popscythe wrote:That's where you're mistaken. Anyone can say anything, and them saying it does not make it potentially correct. There is one correct answer to this and all other rules questions and after reviewing the rules, I will find it. It's just going to take me a little while. Once you've eliminated what's impossible (restricted by the rules) you are left with what is possible (allowed by the rules). There is always a precedence taken by certain things that appear at first to be contradictory that determines which one applies, finding it just may involve correlating some related data.
Your arrogance is simply unsurpassed. You think that YOU can conclusivly solve a debate that went on for over a hundred pages when others couldn't. Priceless.
I'll tell you this now. You
will not come up with THE answer, though no doubt you will come up with YOUR answer, and it wont be any more or less correct than those that don't agree with you.
Also the rules dont simply restrict all that is not possible. Some rules state what is possible but don't elaborate on what may or may not be possible.
One can charge a E-clip with sub-particle acceleration because it says you can in that one specific spell description even though it creates a particle beam not electricity. In the spells that do create electricity, such as electric arc and lightning arc, there is no such statement to say that these can or cannot be used to charge a eclip. Does this mean that they can charge an eclip because there are no statements prohibiting this use of the MD level electricity they generate? Not IMO.
On the opposite side of the coin I think there was a long debate on stacking armor spells and it being allowed because the rules don't prohibit such. I was even on the side that think they should stack if they are different spells. I'd even be ok with a mage casting the same one multiple times. They are spending the PPE and the durration wouldnt extend it would only add layers to the onion so to speak.
Nothing said that they cannot cast them as such so why not eh?
Mull this over.
Does dispel magic barriers work on magic armor? Magic Armor is certainly some type of magic barrier (especially "invincible armor" since it offers complete envronmental protection) since it stops damage from getting to the wearer it acts as a barrier to incoming sources of damage. So who's to say DMB wont work on Magic Armors? The book certainly doesn't say it wont work and in fact it says it works on "all Magic barriers of any kind", but I'm of the thought that this spell was intended to dispel things like walls of force, magical shackles, carpet of adhesion and the like but NOT work against magic armor.
There are spells that say they are dispelled by dispell magic barrier but not all spells that are effected by it are listed as such in their own description (carpet of adhesion does not say in its description that its dispelled but the desciption of the DMB spell says it is) Could their not be others (like armor spells perhaps) that don't say in their own description that DMB works on them and the DMB description itself doesn't list? Sure. Energy field is a magic barrier as is circle of flames but neither has a description that lists it as dispelled by DMB and DMB itself doesn't say it works specifically on either spell. Why not armor then too?
Because while armor is certainly a magic barrier its not what the DMB spell was intended for. Its intent is to dispell things that hinder your own movements or that protect an area from intrusion such as AoE wards, wall spells, magic shackles, and Carpet of adhesion.