Paladin Steel Storefront

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

taalismn wrote:Trust me...when you see what else I got in mind for the system..
you will pass bricks.... :twisted:

More 'Stone to Flesh' meat by products? :D
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Shadow Wyrm
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shadow Wyrm »

There is just something epic about "THUNDERBUNNY" that sends shivers down my spine.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Mongrel’ Light Robot Vehicle
“Revised tactical protocol calls for main infantry lines of the various models of PSA-11 Bulldogs, each squad built around one to four PSA-18 ‘Mongrel’ heavies toting field artillery, with overhead support carried out by PSA-10 jetpack units and other airborne power armors. And that’s not counting the foot infantry, Jump Troopers, AFVs, MBTs, heavy combat mecha, VTOL air support, and magic/psi elements. Usually, all it takes is the power armor to wrap up the opposition, but Combined Arms doctrine means you got the support available if ‘Usually’ doesn’t apply in the circumstances. ”

“Don’t forget...mongrels tend to be unpredictable, and more often than not, damn better animals than the over-refined pure breeds.”

“Infantry looks up to the power armors to cover their arses, power armor looks to us heavies to save them when the heat comes on....does that mean we look up to the really big robojocks? Hell, no...the big tin fears us middie-weights because if we really wanted to, we could gang up and pull down any Mechbot, Steel Titan, Mecha-Knight, or big bad doomsday walker we wanted to! ‘Cause the buck stops here with the best!”

The PS ‘Mongrel’ is a modern-day, post-Rifts rebuild of the old NEMA ‘Bull Dog’ robot vehicle/heavy power armor....Examples of this legendary machine, none in operational condition, have been unearthed around the old Mountain Warfare School in Smuggler’s Notch, Vermont, or, in one case, a partial example was found gracing a local neo-barbarian warrior lodge as a clan totem. Paladin Steel’s engineers, mostly as part of an exercise, decided to see what they could do with the old design, refitting their reconstructions of the old NEMA machines as test beds of modern technology. The experiment proved so successful, that Paladin Steel elected to push the ‘testbed’ through to full production status.
Paladin Steel has reworked the leg joints and articulation of the Bull Dog slightly, allowing for a smoother ride and extra speed, and lighter, tougher, new armor types have improved the machine’s overall protection, with the option of specialized armor types, such as laser-ablative and thermo-resistant for extra measure.
Paladin Steel has already produced several dozen ‘Mongrels’ for advanced trials with both the regular military and select mercenary units. Already, reports have been most promising, and approval for larger production orders is expected to follow.
Officially re-designated as the ‘PS-A-18’, the Mongrel is expected to join the service of the other power armors in the GNE arsenal . The PSA-18 is expected to work alongside the older PSA-11 Enforcer Power Armor as the ‘pigman’(heavy ordnance carrier) of the GNE’s power armor units, in similar fashion to the various support Glitterboys of the Free Quebec military(seen as the GNE’s most immediate continental opposition, after the Splugorth).
Type: PS-A-18 Mongrel
Class: Light Infantry Assault & Rescue Robot
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 310
Reinforced Crew Compartment 100
Hands(2) 50 each
Arms(2) 140 each
Legs(2) 170 each
Feet(2) 140 each
Forearm Guns(2) 60 each
Shoulder Laser Turrets(2) 70 each
Mini-Missile Launchers(6, chest) 55 each
Sensor Head 60
Sensor Rods(6, back) 45 each
Cameras and Electronic Eyes(17) 2 each
Height:12 ft
Width: 7 ft
Length: 6 ft
Weight:11.5 tons
Cargo: Small space inside cabin for a backpack and sidearms
Physical Strength: Robot P.S. of 35
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion, w/ 20 year energy life
Speed:(Running) 75 MPH
(Leaping) 25 ft up/across w/ short running start
(Underwater) Run along bottom at 18 MPH. Maximum Depth of 6,000 ft.
Market Cost: 18 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:
*Language Translator
*Motion Detector(40 ft range)
*Depth Gauge
Weapons Systems:
1) Shoulder Laser Turrets(2)---The original BDR-22 Laser Turrets that graced the NEMA machine’s shoulder turrets have been replaced with slightly more powerful models based on more recent technology.
Range: 2,200 ft
Damage:1d6 MD single blast, 2d6 MD double blast, 4d6 quadruple blast, and 5d6 MD maximum burst/blast.
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Forearm Hardpoints(2, 1 each forearm)----The under-slung forearm hardpoints have been retained, but Paladin Steel, already very familiar with modular design, have modified them to be capable of accepting a wider range of optional armaments. Each hardpoint can be fitted with ONE of the following:
a) Grenade Launcher---Despite having a finite payload, this option is popular because it is capable of direct or indirect fire over obstacles/cover.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage:Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius. AP rounds do 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius, and Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius. A 3-round burst of frag shells does 1d4x10 to a 15-foot radius, a burst of 3 AP shells does 2d4x10 to a 5-foot radius, and a burst of 3 plasma shells does 3d4x10 to an 8-foot blast radius A 5-round burst of frag shells does 1d6x10 to a 20-foot radius, a burst of 5 AP shells does 2d6x10 to a 6-foot area, and a burst of 5-plasma shells does 3d6x10 to a 10-foot radius. A 10-round burst of frag shells does 2d6x10 to a 40-foot radius. A 10-round AP burst does 3d6x10 to an 8-foot area, and a 10-round plasma burst does 4d6x10+10 to a 15-foot radius!!
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 150 round hip-mounted drum per forearm
b) Laser Cannon---Based on the popular JA-12 Juicer Laser Rifle.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage:4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse.
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
c) Ion Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
d) Plasma Cannon
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
e) Advanced Plasma Cannon-Adapted form of the PS ‘Serap’ plasma cannon
Range:(Plasma Stream) 2000 ft
(Plasma Bolt) 1500 ft
Damage:(Plasma Stream) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Plasma Bolt) 1d4x10 MD to 8 ft blast radius
“Hot Shotting”---This systen augments the normal air-draw plasma re-mass system with deuterium-gas injected into the plasma flow for a cleaner, hotter, more potent ‘burn’. The deuterium is stored in pressurized cylinders attached to the feed of the plasma cannon, with the deuterium gas reservoirs located in the two lower-most mini-missile comparments on the torso(this removes the mini-missile launchers, and reduces the overall number of MMs to 24). This allows the plasma to do 50% more damage, but the weapon now has a bit of a recoil due to the more powerful plasma acting like a crude plasma drive(-1 to strike).
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; each deuterium tank has enough gas for 75 shots each.
f)Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 1,200 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:Effectively Unlimited
g) Vibro-Chainsaw
Range: Melee(5 ft long)
Damage: +3d6 MD to punch or 5d6 MD sustained cut
Rate of Fire: ECHH
h) Rail Gun
Range: 2000 ft
Damage: 1D6 MD single round, 1D6x10 MD per 10 round burst,
2D6x10 +60 per Full Melee Burst of 40 rounds
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 500 rounds; the forearm magazine can hold an additional 200 rds.

3) Chest Missile Launchers(6)---
a)Mini-Missile Launchers(6)---The chest mini-missile launchers have gone largely unchanged.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(mini)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type(mini)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 6 each launcher, 36 total

b) ‘Copperhead’ AT Mini-Missiles
Range: 1 mile
Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD, (6 ft blast radius)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, or 4
Payload: 6 per launch box
Bonuses: +5 to strike

c) 15mm Micro-Missiles---25 missiles per pod
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expediture of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1A 25 credits per McM
Pattern-1B 32 credits per McM
Pattern-1C 60 credits per McM
Pattern-1D 95 credits per McM
Pattern-1E 220 credits per McM

d) 20mm Micro-Missiles---9 shot cassette per pod
Range: 8,000 ft for all types
Damage: (Pattern-2a) 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Pattern-2b)6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
(Pattern-2c)(Incendiary)2d4 MD to 5 ft blast radius, does an additional 1d4 burn damage for 2d4 melees
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 3, or 9
Payload: 9-shot clip
Bonuses:(All Patterns)(+3 to strike airborne targets, +1 to strike ground targets) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Special Features:
*Sensor Package---The sensor package includes an IR/Thermal sight, laser rangefinder(2 mile range) and directional mini-radar(2 mile range) with audio-alarm to notify the gunner of target-lock.
Cost: 28,000 credits (3,000 for the launcher assembly, 25,000 for the sighting package)
(Pattern-2a) 90 credits each
(Pattern-2b)130 credits each
(Pattern-2c)150 credits each

4) (Optional)---Can pick up and use power-armor scaled hand weapons, like the PSA-11 series’ 20mm autocannon-and -heavy cannon- launcher rifle pod, missile launcher rifle, or other weaponry.

5)Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d4 MD
Tear/Pry 1d6 MD
Kick 2d4 MD
Power Kick(2 attacks) 3d6 MD
Body Block/Ram 2d4 MD
Full Strength Running Ram: (3 attacks) 4d6 MD
Stomp(effective against objects 4 ft tall or smaller) 1d6 MD

Combat Training remains unchanged from the original NEMA model.

Because the Mongrel started out as a testbed for various systems (before an optimal ‘standard’ configuration could be finalized), a large number of unofficial options exist, mostly different swapouts of the modular forearm and shoulder hardpoints. A few of the options considered certified for operational use:

*JumpJet Pack----An add-on, intended originally to equip the Mongrel for air delivery, the JumpJet Pack adds restartable retro-jets, instant-deploy parawing chute, and special shock absorbers allowing the robot to make enhanced jumps and glides, as well as to make skydives.
Specialized jumps will require the Parachuting skill. Reeling in the parachute and auto-repackaging it takes 1d4 melees.
Pack 90
Parafoil---15(megadamage fabric)
Speed: (Jumping) Jet-enhanced leap of 80 ft up/ 150 ft across
Can also attempt to glide by jumping up from higher elevations, deploying the chute, and coasting to lower elevations.
Cost: 15,000 credits

*Variable Optical Camouflage Suite---Based on reverse-engineered Naruni and other alien ‘invisibility’ systems, this highly sophisticated system option renders the Mongrel effectively invisible to eyeball and sensor detection.
Bonuses: -20% to opposition Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls; heat sensors are useless
Cost: 1.2 million credits

*Multiplexor Pack(s)----Similar to the ‘MetalMage’ TW Cyborg, this option replaces one or BOTH chest mini-missile arrays with Techno-Wizard MultiPlexor Projection Systems, spell card tray, and independent Power Stone PPE Battery or PPE Generator/Accumulator.
Each Pack has provision for 4 spellcards---that’s four different spell types the Multiplexor can cast.
Range: Varies by spell
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. However, the use of focusing elements and activator spells effectively reduces spell PPE cost by HALF.
(So you Technowizards aren’t flummoxed by PPE costs in a long-running battle, while the still relatively high PPE costs for the high-end spells keeps someone from using Sphere of Annihilation in every battle).
Payload: Draws from the main PPE Battery, but can also draw upon the Mongrel’s own PPE reserves. In an emergency, the pilot, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE.
Bonuses: As per spell(if any)
Cost: The basic mage Pod system costs about 1.2 million credits
Spell Cards cost (as per Jason Richards’ guidelines in Rifter #2) 5,000 credits per PPE cost of main spell plus an additional cost (as per following modifiers)
*500 credits per level of the creating caster(Mages’ time and PPE are money, so expect to pay more for the longer duration/higher power spells)
*Warlock spells cost 20% more, in addition to above modifiers, owing to the difficulties of adapting Elemental Magic to ‘conventional” magic systems.

As a testbed, the Mongrel has spawned a variety of different test variants(as anyone seeing the number of PSA-18s in testing range black and orange or emergency white and red about PS research facilities can attest). A few have reached operational fieldtesting stage, with the promise of at least limited mass-production(twenty-five or more units) and deployment:

----PS-A-18G(aka ‘GunMoll’)
Experimental weapons testbed that replaces the hands and arm assemblies with the gun arms from the Mark V Earthshaker Light Tank/Trans-Armor. The increase in firepower is tremendous, and has led to the PSA-18G being nicknamed the ‘GunMoll’ or ‘Shotgun Louie’, but many test pilots dislike the sacrifice of the versatile hands for added damage potential. As a result, only a few dozen of the ‘G’-model have been produced, most assigned to Paladin Steel facility security units.
Weapons Systems:
1)2x2 Arm-mounted Heavy 45 mm Autocannon---Orginal design configuration calls for fitting two of these anti-armor cannon to each arm. The provision for multiple ammunition types gives these weapons a much greater degree of battlefield versatility,
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage:(High Explosive) 7d6x5 MD, no blast radius(Cost: 400 Credits/rd)
(Fragmentation) 5d6 MD to 15 ft blast radius(Cost: 200 Credits/rd)
(Plasma) 2d6x10 MD to 7 ft blast radius(Cost: 900 Credits/rd)
(Hellfire)6d6 MD on impact, does 4d6 MD per melee. burns for 2d4 melees(Cost: 700 Credits/rd)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 rd drum per arm(25 rds per cannon)

----PS-A-18N ‘SeaDog’(aka ‘Salty Dog’)
Experimental nautical version of the Mongrel....The PS-A-18N replaces some or all of the mini-missile launchers with mini-torpedo launchers. The body shell is rebuilt to be more streamlined and incorporate nuetral bouyancy regulation packs, as well as emergency flotation balloon deployers. The legs are more streamlined, with built-in hydrothrusters, the back features a water propulsion pack, and all joints are sealed against water and pressure. Two of the back sensor rods are longer, and can act as snorkels or periscopes. A sonar array is added to the head, giving it a beluga-styled melon-like look. The PS-A-18N is more mobile in water, and can survive greater deep sea pressure.
Weight: Slightly heavier; 11.9 tons
Speed:(Running) 65 MPH(somewhat slower than standard K-18 due to replaced rotary joints in legs)
(Water) Swim at 32 MPH. Run along bottom at 20 MPH. Maximum Depth of 8,000 ft
Systems of Note:
*Periscope Booms(2)---8 ft extension
*Enhanced Sonar----60 mile range
*Underwater Communications Suite---Combination of blue-green com-laser and accoustic modem systems.
Weapons Systems:
*Mini-Torpedo Launchers---Some(typically 4 of the six) or ALL of the original Mongrel’s mini-missile pods can be fitted with mini-torpedo launchers on the PSA-18N.
Range: 1 mile
Damage: 1d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 6 per launcher

*Forearm Mounts---Retains the same modularity and systems compatibility as the standard PSA-18, but typically carries tool pods, blue-green pulse lasers, ion blasters, or the new sonic cannons
a) Tool Pod----A utility pod with two extendable micromanipulators capable of fine work, a plasma torch(or laser welder), shielded optic, and close-range ultra-sound scanner(good for testing welds and inspecting waterseal/tank integrity). Other tool complements may be used as well(see Bionic Tools for standard models).
b) Sonic Cannon
Range: 500 ft(1,000 ft underwater)
Damage: Wide Beam: 4d6 MD to a 30 ft area
Concentrated Beam: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Unprotected personnel must save versus non-lethal poison (16 or higher) or be stunned for 1d4 melee rds. People in sealed power armor save at an 8 or higher for the wide area blast, but make a standard save for the concentrated blast.
Sonar Blast----This is an enormous ‘belch’ of sonic cacophony that can blind sonar systems within range with a mass of ‘white noise’, knocking them out for 1d4 melees. Sonar and acoustic homing systems will lose target lock, and sonar-using creatures will be stunned and ‘blind’ for 1d4 minutes.
Vibration Blast---This takes up ALL attacks per melee to initiate and maintain, and consists of focusing a low powered beam on a sealed ship(submarines are ideal), and gradually inducing an ultra-low frequency vibration throughout its structure. While this doesn’t do any damage per se, it does affect the hearing and inner ears of crewmembers, causing creeping disorientation and increasing unsettledness, leading up to nausea. After one melee people with unprotected hearing(or uninsulated contact with the ship’s hull structure) will be -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -5% to skills(they become easily distracted). After two melees they are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -10% to skills, and are -10% to their sense of balance...and so on...People with protected hearing are immune to the effect, but beings with enhanced hearing are TWICE as susceptible to the effects.
This setting is most effective against vessels 60 ft long or smaller...larger vessels will take an extra full melee per 50 ft of length for this to work...or several cannon working in concert, to be effective.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

This was an engineers’ experiment in how much raw firepower could be mounted on a single frame. The ‘SuperPig’ mounts no less than SIX heavy gatling cannons, two on each shoulder/pectoral mount, and one under each forearm. The GNE Regular Army considers the concept too extreme for actual combat deployment, as the -HW will rip through its onboard ammunition in a matter of a minute or less, and the constant maintenance to keep the machine from shaking itself to pieces would keep the 18-HW from the battlefield.
*12.7mm PS-MRG03 Snub-nose Short Gatling Gun (6): This high-powered four-barreled gatling rail cannon features enormous damage potential, and fair range in a small package. The MRG-03 trades range for blistering short-range fire power, and is frequently used as a ‘streetsweeper’ in built-up areas.
Range: 2000 ft
Damage: 1D6 MD single round, 1D6x10 MD per 10 round burst,
2D6x10 +60 per Full Melee Burst of 40 rounds
x6 for all six guns going simultaneously
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot
Payload: 600 rounds each gun
Market Cost: 12,000 credits

-----PS-A-18S ‘Sirius’ (aka ‘AstroDog’)
Experimental space version of the PS-A-18. The hull is more heavily armored and shielded against radiation and debris impacts, several new vernier armatures are added, and the whole body is studded with mini-thrusters, including two swivel-mount hip thruster packs. The head is a larger blister that protrudes more over the back and bulges farther forward and over the center chest, to accommodate the enhanced sensor suite. The PSA-18S is currently undergoing advanced fieldtesting with the Telmarines as a planetary/asteroidal assault unit.
-Increase overall MDC values by 10%
-Added magnetic shield against micrometeorites and solar radiation(Reduce damage done by particle beam weapons by 10%, and ion weapons by 50%)
-Leg Equipment Attachment Points(2)----Two lugpoints (with electrical connections) for carrying 200-lb equipment cases of additional gear, or an 8-shot flare/chaff launcher. Typical MDC of an airtight carry case is 80 MDC.
Weight: Slightly heavier; 11.9 tons
Speed:(Running) 65 MPH(somewhat slower than standard PSA-18 due to greater mass)
(Space)Can reach accelerations of .8 G; has enough reaction mass for 4 hours of sustained acceleration, but rarely uses more than a third of total tankage for acceleration(remember, you have to DEcelerate as well)
Advanced Propulsion System study models(and later production models) are fitted with low-power gravitic thrusters able to push the PSA-18S along in at Mach 6 in space!
Systems of Note:
*Long Range Radar----(effective range of 100 miles in open space)
*LiDar Array----(effective range of 100 miles in open space)
*Communications Laser(effective range of 10,000 miles)

This variant hasn’t yet acquired a tag-name yet; it’s an experimental high mobility testbed that fits the PSA-18 with a new lower torso and legs, using longer reverse-articulated legs like those used on Kittani ‘dino’ power armors and the Columbian ‘Jaguar’ ‘bot. Paladin Steel is testing the configuration for effects on running speed, leaping ability, and stability.
---+2 ft to height.
(Running) 80 MPH
(Leaping) 20 ft up/across, +10 ft if running

Another radical testbed variant that replaces the legs altogether with a cylindrical lower body and a constant-state GravoMagnetic Resist Drive hover system, in an effort to evaluate the advantages of pure contra-gravity drive power armors over conventional designs. The 18GMRX cannot run, kick, or jump, but flies, with the maneuverability and agility of a light aerodyne.
(Running)(Leaping) Not Possible...though in an emergency, the ‘bot might be able to pull itself along the ground with its arms at a crawl.
(Flying) 300 MPH, maximum altitude of 8,000 ft
(Space) Mach 1.2
(Underwater) 60 MPH
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Shadow Wyrm wrote:There is just something epic about "THUNDERBUNNY" that sends shivers down my spine.

:D Meant to appeal to the sort of quiet sadist who just KNOWS he's about to HOSE that loudmouth who just challenged him to a duel...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:Sadly, the babes usually have 'borged-up boyfriends looking to squash anybody who gets too close... :shock:

...that would stop you from writing up it up. PS sales the chassis for the babes and their cyber-pets.

