Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Malakai »

Surprised this one hasn't been mentioned - Matter Expulsion: Metal and Magnetism
    You are never without material to work with - either through projectiles, forming melee Weapons, or even encasing otherwise non-metallic items.
    Given that weapons and the metal blades stay for around 30 seconds before vanishing, they can be used multiple times as projectiles for your magnetism, which has a far greater range than you normally would have. 4 Daggers could be tossed around for 8D6 Damage (remember they do 1D6 damage over their usual) for two rounds before disappearing. Now increase that to flying swords or axes, and suddenly your doing up to 16D6 per attack!
    Also, depending on how your GM want's to rule things, you could just spend time forming arbitrarily large object to toss around with Magnetism (could take anywhere from 4-7 attacks to form a metallic object the size of a small car, depending on how your GM wants to rule it) - still, your looking at some impressive object to throw around, not to mention all the other benefits of being able to coat something in metal, thus making it vulnerable to your needs.

Also, how about this little Combo - it's Nacho-cheesiness: APS: Shadow and Bend Light
    Takes away one of the biggest vulnerabilities of APS: Shadow - a guy with one of those blasted halogen flashlights. Lasers? Who cares 'bout em when you can just curve them around you at will.
    And don't forget you can no control where shadows appear, since you can now bend the light that generates them - useful for all kinds of things.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Malakai wrote:Surprised this one hasn't been mentioned - Matter Expulsion: Metal and Magnetism
... ? iT'S nOt...

My bad. That's the most common one peeps have brought up in teh' past too. When I transfered everyones posts over to this thread I know I mist a few. Sorry everyone. Danka Malakai for addin it back to the list, it'sa classic.

Awsome and logically intellegent usage of "Bend light" and Shadow powers.

Thankyou fer the additions... And everyone keep em comen
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Her0man0 »

ok, how about .....

Sonic speed and Intangability, this way you dont have to follow the streets and you can just run straight there.

or that create holograms ability with any e.e. ability, you could pretend your blasting your enemy and use a hologram, then when they drop thier gaurd WHAM, hit em with the real one, or when they realize the hologram blasts are fake, WHAM, hit em with the real one to keep them guessing, or even have a holographic copy attack from the front while you blast em from the back....a million uses

or giant minor with technoform, then your character would look like a popular certain cartoon/toyline i wont mention.

A.P.S. electicity and Intangability would get rid of the pesky vulnerabilty to electicity that intangability has
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Nice ones guys.
(Funny too :) ... And Funny I like)
It's funny but I bet allot of us have sub-conscieniously thought about using "Sonic speed and Intangability" like this, but No one put it here! It's such an Awesome and yet Simple combo... I wish I'd thought of it :-?

Cool Idea with the Holograms...
Makes you wonder what all you could do with the Power Combo "Energy Conversion" and "Create Holograms"? Could you make that holographic image of a fire Real?

As to Giant = Technoform... I tried to use something similar ("Techno-Form"+"Meta. Animal:All") to create extra Large robot animals. Also this allowed for me to Turn into a whale which I'd Reshape into a Jet Whale... I was Noew big enough to haul the Other players around in me.

I hate the way Intangability is written up, frankly it is sooooo Contradictory in it's limitations and Abilities... Good idea on the Electro+Phase combo! These powers work pretty well together as you could become Solid Energy or go Intangable like Real enery would be.

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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Her0man0 »


I was just reading a book about a werewolf and it got me thinking...

you could make your werewolf a little more like the ones from the legends by adding invulnerabiliy to lychanthropy wolf, add that to the giant minor and you would get a very intimidating werewolf

or how about multiple beings and lychanthropy wolf and you would be your own werewolf pack, like packmaster or something...
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Now that's a very cool thought! Wolf pack.

add in the minor power Feral and
"Assimilation" by Senator Cybus and increase it's duration to permanent if the players fail a buncha saves.
From The Black Vault
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By Senator Cybus

This ability allows the super being to create an army of loyal followers, by converting other people into clones of himself! With just a touch, the character can overwrite the physiology of his targets, replacing their identities with his own.

These assimilated beings have the exact same appearance, skills, attributes, powers and memories as the super being, exact for the ability of Assimilation; only the hero can create duplicates.

Unlike the clones created through use of the Multiple Beings power, these copies are not telepathically linked to the super being or each other; he cannot sense their location or mental state at a distance. However, they are 100% loyal to him and will follow all of his commands without question or complaint. The death of a copy does not affect the super being in any way. Equally, the death of the character will not cause the duplicates to disappear or revert to normal.

The amount of clones that the super being can create is limited by the amount of bio-energy he can generate and channel: he can create a number of duplicates per 24 hours equal to his experience level x 20 (20 per day at level one, 40 at level two and so on).

Note: Fighting these clones can present a problem for opponents of good alignments - the copies may be innocent bystanders, forced to transform and fight against their will, but no less deadly because of that.

