A New Campaign

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A New Campaign

Unread post by GMDijarian »

I'm starting a new campaign soon with a new group and was wondering if anyone out there could help me come up with a few ideas on a certain few areas.

The general idea is that an old general of the old ones (We will call Tartarus), which has been incased in stone in the LOD since the end of the Age of Choas, was discovered by a group of adventures nearly 5000 years ago, who accidently began to awake him! :eek: Thankfully at the last second before he awoke, the teams wizarad casts a powerful spell that seprates the statue into 6 different peices scattered throughout the world. An a secret fraternal order was created to find these "artifacts" (head, left and right eyes, left arm, and the Tartarus's main sword!) and keep them safe, and away from the followers of the old ones and particularly the followers of Tartarus himself.

Fast foward to present time.
The characters are approached by a preist of light (one of the last members of this now dying order) who has info that mininons of Tartarus have recently found one of the ancient tombs that the order had hidden one of the artifacts in, and seeks to find the other artifacts in order awake their master (who will raise an army and destroy the world/reawaken the old ones). He enlists the Player Characters help to find the missing peices before the minions of Tartarus can!

Does it sound like ive got a good starting spot on this campaign?
I know each of the artifacts will have an amazing amount of power but what? And they'd probably be cursed too!
Should they all be in crypts and dungeons? Im not a huge fan of a lot of dungeon crawling (some is cool, but should all of them be in "dungeons"?)

Just if i could get a little help on some of these questions that would be great!! And if i could get some more questions to help me think things through it would be awesome!!Thanks!
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Re: A New Campaign

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Wow :eek:

When and where do you game. I'll be there! Cool back story GMDijarian :ok:

If you want some ideas on the powers of the artifacts check out the pieces of Osiris's in Dragons and Gods. Each has some powers. If that doesn't help what powers did Tartarus have that made him so powerful? Take those powers and put them in the artifacts.

I like Dungeon crawls, but no they all don't have to be. I say put them in other dimensions, maybe Hades or Dyval :demon: That will expand your campaign into a dimensional campaign. Or if that's not your bag put them in the far corners of Palladium and explore lands you've never brought your group to. They don't have to be dungeons either. It can be a labyrinth, or perhaps a piece is in the Royal castle, and the king has a fondness for it and the group needs to steal it from under his nose. Just like you did a cool back story, make a story for each piece and where they ended up. That is sure to give you ideas.

Game on :ok:

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Re: A New Campaign

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

I agree with Carl sounds like a fun campaign. Below are some suggestions on hiding places.

Old Kingdom: One of the temples lies deep in the Old Kingdom. In the last few centuries a city of Orcs have built up around the temple. They worship the piece and will guard it fiercely. The players will have to sneak into the city get the piece and get out. You, can use one of the Orc cities from Yin-Sloth Jungles as a template for your city.

Ancient Dragon: In his travels an Ancient Dragon acquired one of the pieces. The piece now rests safely in his lair. The players will have to find him and then figure out how to get it. The easy solution is fighting for it but it's a very powerful dragon. Of course maybe he could be talked into a trade. For example a rune sword for the piece.

Defiec Realm: One of the Gods decided to put a piece in safe keeping. The piece now lies in their Defiec Realm. How will the players get there? Also how do they get it out without suffering the wrath of the God. I personally would pick Thoth. The players would then have to give him a rational argument to why they should be trusted with it. Their worthiness can then be tested by a series of challenges.

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Re: A New Campaign

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This sounds like an awesome idea. I'd love to hear how it turns out.
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Re: A New Campaign

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Those are all awesome ideas guys!! Thank you very very much, you got my ideas flowing again. Make a back story for each peice, why didnt i think of that, i love the idea of the orc city worshiping it awesome, and sunken treasure, deific realm...wow. this is gonna be awesome!!

If everyone would like i'll update with more ideas and even how the adventures turn out...if everyone would like that.

thanks again! :-D
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Re: A New Campaign

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Yes, please keep us updated.

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Re: A New Campaign

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I like this idea.. You may wanna include the following plot hooks/story lines to add to it.. Just stuff off the top of my head here..

One thing you might wish to do is have the group in a race against the servants of Tartarus. After all whomever gets to the hiding places of the statue first will get the first chance at getting them.

Second if the Church is going to be assisting the PCs then the bad guys should get some group helping them as well. (Minotaurs, cults dedicated to the old ones, etc.) This will also give you a nice extra array of enemies for the PCs to be on the look out for.

Also think about how they intend to bring Tartarus back. Does the statue reanimate? You might wanna alter it into different pieces of armor and magic artifacts that Tartarus used. Don't let the players in on it until later on. Perhaps Tartarus essence was seperated into the various pieces of items that he carried about upon his death. (Hence why they are magical and cursed!)

