Plausible Reason

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Can it be done? (read initial post)

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Unread post by Svartalf »

Zer0 Kay wrote:Hmm didn't mean it that way about the BA but that may work better. I ment if someone is wearing it you can't teleport something into it just like you can't teleport something into them.

I fully agree ... you need to know exactly what the space looks like, and you don't teleport anything or anybody into an accupied space.

There are obviously limits I'm sure someone with biology can't use it to teleport a grenade into someones stomach.

I doubt so ... even if you could get familiar with what the interior of *a* stomach looks like, you'd still miss important details about your intended victim's exact morphology (like the stomach's size) to have proper visualisation

So if you visualize third seat in cockpit of Skull Walker. Which Skull Walker are you going to appear in?

If you know a certain bot's cockpit, and it isn't spic and span like new, you'll probably have subconsciously picked up enough little details for your visualisation to carry you back to the right bot . now, if your bot isn't individual enough, and if there are several just like it within range... well, it just looks like things have suddenly gotten real interesting...

If you visualize same as above and their either folding or rotating seats that happen not to be in the same possition you remembered does that mean your going to be hurt if not grusomely killed when you materalize.

that's a false problem. supposing the Dancing Tirrvoll bar in the burbs is your home away from home, you know it real well, you can teleport it without problems, even though it's likely you won't find exactly the same people and the furniture in precisely the same places from one visit to the next

If you visualise same as above but instead of in a chair you visualize standing on the floor and someone else is already in the spot do you both die?

my ruling in that case would be that either there is room for you in the place, then you appear somewhere you hadn't fore seen, or there just ain't room for you to arrive (like trying to teleport into an already occupied suit of PA) and then the teleport just fails.

Oh and you know exactly where your home is as long as it's not a mobile home. Mine is in 657 Dahlia, Altus OK smack dab in the middle of freakin no place where even the storms avoid. It's kinda cool watching the storms on NOAA its almost eerie how they often seperate and go around.

yeah ... sure, you know where it is in the world ... but if you don't know where you are, you can't even point for sure in the right approximate direction... but that doesn't affect your ability to teleport back onto your bed
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Talk about off topic ok the point was that if they environmentall sealed a room with Prosek in it then you wouldn't be able to Teleport into it. Well then show me that rule.

As far as the armor who cares you can phases into it. Build a TW weapon that launches an phased explosive warhead that looses phase after it passes 1-2' through a solid object. Or a Rifle that has a phased bullet that becomes solid 2" after it passes through a solid object. You don't need T-Port.

However a good use for t-port and TW weapons would be a TW Missile launcher. Missiles don't have as much explosives as some bombs because they have an engine and guidance system. A TW shoulder launched missile launcher could T-port a bomb right infront of ,or what ever side your looking at, of a vehicle instantly. Even better since there is no lock on warning and no travel time so the Aircraft would have no chance to dodge.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Dear TehnoMancer

I fully noticed that little word any ... what you seem not to have noticed, is how teleport does not come under it.

"[s]ANY[/s] spell cast inside will only affect the occupants AND internal systems of the vehicle/robot."

"Likewise, [s]ANY[/s] spell directed at vheciles/robots outside, only affect the robot ITSELF and can not effect the occupants inside."

Where we differ in the interpretation of this rule is that I deem that it means precisely that a spell cannot cross the shell of a PA/bot/vehicle during the process of traveling between the caster and its intended target. you cannot cast agony at a guy through a wall, nor if either of you is inside a vehicle where the other is not. similarly, if you cast a bolt of energy at a PA clad subject, the spell will affect the armor, not the pilot. By my lights, the rule would apply to a teleport spell if the caster, close to a vehicle, wanted to take an occupant thereof with him while teleporting. .I'm not using PA in this example because a mage of high enough level could easily choose to port one or more PA clad people with him, armor and all (and don't tell me the armor would go but leave the pilots behind).

However, once it is established just who and what is affected and that they are not prevented from being affected by the "armored shell" rule, then, this rule stops being relevant and has no effect at all on just where the teleportation can take on to or from.

