Paladin Steel Storefront

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Fixed the tonnage on the Packers...'s some ammo...

‘Silent Death’ Rounds

“Any last words? No, forget have nothing I want to hear.”

SD-Rounds cover the other end of silenced weapons operation---the point of impact. What’s the point of muffling the operation of a gun if the scream and explosion of the explosive roudn you had to fire to kill that MDC’ed-up target you’re aiming to kill, blows the whle surprise? Especially if you got more than one target to quietly kill? SD-Rounds enchant the bullet so the target itself gets wrapped in a Globe of Silence spell that lights off when the bullets strikes, masking the sound of the strike, and any last-second yelling and screaming your target may make.
Effects: Negates sound in a 10 ft radius for 1 minute
Cost: + 300 credits per round

Fear Shots


Fear Shots are TW-enhanced bullets that are used like tracer rounds; Fear Shots are loaded in amongst other rounds as part of a belt or magazine and fired along with them in bursts at a target. While they do normal damage, however, their real objective is to sow fear and uncertainty among the targets. While soldiers are more likely to face being strafed with enemy fire with a certain amount of pragmatic trepidation and caution, Fear Shots INCREASE the anxiety, even if they aren’t actually hitting targets. The effect increases the shell-shock value of incoming fire, increasing the chances of the intended targets doing something to further neutralize their effectiveness....cowering deeper behind cover, blindly dashing for safety(and getting hit), or retreating as quickly as possible. Already frayed nerves snap, green recruits go catatonic, and even hardened veterans go white-knuckled with anxiety when Fear Shots enter the mix.
Ineffective against full conversion ‘borgs, personnel in power armor, robots, or vehicles.
Fear Shots are typically marked by a miniature hooded banshee on each ensorcelled bullet.
Range: Same as for regular ammunition
Damage: Same damage as a regular round, plus has a Horror Factor of 14 in a 10 ft wide swath along the path of the round. If the round actually HITS a target, and provided the victim isn’t killed or knocked out immediately, they are struck with terror equal to a Horror Factor of 16. Duration of actual H.F. attack lasts 1 melee.
Saving Throw: Standard
Cost: +900 credits per round

“Doctor Frost? Doctor Frost? DOCTOR!!!!”
“Forget it, jingee....she’s a kumquat for the rest of the day...”
Dum-Dums are ZOT munitions that inflict no damage on impact, but deliver a powerful Moron I.Q. spell to the victim---The magic used in these things was based on study of Ludicrous Magic. They are also one of the few ZOT products made available for sale to the Black Market(through Paladin Steel). Dum-Dums are a favorite of police and prison security.
Dum-Dum rounds are also effective against megadamage and supernatural beings if fired in automatic bursts----fired in bursts of ten of more, these things will affect such normally invincible beings, though they still get a saving throw.
Range: Varies by the weapon/cartridge used
Effects: No damage, but the victim must save versus magic or be rendered an imbecile with an IQ of 3...Victim is easily disoriented, forgetful, can’t figure out how to work things, and can hardly understand anything(-20% to skills, lose initiative, NO combat bonuses, and only 2 APMs). Advise removal of loaded weapons and armed explosives from victim’s possession. A successful save versus magic mean that the victim is only stunned by the concussion, like a rubber bullet; no lasting mental effects, but loses initiative and is -1 to strike parry, and dodge for a melee.
Duration: 6 melee rounds per shot.
Cost: 80 credits apiece

Dolt Bolt
“More Duh for the Dollar!”
Dolt Bolts are a larger, heavier, and more effective version of the Dum-Dum round, intended for use in heavy machine guns, rail guns, and shotguns...while the Dum-Dums’ effects are measured in minutes, the Dolt Bolt leaves victims drooling vegetables for hours and even days
Range: Varies by the weapon/cartridge used
Effects: Does 2d4 SDC damage....Mental enfeeblement same as the Dum-Dum, except now the effects last 1d4 HOURS per hit. Damage IS cumulative, so multiple hits increase the duration of dumbness.
Duration:1d4 HOURS per hit
Cost: 200 credits apiece

Dead Bolt
“When a bullet lobotomy would be just too permanent....”
The Dolt Bolt concept taken to its extreme, using a combination of the more powerful spell Mindshatter . Dead-Bolt rounds can cripple an opponent for weeks if fired in bursts.
Range: Varies by the weapon/cartridge used
Effects: Does 2d4 SDC must make a save versus magic, -2, or is effectively magically lobotomized, unable to do anything but sit still and drool.
Duration: 24 hours per initial hit, plus victim must roll versus magic ...a successful roll means the victim subsequently regains 10% of their former memory and functionality every 12 hours.
Additional strikes with Dead Bolts, in addition to extra physical damage, add 5 hours each to the initial period of numbness.
Cost: 600 credits apiece
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very interesting ammo. What sort of guns does this ammo go too? Are there rounds for each of the bullet spitting weapon you produce?

I know we are interested in investing in these newly offered ammo. The Federated States support Paladin Steel!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Very interesting ammo. What sort of guns does this ammo go too? Are there rounds for each of the bullet spitting weapon you produce?

I know we are interested in investing in these newly offered ammo. The Federated States support Paladin Steel!

These rounds are compatible with just about any projectile weapon...however, they're mainly made in the most common calibers...9mm, 7.62, and rail gun types, for instance...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel P-630 AutoWeapon
(aka ‘Jigsaw Gun’, ‘Stoner’, ‘Alynwon’(All-in-One’))

“The base unit...if you’re exceptionally strong, or got a bionic arm, it’s easy to use it as a heavy machine pistol...That really freaks a lot of bandits out.”

“Okay, here’s the deal...looks like the terrorists have a dispersion field up....It’s knocked out high-energy electronics, so our energy weapons are useless...They’ve got the upper floors of the embassy complex pretty much to themselves, but judging from their comments we’ve heard through the pipping, they think they got all the security aside from a straggler or two...”
The Marine sergeant glanced around the hidden sub-basement bunker room at the three squads that had been off-duty when the terrorists had hit the compound above....The grim-faced soldiers were shedding their dress uniforms and shrugging on heavy field armor from the arsenal stores.
“...obviously their intelligence ain’t as good as they thought it was...Naturally, we’re going to take the place back.”
“But our lasers and blasters don’t work! What are we going to do against them if they got functional pulse-weapons?! Heck, even our rail-rifles won’t work!” That was a newbie recruit from one of the outdimension worlds...No experience on a dimensional nexus world, the senior officer remembered, no dealing with magic, and hardly any with psionics. Local boys and girls brought into the fold to give the VFS a friendly face in the neighborhood. Oh well, the sergeant thought, we were all young once...
“You’re new, Clarkson, but you trained with the rest of us. We do this the old-fashioned way, soldier...We use our skill and we use THESE..” The sergeant accepted the autorifle passed him and worked the action, feeding in a strip of cartridges.”Simple chemical slug-throwers. But they still pack serious punch..Those radical-techies upstairs may think they got the place gimmicked so they hold the upper hand, but let’s see them deal with some low-tech firepower...” Seeing his men loading up on shotguns, assault rifles, and a couple of light machine guns, the old sergeant was NOT a pleasant smile. “Laser tag’s one thing, but there’s a serious difference between whizzing photons and flying they’re about to discover.”
One of the veterans in the back of the room began murmurring as she worked a belt of rounds into the action of her LMG...
“Saint Eugene, for the bounty you are about to deliver unto us, we thank thee...”

An understudy to the ZOT ‘Flexgun’ study was this modern adapatation of the Stoner 63 weapons system, a 5.56mm cartridged modular gun that used a common body and reciever, but swappable feeds, mountings, and barrels to create a common family of weapons that included a carbine, assualt rifle, light and medium machine guns, and commando SMG. Paladin Steel, using more advanced materials and production techniques, was able to overcome many of the problems of the original weapon(including a tendency to foul with dirt) and produce a successful system. The original Stoner system was modified with elements of the later XM8 modular system, and the whole upgraded with post-Rifts technology. Lightweight megadamage alloys reduce weight without sacrificing durability. Extensive use of a special rust-proofing laminate coating on the parts serves as a dry lubricant, reducing the need for oiling the weapon, and lightweight ceramics and composites cuts the weight of the various assorted ‘furniture’ attached to the P-630. When PS managed to produce the successful (and more expensive)Flexgun technology, the Stoner-Study was retained for the production of a lower-tech, less expensive, weapon for domestic markets.
Though not able to compete with energy weapons as the weapons of choice in the assorted militaries of the post-Rifts world, the P-630 has still managed to find a niche as an affordable defensive weapon, allowing communitiy militias to save money on projectile weaponry by adopting a common type that can fit a variety of roles, simplifying ammunition and spare parts costs. While still more expensive than most mass-market SDC firearms using metal stampings and other cheaper production methods, the P-630 saves in overall system and maintenance costs.
(Carbine) 7 lbs
(Assault Rifle) 7.5lbs
(LMG) 11 lbs
(MMG) 11.2 lbs
(Carbine) 26 inches(15 inch barrel)
(Assault Rifle) 40 inches(20 inch barrel)
(LMG) 40 inch
(MMG) 40 inch
Effective Range:(all) 3,000 ft
(Carbine) 2,500m (7,500 ft)
(Assault Rifle) 2,653 m (7,900 ft)
(LMG) 2,653 m (7,900 ft)
(MMG) 2,653 m (7,900 ft)
Damage:(5.56mm) 5d6 SDC single shot or 2d4x10 SDC per 3 shot burst at ranges under 3,000 ft, 3d6 SDC or 6d6 SDC per 3 rd burst beyond 3,000 ft .
(PSX-1) 1d6 MD per single shot or 3d6 MD per 3 shot burst(no damage reduction)
Can use any standard 5.56 mm-format specialized munitions, including explosive rounds and megadamage armor-piercers.
Rate of Fire:
(Carbine) Selective fire; single shot, or bursts of 3, 5, or 10 rds.
(Assault Rifle) Selective fire; single shot, or bursts of 3, 5, 10, or 20 rds.
(LMG) Selective fire; single shot, or bursts of 5, 10, 20, or 30 rds.
(MMG) Selective fire; bursts of 5, 10, 20, 30, or 50 rds.
(Carbine) 30 rd clip or 100 rd drum
(Assault Rifle) 30 rd clip or 100 rd drum
(LMG) 100-150 Belt or box feed
(MMG) 100-150 Belt or box feed
Special Features:
*Base Unit
---Top sighting rail
---Underbarrel rail
*Carbine Kit
---Laser Spot Sight
---Folding Stock
---Carrying Handle
*Assault Rifle Kit
---Solid Stock
---Carrying Handle
*Light Machine Gun Kit
---Bipod Mounting
---Carrying Handle
*Medium Machine Gun Kit
--Tripod mounting
---Carrying Handle
Cost: (PS expects costs to drop by as much as 60% as more factory capacity becomes available over the next few years)
*Base Unit 2,000 credits
*Carbine Kit + 500 credits
*Assault Rifle Kit +1,000 credits
*Light Machine Gun Kit +1,200 credits
*Medium Machine Gun Kit +1,800 credits

Note: It takes a person with the Weapons Engineer skill a successful roll and about 5 minutes to install and test one of the conversion kits, those with the Armorer/Field Armorer skill about 10 minutes, and someone following the printed instructions about 30-45 minutes to install/swap barrels and feed mechanisms.

Note2: The P-630 system is fully compatible with the full range of weapons options, including(but not limited to), sighting scopes, underbarrel flashlights, grenade launchers, and bayonets, ‘smart-gunning’, and recoil-control mechanisms.

*P-631 Series---This is simply the P-630 system reformatted to use caseless ammunition. This simplifies the design, removing the need for an extractor/ejector system, making it easier to keep the weapon clean in the field(though caseless weapons require a bit more maintenance to clean propellant residue from the inner workings). The other advantages of the caseless system are slightly more magazine capacity(increase magazine capacity by 20%), and slightly more power from the reformulated solid propellant. This has necessitated a number of other changes as well; the machine gun models required a new feed system for belting, and the P-631 has a slightly different appearance and is typically molded in a different color from the conventional P-630. Otherwise, the system is identical in features and weight to the P-630.
Currently, the P-631 is less common than the P-630, due in part to the relatively poor distribution of supplies of the caseless ammunition(as well as scurrilous rumors about the poor shelf-life of the caseless ammo, including reports that the propellant is susceptible to decay in humid conditions), but PS expects to have the supply problem licked within coming months.
Range: Increase effective range by 10%
Damage: 5d6 +3 SDC single shot or 2d4x10+9 SDC per 3 shot burst at ranges under 3,000 ft, 3d6+1 SDC or 6d6+3 SDC per 3 rd burst beyond 3,000 ft .
Payload: Increase magazine capacity by 20%
Cost: Base Unit: 2,500 credits

Paladin Steel PSMG-14 5/56 ‘Fhizer’ Security Gun
(aka ‘Phazer’)

“I really like this new generation of composite-bodied weapons PS is putting out...they’re lighter to handle, and require less upkeep than traditional wood or metal gun bodies...and the ‘Fhizer’ ’s the best of the bunch....lightweight, easy to point and fire...heck, you can fire in one-handed, which is nice for a cop to be able to do, especially if you’re using the other to hold down a suspect or staunching a hole in your body!”
---Denise Turpinton, deputy

“Now listen up...the bureaucratic knowitalls in Burlington have decreed that our town constabulary’s going to be fitted with all-new Fhizers...and I’m sure you’all know what that means....these toy guns got video chips in them, so that some of you guys with the ‘shoot-first and ask questions later’ attitudes are going to be more careful in the future...yeah, I know it sucks, but the town elders have agreed that membership in the VFS is a good deal for the community, and we’re all going to have to suck up to their policies if we want their help before the Quebecois come rolling into down next summer...unless we want the Quebecois to come rolling in! So take a look at this picture books they sent us and familarize yourselves with the Fhizer, so I don’t hear so much *****’ next week when we get the funny-guns!”
---Sheriff Conrad Royale, Haltenburg, addressing his police force.

