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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice new vehicle! We at the Federated States are looking forward to trying these out in real world conditions.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

Love the Zysha and it's selection of experimental weaponry. Love the Sidekick system. Great for support outside the hives.. now.. got anything new for once you get inside and go hunting for the queens?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Love the Zysha and it's selection of experimental weaponry. Love the Sidekick system. Great for support outside the hives.. now.. got anything new for once you get inside and go hunting for the queens?

And here I was wondering why I HAD to finish reformatting THIS...

EXXER Pest Exterminator Power Armor

The Carrier’s senses came alert to motion outside its shell. It took but a moment for its instincts to sense the pattern to the noise and motion and identify the source. The telltale movements of prey! If the Carrier had any sort of brain beyond a a crude predatory intellect, or emotion besides instinctual craving, it would be jumping from foot to foot, grinning in anticipation, as it stroked the walls of its shell, opening it up to the outside air. Its time of fulfillment was coming!
The Carrier took a moment to survey the revealed outside world with its senses, and again confirmed a source of motion, and now, as its sensory ganglion were exposed, heat as well....all well within the parameters of the Carrier’s preferred targets. A closer scrutiny of the heat source revealed the distinctive variations of shade and temperature that spoke of anatomy and likely points of access for the Carrier. It could sense the smell of barriers, but the Carrier was equipped to overcome those. Quickly, the Carrier came to a conclusion; selected a target, cocked its legs and tail, and sprang.
It smacked into a barrier just short of its intended target, but it was ready for that. Its long tail whipping about its target’s upper body for purchase, special glands on the Carrier began spraying corrosive juices on the thrashing victim. Soon, the Carrier somehow knew, the barrier would be gone, and there would be nothing to prevent it from fulfilling its purpose. The implantation ovipositor flexed and readied for its attack, once the last obstacle was dissolved. Any moment now....
If the Carrier could feel amazement, it would at that moment...The barrier hadn’t gone down! What little the Carrier knew, programmed by evolution, was that it should now be implanting its spore deep inside a warm host-body, but something seemed to be wrong! With what could almost be called a sense of frustration, the Carrier flexed and squeezed, and spewed more acid onto the barrier...only to sense the acid slide off, the barrier still in place. The Carrier’s tail unfurled and snapped again, trying to find another place to latch on. There had to be another way in!
So engrossed was the Carrier with trying to get around this unexpected delay, that it didn’t notice the two arms of its intended victim come up, and with powerful claws, take hold of the Carrier, and tear it in half...

“Damn, those things are ugly as advertised.” Exterminator Billingsly swore as he watched the arachnoid-like Carrier sizzle and burn in the hole its own blood was burning in the floor of the cavern. Smoking drops of ichor dripped from his armor and faceplate and began cutting their own holes in the rock. He was chagrined (scared **** would be a better description) at how the creature had caught him off guard, and immensely grateful for the acid-proof coating his suit had.
“Yep, you gotta be careful, son....don’t take chances like that or you’ll have a short career with Montonni and Sons.” Mister Montonni affirmed from a few yards away, lifting his plasma arc, and quietly grateful he hadn’t had to use it on his own man. He’d had enough practice on the adult-forms, now dissolving outside. “Now shall we make extra sure of this lot?” He gestured with one massive power-armored gauntlet to the cavern full of leathery eggs.
With a grin, Billingsly hefted the massive Obliterator munitions and his Bug-Off Omega Torch. “Let’s boil some eggs.”

“Hear you got a pest problem? Flesh-dissolving fungus getting under your skin? Carnivorous pond scum polluting your favorite swimming hole? Giant ants digging up your front yard? Or maybe you just have triffids in your pumpkin patch?
No problem!
We’ll have a team of fully-equipped professionals out to you within minutes of your call.
If we can’t take care of your pest problem on our own, we’ll evacuate you and your dependents free of charge, return your deposit, and pay for the nuking and napalming we call in!”
-----”Montonni and Sons, Exterminators: When flystrips and rat poison won’t do the job!”

EXXER PA is a large, heavy, suit of power armor specifically designed and created to combat those monsters that could be classed as “vermin”, mutant insects, specifically, but rodents, mutant plants, and slimes in general. The EXXER PA is supposedly based on early industrial exoskeleton closed-environment armors used in handling toxic and other dangerous materials, but has been adapted for its specialized type of warfare.
The EXXER suit is slow and clumsy, but exceptionally strong(for crushing tough exoskeletons) and heavily armored. It looks a little like the Chipwell Power Armors; angular, chunky, and clunky, but the resemblance ends there; the EXXER is solidly built with quality components and systems. It is also constructed and coated with special acid- and chemical-resistant materials, the better to resist the corrosive acids many mutant insects produce, as well as the chemical weaponry the exterminator employs. The arms and shoulders sport a variety of useful tools in pest extermination, and the feet are wide and sturdy, designed as much for stomping vermin as in maintaining balance. The armor is slow and cumbersome as power armors go, so many operators will carry their armors on specially modified heavy motorcycles, scooters, or jeeps, which allow them to move about faster and carry additional equipment and supplies.
The EXXER Armor is known on Rifts Earth, through the auspices of PS, who acquired the design from a cross-dimensional traveling band of exterminators(Montonni and Sons) who were trailing a pregnant queen Space/Time Termite capable of chewing holes in the substance of space/time. Though the exterminators didn’t stay long on Rifts Earth, they did agree that the place had more than enough work for their kind, and that they MIGHT come back around if their already booked up work schedule ever opened up...In the meantime, they agreed to generously supply their hosts(the Tundra Rangers and Paladin Steel West) with the plans for some of their more common and widely used devices. The Rangers applied much of the technology they acquired to an exoskeletal industrial power armor they had in the works, and came up with the EXXER. The design was, after several spectacular encounters in the Xiticix Territories, subsequently picked up and improved upon by PS, who began producing the design for their own Pest Control and Monster Hunter Squads, with profits from sales going back to the local Tundra Rangers.
Naturally, the EXXER has seen considerable service in the Rangers’ campaign against the Xiticix on their Southeastern borders, and has begun seeing service in other areas beset by various vermin.

Type: PS-EXXER11
Class: Vermin Control Exoskeleton
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Head: 150
Main Body: 400
Arms: 100 each
Hands: 30 each
Legs: 120 each
JumpPack 100
Height: 8 ft
Width: 3ft across at shoulders
Length: 2 ft
Weight: 1,200 lbs
Cargo: Limited to bandoliers and shoulder bags/attached web belts
Physical Strength: Equiv. to PS 45
Powerplant: To keep costs down, the suit is E-clip powered; 4 E-clips will power the suit for 12 hours
Though, for an additional 1 million credits, a micro-pack nuclear engine (Energy life of 5 years) can be fitted.
Running: Slow: 25 MPH
Leaping: 15 ft up/across standing jump
W/ the rocket-assist JATO bottles in the JumpPack, the EXXER can leap 90 ft up and 180 ft across
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Fully sealed and waterproofed. The EXXER can survive depths of 300 ft, but is limited to plodding along the bottom at 5 MPH, unless fitted with a special buoyancy harness and thrusters, in which case it can motor along at a leisurely 8 MPH.

Market Cost: 2 million credits on the Black Market...Generally sold only to those who can pass the Vermin Exterminators’ Exam required of all professional fumigators and pest control experts in the GNE, or who can produce a valid fumigators’ license, showing exam equivalency has been met.

Systems of Note:
Standard Power Armor Systems, plus:

Sensor Systems:
*Ultrasonic Hearing---Many insects communicate by ultrasonic emissions; the EXXER is equipped to hear them and analyze the signals for telltales of species, activity, and proximity. Also great for listening behind walls.
*Molecular Analyzer---many vermin use chemical traces and pheromones to mark territory, communicate, or defend themselves...the EXXER has the sensors to pick up, analyze, and identify these chemical traces. They may also be used to track down the vermin in question. This is also connected to an internal tank sensor, that can tell the operator what they have aboard, in what concentrations, and what they can do to dilute it.
*Acoustic Contact Probe---This device allows the operator to do sonar/echo location scans of walls, looking for air pockets, weakened internal structure, and to listen for the telltale sounds of chitin clicking, scurrying, or chewing.

Special Features:
All Basic Power Armor Features, plus:
*Internal Database---A special computer database detailing over 3,000 different types of pests, ranging from mildew and silverfish to Spiny Ravagers and Gelatinous Devourers, as well as recommended means of extermination(poison baits to thermonuclear mines).

*Acid-Resistant Coating---The EXXER is plated with the same chemically inert material as used in HazMat FC Cyborgs and vehicles. This renders the EXXER resistant to the corrosive acids and toxins used by many mutant insects and aliens; such acids do NO damage(the power armor could SWIM in hydrochloric acid without any danger).

*High-Powered Spotlights---The EXXER has several high-powered lamps on the head, shoulders, and chest, that are powerful enough to illuminate dark hive/nest interiors, and even blind photo-sensitive vermin and other beings. These are regular white light emitters, but if necessary, they can be replaced with infrared or ultraviolet bulbs.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: If used at full intensity, these lamps can act similar to a sustained Flare; -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1 to initiative, and lose 1 APM for 1d4 melees after being hit dead-on in the eyes with this.

Weapons Systems:
1) Vibro-Shock Sonic Disruptor---A modification of a d-bee Sonic Disruptor, this head-mounted weapon broadcasts intense high-frequency sonic pulses, too high for human ears to pick up, but pitched at the frequencies most often used by mutant insects to communicate. Hopefully, this has the effect of stunning and befuddling the monsters, disrupting their communications.
Range: 1,000 ft, to a 60 degree arc of broadcasting.
Damage: Beings with Enhanced Hearing or Sense Vibration abilities will be overcome and disoriented; Make a save versus Psionic Attack or lose initiative and be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and lose 2 APMs for 1d4 melees(continues even after the sound has been cut off). Beings who navigate by echolocation or motion detection will be effectively blinded. Even a successful save will leave the victim -2 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melees, with a ringing in their heads. Beings without enhanced sonic senses will only suffer HALF penalties in either case.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2)Chemical Sprayer---One arm is typically fitted with a powerful spray cannon that can disperse a variety of chemical agents in a variety of spray modes, from a soft, wide area spray, to a powerful needle-sharp stream that can rip through light armor and knock humanoids off their feet.
Examples of various commonly used chemical agents include:
(Acid)---Does 4d6 M.D. to a 5 foot radius the first round. Damage goes down by 1d6 each melee round after that.

(X-7 Foaming Agent)---A persistent poison agent that can be used to create ‘toxic barriers’. The foam lasts up to 2d6 hours before breaking down. Any creature entering the barrier that gets the foam in contact with an internal membrane(such as eyes, nose, body openings, open wounds), will take 4d6 Hit Points, or 1d6 MD, of poisoning damage per melee of contact. A successful save versus lethal poison will HALVE the damage. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Aerogel)---An extremely light plastic foam that seems insubstantial as mist, floats on water, ...and gloms up the breathing spicules of mutant insects and ties up pests like quickset concrete. Most mutant insects will begin suffocating, taking the equivalent of 2d4 MD per melee., and will find their speed slowed down by. Beings will find their progress through the foam slowed down by HALF the first melee, then cut speed by half again the next melee, and so forth, until the intruder’s speed is cut to a Spd 1, or else breaks free. The Sprayer can produce up to 60 cubic ft of aerogel per melee. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Safe-Gel)---Safe-Gel is a gelatinous blue goo that neutralizes acid, denaturing it and preventing it from doing any damage, or reducing damage to people and property already affected. Spraying Safe-Gel on an acid-damaged object or creature stops the acid from doing any additional damage; spray-treating objects in advance with a layer of the stuff is also possible, but the Gel is sticky and heavy(reduce speed by HALF, and visibility/sensor ranges by 1/3 if completely enveloped in the material). Safe-Gel can take up to 50 SDC damage before it is wiped off, but it only lasts a half-hour after exposure to air before drying up and peeling off. A single application of Safe-Gel fills a cubic foot of space. Note: This is also available as a solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(DeRes)-DeRes is a solvent specifically designed to break down the resins used by the Xiticix in their hives and weapons. Spraying it on other substances, including flesh, will only cause discoloration and mild chemical burns/blistering(2d6 SDC), but upon contact with Xiticix resin it will do 5d6 MD per melee, for 1d4 melees, then will do 3d6 MD for another 1d4 melees, and then 2d4 MD for yet another 1d4 melees.

(PESTEX)---- The most lethal and effective agent in the chemical arsenal is this potent pan-neural toxin that blocks chemical life processes dead...PESTEX is severely limited in use(it’s only been used operationally twice, all two times to stop Xiticix hordes/hives from overwhelming major population centers). PESTEX does the equivalent of 2d6x10 MD to Xiticix and anyone else who inhales it, and does 1d4 x10 MD skin contact damage to any other creatures unlucky enough to make contact with the gunk(or whoever makes a successful saving throw against inhaled poison). It is a persistent poison, doing 3d6 MD(equivalent--which is to say it kills SDC beings on contact) to anyone coming in close contact with the contaminated area for 2d6 days---possibly longer...environmental impact studies haven’t been ongoing long enough...PESTEX has thus fallen out of favor due to its toxicity, and is released for operational use ONLY with special permission and under circumstances where it is certain that the poison will not threaten water supplies, environmentally sensitive regions, or populations....PESTEX is also called ‘Suicide Gas’ because the various restrictions on its use mean that there is only one environment in which the material CAN be used...that is, deep inside a Xiticix hive complex....

(Sterid-10) The next up, and equally controversial) contender in lethality is only marginally effective in immediate fatalities(only does one time damage of ) but interferes with cell division and reproduction...any organism dosed with Sterid-10 will find its healing abilities severely curtailed....Takes the equivalent of 5d6 MD/SDC initially, healing damage at HALF the normal rate for 1d10 days, and must save vs lethal poison or be rendered sterile. Even a successful save doesn’t guarantee safety....there is a 30% chance of birth-defects or smaller broods being produced. Because of this long term damage potential, Sterid-10 is as closely controlled as PESTEX and equally unpopular with chemical warfare handlers.
The environmental concerns surrounding Sterid-10 and its long-term effects on the non-Xiticix environment have resulted in severe protocols applied to its use....Sterid-10 is restricted to deep-Hive incursions designed to kill Queens, and there are extremely strict procedures for handling the material. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering a 10 ft radius.

(‘Wobble’) Wobble is an extremely promising chemical, and considered a ‘non-lethal’ agent in that it’s designed to incapacitate, rather than kill. ‘Wobble’, as it is popularly known, seems to overwhelm the Xiticix’s finely tuned senses, causing them to stagger about and lose coordination. Unfortunately, its effects aren’t permanent, but it IS environmentally safe. Xiticix and other insectoid lifeforms that come in contact with the stuff are -4 to save versus poison, and are -5 to strike, parry, and dodge, HALF APMs, and -2 to initiative for 3d4 melees on a failed save. A successful save means that the monster is only -1 to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees. It has no discernible effect on mammals and other lifeforms, aside from causing coughing and headaches if inhaled.
Some biologists are concerned, however, that repeated use of ‘Wobble’ on populations of Xiticix may result in the insectoids building up an immunity to the weapon

(Scourex-5) Scourex is a mildly acidic agent intended to attack the sensitive antennae, soft joints, and eyes of insectoids, its mildly corrosive properties creating a thin layer of white film over the eyes that effectively blinds the monsters. It also takes a chemical wire brush to sensitive antennae. Scourex is a fast-acting agent, and quickly-dispersing only lasts about 2 minutes in aerosol form before it completely oxidizes and becomes useless. Xiticix and other insectoid lifeforms that come in contact with the stuff are -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, lose ALL initiative, and are -15% to track for 2d6 melees, until they can scrape off the film, and their sweat/irrigation glands flush the stuff off. Scourex also does 2d6 SDC per melee to unprotected skin and soft tissues, and hurts like hell until washed off. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering a 10 ft radius.

(ChitinEx)----ChitinEx is a special enzyme that attacks the molecular bindings in the hard exoskeletal material common to many megadamage insects, weakening it and lowering its overall MDC value. A solid hit with a blast of ChitinEx will reduce the MDC of the afflicted area by 30%(even with multiple hits), while immersion in the enzyme for more than 3 melees will reduce the MDC by HALF.

(FlexiKill)---Similar to ChitinEx, this enzyme attacks long-chain polymers similar to those in organic plastics and latex, stiffening and embrittling the material(effectively HALF their Armor Rating and SDC) . MDC plastics will lose their elasticity and become brittle, and more susceptible to damage(take DOUBLE damage from all subsequent attacks).

(CryoKill)----Believed to be a form of ‘Ice Nine’, CryoKill instantly freezes organic tissues, resulting in massive cell bursting damage. At the very least, it freezes organics into immobility, making it particularly useful in stopping, or slowing, gelatinous monsters. CryoKill does 1d4x10 SDC/HP or, alternatively, 3d6 MD (DOUBLE against cold-sensitive monsters), and on a roll of 18-20, against normal skeletal-and-muscle beings(including giant insects) it causes muscle tissue to lock up(-5 to strike, parry, and dodge with that limb, or reduce speed by HALF if a leg). Against amorphous organic beings(like slime molds), it is even more effective; creatures are slowed to 1/10 normal speed and on a roll of 15 or better, the creatures are stopped dead in their tracks(spray covers them completely) until they can unfreeze the portion of their bodies, detach it(take DOUBLE damage), or somehow get around the particular portion of their mass effected. Effects typically last 1d4 melees. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering an 8 ft radius.

