The Wall

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Re: The Wall

Unread post by GMDijarian »

As far as I know this is talking about "the wall"

"The Wall" is a magical black force field that surrounds the palladium earth. Noone on the palladium world really knows that it exists because its just so darn far out there. Noone knows whats on the other side, or if anything at all is on the other side. It could be a giant rift, it could be used to seal the old ones into the world so that they will never escape. For more info on it, check out The Island at the Edge of the World sourcebook.
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Re: The Wall

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It's a giant black wall that surrounds the known world of Palladium, so far away from the main landmass that most people don't know it exists. Anything that touches it is immediately teleported to a random location in the megaverse (except, apparently, the ocean, since the sealevel only started decreasing once the circle was linked to it). For a time it was linked to a circle of ultimate elemental power (same type of circle that created the baalgor wastelands), which caused it to disintegrate everything it touched rather than simply teleporting things—including the ocean, which began to disappear (in effect, the wall became a giant circle of ultimate elemental power).

That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
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Re: The Wall

Unread post by Cap'n Nick »

Page 138 of IatEofW, notes under the circle that's mutated the wall: it normally doesn't disintegrate things, it simply teleports them to random dimensions. The disintegration is a result of the wall being turned into a world-spanning circle of absolute elemental power. It's just that nothing that has ever touched the wall before has ever returned from the teleport, so folks assume it has always disintegrated anything it touched.

So normally, the wall is stationary and things that try to enter it are seemingly disintegrated but actually simply teleported to a random dimension of the megaverse.

With Axel's circle bonded to it, it begins to advance and take on the function of his circle: it breaks down everything it touches into basic elemental components, truly disintegrating everything.
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Re: The Wall

Unread post by Eryk Stormbright »

it hasn't been updated to 2ED. yet as far as I know, that's one the things Kev himself wants to work on, least that's what he told me when I talked to him at my last OH.
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Re: The Wall

Unread post by Cap'n Nick »

The section on pg 128 is a general overview of the wall and its behavior as it is WHILE CONNECTED TO AXEL'S CIRCLE. In other words, the wall's behavior while acting as a planet-spanning circle of absolute elemental power.

On pg 138 (which I referenced before) it notes how the wall will revert to its normal state after axel's circle is deactivated: "Deactivating the circle will stop the destructive advancement of the black energy wall and it will revert to its normal structure. This means no more storms or red flashes and no more loss of the oceans' waters. Only those who enter the wall of energy seem to be disintegrated (GM note: In reality, the person and his vessel are molecularly disassembled and reassembled in a random dimension! However, nobody who has passed thorugh the wall has ever returned)."

Bold emphasis is mine. In short, the wall's normal activity is to sit there and do nothing. Those who actively attempt to enter the wall are teleported to a random place in the megaverse.

While it is joined with Axel's circle, its activity is to slowly advance (as noted on page 128) rather than just sit there. Also, due to the nature of Axel's circle, it DOES disintegrate everything and anything it touches, resulting int he water and atmosphere being destroyed and anyone touching it being truly disintegrated. Once the circle is deactivated, however, it will revert to its normal activity as noted above.
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Re: The Wall

Unread post by JTwig »

Darkechilde wrote:

2) It doesn't circle the Palladium continent, it circles the "lower part of the world". So, were you to, say, sail due west of the Ilse of the Cyclops, or due north of Bizantium, you wouldn't come across the wall being far out to sea. Well, you would eventually come across it as you started sailing south after crossing the top of the world, but that would be a long time out.

Were does it say it only can be found in the south? I missed that.
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Re: The Wall

Unread post by Goliath Strongarm »

When it says that the wall only encircles the lower world, the general consensus (as of several years ago.. when the topic was actually pretty new!) was that the area we know as "the world" IS the lower portion of the world..

IE, we know about australia/NZ... but then there's the wall.. we don't know about anything else...
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Re: The Wall

Unread post by donJulio »

I always thought it was odd, given the immense power of the Old Ones, that they could have all been defeated and on one planet to boot. After all, I have read how Alien Intelligences can create huge numbers of avatars, so getting to all the Old Ones and in one place seems a little off. I mean, in the battle that put defeated them and placed them in slumber, why didn't they just dimensionally teleport out of there? I think maybe the Wall is something that grounds the Old Ones to that particular planet/realm so that they could not dimensionally teleport away when things started going bad for them. That's just my speculation though.
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