BTW, if large, armored vehicles actually were teleport proof havens or (more directly applicable, unless you got some other magic to spy out the interior of the bot/vehicle and allow proper visualisation) prisons, wouldn't we have heard of that in the course of the Tolkeen war?

A similar case happens with other spells : remote viewing, for instance, mentions no exception to the rule. Now, if I've met Capt Harding, and know he's around a certain area at a given time, the fact that he's conducting an inspection/recon of said area from within a Mark V APC won't prevent the spell from working. This is because the spell affects myself (so the "armored shell" rule is irrelevant), and the other prerequisites of the spell being met, it just works.

If Magic treated bots and vehicles as a lump of solid matter, I guess it would be more clearly expressed. the rule is a combination/application, of the more widely recognized rules that you cannot cast spells through a wall or without line of sight (but you certainly can teleport without LoS or through any number of walls)

The Game balance stuff... well that doesn't hold too well, as, even for the lesser teleport, the mage must know the location he sends the object to... so, unless he knows the inside of the bot where he wants to send the object, and where that bot is, he just cannot teleport a fusion block inside, "armored shell" or not ...

the "metal disrupts magic" argument doesn't really hold water either. .. sure, being encased in metal disrupts a mage's ability to wield magic (though THAT is a rule I deliberately ignore in my games). but if it had more effect than this... wouldn't robots, vehicles, borgs, and metal armored people be somewhat immunised from the effects of magic? we both know this isn't the case.

And please, we've fought on the same side in other battles, don't start calling me names. Give me the credit of knowing which rules I ignore, if you won't do so for correctly interpreting them.
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

why don't you two open up another thread with a poll... no never mind I'll do that.
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Malignor wrote: Another super-munchkin could be a Hundred Handed Demon possessed by a Greater Air Elemental, but that's a little too obvious for my tastes.

:D To be super-munchkin wouldn't it need to be properly called Ubermunchkin? :lol:
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by twingle93 »

While Prosek is performing his live, televised speech at the remains of the fallen seat of government in Tolkien in the Hook, Line and Sinker adventure detailed in the Rifter, you, the mage, do not go for killing attacks and make a martyr out of him.

Instead you cast Giant, Curse of World Bizarre, Armor Bizarre and Sorcerous Rage on him. BOOM! You now have a monstrous, giant, raging, hallucinating supernatural creature that is surrounded by Coalition, on national TV.

People here have stated that killing him would motivate the Coalition states into greater heights, but think of the morale blow they would receive at seeing their beloved Emperor transforming into everything they hate and attacking those in attendence, and being seen shot down by Coalition troops.

Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Lenwen »

Zer0 Kay wrote:I would like a plausible way to assissinate...EMPEROR PROSEK.

Archie 3 already has in place the capabilities to assassinate the emp .

Several of his "Copied" Skelebots are in the Thrown room of the Emp.

Sending detailed information from the lay out of the room to the securities inside the room directly to Archie's Satalite feeding Archie.

He simply tells the Skelebot to assassinate and it would be over super quick.

to fast for any Sixth Sense to go off. Doubly so if the Skelebots are positioned anywhere near the throne itself ..

So yes it is with out a doubt within plausible reason for the Emperor to get assassinated.

Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Lenwen »

twingle93 wrote:While Prosek is performing his live, televised speech at the remains of the fallen seat of government in Tolkien in the Hook, Line and Sinker adventure detailed in the Rifter, you, the mage, do not go for killing attacks and make a martyr out of him.

Instead you cast Giant, Curse of World Bizarre, Armor Bizarre and Sorcerous Rage on him. BOOM! You now have a monstrous, giant, raging, hallucinating supernatural creature that is surrounded by Coalition, on national TV.

People here have stated that killing him would motivate the Coalition states into greater heights, but think of the morale blow they would receive at seeing their beloved Emperor transforming into everything they hate and attacking those in attendence, and being seen shot down by Coalition troops.

I immensly .. love this very idea ..

The Coalition would see thier Beloved Leader becomming everything they hate ..

And attack with out mercy . After words .. feeling ashamed they had been lead down a road .. by a Supernatural being or a Caster .. hidden in thier midst ..
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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Anthar »

I think it would be plausable that his son might do it.
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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Danger »

Dragon shape shifted into X trusted aide kills him and teleports away.
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Unread post by Thinyser »

TechnoMancer wrote:snip... Harder answer with game logic....

