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Mephisto wrote:so does this mean Iczer is back online full time?


and I live next to the ADSL exchange, so the connection is awesome.

also, very pleased to be contributing again. I apologise if I'm causing a jam, but it makes me so happy to be back. the busy season is alos gone at work so, I have more time in front of the PC and less time recovering from 14 hour shifts.


(promising to take things a little slower)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Glad to have you back, even if it means an increased load of work.

As for materials posted to thread wishing addition to the wiki from new contributors whom I am not currently updating, I would prefer people post their own materials over. With all the ones I currently update, I am already pressed for time to do them and have a full plate, as it were. There are simple rules to follow for posting materials there and no reason people cannot add thing themselves. Otherwise, you could request NMI post them, or one of the other people who post powers there.
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Impacting Teleport (minor)
The character can teleport to generate momentum, adding +4 damage to a strike by using an added action to simultaneously teleport in place. This also acts as an Autododge at +4, and a strike using this is +4 to strike and cannot be parried or dodged.
Range: PP number in feet
Duration: Instant
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Senator Cybus wrote:Unity (Major)

"Oh look, there I am!"

The super being has a companion, twin or partner with whom he shares an unusually strong bond; the two always seem to work uncannily well together, in perfect co-ordination and without any disagreement or dispute. .

I am -SO- applying this power in my Mutantech(Robotech/Superpowers) setting...This is just such a NATURAL for superpowered Tirolians/Robotech Masters.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Impacting Teleport (minor)
The character can teleport to generate momentum, adding +4 damage to a strike by using an added action to simultaneously teleport in place. This also acts as an Autododge at +4, and a strike using this is +4 to strike and cannot be parried or dodged.
Range: PP number in feet
Duration: Instant

The mechanics are confusing for this many times per melee can it be done? Is it done on the characters offensive or defensive roll? Does the characters momentum make movement after the teleport difficult?
It can be done for each attack but the attack then costs an additional action. It slams the character into the opponent. It is offensive but can be used to autododge using no attack if the character would otherwise sacrifice a parry or dodge, since such an action would be a similar motion to a strike. Since this always happens, the character adjusts with no movement penalty.
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Wait, a strike using it is +4 strike and can't be parried or dodged? Doesn't that make it an automatic hit? (unless you consider Natural 1s an automatic fail/use fumble rules?). So basically you can use an extra attack to make an automatic hit?
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Crazy Lou wrote:Wait, a strike using it is +4 strike and can't be parried or dodged? Doesn't that make it an automatic hit? (unless you consider Natural 1s an automatic fail/use fumble rules?). So basically you can use an extra attack to make an automatic hit?

Armor would limit the success, as would the Natural 1 and environmental factors (penalties still apply to strike), but the impact teleport is designed to teleport you into the person in an instant, making it impossiible to dodge for the most part.
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Thathurla wrote:Thanks for Electrical conversion Iczer. It is close to what I was looking for which is a power which let you absorb electricity and covert it into increased speed.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Eggshell: [Minor]
'Armour? Oh no my are very much mistaken'

The character can create a temporary cocoon of calcium strands that shield him from harm while on the inside, he performs a temporary mutation.
The shell: forming the shell requires 2 actions. Once formed, the character has an AR of 10 (natural). 20% of his remaining SDC goes toward making this shell.
Duration: the shell lasts for 1D4 melee rounds, unles shattered earlier.
Transformation: at the end of the duration, the shell cracks and the character steps out. His new form enjoys a +6 bonus to two attributes and gains BIO-E equal to the shell's remaining SDC. This monstrous state lasts 1 minute per level before the character returns to normal (Sans the spent SDC)

Acid wash: [Major]
'Let's all take a bath'

The character can transmute rock, earth and concrete into acid.
1) destroy rock: 2 melee actions are required to turn a 2 foot square of rock, stone or earth into acid. This inflicts 1D4x10 damage to the stone surface (+2 per level). the affected substace must be within 30 feet of the character.
2) create acid: the newly formed acid can be made to leap, gush or disperse when created. As a pool of acid, organic substances take 6D6 damage by stepping or falling in. By causing it to gush over a target, the character must make a strike roll at +3. the target may dodge (at -3 if coming from outside his line of sight). acid can be made to squirt up to 30 feet from its point of origin. As an acid gas cloud, the newly created acid fills an area 20 feet acorss. anyone inside the cloud is effectively blinded (-4 to all combat rolls) and take 2D4 damage per melee round in the cloud. breathing is also laboured, and anyone breathing the fumes must make a saving throw vs lethal toxin or take 2D4 damage direct to HP. The acid cloud lasts one melee round per level.
anyone taking damage from the pool or from a gush, continue to take damage (1D6+1) every round for 1D4 rounds.
The character can also cause the acid to simply dissolve in a thick but harmless cloud that obscures vision in a 30 foot radius for one round.
Metal takes 1/3rd damage from the acid, and rock and earth take none (it was made from rock in the first place) Inorganic plastics take 50% more damage.
3) immunities: the character is immune to acids, and can breathe acidic fumes. the character can consume rock and earth for nutrients. (if done on a regular basis, the character's metabolism may shift. add +2 to PE and PS -6 from Spd and add 20 SDC skin colour and blood will also change)
The character takes half damage from rocks and earths (including falls onto rocks and earth)

Haymaker [Minor]
'Here's the wind up...then the pitch..'

The character can magnify his power by concentrating his energy into a single blow.
The character pauses as an action. until his next action in the melee round, he is -4 to all defences.
On his next action, the power is either released as an attack, or it dissipates.
any attack that releases this energy has the following bonuses.
* damage is doubled (rolled twice rather than simply multiplied)
* The attack roll is at +4
* any target struck is affected as if struck by the minor power: Knock back attack. If the angle of the attack is appropriate, he may direct the knock back upwards (one third distance up and back)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Mind Rake: [Minor]
'All in your mind? Hardly'

The character can extend his own psyche as a weapon. The character's melee attack may use substitute his ME for his PS and gains a +3 to strike (base damage is 2D4). This damage bypasses all forms of physical protection, even invulnerability. This damage is all in the target's mind, and characters immune to psionics or illusions are immune to this power as well. Damage done with this power recovers after 15 minutes, minus the target's ME. targets with ME of 15 or more recover at the end of each melee round.

Enhanced heart: [Minor]
'It's all about heart baby'

The character has an enhanced and enlarged heart. this mutant organ enhances the character's physique and fitness. he fatigues at 1/3rd normal rate and enjoys +10 hp +4 To PE and +2 to PS. The enhanced heart can be made to beat faster for improved efficency. when 'beating faster' the character loses 1 HP per round but gains an extra attack for that round. HP lost in this fashion recover after a night of rest (of which, the character only needs about 4 hours)

Glancing blow: [Minor]
'Ooff. You know, you do hit like a girl'

Triggered by trauma and shock, the character reacts and rolls with lightning speed. He enjoys a +4 to roll with punch/fall and impact and has a +4 to dodge. If he attempts to dodge a blow, but fail, then he takes the minimum possible damage from that attack, rolling and deflecting the force of the blow. (assume all dice rolled for damage are '1's')

Time bend: [Minor]
'What does your vaunted speed matter against a man who folds time itself.'

