Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

Phase World does specifically state in the text that the promethians have Frigate size ships other than the Star Ghost.
(see: Star Ghost Stats)

...and yet we've never seen them in 15 years of Phase World.

Will The GSA agent have two OCC's or Two diffrent MOS's, one for Investigation(FBI,Galatic Police) and One for Covert OPS (CIA) as Mentioned in PhaseWorld?

I'll let you know when I get there :)

I thought the Zhokil like Most ships was too Big to land to dissembark Troops, And what of the other star faring races, how do they get off ship with no shuttles/shuttle pods (ships boat/launch) or transpoters, when there is no star port or space station to dock to when the ship is to big to land or not practical to due so? Also its a bit un-economical to send down a CAF Assault Shuttle every time an Explore goes to explore and chart a new world.(this needs to be addressed in a future book i think)

Any ship that uses a contra-gravity drive is technically able to enter an atmosphere... even the Doombringer. It's not that it's not possible, just highly impracticle. As I wrote, many such vessels move so slowly in atmo that they will be blown to pieces during their descent. Assault shuttles and smaller craft can more easily avoid things like missiles and anti-capital ship ground-based weaponry. You coul land the entire Explorer on some alien world, especially in an ocean or prarie... but would you really want to? The only reason the Altess do it as a matter of course is their arrogant presumption that nothing can hurt them.

Will we ever see Program sets for the Altess Advocate Robots other than the listed Combat set? I was surpised that a Medic program set was not also given. The Zhokil has an Altess crew complement of only 20 overall and yet a Med Team of 20, so how is this possible unless some of the Adovcates are program as Medics or All of the Altess crew is Doubling as Medics?

Sure... you can give them medical skills if you want.

I hope the CAF Sheild Bearer Tank will make its Appearence in Thunder Cloud Galaxy as Promised? (i know we has to ask Carl about that one)
I didn't write it in it didn't really fit the theme. Maybe in Corkscrew.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by GT »

OrchestralDarkness wrote:The Yannar Destroyer, for example, is missing 4200 MDC. The Emanicpation Dreadnought is missing 48,000MDC (!).

Maybe they are using a new metric math conversion. 8)
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

I think the issue here is that the damage on pg. 87 of 2D4x1000 conflicks with the 5 liner quick stats given earlier in the book that state the damage is 2D6x1000? So what is the correct stat that you intended, because it did not get picked up in editing?

Braden Campbell wrote:2D4x1000 if fired together. Says so on page 87.

The info in the summary is incorrect, a left-over from an earlier draft, apparently.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

sure is strange 15 years of Phase world and no one has written up Stats for the Promethians Phase Frigates?

Maybe you coulld get in on one of your Future Books, come on Braden please pretty please with vamipre ugglies on top!!

Also yes the Zhokil does say it can land on Planet, my bad. But despite CG being able to allow Transamospheric Flight, the other ships you metion specificlly state in there stats that they are to massive (ie. hull stress) to enter an atmosphere.

Also another example of CG not being able to over come huge mass are The Massive Kregor and Nurani Super Tanks that are the Size of a Building or City Block and yet still Smaller than most sub-capital/capital/ and drawfed by super capital ships, they can barely hover above the ground or at least a few hundred feet at Max, while some of the other Tanks Like the CAF MBT can acctually fly(of course not that its practical for it to due so).

Also i must say i think its really cool and love how you worked The Hunt for Red October into Phase World, as well as Cyberdine/Sky Net from Terminator (or at least a distant cousin to are Beloved Archie 3).

I have a theory, and feel free to use it in a future Phase World Book; That Humans in the Phase World Dimention came from the Rifts Earth Dimention during the Time of the Great Cataclysim, when a huge rift opened up in space ingulfing a Multi-National Exploration Mission for the first manned mission heading outside are solar system and throwing them through time and space where they Crash Landed On Terra Prime in the Corkscrew Galaxy and as we know from Galatic records were reduced to Bararianism and had to rebuild their Society.

Also sometimes i Wonder if Paladium will ever due an updated Phase World Core Book and also Possiblly Spin it of as a Sperate yet related RPG to Rifts, kinnda like Chaos Earth? Phase world is Now 15 years old and 20 is approaching it would make a Great Anniversary/Collectors Book!!

Braden Campbell wrote:
Phase World does specifically state in the text that the promethians have Frigate size ships other than the Star Ghost.
(see: Star Ghost Stats)

...and yet we've never seen them in 15 years of Phase World.

Will The GSA agent have two OCC's or Two diffrent MOS's, one for Investigation(FBI,Galatic Police) and One for Covert OPS (CIA) as Mentioned in PhaseWorld?

I'll let you know when I get there :)

I thought the Zhokil like Most ships was too Big to land to dissembark Troops, And what of the other star faring races, how do they get off ship with no shuttles/shuttle pods (ships boat/launch) or transpoters, when there is no star port or space station to dock to when the ship is to big to land or not practical to due so? Also its a bit un-economical to send down a CAF Assault Shuttle every time an Explore goes to explore and chart a new world.(this needs to be addressed in a future book i think)

Any ship that uses a contra-gravity drive is technically able to enter an atmosphere... even the Doombringer. It's not that it's not possible, just highly impracticle. As I wrote, many such vessels move so slowly in atmo that they will be blown to pieces during their descent. Assault shuttles and smaller craft can more easily avoid things like missiles and anti-capital ship ground-based weaponry. You coul land the entire Explorer on some alien world, especially in an ocean or prarie... but would you really want to? The only reason the Altess do it as a matter of course is their arrogant presumption that nothing can hurt them.

Will we ever see Program sets for the Altess Advocate Robots other than the listed Combat set? I was surpised that a Medic program set was not also given. The Zhokil has an Altess crew complement of only 20 overall and yet a Med Team of 20, so how is this possible unless some of the Adovcates are program as Medics or All of the Altess crew is Doubling as Medics?

Sure... you can give them medical skills if you want.

I hope the CAF Sheild Bearer Tank will make its Appearence in Thunder Cloud Galaxy as Promised? (i know we has to ask Carl about that one)

I didn't write it in it didn't really fit the theme. Maybe in Corkscrew.[/quote]
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by GT »

Well for a Battleship, the TGE Executioner class has the fire power of a Warshield class cruiser with the main laser guns being 1d4x1,000 and 2d4x1,000 both firing. Even the Smasher Cruiser has a 1D6X1000 main gun.

My guess is a CWW agent, probably a Faustian got in in on the Executioners Design Stage and made people believe that the use of the lowest powered Heavy Lasers was the best way to go! :bandit:
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by azazel1024 »

I thought I remember reading about Phase Frigates. To me it would seem wierd if the heaviest thing the Promethians had was the Star Ghost. I know they are sort of viewed is neutrals, but even the Swiss have a real military. I'd think the Promethians would have to have at least a handful of heavier ships, even if not a single one is available on the open market.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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azazel1024 wrote:I thought I remember reading about Phase Frigates. To me it would seem wierd if the heaviest thing the Promethians had was the Star Ghost. I know they are sort of viewed is neutrals, but even the Swiss have a real military. I'd think the Promethians would have to have at least a handful of heavier ships, even if not a single one is available on the open market.

I agree, and would like to point out that it has been international(read worldwide) law for several hundred years, that Swiss Mercenaries and military units cannot be hired by other nations to serve in their respective militaries.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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azazel1024 wrote:I thought I remember reading about Phase Frigates. To me it would seem wierd if the heaviest thing the Promethians had was the Star Ghost.

Without checking the "canon" IMO the Star Ghost is the largest stuff aviable in MASS PRODUCTION.

This means that if someone walks in a Promethean Shipbuilder's Office, with a few billion credits,
he will have his Phase Frigate of his wet dreams. Costum built, no problem.

