On Rifts: Japan

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Kikkoman wrote:
Pox wrote:
Daniel2112 wrote:
Also...I think that we need to consider that Japan 1 came out in the mid 90's and our cultural view towards Asian-themes of the time was a little more centered on either big robots or Samurai/ninjas and that's it...and that's pretty much what we got and not much more.

not much has changed in 10 years

weel let's add cute witch(from sailor to sakura), sentai rangers, saints in armors, uber martial artist who make people explode(we still fight fight in nineties ninetiessss), mutant in search of vengenace, robot in searhc of vengeance, cyborg in search fo vengeance, esper and biotics fighting obscure and dark organizations(btw Splicer should be converted into a sourcebook for rifts japan, It should eb considered a semi official rule! Vivat Splicer!!) and insearch of vengeance(hmm seem like japanese got a repressed anger issues), school with amazing teachers(onizuka ruless), lot and lot of kitsunes in all sauce(FOOOOOOXX POWAAAAAHHHH), and so much crazyness that you can't go on making jokes for eons. Not forgeting shinigami(wherever they go in whatever form they appear, they cause some of the most badassery moment in anime), and some crazy anime like paranoia agent that make you kinda become..duh..paranoid, and lot fo kawai creatures that can make even a cynical bastard heartless mutter "hpmmh cute indeed", and mutant pirates, sorcerers, magic powered mecha, swordsmen,grim berserkers/dark warriors, catgirls, Half demons, absolute heartless horrorifc characters that make pinhead look like a joly entertainers, and not forget a big missing....godaamned giant monster. One of my biggest disappointment is the lack of huggge giant monster. What they are supposed to fight those giant robots, dwarfing onis?
And not forget Loving Tentacles(the entire concpet of splugorth porn is born in japan)...
Hmm uh oh sorry, I let it go too much Ain't It?
Oh well not that i've any pride or decency to start with. :lol:
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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considering my last post was a silly resume of my passion for japanese animation and manga...lets do another more serious post(two in one day...oh my mind hurt)

Oni Gestalt - Not an RCC more a monster
Some elder Oni Mystic(25% of them), of 6th level or better, unknown to all , develope , the power to merge themselves and other oni into a bigger, more monstrous form. This form can be mantained for long time, but not forever.
MDC of the gestalt oni: Mystic oni MDC plus the 1d6x10 MDC for each oni building the giant body, multiply by 5 if the mystic oni is 10th leve or greater and/or older than 300 years. Note that Mystic Oni use the lesser oni as armor of sort and his MDc is always the last to be touched by damage. If things go bad he'll dispell the gestalt dropping lot of oni corpses. And flying away
Physical Attributes of the Gestalt oni: Mystic oni physical attributes plus 2 for each oni bulding up the body, with the excpetion of PB that is 1d6, and Spd. equal to 6d6+1 per each oni building up the body
PPE: Same as Mysic oni +10 per each oni in the gestalt
ISP: same as mystic oni +1d6x10 in the gestalt form, is one time bonus
Size: add 1d4 ft per each Oni in the gestalt, to the mystic one base size
Weight: add 2d6x10+100 lbs per each Oni in the gestalt, to the mystic one base size
Additional Oni Traits:Roll one additional time on the Oni Tables. this a trait manifest in the giant gestalt size
Special Powers: Choose one(is always the same every time the gestalt form is assumed)
Drum of Lighting - These are a set of giant drums mounted on a metal rings that pop out from the back of the oni. Playing the drums that oni can cast the Ball Lighting elemental spell, but at range and damage multiplied by the numbers of oni makind the gestald monster
Plasma Breath - The Gestalt oni breath fire like a dragon, damage is 1d6 per number of Oni making the gestalt, count as an extra attack. Range is 300ft per Oni in the gestalt
Toxic aura: the most vicious one, the Gestalt oni aura is such toxic that do 4d6 damage +1 per each Oni in the gestalt to anything that fail save vs. poison/toxin (megadamage to MDC beings), included plants. Radius is 200ff
Firequake stomp: Same as the spell of same name, but can be used once per 4 melee round at half the normal cost
Madness Aura: Everyone who fail a save vs. HF(16) on the massive Oni fall into temporary insanity(roll a random insanity). Cyborgs and Monks Are immune for some reason(one for being too much machine and Monks are well monks).
Massive Weapon: The Oni Gestalt come equipped with a giant weapon, generally a classic Oni warclub, that do 1d6x20 megadamage plus PS Damage

Cost to perform a gestalt ritual: 200 PPE plus 10 per Oni
Duration: 6 hour per level of the oni.

Now thats something that justify that Apocalypse robot!!
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Hm For today I won't post too much I'll just add first some input about other magical classes in Rifts Japan. They ar emostly random ideas.
The Japanese Name for Shifters is Onmyoji.
It was said in other Palladium Books, but is better to repeat, most spellcaster begin their "career" at young age. Generally shown an innate ability and/or attitude that pinpoint them to Mystic sensei.
The older a spellcaster go, the less"human" he became. In japan they oftne become hermit, living on mountain or join a temple.

Conjurers and Mystics are quite common in japan. The first only amongst Ninja clan/villages.
Mystic Ninja: Mystic Ninja know the principle of magic and can learn magic, during their life. This spells are generally secret techniques avialable only to chunin(6th to 10th) and jonin(11th to 15th level). Each clan had its personal list of spells, often defining the clan "style" so to speak. Note that Ninja had access to some forbidded techniques, like ones that summon demons or the one that allow to tunr oneself into a demonic possessing spirit. While the knowledge of these spell is taboo, they are stored nonetheless, becase one never know if they could come usefull in a new situation. Also Ninja have access to school of magic not usually avaiable as "learning" spells, like shadow magic, Necromancy(mostly taboo), Temporal Magic, and elemental magic. All these spells are learned as ninja spells, peculiar in that they do not need any verbla component. Mystic Ninja can learn, through study(through roleplaying for players characters) only Ninja spells. Generally a ninja of certain level know an handful of spell.

Some notes about Japanese pantheon of Light----more or less(is a rift envision of it)
The Shinto pantheon had in past a sort of bloodfeud going on with Chinese celestial court, albeit nowadays they are on more friendlier terms. Still old grudges often arise whenever these deities meet, making for some harsh discussion. While technically the godfather and leader of the pantheon is Izanagi, the creator of japanese islands is not mor ethe same self, not since the tragedy of the death of his beloved Izanami while giving birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi-no-Kami, afte rhe tried to revive her, but did some mistakes, as she come back as an undead goddess. Horrified about what she had become Izanagi banished her into the dark dimension of Yomi, realm of the undeads and demons. There she become the empress of this damnes land and promised that her people will kill 1000 of Izanagi peoples per each day. This obviously signed Izanagi mind since then. The actuall leader of shintoist gods is Amateratsu, the sun goddess, who had to deal with a creator who is living ridden with guilt(not last the attempt to kill his own son Kagutsuchi , for being responsible of his mother situation) and bordering insanity and a pantheon of people that defining complicated is euphemistic. Thankfull she cna count on the smart Inari, the god of merchants and swordmakers(not coutning the protector of kitsune) who manage through tricks and diplomacy to control such violent deities like the war god Hachiman or the humoral and braggat Susanoo the go of storms and sea(a living tsunami, in more tha one sense). To help her there is also her other borther Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon, but he is quite mysterious, like most moon deities are. This is only to hint how much chaotical the things are in shinto pantheon .
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The Baron of chaos wrote:considering my last post was a silly resume of my passion for japanese animation and manga...lets do another more serious post(two in one day...oh my mind hurt)

Oni Gestalt - Not an RCC more a monster
Some elder Oni Mystic(25% of them), of 6th level or better, unknown to all , develope , the power to merge themselves and other oni into a bigger, more monstrous form. This form can be mantained for long time, but not forever.
MDC of the gestalt oni: Mystic oni MDC plus the 1d6x10 MDC for each oni building the giant body, multiply by 5 if the mystic oni is 10th leve or greater and/or older than 300 years. Note that Mystic Oni use the lesser oni as armor of sort and his MDc is always the last to be touched by damage. If things go bad he'll dispell the gestalt dropping lot of oni corpses. And flying away
Physical Attributes of the Gestalt oni: Mystic oni physical attributes plus 2 for each oni bulding up the body, with the excpetion of PB that is 1d6, and Spd. equal to 6d6+1 per each oni building up the body
PPE: Same as Mysic oni +10 per each oni in the gestalt
ISP: same as mystic oni +1d6x10 in the gestalt form, is one time bonus
Size: add 1d4 ft per each Oni in the gestalt, to the mystic one base size
Weight: add 2d6x10+100 lbs per each Oni in the gestalt, to the mystic one base size
Additional Oni Traits:Roll one additional time on the Oni Tables. this a trait manifest in the giant gestalt size
Special Powers: Choose one(is always the same every time the gestalt form is assumed)
Drum of Lighting - These are a set of giant drums mounted on a metal rings that pop out from the back of the oni. Playing the drums that oni can cast the Ball Lighting elemental spell, but at range and damage multiplied by the numbers of oni makind the gestald monster
Plasma Breath - The Gestalt oni breath fire like a dragon, damage is 1d6 per number of Oni making the gestalt, count as an extra attack. Range is 300ft per Oni in the gestalt
Toxic aura: the most vicious one, the Gestalt oni aura is such toxic that do 4d6 damage +1 per each Oni in the gestalt to anything that fail save vs. poison/toxin (megadamage to MDC beings), included plants. Radius is 200ff
Firequake stomp: Same as the spell of same name, but can be used once per 4 melee round at half the normal cost
Madness Aura: Everyone who fail a save vs. HF(16) on the massive Oni fall into temporary insanity(roll a random insanity). Cyborgs and Monks Are immune for some reason(one for being too much machine and Monks are well monks).
Massive Weapon: The Oni Gestalt come equipped with a giant weapon, generally a classic Oni warclub, that do 1d6x20 megadamage plus PS Damage

Cost to perform a gestalt ritual: 200 PPE plus 10 per Oni
Duration: 6 hour per level of the oni.

