Monstrous Creations

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Wild Elves: Morrigu

The Morrigu are a race of wild shapeshifter elves. They can change into animals and spend most of their time as such, avoiding contact with humans. Few ever travel outside the forest.
When in elf form, the Morrigu still bear animal traits and are more bestial than regular elves. Each of these wild elves can shift into only one type of animal, and a family line will consist of Morrigu all of one type of animal. Changing into their animal forms alter their shape and size, but their physical attributes, Hit Points and P.P.E. remain the same. S.D.C. remains the same unless noted otherwise in the type of animal, the same with weight. Since the change they undergo is magical in spite of the fact it costs no P.P.E. to transform, it can be undone by a Negate Magic spell, returning the elf to humanoid form but not robbing them of the ability, as it is part of them as an inherited trait and cannot ever be fully negated without killing them. While in their animal forms, the Morrigu do get some added abilities based on their chosen animal. While they do change in size, the most they can reduce in size is by half, so if an animal they assume the form of should be smaller it will not be to scale with the actual animal and appear to be a larger specimen, which might not fool an onlooker for long.
The legend of the Morrigu depicts them as a warlike tribe which served an evil queen until she was overthrown. Fearing persecution and capture, the Morrigu fled into the forests and used magic to become animals. It is said that they forgot their true forms and bred with the animals of the forest, only much later to discover their true nature. But since they had lived so long as animals, the Morrigu could naturally switch forms. Whether this is true cannot truly be said, since no actual records of them were ever kept.
Alignment: Any, typically anarchist
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 5d6, Spd 3d6
Hit Points: P.E.+1d6 per level
S.D.C.: 10 plus any gained from O.C.C. and/or physical skills
P.P.E.: 3d4X10+20, plus 1d6 per level of experience
Horror Factor: None; 10 in animal form
Physical Appearance: Tall, slender humanoids with very handsome, distinguished, youthful features, black or dark brown hair, pointed ears, dark eyes; animal forms have black or dark brown coloration to the fur/feathers.
Height: 6 feet to 6 foot, 10 inches
Weight: 100 to 250 pounds
Average Life Span: 600 years
Damage: Fangs in elf form for all Morrigu do 2d4 damage, most retain these in animal form; claws/talons even in elf form do 2d4 damage
Special/Natural Abilities: Keen daylight vision, Nightvision 200 feet, enhanced sense of smell with 16% plus 4% per level to recognize a familiar scent, track by smell 90%, wilderness survival 90%, prowl 60%, Animal Transformation
Animal Forms: Size is altered based on the specific species (see Monsters and Animals book)
Bird Form: Bite/peck is reduced to 1d6, gains flight at five times normal running speed with land speed reduced to half
Panther/Wolf Form: Running Speed is tripled, leap distance is doubled.
Bear Form: Weight triples, SDC triples, running speed doubled
Bonuses: +1 initiative, , +3 strike, +2 dodge, +2 save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: By available O.C.C.s only
Psionics: Animal telepathy, telepathy
Enemies: Hunters, in addition to standard enemies for the elves
Allies: Animals and faerie folk.
Habitat: Deep forest areas in remote locations
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Hey Gargoyle, I am really impressed with all these monsters and NPCS. Great stuff man. You
have definately taken these post to new heights. I'm still trying to focus my thoughts into
coming up with one just for this month.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:Hey Gargoyle, I am really impressed with all these monsters and NPCS. Great stuff man. You
have definately taken these post to new heights. I'm still trying to focus my thoughts into
coming up with one just for this month.

I would have posted more already but I am also working on a new school or magic for the Invented Spells thread in Magic and Psionics and powers for the New Powers thread on the HU2 side. I have a couple more monsters in the works I should be posting soon.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice! I like it. It adds yet something else to the palladium material.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

The world is fantasy, so it stands to reason there would be more fantasy creatures than what are in the books. I am out to use this to create a Palladium Fantasy Monster Manual.:P

Riding Dragon

Riding Dragons are therapod type dinosaur-like warm blooded animals with massive, powerful hind legs, massive horns and wings. Most of them have vestigal wings, with only 30% of them being able to fly. They are covered in large scales and have yellow and brown markings, occasionally red or purple. The underbelly is creamy tan, yellow, or a whitish color. Females are roughly the same size but have lighter markings typically. Both have slitted eyes which are yellow, orange, red or green in color. The males also have a tiny pair of bone horns on the tip of their nose whereas females do not. Their ram-like top horns curve to protect their faces, with female horns being less pronounced. They are extremely hardy and can go without water for up to three weeks and will travel, without rest, for up to 10 hours in a single day.
They are more easily domesticated than their distant cousins, the Silonar, and are more intelligent and submissive, having been bred to bring out those traits over thousands of years. If not, these beasts would be impossible to control.
Alignment: Any, but usually scrupulous.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1d6+2, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 3d6+2, P.S. 30+1d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 30+2d6, Spd 20+4d6 (X3 flight for those capable of it)
Hit Points: 6d6+14
S.D.C.: 4d6+60
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 2d6
O.C.C.: None, animal
Natural Abilities: 01-30% can fly, can run without pause or exhaustion for 10 hours, Leap 20 feet lengthwise and 10 feet high, can go without food or water for a week without ill effect; eats just about anything from carrion to shrubs to fresh kills of small and large animals, though will not typically attack humans unless provoked. Track by scent 45%.
Attacks per melee: Four
Damage: Bite does 2d6 damage, small foreclaws do 3d6 plus P.S. damage bonus, tail slash 2d6, head butt 3d4 damage, and clawed feet inflict 4d6 damage plus P.S. damage bonus.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +3 dodge, +2 save vs. psionics, +8 vs. Horror Factor. These are all in addition to any attribute bonuses.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Life Span: 50 years
Languages: None, but can learn to understand commands in any language
Enemies: Large predators
Allies: None
Value: 600,000 for a trained specimen
Size: 10 to 12 feet at the shoulders; wingspan usually 2 to 4 feet, rarely 12 to 16 feet (on the ones that can fly)
Weight: 600 to 1000 pounds
Habitat: Deserts of all kinds, particularly sand and stony ones. They cannot survive in climates cooler than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold desert nights followed by hot days are easily tolerated, especially if te animal is covered or sheltered. 3d4 days of constant cold temperatures will kill the beast.

