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Blood Bolts (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can generate barbed blood red barbed steel-like bolts as a form of matter expulsion. These bolts can be shot into a target to then dig in and become hard to remove.
Range: 400 feet, plus 40 feet per level
Duration: Strike is instant. Blood barb will dissolve after the character's PE attribute number in minutes.
Damage: 3d6 on impact, with removal of the barbed bolt without medical help doing an additional 1d6 damage from ripping it out, plus one point of SDC per minute from bleeding..
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to strike with the barbed bolts.
Bonuses: +4 to strike
Blood Poisoning: The target must save vs. blood-borne toxins (16 or better, PE bonus applies) or lose an additional 1d4 SDC per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds.

Bloodline (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Time for you to donate blood."

The character can shoot out a vein-like extension to drain blood from a target.

1. Blood Bolts and Barbs: The character can generate barbed blood red barbed steel-like bolts as a form of matter expulsion. These bolts can be shot into a target to then dig in and become hard to remove.
Range: 400 feet, plus 40 feet per level
Duration: Strike is instant. Blood barb will dissolve after the character's PE attribute number in minutes.
Damage: 3d6 on impact, with removal of the barbed bolt without medical help doing an additional 1d6 damage from ripping it out, plus 1 SDC per minute from bleeding.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to strike with the barbed bolts.
Bonuses: +4 to strike
Blood Poisoning: The target must save vs. blood-borne toxins (16 or better, PE bonus applies) or lose an additional 1d4 SDC per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds.

2. Draining Blood: A rubbery sinew tube resembling a vein can be attached to the Blood Bolt before it is shot by expending an extra action. This tube allows the character to drain 1d6 Hit Points from the target per melee round while it is attached, healing the character 1d6 SDC an 1 point of HP damage for every 1d6 HP drained.
Range: Draining Blood strike must be within 100 feet, plus 10 feet per level, due to the limited length of the tube.
Duration: The tube will dissolve after 2d4 melee rounds or when not needed, or if the tube is broken or the barbed bolt is removed.
SDC of Tube: The tube has an effective SDC of 20. It cannot be harmed by unarmed strikes, with blunt melee weapons doing one quarter damage. Bladed weapons will, however, do full damage.
Excess Hit Points Drained: The character can drain up to an excess of 10 HP which can be used to take HP damage done to the character, but this excess amount does not heal once gone. No excess SDC can be stored, so once the SDC of the character is healed, he cannot absorb and more points of Hit Points even if this excess is not reached or he still has damage to his own Hit Points.

3. Immunity to Blood Poisoning: The character is immune to blood-borne toxins and diseases, and is +2 to save from other types of poisons, toxins and diseases.

4. Other Bonuses:
+1d4X10 SDC
+2d4 PE
Heals at twice normal rate
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gmapprentice wrote::( i just spent 20 minutes writing a new power and i somehow deleted it, so i guess i'll ask before trying again. has anyone made a power where the user can tag, track and sense a small number of objects over long distances?

There are already at least three Tag powers that I am aware of.
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Blood Blades (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"You will be the blood that kills your allies."

The superbeing can rip into a target, pulling their blood out as large blades.

1. Ripper Claws: The character has claws which do ripping damage and rip through AR as if it were 2 points lower.
Range: Reach, as per hand to hand strike
Duration: Instant
Damage: 4d6 plus PS damage bonus, plus 4 points per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: +2 to strike in addition to any other bonuses from other powers, skills and attribute bonuses.

2. Blood Draw: Once a bleeding wound is opened, the character can cause it to bleed intensely by expending another action.
Range: The character must be within 40 feet of the injured opponent, plus 4 feet per level.
Duration: The opponent will continue to bleed profusely for each melee round the character concentrates on bleeding out the wound.
Damage: 2d6 per melee round.
Attacks: Uses one attack/action to initiate the increased bleeding and one per melee round to maintain the effect.
Saving Throw: The injured party may save vs. the increased blood loss (16 or better, PE bonus applies) each melee round the power is in effect to stop the bleeding.

3, Blood Blade: The character can also reach into an open wound and pull blood out in the form or a solid blade.
Range: Touch, must reach into an open bleeding wound. A blood blade will be a four foot long sword.
Duration: Instant. The blood blade will last for the character's ME number in melee rounds, plus one melee round per level, before dissolving into a bloody mess.
Damage: Pulling the blood blade out does 6d6 damage to the person the blood is being pulled from. The blade will do 2d6 plus PS damage bonus on a successful strike.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to reach in and pull the blade out of a target. Attacks with the blade are as per normal melee combat.
Bonuses: +2 to strike to reach into an existing wound to pull out the blade. +4 to strike with the blood blade at level one, with an additional +1 to strike and parry at levels 4, 8 and 12. +2 to parry with the blood blade, with an additional +1 to parry at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Skill and attribute bonuses to using a sword also apply when wielding this blade.
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Leon Kennedy wrote:I have an idea for a power, but I don't want to tread where others have already been. I looked in the Wiki, and didn't see this (or anything like it) there, but I'll ask anyway - has anyone done or seen APS: Rainbow?

That would be effectively the same as APS Light.
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Leon Kennedy wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Leon Kennedy wrote:I have an idea for a power, but I don't want to tread where others have already been. I looked in the Wiki, and didn't see this (or anything like it) there, but I'll ask anyway - has anyone done or seen APS: Rainbow?

That would be effectively the same as APS Light.

I'll have to re-read APS:Light to make sure, but I don't think APS Light covers what I'm going after. I'll bone up on it tonight, and if it's all good then I'll post it tomorrow.

Just make sure that if you add abilities to APS Light that you subtract others to balance it out.
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Delirium Blade (Major) by Gryphon Chick

The character is crazy (create as a Crazy Hero with the characteristic Frenzy with the bonuses listed in the HU2 core book page 34-35) and generates a psi-sword without need of using ISP. The character can mentally will it into existence as such. Rather than being one color or size to reflect the character's mood, the sword constantly changes in appearance from moment to moment. As a result, opponents trying to parry or dodge it are at -4 to do so.
Range: Reach, up to 3 feet long
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Damage: Psi-sword damage: 4d6 at level one, plus 2d6 at levels 4, 7, 9, 12 and 15. The damage can be adjusted up or down in increments of 2d6 to a minimum of 2d6. The sword also inflicts a delirium effect (see below).
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to summon the sword, and then actions as per melee combat.
Bonuses to Strike: ME attribute and PP attribute bonuses BOTH apply to the use of the sword, as do any bonuses from WP Sword.
Special Effects: The sword inflicts phobic panic with the character as the source upon opponents. A saving throw vs. Insanity (Standard 12 or better, ME bonus applies) may be rolled. If failing the saving throw, the opponent will enter a phobic panic (roll for effect on page 31 of the HU2 main book).
Other Abilities: The character is immune to psionic attack, possession and mind control.
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Stone Gargoyle
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gmapprentice wrote:immune to psionics, mind control and possession? why?