Range: Touch.

Duration: Assimilation lasts for 30 minutes per level of experience (30 minutes at level one, one hour at level two and so on). After that, the targets of the attack revert to normal with no memory of what happened to them, though any injuries they suffered while transformed will remain (which may be enough to kill them if their normal bodies are substantially weaker than the clone form).

Attacks Per Melee: The Assimilation touch uses up only one attack/action. Actually transforming into a duplicate takes 1D4 melee rounds, during which the target can only writhe around in pain as their body is taken over. At the end of this time, they rise up as a clone, ready for orders.

Saving Throw: 14 or higher (P.E. bonuses applicable).

Bonuses: The hero is +4 to save vs. the Assimilation power of other super beings and +2 to save vs. any attack or effect that would cause physical transformation.

Limitations: The super being must touch the target’s bare skin to trigger the change; even a thin layer of clothing is enough to prevent the transformation.

Assimilation does not affect cyborgs, robots, Gestalts, Symbiotes, creatures of magic or supernatural beings (except for Mega-Heroes, who can be assimilated, but have a bonus of +2 to save against it). Characters with the powers of Impervious to Control & Possession or Impervious to Disease & Illness are also completely immune to the effect. Characters with Alter Physical Structure powers that enable them to transform into inorganic or energy-based forms are protected against Assimilation for as long as they remain in their alternate state; reverting to human renders them vulnerable to the effect.

Magical, psionic or superhuman healing powers can neutralise the assimilation: targeting a clone with any spell or ability that destroys or alleviates disease will instantly turn them back to normal (though getting them to hold still while you do this is another matter).
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Her0man0 »

here are few more ideas.....

APS metal with APS Skeliton, your 200 pound man would become a 50 pound skeliton and a 200 pound metal skeliton, and think of all the cool blade weapons that could be created!

or a twist with APS metal would be to just have the bones of the character turn to metal, then you could add like the mega immortality, or zombie flesh or ultra healing or something to round it out.

another cool one would be APS Ice and APS skeliton, and ice skeliton thats able to make blades and throw ice shards
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by RogueSensei »

How about Rocket Charge + Sliding
Rocket Charge: Up to 700 mph in one action.
Sliding Tackle: 2d6 +4 per 20 mph - that's 2d6 + 140 dmg in one action plus an 80% chance to knock them over.
At sixth level you can get up to 2100 mph in two actions doing 2d6+420 dmg.

I believe somebody mentioned this already, but Gun Limbs + Charge Object with Explosive Energy
Create the bullets ahead of time and keep them "loaded" in your Gun Limb, then charge each bullet with maximum explosive energy. You can fire a burst of exploding rounds doing 3d6x10 from the explosion and possibly an additional 1d6x10 from the normal bullet damage.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Leon Kennedy wrote:
Her0man0 wrote:Here are few more ideas.....

APS metal with APS Skeleton, your 200 pound man would become a 50 pound skeliton and a 200 pound metal skeleton, and think of all the cool blade weapons that could be created!

Or a twist with APS metal would be to just have the bones of the character turn to metal, then you could add like the mega immortality, or zombie flesh or ultra healing or something to round it out.

Another cool one would be APS Ice and APS skeleton, and ice skeleton that's able to make blades and throw ice shards

Neither of these work. Per the rules, you cannot have more then 1 APS power active at any given time.

Yes in This thread I'm allowing the freedom to make realistic combinations of APS's discussable. Her0man0s' combo is Easily aceptable for this thread.

Secondary it should be noted that even KS & PB have agreed that this Rule is free to be resended. Additional to that is the fact that 'on the same page' the rule is written the rule is paradoxed by a statement allowing for one to Needlessly combine 'Shape Shifting' with 'Mimic' so as to alow you to form wings when you mimic a power...
Needless to say that THIS combination was in and of itself completely illegal and redundant to boot since the power Mimic Already let's you copy the wings as is!
Additionally BOTH alter your form!!
Additionally unless you are using the nulled and voided Original Mimic power (Null in this same book as the no two APS powers rule), Using Mimic replaces ALL of your existing powers with those of the target... Which includes Shape Shifting!!!

The ONLY reason I can see that idiotic statement ever having been made was to make it seem as though the writer was sympatico with us. IE: one of us and throwing us a bone....
A Bad, Redundant, Game Illegal Bone!

Additionally is that IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM IS MULTIPLE BEINGS AN APS POWER! Yet it was listed.
A staffer at PB admited that it was thrown in so as to keep players from abusing the system & EGB (Enforced Game Balance)... That's the GMs job and should be up to them to determine, it breaks with standing allowances in Multple Beings Text, it is a Pushy rule that implies we're too stupid to have noticed such potentials for abuse, and finally it's STILL easy to abuse Multiple Beings! Anyone with a brain should have seen & known that Multiple Beings would be Abuseble when combined with other powers BEFORE it was put int he books. If it's sooo offensive it shouldn't have ever been added to HULs list of powers.

