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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Interesting concept. You could create a table for the reason like so:

01-25%: A space with an existing population of sentients.
26-50%: The resting/hiding place of some powerful artifcact.
51-75%: A castle where a Being Which Must Remain Asleep is confined, or whatever.
76-00%: Part of an Alien or supernatural beings psychological experiment into what an "Intellectually Limited" Species like humans would do when given such power.

You definitely have the basis of a new category. Flesh it out more. I'd like to see where you can go with this. :)
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Is that WOW as in World of Warcraft? You might want to tone down referencing sources of ideas so as to not potentially break the No Conversion policy. Keep descriptions as generic as possible.
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Yes, the idea of a Custodian(or Guardian) class whose powers revolve around a specific duty or place makes for great possibilities...Simak's The Waystation is a perfect example of an empowered Custodian(in that case, with Immortality), while horror abounds with old cranky Custodian-types assigned to protecting ancient artifacts or guarding ancient evil...Their powers can be place-oriented(step off the grounds and you're mortal again...maybe even dead) or duty-bound(don't follow the daily ritual a couple of days in a row, and you better start hustling, because all hell's about to break loose...)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Got a PM from 89er the other week with some power Ideas, so I thought I'd post them out.

All Ideas generated by 89er.

Sledge arms [Minor]
“Check out the hammer show’

The character is able to transform his arms into solid, bludgeoning weapons, adding mass and size in the transformation.
It takes an action to change the shape of the limbs, and all arms change when this happens. The limbs are unable to function as hands in this state, merely clubbing implements. The club like limbs inflict 3D6 damage (plus any PS damage bonus), doubled against solid, immobile objects (walls, parked cars etc), and may be used to parry melee weapons (+2 to parry).

Body Backlash [Minor]
‘Don’t even think about it...I’d hate to damage that antique sword’

The character can reflect physical force back on his attackers with care and precision. Under optimal circumstances, kinetic impacts inflict half damage, and reflect that halved damage back on the attacker (or his weapon) When parrying (done as an action rather than an automatic parry) he may reflect even more damage, a number of extra points equal to his PE score.

Spectral swords [Major]
The character can create hard light wedges of energy for use as impromptu melee or ranged weapons, or to erect dangerous barriers.
1) Form Blade: by expending an action, the character can create a blade of hard light in a shape suitable for use as a melee weapon. The blade is light and fast, granting +2 to initiative, and +1 to strike and parry. A standard melee blade has an SDC equal to the Character’s ME attribute, Plus 5 per level and has an AR of 5. The standard melee blade inflicts 4D6 damage. If dropped, the blade shatters
2) Form throwing blade: In a single action, the character can create a smaller wedge of hard light and throw it. The blade has a range equal to the character’s ME x10 in feet and inflicts 2D6 with a +3 to strike.
3) Cascade of blades: The character can, by expending 3 actions, create hundreds of razor sharp blades of force, hurling them in a single direction. The cascade has a range of the character’s ME x10 in feet but affects an area roughly 5 feet across, and can affect multiple opponents ( targets within the line of fire or within 5 feet of the target must make a dodge roll, 14+ or be peppered by stray shot, taking half damage) The character enjoys a +5 to strike with this attack, and inflicts 2D4 damage per level, with a damage bonus equal to his PP score.
4) Bladed aura: The character can expend 2 actions to surround himself with a variety of sharpened blade edges that swirl around his body. Anyone within 8 feet of the character (typical melee range) takes 1D4 damage per level from the flying blades unless they spend an action dodging them each round (Dodge roll at the beginning of each melee round 14+ to avoid taking damage). The character can exclude friendly targets. Maintaining this bladed halo requires one action per round to be spent, else it falls apart.
5) Blade wall: The character can erect a short lived barrier of moving blades either as a wall ME feet in length (and 10 high)or a dome 1/3rd the character’s ME across (round up). The wall or dome lasts one melee round per level and takes 3 actions to erect. Anyone passing through the wall takes 4D6 damage. Anyone not barrelling through the wall must make a saving throw Vs pain (14+) or take half damage, but pull back instead of passing.

Voodoo Vendor [major]
‘Have you seen my doll collection?’

The character has a series of linked abilities that allows him to produce vile mockeries of life as well as control life over a distance.
1) Bite: the character is equipped with a set of retracting fangs. In combat the character can bite an opponent (-4 to strike unless grappling the opponent, or by surprise) inflicting 2D6 damage and virtually ignoring body armour (ignores any amount of natural AR and any worn armour less than 2 inches thick). Once bitten, the character samples the target’s DNA in a kind of biological library (can store IQ number of DNA patterns).
2) Produce doll: By expending 3 actions, the character can vomit forth, from an opening in his chest (or stomach or elsewhere as desired) a small pseudo organic lump, formed partially from the target’s DNA.
The vile, mewling thing has the physical characteristics of a newborn kitten, a single HP and a single SDC point. Left on it’s own it can hardly look after itself, but if cared for, it can live for decades, though barely improves in capabilities. It has a Spd of 14.
The Doll obeys the commands of the creator, which is usually little more than to fetch and carry small items. The little Doll leaves tiny footprints at a scene that resembles the target’s finger prints, and can be commanded to leave trace hairs and blood at a site that bear the target’s DNA.
3) Manipulate Doll: The character can use the doll as a channel to the target. As long as the target is within 5 miles per level of the doll (and character) the character can use non damaging powers on the doll (including spells or psychic abilities) and have the effect manifest on the target. The target still receives a saving throw, and if successful, the Doll expires (see below). The character can also send 1 point of damage per round to the target via the doll, direct to HP. The target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) to resist damage, and if successful, the Doll Dies. Only 4 damage per level may be directed in this way to the target per day.
If the doll expires, the target takes 2 HP damage from the shock and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or be stunned for 1D4 turns.
4) limitations: The character can only maintain and generate 4 dolls per level, per day, with a maximum of 20 dolls per level total. If a target makes a saving throw, he enjoys a +6 to all future saving throws for 1 day for each of his own levels (thus a third level target would have this extra resistance for 3 days)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Good to see you back in here, Iczer.:D Was starting to think you got abducted by angry kangaroos.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Good to see you back in here, Iczer.:D Was starting to think you got abducted by angry kangaroos.

