The Hero Exchange

If Super Heroes/Heroines & Super Villains are your game, discuss them here.

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Unread post by znbrtn »

i love the idea. there have been quite a few memorable characters in my group, and i'd like to see what others think of them.
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

Ewwww....time to dig out some of my old Marvel , DC and Old HU characters and upgrade them and post them
Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

Zardoz wrote:You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
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Unread post by Sentinel »

This could be coolness.
I'll have to dig through my character archives.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

Listen to the Sentinel...he speaks truth.~ Shadyslug

Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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Unread post by sinestus »

meh... i've been sharing my characters for ages....

that's was the origional purpose of my web-page back in the day
( to store digital copies of my characters (and those in my gaming group that had a tendancy of losing the hard copy)

see: Folders of Nik...
I believe Socrates said it best at, "I drank what?"

"JESUS SAVES! The rest of you take full damage."

They call me Hadoken 'cause I'm down-right fierce.
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The Artist Formerly
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Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

I designed Slay as a filler character to break up sessions where there was alot of plot gaming and little combat. While I lothe to over induldge in raw combat, it's a heroes game and if you don't get to smash baddies and throw cars once in a while, then you're not really having all that much fun. ;) He was a summoned demon using the rules from HU Revised, excellent rules by the way. There is no rhyme or reason to Slay, it just hates. For some reason it will target superhumans and magic users first and foremost, then everything else that exists. It has equal hate for trees as it does pavement. Looking back on him now, I would classify him as a bit of a Doomsday style work, but when I first wrote him up I didn't think of him as such. I'm updating him for the new HU2E Rules and to take advantage of the new PU powers.

Slay is a rampaging monster that exists to kill superhumans. Who created him/summoned him is as of yet unknown. He's been on earth for a while, exactly how long would be up to your needs in your game. Other heroes have battled him, but no one has ever been able to put him down for the count. I'm leaving his exact origin, the nature of his being and his vulnerabilities up to the GM for customization. If you check the math, you'll note that Slay can have his powers increased, including adding another minor power. GMs running groups with tougher characters might want to step him up a bit. On the other hand GMs running lower powered games might want to scale him back a bit.

In our original game he was a summoned monster. He was first battled by the superhuman elements of the Knights Templar in 1284. Unable to destroy the monster, they shackled and entombed him in what is now Western Iraq. This held until grave robbers discovered his prision and in seeking templar treasures, let him loose. A few years later, having utterly destroyed untold numbers of small villages and nomad bands, he did battle with a batch of heroes from Europe and the middle east. A Ottoman spell caster, a Brittish adventurer, a Prussian mercenary turned hero, an Avatar of Ra and the last surviving member of Alexander the Great's companion calvery. After a desperate battle, he was put back into containment.

Alien, Mega-Villian.
Name:Slay 7th level villian
IQ:4 ME:3 MA:4 PS:67 PP:17 PE:19 PB:3 SPD:8
Alignment:Miscreant (animal like thought patterns)
Height:16 feet. Weight:2244 lbs.
Hit: SDC:1089
Humanoid/Ape like appearance with a pronounced snout nose and chin.
Homeworld/dimension:Toxic atmosphere. Slay does not breath.
Slay is a manufactured creature, differant fromwhatever else might exist where ever it is he comes from, as such he's would be a mutant.
Skills: Slay doesn't have sufficent mental power to master many skills. Or a toaster for that matter. Concider him a combat specialist.

Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic. Running, Body Building. Athletics. Wrestling.
WP:Blunt WP:Staff WP:Thrown WP:Player Character WP:Axe WP:Blunt. :)

S:2 P:5 D:4 F/R:4 APM:6 INI:1


SN Strength inflicts: 2d4x10+58 points of damage.

Mutant characteristic: Unusally large hands. +6 damage to punches.

Powers:APS:Stone. Multipul Limbs. Giant.
Mega-villian powers: Super Natural PS. Increased SDC. Enhanced healing (heals five times faster then a normal human). Immortal. Slay can only be killed by beheading him with his own axe. In his case, that's the only way. Of course it's been lost for ages and ages.

Penilties: Power lock, Slay doesn't have another form, this is it. Slow and ponderous. Deadly Metal: The (mystic) metal that makes his axe by-passes his AR, and does double damage to him, direct to hitpoints.
Last edited by The Artist Formerly on Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When I look in the dictionary and see the word Cool...I see Taffy's picture...-Shady Slug
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. -Abraham Lincoln
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I like the idea. I'm rather proud of my HU2 character, 'Not', and wouldn't mind sharing him. I also created an recurring NPC who was so troublesome to my players he made even the Principled characters consider killing him. I have the stats on my PC, but not the NPC. I rarely make stats for NPC's.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
---Penn Jillette
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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

personally you want to use one of mine just pm about the characters and i'll pm you back with info about him/her

Name, powers, some details , level but thats it the rest is up to you
Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

Zardoz wrote:You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
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Unread post by Sentinel »

Here's one of my regulars. I'll edit for stats later.

Heroes Unlimited Character Data
Biographical Data:
Character Name: Arrow
Real Name: Harper Kendahl
Former Aliases: None
Physical Form: (Ninjas & Superspies) Worldly Martial Artist
Occupation: Costumed Crimefighter
Legal Status: U.S. Citizen with No Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Baltimore, MD
Known Relatives: Unnamed parents
First Appearance: 2003

Group Affiliation: The Power Alliance
Base of Operations: Alexandria, VA

Physical Data:

Age: 36
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair: Reddish Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Unusual Characteristics: None

Background and Origin: Born and raised in Maryland, Harper joined the Army straight out of High School, in hopes of traveling and accumulating valuable skills. Although bright, Kendahl was not a particularly noteworthy student.
He successfully entered Officer Candidacy School, and qualified for Electronic Warfare and Counter-Intelligence.
Kendahl was stationed in Okinawa, and as such had ample opportunities to travel to the mainland of Japan. Becoming in various elements of the cultures of these two nations, he began to formally train in the discipline of Sankukai Karate. After earning his First and Second Degree Black Belts, he witnessed a demonstration of Samurai Kyudo, and was especially impressed with the presentation of Yabusame (the discipline of firing arrows from charging horseback).
Approaching the practitioners, Kendahl was given the opportunity to study with their master. When his tour of duty ended, rather than continue in the Service, Kendahl stayed on in Japan furthering his studies in the martial arts. After three years of intense training, he returned to the United States. Kendahl took a job with Emergent Technologies in their microelectronics division, thus putting his Military experience to use, but he was unhappy in his circumstances, and his performance at work was lackluster.
He met a group of amateur adventurers, and witnessed them in action. Inspired, he designed a costume, and constructed specialized arrowheads similar to the ones he had trained with in Japan. Going one step farther, he cannibalized various electronic devices and constructed customized arrows for effects such as electrical discharge, explosive, and impediments such as nets and adhesive resins.
Dubbing himself “Arrow”, he began to act as a nighttime costumed vigilante, often alone, but in time, in the company of such adventurers as Nightfall, Lenore Dark, Mist, Xander Drax, Panthor, and Shadowstar. While teaming with Panthor to foil a nighttime robbery by agents of Chimera, Arrow was offered membership in the Power Alliance along with Panthor. The two joined the team at the same time as the hero called Morningstar.
Although Panthor has since left the team to explore his origins, Arrow remains a member. Currently, Arrow is assisting with the campaign against the secessionist Coalition of Free States.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

Listen to the Sentinel...he speaks truth.~ Shadyslug

Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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Unread post by RockJock »

I think it is a great idea. I could even see a thread for posting characters in character sheet format for dropping into campaigns. Everybody has had one of those days where they just can't make up one more NPC>
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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The Artist Formerly
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Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Glitch was a creation idea I had for a smart guy who worked in the tech-lab at the Seattle crime lab. He's part of the same revised campaign as Slay, so I've updated him as well. Instead of the normal hero catagory, he was just a very bright cop who was able to get a good look at the left behinds of tech gear that villians had caught with or left behind at the sceen of the crime. While far from a Genius hero class, he did have the smarts to patch some of the hardware he saw back together and replicate some of the other stuff. I used Glitch as an anti-hero to show the PCs where the line between hero and anti-hero was. Also as a plot hammer to deliver info or make a point when the PCs seemed to be stuck or having a hard time following or focusing. In a world with robots and superhumans, most major cities or counties have a very expansive CIS unit.

Roeman uses technology that he either lifted from police lock up or stuff he replicated after seeing them in the forenics lab. Alot of the hardware that SCRET, King County, or the city of seattle destroyed as dangerous hardware from convicted supercrims wasn't the real thing, it was a good mock up (of course, you can place Glitch into Hero hometown USA).

Alec wanted to be a rock star. He wanted to be a super hero. He wanted to work at NASA. He wanted to work as a SCRET agent. He wanted to work for the NSA. He wanted to do alot of things, but he never had the focus or the drive. He was smart, but not the smartest guy. He could do the work, but he'd lose intrest or just give up and move on to the next big thing he wanted to do. He had talent, but not drive. After college he took a job with the Seattle PD in their criminal forenics division, spesifically the technology center.

Over the years Alec has collected a small arsenal of weapons and equipment from would be supervillians and the odd bit of hero gear.

Glitch Fourth Level hero character.
Catagory: Non-class character.
Name: Alec Roeman
IQ:17 ME:10 MA:15 PS:14 PP:13 PE:14 PB:11 SPD:27
Alignment: Miscreant with Scrouplous tendencies.
Height:6'1" Weight:206lbs
Hit:30 SDC:30
S: P:1 D:1 F/R:1 APM: INI:

Level of education: Masters Degree.

Skill Programs: Medical Investigation Program, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Program.

Scholastic Skills. (+23%)
Criminal Science and Forenics:88% ,Biology:73% ,Chemistry:73% ,Pathology:83% ,Basic Mathematics:88% ,Advanced Mathematics:88% ,Mechanical Engineer:68% ,Locksmith:73% ,Electrical Engineer:73% ,Robot Electronics:33% ,Computer Operation:83% ,Computer Programing:73% ,Computer Repair:68%

Secondary Skills. (+3%)
Radio Basic:68% ,Play Musical Instrament; Guitar:58% ,First Aid:68% ,Athletics, Body Building, Hand to hand:Basic, Running, Prowl:48% ,Research:73% ,Law:48% (3rd) T.V./Video:32% , Automotive Mechanics:33%.

