Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by 9voltkilowatt »

I wanted to start this thread to give everyone a place to post Bio-Enhancements as it's a real pain to track down older Enhancements, especially when they tend to pop up in random places. :D

And just to get us started I'll add a few simple Enhancements of my own.

Combat Tail - Micro Charges: A simple modification of the basic "Barbed or Spiked" Combat tail. Micro Charges allows the pilot to upgrade a number of the simple barbs/spikes with a minute explosive charge that detonates on impact.

M.D.C. of the Spikes/Barbs: 5 M.D.C. points, but the spike/barb is a small target and is -3 to hit on a "Called Shot".
Mega-Damage: 1D8 M.D., plus the standard Combat Tail damage. With a blast radius of only few inches in diameter.
Rate of Fire: One to as many as the maximum number purchased as the character can regulate whether or not they detonate on impact.
Payload: Based on the number of Micro Charges purchased. It takes just 10 minutes to regrow spent Micro Charges.
Bio-E Cost: 2 points per spike/barb replaced (max of 6).
Prerequisites: Combat Tail-Spiked/Barbed, this enhancement does not replace the tail, just the spikes/barbs that grow from it and can only be used with the spiked/barbed variant Combat Tail.

Combat Tail - Micro Missiles: Further modified to act as a crude, but effective explosive projectile. Micro-Missiles act as a simple fire and forget weapon meant to give pilots a means to inflict moderate damage to a wide area of effect.

M.D.C. of the Spikes/Barbs: 5 M.D.C. points, but the spike/barb is a small target and is -3 to hit on a "Called Shot".
Mega-Damage: 2D8 M.D. per individual Micro Missile fired, with a blast radius of 3 feet (0.9144 m)
Maximum Effective Range: 1000 feet (304.8 m)
Rate of Fire: One to as many as the maximum number purchased.
Payload: Based on the number of Micro Missiles purchased. It takes just 30 minutes to regrow spent Micro Missiles.
Bonus: +1 to strike.
Bio-E Cost: 3 points per Micro Charge replaced (max of 6)
Prerequisites: Combat Tail-Spiked/Barbed and Micro Charges, this enhancement does not replace the tail, just the spikes/barbs that grow from it and can only be used with the spiked/barbed variant Combat Tail.

Manticores Tail: Designed as a more lethal anti-organic Combat Tail variant, the Manticores Tail works as a normal Combat Tail with the addition of a potent neural toxin. While upgraded for anti-organic combat the Manticores Tail functions just as the Combat Tail when used against non-organic opponents.

M.D.C.: 1D6*10 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage: As per the Combat Tail, plus the target must save vs. Non-lethal Poison (16) or suffer an additional 3D8 points of damage.
Note: When used against those clad in Host Armor there is a 33% chance that the toxin will cause a neural feedback to the wearer, inflicting 2D6 straight to Hit Points!
Tail Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to disarm and +3 to pull punch. Only P.P. attribute and metabolic bonuses may be added to tail combat bonuses, and the bonuses only apply to combat that involves the tail.
Maximum number of tails possible: Only one tail is possible.
Bio-E Cost: 7 points.
Prerequisites: Must have a single Combat Tail that is upgraded to the Manticores Tail.
Last edited by 9voltkilowatt on Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Love your combat tail enhancements btw.

Cryo-E Vents: Standard Bio-E Vent is mutated to release a "Negative" Bio-E Charge, opperating a reverse polarity compared to standard.. Penalties to be determined. Most likely in line with magical cold penalties. Costs 20 Bio-E. Payload of 12 shots per minute, conditionally unlimited. Standard range. overuse of Crryo-E Vent will result in BOTH standard penalties AND Cryo-E Overload. Essentially suffering as if you had been shot. Fun. :(

Pyro-E Vents: Bio-E Vents which have been enhanced to use extra energy to Hyper-Excite molecules in the air. Results in a plasmatic discharge in addition to standard Bio-E blast. Damage: standard+3d6md to 5' blast radius. payload-16 shots per minute, coonditionally unlimited. Range- standard. Cost 20 BIO-E

Plasmatic Discharge Defense: Costs 15 bio-E. Pre-Req's enhanced regen., acid blood, quick clotting, heat resist.
Highly pressurized blood contains a chemical which ignites on contact with water vapor in the air. This causes a semi-explosive reaction as this chemical rapidly and violently vaporizes at high temperatures. Due to the pressure involved in the bloodstream, combined with the expulsive nature of the vaporous chemical, minimal damage, if any,will be taken by the armor. Furthermore, the heat caused by the plasmatic discharge causes the already quick sealing blood to near-instantly cement. Range-10' Damage-3d6

Ink Jets: creates a fun little substance that rapidly undergoes a chemical reaction on contact with oxygen in the water, the reaction causes the chemical to spread in every direction, quickly turning a 60 cubic foot area completely opaque. The fun part comes when on dry land, as the same substance quickly vaporizes in air, however, it is exposed to much more oxygen, and as such, burns out faster. it only creates a 30 cubic foot cloud of Ink Smoke, which lasts for 30 seconds before starting to dissipate, granting half concealment for 15 seconds thereafter, and only 1/4 concealment from 45 seconds to 1 minute. Almost all of the the obscuring cloud is gone by the time a minute has passed.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Prerequisite: None

Light Show: A real nice little surprise for all those big bad meanies out there, nothing is better than turning the hulked out Dreadguard into a drooling pile. This enhancement works by taking a few light cells and mixing them around a bit. You get the three primary colors, and infrared and ultraviolet thrown in for kicks/ those with enhanced vision. Then, you up the wattage, making them painfully bright to look at. Then, and here's where the fun starts, you strobe them all at around 60 flashes per second. Each light cell strobes with a different frequency and pattern, and the whole thing is set up to be as damaging as possible, with approximately 1 in every 4 humans being effected.
Damage: None.
Range: Sight, but under 100' is best.
Effect: everyone who sees this has to roll against 14 or better to avoid a consciousness altering chemical change in the brain. Those who fail suffer from the usual effects of being stunned, and nauseous. Those who fail must also roll again, this time against 16 or better, or black out/ suffer from a seizure. This would remove them from combat. Those who succeed in all their saves, just get a slight headache.
Bio-E Cost: 20
Prerequisite: 5 light cells.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by Ziggurat the Eternal »

Impersonation Skin

This Bio-Enhancement allows the Host Armor to rapidly alter its appearance in order to impersonate another suit of Host Armor. The skin does not just generate a simple illusion, but rather it quickly creates real physical changes. The armor can perfectly replicate the color pattern and physical characteristics of any suit of armor, including spines, blades, spikes, and even Bio-Weapons and additional limbs. The changes look and feel convincing, but they are not fully functional. Copied Bio-Weapons and extra limbs are just solid chunks of useless tissue. The weapons cannot move or fire and extra limbs just rest limply along the side of the body. The limbs do hang in a natural semi-flexed position, so at least they appear as though they are resting rather than looking like dead limbs stuck to the side of the body. Copied spines, spikes, and bone blades can be used as actual weapons, but they are inferior versions of the real thing. They only inflict one quarter the normal damage and possess half the usual M.D.C. The purpose of the Impersonation Skin is espionage, not combat, so replicated weapons are rather ineffective in battle. On a similar note, the Impersonation Skin can only grow Bio-Weapons and additional limbs, it cannot hide them. This means a suit of Host Armor enhanced with a Bore Cannon or a Forearm Bone Sword cannot hide these weapons when trying to copy a suit of Host Armor that does not have them. Host Armor pilots that use Impersonation Skin can only arm their suit with low profile Bio-Weapons like Lightning Dischargers, Plasma Breath, or other weapons that do not have an obvious barrel or firing port.

The Host Armor pilot determines what physical changes the Impersonation Skin will grow by mentally picturing what he wants the disguise to look like. If the pilot is able to visually study the subject he wishes to copy, then the disguise will be 90% accurate (the disguise will never be perfect, so this is the best he can do). Trying to recall an image from memory drastically decreases the accuracy of the disguise. However, Host Armor pilots do become more proficient at recalling the little details with practice, so this skill does improve over time. The base percentage of creating an accurate disguise from memory is 30% plus 3% per level of experience, but characters with the Art Skill do receive a one time bonus of +15% to their disguise skill roll. Whether the pilot is studying the subject or trying to copy him from memory, it only takes 1D4+2 melee rounds to completely replicate another suit of Host Armor. The physical appearance may be perfect, but the Impersonation Skin does not disguise the pilot’s voice, nor can it replicate the mannerisms, body language, or knowledge of the subject. Extra training is required to turn the Host Armor pilot into the ultimate infiltrator.
Note: This enhancement can only be applied to Host Armor.
Bio-E Cost: 50 points.
Prerequisite: Chameleon Skin and Super Regeneration (both of which are kept; it does not replace them).

Pod Launcher:
Its barrel a telescoping tube of sinew and muscle covered bone, this weapon uses compressed gas to fire a small explosive that resembles seed pods or the egg of an insect. Upon impact, the "pod" ruptures explosively, spraying an impressive area with razor sharp shrapnel. A pod launcher can be grown on the back of a forearm, shoulder, or in the place of a hand[reduce Bio-E cost by 5 points if this option is used].
-MDC of the Pod Launcher: 1d6x10+40
-Length of the Pod Launcher: Fully retracted, the barrel of the launcher is roughly 1 foot long, making for easy concealment depending on its location. In this position the launcher cannot be fired. However, when extended to firing position, the launcher is about 3 feet long.
-Prerequisite: In addition to the specific prerequisite for each type of Pod Launcher, the Host Armor must be a carnivore, herbivore, lithovore, or ominivore[no other metabolisms can make us of this weapon], in order to provide the nevessary materials needed to grow and fire the pods. Additionally, the meat diet of carnivores produce greater amounts of the volatile gases used to propel the pods, increasing their range by 25%.

Light Pod Launcher:
-Mega-Damage: 3d10 MD with a blast radius of 10 feet.
-Rate of Fire: Each pod fired counts as one melee attack/action. Cannot fire bursts.
-Maximum Effective Range: 600 feet.
-Payload: 32 pods per hour.
-Bonus: +1 aimed strike.
-Bio-E Cost: 10
-Prerequisite: None.

Medium Pod Launcher:
-Mega-Damage: 4d10 MD with a blast radius of 20 feet.
-Rate of Fire: Each pod fired counts as one melee attack/action. Cannot fire bursts.
-Maximum Effective Range: 1200 feet.
-Payload: 24 pods per hour.
-Bonus: +2 aimed strike.
-Bio-E Cost: 15
-Prerequisite: A Light Pod Launcher, which is replaced by(grows into) the Medium Pod Launcher.

Heavy Pod Launcher:
-Mega-Damage: 5d10 MD with a blast radius of 40 feet.
-Rate of Fire: Each pod fired counts as one melee attack/action. Cannot fire bursts.
-Maximum Effective Range: 1800 feet.
-Payload: 16 pods per hour.
-Bonus: +3 aimed strike.
-Bio-E Cost: 25
-Prerequisite: A Medium Pod Launcher, which is replaced by(grows into) the Heavy Pod Launcher.

Force Projector Cannon: A recent adaptation of the powerful defensive Bio-Force Field used in many Host Armors, this weapon represents a formidable weaponization of the formerly passive system. The crystalline lens aperture for the weapon is deceptively small due entirely to the fact that the Force Projector relies heavily on the pre-existing Bio-Force Field built into the Host Armor to generate its destructive energies. Due to its surprisingly small size, the lens for a Force Projector Cannon can be located virtually anywhere on a Host Armor.
-MDC of the Force Projector Cannon: 1d4x10+20
-Mega-Damage: 2d4x10+20 MD.
-Rate of Fire: Each force blast counts as one melee attack/action. Only one cannon may be fired at a time.
-Maximum Effective Range: 2,400 feet
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
-Bonus: +1 strike in addition to the pilot's bonus to strike with ranged weapons
-Bio-E Cost: 35 per cannon, and a maximum of two force cannons are possible.
-Prerequisite: Bio-Force Field.

Bio-Energy Sword: An add-on to the standard Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent, this bio-enhancement allows the Host Armor to create blade-like extensions approximately 4 feet long of pure bio-energy to use in melee combat. Ranged weapon upgrades performed on a Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent or enhancement to Medium or Heavy status do not effect the Bio-Energy Sword's range or damage.
-MDC of the upgraded Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent: +10 MDC.
-Mega-Damage: 3d8 + bonus MD equal to the PE attribute of the human pilot. No other damage bonuses apply, such as though from certain WPs, Host Armor enhancements, or physical strength.
-Rate of Fire: Activating or deactivating the sword requires 1 melee action.
-Duration: Effectively Unlimited. The Bio-Energy Sword can be used for an indefinite period of time, but must be deactivated in order to fire bio-energy blasts.
-Bonus: +3 strike.
-Bio-E Cost: 10 points.
-Prerequisite: Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent.


Medium Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent:
-MDC of the Bio-Energy Vent: +10 MDC
-Mega-Damage: 5d8 +bonus MD equal to the PE attribute of the human pilot.
-Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action. Cannot fire volleys or simultaneous blasts at the same target.
-Maximum Effective Range: 2400 feet, but only 1200ft underwater.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited. However, firing more than 20 blasts per minute weakens the pilot, causing him to lose two melee attack/action per round and reduces all of his combat bonuses by half for the next 1d6 minutes.
-Bonus: +3 aimed strike.
-Bio-E Cost: 15
-Prerequisite: Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent.