Maybe there are mass produced phase frigates or even cruisers, with Altess colors (or similar
REALLY rich powers).

But still, one of the most basic rules for survival on any planet is never to upset someone wearing black leather - This is why protesters against the wearing of animal skins by humans unaccountably fail to throw their paint over Hell's Angels.
- Terry Prachett

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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

What i'd also like to see next in a Future Book (and that was not really included in Fleets except in passing under the Tug Class ship)is a DSRV (Deep Space Rescue Vessel).
It should be Assult Shuttle Sized w/CG Drive or Small Sub-Capital in size, and it would be dipatched from/stationed at bases, outposts, spacestations,independent patrol along the space lanes, or stationed onboard a New Hospital/Medical Class Starship(suggest Hospice Class as the name and Cruiser to BattleCruiser in Size, Noro-Psycics and Ibonians would be part of the medical crew).

Note: Please feel free to use these ideas listed here, most especially are resident independent writer and hero Braden Cambell for a Future Phase World Book.

Other than size consideration for the CG-Gravity Well Generator why in the World did the CAF waist an Expensive BattleCruiser Capital Ship class Hull on the duties/arraments/mission of a Sub-Capital class DDE/DDG?

Other than Zurvan is Prometheus the Patron God of the Promethean Race?

Are there Tractor beams in Phase World Mike Majestic's art work in Fleets seems to suggest so? But the Tug class and Golith Asteroid Mining Ship in Three Galaxies Book suggests otherwise.
(if yes, we need rules regarding them in a future book) Also still waiting on a definitive answer regarding small shuttles/shuttle pods (shipsboat/launch) or transporters because we can't always land the ship or it's impossible to do so due to size (see previous posts in this thread about this,above).

For really Old Ancient/Darelict/Ghost Starships mainly from the Human Alliance might i suggest an idea(for a Future GM's Adventure or for a New Source Book): that these ships are MDC structures, but have no shelids. Instead they Have MDC Laser Reflective Abblative armor.
To simulate the Armor use the old Armor Rating(A.R.)Rules with lasers duing half damage but Plasma,Particle Beam,Missles and Kenetic Energy Weapons due full damage. Abblative Armor fell out of use due to its Limited Specialize Protection and Weight(the plating is much heavier), but can still be bought in some places as an cheaper alternative to more expensive modren sheild generators.
Suggest that they have really slow 1-2, no higher than 3-4, possibly 5 max Light Years per Hour for CG drive or combination Drive systems (some type of combo Traction/Plasma or Ion Drive that pushes it barely in to Superluminal flight relm) from Mutants in Orbit. Also weapons systems would be ship based versions of the Killer Satilite and Spaceship Weapons presented in Mutants(ie. Briliant Pebbles,Free Electron Laser,Standard Laser,Rail Gun,Kenetic Kill Weapon/Missile).

Will we ever get Space Mines? (as mentioned in Three Galaxies.)
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Greyaxe »

GT wrote:Well for a Battleship, the TGE Executioner class has the fire power of a Warshield class cruiser with the main laser guns being 1d4x1,000 and 2d4x1,000 both firing. Even the Smasher Cruiser has a 1D6X1000 main gun.

My guess is a CWW agent, probably a Faustian got in in on the Executioners Design Stage and made people believe that the use of the lowest powered Heavy Lasers was the best way to go! :bandit:

Executioners are also an old design. They are being repalced by Doombringers.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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The TGE Executioner is still in production I think as it didn't say they stoped making them, the Doom Bringer is just their super battleship. Still its easy to see why the TGE kept loosing the last war with the CWW if their most numerous battleship only have the fire power of an enemy cruiser!
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Greyaxe »

GT wrote:The TGE Executioner is still in production I think as it didn't say they stoped making them, the Doom Bringer is just their super battleship. Still its easy to see why the TGE kept loosing the last war with the CWW if their most numerous battleship only have the fire power of an enemy cruiser!

The executioner was introduced during the Great War, 450 years ago. Its old, it may still be in production but is still an old design. Of course, if the Golgan can retrofit and upgrade why not the TGE?
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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A new Executioner-B class?

Speaking of, it would be nice/neat to see some -B or -C class varients of ships. Either varients of already printed ships coming up or else new ships that have sub-varients in the printed material for them at time of publish. Rarely, at least in modern times, are all ships of a class identical. They frequently see refits or even changes to their armament/systems through out the building cycles. I'd think it would be realistic to see a 'main' Warshield class cruiser, but also one of more popular sub-varients (maybe one varient tried out particle beam canons as main guns, or maybe reduced star fighter bays to have more robot vehicle bays or something).

Another possibilty, maybe the Scimitar is used frequently as a CAF Frigate, but maybe there is a TVIA version or a customs version or something similar. Maybe there is a version that has been gutted of weapons and troops and is used as an escort carrier. Speaking of, it would be nice to see a CVE or CVL out there for various different powers. Most ships can carry fighters, but I'd expect there to be at least a handful of dedicated smaller carriers, Packmaster writ small. They'd, especially a CVE, would be much more effective at anti-piracy and convoy escort then something like a Frigate or destroyer then might only have 4-8 fighters and its own fire power. Something that has light armament and say 18 fighters in the same package as a Scimitar would be much better to escort merchant ships and fend off pirates, especially since pirates are probably much more likely to be using converted merchant ships and/or space fighters of their own to prey on merchant ships.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Variant designs would be cool.

Also is it me or does veryone else seem to think The CAF is phasing out the Scorpion fighter as being to old?

Regarding the CAF Assault Shuttle the Cargo Capicity of 1500 tons is the minimum it can carry Not The Limit. It can lift more i'd say closer to 3000 tons. The SIX Phalanx MBTs mentioned under Power Armor Company& Tank Company weigh 250 tons each for a Total of 1500 tons, thats not including the weight of the Power Armor Troops or the Mantible IFV's that weigh 18 tons each.

Also regarding my previous posts:
My therory on how humans came to the three galaxies would also help explain why there are so many G-10 Crominium Guardsman A.K.A. Glitter Boy and other GB units available at Phase World and spread through out the Three Galaxies. Also it would explain why Human Alliance/CAF power armor,robot and spaceship designs have Golden Age USA/NEMA & Triax/NGR design elements to them.

Also about Ancient Ship designs:
I now have come up with a Drive name for the system I described in my previous post.
It's called an I.P.T.-Drive (Ionized Plasma & Traction Drive) It uses a combiation Ion/Plasma Engine along with a Traction Drive System to produce a push(thrust) & pull effect to propell the ship to FTL speed. It is the missing link between Traction and CG-Drives. It's draw back is they were very labor intensive and expensive to maintain requiring an overhaul like a Modern Phase Feild Driveafter so many Hours of Opperation and Could Not mearly quote/unquote to Jump to FTL speed but Required long acceleration time (not great for when you need to make a quick get away). The Max speed was Limited To 1or 2 Light Years per Hour, the most advanced models just before the current CG-Drive standard came into being did 3 to 4 LYPH and experimental(mainly for the Military)models did 5 LYPH, but where highly unstable. Weapons Systems Available also included Old Chemical Lasers and A variation of the Glitter Boy Boom Gun adopted for Fighters and Spaceship Defensive/Offensive batteries.

Things i'd like to see in the Future:
More about the Human Alliance,Noro,Catyr and Most especially the Seljuk,Wolfen and Oni.
Would Like to finally see The stats for the Terror Lizard from the Seljuk Homeworld, mentioned in Phase World but never Described.

azazel1024 wrote:A new Executioner-B class?

Speaking of, it would be nice/neat to see some -B or -C class varients of ships. Either varients of already printed ships coming up or else new ships that have sub-varients in the printed material for them at time of publish. Rarely, at least in modern times, are all ships of a class identical. They frequently see refits or even changes to their armament/systems through out the building cycles. I'd think it would be realistic to see a 'main' Warshield class cruiser, but also one of more popular sub-varients (maybe one varient tried out particle beam canons as main guns, or maybe reduced star fighter bays to have more robot vehicle bays or something).