Light powered exo-skeleton. Fully enviromental with four minute air supply. Includes all the features of the multi-optics head band. The AR and SDC of the suit used to be higher, but the suit was originally fit for a smaller woman, and Alec's skills aren't the best for patching damage done to it. Still it's in solid and servicable shape. Recharging the power cell takes a long time and so that alone limits the amount of time he can be out and about. He has two power cells left. He used to have four, but burned up two in working out a recharging system.
(Robotic)NAR:13(was 14) SDC:127(175) Adds +3 to PS (+4) and +4 to speed. +1 to INI. And the suit adds +6 feet to his jump.

He's added a on-board Cell phone system that allows him to make seemingling untracable calls as well as a police/FBI/SCRET/emergency band radio, GPS system and a varity of stealth and tracking features to hide himself from his co-workers. Things that would allow him to track where police helicopters are, change his voice so his voice print doesn't seem like it's electronically altered and even if it was discovered as such, it would seem to be impossible to filter out the masking (his masking program exploits minor flaws in the FBI computer program). He's also added a climbing harness to the suit's basic design but has no real skill in using the climbing gear.

Laser Sword. Lifted from superspy who dropped during a fight. 3d4+3 points of damage, +1 to parry. However, Glitch doesn't have any skill in using a sword. He tends to use it more as cutting tool then a weapon. It's a power hog, and recharging it takes F O R E V E R so he's hesitant to use it for very long.

Powered glove and Ion Blaster. This item fits over the arm brace and hand of the powered armor but is not an intrigal part of the system. He copied it most of the hardware, and stole the parts he couldn't fabricate himself. He only has one for the left hand, the right hand unit was crushed by the heroes who brought the original villian down. The stolen parts came from both units, a bit here, a bit there.
Adds 2d4+2 to punches via an electrical charge(the knuckles will always add+2 to the damage inflicted from the basic shape and design of the glove). The knuckle charge can be used 10 times before needing a recharge. He has no spare clips for this feature. The Ion blaster inflicts 3d4+3 points of damage to a range of 120 feet. It has a payload of 12 rounds. He has one extra clip for this device.

A rebuilt 1984 GM van. A real beater that he bought at a police auction, then later listed as something sent to the scrap yard. Instead he's removed all traces of it's real origin including the VIN and licencing history/info in police data banks (though that information might still exist as print hard copy in some record vault). The vehicle has two licence plates, both bogus but will pass anything less then a rigourous inspection. He can change them by getting out pulling the plate away from the van, flipping it over and pushing the new facing back into the van. Similarly he has snap off parts that allow him to alter the van's appearance in sublte ways, including making it look 'tricked out' adding colored striping and false (tinted) windows, fake rusting spots or (with about an hour's work) look like a newer model of van.

Alec has a small arsenal of conventional weapons. Not that he's particularly skilled with them, but he keeps them for reference and as trophies from those criminals he's bested.

Using a group of techniques he's seen used to conceal a drug labs and illegal immigrants and sweat shops or some variation or combination of the above, he's modified his unfinished basement and seperate garage into a base of sorts. This is where his real contributuion to super human crimefighting can be found. His home built computer network contains a vast amount of data on local supervillians and crime syndicates in the area. Alec has a real talent for data crunching.

Two other note worthy features of his 'base' are his garage. Alec has cleverly concealed his 'crime van' behind a lifting pile of crap stored in his garage. From the front it looks like a big pile of semi-originized boxes and tools in wild disarray. Actually the crud is mounted to a second front lifting garage door. The second is a series of cables running through the near by old city Seattle, sewers and gas lines which has allowed him to tap into a varity of power grids and (illegally) use them to recharge his equipment. The city power company is aware of the drain but has been totally unsuccessful in tracing it. Alec used power company cable and as altered their electronic maps of power lines to make some of his add on bits look legit. A bunch more runs through areas where the power company hasn't thought to look for taps. To help mimize his exposure, Alec has added several solar power cells and a small windmill power generator to his home. He's something of an expert on alternitive energy and is always (seeming to be) tinkering and talking about his intrest. Besides it makes a great cover for his 'tinkering' and some of the exotic parts he orders. A great number of his coworkers think he's a little off or a bit obsessed and tend to tune him out or interupt him before he really gets going on about the topic and change the subject.

Finally, Alec has one other ace in the hole. The network. Alec can call any number of experts on combating superhumans, complex military level robotics and technology experts and legitmately ask questions about designs and equipment as well as processes and repairs. After all to test to see if a given weapon was used to kill someone, it must be in working condition. He's been very cautious about using these contacts and tries not to call any one of them too often.
When I look in the dictionary and see the word Cool...I see Taffy's picture...-Shady Slug
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. -Abraham Lincoln
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Unread post by Sentinel »

Here's the bio/history of my Namesake Character, Sentinel.

Sentinel was born approximately 15 years before the Secession and the War Between the States. His parents, although wealthy landowners and slaveholders, secretly educated blacks and assisted them in fleeing the South. Sentinel was raised with a passionate hatred of human bondage, and taught to appreciate the diversity of mankind.
Although he did not know of such at the time, Sentinel was a mutant, among the first of his kind. After his parents died, he released the remaining servants (no longer slaves, having been set free), and sought out education. He attended college in New York, and then worked in CT, to support himself. At about this time (15 years after the War), he began to realize that he wasn't aging normally. He also realized that he was far stronger than ordinary men. Fearing what might happen should his secrets be found out, he left the North East, and journeyed West with the expansionist movement. He worked a variety of jobs over the years (indeed, throughout the remainder of the century) from cowhand to oil rig roustabout, to several voyages on fishing boats between California to Alaska. He also managed to complete his Masters degree in history and literature.
Sentinel enlisted in the First World War, and fought in the trenches of Europe. After the war, he remained in Europe for several years, and attended college in London and Paris. Always moving before it could be discovered that he wasn't growing older, he made his way to the East Orient on a steamship (he found he loved working on ships and learned as much from the crew as he did in any classroom). He spent several years in Japan, although the events leading to the Second World War would cause him to leave for a time, and return after the reconstruction. He spent time in Australia and New Zealand, working as a guide, land developer, animal handler, and briefly as a librarian.
Sentinel returned to the U.S.A. in 1955, appearing to be in his late 20s. He turned his studies to the occult, suspecting that there was something supernatural to his longevity and physical power and stamina. By now, Sentinel could lift several tons, and had learned during WWI that his skin was resistant to gunfire. He also seemed to be unaffected by the Mustard Gas used in trench warfare.
He sought out Professor Cyrus Ellicott, a noted teacher at Harvard who was also a parapsychologist, and confided in him. What Sentinel was surprised to learn was that Ellicott had known of Sentinel, and suspected there may be something unusual or perhaps even mystical about the man who seemed to live forever (apparently, Sentinel had not been as careful with concealing his nature and identity as he thought: there were always rumours, tabloids, and urban legends surrounding his trail).
Over the course of the next decade and a half, Sentinel learned that his nature was not mystic, but genetic. At this time, mutants were more common, although they comprised less than 1/10th of 1% of the population of the world. Ellicott and Sentinel battled supernatural menaces and explored occult incidents together. This association took the two around the world, from Egypt to Rome, the Himalayas, and to Okinawa, where Sentinel earned a Second Degree Black Belt in karate (he studied to better discipline himself and learn to control his strength). Sentinel worked with Ellicott until his death in 1981. He then returned to his childhood home in Virginia, and using forged papers validated his identity as one of his own descendants (although he found this distasteful, and taken steps to insure that it never becomes necessary to do so again), and discovered that he had amassed a small fortune in early investments and interest accrued on his land holdings.
In 1998, he aided several super-humans in battling a terrorist group called Chimera, and began to make several appearances on the East Coast as a "super-hero".
Sentinel disappeared sometime in the early 21st Century: although there were no witnesses, he had actually fallen through a Rift.
Sentinel found himself in the time after the apocalypse (105 P.A.). He continues to battle injustice and tyranny there today, alone or with friends. In Ciudad Juarez, he became a Champion of the Arena, aided in battling crime and corruption, Spluglorthian Slavers, and destroying a Vampire Intelligence. He is currently on route to Virginia, to set up a base of operations there.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

Listen to the Sentinel...he speaks truth.~ Shadyslug

Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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Daniel Stoker
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This is a character I made based of a character I play in CoH.

Name: Dark Thorn
Alias: Hannah Ivus
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Alien/Experiment
Level: 3
Gender: Female Age: 22
Height: 5'9”
Weight: 142 lbs.
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Education and Skills: 4 years of College
Cause of Mutation: Deliberate Experimentation
Unusual Physical Characteristic: Green tinge to skin when in human form
Money: Has a vague understanding of money but little desire for it.
IQ: 19
ME: 15
MA: 11
PS: 16 (+8 in plant form)
PP: 20
PE: 17
PB: 20
Spd: 15
SDC: 10 (+60 in daytime only) (+90 in plant form)
Hps: 27

Alter Physical Structure: Plant (Plant is her normal for, she uses this to turn ‘human’)
Body Weapons
Super Burrowing
Solar Powered

Botany 60%
Biology 65%
Chemistry 65%
Analytical Chemistry 60%
Advanced Math 60%
Pathology 65%
Medical Doctor 85/75%
Read Sensory Equip. 55%
Surveillance Systems 55%
Computer Operation 65%
Basic Math 70%
TV & Video 48%
Prowl 50%

Wilderness Survival 45%
Research 65%
Writing 40%

Hand to Hand: Expert

Background: Neither Alien or human, Dark Thorn is a mixture of both human and plant, an accident created during a long-term experiment in growing artificial organs. By combining human and plant DNA together, her creators hoped to make a plant that could grow a temporary replacement organ. One that wouldn’t be rejected by the human body, but that would be more compatible then current substitutes like pig organs. The prototype plant created by the company had successfully grown several animal organs that seemed to work when the lead scientist accidentally cut her finger, leaving a trace amount along a leaf of the plant while tending it. Overnight a strange pod grew, astonishing the night crew who tried to contact their supervisors to figure out what to do. Then suddenly the pod opened, giving birth to a strange green ‘clone’ of Dr. Hedra. The creation spooked its mind awash with fragments of her genetic parents memories and knowledge. Afraid for her very existence she used her strange powers to escape the lab, breaking through the floor and escaping before she could be contained. Since then she has wandered the city, hiding mostly in parks and open areas where she can blend in and hide while she tries to figure out what to do with herself, all the while worrying that her accidental creators could track her down and drag her back to the lab. Dark Thorn only recently discovered the ability to turn herself into a human, and has used this as new ability to explore the rest of the city and has made several friends in the local collage crowd and is considering using knowledge in science to ‘tutor’ some of the students for money… if she can remember what she really needs money for. She has been using her natural abilities to help keep the local homeless population that lives in and around ‘her’ park safe from thugs and vandals mostly, being more nervous about exposing herself in more ‘public’ areas.