Heavy Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent:
-MDC of the Bio-Energy Vent: +15 MDC
-Mega-Damage: 8d10 +bonus MD equal to the PE attribute of the human pilot.
-Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action. Cannot fire volleys or simultaneous blasts at the same target.
-Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet, but only 1500ft underwater.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited. However, firing more than 20 blasts per minute weakens the pilot, causing him to lose two melee attack/action per round and reduces all of his combat bonuses by half for the next 1d6 minutes.
-Bonus: +3 aimed strike.
-Bio-E Cost: 25
-Prerequisite: Medium Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent.


Stinger Tentacle: Housed along one of the Host Armor's arms is a coiled tentacle-like appendage tipped with a hollow bone needle[the tip is barely visible, even when the harpoon is retracted]. The Host Armor can extend this stinger tentacle with incredible speed and force, shooting it out through a portal along the wrist, below the hand. After striking, the hollow needle injects a highly corrosive acid into its target then reflexively retracts back into its housing. The Stinger Tentacle is strong, requiring 40 points of MD to sever.
-Mega-Damage: 2d6 MD for the initial piercing strike with no additional bonuses. Acid does 4d8 MD upon initial injection and another +2d8 MD per melee round for 3d4 melee rounds. Acid inflicts 50% damage to non-metallic inorganic materials and only does 1d4 SDC damage to organic substances.
-Rate of Fire: Each stinger injection counts as 1 melee attack.
-Maximum Effective Range: 80ft
-Bonus: +1 strike.
-Bio-E Cost: 20 points for one Stinger Tentacle. Reduce Bio-E cost by 10 points if the Host Armor is already enhanced with the Acid Blood Biological Defense.
-Prerequisite: A Serrated Whip, which is replaced by the Stinger Tentacle.


Initially an endeavor to test the feasibility of creating Host Armor capable of reproducing in the traditional manner, with all the bio-enhancements of both parent armors intact and melded to the newborn Host Armor without the need for incremental Bio-E enhancement, the project was terminated(literally, in some cases) after several experiments went wrong in dramatically bloody fashion. However, using data acquired and techniques developed from the Host Armor breeding experiments, a new bio-enhancement was created, the Homunculus.

Homunculus: The Host Armor is able to create a miniature version of itself for the purpose of reconnaissance and sabotage. Housed within a bulging pouch on the Host Armor's abdomen or back, the Homunculus is kept in bio-stasis until the human pilot wakes it, a process requiring approximately 1 minute(4 melee rounds). Once awakened the Homunculus climbs from its pouch and becomes an extension of the Host Armor's consciousness, its senses supplementing his own and his thoughts controlling its actions. The Homunculus has none of the "mother" Host Armor's ranged bio-weapons(its tiny versions are non-functional), but it possesses the same senses with 50% range, has all relevant bio-enhancements(Enhanced Regeneration, Wings, Stealth Field, etc), and can travel at 25% of its creator's maximum speed. So long as the Host Armor and its Homunculus stay within Bio-Comm range, the pilot can remotely control the mindless creature while receiving sensory data from it, dividing available melee actions between himself and the bio-construct. Its small size makes the Homunculus ideal for reconaissane work, allowing it to go unnoticed in situations where even a stealthy Host Armor could not possibly avoid detection. If destruction is imminent or the pilot has found a target worthy of sabotage, he may command the Homunculus to detonate the powerful organic explosive device housed within its chest.
-Homunculus Size: The bio-construct is only 10% the size and weight of its "mother" Host Armor.
-M.D.C. of the Homunculus: 20% of the Host Armor which created it. The birthing pouch in which the creature is held has 1D6x10+40 M.D.C. and requires a Called Shot with a -3 penalty to strike.
-Mega-Damage: 3D8x10 M.D., to a 36 foot radius if the Homunculus is detonated.
-Homunculus Lifespan: 2D6+6 Hours. The Homunculus construct experiences bio-meltdown at the end of its short life unless prematurely destroyed or given the command to detonate.
-Payload: One. A Host Armor cannot be enhanced with more than a single Homunculus. Once an awakened Homunculus leaves its pouch, the Host Armor begins growing a new one, a process that requires 8d6+48 hours.
-Penalties: Beyond the fact that many find these creatures creepy, a Host Armor carrying one is less agile than it would normally be. This is represented in a -5% penalty to the skills Prowl, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, & Swimming.
-Bio-E Cost: 50
-Prerequisite: Enhanced Neurological Connection & Regeneration: Enhanced(or Super). The Host Armor cannot have a Parasitic, Photosynthetic, or Thermosynthetic metabolism.

Tentacle Bio-Enhancements

Additional tentacles can be further enhanced from simple tools into devastating weapons. They retain their usual dexterity and abilities, but they are now capable of delivering powerful whipping strikes or gouging bites.

Barbed Tentacles: The tips of the tentacles have been enhanced with a wicked bone hook, and the musculature has been modified to deliver a powerful whipping strike.
Additional M.D.C. for the Tentacle: +1D6 each.
Mega-Damage: 2D8 per tentacle whip. Up to 4 tentacles can whip the same target for a combined damage of 8D8.
Bonuses: +2 to strike and +1 to parry in addition to the standard bonuses from the original pair. Each pair of Barbed Tentacles also grants an additional +1 to entangle.
Bio-E Cost: 5 points per pair.
Prerequisite: Additional Pair of Tentacles that is replaced by (grows into) a pair of Barbed Tentacles.

Devouring Tentacles: The bone hooks on the tips of the Barbed Tentacles can be further modified into gaping mouths filled with razor sharp teeth. These fearsome tentacles can be used to rip and tear their prey to shreds, or the Host Armor can actually use them to feed.
Additional M.D.C. for the Tentacle: +2D6 each.
Mega-Damage: 3D8 per bite. Up to 4 tentacles can attack the same target for a combined damage of 12D8.
Bonuses: +2 to horror factor in addition to the standard bonuses from Barbed Tentacles.
Bio-E Cost: 5 points per pair.
Prerequisite: Barbed Tentacles that are replaced by (grows into) a pair of Devouring Tentacles.

Independence: This is the ultimate enhancement for tentacle limbs. The limb evolves into a symbiotic creature capable of thinking and fighting independently of the Host Armor. It will alert the pilot of potential threats, attack enemies on its own, and even defend the armor when the pilot is rendered unconscious. Of course, the tentacle is still a part of the armor and cannot survive on its own. The creature knows this and will fight to defend the Host Armor even over its own preservation. Since the brain of the symbiotic tentacle is actually located inside the suit of Host Armor, a severed tentacle will regenerate completely given enough time. The symbiotic tentacle knows that the Host Armor must survive in order to preserve its own life. This means the tentacle will even sacrifice itself to protect the Host Armor. The pilot can seize control when he needs to use the limb, but most pilots will simply let the tentacle do its own thing. Each tentacle grows its own independent brain at the base of the tentacle and a row of twelve tiny black bead-like eyes along each side of the tip. The visual range of these eyes is only 100 feet, but that is more than adequate for the symbiotes.
Additional M.D.C. for the Tentacle: +1D6 each plus a severed tentacle will completely regenerate within 3D8 hours.
Bonuses: The tentacle itself possesses two attacks per melee and bonuses of +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +4 to parry, and +3 to dodge. Multiple symbiotic tentacles can engage the same target, but each tentacle must roll to strike independently. The previous bonuses for the tentacles only apply when they are controlled by the Host Armor pilot. The pilot also gains a bonus of +4 on initiative and cannot be surprised from behind.
Bio-E Cost: 30 points per pair.
Prerequisite: Devouring Tentacles that are replaced by (grows into) a pair of symbiotic tentacles.

Vocal Enhancement: The Host Armor’s vocal cords are abnormally strong, resilient, and well-developed. This allows the Host Armor to generate noises other than standard vocalization and at much greater volumes.
Effects of Vocal Enhancement: Through the use of its vocal apparatus, the Splicer can actually increase or decrease sounds within a certain range, effectively creating “white noise” to cancel or enhance sounds. Using this ability, the Splicer can affect some ambient noises, granting a slight bonus to prowl (+1% per level.) The Host Armor can project these noises in a small area, allowing others to benefit (provided they stay within range.)
Note that these bonuses apply to sound only and may have partial or no effect based on environmental conditions (brightly lit area, wide open spaces, etc. GM’s discretion).
As well as muffling noise, the Host Armor can fill the same area with distracting “white noise”. Though it inflicts no damage, it is disorientating to organic opponents (-2 initiative, and -1 strike, parry, and dodge). It has no effect on robots; however, it makes a great Ratbomb deterrent.
Additionally, the Host Armor grants a +10% bonus to the Public Speaking, Sing, Imitate Voices & Sounds, and Ventriloquism skills. Note that this bonus is only in effect when the character is in the Host Armor.
Area of Effect: 5 feet (6m) +5 feet (1.5m) radius per level centered on the Host Armor as an area effect.
Payload: The Host Armor can create and maintain the noises for an almost indefinite amount of time. However, due to the focus involved, the Host Armor loses one attack per melee to create or maintain the desired effects.
Pre-Requisites: The Host Armor must have a mouth and non-forked tongue. Prehensile tongues have no adverse effect. Additionally Host Armors with a Prehensile Trunk appendage can use the Trunk as an “echo chamber” to greatly improve resonance. These Host Armors double the range, bonuses, and penalties.
Bio-E Cost: 20

Sonic Boom: The Host Armor’s vocal cords and larynx are further modified to create a greater range and volume of sounds other than standard vocalization. Additionally, various air chambers and expandable pouch tissues, similar to a frog or toad, are built into the jaw and throat area of the armor. The Host Armor can project its voice with crystal clear quality at volumes of up to 175 dB (the equivalent of one ton of dynamite and well over the 140dB pain threshold of normal humans.)
More impressive than this is the ability of the Host Armor to generate and focus its sound generation into a deafening "sonic boom" effect. The sonic boom can be done as an area effect, or focused for greater impact and damage.
Damage: 1D8+1 per level of the Host Armor for radius affect or 2D12+1 per level for a focused blast. The sonic attack is either S.D.C. or M.D.C., depending on the target. Robots are especially susceptible to the vibrations released from a sonic boom and suffer double damage (though they do not suffer from the deafening effects.)
Effects: Regardless of the attack, victims without any type of sound/ear protection or Host Armors with Enhanced Hearing will be temporarily deafened for 2D4 minutes and are -8 initiative and -3 parry and dodge. Damage is halved for victims with some other protective wear, but they will still find their ears ringing for 1D4 melees and are -4 on initiative and -2 to parry and dodge. Additionally, the sonic boom scrambles any readings from Echo-Location abilities, reducing the readings by half for that melee round.
Successive sonic booms inflict the appropriate damage and have a cumulative effect on the duration, but not the penalties. In addition, S.D.C. glass or similar breakable materials up to twice the maximum range away are shattered by the boom.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Range (focused blast): 200ft. +5 feet per level of the Host Armor.
Area Effect: 20 feet (6m) +5 feet (1.5m) radius per level, centered on the Host Armor as an area effect.
Payload: Unlimited.
Pre-Requisites: The Vocal Enhancement modification, which is retained but is upgraded to include the new Sonic Boom ability. Additionally, Host Armors with Trunk appendages can use the Trunk as an “echo chamber” to greatly enhance the blast and its effects. These Host Armors add 2 additional die (3D8+1 or 4D12+1 respectively) to damage and 1 additional die to duration. In addition, the range or area of effect is doubled.
Bio-E Cost: 25

Hypnotic Suggestion: The Host Armor’s vocal apparatus are further modified with a small hormone gland. The gland produces mildly hallucinogenic, mood altering pheromones. Using a combination of sounds and these pheromones, the Host Armor can generate a hypnotic domination over someone’s conscious and subconscious thoughts. The Host Armor can choose to effect one target, or anyone within the sound of its voice, including other Host Armors.
Effects: Targets of the Hypnotic Suggestion must make a successful save vs. Insanity. Failure means the Host Armor can dominate the target’s behavior and actions and effect an almost complete submission to commands.
The suggestion or command must be subtly worked into a verbal comment and must be kept simple and clear. For example, the classic “You are getting sleepy”, “These aren’t the bots you are looking for?”, or “You really don’t want to attack me.” The power of suggestion can also be used to make the target imagine some basic sensory input. For example, “Did you hear that? Footsteps?!” or “Don’t touch that, its blazing hot!” The target who fails the saving throw will immediately act on the commands or suggestions. Despite their formidable abilities, other Host Armors can be affected by the suggestion ability.
Though the suggestion ability is powerful, it does have limitations. The suggestion CANNOT make a person perform any action that goes against their sense of ethics or innate sense of morality. Nor can it cause the target to harm itself in any way. (“Put this gun to your head and pull the trigger!”) Any conflicting commands will immediately negate the suggestion. Note that only the Host Armor may issue commands or suggestions, the target will not respond to anyone else.
It is important to note that the suggestion ability is physiological in nature (as opposed to psionic.) It cannot be extended or replicated through mechanical means (telephones, radios, bio-comms, etc.) Because of this, the suggestion power is ineffective against mechanical and truly “in-human” beings. However, the ability can be used in a limited capacity against common animals. While animals cannot be made to respond to specific commands, they will respond to general vocal tone (friendly, hostile, etc.) and react accordingly.
Lastly, since the suggestion is based partially on sound waves, the Host Armor cannot control someone who cannot hear it. Those with hearing protection or suffer from any hearing impairments are immune. Soundproofing, loud noises, and simply getting out of range are equally effective.
DURATION: The target(s) will remain susceptible to the commands for one full melee round. Victims of the suggestion can make a new save to resist every melee round.
ATTACK STRENGTH: The base strength/attack for the Suggestion is 12 for an individual, or 10 for a group. This is the number the victim(s) need to roll on a D20 to save (any bonuses vs. Insanity are included in the roll.) The number becomes higher as the Host Armor gains experience; the base strength/attack becomes more powerful. The base strength/attack gains a bonus of +1 at levels 3, 7, 10, and 12.
Rate of Fire: Each suggestion counts as one melee attack.
Range: 20 feet (6m). If used to affect an area, the attack is centered on the Host Armor.
Payload: Unlimited.
Pre-Requisites: The Vocal Enhancement modification, which is retained but is upgraded to include the new Hypnotic Suggestion ability.
Bio-E Cost: 20

Sonic Screamer:
A Sonic Screamer is an enhanced Echo-Location system that releases a focused high-pitched sound beam that can shatter M.D.C. material.
M.D.C of the actual sonic cords: 2D6+2 M.D.C
Mega-Damage: 4D12
Rate of Fire: Equal scream counts as one melee attack/action.
Maximum Effective Range: 1000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bonus: +3 to strike on a carefully aimed single shot.
Bio-E Cost: 10
Prerequisite: Echo-Location
Notes: This sonic beam is so high-pitched that it can only be heard and traced by those with the right equipment, senses or who are also using Echo-Location or other passive means of sonic detection.