So Her0man0, thank you for your contibutions to this discussion. But your APS Ice skeleton is redundant since you can already shoot Ice shards/spikes thanx to APS Ice. Additionally your Ice form could (per a request to any Reasonable GM's) be made to look like a skeleton, again w/o need to mix it with aps: skeleton.
APS: Metal & Skeleton seem redundant to me. Additionally peeps have all ready brought up Invulnerable Bone & (any kind of) Regeneration powers working together.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

Steeler49er wrote:Secondary it should be noted that even KS & PB have agreed that this Rule is free to be resended. Additional to that is the fact that 'on the same page' the rule is written the rule is paradoxed by a statement allowing for one to Needlessly combine 'Shape Shifting' with 'Mimic' so as to alow you to form wings when you mimic a power...
Needless to say that THIS combination was in and of itself completely illegal and redundant to boot since the power Mimic Already let's you copy the wings as is!
Additionally BOTH alter your form!!
Additionally unless you are using the nulled and voided Original Mimic power (Null in this same book as the no two APS powers rule), Using Mimic replaces ALL of your existing powers with those of the target... Which includes Shape Shifting!!!

The ONLY reason I can see that idiotic statement ever having been made was to make it seem as though the writer was sympatico with us. IE: one of us and throwing us a bone....
A Bad, Redundant, Game Illegal Bone!

I've always thought that section meant that the character with Mimic and Shapechange would see their shapechanging power enhanced so that they could "grow functional wings, tails and other appendages or an extra pair of arms or tentacles" while they weren't copying anyone. Because (as you said) Mimic will give the character wings/tails/extra arms/etc when they copy someone who has them. Makes more sense (to me) for that combo to make it so the shapechanger can grow wings when he needs to fly and nobody is around for him to mimic. Maybe I'm reading it wrong though.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

I'd thought that as well (The idea that the Mimic power was being used to assist the Shape Shifting as apposed to the othe way) but after reading I started to get the impression that it was a bit towards the latter. AND it IS possable that the writer just plain forgot that Mimic had been altered so as to no longer allow for this.

Using the Original Mimic write up (Which say "You Keep All your skills, knowledge, and Special Abilities"-No mention of them getting replaced, just that you keep them) than YES you can in fact still do this as THIS combo had in fact been mentioned in one of the earlier books PRIOR to the rewrite (RetCon) of mimic. However, even if you use the Old School Mimicry power both IT and Shape Change would STILL be classed as APS powers (Just like Growth & Shrink, Alter Limbs & APS: Vines are).

For this reason I'm allowing people to Both Use the Old School Mimic power for creative combos AND ignoring the "No Combing Two APS or form altering Powers" rule. It;s intrusive and many of us had been playing our characters Just fine w.o it for many years when it came out of Nowhere and told us that all of our games with such characters were just nulled and voided per RetCon because Someone little somewhere at Sometime b!tched about "Such and such is doing This or That with their creative (and Yes, even Muchkiny) power combo!" and saying "I want them Band"!
If you didn't like it, just don't play it that way as a group, don't allow for the player to have those combos as a GM, or simply Don't play in said game with said player who have said powers if it bother you sooo much!!!
But don't go messing up everyone elses games with your petty non-issues!

I mean REALLY, how many times have you allowed for your players to even Have such power combos? Not all that often? And How often does a player ask for such combos at gun point? Not often I hope... If YOU the GM allow it in the first place than it's on yer head... BUT HERE on THIS THREAD... Yeah, have FUN! Your free to express yourselves as long as you don't go WAY overboard in your interpriations of the rules.
Creativity YES!
Outright Munchkinisum, NO! Cuz being Munchkin Isn't being Creative, it's the opposet, it's Too easy and Too easy is no challenge.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Yukon »

and the lesson learned is not to get steeler49er started on combining aps powers...
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »


What is this, bash Steeler49er day? First the NEW POWERS thread and now this? Who in the cosmos did I tick off This time... Just not my day
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Her0man0 »

Steeler49er wrote:
Leon Kennedy wrote:
Her0man0 wrote:Here are few more ideas.....

APS metal with APS Skeleton, your 200 pound man would become a 50 pound skeliton and a 200 pound metal skeleton, and think of all the cool blade weapons that could be created!

Or a twist with APS metal would be to just have the bones of the character turn to metal, then you could add like the mega immortality, or zombie flesh or ultra healing or something to round it out.

Another cool one would be APS Ice and APS skeleton, and ice skeleton that's able to make blades and throw ice shards

Neither of these work. Per the rules, you cannot have more then 1 APS power active at any given time.

Yes in This thread I'm allowing the freedom to make realistic combinations of APS's discussable. Her0man0s' combo is Easily aceptable for this thread.