“I HATE dealing with Tat-Girls----Bad enough knowing you’re facing a slave that’s being mind-controlled by the mystic tattoos carved in their skin, with the added hell of not knowing if the one that’s trying to kill you is genuinely acting of her own free will or because she’s being directed remotely, but they’re tough as nails with those magic augments....Unless you got uber-strength and some heavy restraints along, you gotta pack some heavy firepower to take them down, and we’re all afraid that if we vap some homicidal skinjob, we’ll find out afterwards it was some innocent kid being pushed to do it....At least with the Fhizers, we got a choice of stun rounds or kill-shots at the flick of a switch.”
----Chegger Renen, VFS State Police Anti-Slavery Taskforce

The PS ‘Fhizer’ is a pre-Rifts American-designed 5.56 mm submachine gun produced specifically for police and security forces. Police forces were the largest buyers of this weapon, pre-Rifts, and sufficient examples of it survived in police arms caches for the design to be eventually re-discovered by Paladin Steel, Though SDC-capable, non/low-lethality weapons have not been a high priority in the past for PS, with the expansion of the VFS and offworld colonies, and the toning down of the ‘frontier justice’ mentality long common in ‘uncivilized’ Rifts Earth, the ‘Fhizer’ has enjoyed a renewal of interest.
The ‘Fhizer’ is an advanced bullpup-configuration submachine gun, inspired by the Israeli Tavor and Austrian SteyrAUG, with an all-plastic and ceramic construction. In overal shape, the 'Fhizer' looks more like it was grown, then constructed, with smooth, flowing lines, angles, and integral carrying handle on top. The weapon has a shiny, high-gloss white and blue casing, the better to alert criminals that the police are armed and mean business(as well as to warn bystanders of a police action). It is strictly an SDC weapon, which limits its popularity and use among police officers in rural and more violence-prone areas. It CAN be converted to fire lethal megadamage rounds, but this is rarely done, as it negates the entire idea of a -NONLETHAL- weapon.
The ‘Fhizer’ features, among other things, a co-axial targeting ‘spot’ laser, a micro-chip video-recorder that commences recording everything in the weapon’s sights when the safety is clicked off(the better for after-action evaluations), an under- muzzle flashlight/spotlight, and a utility knife in the stock. The weapon is normally configured as a submachine gun with limited range, but with an optional screw-on/plug-in barrel extension, it can be converted into a longer-ranged sniper rifle. The weapon is light enough to float, and it is usually carried attached to the officer’s belt by an elastic cord.
The ‘Fhizer’ is currently in distribution and deployment with the VFS police and penal authorities, and is expected to be made available to the general market. It is also being distributed to offworld/space station security forces and guards.
PS has already announced plans for an A model, which is expected to feature full cyberporting for ‘smartgun’ linkage, and a special ‘ammo select’ which will allow different ammunition types to be carried in the same clip(which will be a rotary cassette model) and selected for firing by the shooter as the situation requires.
Weight: 4 lbs
Range: 700 ft
(w/ barrel extension): 1,000 ft
Damage: (Rubber Baton) Range 300 ft, 1 SDC, and a 15% chance of knocking down a suspect. This option is best used in a burst, for maximum chance of knockdown.

(Taser) 1d6 SDC, victim is -8 to strike, dodge, and parry for 1d4 melees, plus an additional 1d4 melees per subsequent hit, Also must save versus non-lethal poison, 16 or higher, or be knocked unconscious.

(Tear gas) None...Due to the small internal volume of the bullet, this shell can deliver only a small amount of chemical agent to the target area; enough for a 5 ft cloud. It’s best used in a burst for maximum effect. Victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus lose one attack/action per melee for 1d6+1 melees

(Tag) None...This is either a paintball round or a special scent pellet...the scent pellet gives a +20% to anyone with an advanced sense of small to identify and track a tagged suspect. Paint or scent tags can only be removed with a paint remover like turpentine.

(Drug Dart) Does no damage, but victim must make a save versus nonlethal poison or fall asleep for 3d6 minutes. A successful save means that the victim has fought off most of the drug, but is still dizzy and disoriented; -5 to initiative/strike/parry/dodge/ and roll, and -1 APM for 1d6 melees.
The danger comes in multiple strikes; for every dart strike after the first, while its effects are still being felt, the victim has a chance of suffering physical damage from drug overdose...each strike/unsuccessful save thereafter does 1d4 SDC, as well extends the effects of the dart. For this reason, police rarely ever fire drug darts in bursts, except against exceptional physical specimens, like Juicers or Crazies.

(5.56 mm Cartridge) 3d6 SDC per single rd

Note: PS is also developing other specialized ammunition types...the ‘Fhizer’ is fully compatible/able to fire wood and silver rounds as well.

Rate of Fire: Standard; single shot, 3, 5, or 10 rd burst
Payload: 30 rd magazine in stock
Bonuses: +1 to Strike from laser targeting and lightweight construction.
Special Features:
Video Camera
Laser ‘Red Spot ‘ Sight
Detachable Knife/Wire Cutter
High-Gloss Plastic Finish( in the alternate, a ruggerized, low-visibility, finish may be selected)
Cost: 2,400 credits for the rifle
*Barrel Extension---This adds eight inches of barrel length and extends the range to 1,000 ft. Cost: 700 credits

*Silencer---Sometimes you gotta take out that druglord’s guard, without alerting everybody else the place is being surrounded. Cost: 500 credits

*Recoil Control--Builds up the buttstock with a mercury-bead recoil control system and ‘fuzzy logic’ stabilization chip, to decrease the already low recoil, and improve accuracy. Comes in two models; Grade 1(Passive recoil control)+1 to strike during burst firing. Grade 2(active suppression) +2 to strike during burst firing
Cost: (Grade 1) 1,400 credits (Grade 2) 1,800 credits.

PSRG-18 Grenade-Drums

“Ever had thirty twelve-gauge HESH rounds go off in your face in a crowded tunnel all at once? Then you can picture what we did to DeathClan Aborgos....They sure lived up to their name, because even with their armor, we got well over half of them being thrown around in that old mine took down the supports, which were none too sturdy to begin we buried the rest of them...Maybe one or two got out after that, and I heard the clan elders, who’d stayed behind, killed the survivors for cowardice....Cheap trap for low-brows, what can I say?”

Paladin Steel took inspiration from the pre-Rifts Pancor Jackhammer revolver shot-gun to produce a line of modular ammunition drums. The Pancor weapon’s ten-round 12-gauge ammunition cassette could be be ejected, a bursting charge plate attached, and the cassette fused as an anti-personnel mine. Obviously this sort of versatility appealed to Paladin Steel, who set out to see if they couldn’t duplicate, and ideally improve on, the concept. They’d already had success with the Pancor-inspired SeaHammer Micro-Torpedo Launcher, but now set out to do the same for their regular projectile weapon lines.
Ultimately, PS did come up with a modular, reloadable, basic design that could be adapted to a variety of weapon types. Unlike the original Pancor cassette, the PSRG-18 is a regular reloadable drum that snaps on and off the weapon as standard, allowing the shell load to customized as needed, However, if desired, the drum could be ejected, the forward plate of the drum unscrewed and discarded, and a triggering cartridge inserted into the back of the drum. The standard cartridge has a pull-pin and a sixty second fuse, but if so desired, other timed fuzes can be used, and the drum could be quickly and easily modified with a different cartridge matched to a contact-plate triggered or tripwire fuze cartridge inserted into the front of the drum. The drums can also be rigged to more sophisticated trigger mechanisms if so desired(and the user has the skill and time to rig them).
In this manner, ammunition drums compatible with a number of existing shotgun-style weapons can be quickly used to make improvized traps or room-clearing grenades. The ceramic and plastic magazines are tough enough that they can be re-used if retrieved, but most users consider them expendable throwaways.
Currently PS produces PSRG-18 drums for the PSAKM-80 ‘MegaDeuce with a 50-rd drum, the PS-ASC4-44 ‘Persuader’(a PS copy of the Free Quebec Q4-44 “Drummer” Double-Barreled Shotgun) with its 40 rd drum), but is looking at other weapons as well.
Range: HALF the regular shotgun shell range
Damage: Equivalent to the number of rounds remaining in the drum.
Cost: Grenade-Drums currently cost 20% more than the standard ammunition drum, but PS expects to make the system standard with all ammunition drums issued in the GNE.
The fuzing cartridges cost 4 credits apiece; contact-plate and tripwire(with 18 ft monofilament line and attachment hook) fuzes cost 8 credits each
Last edited by taalismn on Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Those are some sweet weapons. We here at the Federated States are always interested in procuring new weapons. We'd like to pick up a few thousand of each of these weapons. And of course we'd also like to procure a license to produce a few of the PS weapons. Simply because they have a lot of uses with some of our connections.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Great...that will go towards financing R&D on some of our more advanced programs :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

We're glad to assist PS in growing even larger! Hopefully someday to come close to NE.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel PSIR-6 ‘Viper’ Ion Pulse Rifle
“Eat incandescent ion fury, you black-clad fascist toadies!!”

The PSIR-6 is an offshot descendant of the PSIP-2 ‘Smasher’, and incorporates many of the same features; light weight, large payload, and rugged construction. The Viper, however, is an ion weapon drawing inspiration from both Triax and Northern Gun designs, and adds additional power elements, at added cost, to make the energy pulses more powerful. Space-formed light metal alloys and ceramics lighten the weapon’s weight, so much that it can be comfortably used one-handed like a heavy pistol, or two-handed, for steadier aim. The Viper has a rugged, tubular bullpup construction, with a centrally mounted and balanced handgrip, underneath a scope and laser designator housing. The weapon comes standard with a targeting scope and cyberporting. What looks like the cylindrical buttstock of the weapon, jutting back over the wrist and forearm, is actually the E-clip/energy canister; the Viper was deliberately designed with the new GNE regenerating thermo-couple E-packs that have been recently introduced by PS, after extensive study and modification of the Northern Gun models. PS has made the RE-clip pack even lighter and more reliable, though its inclusion increases the cost of the weapon. In a pinch, the e-pack can be replaced by a conventional E-clip with a special clip-on housing; this is a more boxy and angular assembly, providing fewer overall shots. Only the Viper ‘s range keeps it from being adopted(at least in the forseeable future) as the standard weapon of the Vermont Free State armed forces, who are quite happy with the Maximus Laser Rifle, though its light weight and high firepower are endearing it to commando units, who find it even more practical than the PSIP-2 ‘Smasher’ or ‘Grease Gun’ currently in service.
The PSIR-6B is virtually identical to the ‘A’ model, except that the barrel assembly has been replaced with a longer, conical, one, with a smaller blast aperature for tighter beam focus and less attenuation underwater. The -6B was introduced for the Navy, who wanted a more precise, more durable, waterproof weapon for use by its Marines.
Date of Introduction: 111 PA.
Weight: 5 lbs
Range: 1,600 ft (1,000 ft underwater)
Damage: 5d6 MD single shot
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Regenerating E-clip Power Pack provides 42 shots, and regenerates 4 shots per hour. The buttstock powerpack can be swapped out and replaced with a fresh pack in an emergency, or the weapon payload can be supplemented with a side-feed conventional e-clip(which provides 16 shots)
Bonuses: Laser Targeting gives a +1 to strike on an aimed shot
Special Features:
*Laser Targeting--+1 to strike on an aimed shot
*Sliding Wire Stock
*Underbarrel Mounting Lug---Compatible with bayonets, light grenade/micromissile launchers, tazers, and other accessories.