For example the Head of Tartarus could easily refer to his helm. Pick a few enchantments for armor that will work and add it in. Also toss in a couple of things for flavor.. Just to give it persona that separates it from the other pieces..

For example:
The Head of Tartarus
This great helm has the following magical enchantments..
Indestructible. (Hey it can't have rusted out over the millennium or so.)
Wearer is under the effects of Eyes of the Wolf while wearing
Wearer will occasionally get "visions" of where the other pieces of Tartarus are (Use the Clairvoyance Psychic power)

Other features
+10% on Intelligence (Tartarus was a military genius so he knows all about warfare and tactics)
+10% on Trust/Intimidate for purposes of fighting/war. Characters can invoke a feeling of trust amongst any fellow party members when it comes to fighting. Player will have the utmost confidence in his/her ability to win the fight regardless of odds. Allies about him can be moved by rousing speeches prior to a battle and will also feel that the wearer is a competent leader. (Less likely to desert and more confident even in the face of overwhelming odds.) Wearer can also invoke fear in his foes and may cause them to rethink attacking. Foes will know that they face a knowledgeable tactician who has no fear of engaging them regardless of consequences. Players foes know that to win the day on the field of battle they will have to pay a very hefty price in lives.

For hiding spots well just pick some really difficult places to get to. I would hide them in tombs, or temples. Maybe even a monastery with monks. (Read what the average monastery is and you'll get an idea on how difficult getting that out of there should be.)

You might also want to have the sword or other item discovered long ago and used to vanquish some horror. The locals at the time opted to put up a statue of the great hero. Unbeknown to anyone now a days, one of the items is actually hidden in the statue. Unfortunately for the players the small town grew up into a huge city and the statue is in one of the busiest sections of the city that always has people and city guards about.. How do the players deface this statue of a local hero to get the piece of Tartarus??

Lastly what happens when they get all of the pieces? Does bringing them all together awaken Tartarus? Does each player with a piece have to make saves vs possession or risk Tartarus taking them over and turning on the possessed players friends to get the rest of his items?

Lots of great campaign ideas here and I think your off to a great start.. Just remember to keep the options open and give the players something to deal with at every turn.

Also please keep us posted here on the boards.
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Re: A New Campaign

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Hey again,

coming up with background stories for the seperate pieces. Thanks to everyone for their responces its helped sooo much.
I always wanted one of the peices to be in an ancient dwarven tomb in the Baalgor- Wastelands...
What kinds of protectors would be in this tomb. Entities, traps, Golems???, Elementals, Dwarves dont use magic, so wouldnt that rule out A LOT of the protectors?

Anyones input would be greatly apprictiated.

I'll post player character bios shortly, that could be cool. Get to know the characters.
And i'll post "artifact" stories once im done with them.

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Re: A New Campaign

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Well with dwarves I can see a lot of conventional traps. Swinging axes, bolt traps, pit traps, crushing walls, both vertical and horizontal. I like to include the occasional water trap, where a room gets sealed and fills with water, or a pit trap opens to a small underground lake. I also use the occasional water way to connect different parts of the dungeon.

If you really want to break the characters chops make the halls all dwarven size. :D Fighting might be a challenge. Over the years any type of critter could make a home out of the place. You can always go with something like a Sphinx, or maybe the dwarf who is entombed is a mummy. Yeah dwarves don't do the whole magic thing, but what if the dwarf was entombed by enemies such as elves? Then you can justify there being magic traps. Maybe he was too powerful in life (perhaps because of the artifact) and his enemies fear him coming back?

Just a bunch of random ideas.

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Re: A New Campaign

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So the campaign begins Sunday...or Monday. Should be fun, im excited.
I'll update
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Re: A New Campaign

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UR Leader Hobbes wrote:
Also think about how they intend to bring Tartarus back. Does the statue reanimate? You might wanna alter it into different pieces of armor and magic artifacts that Tartarus used. Don't let the players in on it until later on. Perhaps Tartarus essence was seperated into the various pieces of items that he carried about upon his death. (Hence why they are magical and cursed!)

Lastly what happens when they get all of the pieces? Does bringing them all together awaken Tartarus?

I used some of these basic ideas and molded them to make them my own. For some reason i really want to share this with people. This is one of the many things i have done in the last few days, regarding TARTARUS and the campaign.


When the Elven wizard cast the spell, stopping the first reanimation of Tartarus, the evil being’s body was destroyed, and his soul essence was broken into the six artifact pieces of the statue, spread throughout the known world.
Unknown to The Order is how the minions of Tartarus plan to revive their dark lord. Tartarus’ plan works like this:

When all six of the artifacts are hidden, and apart from one another Tartarus is incased in a magical slumber, unable to influence the world in any way. (The visions seen by the artifact holders themselves are controlled by the individual essences, and not by Tartarus as a hole.)