The character can bend time to hinder faster foes. As an action, the character can simply flicker through 15 seconds, causing all those around him to flicker with him. this effectively ends the current melee round of combat. for those affected (all targets within 60 feet) time marches on, but the ability to act vanishes. effects that have durations continue as usual, and so the character can continue to flicker through the rounds waiting for effects to end.
Those immune to time manipulations, as well as those outside the affected area, see the area flicker and shimmer. Attempting to attack one of the flickering targets requires a strike roll at -8 to succeed.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:Mind Rake: [Minor]
'All in your mind? Hardly'

The character can extend his own psyche as a weapon. The character's melee attack may use substitute his ME for his PS and gains a +3 to strike (base damage is 2D4). This damage bypasses all forms of physical protection, even invulnerability. This damage is all in the target's mind, and characters immune to psionics or illusions are immune to this power as well. Damage done with this power recovers after 15 minutes, minus the target's ME. targets with ME of 15 or more recover at the end of each melee round.

I think this would make a pretty cool psionic ability, so I'll just add the following (and obviously, the power isn't mine, I'm quoting the poster)

Mind Rake (Physical or Super)

I.S.P.: 8
Range: Melee
Duration: 2D4 melee rounds for Physical, 3D6 minutes for Super
Damage: 3D6 plus M.E. bonuses for Physical, 1D4x10 plus M.E. bonuses for Super Psionic.
Effects: As Above
Special Effects as a result of being a Psionic Ability: The character performing the Mind Rake can not use any other psionic abilities (other than Mind Block) while the Mind Rake is in effect (Physical ability only). Likewise, the mental attack is stronger for a psychic, and thus there are no quicker healing effects for victims of this attack. The standard healing rate of after 15 minutes applies.

Cool. I thought this would make a good psionic as well.
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Good work all around on Mind Rake and its derivations.
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Scorpion_Freeman wrote:Could some make Lycanthrope: Lizard for monitor lizards and Lycanthrope: crocodile

why would these be different?

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Isn't there already one for a lizard anyway? Don't have the books now to check, but I thought there was.
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There are metamorphosis powers to change into dragon form already on the boards ( Happy hunting). Or you can use the ATB or Nightbane rules to create one. Either way, it gets redundant writing up a new power for each request when people have a "new" idea.
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Power reserves: [Minor]
'The body is weak, but my might resides in my heart Baron Fearsome!'

The character enjoys a kind of energy reserve that fuels his powers.
Every power that functions on a uses per day basis, enjoys a 50% increase, while powers that rely on a pool of points enjoy a 20% increase.
Furthermore, the character has 2 extra attacks per melee that can only be used on super powers, either taking additional super powered actions, or offsetting the actions requirement for superpowers.

Involuntary power extertion: [Major]
'Feeling a little woozy firebomb? That's becuase you are about to go out with a bang!'

The character can cause a target to build up an immense amount of power, which get's released in the most explosive manner possible.
The character must touch a traget to affect him, and must expend 3 actions doing so (this may be parried and dodged as normal. The touched target must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonus apples). If he succeeds, then he builds up power and then releases it through his body (suffering 6D6 damage in the process)
If he fails, then he begins to suffer more greatly. he takes no damage initially, but becomes queezy, losing one attack per melee and -20% to skills (and -2 to combat actions) after 1D4 melee rounds, he unleashes his most devastating power. (of the character's choosing)
If the power has no range, then it affects every target within 60 feet. If it has a range then it affects every target within half that normal range. The target also takes 4D6 damage from the effect and becomes fatigued afterwards ( -1 attack -10% speed -2 to all combat actions and -10% to skill usage until he can get 15 minutes rest)
The target is not immune to the power he lets off, and neither is the character (he must get away from any affected target). The character can extend the lifespan of the power by adding a delay of up to one melee round per level.
If the target has no powers that can affect others, then this power will fizzle on the target (who takes 3D6 damage, only if he fails the saving throw)

Scarecrow: [minor]
'Made you look!'

The character can shed his skin to produce a near exact copy of himself.
The copy has 5 SDC, and is little more than an inflated ballon. It has 4 PS, No PE (it's not alive any more than fungus or hair is ) and one attack per melee. It posesses none of your powers and cannot speak. It does have an auto dodge and a Spd PP equal to yours +5, and it's flexible nature means it canabsorb most blunt impacts (1/4 damage from blunt impacts and has +6 to roll with punch/fall and impact). their own punches inflict 1 point of damage.

The skin scarecrow lasts 10 minutes, plus 2 per level. the character can create multiple scarecrows, up to 3 per level (each taking one action).

Atomic force absorbtion [Major]
'You know the physics lesson can wait. I get tougher, everything else falls apart'

The character can absorb the fundamental atomic forces holding things together and use them to reinforce his own body.
1) Absorb atomic force: The character either targets an area 20 feet around himself or a single target within 60 feet. The area affect inflicts 3D6 damage to all solid objects and requires 2 actions to perform. Living targets must make a saving throw (12+ PE bonuses apply) or take the same damage. To affect a single target the character must expend 2 actions to inflict 5D6 damage. if the target is living, it may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). affected objects liquify in whole or in part. Living targets also lose a point of PE in the process (it will heal back with a week's recovery for superhumans. twice as long for others)
2) Body gain. The character gains what he takes. The first time he uses this power he gains an AR of 10 and a bonus of 50 SDC as well as a bonus of 4 to PS. each additional time he uses this he gains +2 AR, 50 SDC and 4 PS. in addition, each use reduces his Spd by 4 and his PP by 2. He may use this power as often as he likes but he can reinforce himself once per level. ( a maximum of 50 SDC at first level. 100 at second level etc)
3) energy production: instead of using body gain, he can use the absorbed atomic forces to generate energy. each absorption can generate a single 5D6 blast of any energy type the character desires with a range of 90 feet and a bonus to hit of +3 for an aimed shot. The characer can store these bursts, but can store no more than one per level.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Generate Frailty: [Major]
'not looking so hot now are you.'

The character can render a target feeble, by sapping hundreds of little processes in a target.
This power has a range of 70 feet and the character must be able to clearly see the target.
The character expends 2 action to use this power. The target is allowed a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies. 16+ if this is combined with a touch)
If the target fails the saving throw, then hundreds of very tiny tears appear in and around his body, affecting internal organs, bones, skin, muscle and nervous tissue. The target takes double damage from any attacks leveled at him, and any amount of damage suffered in excess of his PE score results in a randomly determined injury. This weakness persists in a target for 1D4 melee rounds (plus one round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15.) but damage inflicted remains until healed normally.
Whether the saving thow passes or fails, the target still takes 3D6 damage from internal injuries. Invulnerable characters lose their invulnerability, but otherwise take half damage from incoming attacks while the power persists.
Targets with any form of regeneration find it halved in effect for the duration.
Lastly, affected targets are prone to self injury. If they do not spend one action per melee just pacing themselves there is a 30% chance of suffering 3D6 damage and another minor injury.