I would guess because their mind is so twisted no one can control it. Think about it.
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Gryphon Chick wrote:
89er wrote:Can you say Coconut canapult, because I can't.

Coconut Catapult? Cool. I am thinking it would be a form that is amphibious rather than having the water as part of it, because SG is right, that is too much. The body can be some sort of APS Dirt and would not have sand powers per se. I will research it and see if we can make something that works for what you want but is not overpowered.

Create Explosive Objects: Concussive Coconuts (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts..."

The character can grow what are basically coconuts from a treelike appendage which either appears to be a tail or comes out of the character's back.

1. Palm Tree: The character has a treelike appendage which is 4 feet long. The tree grows a single coconut at level one, plus an additional coconut at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15. The tree can be used to throw the coconuts, though will throw ALL coconuts at once) for the character's PS X100 feet (see concussive impact damage below). The tree can also be used to whip opponents (+2 to do so) for 2d6 damage and can carry objects up to a weight of the character's PS X100 pounds. The appendage has an SDC of 40.

2. Concussive Coconuts: The character can grow coconuts on the appendage which can be thrown for damage or made to explode.
Range: Throwing range for 5 pound item if thrown as concussive bomb, or can be rolled the character's PS X100 feet, or further throw using treelike appendage (see above).
Duration: Instant detonation on impact, or up to one melee round after thrown. Coconuts are permanent feature of the character until thrown.
Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 per level of experience to everything in a 10 foot blast radius, on impact when thrown. If thrown along the ground, they roll at high speed (twice that of the character's best speed) and do 1d4 damage to targets hit with a 01-30% chance of knocking down one target and then moving to the next target in line of sight, finally exploding at the end of the melee round. Attempting to smash the coconut open will also cause it to explode.
Attacks: Takes a full hour to regrow a coconut. Attacking with the coconuts use one melee attack/action per coconut.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, in addition to any applicable WP skills (such as targeting) and PP attribute bonuses.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses: The tree, and the character's entire body, has a Natural AR of 10.

Combine this with APS Sand and Amphibious for a tropical island character.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Create Explosive Objects: Concussive Coconuts (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts..."

Combine this with APS Sand and Amphibious for a tropical island character.

Or you can just take out the concussion part to make it a minor and add just aspects of APS Sand and Amphibious to make it its own power.

I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts (minor) By Gryphon Chick Based On Work By Stone Gargoyle

The character can grow coconuts on the appendage which can be thrown for damage.
Range: The treelike appendage is 4 feet long. Throwing range for 5 pound item if thrown as ball, or can be rolled the character's PS X100 feet, or thrown using treelike appendage for the character's PS X100 feet.
SDC: The appendage has an SDC of 40.
Weight Limits: The appendage can carry objects up to a weight of the character's PS X100 pounds.
Number: The tree grows a single coconut at level one, plus an additional coconut at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15.
Duration: Coconuts are permanent feature of the character until thrown.
Damage: 1d6 damage when thrown. If thrown along the ground, they roll at high speed (twice that of the character's best speed) and do 1d4 damage to targets hit with a 01-30% chance of knocking down one target and then moving to the next target in line of sight, finally dissolving at the end of the melee round. The tree can be used to throw the coconuts, though will throw ALL coconuts at once for 1d6 per coconut.
Attacks: Takes a full hour to regrow a coconut. Attacking with the coconuts use one melee attack/action per coconut.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, in addition to any applicable WP skills (such as targeting) and PP attribute bonuses.
Last edited by Gryphon Chick on Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Gryphon Chick wrote:Or you can just take out the concussion part to make it a minor and add just aspects of APS Sand and Amphibious to make it its own power.

I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts (minor) By Gryphon Chick Based On Work By Stone Gargoyle

The character can grow coconuts on the appendage which can be thrown for damage.
Range: The treelike appendage is 4 feet long. Throwing range for 5 pound item if thrown as ball, or can be rolled the character's PS X100 feet, or thrown using treelike appendage for the character's PS X100 feet.
SDC: The appendage has an SDC of 40.
Weight Limits: The appendage can carry objects up to a weight of the character's PS X100 pounds.
Number: The tree grows a single coconut at level one, plus an additional coconut at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15.
Duration: Coconuts are permanent feature of the character until thrown.
Damage: 1d6 damage when thrown. If thrown along the ground, they roll at high speed (twice that of the character's best speed) and do 1d4 damage to targets hit with a 01-30% chance of knocking down one target and then moving to the next target in line of sight, finally dissolvinging at the end of the melee round. The tree can be used to throw the coconuts, though will throw ALL coconuts at once for 1d6 per coconut.
Attacks: Takes a full hour to regrow a coconut. Attacking with the coconuts use one melee attack/action per coconut.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, in addition to any applicable WP skills (such as targeting) and PP attribute bonuses.

Good point, and nice work.
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Leon Kennedy wrote:I read APS Light last night, and I started tooling around with what I was hoping would end up being APS Rainbow. But after I started working it up, I realized that it wasn't just a variation of APS Light, but it was a conglomeration of multiple powers, both major and minor. And to tweak it for game use makes it, in a sense, APS Light with color.

But this gives me an idea for a villain I'm gonna use....

You might also check this out:
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Alter Physical Structure: Tropical Island (Major) by Gryphon Chick, with material created by Stone Gargoyle

1. Aquatic Abilities:
* Breathe Underwater: The character can breathe underwater as easily as on land.
* Swimming: The character can move in the water at a skill level of 80%, plus 1% per character level.
* Bonuses in Water: +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge

2. Sand Skin (created as a minor power by Stone Gargoyle): The hero's skin transforms to be made up of thousands of loose pieces of sand which stays fairly solid unless struck or caused to shift.

Physical Attack Resistance: The hero possesses a Natural AR of 12 and her SDC is doubled when her flesh becomes sand. Physical attacks such as punches, kicks, sword strikes and bullets do half damage when the strike is 13 or better, though no damage is sustained by the first 20 points of physical damage in the melee round. Explosions do full damage, but in most cases SDC can be regained by absorbing more sand, healing one point of SDC damage per melee round. If all SDC in an area of the body is expended, damage goes directly to Hit Points, though the hero will revert to her human skinned form if reduced to less than 30% total SDC. Each 10% of the hero's SDC lost also reduces her Natural AR by one point.

