Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by taalismn »

Well...close to the source, you might look for trading camps near the remains of old cities, where the salvagers sell to the (well-armed) merchants who take the stuff to trading centers like Lazlo, Chi-Town, Houston, and the Relic, where the price gets marked up(shipping and handling, you understand)...
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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Pretty much everywhere near the mountains. Remember, there rockies aren't the same rockies we know, so mining can be happening anywhere along there where no mines would even work now. But the big places are the ruins of cities. Old jewerly stores, rich homes, banks (especially ones with safety deposite boxes), museums, etc. All would be full of handy gems. And, as mentioned, any encampments near these locations would be better, as they're probably selling what they scavenged.
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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by Shadow Wyrm »

You should be able to buy any of the things you are looking for in any major city in NA. Any techno-wizard should be able to give you a connection to his supplier. THE Black Market will also get you what you need for a price.
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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by Shadow Wyrm »

RPGMAN wrote:Duh! <slaps forehead>

I hadn't even thought about just having the Black Market being at least a possible or first place for the PCs to talk to. Thanks for that!

I'll check the New West, maybe they have some prices for gold and silver, but does anyone know off-hand what an ounce would run in universal credits? I know IRL it's like $500 a troy ounce right now, but that doesn't really help so much, the economics of Rifts is so freakin' wacky...... lol

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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Shadow Wyrm wrote:
RPGMAN wrote:Duh! <slaps forehead>

I hadn't even thought about just having the Black Market being at least a possible or first place for the PCs to talk to. Thanks for that!

I'll check the New West, maybe they have some prices for gold and silver, but does anyone know off-hand what an ounce would run in universal credits? I know IRL it's like $500 a troy ounce right now, but that doesn't really help so much, the economics of Rifts is so freakin' wacky...... lol

Page 208 of Rift's RPG.

Yeah, what was it, 1,200 an ounce or something like that? Any PFRPG characters that come to rifts earth are usually really well off to start :)
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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by Shadow Wyrm »

RPGMAN wrote:Ah, there we go, that helps (thank you!).

I remember there was a list of gem values somewhere, or maybe it was what they were good for magic-wise. Anyone know where that list was? I'll check my Atlantis when I get home, Stone Magic is ringing a bell on that I think.

There is a list in Atlantis, the most complete list is in RUE in the TW section.
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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by csbioborg »

CS is likely the biggest supplier
it appears even their enemies are comfortable using the univseral credit
so that must mean the CS engages in minimal fractional reserve banking (no more than 50% reserve) and most likely has gold to back up most of its assets
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Re: Where can precious metals/gems be purchased in NorAm?

Unread post by Thinyser »

csbioborg wrote:CS is likely the biggest supplier
it appears even their enemies are comfortable using the univseral credit
so that must mean the CS engages in minimal fractional reserve banking (no more than 50% reserve) and most likely has gold to back up most of its assets

If they stockpile the gold then the are the biggest consumer also and what they produce is not really sold so much as borrowed against.
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