Now thats something that justify that Apocalypse robot!!

I like this. I would make a few changes:
There needs to be a limit (probably per level) as to how many oni can be joined by the mystic.

Some of the ranges and other parts of the special abilities that are multiplied by the number of oni (say 100 or 200 oni) can lead to a ridiculous range value. I would make thatper everry 10 oni or something.

The only special ability I didn't like was the oni weapon. If anything, I would mention that the oni gestalt is able to use trees and building as weapons. If you want to still use the idea, I would talk about the mystic nature of the weapon itself. Heck, maybe even make it out of oni. The lightning war drums were cool, but I personally think it would be more intimidating if they were inside the gestalt...beating like a heart or something. Thats just freaky.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The Baron of chaos wrote:Some notes about Japanese pantheon of Light----more or less(is a rift envision of it)
The Shinto pantheon had in past a sort of bloodfeud going on with Chinese celestial court, albeit nowadays they are on more friendlier terms. Still old grudges often arise whenever these deities meet, making for some harsh discussion. While technically the godfather and leader of the pantheon is Izanagi, the creator of japanese islands is not mor ethe same self, not since the tragedy of the death of his beloved Izanami while giving birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi-no-Kami, afte rhe tried to revive her, but did some mistakes, as she come back as an undead goddess. Horrified about what she had become Izanagi banished her into the dark dimension of Yomi, realm of the undeads and demons. There she become the empress of this damnes land and promised that her people will kill 1000 of Izanagi peoples per each day. This obviously signed Izanagi mind since then. The actuall leader of shintoist gods is Amateratsu, the sun goddess, who had to deal with a creator who is living ridden with guilt(not last the attempt to kill his own son Kagutsuchi , for being responsible of his mother situation) and bordering insanity and a pantheon of people that defining complicated is euphemistic. Thankfull she cna count on the smart Inari, the god of merchants and swordmakers(not coutning the protector of kitsune) who manage through tricks and diplomacy to control such violent deities like the war god Hachiman or the humoral and braggat Susanoo the go of storms and sea(a living tsunami, in more tha one sense). To help her there is also her other borther Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon, but he is quite mysterious, like most moon deities are. This is only to hint how much chaotical the things are in shinto pantheon .

Yeah, for Nekira's game I chose Susano-O as my character's divine "father" (I'm an avatar - immortal mega-hero ala HU). I tend to be more controlled, since as an Avatar I represent one aspect of the very complex god, and in this case I represent most of his good qualities :) Keep in mind his temper and his fun attitude when drunk also count as part of his bad side, so go fig. :D I read some awesome information on Susano-O that presented him not as a reckless or evil god, but one without a lot of impulse control (after all, the storm can bring an end to a dry spell, or destroy the same crops it nourishes).
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The Baron of chaos wrote:Now thats something that justify that Apocalypse robot!!

I always figured that was a nod to Godzilla and having a weapon to fight him :) Although I like the idea behind the oni gestalt, feels very anime, and yet fresh. Although I do like the idea of the weapon being made of oni. Especially non-willing oni.
GM: "The unearthly blade screams as it cuts into your robot."
Player: "Why does the unearthly blade scream oh wise and gracious GM, or do I want to know? [player expects some tentacle sex joke)
GM [deadpan]: "Because each strike hurts the oni who make up the blade, and they are screaming 'op hitting us!'"
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The Galactus Kid wrote:
The Baron of chaos wrote:considering my last post was a silly resume of my passion for japanese animation and manga...lets do another more serious post(two in one day...oh my mind hurt)

Oni Gestalt - Not an RCC more a monster
Some elder Oni Mystic(25% of them), of 6th level or better, unknown to all , develope , the power to merge themselves and other oni into a bigger, more monstrous form. This form can be mantained for long time, but not forever.
MDC of the gestalt oni: Mystic oni MDC plus the 1d6x10 MDC for each oni building the giant body, multiply by 5 if the mystic oni is 10th leve or greater and/or older than 300 years. Note that Mystic Oni use the lesser oni as armor of sort and his MDc is always the last to be touched by damage. If things go bad he'll dispell the gestalt dropping lot of oni corpses. And flying away
Physical Attributes of the Gestalt oni: Mystic oni physical attributes plus 2 for each oni bulding up the body, with the excpetion of PB that is 1d6, and Spd. equal to 6d6+1 per each oni building up the body
PPE: Same as Mysic oni +10 per each oni in the gestalt
ISP: same as mystic oni +1d6x10 in the gestalt form, is one time bonus
Size: add 1d4 ft per each Oni in the gestalt, to the mystic one base size
Weight: add 2d6x10+100 lbs per each Oni in the gestalt, to the mystic one base size
Additional Oni Traits:Roll one additional time on the Oni Tables. this a trait manifest in the giant gestalt size
Special Powers: Choose one(is always the same every time the gestalt form is assumed)
Drum of Lighting - These are a set of giant drums mounted on a metal rings that pop out from the back of the oni. Playing the drums that oni can cast the Ball Lighting elemental spell, but at range and damage multiplied by the numbers of oni makind the gestald monster
Plasma Breath - The Gestalt oni breath fire like a dragon, damage is 1d6 per number of Oni making the gestalt, count as an extra attack. Range is 300ft per Oni in the gestalt
Toxic aura: the most vicious one, the Gestalt oni aura is such toxic that do 4d6 damage +1 per each Oni in the gestalt to anything that fail save vs. poison/toxin (megadamage to MDC beings), included plants. Radius is 200ff
Firequake stomp: Same as the spell of same name, but can be used once per 4 melee round at half the normal cost
Madness Aura: Everyone who fail a save vs. HF(16) on the massive Oni fall into temporary insanity(roll a random insanity). Cyborgs and Monks Are immune for some reason(one for being too much machine and Monks are well monks).
Massive Weapon: The Oni Gestalt come equipped with a giant weapon, generally a classic Oni warclub, that do 1d6x20 megadamage plus PS Damage

Cost to perform a gestalt ritual: 200 PPE plus 10 per Oni
Duration: 6 hour per level of the oni.

Now thats something that justify that Apocalypse robot!!

I like this. I would make a few changes:
There needs to be a limit (probably per level) as to how many oni can be joined by the mystic.

Some of the ranges and other parts of the special abilities that are multiplied by the number of oni (say 100 or 200 oni) can lead to a ridiculous range value. I would make thatper everry 10 oni or something.

The only special ability I didn't like was the oni weapon. If anything, I would mention that the oni gestalt is able to use trees and building as weapons. If you want to still use the idea, I would talk about the mystic nature of the weapon itself. Heck, maybe even make it out of oni. The lightning war drums were cool, but I personally think it would be more intimidating if they were inside the gestalt...beating like a heart or something. Thats just freaky.

Well the drums cmoe ot my mind fomr the typical storm oni as appear in many anime, ya knonw that colourful oni on a cloud that beat those drums like crazy and cause lighting storms
As for the ranges, I think that attributes like MDC should not change(after all is damn big, mountain sized oni), PS top at 60, while other attributes top at 30. The other powers instead work like you said(increments are per 10 oni, excluded the Mystic). The number of oni that can be used in such ritual is equal to Mystic Oni ME plus 10 at level 8th , 12th and 15th(remember that this ritual is peculiarity of elder 6th level mystic oni). For the weapon I developed better the idea
The Screaming weapon(amazing name, didn't thought about that peculiar aspect): The Oni gestalt devote some of his mass in forming one weapon(reduce Oni Gestalt by 100) This massive weapon is generally a blunt weapon, sometimes a spear or sword, does 1d6x10 plus PS megadamage, plus is +2 to strike due being part of the oni and its scream of agony have the same effect as Stun , Force or Shock yell of Kaijutsu Martial Art Technique(see Ninja and Superspies for more info), whenever the weapon hit something.

In this way is something that could seriously cause even the most hardcore samurai mutter "holy sXXXXit!!"
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Well if you ask my humble opinion
Warlocks:Aka Shugenjia, ofen confused witht he yamabushi mountain priest, due their link to elementa of nature. Note that dislike easter warlock, wood is considered a diffrent element than earth(I catch the chance to say something: I pretened more elemental earth spell, Air, Water and fire all got extra spells from other school of magic, like ocean magic and such, but the poor earth warlock got not so much, damn he can't even create his own earth/stone armor or conjure earth limbs. He cannot even throw tons of rock at near mach speed. Is so unfair!). Shugenjia tap the power of greater Kami(elementals), and are know to be quite flamboyant in beahaviour. How muhc flamboyant? Well let's say that most Warlock groups suffer frome "super sentai" syndrome. Note Elementals not necessary need to be humanoid in shape, some can take more animalist shapes(Fire elementals like lion or dragon like shapes, while water elementals favor snakes or aquatic life forms, Earth elementals like bear shapes, Air elementals birds and stylized dragons), the shapes are always stylized and rough, much like their human like shapes, and apart of having a different shapes little changes occur( the get 2d6 damage bonus due to claw and fangs, but thats all, after all they still remain a walking elemental mass). Note legends say that exist a way to merge differnet lesser elementals into a bigger, more powerful gestalt. But is only a rumor.
To the list should be added the Void Warlock, whose powers are related to the ultimate legendary fifth element(no not love, rather the dark matter that compose the universe). But no one had evere seen nor a Vodi Warlock nor a void elemental in centuries, and this is a luck as they are known to be extrmely destructive, even when meaning good(wait you're telling em you've to wipe out a a town to save a kitten??!!)