Bleeding and First Aid: Any cut, stab wound or bullet wound actually doing damage will cause the hero to bleed off sand. losing 1 SDC point per minute, as this type of wound will not heal until the bleeding off of sand is stopped. Stopping the bleeding is accomplished by getting the sand wet and repacking it.

Increased Mass and Strength: The hero's weight is increased by 30% when the flesh becomes sand, with the strength increaing by 1d4+4, considered Extraordinary. The hero will also fatigue at half normal rate.

Increased Damage Ability: The sand skin is naturally scraping and chaffing. As a result, physical strikes do an added +1d4 damage and strike as if the target is -2 to their AR (meaning she would only need to roll a 13 to hit an AR of 14). The extra 1d4 damage will be inflicted on Natural AR regardless of the roll to strike, though no other damage will be inflicted other than the 1d4 if striking under the AR. Stone and metal will only take a single point of damage regardless, though wooden armor will take double the added damage (+1d8).

Sand Blast: At the cost of 1 SDC point, the hero can shoot off a portion of the sand in her skin as an attack.
Range: 20 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: 1d6, +1 point per level of experience
Attacks: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action
Bonuses: PP attribute and skill combat bonuses are applicable.
Sand Blind: With a Called Shot (-3 to strike), the character can use the sand blast to blind an opponent. Blinded individuals are -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melee rounds after the attack, and -3 to strike, parry and dodge for an additional 2d4 melee rounds unless the eyes are rinsed to get the irritating grit out of them.

Other Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+1d6 Hit Points
Speed is doubled when transformed to Sand Skin
Resistant to Poisons and Toxins (+4 to save, with effects having half penalties and duration)
Resistant to Fire and Heat (half damage)

3. Coconut Catapult:The character can grow coconuts on the appendage which can be thrown for damage.
Range: The treelike appendage is 4 feet long. Throwing range for 5 pound item if thrown as ball, or can be rolled the character's PS X100 feet, or thrown using treelike appendage for the character's PS X100 feet.
SDC: The appendage has an SDC of 40.
Weight Limits: The appendage can carry objects up to a weight of the character's PS X100 pounds.
Number: The tree grows a single coconut at level one, plus an additional coconut at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15.
Duration: Coconuts are permanent feature of the character until thrown.
Damage: 1d6 damage when thrown. If thrown along the ground, they roll at high speed (twice that of the character's best speed) and do 1d4 damage to targets hit with a 01-30% chance of knocking down one target and then moving to the next target in line of sight, finally dissolving at the end of the melee round. The tree can be used to throw the coconuts, though will throw ALL coconuts at once for 1d6 per coconut.
Attacks: Takes a full hour to regrow a coconut. Attacking with the coconuts use one melee attack/action per coconut.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, in addition to any applicable WP skills (such as targeting) and PP attribute bonuses.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Leon Kennedy wrote:I read APS Light last night, and I started tooling around with what I was hoping would end up being APS Rainbow. But after I started working it up, I realized that it wasn't just a variation of APS Light, but it was a conglomeration of multiple powers, both major and minor. And to tweak it for game use makes it, in a sense, APS Light with color.

I believe a round of "I told you so's" is in order. :P

Gryphon Chick wrote:You might also check this out:

Oh, yeah... Forgot about that one. :D

Gryphon Chick wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Tropical Island (Major) by Gryphon Chick, with material created by Stone Gargoyle

1. Aquatic Abilities:
* Breathe Underwater: The character can breathe underwater as easily as on land.
* Swimming: The character can move in the water at a skill level of 80%, plus 1% per character level.
* Bonuses in Water: +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge

2. Sand Skin (created as a minor power by Stone Gargoyle): The hero's skin transforms to be made up of thousands of loose pieces of sand which stays fairly solid unless struck or caused to shift.

Physical Attack Resistance: The hero possesses a Natural AR of 12 and her SDC is doubled when her flesh becomes sand. Physical attacks such as punches, kicks, sword strikes and bullets do half damage when the strike is 13 or better, though no damage is sustained by the first 20 points of physical damage in the melee round. Explosions do full damage, but in most cases SDC can be regained by absorbing more sand, healing one point of SDC damage per melee round. If all SDC in an area of the body is expended, damage goes directly to Hit Points, though the hero will revert to her human skinned form if reduced to less than 30% total SDC. Each 10% of the hero's SDC lost also reduces her Natural AR by one point.

Bleeding and First Aid: Any cut, stab wound or bullet wound actually doing damage will cause the hero to bleed off sand. losing 1 SDC point per minute, as this type of wound will not heal until the bleeding off of sand is stopped. Stopping the bleeding is accomplished by getting the sand wet and repacking it.

Increased Mass and Strength: The hero's weight is increased by 30% when the flesh becomes sand, with the strength increaing by 1d4+4, considered Extraordinary. The hero will also fatigue at half normal rate.

Increased Damage Ability: The sand skin is naturally scraping and chaffing. As a result, physical strikes do an added +1d4 damage and strike as if the target is -2 to their AR (meaning she would only need to roll a 13 to hit an AR of 14). The extra 1d4 damage will be inflicted on Natural AR regardless of the roll to strike, though no other damage will be inflicted other than the 1d4 if striking under the AR. Stone and metal will only take a single point of damage regardless, though wooden armor will take double the added damage (+1d8).

Sand Blast: At the cost of 1 SDC point, the hero can shoot off a portion of the sand in her skin as an attack.
Range: 20 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: 1d6, +1 point per level of experience
Attacks: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action
Bonuses: PP attribute and skill combat bonuses are applicable.
Sand Blind: With a Called Shot (-3 to strike), the character can use the sand blast to blind an opponent. Blinded individuals are -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melee rounds after the attack, and -3 to strike, parry and dodge for an additional 2d4 melee rounds unless the eyes are rinsed to get the irritating grit out of them.