Naw... heavy work schedule. Odd hours have been stuffing up my body clock. It ends soon which is good.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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besides...the Kangaroos here are a little puny for me.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Since these are 89er's ideas, let me know if he has any objection to them going in the wiki. If he does, I can take them back down.
This is awesome work. I especially like Spectral Swords and Voodoo Vendor. 8)
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Keep them! Keep Them!

I'm honored that my ideas were used by Iczer.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

89er wrote:Keep them! Keep Them!

I'm honored that my ideas were used by Iczer.

Truthfully, Voodoo Vendor was genius. I am curious to see what other ideas you might have brewing.
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Coffin Nails (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Smoking can kill you...(puff, puff)."

The superbeing can inhale cigarette smoke and release it as a smoke attack.
Range: 60 foot radius
Duration: The smoke lingers for 1d4 melee rounds
Damage: Victims caught in the gas cloud must make a saving throw against lethal poison (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or take 2d4 damage for each round in the gas and then 1d4 damage per round for 1d4 melee rounds once leaving the cloud. The character is himself immune to this gas and resistant to the effects of poisonous gas (+4 to save against it and half damage and duration of effects).
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to inhale smoke and then release the cloud.

Two If By Sea (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This power amplifies other powers possessed by the hero if he is on or above water. The hero's power ranges and damage for energy attacks double if he is above a watery area, either flying or standing on a boat. This also doubles flight speed when over water and doubles swimming speed.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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taalismn wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
taalismn wrote:Replication(Major)
I like this. However, I don't think I would allow the replicated item to be permanent. P.E. or M.E. in minutes + 1 minute per level of experience. Spend 1 or 2 points to make it permanent or perhaps 1 hit point per lb of the item replicated.

maybe spin off some variants?
Considering we got Matter Expulsion powers that produce materials that are apparently permanent(I've seen no notes otherwise), I want to leave a similar property open, but I can see your reluctance to have potentially thousands of replicated items drifting around...An industrial replicator could RUIN a marketplace....
Use a 'Minor' power to modify this ability to produce permanent copies(but then the Minor power would have to have some independent properties of itself...Maybe 'Preserve' or 'Lock' allowing it to cease decay/rust/deterioration...and incidentally halt the disipation of 'virtual' constructs)

Hi guys, tonight I decided to come back to the boards. I saw this and would like to comment.
Taalismn, only the ME: Wood power allows for permanent creations of Matter (Wood projectials sub power), all others last one Attack/3seconds if dropped (Like the 'Weapons Creation' & 'Metal Shard expulsion' sub powers of ME: Metal) or as in the case of the longer time to use powers like coating something in metal, 20 Miniutes per level.

Now in your favor:
APS: Ice, APS: Water, and Sub-Zero powers can pull water from the environment to form Ice, but the way the books have it It would seem that you're Actually Creating the Ice from nothing as the books never said that you couldn't make ICE in space )Or other locations devoid of water vapor). As such they may likely Also be able to create permanent matter from nothing with out a Perm cost.
Additionally APS: Lave/Magma seems to Create and Not summon molten stone which I didn't see a duration on it either=Permanent.

I too think that this power should pay to make something that's been created "Stable". The new standard in the books is 1 PE & some HP Which I think is too high since your gonna likely lose the HP you'd gain from your PE anywho, why lose HP & PE. A loss of one or the other should do fine.
HOWEVER, that said I AM sick of seeing powers with horrabily short durations for such powers, durations that may only increase Very little over years, so I'd love to see this powers duration increase Via doubling every level so that eventually (At higher levels) it would become Effectively permanent. A low duration to start like 1 Hour to start would be good. Doubled per level and at Level 15 it becomes permanent-gives you a reason to reach that level.

With your power as is though, I'd salivate to have it... I rocks!

Unfortunatly I'm still getting caught up on this forum and this power is as far as I've read...
Oh and Her0man0, I liked your Absorb & Expel Heat power... It's kinda weak Kinda Not and Very balanced and fun power. It's like a weaker version of the Major Powers of "Energy Coversion" & "Absrob & Redirect Energy" powers.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Aqua Lung (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing has a third lung/air bladder which can hold his PE number in minutes worth of air in addition to the normal length of time he can hold his breath under water. This adds +10% to the swimming skill also.

Lung Dart (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

While holding his breath, the character converts the oxygen to speed, tripling his Spd attribute while doing so. The character also fatigues at half normal rate and gains +2d6 to his Spd with this power and gets the Running skill automatically.

Lung Butter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can cough up a greasy substance to attack with.

1. Hacking Up A Lung: When coughed up onto the ground, this substance acts as an oil slick and will cover an area equal to the character's PE number in square feet (PEXPE feet), plus one square foot per level. This impairs the speed of anyone moving through it, reducing speed by half. There is a 50% chance anyone under 300 pounds will slip on this greasy substance, thereby losing initiative and two melee attack/actions, and trying to travel at full speed, there is a 01-30% chance of slipping, falling and sliding 4d6 meters. It is also acidic, doing 1d6 damage to clothes and skin touching it. Must be coughed up and expelled to within the character's PE number in feet away and uses 2 melee attacks/actions.

2. Coughing Attack: The character can also expel the substance from his lungs at an opponent.
Range: PEX2 feet, plus one foot per level
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6, plus 2 points of damage per level of experience
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Bonuses: +2 to strike
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More amazing stuff on the way.

Fire Breather (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing breathes out fire and can attack with it.

1. Energy Expulsion: Fire: The superbeing can release a flamethrower-like blast of fire from his throat which he can control in increments of 1d6. Due to releasing it from the mouth, it cannot be divided.
Range: 100 feet, plus 10 feet per level
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 for each level of experience
Duration: Instant
Attacks per melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action
Bonus: +2 to strike

2. Combustible Fuel: The superbeing can also fuel the fire with combustible phlegm which acts as an accellerant. Added to the Energy Expulsion attack, it adds +3d6 damage, plus 2 points of damage per level, and increases the range by 10%. Adding this uses an additional attack/action. When added to the flame, there is a 30% chance targets will catch fire and burn, doing 3d6 damage per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds or until extinguished.