Not really....we just get paid twice...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘Megabago’ Medium Utility Hover Vehicle

“Is it tough? Tough? TOUGH!? Lemme tell you how tough this bastard’s tougher than most main battle tanks, built tough like they just mounted a heavy-duty bunker on hover jets, tough so you sleep at night safe and snug...lady, mobile homes don’t get any tougher than this!”
----Zolda Schlitz, Megabago Salesbeing

“Yeah, I used to be like you...young, brash, and full of myself...charging into battle and screaming for glory, confident that your big bad ‘bot will take you all the way to Chi-Town...but halfway to the frontline, and you find yourself running out of ammo, low on juice, and smoking like an ashtray....and every damn reserve the enemy can throw at you is coming up on your screens...let me tell you, days like that, I am eternally grateful for the brave joes who come flying their hover trucks up to you where they ain’t got no place to be, hosing you down, patching you up, and offering you a fresh set of fully charged weapons, then go retreating out of there...some of them don’t always make it...If I had my way, half of the fruit salad on my jacket that you so admire would go to the folks in logistics...and if you want a collection like mine, you’ll start feeling the same way too....those people are MY heroes.”
-----Conrad Sazunne, Assault Robot Commander, 8th Free Vermont Regiment

“Who’s the ******* who shot down that Megabago right in our path!? Thanks to that *******, they just put what amounts to a frackin’ BUNKER right in our way!! And now they ain’t got any option BUT to stay and fight! And we gotta take it out if we wanna get through that pass! Who’s willing to bet that those creeps aren’t screaming for reinforcements, and that those reinforcements will reach us just as we finish taking out that position?! Yeah, so much for a ‘lightning thrust’ to take the mines!!”
-----Garter Gingrich, Pecos Raider

“Ya think a Megabago is a bit too much of a tank for Animal Control, lady? Think the city elders should save some mula by giving us a kazoo-car? Let me tell you...when a load of Pichaku nannybots goes off the road and the little yellow suckers go off their rockers because they haven’t been properly activated, who you think they call to clean it up? The garbage men? Nope..Animal Control....I was wearing full armor and my hair is STILL on end all these months later...Or how about the Jelly Baby someone brought back as a pet, before it turned into the Blob and nearly ate them? Yep, that was us with the acid sprayers....How about the Curious Flying Cuttlefish? Yep...was us that got to herd it back home... the giant ‘squitos?....damn near drilled through the window glass....or maybe you heard about the Porcubear that wandered into town..cute ol’ thing and docile as a lamb, but having the forcecage in the back to hold it sure was nice....Some days, though, I swear I’m back in the Army...”
------Hoppy Newton, McGammonville Municipal Animal Control Officer, Vermont Free State.

“Oh, the Megabago’s a fine pice of work, alright...nothing wrong with the brute force approach of welding slab-side armor into a box, and piling on enough powerplant and thrusters to make it fly in defiance of common sense...but it’s the damn add-ons that give all the problems. Like the particle beam cannon....thing rides on a big U-shaped track that carries it from the top to the bottom of the machine ‘round the back...track tends to jam sometimes, and the status indicator won’t tell you that it’s stuck...or the auto-mode that’s supposed to retract the cannon from the undercarriage to the back won’t always engage as it end up landing on top of your main gun and squashing it instead of safely stowing two million replacement cost, provided you survive realizing you just lost your BFG, just when you really need it...”
----Gerald Gomerton, Operator

The Megabago Land Cruiser Recreational Vehicle wasn’t originally part of Paladin Steel’s scheduled line-up of programs back in 104 PA, but in the chaos following Mad Sunday, when the engineering departments were frantically looking for designs to mass-produce and gain much-needed capital while the devastated programs were re-constituted. The Megabago promised to be such a product; relatively simple, utilitarian, making use of existing technologies, and easily refitted with cutting edge technologies flowing in from Advanced Development and OTAR.
To the casual eye, the Megabago would seem to be little more than an upscaled VW Super Van, and actually has a fair amount of parts compatibility. The massive, slab-sided vehicle is plated in heavy, multi-layered, ceramic and composite chobham-style protection, offering armor values comparable, if not better than, many contemporary MBTs. The production Megabago is propelled by four aerodyne thrusters(PS’s version of the same engines that power the Northern Gun Sky King.....reliable and well-tested engines familiar to many Operators) and twin turbojets. Providing primary lift, though, is a small, improved-efficiency GMR drive node, that allows for steady, silent flight(because of the Megabago’s intended altitude and range of operations, the cheaper, if less sophisticated, GMR drive was chosen over a more expensive full-contra-gravitic drive generator).
Though the PS Megabago lacks some of the more advanced/unique systems of the original, the Megabago is still an incredibly powerful and versatile vehicle. It’s mainly being marketed to adventurers and explorers wanting a more comfortable heavy-duty vehicle for long-duration stays in the wilderness, but several small kingdoms have bought them as troop carriers, medevac vehicles, and support carriers. Some people criticize the lack of vehicle-specific options, but PS has deliberately made the Megabago relatively generic in its fittings, so as to ease post-production, customer-specific customization and modification. All in all, though, the basic Megabago is a formidable package.
Type: PS-GNE-RS-RV-01
Class: Heavy Utility Vehicle
Date of Introduction: 105 PA
Crew: One, plus 1-8 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 500
Reinforced Crew Compartment 120
Wheels(6) 50 each
Hoverjets(6) 40 each
Heavy Particle Beam Cannon 150
Laser Turrets(3) 60
Missile Launchers(4) 50 each
Height: 15 ft
Width: 20 ft
Length: 30 ft
Weight: 10 tons
Cargo: Can carry up to 5 tons of cargo
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion (w/ 25 yer energy life)
Speed: (Ground) 80 MPH
(Air)400 MPH, maximum altitude 4000 ft
(Underwater) 15 MPH, Maximum depth 200 ft
Market Cost: 3.8 million credits(2 million credits without the particle beam cannon)
Systems of Note:
All Standard Robot Systems, plus;
*Life Support---48 hour life support
*Water Cooler/Tank---Holds 50 gallons of water
*Winch and 100 ft of cable
*Trailer Hitch(for ground towing only)
Weapons Systems:
1) Heavy Particle Beam Cannon----This weapon was just undergoing testing at PS when it was suggested that the Megabago might make a good mobile platform for the adapted Orbital ship weapon. The multi-barrel gatling version under consideration was deemed too powerful and its cooling system too complex for PS’s engineers to consider for production(not that they didn’t try) and mounting on the ‘bago, but the single-barrelled version was more than adequate for the purposes of a BFG.
The HPG is normally stowed in a special bay on the underside of the Megabago, and is commonly used to attack targets below the vehicle while it is airborne, but realizing that putting the Main Gun where it could be easily fouled and inaccessible, PS installed a track that allows the entire gun assembly to swing up and over the back of the RV, to the roof, where it can command an excellent field of fire.
Range: 8,000 ft
Mega-Damage: 5d6x10 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Once every five seconds (3 times per round)
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Tied directly into the nuclear power supply, but can only fire 20 times an hour before needing time to cool down (otherwise the barrel overheats and begins to warp, reducing damage by 1d6x10 per five shots until the barrel collapses).

2) Laser Turrets(3)---For close-in defense, the Megabago mounts three laser mini-laser turrets, two each side and one mounted on top.
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Six times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3) Missile Launchers(4)---The Megabago has provision for four missile launcher pods in semi-recessed modular launchers on the sides. Each plug-in module carried the appropriate targetting and launch status interface leads to allow for quick load-ins under battlefield conditions
Range: Varies by missile type
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 18, or 24
Payload: (Per Module) 2 Long Range Missiles, OR 8 Medium Range Missiles, OR 18 Short Range Missiles, OR 24 Mini-Missiles.

*Disguise Field---A late addition to the Megabago is a Hardlight Disguise Field. Though not capable of full sensor cloak, this system adds considerably to the stealthiness of the large vehicle. Buyers wanting true invisibility typically buy TW modifications. Up to 12 different holographic ‘disguises’ can be pre-programmed into the generator, or a general optical distortion that renders the vehicle partially invisibility(65% effectiveness)...looks like a heat-distortion wave.
MDC of ForceField: 40
Cost: 800,000 credits

* Heavy Forcefield Generator---Now available from PS, this forcefield generator adds even more protection to already heavy armor.
MDC of ForceField: 200; regenerates at 5 MDC per hour
Cost: 2 million credits

* Electronic Masking----Deflects radar and other electronic sensors with 60% effectiveness(or -15% to Read Sensory Instrument rolls). Enemy missiles and electronically guided/targeted weapons are -2 to strike.
Cost: 1 million credits

Other Options:
The Megabago can use any of the applicable vehicle options in Ninjas and Superspies, Rifts Mercenaries, and those already available for the PS VW SuperBug, CamperVan, and Luxury Vehicles...only add 20% to cost for the larger size of the vehicle.

Soon after the Megabago made its appearance in the stables of PS, it quickly became evident that the design could be modified to produce a number of variants.
The common variant uses the basic frame and engines of the Megabago, but removes the passenger compartment (retaining the control cabin)and most of the weaponry, replacing most of the body structure with a lower armored housing.

*PS-GNE-RS-UV-01C---The ‘flatbed’ version of the Megabago, which consists of just the frame, propulsion systems, and cab(room for only 2-4 people, 6 cramped), with a large flatbed area at the rear. This version costs only 500,000 credits, lacks any underwater capability, and can carry up to 15 tons of equipment/cargo(fully loaded, though, it can only move at 200 MPH). The ‘Handbago’ is even more common than the regular RV model, and sees extensive service in the GNE’s military, industrial, and commerical sectors, hauling cargo, field-portable generators, radio and sensor arrays, and other gear, alongside its larger cousin, the ‘Alpaca’.

*PS-GNE-RS-HML-01M---This is simply a military flatbed ‘bago fitted with a rear deck launcher array for rapid-deployment minefields. Based on the pre-Rifts ‘Skorpion’ system, the PS version launches 100mm mines up to 75 ft to the sides from up to ten dispenser launchers, each launcher holding five tubes with twenty mines each(100 mines per launcher unit).
-PS-MATS/20 Anti-Armor Mine
Weight: 8 lbs
Damage: 5d6 MD to 20 ft area
Cost: 800 credits
-PS-TS/250 Anti-Personnel Mine
Weight: 8 lbs
Damage: 4d6 MD to 40 ft area
Cost: 700 credits

*PS-GNE-RS-MMLC-01N---This is another quick conversion of the flatbed ‘bago, this time with six 36-tube launch boxes for the 40mm (PSMS40-MLS) ‘Chewer’ mortar system, converting the vehicle into a cheap and dirty artillery platform. The GNE military has been known to send these ‘fire barges’ skiming along a front doing a ‘thunder-run’ to plaster an enemy with a thundercloud of mortar shells.
Range: 6 miles
Damage:(Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
(High Explosive) 1d4x10+3 MD to 1.5 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-18
Payload: Each barrel holds 5 40-mm projectiles for a total of 180 rds

*PS-GNE-RV-01D ‘Baywatch’ Coastal Patrol Craft
This Megabago variant is intended to serve as a land/sea/air Search and Rescue vehicle, as well as a scout craft and coastal patrol vehicle. It replaces the particle beam cannon with a dipping/towing sonar(100 mile range) and winch capable of hoisting one ton of weight, extendable pontoon landing gear, watertight hull, and provision to carry rescue bouys and torpedoes on its missile hardpoints.

*PS-GNE-RV-01MDX ‘Lifevan’ (aka ‘MASHbago’, ‘4077’)
This vehicle is immediately visible because of its bright white and red coloration, and light banks. The Lifevan sports only one laser turret for self-defense, replaces the PBC with additional winch equipment and a special ‘rescue sled’ for crashing into buildings and rescuing people inside, and the missile launchers carry smoke and fire retardant warheads. This model has provision for carrying up to twelve patients on stretchers and a five-person paramedic team, and has provision for deploying an inflatable (50 ft square )field shelter and hospital tent, supplied with water, power, and ventilation from the Lifevan. The vehicle has a full setup of lifesupport gear and comes stocked with monitoring gear, TW support ‘ware, and an onboard interactive computer database detailing the known medical data on over 50 different intelligent species(particularly those settled in the Alliance nations).

*Paladin Steel Brabant Missile Launch Platform

“Thunder and Lightning!!! But that was a damn fine show! The way those fire support platforms were moving through the forest, shooting and scooting, those shellheads musta thought they were surrounded by a full division, instead of just a company, of troops. Those aliens just cut and run back through the Rift that brought them by the time the fifth salvo was raining down!”
---Sargeant Cassie Montgomery, Free Canada 7th ‘Lucky Sevens’ Regiment

Intended as a sort of ‘super Missile Fox’ or artillery support platform, this variant is intended as a fast, highly mobile, missile launch platform. A number of converted Megabago test vehicles have been shipped to the Canadian CHeVeR test range for combat trials with the Tundra Ranger military, who had begun deploying them in the wilderness and field-tested the units for PS. The design has subsequently been adopted by the Greater New England Armed Services, quickly becoming one of the standard artillery platforms in service. The Brabant strips down the Megabago frame to incorporate a large missile launcher reloading from an armored magazine, at the cost of troop/passenger carrying capacity, but it retains the flight capabilities, secondary armaments, and basic parts compatibility. An emerging favorite tactic of artillery units assigned the GNEAS, is to ‘fire and run’, using the vehicle’s high mobility and flight abilities to switch positions quickly between barrages. Air Defense units with Brabants are becoming the terror of any air vehicle or airborne attacker pproaching GNE-claimed airspace.
Class: Heavy Utility Vehicle
Date of Introduction: 106 PA
Crew: Five(pilot, two gunners, sensor officer, and commander/gunner)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 350
Reinforced Crew Compartment 120
Wheels(6) 50 each
Hoverjets(6) 40 each
Laser Turrets(3) 60
Missile Launchers(1) 250
Height: 15 ft
Width: 20 ft
Length: 30 ft
Weight: 20 tons
Cargo: The smaller body holds a missile magazine, plus there’s enough space in the crew cabin for several supply/survival packs, and sidearms for the crew.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion (w/ 25 yer energy life)
Speed: (Ground) 80 MPH
(Air): 300 MPH, maximum altitude 500 ft
(Space): Not possible
(Underwater): Not possible
Market Cost: 10 million credits
Systems of Note:
*Computer Fire Control System---This system correlates sensor data, computes ballistic tracks(including backtracking enemy missile and projectile fire), and provides targeting solutions and data. This system allows the Brabant to backtrack incoming artullery fire and return fire with only a -2 to strike penalty for artillery fire(provided the enemy position is stationary at the time).
Weapons Systems:
1) Close-in Laser Turrets(3)---The Brabant isn’t intended to enter close combat, but instead rely on long-range weaponry. However, sometimes close combat is unavoidable, so the vehicle retains its close-in laser armaments.
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Six times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Missile Launcher Turret---The Brabant’s main weaponry is a modular missile launcher, that can be exchanged/configured for any of the following:
a) Mini-Missiles
Range:Varies by missile type
Damage:Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 40, or 80!
Payload:80, plus 240 in storage(reloads in one melee)
b) Short-Range Missiles
Range:Varies by missile type
Damage:Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, or 40
Payload:40, plus 120 in storage(reloads in one melee)
c) Medium-Range Missiles
Range:Varies by missile type
Damage:Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire:Volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 20
Payload:20, plus 60 in storage(reloads in one melee)
d) Long-Range Missiles
Range: Varies by missile type
Damage:Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10
Payload: 10, plus 30 in storage(reloads in one melee)
e) Black Talon L-SAM Launcher---Paladin Steel’s re-invention of pre-Rifts ‘smart man-portable ‘Stinger’ missiles.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, or 40
Payload:40, plus 120 in storage(reloads in one melee)
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again)
f) ’Flashfire’ Advanced Short Range Surface to Air Multiple Missiles(ASRSAMM). This is simply the PS copy/adaptation of the Coalition’s own AIM-180 missile(see Coalition Navy, pg. 88), modified for ground launch. The ‘Flashfire’ is an MRM that splits in flight to unleash a pack of four smaller SRMs....a surprise that at relatively short dogfighting ranges(10-30 miles) can be devastating, filling airspace with a swarm of corkscrewing projectiles.
Range: 15 miles
Damage: 6d6 MD per each SRM missile(3d4x10 MD per volley)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, 4, 6, or 12
Payload: 24 missiles ready to fire, plus 72 in storage
Bonuses:+3 to strike
g) Shrike III Air Defense Missile---A larger medium-range missile adapted with ‘Black Talon’ sensor technology to produce a more agile, more accurate, SAM:
Range: 75 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD per missile
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,4, or 10
Payload: 20 missiles ready to fire, plus 60 in storage
Bonus: +6 to strike

*Paladin Steel Astrobago Excursion Module

“Scrap buggy? SCRAP BUGGY? Let me tell you, whelp, this particular scrap has been places you could only dream of in your little quartermaster cubicle....On the _Feynman_ flight alone me and this particular piece of scrap got our scars...see that streak of yellow along the running board? Sulphur, blasted out of a smoker on Io when we flew through the ejecta plume. All those gouges on the port side? Got them crashing into an ice pressure ridge when an Arkhon jumped us on Europa while we were taking ice cores. That melt track on the roof? Orbital Glitterboy we ran into backside of Titan...still don’t know what they were doing out there but they didn’t want us either. Speckling on the windshield? Ice chips, maneuvering through Saturn’s rings! All them scratches on the thrusters? Cluster of bristleflies that tried to eat us when we stopped back on Mars...burned the damn things off in a dip reentry.
And that was that ONE trip...I’ve been on SEVEN since then, and I’ve always had the same EMV...I won’t trust any other...and that’s why I’m INSISTING that you release those top-grade spare parts for her repairs...she’s a VETERAN, and I won’t hear any little punk like you insult her for her years of service!!!!”
---Overheard in the spacedock administrative block, New Montpelier Station, 120 PA.

The ‘Astrobago’, ‘Spacebus’, or ‘Moon Buggy’, is a Megabago variant modified specially for deep space work...particularly exploration and transport duties that don’t require something as large as a Luna Moth Grav-Copter. The Astrobago has a more powerful GMR-drive, more powerful fusion drives, more reaction mass for maneuvering, an enlarged sensor and life support suite, and a large airlock/docking port built into the side. In addition to being used as a sub-orbital ‘lunar bus’, the Astrobago is commonly used as an exploration vehicle, with teams of 4-5 researchers spreading out across a moon or planetary surface in Astrobagos for 1-3 weeks of field work. While it’s not as tough or fast as a shuttlecraft or dedicated spacecraft, the Astrobago gives the GNE Explorer Corps a light, fast, versatile vehicle for the legwork of discovery.
Type: PS-GNE-RS-RV-01B(DS)
Class: Heavy Utility Vehicle, Deep Space/Sub-Orbital/Planetary Exploration
Date of Introduction: 107 PA
Crew: One, plus 1-8 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 500
Reinforced Crew Compartment 120
Wheels(6) 50 each
Hoverjets(6) 40 each
Heavy Particle Beam Cannon 150
Laser Turrets(3) 60
Missile Launchers(4) 50 each
Height: 15 ft
Width: 20 ft
Length: 30 ft
Weight: 18 tons
Cargo: Can carry up to 5 tons of cargo
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion (w/ 25 yer energy life)
Speed: (Ground) 80 MPH
(Air)400 MPH, maximum altitude 4000 ft
(Space) Mach 6(Under its GMR drive)
(Underwater) 15 MPH, Maximum depth 200 ft
Market Cost: 4.5 million credits
Systems of Note:
All basic robot sensory systems
Enhanced Radar---200 mile range
Magnetometer---Excellent for detecting metallic objects(80% effectiveness), magnetic anomalies, and veins of metallic ores(40% effectiveness).Range of 10 miles
Long Range Radio/Laser Communications---70,000 mile range
Life Support---2 week life support, including water recycling
(Can be extended to 3-4 weeks if carrying minimum crew, 1-2 people)
Water Cooler/Tank---Holds 400 gallons of water
Radiation Shielding---The Astrobago has a Pandora Armaments radiation shield generator
Winch and 100 ft of cable
Trailer Hitch
Deployable Inflatable Shelter---This is essentially a tent-bubble of heavy-duty megadamage insulated, multi-ply fabric, that can be inflated when the Astrobago is at rest, expanding the available living space. The Shelter is roughly 20 ft in diameter, has 100 MDC, and can be deflated/repacked(takes about ten minutes), or can be cut loose/jettisoned in an emergency.
Weapons Systems:
1) Heavy Particle Beam Cannon----This weapon was just undergoing testing at PS when it was suggested that the Megabago might make a good mobile platform for the adapted Orbital ship weapon. The multi-barrel gatling version under consideration was deemed too powerful and its cooling system too complex for PS’s engineers to consider for production(not that they didn’t try) and mounting on the ‘bago, but the single-barrelled version was more than adequate for the purposes of a BFG.
The HPG is normally stowed in a special bay on the underside of the Megabago, and is commonly used to attack targets below the vehicle while it is airborne, but realizing that putting the Main Gun where it could be easily fouled and inaccessible, PS installed a track that allows the entire gun assembly to swing up and over the back of the RV, to the roof, where it can command an excellent field of fire.
Range: 8,000 ft
Mega-Damage: 5d6x10 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Once every five seconds (3 times per round)
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Tied directly into the nuclear power supply, but can only fire 30 times an hour before needing time to cool down (otherwise the barrel overheats and begins to warp, reducing damage by 1d6x10 per five shots until the barrel collapses).