When two of the artifacts are brought together, Tartarus will awaken from his 100,000 year slumber, but will not be able to influence the world, except through visions to his followers.

When three of the artifacts are brought together, Tartarus will have enough power to form outside of the astral plane as a ghost on the physical world. He then can communicate via Telepathy and Empathy

When four of the artifacts have been brought together, Tartarus will have enough power to posses a host body, taking complete control of it. He however will not yet have his magic abilities and will retain the health statistics (HP, SDC, etc) of the host body. Although all his memories and skill will be available to him.

When five of the artifacts have been brought together, Tartarus will have enough power to “impregnate” the host body with a seed of his soul! For six months he will grow inside the host body, and will be reborn a baby into the world. This will kill the host body. He will have a half range of his powers once reborn into the world. (HP, SDC, PPE, Spell Durations, Damages, etc. Will all be at half!) But full availability of memories, skills, etc.
When all six of the artifact pieces are brought together, Tartarus will then be strong enough to reanimate in a fully powerful adult version of himself!!
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Re: A New Campaign

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I hope you don't mind but I used your basic idea as a platform to jump the next major part of the storyline in my game off of. I was really impressed by it and I was curious to see how it would play out in my game. I've changed quite a bit of the details(name, not actually a demon, etc) but it worked really well to use in my game because there is already a "cult" of sorts running around in my game right now attempting to awaken the Old Ones. I'll be running my next game on Monday and none of my players have had a chance to experience any of the ideas that I projected from yours so if you would prefer me to not do so then please let me know and I'll come up with something else. It was just too good to pass up.
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Re: A New Campaign

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Torval wrote:I hope you don't mind but I used your basic idea as a platform to jump the next major part of the storyline in my game off of. I was really impressed by it and I was curious to see how it would play out in my game. I've changed quite a bit of the details(name, not actually a demon, etc) but it worked really well to use in my game because there is already a "cult" of sorts running around in my game right now attempting to awaken the Old Ones. I'll be running my next game on Monday and none of my players have had a chance to experience any of the ideas that I projected from yours so if you would prefer me to not do so then please let me know and I'll come up with something else. It was just too good to pass up.

Im honored. I put it on here to help others, and to hopefully have others help me. (which they have) its totally cool, and im honored.

Let me know how it turns out, and if you want to share some of your detail that would be cool too.

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Re: A New Campaign

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Since you asked in my Kronos, God of Time Thread how the lord of time would react to the return of Tartarus, I have this to say on the subject:

Upon learning of the plot to resurrect Tartarus, Kronos would become heavily opposed to Tartarus' return. The Age of Chaos was an age he would never want repeated and he believes that the Old Ones should never be allowed to regain power. He would be heavily conflicted about getting involved but eventually decide to attempt to stop Tartarus. He would more than likely send his minions to investigate events surrounding Tartarus' return.
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Re: A New Campaign

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I was asked to come up with background stories for each of the peices of armor spread throughout the world. This is one of them that i have completed.


It is common knowledge by The Order that the spell used to stop the awakening of Tartarus, and that spread the "artifacts" had the power to transcend even time and space, in order to better prevent the chance of finding them. This is one reason it is believed that some of the items did not reappear until after thousands of years later. The artifact in this story actually appeared three thousand years before the spell was cast...
It is the eve of the end of the elf-dwarf war...Durrim Erzak is son of The Dwarfish General on the front lines. He stands in the rocky desert of the Baalgor Wasteland, a monstrous version of his former self, and surrounded by Elven Longbow men and Assassins.
Flashback some three months...
Durrim and his father, (who is also named Durrim) are leading there people west into the remainder of the Elven kingdom, a last mighty march against the Elves. In an epic battle that lasts five days Durrim's father is gravely wounded along with many Dwarven and Elven casualties. The Dwarves are forced to pull back. Durrim feels as if he has failed his father, for inside his mind he was not strong enough to protect his father from being injured by Elven arrows.

