) as a group of villains in my new game I just started in Rifts Korea. As opposed to the goblin spiders in the Japan book.

So far we have a cyber-humanoid commando from the Republic of Japan(ala: Ghost in the Shell), a samurai SAMAS pilot, and a demigod body fixer (who does not know she is a demigod and doesn't get all the mystic stuff she can do).

From the Empire we have an ogre sohei monk.

From China we have a Geofront robot pilot, a blind mystic and his enlightened demon body guard.

Color me jealous. That sounds awesome.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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About entities...
A little info, that probably you coudl have guessed
Japan is infested. For being a relatively small island, japan has a crazy concentration of ghost, spectres, entities and astral creatures. Sure China and Russia are pretty much in same situation, but those had wide territory, the ratio for japan is pretty higher than usual.
this could lead to the plausible theory that there is actually a permanent dimensional gate to Astral PLane in japan. It make sense if we add those amorphs who can assume a plenty of shapes, and yes can truly mkae up form most bakemono stories.
Here a list of entities that we could encounter on japan.
Haunting Entities & Beautyful Ghost(rifts: madhaven): these make for most of ghostly apparition. Beautyful person in particular fit yurei classical perception. Note that the classic yurei outlook, without legs, could be related to a cultural gestal psychic imprint.
Tectonic Entities: Common, responsible to those event when object take life and attack, They are also responsible to the living samurai armor myth. In some case, and this seem interesting , the tectonic entity will seize control of a samurai armor for so long that it start thinking to be the ghost of the samurai who died in that armor, recalling some of his combat skills. It is possible only in few cases, generally when the samurai who died had some strone Mental Endurance. Note that the alignment do not adjust to tha tof the samurai and skill apart, tectonic entities do not follow bushido. They are just extremely confused and angry.
As they grow old(50 or more year on mortal plane) the Tectonic entity telekinesis change to super, increasing the amount of matter they can control or the intensity of how it keep together, adding 2d8x10+40 MDC to the phsycial body it create. Also has Telekinentic Acceleration attack( frighting consdiering what is the body of a Tectonic entity) and telekinetic push, all psionic powers now work at 8th level and telekinesis cost half the ISP cost!
Syphon Entities: As their usual, cursed object like there is no tomorrow. If in the middle of a moon less night, on a country road you find a shiny object, do a favor to yourself. Leave it where it is! Their favorites "houses" include jewels, scarf, samurai mask, katana, fan, combs. Their favored tactics is driving people on the road of perdition, betrayal and temptation.
Old Syphon entities get very dangerosu, as they develope the following magic powers: Compulsion(myyyy precioussssssssss....), Control/Enslave Entities(Syphon entities often act as boss and leaders of lesser entities, even without the use of this spell), Curse: Phobia(I can't lose my ring, I can't!!) and one spell of choice form level 1-10 that generally they use to reinforce the powerfull magic object facade plus their psionic powers work as 10th level psichic
Harmful Ghost(See Madhaven): Vicious. Harmful are frighteningly increasing in nubmers, generally inhabitating the cursed houses(the entire hous becoming his haunting focus). A terrific variant of harmful ghost exist in japan that can haunt not a phsycial object but rather a medi information(a video or asong). Note that the video is not the actually focus, but more a targeting system, that "tag" the victim, once tagged the harmful ghost can find it anywhere on planet(thank you astral travel!). Thakfully the harmfull ghost could only tag one victim at time in such way. But of course anyone close to the victim tagged is fair play. Once killed, the ghost return to his/her grave. Harmfull ghost who are old, had 50% chance to know the Deathword spell and get a bonus of 2d6+2 to PS that is now considered supernatural(roll each 25 years to see if they develope new powers or not)
Conglomerate Entity(Madhaven): the horror of the battlefield often leave this abomination behind. Is Very dangerous. . Due the possible presence of Oni amongst the toertured souls making up this horror, roll 1d4 times on the oni table, for some oni traits(don't be surprised if some face has horns , rooked fangs and blue skin).
Contagion Entity(Madhaven): Cruel, is common near or inside hospitals, where it could hide easily. Sometimes play the innocent, or even the chew toy of a group. The last person you suspect is carrying a vicious cruel monster. One Note. Millenium tree can actually cure the plague, but require that the plagued victim had to be buried under its roots for 1d4 days. And the tree could refuse to heal people it won't like (evil alignemnt ones as example). Also a tea of Millenium tree leaves add +4 to save vs. contagion and inflict 1d6 MDC as acid to Contagion entity(both to entity and carrier). Needless to say Contagioin Entity stay as far as they can from a Millenium tree . Ninja & Superspy Note: Contagion Entities are made of PURE negative CHI(no really, we would have never guessed :lol: ) so suffer double damage form pure positive chi attacks, also Contagion entities can use dim mak at will, 3 times per day!. So you've bee warned. Cinese and Japanese contagion entities are nasty customers.
