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Unread post by Her0man0 »

Ok, so i took that Jack-o-Lantern idea and am making 2 powers out of it. While ive finished the first one, ill work on the 2nd tomarrow and hopefully finish it.

The first one is A.P.S. Jack-o-lantern and the second ill call PumpkinPatch
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A.P.S. Jack-o-Lantern

The character is able to transform into a being with a pumpkin head (complete with carved face and glowing mouth and eyes) and pumpkin vines for a body. Additional abilities include pumpkin grenades and the ability to breathe fire.

1. Pumpkin Body
When transformed the characters head and face take on the appearance of a jack-o-lantern complete with the large orange pumpkin globe (at least 3ft in diameter), carved features, and glowing eyes and mouth. The characters facial features, though cut into the pumpkin head, do move when the character speaks, and the voice sounds hollow like speaking through a tin can (or pumpkin). Though the head looks just like a hollowed out pumpkin it’s actually much tougher than the real thing and has its own S.D.C. of 150, has a natural A.R. of 12, and its damage is figured separate from the rest of the body. Due to its comparatively large size, attackers do not receive any sort of penalty when attacking the head of this character, though both head and body can only be attacked separately from each other.
The actual body is tall (1D4 + 6ft total with pumpkin head) and made up of the pumpkins vine with a thin torso (1ft in diameter max), thin arms and legs (3-6 inches in diameter max), and long thin fingers that end in points (1D4 damage per finger when ripping or clawing). Though thin and wiry the pumpkin form is strong with a P.S. that’s considered extraordinary and the rough vine hide provides an S.D.C. of 100 and a natural A.R. of 10. Due to the increase in mass the characters gains 2D4x10lbs in weight when transformed. The character in this form can actually be quite creepy, imagine a tall skeletal body with too long and too thin arms and legs with a too large pumpkin head with glowing eyes and mouth on top. This is the reason for its horror factor.

Durability & Healing (Special): Due to the strange nature of the characters pumpkin body all attacks must be called as to weather they are directed toward the head or the body; though both must be destroyed to actually kill the character! This means if both the pumpkin head and the vine body aren’t destroyed the character will eventually heal all damage and return! If the head of the character is destroyed the body will still be able to function only blinded with -6 to strike parry and dodge until the head eventually heals. If the body is destroyed the head will still be able to function but will only be able to speak and see until the body is regenerated. If the head is separated from the body (but not destroyed) than the penalties still apply but the character can easily regenerate by putting the head back onto its shoulders (takes 1 melee action to regenerate this way). The character is not able to change back to its normal form until both parts have been regenerated or put back together.
Both the head and body will each heal damage at the rate of 1D6 S.D.C. per one minuet (1d6x10 per 10 minuets), and if only one of the two is completely destroyed it will regenerate enough to function normally once three quarters of the total S.D.C. is healed.

Bonuses: Due to the long, thin and lanky form the character gets +2D6 to the speed attribute and +2 to dodge when a jack-o-lantern. Plus the character gets has a Horror Factor of 14 (optional) while in this form.

Damage: The pumpkin head does 2D6 Damage + P.S. damage bonus with a head butt, the hands and feet are large and tough and add 1D6 damage to hand to hand and kicking attacks, and the claws at the end of the fingers do 1D4 damage per finger (5D4 per hand, due to the large size of the hands) when used to claw or tear.

Vulnerabilities: The tall and lanky body, not to mention the giant head, is hard to disguise in public and will have a hard time fitting through ordinary sized openings and doorways. The glowing jack-o-lantern face cannot be “turned off” so it makes an excellent target at night.

Exploding Jack-o-lanterns

In either form the character is able to generate classic Jack-o-lanterns in the palm of the hand to be thrown as a sort of pumpkin grenade. The grenade takes 1 action to create and 1 action to throw and does the same amount of damage no matter the actual size of the pumpkin created.
Range: Normal throwing range for the character depending on the P.S. attribute.
Damage: 3D6 damage to a 1ft radius + 1D6 damage and 1ft radius at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Bonus: +1 to strike with pumpkin grenade at levels 1, 4, 8, and 12.

2. Breath Fire

The glow of the jack-o-lantern face is actually a candle sized flame sitting in the middle of the pumpkin head. By “blowing” this flame out of the mouth the character is able to breathe a jet of fire. The flame has a short range and does minimal damage but can be used to start fires if directed at combustible material. This ability can only be used in jack-o-lantern form.
Range: 6ft long and 3ft wide cone shape.
Damage: 2D6 damage +1 per level of experience.
Bonus: +3 to strike
Last edited by Her0man0 on Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Jack O'Lantern is a too powerful with that fast a regeneration rate and the ability to survive without a head and with the fire attack. The damage is not too high, so passable. The AR is too high; the head should be 12 and the body 10, since plant fiber is not as strong as wood. Healing rate should be reduced to 4d6 per 10 minutes, not sure why you have it 1d6 per minute, as that is way too high for an APS power. Overall, this is too powerful as written but will work if toned down a tad bit.
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gmapprentice wrote:one more message before i leave to hate myself for the rest of the night.

i really am sorry about the attitude. i do not get bad days often (for the most part i'm just depressed), but when i do i act like a complete bas****. also, i've never taken a class on mechanics or physics, i do not have a perfect memory and Earth Science (physical science) was my worst class in terms of actual grades and enjoyment. i even gave up my dream of being a scientist because of it. i don't know how to fix the power, which maybe i shouldn't have volunteered to make anyway. sorry i'm not doing a good job, sorry for being an ***hole and sorry if i seem like i'm asking you to do the work for me.