Additional note about Conjurers: Conjurer in japan often have some focus to their powers, something that help them focalize their powers: this is generally a drawing sketchpad, where they draw what they ar egoing to conjure. This help them to decrease the PPE cost by 5% per level of experience, albeit double the conjuring time. Dont forget that conjurer can conjurer armors, whose style could be soemthign familiar or compeltely original, AR is 18 and has 50 SDC per 40 bls of weight, count as a large object. MDC armors coust additional 30 PPE as per conjurer skill. Note that the armor has no prowl penalty if below 80 lbs and -10% if above that, also could have an array of additional features, like claws(1d6 per claw, max 3, cost 10 PPE per claw +1 to strike and aprry as is part of the armor), spikes( add 1d6 to knee, shoulder and elbow strike and body block/tackle inflict 1d4x10 cost is 15 PPE), Horns(2d6 headbutt damage cost 10 PPE), Ninja Climbing Claw on hand and feet(+20% climbing, cost 15 PPE), and bleieve it or not Wings(same as winged flight spell, but work only toward conjured armor, wings take any shape). Also the Conjurer can repair damage to armor istantly spending 1 PPE per 2 SDC point, but only if temporary armor. Also conjurer could conjure much better weapon than usual
if basing on personal design, on succesfull roll on armorer skill, each +1 to damage, strike or parry increase the PPE cost of the weapon by 15% each( so katana that does 3d6+2 damage and is +1 to strike and parry , would cost the conjurer 24 PPE), increased range for bow ,crossbow and shurinken cost 30% more PPE for 50% increase in range, 60% for 100% increase in range (so a ninja bow with 600ft range will cost 65 PPE - a bow have one moving part).
Conjure People: This come to mind to a Ninja Conjurer once time. Human are animals too, so why i can't conjure a person? And why i can't conjure a specific person. Sure they end up looking nothing more than puppet piloted by the conjurers but are great as infiltration tools. The conjured person cost 40 PPE, but has no mind whatsoever, like a zombe is limited to obey direct orders from the Conjurer. Has two attack per melee and listen only to the conjurer. With asuccesful roll on disguise the Conjurer can give it the shape of whatever person they have studied.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Hmm additional stuff for Ninja(tech, TW and Mystic), shinobi(ley line walker ) and shugenjia

Invisibility Cloack: This was invented in japan in 21th century(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3791795.stm) and further developed by the mythical golden age. This polymeric cloack has tiny mircocameras that essentially allow a chameleoon effect. Improvements made it totally invisible if moving at aSpd of 10 or less and 60% undetectable if moving faster . Also the cloack offer complete thermal and infrared invisibility. Is amust ofr all tech-ninja.
Cost: 15.000 credits. Illegal but fair availability, Otomo shogunate being the top producer. Triax had actually the schematics of older model, the ones who offer only 90% invisibility and no thermal or infrared cover

Enchanted Sands: This is something weird, but common for Warlocks. This is sand enchanted in such way to respond to warlock's(but also stone masters and earth childs) PPE. At this point the sand can be moved in pretty much the same way as a psionic can move ectoplasm. This sand is usually carried into a large bottle, or container, to take full advantage of it. Powers include:
Sand Limb: the most obvious aspect the sand work as extra limb for warlock. The sand limb has Supernatural PS of 15+1 per level of experience, PP 10, Spd equal to Warlock ME +1d6 is +3 to strike and +4 to dodge and parry(can be used to parry attacks to the warlock). HAS 10 MDC +5 per level, but take half damage from kinetic based damage.
Sand wave: for movement, the sand form a wave that the warlock surf. Speed is 25mph and max altitude is 300ft
Sand weapons: The sand can be shaped into any melee weapon the warlock is familiar with. MDC is 6 per weapon and Damage is same as normla weapon.
Range: the sand much be in physical contact with the warlock, but can stretch, squish and mold to 40ft from him
Note only one ability can be used at time. Not at the same time
Weight: 80lbs of sand
PPE: 150 PPE to enchant plus 4 PPE to activate.

TW Bunraku Puppet: Bunraku are the classic ,e xtrmely life like puppet of japanese tradition. It seemed only natural to TW ninja turning them into TW machines of death and myhem. The TW puppet work a lot like anomrla TW weapon rther than automaton, as is the tW who animate and control it, activating all its features.
Type: Wood Puppet, usually humanoid and life sized, but smaller bunraku puppets are possible)
MDC by location
Head: 30
Main Body: 120
Hands: 20 each
Arms: 40 each
Legs : 60 each

running: 20 mph
Leaping: 10ft high and lengthwise plus 5 ft per PPE spent onf pushing the leap
Climbing: only if the Puppetter know the skill
Swimming: not very possible, puppet are made of wood and then float on water
APM and bonus to stirke are the same as TW ninja manovrating it
Statistical Data:
Height: 5 to 6 ft
Width: 3ft at the shoulders..usually
Length: 2ft and 5 inches
PS: equalt to 20 robotic
Weights: 134lbs
Power System: special powered by the TW directly
PPE: 350 PPE ritual to create one, only 20 PPE to animate it for one hour per level of TW ninja(only TW ninja can use them), the controlling PPE invisible strings have range of 100ft plus 30 per level of experience

Special Features: each one add to creation cost
Increased Armor: add +1d4x10 to all location PPE cost +10
Additional Limbs: each two limbs add +1 APM in combat, same MDC as normla limbs, max tow additiona pair of arms PPE cost +15 per pair of arm
Additional Tentacles: have 30 MDC each, have PS of 16 but are +20% to entangle PPE cost+10 per tentacles Prehensile tail cost same as tentacles but add different bonuses
Hidden weapon: see below
TW weapon - PPE cost same as TW weapon+10 cost 4 PPE to activate
Poisoned Blades - Damage is 2d6 plus the blade are covere with magical poison, a failedroll vs poison toxin on each striek means you suffer one bio-manipulation effect , choosen at creation. PPE cost 25
Fangs and Claws: Fangs do 1d6 per bite while claws do 3d6 damage. PPE cost 5 for fangs, 10 for claw(two claws will cost 20 ppe), +10 for having poisoned claws and fangs
Built In Spell: Up to 4 spells can be built into the puppet each one can be cast 3 times per day
PPE cost: 100+spell cost
Self Repairing: The TW ninja can repair damage suffered by the puppet spending 1 PPE point to repair 1d6 MDC on one location PPE Cost +60 PPE
life like: the puppet is relly humna like wiht a normla human PPE. People will mistake it for a real person PB: 2d6+6 or if made to resemble an actual person its PB value. Can also be made monstrous, with an HF of 14 PPE cost +15 +30 f is a beautyfull buraku who split up into monstrous form.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Kikkoman wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote: Japan has a great mythology, it has a rich historical record, it has a bit of a unique societal structure, and all that could have been used to great effect. Some of it got some play in the japan book, but there was too much focus, in my opinion, on the cliche ninja juicer, ninja borg, ninja crazy, ect, ect.
Well, New West added cyborg, juicer and psychic gunslingers. England added arthurian stuff. Ninjas are as iconic, if not more, than Cowboys, it would be odd to leave them out.

I also felt that was well implemented. Their social structure and clashes caused by it is shown in the tension between the different factions, and there's a whole lot on just how Samurai view other people (looking down on 'fake' samurai, I like that part). You have wonderful details like Tengu being enemies of Buddhism too.

Jesterzzn wrote: What I didn't want was for them to just give me all the tired cliches from every anime in existence rifterized in MDC.

whoah, what!? I was kinda bothered by the total lack of anime cliches in Rifts: Japan!

Mecha: Rifts Japan just uses north american mecha, that was really dissapointing for me.
Where are the HOT BLOODED mecha pilots using gigantic robots built by their grandfather fighting against the evil Monster Robot Empire?
What do you mean the SAMAS and Glitterboy can't shoot their fists with a ROCKETTO PAAANCH!! ?

Why doesn't Republic of Japan have an elite corps of motorcycle riding cyborgs (with their trademark RIDAAAAA KICK) that fight for justice against a nefarious underground monster creating organization?

Where are the teams of color coded warriors each with their own Robot Vehicle that transform into one Super Duper megadamage megabot battling against city toppling monsters?

Why didn't Neo-Tokyo get destroyed by an out of control mutating Mega-Crazy who's searching for the ultimate Mind Melter?

Why can't my martial artist fly, teleport and shoot GIGANTIC PLANET CRACKING FIREBALLS AFTER 10 TURNS OF YELLING?

Where are the magical girls? Where are the MDC 100ton hammers?

Now actual anime cliches...
Transforming robots: Atlantis
Tentacle monsters with hot chicks: Atlantis
Men kidnapped and turned into horrific monstermen with alien biotechnology: Atlantis (the Masked Rider could be an escaped Bioborg...)
Catgirls: I bet lonestar has a few.
all girl elite mecha pilots: Quebec... man, North America sure loves their anime cliches
Americans being racists and ******** with their military: Coalition States
Shirow and Macross mecha: NGR

On the other hand, corporate espionage ninja cyborgs are from Robocop.
If anything, my problem with Rifts Japan is it's kinda American-view-of-Japan, and doesn't exploit enough from anime/manga/etc.