Possessing Entity: Vicious, in rifts china is already being addressed. On Japan notes,exist a forbidden secret technique that allow a ninja to become a possessing entity at the moment of death. So forbidden that it was thought to have been eradicated. And the handful of ninjas knowing it had already become demonic entities. The possessing entity keep all the knowledge and skills as mystic ninja , albeit they make experience when in physical body. This peculiar possessing entity, is devasting as the ninja skills can turn anyone into a deadly killing machine.
But has also some peculiar weakness. Cannot remain without an host body for more thant 24 hours. Otherwise it wills tart to dissipate, also ONLY A MYSTIC NINJA CAN KILL A MYSTIC NINJA. Attacks by other mystic ninja inflict mega damage, and can kill permanently a possessing ninja. But is not an easy task, as the Possessing mystic ninja are high level ninja, 6+1d6 level, and if thing go nasty they simply flee to fight another day(ninja phylosophy). With one, who call himself the Onikage who is 15th level and is rumored to know some necromancy spell and that rule a renegade village of ninja!
Poltergeist: When physically visible they resemble classsical foxfire, glowing blob of ectoplasm, vaguely resembling a stylized fox, like to play pranks and tricks of lone traveller.
Spectre: Another danger for lone traveller in Japan. Spectres familiar with the lands of Japan and China are peculiar mostly in look, with the face looking like an horrible kabuki mask and long wild flwoing hairs(the "Hair" flow even without wind). For the rest they are the same as normal Spectres.
Yuki-Onna(new): The infamous snow woman, legends tell that it was once time a beautyful woman left to die in snow for some unknown crime. But there are other legend that say it does have a dicine origin, a fallen lesser deity cursed to vagabond the earth in despair, other tsaid she has an elemental nature. But the truth is no one know where yuki-onna come from. Wha tis sure is meeting one means sure death and that the cold and blizzards are their trademark.
Alignement: Diabolic, Miscreant or Aberrant
Attributes: Average IQ, MA: 1d6+6, ME:1d4, PS:not applicable, PP:10+1d6 on snow, 1d4 elsewhere, PE not applicable, PB:15+1d6, Spd:1d4x10 on snow and in cold environment, 1d6+2 elsewhere
MDC: 5d6+20
HF: 15 once realizing you are facing a yuki-onna
Ghostly Appearence: A beautyful woman, with place skin, almost marble like, bluish kimon, and pitch blakc eyes(keep here eyes shut most of the time). She look very sad and is often seen sobbing and calling for someone in middle of blizzards
Natural Abilities: Invisible and intangible in her natural state, but can assume her ghostly form at will, and must assume it during natural snow blizzards.Does not need to eat, breath or sleep, Impervious to HF, mond control and illusions, Nightvision 2000 ft, Impervious to cold and cold based attacks, Half damage from energy attacks, see the invisible, regenerate 2d6 MDC per hour, can walk in a snow stomr unaffected and unimpaired
Cold Aura: The Yuki onna is the living embodiment of snow and cold and as such generate a chilling cold aura around her all the time, sucking the heat and warm from everyone. In a radius 100ft can drop the temperature by 25° Fahrenheit with minimum of -100° ( see Rifts Canada for more info about the effect of cold)
Sadness: The yuki onna expres such deep sad feelings to cause all people who look at her to feel as it is their own. Essentially is Empathic Transfer: Despair but cost no ISP to the yuki onna and is -2 to save, -4 for those who have empathy
Skill of note: Speak Japanese at 90%, Song at 76%,Prowl 80% in snow storms
Attacks per melee: three via magic or psionic, one via martial arts
Bonuses: +5 to save vs magic and psionic
Martial Arts: Vital Strike Atemi, Withering Flesh, Vibrating Palm(very effective against frozen objects and persons)
Magic:Orb of Cold, Wave of Frost,Frostblade, Ice, Wall of Wind(very COLD winds -70° fahreneheit, North Wind, Freeze Water, Shard of Ice, Snow Storm(ten times the usual radius). All spells are cast at 5th level
Psionic: Telepathy(4), Empathy(4), Mind Block(4), Presence Sense(4), Ectoplasm(6-12 very cold ectoplasm), Hypnotic suggestion(6) all are equalt to 5th level psionic
ISP:30, but as all ghost prefer to steal ISP and PPE from her victims,
Special: Stealing Psychic Energy: considereda psionic attack, for each attempt to steal PPE or ISP. Succesful save means the entity did not get the energy it needed and need another attack, if fail the yuki onna can steal up to 12 ISP or 4 PPE
PPE Vampire: Like all entities she ened PPE to survive, in her case 30 PPE a day will feed her, she kidnap child and make them die of hypothermia to feed on their PPE
Heat and Fire Weaken her, a large fire will scare her away, fire does double damage
Moonligh hynosis: The sight of fuul moon distract the youki onna, she is too distract to attack or do anything.
Magic: same as Harmful ghost