Range: 150 ft
Damage: Varies by Chemical Agent Used
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Backpack tank has enough capacity for 25 blasts of chemical(50 gallon tank)

3)Laser Torch---One shoulder mounts a powerful laser torch for cutting into hives, dismantling structures, and slicing open vermin at close range.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: Multiple settings; (SDC) 1d6, 3d6, 6d6, 1d6x10
(MDC) 1d4, 1d6, 2d4, 3d6, and 4d6
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Acid Gun---Sprays a binary acid much more powerful than that one available to the Chemical Sprayer(this stuff would eat through the tubing if used in the other sprayer)
Range: 200 ft
Damage:Does 6d6 M.D. to a 5 foot radius the first round. Damage goes down by 1d6 each melee round after that.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 gallon tank(each shot uses half a gallon of acid)

5) Shoulder Hardpoints(2)
Among the more common attachments are flame-throwers, autoshotguns, light autocannon, powered winches, and high-powered spotlights.
a) Light Machine Gun----3,000 ft, 5d6 SDC per rd, Standard Rate of Fire, 250 rds. 3,500 credits
b) Auto-Shotgun-----600 ft, 4d6 SDC to 5 ft area (buckshot), 5d6 SDC (Solid slug), 1d6 MD exploding round, 50 rd drum magazine. 4,500 credits
c) Mini-Missile Launcher(s)---Two types available:
*80MM Mini-Missile Rocket Pack-----Payload: 6, Cost: 50,000 credits for the launcher
OR...80MM-"B" Mini-Missile Rocket Pack---Payload: 10, Cost: 55,000 credits for the launcher
d) Hellfire Launcher---2-Pack Smart Missile Launcher----Range: 1 mile, Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD, Payload: 2, Bonuses: +5 to strike
Cost: 50,000 credits for the launcher, 8,000 credits per missile
e) Flamer Pod----400 ft range, does 3d6 MD per burst, plus does an additional 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees, 10 shots, 30,000 credits
f) Flare/Chaff Launcher----8 shots, 600 ft range, 8,000 credits
g) Smoke Mortar---6 shots, 500 ft range, 4,000 credits
h) Light Grenade Launcher----Originally an adapted version of the Wellington Industries WI-GL4 Revolving Grenade Launcher used on the PSA-11, but a couple modifications have been made, including more burst settings, and the ability to use a 50 round short clip. It's got a shorter barrel, so less range, but otherwise still just as devastating. This can only be shoulder mounted and it is awkward to reload, either needing a full melee, or another mecha to help (costing each 2 attacks) it can be hooked to an external ammo bin .
Mega Damage: Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius. AP rounds do 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius, and Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius. A 3 round burst of frag shells does 1d4x10 to a 15 foot radius, a burst of 3 AP shells does 2d4x10 to a 5 foot radius, and a burst of 3 plasma shells does 3d4x10 to an 8 foot blast radius A 5 round burst of frag shells does 1d6x10 to a 20 foot radius, a burst of 5 AP shells does 2d6x10 to a 6 foot area, and a burst of 5 plasma shells does 3d6x10 to a 10 foot radius. A 10 round burst of frag shells does 2d6x10 to a 40-foot radius. A 10 round AP burst does 3d6x10 to an 8-foot area, and a 10 round plasma burst does 4d6x10+10 to a 15-foot radius!!
Rate of Fire: Standard
Range: 1500 ft
Payload: 50 shot clip
Cost: 50,000 credits
i) Cargo pack---The hardpoint can carry external cargo, up to 25 lbs, though such equipment /cargo is OUTSIDE the armor and thus subject to Damage; an MDC carrying case (5-20 MDC) is recommended. Cost: 1,000 credits per 5 MDC
j) Cargo pack---The hardpoint can carry external cargo, up to 80 lbs, though such equipment /cargo is OUTSIDE the armor and thus subject to damage; an MDC carrying case(5-50 MDC) is recommended. Cost: 1,500 per 5 MDC
k)Light Pulse Laser---2,000 ft, 4d6 MD per shot, ECHH, Effectively Unlimited, 17,000 credits
l) Light Plasma Cannon---800 ft, 5d6 MD per shot, ECHH, Effectively Unlimited, 12,000 credits
m) Ion Cannon---1,000 ft, 3d6 MD per shot, ECHH, Effectively Unlimited. 16,000 credits
n) Motion Tracker ---This can be mounted on either an arm or a torso mount, and is nothing more than a remounting of the PSMTS-7 Handheld Infantry Doppler Sensor, which uses a short-range radar beam and Doppler discrimination to differentiate moving objects from stationary ones, and a special inertial 'fuzzy logic' discriminator(similar to those used on 'jiggle-proof' video camcorders) to edit out the operator's own movement. In open country, the 'tracker has a range of 3,000 ft, but terrain, thick walls/structures, and radar jamming, can limit it to 60 ft or less. The 'tracker CAN see through smoke and thin walls/fences. Target-fixing, however, is not accurate enough to allow for precise targeting (no bonuses to strike relying on 'tracker data alone. but no penalties either). Cost: 8,000 credits
o) Heavy Machinegun (.50 cal)---3,000 ft, 7d6 SDC per rd, Standard Rate of Fire, 300 rds. 5,000 credits
p) Heavy One-shot Anti-Armor Missile---- 10 miles, 2d6x10 MD, 20,000 credits
q) Hellfire Launcher---.4-Pack Smart Missile Launcher----Range: 1 mile, Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD, Payload: 4, Bonuses: +5 to strike
r) Super Cargo Pack---Unlike the other two versions, this is HUGE! It takes up BOTH shoulder spaces and is just one big backpack! It can carry up to 1000 lbs of external cargo. Such equipment /cargo is OUTSIDE the armor and thus subject to damage; an MDC carrying case (50-150 MDC) is recommended. Cost: 10,000 per 50 MDC

6) Optional Use of Handheld Weaponry---The EXXER can hold and use any handheld weapon, such as vibroblades and energy rifles.

7) Hand to Hand Combat--Rather than use a weapon, the EXXER can go hand to hand, and is strong enough to crack megadamage exoskeletons.
Use Basic and Elite Power Armor Combat Training:
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d4 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d4 MD(2 attacks)
Tear/Pry/Crush/Squeeze 2d6 MD
Kick 2d4 MD
Body Block/Tackle/Flip/Throw 1d6 MD


a) Harpoon Spike---This is a long extendable telescoping lance-like device with a vibro-blade tip and a hollow center. It’s used for slamming through the hard exoskeleton of giant insects, or the walls of structures, and used to deliver a powerful shot of toxins to the interior.
Range: Lance extends out 12 ft
Damage:(Lance) 2d6 MD
(Chemicals)---Vary by chemical used. But if the lance makes a critical strike, it can be assumed that the lance has penetrated to the interior...if this happens to be the exoskeleton of a monster, subsequent chemical strikes will do DOUBLE damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited for the spike; attached tank typically has enough for 30 blasts of chemical
Cost: 7,000 credits

b) ‘Grinder’ Spike---This variant on the Harpoon Spike was inspired by several detailed scans taken of a Xiticix Slayer in action. particularly its left claw. The Grinder Spike works just like the Harpoon, but once it punches a hole through the external armor, it inserts a folding array of razor-sharp molecular filament on a rotary cutter, that begins spinning rapidly inside the wound, turning the target’s innards into slush.
Against power armors, this weapon does full megadamage to the occupant.
Range: Lance extends out 12 ft
Damage:(Lance) 2d6 MD
(Grinder Attack) On a critical strike roll of 19-20 , the Grinder Lance has made access to the inner, softer tissues and the monofilament can now go to work. +1 APM, does 4d6 MD per attack, and critical damage now occurs on a roll of 17-20.
Cost: 12,000 credits

*Bug-Off Omega Torch--What do you get when you cross a napalm thrower and a small jet engine? You get the Omega; a flamethrower with knockback, meant to push flaming hot death THROUGH seams in body armor and chitin, and into all those knooks and crannies vermin like hiding in. Montonni and Sons won’t say exactly what’s in the fuel for this thing, only that it’s a ‘secret family recipe’...Fortunately, they’ve let PS have the licensing rights to distill the stuff, and even from them it’s pricey, suggesting some exotic ingredients.
Weight: 36 lbs
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast, 1d6x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 3d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes. Critical Damage on an unmodified 19-20 at ranges of 100 ft or less(due to the high velocity stream), plus knockback; human-sized beings struck with the stream roll versus the ‘cannon’s To Strike roll, or be bowled off their feet*. A single blast covers a 5 ft area.
*This is great for keeping flaming abominations from lurching through the flames and falling on you.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 shot reservoir
Cost: 32,000 credits, 900 credits per tank of ‘Omega-igniter’
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

...and here I was wondering why I REALLY wanted to finish reformatting THIS...

EXXER Pest Exterminator Power Armor

The Carrier’s senses came alert to motion outside its shell. It took but a moment for its instincts to sense the pattern to the noise and motion and identify the source. The telltale movements of prey! If the Carrier had any sort of brain beyond a a crude predatory intellect, or emotion besides instinctual craving, it would be jumping from foot to foot, grinning in anticipation, as it stroked the walls of its shell, opening it up to the outside air. Its time of fulfillment was coming!
The Carrier took a moment to survey the revealed outside world with its senses, and again confirmed a source of motion, and now, as its sensory ganglion were exposed, heat as well....all well within the parameters of the Carrier’s preferred targets. A closer scrutiny of the heat source revealed the distinctive variations of shade and temperature that spoke of anatomy and likely points of access for the Carrier. It could sense the smell of barriers, but the Carrier was equipped to overcome those. Quickly, the Carrier came to a conclusion; selected a target, cocked its legs and tail, and sprang.
It smacked into a barrier just short of its intended target, but it was ready for that. Its long tail whipping about its target’s upper body for purchase, special glands on the Carrier began spraying corrosive juices on the thrashing victim. Soon, the Carrier somehow knew, the barrier would be gone, and there would be nothing to prevent it from fulfilling its purpose. The implantation ovipositor flexed and readied for its attack, once the last obstacle was dissolved. Any moment now....
If the Carrier could feel amazement, it would at that moment...The barrier hadn’t gone down! What little the Carrier knew, programmed by evolution, was that it should now be implanting its spore deep inside a warm host-body, but something seemed to be wrong! With what could almost be called a sense of frustration, the Carrier flexed and squeezed, and spewed more acid onto the barrier...only to sense the acid slide off, the barrier still in place. The Carrier’s tail unfurled and snapped again, trying to find another place to latch on. There had to be another way in!
So engrossed was the Carrier with trying to get around this unexpected delay, that it didn’t notice the two arms of its intended victim come up, and with powerful claws, take hold of the Carrier, and tear it in half...

“Damn, those things are ugly as advertised.” Exterminator Billingsly swore as he watched the arachnoid-like Carrier sizzle and burn in the hole its own blood was burning in the floor of the cavern. Smoking drops of ichor dripped from his armor and faceplate and began cutting their own holes in the rock. He was chagrined (scared **** would be a better description) at how the creature had caught him off guard, and immensely grateful for the acid-proof coating his suit had.
“Yep, you gotta be careful, son....don’t take chances like that or you’ll have a short career with Montonni and Sons.” Mister Montonni affirmed from a few yards away, lifting his plasma arc, and quietly grateful he hadn’t had to use it on his own man. He’d had enough practice on the adult-forms, now dissolving outside. “Now shall we make extra sure of this lot?” He gestured with one massive power-armored gauntlet to the cavern full of leathery eggs.
With a grin, Billingsly hefted the massive Obliterator munitions and his Bug-Off Omega Torch. “Let’s boil some eggs.”

“Hear you got a pest problem? Flesh-dissolving fungus getting under your skin? Carnivorous pond scum polluting your favorite swimming hole? Giant ants digging up your front yard? Or maybe you just have triffids in your pumpkin patch?
No problem!
We’ll have a team of fully-equipped professionals out to you within minutes of your call.
If we can’t take care of your pest problem on our own, we’ll evacuate you and your dependents free of charge, return your deposit, and pay for the nuking and napalming we call in!”
-----”Montonni and Sons, Exterminators: When flystrips and rat poison won’t do the job!”

EXXER PA is a large, heavy, suit of power armor specifically designed and created to combat those monsters that could be classed as “vermin”, mutant insects, specifically, but rodents, mutant plants, and slimes in general. The EXXER PA is supposedly based on early industrial exoskeleton closed-environment armors used in handling toxic and other dangerous materials, but has been adapted for its specialized type of warfare.
The EXXER suit is slow and clumsy, but exceptionally strong(for crushing tough exoskeletons) and heavily armored. It looks a little like the Chipwell Power Armors; angular, chunky, and clunky, but the resemblance ends there; the EXXER is solidly built with quality components and systems. It is also constructed and coated with special acid- and chemical-resistant materials, the better to resist the corrosive acids many mutant insects produce, as well as the chemical weaponry the exterminator employs. The arms and shoulders sport a variety of useful tools in pest extermination, and the feet are wide and sturdy, designed as much for stomping vermin as in maintaining balance. The armor is slow and cumbersome as power armors go, so many operators will carry their armors on specially modified heavy motorcycles, scooters, or jeeps, which allow them to move about faster and carry additional equipment and supplies.
The EXXER Armor is known on Rifts Earth, through the auspices of PS, who acquired the design from a cross-dimensional traveling band of exterminators(Montonni and Sons) who were trailing a pregnant queen Space/Time Termite capable of chewing holes in the substance of space/time. Though the exterminators didn’t stay long on Rifts Earth, they did agree that the place had more than enough work for their kind, and that they MIGHT come back around if their already booked up work schedule ever opened up...In the meantime, they agreed to generously supply their hosts(the Tundra Rangers and Paladin Steel West) with the plans for some of their more common and widely used devices. The Rangers applied much of the technology they acquired to an exoskeletal industrial power armor they had in the works, and came up with the EXXER. The design was, after several spectacular encounters in the Xiticix Territories, subsequently picked up and improved upon by PS, who began producing the design for their own Pest Control and Monster Hunter Squads, with profits from sales going back to the local Tundra Rangers.
Naturally, the EXXER has seen considerable service in the Rangers’ campaign against the Xiticix on their Southeastern borders, and has begun seeing service in other areas beset by various vermin.

Type: PS-EXXER11
Class: Vermin Control Exoskeleton
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Head: 150
Main Body: 400
Arms: 100 each
Hands: 30 each
Legs: 120 each
JumpPack 100
Height: 8 ft
Width: 3ft across at shoulders
Length: 2 ft
Weight: 1,200 lbs
Cargo: Limited to bandoliers and shoulder bags/attached web belts
Physical Strength: Equiv. to PS 45
Powerplant: To keep costs down, the suit is E-clip powered; 4 E-clips will power the suit for 12 hours
Though, for an additional 1 million credits, a micro-pack nuclear engine (Energy life of 5 years) can be fitted.
Running: Slow: 25 MPH
Leaping: 15 ft up/across standing jump
W/ the rocket-assist JATO bottles in the JumpPack, the EXXER can leap 90 ft up and 180 ft across
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Fully sealed and waterproofed. The EXXER can survive depths of 300 ft, but is limited to plodding along the bottom at 5 MPH, unless fitted with a special buoyancy harness and thrusters, in which case it can motor along at a leisurely 8 MPH.

Market Cost: 2 million credits on the Black Market...Generally sold only to those who can pass the Vermin Exterminators’ Exam required of all professional fumigators and pest control experts in the GNE, or who can produce a valid fumigators’ license, showing exam equivalency has been met.

Systems of Note:
Standard Power Armor Systems, plus:

Sensor Systems:
*Ultrasonic Hearing---Many insects communicate by ultrasonic emissions; the EXXER is equipped to hear them and analyze the signals for telltales of species, activity, and proximity. Also great for listening behind walls.
*Molecular Analyzer---many vermin use chemical traces and pheromones to mark territory, communicate, or defend themselves...the EXXER has the sensors to pick up, analyze, and identify these chemical traces. They may also be used to track down the vermin in question. This is also connected to an internal tank sensor, that can tell the operator what they have aboard, in what concentrations, and what they can do to dilute it.
*Acoustic Contact Probe---This device allows the operator to do sonar/echo location scans of walls, looking for air pockets, weakened internal structure, and to listen for the telltale sounds of chitin clicking, scurrying, or chewing.

Special Features:
All Basic Power Armor Features, plus:
*Internal Database---A special computer database detailing over 3,000 different types of pests, ranging from mildew and silverfish to Spiny Ravagers and Gelatinous Devourers, as well as recommended means of extermination(poison baits to thermonuclear mines).

*Acid-Resistant Coating---The EXXER is plated with the same chemically inert material as used in HazMat FC Cyborgs and vehicles. This renders the EXXER resistant to the corrosive acids and toxins used by many mutant insects and aliens; such acids do NO damage(the power armor could SWIM in hydrochloric acid without any danger).

*High-Powered Spotlights---The EXXER has several high-powered lamps on the head, shoulders, and chest, that are powerful enough to illuminate dark hive/nest interiors, and even blind photo-sensitive vermin and other beings. These are regular white light emitters, but if necessary, they can be replaced with infrared or ultraviolet bulbs.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: If used at full intensity, these lamps can act similar to a sustained Flare; -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1 to initiative, and lose 1 APM for 1d4 melees after being hit dead-on in the eyes with this.

Weapons Systems:
1) Vibro-Shock Sonic Disruptor---A modification of a d-bee Sonic Disruptor, this head-mounted weapon broadcasts intense high-frequency sonic pulses, too high for human ears to pick up, but pitched at the frequencies most often used by mutant insects to communicate. Hopefully, this has the effect of stunning and befuddling the monsters, disrupting their communications.
Range: 1,000 ft, to a 60 degree arc of broadcasting.
Damage: Beings with Enhanced Hearing or Sense Vibration abilities will be overcome and disoriented; Make a save versus Psionic Attack or lose initiative and be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and lose 2 APMs for 1d4 melees(continues even after the sound has been cut off). Beings who navigate by echolocation or motion detection will be effectively blinded. Even a successful save will leave the victim -2 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melees, with a ringing in their heads. Beings without enhanced sonic senses will only suffer HALF penalties in either case.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2)Chemical Sprayer---One arm is typically fitted with a powerful spray cannon that can disperse a variety of chemical agents in a variety of spray modes, from a soft, wide area spray, to a powerful needle-sharp stream that can rip through light armor and knock humanoids off their feet.
Examples of various commonly used chemical agents include:
(Acid)---Does 4d6 M.D. to a 5 foot radius the first round. Damage goes down by 1d6 each melee round after that.

(X-7 Foaming Agent)---A persistent poison agent that can be used to create ‘toxic barriers’. The foam lasts up to 2d6 hours before breaking down. Any creature entering the barrier that gets the foam in contact with an internal membrane(such as eyes, nose, body openings, open wounds), will take 4d6 Hit Points, or 1d6 MD, of poisoning damage per melee of contact. A successful save versus lethal poison will HALVE the damage. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Aerogel)---An extremely light plastic foam that seems insubstantial as mist, floats on water, ...and gloms up the breathing spicules of mutant insects and ties up pests like quickset concrete. Most mutant insects will begin suffocating, taking the equivalent of 2d4 MD per melee., and will find their speed slowed down by. Beings will find their progress through the foam slowed down by HALF the first melee, then cut speed by half again the next melee, and so forth, until the intruder’s speed is cut to a Spd 1, or else breaks free. The Sprayer can produce up to 60 cubic ft of aerogel per melee. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Safe-Gel)---Safe-Gel is a gelatinous blue goo that neutralizes acid, denaturing it and preventing it from doing any damage, or reducing damage to people and property already affected. Spraying Safe-Gel on an acid-damaged object or creature stops the acid from doing any additional damage; spray-treating objects in advance with a layer of the stuff is also possible, but the Gel is sticky and heavy(reduce speed by HALF, and visibility/sensor ranges by 1/3 if completely enveloped in the material). Safe-Gel can take up to 50 SDC damage before it is wiped off, but it only lasts a half-hour after exposure to air before drying up and peeling off. A single application of Safe-Gel fills a cubic foot of space. Note: This is also available as a solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(DeRes)-DeRes is a solvent specifically designed to break down the resins used by the Xiticix in their hives and weapons. Spraying it on other substances, including flesh, will only cause discoloration and mild chemical burns/blistering(2d6 SDC), but upon contact with Xiticix resin it will do 5d6 MD per melee, for 1d4 melees, then will do 3d6 MD for another 1d4 melees, and then 2d4 MD for yet another 1d4 melees.

