Random Encounter Table

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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by Grell »

willism28 wrote:#87 Group comes upon Hotel California

-the group can smell colitas while approaching.
-see a woman standing in the door way, who is a succubus who will try to lure and feed on anyone in the group that will follow her to her room.
-the group can hear a mission bell.
-people are dancing in the courtyard, a ritual to summon a deevil.
-they have no wine, in fact, they haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
-there are voices at night, singing, slowly driving the PCs mad.
-there are mirrors on the ceiling, in them, alternate (bizarro!) versions of the PCs who are determined to get out and attack.
-champagne on ice in the rooms, which is really fairy food that will turn the skin pink.
-during the big feast, a meat monster attacks who is immune to all stabbing attacks.
-the group can check-out anytime they like but they can never leave.

(guitar solo)

I think I just figured out my groups next adventure! :demon: :ok:
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

#97 One block (brick size) of plastique explosive.
Mephisto: You have some morbid fantasies. I like it (okay)
pblackcrow:"If anyone deserves this it's you! (thwak) LOL...All in fun."
Natasha: Bob you're deadly. I like it.
Misfit KotLD: You're Gamer Bi-Polar.
Sanford: Excellent concept, Big Bob!
sasha: I think Bob gets the JUST A GAME award....for life.
Jerell: You sir, are ruthless, and that is why I like you.
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

#98 A learning to read 1st grade book, "Fun With Dick , Jane and Spot."
Mephisto: You have some morbid fantasies. I like it (okay)
pblackcrow:"If anyone deserves this it's you! (thwak) LOL...All in fun."
Natasha: Bob you're deadly. I like it.
Misfit KotLD: You're Gamer Bi-Polar.
Sanford: Excellent concept, Big Bob!
sasha: I think Bob gets the JUST A GAME award....for life.
Jerell: You sir, are ruthless, and that is why I like you.
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

#99 A well armed and armored scavenger gang of 6. "Those are sure pretty 'toys' you got.."
They...(roll 1d6)
1= Laugh at you and move on.
2= Lock and Load on you and attempt to relieve you of your "toys".
3= Ask to trade/barter with you.
4= Heard of you and want you to do them a "favor", for a price of course.
5= Ask directions to nearest drinking establishment.
6= GM's Choice..............?????
Mephisto: You have some morbid fantasies. I like it (okay)
pblackcrow:"If anyone deserves this it's you! (thwak) LOL...All in fun."
Natasha: Bob you're deadly. I like it.
Misfit KotLD: You're Gamer Bi-Polar.
Sanford: Excellent concept, Big Bob!
sasha: I think Bob gets the JUST A GAME award....for life.
Jerell: You sir, are ruthless, and that is why I like you.
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by random_username »

Table 2: #1: - Since the prior listing was #100 which is ideal for a d100 (10s and 1s via 2D10), thus making it easier overall to use multiple tables. However folks subsequently seemed to prefer simply one big list but no worries was still interesting to write these.

Metalmosh Meatheads (TM): The weirdest heavy metal band you'll ever see.

- "Ya'mon" - An Ulti-Max with a giant black hat and black dreadlocks playing a 15 foot long electric guitar.
- "Big Ed" - A NG-V7 Hunter with a tuxedo-style paint-job playing a 30 foot long electric bass guitar.
- "Buzz" - A CS UAR-1 Enforcer with a giant purple mohawk made of metal spikes singing/screaming into a giant microphone and dancing around.
- "Tex" - A Glitter Boy in a giant cowboy hat playing a giant set of drums.

All of the armors are singing and moving in ways that you'd never have believed an armor could actually move.

Their singing and instrument playing is being cranked out through two multi-tiered 30 foot walls of giant speakers built-into two old CS APCs flanking them.

They are either 01-50 Practicing, or 51-00 Playing a concert for 1D100+100 fans. Fans are in exoskeletons and light ground power armors (Samson, etc.). After 1D4 minutes the fans start a mosh pit and begin shoving and body checking each other.

Light Cyborg Roadies are running around taking care of things while Heavy Cyborg Security keeps everything under control.

The songs they perform include: Shemarrian Woman, Born to be Cyber, Eye of the Rhino-Buffalo, The Beautiful D-Bees, Tolkeen Bop, Cyber-Knight Blues, Juicer Justice, More Crazie than Crazy, G'snurgle'torf Betty, and so forth.

