Game that is for a first time gamer.

1st edition? 2nd edition? It doesnt matter! Let's just talk Palladium Fantasy.

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Game that is for a first time gamer.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

I need a bit of help, I am having trouble coming up with a worthy plot for a first time gamer, playing a level 1 character, and I HATE mindless dungeon crawls!!!
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Re: Game that is for a first time gamer.

Unread post by GMDijarian »

If I've said it once I'll say it a million times.

Go with something cliche, because it's fun. A Dragon/or Monster, has kidnapped the princess and the hero/heroes must now go save her. This was the premise of the first game I ever ran 10 years ago.

Mine was that a vampire lord who ruled ruthlessly over a small town in the rural side of the Western Empire, had kidnapped the Mayor's daughter. Their was a castle with several neat things for the characters to interact with, and it was simple and easy for everyone to play. Make sure to add plenty of stuff for the first timer so that he/she can get the rules down. (Plenty of skills, Horror Factor saves, Good roleplaying rewarded with exp, and some good fights!)

Just a few months ago I had a first timer join my player group. Always start simple, and build from there.

In this case the players came to a town where a group of goblins known as the Son's of Bal-al-Ki stole a precious artifact, and heirloom from the town in order to use it for their own devious plots. The characters were contracted to go get it back. Have good characters (npc) and good setting, and your players will have fun. And most of the time, the simple adventures are just as fun as the complicated ones (and sometimes the complicated ones arent that much fun....because they can be complicated.)
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Re: Game that is for a first time gamer.

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

I prepared a little one person first time adventure Ive used in the past.

PC is wandering through the land (woods, forest, plains, wherever) when his pack seems light. It has be spilling supplies all along the trail as his back pack has a hole in the bottom! Just as he discovers this he hears a scream from nearby. He approaches a clearing only to find a tiny little man (faerie of any sort) stuck on a giant spiders web about to be eaten. Kill giant timber spider and free the faerie.

Faerie thanks him by offering him a meal and wine as the PC has no supplies (the faeries doing). The faerie leaves. Ofc, the PC finds that he is blue with large ears or whatever other curse you choose (it must be cosmetic). PC hears the faerie laughing (who is invisible). Faerie appears and tells him that the only antidote is held in a chest by an evil demon who resides in its lair under the nearby waterfall. He even draws a map! Hmm, strange?

Random encounters up along waterside (3 or so depending on PC's health). Arrive at lair under waterfall. Statues of warriors line the entrance and all is spookily quiet up ahead. Lair expands into a well decorated but modest chamber with expensive furniture. Indeed by the bed is a chest. In the chest is nothing but a mirror. Looking at the PC's reflection it would appear that the effects of the faerie food have warn off - there is no need of any antidote!!

Sounds of a large snake can be heard approaching the room from the entrance. The PC must fight - its no snake, its a Gorgon!! PC should try and use the mirror to look at the Gorgon and fight it so as not to be turned into stone! If demon is too much other trinkets could be in the chest or the faerie may be watching and assist if the PC looks like he is close to killing the demon. Rewards are loot in lair/chest (up to GM). Ofc, the end of the adventure should be the sound of a faerie laughing his arse off at the hilarious games he's been playing on your PC. - "Beware of Faeries bearing gifts."
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Re: Game that is for a first time gamer.

Unread post by TheGameMaster »

What I usually do for my first level players is start them in a little no name town, and the leader(s) of the town offer to pay the PC to either retrive an artifact that was stolen by bandits, or help remove a group of goblins or something that has been terrorizing the town. I usually have my PC/NPC that I plan to control for the whole campaign join the PC in this little quest, and depending on the number of bandits or goblins will sometimes throw in another NPC for back up (one that will only tag along for this particular quest). This give the PC a chance to get their hands dirty an makes things exciting almost right off the bat.

Once the PC has finished this quest it earns them a bit of money, exp. and maybe some loot. This little quest will give the PC an idea of how their character can handle certain situations.

Once the side Quest is over, I usualy let the PC decide where they want to go. If I have an idea of where I want to go in a campaign then I will have forces direct the PC in that direction.
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