Anatomical & Physiological Features

Life Nod:
A Life Nod acts as a battery for the Host Armor pilot. It adds a number of benefits to the pilot. First of all it triples the number of shots a Bio-Vents can fire per minute (60). Second the Host Armor is bonded to the pilot to the point the pilot can control the armor without being in it. Bonuses are reduced to zero and can only make 3 attacks/actions per round. The range on this ability is 3 miles. Third the pilot has a + 30% vs. coma/death saves and +3 vs. poisons and stunning attacks. Four, the Life Nod also creates a small nutrient bath that feeds most Bio-Tech items. However it lowers the Pilots HPs by 5 permanently plus minus one hit point per level.
Bio-E Cost: 20
Prerequisite: Enhanced Neurological Connections
Notes: The Life Nod creates a limited intelligence with the Host Armor with an I.Q. of 2, M.E. 4 M.A. 3. The Host Armors intelligence can only awaken by the pilot. If the pilot is killed the Host Armor is likely to be slain also, however there is the pilots M.E. scores percentage chance the pilot’s mind will be transferred into the Host Armor. The bond causes the pilot to crave what the Host Armor needs to live, blood, sun, heat, dirt, raw meat but a Parasitic Host Armor can not have a Life Nod.

Bio-Nutrient Pool:
A Bio-Nutrient Pool in a Host Armor can recharge personal Bio-Weapons and tools. When in use an area of the skin will expand allowing the Bio-Weapons and tools to placed with and soak for 1D6 hours. After that time the items are fully charged. The skin pocket has 10 M.D.C. If the pocket is broken the pool will drain out and it will take the Host Armor 1D4+1 day to restore the pool.
Bio-E Cost: 10
Prerequisite: none

Growth Gland:
The Growth Gland is a DNA loaded organ that holds the information and stem-cells need to increase or enhance a host-armor. The Gland itself can hold a 1D4+3 changes/slots in the host-armor. The pilot can pick what changes are to be made as he or she has the bio-e to do so.
Once the Gland is created it can be re-supplied with stem-cells and DNA by a Gene-Pool.
This gland is added to long-range recon host-armors and pilots. By allowing the armor to continue to grow in the field the long term field units are not tied to the house territories. It is only known to the most inner working of any house.
The weakness of the growth is that it will take three hours per bio-e point for the new enhance to grow. The host armor must be fully healed and feed before the growth may start and cannot be moved for the full growth time. A hand held bio-weapon or a living body armor can be programmed to be created but a small bio-weapon (one handed) takes 1 slot, a large bio-weapon (2 handed) takes 2 slots, and a body armor takes 3. The glad can only do this once.

Bio-E Cost: 10 plus 10% of the bio-e of each enhancement. The invested bio-e is returned when the enhancement is added.
Prerequisite: Enhanced Neurological Connections

New Host Armor options and upgrades:

Pulse Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents: Its works just like the standered Bio-Energy Vent but fires a three shot burst of bio-energy.
M.D.C of the actual Bio-Energy Vent: adds 2D6+12 M.D.C
Mega-Damage: 1D4X10+6+P.E.X2
Rate of Fire: Each three shot pulse counts as one melee attack/action.
Maximum Effective Range: Single shot 1800 feet, but only 900 feet under water,
a 3-shot pulse 1500 feet, but only 750 feet under water
Payload: Effectively unlimited. However, firing more then 20 blasts a minute (that’s 5 per melee round) weakens the pilot, causing him to lose two melee attacks/actions per round and reduces all of his combat bonuses by half for the next 1D6 minutes. A 3-shot pulse counts as 3 blast of the 20 blast a minute maximum.
Bonus: +3 to strike on a carefully aimed single shot, no bonus on a 3-shot pulse.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points per each Bio-Energy Vent upgrade.
Prerequisite: Bio-Energy Vent

Enhanced Organic Rockets:
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 12
Mega-Damage: 1D6X10 with a blast radius of 15 feet.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile
Bonus: +5 to strike
Bio-E Cost: +4 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket

Needle Death Blossom: +2
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 10
Mega-Damage: 4D8 with a blast radius of 30 feet.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile.
Bonus: +5 to strike
Bio-E Cost: +3 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket

M.D.C. of the Rockets: 11
Mega-Damage: 4D6 with additional damage of 2D6 for 4 rounds. Half damage to organic matter. Blast radius of 1 foot.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile.
Bonus: +5 to strike
Bio-E Cost: +2 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket

M.D.C. of the Rockets: 10
Mega-Damage: 4D6 plus a 45% chance of knock down. Blast radius of 6 inches.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile.
Bonus: +5 to strike
Bio-E Cost: +1 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket

Chemical Rocket:
M.D.C.: of the Rockets: 10
Mega-Damage: Varies as chemical sprayer with a blast radius of 20 feet.
S.D.C. Damage: Varies, As chemical sprayer.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile.
Bonus: +5 to strike
Bio-E Cost: +1 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket, Chemical Sprayer

M.D.C.: of the Rockets: 13
Mega-Damage: 4D12, no blast radius.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile.
Note: Any biological /living creatures survive the attack must roll to save vs stun attack (15 or higher, plus any bonus from P.E.). Host Armor take normal damage plus the pilot takes 2D6 S.D.C./Hit Points. Machines take normal damage plus have a percentage chance equal to the damage done of inflicting impairments and damage as an Electro-Pulse Gun. See page 134-135 of the Splicers base book.
Bonus: +5 to strike
Bio-E Cost: +5 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket, Electrical Resistance.

Tendril Injector Rocket:
M.D.C.: of the Rockets: 14
Mega-Damage: 1D10 plus possible internal systems damage from ripping tendrils. 5D8 M.D.C for 1D3 attacks (that’s 5D8 to 15D8 point). See notes.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile.
Note: Tendril Injector Rocket must have a natural 16-20 to penetrate the metal hide of a robot or machine or a 13 or higher if the robot has lost 50% or more of its main body M.D.C. If a natural roll is less then 16/12 it only deals the 1D10 M.D.C. This system will not release the tendril into an organic/living target but the rocket will still deal the 1D10 M.D.C.
Bonus: +5 to strike
Bio-E Cost: +7 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket, Spike Launcher.

Range Increase:
The Organic Rockets range can be increased to a maximum of 5 miles. The M.D.C. of the rocket also increases per mile of range increase by 1 M.D.C. per mile to a maximum of +4 M.D.C. per rocket.
M.D.C. of the Rockets: varies +1 per mile of increased range.
Mega-Damage: varies by type.
Maximum Effective Range: 2 to 5 mile.
Bio-E Cost: +2 points per rocket per mile of increased range.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket
Range: Two to five miles.

Rapid Re-load:
Rockets re-grow at the rate of 1D6+1 M.D.C. per round. One rocket is replaced at a time. Once the M.D.C. is reached a rocket is replaced and ready to fire. The pilot of the Host Armor can select which rocket will be replaced first.
Bio-E Cost: 20+2 points per rocket.
Prerequisite: Organic Rocket, Regeneration: Super

Shoulder Pods:
Shoulder Pods increase the number of Organic Rockets a Host Armor can carry. A Shoulder Pod can hold up to fourteen rockets. However, no other shoulder systems can be place on this Host Armor. A Host Armor can have a total of two for a total of 28 additional rockets.
M.D.C. of the Pod: 1D4+2X10
Mega-Damage: varies by type.
Payload: up to 14 per pod
Bonus: Each Shoulder Pods adds +1 to hit per pod.
Bio-E Cost: 15, however Organic Rockets cost 1 Bio-E less per rocket per Rocket Pod, maximum of -2 per rocket. Rocket upgrades cost one less if both shoulders have the pods.
Prerequisite: none

High Altitude Thrusters: Two sacs are grown into the layer of heavy tissue. The separation of oxygen and hydrogen fills the two sacs. The oxygen sac provides the pilot with enough air for 30 minutes of flight. Speed can be maintained for 30 min at cruising speed, and one fourth of the time for max speed.
Flight Ability: 1600 mph (2360 km), but cruising speed is considered 800 mph (1280 km)
Maximum Altitude: 50,000 feet (16667 m).
Bio-E Cost: 10 points. However, 30 points increases the maximum altitude to 70,000 feet (23334 m) with a flight time of 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Organic Thrusters, Resistance to Physical Attacks (the two storage sacs are added to the Resistance to Physical Attacks, but does not replace it).
need to do some more adjustments but this ist what i got so far.

Electric (knuckle) Dusters:

This enhancement causes a series of small calloused bumps to develop over the selected area. When struck or on impact these bumps release a blast powered by the suits Electrical\Lightning discharge weapon, in effect allowing the character to use their ranged weapon as a melee enhancement or even as a form of active defense!
Although typically refered to as knuckle dusters this enhancement can actually be placed just about anywhere on the body including the feet, elbows, knees and forehead, other areas of the body may be chosen but it is rare as the enhancements usefulness is severely lessened.
Mega-Damage: 2D12 or 4D12, depending on which version of the Electrical Discharge weapon the character has plus physical attack damage.
Maximum Effective Range: Touch.
Rate of Fire: Each attack with the enhanced area typically counts as one melee attack but special attacks provided by a characters HtH skill still cost the listed number of attacks.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bio-E Cost:5 points for a small area such as the hand, foot, elbow or forehead. 10 points for an area like the chest or back.
Prerequisite: Electrical Discharger or Lightning Discharger either of which are retained.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Bio-Force Field Enhancements
Pre-requisited: a bio-force field that is upgraded to the new form. Generall in form of glowing orbs along forearms
Force Weapons: the bio-electric filed take the shape of a melee weapon. The weapon so generated does the same damage as normal one +1d6 in Megadamage.
M.D.C. of the weapon: 2d8x10 MDC but take damage only if attacked directly
Bio-E Cost: 15 Bio-E per weapon shape. Note that thos measn you lose your pretty defensive force field as it is now shaped as weapon

Force shield: this simply focus the bio-Force field into a shield shape around the forerarm
While it does not offer the same degree of protection of full body force field it prove very usefull to parry in close combat
M.D.C. 1d6x10+20 and is +2 to parry
Bio-E Cost: 10 Bio-E

Armored Wings: Just like it sound these are wings covered by a layer of chitinous ceramic like armor. They are tougher and their edges can be used for deadly swooping attacks.
Prerequisite: Wings and Qull defence(hard feathers), that are combined (you lose the quill defence)
MDC (2 wings): +2d6x50 each
Bonuses: the wings can be used to parry much like shield, of course not in flight! +1 to parry using the wings
Mega-Damage: punch damage + 1d6 megadamage, If quill launchers modification is taken to, they are part of the wings.

Bio-force kinesis: this is quite rare modification. Building three bio-force field projectors along the arm and one in the palm of the hand, it is possible create a thin layer of force around far object allowing to move them . Is quite complicated to use properly. But is extremely useful when in need to move a metallic object and no technojackers are around
Allow to move roughly 200 lbs at 100 ft range max
Bonuse: + 2 to strike and parry with objects , that's the only bonus possibles while using bio-force kinesis. Damage for thrown object is 1d6 MD per 20 lbs
Prerequisite: a bio-force field with at least 220 M.D.C
Bio-E Cost: 25 Bio-E

Bio-Energy Blades:
The bone blades become more sleek and draker in color, with some glowing etchings on its sides.
they are small bio-energy expulsion vents that channel life force in a field around the bone blade.
Prerequisite: A Bone blade and Bio-Energy expulsion vents, the lattest is absorbed into the bone blade
MDC: when active the field add +6d6 to the bone weapon MDC
Megadamage: the energy field add an M.D. bonus to the bone blade one equal to P.E. +2 per extra 5 Bio-E point spent
Duration: the empowered state last 5 minutes with a pause of one minute between activation.. More than this weakens the user, same as Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents
Bio-E Cost: 10 Bio-E (also look at the prerequisite)

Explosive resin
Combining resin ducts and explosive chemicals, the host armo can secrete wha tis essentially, organic plastic explosive.
Prerequisite: Resin Ducts and Flame Weapons
Megadamage: the resin molecular structure is quite instable and it explode on storng impact or if overheated. When hurled the small sphere of explosive resin inflict 1d6 MDC per glob of resin throw, maximum size is a 5 pound glob. Or could be carefull placed for huge explosions with a timer fuse. As explosive inflict 1d6 megadamage per pound
Payload: only 10 pounds per hour +1 additiona pound per additional bio-e spent
Bio-E Cost: 20 points plus 1 per additional pound of explosive resin

The serrated whip is charged with elexctricity for additional damage
Prerequisite: Serrated Whip and Electrical Discharger
M.D.C. of the electro whip: the whip is stronger haivng 5d6+15 M.D.C. It does have blue colored tendons wrapping it up
Megadamage: the whip crack with electricity inflicting 5d8 Megadamage for each lash, plus entagled victims suffer 1d12 of additional electricity damage each melee round. Note Organic suffer more as it hurt like hell, is like being whippe and electrocuted at same time! See notes under electrical weapons
Payload: unlimited
Bio-E Cost: 10 Bio-E

Gills: Great missing from the book. I know that Host Armors already are able to breathe underwater, but biotics, gorehounds and warmounts not! Gills allow to breath underwater
Bio-E Cost: 5

Superior Bio-Comms: this is an advanced bio-comms that offer a wider form of organic communication. Is usually reserved for dreadguards of higher level, albeit is not unheard of Roughneck who get this as well.
Prerequisite: Bio-Comms that us evolved into superior models
bonuses: the range of communication is 10 miles instead of the usual six.
Can communicate with 1d4+1 different bio-comms at time
focusing ones attention on one bio-comms, could actually see and hear what the other bio-comms user is seeing and hearing. Focusing require all the attention, no other action is possible and is possible only at closer ranges , 1-3 miles
Bio-E Cost: 15

Blinding Web: The chemical concoction of the organic web is modified so it does impermeable by most of radiation and heat. What does this mean, apart from the web being of shiny grey color, like silver threads? Well for once the web can be use dot easily impair sight and advanced form of detection. Wrappin a sensor, be it head, an antenna or what ever extra appendage hold extra sense, in the web impair radar, thermal, infrared and heat sensors and radio comminications. Usefull to take out robot sensors before it could do anything
Prerequisite: Spinnerets and webbing, Chamaleon Skin
M.D.C.: the web has 15 MDC per 10 foot of length, or per 5 square feet, plus take half damage form fire and heat based attacks.
Payload: same as per normal webbing but additional uses cost 8 Bio-E from now on.
Bio-E cost: 10 points per spinneret to be upgraded.