He already has died many many many times... however chi-town science downloads his personality and memories every couple of days or so into several special computers... when he gets tagged by assassins they down load his mind back into a new body ((after all cloning dog boys isn't an issue, why not clone people?)) and say that the assassins killed one of his "look alikes".

... snip

Yeah that's probably close to the truth of things... and as you mentioned very hard to get around. Except maybe for the fly-bot infiltration method. That would have a good chance if you could get boatloads of them programed to all find people that look like Prosek then stay close to their selected target and detonate later all at once at a predetermined time. Have some of them sent to scientific labs looking for the Prosek clones in their tubes.
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Unread post by Ziggurat the Eternal »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Lynx8882 wrote:I am going to say yes and no to the original post yes there has got to be a way to assassinate the Emperor but it is damn near impossible to do so without making him a Martyr only driving the Coalition even more

Ah a Martyr but to what end? If it is beleived that NGR did it rather than Tolkeen. What if Tolkeen does do it and finds a way to blame it on Quebec?

If it's a matter of who takes over. If the assassination can be done once it can be done again. As long as they don't know how it was done.

Seriously? to what end? Its a martyr, how many options are there?
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Corinth »

If I am an external enemy, I would use no means that did not result in a peaceful death while asleep. I do not want a martyr. I want a period of quiet and mourning that results only when a beloved individual dies by passing away peacefully in their sleep. To do this, I will pursue either a lengthy method that requires acquiring the Emperor's medical records for the purposes of creating a drug that induces the desired result or a just as lengthy method of acquiring the Emperor's True Name and then a magical method that allows me to induce that desired result from afar. I will prepare a ready alternative for the dead Emperor and work through the instability of any power transfer to place my pawn on the throne, and then--after consolidating my hold--begin transitioning Coalition society over the next three generations into something more acceptable to my designs (whatever they are) through a combination of social engineering and perpetual warfare.

If I am an internal enemy, then I want a violent death by an apparent external enemy- preferably one that I've duped into doing it for real, and then conveniently exterminating after the fact to cover my tracks. By using a False Flag technique, I've created a useful martyr that I can then exploit by catapulting myself into power and consolidating my hold through follow-up attacks and deploying the rivals to die in military campaigns against external targets (and then assigning other rivals to support them, dividing both internal and external foes against each other while I further build and solidify my power base). I slowly secure my allies' loyalty, and then promote them into positions that remain dependent upon me to keep those positions. By the time I complete my scheme, I will be Emperor in all but name--I place an expendable front man on the throne--and then move on to extending my rule indefinitely through a combination of perpetual warfare and social engineering.
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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by rat_bastard »

My top person to kill Carl Prosek is Joseph Prosek, my weapon of choice is some sort of supernatural poison or disease, my motive is control over the coalition states and propaganda.
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Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

grandmaster z0b wrote:I don't think it would be too hard; do some recon with either astral projection or a psi-ghost, then cast mystic portal to his location and shove a nuclear device through to the other side. Sure 6th sense will go off but how far can he get in the 3 seconds before the bomb goes off?
Actually it would probably be even easier with a band of magically militaristic and fanatical CS- haters. A suicidal mage strapped with explosives is one very hard thing to fight. He can spend years preparing amulets and other magic items to protect him from incoming fire and all he has to do is get close enough (in the case of a nuke thats a few kms) to the emperor and press a button.

I still think this is a very logical answer to the question at hand. In the real world we have seen what is possible when people are fanatical enough to kill themselves in the name of their goal. Post Siege of Tolkeen there would be many mages who would willingly give up their life to gain revenge on the Emperor.

The only real defence is saying that you cannot teleport into the secure areas of Chi-Town, however I find the whole argument hard to swallow. Firstly, the rules only ever talk about vehicles, not environmentally closed buildings. Also as they must have doors into these areas that open and close all the time then there's no way that it is totally sealed environment in the same way as robot cockpit.