3.Impervious to Fire and Heat: The superbeing takes no damage from fire and heat attacks, and only takes half damage from light and laser attacks.

4.Reinforced Teeth: Holding back the flames has reinforced the superbeing's teeth, giving him a bite doing 2d4 damage.
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Armored Against Impact (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing's body has reinforced bones and extra bone plating which serves as natural shields which block attacks and absorb impacts. This makes the character's body somewhat grotesque (-4 PB).

1.Natural Impact Armor: The superbeing has a Natural AR of 12 at level 1, plus an additional +1 AR at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. In addition, he ignores the first 20 points of damage and takes only half the remaining damage from falls, physical attacks and melee attacks. Any strike from a physical attack or melee weapon is also automatically parried (no bonuses from PP attribute or skills, only +4 bonus), and if the character chooses to use his bonuses to parry, he gets the additional +4 bonus from the automatic parry but uses up an attack/action to do so. The character also gains a +4 to roll with punch, fall or impact, taking half again damage from physical and melee strikes and reducing damage from falls and explosions to half.
The extra bone mass doubles the character's weight and adds +2d6X10 to SDC.

2. Shield Bash: The character gets increased attack damage when striking using the bone plated areas. A head butt from the character will do 2d6 damage, with backhand strikes with the forearm plating doing 2d4. A body block/tackle does 2d6, with elbow and knee strikes doing 1d6. Add PS damage bonus to all physical strikes.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
Strength is considered Extraordinary
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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Stone Gargoyle wrote:More amazing stuff on the way.

Fire Breather (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing breathes out fire and can attack with it.

1. Energy Expulsion: Fire: The superbeing can release a flamethrower-like blast of fire from his throat which he can control in increments of 1d6. Due to releasing it from the mouth, it cannot be divided.
Range: 100 feet, plus 10 feet per level
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 for each level of experience
Duration: Instant
Attacks per melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action
Bonus: +2 to strike

2. Combustible Fuel: The superbeing can also fuel the fire with combustible phlegm which acts as an accellerant. Added to the Energy Expulsion attack, it adds +3d6 damage, plus 2 points of damage per level, and increases the range by 10%. Adding this uses an additional attack/action. When added to the flame, there is a 30% chance targets will catch fire and burn, doing 3d6 damage per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds or until extinguished.

3.Impervious to Fire and Heat: The superbeing takes no damage from fire and heat attacks, and only takes half damage from light and laser attacks.

4.Reinforced Teeth: Holding back the flames has reinforced the superbeing's teeth, giving him a bite doing 2d4 damage.

YES, now that's what I'm talken about!
I have a Good Question though, can you do tricky stuff with the 'Phlegm', like spit it out (Un-ignited) so as to Cover let's say a door frame or floor, so as to ignite it later as a trap?
•If so, Does it have a strong oder (Stong enough to be detected with a Perception Check)?
•And again if so does it have a short duration before it evaporates?
•Also, does the Phlegm require the Super to ignite it (IE it needs a Special amount of Heat to combust), or can simple matches suffice?

And lastly, ever since I saw "Reign of Fire" I've come to realize Just how acidic such accelerants can be... Does this have a Nature that is come to such materials (Like naplam or Gasoline) In that it can burn you eyes like an irritant.
The reason I ask is because I always like to see if a power can do more than just kill. When I get around to playing Heroes (I'm usually an anti-hero) I like to play them Not so leathelly, and if the spit could be shot at someones eyes so as to temporarely incapacitate them (As apposed to outright Burning their eyes out of their sockets :lol: as I do when playing my anti-heroes), that'd be cool to know.

But as is this power is Nice, and much needed...
I also like how you worked in some resistance to light, given that Heat is mostly light, your the first person I've seen do this.

Great power SG
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Coffin Nails (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Smoking can kill you...(puff, puff)."

The superbeing can inhale cigarette smoke and release it as a smoke attack.
Range: 60 foot radius
Duration: The smoke lingers for 1d4 melee rounds
Damage: Victims caught in the gas cloud must make a saving throw against lethal poison (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or take 2d4 damage for each round in the gas and then 1d4 damage per round for 1d4 melee rounds once leaving the cloud. The character is himself immune to this gas and resistant to the effects of poisonous gas (+4 to save against it and half damage and duration of effects).
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to inhale smoke and then release the cloud.

Two If By Sea (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This power amplifies other powers possessed by the hero if he is on or above water. The hero's power ranges and damage for energy attacks double if he is above a watery area, either flying or standing on a boat. This also doubles flight speed when over water and doubles swimming speed.

The smoking one is sooo old world Detective comic-esque' (Very Pulp Fiction). And since I smoke and like cigs (I like the smell as apposed to being addicted to them) this is Right up my Isle!
Just one question. I've got a character that's a 'Smoking' Nightspawn called 'Nick O Teen' (His real name contributed to his becoming a smoker, which later would contribute to his Morphus being a Giant lit cigarette with lit cigarettes for arms and the soft squishy butts fer the feet). I like him cuz he's easy to draw and a fun character but, untill this power of yours I'd come up a draw fer a new talent for him. I'd like to use This power as one and was wondering what you'd assign as a the Permanent & Temporary PPE costs to this if you had this as a Talent.

Two if By sea is Really kinda cool and refreshing to see. It's a power augmentation ability with easy simple instructions so as not to confuse. Right to the point and beautyful.
Man Gargoyle, your really pumping the super powers out fast lately.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Steeler49er wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:More amazing stuff on the way.

Fire Breather (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing breathes out fire and can attack with it.

1. Energy Expulsion: Fire: The superbeing can release a flamethrower-like blast of fire from his throat which he can control in increments of 1d6. Due to releasing it from the mouth, it cannot be divided.
Range: 100 feet, plus 10 feet per level
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 for each level of experience
Duration: Instant
Attacks per melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action
Bonus: +2 to strike

2. Combustible Fuel: The superbeing can also fuel the fire with combustible phlegm which acts as an accellerant. Added to the Energy Expulsion attack, it adds +3d6 damage, plus 2 points of damage per level, and increases the range by 10%. Adding this uses an additional attack/action. When added to the flame, there is a 30% chance targets will catch fire and burn, doing 3d6 damage per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds or until extinguished.