(PESTEX)---- The most lethal and effective agent in the chemical arsenal is this potent pan-neural toxin that blocks chemical life processes dead...PESTEX is severely limited in use(it’s only been used operationally twice, all two times to stop Xiticix hordes/hives from overwhelming major population centers). PESTEX does the equivalent of 2d6x10 MD to Xiticix and anyone else who inhales it, and does 1d4 x10 MD skin contact damage to any other creatures unlucky enough to make contact with the gunk(or whoever makes a successful saving throw against inhaled poison). It is a persistent poison, doing 3d6 MD(equivalent--which is to say it kills SDC beings on contact) to anyone coming in close contact with the contaminated area for 2d6 days---possibly longer...environmental impact studies haven’t been ongoing long enough...PESTEX has thus fallen out of favor due to its toxicity, and is released for operational use ONLY with special permission and under circumstances where it is certain that the poison will not threaten water supplies, environmentally sensitive regions, or populations....PESTEX is also called ‘Suicide Gas’ because the various restrictions on its use mean that there is only one environment in which the material CAN be used...that is, deep inside a Xiticix hive complex....

(Sterid-10) The next up, and equally controversial) contender in lethality is only marginally effective in immediate fatalities(only does one time damage of ) but interferes with cell division and reproduction...any organism dosed with Sterid-10 will find its healing abilities severely curtailed....Takes the equivalent of 5d6 MD/SDC initially, healing damage at HALF the normal rate for 1d10 days, and must save vs lethal poison or be rendered sterile. Even a successful save doesn’t guarantee safety....there is a 30% chance of birth-defects or smaller broods being produced. Because of this long term damage potential, Sterid-10 is as closely controlled as PESTEX and equally unpopular with chemical warfare handlers.
The environmental concerns surrounding Sterid-10 and its long-term effects on the non-Xiticix environment have resulted in severe protocols applied to its use....Sterid-10 is restricted to deep-Hive incursions designed to kill Queens, and there are extremely strict procedures for handling the material. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering a 10 ft radius.

(‘Wobble’) Wobble is an extremely promising chemical, and considered a ‘non-lethal’ agent in that it’s designed to incapacitate, rather than kill. ‘Wobble’, as it is popularly known, seems to overwhelm the Xiticix’s finely tuned senses, causing them to stagger about and lose coordination. Unfortunately, its effects aren’t permanent, but it IS environmentally safe. Xiticix and other insectoid lifeforms that come in contact with the stuff are -4 to save versus poison, and are -5 to strike, parry, and dodge, HALF APMs, and -2 to initiative for 3d4 melees on a failed save. A successful save means that the monster is only -1 to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees. It has no discernible effect on mammals and other lifeforms, aside from causing coughing and headaches if inhaled.
Some biologists are concerned, however, that repeated use of ‘Wobble’ on populations of Xiticix may result in the insectoids building up an immunity to the weapon

(Scourex-5) Scourex is a mildly acidic agent intended to attack the sensitive antennae, soft joints, and eyes of insectoids, its mildly corrosive properties creating a thin layer of white film over the eyes that effectively blinds the monsters. It also takes a chemical wire brush to sensitive antennae. Scourex is a fast-acting agent, and quickly-dispersing only lasts about 2 minutes in aerosol form before it completely oxidizes and becomes useless. Xiticix and other insectoid lifeforms that come in contact with the stuff are -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, lose ALL initiative, and are -15% to track for 2d6 melees, until they can scrape off the film, and their sweat/irrigation glands flush the stuff off. Scourex also does 2d6 SDC per melee to unprotected skin and soft tissues, and hurts like hell until washed off. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering a 10 ft radius.

(ChitinEx)----ChitinEx is a special enzyme that attacks the molecular bindings in the hard exoskeletal material common to many megadamage insects, weakening it and lowering its overall MDC value. A solid hit with a blast of ChitinEx will reduce the MDC of the afflicted area by 30%(even with multiple hits), while immersion in the enzyme for more than 3 melees will reduce the MDC by HALF.

(FlexiKill)---Similar to ChitinEx, this enzyme attacks long-chain polymers similar to those in organic plastics and latex, stiffening and embrittling the material(effectively HALF their Armor Rating and SDC) . MDC plastics will lose their elasticity and become brittle, and more susceptible to damage(take DOUBLE damage from all subsequent attacks).

(CryoKill)----Believed to be a form of ‘Ice Nine’, CryoKill instantly freezes organic tissues, resulting in massive cell bursting damage. At the very least, it freezes organics into immobility, making it particularly useful in stopping, or slowing, gelatinous monsters. CryoKill does 1d4x10 SDC/HP or, alternatively, 3d6 MD (DOUBLE against cold-sensitive monsters), and on a roll of 18-20, against normal skeletal-and-muscle beings(including giant insects) it causes muscle tissue to lock up(-5 to strike, parry, and dodge with that limb, or reduce speed by HALF if a leg). Against amorphous organic beings(like slime molds), it is even more effective; creatures are slowed to 1/10 normal speed and on a roll of 15 or better, the creatures are stopped dead in their tracks(spray covers them completely) until they can unfreeze the portion of their bodies, detach it(take DOUBLE damage), or somehow get around the particular portion of their mass effected. Effects typically last 1d4 melees. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering an 8 ft radius.

Range: 150 ft
Damage: Varies by Chemical Agent Used
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Backpack tank has enough capacity for 25 blasts of chemical(50 gallon tank)

3)Laser Torch---One shoulder mounts a powerful laser torch for cutting into hives, dismantling structures, and slicing open vermin at close range.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: Multiple settings; (SDC) 1d6, 3d6, 6d6, 1d6x10
(MDC) 1d4, 1d6, 2d4, 3d6, and 4d6
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Acid Gun---Sprays a binary acid much more powerful than that one available to the Chemical Sprayer(this stuff would eat through the tubing if used in the other sprayer)
Range: 200 ft
Damage:Does 6d6 M.D. to a 5 foot radius the first round. Damage goes down by 1d6 each melee round after that.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 gallon tank(each shot uses half a gallon of acid)

5) Shoulder Hardpoints(2)
Among the more common attachments are flame-throwers, autoshotguns, light autocannon, powered winches, and high-powered spotlights.
a) Light Machine Gun----3,000 ft, 5d6 SDC per rd, Standard Rate of Fire, 250 rds. 3,500 credits
b) Auto-Shotgun-----600 ft, 4d6 SDC to 5 ft area (buckshot), 5d6 SDC (Solid slug), 1d6 MD exploding round, 50 rd drum magazine. 4,500 credits
c) Mini-Missile Launcher(s)---Two types available:
*80MM Mini-Missile Rocket Pack-----Payload: 6, Cost: 50,000 credits for the launcher
OR...80MM-"B" Mini-Missile Rocket Pack---Payload: 10, Cost: 55,000 credits for the launcher
d) Hellfire Launcher---2-Pack Smart Missile Launcher----Range: 1 mile, Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD, Payload: 2, Bonuses: +5 to strike
Cost: 50,000 credits for the launcher, 8,000 credits per missile
e) Flamer Pod----400 ft range, does 3d6 MD per burst, plus does an additional 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees, 10 shots, 30,000 credits
f) Flare/Chaff Launcher----8 shots, 600 ft range, 8,000 credits
g) Smoke Mortar---6 shots, 500 ft range, 4,000 credits
h) Light Grenade Launcher----Originally an adapted version of the Wellington Industries WI-GL4 Revolving Grenade Launcher used on the PSA-11, but a couple modifications have been made, including more burst settings, and the ability to use a 50 round short clip. It's got a shorter barrel, so less range, but otherwise still just as devastating. This can only be shoulder mounted and it is awkward to reload, either needing a full melee, or another mecha to help (costing each 2 attacks) it can be hooked to an external ammo bin .
Mega Damage: Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius. AP rounds do 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius, and Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius. A 3 round burst of frag shells does 1d4x10 to a 15 foot radius, a burst of 3 AP shells does 2d4x10 to a 5 foot radius, and a burst of 3 plasma shells does 3d4x10 to an 8 foot blast radius A 5 round burst of frag shells does 1d6x10 to a 20 foot radius, a burst of 5 AP shells does 2d6x10 to a 6 foot area, and a burst of 5 plasma shells does 3d6x10 to a 10 foot radius. A 10 round burst of frag shells does 2d6x10 to a 40-foot radius. A 10 round AP burst does 3d6x10 to an 8-foot area, and a 10 round plasma burst does 4d6x10+10 to a 15-foot radius!!
Rate of Fire: Standard
Range: 1500 ft
Payload: 50 shot clip
Cost: 50,000 credits
i) Cargo pack---The hardpoint can carry external cargo, up to 25 lbs, though such equipment /cargo is OUTSIDE the armor and thus subject to Damage; an MDC carrying case (5-20 MDC) is recommended. Cost: 1,000 credits per 5 MDC
j) Cargo pack---The hardpoint can carry external cargo, up to 80 lbs, though such equipment /cargo is OUTSIDE the armor and thus subject to damage; an MDC carrying case(5-50 MDC) is recommended. Cost: 1,500 per 5 MDC
k)Light Pulse Laser---2,000 ft, 4d6 MD per shot, ECHH, Effectively Unlimited, 17,000 credits
l) Light Plasma Cannon---800 ft, 5d6 MD per shot, ECHH, Effectively Unlimited, 12,000 credits
m) Ion Cannon---1,000 ft, 3d6 MD per shot, ECHH, Effectively Unlimited. 16,000 credits
n) Motion Tracker ---This can be mounted on either an arm or a torso mount, and is nothing more than a remounting of the PSMTS-7 Handheld Infantry Doppler Sensor, which uses a short-range radar beam and Doppler discrimination to differentiate moving objects from stationary ones, and a special inertial 'fuzzy logic' discriminator(similar to those used on 'jiggle-proof' video camcorders) to edit out the operator's own movement. In open country, the 'tracker has a range of 3,000 ft, but terrain, thick walls/structures, and radar jamming, can limit it to 60 ft or less. The 'tracker CAN see through smoke and thin walls/fences. Target-fixing, however, is not accurate enough to allow for precise targeting (no bonuses to strike relying on 'tracker data alone. but no penalties either). Cost: 8,000 credits
o) Heavy Machinegun (.50 cal)---3,000 ft, 7d6 SDC per rd, Standard Rate of Fire, 300 rds. 5,000 credits
p) Heavy One-shot Anti-Armor Missile---- 10 miles, 2d6x10 MD, 20,000 credits
q) Hellfire Launcher---.4-Pack Smart Missile Launcher----Range: 1 mile, Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD, Payload: 4, Bonuses: +5 to strike
r) Super Cargo Pack---Unlike the other two versions, this is HUGE! It takes up BOTH shoulder spaces and is just one big backpack! It can carry up to 1000 lbs of external cargo. Such equipment /cargo is OUTSIDE the armor and thus subject to damage; an MDC carrying case (50-150 MDC) is recommended. Cost: 10,000 per 50 MDC

6) Optional Use of Handheld Weaponry---The EXXER can hold and use any handheld weapon, such as vibroblades and energy rifles.

7) Hand to Hand Combat--Rather than use a weapon, the EXXER can go hand to hand, and is strong enough to crack megadamage exoskeletons.
Use Basic and Elite Power Armor Combat Training:
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d4 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d4 MD(2 attacks)
Tear/Pry/Crush/Squeeze 2d6 MD
Kick 2d4 MD
Body Block/Tackle/Flip/Throw 1d6 MD


a) Harpoon Spike---This is a long extendable telescoping lance-like device with a vibro-blade tip and a hollow center. It’s used for slamming through the hard exoskeleton of giant insects, or the walls of structures, and used to deliver a powerful shot of toxins to the interior.
Range: Lance extends out 12 ft
Damage:(Lance) 2d6 MD
(Chemicals)---Vary by chemical used. But if the lance makes a critical strike, it can be assumed that the lance has penetrated to the interior...if this happens to be the exoskeleton of a monster, subsequent chemical strikes will do DOUBLE damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited for the spike; attached tank typically has enough for 30 blasts of chemical
Cost: 7,000 credits

b) ‘Grinder’ Spike---This variant on the Harpoon Spike was inspired by several detailed scans taken of a Xiticix Slayer in action. particularly its left claw. The Grinder Spike works just like the Harpoon, but once it punches a hole through the external armor, it inserts a folding array of razor-sharp molecular filament on a rotary cutter, that begins spinning rapidly inside the wound, turning the target’s innards into slush.
Against power armors, this weapon does full megadamage to the occupant.
Range: Lance extends out 12 ft
Damage:(Lance) 2d6 MD
(Grinder Attack) On a critical strike roll of 19-20 , the Grinder Lance has made access to the inner, softer tissues and the monofilament can now go to work. +1 APM, does 4d6 MD per attack, and critical damage now occurs on a roll of 17-20.
Cost: 12,000 credits

*Bug-Off Omega Torch--What do you get when you cross a napalm thrower and a small jet engine? You get the Omega; a flamethrower with knockback, meant to push flaming hot death THROUGH seams in body armor and chitin, and into all those knooks and crannies vermin like hiding in. Montonni and Sons won’t say exactly what’s in the fuel for this thing, only that it’s a ‘secret family recipe’...Fortunately, they’ve let PS have the licensing rights to distill the stuff, and even from them it’s pricey, suggesting some exotic ingredients.
Weight: 36 lbs
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast, 1d6x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 3d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes. Critical Damage on an unmodified 19-20 at ranges of 100 ft or less(due to the high velocity stream), plus knockback; human-sized beings struck with the stream roll versus the ‘cannon’s To Strike roll, or be bowled off their feet*. A single blast covers a 5 ft area.
*This is great for keeping flaming abominations from lurching through the flames and falling on you.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 shot reservoir
Cost: 32,000 credits, 900 credits per tank of ‘Omega-igniter’
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

A very interesting PA> Just one question is the second one a variant? We here at the Federated States are interested in picking up some of these.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

AH.. the EXXER Pest Exterminator Power Armor... Nice piece of equipment. Definitely love the Omega Torch.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles LVTP700 AAAV/AAV7A1 ‘Platypus’ Amphibious Armored Vehicle
“Here in Greater New England, having amphibious vehicles is a must...not all the rivers have bridges, the wetlands will eat a ground car alive, the coastal saltmarshes and debris belts make for tough going on anything without four-wheel drive and a sealed underbody, the Rifts churned up a whole new set of offshore islets, and when it rains out here, it pours...Of course, once you got the ability to swim like a duck, having some decent armor to blunt the big teeth of what ELSE is living in those saltmarshes. wetlands, rivers, and islands, is a big plus...and then, being able to shoot back is another plus...”
----Gavagan Stetler, proprietor, ‘Gavie’s Pre-Loved Bargain Vehicular Extravaganza’, NuBedford Town.

“Wanna go out to the Cape and Islands for the weekend, dear?”
“Sure! Lemme load some fresh clips of forty-me high-ex into the car for the trip over!”

Originally the Twardy Brothers wanted the licence to produce a commercial utility version of the Ultra-Cruiser, a commissioned updated AMTRAC(with integral GEV propulsion) design produced in small numbers by Paladin Steel under an exclusive contract for the ULTRA mercenary unit. However, between ULTRA’s insistance on not selling their design outside their own ranks, and Paladin Steel’s desire to convert the assembly-line to other projects, the Twardy Brothers lost their bid to take over operations of the Ultra-Cruiser production facility. Instead, the Twardy Brothers have decided to produce an updated version of the pre-Rifts US Marine Corps LVTP7(or at least a reasonable facisimile).
This initially ran into some problems over the designation, as Paladin Steel was already producing the AAAV-7 Alligator Amphibious AFV(based on the LVTP7’s replacement), and there was some fear over marketplace confusion over the AAV7/AAAV7 designations. Fortunately, Twardy agreed to keep the LVTP designation, and development moved ahead smoothly.
The new LVTP700 has the general configuration and layout of the original pre-Rifts vehicle, but a number of changes have been made. The suspension and tread design have been, of necessity, based on a modified version of the old Iron Heart Armaments Iron Maiden APC(itself a development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle). This familiar design means that spare parts and maintenance support are more readily available, as Paladin Steel acquired a large number of expatriate IHA staffers when the Coalition annexed the company. PS has since churned out spare parts and update kits for the older IHA machines, so GNE residents are familiar with their designs. Several new high-efficiency engines, from a multi-fuel internal combustion system to fuel-cell electric systems, are available, offering improved power delivery and range. Micro-pac nuclear systems are also available, but rarely fitted due to their expense(TVV is trying to market INexpensive designs).
The LVTP700’s boat-shaped hull has been given a superior armor protection of lightweight molded megadamage composites, double-walled, with an internal filler of fibrous sponge polymer(combination flotation and energy absorption). The LVTP700 is still not able to go toe-to-toe against front line combat vehicles, but it can handle most near-strikes and small arms fire without immediately breaking down.
Armament is not fitted on standard models, but the LVTP700 comes with provision for a powered light weapons turret on the right side of the vehicle. If necessary, carried troops can pop the roof hatches and lean up and out to use their own weapons, firing from partial cover. Some paramilitary groups have mounted additional external missile launcher modules, or used the the top hatch to conceal a retractable missile launcher or mortar, until cleared for firing.
The LVTP700 is Twardy Vintage Vehicles’ most complex vehicle to date, and with the greater complexities of production, smaller numbers have been produced at a slower rate. However, the updated old amphibious APCs have been snapped up by coastal communities and mercenary units anticipating amphibious ops. Though geared more towards paramilitary and industrial users, the LVTP700 has also proven popular with merchants and a few have been acquired by civilian concerns. The GNE Regular Army and Navy operate a few as second echelon vehicles, and in the Irregulars(attached auxiliaries and mercenary troops).
Class: Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier
Crew: 3+25 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 200
Reinforced Crew Compartment 80
Main Turret 90
Driver’s Cupola 50
Commander’s Cupola 50
Top Roof Hatches 60
Rear Ramp 80
Treads(2) 60 each
Height: 3.26m (10.7 ft)
Width: 3.27m(10.73 ft)
Length: 7.94m(26 ft)
Weight: 23,601 kg(52,040 lbs)
Cargo: Up to 10,000 lbs can be carried in the rear compartment
Powerplant: Liquid fuel(w/ 280 mile range), 800,000 credits for electric(w/ 320 mile range), or nuclear(w/ 10 year energy life)
Speed:(Land) 65 MPH, and can clear 4 ft tall obstacles, climb 60-degree slopes, and cross 7 ft wide trenches
(Water) 3 MPH paddling w/ treads, 8 MPH w/ hydrojets
Market Cost:400,000 credits for the basic vehicle, 600,000 credits for electric, 2 millionc credits for nuclear
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:

*Extendable Sensor Periscope---attached to the back of the Driver’s Cupola, with feeds to both the driver’s and commander’s stations, this sensor mast can extend up to 5 ft up, for visibility in rough waters or dense foliage.