Secondary it should be noted that even KS & PB have agreed that this Rule is free to be resended. Additional to that is the fact that 'on the same page' the rule is written the rule is paradoxed by a statement allowing for one to Needlessly combine 'Shape Shifting' with 'Mimic' so as to alow you to form wings when you mimic a power...
Needless to say that THIS combination was in and of itself completely illegal and redundant to boot since the power Mimic Already let's you copy the wings as is!
Additionally BOTH alter your form!!
Additionally unless you are using the nulled and voided Original Mimic power (Null in this same book as the no two APS powers rule), Using Mimic replaces ALL of your existing powers with those of the target... Which includes Shape Shifting!!!

The ONLY reason I can see that idiotic statement ever having been made was to make it seem as though the writer was sympatico with us. IE: one of us and throwing us a bone....
A Bad, Redundant, Game Illegal Bone!

Additionally is that IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM IS MULTIPLE BEINGS AN APS POWER! Yet it was listed.
A staffer at PB admited that it was thrown in so as to keep players from abusing the system & EGB (Enforced Game Balance)... That's the GMs job and should be up to them to determine, it breaks with standing allowances in Multple Beings Text, it is a Pushy rule that implies we're too stupid to have noticed such potentials for abuse, and finally it's STILL easy to abuse Multiple Beings! Anyone with a brain should have seen & known that Multiple Beings would be Abuseble when combined with other powers BEFORE it was put int he books. If it's sooo offensive it shouldn't have ever been added to HULs list of powers.

So Her0man0, thank you for your contibutions to this discussion. But your APS Ice skeleton is redundant since you can already shoot Ice shards/spikes thanx to APS Ice. Additionally your Ice form could (per a request to any Reasonable GM's) be made to look like a skeleton, again w/o need to mix it with aps: skeleton.
APS: Metal & Skeleton seem redundant to me. Additionally peeps have all ready brought up Invulnerable Bone & (any kind of) Regeneration powers working together.

APS Ice + APS Bone would increase the sdc of the character, the aps bone allows for bladed weapons to be created off of the forearms as welll as spikes and horns for the rest of the body, while the benifits that aps ice add to the aps bone are obvious. Id say they add to each other instead of being redundant.

Aps bone + aps metal would create a lighter metal character with a scarier look, lighter frame, highter p.s. and sdc and be able to create blades, redundant? i think not.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

That's CRAZY out there!!! I've never ever even considered that angle of thought! You're Way in the Zone of creativity with that one!!! :-o 's
I mean... WoW! awsome... I'd say that chu just blew away some of my best ideas with that lil humdinger.
Oh, You're :ok: good!

five mental brain blowing nukes of awesomeness outta 5
:nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke:
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Iczer »

Her0man0 wrote:or giant minor with technoform, then your character would look like a popular certain cartoon/toyline i wont mention.

LOL Did this. Great game. Player A distracted it while player B drove a truck into it screaming ' Transform and roll out!'

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Leon Kennedy wrote:Not sure if this has been mentioned before, and I'm sure there are easier ways of getting this accomplished, but this thought just occured to me....

EE: Light
Color Manipulation
Supervision: Night Vision

The character with EE:L can light up a 20x20 room with a colored pulse of yellow light, as well as firing lasers. Ok.
The character with Color Manipulation can alter the color of any object, including light. Ok.
The character with SV:NV can see at night, even in total darkness. Ok.

See where this is headed? Turn yourself on like a light bulb and then manipulate the color to be black. You can see, nobody else can. And you could then fire blackened laser pulses at the enemy, who wouldn't be able to pinpoint where they are coming from because they can't see them either.

Well, this won't work cuz the Color Manipulation power effects the EM feild of matter and not light. For that you'd need Spectrum Shift (A power I'm working on right now actually). One affect light the other effects matter. In this case you could turn all the heat energy from your body into the desired color spectrum you wish to see in and Yes, you'd be dead on correct, you'd be able to see and everyone else would be blind (Unless they to can see in that spectrum).

The Nightvision power won't cut it either as it is Amplified light (taking small amounts of Visable light and making it electroically/super powery brighter). If you did go your rout you too would end up blind and This only works at night or in a dark room/cave.

What you COULD DO is you same suggestion but with a tweek to it.
Color Manipulate the AIR in the area to ALL black save for a spectrum of light that Only you know about/can see on (UV vision is a good one). Then you can do what chu just suggested.

Otherwise you'd need a Variant powered version of Color Manipulation that effects light spectrums instead of matters EM feilds. And in That case you would only need the one power! Why, cuz you could alter ALL (Visable) light colors in the area to a color of your choosing, even back to visable light (You just change it into the color of IR, UV, or Radiowaves and Back again just inches infront of your eyes so that ONLY you can see).

So, you got a great idea.
Spectrum Shift coming up.
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Her0man0 »

Iczer wrote:
Her0man0 wrote:or giant minor with technoform, then your character would look like a popular certain cartoon/toyline i wont mention.