Exotic energy generation: [Major]
'Let's see what the pretty colours do'

The character can generate a wide variety of energy forms in uncontrolled bursts.
1) Temporal energy: a generated burst of temporal energy can be used to send the character 1D4 melee rounds into the future, or can be used to suffuse him with a localised time distortion adding 1 attack per melee and +2 to strike/parry and dodge for 2 melee rounds.Attacking a target with concentrated time energy sends them 1D4 melee rounds into the future but you mistt hit (+3 to strike, 90 foot range) and they have the chance to resist (saving throw 16+ PE bonuses apply)
2) Magic: The massive burst of PPE either adds 6D6 PPE to the character's pool or 3D6 to a target. Focussed as an attack, it inflicts 3D6 damage, but only to magical or supernatural beings (+3 to strike 90 foot range) This PPE remains for 1 minute per level, and no target can absorb more than twice their PE in excess PPE (though spellcasters are the obvious exception)
3) Psionic: The character generates 5D6 ISP in himself, or 2D6 in another. Generated ISP lasts for just one round, unless the target is an accomplished psychic, and even then this can only top up their ISP pool, not exceed it. as an attack it has the typical range (90 feet +3 to strike). it inflicts 4D6 to any target, which must be alive and cognizant (and they may make a saving throw vs psionics for half damage)
4) Entorpy: cascading entopic energy causes things to break down, and fall apart. when used on himself he may control it to reduce the effects of another attack, ending its effects. as a parry (+4) it can reduce an attack, lowering its damage by 5D6. Gas clouds can be made to fly apart and chemical reactions can be made to simply finish. used on a person or object it inflicts 5D6 damage, but living targets may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) to resist. as an attack it has a range of 90 feet with +3 to strike.
5) Dimensional: Extra dimensional energies can cause localised targets to change state and function while so charged, assuming the functions and features of an alternate dimension. Objects affected retain their purpose (weapons remain weapons for instance) but a single feature, such as material construction(AR and SDC), range, weight, speed ammunition capacity can be increased or decreased by up to 50%. Targets remain so changed for 1 minute per level and must mass less than 100lbs plus 50 lbs per level. Living targets can be affected, but they receive a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). a living target will gain or lose 2 points per level, divided amongst his existing attribute scores (no more than a 50% gain or loss) and will undergo cosmetic changes according ly (as if affected by alter physical body)
6) Molecular: simple raw energy, the same used to keep atoms afloat in their own atomic orbits. This can manifest as raw heat (4D6 damage) or as a kind of matter rearranger. Objects with additional molecular energy either gain or lose AR (1D4, plus one at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14) and gain or lose 10% SDC per point of AR. Reinforced objects become more cohesive. liquids become jellies, gasses become liquids, gells become solids, While atomic loosening reverses this. Living targets find this sort of effect uncomfortable, and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose 2 PE (from either process). all changes including lost PE revert after one minute per level.

Parallel universe skip [Major]
'Hey me. How am I doing?'

The character can visit other dimensional expressions of himself. This normally takes a minute of concentration and a saving throw (12+ ME bonuses apply). If successful, the character steps into a random alternate dimension, some 3D6x10 feet from his alternate counterpart's location. if not he may try again, but in either case he suffers 3D6 damage from the strain. His alternate counterpart is made aware of the arrival. The character does not choose how the alternate universe differs from his or what state his alternate self is in and how different he is. The character can expect a reasonable amount of assistance and advce from 'himself' before snapping back to his own universe 5 minutes later (Plus 5 minutes per level) The character can transport one pound of matter either way per point of ME.
In combat he can perform the same stunt only faster but with more danger. the saving throw is 14+ and the damage is doubled. it only takes an action to perform, and may be used as a dodge (no bonuses except +6). the character vanishes for 1D4 melee rounds per level before returning.
While usefull for grabbing gear and equipment from, well, yourself, the character can perform other actions of benefit.
* able to step away from a hazzard for the duration of the effect.
* Movement in the alternate universe translates to movement in the universe you come from. a convoluted and very blind method of teleportation.
* Benefit from an alternate's self skills and knowledge (first aid, even healing if the alternate has a radically different power set)
* dispose of dangerous goods in an alternate dimension.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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The Creature wrote:
Scorpion_Freeman wrote:I asked for those two lycanthrope powers because I want to make a Immortal Monster whose natural form is that of a humanoid Komodo Dragon. I also want to make a character that can turn into crocodile and a humanoid crocodile.

If you have the Nightbane manual you can pick from the reptile table on pg 99 and build a pretty good Were-Reptile from that.

One of the rifters also has a whole separate crocodile morphus table.
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I currently have no internet at home, so it might take a while before I can get any more materials posted over to the wiki.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I currently have no internet at home, so it might take a while before I can get any more materials posted over to the wiki.

Consider it time to create, or rejuvenate.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Iczer wrote:Time bend: [Minor]
'What does your vaunted speed matter against a man who folds time itself.'

The character can bend time to hinder faster foes. As an action, the character can simply flicker through 15 seconds, causing all those around him to flicker with him. this effectively ends the current melee round of combat. for those affected (all targets within 60 feet) time marches on, but the ability to act vanishes. effects that have durations continue as usual, and so the character can continue to flicker through the rounds waiting for effects to end.
Those immune to time manipulations, as well as those outside the affected area, see the area flicker and shimmer. Attempting to attack one of the flickering targets requires a strike roll at -8 to succeed.


Ok, I know I'm new out here, but I'm not new to Palladium games. And I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, so if the following question is out of bounds, please tell me so. With that said...

Why is this only a minor power? You are taking away all of the remaining actions for everyone within 60 feet, which can be really detrimental to speedsters and robots with high enough budgets. It also states that it only takes 1 action to do so, so you could have a character who uses all but one of his/her actions doing something stupid (like a called, aimed shot with a power that takes 2 or more actions to use to begin with), be left with 1 action, and on the second action of the combat round use this power and effectively take away all actions from everyone else. Or, this character could literally be the last one to attack in the combat round, and with his/her first action decide to just flicker through the rest of the round.

A second reason why I'm curious as to why this is a minor and not a major is the penalty it imposes on those outside the 60 foot range. -8 to strike against people who are inside the area of effect is quite steep, no?

I mean, it's a great power. Being able to take away actions from everyone around you is quite cool. You have 15 actions this round? Not any more. I just think it might be a tad overpowered to be a minor. If I'm wrong, then by all means tell me so. :D
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Severus Snape wrote:
Iczer wrote:Time bend: [Minor]
'What does your vaunted speed matter against a man who folds time itself.'