Chilling isn't it :)
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Baron I don't own the Madhaven book, but your description of these other entities has me wanting to run out and get it now. :badbad:

Also, if I may pick your brain, how do you see vampires operating in Asia? I know China has its ch'iang shih, but how do you see the typical Palladium vampire fitting in? Here are my thoughts.

I was thinking that, like Australia Japan with so many Kami, rejects the vampire intelligence like a virus. This makes their secondary vampires more independent with a reduced chance of making wild vampires.

In China the Yama Kings and their Infernals, those that still care anyway, just dislike the possibility of a soul not arriving at its set time to their care. So they destroy any vampires they encounter on principle. This with competition from ch'iang shih keeps their numbers low in the middle kingdoms.

However I could see one of the free kingdoms being under the control of a crafty master vampire. Quietly building his numbers to summon an Intelligence to China.....
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Geez Baron...I wish you'd get off your arse and contribute something to this thread. :lol:
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Slight update because I am bored. Well I started my group tonight after the fun of making characters this week. :roll: Usually I have everyone start out at first level, but decided to try out starting each PC at 3rd level ala Explores Unlimited. It seems to be working rather well and has encouraged a background for each PC. :D

We have a cyber-humanoid commando from the Republic of Japan(ala: Ghost in the Shell), a samurai SAMAS pilot, and a demigod body fixer. The body fixer does not know she is a demigod and doesn't get all the mystic stuff she can do ( she took the water warlock power). Her father is a water spirit but she was raised in the Republic. Having never been hurt, she has no idea she is a mega damage being and was never told of her origin. They are all military and are sent to the forward base in eastern Korea to provide support.

From the Empire we have an ogre sohei monk. Adopted by the abbot of his temple, he is responding to the call for heroes in Korea to prove himself.

From China we have a Geofront robot pilot on a mission to spy on the new comers from Japan, a monkey spirit vagabond (a last minute edition), a blind mystic and his enlightened demon body guard.

For villains they have their hands full already. Just the way I like it. The ogre has booked passage on a Chinese junk belonging, unknowingly to him, to pirates. After leaving port they start discussing selling the monk into slavery to the Horune, but before they can do anything they are attacked by a quintet of sea serpents in the Sea of Japan. :)

The Republic's soldiers boat catches sight of the pirate's ship floundering as the serpents attack it. The rash Samas pilot suits up and blasts off to provide aid as the high tech cruiser closes at full speed.

Meanwhile the Chinese part of my group are having their own problems sneaking through the southern half of the Second Yama King's realm and into Korea. I used the back story of the blind seer and demon to tie the Geofront soldier to them as "destiny." Armed (really burdened :lol: ) with a Black Tiger bot they are attempting to quietly skirt a village that is under the thumb of a group of Infernals and head into a "secret" mountain pass to Korea. The Monkey Spirit however, has just found the threesome and decided to introduce himself rather noisily. Offering his help to the heroes in freeing the village, the pilot is close to blasting him as the blind mystic is trying to explain that they are on an important mission and have no time to free the village.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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And now other Eta/D-Bees of japan

Waternix - the celestial kitsune, associated with the element of wind. Japanese Waternix can learn 1d4 martial art power of choice, and choose Air Warlock as magic career. As the Kankoran they serve the japanese god Inari. Their number is estimated to be around 600, but could be as well ten times as much. Old waternix reside at buddhist temples or temple devoted to Inari, and act as advisors and guardians.
(for more info about kitsune, check alsohttp://www.comnet.ca/~foxtrot/kitsune/kitsune1.htm)
Squilbs(Rifts World Book 30 - D-bees) - These guys are bushido incarnated! Seriously is like someone took the principle of bushido and wrote it in their DNA. Japanese name seidoushoku-bito. Needless to say of all squilbs present in japan most fall into Samurai OCC(with brief period of being Ronin). But Even when another warrior carreer is taken, they follow bushido, no exception! Of all Eta they are the ones most respected in japan due them being bushi to their very heart.
Obsedai(Rifts World Book 30 - D-bees) - Japanese name Yama-sansaku, many consider them not an Eta but a mountain kami, who protect and guard the mountains of japan. Larger sighting of Obsedai are on the three holy mountains of japan(Sanreizan), Mouth Fuji, Mount Tate and Mount Haku. They have friendly realtionship with Tengu. They also share a sort of understanding feeling for Yamabushi, and is not unusual for an Obsedai joining a Yamabushi temple as guardian and friend. This is also one of the way you coudl see them outside their mountains, acting as escort to Yamabushi friend. Oni somehow , or just wisely, fear them and unless backed by a powerfull leader a lesser oni would prefer avoiding conflicts with the Yama-sansaku.
Crab Warriors (Rifts Coalition Navy or Rifts World Book 30 - D-bees)- Japanese Name Kani-bito: They live mostly on the beaches on pacific ocean coastal line, They tend to stay with theior own kind, limiting their contacts. Sometimes make trade agreement with fisherman villages. As sea body guards of sort, ya know in Rifts Earth sea is quite dangerous place. They also make profit as ferrymen, carrying large rats throught the japanese island, like sort of water working mule. They like trinckets and simple stuff. From the resin of Millenium tree is made a wax that feel great on their sheels(heal also 4d6 MDC), and they like sweet stuff too.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Someone here mentioned Kodama in Japan. Heck Kodama, Sudama, and other spirits could exist all over the place outside of Japan as well. Kodama ARE tree spirits after all (and what my old player group called the infamous flying paper squirrels, even though they don't look anything like squirrels and are definitely not made of paper :| ). Most of the time they are invisible and generally shy around humans, though any psychic worth his salt who would be actively looking for kodama (god knows why) could probably find them just about anywhere, even in a park in the middle of Chi Town.
Norbu the Enchanter: Hello friends! What brings you to my shop today?

Big Joe: We need some things enchanted to take a beating...

Norbu: Perhaps you want your weapons enchanted? Or maybe a shield or sword? I can even enchant armor!

Big Joe: We need you to enchant this Liver, this heart, and these kidneys.

Norbu: :shock:
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Yeah. In my world (Just like in Japanese Mythology) performing a tea ceremony provided you actually have the faith forces ONI to make a save vs Magic at 16, or they can't enter the room. That's right. At all. They can't attack, they can't do anything. This was the tea ceremony's original purpose.