*PSIR-6B (Naval version) has water/pressure-sealed assemblies, and neutral-bouyancy weighting in the casing. Underwater range is same as atmospheric range.
Cost: 22,000 credits

*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel clip-on that turns the PSIr-6 into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 400 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area. Cost: 6,000 credits

*Ion Step-Down Module---This barrel attachment, rather than increase range or power, actually ‘steps down’ the power of ion bolts into the SDC range, and modulates their effect, making the weapon in effect a ‘super-taser’(albeit it with flash-burns). An added power regulation chip allows the weapon to use less power in SDC mode. Switching between MD/SDC modes takes 2 actions. Popular with urban security and police units.
Range:(SDC shots) 600 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
Payload: One MD shot equals 10 SDC shots
Cost: 4,000 credits

PSIR-9 ‘Murchison’ Ion Rifle
(aka ‘Twenty-fiver’, ‘Lexer’, ‘Krakshot’, ‘Colonial’, ‘’Long-Zapper’)

“I like to keep my enemies as far from me as possible; preferably out of the range of their weapons while well within the range of MINE...and if it comes to close combat, I want them pig-stuck out of arms’ reach of me...So, yeah, I think I like this rifle.”

The PSIR-9 started as an attempt to adapt reverse-engineered alien technology to produce an inexpensive, long range, ion stream projection rifle, along the same lines as the ‘Partisan’ laser rifle.
The ‘Murchison’ resembles a futuristic imagining of an American Revolution-vintage flintlock long rifle, with its very long barrel, heavy buttstock, and simple triggerguard. The weapon has the longest range of any production ion rifle on Earth, but the long reach is balanced by its mediocre damage curve and inability to fire bursts. Despite PS efforts to adapt the weapon to use modifications similar to those of the ‘Smasher’-series of ion weapons, the Murchison cannot be so modified without reducing its great range(to 1/3) owing to the incompatibilities of the technologies.
However, the Murchison can be manufactured at low cost. It is also an extremely robust weapon that can handle a great deal of field abuse and still keep working; the sealed tube design prevents the infiltration of dirt, making maintenance quite easy. While its long barrel makes it somewhat awkward to handle, especially in close quarters, the Murchison has found favor with small-statured users who appreciate the pike-like length (52 inches long) of the weapon, especially with a bayonet attached. Its large buttstock also makes for a hefty club in melee combat. The power draw system on the inner workings of the rifle is also very efficient, being able to squeeze out slightly more energy from standard e-clips than many contemporary designs.
The weapon gives a distinctive ‘KRAK!’ sound when fired, and a lightning-like muzzle flash(this makes it a poor choice for night fighting).
The Murchison(named for a GNE militiaman who died in the defense of New Boston against Splugorth marauders) has thus far done well in sales to community defense forces and police sniper units. It has proven somewhat less popular with regular military personnel and adventurers, what with the current trend towards pulse weapons.
Weight: 13 lbs (52 inches long)
Range: 2,500 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per shot; cannot fire bursts
Rate of Fire: single shot, ECHH
Payload: 20 with a standard e-clip, 35 with a long e-clip
Special Features:
*Underbarrel Bayonet Lug
*Laser Spot Sight---+1 to strike on an aimed shot
Cost: 20,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice! I think we'd like to pick up some of these for the Federated States. We'd like to purchase several hundred crates of them.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

We'll include plenty of bubblewrap

Remember, folks...if you don't have eggshells or scallop shells, bubblewrap makes a great anti-ninja defense....if you hear that popping noise, you know somebody's walking where they ain't...Actually, though, given the cruel and insane training most ninja go through, at the expense of a happy childhood, most ninja, even if they spot the obvious bubblewrap flor trap, can't resist picking the stuff up and popping it fro the sheer fun of it...
Yeah, sucks to be a ninja...They never let you steal the good stuff, like Xboxes..."Move like the wind, work like a dog..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Grenser’ Hover-APC
(aka ‘HoverBrick’, ‘Slider’)

“Helluva of a dust-up there in Littertown when the gangs started going all-out on each other. Fortunately, the Major ordered us in early to evac the hospital and pulled us out quick as soon as we’d loaded, ‘cause with all the fire flying, the Grensers just didn’t have the staying power to stop the escalation. Between the smoke from burning buildings, dust in the streets, and smoke grenades popping left and right, the Sliders’ own fans were churning up a real mess...which was just as well, because them Juicer gangers were blind-firing RPGs left and right...That was almost worse than aimed fire, and even a snapshoted shaped charge grenade can plow through the side of a Slider...Of course, all that muck in the air meant we couldn’t see too well either...lot of buildings got rammed and quite a few of the rioters got run over, but seeing nobody in that furball was exactly what we’d considered a ‘friendly’ , I don’t see that was a bad thing...”

The Grenser was developed to meet the need for a small, fast, inexpensive hover-transport for import, putting it in the same class of affordable vehicles as the PS Jeep Warrior, Greyhound, Wolfhound, and Colter Rover.
Often (unfavorably) compared to the pre-Rifts ‘Kumpfelwagen’ or the slab-sided corrugated-construction VW ‘Thing’, the Grenser is based on the frame of the venerable M113 APC. The treads and underchassis have been replaced with two sets of hover-lift fans set partially under the main hull, and the intakes protected by slanting armored screen-chutes on the hull sides. The slight added slope to the sides also adds some extra protective value to the walls of the main hull. Standard armament is one or two remote-control pintle-mount light guns on the roof.
The Grenser(named for a bull-like animal of Ogre legend) possesses only modest armor, isn’t particularly fast, and isn’t all that agile, but Paladin Steel is able to manufacture them cheaply and quickly, and ship them out in quantity. In the GNE, the Grenser is rarely used by the GNE Armed Services, and then usually only as a garrison support vehicle, artillery platform, or rear-echelon transport, but the civilian version of the vehicle is becoming quite common in the civilian sector, especially in towns and communities closer to the less-secure borders. A number have been fitted out as armored ambulances, for instance, operating in hazardous areas such as gang free-fire zones. The Grenser is becoming quite popular with GNE satellites, affiliated nations, mercenaries, and merchants.
Type: PS-GEV-APC-113
Class: Armored Personnel Carrier, Ground Effect Vehicle
Crew: 2+11 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 175
Hover Units(4x2) 45 each
Height: 1.85 m
Width: 3.686 m
Length: 4.863 m
Weight: 10,050 kg
Cargo: 1,200 kg
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(220 mile range), Electric(290 mile range), or Micro-Nuclear w/ 15 year energy life.
Speed: (Hover) 75 MPH, 2-4 ft off the ground
(Water) The Grenser CAN skim over the surface of small bodies of water, such as lakes and streams, but must rev its engines to maximum; and even then it fairly wallows in a cloud of spray at a clumsy 20 MPH. The best it can manage is Sea State 4; anything greater, and the APC flounders.
Market Cost: 90,000 credits for basic vehicle, 120,000 credits for electric, 1 million credits for nuclear.
Systems of Note:
*Standard Vehicle/Power Armor Systems, plus:

*Vision Periscopes w/ Low-lite/IR optics

Weapons Systems: None standard, but most users will opt for at least a pintle-mounted light rail gun or energy rifle, and 1-2 smoke launchers(see Options/Variants)

*Applique Armor
Light: +80 MDC main body. Cost: 160,000 credits
Medium:+150 MDC main body. Cost: 280,000 credits
Heavy: +200 MDC main body. Cost: 360,000 credits

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage
----Cost: +1 million credits

*Fletchette Packs----Located around the hull are special ‘reactive armor’ panels that can be also be triggered as anti-personnel grenades.This is one of several similar systems currently in service/under development by PS.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the computerized firing system acts as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the tank takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the tank must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the tank, they can target a spot on the hull which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each side of the APC(sides, front, back) can be fitted with 10 fletchette packs each(40 total)
Cost: 200 credits per fletchette pack

* Smoke Mortars---Mountable gas grenade launchers for providing covering smoke. 1-4 clusters are typically mounted.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: None, smoke(chemical agents such as tear gas can be substituted) in 10 ft radius.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, 4, or 6
Payload: 6 smoke grenades per launcher, 12 total
Cost: 3,500 credits for the launchers

*Chaff/Flare Launchers---For those of you afraid of eating a missile from your friendly Coalition Highway Patrol....
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is nuetralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,500 credits for the launchers

*EM Jammers---Great for blasting through radar traps. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Effective range of 500 ft
Cost: 50,000 credits

*Gunports---Use your own handweapons to blast away at the bad guys outside, without compromising your own safety and the vehicle’s environmental integrity, with these special gunports with one-way locks(they let you shoot out, but keep the outside from getting in). Gunports impose a -1 to strike because of the limited field of fire. Heavy Weapons CANNOT fit in the gunports.
Cost: 1,000 credits each

*Sensor Cluster--Small sensor dish on a turntable
MDC: 25
Sensors: Mini-Radar--5 mile range
Motion Detector--200 ft range
Laser Illuminator-----3 mile range, Designates targets for laser-guided munitions/weapons
Laser targeting System(+1 to strike)
Cost: 12,000 credits

*NBC Sensor System Cluster---Small compact mini-lab pod that has the following:
---Geiger Counter---Detects radiation, type, and levels.
---Molecular Analyzer---A flow-through air sampler that tests for various common airborne contaminants and toxins, and determines air quality.
---Pathogen Screener---Another air sampler that looks for dust particles and spores, and the enyzme/molecular interactions of organic pathogens
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Anti-Tank Missile Launcher---6-Pack Smart Missile Launcher
Range: 1 mile,
Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD,
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 6,
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Cost: 90,000 Cr, missiles cost 600 credits each

Like its inspiration, the M113 APC, the Grenser has been adapted to a wide variety of purposes, most taking advantage of its large interior space to fit the machine out as an artillery platform or light assault vehicle. Using the central compartment for mounting heavy weaponry means, however, that the environmental compartmentalization is compromised, so in hazardous environs, the gun crews are advised to wear EBA or some sort of respiratory protection.

*GEV-APC-113MC120--This version is fitted to carry a 120mm mortar. The PS-120-109 mortar can fire a 15-lb standard shell-bomb or a heavier 27-lb shell.
Range:(Standard Shell) 8,900 yards
(Heavy Shell)7,100 yards
Damage:(Standard Shell) Fragmentation: 3d6 MD to a 30 ft blast radius
High Explosive: 6d6 MD to a 12 ft blast radius
Plasma: 1d6x10 MD to an 18 ft blast radius
(Heavy Shell)Fragmentation: 4d6 MD to a 35 ft blast radius
High Explosive: 1d6x10 MD to a 20 ft blast radius
Plasma: 2d6x10 MD to 35 ft radius
Rate of Fire: 1-2 shots per melee
Payload: Stowage space for 50 rds

*GEV-APC-113AAC-30----Twin Rapid Fire Flak Cannon Carrier------Adds an advanced fire control system and targeting radar to convert the tank into an anti-aircraft AAA vehicle. Copied from the Triax TX-862FC system, modified with a Paladin Steel ‘Skywatcher’ radar system, and sporting a larger ammunition payload.
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD per six-shot rapid fire burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Two(2) 600-rd drums, total of 1,200 rds
Sensor Bonuses: +2 to strike on automatic(5 attacks per melee)
+3 to strike if operated manually
Target Acquisition/Fire Control Radar: 50 mile range
Cost: 5 million credits(expect to pay for all that automation and fire control!)

