Being a fan of Palladium Books, I have respect for all the worlds and genres. One of the horror books and games I love is Beyond the Supernatural, a look at our modern world with scientists, reporters, psychics, magic users, survivors and hunters of the supernatural fighting a shadow war. Monsters, cultists and people snapped from dealing with too much of the weird all make up this world. One of the key figures in it of course is Victor Lazlo, a parapsychologist who helped explore and understand the supernatural, but in the game went missing, only to wind up on the post-apocalyptic world of Rifts. Of course, this isn't common knowledge to the world Victor left behind. On Rifts Earth, Victor's work inspired many for knowledge and understanding in magic and psychic energies. When I created Paul Blake/Reckoner, I wanted to make a character that could be dropped into any genre and be a Megaversal character experiencing much, like a dimensional version of Doctor Who who may not be as smart, but his heart's in the right place and his convictions, fighting skills and weapons can help equalize any odds. With that said, here is a look into his thoughts on coming to the world of Beyond the Supernatural and The Lazlo Society.
"President George Washington was a were-beaver. Upon discovering his curse, the only cure was to remove his teeth, the focal points of his transformation, and replace them with wooden dentures.
"Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Yeah, I know. I made that up. But I said it to set up a point of view that I'll explain later. I'm not a big history buff, I prefer to look ahead instead of behind. Too much pain in the past, too much that nothing can be done to change, except to learn from it and make sure the wrong mistakes aren't made again. I have a unique vantage point, going from world to world, Earth to Earth, where time and circumstances can be different. Some people have no tolerance, no endurance for being confronted by things beyond their everyday experiences. Others can be surprisingly resilient. On my own world, everyone got a wake-up call when it became a world where the dead reign. I was used to people being in shock when I helped, demonstrating my own abilities and helping where I could. Denial, accusations, challenging me when I'm trying to help them not only survive, but remind them of what keeps their humanity. In my adventures and visions, I discover a world where people fight threats beyond the everyday, beyond superstition, beyond the supernatural. They face monsters that the rest of the world doesn't recognize, and evidence disappears once done. I believe that these people are truly special.
"Then of course, came the cackles and clique mentalities. I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. I arrived here, drawn by visions of people needing my help. Along the way, I found scientists, monster hunters, extraordinary people living in a world cloaked by the ordinary, but wondrous, horrific in the shadows. Fighting because they can, because it's the right thing to do, to fight for survival. There really needs to be someone to sing these people's praises, to thank them for their efforts, fighting against living and unliving nightmares when everyday people are kept safe by people like these, waging wars that they may never know about if they're lucky. For those that do face it, they suddenly get a sense that their world is bigger, more incredible than they thought, but the evil far outweighs the good. Where is the hope, the reminders of light to offset the thing moving in the dark? It seems like the ones that fight this shadow war are far outnumbered, giving their all just to barely maintain a status quo. So of course I was attracted to this world, to do what I could to balance the scales.
"There's a group called The Lazlo Society that research, explore, and combat these forces on a daily basis. Their works are inspired by a man named Victor Lazlo. A brilliant researcher, explorer int he paranormal, and had a great handle on things normally relegated to folklore and putting it into a scientific point of view. His explanation of magic energies called Potential Psychic Energy, or P.P.E. was groundbreaking. The man was a visionary that was scoffed by his peers, but cheered by those that needed answers and a fresh way of looking at the bizarre. He was trying to bring things that medicine men, shamans, spiritual teachers knew for millennia and give it a chance to be seen through modern eyes. The man faced his share of monsters, spells, unexplained and came out shining. He's like Sherlock Holmes meets Indiana Jones with a healthy smattering of Peter Aykroyd thrown in. The man went missing here a couple decades ago.
"Since his disappearance, many people have found answers in his work, coming together as The Lazlo Society. All in all, they're a good bunch of people with their hearts in the right places. I've contacted them, trying for months between missions and trips to work with them, and it hasn't been easy. I mean sure, there are some generally great people who are open minded and throw themselves in the face of monsters and demons. But others? Some tend to feel closed. I tried approaching them cautiously, I may have advantages but to be honest, I felt that if I told them everything I can do, all I've seen, it'd make them consider me a threat, an outsider. I can understand people feeling territorial, they've been through a lot, and you need to prove yourself in order to get walls to come down. But as an empath, when you hear people talking AT you about their experience and expertise and not TO you, it gets insulting. God knows I've snapped at them a few times. I dunno, maybe it was my expectations, looking at how brilliant Victor was. But when I see people supposedly following in his boots, snapping at me like Brainy Smurf with a mind open as much as the width of a laser beam, I want to go off on them so freaking bad. To the ones that infuriate me, I want to tell them what I know and how they've got nothing on my experiences. But to the others, the ones that are genuinely open and friendly, trying to help where I can, I feel protective of them. And it's not a matter of ego, I see how they struggle and how hope is needed. But I'm not sure how they'd react to the secrets I know.