So if you make a TW item, you can shorten the ritual time and keep the exclusion time the same. Or, if you think you're tough enough, you can trap yourself inside the room with the Oni and make them unable to leave. This might sting. :)
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Let's not forget the technological aspect of japan.
Robot RCC Japanese Name Tetsuro(well when they are aknowledged self awareness). Japan is big place and surely there is one lonely genial scientist who had lost his son/daughter/wife/brother and who use his genius to bring it back...as robot/android.(teenage or not). Self aware robot do nto have any right, even less than your average Eta, they are considered malfunctioning THINGS and not true living beings. Even shinto temple feel uneasy about them. For a living robot is already good that people do not pitch torch and forks and try to dismantle it.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The Baron of chaos wrote:And now other Eta/D-Bees of japan

Waternix - the celestial kitsune, associated with the element of wind. Japanese Waternix can learn 1d4 martial art power of choice, and choose Air Warlock as magic career. As the Kankoran they serve the japanese god Inari. Their number is estimated to be around 600, but could be as well ten times as much. Old waternix reside at buddhist temples or temple devoted to Inari, and act as advisors and guardians.
(for more info about kitsune, check alsohttp://www.comnet.ca/~foxtrot/kitsune/kitsune1.htm)
Squilbs(Rifts World Book 30 - D-bees) - These guys are bushido incarnated! Seriously is like someone took the principle of bushido and wrote it in their DNA. Japanese name seidoushoku-bito. Needless to say of all squilbs present in japan most fall into Samurai OCC(with brief period of being Ronin). But Even when another warrior carreer is taken, they follow bushido, no exception! Of all Eta they are the ones most respected in japan due them being bushi to their very heart.
Obsedai(Rifts World Book 30 - D-bees) - Japanese name Yama-sansaku, many consider them not an Eta but a mountain kami, who protect and guard the mountains of japan. Larger sighting of Obsedai are on the three holy mountains of japan(Sanreizan), Mouth Fuji, Mount Tate and Mount Haku. They have friendly realtionship with Tengu. They also share a sort of understanding feeling for Yamabushi, and is not unusual for an Obsedai joining a Yamabushi temple as guardian and friend. This is also one of the way you coudl see them outside their mountains, acting as escort to Yamabushi friend. Oni somehow , or just wisely, fear them and unless backed by a powerfull leader a lesser oni would prefer avoiding conflicts with the Yama-sansaku.
Crab Warriors (Rifts Coalition Navy or Rifts World Book 30 - D-bees)- Japanese Name Kani-bito: They live mostly on the beaches on pacific ocean coastal line, They tend to stay with theior own kind, limiting their contacts. Sometimes make trade agreement with fisherman villages. As sea body guards of sort, ya know in Rifts Earth sea is quite dangerous place. They also make profit as ferrymen, carrying large rats throught the japanese island, like sort of water working mule. They like trinckets and simple stuff. From the resin of Millenium tree is made a wax that feel great on their sheels(heal also 4d6 MDC), and they like sweet stuff too.

I was trying to figure out how to use the Obsedai (one of my races for WB:30) in my Japan game. I'm thrilled that you figured out suchh an interesting way to do so.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Thanks, is that i felt that Obsedai too fitted Japan, as Japanese peopel have peculiar realtions with their mountains. Now for today "chapter" something about Psionics .

Psi-tech: These typology of psionic had just appeared recently, since the repubblic of japan had appeared on scene, witht he former holding the greatest number of this super operator/pilots. It is possible that had something to do with the dimensional energies released by the massive rifting. Who know. On curious note some psi tech discover their abilities by accident when they first sit behind a power armor or robot commands. Psi-Tech are perhaps some of the most amazing pilot of japans, plus japanese engineers developed special modified armors or vehicle whose command serve to amplify even more the psi-tech power.(thise modification include the use of cloned cerebral tissue of the psi.tech pilot)
Attuned machines: Increase the range of telemechanics powers( expecially telemechanic mental operation) by ten times when using them with the attuned armor, add +1APM, +2 initiative +3 to strike, parry and dodge when piloting the attuned armor, this in addition to normal Psi-tech piloting bonus . The Psi-tech can use his ISP to pump up the strength of the armor/robots to supernatural level(cost 20 ISP Duration 1 minute per level). By the same way ISP can be used to increse the damage of built in weapons by 50%(ISP cost 15, duration istant).
The cost of an attuned machines is 1d4x10+20% higher than usual

Psi-Druids: Addressed under Kankorans, Psi-Druids is quite the opposite of psi-tech, from geographical point of view, as they are more common in New empire than Repubblic. They vagabonds and one of the few who quitely travel in the most wild and oni infested areas of the Japan. They are considered Monks, and infact most psi-druiids manifest in young sohei monks and nuns in training(60% the psi druid know Temple and phylosophy skill of sohei monk, 30% to know also the way of the staff). Psi-druids can form strong bond with animals, included supernatural ones. While not at level of Familiar Link, albeit sensory link minor psionic could help, is not unusual to sight a psi druids with a pet animal at their side. Shintoist Psi-Druids won't use high tech weapons and equipments, with few exception(living in wilderness means becoming as pragmatical as you can be) That include SDC hunting rifle , vibro weapons and binoculars. But if they coudl get natural magical equivalent would be better(if you give up high tech, incldued TW stuff, you're left with little choice of arsenal, runic weapons do not grow on tree, and millenium tree won't give their gifts in such easy way, as well).