:lol: I just had to laugh at this. Though I love the Japan book, I would not mind see a second book with many of the ideals you all meantioned.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Other New Ninja Equipments, this time is classic tied to tradition

Magic Millenium Wood Noh Masks.
These are decorated stylized masks whose tradition which dates back to the feudal period, the masks used convey the mood and character of the part played by traditional Noh performers.
Ninjas and Shintoies wood carvers had since long time learned how to make powerfull magic masks from the holy wood of a millenium tree(herbalist can make them form enchanted wood as well, but increase the price in temr of psychic energy by lot of times).
Features common to all Magic Noh masks
1 . Has 2d6x10+80 M.D.C.
2. Head butt does 2d4 SDC, but does MDC to vampires and creatures vulnerable to wood
3. Automatically grant the wielder the power to see the invisible and sense evil, no PPE or ISP cost
4. P.P.E. 1d4x10
5. The Masks regenerate all lost M.D.C. and P.P.E. after 24 hour period, unless it is completely destroyed
6. Powers work only if actually wearing the mask on your face, just holding it is not enough
8. When the mask is given back to Millenium tree is merge back with it, albeit its rough shape somehow remain as peculiar bump in the tree bark
There are Five main styles of the Noh mask each with their peculiarity:
Okina Mask: Depicting an older Authoritarian male with moustaches and bear, inspired by past depiction of fmaous shoguns or kings of the past. Is the only mask wiht movable jaw
Costant Powers Granted: add +6 to MA, and a bonus of +10% to all military skills, also get Dance skill at 88%
Spell Magic: A total of 6 spells can be cast per 24 hours period. Spell Availalble include Charismatic Aura, Domination, Compulsion, Distant Voice, Sonic blast(from mouth) and Constrain Bening. Spell Strength is equal to a 7th level sorcerer
Oni Mask: Monstrous looking mask, for exact look roll on the oni table related to face and head.
Constant Powers: HF of 14, add +1d4x100 SDC and +1d6 PS to the wearer(this additional SDC regenerate completely after 24 hours ), Nightvision 500ft
Spell Magic: A total of 6 spells can be cast per 24 hours plus 1 for each 2 ME point above 16. Spell available include: Fear, Breathe without air, Call Lighting or Dragon Fire, Fist of Fury, Superhuman Endurance, and Giant(self only, a monstrous oni shape) Spell Strength is equal to a 5th level sorcerer
Animal Mask: Fox like is common, but also tanuki, crow, snake and dog are widespread.
Costant Power: Track by smell 80%, nightvision 100ft, +10% to wilderness skills and Prowl
Spell Magic: A total of 6 spells can be cast per 24 hours. Spell Available: Metamorphosis: Animal(the one depicted on the mask), Influence the Beast, Superhuman Speed, Repel Animals, Chameleon, Crushing Fist(actually mystic energy claws) Spell Strength is equal to a 7th level sorcerer
Ghost/Spirit Mask: Vary greatly , generally monstrous visage, or deformed human or skeletal.
Costant Powers: Double the range of see the invisible, Lore:ghost and spectres at 88%, Commune with spirits at will, same as per spell but limited to oneself and cost no PPE, can touch intangible ghost while invisible becoming able to damage them barehanded
Spell Magic: A total of 6 spells can be cast per 24 hours. Spell Available: Invisibility(superior), Apparition, Fly as the Eagle, Control/Enslave Entity, Aura of Death, Minor Curse Spell Strength is equal to a 7th level sorcerer
Human Mask: Any human, generally stylized and extremely beautyful one.
Costant Powers: Empathy at will, same as psionic powers, +1d6 to MA or PB, +10% to domestic OR rogue skills OR Technical skills(depend upon the mask)
Spell Magic: A total of 6 spells can be cast per 24 hours. Spell Available: Mask of Deceit, Metamorphosis: human, Eye of thoth, Tongues, Mental Blast, Sustain Spell Strength is equal to a 7th level sorcerer

for more info about japanese noh mask
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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As my current game is traveling on the waters around Japan; I thought I'd add my notes on the coastal waters to this thread.

The Republic of Japan: The Republic, over the two decades since the tech cities have reappeared, has focused the majority of their resources on exploiting and controlling their immediate environment. SAMAs wings, aircraft and a few pre-rifts vessels have been sufficient to conduct reconnaissance and raids against sea born threats. Many ships were available from the Japanese Coast Guard Academy at Kure, Hiroshima. However, recent trade agreements with Takamatsu has lead to a resurgence in naval priorities.

The Republic Coast Guard has been reformed under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.The duties of the RCG include:

* Protect life and property at sea
* Coastal Defense
* Search and rescue
* Hydrographic and oceangraphic surveying
* Maritime traffic management between trade partners

As can be expected the RCG has mainly had to deal with anti-piracy operations in the Pacific and Sea of Japan. The RCG has developed a deep hatred of the demonic Horune and the two often clash without provocation. Slavery is despised by the Republic and the RCG vessels go to great lengths to board any ship beleived to be transporting slaves.

Secondary to their mission of hunting pirates is cataloging and dealing with ocean predators. Sea Serpents, Monsters from the Lord of the Deep, and Dragon Turtles are all destroyed on sight if the creatures are within 50 miles of the coasts of the Republic or Takamatsu.

Surprisingly Maelstrom-Makers are a recurring problem in the Straits of Naruto. The Straits are well known for having naturally occurring whirlpools and recent activity to rebuild the expansion bridge between the island kingdom of Takmatsu and the Republic seem to have drawn the monsters to the area. An ongoing extermination campaign is being wagged by the RCG against the monstrous PPE vampires.


Akagi Class (Use stats for the CSN Barracuda CSN pg. 59): The work horse of the RCG. The Akagi class of patrol craft was a relatively new design with a modular weapons system before the coming of the Rifts. A few hundred of these vessels survived in dry dock at the ArmaTech ship yards. Despite the ships versatility they are seldom deployed into the open ocean unless acting as an escort to larger vessels. Their small size compared to true Blue Water ships leaves them vulnerable on the open seas. Thus the Akagi seldom travel beyond sight of shore.

Hida Class (Use the Stats for the IHA Sea King Mecr pg. 120): The Hida is a PL class patrol vessel (PL stands for Patrol Large). Another pre-rifts design, the Hida was in use for decades in the JCG and the vessel has been resurrected by the Republic. Armatech has been busy refitting their ship yards to produce them, but so far only ten of the new Hida have been built to date. Four have been sold to the fledgling Takmatsu Navy. 40 SAMAs power armor are the typical embarked marine force on the RCG ships. Effectively making the vessels a mini-aircraft carrier.

The New Empire: Over the centuries since the Empire has developed the Shintoist have never had to have more than a cursory naval presence. Much of the Empire's vessels are little more than rickety fishing boats, often sail powered. A few pre-rifts relics retro-fitted to be sail powered still exist as well.

Recently the Horune have stepped up raids on the coastal villages of the Empire. This increase has stemmed both from pressure from the RCG and secret negotiations with the Otomo Shogunate. The RCG has offered aid in patrolling the Empire's coastal waters, but so far the Shintoists have refused.

The merchants of Kanazawa with the blessing of the local Daimyo, have begun issuing articles of privateering, called the Red Seal, to trusted ship captains. So far mainly Chinese and Korean pirates operating in the Sea of Japan. This ad-hoc fleet has managed to curtail the number of Horune raids on the northern coast. Their ships are a mixture of traditional Chinese junks magically modified to mega-damage structures and modern craft purchased from Ichto and H-brand.

Meanwhile, the Daimyo of Osaka in order to protect the Empire's coastal waters, has begun building a modest fleet of traditional warships. Based on the designs of the ancient Atakebune class of ships.

These Tekkosen (literally Iron Ships) are built traditionally out of wood that is then magically turned as tough as steel. These ships may be regarded as floating fortresses rather than true warships, and are only used in coastal actions. They use oars for propulsion manned by eta conscripted into service.

Perhaps the most unique piece is the inclusion of a branch of the Millennium Tree to the prow of the ship! This branch is freely given by the tree to loyal Shintoist monks who prayed and fasted at the base of the tree for nine days in an elaborate ceremony. The massive branch is simply pressed to the prow of the finished ship, where it magically fuses with the vessel becoming a living part of the ship. The magical piece of wood acts as a giant Staff of the Serpent on the prow of the vessel. Magically protecting the ship from the breath weapons of dragons and all types of mega damage fire! Aslo the branch acts as a Circle of Protection for the ship; keeping demonic and supernatural creatures from boarding.

The massive branch can also be used to ram other ships or Sea Serpents:3D6x10 damage to Sea Serpents and other ships and a whopping 6D6x10 damage to dragons!
Last edited by Seneca on Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Very interesting ideas Seneca, considering japan is made of islands it was an oddity the lakc of coastal info. Don't forget the D-bees living on coast too :D
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Thanks Baron. Now on to Ichto.

Perhaps not surprisingly with land based export routes blocked by the Republic's trade inspectors, the Ichto province has developed a small fleet of ocean going vessels. Both to transport their goods and to receive imports of raw materials.

Based in the Ichto Free Market department the IFM merchant marines are responsible for securing the interests of Ichto on the open water. Experts at navigating some of the laws and trade agreements between Ichto and the Republic concerning the transportation of advanced weapons and robotics to undesirable elements. The IFM has in recent months begun only trading approved items and technology. While the Republic is happy with this turn of events the RCG has its doubts. And for good reason.

Secretly Ichto has developed a submersible giant robot to circumvent any trade restrictions of the Republic.

Besides the standards of the Mizu Mi power armor and Kani walkers; Ichto has developed two other vessels.

Mizu no Tatsu
"Water Dragon" (I combined the stats from the Tatsu robot with details from the Kittani War Shark in Underseas making a nasty sub)
Based on the Tatsu robot vehicle, the secret Mizu no Tatsu is a massive submersible robot vehicle put into production just recently. It shares the body shape, and swimming motions of the great dragons. Moving in the water the massive robots can make sharp movements and rocket off due to built in thrusters. So far only two of these monstrous robot submersibles have been built. The Republic has seen a jump in sales of Ichto products to remote kingdoms.

Hakudo Maru Class (based on the Walesa Cargo Ship Mindwerks pg 107): The Hakudo class cargo transport is a sleek reliable cargo hauler designed to operate on the ocean and even in the considerably more shallow rivers of Japan. The face work horse of Ichto's shipping fleet thirty Hakudo Marus sail the waters of Japan on various operations.

A few of these massive ships have been modified as pirate hunters. Re-named Hiryu and equally equipped to handle both anti-submarine and anti-aircraft operations. Capable of transporting up to 60 troops for combat both at sea and amphibious landings. The Super-Tengu and Banshee power armor are the preferred compliment of infantry. Three Kani walkers can also be brought along but reduce troop compliment by 20.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Seneca wrote:Perhaps the most unique piece is the inclusion of a branch of the Millennium Tree to the prow of the ship! This branch is freely given by the tree to loyal Shintoist monks who prayed and fasted at the base of the tree for nine days in an elaborate ceremony. The massive branch is simply pressed to the prow of the finished ship, where it magically fuses with the vessel becoming a living part of the ship. The magical piece of wood acts as a giant Staff of the Serpent on the prow of the vessel. Magically protecting the ship from the breath weapons of dragons and all types of mega damage fire! Aslo the branch acts as a Circle of Protection for the ship; keeping demonic and supernatural creatures from boarding.
The massive branch can also be used to ram other ships or Sea Serpents:3D6x10 damage to Sea Serpents and other ships and a whopping 6D6x10 damage to dragons!

