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Growth chanelling [Major]
'Hey quit hitting me...these are new jeans'

The character absorbs kinetic energy and converts it into mass.
1) Damage absorbtion: The character ignores any kinetic damage that is less than 10 whole points. this initial damage is absorbed, and used for conversion back into additional mass.
2) growth: every full 10 points absorbed by this power causes the following changes.
* +1 foot in height
* +25 pounds of mass.
* +5 SDC (this bonus SDC rises and falls with the character's size changes and is bonus SDC)
* +1 PS

In addition, every multiple of his own, natural height, upgrades his PS by one category (to a maximum of Superhuman) and adds +1d4 to his natural attacks. After the first foot of growth, the character gains an AR of 8, which rises by one for each multiple of his own height grown.

At 2 times his normal height, targets become harder and harder to hit. every full multiple of his height grown subtracts 1 from his strike and dodge rolls. likewise, opponents are +1 to hit this character for every multiple of height grown, but are -1 to parry the enormous attacks by this character.
The character can maintain enhanced height for one melee round per PE point, plus one per level. after this, maintaining the extra mass is painfull, inflicting 1D4 HP every melee round. if unable to maintain concentration, the character sheds 5 feet for every action he has in a given melee round until he reaches normal size.

The character maxes out at 10 times his natural height. The character can shed whole feet at any time, dropping up to 5 feet per actions spent doing so.
3) Swell with punch/fall/impact. The character can expend an action to absorb the damage from a particularilly massive source. His absorbtion capacity rises by 3 per level and excess damage is halved. Nor roll is needed, such an action is successful, but the character's growth rate is doubled (1 foot of growth per 5 points absorbed)

Last edited by Iczer on Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Iczer wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:You know the best thing about this ability? I actually thought of it before **** got his *****-** on ******. :D

Ouch...spoiler warning? We haven't got that far this side of the world :)

Eep! Sorry... :oops:
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Leon Kennedy wrote:
Iczer wrote:Growth chanelling [Major]
'Hey quit hitting me...these are new jeans'

Is this one of those "always on" powers? Or can you turn this on and off at will? I ask because of the following:

Super Guy is 6 feet tall, and is facing Evil Ugly (ok, so my names aren't the greatest today). Evil Ugly has 8 attacks every round, and he's out of bubble gum. So he starts pounding on Super Guy with his Kinetic War Hammer. Say he hits 6 times in the round (Super Guy has lousy parry abilities). Well, he's now gotten huge, and has doubled his height. Gonna be easier to hit, and thus take damage. Unless he can turn this off, this may turn out to be a major detriment to Super Guy.

On the other hand, Evil Ugly would love this power to be always on. Say Super Guy has 10 attacks in a round, and starts wailing on Evil Ugly. Now Super Guy has to think of a better way to defeat the villain.

All in all, a great power (Iczer, you are a mad genius :ok: ), but it would be nice to know if it was always on or not.

The praise is always grand.

It's either on or off. By default you are protected (IE It is on) but you can consciously choose not to have it affect you (though you will be letting damage through)

Super guy at +6 feet:
150lbs heavier, +30 SDC +6 PS AR 9 -1 to strike and dodge, (opponents are +1 to strike and -1 parry him) and inflicts +1D4 damage with his natural attacks. also, he's ignored 60 points of damage from evil ugly (he absorbed them)
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Mephisto wrote:
The Prince of Powers? Are you related to She-Ra now?

only by marriage ;)


(new powers soon guys...promise. BY THE POWER OF NUMBSKULL!)
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Unread post by Smlawrence8 »

Ok first attempt at a power. I didnt read all 80 pages of the power and only have the HU2 book so if this type of power is already covered forgive me.

Paranoia (minor)
“Someone is out to get me…I just don’t know who”

The super being can cause anyone around him to be constantly on guard and ready to defend themselves.

Range: 100 ft (+10ft per level of experience)

Damage: None

Duration: 1 Hour per level of experience

Attacks per melee:One

Note: Character will lash out at anything that scares him or that he perceives as a threat.
1.-10% to all skills requiring concentration
2. Without thought to the consequences the character will attack any person who startles
him. In rare cases (10%) character will even attack small children or animals.
3. Character is +6 to initiative for duration of effect
4. Roll save vs. psionics
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:man-day-dreaming of how you would take out terrorists if they jumped through the windows in the dentist's office (answer; with badass kung fu and that pencil the lady next to you is doing her suidoku puzzle with) and wondering what it would feel like to kill someone, are two completely different things.
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Unread post by Smlawrence8 »

Mephisto wrote:
Smlawrence8 wrote:Ok first attempt at a power. I didnt read all 80 pages of the power and only have the HU2 book so if this type of power is already covered forgive me.

Paranoia (minor)
“Someone is out to get me…I just don’t know who”
The super being can cause anyone around him to be constantly on guard and ready to defend themselves.
With single thought the super can cause 1 person per melee to become extremely paranoid.
Range: 100 ft (+10ft per level of experience) Effected character must be within range and Super must be able to see him (whether by line of sight,. video,etc.)

Damage: None

Duration: 1 Hour per level of experience

Attacks per melee:One

Note: Effected character will lash out at anything that scares him or that he perceives as a threat.
1.-10% to all skills requiring concentration
2. Without thought to the consequences the character will attack any person who startles
him. In rare cases (10%) character will even attack small children or animals.
3. Effected character is +6 to initiative for duration of effect
4. To save effected character must roll save vs. psionics

Because this power affects others and not himself, I'm curious...does #3 apply to the character applying the paranoia, or the victim of the paranoia? And the Roll save vs. Psionics...that needs more expansion as well. Is that to resist the effects of paranoia of the victim, and if so...why psionics? Or is it an "always on" power that the character requires a save to turn off, so that everyone doesn't be constantly paranoid about everything, including the character that possesses the paranoia power? Does it work through line of sight, mental manipulation (I'm guessing?), etc. A bit of expansion during the explanation section at the top of the power would help make it easier to understand. Not trying to be overly critical, just trying to get a better grip on what you are trying to achieve here.

Is this better? I thought the save vs psionics would be appropiate due to the mental nature of the attack. However I could see this being a save vs insanity. Do you know of a better save? You guys have been doing this much longer than I, so if you have ANY comments,questions, or suggestions let me know. I would love the input
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:man-day-dreaming of how you would take out terrorists if they jumped through the windows in the dentist's office (answer; with badass kung fu and that pencil the lady next to you is doing her suidoku puzzle with) and wondering what it would feel like to kill someone, are two completely different things.
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Unread post by Smlawrence8 »

Smlawrence8 wrote:
Paranoia (minor)
“Someone is out to get me…I just don’t know who”
The super being can cause anyone around him to be constantly on guard and ready to defend themselves.
With single thought the super can cause 1 person per melee to become extremely paranoid.
Range: 100 ft (+10ft per level of experience) Effected character must be within range and Super must be able to see him (whether by line of sight,. video,etc.)