Other Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+1d6 Hit Points
Speed is doubled when transformed to Sand Skin
Resistant to Poisons and Toxins (+4 to save, with effects having half penalties and duration)
Resistant to Fire and Heat (half damage)

3. Coconut Catapult:The character can grow coconuts on the appendage which can be thrown for damage.
Range: The treelike appendage is 4 feet long. Throwing range for 5 pound item if thrown as ball, or can be rolled the character's PS X100 feet, or thrown using treelike appendage for the character's PS X100 feet.
SDC: The appendage has an SDC of 40.
Weight Limits: The appendage can carry objects up to a weight of the character's PS X100 pounds.
Number: The tree grows a single coconut at level one, plus an additional coconut at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15.
Duration: Coconuts are permanent feature of the character until thrown.
Damage: 1d6 damage when thrown. If thrown along the ground, they roll at high speed (twice that of the character's best speed) and do 1d4 damage to targets hit with a 01-30% chance of knocking down one target and then moving to the next target in line of sight, finally dissolving at the end of the melee round. The tree can be used to throw the coconuts, though will throw ALL coconuts at once for 1d6 per coconut.
Attacks: Takes a full hour to regrow a coconut. Attacking with the coconuts use one melee attack/action per coconut.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, in addition to any applicable WP skills (such as targeting) and PP attribute bonuses.

Wowsers! :eek:
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.


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Leon Kennedy wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Leon Kennedy wrote:I read APS Light last night, and I started tooling around with what I was hoping would end up being APS Rainbow. But after I started working it up, I realized that it wasn't just a variation of APS Light, but it was a conglomeration of multiple powers, both major and minor. And to tweak it for game use makes it, in a sense, APS Light with color.

I believe a round of "I told you so's" is in order. :P

Wow. That really makes me want to keep trying to come up with new powers. Thanks. :rolleyes:

Just teasing ya. I like a lot of your powers,so please don't quit.

Leon Kennedy wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:You might also check this out:

That's not quite what I was going for, but it's kinda close. I was thinking of also allowing the character to alter the color of his own body in such a way as to cause hypnotic patterns.

I can tweak something to combine Rainbows and APS Light if you want.

Alter Physical Structure: Rainbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am the light."

1. Semi-Intangible and Impervious to Most Attacks: All physical attacks, such as punches, kicks, swords strikes,arrows, bullets, force blasts, poison, grenades and even explosives, simply pass harmlessly through the light character. However, the character is unable to make any form of physical attacks or pick up objects himself as a creature of pure light and energy. Also note that the light hero is effectively weightless when transformed.

2. Bend Light: Basically the same as the minor super ability.
Range: Self or light beam with a range of 200 feet, + 20 feet per level
Damage: None
Duration: One melee round
This ability allows the character to manipulate light radiation like a prism.
* The superbeing can separate the color bands or light to produce a colored light beam or radiate about 70 watts of colored light (enough to light up a 10X10 foot room or read by). The colors possible are blue, green, yellow, orange, red and purple, as well as infrared and ultraviolet.
* Blank Spot: The character can manipulate light and light beams, such as infrared and ultraviolet, to "bend" around objects, thus making them invisible to such light. However, since the light is bent around the object, an onlooker may notice a blank spot or ripple in the area he is looking at (roll d20, 18 or higher on initiative notices the anomaly).
* Ultraviolet and infrared vision: Range: 200 feet, plus 100 feet per level

3. Laser Beam: Using his control of light molecules, the hero gathers light about him, adjusting its frequency and wavelength, thus changing it into a coherent beam of light.
Range: Gathers light from area 100 feet around him, plus 10 feet per level, into a beam he can project 600 feet, plus 100 feet per level
Damage: 1d6 per level, and can regulate in increments of 1d6 after level 3.
Attacks: Each attack counts as 1 melee attack/action.
Bonus: +1 to strike with laser.

4. Color Manipulation: Essentially the same as the minor super ability.
The character can alter the light reflected off of objects, effectively changing their color, or change the light and color of himself. He can use this to create a strobe effect in addition to changing single colors.
Range: Self or other people, animals, plants and objects up to 100 feet away, plus 10 feet per level.
Area of Effect: 200 square feet per level.
Damage: None, but the strobe has a hypnotic effect. When the strobe effect is active, opponents must save (12 or better, ME bonus applies) or be mesmerized, performing no actions and just standing (or sitting in whatever position when strobe effect began) entranced until the strobe effect stops.
Duration: Constant, though the character can change it back at any time.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to alter the specific color of an object. Changing his own color or just changing an object to a random color requires no actions expended.
Saving Throw: None

5. Laser Leap: The character can leap his PS number X100 feet, plus 100 feet per level, but will leave a light trail which resembles a rainbow when doing so which will last one hour per level of experience. The leap is at light speed and so only takes one melee attack/action.

6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Awe Factor: 14 in rainbow form
All light attacks from this character do twice damage to vampires and other creatures of the night.
When exposed to any light, the character regenerates 2d6 Hit Points or SDc per half hour of exposure.
Add 40 points to SDC.
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Glowing Bones(Minor)
"Glow the Bones!"

Range: Self or others by touch or 25 ft +10 ft per level of experience

Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience

Effects: This power causes skeletal bones to glow an intense, but heatless, blue-green, bright enough to shine through muscle and flesh, and still illuminate enough to be able to read by in a 5 ft radius. The person's skeleton looks like it's glowing radioactively, and to observers/victims unfamiliar with the harmless nature of the glow, the effect can be quite horrifying(Horror Factor 11 in broad daylight/bright lights, H.F. of 13 in darkness).
This power can be used as a distraction or psychological attack, but it can also be used to illuminate a person's skeleton and internal organs to look for breaks, fractures, and foreign bodies lodged in the body(+5% for anybody with Paramedic, Medical Doctor, Field Surgery, or Anatomy skills for treating such injuries/disorders after examining a patient so 'x-lit'). It can also be used to 'tag' beings attempting to disguise themselves, as the effect persists even if they change forms(see Limitations).

*Doesn't work on beings with exoskeletons or heavy external body plating like BioArmor. The glow is also not intense enough to be seen through EBA or power armor(though the glow might be seen through seams and openings in less substantial forms fo body covering and body armor). Also doesn't work on beings with exotic or inorganic Alter Physical Structure powers(essentially anything that wouldn't have a skeleton as such).
Last edited by taalismn on Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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taalismn wrote:Glowing Bones(Minor)
"Glow the Bones!"

Range: Self or others by touch or 25 ft +10 ft per level of experience

Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience

Effects: This power causes skeletal bones to glow an intense, but heatless, blue-green, bright enough to shine through muscle and flesh, and still illuminate enough to be able to read by in a 5 ft radius. The person's skeleton looks like it's glowing radioactively, and to observers/victims unfamiliar with the harmless nature of the glow, the effect can be quite horrifying(Horror Factor 11 in broad daylight/bright lights, H.F. of 13 in darkness).
This power can be used as a distraction or psyhcological attack, but it can also be used to illuminate a person's skeleton and internal organs to look for breaks, fractures, and foreign bodies lodged in the body(+5% for anybody with Paramedic, Medical Doctor, Field Surgery, or Anatomy skills for treating such injuries/disorders after examining a patient so 'x-lit'). It can also be used to 'tag' beings attempting to disguise themselves, as the effect persists even if they change forms(see Limitations).