Next Up: Dragon Elves
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Another excellent creation. Please keep them coming! I'm looking forward to seeing the next entry.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Oh, I will. I even got Nimmy to sticky this for us. :D

Dragon Elves

Despite the name, these faerie folk are not elves even though they have the same height and appearance as elves. It is thought that perhaps they shared common ancestors in the ancient past, but it is not known if this is true. Dragon Elves are very cunning and of high intelligence. They differ from elves in that they have small scales and short horns. Dragon Elves dislike other humanoids and often secretly plot against those closest to them, even members of their own race.
Alignment: Considered Diabolic
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 4d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 3d6
Size: 4 to 5 feet tall
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit Points: P.E.X4
S.D.C.: 1d4X10+10
P.P.E.: 1d4X100
Horror Factor: 9
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet, keen normal vision, resistance to fire (half damage)
Spells: Decipher Magic, See the Invisible, Chameleon and Fuel Flame
Psionics: None
Combat: Four Hand to Hand attacks or two using magic
Damage: Claws/punch inflicts 1d6 damage, bite does 1d4 damage, head butt does 2d4
Bonuses: +4 initiative, +1 strike and parry, +2 dodge, +3 roll with impact, +5 save vs. Horror Factor, +2 on all saving throws
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player characters can learn four additional languages at the base skill +20%, Basic and Advanced Math 92%, Lore- Magic 70%, Lore- Geomancy and Ley Lines 70%, Wilderness Survival 62%, Land Navigation 62%, Climb 70%/60%, Cook 80%, Prowl 40%, Pick Locks 80%, plus 2 WP of choice.
Average Life Span: 1000 years, though some have lived to 2000
Note: The like to wear armor and clothes and feel exposed and naked without them. Loners, they seldom work in large groups.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Yeah we have a sticky finally!!!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Yep, I just had to ask nicely. :D

Dragon Bat

Neither a dragon nor a bat, the Dragon bat is a flying reptile with bat-like wings, a snake-like neck and head, a lizard tail and back legs which have talons. The face of the creature is contrary to the rest, as it has a cleft palate and whiskers like a cat. Having no front arms other than the wings, the creature relies on snatching prey up in its mouth or talons. Having poor vision, it relies on echo-location to fly.
Alignment: Considered Anarchist
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1d6+3, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 1d6+2, P.P. 2d6, P.E. 2d6, P.B.1d6, Spd 2d6(X5 flying)
Size: 2 to 4 feet long, wingspan 6 to 8 feet
Hit Points: PEX2
S.D.C.: 6d6
Natural A.R.: 10
P.P.E.: 2d6
O.C.C.: None,animal
Natural Abilities: Fly, Track By Smell 45%, heat sensor to find veins with warm blood, Nightvision 60 feet, keen hearing, sense of smell and echo-location
Attacks per melee: 3
Damage: Bite or talons do 1d4 damage
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 50 years
Value: None
Habitat: Dark caves and unlit castles and crypts
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Faerie Frogs
Faerie Frogs are insect-winged amphibians which will only attack if disturbed, at which point 50-60 will be gathered from the surroinding area to swarm against the invading creature.
Size: 1 and 1/2 inches, wingspan 2 inches
Weight:3-6 ounces
Hit Points: 1
S.D.C.: None
A.R.: Not applicable
Attacks per melee: Two
Damage: Tongue stinger does one point of damage and injects poison. Venom does no damage unless 30 or more individuals attack, at which point 2d4 points of damage are done for 1d4 melee rounds unless a poison saving throw is made (14 or higher).
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +2 to strike, +5 to dodge (automatic)
Natural Abilities: Flying, swim 90%, climb 80% and prowl 85%
Speed: 8 on land, 10 in water, 44 flying
Average Life Span: 5-10 years
Value: 10 gold for alchemical purposes
Habitat: Swamps and wetlands

Flying Frogs
Flying Frogs have batlike wings and are most common in forest areas.
Size: 4-6 inches, wingspan 6-8 inches
Weight: 12-16 ounces
Hit Points: 1d4
S.D.C.: 1d4
A.R.: 5
Attacks per melee: Two
Damage: Acidic bile spitting attack does 1d4 damage to targets within a two foot range
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 strike, +2 dodge
Natural Abilities: Flying, swim 70%, prowl 60%
Speed: 8 on land, 10 in water, 66 flying
Average Life Span: 10-25 years
Value: 10 gold for alchemical purposes
Habitat: Forest
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Jackalopes are rabbits with antlers.
Size: Body 18-25 inches, tail 2-5 inches, antlers 8-12 inches
Hit Points: 1d4+6
S.D.C.: 3d6
P.P.E.: 3d6
Attacks per melee: Two
Damage: Bite does one point of damage, kick with rear legs/claws does 1d4+1 damage, head butt does 1d6+2, running ram with horns does 2d6 damage
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +2 strike, +4 dodge
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet, prowl 35%, and leap 3 feet high and 15 feet long
Speed: 16 (can reach speeds of 66 (45 mph) in short bursts lasting 2d4 minutes
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Value: Fur: 5-10 gold, meat: 4-8 gold
Habitat: Forest and grasslands
Behavior: Rather than always run from predators, these creatures will turn around and ram their opponents with their horns. They feed on grass and leaves. They do not mate often, usually having one litter of 1-4 young at most each year.