Game mechanics are the way a scenario runs. If a person drops something, it has to be picked back up, it won't just reappear. It has nothing to do with real mechanical knowledge or science, it has to do with the way something happens making sense. When Stone Gargoyle says he does not understand the game mechanics, he means he does not understand how someone with no limbs would put them back on. They have to either return to the character and reattach themselves (the easiest method) or dissolve into nothing and reappear on the hero. If the SDC of the arms are lost, the arms are lost and you have to account for how the hero gets his arms back. The way you have it written you have the hero having his arms destroyed and then just getting them back as if nothing happened. The problem is how the power will be playable in game with this kind of lack of understanding of game mechanics.
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Venom mist: [minor]
'Breathe deep boys'

The character can affect a metamorphosis in his body, turning his hair into billowing green or blue vapours that surround him. For a 20 foot area around his body, targets are indistinct, and ranged attacks suffer a -6 to strike through the fog (close ranged melee attacks do not suffer any vision penalties though). X0ray vision, sonar andradar easilly penetrate this power.
More to the point, these fumes are toxic. anyone inside the cloud must make a saving throw each round vs non lethal poison. a failure means a target starts to gag and choke on the vapours, suffering a loss of one action, and a -2 to all combat maonoevres for the round. worse, the acidic nature of the cloud inflicts 2D4 damage to targets, increased to 2D6 (+1 per level) if the target has exposed eyes, nose or mouth. It requires only the barest concentration to maintain this power. The character is immune to his own vapours, and has +4 to save vs toxins.

Psychic storage: [Minor]
'Let me help you'

The character buzzes with a kind of super psychic energy which he finds hard to access, but can transfer to others.
1) Aura: the character's aura reads as twice as powerful as he really is, and gives off otherwise confusing readings. His aura is impossible to read. Likewise, he gives off stray x-rays, gamma rays, microwaves and other high end E/M rays,. He cannot be x-rayed due to the interference, and likewise living anatomy, life or death sense and other information gathering powers are foiled when used on him. He does radiate his position to other energy senses though.
2) protections: the scattered radiation he gives off affords him a +6 to saving throws Vs psionics and +2 vs Magic. He also radiates a constant mind block style effect that guards him directly from telepathy.
3) Lend power: the character has an ISP base of 4D4+ME with another 1D6 per level. he cannot access this power without having actual psychic powers himself, but he can lend this amount to other psychics. ISP recovers as usual (faster if the character knows meditation)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

Powers I was working on got deleted...
Be back in a few days and will post them then... Sorry
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Spectrum Shift (Minor) By Steeler49er
"In overcast day, in darkest night, no Rave shall escape my sight! So let those who worship Disco-Techs might beware my power, Super Spectra's light!"
"A lifetime of working in a nuclear power plant has given me a healthy green glow. ..."

This powerful yet seemingly benign ability lets a super alter the color of light itself in a given area and is the companion to matter affecting 'Color Manipulation' super power. Spectrum Shift is a form of Light Control similar to Bend Light and is a Much weaker version of the Energy Conversion Major super power. The super can change the color of all light in a given band equal to 500nm per level, into any other single color. This could cause for instance, all visible light in a target area (found at roughly 350-750nm) to turn a single monotone color like; Red, green, blue, violate, yellow, or pink!
At higher levels the super can begin to affect light found in the Invisible ends of the spectrum. All of this is done by charging the light energy in a given area with a strange matrix of energy which either extends or reduces the length of waves in the target zone.
Every level the super can add one more color in a given color changing action to the zone.

Range: 80ft +20ft per level
Area: 10ft (+5ft per level starting at level two)
Duration: Starting at level 3 and beyond, 1 minute per level (Doubles every third level). This duration is Only in affect if the super initiates it, otherwise the second concentration is lost that particular zone returns to normal. It takes One additional attack to initiate a duration on a zone but as many zones may be given a duration in that action as the super pleases.

ATPM: 1 per use of the power. Maintaining a shift pattern requires concentration and each zone maintained costs the super 1 Attack per melee, Even if zones overlap (IE; the super chooses to create one red zone 50ft away from himself, another behind him at 20 ft that is all green, a zone in front of him that is blue, green and yellow. In that same field he creates an additional zone that produces radio-waves. Even though it occupies the same space it is considered a separate Color Shift and adds +1 to the total AtPMs in the round for a grand total of -4AtPMs lost per melee it is maintained.
Mobility: At first level the super can Not fix an area with a color shift, if the super moves than they must make a balance check so as to keep active zones from also moving. Every point the roll fails by, the zone moves 1 foot which doubles for every other point the roll failed by up to the maximum distance the super moved (or was moved by).At level two the super can 'Sticky' a zone so as to give it independent duration when the super is away from it. This duration can be upped by simply rentering the zone.
Targeting: To target an area the super rolls D20 and adds in MA bonuses using the PP+Bonus chart and gains +1 to strike every other level.

Effect: Shifts electromagnetic spectral waves, extending or shortening them and in effect changing the color of a given beam of light. The maximum convertible amount of light convertible is 500nm per level. It can be turned into a single color (Per level) measuring as little as 2NM in size and doubling every other level. By level 15 this number is 256nm and takes up over Half of the visible light spectrum, meaning that in one use 7500nm worth of invisible light could easily be converted into Pure white light and increasing the ambient white light in area by as much as 15 times! The same could be reversed to produce allot of Raw Heat, Gamma ray radiation, X-ray radiation, Radio static, or Microwave energy.
Attempting to produce shapes (drawing or writing on a wall for instance) is difficult and is at 20% (+5% per level) to do so. Simple shapes are easy, words are at -10%, complex shapes are at -30%, and works of art are at -50% to do so.
Save: 12+PE bonuses when use against beings made of light and Half duration.