*LBT-113B----An experiment in producing a light assault vehicle. The LBT-113 mounts maximum armor cladding, a reinforced turret placed well forward with a 35mm cannon, and two rear-deck autofiring breech-loading mortars.
Crew: 7(driver, radio operator, turret gunner, 4 mortar operators/gunners)+2 passengers
Main Body 400
35mm Cannon Turret 120
1)35mm cannon(1)---Small M3-pattern turret with 360-degree rotation.
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to a 10 ft blast radius, 2d6x10 MD to a 30 ft blast radius per 10 rd burst.
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 4d6 MD single shot, 3d6x10+10 MD per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 178 rds

2) 52mm Mortars(2)---These are modified versions of the PSM811 ‘Gunther’ 52mm Infantry Mortar, modified for auto-loading clip-fed operation. They come standard with gyrostabilization, and typically set to fire on a forward arc of the APC.
Range: 6,500 ft (over a mile!)
Damage: (PSX-II High Explosive) 2d4x10 MD to 20 ft blast radius. Cost per shell: 800 credits
(Fragmentation) 6d6 MD to 50 ft blast radius. Cost per shell: 600 credits
(Incendiary) 4d6 MD to 30 ft blast radius, does an additional 1d4 MD for 1d6 melees, plus 80% chance of setting combustible materials aflame. Cost per shell: 700 credits
(Armor-Piercing Self-Forging)----This is a new experimental special shell that contains a micro-sensor and dual-charge system. The disc-shaped warhead is ‘frisbeed’ to high altitude(800 ft), then scans for target-profiles with its micro-sensor. When it spots a likely target profile(thermal or optical outline)(the limited size and complexity of the micro-sensor severely limits its targeting ability to a total of 6 targets...fortunately, the profile-database can be changed easily enough by inserting a new chip into the fusing assembly before loading), the warhead fires downwards, the material of the ‘discus’ deforming into a narrow, pointed, high-penetration needle well-suited for penetrating armor. Does 3d6x10 MD; no blast radius.
Note: This munition does NOT suffer from the indirect fire penalty; roll to strike as normal, but without bonuses. PS is working on a micro-guidance system that would allow these munnitions to home in on laser-’painted’ targets, as via a forward well as better target discrimination(the current model has a tendancy to be distracted by flaming wrecks in the vicinity of the ‘live’ target. Cost per shell: 4,000 credits
(Plasma) 2d6x10 MD to 10 ft blast radius. Cost per shell: 3,000 credits
(Smoke/Chemical) Varies by chemical type. Typically covers a 20 ft area. Basic smoke shells cost 100 credits apiece
(Illumination) Fires a high altitude illumination flare that burns blightly for. The flare also has a 40% chance of decoying/confusing heat-seeking sensors/weapons systems. Cost per shell: 500 credits
(Sensor Decoys) The mortar can also fire special lightweight thermal-emission decoys for confusing sensors into thinking there are ground troops where there are none....To further the confusion, the spheroid decoy will randomly extend springloaded ‘legs’ that move the decoy about in 5-10 ft leaps, giving the impression of moving troops. Internal mini-batteries last for 30 minutes. A small acid-capsule or self-destruct anti-tampering charge may also be attached to prevent the decoy from falling into enemy hands. Cost per shell: 700 credits
Noisemaker decoys are similar, but they emitt random amplified ‘soldier noises’...footfalls, clinking of weapons, gunshots, muffled voices, etc., but are otherwise similar to the thermal-decoys. Cost per shell: 400 credits

TW Warheads
One of Paladin Steel West’s refinements to TW armaments was the use of specially-treated cracked crystal quartz and quartzite in expendable TW munitions. The ability of to use lower-quality flawed crystalline materials meant that self-destructing ‘one-shot’ TW weapons could be produced much more cheaply, and thus in bulk, while reserving higher-quality materials for superior TW creations.

(TW Sandstorm)-----Creates a sudden sandstorm that lasts 5 minutes, covering a 100 ft area. People trapped inside it will find visibility cut down to 3 ft, hearing is reduced by HALF, speed by 75%, lose initiative, 2 APM, and -5 strike, parry, and dodge. The scouring sand does 1d4 SDC per melee. Even robot vehicles will find their sensors, including radar, bolluxed by the flying grit. Cost per shell: 4,000 credits
(TW Chasm)---Opens up a chasm 160 ft long, by 80 ft wide, by 80 ft deep, that remains open for up to 40 minutes. Objects falling in take 2d6 SDC per every 20 ft of depth. At the end of the spell, the chasm belches everything up to the surface as if they’d never fallen(in other words, they don’t get crushed by the closing fissure). CANNOT be used against buildings. Cost per shell: 7,000 credits
(TW Lava Pool)----Creates a pool or lane of lava 60 ft long. 10 ft wide, 10 ft deep. Objects caught in this pool take 2d6x10 MD per melee. Cost per shell: 9,000 credits
(TW Air Burst)---Sets loose a Whirlwind that does 2d6+2 MD to everything caught up in its 20 ft wide funnel. The Whirlwind tracks randomly about a 300 ft area for 2d4 melees before disipating. Cost per shell: 8,000 credits
(TW Storm Shell)---Essentially a longer-ranged version of the TW anti-vampireStormflare. Effects are the same.Cost per shell: 3,000 credits
(TW SunBomb)---A more powerful version of the Globe of Daylight Flare, only this version is powerful enough to inflict flashburns on vampires! Does 6d6 HP per melee for 3d6 melees to a 50 ft radius. Cost per shell: 2,000 credits

Rate of Fire: Clip-fed; can fire up to 5 rds per melee; replacing a clip takes 2 APMs
Payload: 5-shot clip.Typically 70 rounds are carried ready to go.
Bonuses/Penalties:(Optional)(Rifts South America 2 has no rules for the Arkhon’s Mortar Packs’ inaccuracy, but for diehard artillery buffs, figure on 50% chance of hitting moving targets, 75% chance of hitting stationary targets withing 2,200 ft range, or 50% chance out beyond that. 50% of shells will fall within a ‘footprint’ or ‘box’ 131 ft long by 70 ft wide.
Using a PS ‘Battleman’ battle remote computer and fire control linkage will give a +10% to hit probability, and having a forward observer with direct line of sight on the target will give another +10%

3) Gunports(4)---The LBT-113B has four gun ports for the rear compartment guncrew to fire out the sides using long arms. Due to the limited arc of fire through the ports, there is a -1 to strike. However, the gunners can typically link energy rifles to a larger semi-portable power supply next to the gunports, for greater payload/shot capacity, or, if the vehicle is nuclear-powered, plug directly into the main power supply.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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5 days without internet.

You have posted some nice stuff.
More please!
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Mega-Flex Sheeting

“ARGH!!! What -IS- this crap!!??!! Walls aren’t supposed to stick like this!!! Hey, what do you think you’re doing?! You’re supposed to stand there awestruck after I slice through the wall, and let yourselves get disemboweled! Running away while I’m stuck trying to get this crud off my claws isn’t sporting at all!!!”
-----Vimanex the Vicious(aka ‘Vimanex the Verbose’), LIghtning Dragon, after attacking the MegaFlex-reinforced accommodations of the 8th Scout Platoon, GNE Regular Army.

Mega-Flex is a revival of a pre-Rifts line of building reinforcement kits marketed under the name X-Flex, which consisted of sheets of bullet-proof plastic with a super-strong adhesive bonding agent on one side. The sheets could be cut to cover an area of wall, the backing peeled off, and the sheets stuck in place to offer a measure of protection against wall-penetrating small arms fire, concussions from explosions, and shrapnel. Paladin Steel has re-introduced the concept, with the use of megadamage lightweight plastics and composites, and stronger adhesives. This allows SDC structures to be quickly given an inner layer of partial MDC protection; ideal for reinforcing temporary posts and non-military structures without obviously fortifying them externally.
Mega-Flex offers little resistance to sustained MD damage, so it can be easily cut with a laser cutter or vibroblade, but it does offer protection against small arms fire and explosions. It is particularly useful for stopping shrapnel(including ‘spalding’ from metal and concrete barriers) and damping concussions from proximity explosives.
Mega-Flex doesn’t offer load-bearing structural reinforcement(so applying it to a building won’t prevent it from collapsing in the event, say, a dragon lands on the roof), but it will save the occupants from mortar fire and sniping. It also defeats thru-wall thermal-imaging optics and similar sensor systems, reducing their effectiveness by 60%.
PS provides a solvent that can safely detach the sheeting from a wall, allowing it to be reused, as well as additional adhesive for the purpose.
Weight: 5 lbs per square yard.
Comes in sheets 3 ftx3ft by 1/3 inch thick
MDC: 20 per square yard. Due to its fiberous construction, shrapnel, concussion, and physical blows(kicks/punches, rams) do HALF damage to the material(rail guns and other projectiles do normal damage).
Cost: 900 credits per square yard
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Awesome new gear. We here in the Federated States would like to purchase both of these latest creations.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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And how many acres of MegaFlex shall be in the initial order? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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I think we were going to order a conservative amount of something like 100,000 square yards. At least initially.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Will ship as soon as the check clears...
What (regional/interdimensional) bank do you use?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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How about some slime bombs/rockets?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abe wrote:How about some slime bombs/rockets?

I'll have some ships by tonight....slime bombs and biotech to come later...Been a busy few days for me(work and doing taxes)..
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Here's another idea-superman armor that actually allows you to fly, & hyper moon shoes that allow you to go 7 miles on a bounce! :bandit:
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel Storm Skimmer Fast Frigate
(Based on a cover painting for an old Naval Institute Proceedings magazine, circa 1967)

Drill Sergeant: “Okay, recruit, look at that field over there....suppose you were on patrol and saw an enemy soldier running towards you with his rifle pointing at you?”
Recruit: “I’d use my own rifle and shoot him before he could get me, sir!”
Drill Sergeant: “And suppose you saw an enemy jeep at the end of the field coming towards you?”
Recruit: “I’d use my grenade launcher to pop it until I could grab some cover, sir!”
Drill Sergeant:”And suppose you saw a battleship heading across the field towards you....what would you do then, recruit?”
Recruit: “Why, I’d grab a torpedo and sink it, sir!”
Drill Sergeant: “And just where the hell would you get a torpedo from, recruit?!”
Recruit: “Same place you got that damn battleship, sir!”

For over ten years, the Storm Skimmer had been the queen of the PS naval effort, the largest vessel they had built prior to the Faragut and Foss-class vessels. However, it had been falling along the wayside in favor of less expensive, conventional designs. With the recent major changes in the balance of power in the Atlantic, however, PS saw good reason to return to the fast and powerful Storm Skimmer, and has recently performed a Block II overhaul and modification of the design to bring it up to date.
The Storm Skimmer is a mammoth Ground Effect Vehicle the size of a small destroyer(Oliver Hazard Perry class) with open water capabilities, and limited land capabilities. Unable to match the armament and armor of Coalition and Splugorth vessels, the Storm Skimmer is designed to be a compromise of armaments, armor, and electronics, making for a good multipurpose vessel, but is designed to have an incredible turn of speed, the better to outmaneuver and outrun opponents. The Storm Skimmer essentially uses powered fan-ducts to pipe air underneath the contoured hull at speed, allowing the ship to hydroplane over the surface of the water on a thin film of air. On land, the contoured hull is less effective, but the vessel is designed with heavy plasticized “skirts” that can be deployed to form a crude plenum(hovercraft) chamber, maintaining enough air pressure to lift the enormous craft into GEV mode. Thus, the massive vessel can heave itself over sand bars, waterway obstacles, and up shores. In the days before Paladin Steel had secured a salt water ocean port for access, this was regarded as an interim measure to get their naval programme going; the ACVs would either charge overland through cleared lanes to the sea or race down river over sand bars and other obstacles.
The Block II modification and construction program currently underway is intended to substantially upgrade the class with newer technologies made available through the GNE alliance. Among the most evident changes is an upgrade in the armor protection through the substitution of the original armor with more advanced materials, effectively tripling the protective values. The electronics have been totally overhauled, and a more sophisticated EW suite added. The weapons fit has been altered; the original point defense armaments have been replaced with more powerful and space-efficient chain gun installations. In this form, the Storm Skimmer is expected to soldier on for another decade or so of service while more advanced Miami-class ships take over its role. The Storm Skimmer is also frequently appearing as the command vessel of flotillas of Tyan-, Thorne-, and Skuld-class vessels, especially in maritime raiding and interdiction operations.

Class: Planar Hull Surface Skimmer Fast Frigate
Note: Piloting one of these craft requires the skills Pilot Warships and Pilot Hovercraft, to best be able to handle the vessel in GEV mode(tends to slide thru turns). -20% to piloting skill to anyone NOT possessing both these skills.
Crew: 120 plus 40-60 troops(most have whom will be in power armor)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 3,000
Flight Deck 600
Bridge 600
Particle Beam Cannon Turrets(2) 250 each
Phalanx Gun Turrets(2) 200 each
Rail Gun Turrets(6) 100 each
Medium Range Missile Turrets(2) 200 each

Height: 40 ft
Width: 90 ft
Length: 300 ft
Weight: 5,000 tons
Cargo: 150 tons of extraneous cargo
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 15 year energy life
Speed:(Water) 30 MPH w/ a 18 ft draught(hull under the waterline)
w/ GEV/Wave Skimmer drive engaged the Storm Skimmer can hit speeds of 100 MPH! Max altitude 6 ft.
(Land): 30 MPH, 3-5 ft off the ground, but the ground must be relatively clear, flat, and level(no more than a 15 degree incline). Moving overland kicks up a lot of debris and noise.

Market Cost: 62 million credits

Standard Shipboard Systems, plus:

Radar----400 mile range, track/ID 100 targets at once(future buyers may want to upgrade this system)
Sonar-----500 mile range
When traveling at 60+ MPH, the sonar is effectively useless(-30% to Read Sensory Instruments skill to read the sonar display), because the skimmer drive and air cushion provide too much interference.
Radio/Laser Communications---600 mile range
*EW Jamming Systems: Affects a 25 mile radius and are 75% effective at jamming radar and radio. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike the jammer-protected vessel.
*ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 35% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*ORACLE---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). PS hopes to upgrade the system to allow for over-the-horizon and remote-viewing advanced early warning capabilities. The ORACLE Mrk II is currently being retrofitted to most ships-of-the-line of the VFSN/GNEN.
Effective Range: 4,000 ft radius of detection.

Weapons Systems:
1)Medium Range Missile Launchers(2)---These remain unchanged from the original design, except that the electronics and variety of available munitions have been improved.
Range: Varies
Damage: Varies(typically 40 miles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 8
Payload: 16 missiles total, 8 per launcher. Can reload from below decks in 4 melees(1 minute) via auto-reloading rails. Has 160 missiles in stowage.