*Doesn't work on beings with exoskeletons or heavy external body plating like BioArmor. The glow is also not intense enough to be seen through EBA or power armor(though the glow might be seen through seams and openings in less substantial forms fo body covering and body armor). Also doesn't work on beings with exotic or inorganic Alter Physical Structure powers(essentially anything that wouldn't have a skeleton as such).

Nice. :)
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Alter Physical Structure: Rainbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am the light."


"Captain Spectrum? Oh...bad story that was...Case of mistaken identity...Got beaten nearly to death by a pack of rabid leprechauns..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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gmapprentice wrote:visual hypnosis? that sounds good... even if a few powers can already do that... and also, don't give up on making powers, whether you were joking or not. if anyone here has to give up, it should be me first, not you guys.

Nobody's going anywhere! *loads rifle and thumbs hand grenade*
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Alter Physical Structure: Rainbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am the light."


"Captain Spectrum? Oh...bad story that was...Case of mistaken identity...Got beaten nearly to death by a pack of rabid leprechauns..."

:lol: Thanks, T. I love the Glowing Bones bones power. :bandit:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Alter Physical Structure: Rainbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am the light."


"Captain Spectrum? Oh...bad story that was...Case of mistaken identity...Got beaten nearly to death by a pack of rabid leprechauns..."

:lol: Thanks, T. I love the Glowing Bones bones power. :bandit:

Thanks :D Now where's me gold?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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gmapprentice wrote:i guess those rainbow and glowing bones powers are alright.. personally i'm a fan of darker colors.

Blackout (Major):.

I think there are several shadow powers already....but looking at this one, I'd grade it as more a Minor power(albeit mid-to-high Minor), as it doesn't do much beyond create really, really, INTENSE darkness...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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gmapprentice wrote:fine by me.. think it's been a while since i made a minor power anyway.

Them Minor Powers can accumulate nicely, and quantity takes on a quality of their own.... :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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gmapprentice: Your Blackout power should only have a limited range of vision for those who can actually see in it the way Shadow Cloak does. I would say it should be Nightvision of 10 feet per level. Otherwise you have it too strong for a minor and not strong enough for a major power.
Another great thing about minor powers is you can combine them or expand on them to make majors.
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gmapprentice wrote:umm... i'm not quite sure how to fix it, sg. can you explain what you mean?

The minor power of Shadow Cloak gives limited Nightvision in the darkness, so your power having perfect vision in total darkness is like taking the Nightvision minor power AND Shadow Cloak and amping it up. if you reduce the vision distance when in the darkness of those in it to a limited range, say 10 feet per level, you balance the power by reducing the Nightvision aspect. That way the character can still see but you aren't giving him an unfair advantage over similar powers. Simply change "The character can see inside this lack of light perfectly" to "The character can see for a distance of 10 feet per level in this unnatural darkness."
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Now to go crazy with this bad boy:

Blackout (Major) by gmapprentice and Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can absorb all light within a small area, sort of like a black hole. This causes problems for almost all opponents, except those that can see in unnatural darkness, who are unaffected. The user himself has nightvision, including this unnatural darkness, of 100 feet per level, plus 10 feet per level.

Range: 200-foot radius around the character, plus 20 feet per level of experience. The character can adjust the size of the field by20 foot increments, to a minimum of a 20 foot radius.
Duration: Concentration. Keeping the power active takes 1 actions per melee.
Horror Factor: 16

Effects: Anyone besides the user and those who can see in unnatural darkness are blinded by this power. Usual penalties for blindness apply. This power does not create darkness, but absorbs light. This includes lasers, Energy Expulsion: Light, and similar, leaving everyone in the area immune to the effects and damage of those powers. The character can see inside this lack of light perfectly. Few others can, for even those with nightvision can only see 10 feet per level of their experience. Those with the power to bend light can counter this power within the range of their own. Beings of light take 4d6 damage per melee round if attempting to enter the field, and character's with APS Light (or similar powers) turn to their unaltered form when entering the field.
Prolonged exposure to the field (over 10 minutes) will have a 01-30% chance of those inside it developing an insanity of phobic panic reaction to darkness.

Like it, gm?
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89er: I would change Arctic Breath as follows:

Arctic Breath +Major+ by 89er, as modified by Stone Gargoyle
"Here, let me cool you down."
The user is able to chill his breathe to freeze his enemies.
1. Energy Expulsion: Cold
The user can breathe out his super-chilled breathe from his mouth. Due to releasing it from the mouth, it cannot be divided.
Range: 150 feet, plus 10 per level.
Damage: 2D6+1D6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Uses one melee attack/action.

2. Icicle Launch
The user can super-chill the moisture into icicles by inhaling and launches them with the force of harpoons by exhaling.
Range: 100 feet, plus 10 per level.
Damage: Three icicles that do 1D6 each (3d6), plus one icicle (+1d6) at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Uses two melee attacks and can only be performed twice per melee round.

3. Impervious to Cold and Freezing: Cold-based attacks do no damage to the character and magical cold-based attacks do only half damage.
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Energy Expulsion: Life Force (Major) by gmapprentice, as modified by Stone Gargoyle

The character can convert their life force (HP) into pure energy and add it to energy expelled, to blast it at enemies from their hands, chest (near the heart) or the forehead. This can be very dangerous to the user, and very damaging to the target.

1. Energy Expulsion: This is a pure bio-electrical energy attack
Range: 500 feet, plus 100 feet per level.
Attacks:Takes 1 action for one blast.
Bonuses:+2 to strike.
Damage: 1d6 per level of experience

2. Hit Point Damage: Each 1 point of HP sacrificed inflicts +1D6 damage when used in the blast. The amount of HP used can be regulated by the character. The character can use a maximum of 3 HP in a single blast. The HP used in the attack recovers four times as fast as normal. Adding this extra damage uses an additional attack/action.

3. Life Sense: The character can sense when they're down to 50%, 25% and 10% of their HP.

4. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +1d4X10 HP
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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gmapprentice wrote:nice job on expanding my power as well as on Arctic Breath, sg.

These powers with errors are bugging me. I am trying to help you finish them to make them work as you want within reason as far as the game.
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gmapprentice wrote:well, thank you very much. this last one looks pretty good... but why does it have two hp bonuses?

