100 Adventure Hooks for the Minions

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100 Adventure Hooks for the Minions

Unread post by twingle93 »

1. Some locals have set up a super-powered arena in a dead volcano, with invitations going to powerful combatants the world over, hero and villain. When the characters arrive, they spot a rival demon lord and deevil lord in the box seats! Are they up to something, or is it all on the level?

2. A demon (Deevil) Lord appears before the heroes and says "I have a proposition. Many have tried to slay me, but none have truly succeeded. I give to you a choice, heroes." He waves his hand. "I give to you the power to destroy me," another wave, and one hero feels immense energy swirling inside him. "Or," a second wave. "You can save your friends." The hero's teammates are then attacked by extremely powerful foes. The hero granted powers by the Lord either chose to slay him where he stands or helps the other heroes. The demon (Deevil) lord will not act to defend himself.

3. The dragons that normally make a menace of themselves have dropped off significantly this year. A significant investigation will reveal that all the local female dragons have been captured, and their eggs are being used to make Dragon Warriors for the Deevils.

4. A homeless man is suddenly given powers to make his dreams come true. Can the heroes stop him before he kills?

5. A demon (Deevil) lord come out openly to the world, informing the media that a world-threatening disaster is about to occur and only he can stop it, but he needs the help of a large numbers of people.

6. A demon (Deevil) lord will give someone half of his powers for a single hour, to use them as he would will. No strings attached. Just as the transfer of energies is completed, the whole city is invaded by demons.

7. Someone has made some sort of enormous modern art project in central park, involving huge numbers of children's toys, candy and green, blue and yellow pain. Its a very amusing image, but everyone leaving the parks seems a bit too happy and trapped in a perpetual, pleasant daydream. Deevils are spotted lurking at the edge of that park briefly before being lost in a crowd.

8. A stray secret blueprint has fallen into the hands of nihilistic cultists. They can now build a bomb powerful enough to destroy the planet.

9. Modeus and Sahtalus will finally meet in person to discuss their differences and work towards a common goal. A tropical island is chosen as the meeting spot. The heroes of the world as well as the governments now have the opportunity to kill both birds with one stone, but if they fail to kill them, what will be the price? All out war?

10. The agents of one of the two sides (Hades or Devyl) are building something at the North Pole, making it from the brains of the dead and the mechanisms of cold, black iron: a radio tower?

11. A new church has appeared, with the image of one of the Lords depicted as an angelic savior, and the others as demonic tempters and villains. The church preaches that all adherents should pray using specific, tongue-twisting phrases. Which of the demon (deevil) Lords are responsible? Are any? And what is the ultimate goal?

12. Nicodemus is offered a trinket or item that is beyond his means to gather. Finally the heroes have a bargaining chip, something that they can use. What do they demand in return?

13. A warehouse is uncovered that contains dozens of war-machines belonging to the Deevils, all appear to be completely inactive, but the controls to start them are easily uncovered. Why are they here? What do the heroes do with this amazing weapons cache? And why wasn't there any security beyond a single padlock on the door?

14. Modeus has gone somewhere to lay his plans. His presence is clear to all. Suddenly a portal opens: every single villain in the world is here, even ones that should be dead or otherwise hindered from appearing. Their mission: assassination. And they have a weapon powerful enough to do it! Who is responsible? And will they succeed without destroying the world in the process?

15. The heroes suddenly find themselves in a tormented wasteland. This is the future. A world where civilization is utterly destroyed through the actions of the Deevils and Demons (or even just one). Is this reality, or an illusion?

16. The Minions are on a rampage! Destruction and combat abound, with no rhyme of reason to their actions! Multiple Lords of each crisscross the world, reshaping the landscape and spreading chaos in their wake. Can the heroes stop them, or even find out what they want?

17. Hades and Dyval coming to a head. Energies are charging, casualties promise to be high. The lords meet face to face at Center (or some other major megaversal location) each ready to destroy the other side, but powerless to do so (too evenly matched). The heroes are powerless to stop them. When suddenly a third player enters on the mortals' behalf, one just as powerful...and one that claims to be the vanguard for a legion of beings each as powerful as it is!!!

18. One of the Demon Lords has left the war operations for a time. When suddenly a distress call comes from the Atorian Empire. The missing Lord is wreaking havoc in their environs and refuses to leave. Will this draw the heroes away, and possibly the other Lords as well?

19. Modeus has "judged" the inhabitants of the world, and is recreating the seven plagues of Egypt in Century Station. The other side, the Deevils, are amused at these antics and let him be. Will the heroes "see the light", or will they fight?

20. One of the Lords has mind-controlled all of Rome, forcing the population to demolish the Vatican and dig up its foundations. The population is being worked to death at this task. What is down there? Why such a method?

21. Acting as Prometheus, one of the Lords has offered the world his store of alien concepts and ideas. Ideas that will change the world, perhaps for the worse. Humankind will become gods overnight, and nothing will be beyond their reach. Will humankind destroy itself, or reject this dangerous gift?