2) Phalanx Gun Turrets (2)---Dedicated projectile PDS turrets operating on the common principle of hurling as much metal downrange at an oncoming enemy; Skimmers have been fitted with the following weapons:
Radar Targeting Bonus: +3 to strike

a)40mm Autocannon
Range: 2.6 miles
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to 15 ft blast radius
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 5d6 MD single shot
(High Explosive Tracer) 4d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 444 rounds

b)Twin 20mm Six-Barrel Super Vulcan Cannons(2)---These weapons are turntable-mounted with a full 360-degree rotation and 60m degree elevation.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage:(Proximity-fuzed High-Explosive) 4d4 MD single shot (2 ft blast radius)
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
6d6x10 MD for a 40 rd burst(takes THREE attacks and is -3 to strike targets smaller than 20 ft long)
(DOUBLE the above damage figures for synchronized firing from BOTH guns; so a three-melee-action superburst does a whooping 1d6x100 MD!)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 4,000 rd drum each gun
Note: The shipboard version of this weapon has been improved with superior cooling systems, so it lacks the jamming problem of the original towed ground defense unit.

3) PS-L-CIWS Vulcan Chain Guns(aka “Button Guns”)(6)---The original NG-202-patterned point-defense rail guns aboard the StormSkimmer have been replaced by the more compact PS-L-CIWS Vulcan. The system is a very compact and neat installation that takes up little space, and has been compared to the pre-Rifts Russian ADMG-630 30mm Gatling CIWS that saw extensive service aboard Russian warships. The PS-L-CIWS is often called the “Button Gun” because of its squat, flattened dome-like turret.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst(can only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH; as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, the “Button Gun” has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Payload:8,000 rd drum(200 bursts)

4) Particle Beam Cannon(2)
Forward-deck turret-mounted energy weapons for dealing with larger opponents
Range: 12,000 ft
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Up to 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Medium Torpedo Tubes(2x3)----These are side-mounted triple-tube mounts(copies of pre-Rifts Mk 32 launchers)
Range: 10 miles
Damage: 3d6x10 MD(HE) or 4d6x10 MD (plasma)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2, or 3
Payload: 6. 3 each side. Reloading takes 4 melees(1 minute). Typically has 24 torpedoes in stowage

6)Depth Charge Launchers(2)---The Storm Skimmer has two depth charge launchers astern behind concealed partitions. The launchers can pneumatically fire the depth charges away from the vessel, the better to establish a pattern.
Range/Depth: Can be projected 1000 ft w/ max depth of 2 miles
Damage: 2d4 x10 MD to 100 ft radius, 4d6 MD to an additional 30 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1 or 2 three times per melee
Payload: 40 depth charges, 20 per launcher

Auxiliary Craft: The Storm Skimmer has a flight deck and hangar space for 6 large helicopters(or PS’s own Osprey II Tilt Rotors) or VTOL aircraft.
Also carries 4 Polyphemus Sub-Crawlers, Triphibians, or mini-subs.
20-40 power armor are also intended as standard complement.
Provision is also made to carry 1-6 drone vehicles and their support equipment, such as robo-subs, or UAVs, as they become available
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel Storm Skimmer Fast Frigate
(Based on a cover painting for an old Naval Institute Proceedings magazine, circa 1967)

Nice sea going Hovercraftship.
Someone will be taking that Magazine to the library to have it's cover scanned, right?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:How about some slime bombs/rockets?

What properties do you have in mind for the slime?
Just obscuring gook? Stickiness? Something else?

Maybe something like...


“HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU BANDITS DOING HERE!!!!??? STOP ATEEEEYYYYAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(**SLAM**)...googgg...(creak....creakcreakcrekcrekcrekcrekcrek)Huh?(crekCREKCREK)...oh ****...(#BAM#)”
“That looked...painful...”
“Shut up and slide that other crate over here...Flatboy there just moved up the timetable of our op. Move it!”
---Suit recorder transcript #67302-c101, Kingsdale Theatre of Operations, September 1st Material Raid on Coalition Supply Depot A-12(Whykin).

Slipspray is a liquid lubricant that is the opposite of PS’s mega-damage ‘goop’ and ‘gloop’. Slipspray, also known as ‘liquid whoopee’ and ‘slider’, creates a nearly frictionless mono-molecular layer on whatever surface it’s sprayed on. Anything placed or travelling across the treated surface will find itself slipping and slidding.
A single application(a tablespoon) will cover nearly four square feet.
Slipspray is very nearly water-resistant----it takes ALOT of water, roughly 20-50 gallons, to wash away an ounce of slipspray---or regular industrial solvents will do the trick. Slipspray breaks down after 1d4 hours of exposure to air.
Slipspray is typically used to oil vehicle and heavy machinery components, but it has quickly found use with security and special forces. It’s also ideal for criminal activities, lubricating balky doors and locks(+5% to Pick Locks rolls when dealing with simple mechanical locks). Since its introduction to the civilian and military markets alike, it has been used in a variety of practical jokes from the tactless to the truly spectacular.
Effects: Anyone trying to move across slipspray must make a roll under their Physical Prowess at -8 or go out of control at full speed. Vehicles, power armors, and light robot vehicles travelling across sufficently large patches of slipspray will be at -15% to their piloting rolls..failure means the vehicel goes out of control and takes on the chaarcteristics of a giant hockey puck. Depending on the hardness of the surface(must be a hard surface, not a permeable surface like dirt or gravel), certain heavy vehicles and robots(like the Behemoth Explorer) will be unaffected, as they simply stomp the affected surface into the subterrean. Hovercraft are NOT affected either.
Cost: 40 credits a tube(12 appications)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Some very nice products. We'll be pruchasing them. Our Bank is Altess National bank located on Center in Phase World. I think that should good enough! Account numbers encrypted in the .
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Some very nice products. We'll be pruchasing them. Our Bank is Altess National bank located on Center in Phase World. I think that should good enough! Account numbers encrypted in the .

That will do just fine for now... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

LMAO!!! Now that is funny! Hopefully we'll get some new gear soon!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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(My thanks to Raven for letting me use his grav-packs; this has always been one of my favorite postings... :D )

One of the great deals that Paladin Steel made with its corporate allies was the one made with Kera-Tech, particularly licensing rights to the KT-IBP-1 Jump Pack, an anti-gravity leap-assist/flight pack with accessory expert systems that turned an infantryman into a super-mobile fighter. The units quickly became a favorite of the GNE Rapid Response Forces, especially in the hilly terrain of New England, and the Airborne forces, becoming standard equipment of the paratroopers. With the ability to move swifty and quietly over rough terrain, able to carry the overburden of a warrior’s equipment, and providing extra sensor capabilities and even automatic defensive fire, the KT-IBP-1 is an all-in-one infantry fighting system. Naturally, it became the basis of a series of specialized variants in the hands of Paladin Steel engineers, who sought to improve on the design for various special missions, without diminishing the basic strengths of the original Jump Pack.

KT/PS ISP-2 Infantry Sensor Pack
(Original KT-IBP-1 and stats courtesy of the Raven)

“The Ee-Es-Pee Two or ‘Snooper’ as we call it is one impressive you wrap around sensory capabilities, wide-spectrum data inflow, and easy-to-edit feeds, so you don’t get overwhelmed by alot of unnecessary gobbledy-gook on your helmet HUD. The whole thing’s packed into a heavy-duty megadamage no-corrode plastic pack that’s insulated and cushioned to take a helluva beating--you wouldn’t believe how many millions in electronics the test-apes busted in trials to get to this point---This thing has better sensors than a Pathfinder, and is a pointman’s delight!
Make no mistake, though, I don’t ever believe that the Snooper will, or should, ever replace the all-important brain and senses of the person wearing it....No matter how brilliant the hardware, if the dumbass using it isn’t aware of its limitations and works around them, he’s as dead as if he were blindfolded, gagged, and deaf...”
---Major Reginald Bunco, 5th California Jump Infantry Brigade.

“Tell me again why the heck we’re running around this field in the dark with the Sensor Pack?”
“Because I lost Kathy’s ring, that’s why! I’m a dead man if I don’t have it tonight! Now check those MAD readings again, it’s gotta be here somewhere!”
“Great, eight hundred kay tactical sensor system, and we’re using it to find lost jewelry...What next, hunting for loose change?”
“Shut up...”

The KT-ISP-2 is a special sensor-equipped version of Kera-Tech’s breakthrough KT-IBP-1 Infantry Battlepack “Jumper”. The ISP-2 was developed at the behest of Paladin Steel and the Vermont Free State, the biggest users of the Battlepack series outside the CTE(with their own version of the Paratrooper OCC; the standard-issue EBA of the VFS Regular Army comes equipped to accommodate Jump-Packs). Under the requirements of their Scrier Initiative, PS wanted to co-develop infantry-portable sensor systems that could stand up to the rigors of battlefield abuse, and still function reliably, a must for combat in the varigated terrain of New England, where the folds in the terrain rendered vehicle sensors less than effective. Kera-Tech, already turning an eye to similar problems in the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain regions, agreed.
The ISP-2 resembles the standard IBP-1 in that it is a compact, contra-gravity-propelled, micro-fusor-powered one-man lift vehicle, intended to carry a single infantryman and his equipment across the battlefield.. However, in place of the two weapons fitouts, the ISP-2 mounts two sensor turrets. The onboard sensor suite of the IBP-1, already impressive, has been substantially beefed up, with the addition of extra systems, and an onboard micro-chip Artificial Intelligence system. This advanced expert system is programmed to make the most efficient, effective, and relevant spot anaylsis of gathered information, grade it according to programmable parameters of threat/mission imperatives, then present the findings to the pack operator thru an HUD or direct-neural feed. This has led to the pack sometimes being called the ‘Cereberus’ or ‘Fido’ for its ‘double-headed’ ‘watchdog’ functions.
The ISP-2 also has a basic EW function, being able to scramble and jam enemy transmissions, though with nowhere near the efficiency of a dedicated EW platform(it’s rumored that these will be remedied by the development of the EWP-3 and FCP-4).
The ISP-2 still retains its high speed and mobility, however, as well as its ability to act as a weapon power-source.
Type: ISP-2
Class: Specialized CG Pack(Uses Pilot CG Pack/Jetpack to for flight)
Date of Introduction: 109 PA
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location
Pack 60
Periscope 20
Sensor Turret 30
Main Body---Body Armor of the wearer
Height: 35.5 inches
Width: 18 inches( 36 inches with sensor turret fins fully deployed)
Length: 10.6 inches
Weight: 90 lbs
Cargo: In addition to the weight of the wearer, the pack can support up to 100kg(220 lbs) in flight. Note that the user can still use handheld weapons with ease. There is also a large pocket mounted on the bottom of the pack for storage.
Powerplant: KNC-10 Nuclear Power Cell w/ one year energy lifespan
Speed: 150 MPH with a maximum altitude of 500m(1640 ft). Can be dropped from 5km(3.2 miles) with complete control over the descent.
Cost:800,000 credits
Systems of Note:
*Mini-Radar -------12 mile range, track/ID 25 targets, can backtrack artillery and projectile fire.
*Lidar---Laser Scanner---A laser ‘radar’ that is unaffected by ECM jamming, but is limited by smoke and atmospheric conditions. 7 mile range
*Laser Rangefinder and Illuminator---’Paints’ or designates targets for assault with laser-guided weapons. 7 mile range
*Optics---InfraRed, Thermographic, Image-Enhance, Telescopic, Low-Light---2 mile range
*Optics Mast-3 ft extension
*Motion Detector---3,000 ft; can work through thin wood or plastic walls.
*Parabolic Microphone---Can pick up on normal conversation from 3500 ft away, and can pick up on low- and high-frequency sounds. .
*Seismic Sensors---Requires inserting a wired ground probe into the ground, or attach a ground contact plate to detect seismic events, or underground movement. Effective range: 9,000 ft. On metal surfaces/inside vessels, this system can allow the user to listen in on conversations and noises transmitted through the ducts and metal work.

*Magnetic Anomaly Detector/EM Probe---Can detect the presence of metal objects, magnetic fields, and electro-magnetic activity. Range: 2,000 ft

*Kirallian Scanner: Also called the "Fuzz Scanner" because the blurry
image-read-outs that the system gives. The Kirallian Scanner is an adaptation of the SNARLS system, in use in Japan. Paladin Steel has its own version, based off of early Lazlo Agency hardware designs for PPE scanners. This system is a combination
Range: 300 ft in a 120 degree arc. 50% effectiveness beyond that, out to 600 ft
Displays a percentile number indicating estimated degree of accuracy regarding ID readings, and can ID up to 2,500 various creatures, beings, and entities. Will clearly register high levels of PPE, and can detect the presence and location of invisible beings(with the exception of vampires in mist or animal form) after the first round of engagement(roll initiative normally after that).
See Rifts: Japan for more details.

