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Yes Gadrin has "disappeared". He sent me an email a year or two back saying he was no longer going to be compiling the powers from the wiki and he never got me the "script" that he wrote that made it easy to do.
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Charisma Whip: [Minor]
'I Know, I know. It's not about looks, It's about personality'

The character can use his own force of personality as a weapon.
It takes an action to create the charisma whip, a glowing energy lash that extends for as many feet as the character's MA score and hums and crackles with power.
As a weapon, The Charisma whip has a +2 bonus to strtike (Plus any PP bonus). It inflicts no damage per se But may inflict awe or horror.
any target struck must immeadiately save vs horror factor (Or, optionally awe factor) of 15 or suffer the normal effects of HF for the round. Additionally, if the character's MA score exceeds the target's ME score, then the whip inflicts 2D6 damage as well (PS bonus does not apply).
The whip is semi solid, and is deflected by worn armour and can be parried with a wepaon or other object. Unarmed opponents cannot parry (it would strike the arm) and natural AR is not effective at all.
The character controlls the length of the whip. at its shortest, the character's hand merely glows, giving off the light of a strong torch, and he may simply use this ability by touching a foe.
Other bonuses: +4 MA when the whip is active.

Meta-alteration: [Minor]
'Yeah well, Now you have made me really mad'

The character can alter small but basic aspects of himself and his powers. The character posesses an 'alternate state' where he appears as himself, but his abilities appear different.
For the most part this is merely cosmetic in nature. A Power in use appears different most of the time. (JetLass, with flight: energy usually has a glowing green contrail. her alternated aspect has a rainbow contrail)
If a power provides a randomly determined bonus, then that bonus is rolled a second time for the altered state. SDC is not altered in this fashion. (Dexter, with Ex:PP rolled a +4 bonus. His altered state has a +2 bonus)
If a power has a type of energy attached, then the character may optionally have his altered state use a different energy. (Heat strike has APS fire. his altered state uses electricity. he has all his normal abilities, but he uses electricity instead)
Lastly, the character may take attributes and 'pass them over' to the other state and vice versa. this is a one time change selected when this power is acquired. up to 5 points may be transferred form any attribute and up to 15 points total. (Dr awesome has an IQ of 16 normally, but he donates 4 of those IQ to his alternate state. He has 12 and his altered state has 20)

Reclaim technology: [Major]
'Drop the guns, or plant them. your choice'

The character can turn artificial objects into more natural ones. The character expends 2 actions and may turn any artifical object up to 100 lbs per level into a plant. This does not affect wood or natural fibres, but easilly affects metal, concrete and plastic. The plant life created in this fashion slightly resembles the original object in as much function as is possible for a plant but typically this is cosmetic only. (Fibre man can turn a gun into a series of vines for instance, and while it retains a gun like shape, it cannot fire)
The character cannot turn part of an object into plant life, unless it is already distinct and seperate. (Fibreman cannot turn part of a wall into plantlife, but he could turn just a door into woven grass).
Plantlife created in this manner remains permanently so. If an object is turned into a plant like shape while touching the ground, it immeadiately attempts to root itself to the ground (Requiring a superhuman PS equal to the character's MA plus 5 per level to uproot).

The character can also animate and control plants (as per page 285 HU2, a sub ability of the Major power Plant control.) but only plants he has brought into existence.

The character can choose the basic type of plant life he creates when he makes the transformation, and may be able to create hazzardous plants in this fashion (Imagine a target's bullet proof vest turning into woven vines of poison Oak)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Panic infliction [Minor]
'You can't touch this'

The character can emmanate a field of dread and panic that can overwhelm a target.
while this field is active, if any living, thinking creature attempts to touch him (including, of course any form of melee combat) then he must make a Saving throw of 14+ (ME bonuses apply) or pull out at the last second, reflexively flinching. Likewise any time the character attempts to touch an opponent the target must make the same saving throw or dodge (as opposed to a normal parry)
If contact occurs, the target finds it very unpleasant. if the target's ME is lower than the character's MA, then he loses an action from involuntary revulsion an shudders. If forced into long term contact, the character is treated as having a HF of 16 (occurs after one melee round of contact)
The character must expend one action per round maintaining this power.

Must have missed that one

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

Iczer wrote:Newbody is balanced by the lengthy wait (5 minutes is labourious in a combat zone) and that the new body's aren't nearly as powerful as the original (lower attributes, very base SDC). having access to new powers is good and all, but your primary self loses a major power (and that's a major investment). True, the new bodies have their own powers, but they are usually less than another hero, and the powers are random (or..they should be)

It can lead to abuse of course, but what power can't really (refer if you will to the energy conversion thread)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ouch, this is the first tim that I've gotten back to reading the NEW POWERS thread in a long while and I read that last part and realize that i've just been burnt by my own Munchkinizms I posted on That thread. :lol:

Good show mate.