Durrim prays hard to his god, Belimar, and asks that the mighty DWARF would send him one of his crafted weapons, so that he might be able to once again have his father's favor. Coincidentally, that night, Durrim found laying in the high grass just a mile outside camp, The Chest plate of Tartarus. Seeing it as divine intervention, Durrim immediately equipped himself, and fled west into what was left of the Elven Kingdom.
Durrim was not seen again for three months. When he finally returned to his father's side, who now was nearly dead, he spoke of grisly atrocities he had committed, Elves and their families he had killed, raped, murdered, all in the name of revenge...all for his father. His eyes lit up furiously as he smiled, and told his father of what he believed to be Belimar's miracle. How the armor he had found could make him unseen to Elven eyes, and which made him invincible to Elven arrows....all in the name of his father.
His father, then pulling back the bandages from his eyes looked upon Durrim for the first time in three months, and what he saw was not his son. Beside his bed stood a misshaped beast of a dwarf. A monster! Immediately he called the guards and had his son removed from his chambers. The entire time Durrim screamed and cried, only wanting to please his father.
Cursing the gods, Durrim fleas into the Baalgor Wastelands. Belimar was NO help to him! In a rage he slew beasts and innocent animals alike, anything to unleash his furry. The hole time, and unknown to him, a platoon of Elven assassins were on his tail, waiting to the opportune moment to strike!
Eventually they surround him, bows raised. They found him in a rocky out cropping looking over the sandy deserts. Tears fall from his now monstrous cheeks, and he begs them to kill him, to take him from this misery he had created for himself. And they gladly oblige, executing him there on the spot.
They entomb him deep in the ground, to be lost within the sands of time. And warn that no man should ever find him, for he was a demon, that should return. They cursed the ground he was buried in and left, to be forgotten to history..
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Re: A New Campaign

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Have the facts of the story been lost through time?

Is Tartarus now a broken statue or could the "head" be the head of the cult, the "arms" two warrior protectors, the "eyes" a demon familiar instead of actual limbs.

What town did they start in? was there a statue there they noticed of a warrior king with a sword. Before they even know what the plot line is and the sword they were 2 feet away from is THE sword of tartarus they now need! wasnt that statue about to be demolished and replaced by the newest local gladiator celebs statue?....

One part could be given away as a priceless antique for a jousting tournament. They must enter the tournament to win and if they dont win they will need to plan a heist to steal the part.

Does a necromancer have one that they can actually bond with!! (In Rifts Africa, "Necrosiris" came in very handy fighting the apocalypse demon).

Do the cult have piece but its smashed and they need an earth warlock to fix it?

Is the dying priest just part of one order protecting one piece. When the PCs get one of the pieces another protective order (the good guys) hunt the PCs thinking they are the Old one cultists! Do our PCs fight back?...
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Re: A New Campaign

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Ages ago a Dragon by the name of Faewolfre came upon an adventuring party in the Northern Hinterlands, the Legion of Dragon’s Claw. (Faewolfre herself, thought this to be a quite ironic name.) Disguising herself as an Elf she befriended this group. For years they traveled righting wrongs, Faewolfre always keeping an ever vigilant eye on everyone, watching and waiting. For she had seen an item that intrigued her some half century before this, a certain gauntlet that granted amazing powers to the user. She had seen another party of adventurers while staying in the highest peaks of the Northern Mountains, and she had watched them there, for she truly wanted this gauntlet and the power granted by it.
After many years, the Legion had made some name for themselves in the region, and they were called once again to fight a new, dark and sinister evil, one that people were beginning to say had crawled out of The Land of the Damned. A dark man (who’s name has now been lost in the last few centuries) had appeared from the northern mountains, a man with incredible powers.
For one reason or another, this dark man terrorized the country side, leaving no one to be safe. The Legion of Dragon’s Claw were called into action to stop this terrible man. Faewolfre was so intrigued by this man’s great power, and how it nearly seemed to match the great power she had seen on those highest peaks many years before.
One night on the full moon, The Legion followed this dark man, and his now small army of followers to The Devil’s Mark, a place of great evil. The dark man began a mighty ritual and for hours danced and incarnated, and The Legion had had enough. Wanting to stop whatever unspeakable horror was about to unfold they sprung the most clever trap on the dark man and his small army, leaping into action.
After a quite fierce battle, the Legion arose the victor. Soon after they found the power behind this dark man, and found it in a mighty gauntlet he wore. Faewolfre immediately knew it was the one she had been searching for all this time! All that power, all the glory that could come from it.
The Legion then decided in order to keep this great power from being used for evil, they would throw it into the ocean, to be lost to Algor for all time. Faewolfre was enraged, she tried to reason with the group but they had already made us their minds. She tried once more to reason with them, once more to prove to them that she could take care of it, and when they denied her, she killed them all.
Turning back into the mighty Dragon that she was, she horrified them all so, that there in the midst of the previous battle, she slew them swiftly, ate them whole, and that was the last of The Legion of Dragon’s Claw.
Afterward, Faewolfre returned to her highest peaks in the Northern Mountains, and legend says to this day, stands protector over it and many other priceless treasures.