This is the type of ship I expected from the New Empire. That and ironwood made ships.

Also, while I agree the ships you mention are good ones, there are some generic stats for ships in underseas that might work for those instead of the specific ships you mentioned. But then the ones you mentioned are among my favorites, so go fig :)

One I can see Ichto having resurrected is the submerisble attack boat from South America 1, or a version of it. It has their brand of deviousness all over it. I can see it being how they interdict pirates out at sea, running underwater in the wake of a cargo ship (with linked radios and radar/sonar), and then blasting out when the ship is attacked.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Thanks MikelAmroni, I thought about the Piranha submersible from South America too. I was going to use it for H-Brand's fleet.

I thought alot about Ichto's focus on Robotics. After all, most of the new robots in Japan are Ichto creations not Republic. So I felt it would make sense for them to have a few big ships to transport goods and materials, but unlike the Republic, with their navy they would focus on giant submersible robot vehicles and troop transports.

I agree on using the Undersea ships as guidelines for the generic vessels, but against the Horune ships they are woefully underpowered. A 2000 MDC pirate vessel with a top speed of 35 miles an hour (a high end generic freighter in Underseas) is doomed against a Horune Dreamship with 20,000 MDC and a top speed of 90 mph! Even the Horune Strike ships have 6,500 MDC and a top speed of most hydro-foils at 120 mph. So they need alot of retooling for one of the most advanced group of nations on Rifts Earth to be competitive, even in fleets.


This small island nation has been one of the pre-eminent naval powers in Rifts Japan. Before the reappearance of the Republic, Takamatsu patrol and merchant vessels sailed from the Sea of Japan, to the South China Sea, and into the Pacific for decades. On Shikoku island, Takamatsu has three naval bases. Another two are under construction on the island of Kyushu as a joint effort with the Republic Coast Guard and local Shogunates and corporate interests.

Their fleets are showing their age however. Recent hostilities between Otomo Shogunate and an increase in acts of piracy helped punctuate the need for a re-development in naval resources.

The Takamatsu Naval Defense Force is a considerable deterrent to invasion of Takamatsu's territory by rival kingdoms. Even Otomo has decided that crippling the Takamatsu navy is priority one in their planned invasion of Shikoku island.


4 newly purchased Hida Class ships from the Republic. Typical marine compliment is 30 Super-Tengu power armor and 10 Mizu Mi power armor. They are named in no particular order:


Inabikari "Lightning" Class and Ikazuchi "Thunder" Class(use stats for the Slicer from WB Australia pg 217): An import design from the tech cities of Australia. In P.A. 65 a wrecked Slicer limped into harbor at Takamatsu with only a single survivor on board. The sole survivor sold the remains of the ship to book passage to Tritonia and was never heard from again. Reverse engineering the vessel; the Takamatsu Navy commissioned dozens of the sleek and fast vessels. They have been the ship of the line ever since for the kingdom.

Since trade relations with the Republic over twenty of the Inabikari vessels have been retro-fitted with heavy particle beam cannons. These replace the standard rail gun turrets. Use the stats for the SAMAs particle beam rifle instead of the Railguns for these new Ikazuchi Class vessels.

Merchant Marine Transport (use the stats for the Large Oil Tanker Underseas pg 136): Ships of the Supply class have been built in shipyards at Takamatsu. The Takamatsu class supply ship has been in service for over two centuries since the apocalypse. Ever since the small island began to transport raw materials to the far flung shogunate. Especially oil. These behemoths of the seas make for rich targets for pirates. Especially in Otomo's coastal waters. Thus they are never left unprotected by less than a six Inabikari or RCG vessels.

Uzushio class submarine: These are purchased Bottom Feeder T-23's from Trintonia.
Last edited by Seneca on Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Seneca wrote:Thanks MikelAmroni, I thought about the Piranha submersible from South America too. I was going to use it for H-Brand's fleet.

It honestly seems a bit high tech for H-Brand. The columbian patrol craft from WB6 (sumbersible, but requires a breathing tube to do so) seem more in line with something H-Brand might produce. If you want to produce some actual descriptions beyond recycling, I am sure we can oblige with stats. Somehow I always saw the Republic having stealth boats and hydrofoils rather than the more traditional hulls like the IHA ships.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Yeah I could see the Republic having something similar to this:

HSV-X1 Joint Venture

or this

M80 Stiletto

But Rifts really has nothing comparable and I thought doing conversions on these boards was a no no.
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Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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This has some very cool stuff. I know that it's not canon, but Kitsune's site has some ships for Japan! People who are interested could check them out.

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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vampire_hunter_D wrote:I like some of you naval stuff seneca. I was also planning on doing something for Japanese navies when I was planning my Japan 109 sequel. Of course, I was focusing more on generics rather than specific designs like you.

Also, mine were built more for overseas commerce (I kinda think now that hte Republic has gotten settled in, they would be trying to make contact with other powers in the World, like the NGR or New Navy).

Tritonia, yes.
New Navy, only through Tritonia.
Australian Tech Cities, yes.
Any Russian Warlords set up near a port, yes.
Sovietski, yes
NGR, No, at least not directly
CS, not not directly

My reasoning for the last two is there is no direct path that can be considered remotely safe to the CS or NGR. Tritonia would be an easy one, and would come to Japan. The Tech cities are "close" enough that its a feasible trip. The Sovietski I can see making the effort, at least with their own submersible transports. I can also see them setting up a remote trade post on the Siberian Coast. I see the Republic and Ichto becoming destinations, not as much outgoing traders...well that's not true, Ichto would hunt down pretty much anyone. Otomo (H-Brand) would make an effort to just about everyone Japan could, but I think Ichto would seriously have the advantage in terms of reaching further ports. Their MO is to use stealth to disseminate their goods, and deflect blame. I could see sub loads of cybernetics being sold to the Sovietski and a few of the Warlords. Tritonia, already a center for bionic research would make getting cutting edge japanese equipment a priority. The CS and NGR are both blocked by pretty major triangles the likes of which are difficult to trade past regularly. The New Navy knows their way around it, as do the Horune and Naut'Yll, but the Japanese, relative new comers to the greater underseas community.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Seneca wrote:Yeah I could see the Republic having something similar to this:
HSV-X1 Joint Venture or this M80 Stiletto
But Rifts really has nothing comparable and I thought doing conversions on these boards was a no no.

As Daniel1112 pointed out, working off of real stuff isn't against the conversion policy. If it was, all the similar threads that a bevy of posters have done would have been locked. And while you can use the general look of the ship, nothing says you can't extrapolate from that ship. Instead of carbon fiber, use ceramic plating with carbon nano tubes (GB is better at this than me :) ).
The Stiletto could probably use the New Navy APC as a basis in terms of carrying capacity and fire power, although it would be a patrol cruiser with power armor (and probably faster).
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Now here is a question. What type of government structure does Takamatsu have?

Enlightened Shogunate like the New Empire? Or a democratic system like the Republic? Or some kind of weird hodge-podge of both?

I could see a strong central government in the coastal cities. While the small local fiefdoms of the interior are controlled by Daiymos, and broken down into protectorates. These are either elected by the common people, have an ancient lineage or claim, or a meritocracy where Samaria or other O.C.C.'s are appointed by acknowledging their daring deeds.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I'd say there is probably a national assembly with appointed executive branch, with representatives from the provinces. I would say how individual provinces is supposed to be laid out, but all in all is given to the locals to figure out. In the more "modern" areas its an elected representative. In the more rural areas its appointed by a protector. Sometimes that protector is just a warlord who looks out for hsi turf, and sees the local peasants as part of his lands, and sometimes it is a protector who has grown from mere warlord to actual daimyo over the past few decades.

I always thought Takamatsu had the opportunity to be the exact sort of melting pot that the setting needed, but it was never capitalized on. In my opinion, its the first step to actually making Japan from a neat book and into a valid living setting. It has some good allies, some bad enemies, and a rift to another world full of possibility. And yet it warrants less than half a page, and two paragraphs of mention in Otomo entry. Now I realize they likely intended on expanding on just that opportunity, but as well all know, unless a freelancer takes up the charge on Japan, it is doomed to flounder for sometime.

But all of that is old news. So how would you flesh out Takamatsu, and what plot lines would you set there? I mean big ones, not simple adventure ideas.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I see Takamatsu as the Lazlo of Japan. But instead of having the CS as an enemy they have the local tech power as a major ally. In my campaign I use the Yakuza article from the Rifter#29 to flesh out Takamatsu's dark under-belly. The kingdoms prosperity, H-brand's plots, and the Republic's influence would definitely lead to corporate and underworld interests in Takamatsu.

We were given a major plot line with Otomo/H-brand involving Takamatsu, but I was severely disappointed in it not being followed up on in Aftermath's world tour. :-(

As to trade, I agree with most of what MikelAmroni said. I couldn't see the tech cities of Australia making the trip through the Pacific or the Dragon Triangle to Japan though. They barely know what is going on at the northern end of their continent :-) . As the majority of their gear is pre-rifts stuff, the Republic might have access to most of it already. Like Base-4 clothing. I have Takamatsu and H-Brand making the "Rusty" PA themselves for instance. I re-named it the Kappa.

I like the idea of Ichto seeking new markets, but I think their first target would be China. If Ichto could make contact with Yen Lo and his Fifth Yama Kingdom then the Geo-front could be in for a world of hurt. Then perhaps to Tritonia.

Tritonia, on the other hand, I see the floating platform being the center of trade for the entire Pacific. They definitely are a free port if ever there was one. Which would allow cross trade with the New Navy.

NGR: Not unless they manage to renew contact with their "lost" fleet in the Pacific. Remember they have heard from the Russians that Asia is a hell on earth. So they have no reason to even try with their super fleet being lost.