Appearance: Dark Thorn in her plant form appears to be a green skinned woman with red hair, reminisant of petals and ivy. Her eyes have a faint almost green glow to them that brightens as she experiences emotions, as do the flowers that are in/make up her hair. Her body looks mostly human with ivy looking growths covering parts of her body. The growths themselves appear to be controlled by her subconscious and are patterned to respect her ‘modesty’. In her human form Dark Thorn has an ‘olive’ completion, her sap like blood giving her a green tinge under certain light. She tends to wear hand me down clothing provided to her college friends, or what she has managed to salvage from the local Salvation Army.
Judaism - More Old School than either Christianity or Islam.
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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »


“How about I just break your neck, @#@$%^%!"

Caleb is just a pure and simple bully, killer and just one of them scum of the earth type of guys. Born in the rough part of town, lefted for dead in a trash can at 1 day old, he was found by Elementrol, Caleb was raised and trained by Demon Hawk and the sisters. Caleb is no more then Elementrol's attack dog and he enjoys his job. Caleb has a long running feud with Hannibal of Porter Inc. and Anvil, who he has never beaten yet, but vows to kill them both.

Real Name: unknown
Aliases: Caleb
Experience Level: 7
Power Category: Mutant (Gentic Aberration)
Alignment: Diabolic (evil)
Attributes: IQ: 12 ME: 20 MA: 11 PS: 63 PP: 13 PE: 36 PB:7 SPD: 30
Hit Points: 124, S.D.C.:266
P.P.E.:n/a, I.S.P.: n/a , Chi:n/a
Age: 30, Sex: male , Height: 7' 5", Weight:600lbs
Appearance: see picture

<<Category Specific Abilities;

Superhuman Strength
Energy Explusion Energy, Range 600ft damage 9d6
SuperVision: Advanced Sight range 7 miles
Extraordinary Physical Endurance

Education Level: equal to High school graduate
Skill Programs:Skills:
W.P. Skills:

Combat Style: Hand to hand Assassin
6 attacks, +2 to strike, +6 to dodge, +6 to parry, +6 to roll , +8 to pull punch, +1 to initiative, the 4 to damage
Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

Zardoz wrote:You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
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Re: Slay

Unread post by NMI »

The Artist Formerly wrote:Alien, Mega-Villian.
Name:Slay 7th level villian
IQ:4 ME:3 MA:4 PS:67 PP:17 PE:19 PB:3 SPD:8
Alignment:Miscreant (animal like thought patterns)
Height:16 feet. Weight:2244 lbs.
Hit: SDC:1089
Humanoid/Ape like appearance with a pronounced snout nose and chin.
Homeworld/dimension:Toxic atmosphere. Slay does not breath.
Slay is a manufactured creature, differant fromwhatever else might exist where ever it is he comes from, as such he's would be a mutant.
Skills: Slay doesn't have sufficent mental power to master many skills. Or a toaster for that matter. Concider him a combat specialist.

Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic. Running, Body Building. Athletics. Wrestling.
WP:Blunt WP:Staff WP:Thrown WP:Player Character WP:Axe WP:Blunt. :)

S:2 P:5 D:4 F/R:4 APM:6 INI:1


SN Strength inflicts: 2d4x10+58 points of damage.

Mutant characteristic: Unusally large hands. +6 damage to punches.

Powers:APS:Stone. Multipul Limbs. Giant.
Mega-villian powers: Super Natural PS. Increased SDC. Enhanced healing (heals five times faster then a normal human). Immortal. Slay can only be killed by beheading him with his own axe. In his case, that's the only way. Of course it's been lost for ages and ages.

Penilties: Power lock, Slay doesn't have another form, this is it. Slow and ponderous. Deadly Metal: The (mystic) metal that makes his axe by-passes his AR, and does double damage to him, direct to hitpoints.
WP: Player Character!! :D :D :D That is hilarious.
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Yeah, you're right that is extremely funny! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Slay

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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
The Artist Formerly wrote:Alien, Mega-Villian.
Name:Slay 7th level villian
IQ:4 ME:3 MA:4 PS:67 PP:17 PE:19 PB:3 SPD:8
Alignment:Miscreant (animal like thought patterns)
Height:16 feet. Weight:2244 lbs.
Hit: SDC:1089
Humanoid/Ape like appearance with a pronounced snout nose and chin.
Homeworld/dimension:Toxic atmosphere. Slay does not breath.
Slay is a manufactured creature, differant fromwhatever else might exist where ever it is he comes from, as such he's would be a mutant.
Skills: Slay doesn't have sufficent mental power to master many skills. Or a toaster for that matter. Concider him a combat specialist.

Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic. Running, Body Building. Athletics. Wrestling.
WP:Blunt WP:Staff WP:Thrown WP:Player Character WP:Axe WP:Blunt. :)

S:2 P:5 D:4 F/R:4 APM:6 INI:1


SN Strength inflicts: 2d4x10+58 points of damage.

Mutant characteristic: Unusally large hands. +6 damage to punches.

Powers:APS:Stone. Multipul Limbs. Giant.
Mega-villian powers: Super Natural PS. Increased SDC. Enhanced healing (heals five times faster then a normal human). Immortal. Slay can only be killed by beheading him with his own axe. In his case, that's the only way. Of course it's been lost for ages and ages.

Penilties: Power lock, Slay doesn't have another form, this is it. Slow and ponderous. Deadly Metal: The (mystic) metal that makes his axe by-passes his AR, and does double damage to him, direct to hitpoints.
WP: Player Character!! :D :D :D That is hilarious.

Does it apply only in HtH or to thrown player characters as well? Is there a seperate skill for WP: Non-player character?
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Brutus always knew he was different than they other kids in his neighborhood. Nothing that he could put his finger on, just that he was special in some way. As it turns out, he was dead wrong, nothing special about him whatsoever. He grew up being constantly teased, bullied, and beaten by his peers whenever they had the chance. Neither of his parents, nor any of the adults at school stepped I to help him they simply saw it as “boys being boys”, and ignored him.

After high school, Brutus joined the army, hoping to get away form those who had made his life miserable. Bad decision, as he didn’t read all the fine print involved. Since he was a ‘physically inferior specimen’, and they were needing to conduct experiments, testing new vaccines and such, he was chosen as part of the expendable test subjects. He was put through basic training, and given ‘vitamins’ and ‘protein supplements’ every day. After a few weeks of this, his skull felt like he had a rabid badger clawing to get out, he was always nauseous, and his fingers alternatively burned and itched. He had no idea what was happening to him, but he finally figured out that it was the pills he was given that was causing it (he noticed that not all of the recruits were given them).

He stopped taking them, and that was what saved his life. The pills and such did grant powers, but taken too long in the amounts they were given would prove lethal. He was one of only three who survived out of nearly forty tested, and he was the only one who was sane. Of the the other two, one was rendered nearly catatonic (lights were on, but nobody’s home), and the last was a raving psychopath who desired nothing more than to kill anybody he could get his hands on. Brutus finally managed to escape the base, and wandered the wilderness for several years, living off of the land, and avoiding humanity altogether (has a hard time trusting anybody after what he had gone through).

Finally he stopped in a mountainy region, and was fixed to live his life in solitude when fate stepped in and proceed to through all his plans out the window yet again. He ended up saving a young blind girl from a band of drunken lowlifes and escorting her back to her grandfather’s house. There the old man managed to look past the countenance the young man in front of him had, and see to the scared and abused boy within. Taking pity on Brutus, he invited him into his house, and offered him a place to stay for as long as he liked, no questions asked for as long as he wanted.

Over the next year of so, Brutus slowly filled in his life’s story to Father Wong, all about the torments he suffered as a child, the lies and deceit in the military, all of it. Father Wong offered to help him understand himself, to know himself so he could know his path in the world. Father Wong taught him everything form Jiu-Jitsu to philosophy over the next few years before tragedy struck. Little Elinore was on her way home from school when she was hit by a truck, crushing her. The driver was a drug runner, and took off immediately after hitting her, careering through town and out into the woods.

After finding out about this, Brutus tracked the offender down, and proceeded to extract all of the information he had about the people he worked for. He then went on a killing spree, taking the organization apart brick by brick, man by man, all the while gathering more info on the other drug rings. He eventually moved on to all corrupt officials and those involved in the drug trade, and has been there ever since, plotting different ways of brining them down once an d for all. On at least three different occasions has actually broken into a jail to get at the man he wanted, and each time has managed to escape virtually unscathed. One on his favorite tactics was to run up behind the bad guys and either try to rip their heads off or break their necks using his strength, speed, and invisibility.

Father Wong took a very dim view on all of this, and tried to get Brutus to give up his quest, but to no avail. Finally, he challenged Brutus to a duel, winner would dictate Brutus’s path in life. After several hours of struggle, Brutus barely managed to defeat the ninety year old man, but out of respect for him changed his modus operandi. Instead of killing them, he merely gathers evidence on the criminals and sends it anonymously to the authorities (also sends incriminating evidence to the F.B.I. about crooked cops and politicians). He has been responsible for shutting down at least three major drug smuggling operations, and at least ten times that in smaller drug rings and operations in the last five years alone.

Power Category: Experiment, Three Majors: Lycanthropy, Canine Animal Powers, and Invisibility (Later changed to Smoke and Mist generation after a life altering battle in which he was pumped full of the drugs that gave him his powers, resetting his experience levels). Suffered from a rather odd side effect, he no longer needed to sleep! Hasn’t slept a wink in almost fifteen years now, and automatically saves vs. any attempt to knock him out.