22. One of the heroes is dying. A Deevil appears offering the cure, but only in exchange for eternal enslavement.

23. An ultimatum has been declared. Surrender of the nations of the world, or within a week hours 90% of humanity will be dead. A known supervillain claims to hold the key to stopping the threat.
Last edited by twingle93 on Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 100 Adventure Hooks for the Minions

Unread post by runebeo »

Some great idea so far! Favourite one is 9. Modeus and Sahtalus will finally meet in person to discuss their differences and work towards a common goal. A tropical island is chosen as the meeting spot. The heroes of the world as well as the governments now have the opportunity to kill both birds with one stone, but if they fail to kill them, what will be the price? All out war?
I will be 125 living in Rio de Janeiro when the Great Cataclysm comes, I will not survive long but I will be cloned threw the Achilles project and my clones will be Achilles Neo-Humans that will start a new Jedi order in Psyscape. So You May Strike Me Down & I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. Let the Clone Wars begin!
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Re: 100 Adventure Hooks for the Minions

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24. Throughout the area, children start exhibiting destructive powers, and are using them with disastrous effects. Targeting bullies, abusive parents and authority figures, these children have been granted abilities to destroy those that have harmed or offended them. What is the source of these powers? Can the children be reasoned with? What force is manipulating them?
Bob Herzog from KoDT put it best: HOODY HOO! http://www.facebook.com/manyfacesofdave
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Re: 100 Adventure Hooks for the Minions

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

runebeo wrote:Some great idea so far! Favourite one is 9. Modeus and Sahtalus will finally meet in person to discuss their differences and work towards a common goal. A tropical island is chosen as the meeting spot. The heroes of the world as well as the governments now have the opportunity to kill both birds with one stone, but if they fail to kill them, what will be the price? All out war?

There is only one person who could host this meeting-

Jerry Springer!
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Re: 100 Adventure Hooks for the Minions

Unread post by DtMK »

Inspired by The Dark Elf, I HAVE to do it!

"And now, it's time for my Final Thought. Millennia ago, dark forces played with the lives of everyone in the Megaverse. In doing so, they created two distinct, but incredible in their own ways, levels and denizens of Hell. From their conception, they were taught to hate, to punish those weaker than themselves, to destroy each other and to shun the very forces that could teach them compassion, mercy, justice, and other concepts we sometimes take for granted. And even after their creators were put into the ultimate Time Out, these beings of the Underworlds have raged a war that has gone on for thousands of years. Now, this feud threatens to spill out into several galaxies, parallel Earths and realities. It is a war that ultimately, no one will win without such a great loss that it threatens to make people wonder too late, if it was even worth it. I'm not trying to excuse the actions on either side, but I'm trying to help all involved to come to an understanding. When you live as Minions under fickle, powerful beings who act like spoiled brats, and those overgrown children have been sent to their rooms as punishment, then there comes a time for YOU to decide on what kinds of beings YOU want to be. Ultimately, even the oldest beings in the Megaverse must come to a point where they have to grow up, and wise up."

"Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other."
Bob Herzog from KoDT put it best: HOODY HOO! http://www.facebook.com/manyfacesofdave
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Re: 100 Adventure Hooks for the Minions

Unread post by twingle93 »

25. The PCs along with several hundred other NPC refugees find themselves stranded in another dimension, island or lost realm (a tropical island is ideal). After several months of trying to keep the people safe and alive on the island, they are approached by or encounter a Demon (or Deevil) Lord on the island! The Lord seems friendly enough, and claims to be a fellow exile or refugee just trying to survive on the island like the PCs and their people. Relations will first be standoffish, no one is willing to trust this obviously evil individual or believe his lies of being exiled here. The Lord takes it in stride, laughing away their insults or accusations, teleporting away or becoming intangible if attacked, but never striking back. The next day the Lord performs a miraculous display of power: he raises a stupendous monolithic palace from the seafloor just off the island, but in full view of the PCs' camp. If asked about this, the Lord says that he is simply making himself more comfortable, and that this is his quarters where he will be staying. Now the other people in the PCs' camp are aware of just what kind of power the Demon (deevil) lord possesses.

For months afterward the Lord will show up at their camp to make small talk or trade observations or discuss philosophy, but now the other people are starting to grumble about their hardships and are discussing whether or not to ask this being for favors, particularly when injuries occur. The PCs will have to struggle with convincing their people that the Lord is not to be trusted, despite his friendly manner. The Lord doesn't offer his help just yet, he seems to enjoy the waiting game when the people will eventually ask for his help, and then beg for it. He might even do a few favors, no strings attached.

Things reach a turning point when the PCs receive a warning of a massive hurricane or other natural disaster (volcano, etc) will soon be striking the island. It is at this point that the Lord offers the use of his palace as a refuge against the coming storm, it is big enough to accommodate everyone. The refugees might be divided between those seeking shelter, and those who don't trust the Lord.

What happens afterward is up to the GM. Is this Demon (Deevil) Lord truly legit? Does he truly seek to help, or is he doing it because he craves worshipers? Is the Lord really exiled or does his 'palace' a deathtrap or a portal leading the people back to Hades, Dyval or other hellish places? If he was exiled, why? Was it because he has a Good alignment? Maybe the Lord is insane, and is truly seeking to help them, but his idea of help might still carry horrific side-effects? Perhaps he really wants to help the people survive the storm, but the inside of his 'palace' is mind-bendingly insane or totally surreal (a whole bunch of famous landmarks placed together in a parody of a city perhaps).
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