Organic Cloak: Despite the name it could take the shape of a cloak , a long scarf, or even a trenchcoat. This is part of the host armor, and has some peculiarity. First off allow gliding, same as gliding membranes, but not only. The cloak can move and bend responding neuro-impulse and chimical reaction of the pilot. As such they can move as tentacles, entangling, whipping, and parrying attacks. And look so damn cool. The cloak can detach at will, by the way, much like lizard's tail. And it will regrow completely
Prerequisite: Gliding Membranes and One additional pair of tentacles that merge into the cloak
Bonuses: Glide as per gliding membranes, +3 to parry, + 2 to entangle and +1 to whiplash strike, Whip strike does 1d8+4 Megamage or 4d6 SDC damage can be regulated, add +2 to Awe/Horror Factor
M.D.C. of the cloak: 2d4x10+15
Bio-E cost: 10 Bio-E

Electrofist: This is more an add on of Electrical weapons, something implicit into it. Simply channeling electricity through hands allow to add the electrical damage to the punch. Is cost no bio-e as is something you can already do( Electrical weapons can be used on touch, and who said the touch doesn't have to be punch?)
Cost: it counts as power punch, two action per melee

Rocket Punch: AKA angel's fist, mounting organic thrusters on the forerarm and synchronizing them with the act of punching, add an hell of power to the punching damage. The Angel's fist nickname coma from the vapors generated by the thursters right before strike.
Prerequisite: Hands: Armored Skin, Reinforced Forearm , Organic Thrusters(note they move on the arms so no flight is possible)
Mega-Damage: 1d8x10+20
Rate of fire: cost three attack per melee and can be performed only once per melee
Bonus: +2 to strike
Bio-E cost: 5 points( befroe you say is too low look at the prerequisites)

Explosive Web Ball: Combining a large sphere of web with the organic explosive make some one nasty surprise for opponents. This is one added feature to normal Spinnerets, allowing to conjure a web ball to throw at opponets. The sphere explode on impact , shooting a web in a radius of 20ft. The web is made of 3d6x10 web strands.
Prerequisite: Spinnerets and Webbing, One organic rocket
Mega-Damage: none, but take in count all those web strands impairing movements
Rate of fire: one Explosive web ball per melee
Duration: same as normal web
Bio-E Cost: 10 points per spinnerets to be modified

Sensible nets: Some spiders areable to feel everything tha tcome in contact with their web. Creating a large web and combining with an attuned motion detection an host armor could pretty much do the same
Prerequisite: Spinnerets and webbing, Motion detection
Bonuses: The range of motion detection is increased by the size of the web, as long as one is in physical contact with one's own web, plus +3 initiative.
Web size: 15 ft radius per webbing use, but creating one took one hour per 50 ft
Bio-E Cost: 5 points

Healing Cocoon: This derive from the genetics of some insects. And proved quite useful in saving the life of soliders on frontline. this bio-modification allow to created an hard cocoon of web strands, inside the coccoon temperature low and the user fall inot a sort of healing hybernation. Of course is always wise choose an hidden and safe location before cocooning oneself.
Prerequisite: Spinnerets and webbing, Regeneration: Enhanced or better
Bonuses: while in the cocoon healing speed is doubled, + 2 to save vs. poison/toxins/drugs.
M.D.C. of the cocoon: 1d4x10+80 does not emit thermal and infrared radiations
Duration: up to 12+2d6 hours.
Bio-E cost: 10 points

Biological Defenses

Bone Buckler: The Host Armor develops a heavy bone plate on the forearm that is used to defend against melee attacks. The buckler occupies the entire right or left forearm and no other bio-weapons can be grown on that limb.
M.D.C.: Of the shield is 20, and does not benefit from any M.D.C. increases by other biological defenses.
Bonuses: +1 to parry melee attacks.
Penalties: -10% to manual dexterity tasks requiring both hands.
Bio-E Cost: 5 points.
Prerequisite: None.

Bone Shield: The upgraded bone buckler is a superior barrier against attack, but badly inhibits fine motor skills requiring both hands. This shield is equivalent to a kite shield in coverage and extends eight inches beyond the wrist and elbow.
M.D.C.: The shield’s value is 40, as the buckler it does not benefit from other M.D.C. enhancements.
Bonuses: +2 to parry melee attacks and conventional missiles (arrows, normal bullets, rocket and missiles).
Penalties: -25% to tasks needing both hands.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points.
Prerequisite: 1 Bone Buckler, which grows into the Bone Shield.

Heavy Bone Shield: This final upgrade of the Bone Buckler is composed of three heavy bone plates covering the shoulder, upper arm, and the entire lower arm, extending two feet beyond the hand. The shield is so massive and responsive it can even be used to shield one other man-sized character, without compromising the host armor’s own defense.
In addition to the massive size and density of the shield the muscles to move it have been heavily enhanced, and can even respond without penalty to energy weapon attacks. On the downside manual tasks that need both hands are impossible to perform.
M.D.C.: The Shield has 80 M.D.C., and when used in conjunction with the Horned Defense sees its value double to 160 M.D.C.
Bonuses: +4 to parry all attacks including energy weapons.
Penalties: All tasks relating to manual dexterity requiring both hands are impossible to perform. (This disadvantage is negated by the extra arms feature.)
Bio-E Cost: 20 points.
Prerequisite: 1 Bone Shield that evolves into a Heavy Bone Shield.

Acid Injector Defense: This is an upgrade for the Horned Defense, the defense is primarily unchanged. However any attacker rolling less than 12 is not only impaled upon one of the horns taking the usual 2D10, but is also injected with a highly caustic and persistent molecular acid inflicting 1D8 M.D. per round for 4D4 rounds. This acid also functions as a neuro-toxin against biological structures, causing total paralysis of the muscles in 1D4 rounds, the paralysis persists for ten minutes, but is not fatal or life-threatening on it’s own.
Mega-Damage: as noted above and in the Horned Defense entry.
Bio-E Cost: 40 Points.
Prerequisite: Horned Defense, which is retained with all features, and Acid Blood, also retained with all features.

Anatomical & Physiological Features

Organic Ramjet Accelerators: Are similar in principle to Organic Thrusters but serve a very different purpose. Bio-ramjets are used primarily to accelerate kicks and punches to near-supersonic speeds, vastly improving attack damage and penetration.
Mega-Damage: Doubles base kick and punch damage of the Host Armor.
Bonuses: Increases base underwater maneuverability, +1 to dodge underwater.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points.
Prerequisite: None.

Offensive Bio-Weapons

Bone Lance: this is an upgrade for the bone blade, turning an existing blade into a ten-foot long tapering lance for puncturing armor and knocking down opponents. Very popular among Outriders, uncommon elsewhere.
M.D.C.: of the lance is 2D6x10+20.
Mega-Damage & Bio-E Cost: 20 per bone blade converted, base damage is doubled from 4D6 up through 2D6x10, inflicts triple damage on a critical.
Bonuses: as bone blade with the following modifications; no bonus to parry or disarm, no bonus to pull punch, 90% knockdown against human-sized opponents or 50% knockdown against walker-type ‘bots or other humanoid opponents up to 20’ tall.
Prerequisite: 1 bone blade that evolves into the lance.

Ranged Bio-Weapons

Sonic Weapons: Vocal cords and resonance chambers are grown that enable the Host Armor to emit a destructive modulated pulse of sound that causes massive damage.

Mega-Damage: 1D4x10.
Maximum Effective Range: 20’ cone.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as a single attack.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bonus: +2 to strike as an area effect weapon
Bio-E Cost: 10
Prerequisite: none

Banshee Wail:
Mega-Damage: 3D4x10 and causes massive hemorrhaging in “soft” targets (save vs. Coma/Death).
Maximum Effective Range: 100’ cone.
Rate of Fire: Single per melee, counts as two attacks.
Payload: effectively unlimited
Bonus: +5 to strike as an area effect weapon.
Bio-E Cost: 30
Prerequisite: Shriek sonic ability that evolves into the Banshee Wail
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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I got bored of waiting for everyone to post stuff here, so i posted everything i found on the board. The formatting isn't perfect, but its a comprehensive list. If i have the time, i may format it neatly, and give proper attribution to the authors.

Ill do them one at a time later, but the list contains enhancements from baron of chaos, slappy, 9kilovoltwatt(ithink), ectoplasmic bidet, and several others, whom are no less important, but merely post less, so I havent memorized their names yet.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Roscoe Del'Tane
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Splitter Stomach: A bizarre, but useful modification to the digestive tract of a Host Armor, War Mount or Biotic. A second stomach is grown, and the esophagus is split, primary nourishment to the main stomach, and others to the secondary. This is useful because it allows the user to help others, not just themselves. Among other things, it allows the possessor to drink saltwater and split it into salt and potable water, or eat foods and break them down into their component vitamins (allows for the creation of supplement tablets for roughnecks or children).

The secondary stomach is usually located on the back or abdomen, and has a biological 'zipper' and 'straws' that can be extended for the convenience of others. In a pinch, extra water can be stored in it, total storage capacity is equal to three gallons/pounds for a normal sized Biotic/Host Armor.

The more complicated the action, the longer it takes. Making potable water out of 'bad' takes 10 minutes per gallon, making vitamin powder takes half an hour per pound of material broken down. Accessing the contents of the pouch takes one melee action (open the zipper or extend the straws).

Prerequisite: Has to have a mouth, and be a HA, War Mount, or Biotic
Bio-E: 15
M.D.C.: 10% of the area its located on, going over this means its split open and ruined until it heals. As long as the suit is still alive, it will eventually regrow.
Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Splitter Stomache: A bizarre, but useful modification to the digestive tract of a Host Armour, War Mount or Biotic. A second stomache is is grown, and the esophagus is split, primary nurishment to the main stomache, and others to the secondary. This is useful because it allows the user to help others, not just themselves. Among other things, it allows the possesor to srink saltwater and split it into salt and potable water, or eat foods and break them down into their component vitamins (allows for the creation of suppliment tablets for roughnecks or children).

The secondary stomache is usually located on the back or abdomen, and has a biological 'zipper' and 'straws' that can be extended for the convenience of others. In a pinch, extra water can be stored in it, total storage capacity is equal to three gallons/pounds for a normal sized Biotic/Host Armour.

The more complicated the action, the longer it takes. Making potable water out of 'bad' takes 10 minutes per gallon, making vitamin powder takes half an hour per pound of material broken down. Accesssing the contents of the pouch takes one melee action (open the zipper or extend the straws).

Prerequisite: Has to have a mouth, and be a HA, War Mount, or Biotic
Bio-E: 15
M.D.C.: 10% of the area its located on, going over this means its split open and ruined until it heals. As long as the suit is still alive, it will eventually regrow.

Ok, that's totally weird :shock:
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Snake Eyes wrote: Ok, that's totally weird :shock:

The idea is that even though the machine won't use bio-weapons (as far as I know), there are still enough things in nature that could make eating or drinking the available foodstuffs bad for you (Montezuma's revenge anyone?). This way, you lower or eliminate the risk of eating contaminated food/water; you don't want to run a raid on a settlement only for all your new blood to get sick do you? Or you could extract the poisons and toxins to use on your weapons, if your raiding a Nature Preserve or enemy House.

The vitamin feature would be very usefull for the children and elderly, make sure that they grow up to be strong and healthy to be good fighters. And it would function as an emergency canteen if you got separated from your group out in the wastelands, and a dozen other things I can't think of off the top of my head.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Splitter Stomach: A bizarre, but useful modification to the digestive tract of a Host Armor, War Mount or Biotic. A second stomach is grown, and the esophagus is split, primary nourishment to the main stomach, and others to the secondary. This is useful because it allows the user to help others, not just themselves. Among other things, it allows the possessor to drink saltwater and split it into salt and potable water, or eat foods and break them down into their component vitamins (allows for the creation of supplement tablets for roughnecks or children).