That’s all I have, the rest of the stat sheet was damaged in storage, water got all over it and ruined most of the rest (a few bits are legible but not enough to rebuild him like his last name or physical stats).
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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The Fighting Iron Mountain

Real Name: Eric Zemmerman
Aliases: The Wall , The Iron Defender (from mutants and those he has saved) and the Crushing Hill.
Race: Once Human, Now Mega Being
Group Affiliation: None for the moment
Occupation: Criminal and "Mutant" Defender.

Alignment: Aberrant (leaning toward good)
Power Category: Immortal Golem
Experience Level: 23rd Level
Hit Points: N/A S.D.C.: 3240 Natural AR: 16 (Iron) [MDC Worlds: 3240 MDC]
P.P.E.: 128
Attributes: IQ 15, ME 18, MA 12, PS 63, PP 28, PE 32, PB 8, Spd 22
Age: 683 Sex: Male Height: 7 Feet. Weight: 1300 lbs.

Mega Powers: Natural** Abilities of Golem (See Below)
Major Powers: Natural Combat; Invunerability; Massive Damage Capacity; PS Supernatural; World Gate; and Defensive Immunity.

**Natural Abilities: Impervious to possession, poison, drugs, gases (doesn't need air/food/water), and disease. Regenerate 2d6 per melee round. Limbs regenerate within 8 hours and the Golem Completely reforms in 48 hours at full strength, if destroyed. Only way to killed forever is to: inflict more 600 SDC by magical means (spell, magic weapon,ect..), take gemstone that is the Golem's Heart (Deep in Chest), and throw the gem into the Ocean. If gem recovered from ocean within 20 years; will regenerate to full strength in 48 hours after being brought to dry land. >>This informaton about ocean is Unknown to most except other golems-immortal, a few master wizards and gods<<**

Weaknesses: Magic Causes Double Damage and Obessions: Wealth and Power (Revenge has faded after killing those that made him this way.) and Helping fellow freaks (mostly young and weak).

Combat Training: Natural Combat (PP and Golem Bonuses Included)
Attacks: 12
Combat Bonuses and Saves: +9 Initiative, +8 Strike (+10 any weapon), +7 Parry (+9 with any weapon that parries), +7 Dodge, +7 Automatic Dodge, +10 Impact/Roll, +16 Pull Punch, +10 Disarm, +8 Entangle, +15 vs Horror Factor, +5 vs Mind Control, +9 vs Magic, +2 psionics/insanity and +48 damage.

Education Level and Skills: General Studies Plus Age
Program Skills: Language(Speak/Read/Write): English/ Spanish/ Chinese/ Japanese/ Atlantean and Dragonese/Elf, Tracking, Prowl, Streetwise, and Basic Math.

Secondary Skills: Research, Computer Hacker, Computer Programming, Land Navigation, Read Sensory Equipment, Basic: Radio, Computer Operation, Pilot Automobile, Pilot Spaceship, General Dimensional Knowledge and Intelligence.

Money: Has amassed $2,840,000 so for.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Prefers World Gate, Natural Abilities but has a top of the line computer (stolen) for Information Garthering.


Eric Zemmerman was a normal teen in the low income section of town. Both parents worked but they always got by. In the paper he saw a job ad: $10,000 for testers come to South Smith Street in interest. He went to find 50 other people waiting in front an old building. An older man in a black robe came out the door and looked over each person. The old man selected Eric and he lead Eric ito the building. He introduced him to 11 other individuals and claim to be real wizard of The Red Counsil(RC for short). They said if he was willing to be a test subject for spells he could have $10,000 cash and possible more. Since, Eric didn't believe in magic he agree if he could take the cash home first. The RC agreed to this and Eric took the money home. At first his parents thought robbed someone but Eric said it was a sign on bonus for a Test Trail Drug (a little white lie); he even gave the RC phone number to verify the job was real. After, his parents verified the information; then, they we're happy (he gave half to them and the rest in the bank). He went back to the RC the next day and with through some exercises to "purify" his body (he thought this is a piece of cake). Then the 1st spell hit him like a slegde hammer upside the head. He started to beg to stop (even offer to return the money) but the RC just cast one spell after another. Everything went black from Eric (he thought this was the end) and next thing he know he has starring at a Iron Statue in a mirror. Eric looked closer and the statue looke back; he didn't know how but He Was the Statue!! The RC members were standing around giving praise to one another. Eric demanded to be put back in his body. The RC laughed and pointed at a pile of dust on the ground. Eric went mad and charged at the RC. As Eric charged the RC, casted a spell stopping him in his tracks. Then the RC focused their combined energy and opened a swirling blue portal under Eric. Suddenly Eric found himself in a dimension of demons, dragons and all manner of vile creatures. The creatures instantly attacked and so begin the next 658 years of never ending combat and regeneration (no oceans in dimension). All he thought about was revenge and destroying those who did this to him and wonder why the RC picked him (he figured it was because he was from a poor family). On that 658 day, a blue portal opened and Eric drove though it. He was before 5 tattoo very tall humans (Atlanteans) and Eric took a defensive stance; One Atlantean touch a tattoo and asked how did it get here and what did it want (the Atlanteans needed info from a demon...wasn't ready for this). So, Eric began to explain his story; all the Atlanteans were amazed that he wasn't more crazy then he was. The group talked and said if he came with them right now that they would get him home. After, 10 years of travel with the group and learning of his powers (and weaknesses) the group opened a gate home for him (the group helped him to focus his anger and reminded him good still exists). After the goodbyes, he returned home with a large robe and hood on to disguise himself. He thought the world would be much different (600+ years) then he saw a newpaper and fell to his knees. The paper read Only 10 years later (the dimension he was sent to has no time); he instantly went to his home and saw a leveled lot. He carefully made some calls (smash a phone for quarters) and made calls to distant relatives. The relatives were shocked to hear him; they thought he died with his parents in the house fire 10 years ago (he knew it was RC). His mind snapped, he went to the RC; the building was more exotic now (a run down building to a $500k+ building). The media was there and the Old Man was explaining about their companies new product; Eric attacked without stopping then on to the building (he found each orignal RC that sent he to that cursed placed). But in his rage, he also injuried a few innocent office workers, seriously hurt two dozen police, and killed an overconfident Hunter ( Hunter was:Hero to the Public and Villian to mutants throught the city). Eric opened a portal and escaped. Over the last few months there have been some quick clashed with the law (he needs cash or so he thinks). But there has also been clashes with heroes/villians and beings trying to hurt the weaker mutants (low powered or peaceful) and a few killings. Eric will kill anyone altering, mutanting, or anything that changes one being into something else. He been seen all over the planet already (He will help a mutant...with food, cash, and the basics whenever possible. If teens or younger he goes out of his way to make sure they are took to a good safe location with cash, food and shelter.) But understand he still wants power (so, No one ever takes advantage of he again) and wealth...anyone getting in his way will be crushed (he would perfer not to kill but if he has to...HE WILL!!).
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The Survivor

“I'll gettin' to old for this. What is in now? Alien invasion, Monsters, Dooms Day Machine, Save the City..Town..Galaxy..Universe, OR did Mr. Smith's cows get out again?? ” ~Survivor

Real Name: Adam Clark
Aliases: The Survivor and The Come Back Kid
Experience Level: 9th
Power Category: Experiment
Alignment: Scrupulous
IQ: 14
ME: 17
PS (normal): 31
PP: 24
PE: 23
PB: 12
Spd: 16
Hit Points: 58 , S.D.C.: 132
P.P.E.: 12, I.S.P./Chi: 4
Age: 52 , Sex: male , Height: 6' 1" , Weight: 325 pounds (Dense not fat)
Appearance: Just an average looking American male in his 30's.

The Nature of the Experiment: Chemical and Radiation combined in order to create a renewable energy source.
The General Type: Unexpected side effect of the Explosion.

Super Powers:
Super Regeneration
Immune to possession and control

Side Effects:
Increased Mass
Breath without Air (Immune to gas. No smell nor taste....he misses food)

Education Level: High School
Pilot Automobile, Basic Math, & Speak/Read/Write English Language
Skill Programs: Body Building & Weight Lifting, Boxing, Running, Swimming, Automotive Mechanics, Aircraft Mechanics, Basic Electronics, and Weapon Engineer.
Skills (some continued education): Hand to Hand-Martial Arts, Basic:Radio, First Aid, Wilderness Survival, Pilot: Motorcycle , WP Blunt Revolver Heavy Weapons Automatic Pistol Shield Computer operation-(1st level)

Combat Style: Hand-to-Hand: Martial Arts

Combat Bonuses(PP included): +2 initiative, +7 strike, +7 dodge, +10 parry, +4 roll & pull, pair weapons, and +2 disarm
Other Bonuses(with Attributes) : + 4 vs magic and + 2 vs psionics

Money: $21,000 checking and monthly trust (set up by himself) of about $1200 after taxes.
Weapons: A few LAWs, Revolver with silver bullets and 13 shot clip of U-round (slow the regenerates down), Baseball bats, Non magnetin Metal Shield, A Dip Pistol (Created himself but has only half the range), grenades of differeni types (even 4 slicky grenades...super tar inside: 20 feet area equal to Carpet of Adhesion until removed), Tablets-remove tar (1d4+2 melee plus works for other adhesions as well add +2 rounds however).
Items: Old 1968 Ford Truck, Armor Plated Motor Cycle and single person mini airplane (with silver and U-round bullets)
Equipment: Basesment under his house, a computer (just started learning how to use one) and a Universal translator (holding it for his friends until they return.

Quick History(may edit later with full history....need to get ready for work soon):
Was a into sports and mechanics (weapons because his Dad owned a gun store.)
Want something different got a assistances job at a Lab in town...was working late one night and the Lad exploded.
Awoke in the hospital really broken up.
The Lab agree to pay medical and some cash to all victims of the explosion if sign paper releashing them from any legal action. After pressure to family Adam signed.
A week later he got up and lloked in mirror..all the wounds gone!!
Later, working on truck and fell and hit and (luckly) slide off him (hyperdenstiy).
He dress up simplely and started fighting crime...ran into many and Been beaten down so many times but keeps coming back.
He help a few (good) Aliens fix the ship and return home...the Aliens said they would return someday and repay the favor to the world.
He has even run into Whiplash (Maters of Speed VU Pg 106) ...after a brief and one sided battle Adam crawled away immune to whiplash and similiar neck breaking moves.
Adam has just recently found some mutant (9 total:7 mutant animal and 2 freaks) and has started training them as Heroes/side kicks.....