Weapons Systems: None Standard(see Options)

1)Smoke Mortars(Optional)
Range: 500 ft
Damage: Smoke or chemical to 15 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4
Payload: 4 shells per launcher
Cost: 8,000 credits for the four-shot unit

2) Weapons Turret(Optional)
The single turret on the AAV7A1 can be fitted with a variety of light infantry weapons systems, the most common and popular four configurations presented here;
The standard turret typically bought/mounted has a 40mm grenade launcher and light rail gun in side-by-side mountings
Range:(Rail Gun) 4,000 ft
(40mm Grenade Launcher) 7,000 ft
Damage:(Rail Gun)4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
(40mm Grenade Launcher) (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to blast area of 12 ft
2d6x10 MD to blast area of 40 ft w/ 10-rd burst
(Armor Piercing) 1d4x10 MD to blast area of 3 ft
3d6x10 MD to blast area of 8 ft w/ 10-rd burst
Rate of Fire:(Rail Gun) ECHH
(40mm Grenade Launcher) ECHH
Payload:(Rail Gun)5,000 rd drum
(40mm Grenade Launcher) 250 rds
Cost: 140,000 credits.

Other popular optional fitouts include the following:
*IH-34L Laser Turret (PS-34L)
Range:4000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per dual blast
Rate of Fire: six times per melee
Payload:1000 blasts battery, unlimited nuclear
Cost: 80,000 credits.

*IH-100 Rail Gun (PS-100)
Weight: 300 lbs
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:12,000 rd drum(200 bursts)
Cost: 90,000 credits.

*PS PTT-M20 Missile Rifle---Combination mini-missile and light laser weapon.
Range: Usually about a mile for the missiles, 2000 feet for the laser
Damage: Depends on missile type. The Laser does 2d6 MDC
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, or 4 for the missiles, Single shots with laser.
Payload: 20 missiles total (10 per tube), laser has 20 blasts on a short clip, 30 on a long.
Bonuses: +1 to strike from laser targeting
Cost: 120,000 credits.

*Applique Armor---A limited amount of additional armor can be fitted and bolted on externally. Up to 100 MDC of additional armor can be added at a cost of 200,000 credits.

*Engineering Vehicle---Adds a winch and crane w/ 4.6 ton lifting capacity, fusion welder rig, air compressor, and portable generator.
Cost: +250,000 credits

*Mine Clearance Vehicle---This simply adds a bulldozer blade/plough with 100 MDC, electromagnetic mine detection set(200 ft range), and a set of launchers for detcord dispensers(twin launchers firing a 100 ft length of explosive cord that does 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide lane)
Cost: + 200,000 credits
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles LVTP700 AAAV/AAV7A1 ‘Platypus’ Amphibious Armored Vehicle

you mean this ? in PDF

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

hmmm... if i'm reading that right, it's 400k just for the chassis, then another 700k-2M credits for the powerplant? so 1.1M-2.4M for the vehicle essentially?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Shark_Force wrote:hmmm... if i'm reading that right, it's 400k just for the chassis, then another 700k-2M credits for the powerplant? so 1.1M-2.4M for the vehicle essentially?

Corrected the price placement and span...It's still the low cost PS product folks will (hopefully)buy in droves...
Thanks...good call there...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

Shark_Force wrote:hmmm... if i'm reading that right, it's 400k just for the chassis, then another 700k-2M credits for the powerplant? so 1.1M-2.4M for the vehicle essentially?

OPS !!!
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

ZINO wrote:Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles LVTP700 AAAV/AAV7A1 ‘Platypus’ Amphibious Armored Vehicle

you mean this ? in PDF


Nope..that's the proposed replacement AAAV for what the Marines are using now...problem is, it's taken them so long to get it to work, that they got the LAAC operational for moving regular vehicles from ship to shore in the meantime...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

ZINO wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:hmmm... if i'm reading that right, it's 400k just for the chassis, then another 700k-2M credits for the powerplant? so 1.1M-2.4M for the vehicle essentially?

OPS !!!

So if you paid 2.4 million under the original posting...congrats! You get a rebate, to spend on guns and/or bread!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice amphibian! PS is always turning out new material that is useful for us. We can equip so many groups with stuff like that!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel Magic Armor Plating Materials
Paladin Steel is constantly experimenting with materials science to produce new forms of armor and construction materials. The growing use of magic in the corporation has led to efforts to use magic to facilitate production methods and enhance the materials themselves. The latter effort has occasionally borne results:

MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1B)
“Great stuff, the MagePlate armor; light and easy to install, a touch and some transfer of mana-strength, and the armor heals itself right up...Bad news is, a dragon will tear through it like tinfoil, provided the big lizard doesn’t just melt the stuff down with its breath...”

MagePlate Armor is an experimental armor formulation that PS has recently developed and is tentaively field-testing. Formulation-1B is a lightweight composite plate of magically-treated light alloy and cobham-mesh ectofiber that weighs no more than regular aluminum armor, but has the megadamage protection of light MDC alloy. Furthermore, with the application of PPE, the material promptly and permanently repairs itself very efficiently; 1 MDC can be repaired with 1 PPE.
The downside of MagePlate Formulation-1B is that the efficient conversion of PPE to armor-strength comes at the cost of a marked vulnerability to magic; MagePlate Formulation-1B takes DOUBLE damage from magic attacks. This is considered to be unacceptable to PS for general-issuance armor, so they have only permitted a limited availability of the armor plating(with appropriate disclaimers) during the advanced field testing phases.
MagePlate F-1B costs 25% more than standard armor plate, but also tends to be 25% lighter than equivalent armors.

MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C)
When it became clear that F-1B had problems, PS engineers learned from their mistakes and sought to reformulate the armor composition to remove its most glaring defects. Formulation-1C is only now reaching field testing; it lacks F-1B’s vulnerability to magic, but takes DOUBLE the PPE to repair...1 MDC=2PPE/4 ISP. Though not yet released for sale, it reportedly costs 50% more than regular armor plate, but weighs 25% less.

EctoWeave SplinterShields
Splintershields(or ‘slat armor’, ‘cage armor’) were an armor accessory developed with the proliferation of shaped charge anti-armor weapons, such as the RPG-7, pre-Rifts. Screens of light alloy or even chain-link fencing mesh were mounted on the sides of vehicles, set at a slight distance from the main hull in an attempt to prematurely trigger incoming shaped-charge warheads, and spoil their torch-jet explosive characteristics. Splintershields also were meant to catch shrapnel from nearby fragmentation weapons, which could still be dangerous to lightly-armored vehicles like personnel carriers.
Paladin Steel has revived the concept with a different goal; disrupting magic attacks. By mounting light meshes of ectofiber and light MDC alloy, PS engineers hope to catch and dissipate magic attacks directed at vehicles, much as lightning rods ‘ground’ natural electrical strikes on houses. The Ectofiber net catches and disipates most direct magic attacks aimed at the vehicle(does NOT affect INdirect atatcks, illusions, or other magically-induced effects...only direct attacks aimed at the vehicle and its crew). Ectofiber Splintershields are also ineffective against spells of Level 12 or greater(so it’s not going to stop that Sphere of Obliteration aimed at you)
EctoWeave SplinterShields have an effective Armor Rating of 14; if an attack’s ‘To-Strike’ roll exceeds that, the magic attack bypasses the shielding altogether and strikes the main body of the target. Magically-enhanced PHYSICAL attacks like supernatural strength-enhanced punches, kicks, and claw attacks only do HALF damage.
A Splintershield offers only modest protection against conventional attacks; a typical screen has only 30-45 MDC. However, it still has some effectiveness as defeating missile attacks; on a ‘To Strike’ roll of 6-8, Armor-Piercing missiles bash themselves on the cage bars, doing only 1d4 MD, and on a 9-14, do only HALF damage due to premature detonation or re-direct of their kinetic force. Anything above does FULL damage to the screen. And, for additional cost, it can be ensorcelled with an Armor of Ithan(50 MDC, HALF damage from magic fire/lightning/cold, 5 PPE per 5 minutes, +28,000 credits). Energy Field(60 MDC, 5 PPE per 5 minutes, +12,000 credits), or Magic Shield(60 MDC, 3 PPE for 10 minutes, +25,000 credits) spell.
SplinterShielding is ONLY applicable to ground vehicles and watercraft, and ONLY to the Main Body and wheels/treads (turrets and other features can still be specifically targeted). It CANNOT be fitted to aircraft, robots, or power armor.
Cost: 20,000 credits per 10 ft x4 ft screen
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

Nice gear, but can Paladin Steel create, oh I don't know,

-A TW tripod
-An upgrade to the Iron Juggernauts, PS style
-and maybe a war blimp?

Just putting it out there. :-)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

JUst something Big and Dumb I wanted to get out before I go on vacation later this week... :D

Locke-Snye Industries TrundleBug Ground Car

“No headlights, no signal lights, no distinguishing markings...I thought it was a loose wrecking ball rolling down the road right at me!..Gave me one of the worst scares of my life! I almost drove my Big Boss ATV off the road! That thing’s a moving road hazard!!
...Where can I get one of those things?!”

Locke-Snye Industries is a small firm in the Three Galaxies trying to make a name for themselves in the personal vehicle market. Despite the excellence of their designs, from a technical standpoint, their sheer eccentricity has shut them out of almost all but a few fringe niche markets. This has forced them to take on increasingly unusual orders and trade partners to stay afloat.
Their flagship design, the ‘TrundleBug’, however, has some aesthetics issues; the vehicle seems inspired by the ubiquitous StoneBug(see Rifts: Britain), a common pest and scavenger...The TrundleBug looks like a giant version of the same; a massive featureless sphere carried by ten small robotic legs.
Despite the unfortunate resemblance, however, everything ELSE about the Trundlebug is superbly engineered for safety; the passengers ride inside the giant sphere inside a revolving inner sphere safety-cage that remains upright regardless of how the rest of the vehicle is oriented. This inner space is accessed by two circular doors that merge seamlessly with the outside skin of the vehicle. The TrundleBug lacks any sort of exterior windows; the cockpit is ‘virtual’, relying on thousands of microscopic sensors embedded in the outer armor to present the driver witha complete view around the craft, as well as road and weather conditions. The outer hull of the TrundleBug is almost obscenely well-armored, made of military-grade foamed mega-strength corilth-steel, shaped for maximum deflection of physical damage, and coated in a ruggerized exterior skin that provides both traction and protection from the elements. It is nearly impossible to destroy one of these vehicles; nothing short of sustained strikes with heavy military grade armaments has a chance of busting these vehicles open.
The TrundleBug is carried over rough ground, curbs, and unimproved roads on ten short robotic legs. When on pavement, however, the legs can be retracted seamlessly into the main body, and the TrundleBug rolls along at maximum speed...The vehicle can turn on a dime, and move backwards, forwards, and sideways with equal ease, making parallel parking a snap. Locking the vehicle in place is also easy and innovative; a molecular adhesion ‘boot’ locks the vehicle in place, preventing local holligans from rolling the car away(at least, not without tearing up a good portion of the underlying ground).
Despite the proven durability of the TrundleBug, sales have been dismal for Locke-Syne. The lack of many commonplace features such as reasily changeable license plates(the TB uses a transponder ID, and any externally-mounted tags must be expensively and laboriously reformatted at a factory), headlights(making driving among other vehicles at night a nightmare for those other motorists), standard windows(again, nothing more terrifying than wondering if anybody’s paying attention inside that free-roaming wrecking ball), and its large size, combined with its unpleasant resemblance to what is essentially a cockroach(and a name which was meant to inspire confidence, being based on a popular childrens’ rhyme ‘The Good Little TrundleBug’, eliciting thoughts of safety and security, but instead has proven to evoke scorn and ridicule), have led to flame-out sales at the showrooms. Add to that a failed attempt to get military contracts, several incidents involving panicked motorists, an attempt by a criminal gang to use one of the vehicles as a getaway from a heist, and an inadvertant vendetta launched by Naruni Enterprises(they’re not sure over the WHY), and Locke-Snye seems destined to join Edsel, Tucker, DeLorean, and Vermin Motors among the universal worst crashers in ground vehicle marketing...Only a few adventorous buyers, eccentic collectors, and a few Altess looking for something different, have bought TrundleBugs in the Three Galaxies, but this hasn’t been enough to defray LSI’s operating costs and keep them relaibly in the black.
Locke-Snye Industries has recently made a deal with Rifts Earth-based Paladin Steel in an effort to find new markets for the TrundleBug; trading PS its own contacts in the Three Galaxies for access to PS’s own distribution network. Thus, the TrundleBug has begun showing up in Paladin Steel outlets and catalogues for sale. On wilder Rifts Earth, and the other regions where PS does business, where road law is less vigorously enforced(or enforceable), the rugged TrundleBug promises to find a market at last...
Type: PS-LSI-IYT-07 TrundleBug
Class: Ground Car
Crew: 1+1 passenger riding shotgun, and 1-2 passengers in the cramped rear cargo compartment behind the front seats
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 800
Inner Safety Cage 100
Robot Legs (10) 20 each
Height: 9 ft diameter
Width: 9 ft diameter
Length: 9 ft diameter
Weight: 1.2 tons
Cargo: Small 6x2ftx3 ft cargo space behind seats
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 10 year energy life
Speed:(Running) 30 MPH
(Rolling) 75 MPH
(Leaping) Not possible, unless you’ve put the car into a roll down a hill, ending in a take-off ramp
(Climbing) Can climb with 60% skill
(Flying) Not possible
(Underwater) Can crawl along the bottom at a leisurely 5 MPH; maximum depth of 1.2 miles.
Market Cost: 3 million credits on Rifts Earth(where its rugged qualities are appreciated)...Previously could be found in the Three Galaxies for 900,000 credits(due to desperation on LSI’s part).
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:
*Reclining Bucket-Seats---The seats fold back to make for an improvized sleeping area.
*Motion Detector---100 ft range
*Night Vision Systems---500 ft effective range(passive nightvision and IR vision blocs)
*Mini-Radar---3 mile range
*Signal Lights---Tiny surface LEDs can be used to note directional change(or intent to change direction)---However, these aren’t always readily visible or rcognizable by outsiders unfamiliar with the vehicle, and efforts to install a more visible system have proven less than satisfactor.

*EMP Shielding---The Trundlebug is fully shielded against radiation and electromagnetic attacks(since the driver is entirely dependent on VR feeds, having a system that is easily knocked out by a power surge didn’t strike the engineers at LSI as a good idea...).

*Crash Protection Systems(crash cage, auto-lock belting and restraints, airbags)---Reduces crash damage to occupants by HALF.

*Damage Resistance---Call it superior design, super-science, or alien technology, but the TrundleBug is virtually invulnerable to physical damage; collisons, impacts, megadamage kicks and punches do 1/4 normal damage(bullets, energy attacks, missile strikes, and magic still do full damage), bites often do NO damage(owing to the difficulty of getting a good grip on the giant spheroid), corrosives like acids do only HALF damage, and the vehicle has a +3 to Roll with impacts.

*Omni-Directional Steering---The ability of the TrundleBug to go instantly in nearly any direction gives a +5% to Trick Driving Maneuvers

Weapons Systems: None standard
Note: Ramming with the TrundleBugs does 1d4 MD at speeds below 40 MPH, and 1d6 MD at speeds over 40 MPH.


*Mini-Laser---For those who absolutely MUST have a weapon on their ride, LSI and PS have equipped the Trundlebug with a short range laser. The mini-turret looks more like a dimple or the navel on an orange, and is short range, but offers some small way of fighting back.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: Variable damage: 3d6 SDC, 6d6 SDC, 1d6x10 SDC, or 3d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 8,000 credits

Aside from color variants(the TrundleBug comes in a basic black, solid colors, and metallic gold, copper, and silver), there are no CURRENT variants.
Taking the inspiration of the garbage-eating StoneBug farther, LSI has supposedly experimented with a ‘green’ environmentally-friendly variant that replaces the nuclear powerplant with a biofuel-reactor system; the vehicle could tank up on garbage, agricultural debris, and other waste, and process it into fuel.
Paladin Steel is allegedly working with LSI on a version powered by TechnoWizardry, no doubt with extra TW features built on.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Arnie100 »

:D Have fun on your vacation, taalismn!
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

With a nod to 89er...since I'll be heading out to Martha's Vineyard on the 19th(will be back the following monday)...

Paladin Steel ‘Bright Eye’ Heavy Opto-Laser Cyber-Implant
“If you can see it, you can hit it.”
PS pushes the limits of cyber-optical laser weaponry with this option, which pushes the range of laser-eyes to a new high. Orbital optics and advanced chemistry combine to create a potent close-range photonic weapon small enough to be housed in an artficial eye.
The Bright Eye HOL is a slightly oversized cyberoptic that requires either a rebuild of the standard-sized eyesocket or placement in an extra eye socket-mount. It is available only to full conversion cyborgs(including cyberhumanoids) or partial cyborgs with extensive facial reconstruction, owing to the extra shielding needed to back the more powerful laser. The HOL can only accommodate a standard optical range cybereye capability in addition to its laser weapon, so it is typically synched with an augmented eye in the other socket(s) for maximum accuracy.
The Bright Eye has several drawbacks...It has only a limited number of shots, and then the lensing and lasing dyes require frequent replacement, requiring the eye to be removed and serviced...
Range: 2,500 ft
Damage: 4d6+2 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited attached to a cyborg’s power source.
After ten shots, the lasing dyes must be replenished; flushing the spent dyes with a syringe, then replacing them with an injection into the cyberoptic does the job, but the procedure takes 1-2 minutes (2d4 melees) to accomplish.
Bonus: +1 to Strike
Cost: 180,000 credits. Replacement/relenishment dye kit costs 1,000 credits per recharge.

Paladin Steel ‘Death-Spot’ CyberOptic Laser Illuminator
“Get down there and mingle...if you see the target, eye-flash him and we’ll do the rest...Gardino’s got a micro-missile clipload of beam-riders waiting for your signal.”
Give somebody the ‘look of death’ with this upgrade of the eye-mounted laser rangefinder. With this cyberoptic in place, one can illuminate targets for laser-guided smart munitions and weaponry with just a glance(provided you don’t mind getting relatively close to your target). This feature can be combined with other cyberoptical features, including realistic-looking eyes, making it popular with spies and infiltration agents.
Range: 1,500 ft
Bonus: +2 to achieve ‘lock on’, plus any P.P. bonuses(note these bonuses do not apply to the To Strike roll of the laser-homing munitions)
Cost: 3,000 credits

Paladin Steel ‘Iron Spine’ Spinal Reinforcement
“Ah! After fifty years of bad posture, I’m straight as a rod again!”
This option involves extensive surgery to reinforce the spinal column with articulated plates of megadamage ceramic armor and plastic joining, providing additional support to the back. The augmentation can be concealed under clothing, but even a casual inspection under the clothing will discover the built-up back.
MDC: 15 (Partial protection; Armor Rating of 14)
Bonuses:* +2 to P.S.(for lifting and carrying purposes)
*+1 to Roll with Punch or Impact(less damage to the spine)
* Less likely to suffer back injuries
*If combined with a prehensile bionic tail appendage, the appendage can now support the person’s weight like a monkey tail.
Cost: 100,000 credits

W/ a nod to 89er...