So how am I doing so far guys? The gaming hasnt began yet because of a few scheduling errors, so it was posponned until Sunday...then i'll update to how the adventures are going if you all would like a play by play like action. I have tons of cool ideas for individual adventures. :-o
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Re: A New Campaign

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Think it looks good. :ok:

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Re: A New Campaign

Unread post by bigmac8583 »

Perhaps one of the pieces found its way into a musuem/art gallery or in the pocession of a private art collector... that could make for some intresting smash and grab challanges where they have to aviod killing the unsuspecting guards
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Re: A New Campaign

Unread post by GMDijarian »



Chapter One: The Tower Bell Sounds

A lone monk, with a bald head and shoalin style clothing sits on a small wooden stool outside of a new monastary, currently being built. Being the first in the province, it features new "clockwork" technology, and the many workers, shoot up and down latters, scrambling to screw in screws, tighten bolts, and adjust nuts on the huge clock face, up the front of the great monastary's tower.
A small Gnome wizard sits in his room in the local inn. He reads over his spell book, doing a few mathmatical equations. After several hours he decides to head down to the lobby and chat with the innkeeper.
A young man, still in his teens, almost too small to be wearing the large set of chainmail that he does, sits in a dark and seedy tavern, a large troll, sees to the upkeep, washing dishes and keeping to the riff raff of orcs, and goblins drinking up a storm. The mercenary sits quietly in the corner, watching as everything takes place around him.
A tall, thin man, in his early 30's strolls into town, walking stick in hand. Seeing the workers up the hill working on such a nice looking new monastary, this "man of learning" as he calls himself, heads up the hill. He makes his way past several street merchants selling all kinds of fruits and vegetables, a few even sell certain types of unsavory meats for the orc and goblin population in town. He strolls right past all of this though, and introduces himself to the monk sitting alone outside.

"Hello sir, My name's William Forest. What sort of establishment is this? Doesn't Seem like any monastary I've seen before."

The monk looks up at the tall 6 foot 4 inch man, his bald head reflecting the bright beautiful sun, shining through the day. Birds chirp in the background, and not a cloud is in the sky.

"My name is Hatsumi. I've just arrived in town myself, and have taken a seat on this stool for a short rest. Shall I accompany you inside sir?" They continue to talk amongst themselves as they pass through the workers and enter a small chamber bathed in light.

The small Gnome wizard stands on the bar stool, downstairs talking with the innkeeper when a goblin in dark clothes passes by and heads quickly out the front door. The gnome, being somewhat a curious and suspiscious guy (especially of goblins) decides to finish his conversation quite abruptly and head after the goblin out the front door. Running blindly out the front door and into the street, the gnome is nearly run over by a horse a buggy! By the time the buggy is gone from his site, so is the mysterious looking goblin in dark clothes.
The young warrior, just exiting the dark tavern see across the street this funny looking gnome, and once again takes the time to lean back against the front of the building, and watch this gnome, as he seems lost.
Hatsumi and William walk the the nice wooden doubles doors of the monastary and into a small chamber bathed in light. Inside they both see, very nice stone floors, beautiful artwork lining the walls, and a small old man in forest green and black robes, attenting to workers, giving directions. William immidiatly takes to examining the artwork on the walls. Seeing his interst, the small old man walks over.

"...And then the elemental machines of Kh'ron were unleashed from the Cosmic Egg, put in place by the Cackler. These Placekeepers tore the previous worlds asunder and rebuilt them in a new order."

The old man says to them, explaining what the painting on the walls were. For some reason in all his travels William was unable to identify this religion and the importance of the artwork.

" That coming straight from The Tome of Time my sons" the small old man said.

Both Hatsumi and William turning and talking to the small old priest. They spoke for quite awhile. William, being the "man of knowlege" that he is, loving every second of learning something new. Learning of this new religion, learning of a new god named, Kronos. He, though loving the new learning, immediatley told of his distrust for all gods, seeing them all as selfish and wanting only to gather followers, in order to procure their own goals.

...to be continued
Last edited by GMDijarian on Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A New Campaign

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Monks, huh? I guess that fits, but I'm going to have to make a notation in my Kronos thread...

I have made notations on the appearance of the monks, such as robe color, etc., in the Kronos thread.
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Re: A New Campaign

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Im not going to be able to write the summaries in story form, due to not having enough time so, I'll paraphrase what happened.

Soon afterward, the young warrior (A Human Mercenary named Samuel), and the Gnome (a wizard named Sprawl) meet, and begin trying the exchange words when they find, that out of all there language skills combined, neither can talk to the other. :lol:

Soon after that Samuel and Sprawl meet with Hatsumi and William (the monk and scholar). As night begins to fall they chit-chat and grow to know each other, quarreling about stupid things, and laughing at other things.