Although I do remember someone saying there was some mystic reason why you couldn't teleport into Chi-Town, something to do with the vanguard or something.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by jaymz »

grandmaster z0b wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:I don't think it would be too hard; do some recon with either astral projection or a psi-ghost, then cast mystic portal to his location and shove a nuclear device through to the other side. Sure 6th sense will go off but how far can he get in the 3 seconds before the bomb goes off?
Actually it would probably be even easier with a band of magically militaristic and fanatical CS- haters. A suicidal mage strapped with explosives is one very hard thing to fight. He can spend years preparing amulets and other magic items to protect him from incoming fire and all he has to do is get close enough (in the case of a nuke thats a few kms) to the emperor and press a button.

I still think this is a very logical answer to the question at hand. In the real world we have seen what is possible when people are fanatical enough to kill themselves in the name of their goal. Post Siege of Tolkeen there would be many mages who would willingly give up their life to gain revenge on the Emperor.

The only real defence is saying that you cannot teleport into the secure areas of Chi-Town, however I find the whole argument hard to swallow. Firstly, the rules only ever talk about vehicles, not environmentally closed buildings. Also as they must have doors into these areas that open and close all the time then there's no way that it is totally sealed environment in the same way as robot cockpit.

Although I do remember someone saying there was some mystic reason why you couldn't teleport into Chi-Town, something to do with the vanguard or something.

There is also the fact you need to knwo where you are going inorder to teleport there. Esepecaiily if you want to do this particular thing. You can't really leave it to chance.

Personally I think Joseph woudl be the more likely candidate. With his education and knowledge of the past as well as knowing there IS a magical society out there that adheres extremely to the values of the CS in the Vangaurd (he knows the exist and has, unbeknownst to him and the Vangaurd, benn in contact with their agents) he could be the one to finally decide they are going about things the wrong way. He wasn;t to keen on the FQ warfront but Karl wouldn't listen. Who;s to say he isn't having doubts about his father's complete vision? He could be the one to usurp power and bein teh position to have Karl die in his sleep peacefully, taking over the thrown in his place. He is also manipulative enough to bring magic, over a couple of decades of power, back to the light as a resource that can be tamed and used for the betterment of humanity I think. Look at how often they know magic has helped only to not report that andonly report the evil? Joseph is hte best of the 3 Proseks that will be ion power once he is in power and he won;t let the cabal of oldsters Karl clings to sway him as Karl does. :D

Thats my two cents anyway.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Re:

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

jaymz wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:I don't think it would be too hard; do some recon with either astral projection or a psi-ghost, then cast mystic portal to his location and shove a nuclear device through to the other side. Sure 6th sense will go off but how far can he get in the 3 seconds before the bomb goes off?
Actually it would probably be even easier with a band of magically militaristic and fanatical CS- haters. A suicidal mage strapped with explosives is one very hard thing to fight. He can spend years preparing amulets and other magic items to protect him from incoming fire and all he has to do is get close enough (in the case of a nuke thats a few kms) to the emperor and press a button.

I still think this is a very logical answer to the question at hand. In the real world we have seen what is possible when people are fanatical enough to kill themselves in the name of their goal. Post Siege of Tolkeen there would be many mages who would willingly give up their life to gain revenge on the Emperor.

The only real defence is saying that you cannot teleport into the secure areas of Chi-Town, however I find the whole argument hard to swallow. Firstly, the rules only ever talk about vehicles, not environmentally closed buildings. Also as they must have doors into these areas that open and close all the time then there's no way that it is totally sealed environment in the same way as robot cockpit.

Although I do remember someone saying there was some mystic reason why you couldn't teleport into Chi-Town, something to do with the vanguard or something.

There is also the fact you need to knwo where you are going inorder to teleport there. Esepecaiily if you want to do this particular thing. You can't really leave it to chance.