LVL: At level 6 the super can cause any and or all light exiting a zone to return to (snap back to) its prior wavelengths.
Watt for Watt: Every 1 degree of heat Fahrenheit in an area 1 watt of visible light can be produced in a given color per cubic inch. The MAXIMUM amount of wattage convertible with this power is 10% per cubic inch per level. Each use of this power reduces the light further but also reduces number of attacks per melee to do so.
Limitations: As long as the super can see/sense other spectrum's of light those colors can be manipulated and other wave lengths can be converted into them. If the super can not see/sense them it can not effect them.

Uses for this power are MANY and varied.
1) Inky Black: IF The super can see invisible colors of light and is of a high enough level, it could convert all Visible light in an area into said invisible color creating a Black out zone! conversely that zone sees the light for that given invisible color light up! At low levels this is hard since as little as 10 watts may be converted per cubic inch, but if a zone is already dim than it can be made black.

2) Blinding: By converting heat (IR and or UV light) into visible light the super can produce Intense amounts of light in a zone. Even the heat from a human body is enough to light up a dark room. The end result however is that doing so drops the temp in that zone by 1 degree per watt of light the super is going for and can cause an Instant cold zone to form. This may also produce light winds as the cold zone sucks in all hot air in the area while trying to fill the heat zone.

3) Wind: As stated by changing the color in a zone, small gusts of wind may be produced, enough to turn pages, cool down a place or if the temperature drops sharply enough over a large area, it could even be enough to knock down a small child. Great fer hot days.

4) Healthy green glow: The light reflected off of, or generated by the supers body may all be altered into a single color that causes the super to stand out quite nicely at parties, additionally by converting bands of invisible light into visible the super can produce More ambient light which can be used to produce an unearthly glow. This can grant +1 to PB for every +25% of ambient wattage produced and Must cover 25% or more of the Visible light spectrum to do so. Some races see in other colors and consideration should be given to this Halo effect.

5) Laser safe: By converting incoming light based attacks into harmless colors of light the super may be made to take little if Any damage. The super must first know of the attack and Must initiate a defense by producing a zone of conversion Before the attack is made. Additionally if the color of the laser is on a spectrum that the super is not able to sense, it can Not be converted. The field reduces damage by 10% per level (by converting that much wattage into another color). This can ONLY be used as a parry If the super can normally dodge high speed attacks due to being able to react faster than the attacker (Gets up the field Before the shot is taken).

Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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I think you mean ME bonus to strikes, not MA. Other than that it looks okay, but I'm not understanding the wind thing. I would think that shifting to different colors would change the heat, so how does changing the heat affect the light colors, and would creating patterns of light on something burn it at all?
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Jack O'Lantern is a too powerful with that fast a regeneration rate and the ability to survive without a head and with the fire attack. The damage is not too high, so passable. The AR is too high; the head should be 12 and the body 10, since plant fiber is not as strong as wood. Healing rate should be reduced to 4d6 per 10 minutes, not sure why you have it 1d6 per minute, as that is way too high for an APS power. Overall, this is too powerful as written but will work if toned down a tad bit.

I'd also remove the Breathe Fire sub-ability as it detracts from the purity of the Jack-O-Lantern body as well. I agree on the healing rate you suggest, although his use of A.R. is weird, as the way the power is written, a bullet to the head would have to beat the A.R., but a baseball bat would not. The S.D.C. values are acceptable, but the head should be stronger than the body, since it's a larger, bulkier target. I also would limit the characters P.S. to being Extraordinary, but would drop the additional damage bonus (seems like a double bonus IMHO). Also, I'd list claw attacks as 3D4 in total, not per finger for faster combat, and what about kick attacks?

I was trying to keep my criticism conservative, but Mephisto is right. Strength should be limited to a PS of Extraordinary, since that is all APS Wood has. And the breath weapon/fire attack does seem like overkill even if it does not do much.
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gmapprentice wrote:since Body Orbs has been causing problems for everyone, do you guys mind if i stop trying to fix it?

That's up to you, man. I am really not trying to discourage you from writing powers, just trying to get you to think them through a little better is all.
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

ok guys, ive taken some of your suggestions to heart and reposted the aps jack-o-lantern with a few of those changes and wrote in certain reasons for abilities that were not changed.

now i dont think this ability is too powerfull for a variety of reasons. first, when compaired to most other aps powers this one came out a little weak, and im not just comparing to aps metal or stone either, aps rubber has a faster healing rate, a better AR, and is immune to more attacks.

i like the special ability of having to kill the head and the body seperatly for 2 reasons, first; it adds variety and mistique to a creepy power, its adds to the flavor and is unique. second; it helps to make the ability on par with other aps powers, without it, what would stop some guy from just bashing the giant head in till the monsters dead, it would just be weak.

the jack-o-lantern has a glowing mouth and eyes because of the fire burning inside the pumpkin, i added this as the reason why it can breath fire but left it weak on purpose, i thought it added to the mistique and fit perfectly so i left it in and just added to the description.

i really like your comments and constructive criticisms, and did think them over and did apply some of them, but as you can see i had my reasons for the rest.

if you still think the power is too strong just check the healing rate and power levels of some of the other aps powers, i know you guys tend to think the powers i make are a little strong, but to be honest i tend to think some of the powers made on this site are a little weak compaired to the ones in the books IMHO
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think you mean ME bonus to strikes, not MA. Other than that it looks okay, but I'm not understanding the wind thing. I would think that shifting to different colors would change the heat, so how does changing the heat affect the light colors, and would creating patterns of light on something burn it at all?

Answere to question is found in the below spoiler so as to save thread space.
•Ah you caught the MA did yah :-D ... Glad you noticed. That all stemmed from a few years ago when I was trying to look for the Mental equivalents of Physical Attributes. The thing is that I noticed everyone was using ME & it's bonuses fer everything and it had begun to look like an innaproriate stat to be used... Most often it looked wrong for usage in situations where feats of mental dexterity were at play.