Suddenly the bells in the tower at the monastary begin to ring, and the characters run quickly to the site of several goblins that have kicked down the front doors!!! The players, in the voice of their characters then said this, it made us all roll over laughing, this was their reasons for intervening. The Monk says, " I hate those who defile temples and monastaries", the scholar then says, "i hate those who defile knowledge and learning" Then everyone stops and looks at the player of the mercenary expecting him to say something as poetic and out comes, " I'm just looking for a good fight" (Hey, it was funny to us at the time) Four goblins jump out of the monastary and battle begins with the characters. Within a melee round another shadowy goblin imerges from inside carrying something large covered with a cloak.

The PC's dispatch of the first four goblins (though i believe a decent fight was put up, with at least one character being knocked into hit points). One is fried with a fire bolt spell, one has his hand chopped off with a critical strike, one has weightlessness cast on it, and is blown away, and another is beaten to a pulp by the monk.

The Shadowy goblin though, begins to make his escape while the battle is winding down, the wizard casts another fire bolt, but for some reason it seems to do no harm to the fleeing goblin (the goblin had an armor of ithan cast upon himself, unknown to the PC's). The PC's are able to catch a glimpse of a reflective metalic object coming from under the cloak before the goblin vanishes screaming, "You may have one the battle, but you will never defeat the Sons of Bal'al-Ki!" (casts invisibility on himself, and through failed perception rolls the PC's lose him).

The characters run in to check on the monk inside and find him barely clinging to life with a dagger in his chest!! They are told by townspeople that "The Sons" are a cult who worship some terrible monster, and all live at the heart of "The Misty Forest". Of course being the good people they are, the PC's volunteer to retreive the stolen goods and find out whats going on and whos behind "The Sons" (The Sons are beleived to be behind several cattle thefts in the area, for several months)

The PC's travel into the Misty Forest, a forboding and dark and obviously "misty" wood, full of thickets and thorn bushes, and rumored to the haunted. For several days they travel (attacked by suckers and one point, finding a scouting party of two additional goblins, which they made quick work of, finding carcasses of dead owl things (from a previous adventure I ran as an intro for the player of the wizard, who is new)), until at the end of the third day, the forest begins to think out and the mist turns to fog, as a slimy, and stinky swamp emerges. At the edge of the swamp sits an old shack, a small dim light can be seen coming from it through the window. One of the characters prowls up to the window and discovers an old man writing at a desk by candle light. The PC's deside it safe and casual knock on the door. The man soon answers, and is nice, inviteing them in to have a warm meal and some tea, which they accept.

The man, who never reveals his name, warns them that they are about the enter the "misty swamp" (as for my names, i had to use the sames ones that i did in the demo adventure i did for the wizard's player, i kept the cliche/non descriptive names to help him have the sense that he was still in the same game world, with the same people, places,. and things.), In the swamp lives a terrible monster that feeds on human flesh!! But he informs them that if they travel through the swamp in a boat, the monster shall not attack them. The PC's ask him how they can get a boat, and he says that he will show them across the swamp in a boat for the cost of one thing (item) of importance that they had.

Seeing the man's tattered clothes Hatsumi (the monk) hands him two robes to wear.
William (the scholar) gives him knowledge by translating a few documents for the man.
Samuel (the mercenary) gives him two candles, without he wont be able to see or continue work at his desk
Sprawl (the gnome wizard) gives him an equally important item (which i cant remember right now)

The man then uneventfully leads them across the dark, foggy waters of the misty swamp.
Arriving in the tall grass and reeds on the other side, the PC's come to a large and steep hill in the center of the swamp. They all jump out of the boat and begin up this hill. Within just a few minutes they come upon yet another scouting pary of goblins sitting on the top of the hill. Two goblins in total.

One goblin goes straight for the PC's, spear in hand, the other takes off toward the top of the hill, screaming something at the top of his lungs.

...to be continued
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Re: A New Campaign

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The Player Characters imediately arms themselves for combat. The Mercenary Draws his sword and runs after the goblin fleeing up the hill, The Monk takes up a combative stance.
William (scholar), though, begins running up and around the goblin heading out of harms way, as Sprawl cast a cloud of slumber in front to the goblin who runs up the hill.

Combat begins as Hatsumi takes to whooping some goblin butt with staff and martial arts skills.
The goblin running up the hill, runs right through the cloud unfazed (saved vs magic)
The cloud disappears as Samuel and Sprawl continue up the hill. The goblin just vanishing over the top. William begins that way as well.
Hatsumi finishes off the goblin sentry and himself begins up the hill.