The secondary stomach is usually located on the back or abdomen, and has a biological 'zipper' and 'straws' that can be extended for the convenience of others. In a pinch, extra water can be stored in it, total storage capacity is equal to three gallons/pounds for a normal sized Biotic/Host Armor.

The more complicated the action, the longer it takes. Making potable water out of 'bad' takes 10 minutes per gallon, making vitamin powder takes half an hour per pound of material broken down. Accessing the contents of the pouch takes one melee action (open the zipper or extend the straws).

Prerequisite: Has to have a mouth, and be a HA, War Mount, or Biotic
Bio-E: 15
M.D.C.: 10% of the area its located on, going over this means its split open and ruined until it heals. As long as the suit is still alive, it will eventually regrow.

I can dig it. I'm adding this one to my files. One more use. Now, when you feed your host armor, you feed yourself.

As an additional cost, I might think about making it lower ammo production slightly. for those things that need you to eat to reload.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Ziggurat the Eternal wrote: Vocal Enhancement: The Host Armor’s vocal cords are abnormally strong, resilient, and well-developed. This allows the Host Armor to generate noises other than standard vocalization and at much greater volumes.
Effects of Vocal Enhancement: Through the use of its vocal apparatus, the Splicer can actually increase or decrease sounds within a certain range, effectively creating “white noise” to cancel or enhance sounds. Using this ability, the Splicer can affect some ambient noises, granting a slight bonus to prowl (+1% per level.) The Host Armor can project these noises in a small area, allowing others to benefit (provided they stay within range.)
Note that these bonuses apply to sound only and may have partial or no effect based on environmental conditions (brightly lit area, wide open spaces, etc. GM’s discretion).
As well as muffling noise, the Host Armor can fill the same area with distracting “white noise”. Though it inflicts no damage, it is disorientating to organic opponents (-2 initiative, and -1 strike, parry, and dodge). It has no effect on robots; however, it makes a great Ratbomb deterrent.
Additionally, the Host Armor grants a +10% bonus to the Public Speaking, Sing, Imitate Voices & Sounds, and Ventriloquism skills. Note that this bonus is only in effect when the character is in the Host Armor.
Area of Effect: 5 feet (6m) +5 feet (1.5m) radius per level centered on the Host Armor as an area effect.
Payload: The Host Armor can create and maintain the noises for an almost indefinite amount of time. However, due to the focus involved, the Host Armor loses one attack per melee to create or maintain the desired effects.
Pre-Requisites: The Host Armor must have a mouth and non-forked tongue. Prehensile tongues have no adverse effect. Additionally Host Armors with a Prehensile Trunk appendage can use the Trunk as an “echo chamber” to greatly improve resonance. These Host Armors double the range, bonuses, and penalties.
Bio-E Cost: 20

Sonic Boom: The Host Armor’s vocal cords and larynx are further modified to create a greater range and volume of sounds other than standard vocalization. Additionally, various air chambers and expandable pouch tissues, similar to a frog or toad, are built into the jaw and throat area of the armor. The Host Armor can project its voice with crystal clear quality at volumes of up to 175 dB (the equivalent of one ton of dynamite and well over the 140dB pain threshold of normal humans.)
More impressive than this is the ability of the Host Armor to generate and focus its sound generation into a deafening "sonic boom" effect. The sonic boom can be done as an area effect, or focused for greater impact and damage.
Damage: 1D8+1 per level of the Host Armor for radius affect or 2D12+1 per level for a focused blast. The sonic attack is either S.D.C. or M.D.C., depending on the target. Robots are especially susceptible to the vibrations released from a sonic boom and suffer double damage (though they do not suffer from the deafening effects.)
Effects: Regardless of the attack, victims without any type of sound/ear protection or Host Armors with Enhanced Hearing will be temporarily deafened for 2D4 minutes and are -8 initiative and -3 parry and dodge. Damage is halved for victims with some other protective wear, but they will still find their ears ringing for 1D4 melees and are -4 on initiative and -2 to parry and dodge. Additionally, the sonic boom scrambles any readings from Echo-Location abilities, reducing the readings by half for that melee round.
Successive sonic booms inflict the appropriate damage and have a cumulative effect on the duration, but not the penalties. In addition, S.D.C. glass or similar breakable materials up to twice the maximum range away are shattered by the boom.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Range (focused blast): 200ft. +5 feet per level of the Host Armor.
Area Effect: 20 feet (6m) +5 feet (1.5m) radius per level, centered on the Host Armor as an area effect.
Payload: Unlimited.
Pre-Requisites: The Vocal Enhancement modification, which is retained but is upgraded to include the new Sonic Boom ability. Additionally, Host Armors with Trunk appendages can use the Trunk as an “echo chamber” to greatly enhance the blast and its effects. These Host Armors add 2 additional die (3D8+1 or 4D12+1 respectively) to damage and 1 additional die to duration. In addition, the range or area of effect is doubled.
Bio-E Cost: 25

Hypnotic Suggestion: The Host Armor’s vocal apparatus are further modified with a small hormone gland. The gland produces mildly hallucinogenic, mood altering pheromones. Using a combination of sounds and these pheromones, the Host Armor can generate a hypnotic domination over someone’s conscious and subconscious thoughts. The Host Armor can choose to effect one target, or anyone within the sound of its voice, including other Host Armors.
Effects: Targets of the Hypnotic Suggestion must make a successful save vs. Insanity. Failure means the Host Armor can dominate the target’s behavior and actions and effect an almost complete submission to commands.
The suggestion or command must be subtly worked into a verbal comment and must be kept simple and clear. For example, the classic “You are getting sleepy”, “These aren’t the bots you are looking for?”, or “You really don’t want to attack me.” The power of suggestion can also be used to make the target imagine some basic sensory input. For example, “Did you hear that? Footsteps?!” or “Don’t touch that, its blazing hot!” The target who fails the saving throw will immediately act on the commands or suggestions. Despite their formidable abilities, other Host Armors can be affected by the suggestion ability.
Though the suggestion ability is powerful, it does have limitations. The suggestion CANNOT make a person perform any action that goes against their sense of ethics or innate sense of morality. Nor can it cause the target to harm itself in any way. (“Put this gun to your head and pull the trigger!”) Any conflicting commands will immediately negate the suggestion. Note that only the Host Armor may issue commands or suggestions, the target will not respond to anyone else.
It is important to note that the suggestion ability is physiological in nature (as opposed to psionic.) It cannot be extended or replicated through mechanical means (telephones, radios, bio-comms, etc.) Because of this, the suggestion power is ineffective against mechanical and truly “in-human” beings. However, the ability can be used in a limited capacity against common animals. While animals cannot be made to respond to specific commands, they will respond to general vocal tone (friendly, hostile, etc.) and react accordingly.
Lastly, since the suggestion is based partially on sound waves, the Host Armor cannot control someone who cannot hear it. Those with hearing protection or suffer from any hearing impairments are immune. Soundproofing, loud noises, and simply getting out of range are equally effective.
DURATION: The target(s) will remain susceptible to the commands for one full melee round. Victims of the suggestion can make a new save to resist every melee round.
ATTACK STRENGTH: The base strength/attack for the Suggestion is 12 for an individual, or 10 for a group. This is the number the victim(s) need to roll on a D20 to save (any bonuses vs. Insanity are included in the roll.) The number becomes higher as the Host Armor gains experience; the base strength/attack becomes more powerful. The base strength/attack gains a bonus of +1 at levels 3, 7, 10, and 12.
Rate of Fire: Each suggestion counts as one melee attack.
Range: 20 feet (6m). If used to affect an area, the attack is centered on the Host Armor.
Payload: Unlimited.
Pre-Requisites: The Vocal Enhancement modification, which is retained but is upgraded to include the new Hypnotic Suggestion ability.
Bio-E Cost: 20

Hey, those look awful familiar. :wink:
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

By 9voltkilowatt
Additional text and ideas by Guy LeDouche

Detritivore Host Armor
A true scavenger of the Resistance, this type of Host Armor feeds in much the same way as the common earthworm; by devouring decomposing matter. This "matter" can include anything organic; rotting leaves, an animal carcass, even fecal matter. While many members of the Resistance can't bring themselves to use this option, it makes an idea metabolism for long term field use; the wearer can maintain an easy existence in nearly any environment that can support life (the Preserves offer a bounty of food stuffs for this metabolism.) Because of the nature of this Host Armor, normal citizens find them disgusting and even fellow Splicers are a little unnerved.
Feeding: The suit eats from 20 to 40 lbs (9 to 18kg) of rotting organic matter a day, and may gorge on up to 50 to 70 lbs (22.5 to 32 kg) at one time. After gorging, the Host Armor can go for 1D6+2 days without feeding and without feeling any ill effects.
Sleep Requirements: The suit requires only 1D6 hours of sleep\rest\inactivity per day, but the pilot may need more then that (typically six hours).
Color of Host Armor: Soft to dark earth tones: mottled browns, tans and blacks are the most common though it is not unheard of to have an even mix\blend.
Special Senses: The Host Armor has enhanced chemoreceptors that are especially sensitive to rotting or decaying organic matter. These receptors offer the following abilities:
• Track rotting\decaying organic matter: 70% (+2% per level of experience). The Host Armor can attempt to track by smell alone at half its normal percentage.
• Gauge time of death: 45% (+3% per level of experience).
In addition, by ingesting even a tiny bit of spoor or droppings, the Host Armor can gain some broad information regarding the organism that left it. The Host Armor can estimate the following:
• Length of time since the organism passed (within a 4 hour window)
• A general idea of the size and classification (reptilian, avian, etc.) of the organism
• Its primary diet
• A basic idea of its health (diseased, healthy, in estrus, etc.)
Bonus Bio-E Points: 20 additional Bio-E points.
Bite Damage: 1D8 M.D.; the mouth and teeth are shaped for eating soft, decayed matter, and aren’t very useful in combat.
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge and +3 to roll with fall, as well as base instinctive skills of Identify Plants & Fruits 80%, Land navigation 75% and Spelunking 55%.
Penalties: Though very faint, the Host Armor has a slightly earthy smell, rather like wet soil or manure compost. No additional penalties to speak of, only the somewhat disturbing need to feed on the waste of other living creatures.

Piscivore Host Armor
The Piscivore is a version of the Carnivore that feeds primarily on fish and, on occasion, other smaller forms of sea life. The Piscivore was designed as an aquatic front line trooper capable of holding its own with any of the standard land based host Armors.
Feeding: The suit eats from 10 to 20 lbs (4.5 to 9 kg) of fish a day.
Sleep Requirements: The Host Armor requires 1D4 hours of sleep/rest/inactivity per day, generally at night, but the pilot will need more then that (typically six hours).
Color of Host Armor: Soft to dark blues or greens, often with silver or white highlights and markings.
Special Senses: The Host Armor is equipped with several advanced senses that offer the following abilities:
• Taste blood and foreign chemicals up to a mile away when in the water
• Track a blood scent/trail to its source; 70%+2% per level when in water. The Host Armor can attempt to follow the scent in the air at half normal percentage.
• The Host Armor can always sense magnetic north, similar to a dolphin or whale. Damage to the head will temporarily (3D4 minutes) disrupt this ability, however, it will eventually return.
• Underwater Sense: The Host Armor can instinctively sense the direction of ocean currents, changes in the current, approximate current speed, and have an accurate idea of depth, even in total darkness.
Other than these, the suit possesses no enhanced senses unless purchased with Bio-E.
Bonus Bio-E Points: 40 additional Bio-E points
Bite Damage: 3D8 M.D.; the head typically has a large, shark-like mouth filled with sharp teeth.
Bonuses When Underwater: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike and +2 to dodge. In addition, the Host Armor can survive depths of up to 2 miles unaided.
Webbed fingers and toes: Provides the pilot with a +20% bonus to his\her Swimming skill or gives a base 40% Swimming skill if Swimming is not possessed by the pilot. The Host Armor must have fingers and toes. The webbing also adds +30 mph (48 km/25.9 knots) to swimming speed.
Penalties: Much like a shark, the Host Armor has a problem with the smell of blood. Due to the chemicals produced by the Host Armor, the scent of blood, human or animal, makes the pilot tense, anxious, and aggressive. A roll to save vs. Insanity of 12 or higher is required to keep the character from entering a feeding frenzy. While frenzied, the character cannot tell friend from foe and will attack anyone or anything around him/her indiscriminately (receives a +2 on initiative and +1 to strike, but cannot easily stop fighting.
Also, if an organic opponent has been defeated, the pilot will have to roll a save vs. Insanity of 12 or higher to keep from ignoring combat and feeding on the fallen victim.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Awesome stuff.....
The Dragon Has Spoken
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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We can only wonder why those would look so familiar Guy. :)

Its almost as if the whole forum died :cry: , and someone was looking to consolidate enhancements for easy of use 8-) , and then someone else happened to do just that.

But that someone else was just to lazy to properly attribute everything to everyone :bandit: , so he left a lame one line disclaimer that none of it was his.

At least, thats one possibility. :|

But no one will ever know for sure, unless of course it just so happens that the enhancements are still in their orignal post on page three of the forum.
Last edited by Ziggurat the Eternal on Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:We can only wonder why those would look so familiar Guy.

Its almost as if the whole forum died, and someone was looking to consolidate enhancements for easy of use, and then someone else happened to do just that.

But that someone else was just to lazy to properly attribute everything to everyone, so he left a lame one line disclaimer that none of it was his.

At least, thats one possibility.

But no one will ever know for sure, unless of course it just so happens that the enhancements are still in their orignal post on page three of the forum.