Burster, Zapper, Mind Melter and Kineticist in general(search the rifters for other optional kinetic PCC) On of main difference is that Japan, in pre-rifts time was alreayd experimenting in creating artifically these typologies of Esper, and so there is wid eknowledge of exactly how psionci works. to this add the spirtuality of martial arts who give psionic muhc better control over their powers,and you got a powerful sennin. Psionics in japan(and china too), had some option to choose. Each cost 1 , sometimes 2, PCC realted skills.
Martial Art harmony: Require having one of martial arts presented in rifts Japan or Rifts china 2(not the mystical ones). combining their psionic powers with their martial art move increase the precision and power - add HTH combat bonus to strike to psionic powers, and add your ME to damage if possible
Charge: count as two OCC related skills, common amongst bursters, holding the psionic based blast and keep on pumping ISP into it allow for definitely powerfull blast. Essentially you creat a fire bolt and add another to it. Each charge cost one action , cost the usual ISP cost and add 1d6+2 to the overall damage(is less due that the big chunk of energy had already been created first. A max of 4 additional action can be used for such charge for a total of 5 APM to launch a bolt(KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAA)
Burst: two OCC related skills, if you can create abolt, yuo can create many, and then you can burst/spraying an area as per modern WP. Is actually very expensive from ISP point and cost all your action per melee. The bolt are cast one after another.
Paired Weapon-Psionic: can use two psionic powers at same time. the psionic powers must share an affinity, like Empathic transfer and hypnotic suggestion(victim must roll twice to save, one for each attack) . Or could shot two psionc based bolt
Flight: already hinted in Rifter 44, who has telekinesis and cna lifts ones own weight can fly. For bursters is kinda different as they combine levitation and shooting fire blast form feet, essentially shooting themselves around(speed is 5 MPH per ME point, cost is the same as levitation plus 4 ISP per shot
Engulf weapon: Rather than create a purely energetic weapon, martial artist psionic prefer wrapping their weapons in energy, essentially combining physical and energetic nature. Note Mind Melter having already psi-swords at their disposal, just ignore this but burster and zapper just love the idea.Cost in ISP 2+normal cost of the bolt, duration 1 melee round per 2 level of experience

Psi-slayer They share a weird tie with ninja, to the point that all psi-slayer of japan are born in ninja villages(and know ninjutsu). Not only but Mystic ninja have access to the psionic powers normally available only to psi-slayer(psi dagger expecially!) proof that the two share a unnatural scary mystic link.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Marrowlight »

The Baron of chaos wrote:Burster, Zapper, Mind Melter and Kineticist in general(search the rifters for other optional kinetic PCC)

I'd think for Japan that the water variant would also show up.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Really Baron you have put so much wonderful thought into this. I would submit it in as a Rifter article.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Ironically, what I imagine much of the rest of Japan looks like is contained neatly in Afro Samurai and Afro Samurai Ressurrection. That kind of pulls together the rest of the lands that aren't covered by the empires, and gives everything that Japanese post apocalyptic subculture with a Rifts twist. And really, it's all there. If you haven't seen these, you might want to anyway.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Oh of cours ei've watched those, as well as watching/reading many many anime/manga(for the chornicle i suggest you to read Lone Wolf and Cub, give lot of info about the life in feudal japan.
Now back to the work, somehow this thread awoke the were-otaku who sleep in my heart :lol:
Spellcasters of Japan.

Ley Line Walker: This was alreayd hinted in Rifts:japan. The Japnese name is mahoutsukai or Chi-mahoutsukai, they are wanderer, moving nexus to nexus. With the shifter they are also the ones who ar emore liekly to know more about the rest of the world. Well this is true for most ley line walker and shifters in Rifts:earth, just jump into a nexus and lets explore the megaverse. Ley Line Walkers in Japan have the tendency to paint their face in weird way, reminding kabuki and no theater makeup. They generalyl wander with their disciples/ley line walker wanna be. Pretty much as ley line walker elsewhere in this point. Note that while they prefer relying on magic they are enough experienced with the world to know that technology, Techniwzardry expecially, can come handy sometimes.