Tama Hawk
Tama Hawks have beaks in the general shape of an axe and can attack for greater damage than a normal bird. They are said to have been magically created as a present to a king who loved falconry, though this is highly questionable.
Size: 24-26 inches
Hit Points and S.D.C. combined: 4d6+6
Attacks per melee: Three
Damage: Talons do 2d6 damage, chopping peck does 2d6 with a dive bomb doing double that, bite does 1d6
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +4 to strike, +3 dodge
Natural Abilities: Fly, prowl(silent glide attack) 60%, exceptional vision (can see a foot long rabbit at a distance of up to 2 miles), nightvision 300 feet, track by sight 88%
Speed: 50, but can reach speeds of 88 to 110 (60 to 75 mph) in burst lasting 1d4X10 minutes. Can dive at a speed of 220 (150 mph) in dives
Average Life Span: 8-15 years
Value: Varies
Habitat: Bred in captivity; unknown if any exist in the wild
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


Ribbits are enormous horned toads which eat anything smaller than they are. Their hides are thick and bony.
Alignment: Considered an evil predatory monster
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 6d6+10, P.P. 2d6+10, P.E. 2d6+10, P.B. 1d6, Spd 4d6+10 (X2 hopping)
Hit Points: 5d6+20
S.D.C.: 1d4X20
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 2d6
O.C.C.: None, animal
Natural Abilities: Hold breath underwater for an hour, swim 75%, leap 12 feet up and 30 feet across, prowl in water 40%, huge mouth lined with teeth
Attacks per melee: Three
Damage: Bite inflicts 2d6 damage, head butt does 2d6, punch with forearms does 2d4 plus P.S. bonus, kick does 3d4 plus P.S. damage bonus. A favorite ploy is to entangle opponents with its tongue and suck them into its mouth.
Bonuses: +5 initiative on its first attack, +1 to strike, +2 to entangle with tongue, +3 dodge, +4 vs. poison, +8 vs. Horror Factor and +2 on all other saves
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Habitat: Deep swamps and marshlands
Languages: None except grunts, bellows and growls
Enemies: Large predators
Allies: None
Size: 16-20 feet tall
Weight: 300-400 pounds
Notes: Usually hides underwater until a target passes overhead

More coming...
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Carnivorous Pony
Size: Three and 1/2 feet at the shoulders
Weight: 900-1000 pounds
A.R.: 5
Hit Points: 4d6
S.D.C.: 2d6+12
P.P.E.: 5d6+12
Attacks per melee: Two
Damage: Kicks: Front does 2d6 points of damage, rear 3d6 damage; bite 2d4 damage
Natural Abilities: Swim 50%, leap 4 feet high and 6 feet long, carry 400 pounds and pull 800 pounds
Speed: 38 (25 mph), but maximum speed is 58 (40 mph)
Average Life Span: 12 years
Value: 400-2000 gold
Habitat: Rare

The Hippopotamoose is an antlered hippo which spends most of its day submerged underwater, with the antlers resembling driftwood, and rarely comes to shore.
Size: Body: 9 and 1/2 to 14 feet; tail 14-20 inches
Natural A.R.: 8
Hit Points: 2d4X10
S.D.C.: 1d6X10+20
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 2d6 points of damage, , stomp 2d6+2 damage, head butt 3d6+2, trample by one individual does 6d6+6 damage
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +4 to damage
Natural Abilities: Swim 92%, hold breath for 1d4+4 minutes, prowl/hide in water 50%, keen sense of smell and good hearing
Speed: Land 4, Water 8
Average Life Span: 30-40 years
Value: Meat (whole animal): 300-500 gold
Habitat: Rivers or lakes in grasslands
Range: Southern Old Kingdom
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Wow, some of these are really cool. Nice how you give a variety of actual monsters and some "sort of" monsters.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Thanks and welcome to the boards, Gryphon Chick.

Next up: Boar Bats and Flying Pigs
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Boar Bat
The Boar Bat is an ugly bat, with a snout and tusks like a boar, which does not use echo-location. It bears a litter six young after a gestation period of 6 months.
Size: 14-16 inches, wingspan 5 feet
Weight: 4-6 pounds
A.R. Not Applicable
Hit Points: 2d4
S.D.C.: 1d6+2
Horror Factor: 11
Attacks per melee: 1
Damage: Bite does 1 point of damage, tusks do 1d4+3
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, +4 dodge
Natural Abilities: Fly, nightvision 100 feet, keen hearing, sense of smell
Speed: 4 crawling, 24 flying
Average Life Span: 6-8 years
Value: None
Habitat: Forest and scrub
Range: Land of the South Winds