:lol: :lol: If you're not an attorney, I think you missed your calling. No worries; I'm just busting your chops. I actually took it as a compliment that someone else posted it. Thank you.

I'll be putting up some of my other stuff over the next couple of days as well. Glad the sticky got started.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3

If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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I try to be funny sometimes. Sometimes I succeed.

Sometimes not. I have difficulties with normal humor. I'm much better at irony. And puns. And "thats what she said".

I went back and threw in some smileys for everyone's sake, so you can tell the tone of the message, as the writing seems a bit hostile as of my second reading.

Note the bandit. :)
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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House Branton OCC's

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“We are the true saviors of humanity; for only we have the will to do what must be done.”

An unknown House until almost five years ago, House Branton has entered the fray, intent on smashing N.E.X.U.S. and saving mankind. Though not an overt threat to humanity, Branton remains somewhat dangerous to other members of the Resistance because of their extreme views and culture. To say that Branton is committed to victory is a bit of an understatement; the entire House is completely obsessed with defeating the Machine and ensuring the survival of the human race.

Members of House Branton are true fanatics and cult-like in their thoughts and actions; everything is done for “the greater good” of the race. Individuality is discouraged, frowned upon and even punished. Most, if not all, of their plans and actions are to ensure survival of the race as a whole. Branton is committed to the survival of humanity as a whole, and shows little concerns for individuals. To their thinking, all humans should be willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure the human race will survive.

To complicate their relations with other Houses, the citizens of Branton worship the Engineers, Librarians, and even Scarecrows as living gods and the saviors of humanity.

As a minor House and somewhat limited in resources, Branton is willing to take actions other Houses would frown upon or outlaw entirely. Violating a somewhat unwritten law of the Resistance, Branton willing manipulates and, in some cases, completely rewrites the human DNA code; creating some unique and monstrous troops.

Though House Branton is willing to work with other Houses, their fanaticism and ghoulish sub-human troops makes others very wary.

Bio-Organic Super Soldiers (B.O.S.S.)
by 9voltkilowatt and Guy Ledouche
“They're highly intelligent, their jaws can pulverize bone, they’ll devour and digest nearly anything, they have a complex social structure, and, to top it all off, they are some of the most successful and efficient hunters on the planet. And that was before the Librarians got a hold of them!”

Human life is a scarce and precious commodity among the Resistance, but few places is it in a more limited supply then House Branton. After their first few encounters with the Machine, the leaders of Branton realized that their numbers were far too few to waste needlessly. Unfortunately, this also meant the House would be unable to field the large force that would be inevitably needed for coming conflicts. At least, not a force composed entirely of humans.

While human life may be a scarce resource, the prairies and savannahs surrounding the House teem with animal life; life that could serve the House. To that end, the House Librarians begin a series of experiments in human/animal hybrids. After months of research and experimentation, the project was deemed a success and the House began breeding a race of expendable soldiers; soldiers who could maintain a constant state of alertness and were well suited to a life of brutal conditions and combat.

Created from the ground up at a genetic level, the Bio-Organic Super Soldier or “B.O.S.S. Units” are a hybrid of enhanced hyena DNA mixed with human genetic material. Head Librarian Gatraphon felt hyenas would be the perfect base animal; supremely efficient pack hunters and scavengers, highly intelligent, physically powerful, accustomed to a social hierarchy, and able to eat and digest every part of a carcass, including bone. Using the hyena DNA as a base, the Librarian then fused small amounts of human genetic material taken from some of the House’s best warriors, creating a fearsome hybrid warrior. This blending of human cognitive abilities with the skillful and cunning instincts of the hyena has created a foot soldier that has surpassed every expectation.

Looking very much like the stereotypical idea of a werewolf, a B.O.S.S. strikes an imposing image. A disturbingly human figure, B.O.S.S. units stand as tall as a fully armored Dreadguard and are heavily muscled. Covered with short spotted or striped fur, each B.O.S.S. has a stunted, mohawk-like mane lining the back of their necks. The mane is a clear sign of the B.O.S.S.’s mood, with an erect mane signifying anger or hostility. Despite the human DNA, the head is still very much that of an animal, with large, rounded ears, a pronounced muzzle, and formidable jaws and teeth. Though bipedal, the B.O.S.S. can (and often do) run on all fours, both during play and combat.

True to their animalistic nature, B.O.S.S. units are highly aggressive and utterly ruthless in combat. Their natural pack hunting instincts make them excellent ambush artists and a group of B.O.S.S. units are utterly fearless and fight with unparalled savagery.

In spite of their marauding combat behavior, they are smart, resourceful, cunning, and naturally adapt at group tactics. All hyenas have powerful teeth and jaws, able to crush bone and the enhanced B.O.S.S. is no exception. Bites from a B.O.S.S. are capable of severing a drone’s arm and, when paired with claws able to rip through mega-damage steel, each B.O.S.S. unit is able to inflict a close combat kill ratio comparable to that of a Host Armor.

Along with their combat prowess, B.O.S.S. units are excellent survivors. True to their animal roots, the B.O.S.S. excels as a hunter and scavenger. Their jaws allow them to consume nearly anything, and they have a powerful digestive system with highly acidic fluids. Capable of eating and digesting nearly any organic substance, B.O.S.S. units consume their entire prey, including skin, teeth, horns, and bones. They have no aversion to and will readily eat carrion without any fear of disease or sickness.

Despite their violent nature and somewhat disturbing diet, B.O.S.S. units are surprising gentle, compassionate, and playful when away from combat-at least to other B.O.S.S.’s and members of House Branton. B.O.S.S. are especially fond of Packmasters and their Gorehounds, often being paired together for recon and scouting missions. During downtime, it’s not unusual to see the hybrids and Gorehounds giving into their playful side and engaging in roughhousing and cavorting. Around strangers and outsiders however, the B.O.S.S. become suspicious, defensive, and often outright hostile.

Alignment: Though mostly loyal to the House, most are typically selfish or evil, willing to take any action necessary to win. Rarely is a B.O.S.S. unit of a true good alignment.
Attribute Requirements: None, the B.O.S.S. units are created according to a genetic template.
Attributes: As an animal/human hybrid, B.O.S.S. units do not roll attributes as normal. Instead, use the following to determine the attributes:
I.Q. 4+1D6, M.A. 3+1D4, M.E. 10+1D4, P.S. 24+1D6 (Splicer P.S.), P.P. 16+1D4, P.E. 30+1D6, P.B. 5+1D4, Spd 20+2D6
NOTE: Those designated as squad leaders are engineered with the genetic markers of the female hyena giving them an additional 1D4 to I.Q. and M.A.
R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): Splicer P.S., +1 attack per melee round, +2 on initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +3 to auto dodge (the act of dodging does not use up a melee attack, but one must still roll to dodge), +3 to roll with punch\fall\impact, +5 to save vs. Horror Factor, and is impervious to disease and can eat rotten or spoiled food without the slightest ill effect.
Base S.D.C.: Not applicable, see the B.O.S.S.’s Altered Body.

B.O.S.S. RCC Powers and Abilities
1. B.O.S.S.’s Altered Body & M.D.C.:
The creation process makes a B.O.S.S. unit a naturally Mega-Damage being. Starting M.D.C. is the P.E. attribute number +4D8x10 plus the P.E. attribute number. Add an additional 3D8 M.D.C. per level of experience, starting at level two. A B.O.S.S. unit bio-regenerates 2D10 M.D.C. per melee round and can even regrow lost appendages and eyes. The character can last twenty times longer during strenuous exercise\activity before feeling the effects of exhaustion. This means a B.O.S.S. can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for 6 to 7 days (144 to 168 hours) without sleep. The typical B.O.S.S. stands 6ft+2D6 inches and weighs between 450-500lbs.
2. Inhuman Fortitude: B.O.S.S. units are legendary for their ability to shrug off pain or shock and can remain alert and effective despite physical hardship or injury. A B.O.S.S. can actually remain semi-conscious even after all M.D.C. has been reduced to zero, though awareness is on par to that of a dazed or dreamlike state. In this state, the character has only two actions per round, no combat bonuses of any kind, speed is reduced by half, and skill performance is -70%. However, the B.O.S.S. is still semi-aware and moving. The character can function in this state until M.D.C. is reduced below zero by a number equal to the 2x the P.E. attribute number. After that, they will fall into a coma and die without immediate medical treatment. This high threshold for pain also imposes a -50% skill penalty upon those trying to interrogate or torture the character.
3. Exceptional Agility: Can leap one foot per P.S. point lengthwise and high from a standing position; increase by 30% with a running start.
4. Sprint: A B.O.S.S. can run on all fours, doubling their Speed attribute. They can maintain this pace indefinitely. While sprinting, the character can still auto dodge with all regular bonuses.
5. Caustic Spittle: The B.O.S.S. is able to use its powerful acidic digestive fluids to cause further damage to bite victims. This caustic spittle inflicts an additional 1D8 M.D. per melee round for 1D4 rounds to any victim of a bite attack.
6. Enhanced Senses: Each B.O.S.S. has the following enhanced senses:
o Bio-Comms: As per the Splicers main book, page80.
o Advanced Eyes: As per the Splicers main book, page 78.
o Enhanced Hearing: As per the Splicers main book, page 80 - 81.
o Enhanced Senses: As per the Splicers main book, page 81.
o Claws: Large, non-retractable claws add 2D6+6 M.D. damage to punch damage.
o Bite: The jaws and teeth of the B.O.S.S. add an additional 4D8 M.D. to bite damage.
7. Horror Factor: A B.O.S.S. has a Horror Factor of 10 for an individual, 14 for a pack of four or more.
8. Pack Hunters: All B.O.S.S. are instinctively driven to hunt and attack in packs, often using coordinated tactics, feints, and ambushes. If two or more B.O.S.S. units are attacking the same target in the same turn, they each receive the following bonuses: +1 initiative, +2 strike, and an additional +2 to damage.
9. Instinctive Skills: The character automatically knows the following skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, Identify Plants & Fruits (68%+5% per level), Land Navigation (72%+4% per level), and Prowl (50%+5% per level).
Production Cycle: Four months gestation, plus 2 months growth time.
Average Life Span: As a fairly recent creation, no one is entirely sure of the B.O.S.S.’s maximum life span, though it’s estimated to be 15 years plus 1D12 months. Almost all will die in combat well before reaching this age.

Common Skills: Standard.
O.C.C Skills Programs: Because hyenas naturally operate in a female dominated pack, female characters have a different skill set than males, operating as officers and squad leaders.
Female only: Basic Military (+15%), Field Intelligence (+15%) and Saboteur, Outdoorsman or Survivalist (+10%).
Male only: Basic Military (+10%), Guerilla Warfare (+10%), Reconnaissance/Scout or Infantryman.
Elective Skills: Select three (four for females) Elective Skills from the following list at first level plus one new Elective Skills at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.

Female only skill set:
Communications: Bio-Comms, Cryptography, Sign Language.
Domestic: Begging only.
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Tracking, Vital Points, Wilderness Survival only.
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any except Parachuting.
Physical: Any.
Rogue: Prowl only.
Science: Astronomy & Navigation and Xenology only.
Technical: Operate Bio-equipment only.
Transportation: None.
Wilderness: Dowsing, Fasting, Hunting, Identify Plants & Fruits, Land Navigation, Track and Trap Animals and Wilderness Survival only.
W.P.s: Any.

Male only skill set:
Communications: Bio-Comms and Sign Language.
Domestic: Begging only.
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Tracking, Vital Points, Wilderness Survival only.
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any except Parachuting.
Physical: Physical: Any.
Rogue: Prowl only.
Science: None.
Technical: None
Transportation: None.
Wilderness: Dowsing, Fasting, Hunting, Identify Plants & Fruits, Land Navigation, Track and Trap Animals and Wilderness Survival only.
W.P.s: Any.
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select three (four for females) Secondary Skills at level one. These are additional area of knowledge starting without any special O.C.C. bonuses. The character may not select more Secondary Skills in the future.
B.O.S.S. Biological Enhancements: B.O.S.S. units are unable to purchase further biological enhancements.
Standard Equipment: A suit of Shatter Shield armor, two hooded cloaks (both earth tones like brown, grey, green, etc.) pair of M.D.C. knives, one weapon for each W.P., backpack, tent, bedroll, two water skins, hair brush (extra tough construction), emergency food rations (3 day supply) and a few personal items.
Money: Only has 4D6 credits, but another 2D6x10 credits worth of trinkets and items picked up along the way. B.O.S.S.’s have little use for money.
The Upside: You were born with the ability to pound the drones of the Machine into scrap metal with your bare hands. You’re fast, strong and tough, but alas ...
The Downside:’re also living on borrowed time. Your entire existence is to preserve the survival of another and a violent death is almost certain.

Gore Monger O.C.C.

Using the concept of Biotics as a stepping stone, the Librarians and Engineers of House Branton took genetic modifications to extreme limits in the creation of the Gore Monger. The Gore Monger is one of the House’s most dangerous creations; human beings remade into monstrous living weapons with a lust for combat. Part Biotic, part walking tank, all destruction, the Gore Mongers are designed to be large, robot pounding brutes capable of absorbing tremendous damage and unleashing devastating force.

Unlike Biotics, few Gore Mongers are crooks and lowlifes; the vast majority are also from the mentally or physically handicapped. For the parents of House Branton, few things are as honorable or noble as offering a misshapen child for the good of the House. Regardless of their origins, all who “volunteer” for the process are taken to the Librarian, their memories and personalities wiped out; their bodies mutated into a form so extreme that many have questioned if they should still be referred to as “human”.