LOL Did this. Great game. Player A distracted it while player B drove a truck into it screaming ' Transform and roll out!'


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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Incriptus »

Weapon Melding + Super Regeneration

2d6 hp per melee round.
1 hp = 2 bullets

average 7 hp per melee round
28 per minute
1680 per hour

3360 bullets per hour

Hello stockpile of depleted uranium bullets . . . it does say regardless of calibur and type . . . and says nothing about them fading away.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Nice thinking outside of the box on that Caliber & Type point... DU-death, very nice!
Also I never noticed that the duration was non-specific for the ammo, excellent find.

Now, Hows about These two combos?

Even at level one you can expand the size of the room from 16x10x10 feet to a hundered foot+/-Cubic zone in just three uses of the power!!! Great fer those little Danger room sessions. Additional you could continue to use this power and further expand the size, however by the second usage space will start to warp too much to get a good sold cubical shape.

I'm sure you guys can come up with one Zillion other bennies fer this combo.

Intended fer use with APS powers and those power which have similar effect, 'Limit Trans' lets your PC/NPC super selectively apply such powers to Only the sections of their bodies which they choose too. With this combo you could (For 1 minute per level) choose to alter Just and arm or Just a leg! The potential uses are numerious and practical. The duration limit would Still apply to the Whole body meaning that Just cuz you altered only one single section, does not mean that only It had the duration run down but, other than that this is a great combo (If allowed).
A creative combo of this is to make your hands into fist shapes and then to be able to punch normaly solid hard objects that you'd have the strength to break but, because human bone would normally break under such stresses, you hold back from using your bodies natural full force... Now you wouldn't have to.

Or you Could form your hands into a ''Tiger Claw/Eagles Talon" or "Knife Hand" martial arts striking pose and Hyper Dense the hands. Your normal "untrained" persons attacks with this kind of martial manuver would most likely injure themselves because of these hand stike forms require at least a few months of even years to perfect the proper muscle and strike pattern so as to prevent hand straining or even breakage! Even trained Martial Artists injure themselves from time to time while performing this attack (mostly when up against hardened targets)... Now you can "Judo-CHOP" till yer hearts content w/o such a fear. Even hardened steel can be damaged.
Mechanics: For those using strict PB AR system;
•Consider the fist attack to drop ARs by -2. Increase damage done by 75%.
•The Knife hand to drop ARs by One Third (Normally an AP attack drops ARs by as much as ½ , but this hand strike is far less effective) to a minimum of -4 AR, but No cut is actually formed unless the AR is beat by more than 4xtimes it value.
•The hand claw attack sees ARs drop by ¼ or ¾ths its value (-3AR minimum) but each finger can now cause a cut-Roll 1D12 (Adding in ¼ HtH Strike bonuses... Rounding down) to see how many cuts are formed. Rolls of 1-5 mean 1 or more cuts are made (one cut per point). If 6-12 is rolled then no cut is made. These cuts are considered to have a WS (Wound Size) of 0.5 each, meaning they bleed at ½ the normal rate.

For those using Mohs Hardness/PV rules:
•Hand Fist reduces PV by one
•Knife hand by 3
•"Tiger Claw/Eagle Talon" by 2...
•All other aspects are the same.

For those Using the UPS/MDC system UP (Universal Protection) is reduce by;
•Hand Fist reduces PV by one
•Knife hand by 3
•"Tiger Claw/Eagle Talon" by 2...
•All other aspects remain unchanged.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Anyone done this?

Stretching + that Swallowing Limbo power from PU3?
That should make fer a Big Ars Silhouette!
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

znbrtn wrote:if a character had both of these powers, would you allow their aps to be any of the chemicals that they can secrete(including the generic smoke/mist form, of course)? generally, i'm not a fan of that particular aps, but i would have no problem with it if i could do this.
znbrtn wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:Darn it! You stole my idea. :p
hey, i'm not disney(ZING!).... i have come to realize that there are very few(if any) original ideas left, so i've just stopped caring about originality. if i like an idea, i go with it. :D
Guest wrote:That is a cool idea.
Want to know what is even nastier?
APS:Smoke+Disruptive Touch.
Good Combos and very game legal.

Now, hows abouts this one...
KE Control + Absorb KE
Normally KE & Inertia Control powers are use to 'Reduce' incomming force so that you take LESS damage, but realizing that Not everyone may wish for this effect can be an enlightening moment in game fun. So pump up your opponents hit as much as your power(s) allow for and now Their attacks can be sent back with devistating (or at the very least, the same force They hit you with)!