Another possibilty, maybe the Scimitar is used frequently as a CAF Frigate, but maybe there is a TVIA version or a customs version or something similar. Maybe there is a version that has been gutted of weapons and troops and is used as an escort carrier. Speaking of, it would be nice to see a CVE or CVL out there for various different powers. Most ships can carry fighters, but I'd expect there to be at least a handful of dedicated smaller carriers, Packmaster writ small. They'd, especially a CVE, would be much more effective at anti-piracy and convoy escort then something like a Frigate or destroyer then might only have 4-8 fighters and its own fire power. Something that has light armament and say 18 fighters in the same package as a Scimitar would be much better to escort merchant ships and fend off pirates, especially since pirates are probably much more likely to be using converted merchant ships and/or space fighters of their own to prey on merchant ships.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

I forgot to say i really want to see a Corvette/Cutter class ship.
According to the dictionary they are lightly Armed Fast ships that fall between a Gun Boat (ie.Assault Shuttle)and a Frigate/Destroyer. They should be Fast with Sub-Capital Engines if a Small-Spacecraft/Assault Shuttle in size or Capital Engines if a Small Sub-Capital(ie.Frigate) in size, with a minimal arraments with one heavy weapon thats above her Class to punch holes into Larger Starships. Hey that's weird i just thought it kinnda sounds like an bigger badder extension of the Runner ship Stick in You're Eye now don't it? But still it would be cool to have these Military Style Hunter/Killer & Blockade Runners included in Phase World.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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Scorpion Leader wrote:I forgot to say i really want to see a Corvette/Cutter class ship.
According to the dictionary they are lightly Armed Fast ships that fall between a Gun Boat (ie.Assault Shuttle)and a Frigate/Destroyer. They should be Fast with Sub-Capital Engines if a Small-Spacecraft/Assault Shuttle in size or Capital Engines if a Small Sub-Capital(ie.Frigate) in size, with a minimal arraments with one heavy weapon thats above her Class to punch holes into Larger Starships. Hey that's weird i just thought it kinnda sounds like an bigger badder extension of the Runner ship Stick in You're Eye now don't it? But still it would be cool to have these Military Style Hunter/Killer & Blockade Runners included in Phase World.

I agree completely. To me that falls in to the customs enforcement and TVIA end of things. In the more civilian market they'd have a lot of applications from heavier armored runner ships, to private space patrols (a lot of corporations are likely to have armed space ships to protect their merchantmen), mercenaries, etc. Those and patrol ships are the biggest area I'd like to see an expansion on, mostly as it applies to pseudo civilian ships. Other then the Proctor there isn't anything close to these catagories. To me for an RPG stand point these would be the most likely ships a player group is likely to either run afoul of or possibly acquire for their own group. The bigger ships are neat, but I've yet to have a player group run afoul of anything bigger then a frigate (because with just a runner ship they'd be lunch meat in seconds otherwise).
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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Scorpion Leader wrote:I forgot to say i really want to see a Corvette/Cutter class ship.

Well, the Proctor is exactly that, in DMB2. They are fast, all right and can carry cruise missiles
for ruining the day of larger ships.

Plus they can carry a small platoon (even PA troops are possible, they fit into the 100 ton cargo bay),
thought this is not detailed in the canon description.

But still, one of the most basic rules for survival on any planet is never to upset someone wearing black leather - This is why protesters against the wearing of animal skins by humans unaccountably fail to throw their paint over Hell's Angels.
- Terry Prachett

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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Yes and No on the Proctor.
It's ment for light patrol routes with not alot of activity along the space lanes or as long range recon and interceptor/interdictor fleet screening duties out on the pickit line outer defense zone.
For customs/patrol duty it would not carry the cruise missles it even says so under its description in the Phase World DMB2 book. The heavy missilles are only used in when heavy combat is expected.(ie. Fleet Combat Duty or Customs enforcment if hunting down a pirate fleet) What's needed is a ship that acts as Cutter/Customs ship like in the coast guard in peace time but is a escort/hunter killer in war like a PT Boat/Destroyer Escort/ Attack Submarine. It needs to be moderate sized, fast FTL & Mach speed to respond to trouble spots quickly and modestly well armed, but heavier than a fighter but slightly less than a sub-capital in armaments. The Scimitar fits this role but is too big in size and crew and is expensive to operate in the mundane task of patroling the space lanes all the time, and is the Heavy Hard Hitting ship you call in for backup in the Customs Enforcement role. Also other than the Explorer, the Scimitar makes up the majority of the ships assigned to the CAF Discovery Corps., with the Hunter's being the ships assigned as the Main Fleet Escorts for the most part.

I'd just like to say i'd like to see in a future Palladium Phase World book Artist Renderings of Ships we have not seen artwork for yet, like the Proctor and the UWW Nexus Battleship as being two examples.

Also I'd like to put forth that The Altess Ships and the CAF Explorer are supose to have more advanced sensors than what's listed in Fleets for most Sub-Capital/Capital Ships.
(the Explorer say's it has the "Best" sensors the CAF has available in Three Galaxies under it's description)
I'd increase Ladar/Advanced Sensor Range for the Explorer by 50,000 miles and the Altess Ships by 75,000 miles. making the totals range from 250,000 to 375,000 depending on system.
Increase Altess Combat Computer Tracking Range by 5,000 to 15,000.
Increase FTL detection range to 12 LY for the Explorer and 15 LY for the Altess.
I also suggest the CAF may be desiding to upgrade the Emacipation and Protector Class Ships to these more advanced sensors, with possible plans for the Aranae and Warsheild as well.

I'd also like to see thae Folowing NEW O.C.C.'s
Galatic Politician/Ambassador
Deep Space Salvage/Rescue Specialist
Space (Asteroid) Miner/Prospector
I know the Galatic Ambassodor ios covered else were in this Forum but here is my take on it:
Attribute Requirements: suggest a IQ of 9 and MA 10 but not required.
Language & Literacy: Native Tounge 98%
Language: Trade 1 & 5 +20%
Performance: +10%
Public Speaking:+20%
Creative writing:+15%(political speaches)
Wardrobe & Grooming:+10%
Dance: +10%
Barter: +15%
Law: Space +20%
Lore: Galatic/Alien +10%
Philosophy: +20%
Space Contacts: +10 % (political contacts)
Computer Operation: + 10%
Research: +15%
History: The Three Galaxies +10%
Hand to Hand: None or Basic can be taken at the cost of one other skill.
OCC related Skills: select 8 other skills.
Skill suggestions to round out Character:
Seduction Anthropology Computer hacking/Cyberjacking (for corupt politicians)
Streetwise First Aid Gambling
Intelligence Cryptogrophy Read/Operate Sensory Instruments
Psychology Military Etiquette Navigation
Mythology: The Three Galaxies & Legends of the Cosmic Forge
Pilot: Hovercraft, Hovercycle, Jet or Contragravity Pack, Small Spacecraft
Lore: Religion, Magic (if from UWW),Psychic & Psionic (if from one of the Psionic Races)
Any W.P. except seige Weapons,Heavy Weapons,Heavy Energy Weapons,Flamethrower,Gernade Launcher,Sharpshooting and Quick Draw.

Nexttime I may post My versions of the Salvage/Rescue Specialist and the Space Miner/Prospector, I just don't have te time to do it today.

KLM wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:I forgot to say i really want to see a Corvette/Cutter class ship.

Well, the Proctor is exactly that, in DMB2. They are fast, all right and can carry cruise missiles
for ruining the day of larger ships.

Plus they can carry a small platoon (even PA troops are possible, they fit into the 100 ton cargo bay),
thought this is not detailed in the canon description.