With an average height of 9 feet and weighing in at a ton or more, Gore Mongers are tough, armored, and always ready for a fight. Covered in skin as hard as armor plate, often sporting dangerous claws, horns, and teeth, the Gore Monger is a fearsome sight. A Gore Monger’s basic form resembles that of a giant, hunched humanoid, their limbs and torsos knotted with thick, corded muscles. Many will lope on all fours, rising to their hind legs when entering combat, similar to a bear or an ape. Whatever hair they may have is usually wild and untamed. When unleashed in full force, the Mongers gladly take on the heaviest enemy units, defenses or troops. They love nothing more than ramming their way through enemy lines, stomping robots, and hammering foes into oblivion. Even with their size, Gore Mongers fight like a whirlwind, battering their opponents until they retreat or are smashed. Despite often having ranged weapons, these brutes prefer hand to hand combat; the harder the fight, the more they seem to enjoy it.

For reasons unknown even to the Librarians, all Gore Mongers have a constantly changing and evolving genetic structure. It can truly be said no two Gore Mongers are alike. As the Gore Monger ages, its genetics are constantly mutating, giving these brutes an unpredictable and ever changing array of abilities. Many within the House speculate that the Librarians are unconcerned about these mutations; after all, they serve to make the Gore Mongers that much more fearsome.

Dangerous in the extreme, Gore Mongers pose a threat even to their own house. Like Biotics, Gore Mongers are plagued by mental instabilities and insanities. Despite their best efforts, the Librarians of House Branton have yet to solve this problem. Their great physical power and volatility, combined with the host of mental troubles, creates a huge potential threat to the House and its population; a single rogue Gore Monger could cause serious damage. To manage the great giants, the House experimented with several ways to ensure loyalty or to put a quick end to dangerous Monger. Poisons and drugs were often counteracted by the Monger’s natural resistance, and their superior regeneration healed most damage. However, the House Librarian Gatraphon, came up with an ingenious idea.

The Librarians have inserted a flawed gene into the Gore Monger’s DNA sequence. This defect keeps the Gore Monger from being able to produce an enzyme called arginine, an amino acid essential in the healing of injuries and operation of the immune system. Unless provided with supplemental arginine by the House, a Gore Monger will begin to lose its great strength and endurance, and not be able to heal wounds or fight off infections and diseases. This creates a dependency on the House and helps to control and reduce the chances of a Gore Monger going “rogue”.

Despite the hazards and dangers, most Gore Mongers serve House Branton well. Unlike Biotics, Gore Mongers are not relegated to “slave warrior” status. Though not equal with “pure” humans, they are treated with affection and even a measure of respect, much like a favored pet or prize-winning animal. This treatment, more than most anything else, has kept many Gore Mongers in line and gives them a powerful sense of purpose.

Alignment: Typically Anarchist (30%) or Aberrant (30%), but the other 40% are other alignments, including evil. Despite alignments, all Gore Mongers are dangerous and prone to aggressive behavior; to their limited thinking, few problems can’t be solved through violence. However, most Gore Mongers, even evil ones, remain fairly loyal to the human race (in general) and despise the robots. The worst of the lot, however, go rogue and may prey upon fellow humans, even Resistance fighters.
Attributes: Due to the complete bio-reconstruction received, Gore Mongers do not roll attributes as normal. Instead, use the following to determine the attributes:
I.Q.: 1D4+6 (low to average, brutish and insane), M.E. 1D6, M.A.: 1D6+5, P.S. 3D6+32, P.P.: 1D6+15, P.E.: 2D6+22, P.B.: 1D6, Spd: 3D6+30 running.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 attacks per melee round, +1 on initiative, +4 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +5 save vs. Horror Factor, +3 to save vs. poison, toxins, drugs and disease. Bonuses are in addition to attributes and other abilities.
Base S.D.C.: Not applicable, see the Gore Monger’s Altered Body.

Gore Monger O.C.C. Abilities
1. Gore Monger’s Altered Body & M.D.C.: The bio-reconstruction turns the character into a Mega-Damage being, with the P.E. attribute number x5 +3D4x100 as the starting M.D.C. The Gore Monger gains an additional 3D6x10 M.D. per level of experience, starting at level two. In addition, a Gore Monger’s entire body and metabolism is geared to combat and physical stress. Gore Mongers bio-regenerate an amazing 1D6x10 per melee round; they can regrow any lost appendages and even eyes with enough time. Gore Mongers posses Supernatural Strength, can run and fight non-stop without the slightest sign of fatigue or exhaustion for up to 72 hours, require only three hours of sleep every other day to feel rested, leap up to 40 feet high and lengthwise (increase distance 50% with a running start), swim at the same speed as running, and even survive depths of up to one mile unaided.
2. Superior Vision: All Gore Mongers can see like a hawk in daylight and posses polarized vision.
3. Massive Size: The Gore Monger stands 8 feet +1D4 feet tall and weighs 1+1
D6 tons. Due to their immense size and frightening appearance, Gore Mongers have a Horror Factor of 13.
4. Advanced Magnetoreception: All Gore Mongers have the ability to detect changes in natural electromagnetic energy and magnetic fields. Much like a homing pigeon, Gore Mongers can sense electromagnetic fields and signatures and use them like beacons, signposts, and trails by which to navigate. A Gore Monger can find its way back to House Branton, even over extremely long distances, at a proficiency of 79%+2% per level. This ability also grants a one-time bonus of +20% to Land Navigation, or grants the Land Navigation skill at 55% if it is not known.
5. Unstable Genetic Code: For reasons unknown to even the Librarians, Gore Mongers exhibit an ever changing genetic structure that produces a host of monstrosities; it can truly be said no two Gore Mongers are alike. If a Gore Monger survives long enough, it will continue to change and mutate, developing new, and sometimes frightening abilities.
At first level, the Gore Monger rolls four times on the mutation table below. At each level of advancement, make an additional roll, ignoring any repeat mutations (the character’s structure is strangely stable, for now.) GM’s may add or substitute to this list as they see fit. Note that any pre-requisites must be met before enhancements are chosen.
01%-04% Choice: Choose one Eye & Vision Enhancement and one Biological Defense.
05%-10%Tri-Fingers: The fingers fuse into two large fingers and a thick thumb, adding an additional 1D6 M.D. to punch damage. Unfortunately, this also imposes a -5% on any skills requiring manual dexterity.
11%-15% Additional Eye: The Gore Monger grows an extra eye on its head. The eye can see the infrared spectrums of light, including deat signature and infrared beams.
16%-21% Speed Burst: Loping on all fours, the Gore Monger can run at 60 mph in a short burst lasting 1D4 minutes, before returning to its normal speed. This speed burst can be performed twice per hour, with an additional burst for each level of experience.
22%-26% Tough exoskeleton: The Gore Monger has an unusually thick, chitinous exoskeleton that grants +100 M.D.C. However, the character’s P.P. and Spd are reduced by 1D6. Skills requiring dexterity, such as Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Prowl, etc. suffer a -10% penalty.
27%-30% Overdeveloped Legs: The Gore Monger develops large, overly muscled legs, granting a bonus of +1D6x10 additional points to the Monger’s running speed. In addition, the Monger can jump an additional 30 feet high or 60 feet lengthwise and inflicts and extra +1D8 M.D. to kicking damage.
31%-35% Flame proof hide: The Gore Monger’s skin becomes thick and lumpy, making the character impervious to normal heat and fire. The character only takes ½ damage from M.D. fire or plasma. In addition, the Gore Monger receives an additional 50 M.D.C. on its main body.
36%-39% Choice: Choose one enhancement from either Eyes & Vision or Other Sensory Enhancements and one enhancement from Ranged Bio Weapons.
40%-44% Tail: The Gore Monger now has a large, heavy, dragon-like tail; as long as it is tall. Though not prehensile, the tail can bend, twist, and lash out to strike an opponent. The tail has 4D6x10 M.D. When used in combat, the Monger gains an extra attack with the tail; the tail inflicts 5D8 M.D., but with no P.S. bonus. Instead of the usual combat bonuses, the tail receives its own bonuses of +4 to strike and +2 to parry, dodge, and disarm.
45%-48% Elongated Arms: The Gore Monger’s arms are unnaturally elongated and oversized, providing an extra 1D4 feet in reach and bonus of +2 to parry, disarm, and entangle.
49%-52% Single large horn: The Gore Monger grows a single large horn from its head. The horn adds +3D6 M.D. to head butt damage, and +3 to parry using the head/horns.
53%-56% Acid Spit: At will, the Gore Monger can spit a highly corrosive, acidic spray. The acid does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to inorganic materials but is relatively harmless to human flesh and most organic materials (only 1D4 S.D.C. per melee.) The acid burns for one minute (4 melee rounds) or until washed off. The Gore Monger can spit the acid up to 30 feet.
57%-61% Large fangs: The Gore Monger now has a pair of large, protruding tusks or saber teeth. These fangs add an additional 3D8 M.D. to bite damage.
62%-64% Choice: Choose two enhancements. The enhancements must be from the following categories: Additional Limbs & Enhanced Arms & Hands, Legs & Feet, Prehensile Appendages or Tail Appendages
65%-68% Antennae: The Gore Monger develops a pair of sensitive sensory antennae. The antennae are so highly tuned that the character can identify odors (70%+2% per level), recognize the scent of specific people and animals (50%+2% per level) and track by smell alone (40%+2% per level.)
69%-72% Claws: The Gore Monger develops razor sharp claws on each fingertip. These claws add an additional 2D6 M.D. to punch damage.
73%-77% Nightvision Eyes: The Gore Monger now posses Nightvision with a 2000ft. range.
78%-81% Breathe Fire: The Gore Monger now has Fire Breath, identical to the Host Armor power of the same name (Splicers Main Rulebook, pg. 101.)
82%-86% Organic Rockets: The Gore Monger now posses 2D4+4 Organic Rockets, identical to the Host Armor power of the same name (Splicers Main Rulebook, pg. 103)
87%-90% Poisonous Bite: The Gore Monger forms a series of venom sacs in its jaw, allowing it to deliver a powerful poison filled bite. In addition to the regular bite damage, the poison inflicts an additional 2D6 M.D., plus the victim begins to feel a creeping numbness working its way through the body. The victim must roll a save vs. Non-Lethal Poison (15 or higher) each time they are bit. A failed roll means the victim is partially paralyzed. The paralysis begins one melee after the bite. The victim’s limbs will stiffen and become unresponsive, imposing a -3 penalty on all combat rolls. The poison is so potent, it will even damage and affect War Mounts and Host Armor (though not the pilot, unless they are specifically targeted or the Host Armor is somehow breached.) The effect is temporary, and lasts for only 1D4 melee rounds. Additional bites will merely increase the duration, but not impose any additionally penalties. Unfortunately, the poison has no effect on non-organic life forms.
91%-95% Energy Resistance: This mutation makes the Gore Monger extremely resistant to all energy-based attacks, including lasers, electricity, light cell weapons, bio-energy, and other forms of pure energy. The Gore Monger takes no damage from the first 20 points of energy attack damage in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the first 20 do only half damage. This mutation has no effect on radiation or kinetic attacks.
96%-99% Powerful Build: The Gore Monger becomes a huge, hulking, muscle-bound monstrosity! The Monger adds 1D4 feet to height, with an additional 100lbs of weight for every foot. Add 3D6x10 to M.D.C. and +1 to P.S. and P.E. Penalties: The fingers and hands are large and thick, so there is a -20% skill penalty on any skill that requires a delicate touch or dexterity. However, they also add 1D6 M.D. to punch damage.
100% Arginine Independent!: The Gore Monger no longer needs to receive supplemental arginine from the House! It can now live and function normally.
6. Weakness: Arginine Deficiency: In order to keep the Gore Mongers under control, the Librarians have inserted a faulty gene into the character’s DNA sequence. This faulty gene keeps the Gore Monger from being able to produce arginine and makes it dependent on the House. Unless supplied with arginine, a Gore Monger will weaken and eventually die. This helps to control and reduce the chances of a Gore Monger going “rogue”.

Gore Mongers can survive without supplemental arginine for half of the P.E. attribute (rounded up)+1D4 days. As time runs down, the Gore Monger will begin to feel an instinctive urge to return to the House. When only four days are left, the urge will be utterly irresistible and the Gore Monger will do whatever it takes to return to the House; this includes suddenly leaving combat or simply abandoning missions. Nothing short of physical restraint or complete incapacitation will keep the Gore Monger from heading directly to its House.

Failure to receive the necessary supplements will cause the Gore Monger to lose 4D6x10 M.D.C. and 4 P.S. and P.E. point every day until it becomes too weak to move (either of the attribute falls under 8.) In this state, the Gore Monger can only survive for 3D6+6 hours before it will die. In addition, the Gore Mongers no longer posses their regenerative powers, nor will any injuries heal, even with advanced medical aid. The only way to restore the character to full health is administer the necessary arginine supplement.

If the Gore Monger is suffering and receives the arginine, they will be back to full health and abilities within 1D6+6 hours.