The character can bend time to hinder faster foes. As an action, the character can simply flicker through 15 seconds, causing all those around him to flicker with him. this effectively ends the current melee round of combat. for those affected (all targets within 60 feet) time marches on, but the ability to act vanishes. effects that have durations continue as usual, and so the character can continue to flicker through the rounds waiting for effects to end.
Those immune to time manipulations, as well as those outside the affected area, see the area flicker and shimmer. Attempting to attack one of the flickering targets requires a strike roll at -8 to succeed.


Ok, I know I'm new out here, but I'm not new to Palladium games. And I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, so if the following question is out of bounds, please tell me so. With that said...

Why is this only a minor power? You are taking away all of the remaining actions for everyone within 60 feet, which can be really detrimental to speedsters and robots with high enough budgets. It also states that it only takes 1 action to do so, so you could have a character who uses all but one of his/her actions doing something stupid (like a called, aimed shot with a power that takes 2 or more actions to use to begin with), be left with 1 action, and on the second action of the combat round use this power and effectively take away all actions from everyone else. Or, this character could literally be the last one to attack in the combat round, and with his/her first action decide to just flicker through the rest of the round.

A second reason why I'm curious as to why this is a minor and not a major is the penalty it imposes on those outside the 60 foot range. -8 to strike against people who are inside the area of effect is quite steep, no?

I mean, it's a great power. Being able to take away actions from everyone around you is quite cool. You have 15 actions this round? Not any more. I just think it might be a tad overpowered to be a minor. If I'm wrong, then by all means tell me so. :D

Do keep in mind that attacks that take multiple actions (like power punch, called shot, etc) "go off" (actually take effect/the shot is actually fired, etc) on the LAST action. So if the character spent all but one of his actions on a called shot, everyone else has used several actions in the meantime. So that particular abuse you were concerned about isn't an issue.

Also, while a -8 to strike is a fairly hefty penalty, it's not as bad a penalty as something like a 60 foot sphere of supernatural darkness (-10 to strike), which is also a minor level power. Also, it balances the power somewhat, since there needs to be some explanation for how things work in the view of the rest of the world and prevents other versions of abuse. If it didn't give a large strike penalty, a person with this power could use it for crazy ambushes for example, being farther away from the rest of his group, and then when the enemy is in range, stealing all their actions, while his allies get a full melee of free attacks!

While it's very much a high end minor power, I don't think it quite has what it takes to be considered major, especially considering how extremely powerful some majors can be. I do agree that it's quite powerful though, and perhaps depending on the campaign, GMs might want to count it as major.
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Severus Snape wrote:
Iczer wrote:Time bend: [Minor]
'What does your vaunted speed matter against a man who folds time itself.'

The character can bend time to hinder faster foes. As an action, the character can simply flicker through 15 seconds, causing all those around him to flicker with him. this effectively ends the current melee round of combat. for those affected (all targets within 60 feet) time marches on, but the ability to act vanishes. effects that have durations continue as usual, and so the character can continue to flicker through the rounds waiting for effects to end.
Those immune to time manipulations, as well as those outside the affected area, see the area flicker and shimmer. Attempting to attack one of the flickering targets requires a strike roll at -8 to succeed.


Ok, I know I'm new out here, but I'm not new to Palladium games. And I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, so if the following question is out of bounds, please tell me so. With that said...

Why is this only a minor power? You are taking away all of the remaining actions for everyone within 60 feet, which can be really detrimental to speedsters and robots with high enough budgets. It also states that it only takes 1 action to do so, so you could have a character who uses all but one of his/her actions doing something stupid (like a called, aimed shot with a power that takes 2 or more actions to use to begin with), be left with 1 action, and on the second action of the combat round use this power and effectively take away all actions from everyone else. Or, this character could literally be the last one to attack in the combat round, and with his/her first action decide to just flicker through the rest of the round.

A second reason why I'm curious as to why this is a minor and not a major is the penalty it imposes on those outside the 60 foot range. -8 to strike against people who are inside the area of effect is quite steep, no?

I mean, it's a great power. Being able to take away actions from everyone around you is quite cool. You have 15 actions this round? Not any more. I just think it might be a tad overpowered to be a minor. If I'm wrong, then by all means tell me so. :D

well breaking it down.

* You can end a round as an action, on your action. this is useful only when you have less actions than your opponent (limited case) or if you want to delay your opponents, or want to flicker through time until an effect wears off.
* It affects you (you end the melee round AND you spend an action doing so). as it's an action to do so. It affects all your allies as well (who may be annoyed if you are costing them actions per round)
* the minus 8 is a bit heavy of a cost, but for it to appply your attacker must be outside of your area and firing in, AND you have to be actually skipping the round when he fires.
Lets examine that. Time tripper looks at sniperman and decides that he doeasn't want to experience his patented sniperbolt technique. Time tripper loses initiative. Sniperman fires and may or may not hit (which is not relevant to the discussion. what is relevant is that time tripper has no ability to prevent the hit at this time.) Time tripper acts next and flickers through Time. Time tripper's round is over, but sniperman, standing 100 feet away still has his three remaining actions. anyone could be a natural 20, and while I'm at it, time tripper can't dodge (his round is over, he has no actions left). Sniperman tries to fire at the flickering Timetripper for the rest of his melee. He has +4 to strike, but has a -8 from the power. a net result of -4. he can hit with a called shot on a 12 normally, which means a 16 due to his penalty. so he hits 1 time in four. I wouldn't count on time tripper's odds being that good.

All in all in exchange for a minor power, you end up with an equaliser that is usefull some of the time, can hurt your freinds and offers a small amount of protection. that's pretty much all you shpuld be expecting from a minor.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:
Iczer wrote:Time bend: [Minor]
'What does your vaunted speed matter against a man who folds time itself.'

The character can bend time to hinder faster foes. As an action, the character can simply flicker through 15 seconds, causing all those around him to flicker with him. this effectively ends the current melee round of combat. for those affected (all targets within 60 feet) time marches on, but the ability to act vanishes. effects that have durations continue as usual, and so the character can continue to flicker through the rounds waiting for effects to end.
Those immune to time manipulations, as well as those outside the affected area, see the area flicker and shimmer. Attempting to attack one of the flickering targets requires a strike roll at -8 to succeed.


Ok, I know I'm new out here, but I'm not new to Palladium games. And I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, so if the following question is out of bounds, please tell me so. With that said...

Why is this only a minor power? You are taking away all of the remaining actions for everyone within 60 feet, which can be really detrimental to speedsters and robots with high enough budgets. It also states that it only takes 1 action to do so, so you could have a character who uses all but one of his/her actions doing something stupid (like a called, aimed shot with a power that takes 2 or more actions to use to begin with), be left with 1 action, and on the second action of the combat round use this power and effectively take away all actions from everyone else. Or, this character could literally be the last one to attack in the combat round, and with his/her first action decide to just flicker through the rest of the round.