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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

I forgot to also say the Proctor also remains a fighter in size and firepower only,no more no less.(albit large fighter granted)
So a slightly larger heavier hitting ship but one that is less than the Scimitar and Hunter in size and firepower is Still needed.
One that's better suited to the more acitve areas of the spacelanes, but does not require a full blown heavy warship such as the Scimitar or Hunter.

Scorpion Leader wrote:Yes and No on the Proctor.
It's ment for light patrol routes with not alot of activity along the space lanes or as long range recon and interceptor/interdictor fleet screening duties out on the pickit line outer defense zone.
For customs/patrol duty it would not carry the cruise missles it even says so under its description in the Phase World DMB2 book. The heavy missilles are only used in when heavy combat is expected.(ie. Fleet Combat Duty or Customs enforcment if hunting down a pirate fleet) What's needed is a ship that acts as Cutter/Customs ship like in the coast guard in peace time but is a escort/hunter killer in war like a PT Boat/Destroyer Escort/ Attack Submarine. It needs to be moderate sized, fast FTL & Mach speed to respond to trouble spots quickly and modestly well armed, but heavier than a fighter but slightly less than a sub-capital in armaments. The Scimitar fits this role but is too big in size and crew and is expensive to operate in the mundane task of patroling the space lanes all the time, and is the Heavy Hard Hitting ship you call in for backup in the Customs Enforcement role. Also other than the Explorer, the Scimitar makes up the majority of the ships assigned to the CAF Discovery Corps., with the Hunter's being the ships assigned as the Main Fleet Escorts for the most part.

I'd just like to say i'd like to see in a future Palladium Phase World book Artist Renderings of Ships we have not seen artwork for yet, like the Proctor and the UWW Nexus Battleship as being two examples.

Also I'd like to put forth that The Altess Ships and the CAF Explorer are supose to have more advanced sensors than what's listed in Fleets for most Sub-Capital/Capital Ships.
(the Explorer say's it has the "Best" sensors the CAF has available in Three Galaxies under it's description)
I'd increase Ladar/Advanced Sensor Range for the Explorer by 50,000 miles and the Altess Ships by 75,000 miles. making the totals range from 250,000 to 375,000 depending on system.
Increase Altess Combat Computer Tracking Range by 5,000 to 15,000.
Increase FTL detection range to 12 LY for the Explorer and 15 LY for the Altess.
I also suggest the CAF may be desiding to upgrade the Emacipation and Protector Class Ships to these more advanced sensors, with possible plans for the Aranae and Warsheild as well.

I'd also like to see thae Folowing NEW O.C.C.'s
Galatic Politician/Ambassador
Deep Space Salvage/Rescue Specialist
Space (Asteroid) Miner/Prospector
I know the Galatic Ambassodor ios covered else were in this Forum but here is my take on it:
Attribute Requirements: suggest a IQ of 9 and MA 10 but not required.
Language & Literacy: Native Tounge 98%
Language: Trade 1 & 5 +20%
Performance: +10%
Public Speaking:+20%
Creative writing:+15%(political speaches)
Wardrobe & Grooming:+10%
Dance: +10%
Barter: +15%
Law: Space +20%
Lore: Galatic/Alien +10%
Philosophy: +20%
Space Contacts: +10 % (political contacts)
Computer Operation: + 10%
Research: +15%
History: The Three Galaxies +10%
Hand to Hand: None or Basic can be taken at the cost of one other skill.
OCC related Skills: select 8 other skills.
Skill suggestions to round out Character:
Seduction Anthropology Computer hacking/Cyberjacking (for corupt politicians)
Streetwise First Aid Gambling
Intelligence Cryptogrophy Read/Operate Sensory Instruments
Psychology Military Etiquette Navigation
Mythology: The Three Galaxies & Legends of the Cosmic Forge
Pilot: Hovercraft, Hovercycle, Jet or Contragravity Pack, Small Spacecraft
Lore: Religion, Magic (if from UWW),Psychic & Psionic (if from one of the Psionic Races)
Any W.P. except seige Weapons,Heavy Weapons,Heavy Energy Weapons,Flamethrower,Gernade Launcher,Sharpshooting and Quick Draw.

Nexttime I may post My versions of the Salvage/Rescue Specialist and the Space Miner/Prospector, I just don't have te time to do it today.

KLM wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:I forgot to say i really want to see a Corvette/Cutter class ship.

Well, the Proctor is exactly that, in DMB2. They are fast, all right and can carry cruise missiles
for ruining the day of larger ships.

Plus they can carry a small platoon (even PA troops are possible, they fit into the 100 ton cargo bay),
thought this is not detailed in the canon description.

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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by G »

I just thought I'd say I love how the Zebulids got shafted with that old fighter! It was a stroke of genius. I played one a while back and mine was rather powerful. I was worried that they would end up increasing the power level of the 3galaxies. I hadn't thought up the angle where they only engage people when they outnumber them using old tech and lots of APM.

The best pilots as far as I can tell are phaeton juicers as their light ships would get autododge & anything they pilot would get a dodge. Given their rarity the only place I suppose they would ever get put is in capital ships - being able to dodge attacks which would normally destroy your ship or inflict billions in damage is too good to pass up. Everyone else (Ex oni ninja) have to wear things like Silverhawk PA if they want to retain autododge.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Greyaxe »

G wrote:The best pilots as far as I can tell are phaeton juicers as their light ships would get autododge & anything they pilot would get a dodge. Given their rarity the only place I suppose they would ever get put is in capital ships - being able to dodge attacks which would normally destroy your ship or inflict billions in damage is too good to pass up. Everyone else (Ex oni ninja) have to wear things like Silverhawk PA if they want to retain autododge.

A fighter, yes autododge works, ANYTHING else, NO way.

EDIT: Please disregard the first line of this comment. PM,s have been exchanged and I responded too strongly, I also missunderstood the intent of the post. Regards.
Last edited by Greyaxe on Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by GT »

Just out of Curiosity, what is the space speed of the Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane?

Its Mach 5.5 is the Soup of an atmosphere. Been doubling it for its space speed for Mach 11. Also could use the Broadsword and Fire Eater space speeds I guess. But is there an "official" space speed listed for the Naruni Crescent Delta-Wing Space Plane?

For an "Advanced" model they could add a variable Force Field to it. Same with the Star Dragon.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Please note:
I maid a msome mistakes w/ the Galatic Ambassodor/Diplomat
(yes i changed the name droping the trem politician in favor of Diplomat)
1.Language: Trade 1 & Trade 5 +20%
Should have been Language: Trade 1 & Trade 6 +20%
Also under rounding out Skills should have included Radio: Basic (or Advanced),Cryptography(for Top secret communications)Only, & First Aid (or Paramedic) Only.

Scorpion Leader wrote:I forgot to also say the Proctor also remains a fighter in size and firepower only,no more no less.(albit large fighter granted)
So a slightly larger heavier hitting ship but one that is less than the Scimitar and Hunter in size and firepower is Still needed.
One that's better suited to the more acitve areas of the spacelanes, but does not require a full blown heavy warship such as the Scimitar or Hunter.

Scorpion Leader wrote:Yes and No on the Proctor.
It's ment for light patrol routes with not alot of activity along the space lanes or as long range recon and interceptor/interdictor fleet screening duties out on the pickit line outer defense zone.
For customs/patrol duty it would not carry the cruise missles it even says so under its description in the Phase World DMB2 book. The heavy missilles are only used in when heavy combat is expected.(ie. Fleet Combat Duty or Customs enforcment if hunting down a pirate fleet) What's needed is a ship that acts as Cutter/Customs ship like in the coast guard in peace time but is a escort/hunter killer in war like a PT Boat/Destroyer Escort/ Attack Submarine. It needs to be moderate sized, fast FTL & Mach speed to respond to trouble spots quickly and modestly well armed, but heavier than a fighter but slightly less than a sub-capital in armaments. The Scimitar fits this role but is too big in size and crew and is expensive to operate in the mundane task of patroling the space lanes all the time, and is the Heavy Hard Hitting ship you call in for backup in the Customs Enforcement role. Also other than the Explorer, the Scimitar makes up the majority of the ships assigned to the CAF Discovery Corps., with the Hunter's being the ships assigned as the Main Fleet Escorts for the most part.