Russians: Nope. No one there has the resources or drive to cross the borders of each other, much less make the trip to Japan. They are to focused on beating each other or trying to get the NGR to pick a side to venture into the demon wastelands of Asia.

South America: Other than a few individuals, no. I couldn't see the west coast kingdoms, like the Incans, bothering with ocean trade beyond the Silver Republics or Columbia. The Arkons would have the technology to make flights, but would probably just try and take stuff before they actually traded. If anything they would run into Tritonia first too.

North America: No way. Unless there is a west coast kingdom we don't know about yet.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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First off - Seneca great Job, your ideas are very good. We should really explore more about the contacts of human kingdoms aroudn the world. After all is more than natural to look aroudn to see whats goign on in the rest of the world. And rumors are not generally enough. While human govern coudl be cautions, or paranoid like coalition, about spreading certain knowledge amongst common people, for themselves prefer to know as much as they can. Was true since the begin of times.

Second- guys i'm in crisis here. I've some ideas for yomi kingdom, but more I thought abuot it and the more I notice how similar the few desrciption given of Yomi realm and some japanese myths recalled me , perhaps due soem subconscious feedback, that amazing game setting that is Nightbane(Well between Japan and Nightbane there had always been a strong affinity). Now Wha tshoudl I do? After all wiht Dakr COnversion Nightbanes are theoretically available in Rifts Earth, but should i reinforce this connection? Evne just in fan thread? :?: Please gimme an help here. I'm torn like paper in a shredder
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Seneca »

The Baron of chaos wrote: And rumors are not generally enough. While human govern could be cautions, or paranoid like coalition, about spreading certain knowledge amongst common people, for themselves prefer to know as much as they can. Was true since the begin of times.

Second- guys I'm in crisis here. I've some ideas for Yomi kingdom, but more I thought about it and the more I notice how similar the few description given of Yomi realm and some Japanese myths recalled me , perhaps due some subconscious feedback, that amazing game setting that is Nightbane(Well between Japan and Nightbane there had always been a strong affinity). Now what should I do? After all with Dark Conversions, Nightbanes are theoretically available in Rifts Earth, but should i reinforce this connection? Even just in fan thread? :?: Please gimme an help here. I'm torn like paper in a shredder

I can see the similarities to the Nightlands and Yomi, but I wouldn't link them. After all according to Kojiki, the entrance to Yomi lies in Izumo province just north of the Republic! Luckily for them it was sealed off by the god Izanagi-no-Mikoto upon his flight from the undead goddess Izanami, at which time he permanently blocked the entrance by placing a massive boulder at the base of the slope that leads to Yomi.

If anything I would use the Nightlands as a starting point. You could use the dimension building rules from DB:7.

Yomi would be an multiple pocket dimension with Takamahara, and Ashihara-no-Nakatsukunian. Impenetrable dimensional fabric except at a few locations like the cavern at Izumo. Through its link to Rifts Earth it would have a high to super high mystic level with a focus on death. Creatures linked to death like vampires, necromancers, ghouls and ghosts find their powers increased in this environment of eternal twilight.

Now how strong would Izanami-no-mikoto and her shikome be? :twisted:
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Thank guys , you gave me some inspiration(albeit Iadmit would be easier just convert Nightbanes stuff), so with little(oke not so little) work i can come up with something. I hope. Graphically is all quite clear in my mind. But words and stats, well those are bit of problem. Anyway her esome ideas I hope to develope

Akuma: The "childs" of Izanami, generated form her very flesh, literally. They look like, well, they have actually a shapeless, pitch black, fluid body, topped with withe masks of various shapes, generally depicting beautyfull women, childs or dragons. They are ultimate flesh manipulators. They can consume and alter flesh like no one(perhaps gene splicers are better, but Akuma can do it better). With only a limit they must place a little piece of theselves into the victim. If the victim is dead a Yasha, japanese vampire, is born, if alive a yoma , mutated human, is born instead. Akuma themselves can assume endless shapes, and are masters of necromancy. Their only weaknes is that they are extrmely vulnerable to light, even more than vampires. To move outside yomi, they need to "wear" a human corpse as protection, but this limit their powers

Yasha: Are Japanese Vampires , created when an Akuma place a piece of itself into a dead corpse. Only prerequisite is that the dead must be charged of engative energies, read must have been evil, or really angry when died, or in emotional turmoil. In a word the opposite of nirvana. Yasha possess differetn set of powers form western vampires, while mantaining massive strength, unusnal charm, and fangs

yoma: Mutated human by akuma, yoma are the grunts of Izanami. Can return to their human form, but are prey of brutal homicidal fure, way too often. Note people of good alignment or with strong willpowers, or simlpy due fate or chance, can retain their orignal personality and remain in control of their body, with the bonus of being able to turn into supernatural monster.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Daniel2112 wrote:Start with a Nightlord and extrapolate from there. :twisted:

Gotta love making an NPC with a Night Lord as the starting point for stats. :lol:

If anyone deserves Nightlord style powers in her home dimension it is Izanami.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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vampire_hunter_D wrote:
MikelAmroni wrote:
vampire_hunter_D wrote:I like some of you naval stuff seneca. I was also planning on doing something for Japanese navies when I was planning my Japan 109 sequel. Of course, I was focusing more on generics rather than specific designs like you.

Also, mine were built more for overseas commerce (I kinda think now that hte Republic has gotten settled in, they would be trying to make contact with other powers in the World, like the NGR or New Navy).

Tritonia, yes.
New Navy, only through Tritonia.
Australian Tech Cities, yes.
Any Russian Warlords set up near a port, yes.
Sovietski, yes
NGR, No, at least not directly
CS, not not directly

My reasoning for the last two is there is no direct path that can be considered remotely safe to the CS or NGR. Tritonia would be an easy one, and would come to Japan. The Tech cities are "close" enough that its a feasible trip. The Sovietski I can see making the effort, at least with their own submersible transports. I can also see them setting up a remote trade post on the Siberian Coast. I see the Republic and Ichto becoming destinations, not as much outgoing traders...well that's not true, Ichto would hunt down pretty much anyone. Otomo (H-Brand) would make an effort to just about everyone Japan could, but I think Ichto would seriously have the advantage in terms of reaching further ports. Their MO is to use stealth to disseminate their goods, and deflect blame. I could see sub loads of cybernetics being sold to the Sovietski and a few of the Warlords. Tritonia, already a center for bionic research would make getting cutting edge japanese equipment a priority. The CS and NGR are both blocked by pretty major triangles the likes of which are difficult to trade past regularly. The New Navy knows their way around it, as do the Horune and Naut'Yll, but the Japanese, relative new comers to the greater underseas community.

Well, I have to disagree with you on a few things. First, the Sovietskii can't send submersibles of any sort to Japan. Bewcause the Sovietskii is totally landlocked. Maybe a few of the Warlords could, and the Sovietskii could go thorugh them, but it can't send seacraft of it's own. If tehy trade, it would need to be by air (which I've considered.)

As for hte NGR, I'm not sure which triangles your'e refering to being in teh way. flying over the Pole is the most direct route between Japan the the North Atlantic (and air travel does seem to be the prefered method of teh NGR). The same route could be done by subermersible under the ice too. And from what I rememeber reading, that route is clear

The sovietski and the warlords are west of the caucusus mountains. Anything to the east is terrible, frighteneing and filled with monsters. The warlords don't have access tot he technology to really trade at any respectable level with Japan, and probably wouldn't attempt it. The Sovietski might, if they were aware of it, and were granted access to either the sea by their Romanov allies, or access to mass air transport by their NGR allies.

The NGR would undoubtebly trade with them if the money was right and if they could make it safe. Another ally and outlet for Triax merchandise is nothing to scoff at.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Until I recently went and put together the warlords map and realized just how landlocked and utterly screwed the Sovietski is, I was under the impression they had access to Artic Ocean by way of some of the old Soviet sub pens in the north. Now I realize if any of those exist, they are in Warlord hands, specifically Seriyev, Romanov, Alekseyevna, or Burgasov. Seriyev and Romanov are more interested in the NGR than any points west, though if Seriyev smelled an opportunity he'd go after it with all his might.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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MikelAmroni wrote:Until I recently went and put together the warlords map and realized just how landlocked and utterly screwed the Sovietski is, I was under the impression they had access to Artic Ocean by way of some of the old Soviet sub pens in the north. Now I realize if any of those exist, they are in Warlord hands, specifically Seriyev, Romanov, Alekseyevna, or Burgasov. Seriyev and Romanov are more interested in the NGR than any points west, though if Seriyev smelled an opportunity he'd go after it with all his might.

The Sovietski and the Romanov camp are working together more than anyone else in that part of the world. I don't have any problem saying that if it helped her against the other warlords, Romanova would team up with the Sovietski hardcore. I just don't think that an all out war from any camp to any other camp (including the sovietski) would be good, because it would weaken both enough to a point that would allow other camps to attack them. The Alliance of the Sovietski and the Romanov's would be a great alliance of culture, technology, and trade...and would be the best source for an alliance with the NGR and a chance at finding Japan.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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i bet the sovietski is working to gain a second warlord ally, which would really tip the balance. but i don't remember if there are any warlords that Romanov would work along side with...
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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vampire_hunter_D wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:i bet the sovietski is working to gain a second warlord ally, which would really tip the balance. but i don't remember if there are any warlords that Romanov would work along side with...

Kolodenko. Also Romanov trusts Seriyev (a misplaced trust though).

the Galactus Kid wrote:The NGR would undoubtebly trade with them if the money was right and if they could make it safe. Another ally and outlet for Triax merchandise is nothing to scoff at.

Exactly what I was thinking. Also, don't count out the Republic's desire to find new markets. After all, there are dozens of Corporations in the Republic (most producing Civilian items though), and they would surely love finding new sources of profit.

As for safety, taking the Artic Circle route, it probably would be no more dangerous than the North Atlantic routes Triax already flies to get to Chi-Town and Free Quebec.