The band-members' armors are fully functional and fully armed. Mini-Missiles, Big Ed's guns, and Buzz's guns are periodically fired into the air as part of the performance. The show ends with Tex firing his Boom Gun up over the crowd. Followed by the screaming cheers of the temporarily deafened crowd (1D4 minutes).

Tickets are 100 credits and the show lasts 1D2+2 hours. Free if they are practicing and players can convince guard to let them watch.

Note: The band is a group of Operators and Psi-Techs using Telemechanic Possession (or Mechano-Link from Skraypers) from within each suit enabling them to sing and move as if it were their own body. They all have professional level Singing, Performance, and Play Musical Instrument skills (OCC Related, taken twice, 98% skill).


{Forwarded from http://forums.palladium-megaverse.com/v ... 3#p2181763 }

{G'snurgle'torf Betty was a tribute to a random concept from an old post of mine http://forums.palladium-megaverse.com/v ... 7#p2168881 }

May be clarified/updated from time to time. {Should be good for now}

Side Note: Most heavy metal or hard rock songs names are already suitable to the Rifts theme (Twisted Transistor, Iron Man, Symphony of Destruction, etc).
Last edited by random_username on Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:59 pm, edited 12 times in total.
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by random_username »

Table 2: #2

One random player is shot by the bullets or flechettes as it returns to the ground after having been fired as part of Metalmosh Meatheads' performances. Only those that can dodge attacks from unnoticed ambushes can attempt a dodge of 30 or better (or natural 20). Available to Crazies, Juicers, activated Combat Intuition psi-power, etc.

Roll 1D6 for Damage Range:
1-2 is 1D6x10 MD (Buzz, concert continuing)
3-4 is 2D6x10 MD (Big Ed, concert continuing)
5-6 is 3D6x10 MD (Tex, concert is over)

{See Table 2: #1 for Metalmosh Meathead's performance details}
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by random_username »

Table 2: #3

The remains of a Metalmosh Meatheads (TM) concert from the night before.

Roll 1D4
1 - 1D6 unconscious concert attendees in exoskeletons or light ground power armor (Samson, etc.).
2 - 1D6 pieces of salvage: value 1D100x100 credits each (broken off sensor systems, empty exoskeleton/power armor legs or arms, etc.).
3 - 1D6 bottles of Psi-Cola (Psyscape).
4 - 1 Dud Mini-Missile (actually just misfired, can be repaired to be functional, failed skill check = explodes for 1D6x10 MD plasma; double damage if skill roll is 99-00).
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by Severus Snape »

Ok, so I'm continuing with the original intent of the thread.

#101 A pile of those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books (talk about irony, huh?). All titles are include (click on this link for a listing of titles). Whichever book the PCs inevitably start to read through (oh, they will - they are PCs for crying out loud!), the party will be taken into the pages of the book and have to go through the book as a side adventure. The only sure way out is to "choose" the right path.

Captain Canada wrote:#11
A while walking through a ley line, a large object falls from the sky. Within seconds, it impacts the ground and causes a large crunch and splatter. After the dust settles, it appears to be a large ocean going sea creature, possibly a sperm whale. An object read indicates no existance prior to falling.
The PC's may want to clean all thier clothing now.

Rahmota wrote:#12: A large bowl of petunias. The bowl is smashed and looks slightly scorched. Object read indicates the petunias did not exist before falling from a great height.

Sirami wrote:#37: A flying saucer lands in front of the party group. Roll a die to figure out who the saucer targets.

When the door opens, a little alien will walk out and say "Excuse me, (character name)? You're a jerk." The alien will call him/her a few more names, get into the spaceship, and fly away.

These 3 inspired...

#102 The PCs come across a small felt bag with a set of scrabble tiles inside. Pulling out tiles randomly will always spell out "What Is Six Times Nine".

#103 The PCs come across several mice dressed in lab coats, discussing the question "How many roads must a man walk down?".

Ted Smythe wrote:#27 - The character group suddenly encounters a road paved with yellow bricks. A small group of people approaches, singing and skipping as they go.

The first is a scarecrow.

The second is a mutant lion (full biped, full hands, full speech, no looks) with an irrational desire to prove his masculinity.

The third is a full conversion 'borg who hates any lifeform not belonging to his party.

The fourth is a succubus with a shoe fetish. She is flying her demonic superiors, but has not told her companions yet.

And that little dog?