Damage: None

Duration: 1 Hour per level of experience

Attacks per melee:One

Note: Effected character is automatically startled by anything that approaches from his peripheral of from behind. Effected character will lash out at anything that scares him or that he perceives as a threat.
1.-10% to all skills requiring concentration
2. Without thought to the consequences the character will attack any person who startles
him. To avoid attacking people he know not to be a threat character must save vs. aggression. In rare cases (1-10%) character will even attack small children or animals.
3. Effected character is +6 to initiative for duration of effect
4. To save effected character must roll save vs. psionics

How is that change??
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:man-day-dreaming of how you would take out terrorists if they jumped through the windows in the dentist's office (answer; with badass kung fu and that pencil the lady next to you is doing her suidoku puzzle with) and wondering what it would feel like to kill someone, are two completely different things.
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Growth spurts: [Minor]
'You can slice him, you can dice him, but you cannot keep the Scab down!'

The character has a number of concentrated clusters of super aggressive stem-like cells throughought his body, which respond to injury by literally burrowing to a point of injury, and then taking on the characteristics of nearby cells.
Whenever the character takes Hit Point damage, or suffers a critical hit from any source, the cells start to multiply providing an immediate bonus of 10 SDC (maximum bonus SDC of 50 +10 per level per day).
In addition, the cells automatically staunch bleeding and shove lodged projectiles aside. even for SDC wounds. Any bonus SDC acquired vanishes after 20 minutes per level.
In addition, the character enjoys a doubled healing rate, as well as a bonus of 25 SDC.

Deflectors: [Minor]
'Come on fella's I can keep this up all day. How much ammunition do you have?'

The character can create sturdy but short lived force fields over his body which he can vary in strength and intensity to provide a variety of effects.
By keeping the force field rigid, the character enjoys an AR (natural ) of 12
By making it thicker and less rigid, he has a bonus of 10 SDC (+5 per level) that refreshes every melee round.
By Expanding it and making it more elastic, he can halve the damage from kinetic sources.
By rippling the field, the character reduces an opponen't strike rolls to hit him by 4.

The character selects one effect at the beginning of any given melee round. The character must specify when he is turning it on (it is fairly visible) but it requires only the barest concentration to do so.
While the field is active, the character enjoys a +2 to parry and his punches and kicks inflict an extra +4 damage (equivilent of force field brass knuckles)

The deflection field only functions vs kinetic attacks. energy attacks ignore it altogether.

Preservation petrification: [Minor]
'Great, Massman passed out again. anyone got a forklift to take him home?'

The character has a unique self defence method when he is most vulnerable. When he passes out, falls paralysed, goes to sleep, or is knocked unconscious (or knocked into a coma) he quickly (3 seconds) calcifies his body tissues. He multiplies his mass by 5, and gains AR 15 SDC 450 but becomes rigid and immobile. Time passes for him at the normal rate while petrified, so he continues to heal and the effects of paralysis continue to wear off while out, and if conscious, he remains so during the process. He does not worsen however. poison stops working in his system (but wears away at it's normal rate) and he cannot bleed to death. in fact the only way he is in any danger is for someone to pulverise his stone form. When the SDC is reduced to zero, he returns to his normal state before he petrified and cannot repetrify for several hours.
If the character requires medical attention, then he too must work away at the petrified body, though a carefull medical assessment and the application of acids can break down the calcium withiout any harm to the body. any person examining the calcified tissues and with access to a lab can make a fornsic sciences or chemisrty roll at -10% to determine the required acids and concentrations thereof to safely restore the body.
At third level, the character can enter a meditative trance that slows his heart rate and triggers this petrification. while in this state, the character is perpetually conscious and aware of his surroundings (his senses function as normal) but his respiration and food requirements are nill. his only concern is boredom. after his ME in hours he must make a saving throw vs Boredom (14+ ME bonuses apply) to remain in his trance. (of course he won't leave his trance normally if doing so would be hazardous)
A neat side effect of this power is that if posessed or controlled, the body reacts by petrifying itself.

Accellerate: [Minor]
'I'm fast. Well not "run like an automobile fast" . Just faster than most.'

The character has muscles and reflexes uniquely adapted to rapid accelleration and speed.
He gains the following bonuses.
* +4 to dodge and +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact +4 initiative.
* +20 Spd +2 additional Spd per level.
* +1 attack per melee.
* Can leap 10 feet high and 20 feet long with a run up.
* can produce an extra burst of speed. Once every 15 minutes he can add one extra attack, and +4 to his initiative for one round, and double his leaping and running speeds.
* +15 SDC

Aggressive reflection:
'Steel doors? Hah...they bother me even less than your minion's feeble body armour.'

The character reacts to impacts with solid objects by hardening at the point of impact and reinforcing muscles.
When striking an object, he gains a damage bonus equal to it's AR. Bones and tendons harden and flesh and muscle harden to match allowing him to score powerfull blows. against less solid objects, like soft body armour or armoured people, he gains half their AR as a damage bonus.
When being struck by solid objects he gains a similar bonus. He ignores damage from solid objects equal to half that object's AR. so soft lead bullets from a revolver would do 7 points less damage, while a kisentite blade would inflict 9 less damage. This ignored damage reflects back on the object, possibly chipping and scarring it.
The character enjoys a +2 to parry, and may parry blades and melee weapons (but not energy melee weapons) with his bare hands.

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Unread post by taalismn »

mmm....'Preservation Petrificiation'....'Don't bleed all over the place; get stoned!'

Nice defensive measure of last resort...
Also great for keeping a hero or villian incapacitated...
"He makes a great statute...just don't forget to adjust the automatic laser beam...he gets a chance to heal up, he's going to come alive with a vengeance!"
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taalismn wrote:mmm....'Preservation Petrificiation'....'Don't bleed all over the place; get stoned!'

Nice defensive measure of last resort...
Also great for keeping a hero or villian incapacitated...
"He makes a great statute...just don't forget to adjust the automatic laser beam...he gets a chance to heal up, he's going to come alive with a vengeance!"

ya, i think it's a pretty cool one. Reminds me of the mudra of unmoving, but it like the auto responses. much more useful.
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Multi-SuperVision (Major Power)

A person can have 3 minor Super-vision powers,it count only as 1 major,but the character can only use one at a time.
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It's found in Powers Unlimited 3
Orbital Sphere-A.I.R. (As I Recall)
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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taalismn wrote:
Iczer wrote:Champion: [Minor]

The character gets a surge of power by dominating his foes.
Every time the character, in melee combat, stuns, knocks out, disables, or kills a living opponent, he gains an adrenaline rush that heals him of 6D6 HP and SDC, and grants him a boost of 4 PS for 2 minutes per level.
Multiple takedowns add to the strength gain and resets the duration (so wading through a dozen minions can see the character imbued with a +24 PS bonus.
as long as the character has any enhanced PS he gains an additional +1 attack per melee.


Yeah...I can see Mister Righteous doing his Happy Dance after trouncing Doctor Metropolis...

Just checking, but when it says taking down a dozen minions will see PS +24, it means +48 right?

Also, it seems like this power given to someone who is already pretty powerful could become absurd really quickly if there is enough competition. I'm just thinking about a Mega Hero or something with this... scary thought. I could easily see him hitting 200+ SN PS.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Immune to Mimicry and Imitation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero cannot be copied, and is thus impervious to such powers as Alter Physical Body, Scan Powers, Mimicry and other powers which scan and copy powers, fighting abilities, attributes, skills, and psionic and magical abilities. Those attempting to disguise themselves as the hero by normal means such as the Disguise and Imitate Voices and Impersonation skills suffer a -40% penalty to use those skills. Those trying to use Forgery on the hero's signature also do so at a -40% skill penalty.
The character with this ability has unique features, so those tracking him will be at +20% to skills used to do so.
This power cannot be taken in conjunction with AlterFacial Features & Physical Structure, Alter Body, Shapeshifting, Mimicry or any other powers which alter his body to disguise it, since thiose powers would be neutralized by this one.