Shifter: The second widest magic career, and also the one most appealing youth. Expecially those who watched way too much anime. Shifters infact tend to be younger than usual in japan, as they start at realtively early age. To be honest considering the average life span of the average person on Rifts Earth(so no magic or high tech help) is quite normal actually.
Shifters come to japan also from other location of earth, generally right before a trip to China. Perhaps to catch some new interesting familiar or some interesting artifact Unknown to most Shifter conasider Japan sort of "house" , as it host one of the most bizarre tournament of Megaverse. A Shifters Familiar tournament! No jokes, Shifter enage in batler using their familiars and using spells to pump them(yeah they played way too many card games too). The touranemnt put as prize many rlics and magical artifacts that shifters bet. Is quite an event, with shifter coming from far dimension and with weird familiars(included the rarest splciers warmounts!!) albeit hold in secrecy, as is quite unethical if not illegal. The exact location vary each years, but is known to take place during the first three week of spring.
New Familiars Native of japan
Living plushie aka Chibi Kyôdai: This is a weird entity, familiar with japan, and possibly related to faeiries and will of the wisp. This entities are good natured and when on our world take possession and animate small toys, generally plushies and dolls, but animated puppets are knowns. (note they could be likely be responsible of Pinocchio legend in europe). The only limit is tha tmust be relatively small, no more thant 3 ft tall. Despite this they have an array of power and abilities tha tmore than compensate their lack of muscle, so to speak. They are good natured and are arch nemesis of Bogey men and any one who menace kids.
Alignment: Mostly(60%) unprincipled, 35% are Principled good while a small 5% is of anarchist alignment.
Attributes:I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6+4, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6+8, Spd. 3D6
M.D.C.: 1d4x10 the possesed doll become mega damage being
Also see below under natural abilities.
Natural Abilites : Impervious to cold, posion, drugs, gases, does not require air to breathe, but register pain, albeit less than usual. Take half damage from kinetic based attacks. Nightvision 90ft, see aura, see the invisible, Natural empathy sense child emotions at 200ft at 90%
Magic Spells: Chameleon, Tongues, Float in air, Globe of daylight , Manipulate object plus additional spells depending on the type of the doll
House Doll/Non Specifical Plushie: Mend the broken, Cleanse, Featherlight
Doctor/Nurse Doll: Cure Minor disorder, Heal Wounds, Remove Curse
Goth Plushie/Doll: Fear, Aura of doom, Luck curse
Animal Plushie:Metamorphosis: Animal( the one they look like), Influence the beast, Repel Animals
Sentai Action Figure: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Invincible armor
Robot/monster plushie doll: Fire Bolt Or Electric Arc Or Crushing Fist, Giant(self only size is 8ft tall, look like the real thing), Fly as the Eagle
PPE: 1D6x100
HF: 10 they are walking and talking toys albeit it culd become an awe factor as some are too kawai
Combat: three hand to hand APM or two by magic
RCC: creature of magic
RCC skills: Speaks Fearie and Gobblely 98%, plus two additional leanguages at +15%, Land Navigation 80%, wilderness Survival 90%, Cook 98%, Preserve Food 60%Sing 70%, Dance 60%, Faerie Lore 98%, demon and monsters Lore 50%, Prowl 80%, Palming 60%, Climb 90%/80%, Japanes Mythology lore 90%, two skills of choice from domestic, technical, Physical or WP(no HTH) at +25% when possible
Size: vary but usually between two to three feet tall
Weiight: very lightweight 2d6+2 pounds

Next...special Shifter equipment(still in doubt, summoning cards or balls?) and lesser kami familiar
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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hmmm interesting take, but I think that in Rifts Japan the Otaku is arole better fitting rogue scholars. Damn Western Rogue scholars are essentially geeks with guns and armor! (but also come in indiana jones/Lara croft flavor). Consider that old anime DVD and manga should be considered relics of past era, well. And as i promised

Shifter Special Equipments:
TW Summoning scrolls: Despite the name can be anything from a plastic ball, to a card or even a thermos. The main characteristic of this TW device is that it contain a pocket dimension and mystic seal that allow it to hold supernatural creatures, or even equipment. Lving creatures are put in stasis, but can be hold there only for limited time(10 minutes per level of creator), while equipment can stay forever.
Also only willing lesser supernatural cratures can be stored, is impossible to trap supernatural monsters with this device. Is not an anime show ya know. Its best use to to carry your familiar with you without arise suspicion.
Weight: vary but never more than 1lbs
Can store one lesser supenratural being or 70 lb worth of equipment
Spell required: Dimensional Pocket, Reduce Self, Armor of Ithan
Payload: Each use to summon or storing cost 15 PPE or 30 ISP
Black Market Cost: 1D4x100000 credits(or equivalent).

Summonable Familiar Armor
- Collar: this look like a necklace or collar, albeit kinda large and loose one. At shifter comman the Necklace turn into an armor for the familiar. The Armor fit perfect the familiar and does not impair its movement at all. On the opposite is actually act a sort of power armor. The armor add 100 MDC, increase natural sense range by 25%, and naturala ttacks do 2d6 MDC(if already MDC add it to normal punch damage), and add +50 mph to speed. Also increase the telepathic communication to 1800ft.
Spell Required:Armor Of Ithan, Crushing fist, Superhuman speed, Eenrgy bolt
Payload: cost 20 PPE 0r 40 ISP to activate.
MDC: Collar 12 , Armor 100, regenerade damage when un-summoned at rate of 1d6 per hour. If destroyed the collar shatter in piece. Need another one
Duration: the armor last 30 minutes, or unitl destroyed.

Note on familiars
: while it was not openly said, is kinda obvious that shifter can cast spells on their familiars pretty much easily. included spells with self or touch, as the familiar is considered part of yourself, range for spells is doubled when casting on familiars but only empowering/non damaging spells are used, as trying to cast an agony spell on your familiars is a) cruel and b) stupid as the damaging spells backfire affecting yourself too!. Familiars life span is generally increased to that of the shifter(only shifter enjoy this bonus). One usefull spell is Metamorphosis human, giving your familiar your own shape(note that intelligenc edo not change, so animla familiar need costant directive form masters in order to effectivelly fool someone) cheap way to create a doppelganger. Or faking a date for the evening, albeit it kind a lame use for such spell. Also check Through the glass darkly sourcebook for nightbane for more info about Familiars.

Lesser Kami will come next, need to think about them
Last edited by The Baron of chaos on Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The TW Summoning scrolls is a Great.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Daniel2112 wrote:It's worth noting that a second Japan book was promised to us, but SOMEONE thought firing C.J. Carella was a good idea..

...C.J. did. And it my opinion, it was a great idea. While his ideas were often cool, many more of his ideas were just poorly executed. Personally, good riddance.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Daniel2112 wrote:Hrm... Eight books for Palladium to his name, all of which sold well and a few of which were bona fide hits. And you say good riddance. No wonder Palladium still has financial troubles.