Oudate: I've Posted a few Nightbane Talents in Black Vault. More to come.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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New Mega Power concept...
Expanded Scope (Mega) By Steeler49er
"I thought he was weaker, but then the earth just began to shake... Everywhere"

Being a Mega-being should mean more than gaining 'just another power' and it does. Megas selecting this ability do not gain another Mega-super power but rather have their all of their other powers Greatly increased by many folds over the normal. The Mega sees one of five of the following improvements implemented over each of their powers. Any of the below abilities may be added in any order to a given power, but may have only up-to five of the below for that given power.
• Range increases by 100 times.
• Powers that normally work at 'Touch Range only' may now work at 1 meter/yard per level.
• Area of effect increases by 10 times.
• Add +5 to the difficulties in resisting this power.
• Damage and damage effects increases by x4.
• Speed is increased by Five times and if it didn't see an increase per level; before this ability it now increases by 20% it's base per level.
• Increase the pool for any powers by 10X times. This counts towards powers like "Generate Force Fields", "Bend Reality", and "Power touch". More over, if the pool didn't increase then the super gains 10% of base per level.
• Power effects and bonuses triple. A power that normally granted you +3 to strike and +2 Attacks per melee would now grant you +6 to strike and +4 Attacks more per melee, A power like Growth now sees the super increase in height by 3 times normal (6 feet per point of PE).
Affectable or Creatable mass as well as normal maximum lifting/carry rates are Multiplied by three as well, meaning a super with MA: Metal could conjure 60lbs (not 20lbs) of metal at level one, or a super with Extraordinary PS can now lift 300 times their PS and Carry 600 times that number.
• Attribute bonuses increase by 50% or +1 more than usual, which ever is more.
• Effects such as healing see their rates increase by an amount multiple of PE bonus plus two.
• HP & DC bonuses double.
• Powers which grant an affectable number maximum and or which have a maximum number of uses in a time frame (such as the power "Mentally Control Others" where the power only effects 4 people at a time and anymore over that number gain a plus one bonus to resist, or "Healing factor" which may insta heal twice a day) see those numbers increase by one more over the norm per level, starting at level one. The same holds true for a power like "Multiple Lives" in which the super gains one more additional Life per level starting at level one. The power "Multiple Beings" sees a greater increase which adds an addition amount gained per level equal to the newly gained level (IE the super gains three more clones per level at level three to their normal base amount).
• Powers that normally grant the ability for their durations to be optionally extended to the "Permanent" level with the expenditure of Permanent attribute or ability loss (IE: Transmutation) now sees those losses dropped to a single HP/SDC and or Attribute point permanently. Further by expending double the original amount temporarily the Mega may make such an effect permanent, but said Attributes/DC loss only start to return after one week.
•The Mega being sees one of these aspects further increased, doubling for a single one of their powers. For instance if a player wishes for their EE: Light to have it's damage increased by x2 over the above listed (which brings it to a total multiple of x8 its' original nature) they can, even if EE: Light was their only power to begin with. However, this last bonus ability only works After the super makes a PE save vs. difficulty 10 (+1 for every use in under an hour and or every failed roll). A failed roll means that the super takes 1D6 points of HP loss per point the roll was failed by. Lost HP only begins to recover after one hour per point the roll failed by. Duration: is instant, unless the aspect chosen to be increased was duration or the duration was permanent, in which case it runs out per normal or not at all.

Any effects of this power which use multiples see those multiple take affect After any and all other bonuses from other powers and abilities.
Above abilities are not stackable, only One ability per power.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Hopefully this one hasn't already been done...

Split Decision (Minor)
Which way do I go? Which path do I choose? Let me just think on it for a moment...

With this power the super-being has the ability to "see" the outcome of any number of possible, singular actions to be taken. By using 1 melee action the super-being can create a list of possible actions to take, and then see what the outcome of each of those actions will be. What actually happens is that time stops around the character, the character thinks on any number of potential actions for his or her next action - and only for the next action - and then will see, albeit briefly, what the outcome of that action will be. The character can, at first level, see the outcome of 2 different actions, and then will gain the ability to see the outcome of an additional action every other level (3 at level 3, 4 at level 5, etc.).

It should be noted that using this power does not interfere with the character's current melee action so long as the character has melee actions remaining. That is, on the character's turn, they can spend 1 action to use this power, and then immediately act upon the knowledge they have received without having to wait until their next turn in that melee round.