Other Bonuses and Penalties:
+2d4 PB
+20% to Charm/Impress
+10% to Trust/Intimidate
Suffers -20% to Disguise and Imitatre Voices/Impersonation skills

Haha, that's cool I just found this. I was just trying to think of a way for a powerful NPC to be able to combat mimicry... thanks much! I like this.
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This seems to be more a minor than major, but that just my opinion.

Well, I wasn't sure about that, tbh.

On the one hand, the Orbital Sheres power is a Major, despite initially giving a small bonus - because, a few levels later, it gives you a much larger one. Same with this. And you'll notice that there's no saving throw against Luck Leech; I touch you, I drain you.

Then again, it's got a really short duration, and if I can't touch you, it's useless.

Hmm. Now I'm leaning towards Minor, too. :-? Anyone else with an opinion?

I think it's definitely deserving of being a major. You realize that if you're only 5th level, that you're getting a 10 point turn-around on ALL comabat rolls? That's crazy. Whoever you're fighting is totally screwed then. Sure it only works on 1 person at a time, and the save throw isn't that high, and the duration isn't that long, but getting an extra +5 to parry while the opponent has a -5 to strike is so powerful. If you were level 5, and used this on a level 15 opponent, you have a decent chance of winning in a lot of cases. Now think if you're 15th level. You get a 30!!!!!!!! point turn around on all combat rolls and +15 on ALL saving throws!!!! You're effectively immune to all saveable magic, psionics, poison, disease, curses, super powers, etc, etc, etc.

And "only" 1 minute per level sounds short, but honestly, how many combat instances at 5th level last more than 20 melees? Not that many, right? That's averaging 100 actions with that massive turn-around at only 5th level.
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Crazy Lou wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Iczer wrote:Champion: [Minor]

The character gets a surge of power by dominating his foes.
Every time the character, in melee combat, stuns, knocks out, disables, or kills a living opponent, he gains an adrenaline rush that heals him of 6D6 HP and SDC, and grants him a boost of 4 PS for 2 minutes per level.
Multiple takedowns add to the strength gain and resets the duration (so wading through a dozen minions can see the character imbued with a +24 PS bonus.
as long as the character has any enhanced PS he gains an additional +1 attack per melee.


Yeah...I can see Mister Righteous doing his Happy Dance after trouncing Doctor Metropolis...

Just checking, but when it says taking down a dozen minions will see PS +24, it means +48 right?

Also, it seems like this power given to someone who is already pretty powerful could become absurd really quickly if there is enough competition. I'm just thinking about a Mega Hero or something with this... scary thought. I could easily see him hitting 200+ SN PS.

it is scary, (and yes..your math is correct. I edited the power's bonuses without checking Thax 4 noticing ;) )

However it's not that scary. the bonuses only last 2 minutes per level for a start, and really only applies to a target once (you cannot get the bonus once for stunning, again for Knock out and again for killing the guy you just knocked out).
Also, It's melee combat. any villain that runs away or flee's simply robs the character of extra bonuses.
Lastly, compare it to Supernatural PS, also a major. +50 PS, which also inflicts the extended damage, and is permanently on. That's like walking into a fight having already knocked down 13 guys, so from a balance point of view it's not so bad.

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does the powers still work if you already have SN PS though? Because that's what i was really thinking about when i was saying how scary it is. I wasn't really clear on that point/concern.
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Crazy Lou wrote:does the powers still work if you already have SN PS though? Because that's what i was really thinking about when i was saying how scary it is. I wasn't really clear on that point/concern.

Nothing to stop it from working. But such a character really is not much more than a one trick pony and should be prepared to battle powerfull solo villians, flyers with energy projection or small cluster encounters with long periods bewteen fights.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Oh i know. I realize the limitations as well. But i was thinking from a large scale battle view and how crazy it could become.

Specifically i was thinking about an NPC i'm working on. He's a human immortal who's like a (Mega-Hero)^10. He's stupidly powerful, but acts only as a sort of background shadowy figure. I was picturing what it'd be like if he'd participated in some of the battles of something like the Juicer Uprising or the War on Tolkeen in Rifts. :shock:

And I just was clarifying the extent of the power as designed.
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Crazy Lou wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This seems to be more a minor than major, but that just my opinion.

Well, I wasn't sure about that, tbh.

On the one hand, the Orbital Sheres power is a Major, despite initially giving a small bonus - because, a few levels later, it gives you a much larger one. Same with this. And you'll notice that there's no saving throw against Luck Leech; I touch you, I drain you.

Then again, it's got a really short duration, and if I can't touch you, it's useless.

Hmm. Now I'm leaning towards Minor, too. :-? Anyone else with an opinion?

I think it's definitely deserving of being a major. You realize that if you're only 5th level, that you're getting a 10 point turn-around on ALL comabat rolls? That's crazy. Whoever you're fighting is totally screwed then. Sure it only works on 1 person at a time, and the save throw isn't that high, and the duration isn't that long, but getting an extra +5 to parry while the opponent has a -5 to strike is so powerful. If you were level 5, and used this on a level 15 opponent, you have a decent chance of winning in a lot of cases. Now think if you're 15th level. You get a 30!!!!!!!! point turn around on all combat rolls and +15 on ALL saving throws!!!! You're effectively immune to all saveable magic, psionics, poison, disease, curses, super powers, etc, etc, etc.

And "only" 1 minute per level sounds short, but honestly, how many combat instances at 5th level last more than 20 melees? Not that many, right? That's averaging 100 actions with that massive turn-around at only 5th level.

Hmm...I designed the power with a couple of assumptions in mind. Firstly, the PC will typically be facing multiple opponents; the victim of your luck drain is now horribly vulnerable to your attacks, but his six buddies aren't, and bad guys can swap opponents just as easily as heroes. Secondly, the character is unlikely to get past level eight, so the bonuses wouldn't get too crazy: seriously, in all the time I've played H.U., I've never seen or even heard of a player character that actually made it to level nine!

Still, I think you're right. I originally conceived of Luck Leech as a minor version of Karmic Power (without the pesky morality clause), and it probably is still a bit too major.

What if the duration was shortened to one melee round + one round per level of experience? That's 30 seconds at level one, going up to four minutes by level fifteen: still a decent, useful amount of time, but not as overpowering. And maybe drop the bonus/penalty to half of the character's XP level, rounded up: so +/- 1 at levels one and two, +/-2 at levels three and four, and so on. Even by level fifteen, the bonus/penalty is only +8/-8. Decent, but not overwhelming.

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Senator Cybus wrote:
Crazy Lou wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This seems to be more a minor than major, but that just my opinion.

Well, I wasn't sure about that, tbh.

On the one hand, the Orbital Sheres power is a Major, despite initially giving a small bonus - because, a few levels later, it gives you a much larger one. Same with this. And you'll notice that there's no saving throw against Luck Leech; I touch you, I drain you.