Flying Pig
Flying pigs have leathery wings on their backs and can fly but are otherwise the same as most other pigs. They live in groups of 12 or so and fly over grasslands, landing to eat. They are primarily vegetarians but will eat most anything to prevent starvation. They are most active during the day and a litter of 2-4 young are born after a gestation of 5-6 months.
Size: Body: 3-5 feet, wingspan: 10-12 feet, tail: 12 inches
A.R.: Not applicable
Hit Points: 6d6+6
S.D.C.: 3d6+10
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: head butt does 1d4 damage, trample 2d4damage , flying pigs do not have tusks, bite 1d4 does damage
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +1 strike, +4 dodge
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet, prowl 50%, track by smell 40%, swim 50%, flying
Speed: 20 (13.5 mph), but can reach speeds of 44 (30 mph) in bursts lasting 3d6 minutes, flying is at 66 and can attain dive speed of 75
Average Life Span: 6-10 years
Value: Meat (full body): 100-200 gold
Habitat: Forests
Range: Land of the South Winds, Old Kingdom
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Totally my bad on that one. I have been bugging him to do a jackalope and bassalope for a couple days now.LOL
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Well, being fantasy, you need a middle ground between regular animals and the full-blown monsters, and it stands to reason some animals would have evolved more defensive capabilities to defend against the more bizarre predators. I hope to get back to more types of wild elves and whatnot next..
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Teddy Bears

Teddy Bears, also known as plushies, are magical creatures made of fabric.
Size: 1-3 feet
Weight: 1-2 pounds
Alignment: Good
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2, M.E. 2d6+6, M.A. 2d6+6, P.S. 1d6+6, P.P. 2d6+6, P.E. 2d6+6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 3d6+4
Hit Points: P.E.X3
S.D.C.: 1d6+10
P.P.E.: 1d4X100
Horror/Awe Factor: 12
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: Unmodified, the plushie can do punch damage of 1d4 plus PS damage bonus; if a bladed weapon is sewn into the plushie, it can do 2d4, plus PS bonus, slicing and puncture damage.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +1 dodge
Magic: Charm, sense evil, befuddle, mend cloth, sleep
Psionics: None
Natural Abilities: Prowl 60%, climbing 50%, sewing 75%, dance 65%
Other Notes: Because they are made of stuffing and cloth, bullets, arrows, knives, swords and other attacks do minimal damage, just creating holes, and punches, kick and clubs just knock them around. Explosives and fire do double damage. They also have no nerves and as a result do not feel pain or trauma. They reproduce by hugging, with the female carrying one cub inside her for 7 months.
Average Life Span: 18-20 years
Enemies: Most teething animals
Allies: Children
Habitat: Hide inside human toy boxes and closets
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Teddy Bears

Teddy Bears, also known as plushies, are magical creatures made of fabric which exist by magic.
Size: 1-3 feet
Weight: 1-2 pounds
Alignment: Good
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2, M.E. 2d6+6, M.A. 2d6+6, P.S. 1d6+6, P.P. 2d6+6, P.E. 2d6+6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 3d6+4
Hit Points: P.E.X3
S.D.C.: 1d6+10
P.P.E.: 1d4X100
Horror/Awe Factor: 12
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: Unmodified, the plushie can do punch damage of 1d4 plus PS damage bonus; if a bladed weapon is sewn into the plushie, it can do 2d4, plus PS bonus, slicing and puncture damage.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +1 dodge
Magic: Charm, sense evil, befuddle, mend cloth, sleep
Psionics: None
Natural Abilities: Prowl 60%, climbing 50%, sewing 75%, dance 65%
Other Notes: Because they are made of stuffing and cloth, bullets, arrows, knives, swords and other attacks do minimal damage, just creating holes, and punches, kick and clubs just knock them around. Explosives and fire do double damage. They also have no nerves and as a result do not feel pain or trauma. They reproduce by hugging, with the female carrying one cub inside her for 7 months.
Average Life Span: 18-20 years
Enemies: Most teething animals
Allies: Children
Habitat: Hide inside human toy boxes and closets

You just had to post them teddy bears everywhere, didn't you? Let's see, you made it a monster, a spell and a power. :roll: heh
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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What can I say, it just worked out that way.
Hopefully I can get my Dagger Elves idea done next.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Teddy Bears

Teddy Bears, also known as plushies, are magical creatures made of fabric which exist by magic.

"Magical creatures which exist by magic"?

You might want to reword that to avoid being quite so tautological.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mark Hall wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Teddy Bears

Teddy Bears, also known as plushies, are magical creatures made of fabric which exist by magic.

"Magical creatures which exist by magic"?

You might want to reword that to avoid being quite so tautological.

Good catch. Edited appropriately.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Wild Elves: Daggers