"To these soldiers of the night war, I don't have the heart to tell them that I know where Victor Lazlo is.
"Let me rephrase that: I know what dimension and Earth he's been found on, what year and continent, I know what general area he was last spotted in. But I don't know his exact location right now. And that would be an adventure beyond even their experience. It'd be better for them than the average layman, they're used to the supernatural. But how about mortal, alien life forms stranded on this planet? How about giant remnants of corporations coming together to make guns capable of vaporizing a man with a single shot, power armor, giant robots, people and races with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men, and that they would be hundreds of years in the future? Yeah, that's a bit much to swallow.
"I've gone to this world a few times. When I saved the life of a mage named K'zaa, we opened up to each other. I told him of the world and time I came from, and he told me there have been others. the most famous being Victor. I never heard of him, but when I read up on his work, I was impressed. There was a dark age after all hell broke loose, and not only was his works among the books that survived, but that two entire cities would come together in understanding of magic and knowledge, of basic rights of life humanity claims for itself, and expanding it to all life. His work spawned the cities of Lazlo and New Lazlo, entire generations of people exploring, documenting and teaching this world and beyond about what was lost, what was found and becoming new explorers in this uncharted reality. I also heard that he was discovered by adventurers made famous for the crime of wanting to teach people to read and hanging out with the different, of all things. He went with a legendary Gathering of Heroes to help fight the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. No, I'm not kidding! And last I heard, he's on the outskirts of the New German Republic, a group of human supremacists fighting the supernatural, listed as a criminal because he's trying to teach inhuman refugees how to read, people that have gifts to better use them in defense and to take care of one another, all while being an outlaw hero also fighting against the same supernatural threats as humans in giant mechs that would give Anime fanboys a real shock!
"The situation reminds me of a legend I heard about, the oracle Cassandra. A woman gifted with the power of prophecy, but also cursed. Her visions would come true, but when she tried to tell people, no one would believe her. Supposedly for spurning a god's advances, she would be condemned to know what was coming, and not be able to change it. As someone who has visions, this can be really frustrating, and thankfully I've averted more than plenty of my worst case visions. But to know something, and know that people aren't ready for it? It's frustrating beyond belief. To those that are in the society and have an open mind, I wish I could tell them that Victor was alive, and he'd be proud. To the pricks that think they know more than I do, I just want to yell at them and tell them Victor did more in his time here than they ever did, because he was educating people, not just using anything different for target practice! And guess what? Victor had plenty of chances to come back here. He chose not to. Because there are people, and yes, I mean non-humans, that have an even rougher time than the people here do. So he'd rather stay and teach people and things that some here may have shot and killed out of fear and prejudice to defend themselves than to come back here, haunted by what COULD be the world he's living in now!
"Then of course, I calm down. It's not their fault that Victor vanished, they're trying to do the best they can in his absence. They're not perfect, and I know I'm not either. If I had to quantify it all, I'd say that there's so much here that is evil, negative and the good is so few and far between, that people do their best without expecting the heavens to open up for them. I'm also not here for a popularity contest, I'm here to help where I can. I also know that it seems that even though I helped to defeat the worst in my world, it doesn't carry over as easily in other worlds. I can help, but I'm not there to fight their ultimate battles FOR them. Because when I leave, it makes a power vacuum for something else to come in. But to stand by brothers in arms, to fight alongside them? That's a great feeling! Maybe one day I could even recruit some here to help on other worlds that really need them. But that's a thought for another day.