Then again, it's got a really short duration, and if I can't touch you, it's useless.

Hmm. Now I'm leaning towards Minor, too. :-? Anyone else with an opinion?

I think it's definitely deserving of being a major. You realize that if you're only 5th level, that you're getting a 10 point turn-around on ALL comabat rolls? That's crazy. Whoever you're fighting is totally screwed then. Sure it only works on 1 person at a time, and the save throw isn't that high, and the duration isn't that long, but getting an extra +5 to parry while the opponent has a -5 to strike is so powerful. If you were level 5, and used this on a level 15 opponent, you have a decent chance of winning in a lot of cases. Now think if you're 15th level. You get a 30!!!!!!!! point turn around on all combat rolls and +15 on ALL saving throws!!!! You're effectively immune to all saveable magic, psionics, poison, disease, curses, super powers, etc, etc, etc.

And "only" 1 minute per level sounds short, but honestly, how many combat instances at 5th level last more than 20 melees? Not that many, right? That's averaging 100 actions with that massive turn-around at only 5th level.

Hmm...I designed the power with a couple of assumptions in mind. Firstly, the PC will typically be facing multiple opponents; the victim of your luck drain is now horribly vulnerable to your attacks, but his six buddies aren't, and bad guys can swap opponents just as easily as heroes. Secondly, the character is unlikely to get past level eight, so the bonuses wouldn't get too crazy: seriously, in all the time I've played H.U., I've never seen or even heard of a player character that actually made it to level nine!

Still, I think you're right. I originally conceived of Luck Leech as a minor version of Karmic Power (without the pesky morality clause), and it probably is still a bit too major.

What if the duration was shortened to one melee round + one round per level of experience? That's 30 seconds at level one, going up to four minutes by level fifteen: still a decent, useful amount of time, but not as overpowering. And maybe drop the bonus/penalty to half of the character's XP level, rounded up: so +/- 1 at levels one and two, +/-2 at levels three and four, and so on. Even by level fifteen, the bonus/penalty is only +8/-8. Decent, but not overwhelming.


I think the suggested changes are still very powerful, but it makes the power far more reasonable. Also, just a clarification: are you saying that you only have the extra bonuses against the guy you took the luck from, and he only has the penalties while facing the luck thief character, or do both apply to anyone? Because even fighting a normal opponent w/ +8 to all combat is a HUGE advantage, and fighting a normal hero while you (now you are the bad guy/victim) are at -8 to all combat you're pretty much doomed. But with those changes I think that it's reasonable to call it a powerful major and be done with it.
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Crazy Lou wrote:Also, just a clarification: are you saying that you only have the extra bonuses against the guy you took the luck from, and he only has the penalties while facing the luck thief character, or do both apply to anyone? Because even fighting a normal opponent w/ +8 to all combat is a HUGE advantage, and fighting a normal hero while you (now you are the bad guy/victim) are at -8 to all combat you're pretty much doomed. But with those changes I think that it's reasonable to call it a powerful major and be done with it.

You have the bonuses regardless of who you're fighting, and the opponent has the corresponding penalties no matter who he's fighting.

Hmm. Anyone else care to chip in an opinion? Still too much?

Anyway, new stuff:

Suppress Self (Minor)

"Oi! Who are you calling a Flatscan?"

This is the ability to inhibit one’s own powers and mutant traits, allowing a super being to temporarily become a normal human.

While this might not seem terribly useful, it can be very helpful for characters with powers that are dangerous and hard to manage (such as Control Radiation), powers that make disguise and concealment difficult (e.g Giant or Multiple Limbs) or powers that block the helpful abilities of allies (for example, Immune to Psionics preventing psychic healing). Any unusual physical/mental traits will also be suppressed, as long as they are a result of the character’s superhuman physiology, e.g. the Chronic Pain side effect of the Experiment power category.

The hero can swap between normal being and super being at will. Changing forms requires active concentration, so the hero will not transform if he falls asleep or is rendered unconscious - he will remain in whichever state he selected last.

While in human form, the character’s dormant powers cannot be detected by any known means; even abilties like Scan Powers and See Aura will reveal no unusual physical or mental aberrations.

Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite. The character can remain in either state for as long as he wants.
Attacks Per Melee: Changing form uses up one melee attack/action.
Bonus: Suppressing certain powers may grant the hero a limited disguise ability, even though his basic form and features stay the same: if a blue-skinned and four-armed centaur switches off his mutant gene, few people would recognise his human self.
Penalties: While Suppress Self is active, the super being loses all of his other powers and unusual traits; he cannot retain useful abilities while inhibiting the ones he doesn’t need. It’s all or nothing.
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Senator Cybus wrote:Anyway, new stuff:

Suppress Self (Minor)

"Oi! Who are you calling a Flatscan?"

This is the ability to inhibit one’s own powers and mutant traits, allowing a super being to temporarily become a normal human.

While this might not seem terribly useful, it can be very helpful for characters with powers that are dangerous and hard to manage (such as Control Radiation), powers that make disguise and concealment difficult (e.g Giant or Multiple Limbs) or powers that block the helpful abilities of allies (for example, Immune to Psionics preventing psychic healing). Any unusual physical/mental traits will also be suppressed, as long as they are a result of the character’s superhuman physiology, e.g. the Chronic Pain side effect of the Experiment power category.

The hero can swap between normal being and super being at will. Changing forms requires active concentration, so the hero will not transform if he falls asleep or is rendered unconscious - he will remain in whichever state he selected last.

While in human form, the character’s dormant powers cannot be detected by any known means; even abilties like Scan Powers and See Aura will reveal no unusual physical or mental aberrations.

Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite. The character can remain in either state for as long as he wants.
Attacks Per Melee: Changing form uses up one melee attack/action.
Bonus: Suppressing certain powers may grant the hero a limited disguise ability, even though his basic form and features stay the same: if a blue-skinned and four-armed centaur switches off his mutant gene, few people would recognise his human self.
Penalties: While Suppress Self is active, the super being loses all of his other powers and unusual traits; he cannot retain useful abilities while inhibiting the ones he doesn’t need. It’s all or nothing.

I really like it!
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Cyclic Metabolism: [Minor]
'Fast? No..that was last week.'

The character experiences ups and downs to his general health and well being according to a fluctuating series of events. Diet, exercise, injury, time of day, amount of energy recieved all combine to give this character a general flowing, fluctuating series of bonuses.
Every day, the character enjoys the following bonuses:
+2D4 to PS
+1D4 to PP
+1D4 to ME
+3D6 to Spd
Bonus SDC of 6D6

These bonuses apply only for a 12 hour period (typically, from sun to sun). at the end of that period, scrap the bonuses and roll again for the next 12 hour period. Accordingly, the character should keep a track of his normal or default abilities.

Other bonuses: +2 PE and a +2 to resist disease and poison (the character's fluctuating body chemistry keeps these things in check). In addition, while this power is active (see below) the character can sustain himself on half as much sleep as usual But his appetite increases by 50%.

Drawbacks: There is a 4 day (8 12 hour shifts) period in a month where the character's metabolism bottoms out. during this time his appetite returns to normal as does his sleep requirements. He gains no bonuses during this time to any of his attributes. The PC and GM should sit and discus exactly when these times occur. By default, the first four days of any month are bonus free.