Paladin Steel Jump Rods
(A new application of the Minor Superpower Enhanced Leap from Powers Unlimited One)

“Dang.......Who’d have thought a tiny little thing like her could jump like that....”

Jump Rods are a new cybernetic/bionic enhancement developed by Paladin Steel, in collaboration with Paragon Progress of Martha’s Vineyard. These bionic implants are designed to fit into the legs of cyborgs(takes up an option space) and are essentially low-power anti-grav generators, not powerful enough for actual flight, but able to generate a powerful enough pulse to loft the cyborg into the air considerable distances...and slow the descent for a soft landing, without the need for big, obviously bionic, legs. Jump Rods have the advantage over concealed jets of being completely silent, and having no vapor trails or thruster flares to give the cyborg away.
Effects: Allows leaps of (Bionic) P.S. x25 ft across, half that vertically. Allows for jumps down of TWICE horizontal distance.
Cost: 200,000 credits for cyberhumanoids and human androids, 500,000 credits for light full conversions, 1 million credits for heavy full conversions. Not applicable to Shocktroopers/Assault Cyborgs or power armors/robot vehicles.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

89er wrote:Nice gear, but can Paladin Steel create, oh I don't know,

-A TW tripod
-An upgrade to the Iron Juggernauts, PS style
-and maybe a war blimp?

Just putting it out there. :-)

By 'tripod' do you mean a camera tripod, or something like a hulking Martian warmachine?
And you know...if only we knew what the weight of the Tolkeen Portable Bunker was...a version of that would make a neat armed and armored gondola under a blimp envelope hldding some sort of Air Elemental beastie, or a Lynn-Syrial Cloud Construct....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

I ment The Martian kind of tripod, sorry for the error.

And thanks for the nod. :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

You're welcome...
Of course, in-character, I'm making a 'quality inspection tour'...which, like all good junketing execs, I shall spend maybe fifteen minutes actually 'inpecting' the facilities, and the rest of the 3 days of non-travel time on my back, sleeping on a porch or on the beach... :sleep:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

Of course, sir, Paragon Progress is always at your disposal.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

89er wrote:Of course, sir, Paragon Progress is always at your disposal.

Gotta catch Illumination Night(still haven't worked on/out the magic lanterns idea I got from that) and the Oak Bluffs fireworks...My 'Dreamwood Launches'(organic space shuttlecraft) were inspired by trees in the parks in and around Oak Bluffs...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice new material! We here at the Federated States will be investing in these various creations.

Have a great vacation! I know you deserve it!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Another quick-and-dirty weapon...

PS PSTT-M19 ‘Slammer’ Mini-Missile Launcher
“Yeah...ever wake up to some maniac banging on your door at five o’clock in the morning, open the door, and find a hulking cyborg pointing a ####ing rocket pod at you from six inches away while he’s introducing himself and his ‘nineteen little friends’?
Lawd, but I love doing that to mooks! Watching their resistance drain out right then and there along with their bladder control as they lose their eyeballs staring into the launcher tubes...I’v caught more POWs that way than any other...The fight just goes right out of ‘em when they picture how little is going to be left of their bodies if I just squeeze the trigger at that point...
Of course, if they’re dumb enough to try putting up a fight at that point, they’re more than likely not going to be worth the trouble of keeping alive...I’ve also remodelled more than a few buildings because some idiot thought he was faster than my trigger-finger...”
‘Mad Machine’---Full Conversion Cyborg Irregular; ‘Caswell’s Commandos’

The ‘Slammer’ is simply a revival of a pre-Rifts experiment in expediency; an effort by the old U.S. Empire military to adapt a number of common-available nineteen-shot Hydra-70 2.75-inch rocket launcher pods, normally carried on aircraft, to the surface-to-surface role. Emplaced on a towed/wheeled or static mounting, the ‘Slammer’ offered quick and cheap extra firepower at firebases using readily-available stocks of ordnance already on hand for loading up helicopter gunships. Accuracy was terrible, however, the experiment was little more than a field-expediency, and little came of it after the Vietnam conflict.
Though PS had an excellent heavy infantry support weapon in the PSTT-M20 Mini-Missile Rifle, the company still made pre-Rifts USAC- and USAF-pattern launcher pods for its many aircraft, and saw fit to adapt a number of the weapons to the ground fire support role. Though rather more cumbersome and less accurate than the PSTT-M20, the PSTT-M19s are cheaper(the tubular frames being rolled light alloy or carbon-fiber composite), and can be set for a higher rate of fire(since EVERY missile is housed in its own open-faced launch tube)
Too heavy to be carried by unaugmented infantry, the PSTT-M19 is typically towed on a two-wheeled dolley, mounted on a jeep, or carried bazooka-style by cyborgs and power armor. On the plus side, the PSTT-M19 is cheap(as heavy weapons go), reloadable, and fairly idiot-proof as long as one remembers to hook up the firing leads to the reloads correctly, and make sure the battery remains good. The GNE Regular Army has stockpiled hundreds of these weapons in its arms depots for ready use by its cyborg and power armor troops, and the weapon is openly sold to mercenaries and adventurers.
Weight: 45 lbs unloaded, 120 lbs fully loaded
Size: Roughly 6 ft long and 1.4 ft in diameter
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-19(all)
Payload: 19 mini-missiles
Special Features:
*Basic Iron Sights
*PA- and cyborg-portable models sport fore and aft handholds/trigger guards, and shoulder pad.
Cost: 20,000 credits (mini-missiles cost extra)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote: Though PS had an excellent heavy infantry support weapon in the PSTT-M20 Mini-Missile Rifle, the company still made pre-Rifts USAC- and USAF-pattern launcher pods for its many aircraft, and saw fit to adapt a number of the weapons to the ground fire support role. Though rather more cumbersome and less accurate than the PSTT-M20, the PSTT-M19s are cheaper(the tubular frames being rolled light alloy or carbon-fiber composite), and can be set for a higher rate of fire(since EVERY missile is housed in its own open-faced launch tube)

can i Google it ?

NIce !! is this a pre-rifts weapons ?
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

ZINO wrote:
taalismn wrote: Though PS had an excellent heavy infantry support weapon in the PSTT-M20 Mini-Missile Rifle, the company still made pre-Rifts USAC- and USAF-pattern launcher pods for its many aircraft, and saw fit to adapt a number of the weapons to the ground fire support role. Though rather more cumbersome and less accurate than the PSTT-M20, the PSTT-M19s are cheaper(the tubular frames being rolled light alloy or carbon-fiber composite), and can be set for a higher rate of fire(since EVERY missile is housed in its own open-faced launch tube)

can i Google it ?

NIce !! is this a pre-rifts weapons ?

Got the word on the 'Slammer' from wikipedia...if you Google 'Rocket Pods', you should get the Wiki listing of American air-to-surface rockets, including the 2.75 inch rockets...
The original USAF rocket pods weighed some 85 lbs unloaded and over 500 lbs fully loaded, so you can tell I took obscene advantage of 'advances in technology' to considerably cut the weight of everything, especially the (min)missiles downt ot eh point where the whole thing can be manhandled by an average cyborg...
Of course, the backblast from all nineteen rockets launching AT ONCE isn't something you want be standing behind...or want to be standing still after doing...At maximum rate of fire, this sucker is NOT subtle...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:
ZINO wrote:
taalismn wrote: Though PS had an excellent heavy infantry support weapon in the PSTT-M20 Mini-Missile Rifle, the company still made pre-Rifts USAC- and USAF-pattern launcher pods for its many aircraft, and saw fit to adapt a number of the weapons to the ground fire support role. Though rather more cumbersome and less accurate than the PSTT-M20, the PSTT-M19s are cheaper(the tubular frames being rolled light alloy or carbon-fiber composite), and can be set for a higher rate of fire(since EVERY missile is housed in its own open-faced launch tube)

can i Google it ?

NIce !! is this a pre-rifts weapons ?

Got the word on the 'Slammer' from wikipedia...if you Google 'Rocket Pods', you should get the Wiki listing of American air-to-surface rockets, including the 2.75 inch rockets...
The original USAF rocket pods weighed some 85 lbs unloaded and over 500 lbs fully loaded, so you can tell I took obscene advantage of 'advances in technology' to considerably cut the weight of everything, especially the (min)missiles downt ot eh point where the whole thing can be manhandled by an average cyborg...
Of course, the backblast from all nineteen rockets launching AT ONCE isn't something you want be standing behind...or want to be standing still after doing...At maximum rate of fire, this sucker is NOT subtle...

thank man :ok: you rock !!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Another awesome creation. Reminds me of the NGR/ Triax slammers. Could there be a connection?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

Did taalismn come back or is he travelling with Bill [the storm] up the coast?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:Did taalismn come back or is he travelling with Bill [the storm] up the coast?

Argghh....I have an idea for a t-shirt related to that..."I Survived the Near Panic of Bill, Summer '09"
Vacation was four days of sweltering hot weather too hot to move, overcrowded beaches, the inability to write anything down without turning the notepaper into sweat-sop, and a storm that promised an end to the dire humidity, but failed to deliver...
Then the President arrived, as I had to leave the island(saw his helicopter-cade come in though...pretty impressive)...
Will take me a few days to get back in the groove...but I did get a lot of ideas for magic items while laying there in my parents' cottage, looking at the various projects my father's stockpiled.... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Glad to see your back safe and sound!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Another awesome creation. Reminds me of the NGR/ Triax slammers. Could there be a connection?

Nope...just thought it would be funky for a cyborg to pick up an aircraft rocket pod rigged to fire like a giant bazooka...and while looking I found the reference to the U.S. military experimenting with improvized ground rocket batteries...
The Triax Slammers are enhanced concussion missiles...something akin to the giant rockets the Nazis mounted on armored half-tracks('foot stukas'), only a LOT more accurate...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Now that connection is an interesting one. I wouldn't have put that together about the NGR and the Slammers. Thanks Taalismn!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Now that connection is an interesting one. I wouldn't have put that together about the NGR and the Slammers. Thanks Taalismn!

Connection? :-? There is no connection....The whole Slammer description is outlined in the Triax & the NGR Worldbook...
It's merely a case of coincidental naming using a pretty common weapons name(or nickname)('Mauler', 'Devastator', 'Deathdealer', 'Annihilator', 'Intruder', are among others constantly recycled by people wanting bada$$ names for their cars, planes, or weapons)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Arnie100 »

:D Any new toys for your customers now that your back, taalismn?
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by lordchaz2k »

Very good stuff. Nice builds. Is there any chance that you can get some art attached to your creations? I'm a very visual person. I would love to see what they look like.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

lordchaz2k wrote:Very good stuff. Nice builds. Is there any chance that you can get some art attached to your creations? I'm a very visual person. I would love to see what they look like.

if he was to draw half of what he had made as nothing more than outlines, we'd probably not see him finish by the end of the year... =S
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

I keep telling myself I'm going to do up some art for what I've already done...but next writing project comes along, or I get some new reading to do....
NO rest for the wicked...*sigh*...

In the meantime, have a jet fighter....

Paladin Steel SkyTiger Supersonic Fighter

“Got a high speed runner coming up the river.”
“No; it’s trying to avoid any communities and facilities in its way...Ground ID’s it as a slave-raider, Code of the new high-tech d-raider outfits that are trying to take up the Splugorths’ slack....”
“Great...that means a high speed transport loaded to the wingboxes with abductees, and maybe wing pods stuffed with them too, if this is the same bunch we intercepted last week...”
“Well, it’s getting too damn close to GNE airspace, and you know the sentiment on slavers...”
“Okay, then....we intercept and try to talk it down...get in its way, and don’t let it go...I don’t want ANY shooting at it unless it attacks us first. If it’s a freakin’ drone like that last one, we’re going to have to kill it anyway, but for once I’d like a manned target that will listen to reason.”

“Got a fire mission for you....Shaping up to be a real fun one too... Rangers report a company of Coalition Army advancing on a little township up Iowa way....When a small army of demons popped up nearby...We’re not sure if somebody in town summoned the things or it’s just a coincidence, but if it was deliberate, the summoners lost control of the menaces...They’re going after both the CS AND the town...The Deadboys are now fully engaged in a holding action between the town and the demons, and they’re screaming for air support, but nobody’s answering...”
“Great, so who are we bombing? The demons or the deadboys?”
“Business before pleasure....You’re doing an air strike exorcism on the hell-puppies, so spare the men in black....Against the Minion War, we’re to consider the CS -allies- until further notice. Got a problem with that?”
“No, as long as the Deadboys point their field triple-A at the DEMONS and not at us while we’re busy saving their asses...Otherwise, whether I like it or not, my pinpoint run’s going to go wide..”
“Do your damn best....Pit crew’s loading your SkyTigers with five hundred pounder DeepFriers* as we speak...Here’s your flight profile...”


The SkyTiger was developed to give Paladin Steel a dedicated high-performance air supremacy fighter. While the Dragonfly was an excellent fighter in its own right, its multpurpose versatility as a bomber and fast transport meant that available vehicles were often tasked to the strike and aircav role. For intercept and interdiction tasks, a new Mach-capable vehicle had to be developed and tasked.
Superficially, the SkyTiger bears a strong resemblance to the Douglas Skyray, with a broad valentine-shaped wingplan, but with twin tail assemblies and dual engines. In reality, the SkyTiger is a derivative of Paladin Steel’s work-in-progress on the StarTiger aerospace fighter craft, being effectively a ‘cut down’ version of the larger aerospace plane. A greater emphasis on in-atmo agility and dogfighting capability has directed the adapatation and re-design. Overall, the hull design is cleaner and sleeker(when not encumbered by underwing stores) and the aircraft far more agile in aerial maneuvering.
Though, when compared to the Dragonfly, the SkyTiger is lightly armed, the SkyTiger still packs a considerable punch. Paladin Steel engineers elected to give the SkyTiger a double-punch of four twenty-millimeter autocannon and two pulse lasers firing forward. Multiple underwing weapons stations can be used to carry a variety of ordnance packages. Defense has not been neglected either; the SkyTiger’s design incorporates a fair amount of passive stealth, active countermeasures have been built in(or accommodation made for modular add-ons), and a remote-control mini-turret with an anti-missile laser has been incorporated into the design, covering the rear arc of the aircraft. Armored protection is modest, but still enough to allow the ship to survive multiple hits from projectile and energy weaponry.
The SkyTiger is powered by a nuclear-fusion powerplant in order to supply its high performance engines and energy-hungry weapons systems. The SkyTiger is capable of high supersonic performance, though its real strength is its climb rate, a must for a defensive interceptor with the requirement of having to be able to get into the air and at combat altitudes quickly. The large wings also conceal two low-powered gravi-magnetic-repulsion arrays. While not as effective as the contra-gravitic propulsion units observed by PS dimensional scout teams on other worlds/in other universes, the GMR coils give the SkyTiger an effective means of operating VTOL, or at least STOL, by reducing the effective weight of the craft, and without the efflux and positioning problems of less advanced directed thrust systems.
Priority is being given to producing the SkyTiger and equipping Greater New England air units with it. The SkyTiger has NOT been offered for sale to outsiders.
Type: PS-F8 SkyTiger
Class: Air Supremacy Fighter
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 370
Reinforced Crew Compartment 100
Wings(2) 160 each
Tail Fins(2) 90 each
Height: 13 ft
Width: 33 ft
Length: 45 ft
Weight: 16,000 lbs empty, 27,000 lbs fully loaded
Cargo: Small space behind pilot’s seat for survival pack and sidearm.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
Speed:(Ground) Limited to taxiing
(Flying) Hover to Mach 2.8
Maximum Altitude: 70,000 ft
Bonuses: +2 to Dodge
Market Cost: 50 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Targeting Conputer---Gives a +2 to strike w/ ranged direct fire weaponry
*Ejection Seat---Facilitates crew escape in event if an emergency bailout situation
*Cyberlink(optional): A late retrofit is this advanced cybernetic control system that allows the pilot 'jack in', if so equipped, to the plane, linking him with the plane as if by telemechanics. The pilot is so in tune with the plane and their environment that he instantly knows everything involving their plane and its operations. A series of tiny external cameras normally used for Virtual Environment Cockpits is tied into the cyberlink, giving them an uncanny 360 degree view around the craft, providing them a +1 to init and dodge, in addition to the normal cyberlink bonuses .
*Hardened Circuitry---The SkyTiger’s systems, being based on future spacefighter hardware, are shielded against electromagnetic interfence, such as EMP attacks.
*EW Alert System---Alerts the pilot of the presence of enemy radar systems, and can be set to trigger countermeasures in event of a ‘lock on’ event.
*ECM Suite----- The SkyTiger has a standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -5 to strike
Weapons Systems:
1) 20-mm Automatic Cannon(4)---Mounted in the lower part of the nose are four PS Mark 39D aircraft autocannon, firing (what seems to be Paladin Steel’s favorite munition format) twenty-millimeter explosive shells.
Range:(Maximum) 7,000 yards(21,000 ft)
(Effective) 2,500 yards(7,500 ft)
Damage:(20 mm) 1d4 MD per shell at 7,500 ft or less, 1 MD per shell up to 21,000 ft
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst(1d6 MD at maximum range)
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PSX-1)4d4 MD per shell(1d4 MD per shell up to 21,000 ft)
2d4x10 MD per 5 rd burst
4d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 3.5 ft blast radius(single shot)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 300 rds per cannon