A second reason why I'm curious as to why this is a minor and not a major is the penalty it imposes on those outside the 60 foot range. -8 to strike against people who are inside the area of effect is quite steep, no?

I mean, it's a great power. Being able to take away actions from everyone around you is quite cool. You have 15 actions this round? Not any more. I just think it might be a tad overpowered to be a minor. If I'm wrong, then by all means tell me so. :D

well breaking it down.

* You can end a round as an action, on your action. this is useful only when you have less actions than your opponent (limited case) or if you want to delay your opponents, or want to flicker through time until an effect wears off.
* It affects you (you end the melee round AND you spend an action doing so). as it's an action to do so. It affects all your allies as well (who may be annoyed if you are costing them actions per round)
* the minus 8 is a bit heavy of a cost, but for it to appply your attacker must be outside of your area and firing in, AND you have to be actually skipping the round when he fires.
Lets examine that. Time tripper looks at sniperman and decides that he doeasn't want to experience his patented sniperbolt technique. Time tripper loses initiative. Sniperman fires and may or may not hit (which is not relevant to the discussion. what is relevant is that time tripper has no ability to prevent the hit at this time.) Time tripper acts next and flickers through Time. Time tripper's round is over, but sniperman, standing 100 feet away still has his three remaining actions. anyone could be a natural 20, and while I'm at it, time tripper can't dodge (his round is over, he has no actions left). Sniperman tries to fire at the flickering Timetripper for the rest of his melee. He has +4 to strike, but has a -8 from the power. a net result of -4. he can hit with a called shot on a 12 normally, which means a 16 due to his penalty. so he hits 1 time in four. I wouldn't count on time tripper's odds being that good.

All in all in exchange for a minor power, you end up with an equaliser that is usefull some of the time, can hurt your freinds and offers a small amount of protection. that's pretty much all you shpuld be expecting from a minor.


Thanks for the explanation. After hearing someone else explain it (especially when that's the author), as well as getting the input of several people on this power, it makes sense as a minor. Thanks!
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The Creature wrote:
Preacher wrote:OK with the recent debate on GM's who restrict Invulnerability this one came to mind. It allows a player to make a tough guy that is more along the lines of the big rock like orange guy than the big green bulky guy. This power is tough but can be hurt with a good roll by the GM for an NPC.

Massive Damage Capacity

*Major Power*
This power adds massive amounts of sdc to the character who has it. While not as incredibly damage resistant as Invulnerability it does provide toughness, healing and a good A.R. This power is for those who want a major tough guy but can still be hurt and is not immune to most damage. This is a power that might be allowed in games where their GM might not want the often times unbalancing power of Invulnerability.

For AR Roll on the table.
1-25%= A.R.12
100%= A.R.16
S.D.C. Provided. Roll + 1D4x100+100 sdc. “Yes Character MUST Roll.”
Hit Point Bonuses: +3D6x10+15 per level.
Built in Healing factor allows the character to heal 1D6 sdc and 1D6 Hit Point per minute.
Other Bonuses: + 2D6 to PE attribute and +1D6 to ME.

This is actually MORE powerfull than the Masive Damage Capacity Power found on page 75 of Powers unlimited 3. Good power otherwise though.

Except that this was posted 2 years before PU3 was published. A lot of stuff in the earlier parts of this thread ended up in PU books.
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Time Bend really is not overpowered when you break it down into playability. Time Bend was actually conservative in some respects, as are most of Iczer's powers when you consider limitations placed on them.
As for the use of powers from this thread in books, that is debateable and somerimes a sore issue. Hopefully it will not happen without permission in the future.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Time Bend really is not overpowered when you break it down into playability. Time Bend was actually conservative in some respects, as are most of Iczer's powers when you consider limitations placed on them.
As for the use of powers from this thread in books, that is debateable and somerimes a sore issue. Hopefully it will not happen without permission in the future.

At first read, Time Bend just seemed a little too over-powered to be a minor. I still think it may be a game-changer (you get to control how many actions everybody actually gets to use in a combat round), but in the right hands it could be well played.
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Mutation absorption: [Major]
'Harm my brothers will you, well let me show you their power'

The character can absorb the energies of mutants, and absorb them into himself for a brief duration.
1) Absorb mutant energy: The character can focus this affect on all mutants within 30 feet, a select number of mutants within 30 feet, or an individual mutant within 90 feet. he must have a clear line of sight for this power to work, it will not work through walls or other solid cover. Each mutant in the area may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply. they may choose to fail. unconscious mutants make the saving throw at -4).
A failed saving throw means the target(s);
* are momentarilly stunned and lose their next action (and lose initiative)
* Lose all physical mutations if applicable
* lose 10 Bio-E if applicable
* see mutant powers halved in effect (half damage, range etc)
Absorbing mutant energies requires an action to perform
2) absorbtion benefits: Each target that contributes to the character provides him with the following.
* +15 SDC and heals 2D6 SDC/HP
* +2 PS which becomes superhuman.
* immunity to stunning, fatigue
The character retains these bonuses for 2 melee rounds per level or until he relinquishes control.
3) Mutant energy blast: the character can relinquish his held power in the form of a focused blast of energy (Type chosen by character). The energy blast has a range of 90 feet, and has +4 to strike with aimed shots. The damage is equal to 2D6 +1D6 per level. in addition the blast inflicts an extra +1D6 damage for each mutant he has absorbed.
4) sense mutations: the character can feel the presence of all mutants within 30 feet, regardless of whether they are visible at the time. if he can see the target, he can generally sense the type of mutations they have and thier level. If the character has previously absorbed a mutant's essence, then he has an innate tracking ability, and is able to track by his enhanced senses at 60% +5% per level. roll every 1000 feet.
5) definition of 'mutant': for the purposes of this power, a 'mutant' is character that is a mutant, or was a mutant (such as some supersoldiers and some eugenics characters). it includes any mutant animal, or creature augmented with Bio-E. it also includes a random selection of humanity who posess minor or insignificantly small mutations. this is a GM call, but should be 1-5% of the population depending on the campaign background.

Blob form: [Minor]
'I'll just undulate over there shall I?'

The character can breakdown into a mass of jelly coated in a membrane of skin.
The character halves his PP and Spd when he does this and loses 1/3rd his PS but he gains the following abilities.
* Half damage from kinetic attacks.
* Can climb walls at a rate of 15 feet per melee round with 88% ability
* can squeeze under doors with minimal effort, or through any hole large enough for a human fist.
* Can breathe underwater and control his boyancy.can swim at his normal spd score on or under the surface of the water
* lacking organs in this shape, he is unnafected by critical strikes.
changing from human to blob or back requires an action.

