Horror Factor Scale?

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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by mrloucifer »

I dont have time for a long winded talk here (I'm writing responses as of late during breaks at work till I get the the internet fixed at home) and I dont have my house rules on me, but I'll share a few snippets of the top of my head on this.

If memory serves the lowest HF I see monsters getting is a 10, so usually for horrible but "reality based" visions I usually go with a 10 for h.f. or I may lower it if its something the group sees on a regular basis.

The wolf howling and other "atmosphere" moments in my game dont usually get a HF unless its specific to the groups danger (like the howling means werewolves are coming for them,etc.). There is a section in the BTS 1 book about using atmosphere to create the horror for the players, or at most say something like "The howling of the a wolf in the distance carries an unusual and near savage feel with it, sending a slight chill down each of your spines". You describe the horror and fearful moments and it causes the players to imagine it and create the horror themselves. You cant force the players into feeling fear or horror, you can on ly give them the opportunity to find it themselves.

The rules are set up so players get get bonuses to save vs HF as they go up in levels, this is the "desensitizing" part of the system. However, I have been one to lower or ignore HF for moments they've dealt with frequently and recently, and I've also added an optional house rule where a +1 bonus to HF is added at levels 3,6,8,12 and 15 to cover this angle.

Hope this helps out some. :)

P.S. I am rewriting the section from BTS 1 into the "Victims" sourcebook I'm working on and plan to submit as it seems appropiate and needed.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by mrloucifer »

I have an interesting post script for this subject as something about it reminded me of something I read in a RPG magazine years ago…

I don’t remember a lot of the specifics, but the gist of the article was about what NOT to do as a GM. One of the rules was “Your players themselves should never feel scared or threatened into being scared”. To state their case, they said the following anecdotal story is true, and from what I recall of the tale, the banter between the GM and player went something like this;

GM: (looks to a particular player who’s witnessing something horrible) You are terrified

Player: No I’m not.


Player: NO I’M NOT!

GM: (reaches into a desk drawer and pulls out a handgun and a clip, checks the ammo in the clip and loads the handgun, pointing it at the player) “ARE YOU AFRAID NOW!?!?!?!”

I cant encourage enough that you GM’s out there DO NOT do this to your players. :P
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
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By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by Lord Z »

Will the Victim's Sourcebook be a lot of BtS specific materials or more general stuff for any old horror game?
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“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Well my Lord (Z), my goal is to keep the Palladium rules, but the reality of how a victims setup being so "loose rules" really means that all the advice, theories and thoughts Ive been putting in can be used for any horror setting. A good chunk of the last section will have a bunch of adventure idea's that should be able to be used in any horror game out there. That can be a sales point in that its got a ton of general advice on running horror games as I still say its the hardest kind of game to run.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
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By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Lord Z
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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by Lord Z »

It seems like a fun book. Let me know if I can do any editing.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Lord Z wrote:It seems like a fun book. Let me know if I can do any editing.

Thanx Paco! If I do, you'll be the first to hear.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by mrloucifer »

So back to the point of the topic, the HF scale is a pretty subjective thing. In a worse case scenario that you really want to make a HF roll for a non-supernatural event, coming up with a # out of thin air aint a bad way to handle it. Id say the more horrific, graphic and close to home it gets, the higher the # should be.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
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By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Comment: "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there... wondering, fearing, doubting" - Edgar Allen Poe
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Re: Horror Factor Scale?

Unread post by mrloucifer »

I forgot about that peice with the dog, I wished I had my books on me (or my internet connection fixed at my place for that matter) to remind myself how it went, so I'll hold of on commenting on that bit till I do.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!

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