See the first part of the post, you scout the area using astral projection first. When in astral form you travel at Mach 1, so whilst CS psychics will see the astral scout, they will have little time to do anything as you can move so fast. All you need to do is locate the Emperor and then you fly back. The actual astral scout should also be the mage to cast the teleport.
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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Shadow Wyrm »

Anyone can be victum of an assassin, it just depends on how badly you want them dead.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by jaymz »

grandmaster z0b wrote:
jaymz wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:I don't think it would be too hard; do some recon with either astral projection or a psi-ghost, then cast mystic portal to his location and shove a nuclear device through to the other side. Sure 6th sense will go off but how far can he get in the 3 seconds before the bomb goes off?
Actually it would probably be even easier with a band of magically militaristic and fanatical CS- haters. A suicidal mage strapped with explosives is one very hard thing to fight. He can spend years preparing amulets and other magic items to protect him from incoming fire and all he has to do is get close enough (in the case of a nuke thats a few kms) to the emperor and press a button.

I still think this is a very logical answer to the question at hand. In the real world we have seen what is possible when people are fanatical enough to kill themselves in the name of their goal. Post Siege of Tolkeen there would be many mages who would willingly give up their life to gain revenge on the Emperor.

The only real defence is saying that you cannot teleport into the secure areas of Chi-Town, however I find the whole argument hard to swallow. Firstly, the rules only ever talk about vehicles, not environmentally closed buildings. Also as they must have doors into these areas that open and close all the time then there's no way that it is totally sealed environment in the same way as robot cockpit.

Although I do remember someone saying there was some mystic reason why you couldn't teleport into Chi-Town, something to do with the vanguard or something.

There is also the fact you need to knwo where you are going inorder to teleport there. Esepecaiily if you want to do this particular thing. You can't really leave it to chance.

See the first part of the post, you scout the area using astral projection first. When in astral form you travel at Mach 1, so whilst CS psychics will see the astral scout, they will have little time to do anything as you can move so fast. All you need to do is locate the Emperor and then you fly back. The actual astral scout should also be the mage to cast the teleport.

Dont know bout you but as soon as any psychics caught wind of an astral projection flying thru the city like that, first objective is immediately secure people liek Karl and Joseph so I dont think they'll be where you think they are by the time you get back to you rbody and teleport in.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Re:

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

jaymz wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:
jaymz wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:I don't think it would be too hard; do some recon with either astral projection or a psi-ghost, then cast mystic portal to his location and shove a nuclear device through to the other side. Sure 6th sense will go off but how far can he get in the 3 seconds before the bomb goes off?
Actually it would probably be even easier with a band of magically militaristic and fanatical CS- haters. A suicidal mage strapped with explosives is one very hard thing to fight. He can spend years preparing amulets and other magic items to protect him from incoming fire and all he has to do is get close enough (in the case of a nuke thats a few kms) to the emperor and press a button.

I still think this is a very logical answer to the question at hand. In the real world we have seen what is possible when people are fanatical enough to kill themselves in the name of their goal. Post Siege of Tolkeen there would be many mages who would willingly give up their life to gain revenge on the Emperor.

The only real defence is saying that you cannot teleport into the secure areas of Chi-Town, however I find the whole argument hard to swallow. Firstly, the rules only ever talk about vehicles, not environmentally closed buildings. Also as they must have doors into these areas that open and close all the time then there's no way that it is totally sealed environment in the same way as robot cockpit.

Although I do remember someone saying there was some mystic reason why you couldn't teleport into Chi-Town, something to do with the vanguard or something.

There is also the fact you need to knwo where you are going inorder to teleport there. Esepecaiily if you want to do this particular thing. You can't really leave it to chance.

See the first part of the post, you scout the area using astral projection first. When in astral form you travel at Mach 1, so whilst CS psychics will see the astral scout, they will have little time to do anything as you can move so fast. All you need to do is locate the Emperor and then you fly back. The actual astral scout should also be the mage to cast the teleport.

Dont know bout you but as soon as any psychics caught wind of an astral projection flying thru the city like that, first objective is immediately secure people liek Karl and Joseph so I dont think they'll be where you think they are by the time you get back to you rbody and teleport in.