Dagger Elves are savage, warlike elves living outside the established elf civilization. According to legend, their race was cast out due to low intelligence or taken as slaves to work in noble houses. Some time later, what few lived amongst the civilized elves revolted, leaving corpses and bloodshed in their wake. Consequently, mainstream elf society denies their existence and any rights in elven civilization, allowing them to live outside elven laws. Due to the harshness of their existence, Dagger Elves exist in fewer numbers than civilized elves.
Alignments: Any, but usually lean towards selfish and evil.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6+2, P.S. 3d6+4, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6+2, P.B. 4d6, Spd 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level
S.D.C.: 10 plus those gained from physical skills
P.P.E.: 5d6
Horror Factor: 12
Physical Appearance: Dagger elves look like typical elves except are shorter and have sharp pointed teeth and claws; their hair is usually matted with mud but is otherwise a silver color; their eyes are blood red.
Height: 4-5 feet tall
Weight: 80-160 pounds
Average Life Span: 600 years
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet, climbing 90%, prowl 40%
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Elven and Gobblely 98%, wilderness survival 75%, land navigation 60%, identify plants and fruit 55%, track animals 55%, dance 55%, swim 60%, dowsing 65%, WP targeting plus three WP of choice, plus four physical skills of choice.
Attacks per melee round: 4
Damage: Claws inflict 1d6 damage plus P.S. damage bonus, kick 2d6 plus P.S. bonus, bite does 1d6+2 S.D.C. damage
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +2 strike, parry and dodge, +2 roll with impact, +6 vs. Horror Factor, +2 on all saving throws
Enemies: Elves of other races than their own, humans
Allies: Goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, ogres and trolls
Habitat: Remote forest areas and caves
Favorite Weapons: Knives and daggers
Notes: Will wear armor if it is available. Generally hostile towards anyone they don't know.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Sorry, I got busy over in New Powers. Hopefully I will have more up in here in the next couple of days.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Slithy Toves
Toves are badger-like creatures with reptilian scales and corkscrew shaped lizard-like tails which feed on cheese and make their nests under sundials.
Size: Body: 17-22 inches, tail: 12-14 inches
Weight: 12-24 pounds
A.R.: 7
Hit Points: 3d6+6
SDC: 3d6
P.P.E.: 4d6
Attacks per melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 1d6+1, claw 1d4+1, tail does 2d4 when used as a whip
Bonuses: +2 initiative, +3 strike, +2 dodge
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 300 feet, prowl 55%, track by smell 65%, and can dig very fast (5 feet per minute)
Speed: 10
Average Life Span: 10-40 years
Value: Scales: 20 gold
Habitat: Civilized areas near libraries and sundials
Range: Old Kingdom

Mome Raths
Raths are green pigs with toad-like skin.
Size: Body: 3 and 1/2 feet to 4 and 1/2 feet, tail: 20 inches
Weight: 250-450 pounds
A.R.: 6
Hit Points: 6d6+4
S.D.C.: 4d6+12
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: Tusks do 2d6+3 points of damage, head butt 2d4 damage, trample 2d6+4 damage
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +3 strike, and +2 dodge
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet, prowl 50%, track by smell 60%, swim 60%
Speed: 22 (15 mph), but can run at a speed of 50 (35 mph) in bursts lasting 4d6 minutes
Average Life Span: 6-10 years
Value: Meat (whole animal): 100-200 gold
Habitat: Wetlands and marshes
Behavior: Raths live in groups up to 8 in a territory which may be shared by other groups. They feed primarily on grass and trees. Breeding season is timed with the local rainy season and a litter of 3 to 6 are born after a gestation of 17 to 18 weeks.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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The Jabberwock is a creature sometimes mistaken for a dragon. Its true nature is unknown. It is part plant and part animal, having bark-like skin and a long, thin body. Jabberwocks are feared due to their resemblance to dragons but are actually quite civilized creatures, drinking tea and eating crumpets in their caves which are decorated in finery taken from the people it attacks to feed itself. Jabberwocks are carnivorous creatures but do so out of necessity.
Alignment: Any, but mostly Abherrant
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 1d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 1d6, Spd 2d6 (X5 flying)
Hit Points: P.E. plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 6d6+10
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 16
P.P.E.: 6d6+20
Natural Abilities: Flying, Nightvision 60 feet, superior sense of smell and hearing, track (by smell) 55%, bio-regenerate 2d6 S.D.C. or Hit Points per melee round, prowl 40%
R.C.C.Skills: Languages: Dragonese/Elf, dwarven, and Gobblely at 98%, plus can learn two additional languages at the base skill percentage +10%; cooking 55%, sewing 60%, wilderness survival 75%, identify plants and fruit 75%, preserve food 75% and five Scholar/Technical skills of choice
Attacks per melee round: 4
Damage: Bite does 2d4 damage, claws do 2d6 damage plus P.S.damage bonus, thorny tail whip does 2d6 damage
Magic: Living Fire Magic: Cloud of Smoke, Ignite Fire, Circle of Flame, Fireblast (from eyes)
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 400-600 years
Habitat: Dense forests and abandoned castles and caves
Enemies: Humans, elves, dwarves, Wolfen and most humanoids
Allies: None
Size: 20-24 feet long from head to tail, wingspan 26-30 feet
Weight: 600-800 pounds
Behavior: Jabberwocks have an affinity for acting civilized and will wear clothing such as vests and shirts, belts and boots which have been cut to suit them.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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So are the Bandersnatch and Jubjub Bird next on the agenda?
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Gryphon Chick wrote:So are the Bandersnatch and Jubjub Bird next on the agenda?

Yes, actually.

The Bandersnatch is an enormous snake with a head like a crocodile.
Average Size: 15-25 feet
Weight: 100-160 pounds
A.R.: 8
Attribute Note: The jaws of a Bandersnatch are extremely powerful, with a P.S.of 2d6+20
Hit Points: 4d6
S.D.C.: 4d6+20
Horror Factor: 14
Attacks per melee:2
Damage: Bite does 2d6+2 damage, constriction does 3d6 points of damage every contraction (each contraction counts as one attack). Killing the Bandersnatch or knocking it unconscious will make it release its constrictive hold. Victims cannot attack while in its embrace (limbs are pinned and a P.S.of 24 is needed to pull it off).
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +2 to strike and dodge
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%,keen sense of smell,and swim 60%
Speed: 6+1d4
Average Life Span: 10-40 years
Value: None
Habitat: Dense forest regions
Range: Baalgor Wastelands, Southern Old Kingdom
Behavior: This creature lurks in dark woods waiting for prey and then attack. It will readily attack humanoids and has the reputation of a man-eater. The females lay eggs in loose vegetation and guards them while they incubate. They usually associate in loose groups of less than 10.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Cool, I look forward to seeing what else you come up with. :)
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Part of the problem with this is that the descriptions of these creatures are vague, so it is a matter of figuring out what they are supposed to be.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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:eek: Holy Cow, I stop posting on this site for nearly two months and Stone Gargoyle has
come up with more cool monsters then I've done in two years. Very nicely done. Going to take
me a while to download most of them. Now that my mental malaise is finally gone, I'll be joining
the frenzy soon.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote::eek: Holy Cow, I stop posting on this site for nearly two months and Stone Gargoyle has
come up with more cool monsters then I've done in two years. Very nicely done. Going to take
me a while to download most of them. Now that my mental malaise is finally gone, I'll be joining
the frenzy soon.