Fact remains, we were promised another Japan book, and like so many Palladium promises, it was a lie.

Some of them were hits. Don't get me wrong. i love phase word and the setting. I hate the South America books. He really fell flat on execution. Mercenaries is great, Japan was pretty good, Underseas was terrible, Juicer uprisings was good, pantheons of the megaverse was a joke...

his books sold well because they were RIFTS books...not because they were Carella. It was a phenomenon. When people started buying those books, the inconsistancy in quality (in my opinion) really drove them away. Most of the time, when you hear people complain about what they don't like about RIFTS, its his work. As I said above, some of his stuff I love, some of it I hate, but when his work started to suffer and it was pulling the line down with it, Palladium had to make a change, and for the better, in my opinion. The quality of books post Carella doesn't even compare to C.J.'s stuff.

Off the top of my head, I can list 8 books (both pre and post carella) that are hands down better than ANYTHING C.J. put out, even the stuff that I love.
Warlords of Russia, Triax, Federation of Magic, Free Quebec, Xiticix Invasion, Hades, Arzno, China 1 and 2, Hades, etc.

As stated above, I feel that the quality and caliber of these books and the books to come are leaps and bounds better that his work, so yeah...good riddance.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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If there is going to be a pro/anti CJ arguement going on...please make a new thread.

Lot of good stuff going on in here that I'd hate to have clouded with this other discussion.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Daniel2112 wrote:Pox, I agree and I apologize.

Most of the complaints about Rifts: Japan seem to involve a lack of detail regarding the traditional culture of the Japanese Islands. While I personally wonder exactly how much of that traditional culture would've survived the Apocalypse, we are left with one indisputable fact: Rifts: Japan 2 was supposed to expand on Traditional Japan and we never got it. Just like we never got Lemuria and Australia 2 and 3 and Africa 2 and... you get the point, I hope.

S'all gud in da hood.

I do think a timely release of Japan would've been nice, but when the fit hits the shan...I'd rather not have it and wait then get a half-arse rendition.

Also...I think that we need to consider that Japan 1 came out in the mid 90's and our cultural view towards Asian-themes of the time was a little more centered on either big robots or Samurai/ninjas and that's it...and that's pretty much what we got and not much more.
we forgive you pox - Lord Cherico
You mah main Damie, Pox - el magico -- darklorddc
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Yeah , it was sad. Carella had some nifty ideas. But again sometimes he forgot the concept of "continuity" of the Rifts earth, and created things that not always fit perfectly( A mecha elephant in south america....I can get the turtle but a godamned robot elephant!! In South America !!I mean come on there are lot of southamerican animals that coudl have been better choice for building a mech!)

Now for the today post.