I hope you enjoy and comment on him (Yes, he is a real character of mine and all rolls were unaltered...true dice rolls :eek: )
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Unread post by leonmallett »

Survivor is a cool name with fairly obvious applications, although I like the possession/mind control immunity aspect.

For a different game (GURPS) I did a character called Survivor - basically unkillable and massively fast regen with no obvious attack powers.
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leonmallett wrote:Survivor is a cool name with fairly obvious applications, although I like the possession/mind control immunity aspect.

For a different game (GURPS) I did a character called Survivor - basically unkillable and massively fast regen with no obvious attack powers.

I just liked him (playing as him also)...defeated more then once but just keeps coming back. Though he hoping to get a little rest if he trains new recuits (but will more then likely have to save the newbies the first few times). One of my better characters (for the fun). I'll post a few more when I get extra time. One is a hunter I used as a NPC a long, long time ago but updating with a few things from Rifter.

(Stay tune and thanks for responding :ok: )
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I forgot to state: Survivor = good name in my view!
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

INteresting characters! Thanks for sharing them!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Slay

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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
The Artist Formerly wrote:Alien, Mega-Villian.
Name:Slay 7th level villian
IQ:4 ME:3 MA:4 PS:67 PP:17 PE:19 PB:3 SPD:8
Alignment:Miscreant (animal like thought patterns)
Height:16 feet. Weight:2244 lbs.
Hit: SDC:1089
Humanoid/Ape like appearance with a pronounced snout nose and chin.
Homeworld/dimension:Toxic atmosphere. Slay does not breath.
Slay is a manufactured creature, differant fromwhatever else might exist where ever it is he comes from, as such he's would be a mutant.
Skills: Slay doesn't have sufficent mental power to master many skills. Or a toaster for that matter. Concider him a combat specialist.

Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic. Running, Body Building. Athletics. Wrestling.
WP:Blunt WP:Staff WP:Thrown WP:Player Character WP:Axe WP:Blunt. :)

S:2 P:5 D:4 F/R:4 APM:6 INI:1


SN Strength inflicts: 2d4x10+58 points of damage.

Mutant characteristic: Unusally large hands. +6 damage to punches.

Powers:APS:Stone. Multipul Limbs. Giant.
Mega-villian powers: Super Natural PS. Increased SDC. Enhanced healing (heals five times faster then a normal human). Immortal. Slay can only be killed by beheading him with his own axe. In his case, that's the only way. Of course it's been lost for ages and ages.

Penilties: Power lock, Slay doesn't have another form, this is it. Slow and ponderous. Deadly Metal: The (mystic) metal that makes his axe by-passes his AR, and does double damage to him, direct to hitpoints.
WP: Player Character!! :D :D :D That is hilarious.

Well he really like's hitting things with whatever comes to hand. And smashing PCs into each other is funny.
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Mephisto wrote:Top Hat Charlie

Despite his rather odd name and even odder attire, Top Hat Charlie is not someone to take lightly. He is a cold, ruthless killer that will not hesitate for a second to kill an enemy or fulfill a contract. His background is unknown, but many believe that he was a former ballet instructor that grew tired of dealing with.....>snip<

Mutant Characteristics: Cosmetic Mutation/Cro-Magnon Face (still considered handsome to most women).

Education Level: Three Years of College and Trade School/Professional Thief
Skill Programs: Professional Thief, Con Man, Forger, Evasion Specialist, Athletics, Screen Acting, Teacher.

In which universe is a cro magnon face considered 'handsome to most women'?

and how does a guy with, what is a very memorable face, go through three years of professional training without leaving any impression of his background (refer to above emphasis)?

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Unread post by BillionSix »

Iczer wrote:In which universe is a cro magnon face considered 'handsome to most women'?

Obviously, you have not seen the classic film "Encino Man"
Are you suggesting that the great Pauly Shore would appear in a film that was less than 100% anthropologically and paleontologically accurate?
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Unread post by Danger »

Mephisto wrote:[NOTE: The skill programs and education level are not standard HU2, but rather uses the material on Kuseru's site. I also use the super abilities on Brett Hegr's site and AJ Pickett's site. Gymnastics is my own modified version that can also be found on Kuseru's site. Also, the way that I present the text is the standard format that I use for all of my characters.

You got links to those sites? :?
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Nekira Sudacne wrote:Sorry, the Anime genre and the Furry genre don't usually mix, except where Catgirls are concerned :D
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Re: The Hero Exchange

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Some cool new NPCs. I like them. Thank you for sharing them with us. I hope we get some more!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: The Hero Exchange

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Cool! Can't wait to see that one too!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: The Hero Exchange

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Oh Boy I love this thread :D


“Silence you're in my zone”

The life of a mercenary is hard, live by the sword or die by the sword, so to speak. But for a particular french sniper, life had become evenr more complicated. Captured and sent to jail for having shot an USA lieutenent in Afghanistan, albeit he always claimed innocence, he was offered a proposal. The ChemCORP a private company with very profitable contract with the army wanted some "specimen" to test their latst product, the ST-1256X2. A retrovirus that in theory will turn soldier in living stealths, invisible to detection. The sniper, Named Martin Malcorbeu accepted without thinking too muhc, becasue is not that he had other options. That was a mistake, thinking about it later, as it was obvious that if a compnay search subject for test amongst prisoners, surely won't care about their health at all. He realized it when he saw that the most of other subjects had died horribly, from 200 only 4, included Malcorbeu survived. And only Marlcorbeu did not shown sign of insanity. While testing his newfound abilities, one night he overheard two researcher talking about how they were going to shut down the project and that next week they had to "clean" the lab, and Martin was not so naive to not understand what that does means. After all no one want to risk being exposed for illegal human experimentation. That night he planned his evasion, managing to put to profit his knowlegde of explosives.
Somtimes later rumors of a peculiar skilled trouble-solver spread in Europe. If you have a problem you can't solve you've just to phone a certain number in Marseille, that change everyday, and you'll get a friendly shadow on your side.

Real Name: Martin Malcorbeu
Aliases: Le Corbeu(the crow) his nickname when legionnaire, Mika Tudesky, Alphonse Corvetti these two are false identities he use
Experience Level: 7
Power Category: Super Soldier
Alignment: Aberrant but he is slowly improving toward Scrupolous
Attributes: IQ: 14, ME: 11, MA: 10, PS: 16, PE: 13, PP: 10, PB: 17, Spd.: 26
Hit Points: 37, S.D.C.: 67
P.P.E.: 8, I.S.P. : 6, Chi: 13
Age: 37, Sex: Male, Height: 5ft 10inches, Weight: 153 lbs
Appearance: A very good lookin man, dark skin tone, has very short black hair, almost shaved and nice blue eyes. He has a small scar on left cheekbone, a memory of wehn he was a quite troublemaker child. As Noir he wear silver and black costume that conceal all his features, the costume is similar to swat outfit, plus a Padded trenchcoat
that act as military web belt. The mask has v shaped red lenses
Disposition: A friendly and cool person. Always eager to share a witty comment. But a closer look will reveal a very inquisitve nature and his sarcams hide a very dark nature, albeit he try to be a nice person, well most of the time.

Education Level: Militray (basic), plus an extra Espionage Program
Skill Programs:
Basic Military: Running, Climbing 85%, Military Etiquette 80%, Radio: Basic 90%
Military Demolitions: Basic Electronics 75%, Basic Mechanics 75%, Demolitions 91%, Demolitions Disposal 91%, Underwater Demolitions 94%
Pilot Advanced: Navigation(Air, Land, Water) 90%, Read Sensory Equipment 70%, Weapon System 80%, Pilot: Race Car 81%, Pilot: Motorcycle 93%, Pilot: Helicopter 75%, Pilot: Tanks and APCs 69%
Espionage basic: HTH Martial arts, Detect Ambush 65%, Intelligence 60%, Wilderness Survival 65%, Sniper +2 Aimed Shot, Tracking 60%
Secondary Skills: Prowl 60%, Swimming 85%, S.C.U.B.A. 85%, Athletics, Language: English 85%, Language: Arabic 85%, Language: Polish 85%
W.P. Skills: W.P. Rifle Aimed Aimed +5 Burst +3, W.P. Automatic Gun Aimed +5 Burst +3, W.P. Knife +2 Strike +2 Strike when thrown +2 to parry, W.P. Energy Pistols Aimed +5

Combat Style
: Hand To Hand Martial Arts
Combat Abilities: Punch - 1d4+1, Karate Strike/Punch - 2d4+1, Power Punch 2d8+2, Kick Attack - 2d4+1, Snap Kick - 1d6+1, Crescent Kick - 2d4+3, Backward Sweep, Tripping/Leg Hook, Jump Kick: 6d6+1, Flying Jump Kick 4d6+1, Critical strike on a natural 18, 19 or 20, Paired Weapons
Combat Bonuses: Attack per melee 5, Initiative +2, Strike +2, Disarm +4 Parry +4, Dodge +4, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact +4, Pull Punch +3
Other Bonuses: +1 to damage

Money: 78.000 euros in swissa bank account
Weapons: Pair of Matching Energy Pistols that shot shadow bullets. Recharge only withing his Darkness Damage 4d6 +6 in darkness Range 500 ft. Payload 15 blast in light, 120 in darkness
FR-F2 Sniping rifle wiht Silencer and Telescopic Weapon sight 1600ft/480m medium magnification Cartiridge 7.62 mm NATO Weight Loaded 12.75 lbs Range 800 m(2624ft) Damage 6d6+3
Two Polycarbonate Knives damage 1d6
Belt with 4 throwing knives - the knives contain explosive Damage 4d6 Blast Radius 4 inches
4 Explosive Grenades Damage 2d4x10 Range 100ft Blast Radius: 20ft
2 Flash Grenades: Create A flash of blinding light, he use them to create shadows for his shadow step trick Blast Radius 20 ft
While he don't carry it all the time, he generally had always to 2 lbs of plastic explosive at his disposale hidde in safe compartment of his bike, plus 3 vlastin cap and timers. Otherwise he rely on homemade bombs. He like to combine explosive with his dark aura to play some very dangerous version of landmine game with his opponents if they want tot ake the challenge "if I was you I won't move, mon cher"