Love the shoe fetish thing. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

bigbobsr6000 wrote:#53 A field of “Poppies…..Poppies….Poppies….” Save vs Coma. Fail = Laying down in the field, falling into a deep sleep (Coma). Lasts 1d10 days. Each day in Coma, 10% increase to have Hallucinations.

I may hate The Wizard of Oz, but I have to give props for the original ways that this comes up in this table.

MT-NME wrote:#64 "Fork in the Road"
The party comes accross a fork in the road. This particular fork is 10 feet tall and made of an unknown material.

#104 The party comes across a complete dinner setting for 12. Plates, bowls, cups, forks, knives, spoons - it's all there. The dishes are perfectly laid out, but completely empty. If the party attempts to use the dinner setting to eat with, any food placed upon the plates vanishes instantly.
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Unread post by gaaahhhh »

Sanford wrote:#28...


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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by SmilingJack »


While out at night, The PC's encounter a man with his cybernetic arm cut off screaming for help, with another man stalking over him holding a vibro knofe,

the assailant stops and tells the PCs that the man on the ground with his arm severed murdered his wife

Depending on how you want to frame it you can have the PCs make a moral choice, the assailant will be hell bent on killing the man and ignoring the pcs interventions


The two are actually working together , the man on the ground is actually fine, the dark night obscures the fact that he still has his arm, and they simply left a cybernetic arm covered with blood on the ground to provide the verisimilitude of an actual injury, the two are acting out a scene waiting for some poor person to happen upon them, so they can blindside them and take their money or...... lives......
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

willism28 wrote:#87 Group comes upon Hotel California

-the group can smell colitas while approaching.
-see a woman standing in the door way, who is a succubus who will try to lure and feed on anyone in the group that will follow her to her room.
-the group can hear a mission bell.
-people are dancing in the courtyard, a ritual to summon a deevil.
-they have no wine, in fact, they haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
-there are voices at night, singing, slowly driving the PCs mad.
-there are mirrors on the ceiling, in them, alternate (bizarro!) versions of the PCs who are determined to get out and attack.
-champagne on ice in the rooms, which is really fairy food that will turn the skin pink.
-during the big feast, a meat monster attacks who is immune to all stabbing attacks.
-the group can check-out anytime they like but they can never leave.

(guitar solo)

If I were a pc in a game that used this encounter I would tear my sheet in half, give the GM the finger, and comment loudly on his/her questionable heritage and then leave. I hate that song with a passion that cannot be described.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by gaby »

Was ther some thing like this,in Aliens unlimited or Galaxy guide?
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
willism28 wrote:#87 Group comes upon Hotel California

-the group can smell colitas while approaching.
-see a woman standing in the door way, who is a succubus who will try to lure and feed on anyone in the group that will follow her to her room.
-the group can hear a mission bell.
-people are dancing in the courtyard, a ritual to summon a deevil.
-they have no wine, in fact, they haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
-there are voices at night, singing, slowly driving the PCs mad.
-there are mirrors on the ceiling, in them, alternate (bizarro!) versions of the PCs who are determined to get out and attack.
-champagne on ice in the rooms, which is really fairy food that will turn the skin pink.
-during the big feast, a meat monster attacks who is immune to all stabbing attacks.
-the group can check-out anytime they like but they can never leave.

(guitar solo)

If I were a pc in a game that used this encounter I would tear my sheet in half, give the GM the finger, and comment loudly on his/her questionable heritage and then leave. I hate that song with a passion that cannot be described.

Concurance. Thanks. I now need to find something to drown out the horrible music loop now playing in my head. :frust:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by bobharly »

#106: Group comes upon an old farm house. An elderly couple live here. If they think the PC's are a threat, they have booby traps like pits with explosives under the front and back door or land mines around the house with a simple sign that says, "Stay of the Lawn". Otherwise they will invite the PC's in and offer steak if they are hungry. They are curious about the outside world and don't get many visitors. Outback are dozens of grave mounds. The old folks are cannibals and a bit twitchy... (I always like this scene from the movie, "Book of Eli")
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by ThreeBFour »

#107: An unopened box of Twinkies.......are they still edible?
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Re: Random Encounter Table

Unread post by Mechanurgist »

Did all these encounters get compiled into a single list somewhere?
New After the Bomb Adventure: Rendezvous in N'Yak
Old After the Bomb Adventure: Northern Lights
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