After much work, game testing, and internal debating I found that MA best reprisented the Mental equivalent of PP. It fit all the marker (and was relativaly unused ta boot) since a large part of MA is Charisma and Manipulation and both require mental finess. ME is too blocky and crass. It is the Mental duplicate of Physical Endurance and it's Over worked too often. It relays on building walls and resisting things, it is kinda best summed up as being mentally stuborn and has little to do with flexibility. I say let's give it a break and use MA alittle more often, especially when it comes down to issues of mental finess where in simpathy & empathy for your target is involved.

The wind thing stems from the fact that the Inter play between warm and cool, hot and cold, is how wind is formed in the real in the first place. When a zone of heat turns istantly cold, all of the air molecules begin to group closer towards eachother and this leaves a Vacuum/empty spot where hotter/warmer molecules of Air, which are pushing Off of eachother (The exact opposet of what happens with cold), shuv their way in to occupy the vacant spot. This shoving action means that, in time, the inerta of the hot matter will slam into the colder matter, knocking it away with its kinetics in its via for possition in the vacuum... Creating motion, creating wind. This can take a few moments/miniutes even before you see the full results but Some wind should start to be formed almost right away.

•As to your comment "I would think that shifting to different colors would change the heat, so how does changing the heat affect the light colors", I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand the question :-? I'll need a small example of its meaning before I can feild this one.

•To your other question though, "and would creating patterns of light on something burn it at all?", the answere is Yes! But I just hate when such powers get used that way too often cuz it tends to cause players to ignore Other possable creative uses for a ppower and can stagnate an ability so, I chose to limt discussion on that subject to a minimum and focus on other practical uses... Leaving up to GM's & Players to feild such discussion...

But, since you Did ask it would only be fair that I did let in on sum o dat powers abilities.
Heat is caused by, But seldom exchanged/channeled by, colors of Light/wavelengths (aka: the Electromagnetic Spectrum) and this happens when the EM field of a paticular color of light is disruptive to a paticular EM field of matter. If the ever the twix shall ever meet, ZAPPO, instant bad feelings! The more wattage of light and the more focused it is, the more disruptive the results. Should the disruption be great enough it can cause molecular bonds to break down and for matter to separate (Sometimes down to the mono-atomic level).

Now as to your question... By alteeing the color/wavelength of light to a "More damaging color", say UV, yes you Can do damage in time. If it is already a hot day (Suns out, lotsa UV around) and you convert surrounding ambient bengin colors of light, like say radiowaves (Which in a city there are allot of, you could as much as double, triple or quadruple the amount of ambient heat in an area!-(Hot day to Very hot!, 90° quickly can become 180°, 270°, or 360° in seconds!) Since PB has NEVER put of a degrees° or Watts to damage chart the best way to do so is to say that one takes 1D4 points of damage for ever 50°degrees for ambient over max biological tolerances, which for humans is 100°, for every 3seconds (Generally one attack) spent in the field of heat.

If this is more directed (say a flash light) the best you can get is to turn the visible light into more disruptive IR or UV colors to produce heat. Real heat/radiation damage however comes from some of the Lower frequencys of light like Microwaves and most of the higher ones like X-Rays & Gamma Rays. In the case of a flashlight, take the wattage and convert and double it when converting it to IR or UV, if that number Doubles the above results of Ambient light damage than use the above listed damages (1D4 sd for every 50° over 200°). If you're converting it to Microwaves that damage is the same fer ambient light but microwave will tend to fitzle, spark, and crackle doing little to No damage against many metal and some ceramics. IF you use X-rays than reduce the damage by half and convert it over to 100Rads° or better to say One Gray (Gy). Or whatever figures you choose to use since it's all greek math to me!
Watts, Joules, Greys, Rad, Sievert=100 rems... etc...

For Rads (or whatever) you'll have ta crack the math.

FYI-A great and fun energy to DUMP harmful colors of light into would be Radio-waves... Which could screw up local radar... Not sure on that, but it'd show up as a Burst of sound over a radio set to the right Frequency. Additionally you could use this power to disrupt Microwaves, microwave signals, stop/reduce dangerious radiation, disrupt a radio broadcast, or convert a Known freq of Radio into Visable light so as to Visually Track it to it's source!!!
You could also convert OTHERS body heat into light inorder to make them glow at night, which would also cool them quickly if the effect is directed into them (Via a failed savings throw). But that last part could Also be good if yer in a desert!
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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As to jack o lanturn... It seems fine to me, personally (Even though it'sa lil weak compaired to say, APS: Mercury)... But I would say that you should give it a STATIC weight since it no longer maintains a strickly human shape (IE it's a complete change in Mass volume)... But that's just purest of me splitting hairs... I would however give it a Horror Factor which increases when in a pumkin patch, and further increases at night!!! It would work Bestest against Humans...
VS Humans 13 (Spooky number)
+2 in a pumkin patch!
+1 additional at night!
Against Other races with no such history with Halloween of for those never seen the Penuts HS, never had pumkins, and have never read Anything by Jhonen Vasquez, reduce by half. :twisted:
Dwarves, Elves and other Palladium races have all read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac or Squee and are Totally suRseptERble!

I like it! :-o

"Look out Linus, it's the Great Pumpkin and he Looks PISSED!"
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Her0man0: The AR issue is not about what is better or higher, it is about the substance capacity of what you change into. Regular plant AR is less than wood, and wood is not as strong as metal, so saying it is weaker than mercury as a defense is kind of like saying "well, at least it is not as strong as iron." It is a plant APS, so of course it will not be as powerful as APS metal or stone.