: Battle Bike "Nightspear" Spd 90 MPH, 200 SDC AR 12, Engine is completely silent, not even the smallest sound
Mazda RX8 AR 7 SDC 300 Speed 155mph Transmission Manual. His civilian car

Equipment: 2 Noir Costumes with built in Hard Armor Vest A.R. 12, S.D.C. 120, The NOir Mask has built in radio receiver and transmitter and Gas Mask. The trenchcoat has the equivalen space of a military web belt, oe SPike Launch rod, Infrared distancing Binocular, Small Flashlight(not that he really need it, but in case he has teammates without nightvision), a pair Handcuffs, Light Camouflage poncho, S.C.U.B.A. Diving suite , included mask, snorkel, fins and 80k cylinder with 90 minutes capacity

Supersoldier Stats
Sponsoring Organization: Private Industry running a contract with the military
Motive for the Procedure: Miltary and Espionage
Nature of the Procedure: Exposition to injection of mutagenic retro-viruses and controlled gamma radiations
Nature of the Test Subject:
Current Status with the organization: Rogue Agent, went MIA and presumed dead, albeit they suspect him being the misterious vigilante Noir
Likelihood of Succesful Replication: Is an ongoing operation with other 3 bona-fide success. They are the result of accidental conditions in their DNA that cannot be actually replied. Also Noir is the only one who did not developed dangerous insanity. Of the other three one fell into megalomania/god Syndrome, another become a cannibal and the third is a serial rapist and murderer

Major Super Abilities: Darkness Control - His darkness control is tad more intense than usual, and as such not only prevetn sigh but block and and all from entering ro getting out of the darkneed area under in his control, as well as parry energy attacks with his darkness. No bonus or minus, just a straightforward roll
Minor Super Abilities: Shadow Step. While inside his darkness he can teleport at will, within the radius limit.
Super Soldier Enhancements: Bionic Sensor System(Motion Detector, Radiation Detector, Heat Sensor, Radio Scrambler-range is equal to his darkness area, Radar Warning System, Infrared Warning System), Hypnotic Mental Conditioning (he is actually invisible to psionic sensitive powers while shadowmelding or in darkness), Uncanny Targeting and Throwing
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Re: The Hero Exchange

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice! I like this NPC. Just out of curiosity. Why is his alignment changing? I must have missed the cause of this.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: The Hero Exchange

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Aramanthus wrote:Very nice! I like this NPC. Just out of curiosity. Why is his alignment changing? I must have missed the cause of this.

Well he just started to realize that sometimes the end does not always justifiy the means, and tha tsimply because you've suffered does not give automaticalyl the right to make others suffer.
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Re: The Hero Exchange

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Oh ok! So he is actually going from being brutal to someone who is more enlightened. Cool!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: The Hero Exchange

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Another one :D
Crazy Easter

Its Hester, dammit ,HE-S-T-ER! Is Not chocolate egss I'm hiding, but a f***ing 9 mm! yo f***tard!!

The world of Earth 999 , the so called After The bomb earth, is not an easy place to live, better that Earth 800(Splicer earth) or Earth 609(Nightlands, still very harsh. The fight for survival is matter of evryrday life, and is not uncommon for kids to remain orphan, in world where there is very few who care about orphans. Such was the fate of Hester Whitepaw, whose family was killed for being on the wrong side of Empire of humankind rifles. Thankfully she somehow survived enough to eb picked up by some bandits. Of course it was a partial luck as being raised by bandits is not exactly being pampered. If she had not proven her worth, and if wasn't for the unusual powers she had demonstrated she is fairly sure they would have dumped her in the wilderness, or worst sold her to a slave market. Nonetheless she wasn't particulary happy with her situatuin, and craved for something better. She has a desire to see the world, explore, wandering free, and more important all this without the risk of having one's own throat cut. She thought that hitting a big score, she would have enough money to stop this life of few comforts and high risk, and pay her dream of buying a luxury ship and start her travel aroudn the world, as she had always a weird fascination for the sea. And this lead her to plan to infiltrate an empire of humankind secret research laboratory, a job she and other six specialist were hired to do. Her speed was pivotal to accomplish the task to recover some valuable data without the EMpire notice. Thigns gone bad, as first there was a mole in the group, and second the experiment, involving puncturing the dimensional barrier. As per Murphy law, things decided to go bad in the worst possible moment.
She do not remember exactly what happend, she just saw a shiny blinding blue light and poof. She found herself in a different place, a world where the "bomb" never exploded, where there are little or none mutant animals and where there are few weird powered humans. It took her sometimes to adjust to this new world, albeit she see it as a new possibility as there are surely more chance for her dream of a carefree life. If only she had not the nasty habit to be involved in the most insane situations. While she is technically member of the LEGION of heroes, a position she accepted because she liked enjoying some of the Legion benefits, she is more a "freelancer" heroine whose moral values are quite hmmm elastic. "the purple diamond the powered Dr. Devasto moon laser? Well I think got lost when the base had been destroyed ain't it?...she then go back browsing web for a list of rare jewels collectors"

Real Name: Hester Whitepaw
Aliases: That crazy rabbit, psycho-bunny
Experience Level: 4
Power Category: Mutant Animal
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: IQ 5, ME 12, MA 11, PS 8, PE 12, PP 20, PB 16, Spd. 25 - her max speed is 250 mph but took her 6 action per melee to reach it
Hit Points: 27, S.D.C.: 110
P.P.E.:10 , Chi: 12
Age: 19, Sex: Female, Height: 5ft 3inches plus 2 ft of ears, Weight: 66 lbs.
Appearance: A cute looking anthro-rabbit, white short fur cover most of her body albeit is shorter on hands and face, she does have a slight muzzle and buckteeth, on top of her head are two long rabbit ears who move and reflect her mood, she does have red eyes, she die her top hair of electric blue with pink stripes or of pink with blue stripes, she tie her hair in a short pigtail. Wear mostly confortabble jumpsuit, t-shirt but she don't like wearing shoes. Has a piercing located at middle lenght of her left ear and wear a spiked collar all the time. Her voice has a certain animal tone, sound like a classic "chipmunk" like voice

Disposition: A young girl with a clear vision of what her future should be, but with a prgmatic realization that there are lot of obstacles to it. She does not like trouble, but having being grown in an enviroment that seemed OZ meet Moreu Islands, she had learned that letting other step on your neck means just becoming a their dinner, and you've always ensure that others respect you, evne if you've to enforce it with roundhouse kick on their face. This and her anarchist attitude sometimes create a tension when faced with a different , more normal situation. She has sort of hate for racist jerks, that remind her the Empire of Humankind, so Shocks, Coalition, Prevert Parties and similar ******** are often ehr target for some funny tricks, well for her at least, her humor is kinda prison like .

Education Level: Raised by bandits, native of ATB earth(equal to on the job training)
Primary skills: Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment&traps 60%, Escape Artist 65%, Pick Pockets 60%, Tailing, Pick Locks 65%, Acrobatics (sense of balance 83%-walk tightrope or highwire 87%-Climb rope 93%-Back flip 85%-Climb 40%), Kickboxing, Land Navigation 67%, Camouflage 55%, Read Sensory Equipment 65%
Secondary Skills: Wilderness Survival 50%, Tracking 45%, Prowl 50%, HTH Basic, Literacy: English 50%, Identify Plants & Fruits 45%
W.P. Skills: W.P. Sword +2 to strike and parry, +1 to strike when thrown, W.P. Automatic Pistol Aimed +4 Burst +2

Combat Style: HTH Basic + Kickboxing
Combat Abilities: Punch 1d4, Elbow 1d6, Kick: 2d4, Knee Strike 1d8, Roundhouse kick 3d6, Axe Kick 2d8, Jump Kick 4d10 but must be the only kick that melee and use all attack per melee, Dodge, Autododge, Entangle, Body Block/Tackle, body flip/throw, roll with impact/fall/punch: +5
Combat Bonuses: 6 attack per melee round, +6 initiative, +5 to strike, +8 to parry, +11 to dodge, +6 autododge, +4 damage x 20mph of speed, +9 to roll with punch/fall/impact
Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs. HF

Money: on her generally 50 to 110 dollars, but she had stored 12.350$ in secret location.
Weapons: top quality ceramic katana Damage: 3d6, Sap gloves on her hands Damage: +2 to hand to hand damage, One polycarbonate knife Damage: 1d6, TI. 50 Ace 9mm caliber Damage 6d6, Range 120 ft, 13 round magazine.
Equipment: A multi-purpose puch holding her superior lock pick set, A black knapsack with lot pins attached to it mostly depicting colored rabbit in many guise. Grappling Hook and line, pocket Night viewer, flashlight, duct tape, Mp3 player with a mix of punk rock and techno-dance pieces, one diary and some books about improving reading and writing skills, a thermos filled with Carrot, orange and lemon(she try to always have a thermos filled with fresh juice, she does not like the commercial ones). She has also a comm-card of the Legion that work as safe cellular phone, credit card and id card all at same time.

<<Mutant Animal Stats>>
Animal Type: Rabbit
Total Bio-E: 70+5+10
Hands: Full
Speech: Partial
Bipedal: Full
Looks: Partial
Animal Powers: Leaping Feline, Advanced Hearing, Advanced Smell
Animal Super Abilities: Heightened Sense of Awareness, Extraordinary Speed- her max running speed is Spd.x10 mph , she can keep that speed for one minute per PE, or at crusing speed, equal to Spd.x5 mph for 10 minutes per PE, she can move at lower speed indefinitely her speed is tripled in MDC universe, regardless of level of magic)
Vestigial Trait: Vestigial Ears, Diet: Herbivore
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Re: The Hero Exchange

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice NPC! I like this one! I can see using him in other settings too.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: The Hero Exchange

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I made this guy a while ago for a Q&A post but i fell in love with him.
The chimes (their peoples language sounds like the music of crystal chimes) as they are called, are peaceful and cultured race. The spend most of their time in the study of the arts and sciences. (They are the masters of crystal and sonic based technology) But among their people is a sub set of fierce honorable warriors who see it as their duty to protect all that they find worth in. They have been known to face insurmountable odds with out flinching for a cause they believe in. With there natural abilities and training they make formidable adversaries to say the lest. So the travel on there grown crystal starships from their stark yet beautiful crystal studded world out into the universe like knights of old in earths history, driven by their overpowering sense of duty and honour.