Gore Monger Biological Enhancement: A Gore Monger is genetically restructured and is able to select Bio-Enhancements in much the same way as Host Armor, only skip right to Step Four and make your selection of Biological Enhancements. The Gore Monger has 1D4x10+25 Bio-E points available for enhancements at level one. This is usually all the enhancements a Gore Monger will receive; additional enhancements are only added at the request of the Warlord or House Lord. Such bonus augmentation seldom exceeds 2d10+25 Bio-E points at any given time, and is reserved only for Gore Mongers who have repeatedly proven themselves in combat (i.e., destroyed a large number of the enemy and/or have proven extremely loyal and/or have proven to be a true asset), but even then, a Gore Monger rarely gets more than two upgrades. The Gore Monger is limited to the following categories: Eyes & Vision Enhancement, Biological Defenses, Additional Limbs & Enhanced Arms & Hands, Legs & Feet, Splicer Bio-Weapons & Defense for Host Armor, Ranged Bio-Weapons, and Ranged Weapon Upgrades.
Common Skills: Standard, but with a -10% penalty to each.
O.C.C. Skill Program: Basic Military (+5%), Infantryman (+5%) and two skill programs of choice (except for Cowboy, Field Medic, Host Pilot, Language Specialist, Martial Artist, Medical Doctor, Medical Coroner, Science, Veterinary, War Mount Rider or Wingman.)
Elective Skills: Select three Elective skills from the following list at first level plus one new Elective Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Interrogation, Tracking, or Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any (+5%)
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable).
Rogue: Find Contraband only.
Science: None
Technical: Any
Transportation: Any, except Pilot Wing Pack, Host Armor Combat, and War Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any
W.P.s: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select three Secondary Skills at level one. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive any special O.C.C. bonuses. The character may not select more Secondary Skills in the future.
M.D.C. Living Body Armor: None, the character’s large size prevents the use of any living body armor. They must rely on their natural M.D.C.
Standard Equipment: The clothes on his back, an extra set of clothes, one weapon for each W.P. and appropriate ammunition, backpack, water skin and emergency rations (two week supply.)
Money: Only has 4D6 credits, but another 2D6x10 credits worth of trinkets and items picked up along the way. Money can be spent now on additional equipment or saved for later. Gore Mongers live for combat and action and rarely save any money.
The Upside: You’re one of the most powerful beings in the Resistance and you know it. Unlike others who use Host Armor or War Mounts, you don’t need either to take the fight to your enemies. You’re a living weapon who can take out a squad of Robots with your bare hands and hardly break a sweat.
The Downside: You are so violent and mentally unstable your own House doesn’t completely trust you and keeps you on fairly short and lethal leash. Not only that, you struggle daily to deal with your insanities. Your size is as much a liability as it is an asset, making stealth and surprise difficult, if not impossible.

Gore Monger Insanities: A result of the complete reworking of their genetic structures, Gore Mongers suffer from a number of mental and emotional problems. All Gore Mongers suffer from an obsessive urge to fight and compete; they love it! Gore Mongers are always eager to jump into combat and almost all will go out of their way to turn even a minor dispute into violence.
In addition, at levels 2, 5, 10, and 15, the Gore Monger must roll on the following table; re-roll any duplicate results. The Game Master may suggest an additional roll or two through the course of the gaming experience that might arise from deeply traumatic experiences.
01-10% Delusional: Super Hero. The character thinks he is a great warrior or even a super-hero. Sees the Machine and her stockpile of “evil robots and machines” as his arch nemesis, and is always quick to action and takes crazy risks, especially to protect ordinary, powerless humans.
11-20% Childlike. A good fighter who follows orders well and is loyal to friends and allies, but has the mind of a six year old (if that). The character never really understands what exactly is going on or why, thinks in very simple terms and has trouble making decisions (“Lt. said never to retreat. I can’t retreat without the Lt. saying it was ok.”) They are also afraid of the dark and cry if left alone.
21-30% Obsession: Self-Loathing. Sees himself as a monster. Hates himself and those responsible for turning him into a hideous freak-the Scarecrows, Engineers and Librarians-and he distrusts and hates them as much as the robots of the Machine. The character is short-tempered and angry all the time, imposing a -10% skill penalty. The Gore Monger takes most of it out on robots, but will take a swing at anyone who bothers him too much and will certainly jump at the chance to take down a Scarecrow, Engineer, or even a Librarian.
31-40% Mania. The character is highly motivated, positive about himself, and admires his abilities and capabilities. He is endlessly energetic, but ignores his own limits and makes rash, impulsive decisions. Becomes very irate when criticized and blames others for his mistakes and shortfalls. The character is -10% on skill performance (easily distracted and bored) but is +1 on initiative and +1 to dodge.
41-50% Paranoid: The character has a general suspicion that everybody is out to get them, so therefore, nobody can be truly trusted. The character is secretive and careful about what he says in front of whom, and keeps to himself. Only trusts very close or long term friends.
51-60% Obsession: Robots. Hates them more than anything and lives to fight and destroy all mechanisms that serve the Machine. Dislikes and is suspicious of all things high-tech, including Techno-Jackers. This hatred extends even to non-metal guns and gear, and avoids using them (organic items don’t count), preferring to rely on his own powers and abilities.
61-70% Manic Depressive. Severe depression one week (-15% and reduce combat bonuses by half), followed by manic episode the next week (+10% on all skills, +2 on initiative and all bonuses are normal.)
71-80% Phobia: Biotics. When facing Biotics or Dreadguard (especially ones who look powerful, nasty or mean) the character becomes humble, servile, and frightened. There is a 01-60% likelihood of the phobic Gore Monger surrendering or running away without a fight.
81-90% Kleptomaniac. A compulsion to steal, even if a good alignment. Items taken are likely to be nothing of great monetary value, but things that may matter to comrades nonetheless; food, candy, booze, trinkets, a gun or knife, an ancient artifact (from a worthless bauble to something of value) and souvenirs/trophies from battles (which might include something the Machine could track or want back.) Considering the character’s size, they are not often successful.
91-100% Obsession: Bio-Technology. Hates it!! Organic reconstruction is what ruined his life and made him a monster. He will take vengeance upon anyone who uses or promotes it; even members of his own House are seen as likely enemies. Though violent, the character is also crafty and cunning, and will secretly attack and kill others, even Dreadguard, if they feel they can get away with it.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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love everything here
but need artwork ,,,,,still AWESOME!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Here is a very minor enhancement with little or no applications rules-applications. Similar to the cosmetic alteration option in the main book, living tattoos are mostly for style and perhaps an in-game story-based reward for a job well done (or a bride for keeping a secret). Living Tattoos were part of my Splicers Unleashed entry, so the 'Soothsayers' mentioned below are described more thoroughly in the Unleashed sub-forum.

Living Tattoos
The Soothsayer Cult may claim at least one innovation completely as its own. The cult has designed a tattooing process, which could be programmed into skin on a genetic level. These Living Tattoos are infused deep in the epidermis (skin). Designs may also be implanted onto living weapons, Host Armor, Warmounts and other bio-creations.
The benefit of Living Tattoos as opposed to regular ink tattoos is regeneration. Because the mark is genetic, it will regenerate with the epidermis as the organ regrows, even if the mark was burnt or cut off. Let's say a certain Splicer was to receive two tattoos, one ink and one living, on the same arm. The Splicer loses this arm in battle. When the arm is later regenerated at the gene pool, the ink tattoo will not appear on the new arm, but the Living Tattoo will. The process developed out of a desire for Cult members to recognize other members, even while in Living Armor. The cult's Geneticists developed the process without the aid of an Engineer nor Librarian. Cultists typically prefer to be tattooed with a para-arc drawn in a dark shade of blue, red or violet.

Although incredibly simple by bio-engineering standards of the age, Living Tattoos have become surprisingly profitable. Cult approved Engineers offer their tattooing services to other Cult members for free – and to customers outside of the Cult for reasonable fees (which will vary depending on demand and artistic skill of the Geneticist). Removal of a Living Tattoo costs the same reasonable fee. The Geneticist commissioned to create a Living Tattoo will draw or write any design. It all depends on what the client wishes. There is no bio-energy cost for just the tattoo alone.

One variation of the Living Tattoo is a tattoo, which also generates bio-luminescence. Glowing tattoos glow all of the time and cannot be shut off, but the amount of light produced is negligible so that it may be easily covered for stealth. Glowing tattoos require the normal amount of bio-energy required for bio-luminescence (3 Bio-E as per Glow Cells on Page 87).
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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anybody ever do goo-cannons?(cannons that shoot out a metal destroying goo)
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

abe wrote:anybody ever do goo-cannons?(cannons that shoot out a metal destroying goo)

Its actually in the main Splicers book.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

abe wrote:anybody ever do goo-cannons?(cannons that shoot out a metal destroying goo)

The "Spore Launcher" certainly fits the bill. If you want something a little more "goo"-ish, I present the "Gut Geyser", reated by 89er with a little assist by Guy Ledouche

Gut Geyser: The Gut Geyser expels a repulsive blast of energized slime. These blasts can be fired at targets directly or lobbed like mortar rounds to strike targets at extreme ranges. The globs splatter on impact, making the weapon excellent against massed troops. In addition to causing damage, the sticky slime hinders the movement and mobility of the target.
Primary Purpose: Tactical Bombardment.
Secondary Purpose: Infantry Support.
Mega-Damage: 6D8 M.D. per blast to the target, 2D8 M.D. to anyone within a 10 feet (3 m) radius from the splatter effect. In addition, the sticky, sap-like material temporarily slows the main target. The target has their speed reduced by 20% for the turn and loses two melee actions/attacks from the effort of pulling free.
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m) for direct attack. However, the globs can arched to hit targets up to 6000 feet (1830 m) away. When lobbing the attack, there is a penalty of -3 to strike, unless the target is large or immobile. The energized slime is like oily lava in the water and slips though the water with ease, allotting underwater projections to reach 1000 feet (305 m) before cooling dissipation.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 50 blasts per full meal over a 24-hour period (double if allowed to gorge, but reduce Spd by 10% and initiative bonus by half for 1D4 hours while gorged).
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Guy_LeDouche wrote:
abe wrote:anybody ever do goo-cannons?(cannons that shoot out a metal destroying goo)

The "Spore Launcher" certainly fits the bill. If you want something a little more "goo"-ish, I present the "Gut Geyser", reated by 89er with a little assist by Guy Ledouche

Gut Geyser: The Gut Geyser expels a repulsive blast of energized slime. These blasts can be fired at targets directly or lobbed like mortar rounds to strike targets at extreme ranges. The globs splatter on impact, making the weapon excellent against massed troops. In addition to causing damage, the sticky slime hinders the movement and mobility of the target.
Primary Purpose: Tactical Bombardment.
Secondary Purpose: Infantry Support.
Mega-Damage: 6D8 M.D. per blast to the target, 2D8 M.D. to anyone within a 10 feet (3 m) radius from the splatter effect. In addition, the sticky, sap-like material temporarily slows the main target. The target has their speed reduced by 20% for the turn and loses two melee actions/attacks from the effort of pulling free.
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m) for direct attack. However, the globs can arched to hit targets up to 6000 feet (1830 m) away. When lobbing the attack, there is a penalty of -3 to strike, unless the target is large or immobile. The energized slime is like oily lava in the water and slips though the water with ease, allotting underwater projections to reach 1000 feet (305 m) before cooling dissipation.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 50 blasts per full meal over a 24-hour period (double if allowed to gorge, but reduce Spd by 10% and initiative bonus by half for 1D4 hours while gorged).

that is what i was going for,thanks.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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how about a gun that fires out microbes that eats metal?(including nanites)
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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abe wrote:how about a gun that fires out microbes that eats metal?(including nanites)

That's exactly what the Spore Cannon does...
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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oh,didn't know as I don't have the splicer main rule book.sorry
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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from mythology of earth,the monticore taile launcher(it fires bone spikes from it & it's the tail of the suit)!
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Abe, seriously, get the main book so that you don't make ALL of your suggestions be preexisting enhancements...
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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how about condensing the plant bio-e advancements on this thread?
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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any new limb bio-enhancement out there?
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Anyone ever do a diabetes inducer?
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by Shark_Force »

... i think you might have the wrong word somewhere in there. i can't for the life of me think of why you'd want a bio-tech device that causes people to have diabetes.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Shark_Force wrote:... i think you might have the wrong word somewhere in there. i can't for the life of me think of why you'd want a bio-tech device that causes people to have diabetes.

To fight gene hackers of course!
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

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Anyone do tusk rockets besides me?
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:Anyone do tusk rockets besides me?

Abe, Tusk Spears already exist(In fully statted detail); Splicers pg. 106.

Please get the Splicers rule book. Seriously, it's high time you did. It will keep you from re-inventing basic stuff that already exists and show you how to better write, format, improve, and refine any truly worthwhile ideas you might have.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by Ramirezs »

The concept of human biological enhancement has been used to describe the augmentation of human capacities based on some sort of biological manipulation. By and large, most philosophers work with one or the other of the following two definitions of human biological enhancement.
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by abe »

taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:Anyone do tusk rockets besides me?

Abe, Tusk Spears already exist(In fully statted detail); Splicers pg. 106.

Please get the Splicers rule book. Seriously, it's high time you did. It will keep you from re-inventing basic stuff that already exists and show you how to better write, format, improve, and refine any truly worthwhile ideas you might have.

But do tusk ROCKETS exist?
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Re: Bio-Enhancements Consolidated

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:
taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:Anyone do tusk rockets besides me?

Abe, Tusk Spears already exist(In fully statted detail); Splicers pg. 106.

Please get the Splicers rule book. Seriously, it's high time you did. It will keep you from re-inventing basic stuff that already exists and show you how to better write, format, improve, and refine any truly worthwhile ideas you might have.

But do tusk ROCKETS exist?

Since the description for Tusk Spears describes them as making 'rocketing strikes', it doesn't matter if the propelling force is muscular, pneumatic, hydraulic, or chemical combustion; the effect would be the same.

Then there are Organic Rockets that already exist. So bio-chemical combustion reaction jets already exist in Splicers. GMs/PCs could simply state that their Tusk Spears are 'dumb-fire' armor-piercing Organic Rockets with regards to their propulsion method, if they so wanted. Splicers makes no distinction there..

Since your original (and only) post describing your tusk rockets, includes neither Bio-E cost nor range, and rather paltry extra damage, it's not worth pursuing as is, over other more promising weapons systems and existing canon bio-weaponry enhancements.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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