2) Laser Turrets(3)---For close-in defense, the Megabago mounts three laser mini-laser turrets, two each side and one mounted on top.
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Six times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3) Missile Launchers(4)---The Megabago has provision for four missile launcher pods in semi-recessed modular launchers on the sides. Each plug-in module carried the appropriate targetting and launch status interface leads to allow for quick load-ins under battlefield conditions
Range: Varies by missile type
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 18, or 24
Payload: (Per Module) 2 Long Range Missiles, OR 8 Medium Range Missiles, OR 18 Short Range Missiles, OR 24 Mini-Missiles.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Nice toys, taalismn!
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Thanks...will be whomping up more as I look at older systems and see how they can be improved(so I'm re-inventing the same vehicle several times over), looking to address tactical and strategic needs(I find I'm short on large warships), and inventing wholly new major systems(taking a lot of suggestions and comments to heart)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Glad to see your are still putting out quality products.

Mephisto: You have some morbid fantasies. I like it (okay)
pblackcrow:"If anyone deserves this it's you! (thwak) LOL...All in fun."
Natasha: Bob you're deadly. I like it.
Misfit KotLD: You're Gamer Bi-Polar.
Sanford: Excellent concept, Big Bob!
sasha: I think Bob gets the JUST A GAME award....for life.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:Thanks...will be whomping up more as I look at older systems and see how they can be improved(so I'm re-inventing the same vehicle several times over), looking to address tactical and strategic needs(I find I'm short on large warships), and inventing wholly new major systems(taking a lot of suggestions and comments to heart)...

the GMR airships are my favorite. There's just something so darn cool about the Foss.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
taalismn wrote:Thanks...will be whomping up more as I look at older systems and see how they can be improved(so I'm re-inventing the same vehicle several times over), looking to address tactical and strategic needs(I find I'm short on large warships), and inventing wholly new major systems(taking a lot of suggestions and comments to heart)...

the GMR airships are my favorite. There's just something so darn cool about the Foss.

Thanks :D
Expanding that line will be a future project...I really want to have flying container ships to move PS products, and flying warcraft(aircraft carriers, air defense platforms, patrol cruisers, and airborne assault platforms) for power projection....Want to get some wet navy carriers out of the way first, to show the evolution of PS's familiarity with operating big ships...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel Haven-class Escort Carrier

“We got three Horune raiders confirmed in this region, hitting coastal communities...and they show no signs of stopping...But they’re acting wiggy; smart-wiggy---rather than hit a town and then hit the one next to it after the neighbors have been warned, they’re hitting all over the place...over 300 miles of coast...To patrol that and intercept them before they strike again, the small PBs we got already down there won’t be enough; we’ll have to do it by air....The GNENSS Poqounok will be heading down there to back up the mosquito boats...She’s got a full air group of SkyRaiders and Taons...Hopefully, that will be enough, because we can’t spare much more.”

The expansion of Paladin Steel’s maritime interests and Greater New England’s own mercantile operations led to a serious need for warships and aircraft carriers to protect the growing merchant marine. With GNE prosperity had also come greater interest from both GNE’s traditional enemies(the Splugorth, the Coalition, etc...) and new ones(the Amazon Pirates, the Horune, the Naut’yll, etc...) meaning that Paladin Steel had to produce new ships, and FAST....
Originally, Paladin Steel had thought to copy what other maritime nations were doing; converting large merchantmen vessels into ‘baby flattops’, but Vernon Bach had reservations about the suitability of such vessels in modern combat. Another proposal was to simply recreate successful pre-Rifts escort carriers such as the World War Two-vintage ‘Casablanca’ class CVEs, upgraded with modern materials and weapons. Again, Paladin Steel engineers thought they could do better, while still being able to produce a cheap, economical design.
The answer was a compromise of sorts---the ‘Haven’-class CVEs, which were essentially scaled up versions of the new Ashaton multi-purpose vessels...extended frame trimaran vessels with high capacity and a high turn of speed, armed over the ‘Casablanca-II’ standard. The Havens add a trimaran design, increasing the beam of the vessels, but decreasing draught, and adding additional deck space and flight deck area. More advanced propulsion systems allow for greater speed, and the ships carry even more defensive armaments. The emphasis is to improve the survivability of the carrier platforms, through speed, armament, and armor.
If there’s a criticism of the Haven class, it’s that they’re merely a scale-up of the systems and philosophy of the earlier ‘Casablancas’, with little in the way of new thinking. As such, the Haven’s are considered to still be ‘light’ naval assets, working with litoral combat fleets and moving with flotillas of slower-moving craft. Still, they better than the conventional craft fielded by many other new emergent sea-nations, and serve as effective power-projection platforms.
Type: PS-CVE02 ‘Haven’
Class: Aircraft Carrier, Escort
Crew: 860+200 additional troops/passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 6,000
Bridge 900
Radio/Sensor Towers(2) 500 each
Flight Deck 1,700
Elevator Platforms(2) 700 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers(2) 200 each
L-Sam Launchers(2) 100 each
Laser Turrets(6) 150 each
5-inch Gun Turret(1) 100
40mm Gun Turrets(8) 80 each
20mm Guns(24) 60 each
Goal Keeper CIWS Turret(1) 80
‘Button Gun’ CIWS(6) 100 each

Height: 50 ft
Width: 125 ft
Length: 450 ft
Weight: 19,000 tons
Cargo: 3,500 tons
Powerplant:Nuclear Fusion w/ 25 year energy life
Speed: 30 knts
Market Cost: 72 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Warship Systems, plus:
*Radar---240 mile range and can simultaneously track up to 96 targets
*Sonar---32 mile range
*Search Lights(6)----9,000 ft range. IR and normal light.

*Lift Cranes----The Havens incorporate six lift cranes, each with with a lifting capability of 45 tons.

*Electromagnetic Aircraft Catapult Systems(3)---Replacing the old steam catapults, these more modern systems give fully-laden aircraft a boost off the flightdeck. Two forward and two lateral systems are mounted.

*Hull Degausser---This system can be used to periodically de-magnetize the hull, loosening the grip of magnetic-attachment limpet mines, and reducing the effectiveness of magnetically-triggered ocean mines in detecting the vessel and detonating.

*Closed-environment Life Support System---If necessary, the carriers can seal up, and recycle their air for up to a week.

*Desalination Gear---The carriers, in addition to having their own onboard fresh water supply, have a desalinator for producing fresh water from salt water.

*ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 55% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*ORACLE---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). PS hopes to upgrade the system to allow for over-the-horizon and remote-viewing advanced early warning capabilities. The ORACLE Mrk II is currently being retrofitted to most ships-of-the-line of the VFSN/GNEN.
Effective Range: 4,000 ft radius of detection.

Weapons Systems:
1) Medium Range Missile Launchers(2)---These are large box-style multi-purpose launchers, one forward and one aft, that can accommodate a variety of missiles and fire-missions, from anti-air to surface bombardment and ASROC munitions.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12
Payload: 12 missiles per launcher; additional missiles can be reloaded from storage(1 ton of cargo per 24 missiles)

2) L-SAM ‘Black Talon’ Launchers(2)---These are RAM(Rolling Airframe Missile) launchers for firing the super-accurate ‘super stinger’ L-SAM.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 24 per launcher
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again); additional missiles can be reloaded from storage(1 ton of cargo per 48 missiles)

3)Tri-Laser(PSMBL-3E) Turrets(6)---Adapted from the Glitterboy No. 7 of South America, these lasers provide a photonic air defense, especially when linked to advanced targeting systems similar to those on the regular PDS cannon.
Range: 8,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Radar Targeting Bonus: +3 to strike

4) 5-inch gun(1)---A single large caliber ballistic cannon, mainly used for engaging surface targets, but also capable of acting as an anti-aircraft weapon.
Range:17,575 yards* in a surface role, 37,200 feet in anti-aircraft mode
(RAP/Rocket-Assisted Projectile) 23,770 yards
(*Note: It would take over a minute for shot to hit the target at maximum range...est. 68 seconds)
(Fragmentation) 6d6 MD to a 35 ft radius
(High Explosive-Armor-Piercing) 1d6x10 MD to 12 ft blast radius
(Plasma)2d4x10 MD to a 30 ft blast radius
(Flare) Burns for 1d4 minutes, illuminating a 2,000 ft area
(Chaff Round)Spreads radar-disrupting chaff similar to Triax-type chaff
Rate of Fire: 3 rds per melee
Payload:Ready Magazine holds 180 rds.

5)40mm Rail Gun Turrets(PS-862 FC Interchangeable, Recoilless, Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon(TX-862FC))(16; 8x2)----Eight twin-gun turrets are arrayed around the ship for maximum coverage.
Weight:4.5 tons
Range:10,000 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD six-round burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:800 rds, 400 rds per cannon
Bonuses:Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +1 strike set on automatic against aerial attack, +2 strike fired by pilot

6) PS-OTO-CIWS Goalkeeper(1)
Though the PS couldn’t acquire the plans for the Coalition’s C90R CIWS, they did acquire a similar, if less powerful, system from their European contacts; a modernized upgrade of the OTO Melara Goalkeeper CIWS. The PS-OTO is intended for larger vessels, and is rarely effectively mounted on smaller vessels.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee
Payload: 12,000 rds per gun(200 bursts each)
Radar Targeting Bonus: +3 to strike

7)*PS-L-CIWS Vulcan Chain Gun(aka “Button Guns”)(6)---This installation, introduced on the Type 9 Battlemover, then adapted as an air defense weapon option for the VW Camper Gunship, has been adapted for shipboard use as PS’s standard light maritime weapons system. The system is a very compact and neat installation that takes up little space, and has been compared to the pre-Rifts Russian ADMG-630 30mm Gatling CIWS that saw extensive service aboard Russian warships. The PS-L-CIWS is often called the “Button Gun” because of its squat, flattened dome-like turret. Six of these weapons are mounted around the hull, and normally sit flush to the deck, concealed in their individual silos. When activated, however, they pop up and can engage aerial or surface targets with a deadly spray of projectile fire.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst(can only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, the “Button Gun” has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Payload:8,000 rd drum(200 bursts)

8)20-mm(PS Model-2N)(24)---These are individually-manned weapons on pedestal-mounts with gunshields
Range:7,200 ft
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PSX-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 1000 rd drum

9)ASW Projectors(6)---Two forward, two aft, two lateral. Rocket-propelled light depth charge launchers.
Range: 4,000 ft, 1,000 ft maximum depth
Damage: 7d6x5 MD to 50 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,4, 5, 8, or 16
Payload: LASRW-16: 16 rounds each launcher

10)Decoy Countermeasure Launchers:(6)------Paladin Steel has adopted a series of standard countermeasure packages for use aboard their vessels. Notably they have adapted the US Navy Mk 38 Rapid Bloom Off-Board Countermeasures(RBOC-2) launcher system and the Replica radar signature decoy system. The RBOC-2 fires rocket-mortar shells of flares and chaff up to 1.25 miles away, to heights of 3,000 ft(the better to fool missiles coming in over the horizon), and fires clouds of chaff from deck mortars at closer ranges to confuse other guided weapons).
The Replica system resembles a folded-liferaft capsule when in its launcher, but can be fired off up to 300 ft, and rapidly unfolds to become two linked floating radar and sonar reflectors that give the appearance of a much larger object, and hopefully divert enemy fire and attention away from the targeted vessel.
A variant on this system includes attaching active sonar decoys or “Screamers” to attract or confuse acoustic sensors and homing torpedoes.
The Havens have 4 RBOC mortar banks(2 forward, 2 rear), and 2 Replica System launchers on the forward deck(so it can launch decoys without endangering embarking/evacuating troops)
Range: The RBOC can toss decoy bundles 1.25 miles, and to an altitude of 3,000 ft
Damage: None. The RBOC is too inaccurate to be used as an effective weapon(oh, it could probably blow a person off the deck if they were standing too close, but that goes without saying) Effects are similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
(Flare/Chaff)Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Flare/Chaff launchers typically have 10 shells each. A Replica launcher will have 2 decoys per launcher.

Auxiliary Craft
36 aircraft(Typically a mix of naval fighter craft and ASW VTOLs)
Popular aircraft types in GNE service include the Crusader-TW, Corsair-TW, SkyHawk-TW, SkyRaider, SkyShark, F-32 Avenger, Taon Fighter Pod, Vanstar COD aircraft, StarFire AWACS, Sea Sprite II LAMPS helicopter, Super Sea King ASW helicopter, and Naval Mohawk attack helicopter. Various RPVs, semi-autonomous drones, and captive/free-flying aerostat sensor platforms can also be carried.
Typically has a contingent of 8-12 power armors aboard to assist in self-defense and loading/refueling operations.
Typically 4-8 drone submersibles and 20-50 ABA units

There are no major variants of the Haven-class CVE, yet. The general purpose configuration of the class means that the function can be altered simply by changing the complement of aircraft carried; some Havens have been seen carrying aerostat surveillance/weapons platforms, or wholly ASW aircraft comlements.
The only major hardware variants seen thus far involve the replacement of the forward 5-inch gun with a heavy naval laser cannon;
Range: 9,000 ft
Damage:1d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO » ... SStLo.jpeg

take your pick enjoy

taalismn wrote:Paladin Steel Haven-class Escort Carrier

“We got three Horune raiders confirmed in this region, hitting coastal communities...and they show no signs of stopping...But they’re acting wiggy; smart-wiggy---rather than hit a town and then hit the one next to it after the neighbors have been warned, they’re hitting all over the place...over 300 miles of coast...To patrol that and intercept them before they strike again, the small PBs we got already down there won’t be enough; we’ll have to do it by air....The GNENSS Poqounok will be heading down there to back up the mosquito boats...She’s got a full air group of SkyRaiders and Taons...Hopefully, that will be enough, because we can’t spare much more.”

The expansion of Paladin Steel’s maritime interests and Greater New England’s own mercantile operations led to a serious need for warships and aircraft carriers to protect the growing merchant marine. With GNE prosperity had also come greater interest from both GNE’s traditional enemies(the Splugorth, the Coalition, etc...) and new ones(the Amazon Pirates, the Horune, the Naut’yll, etc...) meaning that Paladin Steel had to produce new ships, and FAST....
Originally, Paladin Steel had thought to copy what other maritime nations were doing; converting large merchantmen vessels into ‘baby flattops’, but Vernon Bach had reservations about the suitability of such vessels in modern combat. Another proposal was to simply recreate successful pre-Rifts escort carriers such as the World War Two-vintage ‘Casablanca’ class CVEs, upgraded with modern materials and weapons. Again, Paladin Steel engineers thought they could do better, while still being able to produce a cheap, economical design.
The answer was a compromise of sorts---the ‘Haven’-class CVEs, which were essentially scaled up versions of the new Ashaton multi-purpose vessels...extended frame trimaran vessels with high capacity and a high turn of speed, armed over the ‘Casablanca-II’ standard. The Havens add a trimaran design, increasing the beam of the vessels, but decreasing draught, and adding additional deck space and flight deck area. More advanced propulsion systems allow for greater speed, and the ships carry even more defensive armaments. The emphasis is to improve the survivability of the carrier platforms, through speed, armament, and armor.
If there’s a criticism of the Haven class, it’s that they’re merely a scale-up of the systems and philosophy of the earlier ‘Casablancas’, with little in the way of new thinking. As such, the Haven’s are considered to still be ‘light’ naval assets, working with litoral combat fleets and moving with flotillas of slower-moving craft. Still, they better than the conventional craft fielded by many other new emergent sea-nations, and serve as effective power-projection platforms.
Type: PS-CVE02 ‘Haven’
Class: Aircraft Carrier, Escort
Crew: 860+200 additional troops/passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 6,000
Bridge 900
Radio/Sensor Towers(2) 500 each
Flight Deck 1,700
Elevator Platforms(2) 700 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers(2) 200 each
L-Sam Launchers(2) 100 each
Laser Turrets(6) 150 each
5-inch Gun Turret(1) 100
40mm Gun Turrets(8) 80 each
20mm Guns(24) 60 each
Goal Keeper CIWS Turret(1) 80
‘Button Gun’ CIWS(6) 100 each

Height: 50 ft
Width: 125 ft
Length: 450 ft
Weight: 19,000 tons
Cargo: 3,500 tons
Powerplant:Nuclear Fusion w/ 25 year energy life
Speed: 30 knts
Market Cost: 72 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Warship Systems, plus:
*Radar---240 mile range and can simultaneously track up to 96 targets
*Sonar---32 mile range
*Search Lights(6)----9,000 ft range. IR and normal light.

*Lift Cranes----The Havens incorporate six lift cranes, each with with a lifting capability of 45 tons.

*Electromagnetic Aircraft Catapult Systems(3)---Replacing the old steam catapults, these more modern systems give fully-laden aircraft a boost off the flightdeck. Two forward and two lateral systems are mounted.

*Hull Degausser---This system can be used to periodically de-magnetize the hull, loosening the grip of magnetic-attachment limpet mines, and reducing the effectiveness of magnetically-triggered ocean mines in detecting the vessel and detonating.

*Closed-environment Life Support System---If necessary, the carriers can seal up, and recycle their air for up to a week.

*Desalination Gear---The carriers, in addition to having their own onboard fresh water supply, have a desalinator for producing fresh water from salt water.

*ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 55% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*ORACLE---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). PS hopes to upgrade the system to allow for over-the-horizon and remote-viewing advanced early warning capabilities. The ORACLE Mrk II is currently being retrofitted to most ships-of-the-line of the VFSN/GNEN.
Effective Range: 4,000 ft radius of detection.

Weapons Systems:
1) Medium Range Missile Launchers(2)---These are large box-style multi-purpose launchers, one forward and one aft, that can accommodate a variety of missiles and fire-missions, from anti-air to surface bombardment and ASROC munitions.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12
Payload: 12 missiles per launcher; additional missiles can be reloaded from storage(1 ton of cargo per 24 missiles)

2) L-SAM ‘Black Talon’ Launchers(2)---These are RAM(Rolling Airframe Missile) launchers for firing the super-accurate ‘super stinger’ L-SAM.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 24 per launcher
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again); additional missiles can be reloaded from storage(1 ton of cargo per 48 missiles)

3)Tri-Laser(PSMBL-3E) Turrets(6)---Adapted from the Glitterboy No. 7 of South America, these lasers provide a photonic air defense, especially when linked to advanced targeting systems similar to those on the regular PDS cannon.
Range: 8,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Radar Targeting Bonus: +3 to strike

4) 5-inch gun(1)---A single large caliber ballistic cannon, mainly used for engaging surface targets, but also capable of acting as an anti-aircraft weapon.
Range:17,575 yards* in a surface role, 37,200 feet in anti-aircraft mode
(RAP/Rocket-Assisted Projectile) 23,770 yards
(*Note: It would take over a minute for shot to hit the target at maximum range...est. 68 seconds)
(Fragmentation) 6d6 MD to a 35 ft radius
(High Explosive-Armor-Piercing) 1d6x10 MD to 12 ft blast radius
(Plasma)2d4x10 MD to a 30 ft blast radius
(Flare) Burns for 1d4 minutes, illuminating a 2,000 ft area
(Chaff Round)Spreads radar-disrupting chaff similar to Triax-type chaff
Rate of Fire: 3 rds per melee
Payload:Ready Magazine holds 180 rds.