Good thing I'm writing the Sovietski Sourcebook.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Daniel2112 wrote:
Good thing I'm writing the Sovietski Sourcebook.

Don't you be teasing us with false hope, man! lol

hahaha. Actually, I've a lot of reat things planned for this one, but there are MANY other books that Palladium is going to be getting out this year, and the manuscript isn't even done yet. Its not looking like it will be out this year, but you never know.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Lets not derail the already derailed thread :lol:
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Kikkoman wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote: Japan has a great mythology, it has a rich historical record, it has a bit of a unique societal structure, and all that could have been used to great effect. Some of it got some play in the japan book, but there was too much focus, in my opinion, on the cliche ninja juicer, ninja borg, ninja crazy, ect, ect.
Well, New West added cyborg, juicer and psychic gunslingers. England added arthurian stuff. Ninjas are as iconic, if not more, than Cowboys, it would be odd to leave them out.
I didn't say leave them out, I just said they recieved too much focus. I disliked New West for many of the same reasons I disliked Japan.

Jesterzzn wrote: What I didn't want was for them to just give me all the tired cliches from every anime in existence rifterized in MDC.

whoah, what!? I was kinda bothered by the total lack of anime cliches in Rifts: Japan!

Mecha: Rifts Japan just uses north american mecha, that was really dissapointing for me.
Where are the HOT BLOODED mecha pilots using gigantic robots built by their grandfather fighting against the evil Monster Robot Empire?
What do you mean the SAMAS and Glitterboy can't shoot their fists with a ROCKETTO PAAANCH!! ?
First, the "every anime in existance" line was hyperbole. I knew it would be the first thing some people were drawn to, but I said it anyway. :P

Now, to me, the two biggest anime cliche's (and remember we are talking about settings here) are the Feudal Japan setting overrun by demons/monsters...check. And the high tech westernized super city overrun by demons/monsters...ALSO check. Rifts Japans (as it should have been titled) tries to give both typical anime settings within an island smaller than California. Both are underdeveloped and both are rather bland as written.

On the other hand, corporate espionage ninja cyborgs are from Robocop.
If anything, my problem with Rifts Japan is it's kinda American-view-of-Japan, and doesn't exploit enough from anime/manga/etc.
The irony of this is that Americanized Japan is exactly what most anime is. Very very few anime show uniquely Japanese culture as it is, rather they glorify to the point of hyperbole (either as homage or as satire) the americanization of japanese culture after WWII. The genre has grown up some since its roots as a stylized derivitive of Disney's, but it remains a very western slanted view of Japan. Rifts Japan is alot like that too.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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So far i've not much to say,except that Anime classical features are present all around the megaverse, as result of the classical cultural exchange typical of human relations.

And now for some new stuff
Mystic Ninja - expanded stuff
Now Mystic Ninja are quite peculiar in that dislike normla mystic they can learn magic. But only those available to their clans. Also being the most pragmatic being, they have quite an eclectic range of spells. Ranging from necromancy to elemental. And even some ludycrous magic ones!!
Ninja are focused on illusionary, metamorphosis and combat spells. Each 2 level of experience after first, a ninja can roll to see if he had learned a new spell or not on the following table(yes I have fallen for the table addiction...blame kittenstomp for this, he was my pusher of tables.. :lol: )
01-30 - Learned 1d4 spells from from level 1-6
31-60 - Learned 2 Elemental Spell from one element of choice, level 1-4
61-70 - Learned one metamorphosis spell of choice(note metamorphosis animal must be takne multiple time for each animal species, one for dogs, one for toads and so on)
71-80 - No new spell learned, but is +1 to save vs. illusionary magic
81-90 - Learned on Spell from level 9-15
91-00 - Learned 1 spell from one magic typology not normally available, Necromancy, Ocean Magic , Shadow Magic, shamanistic spell and such. this is a variant known only to the ninja clan, level is limited to the ninja own level +1 per ME bonus vs. psionic(storng willed ninjas can learn spells of higher level than theirs).
Note: ninja spells have less vocal componets than ususal, barely audible mantra, while they have double the normal amount of hand gestures.

Shurikenjutsu - A mystic ninja could trad e his bowmanship with Shuriknejutsu, an advanced form of targeting, specialized with shuriken and kunai(ninja throwing spikes).
add +2 attack per melee while using throwing stars of spikes, has paired weapon with shuriken and kunai(can throw two of them at same time ), throwing range is increased by 25% . Can shot while moving , falling or perforing any acrobatic feat, with full bonuses, no penalty. The dodge arrow bonus remain the same

Ninja Psionic: The Psionics for the mystic ninja need some additonal note. The induce sleep performed by ninja has ammore aggressive nature. Is meants to put opponents to sleep, for less than altruistic reasons(generally they use it for stealth and to pass unnoticed, if not to kill outright their victim once he fall in deep sleep). So it does not suffer the +5 to save. vs. psionic as usual , but last half that much , 30 minutes per level of experience.
At level six ninja can choose one super psionic power form this list(Psi-sword is cool but is limiting the ninjas): Psi-Sword(note while the power say sword, it can actually look like any melee weapon tha treflect character personaliy, so bo staff or Sai are also possible shape, but not chain weapons sadly), Psionic Invisibility(you are never enough stealthy , in ninja's opinion), Mentally Possess Others(extremely useful, and you could use it on animals too, they are -2 to save vs. such attack ), Mind Wipe(Ninjas? What Ninjas, I don't remember any ninja), Telekinetic Acceleration Attack( useful with shurikens, require telekinesis to be taken), Neuro Touch(mind Bleeder power, that somehow manifest amongst some ninjas, possibly due a genetic mutation), Mental Illusion(HU main book, page 311, optional as everything in this thread, but i thnk fit the ninja).
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

The Baron of chaos wrote:So far i've not much to say,except that Anime classical features are present all around the megaverse, as result of the classical cultural exchange typical of human relations.

And now for some new stuff
Mystic Ninja - expanded stuff
Now Mystic Ninja are quite peculiar in that dislike normla mystic they can learn magic. But only those available to their clans. Also being the most pragmatic being, they have quite an eclectic range of spells. Ranging from necromancy to elemental. And even some ludycrous magic ones!!
Ninja are focused on illusionary, metamorphosis and combat spells. Each 2 level of experience after first, a ninja can roll to see if he had learned a new spell or not on the following table(yes I have fallen for the table addiction...blame kittenstomp for this, he was my pusher of tables.. :lol: )
01-30 - Learned 1d4 spells from from level 1-6
31-60 - Learned 2 Elemental Spell from one element of choice, level 1-4
61-70 - Learned one metamorphosis spell of choice(note metamorphosis animal must be takne multiple time for each animal species, one for dogs, one for toads and so on)
71-80 - No new spell learned, but is +1 to save vs. illusionary magic
81-90 - Learned on Spell from level 9-15
91-00 - Learned 1 spell from one magic typology not normally available, Necromancy, Ocean Magic , Shadow Magic, shamanistic spell and such. this is a variant known only to the ninja clan, level is limited to the ninja own level +1 per ME bonus vs. psionic(storng willed ninjas can learn spells of higher level than theirs).
Note: ninja spells have less vocal componets than ususal, barely audible mantra, while they have double the normal amount of hand gestures.

Shurikenjutsu - A mystic ninja could trad e his bowmanship with Shuriknejutsu, an advanced form of targeting, specialized with shuriken and kunai(ninja throwing spikes).
add +2 attack per melee while using throwing stars of spikes, has paired weapon with shuriken and kunai(can throw two of them at same time ), throwing range is increased by 25% . Can shot while moving , falling or perforing any acrobatic feat, with full bonuses, no penalty. The dodge arrow bonus remain the same

Ninja Psionic: The Psionics for the mystic ninja need some additonal note. The induce sleep performed by ninja has ammore aggressive nature. Is meants to put opponents to sleep, for less than altruistic reasons(generally they use it for stealth and to pass unnoticed, if not to kill outright their victim once he fall in deep sleep). So it does not suffer the +5 to save. vs. psionic as usual , but last half that much , 30 minutes per level of experience.
At level six ninja can choose one super psionic power form this list(Psi-sword is cool but is limiting the ninjas): Psi-Sword(note while the power say sword, it can actually look like any melee weapon tha treflect character personaliy, so bo staff or Sai are also possible shape, but not chain weapons sadly), Psionic Invisibility(you are never enough stealthy , in ninja's opinion), Mentally Possess Others(extremely useful, and you could use it on animals too, they are -2 to save vs. such attack ), Mind Wipe(Ninjas? What Ninjas, I don't remember any ninja), Telekinetic Acceleration Attack( useful with shurikens, require telekinesis to be taken), Neuro Touch(mind Bleeder power, that somehow manifest amongst some ninjas, possibly due a genetic mutation), Mental Illusion(HU main book, page 311, optional as everything in this thread, but i thnk fit the ninja).

This is awesome
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I think it would have been better,if they pic too make two books for each countries,one focus on tech and the other magic like what they did with Russia from the start.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a cool addition! Please keep this material coming! It's great stuff!
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

Unread post by Seneca »

Baron's post about Yomi got me thinking on the gods of Japan that we were promised way back when Japan first came out. So I decided to put some thought into how the Ama-Tsu-Kami or heavenly spirits could be converted to Rifts. Starting with the biggest trouble maker.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the “august star of heaven,” is the Japanese god of evil and of the night. Also known as Ama-no-Kagaseo, the “brilliant one,” he sees and sanctions all evil deeds done under cover of darkness. His minions of choice are the Japanese imps.