It should also be noted that the character does not have to act in any of the ways that he or she saw using this power. For example, if the character wanted to see the outcomes of 2 different attack styles (say, 1 using a gun and another using a knife), and the character did not like the outcome of either of those, they are not required to use those attack styles but may perform another action that they did not get an outcome for.

The range is limited to the character only (unless powers are borrowed, granted, or stolen), and can be used at any time that the character is awake and able to think on his or her own. The only limits to this power are that the character must spend 1 melee action to use the power, and they cannot see more outcomes than the power allows (2 at 1st level, then 1 additional every other level).

The power grants the following bonuses:

  • +1 to IQ, MA and ME
  • +1 to Strike, Dodge, Parry, Pull, and Roll
  • +1d6 to ISP (for characters with Psionics)

The power grants the following penalties:

  • The character always appears to be lost in thought and is unable to do anything without thinking on it first. This translates into a -5% penalty on any skill checks that involve deep concentration.
  • The character tends to over-think all situations, especially those involving combat. This translates into a -1 penalty to Initiative.
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Steeler49er wrote:New Mega Power concept...
Expanded Scope (Mega) By Steeler49er
"I thought he was weaker, but then the earth just began to shake... Everywhere"

Being a Mega-being should mean more than gaining 'just another power' and it does. Megas selecting this ability do not gain another Mega-super power but rather have their all of their other powers Greatly increased by many folds over the normal. The Mega sees one of five of the following improvements implemented over each of their powers. Any of the below abilities may be added in any order to a given power, but may have only up-to five of the below for that given power.
• Range increases by 100 times.
• Powers that normally work at 'Touch Range only' may now work at 1 meter/yard per level.
• Area of effect increases by 10 times.
• Add +5 to the difficulties in resisting this power.
• Damage and damage effects increases by x4.
• Speed is increased by Five times and if it didn't see an increase per level; before this ability it now increases by 20% it's base per level.
• Increase the pool for any powers by 10X times. This counts towards powers like "Generate Force Fields", "Bend Reality", and "Power touch". More over, if the pool didn't increase then the super gains 10% of base per level.
• Power effects and bonuses triple. A power that normally granted you +3 to strike and +2 Attacks per melee would now grant you +6 to strike and +4 Attacks more per melee, A power like Growth now sees the super increase in height by 3 times normal (6 feet per point of PE).
Affectable or Creatable mass as well as normal maximum lifting/carry rates are Multiplied by three as well, meaning a super with MA: Metal could conjure 60lbs (not 20lbs) of metal at level one, or a super with Extraordinary PS can now lift 300 times their PS and Carry 600 times that number.
• Attribute bonuses increase by 50% or +1 more than usual, which ever is more.
• Effects such as healing see their rates increase by an amount multiple of PE bonus plus two.
• HP & DC bonuses double.
• Powers which grant an affectable number maximum and or which have a maximum number of uses in a time frame (such as the power "Mentally Control Others" where the power only effects 4 people at a time and anymore over that number gain a plus one bonus to resist, or "Healing factor" which may insta heal twice a day) see those numbers increase by one more over the norm per level, starting at level one. The same holds true for a power like "Multiple Lives" in which the super gains one more additional Life per level starting at level one. The power "Multiple Beings" sees a greater increase which adds an addition amount gained per level equal to the newly gained level (IE the super gains three more clones per level at level three to their normal base amount).
• Powers that normally grant the ability for their durations to be optionally extended to the "Permanent" level with the expenditure of Permanent attribute or ability loss (IE: Transmutation) now sees those losses dropped to a single HP/SDC and or Attribute point permanently. Further by expending double the original amount temporarily the Mega may make such an effect permanent, but said Attributes/DC loss only start to return after one week.
•The Mega being sees one of these aspects further increased, doubling for a single one of their powers. For instance if a player wishes for their EE: Light to have it's damage increased by x2 over the above listed (which brings it to a total multiple of x8 its' original nature) they can, even if EE: Light was their only power to begin with. However, this last bonus ability only works After the super makes a PE save vs. difficulty 10 (+1 for every use in under an hour and or every failed roll). A failed roll means that the super takes 1D6 points of HP loss per point the roll was failed by. Lost HP only begins to recover after one hour per point the roll failed by. Duration: is instant, unless the aspect chosen to be increased was duration or the duration was permanent, in which case it runs out per normal or not at all.

Any effects of this power which use multiples see those multiple take affect After any and all other bonuses from other powers and abilities.
Above abilities are not stackable, only One ability per power.