Good, because I have been swamped with other projects and had to stop the onslaught of creatures momentarily, though rest assured that I will get back at it soon enough.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Very nice first post on thread Stormchild

love the Obsidian Dwarves.

Magic : None (or is there?)

Intriguing :-D
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Turtle Doves
These birds have an exoskeletal structure resembling a shell on their main body and bone ribbing in other areas.
Size: 11-13 inches
A.R.: 7
Hit Points: 1d6
S.D.C.: 1d6
P.P.E.: 1d6
Attacks per melee: 2
Bonuses: +1 to strike (prey), +3 dodge
Natural Abilities: Fly and has a good sense of direction and navigation 85%
Speed: 55 flying and 2 running
Habitat: Marsh and wetlands
Range: Western Empire, Old Kingdom
Notes: These creatures generally associate in pairs or small groups.They have very good homing abilities.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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A race akin to dwarves and gnomes, the munchkin race are industrious builders and believed to have been employed by many other races in early times to build majestic cities. Munchkins strive in a wide variety of occupations, including cobbling, tailoring, candy making, masonry, carpentry and agriculture. Their vast cities got caught in the cross-fire of the Great War, killing about 40-50% of them. As a result, they live in communities isolated from outsiders.
Munchkins prefer large communities of over 1000 members and get sick and die when away from their people for long periods over six months. So even though munchkins are a surprisingly hardy people, they never stray far from their homes. Standing only two and a half to three feet tall, people frequently mistake them for leprecauns.
Alignment: Any, but most tend to be good; a selfish munchkin is a rarity and usually an outcast.
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2, M.E. 2d6+2, M.A. 3d6+4, P.S. 2d6+2, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B.4d6, Spd 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 10, plus bonuses from physical skills.
Average P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.s Available to Munchkins: Any except magical O.C.C.s
O.C.C. Skill Notes: Add a bonus of +10% to the following skills (all are in addition to O.C.C. bonuses): carpentry, masonry, general repair, rope works and ship building, and +5% to domestic skills.
Horror Factor: Not applicable.
General Appearance: Munchkins are plump, stocky people with good grooming habits and fine taste in clothing, preferring expensively tailored clothing over the mundane.
Size: Two and a half to three feet.
Weight: 30 to 40 pounds.
Average Life Span: 400 year, though some have lived up to 800.
Natural Abilities: Keen sense of smell and hearing, +4 to save vs. poison and disease.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Enemies: Goblins, hob-goblins, orcs, ogres, trolls.
Allies: Gnomes, dwarves and faerie folk.
Habitat: The largest cities can be found in remote areas of the Old Kingdom.
Favorite Weapons: Knives, throwong knives, short swords, slings and staves.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Monkey Dragon
This creature has physical aspects of a monkey, which it resembles in the face and ears, even though it has the scales, horns, tail and coloration of a reptile. The has glider flap style wings attached to its arms which allow it to sail between trees. They are amphibious and range in color from light blue to green to orange.
Size: 32-36 inches from head to tail
Weight: 30-45 pounds
A.R.: 7
Hit Points: 3d6
S.D.C.: 4d6+2
P.P.E.: 3d6
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 2d4 points of damage, head butt 1d6 damage, claws/punch 1d4 damage, tail slap 1d6 damage.
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +3 strike, +1 parry, +3 dodge, and +4 roll with impact/fall
Natural Abilities: Climb 94%, acrobatics 88%, nightvision 30 feet, swim 90%, leap 5 feet high and 20 feet long, or glide for 200 feet
Speed: 14 (double when swinging through tree tops or swimming)
Average Life Span: 5-12 years
Value: None
Habitat: Swamps and marshlands, as well as wetlands and forests.
Behavior: They travel in family groups of between 6 to 8 animals. They are exceptional climbers and leapers/gliders. They generally feed on fruit and leaves. Breeding occurs in the spring and the female lays between 1-3 eggs which hatch after six months, with the young remaining with the mother for up to two years.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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I like the dwarves, Stormchild. We can never have enough subspecies.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Nothing new but I did some editing on some previous posts.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:Nothing new but I did some editing on some previous posts.