He has the power to look into the hearts of men and women, and, if he finds evil thoughts there, to make them his. Because most people are basically good, Amatsu-Mikaboshi learned to become a tempter of a class similar to the vilest devil lord. Cunning, Amatsu-Mikaboshi has gathered more worshipers than most would suspect over the centuries. From the powerful Queen Pimiko in ancient Japan to Oda Nobunga. Corrupt samurai and officials during the Tokugawa period, and greedy corporate tycoons in the Golden Age of Man. Not to mention legions of secret cultists and underworld figures throughout the ages.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi gathers worshipers the old fashioned way: he entraps them. After finding a potential worshiper, Amatsu appears himself or sends a servant to tempt the victim — usually with power, money, lechery, revenge or whatever the subject desires most. He then creates a situation in which the victim can fulfill this desire by committing one hideous act. If the victim performs the act, he becomes a permanent worshiper of Amatsu-Mikaboshi either through the act or blackmail. Finding himself compelled to take part in a never-ending series of foul plots. The worst are those who have intentionally and willfully turned to this dark god, such as shifters or cult members. Their primary duties involve tempting others and helping their deity keep the promises which he has made in order to gather worshipers.

A primordial force, in his true form, Amatsu-Mikaboshi is a inky black shadow that can never quite be seen. Most often he appears to mortals as a small, charming man with a bald head and a hooked nose, but the god of evil has also been known to take the shape of an alluring woman.

Currently, the gods of Japan are concerned with the whereabouts of Amatsu-Mikaboshi. Since the Great Cataclysm they have not seen any sign of the August Star of Heaven anywhere on Rifts earth. They have sent samurai and demi-gods out to hunt for the dark god, but so far none have brought back any proof of his activities.

Secretly, Amatsu-Mikaboshi has been hidden away as the CEO of Ichto: Mitsuhashia Akemi! Mitsuhashia Akemi rose quickly through the echelons of Ichto prior to the Great Cataclysm. A relatively young woman, originally he sought to use the company to foment unrest across the world with their weapons. Since the return of the tech cities to Japan, however, he has developed an even better plan. A chance to strike back at the other Japanese gods using the power of his own tech kingdom. So far he is proceeding slowly, making sure to build up his own power base.The province's anti-Shintoist policy was a direct response to the dark god's attempts to stay incognito.
What books I would like to see:
RIFTS-Japan 2, England 2, Africa 2, China 3, Lazlo (PLEASE!!)
Phase World- The Galactic Tracers Sourcebook
A RIFTS video game RPG/Shooter like Fallout 3
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Seneca wrote:Baron's post about Yomi got me thinking on the gods of Japan that we were promised way back when Japan first came out. So I decided to put some thought into how the Ama-Tsu-Kami or heavenly spirits could be converted to Rifts. Starting with the biggest trouble maker.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the “august star of heaven,” is the Japanese god of evil and of the night. Also known as Ama-no-Kagaseo, the “brilliant one,” he sees and sanctions all evil deeds done under cover of darkness. His minions of choice are the Japanese imps.

He has the power to look into the hearts of men and women, and, if he finds evil thoughts there, to make them his. Because most people are basically good, Amatsu-Mikaboshi learned to become a tempter of a class similar to the vilest devil lord. Cunning, Amatsu-Mikaboshi has gathered more worshipers than most would suspect over the centuries. From the powerful Queen Pimiko in ancient Japan to Oda Nobunga. Corrupt samurai and officials during the Tokugawa period, and greedy corporate tycoons in the Golden Age of Man. Not to mention legions of secret cultists and underworld figures throughout the ages.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi gathers worshipers the old fashioned way: he entraps them. After finding a potential worshiper, Amatsu appears himself or sends a servant to tempt the victim — usually with power, money, lechery, revenge or whatever the subject desires most. He then creates a situation in which the victim can fulfill this desire by committing one hideous act. If the victim performs the act, he becomes a permanent worshiper of Amatsu-Mikaboshi either through the act or blackmail. Finding himself compelled to take part in a never-ending series of foul plots. The worst are those who have intentionally and willfully turned to this dark god, such as shifters or cult members. Their primary duties involve tempting others and helping their deity keep the promises which he has made in order to gather worshipers.

A primordial force, in his true form, Amatsu-Mikaboshi is a inky black shadow that can never quite be seen. Most often he appears to mortals as a small, charming man with a bald head and a hooked nose, but the god of evil has also been known to take the shape of an alluring woman.

Currently, the gods of Japan are concerned with the whereabouts of Amatsu-Mikaboshi. Since the Great Cataclysm they have not seen any sign of the August Star of Heaven anywhere on Rifts earth. They have sent samurai and demi-gods out to hunt for the dark god, but so far none have brought back any proof of his activities.

Secretly, Amatsu-Mikaboshi has been hidden away as the CEO of Ichto: Mitsuhashia Akemi! Mitsuhashia Akemi rose quickly through the echelons of Ichto prior to the Great Cataclysm. A relatively young woman, originally he sought to use the company to foment unrest across the world with their weapons. Since the return of the tech cities to Japan, however, he has developed an even better plan. A chance to strike back at the other Japanese gods using the power of his own tech kingdom. So far he is proceeding slowly, making sure to build up his own power base.The province's anti-Shintoist policy was a direct response to the dark god's attempts to stay incognito.

If I may suggest, rather than the CEO of the company, why not an influential VP who has major dirt with the CEO. And it would likely work better if it were an avatar of the Deity, rather than a full out manifestation. Or even better, the victim of possession. Then even if you have PCs who manage to put together this massive sting on his vessel, he can switch vessels to someone else, losing a bit of ground temporarily, but not enough that he couldn't reestablish the subterfuge with a few more decades, but then Ichto wouldn't be as blind to it as they are now.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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vampire_hunter_D wrote:btw, just a few ideas I had for new republicequipment when I was thinking up my own Japan sequel:

RoJ-G10A3 Vanquisher Glitter Boy-A new front line assult model based around a new kind of beam cannon (one who's research began before the Catylclysm by Triax)
the Ronin SAMAS-a navalized version, modified for underwater operations.
The Daimyo SAMAS- The Republic's attempt to match the new models they've heard about being fielded in North America (btw, in my sequel the republic was in contact with hte NGR, and they were sharing regional intelligence together).
The FR-1 Toranado- A new type of weapn for humanity, a transformable fighter/robot
the BR-1 Typhoon- Another transformable Robat/Aricraft, only this one is a multi-man bomber
the FR-2 Maelstrom- a naval model, this one designed to operate both in teh air and underwater (like the New Navy's Manta)
also had some ideas for designs from a Triax subsidiary that was in Japan. maybe more on them later ;)

Actually Armatech has more advanced P-Beam technology in house than Triax has. Their laser technology is as advanced. They'd only need time and an impetus to advance, not outside collaboration.

The biggest thing the military needs is some sort of C&C carrier (think the Death's Head Transport or the FQ Hover Carrier or the NGR drop carrier that transports Jagers) that will quickly deploy and support a Glitter Force squad. And some sort of infantry transport/support vehicle as well. I understand Japan doesn't use Infantry the same way the CS does, but right now its soldiers suffer from a serious lack of support vehicles. And we won't touch on their air force, or lack there of. Yes I can convert these vehicles from other sources, but I refuse to believe that the Japanese couldn't come up with any of their own designs during the Golden Age. Given the prevelance of bionic soldiers, I expect them to have more in common with the Sovietski than the US and Europe. I also suspect they have a few more stock models, including some specific police models, and infiltration models (which the tech ninja clans then copied and improved upon). I also see them having some major movement towards small scale, but powerful patrol vessels, combined with the blistering amount of firepower a Glitter Force squad can bring to bear. If you have Glitter Boys, and you have successfully combined them with other elements of your forces, there is little reason not to use them in place of tanks. That said, every power armor trooper is a very special investment. So you need tanks and other large scale support craft so you can make up the holes in your ToE.

I think eventual contact with Tritonia is a matter of time, the same with the Tech cities in Australia, and through tritonia, the New Navy and eventually the NGR and the Sovietski. By eventually I mean well beyond 109 PA.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Daniel2112 wrote:
The biggest thing the military needs is some sort of C&C carrier (think the Death's Head Transport or the FQ Hover Carrier or the NGR drop carrier that transports Jagers) that will quickly deploy and support a Glitter Force squad.

A massive reptilian-inspired walker-transport somewhat like the South American Galapagos-class comes to mind. To avoid temptations to create a conversion of Mechagodzilla, I recommend a more horizontal stance somewhat like the American Godzilla. Just a thought... :D :D :D

And here I was just thinking a flying hover carrier or VTOL :D
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I like how you capture Amatsu in your write up. Hopefully someone will write up that gear that Vampire Hunter D suggested. Maybe he'll write it up.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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So I was looking through the RUE, FQ, and NGR books. Which format do you think the RoJ would use:

Hover APC (I just don't see a wheeled APC for Japan - too much water) to carry 20 troops or 10 power armor, and Flying transport to bring two APCS and a GB/SAMAS squad to support them.

Flying APC along the lines of the FQ Skyhawk or the NGR XM-180 (20 troops or 10 PA and platforms for GBs to attach to in flight and provide firepower), and support craft (ala NGR/FQ)

Something else entirely?

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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The problem I have with that is its not just really feasible. Such a monstrosity would be slow and an easy target. A tracked supertank ala the one NGR has would make more sense than a walking robot (easier and cheaper to build and maintain), and given the amount of ground the Japanese have to cover with a small population, mobility makes more sense than a single large command vehicle. I'm not saying you're wrong (and I could even see Ichto developing something like it), but it seems counter to the types of combats the RoJ would actually fight, but I could be wrong in my assessment of their combat styles too.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Anybody have any thoughts on if the Wokou (or Wako) deserve their own OCC or should just one of the several pirate OCCs be converted?

oh...and I would pay real money to see a Japanese version of the Galapologos (I'm not even gonna bother spelling that right...too lazy...and yet now that I have thought about it...the time it took me to write the above...I could've gone and looked it up to be correct...weird) spinning around and being dubbed the Gamera.

After all...he is friend of children

ah...bad dubs...love em.
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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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I think the Japanese are practical. I think that they would choose a practical method to transport their troops and PAs into combat. Something cost effective.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: On Rifts: Japan

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Actually until some stats for these various new devices are place down it'll fall to each GMs own opinion of what he wants in his game. My muse is dead and I'm having trouble actually creating new things. So post away these new vehicles!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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