Steeler49er: The Reason MA does not convert as well as ME is obvious: ME bonuses are expressed as +! or +2, the same as PP bonuses, whereas MA is expressed in terms of +20% or +30%.
The heat issue is related to lasers, in that different colors of laser are associated with levels of heat. Colors are energy/vibrational frequencies, and changing frequency would be like adjusting settings. Does no one understand energy wave frequencies but me?
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Steeler49er: The Reason MA does not convert as well as ME is obvious: ME bonuses are expressed as +! or +2, the same as PP bonuses, whereas MA is expressed in terms of +20% or +30%.
The heat issue is related to lasers, in that different colors of laser are associated with levels of heat. Colors are energy/vibrational frequencies, and changing frequency would be like adjusting settings. Does no one understand energy wave frequencies but me?
Not sure what you're talking about with the lasers because there is Alot to light itself so I just needed to know which particular aspect of light you had wanted to know about, I tried to cover a bunch basics for everone else Not familiar with EMS physics. I still have trouble explaining things in simple terms from time to time and often I lose stuff in the translation!
Ma bad!

But as to the issue with MA, I placed the "use PP bonus, chart" thinggy there so as to say "use that chart but apply your MA as the number to use", I should have figured it might get confusing and was fishing fer the right way to say it.

CJ did the same exact thing in Nightspawn but he said it better. In Nightspawn, and now the rest of the Palladium universe you use IQ with the ME bonuse chart to figure out what your Perseption bonuses are. This is the same set up!

Again as to your question on light, I just don't quite follow what it is you' re asking. I'd think it be safe to say that I have had a decent understanding of how it works it's just
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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My question just concerns high levels of concentrated light and the heat it might generate. It is really not that big an issue.
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Oh... Okay then.
Altering the color of a laser Does alter its damage, that I can say. Its kinda like having one of them varialbe frequency light lasers in Rifts. If you know the right color to use than you can overcome reflective armors fer instance (Like GB), or by getting Just the right color of green Light with a powerful enough laser (High Wattage), you could cut diamond. You can alter laser to be Much more efficiant with this power, producing Heat in some cases where there may not even be any.

Well, I just needed to say that I'm gonna be gone fer a day or so and just wanted to say, "Have fun yawl"...
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

[quote="Stone Gargoyle"]Her0man0: The AR issue is not about what is better or higher, it is about the substance capacity of what you change into. Regular plant AR is less than wood, and wood is not as strong as metal, so saying it is weaker than mercury as a defense is kind of like saying "well, at least it is not as strong as iron." It is a plant APS, so of course it will not be as powerful as APS metal or stone.

i know where your going with this and i agree, that’s why i said in my post that im not comparing to aps metal or stone, and yes on a practical level your right, i mean one good hit with a baseball bat or fist would destroy the pumpkin head not to mention a sword to the vines, that’s why i fudged the S.D.C. and AR a bit to make it a little stronger than it had any right to be, but that being said, have you ever felt the vines in a pumpkin patch, they are pretty tough, not as tough as wood but way tougher than your average plant material.
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Her0man0 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Her0man0: The AR issue is not about what is better or higher, it is about the substance capacity of what you change into. Regular plant AR is less than wood, and wood is not as strong as metal, so saying it is weaker than mercury as a defense is kind of like saying "well, at least it is not as strong as iron." It is a plant APS, so of course it will not be as powerful as APS metal or stone.

i know where your going with this and i agree, that’s why i said in my post that im not comparing to aps metal or stone, and yes on a practical level your right, i mean one good hit with a baseball bat or fist would destroy the pumpkin head not to mention a sword to the vines, that’s why i fudged the S.D.C. and AR a bit to make it a little stronger than it had any right to be, but that being said, have you ever felt the vines in a pumpkin patch, they are pretty tough, not as tough as wood but way tougher than your average plant material.

So make it AR 11 on the body and AR 13 on the head. No way it is AR 12 on the body and 14 on the head, though. That would be about right.
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actually, i took your suggestion and made it 12 on the head and 10 on the body about 4 hours ago, i just edited the power instead of posting it again lol
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Her0man0 wrote:actually, i took your suggestion and made it 12 on the head and 10 on the body about 4 hours ago, i just edited the power instead of posting it again lol

:rolleyes: Alrighty then.
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Invulnerability Curse (Broken Major)
"Mister don't try to drink the cursed under the table, you'll loose."

The hero empowered with this power might just hate what ever twisted god cursed him with it. For while this power prevents all harm being caused to the hero, they feel each and every attack as if they were happening to a normal person. While there is nothing short of a deity that can cause him direct harm, the hero will suffer the pain from any attack, suffering the effects of any drug or chemical with out damage, is vulnerable to mental attacks from psionics and magic. Starvation or no breathable air will hurt , but not kill the hero. Any environment that would normally kill the hero will just incapacitate the hero till the environment is changed.

As this hero lives they have a greater tendency to develop insaneties. Thou the sane ones ether try to live a normal life avoiding hero work, or make it their life's quest to get ride of this power.

Bonuses: Takes no damage from anything other then a deity's attack. +1 ME per level
Penalties: Any and all attacks on this char will hurt.

(posted this late at night so might not be all to put together right)
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Unread post by taalismn »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Invulnerability Curse (Broken Major)
"Mister don't try to drink the cursed under the table, you'll loose."

That flamethrower should be taking off skin and melting muscle...and I should be diving into shock and blessed unconsciousness...instead, I only FEEL like I'm being burned alive as the flames lick over me...and with my continued consciousness I'm reminded again that 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility', and so, since I'm effectively fireproof and still moving, I'm obliged to walk up this guy's stream of napalm, block his weapon with my fist, and wring his neck until he's unconscious, in spite of the fact that all I want to do right now is curl up on the ground and make the world go away...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Invulnerability Curse (Broken Major)
"Mister don't try to drink the cursed under the table, you'll loose."