5)40mm Rail Gun Turrets(PS-862 FC Interchangeable, Recoilless, Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon(TX-862FC))(16; 8x2)----Eight twin-gun turrets are arrayed around the ship for maximum coverage.
Weight:4.5 tons
Range:10,000 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD six-round burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:800 rds, 400 rds per cannon
Bonuses:Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +1 strike set on automatic against aerial attack, +2 strike fired by pilot

6) PS-OTO-CIWS Goalkeeper(1)
Though the PS couldn’t acquire the plans for the Coalition’s C90R CIWS, they did acquire a similar, if less powerful, system from their European contacts; a modernized upgrade of the OTO Melara Goalkeeper CIWS. The PS-OTO is intended for larger vessels, and is rarely effectively mounted on smaller vessels.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee
Payload: 12,000 rds per gun(200 bursts each)
Radar Targeting Bonus: +3 to strike

7)*PS-L-CIWS Vulcan Chain Gun(aka “Button Guns”)(6)---This installation, introduced on the Type 9 Battlemover, then adapted as an air defense weapon option for the VW Camper Gunship, has been adapted for shipboard use as PS’s standard light maritime weapons system. The system is a very compact and neat installation that takes up little space, and has been compared to the pre-Rifts Russian ADMG-630 30mm Gatling CIWS that saw extensive service aboard Russian warships. The PS-L-CIWS is often called the “Button Gun” because of its squat, flattened dome-like turret. Six of these weapons are mounted around the hull, and normally sit flush to the deck, concealed in their individual silos. When activated, however, they pop up and can engage aerial or surface targets with a deadly spray of projectile fire.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst(can only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, the “Button Gun” has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Payload:8,000 rd drum(200 bursts)

8)20-mm(PS Model-2N)(24)---These are individually-manned weapons on pedestal-mounts with gunshields
Range:7,200 ft
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PSX-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 1000 rd drum

9)ASW Projectors(6)---Two forward, two aft, two lateral. Rocket-propelled light depth charge launchers.
Range: 4,000 ft, 1,000 ft maximum depth
Damage: 7d6x5 MD to 50 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,4, 5, 8, or 16
Payload: LASRW-16: 16 rounds each launcher

10)Decoy Countermeasure Launchers:(6)------Paladin Steel has adopted a series of standard countermeasure packages for use aboard their vessels. Notably they have adapted the US Navy Mk 38 Rapid Bloom Off-Board Countermeasures(RBOC-2) launcher system and the Replica radar signature decoy system. The RBOC-2 fires rocket-mortar shells of flares and chaff up to 1.25 miles away, to heights of 3,000 ft(the better to fool missiles coming in over the horizon), and fires clouds of chaff from deck mortars at closer ranges to confuse other guided weapons).
The Replica system resembles a folded-liferaft capsule when in its launcher, but can be fired off up to 300 ft, and rapidly unfolds to become two linked floating radar and sonar reflectors that give the appearance of a much larger object, and hopefully divert enemy fire and attention away from the targeted vessel.
A variant on this system includes attaching active sonar decoys or “Screamers” to attract or confuse acoustic sensors and homing torpedoes.
The Havens have 4 RBOC mortar banks(2 forward, 2 rear), and 2 Replica System launchers on the forward deck(so it can launch decoys without endangering embarking/evacuating troops)
Range: The RBOC can toss decoy bundles 1.25 miles, and to an altitude of 3,000 ft
Damage: None. The RBOC is too inaccurate to be used as an effective weapon(oh, it could probably blow a person off the deck if they were standing too close, but that goes without saying) Effects are similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
(Flare/Chaff)Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Flare/Chaff launchers typically have 10 shells each. A Replica launcher will have 2 decoys per launcher.

Auxiliary Craft
36 aircraft(Typically a mix of naval fighter craft and ASW VTOLs)
Popular aircraft types in GNE service include the Crusader-TW, Corsair-TW, SkyHawk-TW, SkyRaider, SkyShark, F-32 Avenger, Taon Fighter Pod, Vanstar COD aircraft, StarFire AWACS, Sea Sprite II LAMPS helicopter, Super Sea King ASW helicopter, and Naval Mohawk attack helicopter. Various RPVs, semi-autonomous drones, and captive/free-flying aerostat sensor platforms can also be carried.
Typically has a contingent of 8-12 power armors aboard to assist in self-defense and loading/refueling operations.
Typically 4-8 drone submersibles and 20-50 ABA units

There are no major variants of the Haven-class CVE, yet. The general purpose configuration of the class means that the function can be altered simply by changing the complement of aircraft carried; some Havens have been seen carrying aerostat surveillance/weapons platforms, or wholly ASW aircraft comlements.
The only major hardware variants seen thus far involve the replacement of the forward 5-inch gun with a heavy naval laser cannon;
Range: 9,000 ft
Damage:1d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

taalismn wrote:Thanks...will be whomping up more as I look at older systems and see how they can be improved(so I'm re-inventing the same vehicle several times over), looking to address tactical and strategic needs(I find I'm short on large warships), and inventing wholly new major systems(taking a lot of suggestions and comments to heart)...

If your books donot have enough info for you try the site ZINO sited They even give you a source of hulls US Navy Ship Sinking Exercises (SINKEX). If Naval Museums and pre-Rift website data bricks did not have enough knowledge and research stored on them for you. Vehicle Cargo Ships - AKR would be a version of carrier that could be different.
Last edited by abtex on Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

For Abtex....

Paladin Steel ‘Cyberconda’ Flex-Bot
“Rumor has it a Tolkeenite Retribution Squad managed to get a crate of these things aboard some Coalition general’s DHT, and activated them when the Deadboys were traveling at altitude. Don’t know if there’s any truth there, but I DO know that some CS bigwig went down in the wastes, causing one helluva scramble all over the region...Of course, the CS ain’t saying anything, which itself speaks volumes.”

The ‘Cyberconda’ or ‘cybersnake’ is a small semi-autonomous robot based on cyborg tentacle technology(especially the linear truss and myomer technology of the PS ‘Flexman’ cyborg). Its long flexible body is packed with micro-muscle actuators and motors, allowing it to quietly slither along at a fair rapid speed. It can also raise roughly half of its body up from off the ground. The only real shortcoming of the Cyberconda is a limited power life; the lithe form of the robot is too small and narrow to accommodate a fusion or radioisotopic powerplant, forcing the engineers to use finite-charge power cells.
Cybercondas are typically used for infiltration, surveillance, search and rescue, and building/ship inspection, as their serpentine shapes and small sizes allow them to squirm through narrow openings and down air shafts and crannies larger beings cannot go. They are often used to pull fiber optic cables and flex-cables, making them invaluable for construction projects. Of course, it’s rumored that they’re a favorite tool of PS corporate ‘black ops’ teams and GNEAS Special Forces for infiltrating enemy facilities and assassinating enemy soldiers.
Type: PS-R-28 Cyberconda
Class: Unmanned Semi-Autonomous Utility Drone
Crew: None; semi-autonomous robot or remote control.
MDC/Armor By Location:
Main Body 40
Height: 6 inches
Width: 6 inches
Length: 10 ft
Weight: 6 lbs
Cargo: None
Powerplant: Electric Battery(good for 72 hours of continuous operation)
Speed: (Crawl)Can crawl along at Spd 10
(Climbing) Can climb at a skill equal to 75%
(Jumping)--The cybersnake can coil a part of its body and literally spring up in a jump; 6 ft up/across.
(Swim) Can serpentine along at Spd 12
Market Cost: 30,000 credits for the basic model, 90,000 credits for combat programming
Features of Note:
*Basic Robot Audio/Optics w/ Low-Lite, Infrared, and Passive Nightvision

Weapons Systems: None standard, and their size limits what the robots can carry. The Cyberconda has two slots in its head that can be fitted with the following:
a) Vibroblade Fang
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Cost: 3,000 credits
b) Drug Injector
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 SDC, plus chemical injection
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 doses
Cost: 3,000 credits
c) Drug Injector/Vibro-Stilleto---A hollow-bodied vibroblade for penetrating light armor and tough skin
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 MD, plus chemical injection
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 doses
Cost: 4,000 credits
d) Buzzsaw
Range: Melee. As a projectile, can reach up to 200 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD swipe/projectile throw, 5d6 MD full melee cut
Cost:6,000 credits each. New blades cost 300 credits each
e) Laser Torch---Copied from the cybernetic laser finger option. Powered by its own small power cell.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: 1d6 or 3d6 SDC
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 12 shots
Cost: 5,000 credits
f) Short Range Pulse Laser---Powered by its own small power cell.
Range: 300 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 6 shots; an additional 12 shots can be added if the other head slot is used for a power cell, or a mini-e-clip is incorporated into one of the body segments.
Cost: 20,000 credits
g) Microchip Tagger---This allows the cybersnake to bite a target and implant a small microchip. The microchip can be a tracer, biomonitor, surveillance device(or combination of all). Can carry up to 20 microchips ready to use in each slot
h) Chemical Sprayer---Can ‘spit’ a fine mist or stream of chemical compounds.
Range: 60 ft, point targeting or 5 ft area
Damage: Varies by chemical type
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 shot reservoir
Cost: 40,000 credits
i)Camera---Still photography optics with 50-shot high-res digital chip memory. Cost: 2,500 credits
j) Computer Jack---Cost: 2,400 credits
k) Tazer Bite---Save at 16 or better or be -6 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll, HALF speed and APMs, for 1d4+1 melee rounds, +1d4 if the ‘snake was able to bite soft tissues(like the neck, lips, back of the knee or inside of the elbow. Cost: 1,100 credits
l) Spotlight---Cost: credits
m)Micro-Grenade---One shot launcher; range of 100 ft and does 2d4 MD to a 10 ft area---Cost: 1,200 credits
Hand to Hand Combat:(* from combat programming)
Actions/Attacks per Melee: 2(*5 from combat programming)
Initiative: +1*
Strike: +2*
Parry: +2*
Dodge: +2*
Entangle: +3
Head Punch 1d6 SDC
Tail Slap 1d4 SDC
Navigation 80%
Climbing 75%
Spelunking 80%
Prowl 85%

*Molecular Pads---Allow the cybersnake to climb just about ANY surface without problem. Cost: 80,000 credits
*Disguise---The Cyberconda can be disguised with a false skin covering and sculpted features to resemble a real snake. Cost: 9,000 credits
*Thermal Sensors----3,000 ft range. Cost: 15,000 credits
*Tail Computer Jack---Cost: 2,400 credits
*Tail Vibroblade--- 1d8 MD. Cost: 7,000 credits
*Tail Stinger---Identical to the Bionic version. +1 to strike, +2 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, and 4d6 MD for an energized ‘sting’. Cost: 275,000 credits
*HoopSnake Conversion---This substantially modifies the Cyberconda to be able to stiffen its body into a hoop shape, and roll like a wheel, at a speed of 25. Cost: 20,000 credits
*Constrictor---Adds more myomer fibers and actuators to give the cybersnake the ability to SQUEEZE an entangled target. Equivalent Robotic P.S. of 28 for damage purposes; does 2d6 MD per melee of constriction . Cost: 25,000 credits
*Walking Stick Conversion---This modifies the cybersnake so its default form is that of an innocuous walking stick (at least as far as a snake-headed walking stick can look) or staff,shrinking the length down to 3-4 ft. Adds 10 MDC, and add +1d4 to Punch damage when fully extending from its collapsed state. ---Cost: 17,000 credits
*Cobra Hood---Builds in two extendable ‘flaps’ for a cobra aappearance. Added to the chemcial spraying option or other weapons system, they can be modified as part of a short range radar targeting system(+2 to strike) Cost: 800 credits for the cosmetic flaps, 18,000 credits for the microwave radar option
*Glide Option---Modifies the cybersnake so it can effectively flatten itself out and make controlled glides. The ‘snake, provided it jumps off from a high enough point, can glide between trees and buildings, and make glides from as high up as 2,000 ft. +1 to strike on a flying tackle. ---Cost: 20,000 credits
*Extensor---This adds extension sections that allow the cybersnake to stretch as much as an additional 6 ft. ---Cost: 8,000 credits
*Exploding Body Segments---The Cybersnake can be fitted with a false tail consisting of detachable explosive segments. The ‘snake can be fitted with up to 12 light explosive charges or 5 heavy explosive charges; light charges do 2d4 MD to a 10 ft area, heavy charges do 2d6 MD to a 20 ft area(or 6d6 MD to a 12 ft area for demolition charges). Can be laid as delayed-action/remote detonation mines, or can whip-thrown by tail action up to 40 ft away. Cost: 1,200 credits per light explosive, 2,000 credits for heavy explosives
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

Thanks for the snake.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

walking stick?

6 inches diameter, 10 feet tall, and you can disguise it as an innocuous walking stick? =P

(i think your size seems rather large for it's stated purpose, personally. i'd rather see something maybe a 3-5 feet long and a couple inches thick if it's supposed to be used for squeezing into really small areas. or maybe just include a smaller version or something).

personally, i could really see combining this thing with some wilk's laser technology (there's a welder or something like that in the main book that can do as much as 4d6 per attack with a range of about 10 feet, iirc, with excellent energy efficiency)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Shark_Force wrote:walking stick?

6 inches diameter, 10 feet tall, and you can disguise it as an innocuous walking stick? =P

(i think your size seems rather large for it's stated purpose, personally. i'd rather see something maybe a 3-5 feet long and a couple inches thick if it's supposed to be used for squeezing into really small areas. or maybe just include a smaller version or something).

personally, i could really see combining this thing with some wilk's laser technology (there's a welder or something like that in the main book that can do as much as 4d6 per attack with a range of about 10 feet, iirc, with excellent energy efficiency)

Okay...I'll shrink it down...and I'll look at the Wilks material....Thanks
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

oh, by the way, i just wanted to add... if i point things out about the stuff you design, i don't want you to feel like i don't like it... i'm just saying "i think it could be even more awesome if..." i have to admit, i enjoy seeing whatever new toy you come up with for us, and i just wanted to say that i do appreciate the work that goes into them. they are awesome, but i have an unfortunate tendency to nitpick excessively =S
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Shark_Force wrote:oh, by the way, i just wanted to add... if i point things out about the stuff you design, i don't want you to feel like i don't like it... i'm just saying "i think it could be even more awesome if..." i have to admit, i enjoy seeing whatever new toy you come up with for us, and i just wanted to say that i do appreciate the work that goes into them. they are awesome, but i have an unfortunate tendency to nitpick excessively =S

I consider it to be customer feedback....So far, I'm happy to point out, you haven't complained of one of my products accidentally killing you or your PCs/NPCs(unless that was your objective), so we must be doing something right... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS Salerno Landing Ship
“Coalition Merchant Marine...that’s a laugh if I ever heard one! I seen damn few ‘Coalition Merchant Marines’ who I’d call seaworthy...most of them are brown-water brown-noses who puke and run when they see blue water....let me tell ya......if you can get a crew of them Coalies to ship with me on the North Atlantic run, I’ll maybe change my mind about them....dodging ’ bergs, ‘bugs, and squall on the high seas, and running the guantlet of pirates and slavers close to shore...that’s what seamanship is about nowadays...”
----”Salty Sal” Donahue, Montreal Seaman

“I tell you this...what happened out there just goes to prove that the Quebecois are NOT to be trusted any more than the Coalition...’Defending their territorial waters’ my ass! We were steaming well clear of the Saint Lawrence and their pickets...if anything, we should have been expected the CSN to attack us! And that’s what we thought after that destroyer popped up flying the fleur and acting all peaceful like they weren’t going to bother us, especially after we flew our ‘neutral’ pendants...they KNEW we were Vermont Merchant Marine, and well outside their waters...but they started demanding we pull to and prepare to be boarded, then the damn Quees begin firing on our convoy without provocation! Blew the ‘Leeson’ out of the water, and would have done the same to the lot of us if we hadn’t had Salernos and started shooting back! They burnt the ‘Elmo’ after that, but they hadn’t reckoned on us having armor or guns big enough to shoot back....but even then the old ‘Timson’ came out looking like a stretch of chicken-wire...but I know we did some damage to them, as well! Enough that we managed to pull away and lose them in the ‘llses!
I don’t care what official policy is anymore! We stuck to ‘official policy’ last time and tried to avoid trouble and the damn FQN sank two boats, several million worth of trade goods, and over a hundred good folks out of spite! Next time I see a fleur or a skull on a ship, I sink the damn thing, if I gotta give up cargo space to mount the missiles to do it! “
----Seaman Tolber Redding, Merchant Marine Salerno Transport ‘Mary Timson’, during an official inquiry into the ‘Brunswick Incident’, 106 PA

The second of the original PS LST series, the Salerno, is a larger, heavier vessel, with both bow and stern ramp-hatches, allowing for roll-on/roll-off loading/unloading. From a distance, this vessel looks like a typical large freighter, but heavy gun armament and ramp landing capability allow it to get up close to shore and deliver a payload of troops and vehicles while defending itself or securing a beachhead. It also makes a decent merchant transport for moving heavy equipment, and defending itself on hostile shores.
The Salerno is produced in two separate versions; the first, the ‘A’ configuration, is intended for commercial sales and is made available to the public. The ‘B’ configuration is intended for Paladin Steel’s/GNE’s own military forces, and incorporates more advanced weapons and electronics systems. The ‘B’ configuration is also notable for being used on the transatlantic convoy routes to Europe and the Mediterranean as an armed merchanter, alongside ‘Liberty’ and ‘Victory’-class freighters.
Type: PS-LST-02A/B Salerno
Class: Landing Ship, Tank/Vehicle-Medium
Date of Introduction: 104 PA
Crew: 50+120 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 3,600
Bridge 300
Cranes(2) 100 each
Gun Turrets(2) 250 each
Secondary Weapons Turrets(4) 100 each
Cargo Doors/Ramps(2, fore and aft) 300 each
Height: 12 ft Draught
Width/Beam:50 ft
Length: 374 ft
Weight:4500 tons
Cargo:1,500 tons
Can typically carry a company of 12 heavy tanks, or 20 light vehicles(jeeps, light trucks, light tanks)
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel (4,000 mile range)or Nuclear(15 year energy life)
Speed:18 kts( 20 MPH)
Market Cost: 26 million credits
Systems of Note:
*Long Range Radar---100 miles
*Long Range Radio--- 100 mile range
*Sonar-------80 miles
*Limited Life Support---The main crew compartments can be sealed airtight and supplied with air conditioned tanked air for up to 48 hours, or filtered external air for 4 days.
*Forward and Aft Boarding Ramps
Weapons Systems:
1) Two Twin 37mm Cannon(1x2)---Mounted in a forward dual-cannon turret
Range: 10 miles
Damage: 2d4x10+10 MD to 10 ft blast radius per single shell
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: 80 rd magazine

2) PS-L-CIWS Vulcan Chain Guns(aka “Button Guns”)(4)---This installation has been adapted for shipboard use as PS’s standard light maritime PD weapons system. The system is a very compact and neat installation that takes up little space, and has been compared to the pre-Rifts Russian ADMG-630 30mm Gatling CIWS that saw extensive service aboard Russian warships. The PS-L-CIWS is often called the “Button Gun” because of its squat, flattened dome-like turret.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst(can only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, the “Button Gun” has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Payload:8,000 rd drum(200 bursts)

3)LASW Launchers(2 forward, 2 aft)---Rocket-propelled depth charge launchers.
Range: 4,000 ft, 1,000 ft maximum depth
Damage: 7d6x5 MD to 50 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,4, 5, 8, or 16
Payload: LASRW-5: 5 rounds
LASRW-8: 8 rounds
LASRW-16: 16 rounds
Cost: 80,000 credits for the launcher(81,000 credits for the LASRW-8 , 84,000 credits for the LASRW-16; price covers installation) 3,000 credits per shell