Name: Shing. (Or as close as you can get in English Mostly the sounds of crystal chimes...)
A young warrior among his people he has picked earth as the domain he will protect. He has observed earth for a couple decades now and is amazed by it's inhabitants potential. He feels they are worth spending the time guiding and guarding them to see what they can become. And since his race does not die of old age that could be a long time in deed.

height: 5'5" tall
weight: 270 lbs.
discription:smooth dark blue (the darkest sapphire.) human shape even the head shape totaly smooth save for the thousands of hair sized faceted crystals on top. It's through the manipulation of these crystals that they communicate and mimic the sound of speech giving them their chime like voices. The hands are actually not natural (normally a smooth round stump) through the use of their power to grow and change their own crystal bodies (body weapons) that they make hands or other tools to manipulate objects..

IQ: 13
ME: 20 (save vs Psychic attack/insanity) +6
MA: 19 trust/intimidate 55%
PS: 86 hand to hand damage +71 (superhuman)
PP: 37 parry, dodge, and strike +8. initiative bonus +2 .
PE: 41 save vs comma/death 61% save vs magic & poison +11 / immune
PB: 15
SPD: 57 yards/meters can run in a minute 1140 in a melee 285
SDC / Hit Points 512 / 65 AR: 14

Powers and natural abilities:
extraordinary PP, Super human PS, extraordinary PE, healing factor, and body weapons
as a mineral based life form I take 1/2 damage from kinetic damage and energy save heat and cold where i take 10% now Healing factor says i take 1/2 damage form heat and cold so do that mean I take 5% damage. As a mineral based life form I heal 2D6 per 24 hr and can enter a healing hibernation and doubles my healing rate every day (ie. 2D6 then 4D6 then 8D6, and so on) I even regenerate limbs.. Healing factor heals 3 sdc a minute and i hp per 15 minutes and 4D6 instantly twice a day.
And i don't fatigue and I am impervious to poisons, disease, toxins, gasses, pollution, and magic potions +2 save vs horror factors
speak/ Read /Write Chime: 98%
basic math: 98%
Language / Literacy 60% (+5) / 40% (+5)
English, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindustani, and spanish
Acrobatics sense of balance: 90% (+5)
Gymnastics walk tight rope or beam: 86 (+3)
----------------- climb rope: 98%
----------------- back flip: 98%
----------------- work bar and rings: 86 (+3)
Boxing: Knock out on a natural 20
Wresting: Body tackle 1d4 plus knock down shoulder spikes can add an extra 1d4 pin/incapacitate on a roll of 18, 19, or 20
crush/squeeze for 1d4+71
pilot: Contragravity pack: 60% (+4)
Pilot: Hover Car 70% (+5)
first Aid: 65% (+5)

secondary skills
Sing: (in chime) 40% (+5)
Detect ambush: 45% (+5)
Intelligence: 40% (+4)
Prowl: 55% (+5)
Climb / rappelling: 82 (+5) / 50 (+5)
Fencing: +1 Attack and to strike and parry with sword or knife
Sword: +2 to strike and parry
blunt: +1 to strike and parry
Knife : +1 to strike when thrown +1 strike and parry
Energy pistol
energy rifle
energy heavy
Hand to hand Commando 3 level (It said pick any Hand to hand under combat specialist and commando has a great combination of lethal and none lethal moves)
# of attacks 6 (7 with knife or swords)
initiative bonus +4 (+5 with knife or swords made with body weapons)
strike +10 (+13 with sword +12 with knife and +11 blunt)
Parry +12 (+15 with sword +14 with knife and +13 blunt)
Dodge +12
Auto Dodge +3 (+8 PP bonus?)
Auto Body Flip (in place of a parry) +1 (+8 pp?) damage is 1D6 plus +71 and knock down
Pull Punch +3
Roll with fall or punch: +7
Disarm (as a defence) 19-20 as an attack +2 (+4 with body weapons)
Backward sweep kick no damage but knock down attack. used only on opponents coming from behind cannot be parried only dodged and at a -2
Paired weapons.
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Re: The Hero Exchange

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice hero! I think it's a cool one! Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: The Hero Exchange

Unread post by say652 »

I call this one. We shoulda never given Steve the keys to the vault. For your enjoyment I present.

Immortal Godling. (Blackvault powers.)

"Don't worry citizens I'm a Hero and I got this!"

Major super Abilities.
Alter Physical Structure Electricity.
Brick Tricks.
Quantum Teleport.
Slow Motion Control.

Minor super power.

Megapower- Godlike Hit points.

SnPs-36. IQ-11. Pp-26. Pe-36.
Spd-21. Me-28. Ma-20. Pb-38.

Hp-6777. Sdc-846. Ar-16.
Mdc-15246. Bio-reg: 4D6 per minute.
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Re: The Hero Exchange

Unread post by parkhyun »

Never got to play this one, but really looked forward to it. Something of a cross between Thor and the Hulk: a homeless man who can let his rage turn him into a raging immortal God of battle.

(Conor O’Brien)
Born in Ireland as the reincarnation of Cuchullain. Unable to control himself in fights, he killed two men and fled to the US. Now is now homeless in NYC and works various menial jobs, so as to avoid getting to close to anyone or harming those around him. Must conquer his rage to be admitted back into the Otherworld, Magh Meall.
Immortal – fallen godling
Unprinciples Lvl: 1 Exp:
Job: day laborer
Apartment: various shelters around Manhattan
Car: none
Life savings: $ ($)
Education: technical
IQ – 12 HP: 45 SDC: 65 (105/225) AR: (0/10)
ME – 8 Roll: +8/(11/13) Pull: +3/
MA – 16 (40%) Dodge: +0/2 Parry: +0/2 HF Save: +4/impervious
PS – 37 (40) (+22/25 dmg) Psi Save: 0/2 Ini: +2/5 Magic: +2/(4/5)
PP – 15 Strike: +0/(2/5) Disarm/Entangle: +1/0
PE – 13 (16) (+ 0/1 save; 0/+4%) Attacks: 5/(7/8) PPE: 62
PB – 12
Spd – 21

Major Powers
Monstrous Form (+4 ft., +100 lbs, AR 10, +120 SDC, +3 PS and PE, combat reflexes +3 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +2 roll, +1 attack, +1d6 dmg HtH; bio-regeneration 2d6/round)
Natural Combat Ability (1 round to adjust, auto dodge, long jump)

Minor Powers
Heals 3x faster
Perfect vision
Keen senses
Extraordinary Strength
Battle Rage (4 rounds, +2d6 dmg HtH)

Auto dodge
Body block/tackle
Pin on 18-20
Squeeze – 1d4
Kick – 2d4
Karate Kick – 2d6+2
Jump kick – crit (2 attacks)
Leap attack – crit
Head butt – 1d6
Knockout/stun on 19-20
Judo flip – 2d4
Punch – 1d6+2

Magic spear (Gae bulg) – +1 strike, +1 parry, returns when thrown. Kept in a long black strap bag.
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Re: The Hero Exchange

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Dane and Rifka

Your friend is only mostly dead.

These creatures of light and good have taken up residence on earth and the powers they have developed over the centuries assist them in fitting in to this world discretely, adapting appearance and form so as to be able to blend in to any situation. They are engines of healing and repair and have an intense interest in restoring the broken beings and machines to full function. They actively oppose the ravages of war and time. While their abilities provide them ample ability to repair machines and creatures inherently, they have also spent a great deal of time learning how those things work in detail so as to provide the best possible method of restoration. They also occcasionally enjoy roles of entertainment, infiltration and espionage, just to shake things up a bit when life gets a little dull. Throughout their lives they have enjoyed roles as circus performers, actors, singers, combat doctors, combat pilots and mechanics.

Real Names: Dane and Rifka
Aliases: Potentially infinite
Experience Level: 15
Power Category: Immortal ancient spirits of light
Alignment: Both unprincipled
Attributes: Him IQ: 21, ME: 19, MA: 20, PS: 22, PP: 22, PE: 22, PB: 19, Spd.: 17 -- Her IQ: 20, ME: 21, MA: 21, PS: 23, PP: 20, PE: 21, PB: 18, Spd.: 18
Hit Points: 187, S.D.C.: 95 AR 10
P.P.E.: 162, I.S.P. : ?, Chi: Him 592, Her 576 (both can chi overcharge to double these amounts)
Age: Appears 28, but 1138, Sex: Him Male, Her Female Height: Him 6F4 (varies), Her 5F1 (varies), Weight: Him 230, Her 92

Appearance: He can appear as any human male between 1/72 inch tall and 7f4, various borgs or bots, any vehicle, or a being of pure light. She can appear as any female humanoid between 1/72 inch and 12F tall, various borgs or bots, any vehicle, or a being of pure light. Their light forms appear to be humanoid shaped cohesive borealis effects.

Disposition: Generally pacifists, calm, cheerful caring healers. Love meeting new people and making friends to share good company. They try to maintain a low profile and have residences and hidouts all over the globe. Suckers for helping a good cause.

Education Level: 1138 years of well funded education of both earthly and offworld varieties
Skill Programs: Xenorobotics, xenobiology, xenobotany, alien anthropology, analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry, genetics, robotic bionic and mechanical engineering, medical doctor, pathology, research, professional dancing, singing, photography, swimming, acrobatics. They have an intense interest in repairing everything and everyone they possibly can while still maintaining their independence and low profile. He takes particular delight in restoring vintage cars.

Combat Style: Tai chi, Lee Kwan Choo
Martial skills: Calm Minds, Chi weight control, Chi overcharge, Shijin, Chiatsu, Kokyu, Lee Kwan Choo stunning strike.