2) High-Power Pulse Lasers(2)---This is the PS-RFL-25, the so-called “Prosek’s Gift’ thanks to its being derived from a reverse-engineered Coalition weapon! The SkyTiger mounts two of these weapons, buried in its wing roots and synchronized to fire in concert.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage:2d4x10 MD per blast, 4d4x10 MD per double synchronized blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Underwing Pylons(6)---Each pylon can accommodate ONE of the following:
a)Mini-Missiles--- 12 shot pod
b)Short Range Missiles--- 4 shot pod
c)Medium Missiles--- 3 shot pod
(note: Can carry the ‘SkyFlash’ ASRAAMM, a copy of the Coalition AAAM. Together with the PS-RFL-25, this adds insult to injury for the CS units facing the SkyTiger)
Range: 15 miles
Damage: 6d6 MD per each SRM missile(3d4x10 MD per volley)
Bonuses:+3 to strike

d)Long Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint

e)Bombs----Can carry ‘iron’ or ‘smart’ bombs; either take the equivalent missile warhead and DOUBLE the blast radius, or can carry TWICE the number of warhead equivalents as missiles.
OR, can carry
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
*1,000-lb Bomb----1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius

f)Mine/Bomblet Dispenser---ONE can be carried per hardpoint
Light Weapons Dispenser(L-SAW)--This is essentially an oversized bomblet dispenser that can be used to bomb targets directly, ‘seed’ areas with minelets, or can launched to act as a stand-off ‘glide bomb’.
Range: SAW has an effective range of 10 miles in atmosphere Submunitions can be launched up to 300 ft out to either side of the SAW’s flight path.
Damage: (AP Grenade) 4d6 MD to 8 ft area
(Chemical Grenade) Varies by chemical type and atmospheric conditions. A chemical grenade will generally generate a cloud of aerosol 15 ft in radius.
(HE Shell) 5d6 MD to 20 ft area
(Fragmentation Mine) 4d6 MD to 12 ft area
(Incendiary Bomb) Does 4d6 MD to 40 ft area, does an additional 2d6 MD for 1d6 melees, and 1d6 MD per melee for an additional 2d4 melees
(Angel Hair)---Does NO damage, but against conventional power generators and uncovered power lines and distribution systems, it can short out power grids, clog generator air intakes(80% effectiveness against industrial generators and internal combustion engines), and be a general nuisance to clean up.
Rate of Fire: A SAW can volley its submunitions in any combination
Payload:(Typical loadouts)
200 AP/Chemical grenades
50 HE/anti-vehicle grenades
50 Fragmentation Mines
25 Incendiary Bombs
250 spools of wire, each spool holding up to 4,000 ft of aluminum-coated fiber

g) 20mm Autocannon Pod
Range:(Maximum) 7,000 yards(21,000 ft)
(Effective) 2,500 yards(7,500 ft)
Damage:(20 mm) 1d4 MD per shell at 7,500 ft or less, 1 MD per shell up to 21,000 ft
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst(1d6 MD at maximum range)
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PSX-1)4d4 MD per shell(1d4 MD per shell up to 21,000 ft)
2d4x10 MD per 5 rd burst
4d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 3.5 ft blast radius(single shot)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 300 rds per cannon

h) 30mm Cannon Pod
Range: 9,500 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst
Rate of Fire: Single shot or two-round burst
Payload: 100 rds per gun

i)Energy Weapon Pod---Pod-mounted pulse laser with capacitor
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage:2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 120 shot battery

j)Photo-Recon Pod---Can be fitted to accommodate up to three different sensor systems, but most sensor pods will have a wide angle still or digital camera, IR/Thermograph optics, and a laser rangefinder. Other sensor types include Kirillian aura-imagers, radiation detectors, magnetometers, EM detectors, and other specialized sensor types.

k) PS-US-RG14PS Boom Gun---PS produces a high-powered rail gun akin to the Glitterboy’s RG-14. Special muzzle-shock absorbing systems negate any possible sonic boom damage to the airframe of the carrier aircraft.
Range: 11,000 ft
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per shot
Sonic shock effects remain unchanged.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 180 rd drum
Cost: 280,000 credits

l)Jamming Pod-----A mini-radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius.

m) ECM Module---electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -4 to strike the drone. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 15 mile radius(-2 to strike)

4) Centerline Hardpoint(1)---The SkyTiger mounts a single large under-fuselage hardpoint. ONE of the following can be fitted:
a) 20mm Gatling Cannon Pod
Range: 9,000 ft
Damage:(Proximity-fuzed High-Explosive) 4d4 MD single shot (2 ft blast radius)
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
4d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 400 rds
b) 40mm Cannon Pod
Range: 2.6 miles
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to 15 ft blast radius
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 5d6 MD single shot
(High Explosive Tracer) 4d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 80 rds
c) Energy Weapon Pod: Laser
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single blast
1d4x10 +6 MD double blast
1d6x10 +10 MD triple blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 150 shot battery
d) Energy Weapon Pod: Particle Beam
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 shot battery
e) Energy Weapon Pod: Plasma
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 shot battery
f) Mini-Missile Pod--- 24 shot pod
g) Short Range Missile Pod--- 8 shot pod
h)Medium Range Missiles---6 shot pod
i) Long Range Missiles---1
j) Bombs----Can carry ‘iron’ or ‘smart’ bombs; either take the equivalent missile warhead and DOUBLE the blast radius, or can carry TWICE the number of warhead equivalents as missiles.
OR, can carry
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
*1,000-lb Bomb----1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius

5) Rear Dorsal Laser Mini-Turrets(3)----The SkyTiger mounts three small mini-turrets covering the rear arcs of the fighter from dogtailing pursuit and missile attacks.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per blast each
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, or 5 shots per melee in auto-defense mode
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

6)Flare/Chaff Launchers(2)---Standard countermeasure system common to most PS aircraft.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher, 24 total


*PS-F8T---Two-seater trainer with dual controls
*PS-F8M---’Magic Jet’, outfitted with a TW Leyline Booster, Flicker Dodge, Protective Energy Field, and other magic systems. This aircraft is currently available ONLY to GNE forces.
*PPE Battery and Generator---Stores and recovers PPE from the environment
PPE Capacity:(Medium)----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
---Flicker-Dodge---A special capability, and one of FA’s signature creations: an application of the Astral Hole spell. This allows the aircraft to quickly dodge out of sight/reality, for a few seconds, or move up to 2000 ft sideways, up, down, or backwards , with a +2 to dodge while doing so. Typically, an aircraft can engage this system 6 times before needing to recharge the system on a Ley Line(takes about 24 hours), or the pilot can pump in 120 PPE per “flicker-dodge”.
*Protective Energy Field---Fairly standard TW protection mechanism, providing 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; 10 minute duration per 10 PPE. Or can be engaged 4 times per day(50 MDC, 10 minutes duration)
--- Foo-Fighter Defense Drone System---A variant combination of the Magic Warrior and Ball Lightning spells, this TW-projector creates an attendant ‘parasite’ fighter to protect the aircraft and harass pursuers or intercept missiles. The Foo-Fighters are semi-autonomous and can be released/directed at specified targets then sent on their way to do their damage, or they can be remotely directed by a gunner/weapons officer on the generating aircraft. The Magic Warrior ‘drone’ can be chosen to appear to appear as a robot aircraft, smaller version of the aircraft, winged animal, flying knight, or a miniature whirlwind/air elemental accompanying the aircraft. Foo-Fighters attack by ramming or by firing short range bolts of eldritch lightning at their targets. Foo Fighters can be targetted and destroyed by conventional means, but Dispel Magic and Anti-Magic Cloud spells stop them dead. Multiple Foo-Fighters are also possible, though each materialized ‘escort’ costs an additional 60 PPE
Range: Typically the Foo-Fighter will stray no more than 6,000 ft from the creating aircraft.
MDC of Foo Fighter: 110
Speed: 400 MPH
Damage: Does 3d6+10MD per electrical bolt(1,500 ft range)
Duration: 10 melees (roughly 5 minutes) per activation
PPE Activation Cost: Costs 60 PPE per fighter per activation
Bonuses: Each Foo-Fighter has 5 actions/attacks per melee, +5 to strike, roll, and dodge, and +4 on initiative

----Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE expended
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

Say taalismn, mind if I show an ad for Paragon Progress?

Are you sick of being an average Joe?

Not enough spark for magic?

Nervous about cybernetics?

Don’t have the brain power for Psionics?

Wish you could be a real hero?

It can be done, with the help of Paragon Progress and Meta-Wizadry.

What’s Paragon Progress? We are a sub-contractor of Paladin Steel, where superpowers are our specialty. From creating new ones to applying them to technology. That’s where our Meta-Wizadry products come in?

But what is Meta-Wizadry? In essence, it’s an off shoot of techno-wizardry and bio-wizadry, but instead of augmenting people and objects with magic, we use superpowers.

So why should you support Paragon Progress? We are giving you superpowered technology, from APS Borgs to Energy Expulsion Ammo, you will not find this stuff anywhere else in this corner of the Megaverse.

What if you have an idea that Techno-wizardry just can’t do alone? Fear not, Meta-Wizardry can be combined with Techno-Wizardry or used separately.

Thank you for your time, we hope you will enjoy our future products.

Paragon Progress:
“If you can What If… it, we can design it.”
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

BY all means! Feel free to advertize through the Paladin Steel Net! :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

is this bird your talking about? ... skyray.jpg
by the way NICE!!!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

ZINO wrote:is this bird your talking about? ... skyray.jpg
by the way NICE!!!!!

Yep...but the wing leading edges will be different, the nose and cockpit more like a Robotech VF-1, and there will be TWO erngines, a double tail, and trailing tail 'strakes' where the rear laser defense nodes are...

Again, I have a Douglas SkyRay almost in my backyard(30 minute drive) at the New England Air Museum for inspiration..It's a forlorn little warbird, moldering in outdoor display with his cockpit glass scratched and discolored, but it looks like a veteran sitting there...

Interesting enough, according to one book I read the SkyRay was fitted in mockup with an eartly-model air-launched ASAT weapon or perhaps a light satellite launcher similar to the later Pegasus....the hardware was just a dummy, meant to simulate the weight of an actual ASAT missile, but it shows the US military at the time was thinking perhaps of naval carrier-borne anti-satellite operations...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:
ZINO wrote:is this bird your talking about? ... skyray.jpg
by the way NICE!!!!!

Yep...but the wing leading edges will be different, the nose and cockpit more like a Robotech VF-1, and there will be TWO erngines, a double tail, and trailing tail 'strakes' where the rear laser defense nodes are...

Again, I have a Douglas SkyRay almost in my backyard(30 minute drive) at the New England Air Museum for inspiration..It's a forlorn little warbird, moldering in outdoor display with his cockpit glass scratched and discolored, but it looks like a veteran sitting there...

Interesting enough, according to one book I read the SkyRay was fitted in mockup with an eartly-model air-launched ASAT weapon or perhaps a light satellite launcher similar to the later Pegasus....the hardware was just a dummy, meant to simulate the weight of an actual ASAT missile, but it shows the US military at the time was thinking perhaps of naval carrier-borne anti-satellite operations...

i have to sya one word WOW !!!!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:
ZINO wrote:is this bird your talking about? ... skyray.jpg
by the way NICE!!!!!

Yep...but the wing leading edges will be different, the nose and cockpit more like a Robotech VF-1, and there will be TWO erngines, a double tail, and trailing tail 'strakes' where the rear laser defense nodes are...

Again, I have a Douglas SkyRay almost in my backyard(30 minute drive) at the New England Air Museum for inspiration..It's a forlorn little warbird, moldering in outdoor display with his cockpit glass scratched and discolored, but it looks like a veteran sitting there...

Interesting enough, according to one book I read the SkyRay was fitted in mockup with an eartly-model air-launched ASAT weapon or perhaps a light satellite launcher similar to the later Pegasus....the hardware was just a dummy, meant to simulate the weight of an actual ASAT missile, but it shows the US military at the time was thinking perhaps of naval carrier-borne anti-satellite operations...

i have to say one word WOW !!!!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel Peregrine Hovercar

“The wildest case we ever had? The Velvet Vamp....started with the Nude Season....kept getting reports of unconscious naked guys or streakers running around town. Most of them that we caught and questioned just got REAL embarassed when we asked ‘em what they were up to....figgered most of them were just drunks that got rolled or dumped by their friends...we were part right on that score...turned out they were all mages or apprentice we staked out the local magic academy to see who was targeting the students.
What we came up with was a Psi-Stalker... one with all the, education, good looks, all the trappings....what we had was a real cultured sexy Psi-Stalker with none of the growl and drool of the wild ones we get in here usually... though when she -purred-, half the younger guys in the squad room dropped their work.....Anyways, this little girl somehow got herself a Peregrine with custom fittings...chameleon paint job, silent running, plush interior, the works...she’d go cruising, find a nice-looking magic user, lure him into the car, get him worked up, then hit the hidden seat restraints and drugger...nick him with a silver letter openner..this kid had style!...get a good feed, then strip ‘em of all their belongin’s, and roll ‘em into the street...If they didn’t come willingly, she nailed ‘em with a stunner and got them anyway...
We were set to try her on mugging, but she got bailed none other than the High Dean of the magic academy! He claimed she was ‘teaching the younger folks about being careful in the real world’, but I think she was working another gig with the faculty....She and he vanished soon afterwards, so she might be working another for him, I can’t say...”
------Guardsman Tourro, New Lazlo

“Hell...this thing has ‘snoot’-appeal written all over it, but for the price you pay to get one of these things fitted out as a tank-killer, you can buy three, maybe four, Super-Bugs or a coupla short, the Peregrine shouldn’t be confused with a REAL combat machine!”
------Lieutenant Ernesto DeYaYa, Vermont Free State Regular Army

“Heard a CS general made the mistake of buying a Peregrine on the black market and took it to work. Shot him dead on the spot, but it’s unknown if it was because he was buying contraband, because he took somebody else’s parking space, or whether it was because he had his mistress’s name on the license plate!”
----Lynchi Morganstern, Fixer, Chi-Town

The Paladin Steel Peregrine was something of an anomaly in the normal staid and conservative lineup of Paladin Steel vehicles of late 104 P.A. ; it was clearly intended as an expensive LUXURY vehicle. This puzzled many industry analysts; despite the prosperity enjoyed by the VFS, the Vermont Free State economy remained fiscally conservative, preferring to invest in infrastructure, not luxury goods, so the Peregrine was clearly not intended for domestic markets. And given the turmoil following Mad Sunday(the virtual meltdown of PS’s databases and facilities in a Mechanoid-orchestrated cyberattack that nearly crippled the then-young corporation), the fact that priority was assigned to the Peregrine gave further fuel to speculation. It was initially believed that the Peregrine was being marketed through the black market to various high-tech, high-wealth communities and nations; Northern Gun, Triax, even, it was rumored, the Coalition and Atlantis. Of course, history now shows that the Peregrine was coming in on the beginning of the PS corporate alliance economic wave of prosperity.
The Peregrine is a dual wheel-and-hoverjet vehicle based on late pre-Rifts commercial vehicles being introduced in the American Empire just before the Rifts. The shape is smooth and streamlined, almost organic in its flowing lines; a lozenge-shaped craft with large windshield/skyroof, wraparound fender, and stubwings; a far cry from the boxy hovercars and Coalition knock-offs of the blackmarket. The hoverskirt along the bottom conceals the retractable quad-wheel auxiliary drive; when on the ground or in close-ground proximity, these ‘plenum-panels’ flare open, but retract in high-speed/high-altitude mode. A retractable spoiler assembly can be deployed from the backside for additional control in flight. Paladin Steel upgraded the design with more advanced materials, options(including weaponry), and power advanced powerplants, to appeal to a growing class of ‘gentlemen adventurers’ with disposable income(ironically, these tend to be war profiteers or arms manufacturers, but also include wealthy d-bees, merchants, and aristocrats).
The Peregrine has since become a symbol of status in the VFS and GNE, especially among corporate executives (or at least those who crave luxury over practicality). A number of escort services, security firms, and high-class taxi companies also operate Peregrines, and the police have acquired several heavily-modified examples as ‘interceptors’. Given the success of the early models of the Peregrine, Paladin Steel is planning to launch a newer GMR-equiped model sometime in late 122 PA, tentatively designated the Peregrine Argon-II.
Type: PS-HV(P-L)-3 Peregrine
Class: Luxury Hovercar
Date of Introduction: 105 PA
Crew: One, plus 1-5 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 300
Wheels(4) 30 each
Hoverjets(4) 45 each
Height: 5 ft
Width: 7 ft
Length: 12 ft
Weight: 2 tons
Cargo: Glove compartment and back storage bay(2x2x5 ft)
Powerplant: Conventional Liquid Fuel (300 mile range), Electric(500 mile range),, or Nuclear Fusion (w/ 15 year energy life)
Speed:(Road-Wheels) 140 MPH
(Hoverjets). Hover to 400 MPH. Max Altitude: 4,000 ft
Market Cost: 1.3 million credits for Liquid Fuel, 1.6 million credits for Electric, 2.9 million credits for nuclear w/ 10 year energy life; options cost extra
Systems of Note:
Tinted Windows(standard)
Life Support w/ Full Air-Conditioning and Air Filtration(8 hour air supply)
Radio: 50 mile range
Stereo System
Normal Light/IR Headlights
Inertial Compass
*Reclining Bucket Seats w/ Auto-Adjust(for maximum comfort)

Weapons Systems: None standard, but had five option slots for additional systems and weaponry; two forward, two rear, and a light, retractable turret mounting in the roof.
Each slot can accomodate ONE of the following:

a) Light Pulse Laser
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per burst
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 5 shots per hour). Effectively Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 20,000 credits

b) Light Plasma Cannon
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 60 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 5 shots per hour).Effectively Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 30,000 credits

c) Particle Beam Rifle
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: 40 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 5 shots per hour).Effectively Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 40,000 credits

e) MagTech Magpulse Cannon---Fires an electromagnetic ‘vortex’ that hits with serious kinetic force.
Range: 1500ft
Damage: 3d10 MD, and, being unseen, and very fast, the force bullet imposes dodge penalties. A target is at -8 to dodge the magnetic ‘bullet’, which appears only as a heat-shimmer-like ripple in the air.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 20 shots per hour).Effectively unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 29,000 credits

f) Light Rail Gun--A copy of the Coalition’s own C-200 ‘Dead Man’ rail gun.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:600 rd drum(30 bursts)
Cost: 60,000 credits

g) Light Autocannon---Essentially a vehicle-mounted ‘Taskin’ Cannon. Can also fire crowd-control rounds.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage:(20 mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(PSX 20mm)4d4 MD per shell
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(Wood rds) 6d6 SDC per shell(1d6x10 HP to vampires)
2d4x10 SDC per 5 rd burst(2d4x10 HP to vampires)
2d4 MD per 10 rd burst (3d6x10 HP to vampires)
(Crowd Control rds)humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174)
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 400 rds
Cost: 20,000 credits
A box of 100 20mm ‘smart’ rds costs 800 credits. A box of 100 20mm ‘smart’ Super-HEX rds costs 3000 credits

h) Light 7.62 mm Machine Gun---An SDC weapon. Can also fire rubber crowd-control bullets or silver bullets
Range: 3000 ft
Damage: 5d6 SDC per rd
(Rubber Bullets)1D6 per three round burst. Bruises badly, but does very little damage.
Rate of Fire:Standard; single shot, burst, or wild
Payload: 500 rd drum
Cost:3,000 credits

i) Micro-Missile Launcher--- Paladin Steel’s 15mm mighty mite micro-missile launcher system.
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expediture of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 5.
Payload: 10 missiles per launcher
Cost: The Launchers cost 10,000 credits each; missiles cost extra
Pattern-1A 25 credits per McM
Pattern-1B 32 credits per McM
Pattern-1C 60 credits per McM
Pattern-1D 95 credits per McM
Pattern-1E 220 credits per McM

j)Mini-Missile Launcher---Range and damage varies by missile type, 5 missiles per hardpoint
Cost: The Launchers cost 20,000 credits each; missiles cost extra

k) Short Range Missile Launcher--1 per hardpoint
Cost: The Launchers cost 25,000 credits each; missiles cost extra

l) Flare/Chaff Launcher----6 bundles/flares per hardpoint---3,000 credits

m) Stun Gun---An electrical zap-arc that works similar to a taser, but based on a design acquired from Japan, via PS’s limited trade with that island-nation. (Stats from Rifts: japan, pg. 124)
Range: 800 ft
Damage: Setting One: (Weak Stun--Children, elderly, pregnant women, disabled)1d6 SDC
Setting Two: (Light Stun--elderly, teenagers, wek adults, small to medium animals)2d5 SDC
Setting Three: (Moderate Stun---Adults)3d6 SDC
Setting Four: (Heavy Stun---Adults in superior condition, drug-addicts, PR-Borgs, augmented humans, large animals)6d6 SDC
Setting Five:(Super-Shock---superhumans, augments, partial conversion Borgs, monsters) 1d6 MD
Stun Damage: On _correct_ setting, adults must save at 14 or higher(children and animals save at 18 or higher) or be -9 on initaitive, -7 to strike/parry/dodge/roll, reduce speed/melee actions/and skill performance by HALF for 2d4 melee rounds. Additional strikes are cumulative. A successful save means the target takes damage, and loses 1 APM, but is otherwise fine.
Cumulative 15% chance per subsequent stun blast that the target will be knocked unconscious for 1d4 minutes.
Penaltiers: If setting is too low, the target can more easily shrug off the effects. Targets are +4 to save per each level that the blast is too low.
If setting is too high, target is +15% to lose consciousness .
Ineffective against EBA, robots, full conversion Borgs, vampires, androids, and the more powerful creatures of magic.
PR Borgs, Juicers , and Crazies are only really susceptible to Settings 4 and 5, and are +1 to save
FC Borgs are only affected by Setting 5, and are +4 to save, penalties and duration are HALF.
Young supernatural beings and lesser demons can be affected by Setting 5, but are +3 to save.
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 400 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 20 shots per hour). Effectively unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 29,000 credits

n) Taser Bead Gun---A more powerful version of the S-9 ‘Sandman’ that fires an electrically-charged silicon bead that delivers an incapcitating charge on impact, while powdering in the proccess.
Range: 300 ft
Damage: None:Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Cyborgs have a 75% chance of having their cybernetics
disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 30% chance of a
non-vital system being permanently shorted out.
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 600 shot magazine
Cost: 6,000 credits

*Engine Upgrade----A more powerful engine, more efficient power train, and improved transmission can be added, improving overall speed, but at greater expense;
Speed: Can improve top speed by up to 40%
Cost: 120,000 credits per 10% of improvement over base. 300,000 credits for nuclear upgrades. +50,000 per 10% for hoverjet systems(actually simpler to upgrade GEV systems past the initial high cost by adding more/bigger jet thrusters).