Because I missed editing the first one out. I got ya covered. I am trying to fix the leaping one, too, but not sure what page it was on.
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No problem, I found it:

Supersonic Leaping (Major Power) by gmapprentice, as modified by Stone Gargoyle

The character's leg muscles can store and release incredible amounts of energy for jumping great distances. The energy propels the character at insane speed.

Duration: One full melee round (15 seconds) per 1500 feet (100 feet per second).
Attacks: Uses 3 melee attacks/actions.
Leaping Distance: 1000 feet vertically and 1500 feet horizontally. Double these distances at levels 5, 10 and 15, and double them again with a running start!!!!!! Minimum 1 leaping time is one full melee round if getting a running start bonus. Additionally, the character can fall 10,000 feet "safely", with a bonus of +10 to Roll With Impact. If the character fails the Roll With Impact, damage is one third. Any damage from colliding with objects/people, and other damage, is one third. Other damage is unchanged. It takes 1 melee round to leap 1500 feet, due to the time it takes to get to the destination. The character is leaping at high velocity and will take 2d6 damage if slamming into an object while leaping.
Leaping Dodge: The character can leap out of harm's way, minimum 100 feet, maximum 1000 feet as a dodge. Takes two actions and counts as a bonus of +2 to dodge. Can be used once per melee. The character cannot dodge or steer while in the middle of a leap to avoid sudden obstacles.
Environmental Protection: The character can survive rapidly rising and falling great distances. Any damage caused by lack of air, intense cold from high altitudes, etc that would result from using this power is reduced to one third and will not be fatal, though the character may end up in a hospital for extended periods of time.
Sonic Boom: Leaping causes a sonic boom and whip whip up clouds of dust and send small objects flying.
Other Bonuses: +3D4 Speed, +2D6 Kicking damage, +1 PP and +30 SDC, hold breath for 5 minutes under any condition (for surviving high-altitude falls/leaps).
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gmapprentice wrote:looks good to me. thanks again. i really owe you one.

How would you like to do Alter Physical Structure: String? :P
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:89er: I would change Arctic Breath as follows:

Arctic Breath +Major+ by 89er, as modified by Stone Gargoyle
"Here, let me cool you down."
The user is able to chill his breathe to freeze his enemies.
1. Energy Expulsion: Cold
The user can breathe out his super-chilled breathe from his mouth. Due to releasing it from the mouth, it cannot be divided.
Range: 150 feet, plus 10 per level.
Damage: 2D6+1D6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Uses one melee attack/action.

2. Icicle Launch
The user can super-chill the moisture into icicles by inhaling and launches them with the force of harpoons by exhaling.
Range: 100 feet, plus 10 per level.
Damage: Three icicles that do 1D6 each (3d6), plus one icicle (+1d6) at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Uses two melee attacks and can only be performed twice per melee round.

3. Impervious to Cold and Freezing: Cold-based attacks do no damage to the character and magical cold-based attacks do only half damage.

Thank you Stone Gargoyle for taking a second look at my power. I'm in your debt.
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89er wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:89er: I would change Arctic Breath as follows:

Arctic Breath +Major+ by 89er, as modified by Stone Gargoyle
"Here, let me cool you down."
The user is able to chill his breathe to freeze his enemies.
1. Energy Expulsion: Cold
The user can breathe out his super-chilled breathe from his mouth. Due to releasing it from the mouth, it cannot be divided.
Range: 150 feet, plus 10 per level.
Damage: 2D6+1D6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Uses one melee attack/action.

2. Icicle Launch
The user can super-chill the moisture into icicles by inhaling and launches them with the force of harpoons by exhaling.
Range: 100 feet, plus 10 per level.
Damage: Three icicles that do 1D6 each (3d6), plus one icicle (+1d6) at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Uses two melee attacks and can only be performed twice per melee round.

3. Impervious to Cold and Freezing: Cold-based attacks do no damage to the character and magical cold-based attacks do only half damage.

Thank you Stone Gargoyle for taking a second look at my power. I'm in your debt.

The main problem was in how you listed things. All I did was clarify and define what was already there. The same applied to gmapprentice's powers. These are great ideas, guys; they just needed a bit of fine tuning.
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Superhuman Speed (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character adds +2d4X10 to his Spd attribute at level 1, with an additional 1d4X10 Spd per level of experience.
Can leap 30 feet across, plus 3 feet per level of experience, and 20 feet high, plus 2 feet per level of experience.

Superior Speed (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"That guy was FAST!!!"

The character has a hyperactive metabolism which increases his speed, reflexes and reaction time.

1. Superhuman Speed: The character adds +2d4X10 to his Spd attribute at level 1, with an additional 1d4X10 Spd per level of experience.
Can leap 30 feet across, plus 3 feet per level of experience, and 20 feet high, plus 2 feet per level of experience.

2. Superior Reflexes and Reaction Time: Everything around the character seems to be moving in slow motion. The character gets the following bonuses:
*+1d4+1 PP, plus 1 PP at levels 4, 8 and 12
*+2 attacks per melee at level one, with an additional attack at levels 4, 8 and 12, in addition to any added attacks from hand to hand combat and skills, and from powers.
*+4 initiative at level one, with an additional +1 to initiative at levels 4, 8 and 12, in addition to any added bonuses from hand to hand combat and skills, and from powers.
*Automatic Dodge (the act of dodging does not use up a melee attack/action, but the character still needs to roll for the success of the dodge)
*+4 to Roll with Punch, Fall or Impact, in addition to any added bonuses from hand to hand combat and skills, and from powers.
*Can wake up and be ready for combat in 15 seconds (one melee round)

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses: Fatigues at one quarter normal rate.
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gmapprentice wrote:nice ones, sg.


Skill Upload (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can upload the mind of any target in range, adopting their skills and personality.

1. Skill Mimicry: The character gains any one skill possessed by the target at their current level of knowledge at level one, plus an additional skill transferred at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, though the target's IQ bonuses or those from powers will not transfer. This will give the character the skill but incompletely (-10% skill penalty to transferred skills). The skill will be at the target's percentage level even if a prerequisite skill is not transferred which would normally be needed to do the skill.
Range: 50 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Duration: Skills can be duplicated while the target is in range, but will disappear within 2d4 melee rounds once the target goes out of range.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to mimic a target and can only be done once per melee round.
Saving Throw: Standard save vs. psionic attack applies.

2. Personality Jack: The character develops the characteristics and personality ofthe person being mimicked. Acts as a Disguise/Impersonation roll when the skills transfer of 60%, plus 4% per level of experience. Unfortunately, any insanities are also developed.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2 to save vs. mind control, possession and psionic attack.
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gmapprentice wrote:sg, you HAVE to make a major version of Skill Upload.