Money: Whatever they can scrape together. Able to put together a few bucks pretty quickly and easily restoring damaged vehicles or providing medical assistance.
Weapons: None to speak of other than powers
Vehicles: They dont need vehicles as they can reach any point on the globe in 52 minutes using their photonic form, but they can assume the form of a large library of popular earthbound and skybound vehicles.

Equipment: He's got a pair of tech glasses that provide night vision, uv, ir, xray, telescopic and living anatomy features. She's got a pair of tech glasses that provide sense death and destruction and paranormal vision features. They can frequently be found carrying beef jerky, wintergreen mints, distilled water, towels, digital superzoom cameras, laptops of the most powerful contemporary sort.

Him: APS Light, alter facial features, shrink, technoform, metal manipulation, speed tasking
Her: APS Light, alter facial features, shrink, technoform, alter physical body, shapechanger

Photographic memory, reduced mass when shrunk, in mechanical form they can understand whispers from 200f away and dodge surprise attacks from behind. In photonic form punches, arrows, bullets, force blasts, poison, grenades and explosives do no damage. Metal manipulation changes the amount of damage he takes from damage caused by metal both airborn and bot/bionic even when he is not photonic. In photonic mode they fly 22000 feet per second. Mach 22.3. They can fire photonic blasts to a range of 2500 feet, radiate 675 watts of light in a 1500 foot radius or create a 65 foot radius blinding flash and do bonus damage to vampires and other creatures of the night. In photonic form they regenerate 2d6 per half hour of exposure to sunlight. He can use metal manipulation to improve armor ratings and sharpen blades. Despite their helpful nature, they are pragmatic and tend to beat a hasty retreat when they encounter danger.
Last edited by Vincent Takeda on Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Hero Exchange

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Bump to revive
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Re: The Hero Exchange

Unread post by Tick »

Great idea!

I think most resources we like to share can be found For fans of this show!
We also updated ours with the latest episode.
Sharing great talent with great people here. has a new show up! It features the voice talents of Chris from @TheSwordcast (Twitter)! or their site You need to tune in to both.

Sometimes the best ideas are shared.
Check out the pod casts as you work or study to get inspired for any character you want to create.
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Re: The Hero Exchange

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I Present

GRAVITAR, The Master of Gravity
Name: Erick Karl Matthias
Aliases: Carl Matthews, Eric Kranston
Experience Level: 5
Power Category: Imbued
Alignment: Miscreant
Attributes: IQ: 17, M.E.: 19, M.A.: 21, P.S.: 14, P.P.: 17, P.E.: 14, P.B.: 15, Spd.: 26 [Flying: 240 mph]
Hit Points: 32
S.D.C.: 55
P.P.E.: 8
Age: 27, Sex: Male
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 178 lbs. [214 lbs.]
Appearance: Tall blond haired blue eyed charmer, with a smile that conceals a cold heartless lust for power. As GRAVITAR he wears a suit of Flex Steel Armor colored Deep Indigo Blue with Silver and Lighter blue high lights, as well as a Dark Blue Cape attached with breakaway clips.
Natural Abilities: 65% Trust/Intimidate
Imbued Villain
 Nature Of Imbuing Agent: Special combination Nano-Technology and Radiation (Gravitons)
 Kind of Addiction Agent Causes: Psychological
 Who can gain Abilities: Gravitar Only!
 Who can make Agent: Gravitar and those trained.
 How long does Dose of Agent Last: 2D4 + 5 Hours
 How often can Agent be taken: Twice per 24 hours.
 Super Abilities (Rolled 8 minor, traded 6 minor for three major)
Major Powers: Gravity Manipulation, Gravity Waves, and Force Manipulation!
Minor Powers: Energy Expulsion: FORCE, Bend Light, and Flight: ENERGY (Special – Free power due to combined Gravity powers and Energy expulsion, without increased S.D.C.).

Education Level (+ 35%): Master’s Degree – Nano-technology
Skill Programs
Nano-Robotics Program: Computer Repair: 88%, Electrical Engineering: 94%, Mechanical Engineering: 83%, Nano-Manufacturing: 83%, Nano-Robotics: 78%, Robot Electronics: 89%, Robot Mechanics: 78%,
Nano-Technology Program: Advanced Mathematics: 98%, Chemistry: 88%, Biology: 88%, Chemistry - Analytical: 83%, Computer Operation: 98%, Computer Programming: 94%, Sensory Equipment: 88%, Nano-Technology: 88%
Teachers Skill Program: Public Speaking: 75%, Writing-Technical: 78%, Research: 89%
Espionage – Information Gathering Program: Computer Hacking: 78%, Intelligence: 86%, Cryptography: 83%, Radio: Basic: 98%, Electronic Countermeasures; 88%
Language Skill Program: Language/Literacy – Spanish: 98%/88%, Language/Literacy – Japanese: 98%/88%, Language/Literacy – German: 98%/88%, Language/Literacy – Arabic: 98%/88%
Secondary Skills: HtH: Expert, General Athletics, Running, First-Aid: 68%, Swimming: 70%, Pilot-Airplane: 69%, Navigation: 73%, Pilot-Motorcycle: 76%, Pilot-Automobile: 68%, Wardrobe/Grooming: 69%
W.P. Skills: W.P.-Pistol

Combat Style: HTH - Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5 [6 when flying/hovering]
Combat Bonuses: +2 Initiative, +3 Strike, +5 Parry (+8 Parry Laser/Light attacks), +5 Dodge, +3 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Pull Punch
Combat Bonuses when Flying: +4 Strike, +6 Parry (+9 Parry Laser/Light attacks), +7 /+ 9 Dodge, +4 Damage per 20 mph flight.
Saving Throws: +2 Save vs. Psionic Attack, +2 Save vs. Insanity
Hand to Hand: Punch: 1D4, Karate Strike/Punch: 2D4, Karate Kick: 2D6, Kick Attack: 2D4, Roundhouse Kick: 3D6, and Snap Kick: 1D6
Energy Expulsion – FORCE: Damage: 3D6, Range: 200 ft.
Gravity Wave – PUSH: Range: 500ft or 50 ft. radius, Damage: 75% Chance knock off feet (lose initiative and two attacks/actions), Damage: 1D6, +4D6 if pushed into solid object.
Force Manipulation - CRUSH OBJECT: Damage: 6D6 per round, Range: 280 ft., Weight Limit: 900 lbs.

Money: Gravitar has amassed a personal fortune of 15 million in bank accounts, 10 million in stocks and bonds in various companies worldwide, and has 2D4 x $10,000 in cash on hand at all times.

Flex-Steel Body Armor: A.R.: 16, S.D.C.: 200, Energy Resistant (1/2 damage), Helmet includes – Passive Night Vision/ Targeting Sight/ Infrared: 1600 ft., and Telescopic Vision: 4000ft, also sealable with air filtration system, and Air Supply (4 hr.).
High Velocity Mini Jet Pack: Max Speed: 250 mph, Flight Duration: 1 hour/fuel pellet, Maximum Altitude: 1000 ft., +4 dodge flying. Only uses the Jet pack as an ace in the hole should his powers fail, and he needs a quick getaway.

Note: Gravitar’s imbued powers are a result of his body being saturated with nano-robots of his own design, which cause his cells to absorb gravitons when exposed to a high intensity graviton burst. These absorbed gravitons are what provide him with his super abilities. He wears a small graviton generator on his belt to provide the burst of gravitons that are required to trigger his powers. These nanobots also provide him the equivalent of IRMS (Internal Robotic Medical System) that will heal 1D4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute or 1D4 x 10 per hour. The IRMS system only works when his powers are NOT active.

Background / Story:
Carl Matthews graduated top of his class at MIT, and soon took a teaching position at Penn State University, before moving on to a work at three major universities in three years. What no one realized was that were ever Carl worked there always seemed to be some sort of series of strange and often unexplained accidents in the research labs at the University, although never in his lab. Carl was breaking into the labs, and/or hacking the universities data servers to steal classified and often military research before sabotaging said research. He would then sale the information to the highest bidder, more often than not Fabricators Inc. This all changed when he went to work at Crescent City University, where he was working on developing a Nano-robotic medical system, which he injected himself with after a automobile accident that he did not want to report to the authorities as two people died in the accident. The IRMS worked as designed and concealed his injuries; and no one ever connected him to the deadly accident.

It was a couple months later when he was attempting to steal the research data from a neighboring laboratory that he accidentally triggered an experimental Graviton generator, which trashed the lab and sent Carl into hiding as he had been sent flying through a display case. Surprisingly he did not heal as the IRMS seemed to have been knocked out by the graviton burst, he did however realize that the graviton burst seemed to have triggered some kind of change in his body, as he found that he could now seemingly control the force of gravity. Driving out to a cabin he owned in the country he experimented with his new found powers realizing he could also now fly. It was while he was flying that his powers suddenly faded sending him crashing to the ground, he would likely have died if the IRMS nanobots had not started working after the graviton charge dissipated from his cells.

After he recovered, Carl experimented and soon discovered that the nanobots needed an intense burst of gravitons to supercharge his cells. Having stolen the plans for the experimental graviton generating unit that triggered his discovery he sabotaged the original to hide his theft, hoping that the unit would over load and destroy the lab and any evidence of his theft. This did not go as planned as the researcher who had designed the graviton generator along with his lab assistant and a reporter for the university paper where in the lab when the graviton generator overloaded and exploded empowering them all three (See Black Mass, Black Light, and White Dwarf), and killing seven students working in a neighboring laboratory. Unknown to Carl, the researcher Prof. William Marcus Sterling (Black Mass), had installed a series of hidden cameras within the laboratory after Carl’s first break in, and had recorded Carl’s subsequent break in and sabotage on an off-site server. After the accident, the recordings were viewed and Carl’s involvement became apparent, causing the University to contact the police. The following day Carl was fired and arrested by the police, twenty-four hours later he was released on bail and disappeared.

One month later the Super Villain GRAVITAR, The Master of Gravity made his first appearance. Carl now Erick Karl Matthias, soon making a name for himself after taking down a Jumbo Jet, and a daring day time robbery of a police evidence locker where he made off with 10 million dollars in drug money and 5 million in conflict diamonds, the robbery was just a cover for destroying police evidence against a client of Fabricators Inc., the robbery resulting in the deaths of 9 police officers and 13 civilians caught in the crossfire.
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