I'd just like to say i'd like to see in a future Palladium Phase World book Artist Renderings of Ships we have not seen artwork for yet, like the Proctor and the UWW Nexus Battleship as being two examples.

Also I'd like to put forth that The Altess Ships and the CAF Explorer are supose to have more advanced sensors than what's listed in Fleets for most Sub-Capital/Capital Ships.
(the Explorer say's it has the "Best" sensors the CAF has available in Three Galaxies under it's description)
I'd increase Ladar/Advanced Sensor Range for the Explorer by 50,000 miles and the Altess Ships by 75,000 miles. making the totals range from 250,000 to 375,000 depending on system.
Increase Altess Combat Computer Tracking Range by 5,000 to 15,000.
Increase FTL detection range to 12 LY for the Explorer and 15 LY for the Altess.
I also suggest the CAF may be desiding to upgrade the Emacipation and Protector Class Ships to these more advanced sensors, with possible plans for the Aranae and Warsheild as well.

I'd also like to see thae Folowing NEW O.C.C.'s
Galatic Politician/Ambassador
Deep Space Salvage/Rescue Specialist
Space (Asteroid) Miner/Prospector
I know the Galatic Ambassodor ios covered else were in this Forum but here is my take on it:
Attribute Requirements: suggest a IQ of 9 and MA 10 but not required.
Language & Literacy: Native Tounge 98%
Language: Trade 1 & 5 +20%
Performance: +10%
Public Speaking:+20%
Creative writing:+15%(political speaches)
Wardrobe & Grooming:+10%
Dance: +10%
Barter: +15%
Law: Space +20%
Lore: Galatic/Alien +10%
Philosophy: +20%
Space Contacts: +10 % (political contacts)
Computer Operation: + 10%
Research: +15%
History: The Three Galaxies +10%
Hand to Hand: None or Basic can be taken at the cost of one other skill.
OCC related Skills: select 8 other skills.
Skill suggestions to round out Character:
Seduction Anthropology Computer hacking/Cyberjacking (for corupt politicians)
Streetwise First Aid Gambling
Intelligence Cryptogrophy Read/Operate Sensory Instruments
Psychology Military Etiquette Navigation
Mythology: The Three Galaxies & Legends of the Cosmic Forge
Pilot: Hovercraft, Hovercycle, Jet or Contragravity Pack, Small Spacecraft
Lore: Religion, Magic (if from UWW),Psychic & Psionic (if from one of the Psionic Races)
Any W.P. except seige Weapons,Heavy Weapons,Heavy Energy Weapons,Flamethrower,Gernade Launcher,Sharpshooting and Quick Draw.

Nexttime I may post My versions of the Salvage/Rescue Specialist and the Space Miner/Prospector, I just don't have te time to do it today.

KLM wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:I forgot to say i really want to see a Corvette/Cutter class ship.

Well, the Proctor is exactly that, in DMB2. They are fast, all right and can carry cruise missiles
for ruining the day of larger ships.

Plus they can carry a small platoon (even PA troops are possible, they fit into the 100 ton cargo bay),
thought this is not detailed in the canon description.

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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

GT wrote:Just out of Curiosity, what is the space speed of the Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane?

Its Mach 5.5 is the Soup of an atmosphere. Been doubling it for its space speed for Mach 11. Also could use the Broadsword and Fire Eater space speeds I guess. But is there an "official" space speed listed for the Naruni Crescent Delta-Wing Space Plane?

For an "Advanced" model they could add a variable Force Field to it. Same with the Star Dragon.

Good Question,
I guess we have to go with the old Double in space rule as you suggest, until an official ruling comes out in a future supplement.

Hey besides a Corvette and Cutter Class, DSRV, and Medical ships would any one else like to see a CE-Carrier Escort/"Pocket Carrier" design?
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Some things I wish fleets had: Exploration/Science class ships.
more equipment especially:
Exploration gear/Vechicles.
Aquatic exploration gear
A ship that explores space and can explore aquatic worlds when dicovered (Part Spacecraft/Part Submarine).
The Jupiter Class Freighter metioned on p. 32 of Three Galaxies.
Space Mines ( but you can find this on p.37 of Three Galaxies)

Stuff I don't understand:
Why The CAF has NO Katana Fighters on the Araneae Battle Cruiser, or the Emancipation Class Drednaught, like the Other CAF Capital Ships(Protector,Explorer,Packmaster).

The CAF is approx. 424,000 SUB-Capital and Capital/Super-Capital Ships stong (not counting support class hulls like the Bullock Class Tug, Dray & Jupiter Class Frieghters). This is given in Fleets as being Ships of the Line 1/2 of the entire fleet as having 193 sub-capital hulls and 19,000 capital hulls for a Grand Total of 212,000 Hulls. The Dicovery Corps comprises the other 1/2 of the Fleet so we sould assume it has a total of 212,000 hulls as well at its disposal. these hulls are Mostly sub-capital class (i'd say Explorers and Scimitars). Well then if you research all the Phase world books we are Far Short of that number at around 21,800 Hulls+/-.
(ie. Scimitars 10,000 p.168 DMB 2, Hunters 8,000 DMB3, Packmaster 90 p.86 DMB3, Emancipation 12 p.18 Fleets, Protectors 42 p. 39 Fleets -1each/3 total in the Pentarken,Stratos, & Altess Systems DMB6 & Fleets- Grand Total 45, 300 Warsheilds p. 39 Fleets. 1,200 p.13 Fleets. Grand Total 1,500 for sample numbers.)
So were are the Remaining Hulls? What Class/types are they and how many? Hopefuly some of them are the Stonewall Class and Corister Class ships to be covered in the future or we get some other new classes soon. But of course us GM's are encourage to create some of our own. It be great if Palladium had a Fan Phase World Spaceship Design Contest and put the Best in a New Fleets style Book, now that would be COOL!!! Would Help Palladium out during these hard times.
Don't know why the Altess don't have any Cresent Moon or Star Dragon Fighter's?
When I look at Mike Majestic's Rendering of the Star Dragon in Naruni Phase 2, it just Screams to me Altess written all over it.

Side Note: i'd like to see more on the Discovery Corps. one day.
As far as I can tell The Discovery Corps is Sub-divided into the following:

Exploration Corps. (DMB2 Phase World under Colonist O.C.C.)-they explore the uncharted regions of the Three Galaxies and Known Universe. Ships Explorer and Scimitar are heavily used plus others.

Scouting Corps. - they scout out new worlds duing Preliminary survey's of worlds suitable for colonization.

Consortium Planetary Expiditions (CPE)- they do detailed Exploration and Survey's of a planet
right before Colonist are due to arrive.

Consortium Colony Administration Agency (new organization and term i've coined)-they over see the training of colonist, cordinating colonization and supply shipments, oversee the operations of the Local Colony Goverments & etc., They Ensure that the Consortium
Civilivation Compact is followed on Conortium sponcered Colony Worlds.