Little Kami RCC
The little kami are supernatural creatures, nature spirits who appear as child or teenagers. Albeit sporting weird traits that often trigger the uncanny valley effect.. Despite this they are good natured albeit quite naive and childish in behaviour, and in this they are similar to the amorphs, the little nature spirit and the bakemono entity get along quite well. Little Kami had an array of powers, generally elemental in nature, but their main ability is to develope a stronger familiar link with people
Alignment: generally any good, with few aberrants
Attributes: IQ 2D6, ME 2D6+6, MA 3D6, PS 2D6+2(Augmented level - MDC on power punch), PP 3D6, PE 3D6, PB 3D6, Spd. 4D6+2 -
MDC: PE+2d6 per level
Horror Factor: 8 as they are quite weird little kids
PPE: 3d6x10+ME add 1d4+10 per level plus another 4d6+20 when forming a familiar link
Natural Abilities
Nightvision 60ft, Bio-regenerate 2d6 Megadamage per minute, identify plants and fruits 80%, Wilderness Survival 60%, Magically understand and speak all language, resistant to cold and heat(halòf damage form cold based and fire based attacks), immune to possession
Stronger Familiar Link: The familiar link developed by Little Kami is quite stronger than usual. Is like they were borgn for this. Once the Familiar link is made, both the kami and the shifter(only with shifters!!) enjoy a bonous of 2d6x10 MDC for the Kami and 1d8x100 SDC for the shifter(making him a lesser MDC being), +2 to save vs. magic(both),+2 to initiative, add +1d6+6 to two physical attribute of choice, the shifter share his familiar healing factor and PPE, and plus the shifter can pump increase his little friend power, triggering its evolution. This in addition to usual familiar link bonus, whose range is tripled. Note that due the stronger link the shifter suffer 1/3 of the damage suffered by his Kami familiar, in SDC of course, and its death will cause a deadly backlash of 1d4x10 damage right to hit points!
Evolution: the Shifter spending an amount of psychic energy (PPE) equal to his Kami PE+3d6, can temporary trigger a transformation. The Little kami is not so little anymore, at least for sometimes. size increase by 1d4x10% times, ad 100 MDC, PS beocme supernatural, but more importantly natural magical powers work at 1d4+2 times magnitude(damage and range) than normal(roll once)!. Add another +1 to initative and +2 to strike, parry and dodge. Duration: four melee per level of the shifter after that the kami is exahusted and hungry and is -2 to all bonus and automatically lose initiative until fed up and rested for at least one hour.
Nature of the Kami: roll once on fhe following table to see what is the nature of the kami
01-20 Kami of Lighting: Appearence, large eyes, 50% of small horns presents. Golden yellow hair, 60% have striped furs or same color. Magical Powers: equivalent of the HU major power APS electricity minus the MDC bonus (See HU main book ro conversion book), plus 4 elemental spell of air of choice. add +4d6 to speed attribute, +4 to initiative.
21-30 Kami of fire: Red flaming hair, 60% of red burnign skin, 50% fangs(2d4 biting damage), glowing eyes, 50% of having reptilian scales(+10 MDC).Powers: Equivalent of CEF Fire major superpower plus 4 elemental spell of fire of choice. Can eat fire, same as warlock spell, at will, there is always a warm temperature around them. Can fly , shooting fire , at speed of 50mph, no bonus as is not very precise flying skills. Impervious to fire, even the hottest plasma
31-45 Kami of water: Blue skin or hair, 25% of frilled ears, Large pupiless eyes, 60% of webbed hands and feet(add +20 to swimming speed). Powers: CEF water equivalent plus 4 elemental spell of water of choice. Breath underwater and natural swimming skill of 98%
46-56 Kami of earth: 60%Brown or grey colored skin 40% of having ptich black eyes(nightvision 100 ft). 50% of having rock like skin(+40MDC), golden eyes, 25% of having arms and hands twice as big and muscolar(+2d6 to PS and add +6 to punch damage), 15% of having digging claws(add +1d4 of damage, but dig at half usual speed even through concrete). Powers: has CEF Earth OR Matter Expulsion: Stone( ignore the attribute bonus, The armor is MDC and throwing stone do Megadamage, stone weapon are MDC structure but don't do megadamage autmatically ) plus 4 elemental earth spell of choice. Identify Minerals and Gems at 90%, never get tired if hold his feet on earth
57-67 Kami of Plants: Green hair, 50% of green skin, large green eyes, 60% smell like flowers, 25% has delicate vines in place of fingers(+15% on works requiring delicate touch and dexterity, like pick pocket and such) Magical Powers: Plant Control plus 4 biomancy spell of choice, do the photosynthesis not requiring food in normal sense, when exposed to sun heal 50% faster, natural empathy(cost no ISP)
68-75 Kami of Animals: well duh, animal traits ears and tail, 60% has retractable claws, 45% fur, 50% Animal eyes(nightvision 100ft) Magical Powers: One animal abilities of choice plus 4 summoning or metamorphosis spell of choice
76-85 Kami of Chi: glowing eyes, 45% straight spiky hair, 50% of costant glowing aura(+10 MDC), 60% of being physical perfect(+1d4 to all physical attributes). Magical Powers: Power Touch(destory or restore MDC cost one additiona point, so destroying 1 MDC cost 2 Power tuoch point while repair it cost 4 powertouch point. Combat touch inflict megamage for 20 PTP plus 1 per additiona two PTP, all the rest work the same) plus 4 martial art powers of choice(included arts of invisibility, and demon queller body hardening, check Ninja and Superspies and Rifts China too), +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, parry and dodge
86-95 Kami of wind: white hair, 60% of white porcellain skin, 45% of stark white pupiless eyes, 50% of being unusually beautyful, like an angel +1d6+6 to PB, 30% of have wings(flight 1d4x10 spd) Magical Powers: CEF Air or Spiral( aire only no water vortex possible) plus 4 Elemental air spell of choice, +2d6 to PP, leap 15ft high and 20 lengthwise(lightweight),accuratley measure air/wind speed and sense changing weather at 80%
96-00 Kami of Void: Pitch black eyes, emotionless expression, silver hair, 50% to have an hole inside their body(+2 HF), 60% to be in transparent like ghost(HF 12), 15% to be skeletalk in apperance, 20% to not have legs at all(float around like a witchling add 3d6 to spd and can float at an altitude of 400ft) Magical Powers: Energy Absorption or Life Leech(MDC is equal to 2 hit points but only 1d6+1 can be stolen at times, energy blast do megadamage, while the rest is not changed) plus 4 necromancy spell of choice

RCC skills: Basic Math(+10%), Land Navigation(+15%), three domestic skill of choice(+20%), Climb(+15%), Prowl(+10%), WP Blunt. HTH Aikido (can improved to karate at the cost of 1 secondary skill), 2 wilderness skill or rogue skill of choice(+15%)
Secondary Skills 5 secondary skills from category Physical, Rogue, Technical, Pilot, Ancient WP Domestic and Wilderness, plus one additional secondary skill at level 3, 6, 8, 11 and 14
Combat: As per HTH combat plus eventual bonus for natural abilities
Bonuses: see natural abilities
[b]Damage: normally does 1 point of megadamage on power punch
Psionic[/b]: 10% chance to be minor psionics
Average Life Span: theorized to be 500 years, but no one , included the lesser kami know for sure
Habitat: Everywhere in japan, some are found in east china and in india too. Rare elsewhere
Enemies: depend, but they dislike oni and demons, also show little love for authority figures
Allies: everyone with positive vision of the world, consider the millenium tree like a big parental figure and feel confortable sleeping amongst its branches. Like Millenium druids as consequence.
Value: 2d6x100000 credits. Due their rarity the splugorth consider them a collector edition species, precious for building bio-wizard weapons.
Standard Equipments: apart the clothes they wear, little or none. The oftn have small collection of handmade toys or gizmoes, they love shiny object
Money: no interest into it.
Cybernetic: no possible

It took a while to do it, more than i expected.
"The baron is made of raw win. Search your feelings, you know it to be true."
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The Galactus Kid
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

I'll post my Dai Tengu when I get around to typing it up.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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