Gimp [Major]
'Suffer for me...I shall turn your strength into weakness and expose you for the vile thing you are'

By a form of bio-manipulation, the character can bring low almost any being, causing their body distress and weakness. By gesturing at a target within line of sight and within 60 feet the character forces the target to make a saving throw Vs Bio-manipulation (16+).
Those that make the saving throw suffer a general malaise, becoming fatigued (-1 to all combat manoevres, -5% to all skills and -10% to spd) as well as taking 4D6 SDC damage. (all returns after 1D4 melee rounds)
Those that fail the saving throw suffer the above, plus half their PS score and one attack per melee. In addition, their lifting capacity halves, and the SDC damage is instead 1D4x10 (+2 per level). Those that fail their saving throw see their abilities return in 1D4 minutes (+1D4 more minutes at every second level).

Hydroshield [Minor]
'Time for you to wash out'

The character can gather local moisture into a swirling morass to act as a defensive shield.
Creating the watershield takes one action to perform, and one to maintain every subsequent round. The swirling mass of water occupies a radius of 3 to 8 feet and is composed of only free standing water. The Hydroshield follows the character at his normal speed.
Defensively, the shield reduces the damage of incoming kinetic attacks by half, and ranged attacks suffer a -4 to penetrate the shield. Energy attacks will be stopped by the field entirely (the field has, an SDC equal to the character's ME plus his PE +4 per level)
Offensively, the shield can strike all foes within 8 feet for 2D4 damage (roll with punch/fall/impact 14+ to avoid this) or the character can direct his shield like a wave that inflicts 3D6 damage out to 50 feet (+6 to strike) and targets have a 30% chance of being knocked down by the wash (lose initiative and 1 attack)

Borrow Speed: [Minor]
'Excuse me..excuse me...coming through'

The character can borrow the kinetic energuy from others to feed his own need for speed.
Essentially, the character can select 3 targets (+1 per level) at the beginning of any melee round. he drains 5% of their current speed and pours it into himself for the round. To most people, this is a trivial amount. targets will feel a little sluggish, but are otherwise barely affected.
For the melee round, the character gains the bonus to Spd (Treat every 1MPH as 2 Spd).
For every 10 Spd he gains he enjoys a +1 to initiative and dodge. For every 25 he gains +1 attack per melee.
The trick is is that people don't use all their Spd in a day to day situation. typically, people are walking around with 1/4 or even less. Assume that anybody doing any fighting is using at least 3/4 thier Spd score, just manoevering, dodging and swinging. vehicles of course are choice targets, providing 30 odd miles per hour to the mix (1.5MPH contributed, adding 3 to spd). super speedsters are even better targets, just as long as they stay within range (60 feet or so)

Herbicide: [Minor]
'Beloved asphalt...How your beuaty has been tainted by these weeds. I shall cleanse this blight'

The character can kill plants. Mopre specifically, he can shoot a specialised and virulent acid that targets cellulose and chlorophyl. The character's acid spray shoots for 30 feet and has a +4 to strike, though by broadening the spray, he can reduce the range to 10 or so feet but doubling his bonus to strike with it.
Soft, green plant matter, such as mould, fungi, slime and grass simply turns brown and dies on the spot wherever it is touched. Sturdier plants take 6D6 damage per spray, and if living, are horribly poisoned. Plant creatures suffer the same fate, and even dead and treated wood suffers the burn of this acidic release.

Aggressive immune system [Minor]
'Don't mind the let me touch you'
The character has an enhanced immunity to disease, poison and injury. he heals 1 HP or 2 SDC every hour, and gains a +4 to saving throws Vs disease and poisons. Once per day (per level) the character can spontaneously regenerate a mass of small tissue (1pound per level of blood, skin, or even so much as an eyeball) or heal 2D6 damage (SDC or HP)

More to the point, the character can fuse his body with another person to lend them the same benefit. fusing takes a co-operative or helpless target, and 2 melee actions to perform. Once fused, the target has the character's same bonuses to save vs disease and poison (and may save again if currently suffering from either) and can use the character's limited spontaneous regeneration. In addition, the character can transfer HP and SDC to the target at a rate of 5 per action, supplanting damaged tissue with generic donor tissue generated by the character. The process can be reveresed, but the target must consent, and the rate of return is 1 point every melee round.

As a side effect, the character can vomit at will, spewing up a greenish, brackish bile that acts as a powerful disinfectant. it smells like cleaning product and feels like, well, vomit, but it kills mold, is harsh on the eyes (and nose) and is toxic to germs. Trageting a perosn with this vomit spray requires that they be within 12 feet and the character must make a strike roll at +2. If it hits, the target must make a saving throw vs non-lethal poison or suffer from mild blindness and nauea (loses one action from the shock, and loses initiative for the round)

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Iczer wrote:As a side effect, the character can vomit at will, spewing up a greenish, brackish bile that acts as a powerful disinfectant. it smells like cleaning product and feels like, well, vomit, but it kills mold, is harsh on the eyes (and nose) and is toxic to germs. Trageting a perosn with this vomit spray requires that they be within 12 feet and the character must make a strike roll at +2. If it hits, the target must make a saving throw vs non-lethal poison or suffer from mild blindness and nauea (loses one action from the shock, and loses initiative for the round)


Hahahaha! just 2 days ago a friend of mine said if he could have any power he'd want the ability to projectile vomit at will w/o feeling sick!

BTW, what does "mild blindness" mean exactly? just the penalties noted? Because that seems more like penalties for surprise and momentary confusion.
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Crazy Lou wrote:
Hahahaha! just 2 days ago a friend of mine said if he could have any power he'd want the ability to projectile vomit at will w/o feeling sick!

BTW, what does "mild blindness" mean exactly? just the penalties noted? Because that seems more like penalties for surprise and momentary confusion.

Just the penalties listed. If the target needs to make a sight based perception check in the following round, then he suffers a -2 to it.

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I just noticed Stone Gargoyle hasnt posted on any of the forums in over 2 months. Has he left?
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ScottBernard wrote:I just noticed Stone Gargoyle hasnt posted on any of the forums in over 2 months. Has he left?

No idea; hadn't actually noticed that yet. Hm... Maybe he's been really busy. I for one usually see my forum activity go in bursts & blank spaces, depending on my schedule.
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toy control
Basically you can make toys(and ONLY toys)move with your mind & have them do stuff
You automatically have the ventriloquism ability,but your subconscious controls what the toys say(they will however always Call you "father" or some derivative of that word)you subconscious will basically make them act like pinocchio if you are knocked unconscious for ANY reason at all. :crane:
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

??? Did you mean to post this in the "What minor Powers you think are the Best and Why?" Thread???
cuz it seems like it.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Decrepitude [Major]
'With age comes...wisdom. I hope you will be wise enough in future not to underestimate me again'

The character can rapidly introduce entropy into a living being, causing him to crumble and weaken as the weight of age begns to play on him.
1) field effect: When active, the field effect version of this power surrounds him to a radius of 8 feet, effectively targetting all within melee combat range. targets begin rapidly aging, gaining 2d6 years every melee round. After a target reaches an effective age of 50, he starts accruing the following penalties.
* Lose 5% of current HP and SDC
* Lose 1 PE
* Lose 2 PS
* Lose 3 Spd
* Lose 1 PP
* lose 2 PB

targets continue to age and suffer the above penalties every melee round after they reach an effective age of 50, so being trapped next to this character can be fatal in only a very short time.
Targets may save vs this power (14+, PE bonuses apply). success means that the effects instantly reverse themselves after 1 melee round out of the area of effect. those that fail remain decrepit for 1D4 melee rounds, and de-age 5 years per melee round after that.
The character need only be able to spare one action per round to maintain this effect.