As Samuel is first up the hill he quickly finds that running blindly up it was a bad idea. Upon coming up and over the hill, Samuel finds a squad of soldiers. One mean looking orc, and four goblins, are drooling at the mouth and out for Samuel's blood.

Samuel daringly rushes face first into melee combat with the squad, first exchanging blows with the goblins. As Sprawl comes over the hill, he casts Levitate upon himself in order to stay out of the melee. He then proceeds at hurling fire bolts at the orc leader. Samuel makes his way to the Orc leader and begins in melee, but quickly is cut down by the Orc's mighty Halberd! :? .

William comes over the hill, just in time to meet Samuel's limp body. He quickly lifts up the unconcious body and begins heading back down the hill with it. Hatsumi begins in combat with the goblins. William loads Samuel into the boat and away from combat, standing over as protector of the in coma merc.

Several rounds pass, and the Orc is finally brought down with a massive fire bolt from Sprawl. The Wizard lowers himself, as William and Hatsumi look over the remains of the fallen goblins. William then dawns the still warm chainmail of the Orc, and grabs it's Halberd, before the group moves on.

After several minutes the party comes upon several cows standing, grazing in front of a dark entrance to a huge cave. As they approach a huge, red hand reaches out and grabs an unsuspecting cow, bringing it into the darkness of the cave. A loud moo is heard, before blood and entrails shoot out the mouth of the cave. The Pc's stand is awe and a 14ft giant humanoid steps out of the cave. It walks on its knuckles as an ape, has read reptilian skin, hair covered body, and one large rams horn protruding from its head.

Melee begins as the beast (who identifies himself as the god Bal-al-Ki.), nearly smashes William under his heavy fist. Soon after Sprawl cast weightlessness on Bal-al-Ki, and Hatsumi running jump kicks the might beast. Bal-al-ki flies into the darkness as the Pc's run in after him. Several minutes pass inside, as combat echoes out.

Soon after the three PCs return from the shadows of the cave victorious! and with the spoils of Bal-al-ki. The shield is retrieved and some gold is found in the cave along with a scroll, which Sprawl begins work on deciphering.

The trip back through the Misty Woods is weirdly uneventful and the PCs once again arrive in Ahryn Town. As they reenter town they are looked upon as heroes, and as the shield is but back in its rightful place, the faces of the town people shine. After a party the PCs are approached by priest in White and Gold garb. The elf introduces himself as Father Milo- Far. He tells them, that he believes they are as he thinks, the great heroes he is looking for, and as he leads them behind the monastary and into the Apple Orchard behind it, he begins to explain a quest of the upmost importance.
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Re: A New Campaign

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oh so good
He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy, with great bolts of lightning he routed them.
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Re: A New Campaign

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bigmac8583 wrote:oh so good

You really think so? Sometimes I wonder how my games compare with those of others.
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Re: A New Campaign

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absolutly i only wish that there was a game like this in my area to get in on
He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy, with great bolts of lightning he routed them.
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Re: A New Campaign

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bigmac8583 wrote:absolutly i only wish that there was a game like this in my area to get in on

cool. i wish you could be part. i love having more players.

Chapter Two: A Journey to Shandala Coming Soon to a forum near you!!
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Re: A New Campaign

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GMDijarian wrote:
bigmac8583 wrote:absolutly i only wish that there was a game like this in my area to get in on

cool. i wish you could be part. i love having more players.

Chapter Two: A Journey to Shandala Coming Soon to a forum near you!!

sorry havnt had a chance to get on recently, i will update the story in a few days or so..
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Re: A New Campaign

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No worries if theres anything I got plenty of its time
He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy, with great bolts of lightning he routed them.
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Re: A New Campaign

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This is a quick update. This is taken from the notes of one of my players, sorry if it isnt as descriptive as you would like. You can only imagine the fullness of everything that happened in between. Sorry

An excert from the Journal of William Pontius Forest, the scholar:

We met a priest Lipid Milofar, who has a goal for us
he said he had already heard great things from/about us?

a week passed

Milofar, priest of Kronos, elf.
led us into beautiful court yard with sundial. Explained Kronos, god of time (unknown for tens of thousand of years)
he explains: During age of chaos Old Ones ruled, horrible creatures,
fed on pain, fear, agony.
all the gods of light, angels, and dragons etc. mustered everything to
put them to sleep. Tart'aarus general of old ones disappeared.
Milofar knows the whereabouts of Tat'aarus.
Shandala, temple city three days journey east, Milofar's master Besme'Ki
knows more information

on the way we all got to know one another, and learned
more from Milofar.
met and elf Khimari on the side of the road heading east
encountered an odd crew

Temple city of Shandala, welcome all religions
ran by monks, independant of Western Empire

Monk at entrace gates, Lai-tu
Three chanlanges to enter the city
Challange of the Mind, I answered the riddle: "What stands on four legs in the morning, two legs at midday, and three legs at Night"
Challange of the "Spirit", ended up being drunken spear chucking, Hatsumi passed it.
Challange of the Body, Khimari had to duel Lai-tu.