The hero empowered with this power might just hate what ever twisted god cursed him with it. For while this power prevents all harm being caused to the hero, they feel each and every attack as if they were happening to a normal person. While there is nothing short of a deity that can cause him direct harm, the hero will suffer the pain from any attack, suffering the effects of any drug or chemical with out damage, is vulnerable to mental attacks from psionics and magic. Starvation or no breathable air will hurt , but not kill the hero. Any environment that would normally kill the hero will just incapacitate the hero till the environment is changed.

As this hero lives they have a greater tendency to develop insaneties. Thou the sane ones ether try to live a normal life avoiding hero work, or make it their life's quest to get ride of this power.

Bonuses: Takes no damage from anything other then a deity's attack. +1 ME per level
Penalties: Any and all attacks on this char will hurt.

(posted this late at night so might not be all to put together right)

Meh, just seems like God Moding in a way.
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I would have to agree with Gryphon Chick. Plus it lacks logic because the pain would still cause trauma, which should logically send the character into shock. It does not seem very well thought out.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gmapprentice wrote:didn't he say, "(posted this late at night so might not be all put together right)"?

Yes, he did. Normally his powers are much better put together.
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Unread post by taalismn »

I'd give MAJOR setbacks and penalties for such a power...
But, in his defense, Drewkitty's been helping me test a power I'm working on...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Invulnerability Curse (Broken Major)
"Mister don't try to drink the cursed under the table, you'll loose."

That flamethrower should be taking off skin and melting muscle...and I should be diving into shock and blessed unconsciousness...instead, I only FEEL like I'm being burned alive as the flames lick over me...and with my continued consciousness I'm reminded again that 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility', and so, since I'm effectively fireproof and still moving, I'm obliged to walk up this guy's stream of napalm, block his weapon with my fist, and wring his neck until he's unconscious, in spite of the fact that all I want to do right now is curl up on the ground and make the world go away...

Great writing Taalismn, was too brain fried last night when I posted.

They would have to save vs pain or vs extreme pain (20, Only ME Psi bonuses applicable) to keep on doing the hero thing.
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Invulnerability Curse (Broken Major)
"Mister don't try to drink the cursed under the table, you'll loose."

That flamethrower should be taking off skin and melting muscle...and I should be diving into shock and blessed unconsciousness...instead, I only FEEL like I'm being burned alive as the flames lick over me...and with my continued consciousness I'm reminded again that 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility', and so, since I'm effectively fireproof and still moving, I'm obliged to walk up this guy's stream of napalm, block his weapon with my fist, and wring his neck until he's unconscious, in spite of the fact that all I want to do right now is curl up on the ground and make the world go away...

Great writing Taalismn, was too brain fried last night when I posted.

They would have to save vs pain or vs extreme pain (20, Only ME Psi bonuses applicable) to keep on doing the hero thing.

Oh, okay. :)
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Unread post by 89er »

Sorry for the leftovers, here's something fresh:

Melt Horn (Major)
The user has a large horn on their head like that of a unicorn or kabuto beetle. The horn can become superheated to turn solid rock into molten soup or any other painful things.

Sharkwinders (Major)
The user can launch small organic shark-like torpedoes from their arms or chest that can swim through earth as swiftly as water. Once launched, the can be made to explode on contact, vibration-seekers, or leap out of the ground/water bite onto the target, and then explode.

Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user.

Gridiron (Major)
The user is covered in bony football-style armor plating, made for charging and heavy damage.

Dragon Arms (Major)
The user arms can transform into Chinese-style limbless dragons, which can extent to constrict, bite, or even breathe fire.
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

Pumpkin Patch

This is the ability to create and control pumpkins and pumpkin patches. Though strange, this ability provides for a several useful and surprising uses. The character can control existing pumpkins in the area or create his own.

1. Spit and Grow Pumpkin Seeds

The character is able to spit pumpkin seeds onto any surface (including the hand) and cause them to grow to full size within a matter of seconds (2 melee actions). The character has such control over this growth he can choose weather or not it’s just the pumpkin that grows, its vine, or both at the same time. There is no limit as to how many pumpkins may be grown in this way, but the general rule is one pumpkin per seed. An entire pumpkin patch (10-15 pumpkins) may be grown in under two minuets.
Range: Can spit a seed up to 4ft away +1ft per 2 levels of experience, can cause any seed within a 100ft radius +10ft per level to grow.
Duration: Permanent
Attacks: 1 seed can be spit or grown at a time and it takes 1 action to spit the seed and 1action to grow to small size (1-10lbs), 2 actions to grow the pumpkin to medium size (10-25lbs), and 4 actions to grow to giant size (25-100lbs).

2. Control Pumpkins

The character is able to make pumpkins roll along the ground and the vines slither along like snakes. Rolling a pumpkin has very little practical use other than to use it as a stepping stool, block a door, or to make someone trip. The vines do have more uses and can be used to trip or ensnare opponents. The pumpkins can roll at up to 8mph max and the vines slither along at up to 5mph max.
Range: Up to 100ft away +10ft per level
Duration: 1 action to start the control and 1 more action per melee round to maintain it.
Damage: None, but tripping over a pumpkin or being tripped by a vine will cause 1D4 points of damage and the victim will lose initiative. Also, the feet being entangled by a vine will prohibit walking or running and only allow crawling at a max speed of 3 mph until it is taken off (takes a normal P.S. of 20, or a good blade) while having the entire body entangled by a vine will eliminate all combat bonuses and will take at least an extraordinary P.S. of 15 to break free.
Bonuses: +2 to entangle with vine; double if done from behind/surprise.