I have a couple I am contemplating,but they are not ready yet. Trollkin and Hobblings coming soon!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Trollkin are dwarf trolls who terrorize their victims by lighting their long spiky hair on fire. They will typically perform degrading acts upon their victims before killing them. They are known headhunters and keep the heads of the victims to use as building materials, often having huts made of mud and bones.
Alignments: Typically selfish or evil.
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+4, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6+6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6+6, P.B. 1d6+4, Spd 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 30 plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills.
O.C.C.s Available to Trollkin: Any, except psychic P.C.C.s and Illusionist. They lean toward thief and assassin, witch, monk or clergy;most seldom dabble in magic.
O.C.C. Skill Notes: Not Applicable.
Horror Factor: 10
Physical Appearance: They are generally considered by many to be ugly dwarves, but are terrifying with oversized eyes and ears, pig-like noses and long hair standing straight up. They have corpse-like complexions and fangs typical of trolls.
Size: 3-4 feet tall, with the hair standing an additional foot.
Weight: 100-200 pounds.
Average Life Span: 120+ years; some have lived to 300.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet, excellent day vision, climbing at 65%, swimming at 70%.
Bonuses: +3 to save vs. horror factor, plus an additional attack/action per melee round. Clawed hands inflict 2d4 damage +P.S. bonus, kick 2d5 +P.S. bonus, and bite 2d4 damage.
Magic: By O.C.C. only.
Psionics: None.
Enemies: Humans. elves and dwarves.
Allies: Trolls and kobolds. Ogres, orcs, goblins and hob-goblins are among their second choice for minions.
Habitat: Ophid's Grasslands, Land of the Damned, Great Northern Wilderness.
Favorite Weapons: Spears, slings,boomerangs, short swords and clubs.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Also referred to as hobbits, hobs, hobbles, hoblins, hobkin, halfkins, halfies and halflings, hobblings are believed to be docile, timid members of the faerie folk, but lacking any magical powers. They are comparatively small in number now compared to in older times. Hobblings are a rare sight in human settlements, preferring to remain in their villages their whole lives. It is their limited travels which have led the race to die out from inbreeding and disease. Only a handful of their villages of houses built into the surrounding terrain still remain in the Ophid Grasslands, but they are a rarity.
Hobbling legends say that they were created to serve the gods by planting trees, but then stole the map of creation and the rifts leading to different places and times, with their lack courage being a curse placed upon them to keep them contained. Their numbers may also be low due to their use as food by various predatory monsters. Only the rare hobbling will ever venture outside their villages, and usually only to go to nearby hobbling villages.
Most hobblings living among humans will take on traits of the people around them to overcome their docile nature. Due to the lack of adventures, anyone leaving the village for human settlements and returning is celebrated as a hero.
Hobblings delight in telling stories and making up games. They have a long oral tradition, and those able to write will act as scribes, each writing numerous books. The hobblings maintain a central library as a book repository for such creations known as the Scroll Mound, located in the central area of the Ophid Grasslands.
Stories of the hobblings' generosity abound, fueled by their friendly nature and continuous feasts. It is said a hobbling can eat all day long and still not be hungry, though with their fast metabolisms there is no such thing as a fat hobbling, at least not until they are well progressed in age.

Alignment: Good or selfish
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6+6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 3d6, Spd 2d6+2 running.
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 10 plus bonuses from physical skills.
Average P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.s Available to Hobblings: Any O.C.C. except magic. Most hobblings lean towards thief, merchant, scholar, squire or farmer.
O.C.C. Skill Notes: Add a bonus of +5% to rogue and espionage and wilderness skills, as well as masonry and carpentry. A -5% penalty applies to all Military Skills.
Horror Factor: Not applicable.
Physical Appearance: Hobblings are short, agile people with childlike expressions and youthfulness, and are often mistaken for human children. They have big feet for their size which are calloused from walking without shoes.
Size: 2 to 3 feet tall
Weight: 30 to 60 pounds
Average Life Span: 80+ years; some have lived up to 150.
Natural Abilities: Hobblings can eat three times their own weight in a day and not gain weight. They have a gift for farming and carpentry. Nightvision 90 feet.
Magic: Most hobblings prize magic items but fear it so much as to never dare study it.
Psionics: None.
Enemies: Giants, ogres, orcs, goblins, hob-goblins, kobolds and trolls.
Allies: Elves, humans, dwarves, faerie folk.
Habitat: Hobblings can be found throughout the Northern Wilderness and Ophid's Grasslands.
Favorite Weapons: Knives and daggers, short sword, crossbow, sling.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Stormchild wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hobblings

I would have been happier having never seen this write-up, but good job anyway... :D

Don't be a hater. :P
Stormchild wrote:Trollkin is great, gonna use that one, players have some time to spend in the LotD. :demon:

:D Glad to add to the mayhem.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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(btw I made the following, and any resemblance to something else is happenstance)
Faerie Dragon
These dragon types have recently been appearing over the face of Rifts earth and throughout the megaverse. No-one knows where they might be coming from, or if they are 'true' dragons. However, unlike other dragons these like to be together with others of it's kind, and other dragons don't (as yet) hate them on sight like they do with normal dragons. Most scholars are pretty sure that so far the sightings of these dragons have been Hatchlings but there is only there size, about the size of a st. bernard, and lack of focus that most adult dragons have. The most interesting thing about these dragons are that they come in many different colors and have many different wing types.
Alignment: any, but mostly selfish
Attributes:(H) IQ: 3d6 ME: 3d6 MA: 4d6 SNPS: 3d6+7 PP: 2d6+6 SNPE: 3d6+6 PB: 1d6+12 Spd: 3d6+12 flying spd: 2d6x20
Size: 2.5 to 3.5 feet tall (to shoulder), 6 to 9 feet long (tip of snout to tail tip), 6 to 12 foot wingspan.
Weight: 175 to 300 pounds
Nat. AR: 11
Hit points: PE times 10, +1d4x10 per level
SDC: 3d8x10
PPE: 2d6x10, +1d4x10 per level
Awe Factor: PB÷2
RCC skills: faerie, Goblety, and dragonese at 98%, and two other lang skills, land navigation, dance, gym at level 1 proficiency. Can choose a OCC once they reach third level. Keeping track of each Dragon exp. and OCC exp. concurrently and separately.
NPC skills level: 1d4
Nat Abilities: Nightvision 100' (can see in total darkness), excellent color vision seeing into the near IR and UV. Bio-regen at 5d6 HP or SDC per minute, T-port self LoS or 50 meters per APM, metamorphose at will: 1 hour +1d2 hours per level: from chiwawa size to pony size animal. resistant to all magic (half damage, effects, and durations)
Breath weapon: Each Faerie Dragon will have ether sleep breath (same as cloud of slumber) or charm breath (same as Charismatic Aura)(each w/o PPE cost)
Vulnerabilities and weaknesses: dancing and good music
Combat: Use dragon combat hth,min: 4 APM
Damage: as per SNPS table, tail does punch damage,at L3 replace "tail slap power strike" with "round house Tail strike": power punch damage and counts as two attacks
Magic: can select a Magic OCC @ level 3 and can learn/taught spells at any time. Prin. of magic 82%+3% per level. Can cast spells costing up to half their base PPE from ambient PPE.
Psionics: none saves as a minor Psi
Habitat: anywhere, but are normally found near faerie colonies.
Average life span: unknown
Enemies: Slavers of any sort, and those that hunt faeries.
Allies: these dragons have an uncanny friendships with faeries and sprites.