Well I agree that as soon as they sense the astral traveller they will be in lock down mode, however as soon as the astral scout find the Emperor he can instantly cancel the power (you don't need to find your body unless you're in the Astral plane) and cast the spell teleport: lesser. I don't know how far they could realistically move the Emperor in that 5-10 seconds. If it's a large enough bomb there's little they could do to get out of it's range.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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The silly part about all this is how when thinking about assassinating Emperor Prosek, everyone always focuses on using this magic or that magic when the easiest way to do it is to find some mundane human with a grudge against him to infiltrate his security team, live in deep cover for years, and then just vape him one day with an MDC weapon while he's in the washroom. The CS Military is expecting magic wielding assassins to come after His Majesty. What they wouldn't expect would be for one of their own to be involved.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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I still say the likely candidate is Joseph II. He was against the war on Quebec and I think it a simple logical ting that he may start thinking his father's time has come.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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SamtheDagger wrote:Nice work of threadomancy twingle93.

65 months. Impressive.

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Re: Plausible Reason

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the post topic and title are not the same question.

Plausible reason to kill EMPEROR PROSEK, yes.

Plausible way to get at EMPEROR PROSEK besides nuking Chi town to bits, no
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Proseksword wrote:The silly part about all this is how when thinking about assassinating Emperor Prosek, everyone always focuses on using this magic or that magic when the easiest way to do it is to find some mundane human with a grudge against him to infiltrate his security team, live in deep cover for years, and then just vape him one day with an MDC weapon while he's in the washroom. The CS Military is expecting magic wielding assassins to come after His Majesty. What they wouldn't expect would be for one of their own to be involved.

Um dude? They're also expecting a traitor in the ranks. And they're probably more worried about the traitor, because historically they've been way better at assassinating leaders than any foreign agents. Just look at hte real world. Every successful assassination of a US president (and the overwhelming majority of failed attempts) was by a crazed American citizen. The closest anyone ever got to assassinating Adolf Hitler was the various attempts masterminded by officers of the Reich. Pretty much all the assassinations of Roman emperors involved friends, close relatives or the Praetorian Guard.

Anywise, I'm gonna stick by the opinion I gave way back when this thread was new: a killer with temporal magic. 4-Dimensional Transformation is a total trump card.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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SamtheDagger wrote:
Proseksword wrote:The silly part about all this is how when thinking about assassinating Emperor Prosek, everyone always focuses on using this magic or that magic when the easiest way to do it is to find some mundane human with a grudge against him to infiltrate his security team, live in deep cover for years, and then just vape him one day with an MDC weapon while he's in the washroom. The CS Military is expecting magic wielding assassins to come after His Majesty. What they wouldn't expect would be for one of their own to be involved.

...which is why I believe the Republicans have the greatest chance of success.

I got it, the Republicans in cahoots with Joseph II....
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Re: Plausible Reason

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SamtheDagger wrote:I doubt the Republicans would work with Joseph II, although I wouldn't count Joseph II out of the individuals who have a motive to kill Karl. But as I said earlier, killing Karl just to let Joseph II take the reins of state does nothing but change the face of the CS. It would have virtually no effect on the state of affairs in the CS. Prohibition of magic, mistreatment/genocide of D-Bees, and militant fascist national policy would all continue.

I don;t know about the prohibition of Magic. have you read The Vangaurd book? i think there is enough there that he could usher in over a long period of time a minor trust of magic similar to psionics. Not saying he woudl but it COULD be possible.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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You would need to use a soul drinker to make sure they wouldn't resurrect him or incinerate his head to prevent this. While against magic the CS have easy assess to it in the Black Vault and that secret group of loyal CS magic user the Vanguard. I think you need to infiltrate or bribe one of the top doctors to destroy the corpse if he happens to die and not truly incinerated. Reprogramming some his personal Skellbots to kill him when he's at his most vulnerable is the best way to get him I think. Sure the psychics sixth sense may trigger, yet their empathy & telepathy won't help to detect this threat. The downside I bet the psychic use Read Object occasionally to prevent this type of plan, so best to implement his plan right after a maintenance check. A Psi-Ghost with a bottomless bag may be able to seek a soul drinker in since the weapon is held in limbo in another dimension, the magic bag is detectable but nowhere as powerful or detectable as a magic rune weapon.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Rallan wrote:Um dude? They're also expecting a traitor in the ranks.

