Dr Megaverse wrote:Well, on nukes, most of the nukes in Rifts are potshot nukes. Even if they did the 1d4-1d6x100 MD the Triax multi-warhead nukes do, it'd take 100 to do 6000md at max damage....6000 out of 160,000? I just can't see nukes being a truely viable option, especially once the bots get out and figure out who's launching against them.
The 100k and 200k kiloton nukes in New Navy inflict 2d4x100 MD and 3d4x100 MD respectively.
But the CS has (according to the same book) nukes in the 1 megaton range.
Going by the "every doubling of force = a 50% damage increase" that seems to be the rule for Rifts explosives, the progression would probably look something like this:
100k kilotons = 2d4x100
200k kilotons = 3d4x100
400k kilotons = 3d6x100
800k kilotons = 4-5d6x100
Which would put the 1 megaton nukes in the >5d6x100 MD range. Rounding it off at 6d6x100 MD per nuke, that would be an average of around 2100 MD per hit
1050 MD on average for everything in the blast radius, IF the ship's main gun is still functioning and is able to aim well enough to shoot at incoming missiles, and the CS has to have the nukes hit out of gun range.
The CS can make 50 of these nukes per year, but there is no indication of how many they actually have so far.
If they've been at it for only 3 years, and want to shoot their whole wad at this ship, that would probably come to around 330,000 megadamage, more than enough to kill the ship.
Plus, each one should have a 25% chance of knocking out the ships electronics, rendering it helpless and completely vulnerable to more conventional missiles, of which the CS has thousands to tens of thousands (maybe millions when it comes to mini-missiles).
Speaking of the RB, these guys are seriously nasty customers. I'd say 3000 of them could pretty much overcome anything up to a mid sized city. Roughly 33 individual squads of 3000...thats a lot of collateral damage.
The CS has something like a 1 million man army.
Each and every CS grunt is trained in the use of power armor combat.
The CS has something like 2.5 million SAMAS in storage.
I think they'd win, if it came down to it.
However, honestly, people have said it before. Naruni is all about the bottom line. The bots probably are programmed to radio for instructions as soon as they can. They'd get a "Hold on" response and within hours there would be a rift there extracting the whole operation. Phase world gives them a lot of access and makes buying magical rift service easy as pie.
I can go with that. They'd probably be gone before the CS even noticed they were there, or during some preliminary attacks.
And when they left, the CS would declare victory against the evil aliens.