*EW Suite---A fairly basic radio jammer that can jam civilian band radio communications with 70% efficiency, military communications with 50%. Range: 1 mile
*Combat Recorder---Records everything the sensors pick up; can be erased with the flip of a concealed switch(if destruction of the pack is not an option to keep information from falling into the wrong hands)
*Onboard Artificial Intelligence---The operator’s ‘second head’, this expert system is constant sifting through all the information flowing in, looking for patterns, so the ‘pack operator doesn’t become overwhelmed by data overload. This gives the ‘pack operator a +10% to Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls, and a +1 to initiative, and a +2 to dodge, for the first melee, if ambushed.

*E-Clip Recharger----Can charge one e-clip an hour, by tapping the ‘pack’s nuclear power cell

*Weapon Power Connector---Rather than use an E-clip, a handheld weapon can be hooked up directly to the power cell for effectively unlimited shots. Note that the Connector CANNOT be used at the same time as the E-clip Recharger.

Weapons Systems: None

Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel KT-IPXP-7 ‘Refresher’ Logistical Contra-Gravity Jump Pack
(Raven...don’t kill me...but it had to be done in my opinion)

“Hard left! (BOUNCE)Watch your flank, Grover!(BOUNCE)Malcolm! Incoming at five o’clock!(BOUNCE)(BOUNCE) Mazani, how are you holding? Is it powered up yet!?”
“(BOUNCE) Power level holding, sir! Temperature rising(BOUNCE)! It will be set to blow(BOUNCE) soon! Just give(BOUNCE) me a few more minutes! Three more!(BOUNCE) Sir!”
“You hold that power, Mazani!(BOUNCE)You hear that, apes? (BOUNCE) We set in three!(BOUNCE) Hold formation and keep Mazani covered!”
(BOUNCE)(BOUNCE) “Yo! You can count on us, sir!”
(BOUNCE)”We’ll be ready!”(BOUNCE)
“HOL---(BOUNCE)--Watch it! INCOMING!”
“MAZANI! What’s your status!?”
(BOUNCE)”I’m......Okay! Thanks, Hersh!”(BOUNCE)
“Almost there, sir! Almost there!”
(BOUNCE)”Chill out, Grover! Mazani’s okay! We’ll be set to go in one!”(BOUNCE)(BOUNCE)
“Brew’s up!”
Clinkclinkclinkclink”Alright, guys! Captain, here you go...two sugars, right?”
“ you a new ‘Star Trek’ mug...Grover? That’s with cinnamon, okay? Couldn’t find any veska root...Say when....”
“Oh, bliss...Klatchian White Mountain....”
“No cream for me, thank you, I gotta watch my diet...”
“Okay! Biscuits are ready!”
“Ye GODS! You’re too good to us..”
“And KEEP your f*****g heads down, ya germs! We’ll get to you when we’re good and ready!...NO appreciation for civilization!...Pass that Tri-Tops buttter, will you, please?”
“Sure thing, dude...napkin?”

“Never stand between a GNE Marine and a hot meal....those who try...die”
“Most beings get very upset when you stand between them and their meal..”
“Martha Stewart never had to dodge tactical nukes and serve up brownies at the same time----that’s the true test of grace under pressure.”
“A hungry soldier will eat anything, but only if it is properly prepared. If it is not, then the one responsible for food preparation is only helping the enemy through his negligence.”
“Finger sandwiches do NOT use real fingers---at least not in THIS army.”
“A little common courtesy, warm drink, good food, and fine china can calm a nervous recruit, energize a tired veteran, defuse a tense situation, and unwind a hostile prisoner. “
“Good soldiers win wars. Good cooks win hearts. The two are not mutually exclusive.”
“A little warm tea can keep cold death away.”
“Never underestimate the power of mustard...”
“Sighted Grub...Sank Same.”
---Words to Live By: sayings from the GNE Combat Cooking School Training Manual #14

A recent, and most welcome, addition to the Kera-Tech line of gravity-packs and universal military service logistics in the PanAmerican corporate alliance, is the KT-IPXP-7 ‘Refresher” CG-Pack, described as being a ‘PX in a backpack’ or a ‘flying yatai’. Recognizing that morale goes hand in hand with armor and armament as among the most important things a military formation can carry with it into combat, PS saw the incredible potential of Kera-Tech’s reliable CG-packs to provide for their infantry’s needs in a unique manner. One of the most important morale-building tools is food...well-fed troops have the energy to fight, and good cause to go on living and fighting for a high standard of living. While the average GNE military being is quite well fed, though, sometimes a constant diet of cold rations, and room temperature YumYumPacks just isn’t enough. To show that they truly care about the plight of the footsoldier who, hunkered down in a bunker or crawling through the kudzu, just wishes for a hot meal to remind him of why he’s doing all that, the GNE Joint Military Planning Staff authorized the development of the IPXP-7, a one-man mobile lunchwagon, taking comfort to the front lines where it’s most needed.
The IPXP-7 carries, in lieu of heavy weaponry, a highly compact set of food preservation, preparation, and serving equipment. The back is dominated by a massive samovar, looking like a highly decorated missile, that in reality hides a set of special water canisters, one a large hot water reservoir, the other a cleverly concealed coffee percolator. Both reservoirs are specially insulated and equipped for either piping hot or near freezing cold and ready to serve water. Special superconductive cooling coils and plasma induction heating coils insure that foodstuffs are quickly and safely cooled or heated. Next to the massive cistern is a small microwave oven on a swingout arm. On the other side is a similar arm, holding a small locker-sized refrigerator. Cargo space and holding racks are devoted to holding all manner of double-sealed foodstuffs, condiments, cooking utensils, spare mess kits, and other tools of the trade.
The IPXP-7 has met with the wholehearted approval of all of GNE’s military, who had the pack rushed into universal service. The Caffeine Fiends of The Zot gave it their shaky Thumbs Up, for ‘delivering a fine cup of java under the worst combat conditions, including orbital thermonuclear bombardment’, and PSW’s elite Homeguard units can’t get enough of them, especially now with coffee and cocoa flowing in trade from South America again(courtesy of The Zot and trade alliances with the Inca). Even the teetotalers of New England give it high marks for brewing up a fine cup of tea, that one can spike for added vitamins, not to just add flavor to dirty warm water.
Because of the specialized nature of the IPXP-7 and the dangers of preparing food badly for squads of exceedingly well-armed soldiers, the packs are trusted only to soldiers with proven cooking skills---typically specializing in a food-service MOS, in addition to their basic combat training. IPXP-7s are typically assigned one to a platoon, where possible, as part of their support elements.
With the success of the early models of the IPXP-7 using ‘mundane’ technology clearly showing the popularity and promise of the design premise, Paladin Steel decided to go it one further, and introduced their modified IPXP-7(TW), which further modifies the samovar and percolator with dimensional pockets(courtesy of TW engineering) for keeping separate quantities of liquids(water, hot beverages, juice, etc..). The freezer has also been modified to become a dimensional pocket TW ‘superspace’ for jamming in more capacity. The IPXP-7(TW) has proven just as successful, but is rather more expensive to produce, and many troops who disdain magic and TechnoWizardry will not go near anything that has been processed through one of these modified systems....though more often than not, at battle’s end, hunger and fatigue win out over prejudice, and most soldiers frankly don’t give a damn if their barbequed squab were heated over an electric coil or a mystic flame.
The IPXP-7 has the distinction of being one of the more ‘colorful’ pieces of military equipment in GNE service. Rather than the drab service-issue colors normally associated with the standardized grav-packs, the IPXP-7 is often individualized by unit and operator. The samovar cistern, in particular, is often a beautiful work of art, plated and chased in silver, and kept sparkling clean. While this may sometimes cause problems in camouflage situations, more often then not, the shining dome of the cistern is a welcome sight and rallying point to weary troops after, or even during, a battle. In fact, some units value their IPXP-7s and their talented food preparation technicians as zealously as they do combat medics...and there have been reports of units daring seemingly unbeatable odds to go back and rescue fallen cooks and their kits.
The IPXP-7 is not a replacement for a full-scale field mess, but it does provide a welcome measure of hospitality and quality-of-life to the grimy art of war.

Type: IPXP-7 and IPXP-7(TW)
Class: Specialized CG Pack(Uses Pilot CG Pack/Jetpack to for flight)
Date of Introduction: 109 PA
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location
Pack 60
Microwave 30
Refrigerator 30
Samovar Turret 40
Main Body---Body Armor of the wearer
Height: 35.5 inches
Width: 18 inches( 48 inches with oven and freezer armatures fully deployed)
Length: 1 ft
Weight: 90 lbs
Cargo: In addition to the weight of the wearer, the pack can support up to 100kg(220 lbs) in flight. Note that the user can still use handheld weapons with ease. There is also a large pocket mounted on the bottom of the pack for storage.
Powerplant: KNC-10 Nuclear Power Cell w/ one year energy lifespan
Speed: 150 MPH with a maximum altitude of 500m(1640 ft). Can be dropped from 5km(3.2 miles) with complete control over the descent.
Cost:400,000 credits for the IPXP-7, 500,000 credits for the IPXP-7(TW)
Systems of Note:
*Molecular Analyzer/Environmental Alarm Tester----Plug-in probe for doing a rough estimate of chemical composition, toxicity, and internal temperature Also acts as a geiger counter. Note: The detector cannot identify alien viruses/disease organisms(unless their density in the atmosphere triggers a mold alert), nor can it detect magical toxins. Can also tell if a spitted roast is done or not.

*Combat Recorder---Keeps records of what the operator is seeing/sensing, as well as keeps a running record of what they’re preparing..ideal for remembering what you did right...or what you accidently poisoned someone with....Some operators regularly wipe the recorder to keep others from learning their ‘secret recipes’.

*Onboard Computer Database---An interactive database computer, filled with information on cooking, food preservation, preparation, other species cuisine and likely food reactions/allergies, tips on cleaning up, and some common sense tips on identifying possible foodstuffs in the field. Also includes some basic information on toxicology and first aid, for dealing with common health problems in the dining area. +10% to Cooking skill

*Water Filter----The filter is 99% effective at removing dissolved metals and minerals, including some radioactives, but is only 75% effective at dealing with biological organisms(viruses, bacteria, and very small organisms).... boiling and germicide tablets are recommended for the hardier organisms.

*Samovar and Coffee Percolator---Has a large, insulated, water reservoir heated by a central heating element. The water tank can hold up to 20 gallons; coffee percolator capacity is six gallons. Both have anti-slosh baffles inside to keep the operator from being thrown around on the bounce by shifting liquid cargo.

*Freezer---A large, insulated, Igloo-Cooler style detachable cold box/freezer with about 2.5 cubic feet of space.

*Microwave Oven---Standard capacity microwave oven with a 1 ft x 9 inch x 9 inch interior. It is mounted on a swing-out, swing-forward armature that allows it to be brought up front of the wearer and programmed for use. It also has a weapons function(see below)

*Folding Stove/Oven---When there’s need and time, the cook can deploy this folding fabric oven, developed from recently-unearthed pre-Rifts pizza delivery technology. Made of heat-reflective plastic foil, with insert stiffeners, this tool can open up to a 5 ft square box. Special attachment points allow for a temperature-sealing cover, internal baking racks, and even a rotisserie spinner.

*Built-in Knife Sharpener---Works on daggers and swords as well.

*E-Clip Recharger----Can charge one e-clip an hour, by tapping the ‘pack’s nuclear power cell

*Weapon Power Connector---Rather than use an E-clip, a handheld weapon or appliance can be hooked up directly to the power cell for effectively unlimited shots/use. Note that the Connector CANNOT be used at the same time as the E-clip Recharger.

(IPXP-7 TW only)
*PPE Mini-Generator and Associated Battery---Keeps magic-powered systems operative, and provides an additional 100 PPE for special purposes. Recharges at 5 PPE per hour, 10PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus

*Variable Temperature Multi-Dimensional Pocket Cistern---Has five separate dimensional pockets for holding liquids---Each ‘pocket’ can hold up to 12 gallons of liquid(so a total of 60 gallons can be carried in out-of-phase suspension!). Special superconductive cooling coils and plasma induction heating coils insure that liquids are quickly and safely cooled or heated

* Multi-Dimensional Pocket Refrigerator---Looks no larger than a large toaster, but its dimensional pocket actually has about 6 cubic feet of space

*(Options) Replace the Refrigerator with TW Tuberware containers
-TW Meat Grinder---Uses the Stone to Flesh spell to convert rock , sand, and gravel to edible meat.