Sure they are, but the "traitor" isn't giving off a magical aura, or attempting to penetrate Chi-Town from the outside. All he's got to do is interview well.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Teleportation is out, A rifter gave the rules to anti-telportation ring that has been put in around Chi-town. A technological assassin would have the most likely success. Now getting to him is the main problem. Either you would have to hope you catch him when he was outside of Chi-town or corrupt a member of his retinue to do the deed. Joeseph II isn't of the mind set to off his father mostly because they have a similar view of the world at large, why kill someone who's helping you get to your goals. Now the republicans have plans to assassinate the lot of Proseks retinue as well as many heads of various divisions. Weather they'll be successfull is up in the air. So my vote is yes, but very hard.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Vladamir Krophski wrote:Teleportation is out, A rifter gave the rules to anti-telportation ring that has been put in around Chi-town. A technological assassin would have the most likely success. Now getting to him is the main problem. Either you would have to hope you catch him when he was outside of Chi-town or corrupt a member of his retinue to do the deed. Joeseph II isn't of the mind set to off his father mostly because they have a similar view of the world at large, why kill someone who's helping you get to your goals. Now the republicans have plans to assassinate the lot of Proseks retinue as well as many heads of various divisions. Weather they'll be successfull is up in the air. So my vote is yes, but very hard.

Only problem is Rifters aren;t official unless it is from one of the very few articles that are. Or was it in the Vangaurd book? Sounds familair....
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Re: Plausible Reason

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acording to everyone I've talked to rifters are canon, so I don't understand how it wouldn't be official
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Vladamir Krophski wrote:acording to everyone I've talked to rifters are canon, so I don't understand how it wouldn't be official

Some things are listaed as optional though
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Re: Plausible Reason

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There are maybe a half dozen articles that are Official/Canon Rifts material. The vast majority of material is not however, as much as many of us would like a lot of it to be.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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This was in an article that was background info for the saint louis rift, stated as official
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Vladamir Krophski wrote:This was in an article that was background info for the saint louis rift, stated as official

Do you recall the issue? If it was stated as official material then yeah it would be canon. That however begs the question how does teh CS create an anti-teleportation ring without using magic?
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Re: Plausible Reason

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It describes the method but I don't recall it at the moment. Something about a rsgs think tank doing it, they also figured out how to shut down a ley line for a incredibly short duration (hundreths of a second).
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Re: Plausible Reason

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rifter 37
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Re: Plausible Reason

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I hate to burst your bubble Vlad but its only optional, not official...sorry, is a good articel though and I'd use it for my version of things...
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Re: Plausible Reason

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maybe i was wrong either way I don't see why the coalition wouldn't have cooked something up as such
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Vladamir Krophski wrote:maybe i was wrong either way I don't see why the coalition wouldn't have cooked something up as such

Is it plausible? Yes, and like I siad I'd use it myself.

To be honest I amnot sure if this thread was meant to figureout a way to do it canonically or with everything available...
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Re: Plausible Reason

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ARCHIE using infiltration bots, starting at the bottom rung and works their way up the chain. Soldier > Sergeant > Security Officer > Karl, basically.

I had this happen in a game, seemed plausible enough at the time for ARCHIE to replace Karl with a bot.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:ARCHIE using infiltration bots, starting at the bottom rung and works their way up the chain. Soldier > Sergeant > Security Officer > Karl, basically.

I had this happen in a game, seemed plausible enough at the time for ARCHIE to replace Karl with a bot.

Problem is any psychics will be able to tell they aren't human from the get go. I do like the earlier idea about he robotic flies etc. send enough of those thru the city and eventually they'll get lucky.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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SamtheDagger wrote:
jaymz wrote:I don;t know about the prohibition of Magic. have you read The Vangaurd book? i think there is enough there that he could usher in over a long period of time a minor trust of magic similar to psionics. Not saying he woudl but it COULD be possible.

My opinion on the Vanguard is that they are a group of practitioners of magic who believe in most of the ideals of the CS, such as human supremacy, but have to operate in secret due to the CS prohibition of magic. They eventually hope to be accepted as equals in CS society, but for now they are renegades and rogues who operate without the official sanctioning of the government. I haven't read the entire book though, so I admit I could have missed something. Do you happen to remember what page you read that on?