Why is the Human Allance and Consortium in Genearal leary or paranoid of A.I.'s?
Well other than the AutomantonWars presented on p.7 of Fleets see:
The Shandara System p. 44-46 of DMB6 The Three Galaxies
The Planet Liremos Prime p.77 DMB5 Anvil Galaxy.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Greyaxe »

Contracts, contracts, contracts. Big business like exclusive contracts, any excuse becomes possible when you include business motives.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

I had post earlier that the Scimitar does not due much Customs Enforcement/Patrol of Trade Route Spacelanes. In DMB2 it mentions it has over 200 Patrol routes. But i assume these are routes along the borders of the CCW and other powers (TGE,Golgan,Atess). But make no mistake it does patrol the Trade Routes but is usually the backup Heavy hitter to be called when there is big trouble for the smaller Proctor and Cutter &Corvette Class ships. Its the work Horse of the CAF fleet (other than the larger Warsheild), Duing exploration along side the Explorer Class in the Discovery Corps., is also the other main escort of the Fleet other than the Hunter which is the primary escort (its all Guns for heavens sake!!), and the main "large class vessel" for customs/maritime patrol/law enforcement. That's alot for one ship so, it's numbers are sometimes spread really thin.

I also want to mention another basis for the I.P.T. drive I created and posted earlier is contained in DMB6 the Three Galaxies under the entry for the Hyrill System on p.29 & 30. The Entry states that FTL Flight was really Slow before the forming of the CCW. Then An Explosion happened in FTL technology soon after the forming of the CCW where CG drives became faster and cheaper, also the Phase Drive came into being. So my reasoning is that the I.P.T. Drive was in use before the Formation of the CCW by the Human Alliance, during its first early interplantary day's of colonization, but later CG Tech came into being but was just as slow and at the time more expensive, then CG/FTL Tech Exploded with new advancments/inovations when the CCW was formed becoming cheaper,faster,and the prefered drive system of choice.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by exiled_snow »

Scorpion Leader wrote:...Nexttime I may post My versions of the Salvage/Rescue Specialist and the Space Miner/Prospector...

for these i would modify the nema rescue occs from chaos earth- swap some skills out for zero g, might also want to look @ mining borg
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Scorpion Leader wrote:
GT wrote:Just out of Curiosity, what is the space speed of the Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane?

Its Mach 5.5 is the Soup of an atmosphere. Been doubling it for its space speed for Mach 11. Also could use the Broadsword and Fire Eater space speeds I guess. But is there an "official" space speed listed for the Naruni Crescent Delta-Wing Space Plane?

For an "Advanced" model they could add a variable Force Field to it. Same with the Star Dragon.

Good Question,
I guess we have to go with the old Double in space rule as you suggest, until an official ruling comes out in a future supplement.

Hey besides a Corvette and Cutter Class, DSRV, and Medical ships would any one else like to see a CE-Carrier Escort/"Pocket Carrier" design?

I'd certainly like to see it. I thought I had mentioned something similar being needed awhile back, but that could be my mid 20's on-set alzheimers.

Something much smaller then a Packmaster.

In fact I envision something like this.

Starfighter tender (CVT) 4-12 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed, light armor, PD weapons, low cost. Used primarily for moving fighters/squadrons between ships, bases, etc. Sometimes used for anti-piracy patrols in safe systems.

Escort Carrier (CVE) 18-36 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed (only meant to keep up with frieghters), light armor, PD and short range weapons, lowish cost (on part with an expensive frigate). Used for convoy escort and patrolling more out of the way systems. Sometimes in company with patrol boats or corvettes.

Light carrier (CVL) 48-72 Starfighters, FTL capable, medium to high STL speed (meant to keep up with a cruiser battlegroup), light/medium armor, PD and short range weapons maybe a couple of medium weight weapons, medium cost (about as expensive as a cheap light cruiser). CVLs are used primarily as part of a cruiser battlegroup or as the leadship in a squadron for patrolling isolated and potentially hostile systems. Sometimes used as a strike ship against pirate havens.

Carrier (CV) 96-144 starfighters, otherwise basically as described above for the CVL. Used primarily in larger battlegroups, frequently found in company of battlelines and designed to keep up with them.

Fleet carriers (CVF) think packmaster, 'nough said.

Assualt carriers (CVA) 108-168 star fighters, heavy armor, heavy shields, medium STL speed, a few heavy weapons. Used primarily in battlelines for close starfighter support. Not designed to duke it out with heavy capitol ships, but it is expected to see the furnace of capitol ship combat and thus is designed to survive it, at least for a period of time. CVAs are often found as the core of a heavy battlegroup or even task force.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

exiled_snow wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:...Nexttime I may post My versions of the Salvage/Rescue Specialist and the Space Miner/Prospector...

for these i would modify the nema rescue occs from chaos earth- swap some skills out for zero g, might also want to look @ mining borg

Thanks for the advice, i'll look into it seeing i do have the Chaos Earth Rpg, but none of the supplements yet.
Also what might work is a modification of Robotech the Shadow Chornicles Infanry/Ship Crewmen O.C.C. w/the Damange Control M.O.S. for the Salvage/Rescue (Search and Rescue/Damage Control) Expert.

But i' m hoping we can Get Palladium to include these New O.C.C. in a future supplement.

I'd also like to see M.O.S. for or a Redesign of both the CAF Fleet Officer and Trooper. Fleet Officer should be more like the CS Technical Officer in rifts or the one in Robotech. They should have M.O.S. like Weapons & Defensive Operations Officer, Starship Engineer(i use ethier the Operator or CAF Scientist), Helmsman & Navigation Officer, Elite Fighter and RPA Pilot
(right now turbo jock for this one), Special Forces, Medical Officer/Feild Medic (i use ethier the Body Fixer or FWC Feild Medic,especially seeing FWC medic's are trained by CAF advisors),Communications Officer,Intelligence Officer,EOD/Heavy Weapons Specialist etc.etc.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

azazel1024 wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:
GT wrote:Just out of Curiosity, what is the space speed of the Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane?

Its Mach 5.5 is the Soup of an atmosphere. Been doubling it for its space speed for Mach 11. Also could use the Broadsword and Fire Eater space speeds I guess. But is there an "official" space speed listed for the Naruni Crescent Delta-Wing Space Plane?

For an "Advanced" model they could add a variable Force Field to it. Same with the Star Dragon.

Good Question,
I guess we have to go with the old Double in space rule as you suggest, until an official ruling comes out in a future supplement.

Hey besides a Corvette and Cutter Class, DSRV, and Medical ships would any one else like to see a CE-Carrier Escort/"Pocket Carrier" design?

I'd certainly like to see it. I thought I had mentioned something similar being needed awhile back, but that could be my mid 20's on-set alzheimers.

Something much smaller then a Packmaster.

In fact I envision something like this.

Starfighter tender (CVT) 4-12 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed, light armor, PD weapons, low cost. Used primarily for moving fighters/squadrons between ships, bases, etc. Sometimes used for anti-piracy patrols in safe systems.

Escort Carrier (CVE) 18-36 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed (only meant to keep up with frieghters), light armor, PD and short range weapons, lowish cost (on part with an expensive frigate). Used for convoy escort and patrolling more out of the way systems. Sometimes in company with patrol boats or corvettes.

Light carrier (CVL) 48-72 Starfighters, FTL capable, medium to high STL speed (meant to keep up with a cruiser battlegroup), light/medium armor, PD and short range weapons maybe a couple of medium weight weapons, medium cost (about as expensive as a cheap light cruiser). CVLs are used primarily as part of a cruiser battlegroup or as the leadship in a squadron for patrolling isolated and potentially hostile systems. Sometimes used as a strike ship against pirate havens.

Carrier (CV) 96-144 starfighters, otherwise basically as described above for the CVL. Used primarily in larger battlegroups, frequently found in company of battlelines and designed to keep up with them.

Fleet carriers (CVF) think packmaster, 'nough said.

Assualt carriers (CVA) 108-168 star fighters, heavy armor, heavy shields, medium STL speed, a few heavy weapons. Used primarily in battlelines for close starfighter support. Not designed to duke it out with heavy capitol ships, but it is expected to see the furnace of capitol ship combat and thus is designed to survive it, at least for a period of time. CVAs are often found as the core of a heavy battlegroup or even task force.