Inside Shandala regrouped, ate well
Shandala temple is large and grand. Many people, soldiers, studies and intelect.
There we met Milofar's master. Besme'Ki, 6000 year old sphinx.
When old ones were put to sleep
Kronos turned Tart'aarus into statue
Besme'Ki frantically split the statue into six pieces to
keep him from reforming, but Tart'aarus' minions are also trying

Keep him from reforming, but Tart'aarus' minions are also trying to reform him
In the Library of Bletherad, far to the east, we will learn of the one remaining
member of the order. Besme'Ki the mighty Sphinx dies. and to know what to do with
the pieces.
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Re: A New Campaign

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Continued from the pages of the journal of William Pontius Forest, scholar:

Beth Ahryn on the edge of the Western Empire, nearest port-city
we can take a boat/ship from there

Leader of Tart'aarus' minions, a minataur witch (Dembius Raath)
has already found one of the peices, Tart'aarus' Sword
He is worshipper of old ones

NOTE:ANOTHER SIDE NOT IS ENTERED HERE: This was just one month ago!!

Setting out an earthquake unveils what may be a "place keeper"
invention of Chronos which made the world?
One hundred feet tall or so

followed by a peacock
met an ogre (Kroll), helped him fish. he warned us of orc bandits in return
met Western Emperial soldiers, checking for contraband
came across orc bandits ambushing peasants
Sprawl casts cloud of slumber

We finally reach Beth-Ahryn
found a book on Chronos

Inside the Bleeding Unicorn (tavern/inn)
we met famed Knight Roland McArther
heard more tales of the mysterious black ship
story of shadowy apparition, disappearances
Mr. Lombotty owned library which closed soon
after black ship arrived. He became a shell of himself
Sprawl and I investigat the library at night
Roland, Hatsumi, and Samuel investigate (diplomatically)
the black ship
we found a zombie thing (could it have been the animated dead?)
Roland's crew met riff-raff at the docks


We examined a secret underground passage


The entrance leads to a stone door covered in, wards?
a passage to the right leads into an ancient tomb
broken sarcafagus of Sir Harold Gillingshad, old vanquisher of evil in Beth-Ahryn years ago
above tomb is mosoleum
outside mausolem into cemetery
a summoning circle around the mausoleum, burnt hole, tampered graves
(all coffins open, bodies missing)

Hatsumi and I went back into town to find man (that told Hatsumi
about the cemetary) while Sir Roland and Samuel guard the underground door

We found the man (who was the library owner) trying
to go in the sacrific room of the library. we caught him
but he called forth a Shadow Beast!!!


I took off to get Roland
and Samuel for help

The library owner said a demon from the ship
possesssed and controlled him, making him
sacrifice and capture people for the demon
we freed the villagers from behind the door with the wards
Hatsumi got knocked out by the Shadow Beast
but was resesetated.
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Re: A New Campaign

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Here's the last one for now, I may be able to update later...

Continued from the Journal of William Pontius Forest, the scholar:

Samuel, Sprawl, and I are dropped off in Ophidia in Ophid's Grasslands
by Sir Roland who was traveling there

Two months have passed, 1800 miles
docking crew gave us a map
split up to see town
I offer business of my brother's to woodworkers and masons
aa scholar in town and a well to do man
rich guy owned an orc, who was an amnesic Changeling
he remembered who he was and killed the show owner (scholar)
and rich man
we helped him escape Ophidia

Frrlmo (changeling's name) was trying to get back
home, but was pursued by Western Emperials and
an assassin sent from the rich scholar
we got the changeling to his "home" that was
burned and found an ogre with a message concerning
Samuel's sister
We met Saul who knew Frrlmo and led us to
an old secluded megalith hidden in the wood where
we met the secret order of freedom fighters known as
"Oder of Quill and Sword"
Gray Fang: Kankoran Ranger
Durrim: Dwarven Mercenary (and previous aqaintance of Sprawl's)
Nhmar Ferriihl: Centaur Soldier
Saul Lenning: Human Squire
Duulyn Bellson: Human Earth Warlock
Vincent Lacross: Human Mercenary and Leader

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Re: A New Campaign

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I don't like dungeons crawls either. You could have one of them be made into like a belt buckle or the like, which is worn by the guy that is helping, and have him be ignorant of it. Say the eye.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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