Alienate: [Major]
'Soon you too shall become one of us'

The character can inflict others with a bio-morphic virus that radically alters their form. The character need only touch a target and expend 2 actions to perform this feat. the Target may make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) if he fails he begins the transformation.
The character may choose for the target to have a rapid, progressive or prolonged transformation.
The rapid transformation occurs over one melee round and lasts one minute per level.
The progressive occurs over 24 hours and lasts one day per melee round.
The prolonged takes one week, and lasts one month per level.

The character can extend this by simply making contact again.

Targets gain an odd appearance as dictated by the character when he takes this power. For appearances sake, (and only cosmetics) the changes should be similiar to the appearances of aliens (refer to the aliens section and the odd appearances table).
In addition, the character can augment his targets when they transform. targets gain a +4 to PS and PE and gain +20 SDC for as long as their odd appearance lasts the character may choose a 1-6 point PB penalty as well. this effect is optional, and the character is not obliged to endow all of his victims with these benefits.

Needless to say, the character can use this ability on himself. In addition he gains the following otehr bonuses:
* +2 to PE
* +15 SDC

Biter: [Minor]

The character's mouth generates acidic slaiva that breaks down matter. he has a bite attack that inflicts 2D6 damage and ignores natural AR's. If the character has a bite attack from a different source then the damage is on top of that amount.
The character can also spit acid up to 15 feet with +3 to strike. spat acid ignores 2 points of AR and inflicts 2D4 damage.
The character is resistant to poison and acid (half damage/effect from either)

Photosynthesis: [Minor]
'It's not easy being green'

The character can make his skin a vibrant green. when he does so he begins to turn sunlight into nutrients. he does not fatigue while in sunlight, and heals 1 HP/SDC every 15 minutes he is in bright sunlight or artificial substitutes. The character takes half damage from heat (not fire) radiation and lasers while transformed. In addition, the character need not eat if he has had 2 hours of sunlight in a given day.

Corpse posession: [Major]
'Let's go down to the lab/and see what's on the slab'

The character can posess corpses. The character can choose to take over and animate any deceased body roughly of his own size and shape. when he does so, his own body falls down apparently unconscious, and the corpse rises.
as a corpse, the character has his own mental attributes. He has the physical attributes of the deceased's body with the following notations.
PS is at +8 and is superhuman.
PE is mostly irrelevant.
PB is pretty low, but varies depending on the donor's state of decomposition.
PP and Spd are at -6.

The body has no HP (it's just a body) and has 50 SDC +5 SDC per level of the character. as a corpse, the body is immune to poisons, disease and other perils of mortality (including critical hits). the corpse has a natural AR of 8 and takes half damage from bullets and impaling weapons. a posessed corpse recovers lost SDC at a rate of 1 every 10 minutes of concentration but it cannot reattach or regrow lost limbs.

The character can posess a corpse within 60 feet and within sight. the character can 'corpse jump' posessing a corpse while already posessing a corpse. the new corpse must be within 60 feet of an already posessed corpse.

The character's body can exist in his 'coma like state' for up to 24 hours per level before he begins to starve and deterioate.

The character can possess an animated corpse or zombie, but not vampire sor other forms of intelligent undead. he automatically recognises the undead when he see's them.

Multipower: [Major]
'I am the swiss army mutant my friend..of course I can do that'

The character can mimic the effects of any minor power. the character must spend a melee round in concentration and must roll under 50% (+5% per level) to make the switch.
The character gains the chosen power, but gains no SDC or HP, nor any attribute change. Just the raw power.
The character does gain the following other abilities:
* +1D4x10 SDC
* +4 to any single attribute (changable when he changes his chosen minor power)

Deep freeze: [Minor]
'let's chill'

The character can generate an intense field of cold around his body. The character uses all actions in a melee round to generate and maintain this power.
In the first round: the character gains 50SDC as he freezes solid. He becomes rooted to the spot (A PS equal to his PS +10 extraordinary is required to move him). Physical, heat, fire and laser attacks inflict half damage in this state. characters striking him in combat take 1D6 damage from the intense cold. actually grabbing or touching him inflicts 2D6 from the cold.
at the start of the next melee round, his cold extends 10 feet from his body. anyone in the area takes 2D6 cold damage twice per round. touching him deals damage as outlined above.
In the third round, his cold aura extends to 20 feet. damage as listed above.
In the fourth round, the aura extends to 30 feet. this is a far as it climbs.

The character has one action per melee round while performing this freeze. he is rooted to the spot though (cannot dodge). he can use some powers, but if he need sto make a strike roll he is at -4 (it's hard to aim with frozen limbs).

The SDC bonus from his frozen body regenerates at a rate of 10 per round.

Buzzsaw: [Minor]
'hey hard feelings. let's shake on it'

The character can vibrate his hands (and feet if required) to superhuman speeds, causing them to act as drills and buzzsaws. His unarmed strikes inflict 3D6 damage, and even a touch inflicts 1D6. The vibrations cut through matter easilly, ignoring 4 points of a target's AR. If grappling a target, he can inflict 1D6 damage per action direct to hit points as he drills into a target's vital organs.

(Sorry for the delay, I'm gearing up for my brisbane visit and have started an new job requiring funny hours. Also..Final fantasy 13)
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I still have no home internet to post these to the Black Vault wiki. Very nice set of powers, though, Iczer.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I still have no home internet to post these to the Black Vault wiki. Very nice set of powers, though, Iczer.

Thanks man. I'm offline myself for the next week (kicking it in Brisbane for Supernova). So I'll be missing the interwebz.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I still have no home internet to post these to the Black Vault wiki. Very nice set of powers, though, Iczer.

Thanks man. I'm offline myself for the next week (kicking it in Brisbane for Supernova). So I'll be missing the interwebz.


Have fun dude, I hope you come back with the Pro Surfer Physical Training option, since I'm sure you'll be catching the sun, sand and waves yourself on the board.

Unlikely. As it moves into winter there is less likelyhood of me dipping into water. Especially since It will be colder that far south of here.

At the moment, I just hope to be able to pick up the elusive 'RPG design' skill. :)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Blob Form seems interesting, Iczer. Maybe a major version of it sometime soon?
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Gryphon Chick wrote:Blob Form seems interesting, Iczer. Maybe a major version of it sometime soon?

Amorphs of the Megaverse Unite!
Okay....I really wasn't expecting you all to have the 'Gestalt' power... :shock:
Ah...that's just...gross...or obscene...
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Gryphon Chick wrote:Blob Form seems interesting, Iczer. Maybe a major version of it sometime soon?

APS Goo / Gel. APS mercury. Liquification. and a few others fit the bill already Methinks.


(and...yes. Brisbane supernova was awesome)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Embitter: [Major]
'Choke on this!'