I don't know if Palladium will give us all of those, but i would be nice if they did.
I'd hope they would consider at least give us the Carrier Escort and Assault Carrier.
Of course someone will say the Packmaster is already an Assult Carrier.
But I know you mean more like The US Navy Tawara and Iwa Jimima Class LPH/LPA's.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Why deoes The Araneae Class CAF Battle Cruiser include The Number of Assault Troops it Carries?
In the Text it say's its used to move troops and then you get to that section and it's a waist of space, because nothing is listed. Could of Just as easily said none without listing everything and leaving it ZERO for each entry.
Also seeing it does transport Troops from time to time why aren't the troops and equipment it carries when it does so listed like the Explorer Class Ships that also only carry troops on occation?
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Scorpion Leader wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:
GT wrote:Just out of Curiosity, what is the space speed of the Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane?

Its Mach 5.5 is the Soup of an atmosphere. Been doubling it for its space speed for Mach 11. Also could use the Broadsword and Fire Eater space speeds I guess. But is there an "official" space speed listed for the Naruni Crescent Delta-Wing Space Plane?

For an "Advanced" model they could add a variable Force Field to it. Same with the Star Dragon.

Good Question,
I guess we have to go with the old Double in space rule as you suggest, until an official ruling comes out in a future supplement.

Hey besides a Corvette and Cutter Class, DSRV, and Medical ships would any one else like to see a CE-Carrier Escort/"Pocket Carrier" design?

I'd certainly like to see it. I thought I had mentioned something similar being needed awhile back, but that could be my mid 20's on-set alzheimers.

Something much smaller then a Packmaster.

In fact I envision something like this.

Starfighter tender (CVT) 4-12 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed, light armor, PD weapons, low cost. Used primarily for moving fighters/squadrons between ships, bases, etc. Sometimes used for anti-piracy patrols in safe systems.

Escort Carrier (CVE) 18-36 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed (only meant to keep up with frieghters), light armor, PD and short range weapons, lowish cost (on part with an expensive frigate). Used for convoy escort and patrolling more out of the way systems. Sometimes in company with patrol boats or corvettes.

Light carrier (CVL) 48-72 Starfighters, FTL capable, medium to high STL speed (meant to keep up with a cruiser battlegroup), light/medium armor, PD and short range weapons maybe a couple of medium weight weapons, medium cost (about as expensive as a cheap light cruiser). CVLs are used primarily as part of a cruiser battlegroup or as the leadship in a squadron for patrolling isolated and potentially hostile systems. Sometimes used as a strike ship against pirate havens.

Carrier (CV) 96-144 starfighters, otherwise basically as described above for the CVL. Used primarily in larger battlegroups, frequently found in company of battlelines and designed to keep up with them.

Fleet carriers (CVF) think packmaster, 'nough said.

Assualt carriers (CVA) 108-168 star fighters, heavy armor, heavy shields, medium STL speed, a few heavy weapons. Used primarily in battlelines for close starfighter support. Not designed to duke it out with heavy capitol ships, but it is expected to see the furnace of capitol ship combat and thus is designed to survive it, at least for a period of time. CVAs are often found as the core of a heavy battlegroup or even task force.

I don't know if Palladium will give us all of those, but i would be nice if they did.
I'd hope they would consider at least give us the Carrier Escort and Assault Carrier.
Of course someone will say the Packmaster is already an Assult Carrier.
But I know you mean more like The US Navy Tawara and Iwa Jimima Class LPH/LPA's.

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I'd agree that I'd love to even just see the CVE and CVA ships. To me the Packmaster, especially in its description, is more of a fleet carrier where it launches its ships well back from battle keeping a CAP for enemy FB protection and flees from anything of any real weight. I'd like to see something a bit more like a Protector with somewhat diminished size (say 4/5ths size) a bit lighter armor and reduced mainguns and cruise missile batteries/ammunition, but with much larger strike groups. The CVE in my head I'd model after something like the Scimitar with the main guns removed along with the cruise missile battery, slightly reduced speed (Mach 7 or 8) and say 18 starfighters. This just as a starting template.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

A modified Scimitar? Sounds Good. But then agian someone is bound to point out to us that what we're talking about is a ship that is fullfilled by the Araneae Class. but we know that's a bit different.

Also i'm working on a Corvette design. it's a cross between a CAF Asssult Shuttle and a Hunter Class Frigate/Destroyer.
The main body is basiclly that of the CAF Assault Shuttle Connected to the Wolfen style Engine Housing of The Hunter.
It is a joint Human/Wolfen Design. It's called the Comitia Class Corvette, which is the Wolfen term for Scout/Escort.
It has Armaments Similar to the CAF Assult Shuttle, but with Two powerful Cannons along the side (replacing the two front side turrents) tha tare similar to The Hunters. It has an oversized drive for its size ethier a Large Sub-Capital or Capital class Reactor and Thrusters. Therefore it has a high thrust to weight ratio, with high FTL and sublight Mach speed.

azazel1024 wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:
Scorpion Leader wrote:
GT wrote:Just out of Curiosity, what is the space speed of the Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane?

Its Mach 5.5 is the Soup of an atmosphere. Been doubling it for its space speed for Mach 11. Also could use the Broadsword and Fire Eater space speeds I guess. But is there an "official" space speed listed for the Naruni Crescent Delta-Wing Space Plane?

For an "Advanced" model they could add a variable Force Field to it. Same with the Star Dragon.

Good Question,
I guess we have to go with the old Double in space rule as you suggest, until an official ruling comes out in a future supplement.

Hey besides a Corvette and Cutter Class, DSRV, and Medical ships would any one else like to see a CE-Carrier Escort/"Pocket Carrier" design?

I'd certainly like to see it. I thought I had mentioned something similar being needed awhile back, but that could be my mid 20's on-set alzheimers.

Something much smaller then a Packmaster.

In fact I envision something like this.

Starfighter tender (CVT) 4-12 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed, light armor, PD weapons, low cost. Used primarily for moving fighters/squadrons between ships, bases, etc. Sometimes used for anti-piracy patrols in safe systems.

Escort Carrier (CVE) 18-36 starfighters, FTL capable, lowish STL speed (only meant to keep up with frieghters), light armor, PD and short range weapons, lowish cost (on part with an expensive frigate). Used for convoy escort and patrolling more out of the way systems. Sometimes in company with patrol boats or corvettes.

Light carrier (CVL) 48-72 Starfighters, FTL capable, medium to high STL speed (meant to keep up with a cruiser battlegroup), light/medium armor, PD and short range weapons maybe a couple of medium weight weapons, medium cost (about as expensive as a cheap light cruiser). CVLs are used primarily as part of a cruiser battlegroup or as the leadship in a squadron for patrolling isolated and potentially hostile systems. Sometimes used as a strike ship against pirate havens.

Carrier (CV) 96-144 starfighters, otherwise basically as described above for the CVL. Used primarily in larger battlegroups, frequently found in company of battlelines and designed to keep up with them.

Fleet carriers (CVF) think packmaster, 'nough said.

Assualt carriers (CVA) 108-168 star fighters, heavy armor, heavy shields, medium STL speed, a few heavy weapons. Used primarily in battlelines for close starfighter support. Not designed to duke it out with heavy capitol ships, but it is expected to see the furnace of capitol ship combat and thus is designed to survive it, at least for a period of time. CVAs are often found as the core of a heavy battlegroup or even task force.

I don't know if Palladium will give us all of those, but i would be nice if they did.
I'd hope they would consider at least give us the Carrier Escort and Assault Carrier.
Of course someone will say the Packmaster is already an Assult Carrier.
But I know you mean more like The US Navy Tawara and Iwa Jimima Class LPH/LPA's.