3.Impervious to Fire and Heat: The superbeing takes no damage from fire and heat attacks, and only takes half damage from light and laser attacks.

4.Reinforced Teeth: Holding back the flames has reinforced the superbeing's teeth, giving him a bite doing 2d4 damage.

YES, now that's what I'm talken about!
I have a Good Question though, can you do tricky stuff with the 'Phlegm', like spit it out (Un-ignited) so as to Cover let's say a door frame or floor, so as to ignite it later as a trap?
•If so, Does it have a strong oder (Stong enough to be detected with a Perception Check)?
•And again if so does it have a short duration before it evaporates?
•Also, does the Phlegm require the Super to ignite it (IE it needs a Special amount of Heat to combust), or can simple matches suffice?

And lastly, ever since I saw "Reign of Fire" I've come to realize Just how acidic such accelerants can be... Does this have a Nature that is come to such materials (Like naplam or Gasoline) In that it can burn you eyes like an irritant.
The reason I ask is because I always like to see if a power can do more than just kill. When I get around to playing Heroes (I'm usually an anti-hero) I like to play them Not so leathelly, and if the spit could be shot at someones eyes so as to temporarely incapacitate them (As apposed to outright Burning their eyes out of their sockets :lol: as I do when playing my anti-heroes), that'd be cool to know.

But as is this power is Nice, and much needed...
I also like how you worked in some resistance to light, given that Heat is mostly light, your the first person I've seen do this.

Great power SG

Very intelligent questions, Steeler49er. Let me address some of them.
I thought of the issue of covering objects with the gel first and igniting it but was not sure if the gel would either neutralize if not immediately ignited or would ignite naturally passing through the person's mouth, since the fire is assumed to always be lit and only projected as an attack when the character breathes hard. If the phlegm has to pass through the fire first, then no, coating objects first would not work. But since the phlegm ignites objects, you could easily have the character spit the fire which has been fueled by the phlegm onto objects to ignite them. A shot to the eyes would be a called shot, but I can see the power being applied that way. Maybe the use of the phlegm independently would constitute a stunt whereby the character must hold his breath and spit it. In that case, it would most assuredly very much act like napalm. If spit in the eyes that way, it would probably do at least a point of damage and blind the target so they would suffer -10 to all attack moves and be reduced to half attacks and half movement speed. It would smell like sulfur and evaporate after one full melee round if remaining unlit.
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Steeler49er wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Coffin Nails (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Smoking can kill you...(puff, puff)."

The superbeing can inhale cigarette smoke and release it as a smoke attack.
Range: 60 foot radius
Duration: The smoke lingers for 1d4 melee rounds
Damage: Victims caught in the gas cloud must make a saving throw against lethal poison (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or take 2d4 damage for each round in the gas and then 1d4 damage per round for 1d4 melee rounds once leaving the cloud. The character is himself immune to this gas and resistant to the effects of poisonous gas (+4 to save against it and half damage and duration of effects).
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to inhale smoke and then release the cloud.

Two If By Sea (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This power amplifies other powers possessed by the hero if he is on or above water. The hero's power ranges and damage for energy attacks double if he is above a watery area, either flying or standing on a boat. This also doubles flight speed when over water and doubles swimming speed.

The smoking one is sooo old world Detective comic-esque' (Very Pulp Fiction). And since I smoke and like cigs (I like the smell as apposed to being addicted to them) this is Right up my Isle!
Just one question. I've got a character that's a 'Smoking' Nightspawn called 'Nick O Teen' (His real name contributed to his becoming a smoker, which later would contribute to his Morphus being a Giant lit cigarette with lit cigarettes for arms and the soft squishy butts fer the feet). I like him cuz he's easy to draw and a fun character but, untill this power of yours I'd come up a draw fer a new talent for him. I'd like to use This power as one and was wondering what you'd assign as a the Permanent & Temporary PPE costs to this if you had this as a Talent.

Two if By sea is Really kinda cool and refreshing to see. It's a power augmentation ability with easy simple instructions so as not to confuse. Right to the point and beautyful.
Man Gargoyle, your really pumping the super powers out fast lately.

As for writing it as a Nightbane talent, I will have to try and compare it to others in the books in order to determine PPE costs before giving you an answer. I will research it and get back to you.
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Question fer Iczer or 89er
Iczer wrote:Spectral swords [Major]
Does the User have any paticular resistance to Light, given that this is a major super power? It'd be fine if it didn't as it gets uncreative to give every super that immunity just cuz they've got light related powers but, I was curious.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I thought of the issue of covering objects with the gel first and igniting it but was not sure if the gel would either neutralize if not immediately ignited or would ignite naturally passing through the person's mouth, since the fire is assumed to always be lit and only projected as an attack when the character breathes hard. If the phlegm has to pass through the fire first, then no, coating objects first would not work. But since the phlegm ignites objects, you could easily have the character spit the fire which has been fueled by the phlegm onto objects to ignite them. A shot to the eyes would be a called shot, but I can see the power being applied that way. Maybe the use of the phlegm independently would constitute a stunt whereby the character must hold his breath and spit it. In that case, it would most assuredly very much act like napalm. If spit in the eyes that way, it would probably do at least a point of damage and blind the target so they would suffer -10 to all attack moves and be reduced to half attacks and half movement speed. It would smell like sulfur and evaporate after one full melee round if remaining unlit.

Awesome thank you fer the quick reply
Last edited by Steeler49er on Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Cool, glad I could clarify how I see the power and why the ability to spit the unlit phlegm was edited out initially. I do actually like the idea of doing that, so definitely use it as a stunt for the power.
Hopefully I can get more written soon that have as good a response from you guys.
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Concealing Cloak (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Now you see it, now you don't."

The superbeing creates an interdimensional portal anchored on a solid object. The solid object can be a piece of fabric, book, or anything basically flat. The portal size is the superbeing's ME number in inches square, plus one square inch per level of experience, and cannot exceed the length of the edges of the object used as the anchor. It can be dropped over an object to hide it and picked back up to reveal the object since gravity will hold it in place, or used to hide something the superbeing is holding. If an object is dropped down into the portal or released while being held inside the portal, however, it disappears into the other dimension and becomes irretrievable. This might be a good thing, however, in the case of bomb disposal or to take a dangerous weapon from a villain (or hero).