Weapons Systems:
1) Steam Cannon----The steam release vent on the samovar can be used in conjunction with the plasma induction coils to spray superheated steam(normally used for cleaning and sanitizing pots and pans) as a weapon.
Range: 60 ft
Damage: Does 4d6 SDC live steam damage, and those not protected by environmental body armor or helmet are -9 to strike, parry, and dodge. Vehicle sensor systems are cut in range and effectiveness by HALF.
If spraying simply hot water, rather than live steam, the cannon does 1d4x10 HP to vampires
(“Care for some garlic with your tea, Dracie?”)
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: Conditionally unlimited; a blast uses about a quart of liquid from the reservoirs. So a single dimensional pocket(TW) has enough for 48 shots

2) Microwave Projector--The microwave oven can be flipped around and used as a short-range microwave cannon.
Note that there are three separate safety catches(a flip switch, a codepad, and a crank dial) to turn it to its external lethal setting, in order to prevent accidental cooking of some poor recruit waiting for his whinnyburger.
Range: 500 ft, 15 ft area of effect
Damage: 3d6 SDC or 1d4 MD
Does 1d6 SDC through EBA, metal power armors and robots will spark and suffer a 50% chance of the communications and sensor systems being knocked out for 1d4 minutes. 01-63% chance of setting combustible materials on fire.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:Effectively unlimited

In addition, IPXP-7 operators have shown a truly diabolical innovativeness for improvizing weapons from innocent food preparation utensils, and there have been tales of cooks using vibro-hammers as ‘meat tenderizers’ and Kera-Tech/MBDI Plasma Blades as ‘filleting knives’. Opponents have been startled and horrified to be blinded by ketchup bombs, glommed up by CheezWhiz sprays, suffocated in whipped cream, ripped up by vibro-blenders, and chilled to the bone by drink mixer attacks.

Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel IMP-1 Infantry Medical Contra-Gravity Pack

“Hairy, got a reported Code-4-105, possible domestic. Police are already on the scene and securing the premises...Make that multiple alerts in residentials between Takahashi and Wallis...You’re up for the 4-105, Lydia.” The pilot of the tiny duct-flitter passed on to the medtech sitting next to him in the small cockpit.
‘I’m on it! Tell me when ready!” She finished checking her AG-Pack, booted it up to power, slid her headset down, then stood up and crouched on the edge of the shotgun seat, the pack’s ceegee-field already taking up the hundred-plus pounds of medical gear she had on. With a grunt she slid the hatch open and leaned into the slipstream rushing past the rapidly-descending duct-flitter. She saw the glowing faerie-dust web of the city at night resolve itself into the oncoming shapes of streetlight-lit roofs and residential streets, then saw, in her HUD-goggles’ virtual display, the red-blinker that designated one of those houses as her target. In his own HUD, the pilot also saw it, because he cut speed and altitude to ease to a hover over one of the roofs. Harris checked the comdisplay, nodded, then jumped out of the copter....
She dropped and landed gently in the yard of a modestly large private home...walled garden, nice porch, sliding armor-plas doors....nice place, wonder what went wrong...
“Over here!” came a voice from just inside the house.
She bounded inside the room, looked around, her medpack already swinging up ready for use. Blood trail on the otherwise immaculate floor...three young girls and an older man...looked like a family, huddled in the doorway, looking scared out of their wits past the combo-rifle-toting armored police officer who was talking up another taller, anxious-looking woman standing apart from the family.
“No...they reported it, or rather their relative here(he pointed at the woman beside him, who she could now see had a third cyberoptic in her forehead and a wing like antenna sprouting from behind one ear....networked semi-borg, she guessed). Victim’s over there...perp came in and dropped a few minutes ago. ”
She followed his finger...and saw “it” lying in the middle of the next room.
“Hell...I got a head over body...”
She did a quick scan sweep for Forensics and then scooped up the crimson locked head, took a quick retinal scan of the still open, and lifeless, eyes, and wrapped it(her?) in a silver cryo-bag, then sealed it. The loose fabric puffed out and became taunt as inert cryogenic gas filled the bag. She then plugged it into the pack’s monitoring outlets, flipped up the monitor, and muttered a quick prayer for the hapless soul whose head she held...with luck , she’d been able to get the woman into stasis before any deterioration of her soul-complex set in....and they’d be able to revive her back at the hospital...Didn’t know what they’d do about a body, though...she began looking around for any headless bodies...or at least ones to match...maybe they could do a magical restoration...if not, well, there was always cyborgization, or a ghost-dubbing into an android body.
“Cody? Harris, here, got a head, young adult human female...clean cut across the neck...still warm, no other damage evident. Cold-bagged and stable, but I’ll need a pickup on it.”
“Roger that, Hairy, got a copter coming in five...can’t give you the van...Benson needs it. he’s got a live one over on Prescott north of Kamisha.”
She quickly pulled up her mapmaker software and spotted Benson’s transponder beacon and clicked over her radio selector to open a link on Benson’s freq. “Got it...I’ll be waiting with Benson...he’s less than two blocks away from me.” No point in sticking around here, what with the ‘patient’ already dead. She turned to the cop still questioning the family.”You need me here any more?”
“No, we got three scans already and if these folks need shock counseling, we’ll call you back.”
“Thanks. On my way, Benson!” With that she jumped to the top of the house’s fence, then took up on her gravs, roof-skimming towards Benson’’s location, now pinpointed by the circling transport copter and its searchlight beam.
Benson was bent over another victim...young D’norr man, by the looks of it, laying crushed under an overturned van, only his head and arm sticking out...and alot of blood pooling around him. The paramedic was busy inserting leads into the screaming man’s arm, while he was alternately calmly talking the man’s anxiety down and relaying his observations of the victim’s condition.
“Benson, you need a hand there? Can’t do a thing with mine until the pickup team gets here!”
“Harris? I don’t dare try to move this guy....the weight of the van’s the only thing that’s keeping blood pressure in him, but he’s still leaking like a sieve! Give me your bags of plasma.”
She began passing over her plasma sacs, after checking to make sure they were the right type(D’norr were bastards for rejection factors), and popped up her stand pylon to hang them on. Benson took them, slapped them into his Assimilator Reactor, deftly inserted a lancet smeared with the victim’s blood into the bags, snapped the lid shut, and with a spark and a flash, prepped the blood substitute for use. ”Anyone else?”
“Two in the van when some maniac jumped out in front of them with a live blade...minor cuts and bruises when the van rolled over...Mister Alfreddie here got ejected and pulled under. The other two got off light.”He jerked his head to indicate two other people, a human and another D’norr, sitting nearby on the streetside, another armored police officer talking to them while holding an icepack to a bruised shoulder of the human. Aside from a few bruises and band-aids, they looked more or less intact from where she was standing. Benson spared a glance at the frost-covered cryosack attached to Harris’ pack. “Who’s the unlucky partial, Lyd?”
“Decapitation..still fresh, a few blocks over...Looked like a blade...”
“Probably the same psycho these folks ran into...great, swath of destruction...Hand me a Number Four syrignette...”
The next few minutes were extremely busy for her as she assisted Benson in stabilizing the man, checking the man’s genetic makeup and biology, crossreferencing the appropriate databases on her HUD, and injecting the proper cocktail of nanobots, coagulants, and anti-shocks. She almost tuned out the world around her in her fervor to save the civilian’s live, and maybe his legs as well....Almost tuned out., but not quite....

Down the street she heard a commotion, and two of the cops and the one Jump Trooper that had joined them took off at a run past her, to where she saw a white-clad figure capering in the street a few blocks down. Light flashed in one arm as the figure whirled to face in turn the various soldiers and policemen surrounding it. Instinctively, she drew her own stunner rifle and moved to cover Benson, who was too busy with his own fight.
She shouldn’t have bothered...she saw the figure lunge, the officers leaping back out of the way of a gleaming arc of a naked blade. A few more feints and lunges that came increasingly close to the backpeddling officers...then one lunge that clipped one of the cops as they tried to dive out of the way, cutting off the amplified police harangues to ‘put down the weapon!’.
A flash of fire from multiple points, as the white-robed figure seemed to take off, cartwheel through the air, then crash to the ground...the downed police officer got up, the robed figure didn’t...
“Harris, Medical here, you require assistance?”
“Thanks, but no...this one was open and shut, DOA...your services won’t be necessary.” The previously down officer turned and waved to the watching paramedic.
Harris silently nodded at the response. Just as well...she had wounded enough to tend to, courtesy of that maniac.

The IMP-1 is a necessary extension of the Infantry Field Pack system; a mini-aid station for paramedics and combat surgeons, a high mobility contra-grav pack packed with all the essentials, and then some, for fast, mobile, effective treatment of injuries in the field. The IMP-1 is also equipped to handle rescues, field medical research, and recovery operations.
This is even more difficult for the multi-racial/species populations of the 5ST nations, as physicians must be familiar with, and ready to deal with dozens, if not hundreds, of different, non-human physiologies. To aid in this, the Medpack contains a multitude of diagnostic tools, and a highly compact mini-AI database computer.
Like the IPXP-7 ‘Refresher’, the IMP-5 has large swing-forward ‘control arms’ that also serve as platforms for various medical tools, and attachment points for medical supplies, equipment cases, and other gear.
The IMP-1 is unarmed, but paramedics and combat medics will often carry a weapon or two for self-defense(given the dangerousness of post-Rifts Earth); paramedics typically favoring stun weapons, while corpsmen typically choose more lethal means of self-defense, though rarely anything more powerful than an energy pistol.

Shortly after the introduction of the Kera-Tech IMP-1, Paladin Steel began producing the IMP-1(TW), which incorporates additional Techno-Wizardry features, at additional cost. Given Kera-Tech’s distrust of Techno-Wizardry, it seems most likely that these packs were assembled from converted IMP-5s or from replacement parts for other pack systems, rather than as direct factory production. Though Kera-Tech has no qualms about the TW-versions, they do not service the non-technological portions of any IMP-5(TW)s given to them for repairs.

“I hate doing field neural surgery on Crazies...their wiring’s so messed up and cross connected, and they’re so high strung that you can kick yourself to death with them while probing their frontal lobes for that bullet they tried to stop with their foreheads....Worse than that high school frog experiment, I tell you...”
---Doctor Lllilian Kane, Medtech, New Boston Emergency Response Services

Type:KT/PS- IMP-1
Class: Specialized CG Pack(Uses Pilot CG Pack/Jetpack to for flight)
Date of Introduction: 109 PA
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location
Pack 60
Sensor Turret 30
Main Body---Body Armor of the wearer
Height: 35.5 inches
Width: 18 inches( 36 inches with sensor turret fins fully deployed)
Length: 10.6 inches
Weight: 90 lbs
Cargo: In addition to the weight of the wearer, the pack can support up to 100kg(220 lbs) in flight. Note that the user can still use handheld weapons with ease. There is also a large pocket mounted on the bottom of the pack for storage.
Powerplant: KNC-10 Nuclear Power Cell w/ one year energy lifespan
Speed: 150 MPH with a maximum altitude of 500m(1640 ft). Can be dropped from 5km(3.2 miles) with complete control over the descent.
Cost: 600,000 credits
TW-Model costs 950,000 credits
Systems of Note:
*Optics---InfraRed, Thermographic, Image-Enhance, Telescopic, Low-Light---2 mile range
*Motion Detector---90 ft; can work through thin wood or plastic walls.
*Parabolic Microphone---Can pick up on normal conversation from 1500 ft away, and can pick up on low- and high-frequency sounds, including trapped persons, and internal organ sounds.

*Ultra-Sound Scanner----A handheld device that clips to one side of the pack. It permits contact mapping of internal organs. Note, however, that some beings may be damaged by the high frequncy sounds...DogBoys and other canine species in particularly can hear an annoying buzz and bone-rattling vibration when this device is in use.

*Medical Recorder---Records everything the sensors pick up; especially important for reviewing medical procedures and documenting illnesses, procedures, and cause/time-of-death.

*Onboard Expert System---The operator’s ‘second head’, this expert system is programmed to review sensor information and cross-reference it to the massive onboard files of multi-species medical information(up to 30 species). Also contains diagnostic information on most GNE and common-model cybernetics and bionics, including commonly-available Free Quebec and Triax models likely to be encountered in the field.
Can also compile sensor data to produce a full 3-D map of a patient’s injuries and provide interactive advisory using the model as map; especially useful when treating and stabilizing internal injuries.

*Pop-Up Bag Pylon----A short folding stand that pops up out of one shoulder, with two hooks for hanging plasma and solution bottles/sacs from.

*Hookup Points---These are attachment points and webbing for carrying additional aid and supply gear, such as bandages, locked drug cases, inflatable splits, canteens, surgical instruments, tools, and robot medical kits.

*Extendable Optics Armature---An extending pylon with a combination high intensity light and adjustable focus wide-area magnifying lense. This armature can be pulled over the shoulder and positioned in front of the operator. A flip of a switch, and the lense can be converted into an HUD.

*Cyberscanner---This is essentially the medic’s version of a Tech-Scanner, only calibrated to interface with cybernetics and bionics. Working in concert with the onboard A.I., the system’s probes can check the power flow and power coming off implants and verify if they are damaged, interfacing correctly, or otherwise acting abnormally. This system can also be used to check if a piece of neural-ware is boosted beyond approved limits. Can effectively diagnose common Black Market and PS/GNE cyberware at 95%, while more recent Triax and Republic of Japan designs can only be effectively diagnosed at 75%. Experimental human-based designs can be disgnosed at 50-65%, while truly alien systems implanted in humans and common D-bee races are only able to be identified and diagnosed with 30% effectiveness(largely working from comparison to more conventional/better-documented systems).