The official Paladin Steel variant is much more heavily armed and features the following:
MDC/Armor By Location:
Main Body 4,000
Bridge: 400
Forward Gun Turret 400
Systems of Note:
*Advanced Fire Control System---This advanced target acquisition and fire control system gives a +2 to Strike with ranged direct-fire weaponry. Furthermore, it can be tied in with the systems aboard other nearby ships(as in a convoy) allowing them to share targeting information, and an additional +1 to strike. Up to 12 ships can be tied into this system(more if a dedicated command/control vessel, such as a warship, acts as central coordinator). Commlink is by radio or direct laser link.
Weapons Systems:
1) Multi-weapons Turrets(2)---The ‘B’ configuration replaces the 37mm cannon turrets with specially modified Moljinar Battle Robot upper torsos. The arms have been replaced with heavy naval lasers. The torsos are mounted on waist-rotation systems, and retain their original fire control sensor suites and power plants, but are hooked into the ship’s power grid for additional power, and cooling.
Range: (Arm Lasers)6 miles
(Short-Range Missile Launcher)---Varies by Missile Type
Damage: (Arm Lasers)2d4x10 MD short burst, 3d4x10 MD heavy burst, 3d6x10 MD maximum burst---per arm
(Short-Range Missile Launcher)---Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Arm Lasers) 8 short bursts, 6 heavy bursts, or 4 maximum bursts per arm.
(Short-Range Missile Launcher) Volleys of 1,2, 3, 4, 6, or 12(all)
Payload: (Arm Lasers)Effectively Unlimited
(Short-Range Missile Launcher) 12 missiles
Bonuses: (From targeting computer and sensors) +4 to Strike

b)Short Range Missile Launchers(2, shoulders)---These are, aside from a different armored shutter system protecting them, identical in performance to the CR-10 system of the UAR-1
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Short Range Missiles)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type(Short Range Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 5 each shoulder, ten total

c) Shoulder Laser Turrets(2)---The mini-laser turrets of the original UAR-1 have been retained, but upgraded with an improved model based on the CR-4T laser turret, with a ball-mount styling.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast,6d6 MD dual blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Chest Turret(1)---Like the shoulder mounts, the chest turret has been modified to a modular system allowing for customization and field refits.
a2)Mini-Missile Launcher---Identical to the original CS system, but with slightly more ammunition capacity.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missiles)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 24
Cost: 400,000 credits

b2)Pulse Laser Turret
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10+10 MD for triple pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 30,000 credits

c2)Grenade Launcher---Though using a Wellington-derived warhead, the PS weapon is based on pre-Rifts designs, with a better overall range and indirect fire capabilities.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 12 ft blast area single shot, 1d6x10 MD to blast area of 20 ft per 5 shot burst
(Armor Piercing)1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast area single shot, 2d6x10 MD to blast area of 6 ft per 5 shot burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 50 shot magazine
Cost: 40,000 credits

d2)Plasma Cannon(1x2)---Twin plasma rifles
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 +10 MD double shot burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 50,000 credits

e2)Ion Cannon---A copy of the ion weapon in the M-90 “Beach Stormer”, samples of which were acquired by Paladin Steel West, though with slightly less damage due to differing production methods.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 +7 MD per energy burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 60,000 credits

2) L-SAM Launchers(2)---These are RAM(Rolling Airframe Missile) launchers for firing the super-accurate ‘super stinger’ L-SAM.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 12 per launcher
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again); additional missiles can be reloaded from storage(1 ton of cargo per 48 missiles)

3) Underwater Gun Turrets(2)---Comes with two retractable underwaterline turrets armed with either 30mm cannons firing supercavitating ammunition(2,000 ft range, 4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 100 rd drum ), or blue-green lasers(2,000 ft range, 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD pulse burst, unlimited payload).

4)Countermeasures:------Paladin Steel has adopted a series of standard countermeasure packages for use aboard their vessels. Notably they have adapted the US Navy Mk 38 Rapid Bloom Off-Board Countermeasures(RBOC-2) launcher system and the Replica radar signature decoy system. The RBOC-2 fires rocket-mortar shells of flares and chaff up to 1.25 miles away, to heights of 3,000 ft(the better to fool missiles coming in over the horizon), and fires clouds of chaff from deck mortars at closer ranges to confuse other guided weapons).
The Replica system resembles a folded-liferaft capsule when in its launcher, but can be fired off up to 300 ft, and rapidly unfolds to become two linked floating radar and sonar reflectors that give the appearance of a much larger object, and hopefully divert enemy fire and attention away from the targeted vessel.
A variant on this system includes attaching active sonar decoys or “Screamers” to attract or confuse acoustic sensors and homing torpedoes.
The Salerno has 1 RBOC mortar bank aft, and 2 Replica System launchers on the forward deck(so it can launch decoys without endangering embarking/evacuating troops)
Range: The RBOC can toss decoy bundles 1.25 miles, and to an altitude of 3,000 ft
Damage: None. The RBOC is too inaccurate to be used as an effective weapon(oh, it could probably blow a person off the deck if they were standing too close, but that goes without saying) Effects are similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
(Flare/Chaff)Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Flare/Chaff launchers typically have 10 shells each. A Replica launcher will have 2 decoys per launcher.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

I figure Abtex would kill me if I didn't share this website for futuristic/Golden Age concept vehicles....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

taalismn wrote:I figure Abtex would kill me if I didn't share this website for futuristic/Golden Age concept vehicles....

Just looked on it. It will do, for a life time or two. The site on the side may have some use as well. Look at tomorrow.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:I figure Abtex would kill me if I didn't share this website for futuristic/Golden Age concept vehicles....

Just looked on it. It will do, for a life time or two. The site on the side may have some use as well. Look at tomorrow.

How many lifetimes you got? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

is this pre rifts ?

taalismn wrote:PS Salerno Landing Ship
“Coalition Merchant Marine...that’s a laugh if I ever heard one! I seen damn few ‘Coalition Merchant Marines’ who I’d call seaworthy...most of them are brown-water brown-noses who puke and run when they see blue water....let me tell ya......if you can get a crew of them Coalies to ship with me on the North Atlantic run, I’ll maybe change my mind about them....dodging ’ bergs, ‘bugs, and squall on the high seas, and running the guantlet of pirates and slavers close to shore...that’s what seamanship is about nowadays...”
----”Salty Sal” Donahue, Montreal Seaman

“I tell you this...what happened out there just goes to prove that the Quebecois are NOT to be trusted any more than the Coalition...’Defending their territorial waters’ my ass! We were steaming well clear of the Saint Lawrence and their pickets...if anything, we should have been expected the CSN to attack us! And that’s what we thought after that destroyer popped up flying the fleur and acting all peaceful like they weren’t going to bother us, especially after we flew our ‘neutral’ pendants...they KNEW we were Vermont Merchant Marine, and well outside their waters...but they started demanding we pull to and prepare to be boarded, then the damn Quees begin firing on our convoy without provocation! Blew the ‘Leeson’ out of the water, and would have done the same to the lot of us if we hadn’t had Salernos and started shooting back! They burnt the ‘Elmo’ after that, but they hadn’t reckoned on us having armor or guns big enough to shoot back....but even then the old ‘Timson’ came out looking like a stretch of chicken-wire...but I know we did some damage to them, as well! Enough that we managed to pull away and lose them in the ‘llses!
I don’t care what official policy is anymore! We stuck to ‘official policy’ last time and tried to avoid trouble and the damn FQN sank two boats, several million worth of trade goods, and over a hundred good folks out of spite! Next time I see a fleur or a skull on a ship, I sink the damn thing, if I gotta give up cargo space to mount the missiles to do it! “
----Seaman Tolber Redding, Merchant Marine Salerno Transport ‘Mary Timson’, during an official inquiry into the ‘Brunswick Incident’, 106 PA

The second of the original PS LST series, the Salerno, is a larger, heavier vessel, with both bow and stern ramp-hatches, allowing for roll-on/roll-off loading/unloading. From a distance, this vessel looks like a typical large freighter, but heavy gun armament and ramp landing capability allow it to get up close to shore and deliver a payload of troops and vehicles while defending itself or securing a beachhead. It also makes a decent merchant transport for moving heavy equipment, and defending itself on hostile shores.
The Salerno is produced in two separate versions; the first, the ‘A’ configuration, is intended for commercial sales and is made available to the public. The ‘B’ configuration is intended for Paladin Steel’s/GNE’s own military forces, and incorporates more advanced weapons and electronics systems. The ‘B’ configuration is also notable for being used on the transatlantic convoy routes to Europe and the Mediterranean as an armed merchanter, alongside ‘Liberty’ and ‘Victory’-class freighters.
Type: PS-LST-02A/B Salerno
Class: Landing Ship, Tank/Vehicle-Medium
Date of Introduction: 104 PA
Crew: 50+120 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 3,600
Bridge 300
Cranes(2) 100 each
Gun Turrets(2) 250 each
Secondary Weapons Turrets(4) 100 each
Cargo Doors/Ramps(2, fore and aft) 300 each
Height: 12 ft Draught
Width/Beam:50 ft
Length: 374 ft
Weight:4500 tons
Cargo:1,500 tons
Can typically carry a company of 12 heavy tanks, or 20 light vehicles(jeeps, light trucks, light tanks)
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel (4,000 mile range)or Nuclear(15 year energy life)
Speed:18 kts( 20 MPH)
Market Cost: 26 million credits
Systems of Note:
*Long Range Radar---100 miles
*Long Range Radio--- 100 mile range
*Sonar-------80 miles
*Limited Life Support---The main crew compartments can be sealed airtight and supplied with air conditioned tanked air for up to 48 hours, or filtered external air for 4 days.
*Forward and Aft Boarding Ramps
Weapons Systems:
1) Two Twin 37mm Cannon(1x2)---Mounted in a forward dual-cannon turret
Range: 10 miles
Damage: 2d4x10+10 MD to 10 ft blast radius per single shell
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: 80 rd magazine

2) PS-L-CIWS Vulcan Chain Guns(aka “Button Guns”)(4)---This installation has been adapted for shipboard use as PS’s standard light maritime PD weapons system. The system is a very compact and neat installation that takes up little space, and has been compared to the pre-Rifts Russian ADMG-630 30mm Gatling CIWS that saw extensive service aboard Russian warships. The PS-L-CIWS is often called the “Button Gun” because of its squat, flattened dome-like turret.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst(can only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, the “Button Gun” has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Payload:8,000 rd drum(200 bursts)

3)LASW Launchers(2 forward, 2 aft)---Rocket-propelled depth charge launchers.
Range: 4,000 ft, 1,000 ft maximum depth
Damage: 7d6x5 MD to 50 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,4, 5, 8, or 16
Payload: LASRW-5: 5 rounds
LASRW-8: 8 rounds
LASRW-16: 16 rounds
Cost: 80,000 credits for the launcher(81,000 credits for the LASRW-8 , 84,000 credits for the LASRW-16; price covers installation) 3,000 credits per shell

The official Paladin Steel variant is much more heavily armed and features the following:
MDC/Armor By Location:
Main Body 4,000
Bridge: 400
Forward Gun Turret 400
Systems of Note:
*Advanced Fire Control System---This advanced target acquisition and fire control system gives a +2 to Strike with ranged direct-fire weaponry. Furthermore, it can be tied in with the systems aboard other nearby ships(as in a convoy) allowing them to share targeting information, and an additional +1 to strike. Up to 12 ships can be tied into this system(more if a dedicated command/control vessel, such as a warship, acts as central coordinator). Commlink is by radio or direct laser link.
Weapons Systems:
1) Multi-weapons Turrets(2)---The ‘B’ configuration replaces the 37mm cannon turrets with specially modified Moljinar Battle Robot upper torsos. The arms have been replaced with heavy naval lasers. The torsos are mounted on waist-rotation systems, and retain their original fire control sensor suites and power plants, but are hooked into the ship’s power grid for additional power, and cooling.
Range: (Arm Lasers)6 miles
(Short-Range Missile Launcher)---Varies by Missile Type
Damage: (Arm Lasers)2d4x10 MD short burst, 3d4x10 MD heavy burst, 3d6x10 MD maximum burst---per arm
(Short-Range Missile Launcher)---Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Arm Lasers) 8 short bursts, 6 heavy bursts, or 4 maximum bursts per arm.
(Short-Range Missile Launcher) Volleys of 1,2, 3, 4, 6, or 12(all)
Payload: (Arm Lasers)Effectively Unlimited
(Short-Range Missile Launcher) 12 missiles
Bonuses: (From targeting computer and sensors) +4 to Strike

b)Short Range Missile Launchers(2, shoulders)---These are, aside from a different armored shutter system protecting them, identical in performance to the CR-10 system of the UAR-1
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Short Range Missiles)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type(Short Range Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 5 each shoulder, ten total

c) Shoulder Laser Turrets(2)---The mini-laser turrets of the original UAR-1 have been retained, but upgraded with an improved model based on the CR-4T laser turret, with a ball-mount styling.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast,6d6 MD dual blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Chest Turret(1)---Like the shoulder mounts, the chest turret has been modified to a modular system allowing for customization and field refits.
a2)Mini-Missile Launcher---Identical to the original CS system, but with slightly more ammunition capacity.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missiles)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 24
Cost: 400,000 credits

b2)Pulse Laser Turret
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10+10 MD for triple pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 30,000 credits

c2)Grenade Launcher---Though using a Wellington-derived warhead, the PS weapon is based on pre-Rifts designs, with a better overall range and indirect fire capabilities.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 12 ft blast area single shot, 1d6x10 MD to blast area of 20 ft per 5 shot burst
(Armor Piercing)1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast area single shot, 2d6x10 MD to blast area of 6 ft per 5 shot burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 50 shot magazine
Cost: 40,000 credits

d2)Plasma Cannon(1x2)---Twin plasma rifles
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 +10 MD double shot burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 50,000 credits

e2)Ion Cannon---A copy of the ion weapon in the M-90 “Beach Stormer”, samples of which were acquired by Paladin Steel West, though with slightly less damage due to differing production methods.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 +7 MD per energy burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 60,000 credits

2) L-SAM Launchers(2)---These are RAM(Rolling Airframe Missile) launchers for firing the super-accurate ‘super stinger’ L-SAM.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 12 per launcher
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again); additional missiles can be reloaded from storage(1 ton of cargo per 48 missiles)

3) Underwater Gun Turrets(2)---Comes with two retractable underwaterline turrets armed with either 30mm cannons firing supercavitating ammunition(2,000 ft range, 4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 100 rd drum ), or blue-green lasers(2,000 ft range, 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD pulse burst, unlimited payload).

4)Countermeasures:------Paladin Steel has adopted a series of standard countermeasure packages for use aboard their vessels. Notably they have adapted the US Navy Mk 38 Rapid Bloom Off-Board Countermeasures(RBOC-2) launcher system and the Replica radar signature decoy system. The RBOC-2 fires rocket-mortar shells of flares and chaff up to 1.25 miles away, to heights of 3,000 ft(the better to fool missiles coming in over the horizon), and fires clouds of chaff from deck mortars at closer ranges to confuse other guided weapons).
The Replica system resembles a folded-liferaft capsule when in its launcher, but can be fired off up to 300 ft, and rapidly unfolds to become two linked floating radar and sonar reflectors that give the appearance of a much larger object, and hopefully divert enemy fire and attention away from the targeted vessel.
A variant on this system includes attaching active sonar decoys or “Screamers” to attract or confuse acoustic sensors and homing torpedoes.
The Salerno has 1 RBOC mortar bank aft, and 2 Replica System launchers on the forward deck(so it can launch decoys without endangering embarking/evacuating troops)
Range: The RBOC can toss decoy bundles 1.25 miles, and to an altitude of 3,000 ft
Damage: None. The RBOC is too inaccurate to be used as an effective weapon(oh, it could probably blow a person off the deck if they were standing too close, but that goes without saying) Effects are similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
(Flare/Chaff)Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Flare/Chaff launchers typically have 10 shells each. A Replica launcher will have 2 decoys per launcher.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel Kraken Deep Sea Robot
“First time I saw one of these things coming down on the worksite, I almost **** myself in my wetsuit..damn Kraken looked like a nest of snakes with two big bad glowing eyes behind, coming out of the darkness...”
----Vinci Kakatola, PS West Marine Engineering Division

“Is it my imagination, or are we settling lower in the water then we were a few minutes ago?”
---Observation by Captain Arthur Winslowe, Coalition Navy, Sabine River Expeditionary Taskforce 18

“See, the weak point of a ship is right where the engine shaft leads into the ship itself...cut a large enough hole in that, and you flood the whole engine room, maybe even get up the backup generators and wiring spaces! After all, they can’t waterproof EVERYTHING!”
---Commodore Matthew Ethan “Hands On” Thomas, briefing a cadet on the fine art of marine sabotage, from a Kraken Mini-Sub.

The Kraken is another seafaring robot design being produced by Paladin Steel out of the Paladin Steel West Shipyards. The Kraken is essentially a deep-sea mini-sub configured to look like a giant squid, complete with fully articulated tentacles. The Kraken is designed with exploration, construction and salvage work, and light combat in the depths of the ocean.
The Kraken, has befits its design inspiration, has a conical body, with two bulging pressure bubble ‘eyes’, each housing a gimbal-mounted crew station(each of which is configurable for controlling all ship functions, and can swivel to face any orientation), twin multi-directional nydrojets mounted on ‘flukes’, all joined to an thoraxic assembly mounting eight incredibly flexible bionic tentacles(ending in small, three-fingered, manipulators) and two longer tool arms ending in tool pods.
Unlike the Tarsis, the Kraken CANNOT come up on to dry land; it is limited to the water. It lacks legs or jet thrusters to carry it out of the water.
Because of the Kraken’s exotic design, it has raised more than its fair share of complaints about its quirks. Because it really doesn’t have a particular ‘orientation’(front/back), the swivel-cage crew ‘perches’ have struck many as unnecessarily complicated, despite their proven reliability. Some of this undeserved bad rep likely stems from early crew accidents with novice crew forgetting to lock their seats in a set position orientation, and spinning themselves during a manuever.
Another complaint is that the doubly redundant and separate crew compartments prohibit the crew from interacting with each other directly in the course of a mission. The initial response to this complaint was that the Kraken was designed for short duration missions of no more that two or three hours(during which hopefully no emergencies would arise), but as that has proven NOT to be the case in either event, PS has begun refitting Krakens with a small ‘crawl lock’ connector between the spheres for passing objects or evacuating the crew member from one sphere.
If the Kraken has any one outstanding problem, though, it’s that the mechanical tentacles, which use cyborg-style industrial-strength myomers to attain their remarkable flexibility, are far more prone to breakdown, and more difficult to service and replace than conventionally articulated robot limbs. Even the use of quick-swap snap-off plates allowing for the quick replacement of damaged or defective tentacles has done little to remedy this problem, as replacement parts must be readily at hand for the swap-out to be effective. Thus, buyers who cannot expect ready access to PS parts or servicing in the field tend to pass over the Kraken.
Rumors of a more heaily armored and armed stealth assault model of the Kraken, the so-called ‘Black Kraken’, continue to circulate, especially in connection with rumors of the super-secret ‘Abaddon’ deep-sea military complex. These rumors(of both) remain unsubstantiated.
Type: PS-DSV-06
Class: Deep Sea Utility Submersible
Date of Introduction: 108 PA
Crew: Two
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 300
Reinforced Crew Compartments(2) 100 each
Utility Tentacles(8) 90 each
Tool Arms(2) 100 each
Thruster Flukes(2) 60 each

Height:(Main Body) 7.5 ft
Width: 10 ft at flukes
Length:(Main Body) 15 ft, tentacles add 25 ft
Weight: 15 tons
Cargo:Small space in cabin for several survival packs and sidearms
Physical Strength:Equiv. to Robotic PS of 45
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 10 year energy life
Speed:(Underwater) 35 MPH, Maximum Depth: 2.5 miles
Market Cost: 9.5 million credits. Replacement arms cost 200,000 credits each
Systems of Note:
All standard Robot Systems, plus:
*High Powered Spotlights(200 ft range)
*Long Range Sonar--90 mile range
*Molecular Grippers---The eight utility arms and twin tool arms are fitted with special molecular adhesion grippers for latching onto ship hulls(be they wood or metal), debris, and wreckage.
*Tool Pods(2)---Each of the elongated arms ends in a large paddle-like swelling that holds a variety of special purpose tools.
a) Power Drill w/ Variable Heads----1d6 SDC to 4d6 MD
b) Laser Welder---(Contact, 1d4/1d6/4d6 MD)
c) Vibro-Cutter---4d6 MD
d) Power Wrench---High speed bolting/unscrewing.
e) Plasma Saw---6d6 MD
f) Mini-Optic---For looking into small opennings, and ‘periscoping’; identical
to standard optics
*Water-Jet Propulsion---The Kraken is actually quite quiet---passive sonar is -15% to detect the Kraken by its engine noise!