Limitations: The object must be able to fit through the opening. Since the other side of the portal is a space environment with no gravity or air, it is not recommended that living things enter the portal, and it is also unlikely anything from the other side of the portal will come through while it is open, though there is a slight possibility. The power can only be used to open a portal the character's ME number of times per day, plus one time per level of experience.

Damage and Duration: Objects held by gravity or the superbeing take no damage and the portal can remain open for the superbeing's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level of experience. When it closes, objects hidden in the portal which are held by gravity will be lost, those held will be forced out along with the superbeing's hand if not removed before the duration of the power..
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Okay, Steeler49er: Coffin Nails would be usable as a Nightbane Talent as follows: It can be used in either Morphus and Facade forms and cost 15 PPE to acquire, then 10 PPE to activate for the first melee round and 5 PPE for each additional melee round of continued use.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Awesomage, Thank you Stone G. Both facade & Morphus would Realy be fun. Now I can go running around in a 1920's detective coat & hat with 'Smoky' bar fumes surrounding me! Shway. And thank you fer getting back so soon. :-D
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Last edited by Steeler49er on Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Concealing Cloak (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Now you see it, now you don't."

The superbeing creates an interdimensional portal anchored on a solid object. The solid object can be a piece of fabric, book, or anything basically flat. The portal size is the superbeing's ME number in inches square, plus one square inch per level of experience, and cannot exceed the length of the edges of the object used as the anchor. It can be dropped over an object to hide it and picked back up to reveal the object since gravity will hold it in place, or used to hide something the superbeing is holding. If an object is dropped down into the portal or released while being held inside the portal, however, it disappears into the other dimension and becomes irretrievable. This might be a good thing, however, in the case of bomb disposal or to take a dangerous weapon from a villain (or hero).

Limitations: The object must be able to fit through the opening. Since the other side of the portal is a space environment with no gravity or air, it is not recommended that living things enter the portal, and it is also unlikely anything from the other side of the portal will come through while it is open, though there is a slight possibility. The power can only be used to open a portal the character's ME number of times per day, plus one time per level of experience.

Damage and Duration: Objects held by gravity or the superbeing take no damage and the portal can remain open for the superbeing's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level of experience. When it closes, objects hidden in the portal which are held by gravity will be lost, those held will be forced out along with the superbeing's hand if not removed before the duration of the power..

"Het Rocky, Watch me pulla Rabbit outta my hat..."
"Nothing up Mah Sleeve and Presto"
---Huh??? Ahrrrrrg, a talking Moose and Squirel! Where Am I?---
"You Silly Moose... That's not a Rabbit, that's Iczer!"
"Who knew I could breach the PB fourth wall?" :P

Another Awsome power Stone Gargoyle, I love stage magic and This is so 'Zatanna', you're on a roll lately :)

It is actually an adaptation of a Tailor Magic spell I wrote. I was posting it over to the wiki and realized it would make an awesome power. Glad you like it.
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Temporal Extension (minor)-By Steeler49er
"Some people are cursed to relive life Over and over, like in a loop. My madness however is that it just drags on... Not that you care since your frozen in time with everyone else, But let's talk some more Doc since I thinking these sessions are starting to make me feel better"

The super being can stop time for all of reality, or more precisely time for the super appears that way. When this power activates the supers body and 20lbs of Living or Non-living matter per level, is charged with TE (Temporal Energy) and shunted into a single moment in time which seems to have no end. In this reality Only non-connected matter, like gases which enter the aura of the super, can be moved around and out of ones way or breathed in, but even they will return to a settled state the moment they leave the aura. Interconnected molecules which include; People, Solid objects, solid Objects in direct contact with other solid objects (IE a cup sitting on a table opposed to a Bird in flight), and even water & other liquids will not move and are Indestructibly frozen in space time. Light & Sound do not move far past the aura either, which can create an eerie shadow environment where objects do not become visible unless and until it enters into range of the supers aura, and only then if the super brought along some form of illumination, otherwise the world quickly go pitch black within moments of the activation of this power.

Range: 6 inches from body, doubled every level. This is the supers aura and Any object held onto the super which they wish to bring with them must fit in this field or it will be left behind, regardless of whether or not it fits within the mass constraints of this power.
Duration: This power will not end until the Super comes in contact with some medium amount of a common form of Energy or Matter (chosen at power selection). The amount needed is equal to 1lb and can be anything from concrete to electricity to contact with living beings. After a default time of one day the super can make an ME save vs. at difficulty 25 -1 per day to escape the frozen space-time reality. Each failure increases the difficulty by +1 back up to the Default Difficulty of 25! A Natural 20 always succeeds.

Attacks: The super may attempt to activate this power by making a roll at 20% +5% per level after first, doing so only uses a single attack. This may be attempted as often as once per melee and can be used instead of a dodge and uses ½ the supers Initative bonuse (Instead of normal dodge bonuses).
Down Time: Once the super leaves Halted Time he/she/it must wait a number of hours equal to the total number of days they stayed in before being able to re-enter.

Effects: While in the stopped time zone Nothing changes, not the status of the character nor objects and being brought into the time zone, entropy is halted! PPE, Chi, & ISP do Not recovered past the point when they entered Halted Time ( although then can be further reduced) and will recover at 1 tenth what is normal for them. More than that is that the same charge of Temporal Energy which synced the super with this dimension is renewing the super & all things on it back to the moment which he/she/it first stepped into the Halted Time. HP and overall health levels including fatigue and body temp will remain as they are with No damage being able to be healed but, no damage can be taken either! The Super can impale themselves with a knife and watch the wound close up as the knife is removed... Death is impossible. Only the supers and any other living beings memories will be retained during this time as those events are being etched into there souls and Not into their biological bodies brain. This can cause the super to loose track of time and the Whole event seems much like a dream, vague and distorted, when he/she/it leaves the time zone. Weeks or Months could pass and the super would be hard pressed to remember. Worse yet is that some memories of the time spent in Halted time are hard to remember without edict memory or a heightened sense of time, as such all attempts at solidly recalling events which happened in Halted Time are at 20% +5% per level after first.