*Chameoline System---Special fiber optics in the hull can change the color scheme of the Arabian between any one of ten different schemes(programmed in at the time of purchase), including basic camouflage schemes.
Cost: 100,000 credits

*Variable Optical Camouflage Suite---Based on reverse-engineered Naruni and other alien ‘invisibility’ systems, this highly sophisticated system option renders the Peregrine effectively invisible to eyeball and sensor detection.
Bonuses: -20% to opposition Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls; heat sensors are useless
Cost: 1.2 million credits
Note: This system is not always available for sale; only approved affiliates of PS are allowed to purchase this stealth system

*Armor Options---
*Laser Ablative Armor(Option)---PS laser-ablative ceramic, based on alien materials. Lasers do HALF damage. VFLs can NOT adjust to compensate. As an added bonus, Arkhon triphase weapons do 1/10 less damage.
----Cost:+800,000 credits(Rarely available to outsiders)
*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage
----Cost: +1 million credits
*Chemical Resistant Armor(Option)----PS’s patented chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage.
----Cost: +1.1 million credits

*Electro-Shock Security System----Special contacts in the skin of the vehicle can be electrically charged to deliver a taser-like shock to anyone attempting to break into the vehicle. Alternatively, the system can be set to dump most of its power into a vaporizing megadamage shock blast, though this tends to drain the batteries far faster. CANNOT be mounted on top of Applique Armor.
Range: 3 ft
Damage: 3d6 SDC plus Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
(MD ) The higher end setting does 1d6 MD per shock
Payload: 20 SDC (2 Megadamage charges) charge battery(recharges off the conventional powerplant at one SDC blast per 5 minutes), or unlimited if linked to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 3,000 credits

*Leaper Leather Upholstery---This is typical of many specialized luxury options(others include Dire Wolf Fur, Tyrannosaur leather, and Chimaera pelt) offered for the more exotic-minded. This came about as a result of a skinner who found a way to render Gring Leaper hide(see Rifts: New West) soft and supple(it takes several hours of soaking in varying concentrations of acids and bleaching agents), while still retaining its megadamage properties(though it’s too soft to make good armor). When the man moved to Paladin Steel West, he sold the proccess to PS, who started industrial scale harvesting and proccessing, in an effort to clear western lands of the mosntrousities. The leather produced has a rich, iridescent dark green color, and a soft pliability that is resistant to scuffing, water, and fire damage.
Upholstering the interior of a standard -sized car will cost roughly 8,000 credits.

*Stereo System---What’s a luxury car without a really decent sound system? Pretty pathetic, that’s what! Pre-Rifts folks wouldn’t recognize the name of the stereo system, but it’s top of the line for the post-Rifts world.
Cost: 400-800 credits

*TV/Video System---Installs a 7-inch fold-out mini-television video flat-screen, that can display transmissions, or CD/tapes.
Cost: 200 credits

*Holographic Entertainment System---Full 3-D display and entertainment center...comes with Surroundsound. Not advised for the front seat or easily distracted drivers(certainly no monster movies!).
Cost: 900 credits

*Cyberlink Drive System--Allows a driver with a headjack to ‘jack in’ to the vehicle for more responsive control. This allows the driver to drive without their hands on the wheel(“Look, Mom, no hands!”), and/or to respond with greater speed to road situations. Similar to the system presented in Rifts: Russia, but GNE makes them less expensive(the real expense is in the implant end)
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicel-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.q. point. Note that the operator can only be controling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .
To anyone lacking the CVL, there are no bonuses to vehicle operation, but they CAN make minor adjustments to vehicle peripherals’ without using their hands(turning on/off headlights, booting up the stereo, rolling down the electric windows, adjusting the AC, etc...).
Cost: Vehicle installation is 10,000 credits, the cybervehicle link(implant) costs 120,000 credits

*Autopilot---Available in both a ‘dumb’ and a ‘smart’ version. Dumb versions will basically just keep the vehicle going straight and level on a pre-set course, never deviating from said course...the ‘dumb’ system will alert the crew if anything trips the sensors or gets in the way, and it can be programmed to stop, or deviate a set distance from course in such events, until the crew can regain/resume control.
A ‘smart’ system is actually an onboard Artificial Intelligence(AI) using PS’s new microtronics AI chips. The ‘smart’ system can actually evade and maneuvar to avoid obstacles, and even anticipate trouble, while remaining on the general course. The ‘smart system’ has a +1 to dodge
Cost: 7,000 credits for the ‘dumb’ version, 12,000 credits for the ‘smart’ Auto-Pilot
For an additional 8,000 credits, this can be modified with a remote start(triggered by a remote control in the keycard) and a remote ‘recall’ that allows the owner to summon the car to him, and for another 8,000 credits, even command its functions by remote control.

*Onboard Artificial Intelligence---This installs a micro-computer AI that, in addition to monitoring the vehicle’s functions, can also actively scan for problems outside itself, anticipate problems, advise the driver. The OAI is much more responisve than a ‘smart’ autopilot, and is able to plot far more extensive course deviations, even take independant action as it falls within its orders and program parameters. An OAI, for instance, can determine that its operator/passengers are hurt and unable to help themselves(critically wounded by a passing SAMAS, for instance), and the car will begin looking for medical assistance. Most OAIs have a verbal interface, pleasant synthesized voice, and a psuedo-personality, giving them the illusion of ‘life’. An OAI has an IQ-equivalent of 10, and comes with Navigation: Land, Automotive Mechanics, Read Sensory Instruments, Weapons Systems, and Radio: Basic, all at 98%, has 3 actions/attacks per melee . Additional specialized programming may be added as the buyer/owner specifies...many owners program theiir cars to be able to sing or read.
Anything more sophisticated than this, and the buyer is best off using the Robot Creation Tables from Rifts Sourcebook One or Heroes Unlimited.
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Enhanced Sensors---Extends the range of the onboard standard sensors by 50%.
Cost: 250,000 credits

*Enhanced Communications System-----Extends radio communications out to 300 miles with a retractable antennae.
Cost: 36,000 credits

*Auto-Doc---An onboard medical system that can be quickly hooked up to a passenger to monitor and diagnose life signs, and administer common medications and broad-spectrum drugs. +10% to medical rolls when used by a competent medical technician, or can be considered to have a First Aid skill of 40%.
Cost: 40,000 credits. Drug refills cost extra

*Enhanced Life Support---This feature installs a robot-quality life support system that can recycle air for up to a week
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Crash Control/Safety Restraints/Fire Control System---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF. PS actually offers a 10% discount on other options if this option is taken(hey, auto insurance is sorta ridiculous in monster infested Rifts Earth, but there should be some economic incentives for safety devices...).
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Ejection Seats---Great for last minute bailouts, or, if one decides to take the ‘master control’ option built into a secret control, ejecting unwelcome passengers from the vehicle. Includes auto-deploy restraints and head protector. Typically fire the seat up to 250 ft away; comes standard with zero-altitude capability, so if you leave the kids in the car, folks, while you pick up some groceries, disable the seats first....
Cost: 6,000 credits per chair
(Master Control): 1,000 credits

*Security/Ambush Restraints---These are designed not to hold people in a crash, but to hold them, period. Specially reinforced shackle-mounts and lock-braces make sure that anyone locked into them ain’t going anywhere until you unlock them.
Ambush retraints deploy instantly from concealment, at a signal(secret control or verbal command)(+4 Entangle strike roll). Combined with an Auto-Doc, this system can be used to administer sedation drugs and keep prisoners from injuring themselves, or calling attention to themselves.
Restraints hold with a PS of 30
Cost: 8,000 credits

*Smuggling Compartments---special sensor-screened(acoustic, thermal-imaging, magnetic) smuggling compartments built into false floors, hollows in the engine spaces, or hollowed out(reinforced) structural members for concealing those special cargoes from prying eyes and cursory probings. Most smuggling compartments are only large enough to hide a small bundle in small cars, but some compartments can hold fairly large contents(one covert operations team fitted their hovercar with a special soundproofed compartment with its own life support and medi-doc system, and used it to smuggle a kidnapped Coalition scientist out of Chi-Town).
Cost:(Small-glove compartment) 8,000 credits
(Medium--Suitcase) 100,000 credits
(Large--Trunk) 500,000 credits

*Parasail System---Great for driving off cliffs, parking garages, and out of aircraft. Automatically stows/packs itself on command.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Submersible---Fits the vehicle for amphibious and underwater operation; watersealing, reinforced hull, sonar, depth guage, and a small hydrojet thruster are all standard with this package.
Speed: 20 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft
Cost: 200,000 credits

*JATO--- Applicable to nuclear and conventionally powered vehicles. This is essentially a Power Booster(nitrous oxide injection system, improved power delivery system, rocket booster, overcharger), and a tuned-up engine to attain higher performance, if only for a few minutes.
Speed: 350 MPH for 1d4 minutes, or adds 100 MPH to an existing flight system, for 1d4 minutes. Cannot be re-engaged for another 2d6 minutes after that(recharge period, cool-down, etc.).
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Super JATO---This feature essentially makes the vehicle into a supersonic-capable aircraft! Must have flight/hoverjet capabilities and a nuclear powerplant to take advantage of this option. Super JATO adds two massive long-endurance boosters to the back of the vehicle, a spoiler wing surface above, and a forward spoiler/canard to the nose, effectively doubling the length of the vehicle.
Speed: The vehicle can now attain Mach 1(680 MPH) for 2d6 minutes, or subsonic speeds near indefinitely
Cost: 400,000 credits

*Stealthing--Fits the car with radar absorbant/invisible materials and thermal baffling. Vehicle is now -25% to detect on a Read Sensory Instruments roll with radar and thermal sensing instruments. Great when you’re expecting to be speedchecked by the ‘bears’! CANNOT be combined with Chameleon Body or Laser Ablative Armor.
Cost: 1 million credits

*Peregrine Argon-II---The Argon-II version of the Peregrine features full-out ant-grav technology. The variant is marginally faster(420 MPH) and has better high altitude handling characteristics(maximum altitude of 18,000 ft) and is expected to cost 30% more.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

Paladin Steel Peregrine Hovercar

let me get a few of these toys !!!!!
( I only wish a picture man .....NICE!!!!!!!)
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘Mohawk’ Attack Helicopter

“Want to know danger? Try flying mountain patrol through the Rocky Mountains, especially in winter....In a mecha, where you got power to burn, it’s easy, because you can open the throttle and brute force your way out in a pinch, but not everyone gets to fly in the expensive ‘bots, and frankly, there are alot of things a mechie can’t do, so choppers are the ride of choice...but you pay for the honor.....There’s no telling when what a patrol chopper’s gonna run into...everything from Coalition black helicopters looking to play tag in the mountains to invisible air elementals that some hermit just loosed on your ass...Fly too low and you risk being caught in a downdraft and sucked into a cliff, or your rotor wash kicks up a snowdrift and whites you out in a squall of your own making...Climb too high and the rotors start chomping at thin air and you stall out....Instruments can go honky on you with false returns off the mountains, or get flashed from a leyline storm---the Rockies are lousy with leyline activity, and it can screw you bigtime if you’re depending on instruments...
That’s why the new Mohawks are so popular...the sensors aren’t any better than the older models, but the ‘hawk’s built for high altitude, and armored like a slab....I still managed to crash one on the slopes of Mount Hood, but rather than flip and collapse like the old whirlies, I just slid on in and stopped...Sat there nice and warm for a few hours...and the cabin heaters are alot better too on the ‘hawk... until Base could send up a SAR crew. Brought up a repair team later and they rebuilt the rotor assembly, replaced the landing gear, and flew that bird back down off the mountain....The rest of the boys in the squadrons can tell you similar stories...and the fact that they can tell them is a testament to their birds...They’re built tough inside and out, and they can pack heavy guns and firepower up where it’s needed...Like flying a tank up into the passes, sometimes.
Frankly, if the jet and Gem* jockeys ever want to get away and do some REAL flying, they’re welcome to come tag with us...I got a seat in my ‘hawk reserved for ‘em.”
----Captain Winletti Scott, 75th Free Washington Air National Guard Squadron(Rotorcraft)
(* Polite term for GMR/anti-gravity pilots...the impolite term is ‘Germ’)

“We’re learned to pair up wings of Mohawks and Fury power armors with wings of bomber Dragonflies...the copters generally scout out a target first, and if it’s too big for them to handle, they pull back and call in the faster moving jets. The Dragons typically have more high speed ordnace than the ‘hawks do, and can get in and out faster, so the choppers can stand back and paint the targets, usually with laser illuminators or tweeper pods, while their drop-deployed power armors keep an eye out for fast-movers like SAMAS, triple-A launchers, and troops with shoulder-launched SAMs. Once the ‘Dragons have bombed the hell out of the target, the copters can move back in and mop up...if they still encounter resistance, they pull back again and the jets can make another pass, or can zoom back to rearm, and return. Works beautifully...”
---Col. Matt Hastings, Vermont Free State Regular Army, 1st Division, Saint Lawrence Western Zone.

“Yeah, right, try flying that big bastard into the city...while you’re busy trying not to crash into buildings and wrap yourself around light poles, me and my power armors will have you diced, sliced, and iced in aerial urban combat, using those very same buildings for cover...”
“Oh yeah?! Hide behind WHAT buildings?!”
---Overheard at the ‘Halfway to Heaven’ Bar at the top of New Boston Arcology, between two rotocraft pilots of the Commonwealth of Massachussetts Air National Guard.