*Tow Line--In addition to the grasping tentacles, the Kraken can be fitted with tow chains that enable it to pull small craft and ‘egg chains’ of flotation pods.

Weapons Systems:
1)Mini-Torpedo Launcher---Mounted in the ‘head’
Range: 1 mile
Damage:(Plasma or HE) 1d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, 4, 6, or 8
Payload: 24 total

2)Mini-Blue Green Lasers(2)---Mounted beside each crew compartment. Each laser can be independenty operated/fired, or slaved together to fire in tandem
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 8d6 MD simultaneous blast from both cannon(counts as ONE attack)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Hand to Hand Combat
The Kraken is different from most ‘bots in that its combat functions can be shared out between the two crewmembers---typically the designated pilot handles the lasers and torpedo launcher, while the other one handles the tentacles.
Punch/Jab 2d4 MD
Whip/Slap 1d6 MD
Crush/Squeeze 5d6 MD per melee(takes ALL attacks of the operator)
Body Block/Ram 2d6 MD
Entangle---Using three or more tentacles, the Kraken can Entangle an opponent, effectively preventing them from moving...Beings with a Supernatural or Robotic Strength of 45 or better can attempt to break loose, rolling against the Kraken’s rolls to keep them entangled.
+1 attack per crewmember
+2 to Parry
+1 to Dodge
+1 to Entangle
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

wow... i am convinced the kraken deserves it's own robot combat:elite table :P i get the feeling it wasn't even remotely close to what was intended for the regular ones ^^
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:I figure Abtex would kill me if I didn't share this website for futuristic/Golden Age concept vehicles....

I have seen your site and raise you the following.


Car Body Design
New Designers
The last two have more pictures of your site's cars.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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ZINO wrote:is this pre rifts ?

taalismn wrote:PS Salerno Landing Ship

Real Salerno Landing Ship with pictures at the bottom.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Actually, I based the Salerno on Russian LSTs, but for a Robotech game, where I mounted a surplus Raidar X upper torso in place of the forward 37mm gun turret... :D

And I have in mind a Super Kraken based on the forward section of an SSN with HUGE tentacles trailing behind... :demon:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Housing for the Forest and The Jungle
Concept Car Resources
DO NOT press "concept cars", "strange vehicles" or "Things to do" You have been warned.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Slepnir’ Heavy Hover Carrier
“That’s Bordausten Maximum Security Correctional Facility down there....known otherwise to insiders as ‘Camp Bloodifun’...Our objective’s a simple one; we penetrate their defenses, break into the cell-block, find and extract the ONE innocent person in the whole place, WITHOUT releasing the REAL psychotic criminals in that place or the guards who let them run the place...Much as I’d love to let you go rock and roll on the whole corrupt enterprise, we’re cleared for maximum firepower ONLY on the motorpool and powergrid...I’d much rather prefer to get in and out without any of the admins down there knowing we were here until AFTER we’re crossed over the river-border and behind our own air-umbrella.”
“If they didn’t want max mayhem, why’d they assign two Slepnirs and a whole platoon then? We’re built for violence, not subtlety. ”

“You sure that coming in direct is such a good idea? I mean, I know we’re here to show these people our support, give them the good word thay ain’t alone, and scare their enemies with a little gunboat diplomacy, but landing a GunDaddy in their front yard...well, if I saw us coming in with our triple-fangers and all that up front, I’d be less inclined to see who’s visiting and more likely to bolt and run out the back door!”

The PS ‘Slepnir’ is similar to the PS ‘Clysdale’ in that it started out as a Paladin Steel engineering exercise in reverse engineering a Coalition vehicle design. In the case of the ‘Slepnir’, an effort to reconstruct and evaluate several Coalition State ‘Death Bringer’ transports salvaged from the Great Lakes and Free Quebec regions, ballooned into the development of a wholly new vehicle as PS engineers decided to improve on their findings, using more advanced technologies available to them. Whenever possible, PS attempted to use proven, off-the-shelf technologies they were already familiar with, rather than develop wholly new systems specifically for the Slepnir.
Externally, the Slepnir looks more streamlined, wider, and lower than its progenitor; while the doubled-’eyed’ windshields and shutters have been retained, the ‘grinning skull’ motif has been eliminated in favor of a more angular nose. The side hatches and deployment bays have been faired into the lines of the hull, eliminating shot-traps and air-catching cavities. Paladin Steel has replaced the original wholly directed-thrust lift system of the Death-Bringer with their GMR repulsion drives, and shaved off some of the armor(supplementing it with a forcefield generator), allowing for a faster vehicle with greater lift/altitude capability. Weapons configuration remains the same, but PS replaces all weapons with more powerful types, while the main turret has been replaced with a new design incorporating a mass-driver artillery piece and paired medium-range missile launchers. The auxiliary laser turrets have been replaced with more powerful heavy pulse lasers, and several arrays of light mini-missile/rocket-propelled grenade launchers have been added. To increase the vehicle’s chances of survival, several chaff/flare launchers have been added, a degree of sensor-stealth incorporated into the design(especially thermal baffling of thruster exhausts), and provision has been made for an internal Electronic Counter Measures station and dedicated EW officer. Overall, the Slepnir looks more like an oversized hover tank or a squashed-frame jet airliner with a turret mounted on its back, but its main role continues to be as a stand-off troop transport with the capability of providing its own artillery support to debarked troops.
The resulting vehicle is more expensive, per individual craft, than its CS counterpart, but PS argues that with its smaller military, the quality of the Slepnir outstrips the Death-Bringer.
The ‘Slepnir’ has thus far seen only limited deployment with the armed services of the GNE(which tends to prefer the faster ‘Condor’ and ‘Moth’ aerodynes for tactical airborne operations), but is seeing increasing usage in the Regular Army(as a heavy support vehicle), as well as with a number of GNE-affiliated free companies. GNE special operations and Paladin Steel corporate espionage units have also adopted the Slepnir, owing in part to its outward similarity, on long range and visual scan, to the original CS ‘Death Bringer’, allowing for ID confusion when infiltrating CS territories. Standard organizational doctrine for deployment is to group a Slepnir with two Bandersnatch grav-tanks, or pair two Slepnirs as conventional artillery support to two Megabago missile launcher carriers in a mobile battery.
Class: Medium Aerodyne Troop/Power Armor Transport
Crew: 8, +60-80 soldiers/passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 800
Forcefield 400
Main Turret 300
Auxiliary Laser Turrets(6) 80 each
Reinforced Crew Compartment 200
Height: 34 ft + turret adds 8 ft
Width: 38 ft
Length: 87 ft
Weight: 115 tons
Cargo: 20 ftx70 ft x20 ft cargo bay
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Flying) Hover to 450 MPH, maximum altitude of 10,000 ft
Market Cost: 110 million credits
Bonuses: Slightly more maneuverable than the CS version; +2 dodge at cruising speed, +3 dodge flying over 300 MPH
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:

*Stealth Systems---Thermal baffling and the use of radar-absorbant materials in the hull reduce the Slepnir’s chance of being spotted on long range sensors by -15%

*ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) when operating on automatic.
Having an Electronic Warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*Sensor Jamming---An active, manned system that gives a 30%+operator’s ECM bonus chance of jamming enemy radar, including radar guided munitions and missiles. Effective range of 25 miles.

Weapons Systems:
1)135 mm LB Massdriver Cannon(PS-MDJ135L)---This weapon is mounted in the large dorsal turret.
Weight: 25,000 lbs(12.5 tons)
Range:(Direct Fire) 40,000 ft(8 miles)
(Indirect Fire) 100,000 ft (20 miles)
Damage:High Explosive(HE)---- 2d6x10 MD to 50 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 4d6x10 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation---2d4x10 MD to 50 ft radius
Plasma----- 1d6x 40 MD to 50 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 5d6x10 MD out to 20,000 ft, 3d4x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: Three per melee
Payload: 120 rds

2) Medium Range Missile Launchers(2)---Mounted on either side of the redesigned nose are two semi-recessed MRM launchers, meant primarily for long range air defense.
Range:Varies by Missile Type(Medium Range)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Medium Range)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-2
Payload: 4 MRMs per launcher, 8 total

3) Heavy Pulse Laser Turrets(6; two forward, 2 lateral, 2 aft)---This is the PS-RFL-25, the so-called “Prosek’s Gift’ thanks to its being derived from a reverse-engineered Coalition weapon!
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage:2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Mini-Missile Launchers(4)----PS saw fit to mount several banks of mini-missile/rocket-propelled grenade launch tubes around the Slepnir. These are typically used to counter missiles, and clear landing areas with area-of-effect warheads such as fragmentation, smoke, or gas.
Range:Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Rate of Fire:Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 24 per launcher, 96 total

5) Flare/Chaff Launchers(3)---Standard PS countermeasures launchers.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 per launcher

Uncharacteristic of Paladin Steel vehicles, the Slepnir doesn’t come with a lot of options systems...mostly upgrades to sensors and ECM/ELINT avionics. Major option implementations are considered to be Variants.

Though very new to service, the Slepnir has already spawned a number of variant models, mainly testbed vehicles or specific free-company orders to machines assigned them.
*Black Sphinx HAPC---The free company Global Military Protection Service, for instance, has had their Slepnirs configured with additional sensor stealth armor(add +5% to evading sensor detection, so the total penalty for enemy sensors to spot it is -20%), and a rebuild of the prow into a stylized panther’s or lion’s head, to produce the Black Sphinx HAPC.

*GMRD-VTOL-ACT-25---A gunship model of the Slepnir, the GMRD-VTOL-ACT-25, replaces the troop capacity with several rapid-fire gatling-style rail guns operating out of the former troop bays.
*Forward Optics Turrets w/ Low-Light and Thermal Imaging Optics(effective range of 2,000 ft), Laser Targeting: 7000 ft, adds a +1 to strike with ranged weapons, and a laser designator for ‘painting’ targets for laser-guided smart weapons; 7 mile range, and gives laser-guided weapons a +2 to strike.

*EM/EW Radar Detection---Alerts the crew to the presence of hostile EM activity, such as targeting radars, and can be set to automatically fire flare/chaff countermeasure systems.

*Side-Scan Radar---Microwave radar system able to penetrate fog, smoke, and even forest canopy, to locate the hard shapes of enemy robots, power armor, vehicles, bunkers, and even hardshelled supernatural beings. 5 mile range, and gives a +3 to strike with long range weapons.
An advanced targeting computer attached to the radar can scan the readings and identify specific objects from a memory of 4,800 different object-profiles. The use of this system, gives the sensor operator a +15% to Read Sensory Instruments skill.

*Weapon Gyro Stabilization---Computerized servos and gyrostabilizers keep the weapons locked on target through violent pitches/yaws and vibration. (+3 to strike)

*Computerized Targeting: All the weapons can be directed to fire on individual targets, or can fire on one target(once per melee). +1 to strike on individual or synchronized firing.

*EMP Shielding --Standard

Total Bonus to Strike w/ All Weapons: (+8)
*100mm MB Massdriver Cannon(PS-MDJ100M).
Range: 27,000 ft (5.4 miles)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)---- 1d6x10 MD to 20 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 2d6 x10 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation--- 2d6x10 MD to 30 ft radius
Plasma-----3d6x10 MD to 35 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 4d6x10 MD out to 11,000 ft, 2d6x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: Four per melee
Payload: 80 shells

*Paladin Steel 20mm six-barrelled chainguns;
Range: 19,000 ft
Damage: 4d4 MD single shot (2 ft blast radius)
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst(5 ft bast radius)
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst (10 ft spray radius)
6d6x10 MD for a 40 rd burst(is -4 to strike targets smaller than 60 ft)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Each weapon is served by a 2,000 rd ammunition drum

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25L---Replaces the heavy cannon with a naval-scale heavy laser cannon; (9,000 ft range, 1d4x100 MD per shot, two shots per melee)

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25MLS---Replaces the heavy cannon with vertical missile cells for 20 long range missiles.

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25MEDEVAC----The GMRD-VTOL-CT-25MEDEVAC is a rescue craft with superior open-water amphibious handling characteristics, two large rescue winches over the side hatches, several large spotlights for illuminating the ground, and carries a fire-fighting water/extinguisher-chem system in place of the gun turret(800 ft range and 1,000 gallons of liquid in storage). It can accommodate 65 stretcher-borne patients and a staff of 20 medical/rescue staff.

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25ENG---Engineering variant. The 25ENG mounts a heavy crane in place of the main gun turret(45 ton lifting capacity when flying, 65 ton capacity when the vehicle is grounded), external drop racks for up to an additional 50 tons of engineering gear(fascines, girders, bridging elements, cable spools, etc), and its hoverjets are specially modified to be used as jet excavators. Hovering roughly 10-12 feet off the ground, the hoverjets can dig a 7-ft deep/15 ft wide trench in soil in about 30 seconds going full bore(sand in HALF that time, while thick clay-heavy soils will take 2-5 minutes). Typically carries a crew of engineers and complement of engineering power armors aboard.

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25ECOMCC---Modified Command and Control Vehicle, outfitted with enhanced communications and battlefield intelligence systems. In place of carried troops, the ECOMCC carries a 35 person command staff, and twenty-man security detail. The main turret has been replaced with a communications dome and retractable radio/radar ariels(including a 100-mile range radar set), and cargo capacity taken up by modular electronics(allowing for quick hardware upgrades).

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25RBT---This variant was created to study multi-mode propulsion configurations. It adds six massive folding robot legs(each leg has 120 MDC) in pods along the sides of the hover vehicle. When grounded, the Slepnir can rise up to 15 ft above the ground and stomp around at 35 MPH, kicks for 1d8 MD, and stomps for 2d6 MD.

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-ACT-25G---(aka ‘GunDaddy’)--- This model was developed to study the concept of a faster, meaner, assault platform that could challenge the effectiveness of tactical bombers and ground attack aircraft for sheer firepower. Rather than mount the twin laser cannons in front, the ACT-25G mounts two triple-barrel rotary 100mm cannons in fixed-forward firing position, two small point defense laser turrets are mounted on the rear fuselage, carries a forcefield generator(200 MDC) as standard, and has a beefed up engine capable to pushing the Slepnir at 500 MPH.
Weight: 125 tons
Weapons Systems:
1)Triple-barrel 100mm Rotary Cannon---An experiment in ‘BFG’ design, aimed at designing a weapon that could pump out as many large calibre shells as quickly as possible. The tri-barrel system mounts three massdriver cannons with a rotating ammo-feed system that relaods one cannon in each battery while one is firing, and the remaining barrel is recharging its capacitors. Aiming these fixed-mount weapons requires aiming the entire vehicle, and the recoil control systems and ammo feeds stretch all the way back into the troop compartments, reducing the troop capacity by 50%.
Range:(Direct Fire APFSDSDU) 27,000 ft (5.4 miles)
(Indirect Fire) 67,500 ft( 13.7 miles)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)---- 1d6x10 MD to 20 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 2d6 x10 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation--- 2d6x10 MD to 30 ft radius
Plasma-----3d6x10 MD to 35 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 4d6x10 MD out to 11,000 ft, 2d6x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: 12 shots per melee, per turret!
Payload:100 mm AP shell weighs 25 lbs( 80 shots per ton)
4 tons of shells carried

2) Point Defense Laser Turrets(2)
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 3D6 MD single blast, 6D6 MD double- barreled blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 7 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike airborne targets like missiles and aircraft/flying opponents(must be traveling higher than 10 ft off the ground)

*PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25HAZMAT-X----The GMRD-VTOL-CT-25HAZMAT-X is fitted for dealing with HAZMAT situations of a supernatural kind, such as PPE flareups and spontaneous Rifts. They typically carry crews of Horror-Hunters into combat, and can be distinguished by the many warding symbols and religious symbols painted on their hulls.
TW Systems:
*ORACLE---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). PS hopes to upgrade the system to allow for over-the-horizon and remote-viewing advanced early warning capabilities. The ORACLE Mrk II is currently being retrofitted to most ships-of-the-line of the VFSN/GNEN, and has been approved for service on some of the larger land/aircraft of the GNE.
Effective Range: 4,000 ft

*PPE Powerplants---The CT-25HAZMAT-X comes equipped with an onboard PPE ‘Powerstone’ generator/accumulator, Heavy Multiplexor in place of the main turret, PPE sensors, and multiple magic defenses.
PPE Capacity:(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
*Ley LIne Storm Protection System---Ley LIne Storms can be a real hazard to magic craft, so PS effectively fitted the CT-25HAZMAT-X with lightning rods and surge protectors, shielding the ships from damage by rampant PPE surges.
*Impervious to Energy( 5 minutes per 20 PPE)
*Protective Energy Field(50 MDC per 10 PPE, 10 minutes per 10 PPE)
*Globe of Daylight Sigils---What look like luminescent paint symbols on the sides of the vehicle are actually Globe of Daylight projectors; they light up a 120 ft area and burn for 30 minutes per 2 PPE pumped into them.
*Exorcism Purge System---This system is used to purge the interior of the ship from malicious entities that may seek to gain enterance. Acts equivalent to the SPELL exorcism, costs 30 PPE per activation, and the effects last 3 minutes.
*Expel Demons---Equivalent to the EPS; only it acts on lesser demons and supernatural creatures. Costs 35 PPE for 1d6 hours of (relative) peace and quiet.
*Multiplexor Turret---In addition to the self-defense spells, the Shadowfist also sports a combat Multiplexor Cannon in a smaller secondary turret, that can cast defensive and ranged spells. The Multiplexor Turret can hold up to SEVEN different Spellcards and resequence them within seconds, courtesy of an automated touch-pad selection system.
Range: Varies by spell
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. However, the use of focusing elements and activator spells effectively reduces spell PPE cost by HALF.
(So you Technowizards aren’t flummoxed by PPE costs in a long-running battle, while the still relatively high PPE costs for the high-end spells keeps someone from using Sphere of Annihilation in every battle).
Payload: Draws from the main PPE Battery, but can also draw upon the Tank’s own PPE reserves. In an emergency, the pilot, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE.
Bonuses: As per spell(if any)
Cost: Spell Cards cost (as per Jason Richards’ guidelines in Rifter #2) 5,000 credits per PPE cost of main spell plus an additional cost (as per following modifiers)
*500 credits per level of the creating caster(Mages’ time and PPE are money, so expect to pay more for the longer duration/higher power spells)
*Warlock spells cost 20% more, in addition to above modifiers, owing to the difficulties of adapting Elemental Magic to ‘conventional” magic systems.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Ziggurat the Eternal »

I like the flying MARV GunDaddy.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I like the flying MARV GunDaddy.

Yep...when you absolutely, positively need to cut down an urban skyline or shorten a ridge..... :demon:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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one word NICE!!!!!!! i am humble by your work !!!!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Incredibly powerful spudguns That poor cardoor and even a kitchen sink :shock: in the video.

PS Green Weapons. Do we need to fear the new or the old ones in the closet's weapons from PS Weaponry sections.