"For now, I'm working with members of The Lazlo Society, and I'm careful not to overstep anyone. This is their world, their territory and I'm a visitor. Maybe part of the friction I feel is that it's their home, their fight, so if I was too different or threatening, they'd feel the need to attack me too. And I have to watch, and see if I can find someone here to tell the truth to, someone that will understand it, comprehend it, and the other things I found out. I don't know entirely if Rifts Earth is this world's future, if somehow the exposure to magics made it its own divergent reality, they both feel similar, yet different. And my powers don't allow me to travel in time, but this paints an interesting and unique opportunity. On Rifts Earth, The Lazlo Society are remembered as monster hunters, not making the same breakthroughs in knowledge as Victor's work was. I need to see how open the minds of the members are on a person by person, case by case basis. I need to know if they want to make a brighter, better world and not just keep the status quo at the end of a weapon. Both have their places, but I need to find people as open minded as Victor and slowly earn their trust to reveal what I know. But if I just blurted out that he's in a post-apocalyptic world fighting the Four Horsemen, fighting monsters, learning more about his new world and teaching the inhuman to read while running from human monster fighters that have him registered as an outlaw? Some would consider me either crazy, spouting blasphemy about their mentor and would probably want to shoot me or worse!
"If they want to have an open mind, to be responsive to what I have to tell them, then I'll let them know what I know, perhaps even one day even taking them to that world to find him. But I won't always be here, I hop on and off worlds often. I'm just trying to help when and where I can, as long as I'm here. He has inspired entire races, generations, even spawning cities in his honor! He was a man truly ahead of his time, and they need to know how brightly he's shining now. They deserve it, they really do. But right now, they're not ready for that knowledge. If something happens to me, or if I point you to this journal entry, then you'll know the truth. And it's because I have faith in you, hope that the light will shine as brightly as the swallowing darkness that you've fought all this time. I'll be happy to offer my perspective, knowledge, hell I'd even be willing to make a run to pick up some special gear from Stormspire if you're receptive to it. But I'm not an invader, I don't think I'm any better than any of you. I'm just trying to pay it forward. This IS your world, your fight, and ultimately, your victories. If you ask for help, I'll offer mine. Just don't jerk me around with the whole politics thing while good people are in danger and I'll try not to snap, k?
"I have other fights to fight, other responsibilities to watch over. I won't always be there for you. But I'll give what I can as long as I'm there. I'm not slighting you, I'm helping you with an edge. But you have to have an open mind for it to work. That is my Lazlo Test. Are you weapons or scholars? Do you want a better world, or to kill anything different than you are? The answers you give will determine what I can tell you. And if there's any chance to ultimately change the greatest possible change to your world. We have a lot of time, but I need to see how much people are willing to step up for what they're fighting for before December 22, 2098. That's when the real chaos comes. In the meantime, I'll be happy to fight at your sides and backs. But I swear, if I hear one more guy mocking my business cards and what I've fought..."
Reckoner's Journal: The Lazlo Test
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Reckoner's Journal: The Lazlo Test
Bob Herzog from KoDT put it best: HOODY HOO!
Re: Reckoner's Journal: The Lazlo Test
At the time of writing this, no one at the LS in character knows any of this information. If I do reveal it to others, it'll be a matter of stories and role play, and a big sign of trust between Paul and the others. For those not interested in playing with it, please feel free to check it out and enjoy an outside perspective.
Bob Herzog from KoDT put it best: HOODY HOO!
Re: Reckoner's Journal: The Lazlo Test
Thanks man! Yeah, I'll have to update the journal after I recover from my trip to Megacon, where I went in costume as The Reckoner! It was a blast, and I even discovered another surprising Palladium fan in Clarissa from Willie's Wenches, a performance troupe that combines Shakespeare with modern references and comedy for a killer show. Any time you can find a woman that's funny, gorgeous and has played Rifts, NB and other games like BTS, that's a win! But I'm going to chill, then eventually get around to Mr. Blake's thoughts. Shang Li is one of the most pleasant surprises he's encountered!
Bob Herzog from KoDT put it best: HOODY HOO!
Re: Reckoner's Journal: The Lazlo Test
Ugh, I wish I had regular internet access. Raz has actually been to a couple of other dimensions, so Rifts Earth is not hard for him to swallow at all. Last inter-dimensional operation was a trip to Palladium with the Russians.
If I quote you, you will get spell-checked.
Re: Reckoner's Journal: The Lazlo Test
Interesting! I wish my schedule and energy was a bit more flexible these days, I haven't been able to write anymore, plus Paul hasn't been in my latest games so I haven't thought of him for a while. I'm going to Megacon again as The Reckoner, so I'll start recapturing my love of my favorite Wanderer Sea Inquisitor.
Bob Herzog from KoDT put it best: HOODY HOO!