2) entropic ray. The character can target individuals with a ray of entropy inducing energy. each such blast counts as one attack, and can affect a a target up to 80 feet away (+ 20 feet per level) with a +4 to strike (aimed shots only).
The target of the ray loses 5% of his SDC and HP, and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or age 1d6 years from the blast (recovers at 5 years per melee round, SDC and HP loss remains for 1d4 melee rounds per level). targets must last an entire melee round without being blasted again to start healing/de-ageing.
3) other notes and benefits: The character himself is resistant to old age, aging only one year in three, and is resistant (+4 to saving throws) to attempts to alter his age.
The character enjoys a +10% to save vs disease and +15 SDC.
Opponents who are immortal are immune to the power. likewise, those transmuted into inorganic substances will find that thier altered form SDC is immune to alteration via this power.

Oxygen deprivation [Major]
'What's a matter Vile evildoer. having problems catching your breath?'

The character can destroy oxygen, in part or in whole depending on the application he wishes to use.
As an assault on the environment, the character can reduce the oxygen in an area 5 feet (+2 feet per level) across, up to 30 feet away (+10 feet per level) by 100%. This effect lasts only a moment (surrounding air will circulate soon enough...unless it's a sealed room.) people in the area will find themseves experiencing momentary discomfort. (make a saving throw 12+, PE bonuses apply or lose one action and initiative). Fire in the area will be snuffed out without oxygen to burn, though may reignite if not applied again.
The character can vary the effect by expanding the radius. Every 5 extra feet of radius reduces the oxygen destruction by 10%. a first level character could reduce the oxygen in a 10 foot area by 90%, or a 30 foot radius by 50%. each 10% less oxygen deprivation directly affects fires (fire reduced by 50% for example) or adds a +1 to the relevant saving throw.
Targetting an individual is little more deadly.
Reducing a target's oxygen intake, requires the character to select a target with 80 feet and within line of sight. The character;s speech becomes difficult and hs throat becomes dry, and he must make a saving throw vs Fatigue (14+ PE bonuses apply) or become fatigued. a fatigued character suffers -2 to initiative, -2 to spd, -1 attack per melee round and -10% to skill usage. a fatigued Target can perform strenuous activity for one melee round per PE point before passing out, but can last five times as long if sitting still and trying to recover. Each use of this power takes one action to perform, and another one to maintain each round.
Destroying the oxygen in atarget's lungs and bloodstream is more difficult. The target, as described above makes a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). failure means he takes 4D6 HP damage. Oxygen in his bloodstream is destroyed automatically causing the target to suffer from oxygen deprivation. He loses an attack from the shock and loses initiative. Furthermore, if the target's next action is not spent trying to recover, he loses another 2D6 HP. If the target saves, the oxygen in his lungs is destroyed, causing a little pain and causing him to gasp for breath (loses initiative and one attack).
This nastier, deadly form of attack counts as 3 melee actions and can be performed only once per round.
Other abilities: The character can use this power to attempt to parry wind or air attacks. He expends an action and rolls a parry (he has +4 for this) if successfull, a single wind based power or attack is momentarilly halted.
If this power is used on a target transformed into air (or mist or gas, but not smoke or ash) then the target takes 2D4x10 damage, and if possible, must make a saving throw (16+) or transform back into his normal form.

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Iczer wrote:Oxygen deprivation [Major]
The character can destroy oxygen, in part or in whole depending on the application he wishes to use.

"Qwiet...I'm huntin' Godzilla..tee-hee-hee!"

Sorry...couldn't resist...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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taalismn wrote:

"Qwiet...I'm huntin' Godzilla..tee-hee-hee!"

Sorry...couldn't resist...

LOL. Is cool man. *mailbox. Open mailbox*

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by ScottBernard »

3 months and still no Gargoyle, I dont think hes coming back :(
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ScottBernard wrote:3 months and still no Gargoyle, I dont think hes coming back :(

I've fallen off the boards for longer than three months twice before, and with every intention of returning from the very beginning of each time. It was just that the way my schedule was going at the time, I couldn't let my self get into a bunch of threads because it's so hard for me to not spend a lot of time trolling the boards once I start. Hopefully the same is true in this case?
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Cheapskate (Minor)

"Huh. Could have sworn I spent more than that..."

A strange and lucrative power that subtly alters reality in favour of the super being's bank balance; anything that the character buys, regardless of the price or the method of payment, will cost him far less than it should. Somehow, events will always play out in a way that saves the hero money - the pizza delivery boy will miscount the cash he’s been given, PayPal will mysteriously malfunction, etc.

The super being enjoys a discount of 5% per level on any and all purchases that he makes (5% at level one, 10% at level two, etc). The power works for both one-off payments and amortized purchases.

Limitations: The hero cannot share the cost of an item and still receive the benefit of the power - only items or services that he purchases solely by himself gain the discount.
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Senator Cybus wrote:Cheapskate (Minor)

"Huh. Could have sworn I spent more than that..."

A strange and lucrative power that subtly alters reality in favour of the super being's bank balance; anything that the character buys, regardless of the price or the method of payment, will cost him far less than it should. Somehow, events will always play out in a way that saves the hero money - the pizza delivery boy will miscount the cash he’s been given, PayPal will mysteriously malfunction, etc.

The super being enjoys a discount of 5% per level on any and all purchases that he makes (5% at level one, 10% at level two, etc). The power works for both one-off payments and amortized purchases.

Limitations: The hero cannot share the cost of an item and still receive the benefit of the power - only items or services that he purchases solely by himself gain the discount.

That's sweet!

But I can imagine many cases off the top of my head where GMs could find this troublesome, especially at high levels/discounts. Think of what it would let you do at 10th+ level from a merchanting perspective, if you had even something like 10,000 credits of initial capital... Your group could open a business and within 5 years have enough money to buy Northern Gun!
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Senator Cybus wrote:Cheapskate (Minor)


"It's my Universal Express Card...Acceptable EVERYWHERE, and I get discounts on just about ANYTHING I buy!" :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Crazy Lou wrote:That's sweet!

But I can imagine many cases off the top of my head where GMs could find this troublesome, especially at high levels/discounts. Think of what it would let you do at 10th+ level from a merchanting perspective, if you had even something like 10,000 credits of initial capital...

As if any GM worth his salt would ever let his players hold on to that much cash... :twisted:

Seriously though, if I was GM of a group that wanted to buy out Northern Gun, I'd love it! It'd give me story ideas for months! :-D
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theme song!
you can give ANYONE a theme song of there very own!
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Crazy Lou wrote:That's sweet!

But I can imagine many cases off the top of my head where GMs could find this troublesome, especially at high levels/discounts. Think of what it would let you do at 10th+ level from a merchanting perspective, if you had even something like 10,000 credits of initial capital...