Self recharging JATO bottles, second hand MDC material being used for housing, and the mix of veggie payloads or sporting goods [golfballs]. Yes, I know that Spudguns do not use compressed air today.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

(thanks to Raven for his KeraTech weaponry)

Paladin Steel Yellowjacket Light GMR Aerodyne
(aka ‘Cayuse III’)

“Damn thing looks like a big flying glass cyberoptic, or a giant metal insect with bug eyes, maneuvers like a mosquito and is just as annoying, flies like a subsonic spitball, and bites like a giant horsefly----”
----Captain Winletti Scott, 75th Free Washington Air National Guard Squadron(Rotorcraft)

“Air Cav just loves these things....Ever watch a squadron fly into battle? You got maybe six-seven of these things dripping with guns, a coupla full conversion cyborgs standing ape off the side skids, a half-dozen flying cyborgs flying escort, a pack of Fury armors flying overwatch, jetpacking infantry hauling up behind, and a coupla Wasps or Moths bringing up the ass-end...Makes me want to start playing ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ for some reason....”
----Colonel Patrick McClenehan, Sixth Army Air Cavalry, Greater New England Regular Army

“We typically fly the Yellowjacket in squadron strength with Pikemen jetpackers....sort of an ariel ‘hunter and hounds’ formation....The Pikes can follow perps into alleyways and smoke them out, or else the bad guys step out into the open to take a shot at the ‘armors...either way, at that point, we OWN them...Gang incidents typically don’t last more than a half hour in this town, that way.”
-----Lieutenant Mallory Fitzmann, New Boston Arcology Police (Air Support Division)

“Despite its name, the Yellowjacket’s almost soundless with the sonic baffling packed around its lift coils...That makes it just perfect for creeping up on targets, be they monsters, enemy infilitrators, or common crooks on the street; the fact that the GMR drive allows the ride to belly-up to buildings and the like, without anyone inside being any the wiser, is icing on the cake....The boys and girls in TacSec claim they can sit right outside a perp’s windowsill and listen in on his conversation with ears only for hours, then slide over into view and jacklight him with the undercarriage spots and the red dot sights when they’ve got enough of his self-confession on tape....Soldiers are usually smarter than the average crook, but I’ve heard similar stories from Ranger teams who have hidden in the tree branches at night, and listened to opposition forces walking around underneath them in the dark....”
---Captain Cheney Bozmann, Greater New England Air National Guard

The Yellowjacket is Paladin Steel’s latest offering in the field of Gravi-Magnetic Resist vehicles, using their own cruder, more limited, but much less expensive, form of contra-gravity propulsion. The Yellowjacket is intended to supplant, if not replace altogether, the aging GyreFalcon fighters, with a more versatile aircraft, using more advanced technology.
Structurally, the Yellowjacket is surprisingly simple, as it looks very much like a pre-Rifts Hughes OH-6A Cayuse/Model 500 Defender light helicopter with NOTAR modification; a bulbous pod-like main body, slender trailing tail, and fixed skid landing gear, but the rotor blades have been shorn away and replaced with a more compact and less vulnerable jet engine assembly and GMR lift coil. The lack of a large rotary moving part component, and its replacement by a more powerful GMR drive system means that the Yellowjacket doesn’t have to worry about fouling in trees or power lines, hanging up in negative-gee maneuvering, and can now perform with incredible agility and response time.
Though not as heavily armored or armed as a Mohawk, the Yellowjacket is not to be underestimated; its speed and agility make it a surprisingly difficult target to hit, when it is piloted by a competent pilot, and its weapons fitouts are surprisingly powerful. Though larger than a Skycycle, its larger size and ability to carry passengers, means that it can be used in a wider range of mission profiles, including commando operations, Search and Rescue, customs inspection, highway patrol, medevac, and aerial surveillance. With its GMR drive system, it can float silently in the worst of weather conditions, making it ideal for ambushes, covert surveillance, special operations insertion/recovery, and urban patrol.
Military Yellowjackets are often grouped with the Mohawk, with two Yellowjackets carrying a recon squad accompanied by a Mohawk carrying power armors. With the troops dismounted, the Yellowjackets can move ahead, assisted by their EW suites to act as scouts, calling in the heavier Mohawk for support if they encounter opposition, while on the ground, the power armors act as heavy fire support to the infantry.

Since its introduction in 110 P.A., the Yellowjacket has caught on like wildfire with GNE military and security forces. As PS makes their GMR technology vehicles available to the market, it is expected that the Yellowjacket will eventually be offered to other customers as well.
The Yellowjacket has already been blooded in combat against Coalition forces on the uneasy Kingsdale border war; GNE-affiliated forces were able to claim several SAMAS kills, proving the speed and agility of the Yellowjacket, especially in the hands of a pilot who can use the capabilities of the machine to creative advantage. Coalition SAMAS pilots, in return, have learned not to tackle the aerodynes unless they have a three-to-one advantage in numbers(on the basis that a standard war-loaded Yellowjacket will attempt to engage one attacker with guns and the other with a missile volley). The ‘Jacket has also faired well on the Eastern Seaboard against Kittani HoverPods.

Class: Gravi-Magnetic-Resist Light Aerodyne Multiple-Purpose Vehicle
Date of Introduction: 110 P.A.
Crew: One, plus 1-4 passengers. A sixth person can be squeezed in between the three in back, but conditions will be cramped.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 220
Reinforced Crew Compartment 60
Jet Thrusters(2) 40 each
Sensor Mast 30
Landing Skids(2) 12 each
Length: 23 ft
Height: 9 ft (12 ft with sensor mast deployed)
Width: 8 ft
Weight: 3,500 lbs
Cargo: Up to 1,000 lbs of gear if not carrying passengers
Powerplant: Nuclear fusion w/ 15 year energy life
Speed: 180 MPH cruising, 400 MPH maximum, 550 MPH with booster jets engaged(can maintain boost for up to 15 minutes before needing to drop to cruising for 30 minutes to cool the jets down).
Maximum altitude of 17,000 ft
Bonuses: Elite Pilots and Aces get +1 to initiative and +2 to Dodge when piloting one of these vehicles.
Market Cost: 4 million credits
Systems of Note:
All standard Power Armor features, plus:
*Remote Control Directable Search/Spotlight
*External Loudspeaker
*Top-Mounted Sensor Mast---This is a combined optics/radar sensor that extends up some 6 ft from the roof of the aerodyne, and allows the vehicle to hide behind cover(terrain, treeline, billboards, buildings, etc) much as a tank in ‘hull down’ posture, while still being able to watch the surrounding landscape. A must for anti-armor ambush units, as previous experience with rotorcraft have shown that searching ATW’copters, silhouetted against open sky, make excellent targets for anti-aircraft fire.
Weapons Systems:
1)(Optional) Side Hardpoints(2)---The Yellowjacket has two optional lateral hardpoints that can be fitted with weapons modules or weapons pylons. Each Hardpoint can be fitted with ONE of the following:
a) Micro-Missile Launcher(25 shot micro-missile launcher using Paladin Steel micro-missiles/rocket-propelled grenades)
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expediture of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 25-shot box cassette
Cost: 10,000 credits
Pattern-1A 25 credits per McM
Pattern-1B 32 credits per McM
Pattern-1C 60 credits per McM
Pattern-1D 95 credits per McM
Pattern-1E 220 credits per McM

b) Mini-Missile Launcher(19-shot missile pod)----The main advantage this weapon has over the larger-payload PT-M20(described later) is its cost and higher rate of selective volley fire.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-19(all)
Cost: 20,000 Credits(Missiles cost extra)

c) Short Range Missile Launcher(4 per hardpoint)
Cost: 20,000 Credits(Missiles cost extra)

d) Medium Range Missile Launcher(1 per hardpoint)
Cost: 20,000 Credits(Missiles cost extra)

e) Albatross IV/Shrike III---A ‘brilliant’ anti-aircraft missile, licensed from the New Roman Republic.
Range: 75 miles
Damage: 2d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volley of 1
Payload: 1 per hardpoint
Bonus: +4 to strike
Cost: 60,000 credits. 10,000 credits per missile.

f) Heavy Hitter Anti-Armor Missiles---Laser-guided anti-armor missiles
Range: 1 mile(5,000 ft)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,or 4
Payload: 4 shot pod per hardpoint
Bonus: +5 to strike ground targets(Aircraft are only +2 to strike)
Cost: 20,000 credits. 6,000 credits per missile

g) PS ‘Black Talon’ Light SAMs---PS’s ‘brilliant’ mini-missile.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 4
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again)
Cost: 60 ,000 credits per launcher, 10,000 credits per missile

h) PS PTT-M20B Missile Rifle/Pod---Rather than carry a standard aviation-style missile pod, this box-style ‘missile rifle’ can be carried instead. An extremely popular CS knockoff, especially among pilots who plan on going up against flights of SAMAS, or other aircraft. The range and additional laser targeting system for the mini-missiles makes it a more effective and attractive weapon for use against hard to hit power armors or aircraft, but it is still popular against armor. Otherwise it is the same, right down to the laser and the pistol handgrips, and has the advantage of being able to be detached from the Yellowjacket’s undercarriage and being used by power armor, cyborgs, and exceptionally strong beings.
Weight: 110 lbs fully loaded. 80 lbs empty
MDC: 100
Range: (Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type,
(Laser)2000 feet
Damage: (Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
(Laser) 2d6 MDC per shot
Rate of Fire: (Mini-Missiles)Volleys of 1, 2, or 4 for the missiles,
(Laser) Single shots (EGCHH)with laser.
Payload: (Mini-Missiles)20 missiles total (10 per tube),
(Laser) Effectively unlimited shots when attached to a vehicle
Bonuses: +1 to strike from laser targeting
Cost: 70,000 Cr

i) PS GL-20 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher: This is the popular knockoff of the WI-GL20.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius. AP rounds do 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius, and Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius. A 3-round burst of frag shells does 1d4x10 to a 15-foot radius, a burst of 3 AP shells does 2d4x10 to a 5-foot radius, and a burst of 3 plasma shells does 3d4x10 to an 8-foot blast radius A 5-round burst of frag shells does 1d6x10 to a 20-foot radius, a burst of 5 AP shells does 2d6x10 to a 6-foot area, and a burst of 5-plasma shells does 3d6x10 to a 10-foot radius. A 10-round burst of frag shells does 2d6x10 to a 40-foot radius. A 10-round AP burst does 3d6x10 to an 8-foot area, and a 10-round plasma burst does 4d6x10+10 to a 15-foot radius!!
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 150 round drum clip.
Cost: 150,000 cr Frag Grenades cost 300 cr each, AP cost 400, and Plasma cost 500. Empty drum clips cost 200, empty short clips cost 100. PS offers special deals on buying fully loaded clips. A fully loaded Frag clip cots 30,500, a fully loaded AP clip costs 40,500, a fully loaded Plasma clip costs 50,500. (Short clips cost 12,500 for frag, 16,500 for AP, and 20,500 for plasma) costs include rounds, clip and a nominal loading fee, but it's still about a 20-25% discount.

j) PS-XMG Gatling Cannon----A six-barreled gatling cannon, firing a modified WI-23 5.56mm Explosive cartridge. The PS Gatlings trade damage potential per individual round for burst capability and better range using the better cartridge propellants and longer barrels. Mechanical design modeled after the pre-Rifts XM-214 ‘Six-Pak’ Mini-Gun. Excellent range, but low damage, and a tendency to empty the ammo drum, and wear out the barrels, too quickly in heated combat.
For monster hunting, this weapon can also be used to fire silver-plated bullets, each doing HP to vampires and werebeings.
Range: 13,000 ft
Damage:(5.56mm Explosive) 2d4x10 SDC SDC per single shot, 1d6 MD per 10-shot burst, 2d6 MD per 20-shot burst, and 1d6x10 MD per 100-shot burst(counts as TWO attacks),
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 40,000 rd(400 bursts) drum standard

k) 12.7mm Rapid Fire Gatling Cannon(2)--- Rapid-fire multi-barrel railguns, the same as installed on PS’s PSA-12 power armors. These weapons have an advantage over the lasers in that they deliver more kinetic punch, and thus are more effective against targets that are resistant to energy weapons.
Range:4000 ft
Damage:1d6x10 MD per 40 rd burst
2d6x10 MD for a simultaneous double burst from both guns.
Rate of Fire:EPCHH. Can only fire bursts.
Payload: 2,400 rds per gun(80 bursts)

l) Light Autocannon---The 20mm Taskin Rifle, mounted in a vehicle pod
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD single shot
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
(Super-HEX) 4d4 MD single shot
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
(Wood Rounds) 6d6 SDC single shot (1d4x10 HP to vampires)
2d4x10 SDC MD per 5 rd burst (2d4x10 HP to vampires)
6d6 MD per 10 rd burst (3d6x10 HP to vampires)
(Crowd Control rds)humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload:500 rd magazine
Cost: 20,000 credits

m) 30mm AutoCannon
Range: 9,500 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 5d6x10 MD for a 5-rd burst!
Rate of Fire: Single shot ,two-round, or five-round burst
Payload: 150 rds
Cost: 100,000 credits

n) Light Gunpod----Light Rail Gun---A copy of the Coalition’s own C-200 ‘Dead Man’ rail gun.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:400 rd drum(20 bursts)

o)IH-100 Rail Gun (PS-100)
Weight: 300 lbs
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:12,000 rd drum(200 bursts)
Cost: 80,000 credits

p)KTH-65 32mm Assault Rail Gun (Raven)(2, Sponson-mounted)----Designed with the needs of a heavy infantry squad in mind, Kera-Tech Industries developed the KTH-65 for long range combat in both atmosphere and in space. the KTH-65 can penetrate most any known armour with ease with a high-velocity burst. With the enhanced capability of variable rounds, numerous different combat roles can be filled by the KTH-65. The weapon is also manufactured under license by Paladin Steel on the East Coast.
Range: 5,500 ft
Damage: Varies by shell type
Shell Types:
APFS-DU (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized, Depleted Uranium) - 5D6x10, no
blast radius
HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) - 5D6 MD plus 5D6 SDC to the person(s) inside the object.
HE (High Explosive) 1D6x10 to a 5 (16ft) radius
HEG (High Explosive, Guided) - 2D6x10 to a 2m (7ft) radius
Rate of Fire: single shots, ECHH
Payload: 60 rds each

q)PS XL-16-PM Heavy Shoulder Mount Pulse Laser: Similar to the JA-12 Juicer Assassin's Rifle, or the Wilk's 457 pulse rifle, it is tied into the aerodyne’s internal power supplies and targeting controls.
Range: 4000 feet
Damage: 4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Unlimited
Cost: 60,000 cr

r)Magnetic Anomaly Detector(MAD) ‘Badmitten Bird’ Sensor----The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy

s) Stretcher Pod----Alternatively, the hardpoint can carry an external armored stretcher pod for transporting isck or injured personnel---Each stretcher pod has 120 MDC and remote link patient monitoring.

2)(Optional) Bottom Hardpoint---The bottom of the main fuselage can be fitted with a single large Hardpoint that can accommodate ONE of the following:
a)Mini-Missile Launcher Pod(18 missiles)
b) Short Range Missiles(6 missiles)
c) Medium Range Missiles(2 missiles)
d) Two Medium-Range Torpedoes
e) ONE Heavy Torpedo

f) Laser Turret
Range:4000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per dual blast
Rate of Fire: Six times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

g)Dual Barrel Light Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per single blast, 2d4x10 MD per dual blast
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload:Effectively Unlimited

h)Sprayer Pod---This liquid storage pod deploys two diffusers from the back to spray chemicals from the back. This is typically used to control agricultural pests(if the infestation is too great, the ‘copter crew typically fires the affected field), crowd control, firefighting, or other vermin management roles.
Range: Depending on wind and altitude, the helicopter can spray a 100 foot wide swath at maximum dispersal.
Damage: Varies by chemical type. If using water, typically does 4d6 HP to vampires(‘Bless the tank, Holy Father!”).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 gallons
Cost: 10,000 credits

i)ECM/Radar Jammer Pod---5 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover). Carrying extra jammer pods does NOT increase the range or effective bonuses of the system, but may provide redundancy and multi-wavelength coverage.
Cost:50,000 credits

3)Chaff/Flare Countermeasures Launcher
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is nuetralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fy into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 10 per launcher

*Nose-Mounted Sensor Turret ----Adds a dedicated sensor turret with the following:
*Telescopic Optics
*Enhanced Thermo-imaging/Nightvision
*Laser Targeting
*Parabolic Microphone
*Laser Illuminator---’Paints’ targets for attack with laser-guided weaponry. Effective range of 3 miles.
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Nose-Mounted Extended Range Search Radar---Intended for naval aircraft, this look-down radar has enhanced software for differentiating between possible targets and surface clutter. Effective range of 50 miles
Cost: 100,000 credits

*Chin-Mounted Turret----Chin-mounted weapons turret, typically used to hold a light machine gun, light pulse laser(or other energy weapon), or automatic grenade launcher(with 60 rounds)
Cost: 90,000 credits

*IR Stealthing---Reduces the overall thermal signature of the machine by 50%.
Cost: 300,000 credits

*Police Sensor Package----A sensor suite configured with security force requirements in mind. Includes:
*Remote Control Spotlights(1-2)
*Nose-Mounted Microwave Radar----A directional high-definition microwave radar assembly that can be directed to scan a specific area and produce high-detail imaging. This system can look through light walls and clothing(including plastic MDC armor), and pick up details as fine as a zipper’s teeth....Typically used for cheacking out suspects for concealed weapons. Effective range of 300 ft, and scans an area of 12 square ft at once. Includes accompanying A.I. pattern-recognition software to assist in interpreting scan data for specific details/paramters.
*PPE Sensor---SNARLS derivation system with a range of 2000 ft
*Directional Microphone----Can pick up and amplify conversations from up to 500 ft away
* Sonar System: Sensitive enough to give a detailed analysis of the inside of a car's trunk. Can penetrate up to 6 inches of steel, or 1 foot of concrete, from up to 80 ft away. Subject to GM's discretion.
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Yellowjacket LAMPV-17C
One major variant of the Yellowjacket has been tested, though it has yet to reach approval for production. The variant sacrifices almost all of the design’s armaments for cargo capacity. The LAMPV-17C replaces the bottom hardpoint and the rear passenger compartment with a dedicated cargo bay and bottom-opening hatch. The side pylons are also removed to allow for rapid-access doors in the cargo bay. The LAMPV is based on the pre-Rifts US Army LAMV concept; a small tactical transport that can carry a ton of palleted supplies for immediate squad and company-level logistical support. The LAMPV-17C can land or hover to discharge its cargo manually, or it can drop the entire pallet via radio-controlled parasail parachute deployment. The removal of passenger-capacity and armament, however, has already drawn criticism of the LAMPV-17C, especially with the smaller and robotic MULE-series drones already available.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘SkyLift’ Aerial Crane
(aka ‘MightyMite’, ‘Norelcopter’, ‘Bootstrappa’, ‘Buzzlifta’)
“Lemme get this straight....We’re going to launch a SkyLift to intercept this Otomo bigwig’s motorcade as it drives along the coast during the night, get the drone over his armored limo, use an electromagnet lowered under the drone to pick up and lift his car off the road, fly it out over the water to where our people are waiting, drop aforementioned car into the water, where the Squids bust open the car, extract the slave girl we’re supposed to be rescuing, get her back to our waiting stealth submarine and slip away, leaving the bigwig and his entourage to sink or swim. Meanwhile, the ‘lifter flies off on a decoy pattern, before it self-destructs from all the fusion blocks you’ve planted on it. Did I miss anything?”
“No, that’s how it’s going to go down.”
“Excuse me if I’m not oozing with confidence about a plan that seems curiously based on that old pre-Rifts movie I just KNOW you saw a month ago...”