3. Launch Pumpkins

The character is able to launch pumpkins at opponents at high speed. While getting hit with a pumpkin won’t do much damage normally, it can be distracting and if it has vines these can be controlled to entangle. The pumpkins actually shoot off the ground at the opponent like a potato gun, the smaller the pumpkin the faster and farther it will go.
Range: Small – 300ft, Medium – 200ft, Large – 100ft, Extra large (over 100lbs) – 20ft
Duration: Instant
Damage: Varies; Small – 1D4 (if any), Medium – 1D6, Large – 2D6, Extra Large – 4D6 + 1D6 per 100lbs of weight. If the pumpkin has any vines attached they can be used to entangle (same rules as above)
Bonuses: +3 to strike no matter the size

4. Vine Armor

By wrapping pumpkin vines around the body the character is able to create a sort of armored covering. Their must be a pumpkin vine nearby or else one must be grown to make this armor. The armor has 30 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 10.
Range: Self
Duration: As long as concentration is maintained or the armor is destroyed.
Attacks: It takes 2 actions for the vine to wrap itself around the character and 1 action per melee round is used up in maintaining it.

5. Create Pumpkin Golem

By far the most impressive ability this character possesses is the ability to create a sort of animated pumpkin puppet that is under the complete control of its creator. The vines make up its body (complete with legs and arms) and a pumpkin makes up its head. While not very intelligent they can follow simple orders (like “get them”, “attack”, or “hold this”), feel no fear, and will keep going until all S.D.C. are gone.
Range: Can move independently up to 100ft +10ft per level away from its creator, after this range it just falls into a heap.
Duration: 10 minuets +1 min per level
Attacks: It takes 2 attacks per golem to animate them and 1 action per melee round per golem to maintain them.
Limitations: Only one Pumpkin Golem can be created at a time per level of experience.
Pumpkin Golem Stats
Size: The golems stand 1D4+2 ft tall and weigh 2D4+10+20lbs
S.D.C.: The golems have an S.D.C. of 1D4x10 each and an A.R. of 8
Attributes: Equal to an I.Q. of 5, Normal P.S. of 10, P.P. of 10, and Spd of 10
Damage: Punch or Kick with vine tentacles – 1D4 damage, Head butt with pumpkin – 1D4 damage, + entangle with vines (same rules as above)
Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry, +3 to entangle with vine tentacles.
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

Heres that other pumpkin power i promised, im kinda proud of it
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I'll give Sharkwinders a shot.

Sharkwinders (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by 89er

The character can launch small organic shark-like creatures which act like torpedoes. He keeps them alive inside his abdominal cavity until allowing them to travel under his skin to launch from their arms, using one melee attack/action to release them. They can swim through earth as swiftly as water, moving at 120mph, plus 20mph per level. Once launched, they can be made to explode at any time the character desires, though typically they will leap out of the ground/water, sense vibration from a target, then go seeking until biting onto the target, and then exploding, doing 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 damage per level, to all targets in a 10 foot radius, and 5d6, plus 1d6 per level, to the target.. The creatures have a Natural AR of 12 and an SDC of 20 each, with the character able to keep two alive at a time, losing one SDC per hour while they feed and wait to launch. It takes a full hour to grow them and then the character can store them for his PE number of hours or until they eat up to 10% of the character's SDC, after which time he has to launch them or they will die.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to save vs. pain
+1d4X10 SDC
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Her0man0 wrote:Heres that other pumpkin power i promised, im kinda proud of it

You should actually probably break that up into two or more powers. That is way too strong for a Major power.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Her0man0 wrote:Heres that other pumpkin power i promised, im kinda proud of it

You should actually probably break that up into two or more powers. That is way too strong for a Major power.

I think the Golem ability is what puts it over the top, but is it really that much more powerful than other Control Matter skills?
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Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Her0man0 wrote:Heres that other pumpkin power i promised, im kinda proud of it

You should actually probably break that up into two or more powers. That is way too strong for a Major power.

I think the Golem ability is what puts it over the top, but is it really that much more powerful than other Control Matter skills?

Maybe the Pumpkin patch power could be limited to Mega-Heros. With the golem sub power only aquiered after Level 7 or 9.

Or it could count as two major powers.
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Unread post by taalismn »

89er wrote:Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user..

I'd see these as a Minor weapon, like Body Weapons, unless thery have otehr properties like limited flight, or producing wind blasts...

I also see great potential in this power as an inspiration for a bionic weapons system... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Her0man0 wrote:Pumpkin Patch .

"There's good reason to be scared of Jack O'Lantern!!!!!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I'll give Sharkwinders a shot.

Sharkwinders (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by 89er

"Daaaaaahh-Nah!Daaaaaahh-Nah! Bump-bump-bump-Daaah-Nah!"
"Will you quit humming that damn sound-track, Quint?! We get it already!"

Dang...aerial feeding frenzy with these things?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

taalismn wrote:
89er wrote:Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user..

I'd see these as a Minor weapon, like Body Weapons, unless thery have otehr properties like limited flight, or producing wind blasts...

I also see great potential in this power as an inspiration for a bionic weapons system... :twisted:

Okay, I am going to try this one.

Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user. Blades have an SDC of 20 each and add 30 to the character's total SDC.

Attack Blades: The character can extend three blades from the back of his hands, using the bones in the hands to anchor the blades.
Range: Blades are a foot long. The character must hold them out to the sides to use them
Duration: Concentration.
Damage: Blades do 5d6 slicing damage, plus 1d6 per level
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions
Bonuses: +2 to strike with the blades, , +4 to parry with them, gives the character a Horror Factor of 8

Flying: The character can use the blades to fly as well.
Flight Speed: 120 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can use them to hover in place
Altitude: 10,000 feet per level, able to withstand changes in air pressure and g-forces.
Bonuses in flight: +1 to strike as a ramming strike with body; +4 to dodge under 80mph, +6 over

If taken as a bionics or robotics system, all parts are metal and cost $240,000, with speed and altitude increases as per the robotics Engine and Propulsion Systems costs.

If taken as a Eugenics option, cost is $2.5 million.
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gmapprentice wrote:it doesen't seem like they have aerial capabilities. speaking of which, how high can they jump to hit a target?