The character can cause a target to excrete a volitile substance, making targets sick and vulnerable.
By touching an object, that object begins to 'sweat' a pale blue fluid like sheen that persists for 2 minutes before dissolving in air. This sheen is reactive to force and if struck during this time by any physical blow (as well as any source of heat) the object takes an additional 4D6 damage as the fluid explodes(+2 per level). targets affected by this can be of any size, but the sheen covers an area about 4 feet across.
Touching a person with this has more dangerous results. A touched target must make a saving throw vs poison (non lethal) or become sick as the fluid invades his blood and pervades his body. a sick target loses one attack per melee, -2 from all combat rolls and -15% to all skills for 2 melee rounds per level. furthermore, any damage taken while sick causes the fluid to react, adding +2D6 damage. unlike with physical objects, the fluid is not burnt out when ignited, but pockets remain in the body for the entire duration.
A person infected with this is 'poisoned'. creatures immune or resistant to poison are required to make the normal saving throws, but are not sickened by it (or are sickened to a lesser degree in the case of resistant) they enjoy a halved duration, and the only side effects are the extra vulnerability to damage (which is alos halved)
The character can brew this substance within himself making him mildly toxic. if he bites or scratches (or spits in an open wound) the target must maken a saving throw vs non lethal poison or become sick for a single round. Furthermore, anyone biting him must make the same saving throw or become sick for the round.
Other bonuses: the character is resistant to poison and toxins (half effect and +4 to saving throws)
+4D6 SDC

Rumble: [Minor]
'I'm going to hurt you so bad, you're going to feel it next week'

The character can set up persistant vibrations in a struck target that continue to affect the target.
By making any critical strike (natural 20, leap attack, power punch etc) the character adds an additional 2D6 damage. More to the point 20% of the damage dealt is dealt again one melee round later (target may make a saving throw 14+ PE bonuses apply to avoid/resist)
The character, if otherwise unable, also gains the ability to perform a power punch.
If the character posesses other attack forms, such as an energy blast, he may apply this power to that as well, though he does not gain the equivilant 'power punch' with that power.

Enfeeble: [Major]
'Got your nose!'

The character can drain the strength and vitality from a target.
The character need merely identify a target within 60 feet and expend 2 actions. the target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or immeadiately lose 6 PS, half any natural AR and 1D4x10+10 SDC. any strength lost also affects the PS category down by one. Targets who fail the saving throw are stunned when it occurs (minus one action for the round, and lose initiative) The damage and other conditions revert to normal in 1D4 melee rounds (plus one round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15)
The character can, optionally, amp up his power. when he does so the target's saving throw is penalised by -4 and the durations extends to minutes rather than melee's. PS and SDC losses are doubled and the stunning affects the target for the melee round. the price for this massive drain is that the character loses a little of himself as well. The character suffers a loss of 3PS and 20SDC when he does this, though they return when the target's do.
Other abilities: Normal hand to hand stikes carry a portion of this power, and the character adds +1D6 to damage when striking a living, organic target.
If the character has drained any living being in the last 24 hours, he heals at 4 times normal rate for that day.

Earthmover: [Major]
'Anataeus was weakened when removed from the earth. I am made stronger by your connection to it'

The character can cause savage ripping in the ground as he forces brute force control over it.
1) destroy earth: The character simply break up stone, and earth making it more loose and ground up. by expending 2 actions the character turns the ground within 40 feet and up to 20 feet across and deep into a looser, weaker form. solid stone becomes cracked and worn, rock becomes a jumble of debris,and with enough effort even marble can be wrought into fine sand. the process takes 1 melee round per 4AR of the affected material, during which time the character must expend two actions per melee round. Solid stone stone becomes broken ground. broken ground becomes rocky, rocky becomes gravel like, gravel becomes sand and eventually sand becomes dust.
2) Rumble: The character can expend 2 actions to simply shake the ground around him. an area 40 feet across up to 80 feet away starts to buckle and shake. anyone on the affected area must check vs balance or fall down (taking 1D6 damage in the process) any one on the ground also takes 1D6 damage per melee round until they can stand (another check for balance). moving out of the area is simple, but Spd is reduced to 1/3rd while the ground shakes. The character is unnafected by the rumbling, which lasts for one melee round per level. attempting to make attacks while standing on the rumbling gorund will see combat rolls reduced by three.
3) weaponize: The character can simply create bursts of earth and rock. On open or natural ground, the character can cause a chunk of rock to simply swell upwards explosively. the character has +4 to strike and the target is -4 to dodge from the sudden attack from an unexpected direction. damage is 2D4x10 +5 per level, and the range is 80 feet. because of the nature of the attack, targets more than 5 feet from the ground are untouchable. urban area's also interfere with this power. if the area is paved with concrete or asphalt (most urban areas in fact) then damage and range are halved.
4) launch: the character can expend 2 actions to cause the ground to swell and burst upwards under a target. the target must be within 80 feet and the character has +4 to strike (and the target, as descibed, has -4 to dodge). if struck, the target is undamaged but is hurled 10 feet upwards, plus 2 feet per level. falling like this usually inflicts normal damage, and costs the target an action and initiative. the character can use this on himself safely.

Bloodswell: [Minor]
'I feel your pain my friend'

The character gains a kind of nourishment and vigour from the wounded.
when a target within 60 feet has lost all SDC and takes even a single Hit point of damage, the character is invigoured. he gains
+50 SDC
Heals 2D6 HP or SDC
+6 PS
+1 attack per melee round.

These bonuses last only while the wounded target remains nearby.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

So would a major version of Bloodswell have cumulative effects based on numerous wounded people nearby?
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Unread post by Crazy Lou »

That would make for a very interesting villain or soldier
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:So would a major version of Bloodswell have cumulative effects based on numerous wounded people nearby?

that would depend on whoever wrote the major version :)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:So would a major version of Bloodswell have cumulative effects based on numerous wounded people nearby?

that would depend on whoever wrote the major version :)


I suppose it would.
I have internet back and hope to catch up on updating the wiki in the next few days.
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Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:So would a major version of Bloodswell have cumulative effects based on numerous wounded people nearby?

that would depend on whoever wrote the major version :)


I suppose it would.
I have internet back and hope to catch up on updating the wiki in the next few days.

I am limited in how much I can get online myself, what with moving into a smaller place and no home internet. How long until we see some more powers from you, SG?
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:So would a major version of Bloodswell have cumulative effects based on numerous wounded people nearby?

that would depend on whoever wrote the major version :)


I suppose it would.
I have internet back and hope to catch up on updating the wiki in the next few days.

I am limited in how much I can get online myself, what with moving into a smaller place and no home internet. How long until we see some more powers from you, SG?

Hopefully my creative spark will return soon.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Letting ideas percolate awhile...then going back and into the Vault to see if there's anything even remotely like the ideas already up.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I myself have some percolating finally, so hopefully they will not be too redundant.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Body aura [Minor]
"I can take anything you care to throw at me. anything you hear!'

The character can generate an energy field from his body, which augments his attributes and can be used to ablate incoming damage.