Sometimes a work crew can’t get a heavy lifting crane into place at a worksite, and heavy lift aircraft just aren’t available, necessary, or viable under certain circumstances. When that happens, PS engineers can turn to the SkyLift, an unmanned drone vehicle that can lift a surprising amount of weight for its size.
The SkyLift consists of three high-performance electrically-powered ducted fans(based on the familiar and reliable PS-TF-32 engine, already known from the popular GyreFalcon tilt-engine light fighter) held in a triangular formation in an outer frame, fitted with batteries, command-and-control communications gear, navigation aides, and control surfaces, The SkyLift flies by brute-force directed thrust, with control surfaces in the duct exhausts directing the airflow to move the contraption along in a given direction. The RPV is electrically-powered, drawing power from a high-capacity battery that can be recharged from a nuclear power plant, conventional generator, or super-solar array(PS is also looking at directionally beamed microwave power transmission systems as another option). The SkyLift is unmanned, being controlled remotely by radio or, in some cases, a fiber optic hardline(a set of manual controls and a small seat with basic instruments is included on the topside of the vehicle for hovering the RPV during ground maintenance, but manned operations are NOT advised). The SkyLift also incorporates a low-level AI drone intelligence; enough to allow it to fly preprogrammed courses and follow simple directions, flying between navigational beacons.
In operation, the SkyLift acts like a heavy lift helicopter, lifting and carrying large payloads slung underneath it from its four cable grapples. In this capacity, SkyLifts are used in high-rise construction, ship/shore loading/unloading operations, cargo transport, vehicular recovery, and firefighting(carrying waterbags underneath). They are also occasionally used in rescue operations(carrying firefighting equipment and rescue platforms up the sides of burning structures, or lifting rescuees off the tops of flooded or burning buildings).
SkyLifts are not designed for combat, and are completely unarmed, although they are armored against small arms fire. Though not combat vehicles, they frequently see their share of battle, as combat engineers frequently use the unmanned, and thus considered expendable, aerial craft to assist in bridging operations, resupply, and fortification efforts, often under fire. Occasionally, clever(or desperate) soldiers have used the SkyLift to carry aloft radar surveillance gear, decoys, or explosive/incendiary payloads.
Type: PS-UtUAV-17
Class: Unmanned Aerial Utility Drone
Crew: None; remote-piloted vehicle
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 100
Height: 6.5 ft
Width: 13 ft
Length: 13 ft
Weight: 1.9 tons
Cargo: Can lift up to 10 tons of cargo slung underneath it.
Powerplant: Electric w/ 72 hour rechargeable battery
Speed: 65 MPH, maximum altitude of 8,000 ft
Market Cost: 190,000 credits
Systems of Note:
*Basic Robot Optics
*Automatic Gyrostabilization----Allows for autopilot stability and smooth level flying under harsh wind conditions and updraft situations.
*Cable Grapples(4, one from each side and one center mount)----30 ft of cable
*Running Lights
Weapons Systems: None
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Arnie100 »

You need an artist, taalismn! Seriously!
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Arnie100 wrote:You need an artist, taalismn! Seriously!

the rate he goes, he probably needs more than 1 ;)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Shark_Force wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:You need an artist, taalismn! Seriously!

the rate he goes, he probably needs more than 1 ;)

Thanks..>i'd seriously be doing my own...but I never find the time between all my various activities... :)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

Arnie100 wrote:You need an artist, taalismn! Seriously!

i agree with this statement !!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PS ‘Condor’ Medium Aerospace Transport

“Look alive, EagleMan! You wanna job that’s ‘up to your talents’? We got a reco team trapped just south of Clavius; the Lunies just shot down their sled and have them surrounded, they got ‘bots and dragonbots crawling around them, and the Cannies’ solar lasers are keeping our ships out of landing range. But HQ thinks that a small, say, a Condor, could slip in through a few gaps we’re going to tear in their EW net and get down fast and long enough to pick up our girls and get them home! And guess whose name popped up as most likely not to fubar this? It means dodging smart missiles, skimming over the dragons’ teeth at near orbital insertion velocities, and pulling a six-gee abrupt stop, but you did that in sim, and that damn stunt you pulled at Plymouth One.. .Looks like you get your chance to try it for real, ace!”
“****, somebody up there loves me...”
“Pull this off, Thompson, and WE will love you, unfamiliar as that may sound.”

Despite the large number of aerospace transport vehicles already available to it(and certainly more than any other nation on Rifts Earth) the GNE found itself looking at a hole in its transport system; an intermediate fast military transport capable of performing in both the transport and assault roles. The space-modified GravCopter, for all its agility, was horribly slow and lacked much in the way of vehicle carriage ability. Likewise, the Dragonfly A-B series, though fast and nimble, was better suited for squad assaults, and didn’t have the legs for long-range work or serious logistics support duty. The Halbard HLV was too large and maneuvared like a bison, too slow on the response to act as an effective tactical transport. So a new aerospace transport, based largely on the Dragonfly, was developed. The requirements for the new tansport stipulated a high lift capability to mass ratio(the ability to airlift the new PS Cestus Hovertank was a major consideration), high speed, respectable armor and armament, and at least thirty percent common spare parts compatibility with existing hardware.
The Condor resembles, at first glance, an oversized, heavily-modified Dragonfly in many respects. However, the Condor is MUCH bigger, about the size of a jet airliner(in fact, the Condor frequently poses a problem for older PS capital spacecraft, that cannot accomodate the larger craft in their bays). The cockpit area is more spacious, and a large avionics bulge emerges just aft on the dorsal surface, giving the craft a ‘hunchbacked triangle’ look. Two deployable canard winglets open up from either side of the nose, allowing for greater stability in atmosphere. Twin tail fins sweep back from the main body, and two large engine nacelles rest atop the curve of the Condor’s back, where they are shielded from reentry heat. The craft lands on four extendable landing legs, and access is by deployable side ramps, or a ‘bomb-bay’-style cargo lift/vehicle elevator from the underside.
The Condor is powered by no less than six first-generation Crusader GMR engines, that give the vessel a high rate of speed in atmosphere, and more than adequate range and speed in space(though it lacks the endurance of true long-haul spacecraft like the Pegasus- and Frontera-classes, despite some well-publicized solo flights that have pushed the craft’s ..and crew’s...endurance to the max). Four of the engines are mounted in two twin mounts at the rear of the vessel, while the remaining two are mounted in vertical thrust ducting positions, venting through heavily armored pods in the underside of the aircraft, allowing for greater control and stabilization in VTOL flight. A standard GMR-lift coil provides additional insurance during landing.
The Condor mounts abundant heavy armament, with two rear laser turrets, two side gunnery positions, a dorsal gun turret, a retractable nose gun, and a small missile/ordnance bay just forward of the cargo bay doors.
Internally, the Condor has three decks; a lower cargo and vehicle storage deck, a smaller upper personnel deck, with sleeper accomodations, and the small forward command deck and engineering stations . The lower deck can be accessed via the bomb-bay floor door, which has a lowerable/retractable cargo bed/lift, or side airlock doors, while the upper deck has two smaller personnel airlocks, and access to the command deck.
The Condor has just entered service with the VFS/GNE Space Force, replacing several earlier models of slower, inadequate, shuttlecraft in the tactical transport role. Several sales have been made to other Alliance members(exact numbers and dispositions unknown at the time of printing). Already PS has produced a number of variants, including a diplomatic transport to service its growing international trade network.
Type: PS-AAST-4 Condor
Class: Medium Aerospace Assault Transport
Crew: Four(Pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer, gunner/weapons officer)
If configured to carry troops, it can carry 80 infantry/passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 900
Wing Engine Nacelles(2) 350 each
Tail Assembly 400
Nose Turret 100
Laser Turrets(5) 60 each
Landing Gear(4) 50 each
Height: 23 ft
Width: 35 ft
Length: 100 ft
Weight: 120 tons
Cargo: Can carry up to 50 tons of cargo(Incredible weight-to-cargo ratio, thanks to the CGR systems) ) OR 80 troops OR 30 troops and 2 light vehicles, OR 40 power armors
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 15 year energy life
Speed:(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 7
(Space) .04 LS
Market Cost:Currently not available for sale; exclusive to PS. Would cost 100 million credits for its transatmospheric capabilities if one were made available to the Black Market
Systems of Note:
Standard Aerospace Craft Systems, plus:

*Life Support---Robot vehicle standard

*Sensor Turret(s)---Include long range optics, thermo-imaging, low-lite, image enchance capabilities

*Long Range Radio and Laser Communications---Radio range:100,000 miles, Laser range; 200,000 miles, Scrambler/Signal Decryption standard

*Long Range Radar---Includes EM detectors, terrain-following, IFF, low-altitude discrimination. Range: 120 miles(12,000 miles in space)

*Laser Rangefinding/Targeting

*EW Suite---Basic frequency jumping and radar/IR jamming. Radar-guided weapons are -2 to strike the craft

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor---Special heat-resistant materials designed for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage. Note that this applies only to the underside and leading edges of the airframe.

Weapons Systems:
1) Retractable Nose Chaingun---An improved 20mm autocannon, the ‘SkyRipper’ has a longer barrel and more powerful propellants.
Range: 19,000 ft in atmosphere, ft in space
(Kitsune Values) 19,000 ft/3.6 miles in atmosphere, 1,900,000 ft/360 miles in space
Damage: 4d4 MD single shot (2 ft blast radius)
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
6d6x10 MD for a 40 rd burst(takes THREE attacks )
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 4,000 rd drum

2) Laser Turrets(5)---The Condor sports five laser turrets for self-defense; one each side, one dorsal, and two rear, either side of the tail. Each turret has 120-degree arc of fire.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 12,000 ft in space
(Kitsune Values) 12,000 ft/2.4 miles in atmosphere, 1,200,000 ft/240 miles in space
Damage: 6d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Missile/Bomb Bay---Just in front of the main cargo bay is a small ordnance bay that can accomodate the following(or any combination thereof)
a) Rotary Missile Launcher can hold 6 LRMs,OR 12 MRMS, OR 24 SRMs, OR 48 MiniMissiles
b) Bombs--Can carry warhead equivalents of missiles, but DOUBLE the respective number, or retain the same number, and DOUBLE the damage.

4)Chaff/Flare Countermeasures Launchers(2)
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is nuetralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fy into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher, 24 total.

*AAST-4B---Bomber/Strike variant. Though the Condor really isn’t effective as a bomber, it can still haul a painful load of ordnance and deliver it on-target with some efficiency. The Condor-4B’s real specialty, however, is delivering very heavy kinetic penetrator weapons, using the aerospace plane’s high speed to give the super-heavy bombs a serious amount of momentum to dive into underground facilities and through fortified bunkers. The cargo bay has been refitted into a rotary bomb bay that can hold up to 130,000 lbs of ordnance.
*EW Suite---Enhanced frequency jumping and radar/IR jamming. Radar-guided weapons are -4 to strike the craft
*Bomb Bay---Can hold up to 130,000 lbs(!) of ordnance, deployed from two rotary drum bay mechanisms.
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
*1,000-lb Bomb----1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius
*1,650 lb bomb----(1d6x100 MD to 75 ft blast radius)
*2,000-lb Bomb----2d4x100 MD to 80 ft blast radius
*5,000-lb Bomb----4d4x100 MD to 100 ft blast radius
*10,000-lb Bomb----4d6x100 MD to 120 ft blast radius
*22,000-lb Bomb---- 4d6x100 MD to 180 ft blast radius
*43,000-lb ‘Special’ Bomb-----Designed to be ‘lobbed’ for maximum kinetic impact, the super-heavy bomb does 4d6x100 MD to 250 ft blast radius, and can penetrate up to 300 ft of earth(150 ft of rock or concrete), for attacking bunkers or undercutting larger structures.

*AAST-4D---Space Patrol Variant---This variant was fitted as a stopgap space combat ship while PS was establishing itself in the Orbital realm of its own Earth. The AAST-4D features laser-ablative armor(lasers do HALF damage) to the upper hull, a forcefield(400 MDC), laser aerosol dispensers(Lasers do HALF damage for 5 melees before the cloud disperses---carries 30 charges), and a scrambler field generator(garbles all radio transmissions and 45% chance of deflecting standard missiles in an 80 mile radius).
The pulse lasers have been upgraded with heavier fighter-style pulse lasers in double-barrel mounts:
Range:(Palladium Values) 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 60,000 ft(12 miles) in space
(Kitsune Values) 12 miles in atmosphere, 1,200 miles in space
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per pulse burst, 6d6x10 MD per simultaneous blast(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*AAST-4S---This variant was modified for use by the GNE’s elite paratrooper commando corps. It incorporates passive and active stealth, upgraded lasers(identical to those carried on the AAST-4D variant), and a modified cargo bay for drop deployments of several squads of paratroopers and their vehicles(typically hovercycles, hovercars, or light AFVs like the Ontos II/Zerkat).

*AAST-4V---Diplomatic transport, which does away with the bomb-bay-style lower deck in favor of an expanded cabin, adds additional communications gear, scrambler equipment, countermeasures launchers, and an integral electronic ‘cache-safe’ with ‘deadman’ self-destruct capability(in order to keep valuable diplomatic information and papers out of enemy hands). The AAST-4V, nicknamed the ‘VeepJeep’, is intended as a fast personal transport for important PS/GNE executives and personnel. Other features include personal escape pods. AAST-4Vs are typically distinguished by their robin’s-egg blue paint jobs, with bright red accents. At least three ‘VeepJeeps’ have been appropriated for the GNE Diplomatic Corps, and the Ambassador to Japan has one at his service.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘DanBot’ Humanoid Utility Drone

“The DanBot may not be articulated or armored for combat, but don’t count it out as a battle asset...I was working outdimension at a remote mining outpost when the local dominant predator...zombies, would you believe it....came a’calling...big horde of them...there were a zillion of them and a few dozen of us....Resources HQ kept our numbers deliberately small, I think, to limit the risk, .....and a few hundred dannybots....Well, our head of security musta had something like the situation in mind, because he had to have programmed the robot labor in advance, ‘cause soon as that moaning horde starting coming up the road, he had the ‘bots snap into formation, armed and ready...And a phalanx of ceramo-armored workbots, each swinging a vibro-ax, sonic pick, chainsaw, or just a length of steel pipe, can do a LOT of damage to re-animated dead meat...That bought us enough time to scoot to the escape Gate and outa there...
I don’t know what happened back there after we left...Most likely the undead overran the place, but the site had a fusion powerplant and automated works, so I like to think that after we warm- meats left, the ‘bots prevailed, and they’re still there, working away, waiting for Admin to send a probe through, check out the safety, and let’em know they still got jobs with the Company.”

The Danbot line of utility drones resembles the pre-Rifts Honda Asimo line of public relations/proof-of-concept robots, down to the backpack and glassed-in helmet head. Paladin Steel Robotics has adopted the design and improved on it to produce an endlessly versatile humanoid utility drone.
The Danbot has a basic humanoid frame that is slightly shorter than the average human being. Modular systems are incorporated throughout its design, allowing for quick customization of the drone for a variety of purposes. The modular backpack power unit can be swapped out for a variety of battery packs(essentially the same ‘palletized’ rechargeable battery packs common to PS-manufactured electric vehicles), fuel cells, and even micro-nuclear generators(though many Danbots are programmed to regularly recharge off a larger power source or grid such as a nuclear reactor, in order to extend their battery life). Fully articulated hands allow it to use ordinary common tools. Lightweight megadamage composites and foamed plastic, around a light alloy frame, give the Danbot the ability to survive roughhousing, spills, tumbles, crashes, dings, dents, and other work-related hazards and still keep functioning.
The Danbot isn’t anywhere near as powerful as the Triax Dynabot, nor is it really combat-rated, but the Danbot is substantially cheaper and easier to maintain. Compared to the next comparable design on the market, the Northern Gun NG-W9 Light Labor Drone, the Danbot is dirt-cheap. Of course, for its own use, PS gives itself a substantial discount on its own labor drones, so the ‘bot is quite common throughout the GNE and its territories.
Paladin Steel utilizes THOUSANDS of Danbots in its factories and workcrews. They also sell hundreds more to the open market. One of PS’s large-format program systems allows for a team of Danbots to be dropped into a location, and with accompanying supplies and minimal supervision, set up a base camp, lay down buildings, or arrange themselves into a pre-fab factory assembly line or materials processing unit. The GNE military uses a slightly upgraded version (with extra MDC and basic self-defense programming) in its logistics companies, gun crews, and base security/military police units. There’s even a childrens’ program on GNE mass media; ‘Dan the Robot Man’ which predictably features a steadfastly loyal and perservering robot drone.
You may not win any battles with an army of Danbots, but you may just win the war.....
Type: PS-R-10 ‘Danbot’
Class: Semi-Autonomous Humanoid Utility Robot
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 35
Head 20
Arms(2) 20 each
Hands(2) 10 each
Legs(2) 22 each
Height: 5 ft 5 in.
Width: 19 inches
Length: 20 inches
Weight: 170 lbs
Cargo: None, except what can be carried externally
Physical Strength: Equivalent to a P.S. of 25
Powerplant: Battery( 96 hour power life), Fuel Cell( 18 day power life), or Micro-Nuclear(5 year energy life)
Speed: (Running) SPD: 20
Market Cost: 300,000 credits for a basic R-10
Battery Packs cost 1,000 credits each
Fuel Cell Pack costs 12,000 credits each
Micro-Nuclear Pack costs 900,000 credits each
Systems of Note:
*Basic Robot Optics
*Basic Robot Audio
*Basic Voice Synthesizer(voice sounds obviously artificially and deliberately robotic)
*Locking Joints
Weapons Systems: None standard
Hand to Hand Combat: None standard
Can be programmed with any of the Domestic/Commercial Programs(Discount the price of programming by 25% for in-GNE sales). Rarely ever given combat programming
*Modular Forearms---Danbots can be fitted with any of the Mining Borg accessory systems. Modular Forearm Fitting Cost: +15,000 credits

*Applique Armor---Additional armored torso pieces, helmet plates, arm bracers, and leg greaves can be added for additional armored protection. Up to 100 extra MDC can be added. Cost: +2,200 credits per 1 point of MDC added. Also adds 1 lb of weight per MDC.

*Frame Reinforcement---This reinforces the basic Danbot frame for greater strength; +25 MDC, and make the P.S. Robotic 30.
Cost: + 70,000 credits

*Environmental Sealing---Can be sealed for deep sea work, deep space work,
Cost: +50,000 credits

*Facial Expression Display---This adds a basic flatscreen display to the faceplate(the display does not interfere in any way with the drone’s sensor abilities) that can be used to display basic CGI facial expressions...ranging from simple line ‘stick figure’ faces to more elaborate creations, depending on how much the buyer wants to spend. The cheapest and most popular package consists simply of illuminated pixelated lines on a black background, with a light blue ‘nuetral’ expression, bright blue or green ‘happy face’ and a glowing red ‘unhappy/angry’ face to accompany such simple statements like ‘Job Done!’ or ‘Do Not Enter This Area!’. Cost: +2,000 credits

*R-10Hemi---This is a ‘stripped down’ Danbot, which removes the legs and lower torso to make the ‘bot a static-mount assembly line worker, secretarial/clerk unit, or dedicated vehicle drivers. Most don’t even have their own power supplies, relying on a centralized power-grid to provide energy. These units cost 50% less than the standard Danbot, but are much less versatile and mobile.

*R-10HazM---HazMat variant, designed to operate in toxic environs. Sealed chassis and covered in Hazmat-K composite armor(Corrosives such as acids and alkaline solutions do NO damage). Cost: +140,000 credits

*R-10 N---Naval model, meant for shipboard use. The R-10N looks slightly bulkier, though it has the same weight, due to the extensive use of foamed plastic composites in its construction, affording it added bouyancy in case in falls overboard. The chassis is also thoroughly waterproofed. They also have suction cups for climbing hull sides. Cost: + 110,000 credits

*R-10 SW---Spaceworker varient, also called the ‘Spacenoid’. Extra radiation shielding, electromagnetic adhesion pads on hands and feet, and small vapor-puff jets at the elbows, knees, and back, allow it to operate outside a spacecraft or orbital module. Cost: + 280,000 credits

*R-10 O---Outdoorsman version. The legs are longer and designed for faster speeds(runs at 25 MPH) and rougher terrain. Cost: +70,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Icemaster109 wrote:Im still waiting to see if we can get one of these made..


In answer to your question(yesterday my network connection was abomidably slow to the point of frustration), it looks like some of my efforts using the Pimp My Gun flashgame to visual the Partisan laser rifle...though even simpler...with a grenade launcher right off the bat, I'd say the closest I have to something like that is the Partisan laser rifle...
You use my stuff in your games? Any particular stuff? Maybe I should do some newer models or mod-kits so your players can spend more of their hard-earned credits... 8) :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn » got it....friendly, helpful, space-age(but, from the perspective of the Golden Age) classic high-tech, robotic assistance/labor.... :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

Icemaster109 wrote:Im still waiting to see if we can get one of these made..


Crye MR-C
More pictures of the weapon
Could almost a Russian Raygun done modern. :D Something did I need the type up so you can re-write, in a nice PS ad form. Maybe. :?:
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

I suddenly realize I'm missing a bet on Paladin Steel ski-mobiles.... :shock: :oops:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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