They do now. :-D
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gmapprentice wrote:i meant the shark-things, which as far as i can see STILL don't have aerial capabilities.

Sorry, my bad.
gmapprentice wrote: btw, nice job on Spin Slashers.

Thanks. :D
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

You guys are kidding right?

I made this one have alot of subabilities sure but each one is pretty weak, the vine armor only has 30 S.D.C and the golems have up to 40 S.D.C. and thier attributes are 10 each! and only one can be created per level.

Check out Earth possession for a stronger power with a bad a$% earth golem, or control elemental force earth, or air for that matter for two powers that are stronger. While plant control is alot weaker than this one in sheer power, it is able to control ALL plants, not just pumpkins so it evens out.

but thanks for the responses to my power posts, i enjoy them all, even the critisisms, they keep me guessing lol
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Gryphon Chick wrote:
taalismn wrote:
89er wrote:Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user..

I'd see these as a Minor weapon, like Body Weapons, unless thery have otehr properties like limited flight, or producing wind blasts...

I also see great potential in this power as an inspiration for a bionic weapons system... :twisted:

Okay, I am going to try this one.

Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user. Blades have an SDC of 20 each and add 30 to the character's total SDC.

Attack Blades: The character can extend three blades from the back of his hands, using the bones in the hands to anchor the blades.
Range: Blades are a foot long. The character must hold them out to the sides to use them
Duration: Concentration.
Damage: Blades do 5d6 slicing damage, plus 1d6 per level
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to activate the first attack, then one attack/action per additional strike while the blades are spinning
Bonuses: +2 to strike with the blades, , +4 to parry with them, gives the character a Horror Factor of 8

Flying: The character can use the blades to fly as well.
Flight Speed: 120 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can use them to hover in place
Altitude: 10,000 feet per level, able to withstand changes in air pressure and g-forces.
Bonuses in flight: +1 to strike as a ramming strike with body or cutting swipe with blades while in flight; +4 to dodge under 80mph, +6 over; +4 to damage for every 20 mph of flight speed

If taken as a bionics or robotics system, all parts are metal and cost $240,000, with speed and altitude increases as per the robotics Engine and Propulsion Systems costs.

If taken as a Eugenics option, cost is $2.5 million.

I like this, but made a couple suggestions in italics.
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Her0man0 wrote:You guys are kidding right?

I made this one have alot of subabilities sure but each one is pretty weak, the vine armor only has 30 S.D.C and the golems have up to 40 S.D.C. and thier attributes are 10 each! and only one can be created per level.

Check out Earth possession for a stronger power with a bad a$% earth golem, or control elemental force earth, or air for that matter for two powers that are stronger. While plant control is alot weaker than this one in sheer power, it is able to control ALL plants, not just pumpkins so it evens out.

but thanks for the responses to my power posts, i enjoy them all, even the critisisms, they keep me guessing lol

I tend to be a little conservative with adding a lot of subabilities, so when a power has a lot of them it sometimes tends to seem to me that they are a bit overpowered.
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Somebodyelse'sproblem (minor)

When activated, this power makes the the user, and at higher levels others, be disregarded by people as if the char is somebody else's problem to deal with. This pervasive power affects all people with in line of sight so long as the hero does not do anything to make that person's problem. Even when he does, that power is only negated for that one person. Is ineffective against sentient androids.

Duration: 1 hour per level (no daily limit)
effect area: Line of Sight

If the hero with this power turned on tried to walk out with a book he hadn't checked out, the effect on the librarian would be negated.
But if he had walked out with someone else's stuff from that same library, the librarian would wouldn't bat an eyelash.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
taalismn wrote:
89er wrote:Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user..

I'd see these as a Minor weapon, like Body Weapons, unless thery have otehr properties like limited flight, or producing wind blasts...

I also see great potential in this power as an inspiration for a bionic weapons system... :twisted:

Okay, I am going to try this one.

Spin Slashers (Major)
These growths on the user’s arms are the organic equivalent of helicopter blades made for combat. Once this get spinning, the user becomes a walking slaughterhouse. Oh, and the blades are retractable for comfort and safety for the user. Blades have an SDC of 20 each and add 30 to the character's total SDC.

Attack Blades: The character can extend three blades from the back of his hands, using the bones in the hands to anchor the blades.
Range: Blades are a foot long. The character must hold them out to the sides to use them
Duration: Concentration.
Damage: Blades do 5d6 slicing damage, plus 1d6 per level
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to activate the first attack, then one attack/action per additional strike while the blades are spinning
Bonuses: +2 to strike with the blades, , +4 to parry with them, gives the character a Horror Factor of 8

Flying: The character can use the blades to fly as well.
Flight Speed: 120 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can use them to hover in place
Altitude: 10,000 feet per level, able to withstand changes in air pressure and g-forces.
Bonuses in flight: +1 to strike as a ramming strike with body or cutting swipe with blades while in flight; +4 to dodge under 80mph, +6 over; +4 to damage for every 20 mph of flight speed

If taken as a bionics or robotics system, all parts are metal and cost $240,000, with speed and altitude increases as per the robotics Engine and Propulsion Systems costs.

If taken as a Eugenics option, cost is $2.5 million.

I like this, but made a couple suggestions in italics.

Looks good, and the great part is, you already edited it for me.
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gmapprentice wrote:question... am i the only one confused by "Somebodyelse'sproblem"?

I understand it okay, just not sure I would ever use it.
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It does better as magic.

Lifted the idea from a game when I played in an IRL group.
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:It does better as magic.

Lifted the idea from a game when I played in an IRL group.

I noticed that the past couple of powers you wrote read a little like spells. Stone Gargoyle has done that with a couple of his spells and actually wrote a spell version of a power he did recently,of course he also used it to create a monster type for the Monstrous Creations thread as well. I am surprised it is not done more often.
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