As long as you've Got the "Grant Super Powers" + "Mechano-Link" +"A Regen Power", you and your friends can all sit in the same room with you computers and work as one Nasty Super Guild... You just gotta just keep giving them M-Link every few min, but HEY, what a rush they'd have being able to Walk around the Arathi Highlands or jumping off the World Tree at Darnassus as their actual Avatars in the game and have Light-Speed fast reaction speed...
•••••••••••••••••••••More DOTS!!!•••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

NC•Organ Farming + Limb Recovery + Universal Doner + APS: Blood (Now you are the ultimate supply of every known body part, organ, bone, and blood needed for everyone everywhere... And you can pump out as much as needed for a nation).

NC•Bio-Muscle + Godlike H.P. + SN PS. (NOW your are strong enough to lift a small ship... Just not fer long) and through in Enhaced Leaping for that Obital Leap stunt. [40XPS across, and 1000-6000 HP to start.

Combine them:
Mega Power- Godlike HP with
SN PS and SN PE (which doubles HP) and Physical Perfection [Major] and take the option of Maximum roll for option which lets you get the top roll... These three will give you a base of 12,000+plus HP to start.
Bio-Muscle lets you replace your PS score with your HP score for a melee... Combined with 'En Leap' that will get you a hight of 12,000 x40 feet or 98 miles across and 49 miles high! And you can lift 3000 tons to boot!!
Just fer fun.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

hEY, REALLY teh awsome combos CoalitionMerc & All Floopers all the time(AKA-Starship Flooper)...
Glass coffin eh... I bet Gara would love to pull that one off, and it's great at parties too. With fire gen powers and sand form you'll Never be w/o a great and fun job since glass blowers (like that dude from Seattle that I usedta do security fer) are in high demand, and HE'd never be able to pull off the crazy shapes that you could do.

You'd be a millionheir in no time flat... Tinken outside of the box.

And the Shape Shifting + Control others trick... Sick and Nice :mrgreen: . One of the BIGGEST problems in every movie, tv show, cartoon, Novel, comic book, or anime is when Both the Shape-shifter And the person being copied are in the same room together and Both are trying to prove to every one else who's the Real Maccoy. With this nast lil combo you (the shape shifter) can always hope to Force the Real-Deal to "slip-up" , Maybe the Real dude[t] is forced to raise his or her gun and shoot at her friends! Or maybe you take control of them and Force them to admit that they are the fraud... Or even stumble to answere a question correctly when interrogated!

Plus, you as the shape shifter can abduct the victim and force them to reveal info that only They would know (hence making your disguise all the more better)...

Coolyo ideas
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by NMI »

Metal Manipulation + Junkyard
Metal Manipulation + APS: Metal
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Metal Manipulation + Junkyard
Metal Manipulation + APS: Metal

Another interseting and creative use of powers together and Fine usage of Junkyard. I'd often wanted to combine APS: Metal with Metal Manipulation, but kinda figured no-one here would go for that combo... So i'm glad it was you D-NMI that did so since, this gives the combo some much neeed street cred. :P

This is a combo that just Rocks on soooo many levels and Actually really does make Metal Manipulation useful, since I thought is was a Majorly gimped power in PU3 (it had powers that it didn't need, and the powers it had were all Very very weak.)
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by NMI »

Steeler49er wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Metal Manipulation + Junkyard
Metal Manipulation + APS: Metal

Another interseting and creative use of powers together and Fine usage of Junkyard. I'd often wanted to combine APS: Metal with Metal Manipulation, but kinda figured no-one here would go for that combo... So i'm glad it was you D-NMI that did so since, this gives the combo some much neeed street cred. :P

This is a combo that just Rocks on soooo many levels and Actually really does make Metal Manipulation useful, since I thought is was a Majorly gimped power in PU3 (it had powers that it didn't need, and the powers it had were all Very very weak.)

Yup, I got a player in my group right now that has APS: Metal and Metal Manipulation and for giggles - Massive Damage Capacity.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Regularguy »

Mimic - problem with mimic is that comlpetely replace you body attributes, included PB. This means also replacing your other powers. I understand it. But I personally think it make Mimic like a power class by itself at this point. I mean is pointless having other powers if you dont get many chance to use them, being mimic the most often used power; expecially if your teammates are Mega heroes, facing mega villains on daily basis...hickory smoked donkeys! even against a villain with a gun is almost pointless having anything else, as are pointless physical skills(why waste time doing gym if i could just mimic good physically fit persons). The only power you could ever need would be heightened sense of recall, provided it can recall past mimicked powers. Is really problematic power, not just for the complementig factor. Personally I don't like it that much

How about the "combo" of getting it with, say, Enchanted Object? So you use that magic ring you're wearing to fire up Mimic, and then while you're doubling your teammate's powers or the villain's powers you're also the guy with -- well, maybe a knife in your boot or a gun in your pocket, but you've also got a magic ring on your finger and so can also turn invisible (or whatever).
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

CORRECTION: Mimicry does actually Not copy any skillz.
Here is a few points about Mimicry that should be said.

is that it is Not a bad thing to have other powers in addition to Mimic because Mimic Only works with being that have something in common with you. You can't mimic/copy/duplicate a robot, spell magic, true gods (to my knowledge), cybernetics & nano tech or other such mechanical forms of augmentation, chemical augmentation, and Truely alien abilities.