As if any GM worth his salt would ever let his players hold on to that much cash... :twisted:

Seriously though, if I was GM of a group that wanted to buy out Northern Gun, I'd love it! It'd give me story ideas for months! :-D

As long as they'd be willing to leave things there... Otherwise once you had that kind of merchanting power, you could quickly buy out all the other arms manufacturers on the plantet rather quickly... which might prove to be a bit unbalancing...

Just think now for a moment if you had the immortality power on top of this... Can you say, "Richer than Thraxus" ? Heck, you could probably buy NE straight out if you wanted to after about 1000 years, no problem at all. I suppose that's assuming you manage to survive all the assassination attempts but still... And assuming that you actually wanted to bother to try. It seems like you might get bored after a while once you had a couple trillion credits.
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Machinegun [Minor]
'Locked and loaded.'

The character can draw dust and dirt from the air to form tiny hard shells, which he may fire through apertures in his arms.
By expending an action, the character can spontaneously manufacute the ammunition, creating 2D4 rounds, plus 1D4 rounds at level 3,6,9,12 and 15. The character can hold 12 rounds total, plus 2 per level.
Range: 120 feet plus 10 feet per level.
Actions: each shot, whether it be a single shot or a three round burst, requires one action.
Damage: a single shot does 2D4 damage (plus one at every even level) while a three round burst inflicts 4D6 damage (Plus 1 per level)
Bonus to strike: +4 with an aimed shot. a burst enjoys +2 while a wild shot has no bonus
Special: If exposed to a toxic cloud, smoke or other air pollutant, the character may attempt to absorb it to make ammunition. by expending an action he has a 30% chance (+5% per level) of wiping out a 5 foot radius of the cloud (and creating his normal ammunition load for the action). this may be done reflexively and out of turn (but it still counts as one of the character's actions)

Hilighter: [Minor]
'Yeah, my light show isn't much to worry about'

The character creates ionising fields in the air to shape and channel the flows of energy.
1) Highlight target: by aiming at a target within 100 feet (plus 10 feet per level) the character draws lines of energy toward his target. The character must make a strike roll to target an individual (+4 to strike). the attack does no damage, but until the character breaks his lock (by taking any action other than speaking or moving more than his Spd score) all subsequent energy attacks against that target enjoy a +4 to strike.
The target also suffers if he posesses energy powers. any energy blasts he makes suffer a -4 to strike, and see their range and damage halved.
If the target transforms into energy he will see his spd reduced to one quarter, will see his PP drop by 6 and his attacks per melee and combat bonuses halved.
The target can shake the lock by going behind cover (physical objects break the line of sight beam) moving out of range or by causing the character to lose an action (body block/tackle or body flip throw are good choices)
2) energy defence: the character can expend an action to parry energy attacks by simply knocking them out of the air. he rolls a special parry with a +6 bonus (no other bonuses apply) against any energy attacks he is aware of. if successful, the attack bends away, directing itself at a nearby object instead. The character can perform this action while using Highlight target (above) without breaking any lock on.

Echofist:[/b] [minor]
'How many fists was that again?'

The character can a kind of temporal echo of himself, lasting long enough to lash out with a phantom limb.
Once per melee round, after a character has made a melee attack, he may launch an echo attack. The echo is a bare handed melee attack, of the same type the character just made. It has half the normal strike and damage bonuses of the original attack, but has all the other bonuses the original attack had. If the character dodged the original attack, his dodge roll applies against this second attack. if he parried it, he can attempt an auto parry at half his usual bonuses. The acho attack does not apply to energy attacks, nor to attacks with non natural weapons.

'I'll save you'

The character can create an energy field that surrounds another target, granting it enhanced strength and power.
The target of this ability, grows a force field with an AR of 12 and an SDC equal to the character's ME +5 per level (SDC recovers at one point per minute)
While covered in this force field, the character guides the target's actions, and may use the character's HTH skills if they are superior or prefereable to the target's. The target keeps his own attribute bonuses.
The character is immobile and while he uses this power. he may remain standing, and move at a Spd of 1 but has no actions, and cannot defend himself. If he performs a dodge, parry or any other action other than manintain this power, talk or shamble slowly, then the field vanishes.
The character requires 4 actions to establish this field over a target, and the target must remain within line of sight and within 90 feet (+10 feet per level)

Shuffle: [Major]
'I love it when we all come together like this'

The character has the unnusual ability to mimick the powers of others, gaining and draining their life force and mimicking them, while boosting their own strength.
1) Shuffling: once per melee round, the character acquires a random, minor power from a random target within 60 feet (+10 feet per level). All living beings are subject to this, even non powered humans, and the character's teammates. the power acquired does not grant any extra HP or SDC, nor does it actually enhance any attribute. the character just recieves the benefits of the minor power. This power is blocked by solid objects, but not forcefields.
2) drain energy. The target of the above power, must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). if he fails, the rapid draining and mimicry causes minute fatigue and wear and tear. until the end of the melee round, the character is fatigued (-1 attack, -5% to all skills -2 to all combat abilities) the target also loses 2D6 SDC (but will not drop below half his normal SDC total in this manner). any drained SDC is picked up by the character. If the character causes any amount of fatigue, he gains +1 attack per melee round, and +5% to all skills for the rest of the round.
3) selective shuffling. once per melee round, as an action, the character can designate a new target for this power. The target makes the usual saving throw. If he fails, then the character gains one of his (chosen this time) minor powers, and he suffers the fatigue and damage as noted in #2 above. the previous victim recovers from fatigue if this happens (but the SDC drain remains)
4) other notes: The character cannot switch this power off. just being within range can cause any living creature larger than a cat to suffer from this power's effects. The character can expend one action per melee round in concentraion to keep this power in check, but is on his own when sleeping or unconscious. (Note: someone appropriately skilled could construct armour to block this ability. More than 1 inch thick at all points and on average 3 inches thick of some rigid or semirigid material would be needed. needless to say this character sleeps alone.)

Batts (more soon I promise)
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Iczer, are you still generating powers like Angelina Jolie adopts third world children?
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MrTwist wrote:Iczer, are you still generating powers like Angelina Jolie adopts third world children?

Funny thing actually. I got a letter of notice the other day from the Brangelina. Apparently I' was adopted last Thursday. Sciientists theorize that nearly 12% of the entire population of the world are in fact Brangelina's children.

That sad, a power outage here caused the second half of my post to vanish before I could submit it, so I'm frantically attempting to remember the six I put up the other day.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:[b]Echofist:[/b] [minor]
'How many fists was that again?'

The character can a kind of temporal echo of himself, lasting long enough to lash out with a phantom limb.
Once per melee round, after a character has made a melee attack, he may launch an echo attack. The echo is a bare handed melee attack, of the same type the character just made. It has half the normal strike and damage bonuses of the original attack, but has all the other bonuses the original attack had. If the character dodged the original attack, his dodge roll applies against this second attack. if he parried it, he can attempt an auto parry at half his usual bonuses. The acho attack does not apply to energy attacks, nor to attacks with non natural weapons.

Oh...I like....

