Danzi Ranger

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Danzi Ranger

Unread post by donJulio »

I have a question about skill duplication. If I have a Danzi, which automatically get Wilderness Survival and Land Navigation, and pick Ranger as the O.C.C. (which also automatically get Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival), do you get to pick two different skills? This I suppose would be a house rule, and not commonly used also. I figure just there is training to get your civilian PC level 0, to budding adventurere, level 1. If you already know a skill or two of that O.C.C., that you should be able to pick another. That is my opinion, but I want yours.

Also, what other skills would you get to pick? Would it be an other skill, w/ O.C.C. bonus? Does it have to be in the same category? Or just pick any skill you want, subject to O.C.C. restrictions, but make it a secondary skill? Let me know what you think.
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Re: Danzi Ranger

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, I disagree with you. I think the character picks up whatever is the highest percentage. So he has Wilderness Survival and Navigation and either the racial or the OCC skill, whichever grants the best chance of success.

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Re: Danzi Ranger

Unread post by DarkwingDuk »

Since some races have a natural gift for some skills, if there is an overlap in skills like that, I take the highest skill percentage and then bump the skill up 10%, just like the rules for having a "professional" level of a skill. Works well and no one complains too loudly
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Re: Danzi Ranger

Unread post by J. Lionheart »

No new skill is granted. By the book, you simply get whichever is the higher percentage.

Personally, I don't mind the idea of bumping it up by one level's % bonus, or doing the "professional quality" thing as applicable, but that's houserule.
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Re: Danzi Ranger

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. As others have stated, the rule is you only get the higher of the two percentages. On a side note, since you mentioned house rules, I'll mention what I do. Well, admittedly, this has never come up with me for PF, but it came up in HU where there are skill packages and skills often overlap (like getting the Computer Operation skill 3 times).

Personally, I will allow a player to replace the duplicate skill with a couple rules. First, the replacement skill has no bonus (base skill only). It still advances with levels, but no O.C.C./Education bonuses. Second, the replacement skill must be related. Depending on the skill in question, it usually must be at least from the same skill category (both of those are Wilderness skills, so it would have to be another Wilderness skill). I might allow something like Land Navigation being substituted for Astronomy & Navigation (if the character can select it, meaning the O.C.C. allows it AND prerequisites are met) becauses it's another navigation based skill. But I usually try to make sure it feels like an extension of the original skill as opposed to a random replacement. Again, that is a "house rule." I'm not claiming that to be the actual rule in the books.

Not sure if that is of any use or not. Though it's always best to run the rule by the G.M. first as it's their game. The G.M. should have final say on the matter. Hopefully some of that helps. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys.
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