The Mohawk is another example of a quick and dirty conversion design that got out of control from the aviation design desks of Paladin Steel. Fresh from their work on redesigning the pre-Rifts Kaman ‘SeaSprite’ LAMPS ASW helicopter. PS’s design engineering team hoped to expand on their work by doing a similar upgrade of another old conventional helicopter design, the Mil-24 ‘Hind’ attack helicopter, a vehicle that had been serving in Tundra Ranger Air National Guard units for some time, but in a second-line capacity(the Tundra Rangers have never said exactly where they found the pre-Rifts aircraft, only that they ‘found them in the ‘fridge’). Local technicians had done several upgrades of the machines, adding new weapons and additional armor, but the result still fell somewhat short in performance to the ever-popular Iron Heart Armaments ‘Iron Eagle’, numerous versions of which continued to dominate the market, even after IHA’s death at the hands of the Coalition. Eager to pursue a more radical revamping of the old birds, without sacrificing the economy which endeared them to ANG budget accountants, the Rangers agreed to let PS handle most of the redesign work, provided that PS likewise paid a proportionate share of the development costs.
For PS it was SUPPOSED to be a simple matter of simply mating the front business end of the Hind to a larger version of the enclosed contra-rotating duct-fan main props that so radically changed the Sea Sprite’s performance and appearance. Instead, PS wound up almost totally redesigning the aircraft, with the changeover from one big enclosed lift fan to two smaller, more powerful ducted fans, and a tail fanprop jet-thruster. The original bulbous front fuselage has been revamped with a flater planar-faced cockpit more familiar to the Super-Cobra or Mangusta Mongoose attack copters(the flatter cockpit panes causing less reflection and glare for the crew).The newer, better-protected arrangement added some extra weight, but also increased the helicopter’s overall speed, handling, and reduced the vulnerability of the prop vanes to enemy fire. Another benefitt was the increased safety of the pilots when ejecting, as they no longer ran the risk of exiting the craft up through the spinning rotorblades. Another bonus is the ability to conceal the aircraft more effectively in or near forest cover, without fear of fouling the tail rotor or striking a tree with a rotor blade; especially important for ‘pop-up’ ambushes of enemy armor and robots. An advanced fly-by-wire system gives the big bird remarkable handling, and rotorjocks who’ve flown the Mohawk swear that it responds better than a power armor(an exaggeration to be sure, but the CS has learned that ‘hunting eggbeaters’ is an exercise not to be taken for granted when encountering Mohawks; the big ‘copters have proven well able to out -maneuver even SAMAS and turn the tables on their attackers).
PS further added armaments in the form of two ‘mandible’ cannon pods on either side of the nose, then modified the initial fit to be modular, so that swap-in/swap-out weapons could be quickly rolled in and bolted into place. The weapons armature wings were revamped to support the new ‘universal’ weapons pylons, similar to those on the other vehicles, so that the helicopter could carry a wider range of external-mount weaponry, including droptanks, ECM pods, and other pods. However, PS elected NOT to plumb the pylon hardpoints with the sort of full-bore power connectors necessary for carrying vehicle-powered energy weapons(self-contained battery-powered pods are still possible) as they felt that such weapons would place too much of a burden on the relatively light powerplant carried by the Mohawk. The result is that the Mohawk fairly drips with weapons, carrying more ordnance than many jet fighters, and can outgun many combat aircraft in a dogfight.
Ih addition to the heavy weaponry, the Mohawk has the ability to carry a small number of passengers, or a squad of troops, who sit in the center of the rear cabin, facing outwards. Access to the bay is through two side doors(which retain the Mi-24’s horizontally split hatches, the bottom part of which has a hold-down boarding stair), and a rear hatch(the latter is quite useful for sliding in stretchers for medevac). This increases the versatility of the aircraft, allowing it to perform combat insertions/extractions, raids, and SAR work.
With the release of the Mohawk, Air National Guard units throughout the GNE have had reason to cheer, as the new machines have been deployed to rotorcraft units and affiliated militia air guard units throughout the GNE territories. The Mohawk frequently serves as a ‘big brother’ to the sleeker Cheyenne II gunships in units where both aircraft are represented. Already, in combats with the CS, FQ, and Splugorth, the Mohawk has acquired a reputation as an ‘armor-killer’ similar to that of the Hind gunship it was inspired by. A number of machines have also been seconded to GNE-affiliated auxiliary and mercenary units to drum up additional business with the publicity these groups generate among other freelancer and adventurer groups.
Type: PS-AH72B
Class: Assault Helicopter
Date of Introduction: 108 PA
Crew: 3(pilot, co-pilot/weapons officer, and flight engineer)(can accommodate up to eight pasengers, or three power armors)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Ducted Fans(2) 100 each
Booster Jets(2) 60 each
Main Body 300
Reinforced Cockpit 120
Weapons Wings(2) 100 each
NoseMount Autocannon 50
Side-Mount Rail Guns(2) 60 each
Height: 12 ft
Width: 24 ft
Length: 52 ft
Weight: 27,000 lbs
Cargo:Minimal; small trunk-compartment-sized space in crew compartment, in addition to ejection seat survival pack
If not carrying passengers, the rear compartment can hold up to 1 ton of palletized cargo.
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(600 mile range) or Nuclear Fusion w/ 5 year energy life
Speed: 150 MPH cruising, 350 MPH maximum, 550 MPH with booster jets engaged(can maintain boost for up to 15 minutes before needing to drop to cruising for 30 minutes to cool the jets down)
Maximum Altitude Ceiling: 22,000 ft
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 dodge normal, +3 dodge with booster jets engaged.
Cost: 900,000 credits for the liquid fuel model, 2.5 million for the nuclear model.
Systems of Note:
*Ejection Seats for Crew
*Full Cabin Life Support, including air filtration and NBC protection(air sealed against toxins, and shielded cabin against moderate exposure to radiation)
*Long Range Radio
*Radar----80 mile range and track 50 targets
*Searchlight---IR and Normal Light
*Nose/Mast -Mounted Optics:
-Passive Nightvision
-Laser Targeting
*Mast-Mounted Sight---Optics package on the ‘hub’ or roof of the helicopter, in addition to the nose turret, for performing ‘peekaboo’ attacks from behind cover.
*Laser Illuminator---’Paints’ targets with coherent laser light, illuminating them for laser-guided ‘smart’ weapons. 3 mile range.
*Radiation Detectors/Sensors
*ALQ-200 IR Jammer----Actually a combination of IR Jamming and thermo-signature dissipation systems, designed to make it harder for infra-red sensors to attain lock on; combined with basic radar jamming, it confers a -2 to sensor guided weapons to strike the helicopter
Weapons Systems:
1)12.7mm Multi-barrel Rail Gun(1, forward underside)---The nose mounts a powerful 12.7mm quad-barrel cannon, similar to those carried by the PS PSA-12 Enforcer, and spewing a high speed barrage of explosive shells. The nose turret has a 180-degree arc of fire, and is slaved to the gunner’s helmet-mounted retinal fire system, allowing the cannon to track as the gunner turns his head, and fire on what he sights in on.
Range:4,000 ft
Damage:1d6x10 MD per 40 rd burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH.
Payload: 4,000 rds per gun(100 bursts)

Later models would allow for the swap-out of the 12.7mm gun with the following options:
b) Pulse Laser
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery if conventionally powered, Effectively Unlimited if nuclear
Cost:: 80,000 credits

c)PS-XGECAL 50 “Ripkiller” ---A new weapon, based on the pre-Rifts .50 caliber GECAL 50 Six Barrel Machine Gun. This weapon fires high explosive shells(based on the Wellington Industries Heavy Explosive shells) over three miles, to devastating effect. In theory, the XGECAL 50 can fire off 8,000 rounds per minute(or 2,000 rounds a melee), but PS has limited the weapon to a maximum of 100 rounds per burst , and even that can shoot the magazines dry in one melee! Only a special coolant jacket, shock-absorbing stabiilizer, and burst limiter prevent this weapon from tearing itself apart under maximum rate of fire, and keeps enough rounds on target to inflict maximum damage. The weapon also tears out its meter-long barrel linings faster than any other weapon in PS service(a cannon barrel is estimated to have a standard combat life of 4,000 shots).
This particular option requires removing BOTH blister cannon, and replacing them with the enlarged ammo drum and fire control system.
Range: 19,000 ft!
Damage: 1d4 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD per 12 shot burst(1 attack), 2d4x10 MD per 24 rd burst(2 attacks), 4d4x10 MD per 60 rd burst(3 attacks), 1d4x100 MD per 120 shot burst(takes ALL attacks that melee)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1,200 round drum (10 full-melee bursts)
Cost: 110,000 credits

e) 30mm Chain Gun
Range: 9,500 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 5d6x10 MD for a 5-rd burst!
Rate of Fire: Single shot ,two-round, or five-round burst
Payload: 150 rds
Cost: 100,000 credits

2)Nose Gun Pods(2)---Flanking the nose of the Mohawk are two foward-firing gun pods, giving the Mohawk a strong frontal attack capability. Initially, two 40mm rail guns were fitted, but quickly other podded weapons became available(note, typically both weapons are the same kind; mounting different weapons in the respective pods isn’t unknown, but rarely done);
a)40mm Gauss Cannon(2)--- PS elected to implace two powerful, 40mm massdriver cannons developed from their massdriver series of artillery pieces. These cannons use powerful magnetic pulses to hurl explosive shells, or dense-cored armor penetrators.
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:High Explosive(HE)----1d4x10 MD to 10 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 1d6x10 MD to 5 ft radius
Fragmentation--- 5d6 MD to 20 ft radius
Plasma----- 1d6x10 MD to 10 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 2d6x10 MD out to 7,500 ft, 1d4x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload:50 rds each

b) Rapid-Fire Rail Cannon---The old tried and true PS-40R(better known as the ‘SAMAS Gun’)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 1d4x10 MD per 40 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum
Cost: 70,000 credits (PS discount price for mass-production)

c) 20mm Autocannon
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d4 MD single shot (2 ft blast radius)
1d4x10 MD per 5 rd burst (2.5 feet blast radius)
2d4x10 MD(3 feet blast radius) per 10 rd burst(but -1 to strike)
4d6x10 MD(6 feet blast radius) for a 40 rd burst ( -1 to strike)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 800 rd drum
Cost: 80,000 credits

d) Pulse Laser---The PS XL-16-PM, similar to the JA-12 Juicer Assassin's Rifle or Wilks’ Pulse Lasers.
Range:4000 feet
Damage: 4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse.
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:200 shot battery if conventionally powered, Effectively Unlimited if nuclear
Cost: 80,000 cr

e) Ion Cannon
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:150 shot battery if conventionally powered, Effectively Unlimited if nuclear
Cost:80,000 cr

f) Plasma Cannon---Standard retooled plasma projector with a larger battery payload
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:100 shot battery if conventionally powered, Effectively Unlimited if nuclear
Cost: 80,000 credits
g) Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:80 shot battery if conventionally powered, Effectively Unlimited if nuclear
Cost: 100,000 credits
h).50 cal Heavy Machine Gun Double Pod---This pod mounts two .50caliber machine guns in the nose and an ample supply of ammunition. These old-style weapons have excellent range, proven reliability, and good damage, and can be loaded with tracers, explosive bullets, ramjet rounds, and even wood and silver rounds, making them popular choices over more powerful weapons for specialized horror-hunting.
Range:19,000 ft
Damage:(SDC rd) 7d6 SDC per single rd, 2d6x10+20 SDC per 40 rd burst
(Ramjet rd) 1d4 MD per single rd, 5d6 MD per 40 rd burst
Double damage for a synchonized burst from both guns(counts as ONE attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rds(50 bursts) per gun.
Cost: 60,000 credits

3)Wing-mounted Hardpoints(3 each wing, 6 total)---These are the heart of the Mohawk’s armament; its massive throw weight of weaponry! PS chose to follow the original Soviet-pattern pylons, rather than more familiar American military pattern, allowing for the fitting of larger and heavier podded weaponry. The side-mount wings can accommodate six stations for pylon-mounted weaponry; each pylon can carry ONE of the following.
a) Mini-Missile Launcher Pod---32 shot pod
b) Short Range Missile Launcher Pod--- 10 shot pod
c) Medium Range AAM Launcher Pod(only TWO pods can be carried on each wing)--Each pod holds 6 missiles each...the ‘SkyFlash’ ASRAAMM is a favorite.
Range: 15 miles
Damage: 6d6 MD per each SRM missile(3d4x10 MD per volley)
Bonuses:+3 to strike
d) Heavy Anti-Armor Missile Launcher---6 per Hardpoint
Range: 1 mile(5,000 ft)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,or 4
Payload: 6 shot pod per hardpoint
Bonus: +5 to strike ground targets(Aircraft are only +2 to strike)
Cost: 20,000 credits. 6,000 credits per missile

e) ‘Black Talon’ LAAM Pods---These are light ‘smart’ anti-aircraft missiles with enhanced warheads, similar in concept to the pre-Rifts ‘Stinger’ SAMs.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 8 per pod
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again)
Cost: 60 ,000 credits per launcher, 10,000 credits per missile

f) 15mm Micro-Missile Launcher
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expediture of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 2x25-shot box cassettes
Pattern-1A 25 credits per McM
Pattern-1B 32 credits per McM
Pattern-1C 60 credits per McM
Pattern-1D 95 credits per McM
Pattern-1E 220 credits per McM

g) 20mm ‘Fire-Orchid’ Anti-Aircraft L-SAM Micro-Missiles
Range: 8,000 ft for all types
Damage: (Pattern-2a) 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Pattern-2b)6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
(Pattern-2c)(Incendiary)2d4 MD to 5 ft blast radius, does an additional 1d4 burn damage for 2d4 melees
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 3, or 9
Payload: 9-shot clip
Bonuses:(All Patterns)(+3 to strike airborne targets, +1 to strike ground targets) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Special Features:
*Sensor Package---The sensor package includes an IR/Thermal sight, laser rangefinder(2 mile range) and directional mini-radar(2 mile range) with audio-alarm to notify the gunner of target-lock.
Cost: 28,000 credits (3,000 for the launcher assembly, 25,000 for the sighting package)
(Pattern-2a) 90 credits each
(Pattern-2b)130 credits each
(Pattern-2c)150 credits each

h)Bombs---Equivalent to missiles, but DOUBLE the blast radius, or use the following;
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius

i) Mine/Bomblet Dispenser---ONE can be carried per wing
Light Weapons Dispenser(L-SAW)--This is essentially an oversized bomblet dispenser that can be used to bomb targets directly, ‘seed’ areas with minelets, or can launched to act as a stand-off ‘glide bomb’.
Range: SAW has an effective range of 10 miles in atmosphere Submunnitions can be launched up to 300 ft out to either side of the SAW’s flight path.
Damage: (AP Grenade) 4d6 MD to 8 ft area
(Chemical Grenade) Varies by chemical type and atmospheric conditions. A chemical grenade will generally generate a cloud of aerosol 15 ft in radius.
(HE Shell) 5d6 MD to 20 ft area
(Fragmentation Mine) 4d6 MD to 12 ft area
(Incendiary Bomb) Does 4d6 MD to 40 ft area, does an additional 2d6 MD for 1d6 melees, and 1d6 MD per melee for an additional 2d4 melees
(Angel Hair)---Does NO damage, but against conventional power generators and uncovered power lines and distribution systems, it can short out power grids, clog generator air intakes(80% effectiveness against industrial generators and internal combustion engines), and be a general nuisance to clean up.
Rate of Fire: A SAW can volley its submunitions in any combination
Payload:(Typical loadouts)
200 AP/Chemical grenades
50 HE/anti-vehicle grenades
50 Fragmentation Mines
25 Incendiary Bombs
250 spools of wire, each spool holding up to 4,000 ft of aluminum-coated

j) Flare/Chaff Launcher
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 18 per launcher

k) 20mm Long-Barrelled Gunpod
Range: 4,000 ft(16,000 ft in space)
Damage: 4d4 MD single shot (2 ft blast radius)
1d4x10 MD per 5 rd burst (2.5 feet blast radius)
2d4x10 MD(3 feet blast radius) per 10 rd burst(but -1 to strike)
4d6x10 MD(6 feet blast radius) for a 40 rd burst ( -2 to strike)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 460 rd drum
Cost: 60,000 credits

l).50 caliber Gunpod---Combines a fifty-caliber heavy machine gun and ramjet amunnition with a four-shot mini-missile launcher
Range:(Machine Gun) 19,000 ft
(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
Damage:(Machine Gun)(SDC rd) 7d6 SDC per single rd, 2d6x10+20 SDC per 40 rd burst
(Ramjet rd) 1d4 MD per single rd, 5d6 MD per 40 rd burst
(Mini-Missiles)Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Machine Gun) ECHH
(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload:(Machine Gun)2,000 rds(50 bursts)
(Mini-Missiles) 4
Cost: 60,000 credits

m) Light Rail Cannon--Intended for use against targets that are resistant to energy weapons.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 5,000 rd drum
Cost: 80,000 credits

n) Heavy Rail Gun Pod---A five-barreled weapon copied from downed Coalition Black Lightnings
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per 40 rd burst; can only fire bursts
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum
Cost: 90,000 credits

o) Drop Tank(applicable only to Liquid-Fueled models)---Only ONE of these reinforced fuel tanks can be carried on the innermost, plumbed, hardpoint pylon. It holds roughly 250 gallons of fuel, and each Drop Tank can extend the helicopter’s range by 25%
MDC of Pod: 100
Payload: 250 gallons
Cost: 7,000 credits

p) Sprayer Pod---Similar to the Drop Tank, but this liquid storage pod deploys two diffusers from the back to spray chemicals from the back. This is typically used to control agricultural pests(if the infestation is too great, the ‘copter crew typically fires the affected field), crowd control, firefighting, or other vermin management roles.
Range: Depending on wind and altitude, the helicopter can spray a 100 foot wide swath at maximum dispersal.
Damage: Varies by chemical type. If using water, typically does 4d6 HP to vampires(‘Bless the tank, Holy Father!”).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 160 gallons
Cost: 10,000 credits

q) Napalm/Incendi-Gel Tank---Used for vermin control and ground clearance.
Range: Depending on wind and altitude, the helicopter can spray a 60 foot wide, 1,000 ft long swath at maximum dispersal
Damage: Does 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes, plus combustible materials have an 90% chance of catching fire.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:150 gallons
Cost: 12,000 credits. A full tank-up of Incendi-Gel costs 18,000 credits.

r)ECM Module---electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -4 to strike the drone. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 15 mile radius(-2 to strike). Additional pods DO NOT add cumultaive bonuses, but do provide system redundancy.
Cost: 200,000 credits

s) Jammer-----A mini-radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius. Additional pods DO NOT add cumulative bonuses, but do provide system redundancy.
Cost: 100,000 credits

t) Cargo Pod---Holds up to 500 lbs of cargo
Cost: 1,000 credits

4)Overwing Hardpoints(4; 2x2)---The ends of the main armament pylon wings sport two launch rails for ‘Black Talon’ L-SAMs; 4 total.

5)Chaff/Flare Launchers(2)---Mounted on either side of the tail in the trailing ‘strakes’ are two decoy countermeasure launchers.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 per launcher

5)(Optional) A pintle-mounted weapon can be set in the rear or side troop doors and manned by a passenger. This will typically be a light autocannon, light rail gun, or energy rifle.


*Nose Magnetometer Probe---Can mount a ‘procibis’ appendage carrying a MAD (Magnetic Anomaly Detector) sensor; particularly useful in ASW operations.
Range:The magnetometer has a range of 8,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. Powered-up rail guns and fusion nuclear containment fields can be detected out to 16,000 ft.
Cost:80,000 credits

*PS-AH72D----Stealth version, developed for the GNE Rangers. Stealth features include a ‘whisper mode’ that reduces the noise the ducted fans make by as much as 90%(effectively giving the Mohawk a Prowl ability of 70% by auditory cues alone); perfect for urban operations(those complaining neighbors), covert surveillance, or gray ops.
ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic Warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*PS-AH72E---EW unit, distinguished by having extra aerials and antennae sprouting from it. The ‘E’-model replaces troop carriage capability for a two-seat electronic warfare suite in the passenger compartment.
EW Jamming System---A more sophisticated version of the ‘black box’ system used on the Bandito Arms ‘Wild Weasel’ SAMAS. This system has a 01-80% chance of jamming all civilian band communications, and a 01-70% chance of jamming military bands within its 25 mile radius of effect
The target jamming aspect of this system means that in automatic mode missiles and sensor-guided weapons systems are normally -2 to strike the ‘copter. If the EWTech chooses to devote an APM to defense per attack, he or she, using their Electronic Countermeasures skill, can raise that to -6 for a volley, or -9 if they elect to focus their efforts on one missile/weapon for that action.
Electronic Cloak:
In the alternative, the system can be used as an electronic cloak, to mask the aircraft from detection, by creating enough backscatter and sensor ‘fuzz’ to mask the exact location and nature of the intruder. A sharp enemy EW officer will know that something is out there, but he just won’t be able to tell the WHAT and the WHERE. This system is essentially a scaled-up version of the Juicer ‘Scrambler’ electronic cloakers, powered up and improved to shield the larger and more complicated(in terms of sensor signature) aircraft.
Under the protection of the Cloak, the ‘copter has only a 20% chance of being detected by standard thermal optics, motion detectors, and radar. Laser targeting systems have NO bonuses(lose lock-on), and missiles are -2 to strike(Conventional jamming CANNOT be activated simultaneously with this...the increased EM ‘noise’ will blow the cloak).
EM Detector---This system picks up and backtracks radio and radar signals, allowing their point of origin to be determined.

*PS-AH72N---Naval version, with folding frame fans and pylons, arrestor hook assembly, and flotation pods. Its pylons can be rigged for depth charges, mines, anti-ship missiles, and torpedoes(1 short range or 1 medium torpedo can be carried per hardpoint). These aircraft are typically used for anti-ship operations, patrol/interdiction, and boarding support, rather than ASW functions(which is the Sea Sprites’ assigned function).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

you mean this design ( in black) ... Mi-35P.jpg
by the way NICE
The original bulbous front fuselage has been revamped with a flater planar-faced cockpit more familiar to the Super-Cobra or Mangusta Mongoose attack copters(the flatter cockpit panes causing less reflection and glare for the crew).

Arsenal Mi-24V upgrade — Ukrainian upgrade for Mi-24V ... series.png THE ONE IN THE LEFT SIDE ,THE SIX HIND 24 ON THE BOTTOM ?
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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