Off hadn no but I can checkit later....It does menti0on Jospeph is investigating it and beleives they exist and what they are to teh point of having takin a incognito persona and having been in touch with them without knowing he has to filter intelligence and what not. He also goes about trying to keep anyone from investigating it further so he himslef will deal withthe information etc. Makes an opening to me that once he is in power he could slowly over a couple of decades manipulate the populace to accepting some forms of magic in the same way the accept psionics.

EDIT - Page 10-11 is hte material about Joseph II. While it does say he;d enver reinstate them, his actions to me speak more than those words do as to what could happen oncehe is in power over a couple of decades...
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Of course it's possible to take him out. Homicidal Mulka.

Actually on another Manhunter note, the Manhunter universe DOES have matter/energy transportation technology. Unless they have some kind of magnetic shielding covering the entirety of Chi-Town, there you go.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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DtMK wrote:Of course it's possible to take him out. Homicidal Mulka.

Actually on another Manhunter note, the Manhunter universe DOES have matter/energy transportation technology. Unless they have some kind of magnetic shielding covering the entirety of Chi-Town, there you go.

Well the earlier article regarding anti magic incursion rings is a good option BUT it is unofficial being a rifter article :)
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Proseksword wrote:
Rallan wrote:Um dude? They're also expecting a traitor in the ranks.

Sure they are, but the "traitor" isn't giving off a magical aura, or attempting to penetrate Chi-Town from the outside. All he's got to do is interview well.

And that worked so well in the Third Reich. And Stalin's Russia. And Franco's Spain. And the North Korea of both the Kims...

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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Rallan »

Vladamir Krophski wrote:This was in an article that was background info for the saint louis rift, stated as official

I don't want to sound cynical or anything, but just watch that get ignored the moment they do a book on that area. Or the moment Siembieda decides it's not part of his vision. Or the moment some book that's not even set in the area tangentially says something different about the St Louis Rift.
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Re: Plausible Reason

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Rallan wrote:
Vladamir Krophski wrote:This was in an article that was background info for the saint louis rift, stated as official

I don't want to sound cynical or anything, but just watch that get ignored the moment they do a book on that area. Or the moment Siembieda decides it's not part of his vision. Or the moment some book that's not even set in the area tangentially says something different about the St Louis Rift.

Well that would be Kevin's choice now wouldn't it? Not to mention the article is unofficial as was already determined after that post.
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Re: Plausible Reason

Unread post by Dead Boy »

Proseksword wrote:
Rallan wrote:Um dude? They're also expecting a traitor in the ranks.

Sure they are, but the "traitor" isn't giving off a magical aura, or attempting to penetrate Chi-Town from the outside. All he's got to do is interview well.

If the assassin has killer intent and is about to do the deed, then the many body guards with Sixth Sense will pick up on it and be ready for the attack. The attack goes off only to be parried by five TK Force Fields, shortly followed by a pack of dog boys jumping the would-be assassin who just gave away his position.

A better way would be to wait for one of the rare occasions where Karl gives a public speech or makes a scheduled appearance out in the open... and then snipe him with a very special sniper rifle... a TW "Final Word" Sniper Rifle, that makes use of the spells Death Word and Distant Voice made by a master technowizard (level 12 or better). That would give the sniper rifle a 24,000 foot range and deal 13D6 directly to the victim's Hit Point, unstoppable by armor or magic barrier (including TK Force Field?). The sniper team would have three members all armed with this TW "Final Word" sniper rifle to ensure they inflict sufficient enough damage, (Prosek has 53 HP and this does an average of 46 points at level 12), all firing at the same time because they won't get a second shot once he goes down. The extreme range of the "Final Word" rifles would allow them to find good distant perches that are far enough away from security to avoid detection while setting up, the only hitch being they would need a clear line of sight. As for the body guards with Sixth Sense, though they would detect the danger of the attempt, would they dare to interrupt his speech and show a sign of weakness and vulnerability to the world, or act as I described above, expecting to stop the attack cold and take down the assassin? Hard to say, really. The biggest trick of this method is the waiting game the assassins would have to play in order to get their opportunity and getting to the location in the time between when they get the word of the exposed speech/appearance and when it occurs. Overall I give this means of killing Prosek a 30% chance of working, but at least it's realistic and 100% canon.
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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