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I'd agree that I'd love to even just see the CVE and CVA ships. To me the Packmaster, especially in its description, is more of a fleet carrier where it launches its ships well back from battle keeping a CAP for enemy FB protection and flees from anything of any real weight. I'd like to see something a bit more like a Protector with somewhat diminished size (say 4/5ths size) a bit lighter armor and reduced mainguns and cruise missile batteries/ammunition, but with much larger strike groups. The CVE in my head I'd model after something like the Scimitar with the main guns removed along with the cruise missile battery, slightly reduced speed (Mach 7 or 8) and say 18 starfighters. This just as a starting template.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Before it comes up I'd just like to Point out the Difference between The Ablative Armor I posted earlier and Reactive Armor as Listed on p. 33 of Fleets.

Reactive Armor - Reactive Armor consists of addition armor plates that are placed over the armored hull of the ship.
Each plate contains a shaped explosive charge that explodes outward when hit by Explosive or Kinetic Weapons
(ie.rail guns, gravity cannon, & missile fire), therefore reducing the damage caused by such weapons by 1/2 normal.

Ablative Armor- Ablative Armor is armor plating that acts as a second outer skin/outer hull.
It is designed to burn away(vaporize/desintergrate) when hit by incoming weapons fire
thereby taking full damage to the Ablative Hull, but leaving the Main Hull usually intact and unscathed.
This is why it has an A.R. (armor rating), because even though it provides decent protection some acts do mange to find a weakness in the armor and due full damage to the main hull.

Note:the Ablative Armor that I mentioned in my previous post is also coated with a reflective coating like that of a Glitter Boy,that reduces Laser Damage by 1/2 normal,but all other acts due full damage as describe in the earlier post.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

I hope in the Next Supplement (pirates i guess) we get more info. on Jelko Rodula's ships the Guardian and Defender heavy cruisers, because I want to know more about the HI-pulse Lasers as mentioned in passing on p.33 of Fleets.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Scorpion Leader wrote:Before it comes up I'd just like to Point out the Difference between The Ablative Armor I posted earlier and Reactive Armor as Listed on p. 33 of Fleets.

Reactive Armor - Reactive Armor consists of addition armor plates that are placed over the armored hull of the ship.
Each plate contains a shaped explosive charge that explodes outward when hit by Explosive or Kinetic Weapons
(ie.rail guns, gravity cannon, & missile fire), therefore reducing the damage caused by such weapons by 1/2 normal.

Ablative Armor- Ablative Armor is armor plating that acts as a second outer skin/outer hull.
It is designed to burn away(vaporize/desintergrate) when hit by incoming weapons fire
thereby taking full damage to the Ablative Hull, but leaving the Main Hull usually intact and unscathed.
This is why it has an A.R. (armor rating), because even though it provides decent protection some acts do mange to find a weakness in the armor and due full damage to the main hull.

Note:the Ablative Armor that I mentioned in my previous post is also coated with a reflective coating like that of a Glitter Boy,that reduces Laser Damage by 1/2 normal,but all other acts due full damage as describe in the earlier post.

please note: my keyboard is sticking agian. where it says acts in this previous post it should read attacks.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Carl Gleba »

You know you can edit your own post right? Next to the quote button, there should be an edit button for your post.

Just an FYI.

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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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Well, I was thinking more like using the stats/size of the Scimitar as a starting place to design a CVE around that. That being said, its a big gov't and somebody is probably going to want to take an existing design and modify it. Heck, saw a number of carriers built on CA (Baltimore I think) class hulls during WWII along with a number of other conversions over the years. This could either be a conversion or simply using the hull as a starting point and going from there.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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If you know the dimensions of a cargo ship you can turn that into a resonable sized carrier. I got one that has a two 360X130x10meter cargo bays, you can cram in 212(or 400+ if you stack them ontop of each other) Black Eagles or about 80 for operational use with full access to workshops and room for weapons and parts storage.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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I've used converted cargo ships in my campaigns a couple of times, but mostly as Q ships or pirate ships. For a warship, even one that hangs back they are just too lightly armed and armored along with too low of a speed to keep up with a fleet. Also since they aren't designed for launching and recovering fighters it slows their operational deployment and recovery.

The times I used them as Q ships and pirate ships they worked out pretty well (for the later until the CAF sector commander positioned a warshield along a convoy route in advance and had it do a minihop in to where the convoy got jumped).
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by GT »

BRANDEN if you ever read these any more.

For the weapon limits on the ship construction.

Would a Battle Cruiser that can have 6 heavy weapons, is that 6 signal weapons or up to 6 batteries of weapons.

Like mounting Heavy Lasers in a turret/battery counting as one heavy weapon system? With all the lasers fitting in the turret being one heavy weapon.

I assume its what can fit in a Turret counts as one Heavy Weapon selection.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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GT wrote:Would a Battle Cruiser that can have 6 heavy weapons, is that 6 signal weapons or up to 6 batteries of weapons.
Like mounting Heavy Lasers in a turret/battery counting as one heavy weapon system? With all the lasers fitting in the turret being one heavy weapon.


Each "heavy weapon slot", of which a battle cruiser has 6, can be a turreted and/or double barelled weapon - exactly as described in the main Phase World book or in Three Galaxies. Also keep in mind that cruise missile luanchers fall into the "medium" catagory, even if they volley 10 at a time. So, if you really wanted to load up a battle cruiser, you could give it 6 double barelled particle beam weapons, and 8 cruise missile launchers!
Braden, GMPhD
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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How about cruise missile launchers that launch over 10 missiles per launcher? Are thy heavy weapons?
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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I would say yes, they would be.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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so no Honorverse type ships then? :(
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

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You can make up whatever kind of vessels you want. These are just guidlelines to ensure game ballance across the power blocs, not hard and fast rules. If you want to build a capital ship that can volley off 140+ cruise missiles in seven seconds, then do it. Just be aware that it will violate treaties, or incite panic in others, or be the target of sabatoage of theft, or be a prototype, or an ancient relic perhaps best forgotten, or anything.

Like I wrote in the book, feel free to deviate from the established norms... but be ready to have a good story behind your creation to explain it.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

You know guy's fleets is a great book, but would have been greater if the space skills,starship construction rules, and starship combt rules from Phase world, Phase World Sourcebook,and Three galaxies,Rifter 34; was all gathered together,re-wriitten, re-edited,expanded and re-printed for convience in Fleets. But then it would of caused an increased page count,thereby increasing price, and causing delays and the book not making deadlines. OH well maybe next time. (I really hope and suggest Palladium does do so in a future Phase World supplement/kinda like the Rifts GM's Guide)
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by GT »

:? Here's some thing more general issue. :?

Rate of Fire of Missile Launchers. Where its vague on the Rate of fire. Is it One Volley Per action till missiles ammo is used up? Or just up to the one stated volley size per melee round? Like on the Long Range missile launchers on the War Shield Cruiser. Long Range Missile launchers not the cruise missiles where its stated.

Also for the smaller point defence mini missile and gravity or PB cannon dual systems. Is it one volley of 4 mini missiles total or one volley per action of gunner?

Or like on the UWW frigate. Is it one volley total from the launcher or is it one volley per action up to 8 per volley?
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Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

It apparently varries, so read the Rate of Fire carefully.

The Protector, for example, has 4 cruise missile batteries. Each one holds 32 missiles... but they can be squeezed off in whatever combonation the gunner sees fit. 16 volleys of 2, 8 volleys of 4, even a singular volley of 32. Each volley takes up one of the gunners attacks per melee, until the launcher is dry.

The launchers on the Doombringer, on the other hand, can only fire volleys of ten. It takes one attack to push the button, but the mechanism itself can only spit out one volley per 15 seconds. I guess Kreeghor technology makes them have a long reload time, or something.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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