I'm already on it:

Skill Upload (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can upload the mind of any target in range, adopting their skills and personality.

1. Skill Mimicry: The character gains all skills possessed by one target at their current level of knowledge at level one, plus an additional target's transferred skills at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, though the targets IQ bonuses or those from powers will not transfer. This will give the character the skills but incompletely (-10% skill penalty to transferred skills). The skills will be at the targets percentage levels.
Range: 50 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Duration: Skills can be duplicated while the targets are in range, but will disappear within 2d4 melee rounds once the targets move out of range.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to mimic the first target, with an additional action for each additional target, and can only be done once per melee round.
Saving Throw: Standard save vs. psionic attack applies to each target.

2. Personality Jack: The character develops the characteristics and personality of one person being mimicked of choice, though has access to the personalities of everyone being mimicked. Acts as a Disguise/Impersonation roll when the skills transfer of 98%. Unfortunately, any insanities are also developed. Switching between personalities takes one melee attack/action.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses: The character is impervious to mind control, possession and psionic attack.
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Create Explosive Objects: Pea Shooters (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can launch two bio-organic pods which hover and then fire off explosive pea bombs.
SDC of Pods: 20 each. A pod requires a full day to regenerate if destroyed.
Range: Pods can be launched out to 60 feet away from the character, plus 6 feet per level, and hover at eye level. Peas are shot from the pods for a distance of 300 feet, plus 30 feet per level, within the character's line of sight. Blast radius of pea bombs is 20 feet.
Duration: Pods can hover for two full melee rounds before needing to return. They are a permanent part of the character, resting on the back of the shoulders when not in use.
Damage: Pea Bombs do 1d4X10 damage to all targets in their blast radius on impact.
Attacks: Launching a pod uses 2 melee attacks/actions, but can be used to shoot two simultaneously; shooting a pea bomb from a pod uses one attack, and two pods can be fired simultaneously.
Bonuses: +3 to strike a single target with one pea, +2 for two peas shot simultaneously at one target, and +1 for two peas shot simultaneously at separate targets.
Payload: Each pod shoots 4 pea bombs; pods take one full melee round to regenerate bombs after all are used.

Another power I am contemplating has spaghetti for hair with meatball tossing ability.
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Starscream (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this ability increases the radio waves from stars to resonate on an auditory level when entering his power's range of effect.
His body essentially draws all the radio waves to his location and combines them, creating intense sound electromagnetic energy. This disrupts radio frequencies and communications systems completely within the area of effect, as well powers based on sound detection, so sonar powers will not work while this is active. The character himself is immune to sonic attacks and effects. Because stars are always present whether visible or not, time of day is not a factor.
Range: 150 foot radius, plus 5 feet per level
Duration: The power relies on concentration and can be maintained for the character's ME attribute number in minutes, plus 2 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to activate and one attack per melee round to maintain.
Damage: The sound is equivalent to 140 decibels. This does 1d6 damage per melee to everything in range of the character, though plugging the ears reduces damage to half, and victims are -6 on initiative, and -6 to strike, parry and dodge, though penalties are reduced by one point if the ears are plugged.
Saving Throw: None, the only save is to plug the ears.

Starburst (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is able to create and maintain miniature binary stars which he controls.

1. Binary Creation: The character creates the stellar binary through acceleration of molecules.
Range: Touch; molecules are accelerated between the character's hands. The binary then orbits the character's head until needed to fly or attack with.
Duration: Permanent until used for Starburst Attack (see below).
Attacks: Uses one full melee round to create the binary stars. Once destroyed, it takes one full day (24 hours) to generate them again, minus one hour per level of experience.
Damage: Touching the stars does 5d6 damage to anyone that isn't impervious to heat and fire and electricity.
SDC: The stars have SDC of 200 each and cannot be harmed by most attacks. Darkness attacks and explosions inflict half damage. Destruction of the stars (loss of all SDC) causes them to explode (see Starbust Attack below).
Size: 6 inches in diameter.
Appearance: The stars are extremely bright. Someone staring into them with unprotected vision for a full melee round will go blind. Due to their brightness, those standing within sight of them are -6 to all combat moves if not using protective eyewear; this is reduced to -4 if wearing sunglasses.

2. Flight: Hover: Similar the minor superability, this is accomplished by holding the binary stars between his hands and allowing them to pull him.
Speed: 20 mph, plus 10 mph per level of experience.
The light from this negates any prowl skill afforded by the lack of footprints.
+2 dodge when hovering or moving through the air under 80 mph, +6 over 80 mph

3. Starburst Attack: The character can separate the stars and shoot them out individually to perform an explosive attack.
Range: The stars can be shot out to a distance of 500 feet, plus 50 feet per level of experience.
Damage: Causing the stars to go nova will do 1d6X10 damage per level of experience to all targets within a 30 foot blast radius.
Duration: The nova effect can be set for a length of time after being shot out equal to one minute per level of the character's experience. Both stars must be detonated within the character's ME attribute number of minutes from one another, plus one minute per level.

4. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Impervious to heat, fire and electrical attacks
Immune to blinding effects due to a type of polarized vision
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Starscream (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

Kinda leery of the mechanics of this one...sounds like you're trying to imitate stellar background noise via a EMP-style event
"Hmmmm....I'm pretty sure that's not a pulsar we're hearing on all bands...Unless it's sitting right outside the orbit of Pluto, in which case we can kiss our backsides goodbye...."

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Starburst (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

"Call me STARMAKER!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Starscream (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

Kinda leery of the mechanics of this one...sounds like you're trying to imitate stellar background noise via a EMP-style event
"Hmmmm....I'm pretty sure that's not a pulsar we're hearing on all bands...Unless it's sitting right outside the orbit of Pluto, in which case we can kiss our backsides goodbye...."

Yeah, the mechanics on that one may need to be reworked.

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Starburst (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

"Call me STARMAKER!"

:D I have been trying to make this one work for months now. Keeping the damage minimal seems to balance it enough, though.
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The MAJOR form of a power like StarScream would be Sunspot, which would effectively imitate the effects of a powerful solar storm on local radio and powergrids...It wouldn't affect hardened systems, but the relative lack of power(with respect to, say, knocking out Doctor HardDisc's Compunaught) would be compensated by having an area of effect of a mile or so at FIRST level, and grow larger ...Not the sort of power you want to use in the middle of New York City, but if you wanted to take down a nuclear refinery or hostile capital(with exposed power grid), it would be a good power to have...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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taalismn wrote:The MAJOR form of a power like StarScream would be Sunspot, which would effectively imitate the effects of a powerful solar storm on local radio and powergrids...It wouldn't affect hardened systems, but the relative lack of power(with respect to, say, knocking out Doctor HardDisc's Compunaught) would be compensated by having an area of effect of a mile or so at FIRST level, and grow larger ...Not the sort of power you want to use in the middle of New York City, but if you wanted to take down a nuclear refinery or hostile capital(with exposed power grid), it would be a good power to have...