So the question is, "What do you do when you enemies have power and you don't cuz you thought that you were the bomb w/o other powers and didn't need anything more than Mimicry?"...

ANSWERE: You're Boned!

is that mimic has issues with both a duration And a range, not to mention it takes time to copy others powers, meaning that once you are outta range you only have a little bit of time to use those mimicked powers before they fade away thus leaving you very vulnerable to that two-bit Punk over there with a gun. Additionaly you need to get within that 60ft said range in the first place just to mimic the target. So if said target has a ranged attack like EE: Light and you're 69ft away, you are 69'd [ScReWd! :lol: ].

Or what happens if you are fighting "Hyper D-Bomb" who can fly at super speeds and you mimic her, then she flies up to get away from you, so you fly after her and at some point you are both in space, which ain't so bad because she (and now you as well) can breath w/o air. To bad that you catch up to her at 1000 miles up and you grapple her, only to have her escape via teleportation...
Now she is 5miles away from you and you don't know where (which direction) she went!
You better find her soon cuz you only have a few minutes left before your powers shut down!!! And you're way to far up to get back down safely... She had space flight And sonic flight (x2even), but you're 1000 miles from earth... You ain't gonna make it.
See, she knows Her limits... Do you?

What happens when you mimic someone/thing with major weaknesses and flaws is that you get them as well. All Mega's-get flaws and sometimes those flaw may Not be the best thing to have at that very momment. IE: Your Super friend "Invulnerable Boy" is impervious to everything in the universe, which is Tre' awsome, untill you two get to the scene of a 4 alarm fire and you realize (after coping him) that he had One single vulnerability to Fire! He takes full damage X2 from fire.

The Same thing happens when you are fighting the alien super villian "Galactic Grinder" who is Mega-Powerful but has No such weakness, he has Invulnerability, Mega Strength (Lift your PS in Tons) is impervious to magic/psionics/poison/toxins & energy, can fly at super speeds, and can dodge lasers... SO YOU COPY HIM. Sound cool untill you realize that he is wearing a rebreather for a reason, you see he is Still from another planet and Must breath Tri-Oxy'Hydra-Methane (which is what his mask provides him with) and without it he starts to suffocate in seconds and passes out and dies in under a minute... And Now you have His weakness as well.

Sometimes fighting fire with fire does Nothing at all except make fer a bigger fire!!! In Example: Two dudes face off, one with Mimicry and one with APS: Fire (no flight though)... Sure you mimic him, and sure you are now immune to his attacks, but so is he to yours. For sure it is a good fight cuz it now comes down to fista cuffs and you're both evenly matched, but HIS power had a side effect of Always being on and he had NO Bio-Aura ability... (He was naked) and now everything you owned is Ponned and smoky.

Just cuz you get all of the supers abilities does Not mean that you are as good with using them as the super who naturally uses them is. They may have Massive experiance with said powers and will most likely know allotta tricks that didn't come with the owners manual... Including interesting ways to shut down their powers.

Additionally NO, you do Not get their skills, some of which may have been taken so as to maximize their powers. EXAMPLE, 'Transmutation". Let's say that This supers power requires that you actually Know advanced Metalurgy, Atomic physics, and Chemisty inorder to even use it... Sure you may naturally have One of those skills but, all three? Now they're much Much better at this than you.

As you may have heard, this power does NOT work well w/o others to copy from, now what happens when said person to draw from, is You. That's right, you... You're all alone in the Dark, The desert, Space (again), the arctic, the middle of the Amazon, or floating alone at sea and you haven't got Any special powers, skills, and or equipments to survive... But "HEY", you can mimik people... Just wish one would pass by... Oh look, here comes one now, to bad that they don't have the nessisary; Skill, Power, or Equipment that you need. As you can now see, you Still need to be Skilled at the very least, and Every super should carry Some kind of equipment, Just to be on the safe side.

There is absolutely NO truth in the rumor that says that you can use Total Recall Or Edect Memory, OR enhanced Memory (all three are the same thing anywho) inorder to recall super powers, as NOTHING in the Mimicry powers description says that the powers gained are lost due to your forget fullness. You loose the powers cuz Your Power (not you) forgot/lost the pattern in question... It (your power) has the bad hard-drive, not you and Your grey brain matter.
So This old Megaversal-urban-legend is just something Some GMs'/DM's/ST's allow from time to time.

All of this said, I'm sure that you can see the value in having additional powers, Skills, and Equipment to draw on in times of need. Mimicry can Not do it all, and you may/will need help from time to time...
I hope that this has been helpfull... :-D
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Her0man0 »

how about some minor power combos like:

Giant, Heavyweight, & Dwarfing....... just think of the possibilities..... one buff six foot tall dwarf!