"And just as an after-thought, I hit him AGAIN!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by abe »

From superhero academy-melt(minor maybe)
Basically you turn into a puddle on the ground & back again!
Maybe this would work as a minor version of change person charasitic:water?
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Alternate Identity: [Minor]
'No one must suspect that I live a double life'

The character can suppress his powers and abilities, compressing them inside himself to appear more human. It takes but one melee to transform between his 'powered' and 'unpowered' selves.
While 'unpowered', the character's attributes normalise (are averaged towards 10) and unwanted mutations and side effects are muted. He has no access to his powers during this time, and His SDC becomes 2D10, plus any bonuses for physical attributes and training. While unpowered, he does not register as a superpowered being
When powered up he has all his normal attributes and powers, as well as any side effects and mutations. His powered self is more attractive and vital, gaining +2 to MA and PB, and gainign about 10-40lbs of muscleand definition. His appearance doesn't change overmuch between forms. the powered self and the unpowerd self are pretty much the same barring any obvious alterations or mutations, though the powered self is a little more...heroic looking. Friends and family will not be fooled, though the rest of the world will find it hard to believe that 'Parker Kent' is really 'the Superspider'

Corrosive Impact: [Major]
'Let's shake on it'
The character's body responds to physical trauma by producing harmful acid.
Every time the character takes any physical damage, that damage is stored as a kind of 'corrosive battery', one he can discharge at will.
1) Battery capacity: The character can hold up to 80 points as a charge. every new level this rises by 20.
2) Corrosive discharge: The corrosive battery continually leaks out into the character's surroundings. Every melee round, 10% (minimum 1 point) of the charge in the battery leaks away, inflicting that much damage to every thing the character touches. anything touching the character during that mele round takes damage from the corrosive sweat coming off the character.
3) Selective acidity: The character can choose to ignore certain objects and materials when producing acid. He can choose to ignore flesh for instance to make any subsequent acid splashes safe for friends, and he can ignore his own clothing (Otherwise he would be buck naked after the first round of combat)
4) Corrosive missile: the character can voluntarily lower his corrosive battery by expending some of it in the form of a projectile. The character can launch a corrosive bolt up to 50 feet with +2 to strike. Corrosive missiles inflict 1D4 damage for every point on the battery so discharged, with a maximum discharge of 3 points per level. The acid continues to corrode, doing 1 point per dice every subsequent melee round for 1D4 melee rounds.
5) effects of corrosion: the character’s corrosive qualities are such that they ignore natural AR, burning through any selected material. Damage caused by corrosives produced in this manner are harder to heal, and healing powers (including magic and Psionic) will not function to repair the damage for 20 minutes per level.
6) defensive aspects: The character takes half damage from physical force (Kinetic), but all the damage dealt is transferred into the battery. The character has +4 to save vs toxins as long as he has any points left in his battery. The character takes half damage from electricity, and none from corrosives. He also enjoys an extra 20 SDC.
Evolved armour [Minor]
‘It hurts now, but I’ll get over it’
The character gains body armour by responding to pain and injury. The character has an AR of 4, and appears perfectly normal. Every hit he takes increases his AR by 1 and lowers his PB by 1 as he becomes more ‘armoured’. When his AR reaches 11, his body armour has grown sufficiently that he inflicts an extra 3 damage in hand to hand attacks from body spikes and projections. His AR stops growing at 16. Every AR point gained also increases his weight by 10lbs.
The character’s AR starts dropping after one minute without being struck by any significant force, and lowers at a rate of 1 point every minute thereafter. It is important to note that each hit increases his AR, whether or not it bounces off AR or not.

Chaotic Vortex [Major]
‘Welcome to crazy town. I’m your host.....’

The character can create fields of space/time where natural laws are churned up and spat out, funnelling matter and energy though infinite loops of probabilities.
1) Vortex field: By establishing a field of chaos around himself, the character, who now appears to be distorted as if surrounded by hundreds of churning shards of glass. Ranged attacks passing through the field are sent elsewhere. Explosions and area affect attacks that would normally strike the area the character is in either see’s their damage reduced by the character’s ME or are negated entirely if a non damaging effect. Anyone touching the character will take 2D4 damage just from contact with the field, and the field grants the character an AR of 14. Maintaining the field requires the expenditure of one action per round.
2) Vortex attack: by either touching, or by making a ranged attack (30 feet per level, +2 to strike) the character can completely subsume a target into hundreds of parallel universes. The target takes 3D6 damage from the disintegration, and must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) or be spread into the cosmos. Living creatures can retain their link to or universe, and will reform within 1D4 melee rounds. A vortex attack requires 2 actions to perform.
3) Steal fortune: by channelling the power of hundreds of universes, the character can augment his own strikes, parries and dodges. At the beginning of each melee round, the character rolls 2D4. This number is divided amongst the character’s strike, parries, dodges and saving throws for a given round. The character adds these numbers before he rolls the dice, and any unused points are lost at the end of the round.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Induce Susceptibility(Minor)

“Yeah, normally aerosol Placidol is a mild sedative that anybody with a sound constitution could hold off the effects of for HOURS, but in your case, it’s lights out right now!”

This is the ability to induce a specific susceptibility in a person. This can be used to negate a defensive ability like Resistance to Heat, allowing subsequent heat-based attacks to do normal damage to the target. It can also be used to lower a victim’s resistance to specific drugs; in such cases a mild anesthetic would be TWICE as fast-acting and have a longer duration, or a truth drug would be TWICE as effective in loosening the victim’s tongue. It can also be used to create a temporary allergic reaction to something(like inducing lactose intolerance in somebody eating an ice cream cone). The inducer MUST specify at the beginning of a Susceptibility attack what specific substance or attack type they are inducing a vulnerability to.....
Note that this power will NOT induce a susceptibility that the targeted being cannot normally have...a being with no need to breath cannot be made susceptible to airborne gases, for example, nor could a robot drone be made susceptible to mind control.
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience for substances, 2 melees per level of experience for attack types
Effect: Induces a susceptibility to a specific substance(cajun pepper, milk, botulinan toxin, curare, etc...) or attack type(fire, cold, energy, psionic, magic, etc...). DOUBLES the effects/duration/effectiveness if no prior resistance exists, or does NORMAL damage/effect where a prior resistance exists.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Like the power, but . . .

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Petite Elfgirl wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Tread (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing's feet are armored, giving them a Natural AR of 10 and additional 20 SDC each. This allows him to parry blade atrtacks using kicks and to take only half damage from physical attacks, cold and ice, and heat and fire attacks. As he feels no pain in hids feet, he can walk on hot coals or even nails without feeling it.

+2d4 Speed
+1d4 PE
Fatigues at half normal rate when marching or hiking long distances
+4 or +20% to balance checks and rolls to prevent slipping on slick surfaces

Sorry, haven’t been here for a while, so I might just be nitpicking something another has already pointed out. But does the “Tread” character feel anything on her feet, or just no pain? Are their feet actually invulnerable (completely opposite of Achilles), or just super toughened? Couldn’t that be a detrimental? A major drawback to many with diabetes is the loss of feeling in their feet. They can step on nails and such and not even realize it. Very dangerous.

P.S. Like the power, though! :ok:

The character would be aware of things touching their feet, so it is not a loss of sensation, just the inability to be traumatized by the pain, of course you could play it how you like.

Sorry if I already answered this, but trying to get caught up since I been away.

Coming Soon: Chameleonic Teleportation and Regenerative Teleportation
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I really like the sound of the latter especially...
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