The point of the power is to amplify radio waves coming from stars, so yeah. The power actually radiates FROM the character and increases the frequency intensity.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:The MAJOR form of a power like StarScream would be Sunspot, which would effectively imitate the effects of a powerful solar storm on local radio and powergrids...It wouldn't affect hardened systems, but the relative lack of power(with respect to, say, knocking out Doctor HardDisc's Compunaught) would be compensated by having an area of effect of a mile or so at FIRST level, and grow larger ...Not the sort of power you want to use in the middle of New York City, but if you wanted to take down a nuclear refinery or hostile capital(with exposed power grid), it would be a good power to have...

The point of the power is to amplify radio waves coming from stars, so yeah. The power actually radiates FROM the character and increases the frequency intensity.

I'd pump up the range then for the major forms of the power, the better to be imitating natural phenomena...this makes for a great 'plausible deniability' factor for the power; "Now what would little old me have to do with a sudden power outage/breakdown of communications around here, chaps? I'd just a humble ol' wanderer, just minding my own business, halfway between from where I began, to where I'll end up..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Starscream (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this ability increases the radio waves from stars to resonate on an auditory level when entering his power's range of effect. His body essentially draws all the radio waves to his location and combines them, creating intense sound electromagnetic energy. This disrupts radio frequencies and communications systems completely within the area of effect, as well powers based on sound detection, so sonar powers will not work while this is active. The character himself is immune to sonic attacks and effects. Because stars are always present whether visible or not, time of day is not a factor.

Range: 1,000 foot radius, plus 100 feet per level. The character can adjust the radius in increments of 100 feet, to a minimum of 200 feet.
Duration: The power relies on concentration and can be maintained for the character's ME attribute number in minutes, plus 2 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to activate and one attack per melee round to maintain.
Damage: The sound is equivalent to 140 decibels. This does 1d6 damage per melee to everything in range of the character, though plugging the ears reduces damage to half, and victims are -6 on initiative, and -6 to strike, parry and dodge, though penalties are reduced by one point if the ears are plugged.
This also knocks out/takes offline electronic devices due to the electromagnetic energy involved, similar to a sunspot. Devices are out for the duration of the power, plus 1d4X10 minutes following. Vulnerable electronics include clocks, burglar alarms, video monitoring systems, cameras, sensors, radar, motion detectors, electronic eyes, computers, cell phones, radios and televisions, compasses, GPS systems, generators, energy weapons and similar devices.
Saving Throw: None, the only save is to plug the ears.
Limitations: The character has so much personal electromagnetic energy that he cannot wear a watch or use electronic devices without them being disrupted, and there is a 01-70% chance any electronics he passes by within 20 feet will stop functioning for 1d4X10 minutes. Any computer disks and magnetic tapes are erased if he touches them.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Gonna have to find you a list of the more prominent celestial EM sources just for flavor, then.... :D
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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taalismn wrote:Gonna have to find you a list of the more prominent celestial EM sources just for flavor, then.... :D

I accidentally edited out the first two powers writing this and so saved it a bit prematurely. Flavor text it definitely does need...
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Starscream (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this ability increases the radio waves from stars to resonate on an auditory level when entering his power's range of effect. His body essentially draws all the radio waves to his location and combines them, creating intense sound electromagnetic energy. This disrupts radio frequencies and communications systems completely within the area of effect, as well powers based on sound detection, so sonar powers will not work while this is active. The character himself is immune to sonic attacks and effects. Because stars are always present whether visible or not, time of day is not a factor.
Range: One mile radius per level
Duration: The power relies on concentration and can be maintained for the character's ME attribute number in minutes, plus 2 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to activate and one attack per melee round to maintain.
Damage: The sound is equivalent to 140 decibels. This does 1d6 damage per melee to everything in range of the character, though plugging the ears reduces damage to half, and victims are -6 on initiative, and -6 to strike, parry and dodge, though penalties are reduced by one point if the ears are plugged.
Saving Throw: None, the only save is to plug the ears.

I like this power, but IMHO, I am thinking that the range/radius of effect is too much. Yeah, the damage is low as to not be too much, it is the additional penalties affecting the whole radius. A hero that is in a population center would be harming lots of "innocents". If I were to run this power, I think I would drop the radius of effect to 1,000' + 100' per level & allow the user to control the radius in increments of 100'.

I would also consider some sort of E.M.P. effect.

Of course, as I said, this is just my opinion.
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Starscream (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this ability increases the radio waves from stars to resonate on an auditory level when entering his power's range of effect. His body essentially draws all the radio waves to his location and combines them, creating intense sound electromagnetic energy. This disrupts radio frequencies and communications systems completely within the area of effect, as well powers based on sound detection, so sonar powers will not work while this is active. The character himself is immune to sonic attacks and effects. Because stars are always present whether visible or not, time of day is not a factor.
Range: One mile radius per level
Duration: The power relies on concentration and can be maintained for the character's ME attribute number in minutes, plus 2 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to activate and one attack per melee round to maintain.
Damage: The sound is equivalent to 140 decibels. This does 1d6 damage per melee to everything in range of the character, though plugging the ears reduces damage to half, and victims are -6 on initiative, and -6 to strike, parry and dodge, though penalties are reduced by one point if the ears are plugged.
Saving Throw: None, the only save is to plug the ears.

I like this power, but IMHO, I am thinking that the range/radius of effect is too much. Yeah, the damage is low as to not be too much, it is the additional penalties affecting the whole radius. A hero that is in a population center would be harming lots of "innocents". If I were to run this power, I think I would drop the radius of effect to 1,000' + 100' per level & allow the user to control the radius in increments of 100'.

I would also consider some sort of E.M.P. effect.

Of course, as I said, this is just my opinion.

No, it's a good one. I was just not sure what to make the range,but I can adjust it. I am considering EMP effects, just not sure what would work well.

EDIT: Okay, I modified the powers for EMP effects and changed the range.
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I like the edits to Starscream now!
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:I like the edits to Starscream now!

Great! :D I was actually at a loss of how to do a major version since I had not initially planned one. Taalismn wanted me to do the major version, so I was really looking for suggestions on it and appreciate the feedback. I should actually give you guys partial credit for it. Thanks!
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