Lastly any changes made to the real world by the super (or friends) while in frozen time have the same percentile chance of remaining permanent with changes in the position of gases Never remaining permanent! Meaning that No sonic booms take place due to movements made by the super during time spent in Halted/Extended Time once the super return.
Last edited by Steeler49er on Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Temporal extension is pretty cool, Steeler49er, pretty cool. 8)
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Thank you. I felt it was kinda dry as I feel most of my powers are, but it seems solid... And solid is good.
Just wish I could figure out a way to add some Bacon (aka Pazzaz) to my BLTs (aka Powers).
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er wrote:Thank you. I felt it was kinda dry as I feel most of my powers are, but it seems solid... And solid is good.
Just wish I could figure out a way to add some Bacon (aka Pazzaz) to my BLTs (aka Powers).

Iczer does that with his when he gives examples how it can be used effectively in game. He used to do that a lot more than now, but sometimes that can liven a power description up.
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Steeler49er wrote:Temporal Extension (minor)-By Steeler49er
"Some people are cursed to relive life Over and over, like in a loop. My madness however is that it just drags on... Not that you care since your frozen in time with everyone else, But let's talk some more Doc since I thinking these sessions are starting to make me feel better"

Would add in a insanity aspect to it also.
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Re: NEW POWERS!-Endure (Minor/Major) By Steeler49er

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Endure (Minor/Major) By Steeler49er
"I can do this all day!"

The super can sacrifice their life force and personal health in order to increase the length of a particular powers duration. By temporarily giving up PE the super can 'double' any powers existing duration for each point spent. The super may Only spend a number of PE in a single Increasing of a power equal to three times their level, or 3 PE per level. Other aspects of the power may be separately increased as well but 3 PE (plus +3 Per Level) is the maximum spendable on a single usage. If this power is taken as a Major power that number increases to 5 per level.

Range: Self. If taken as a major power Range is Touch at level one and increases to one foot at level two. Every level after the range doubles. Line of sight or an equal amount of awareness.

Limitations: Whenever 4 or more PE are spent on a single increase the super must make a save vs. shock at a difficulty equal to the total number of Duration Doublings the super intended (Base difficulty of 4), or be stunned for a number of turns/attacks equal to 1 doubled by the amount the roll failed by. IE if the roll failed by 5 points then the super would be stunned for 32 [2x2x2x2x2] turns/attacks which is about 6 melee rounds. Considering each use of this power depletes the supers PE, which is used in making such saves, the super is likely to fail often. Additionally one temporary point of PE is lost and the super takes 1D4 Damage (SDC or HP). If no SDC or HP is left then the damage carries over in additional lost points of PE.
Stun Effects: The super is at -1 Attack and -1 to All combat & Save rolls per point the roll was failed by. This negative is reduced by ½ after the initial loss of Attacks is over. EI: The super fails the roll by 3, that means he is stunned for 8 attacks, three of which have the maximum penalty against them, the Next 5 turns see that number reduced by half. During those 3 lost attacks the super can Only defend at -3 across the board. A successful save loses the super one attack.

Saving Throw: None.
If taken as a major power the super may Force another ability to stay active against the wishes of the super who initiated the power in the first place. If the power is Kept active by the defender (Like APS powers) then the attack is a 'Contested Roll' pitting both supers MEs against each other. The Defender is at +1 per level of experience. A failed roll means that the defender can Not turn off their power.
If the attack is directed against a power that has a static duration (One Not being actively maintained by it's originator like an object created using ME: Stone) than the user of This power pits his ME bonus at +1 and rolls a D20 vs a static difficulty equal to 4 plus the level of the power.
Additional: The super may opt to Reduce a given powers down time in the same way but in the reverse.
PE Recovery: The super recovers PE lost from the use of this power at a rate of 1 point per 20 minutes. This becomes 1 per hour when the super loses 20% of their PE in this way. At -40% this increases to one every Day, One per week at -60%, and One per month at -80% and higher. These times count only for PE lost in this way.
As a Major power the super recovers PE lost from other means at Triple the normal rate or in ¼ the above times if no time was given.
In addition the super may recover from permanently lost PE at a rate of one ever 6 months at the GMs discretion.

Minor Bonuses:
+1 to DC & HP
+1 PE
Major Bonuses:
+3D6 to DC
+2D4 to HP
+1 to resist failed roll (see above) every other level
PE recovers at Three times the going rate.
Last edited by Steeler49er on Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Steeler49er wrote:Temporal Extension (minor)-By Steeler49er
"Some people are cursed to relive life Over and over, like in a loop. My madness however is that it just drags on... Not that you care since your frozen in time with everyone else, But let's talk some more Doc since I thinking these sessions are starting to make me feel better"

Would add in a insanity aspect to it also.

Absolutely agree with you. Suggestions welcome?

And make it Nasty :twisted:
I'd wanted to add a crazy factor to this power but wasn't sure how to right it in w/o taking up too much text space.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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For Endure, the PE recovers too quickly. I would make it one point per hour to start, then every two hours when down to 50%.
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gmapprentice wrote:hey, guys.... i haven't had time to go through all of this yet, but, is there a power that lets you PERMANENTLY copy another character's power, or part of the power, that DOESEN'T make you practically unstoppable? i have an idea for a superpower that's not very strong at first, but does let you become stronger with time by taking the powers of others. so.... is there something like that?

No, because any power you have that copies another's powers swaps out older powers so you would not keep powers and stack bonuses from powers you have absorbed in the past. What you are talking about would constitute adding new powers on top of existing powers to get a character with a dozen or more powers, am I right? It simply isn't done because it breaks the rules of the game.
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gmapprentice wrote:well, it would make one heck of a supervillain.....
at first, i really sucks... it counts as ALL your powers and gives you NOTHING. then, to gain powers, which for the most part are just stat bonuses for the character, you have to do something even most villians would find repulsive (here's a hint: i call the power Corpse Eater). You do not get the full power, and about 10% of the time you get no power at all, and that's without that fact that you can only copy TRUE superpowers (no magics, psionics, eugenics, etc). I have purposely tried to tone it down a lot...

i can accept it if you don't like the idea... oh well. i'll just keep it to myself.
(walks away in disgrace... i am not worthy, master of powers...)