Rifts notes:
MDC is equal to their HP and sdc combined.
Despises the splugorth.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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The Draconic race is dragonlike but the general height and humanoid shape of faerie folk. They have horn helmets which provide protection to the head and face, with side horns wrapping around under the cheekbones.
Draconics have gray and pale skin tones resembling corpses, spiky wings, serpent tails and sharp claws.
Alignments: Any, but player characters will tend to be good or selfish.
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.A. 366+6, M.E. 3d6, P.S. 5d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 3d6+6 running (X3 flying)
Size: 3+1d4 feet plus 1d12 inches, wingspan 12+1d4 feet
Natural A.R.: 10 body, 14 head
Hit Points: PEX2, plus 1d6 per level
S.D.C.: 1d4X10+20
Average P.P.E.: 6d6+60
Occupational Character Classes: Any, though psionics are not common.
Horror Factor: 8+1d4
Weight: 250-450 pounds
Average Life Span: 1200 years, though some have lived as long as 1600 years
Special/Natural Abilities: Flying, Nightvision 200 feet, keen daylight vision, keen hearing, track animals 60%, bite 2d4 damage, claws 1d6 plus P.S. damage bonus, tail whip 1d6 damage
Magic: By available O.C.C.s only.
Psionics: Standard
Enemies: Trolls and Trollkin
Allies: Humans, elves and faeries
Habitat: Old Kingdom, High Seas
Favorite Weapons: Blades
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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I am contemplating doing an Elfling next.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Wild Elves: Elflings
Elflings are short faerie creatures. They are wood elves which can blend into the forest perfectly with natural camouflage and only eat vegetables; for eating meat, they will become rabid and cannibalistic. Elflings produce a type of natural poison from their canine teeth and can hunt and track creatures extremely well.
Elflings live in hollow trees and logs and are known for aiding humans by repairing their shoes or clothing while they sleep.
Female elflings have wings while males do not. Otherwise they are very similar in nature.
Alignments: Good or selfish
Size: 2-4 feet tall
Weight: 60 to 100 pounds
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2, M.A. 4d6, M.E. 2d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 3d6+2, P.E. 2d6+2, P.E. 4d6, Spd 4d6 running (X3 for female flying)
Physical Appearance: They resemble short elves with tanned skin and dirty brown hair (typically caked in mud) with leaves in it.
Hit Points: P.E. plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 1d4X10
P.P.E.: 4d6
Horror Factor: None
Average Life Span: 500 years
O.C.C.s Available: Any
O.C.C. Skill Notes: +5% to cobbler, baking and tailoring skills.
Magic: By available O.C.C.s only
Psionics: Standard
Natural Abilities: Bite does 1d6 damage, but the bitten person must save vs. non-lethal poison (16 or better) or take 1d4 damage per melee round for 1d4 melee rounds. Prowl 60%, Nightvision 60 feet, track animals 65%, flying (for females only).
Bonuses: +4 save vs. poison, +2 to all other saving throws. +2 to strike and dodge.
Enemies: Dwarves, goblins and trolls
Allies: Faerie Folk
Habitat: Ophid's Grasslands, Great Northern Wilderness.
Favorite Weapons: Bow and arrow, slings, thrown objects.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Coming up soon: Caterpiggies
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

A caterpiggie is an over-sized caterpillar which gorges on leaves and bark. Natural camoflage allows the animal to blend with the forest.
Size: Up to 4 feet long
Weight: Eight pounds
A.R.: 8
Hit Points & S.D.C. Combined: 4d6
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Has tusks which can bite for 2d4 damage, can trample for 2d6 damage with sharp hooflike feet (16 of them)
Bonuses: +2 initiative, +2 to strike, +4 or 20% to maintain balance
Natural Abilities: Prowl 60%, climb 99%, excellent polarized vision
Speed: 5
Average Life Span: 4-6 years
Value: One gold for alchemical purposes
Habitat: Forests
Range: Great Northern Wilderness
Behavior: These lage bugs feed on rodents and small vegetables. Faerie Folk sometimes ride them for fun.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Thathurla wrote:Could some one make the Greek Vampire the Lamia. If possible could it be a playable R.C.C.

I can attempt it, but it would be better if I knew a general description to work off of.
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