It takes an action to turn the aura on. when it's on, it augments one of the characters attributes (PS +4 PP +2 SDC +30 or Spd +10). at takes an action to swap out one enhanced attribute for another. Each aura is distinct, visual and recognisable to others.
If the character starts to take damage, he can solidify his aura briefly, to absorb the brunt of the blow. Solidifying the aura in this way reduces the damage from an incoming attack by 10 points per level, but shuts that aura off.
The character can generate 3 aura's per day, plus one more at every odd level of experience. an aura lasts up to one hour before being depleted.

Brood: [Minor]
'What army? This one'

The character can spontaneously grow a small organic lifeform to aid him. each lifeform has a PS of 4, a Spd of 16 a PP of 16 a PE of 10, 1D6 HP and 10 SDC, and has an autododge at +4. These creatures have a lifespan of 2D4 days and are loyal to the creator. In combat, they enjoy 1 attack per melee and have a bite that inflicts 2D4 damage

Once created, the creatures are autonomous and can obey simple commands, much like a trained animal. The character can absorb his brood as an action by contact and doing so grants him all of the creatures memories and experiences since its creation.

The character can generate a maximum of one brood per point of PE, and it costs nothing to do so, except an action.

Fungal growth [Major]
'Does that hurt? You should be grateful I'm allowing you to create life'

The character can infect another living being by touching him and expending 2 actions. The target must make a saving throw in response (14+ PE bonuses apply). If he succeeds, then fungal spores take root in his skin, causing irritation and discomfort (-1 to combat manoevres -5% to skill use for 1D4 hours).
If the target fails, then the spores take root and flourish. The fungus forms growths on the target, each growth weighing 2D8 lbs each roughly the size of a basketball. This painful for the target, who takes 1D4 HP and 4D6 SDC damage from the experience, and must endure the discomfort until the growth is removed.
The growth itself has a number of penalties in and of itself. Firstly its weight count's as carried equipment for powers that care about how much can be used. (Intangibility has a 20lb limit. a 9 pound growth reduces that to 11 lbs) secondly it's unsightly, reducing the target's PB by 6. It's awkward placement also reduces the target's spd by 5 and reduces his combat bonuses by 1.
The fungus has 20 SDC, plus 5 per level of experience, and has all of the target's immunities and resistances. first aid at -15% or holistic medicince at -10% can remove it surgically in 30 minutes without harming the target. paramedic can be used to remove it in 20 minutes and actual M.D. in 10. failure results in nicked bloodvessels and tearing of connective tissue.
If not removed, the fungal lobe heals 2 SDC per day, and halves the healing rate of the host. If undamaged, the lobe inflicts 2 HP per day on the host as it grows by 5 SDC. If left long enough, the host will be but a shell, consumed by his growth.

The character can cause the fungal growth to surge in strength as an action. the target must be within 60 feet for this to work and can be done only once per melee round (but it affects all available targets) The targets make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply). failure menas the target loses 1D4 HP and 1D6 SDC.

Other bonuses: +6D6 SDC. Immune to the effects of plant based irritants and toxins

Unbalance [Minor]
'Feeling giddy? must make it hard to walk that girder huh?'

The character can influence the forces of inertia and momentum on a target to interupt and harry a target.
Every round, one target of the character's choosing within 80 feet (and visible) finds himself assailed by fluctuating and varied inertia and momentum. he must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply)
If he fails his combat bonuses are lowered by one for the round. his timing is off, he miscalculates the force required etc. furtehrmore, any skill use that requires a fine sense of balance (dancing, motorcycle riding, acrobatiocs etc) have a -10% penalty.
He can target himself with this ability granting himself the reverse of the above bonuses as he fine tunes the kinetic forces he tampers with.
Using this ability costs the character one action per melee round.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

"Fungal Growth'?
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......... :puke:
So that's what killed The Great and Terrible Toenail....
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Do any of you know off hand if there is a power something like APS: human, in this topic?

Like for energy beings (like the Blaze from Scrapers) to take a solid human form.
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Probably the reason it doesn't exist is the extremely small amount of use it would have to the majority of people who are not energy beings.

also, IIRC, the Bhlaze have a dozen major and minor powers as well as a host of natural abilities. I don't think they need access to another power.

BUT You did ask, and I do like rising to the occasion.....

Baseline: [Minor]
'I am one of you'

The character has the ability to alter his phsical body to a generalised local template. On earth this is a baseline human (though creatures from other worlds would have a local equivilent)
as a baseline human, the character posesses no superhuman powers (aside from this one) has an SDC cap of 30 and his physical attributes are capped at 20. In addition, the character loses other defining traits, including mutations, experimental side effects and the presence of symbiotes. More to the point, the character resembles an everyman, an ordinary schmoe, even failing to register on senses and equipment that can detect enhanced entities.

When 'transformed' the character gains +4 to his MA and his PB score is averaged with 10. if perception rules are used, an observer needs to make a perception saving throw of 14 to even notice that this ordinary guy is of similiar appearance to the formerly superhuman self (and is impossible if the superhuman form has blatantly inhuman or indiscernable features)

Duration: It takes 1 minute to power up or down, though a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) can effect the change in one melee round (at 5th level the change times are one melee round or one action with a saving throw). It takes no actual action to effect the change, but the powers and abilities do not return until the full time has elapsed. All changes are indefinite in duration. If the character loses all his SDC due to injury, the super powered self begins to 'break out'. if the 'humanised' character has no SDC remaining, he must make a saving throw (as described above) or instantly change. He may volutarilly fail if he chooses.

Awe factor: Transforming from an ordinary Joe to a superhuman comes with a bit of a light show and a dramtic transformation sequence. anyone viewing this change must make a saving throw Vs an awe factor of 12 every melee round of the change.

This makes the power more useful to a broader range of characters.
On another note, I've heard more than one GMing story over the last few years of bhlaze aliens getting the 'metamorphosis: human' ritual used on them in order to...umm...consumate.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Iczer wrote:
Baseline: [Minor]
'I am one of you'

This might make a good Super Invention that gets given to interstellar cops/agents.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Good generalized disguise ability there...unless you're facing Buckaroo Banzai and the HongKong Kavaliers.
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

Thats a great alternitive to my Metamorphosis: Human minor power i posted a little while ago, in fact i think i like it a little better.

Metamorphosis: Human

The character is able to change into a completely ordinary looking human being. While in this form all the characters attributes stay the same accept the P.B. attribute which gets rolled as 3D6. The actual appearance of the human form is created at the time of the characters creation and NEVER changes. Most likely this human form will look average with average height and weight of the gender being observed. This ability is meant as a disguise for otherwise monstrous or alien looking beings, or, in the alternative, the “secret identity” for human looking super humans.
Penalties: While in this form the character does not have access to any natural weapons or appendages such as claws, wings, antenna, fur, extra arms, tail, or fangs UNLESS they are retractable. This means any bonuses due to these appendages are also lost. Also, any H.F. or A.F. based on appearance alone is lost when transformed into a human being.
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