First of all, don't feel bad. I am not the Master, of Powers; that's Iczer. I am simply a Virtuoso of Variants. There are ways to do the power, just not with the powers at full level. You could say the characters gets the full power for a short time and a residual amount of bonus remains, say a +2 to this and that. It is not that it is something I do not like, it is the fact that sacrificing all powers in the beginning to munchkin it at higher levels is both impractical and illegal in game terms because anything beyond seven powers is pushing it no matter how you justify it. Maybe you could post it and I can give an informed feedback. If there are inborn risks to it then it might balance out. Just be aware I am very critical in reviewing powers, so you feeling hurt by it is not my intent but sometimes results.

Iczer has done some powers like that:
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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gmapprentice wrote:first off, the powers AREN'T at full level... usually not even equal to first level. second, thanks for explaining why you think it's a bad idea. i guess it makes sense. third, i will post the FIRST part of the power a.s.a.p. the FULL power, in detail, is 3 pages and counting....

I edited that last post to give links to some of the powers like what you are proposing that Iczer has done.
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Sorry, the simulposting bugged up the Palladium server and hence overloaded my server and caused my laptop to freeze up. Go figure.
What I had tried posting before is as follows:
A) Killing something is not that big a deal to most people in my games and hence not that big a qualifier.
B) The chance of getting sick should be higher, and I would make it a saving throw vs. disease or poisoning, 14 or better, PE bonus applies.
As far as the rest of it, I would have to see specifics about the bonuses and penalties before being able to comment.
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gmapprentice wrote:alright then. gonna give a few example powers.
Underwater Abilities gives Swimming at 85%, and underwater, the character gets +20 SDC, +1 action, +1 strike, +1 dodge and triples normal speed. Can go one mile deep.
Hardened Skin gives AR 9 and +20 SDC. Adds 1 to AR if character already has one.
Immune to Super Abilites only gives +5 versus superpowers.
Personal Forcefield has 20 SDC, +1 SDC per PE point. Heals one SDC per minute.

edit: note: these are real powers.. look 'em up.

This still leaves many questions unanswered:
How often the character can gain new powers is a factor as well. How often are new powers available? Does the character have a a limited amount of points he can go up per level? Can he eat a person with the same power as one he has already eaten and stack bonuses onto the existing power? Are the bonuses affected by the level of the super being eaten as far as what level the points are locked at or do they depend on the level of the character eating them to assign level, and if so, can the character gain the powers at a higher level than the superbeing the powrers are being taken from?
Oh, and I'm not a moron- I have the books those powers are in, so don't need to look them up.
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Perhaps you should. And when you get done with that, how about posting the power so we can start doing the math to see exactly how powerful it winds up when all is said and done?
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gmapprentice wrote:yeah.... it's already three pages long. idk when i'll be done. could be a week or more till i finish. but i can get started soon, i think.

This is why I avoid powers which have complex lists attached to assign bonuses. There is something to be said about short and sweet.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:For Endure, the PE recovers too quickly. I would make it one point per hour to start, then every two hours when down to 50%.
Agreed for the minor power to a point.
Hiya, Sorry I was gone fer the last couple of days. I saw the posts but could get on line to post as Mah Fam kept me busy.
Now As to the power, I'd like it to be Much more debilitating after a point and agree with you that it is too powerful as is.
However as to the Major version of the power your above option may have to be tweeked a bit so as to keep the Major option a major.

Hows about this
option 2 wrote:PE Recovery: In the minor version of this power the super being recovers PE lost from the use of this power at a rate of 1 point per hour. This becomes 1 point every 6 hours when the super loses 20% of their PE in this way. At -40% this increases to one every Day, One per week at -60%, and One per month at -80% and higher. These times count 'only for PE lost in this way'.

Taken as a Major the super recovers at the following rates: 3PE per hour. After loosing 20% of PE the super recovers 1 per 3 hours, at -40% of PE this increases to 1 every 6 hours, 1 per 12 hours at -60%, and 1 every day at 80% and below. PE lost via 'Other means' recovers at Triple the normal rate or at ¼ the above rate if no time was given. In addition the super may recover from permanently lost PE at a rate of one ever 6 months at the GMs discretion.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Got cut off again.
In the above example the PE recovery per hour for the minor power has been reduced by one third. The Major no longer recovers PE every 20 min but rather every hour. The total per hour is still 3.
I'm not sure about any of that personally. If it were up to me alone, I'd want the major to be this way and the minor to stay weak, but I do want them to have differing recovery times. As I've got it right now in the above post, it is looking like I'm starting to make a mess.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:yeah.... it's already three pages long. idk when i'll be done. could be a week or more till i finish. but i can get started soon, i think.

This is why I avoid powers which have complex lists attached to assign bonuses. There is something to be said about short and sweet.

That could be a lot of material depending on if it is typed, on wide ruled paper or standard. ;) I agree with the 'Goyle boy here, cuz no way I'm reading three pages of info on a power I'm playing. I don't think even most of the powers in the books go three pages long.
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"Goyle boy"? I prefer to be called SG1.:P
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gmapprentice wrote:for the record, you don't NEED all three (five now) pages of information. to do that, you would need to absorb EVERY power in the books. it's just a referance, because i can't think of making a standard rule for absorbing powers. like, all at level one would still be ridiculously powerful if you got the right powers. and reducing range by half could be really bad if the range is short already (some are ten feet or less).

Whether a reference source or whatever, it still becomes more about bookkeeping than playing at that point. This would simply be a power I would not use. No offense to you, it sounds like an interesting idea, but there is no way I am going through five pages of data every time my character wants to gain new abilities. It really sounds like a major pain in terms of gameplay. Listen to me, because I shuffle papers all day long, there is no fun in rifling through endless amounts of stuff when playing a game. Sounds to me like the second my character eats the stuff, it would be end of session until me and the GM could hash out the numbers and details. And since I game with 'Goyle boy, I know how that would go over. I am not saying it is that way in every gaming group, but I expressly avoid playing psionics and mages for this very reason- too many books and scraps of paper to deal with.
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gmapprentice wrote:...i see your point. well, we all have opinions, etc. tell you what. if four other people say this is more trouble than it's worth, i'll just forget posting it and do something else. that sound fair to everyone? good. you have one week to get four people to say it's a bad idea.