Fabric manipulation, Whip Attack, & Instant Wardrobe...... fabric can be used as a whip, many wardrobes made of lots of fabric
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Hey :-o
Now that's a nice combo with the Instant Wardrobe and Cloth Animation... It says "Wear me" all over.

How about these minors, Thread Killer + EX ME + Skillwarden. Become a politician and destroy even the best of opponents during public face offs. With Thread Killer your opponents are beffudled in the middle of attempting to give You a toung lashing, then with Skillwarden you can gain your oppositions primed public speaking skillz and better understanding of the subject while using EX: ME to get you through the rough spots and even push you adroitly over the targets own potetntial.

With This combo Al Gore may have actually ended up winning the election :P

How about Nature's Toolkit + Alter Limb: Wood! Now you will Always have Food, Clothes (albeit clothes made of wood & vegitation), and tools on hand -pun intended- at all times. Additionally you are better able to shape you limb as you please.

Try combining Limit Transformation and Hyperdensity together so that you can be selective with what part of you body can be altered. In this way you could make Just your hands Hyperdence so as to have an impossable to eascape from grip, which is great in and outta combat inthat you may be trying to keep someone from falling and Normally wouldn't have the strength to hold on for to long, now you can! Or you can use it in that same way so as to keep your hand from breaking when trying to punch things normally considered "too hard to hit".
*It can be used to Freeze a damaged part of your body (You were just bit by a Black Mamba/Wandering Spider/or had an artery cut), and yet Still allow you to escape from whatever harmed you, long enough to maybe get to safety and Even to the hospital in time.
#COMBINE these two powers with Bio-Aura and you can make Just a part of you that is touching clothing indestructible (like a cloke), and the cloth is now a sheild, raft, ladder, or whatever you can think of.
#Make Just your 'Ears' Hyper-Dense and drown out the nagging from your parents, Girl/Boy friend...etc.
#Hyperdensify and spike just your Hair and Now it is gonna hurt when you headbunt someone with your razor sharp Nightelf-mohawk.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by AzathothXy »

Multiple Selves plus Swarm Selves.

Reminds me of the Tick cartoon. The character Living Doll. He was more like a 'Matryoshka' Doll, but his battle cry was 'I'm full of tinier men'.
Last edited by AzathothXy on Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Iczer »

and you should see what happens when you have giant and dwarfing. a normal sized man with a lot of mass and msucle.

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Re: Complimenting powers !!!They may be giants!!!

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Or hows about Supernatural H.P. + Swarm Self + Growth...
Now you can have ALLOTTA little yous' running around one second, and then when the bad guys start laughing at your dimminutive selves as being "inneffective", they then watch in horror as they all grow into giants.

Or try Progressive Marks (Picking the +2PE/30 SD/10 HP Marks allot) + Supernatural Endurance + Growth and the minor powers of Progressive Strength + EX PE...
This will make you HECKKA BIG (Assuming you roll well) and you'll just keep getting bigger...

And since you don't have Bio-Aura, when you clothes rip-off you, you can use your Progressive Marks power to create Tattoos that make it look like you've got clothes on... :D
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Fun New combo.
Phoenix Rebirth (Major) By Iczer + Reserve (Minor) also By Iczer + EX ME.

The power of Phoenix Rebirth is very low powered and can Only be used a Very few times in your lifetime is not to very useful for a super being to have, but still a very cool power on its' own. It allows you to survive a Near death experiance by spending a point of Permanent PE to gain back 50 Life points (HP/SDC) Only once you go below -10 or more HP. If you go below your Natural survivable level you die, but if you are in between those to points of life and death (ToBlath), you may spend the Perm PE, get back 50LP and your body turns to ashes and you are reborn a new.
And by "A-New" I'm mean that you can choose to be of a New Genus of your race, Change your Eye & Skin Color, Gender, Height, and or Age during the process. Also you can swap out one of you minor powers for a other minor power.

Sounds neat huh?

But When you add in the minor power 'Reserve', you get a pool of "Reserve Point" based on your ME (hence the additions of EX ME into the combo) which you can spend for a few cool things. One of those things is when you spend Temp reserve points (5 from you pool) to "Off set the damaging aspects [like per PE loss] of a power.

Combining the two powers allows you use Phoenix Rebirth Multiple times a day instead of just a few times in your life (and at the Cost of your life). Not as good as a true Shape Changer, but this gives you a few perks and makes you into a Unique shape changer. And once you have the enhanced Reserve Pool granted you from the Minor power 'EX ME', you Keep the pool but the next time you nearly die and you use PR (Phoenix Rebirth) and can swap out Extra-ordinary ME for another minor power of your choosing.

A super fun combo and you can Still always use your Reserve Pool ofr other things.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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