Dwarven Underworld?

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Re: Dwarven Underworld?

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

I think it may refer to a big fat dwarf named Paulie who operates a drugs cartell with his gang of Goodfellas (sorry Good -dwarfers). :clown:

Or it might be a different underworld you are refering to.
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Re: Dwarven Underworld?

Unread post by Wōdwulf Seaxaning »

Stormchild wrote:I was just reading about how there is supposed to be a 'dwarven underworld' under Mt Nimro. Is this detailed anywhere? If so, where?

AND how do you think these would fit in?


Hidden deep within the bowels of both active and dormant volcanoes, live the obsidian dwarves. Ranging in skin tone from ash gray to a glossy black, they are nearly as tall as their more common cousins, if much heavier, because there is no such thing as body fat on an obsidian dwarf, and their flesh is so much denser, it's almost stone-like. Their hair color is usually a glossy black, but on very rare occasion a child is born with some shade of red hair. The clan that the child is born into immediately throws a huge feast in honor of the grand omen with which they have been blessed. The vast majority of these dwarves have never, and will never see the light of the sun.
Use of stone weapons and tools is still common in obsidian clans, because over the millennium, they have developed ways of removing the inherent brittleness of most stone. Armor is usually made from a volcanic alloy of iron ore and obsidian, just as strong, but much (50%) lighter than it's steel counterparts, and the armor itself, once finished, is immune to the effects of heat and fire.
Much more commonly seen before the "War of Hatred" (as they call the Elf-Dwarf War), they seceded into their magmatic caverns, not to be seen for a multitude of centuries after the cataclysm that nearly sundered the world.
Obsidian dwarves care for NOTHING more than their children, for they are the future of the clans. Usually born single, after about a year of gestation, twins occasionally occur, and is a cause for celebration. If red-headed twins are born, the surface world will hear the party!
A strict and rigid set of laws and code of honor is a large part of their society and anyone breaking a law will face nine dwarves, picked randomly from the clan to be the judges.

Alignment : Any but most are principled (75%) or Aberrant (20%)
Attributes : I.Q. 2d6+3, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 5d6+6, P.P. 2d6+3, P.E. 4d6+3, P.B. 2d6, Spd 2d6 running - 1d6+2 digging
Hit Points : P.E. + 3d6 initial + (1d6+1) per level of experience.
S.D.C. : 50 + those gained from physical skills.
Average P.P.E. : 4d6
O.C.C.s available : Any except magic. Most are men of arms.
Skills Note : All obsidian dwarves, by the age of 12, have mountaineering at 98%. A one time, +25% bonus is also added to one stone or metal related skill that is considered a 'specialty' of that particular dwarf.
Horror Factor : 6
Appearance : Short, stocky, and very muscular. Black or very rarely, red hair, and charcoal gray, to black skin.
Size : 3'6" (1.1 m) tall on average
Weight : 250 - 300 lbs (114 - 136 kg) all muscle.
Lifespan : 250 + The oldest recorded was 597 years old at his death.
Natural Abilities : Same as dwarves natural abilities (pg 293 PFRPG 2e) except as listed below.
Nightvision 150' - Immunity to normal heat and fire, half damage from magical heat and fire. - Susceptible to cold attacks -4 to saves and +50% damage - Magical ability to sculpt obsidian that they reach in and pull from lava floes, as if it were putty or clay. Sculpting this glass, before it cools, is done with a 95% skill rating, and can be formed into anything from statuettes to daggers. Finding pools of liquid glass big enough to support the sculpting of a large weapon or armor is almost unheard of. When finished and cooled, the sculpture has the tensile strength of the strongest steel alloy. - Finally, they are in possession of an extreme hatred of the Nimro Giants and gain a +3 bonus to ALL ROLLS when 'dealing with' these giants.
Magic : None (or is there?)
Psionics : Standard
Enemies : Evil fire-dwelling creatures, particularly Nimro
Allies : Few, if any.
Habitat : Under or in volcanoes, or near subterranean magma floes.
Favorite Weapons : Hammers are a favorite but they follow the 'common dwarves' likes as well.

Nice..I like this type of Dwarf. I'd use them in my PF games.
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Re: Dwarven Underworld?

Unread post by DarkwingDuk »

The most notable thing I see would be there weapons, especially the bladed ones designed to peirce. Obsidian is extremely sharp (modern medicine actually uses obsidian for high quality scalpels). Daggers, short swords, speartips, arrow heads (most likely for crossbows due to limited bow draw space) would probably do extra damage. I imagine them being very attractive weapons with thier natural craftmanship. The rarity would probably drive the prices up on these exquisite weapons. Perhaps they make some gold on the side selling small batches to the surface? I think the big question for me would be their beliefs in magic. Since they left in the middle of the "war of hate" they were not subject to the Purifiers. Did they choose to get rid of magic? Rune Weapons? Might be a good way to bring Atlantean Stone magic from Rifts into PF.
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Re: Dwarven Underworld?

Unread post by DarkwingDuk »

I don't think I would want them making a ton of rune weapons, but just imagine if they kept thiers from during the war, or they kept a few forges around, and the high ranking dwarves in the army now carry them. Any party that decides they are going to take on at least one rune weapon carrying dwarf, backed by a squad of his best soldiers. Would explain how they kept the Nimro from being too curious! And to keep the party and giants from taking the loot just make the rune weapons demand dwarven owners, or even better make them fear or become useless in the sun. Be kinda funny for a party to think they just captured a great rune weapon and then have it demand that the party live underground!
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Re: Dwarven Underworld?

Unread post by GMDijarian »

pretty cool idea. sorry i didnt see it earlier.
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Re: Dwarven Underworld?

Unread post by Eryk Stormbright »

Very cool R.C.C. I'd use them lol
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