Hey, do what you want. EGO: Everyone's Got Opinions. I would just hate to see you spend so much time and effort on something that is even more time and effort to use. But as with all things, you are free to do whatever thing makes you happy. If it were me, I'd have stopped when it got beyond three pages. But if you think about it, Stone Gargoyle posts material to Invented Spells, Monstrous Creations and New Powers practically every single day and gets compliments on his work, so while I have to admit he is a difficult person to talk to a great deal of the time, he knows what he's talking about. And for the record, I don't have to do anything but look pretty.
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TrumbachD wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote: Stone Gargoyle posts material to Invented Spells, Monstrous Creations and New Powers practically every single day and gets compliments on his work.

Absolutely right, he's one helluva busy guy! you gotta respect anybody that can keep up that production rate AND quality.
And thanks, SG1 for your patience in putting up with the occasional blunders of a guy who only joined the forums about a month ago, 8)

Hey, it's all cool, man.
As for gmapprentice, if he wants to crank out a power that gives +30 to strike, parry and dodge at level 15, let him. As Deific NMI has pointed out in the past, people can play however they want when it really comes down to it. I am just trying to help him create a balanced power, but in order to do that he would have to limit the absorption of powers to +1 bonuses per level to get anything near normal for what is canon in the game.
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The following quoted post is not the original authors format. It has been edited for clarity of reading and for another user to point out issues within the quoted post. - NMI
gmapprentice wrote:(I've made Minor editing so as to separtate text for visability)
Corpse Eater (MegaPower) By gmapprentice
"Don't worry good citizen, SpeedDemon won't harm the fine people of Steele City any more maddam, I ate him! Up Up and into the Sky!"

A disgusting, disturbing, and yet incredible power. Corps Eater allows for a super yo consume Other bonified "Supers" and permanently absorb the deceaseds power for personal usage at anytime. This is a Mega power and counts as all your powers, including Other Mega abilities... An extreamly Rare but powerful ability and due to it's cannibalistic nature mostly held by villains as heroes are hard pressed to explain and justify the grotesque' actions nesessary to gain such powers.

Range: Touch, see below.
1: The super must kill the superbeing yourself.
2: The super consume at least 10% of the superbeing's body within 24 hours. Note; the character will only get sick from this 3% of the time. 3: Alter Physical Structure Powers and other select powers, including Untrackable can not be copied...
4: Non-bonified TRUE superpowers like Magic or psionics, can not br copied.
5: The powers are permanent, but are pathetic compared to the normal power (see below).
6: The powers DO NOT become stronger with experience, with rare exception. All are permanently frozen at level one prof
7: No copying the power more than once for multiple bonuses unless the power specifically this is allowable.
8: Only one form of flight is possible. Certain powers formerly not considered flight count as flight powers. New power replaces the old one and its bonuses unless the character chooses not to replace the old one.
9: A Horror Factor of 10 or more is optional, and it is likely that this character will never have a moment's peace since the super will be hunted as an insane and dangerously deranged cannibal. As for the powers themselves, I am nowhere near done finishing that part.
10: As a Mega power the super must take a mega weakness just like as in the case of Other Mega supers.
11: Innitially The super starts out with No special ability to consume other supers and this often limits the supers choices to low leveled beings

Frankly this is Not a way out power if you tweek it a bit more. The stuff in RED are My personal additions (Take em, leave em, just suggestions really) and I mean no offence by them. I've had 100;s of games and GM?ST?DMed many dozens of players (80+/-) over the years so I've had to deal with allota high powered players and this one IS powerful (Well, kinda mostly) but I'd say not The most over powered I've seen, I'm looking at you Silver Surfer, Phonenix, Hulk, Superman and Syler!

Now my personal issues with the power.
•Why no APS powers? No reason was given. I can understand the super not being able to eat them (unless they die and revert to an edable state as being the reason but...)
•Why the issue with Flight? Differing versions of flight don't seem all that out there. Stacking up on Higher Versions of a super power though, That I could see a no on. Powers like Sonic Flight & Wingless flight sure you just pick the Best bonuses and power but what about space flight, FTL and a few others which are really best defined as Differant powers? Other examples are EX PS and Super Human PS or Body Weapon and Alter Limbs' of which the the minor would be over shadowed by the Major powers... But this should be stated that ANY Major powers that contain a Lesser minor power as a sub-ability see that Minor power overshadowed by the greater, the two do not stack.
•Hows about limiting the number of consumable powers per level so as to show this supers Neonate nature right off of the bat *This way you could show some Limts to how often or fast the super can get used to the Massive changes to their body. Something like:
Starting out the maximum number that can be consumed at level one is ¼ the supers PE attribute plus one. Every level there after the Mega Being may add a number of additioanl victims to that list equal to their present level (IE: Corps Eater with a PE of 12 may consume [12÷4=] 3 supers =1 for your level. At Level 2 the super only gains +2 more, at third level the super may consume +3 more super beings, at Fourth level +4 more and so on and perpetually more as they gain new levels...
This way you/your character has a reason to wish to gain levels as well as new Meals.

The above increase is just one of May options.
Additionally, the super can try to consume MORE than this number buy must make a save vs an ever increasing Difficulty for Every super beyond their level maximum or Suffer some kind of Serious negative, new weakness, the loss of one Or many powers (Kinda like vometing them out due to over eatting... Make it something serious like the Mega being loses a number of Supers equal to the number of point he lost the save by-or maybe just super powers and not every power so as to cut down of paper work) or maybe he just gets Really sick and takes some damage... Or any combo of the above.

Additionally you may wish to limit the number of Kills Per Day or Hour the Mega can make before getting sick...

These are just some Questions and Suggestions for this power and Frankly I see no real reason that (If you add a little something unique' to the power) that you shouldn't keep up with the idea cuz, well there Ain't that many Kewl Mega powers in the Mega powers section and we need more...
I'd Love to see more of the Next Gen powers get added, to see more new and unique' mega powers.
Comments any?
Last edited by Steeler49er on Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Last edited by Steeler49er on Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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