*Moledular Analyzer/Chem-Scanner-----Essentially an automated and highly-compact biochemical lab capable of performing blood typing, simple pregnancy and tissue-typing, and quick sampling of blood and tissue for common compatibility and rejection factors(especially important when working with multiple species services and communities). This allows the medic a better chance of administering the proper drugs and blood substitute solutions.

*Short Range Magnetometer---Open-air version of a Magnetic Resonance Scanner, this device uses magnetic fields to detect the presence of metallic shrapnel and implants...deetcting ferric materials 98% of the time, non-ferric 75%, and composite/non-metallic objects only 45% of the time. However, it is not as accurate as a full couch-sized MRI, and has an effective range of only 2 ft.

*Cryo-Pump---A combination cyrogen supply tank and coolant system for freezing specimens, and quick-freezing bodies and loose organs for later reattachment or study. Hooks up to a carry-sack and alerts the operator if stasis is broken or the temperature exceeds safe storage limits. The tank holds up to a gallon of recyclable cryogen fluid.

*Microwave Sterilizer----A gallon-size canister used for quickly nuking instruments or boiling/sterilizing a gallon of water in under 30 seconds.

*E-Clip Recharger----Can charge one e-clip an hour, by tapping the ‘pack’s nuclear power cell

*Weapon/Equipment Power Connector---Rather than use an E-clip, a handheld weapon can be hooked up directly to the power cell for effectively unlimited shots(it’s typically used for powering diagnostic and rescue tools, however, such as armor cutters and Jaws of Life). Note that the Connector CANNOT be used at the same time as the E-clip Recharger.

Weapons Systems: None

Magical Systems(TW version ONLY)
*PPE Battery Reserve------300 PPE battery
* TW Diagnostic Sensor System(no PPE cost)
-See Aura
-Sense Magic
* Multiplexor System w/
-Heal Wounds(10)(heals 3d6 SDC and 1d6 HP)
-Negate Poison/Toxins(4)
-Cure Illness(8)
-Fortify Against Disease(8)
-Greater Healing (15)(2d4x10 SDC and 6d6 SDC, OR 1d4 MD)
-Super Healing(45)(4d6 MD)
-Purge Other(50)
-----NOTE: All spells are performed at a 7th level of profficiency

*Healing Laser---This is a penlike laser scalpel that has been modified with a small ruby and an imprinted Fire Healing spell. The laser can thus be used to heat-seal and thermal-suture open wounds (heals 4d6 SDC, doesn’t heal Hit Points, but can prevent further H.P. loss due to bleeding), but cannot be used to treat illnesses or treat burns. It can also be used to cauterize amputation stumps. The Fire Laser uses up 5 PPE per use.

*HydroBath Sac----Developed to utilize the Ocean Magic spell, this system consists of a gel-plastic balloon that that be inflated around a limb, or draped over a person’s torso, like an inflatable splint, then filled with warm water, that is energized with the Healing Water spell. Special selective-mode water-permeable plastic allows the energized water to irrigate and bathe the patient’s wounds in a soothing bath, conducive to slowing bleeding, relaxing muscles, and treating wounds. It is best suited for dealing with burns, abrasions, and surface lacerations, but does little for fast-bleeding deep wounds or internal injuries(slows damage and relaxes the patient, but not much else, but that can also be critical in determining the difference between death and survival).
Duration per Energization: 10 minutes
Effects:Heals 1d6 SDC/MDC per minute of immersion.
PPE Per Use: 8

*Cleaning Lamp---A folding handheld parabolic mirror that is used to cast a powerful Cleanse spell, for sterilizing operating fields and cleaning out wounds.
Range: 10 ft
Area of Effect: 10 ft area of effect
PPE Per Use: 3

*TW Plasma Assimilator---Another TW device that resembles a large glass/crystal bottle with heavy clamped lid, that uses adapted Blood and Ocean Magic spells to create onsite vital fluids. This reactor vessel can create a basic or saline/nutrient solution, enough to sustain a patient for 24 hours, out of thin air, or it can be used to change the blood of one species into a form compatible to another, by introducing several drops of the desired blood into a larger quantity of blood or plasma, while casting the spell. The spell alters the blood into a compatible blood substitute for transfusions.
This system has proven indispensable to interspecies medicine
PPE Per Use:(Create Saline/Nutrient Fluid): 5 PPE per gallon
(Modify Plasma) 20 PPE per gallon
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice new gear! I believe these are different enough from Phase World gear that we'll need to invest in some of these. And maybe we could work out a manufacturing deal on them.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Yeah, I'm quite fond of the Refresher and Med packs and medicine a hop away...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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I'm always glad to see new stuff from PS. Stuff we can use in either Rift's Earth or Phase World.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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How about a tw sling-shot for technowizards fighting vampires?(shoots out water balloons.)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:(My thanks to Raven for letting me use his grav-packs; this has always been one of my favorite postings... :D )
(Raven...don’t kill me...but it had to be done in my opinion)

A Kera-Tech Deathwind Kill-Team has been dispatched to your area Talis. A summary penalty of death has been enacted upon you based on your actions..... Just joking.

Nice job man.
"Women and Cats will do as they please. Men and dogs had better get used to it."
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Carl Gleba wrote:Well said Raven :ok:
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

The Raven wrote:
taalismn wrote:(My thanks to Raven for letting me use his grav-packs; this has always been one of my favorite postings... :D )
(Raven...don’t kill me...but it had to be done in my opinion)

A Kera-Tech Deathwind Kill-Team has been dispatched to your area Talis. A summary penalty of death has been enacted upon you based on your actions..... Just joking.

Nice job man.

Deathwind Kill-Team has arrived...they forgot to wipe their feet before coming on in and they cleaned out my supply of fudge-mints......but to their credit they DID hold the flashlight for my dad while he was struggling with the bathroom plumbing... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by rat_bastard »

taalismn wrote:Mega-Flex Sheeting

While I approve highly of the inclusion of building materials in your catalog (a catalog I need to update) I has a nit to pick.

having one end of the sheeting stick causes all sorts of problems, it would be allot easier to sell the sheeting with a spray can of adhesive so you can spray the surface you are applying the Mega flex sheets to.

It occurs to me that it is about time that Paladin steel expands this line to include several grades of mega tensile reinforcing bar and megacrete as well as multiple generating and climate control systems would be solid sellers for Paladin Steel.
"If a child shows a particular abundance of pity for fools or an overwhelming disdain for jibber jabber he is plucked from his family and raised by monks in the T-emple."
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

rat_bastard wrote:
taalismn wrote:Mega-Flex Sheeting

While I approve highly of the inclusion of building materials in your catalog (a catalog I need to update) I has a nit to pick.

having one end of the sheeting stick causes all sorts of problems, it would be allot easier to sell the sheeting with a spray can of adhesive so you can spray the surface you are applying the Mega flex sheets to.

It occurs to me that it is about time that Paladin steel expands this line to include several grades of mega tensile reinforcing bar and megacrete as well as multiple generating and climate control systems would be solid sellers for Paladin Steel.

Thank you for your imput!
You just got a license-royalty from PS for your idea, which will be adapted in the future by our Products and Marketing Divisions...

Truth be known, however, there have been several articles of fan-made general megadamage materials out there that are/were better than anything I could come up with, and I didn't want to re-invent the wheel, so it's presumed PS sells similar generic products(they were, after all, originally a pre-Rifts company PRODUCING the stuff for other companies)...However, when I come with something I'm sure nobody else has already done, or something uniquely PS, I'll do it up....

I do have in mind a set of prefab bunkers and underground storage/bunker modules, but that's still a ways in the future of my list to do...
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by rat_bastard »

taalismn wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
taalismn wrote:Mega-Flex Sheeting

While I approve highly of the inclusion of building materials in your catalog (a catalog I need to update) I has a nit to pick.

having one end of the sheeting stick causes all sorts of problems, it would be allot easier to sell the sheeting with a spray can of adhesive so you can spray the surface you are applying the Mega flex sheets to.

It occurs to me that it is about time that Paladin steel expands this line to include several grades of mega tensile reinforcing bar and megacrete as well as multiple generating and climate control systems would be solid sellers for Paladin Steel.

Thank you for your imput!
You just got a license-royalty from PS for your idea, which will be adapted in the future by our Products and Marketing Divisions...

Truth be known, however, there have been several articles of fan-made general megadamage materials out there that are/were better than anything I could come up with, and I didn't want to re-invent the wheel, so it's presumed PS sells similar generic products(they were, after all, originally a pre-Rifts company PRODUCING the stuff for other companies)...However, when I come with something I'm sure nobody else has already done, or something uniquely PS, I'll do it up....

I do have in mind a set of prefab bunkers and underground storage/bunker modules, but that's still a ways in the future of my list to do...

Yeah the Platinum Shield has a Division of combat construction workers and control of some of the best concrete production mines in NA, so when their city is done being built they are definitely going to go for the construction for hire route.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abe wrote:How about a tw sling-shot for technowizards fighting vampires? (shoots out water balloons.)

Why stop at water balloons? I am not must on spells but there should be a few more that can be added or used in place of a water attack. May be even load spells into projectiles with the sling for added effect.
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Re: Paladin Steel ‘Alpaca’ Heavy Hover Carrier

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Aramanthus wrote:Sounds cool. Just one thing since you are dealing with an aircraft. Why not have a launch area like the F-22 except with a larger ammo supply.

where are the stats for F-22?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

rat_bastard wrote:
Yeah the Platinum Shield has a Division of combat construction workers and control of some of the best concrete production mines in NA, so when their city is done being built they are definitely going to go for the construction for hire route.

PS has Contract Engineering, with an aquatic division, if you want offshore platforms or underwater habitats....
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Re: Paladin Steel ‘Alpaca’ Heavy Hover Carrier

Unread post by taalismn »

ZINO wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Sounds cool. Just one thing since you are dealing with an aircraft. Why not have a launch area like the F-22 except with a larger ammo supply.

where are the stats for F-22?

Go to Kitsune's Palladium Web Page, and look under Golden Age Weaponsmiths....he has an F-22E Raptor that should suit your needs...
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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How about some LIVING maps?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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ZINO wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Sounds cool. Just one thing since you are dealing with an aircraft. Why not have a launch area like the F-22 except with a larger ammo supply.

where are the stats for F-22?

sigh....eventually i'll write up the stats for the pre-rifts F-22's used in the late 2070's.... i mean, i have all the rules for supercruise, AESA, stealth, ect i need. it's just a case of sitting down and writing them out...
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abe wrote:How about some LIVING maps?

Hmmm...dunno how one would set that up....some sort of large cabbage-like organism that unfolds into a flat chemical screen, and has a simple hardwired nervous system that plays back maps from memory, or a little mouse-like bugger that has an inertial compass in its skull, and then plugs into the leaf-map to show you where you've travelled on the map?
Easy to update, but I'm not keen on the idea of a map that dies in the glove compartment if you forget to regularly feed it....
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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By living maps I meant like the kind that dora the explorer probibly has.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abe wrote:By living maps I meant like the kind that dora the explorer probibly has.

Unfamiliar with Dora's standard equipment....only the recent spat about them trying to 'tween her into a mall-rat bubblehead..
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Unfamiliar with Dora's standard equipment....only the recent spat about them trying to 'tween her into a mall-rat bubblehead..

Well she had a talking map that gave her directions,as well as a talking backpack that held her stuff!
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
ZINO wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Sounds cool. Just one thing since you are dealing with an aircraft. Why not have a launch area like the F-22 except with a larger ammo supply.

where are the stats for F-22?

sigh....eventually i'll write up the stats for the pre-rifts F-22's used in the late 2070's.... i mean, i have all the rules for supercruise, AESA, stealth, ect i need. it's just a case of sitting down and writing them out...

thank you
hum sorry i know your a busy person ,i look forward to it when you can :D
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Re: Paladin Steel ‘Alpaca’ Heavy Hover Carrier

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:
ZINO wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Sounds cool. Just one thing since you are dealing with an aircraft. Why not have a launch area like the F-22 except with a larger ammo supply.

where are the stats for F-22?

Go to Kitsune's Palladium Web Page, and look under Golden Age Weaponsmiths....he has an F-22E Raptor that should suit your needs...

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:
Unfamiliar with Dora's standard equipment....only the recent spat about them trying to 'tween her into a mall-rat bubblehead..

Well she had a talking map that gave her directions,as well as a talking backpack that held her stuff!

Ah! A vocal interface AI map....
I'll see what I can kludge up...
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'd recommend checking out Babylon AD. They have a very interesting map within the first 30 to 40 minutes of the start. Watch for it. Pretty cool device.
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