This is way too powerful.
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Damage absorption [Minor]
'you know, this would bother a lesser man'

The character can deliberately absorb an incoming attack rather than defend. The character expends an action, much like a dodge, and makes a roll of a D20, adding a bonus of +1 per level, as well as a bonus amount as if his PE was his PP score (so a PE of 16 grants an extra +1 bonus)
If he fails to match or beat the incoming attack roll (or a 14 if using this against an area attack, heavy unnavoidable impact or fall) then he takes half damage from that attack If he suceeds, then the damge is instead quartered.

all damage prevented by this power sits in a pool until the end of the melee round. every 10 points in the pool at the end of the melee round heals 1D6 damage when the round ends.

Whirling blades [Major]
'Reach out and touch someone..through the chest!'

The character can transform his hands and arms into 4 foot blades.
1) damage: blade arms inflict 3D6 damage, plus any PS damage bonus. If the character's PP exceeds his PS, he may substitute that instead (treating PP as PS).
2) Combat bonuses: The blade arms are +2 to initiative, +2 to strike disarm and parry. Bladed arms add an extra melee attack and the character can fight with them as if he had paired weapons.
3) blades statistics: the blades have 60 SDC each Plus 10 per level. they are impervious to casual harm and have to be deliberately targetted to be damaged. Blade arms are sharp enough to ignore 3 points of a target's AR. It takes one melee action to transform normal limbs into blade limbs.
4) blade arm manoevers: the character is also practised in several useful blade techniques.
a) Missile cutting: against slow moving projectiles (anything slower than bullets) the character can attempt to cut the projectile. this uses an action and requires a strike roll over the target attack's strike roll. if he rolls high or matches, the projectile has been sliced out of the air.
b) Blade shield: by holding the flats of the blades out, the character can create a temporary shield. this type of parry requires an action and is at +4 (in addition to parry bonuses) if successful, the attack slams into the flats of the blade arms (no damage)
c) Whirlwind: the character spins ont he spot, lashing out at all foes. the character expends all actions and strikes at all nearby targets. he makes a seperate strike roll against them all which thay may defend against normally. for the rest of the round he may not move and has no other actions, but may parry as normal. at 5th level, he may take a second strike against all available targets at the end of the melee round.
d) wall slide: if faced with a vertical fall parallel to a solid wall, he may use the blades to slow his descent. falls under 60 feet are reduced to zero damage, and falls over this amount are reduced to half damage (halved again with a successful roll with punch/fall/impact)
5) other abilities: +2 to PP, +6D6 to SDC.

Dissasembler cloud: [Minor]
'and presto..your clothes are gone'

The character can generate a cloud of particles that eat matter
creation of the cloud requires one action, and a further action each round to maintain. the cloud can be centred on the character or out to 30 feet. the character can move the cloud 10 feet (+5 feet per level) as an action (or it stays around the character).
The cloud is 10 feet across (plus 5 feet per level)

the cloud inflicts 2D4 damage to all innanimate, inorganic objects it passes over, or 3D6 to all objects that remain in the cloud for the full melee round (if an object is passed over twice in the same round, there is further cosmetic damage but no actual SDC damage)

The cloud is translucent. anyone in the cloud finds his strike parry and dodge rolls reduced by 2 from the impaired visibility, and anyone firing into the cloud also see's their strike roll reduced by 2

This damage is from molecular dissasembly, and as such it leaves a residue of the items it has damaged behind as a fine powder.

mechanical hommoculi [Major]
'Go Go gadget umbrella'

The character can turn simple mechanical objects into obedient short lived drones.
The character can affect objects 5 lbs or less in weight, rising by 5lbs per level. a drone has the following statistics.
Most statistics are identical to the player characters except as follows.
IQ ME and MA are half the characters. PS is 1 and the drone inflicts a mere 1 point of damage in combat. Spd is also halved and PE is irrelevant. SDC of the Drone is the same as the object (or part thereof. see below) attacks per melee are 2 and combat bonuses are equal to half the PC's.
Drones are obedient and loyal. They last 20 minutes per level and can venture up to 200 feet from the character before reforming into their components. The character must have a firm grasp of the object to transform it (the character can entangle an opponent's gun and then transform it, but cannot merely strike or pary the object) It takes 2 actions to create a drone, and the character can only have 6 drones active at one time (+2 per level)
The maximum weight of a drone is 5 lbs. if an object exceeds 5 lbs (but is still under the character's weight limit) then the character creates multiple drones (a 12 lb assault rifle breaks down into 3 drones of 4lbs each).
Drones have memory. if the character keeps turing his home computer into a drone, it will remember events from the last time it was used in such a manner. the definition of 'machine' remains vague for the purposes of this power. an umbrella counts, a sword does not.
Drones can act as the machine they have spawned from, though if spawned from multiple machines then they need to remain together. a modem drone can remain plugged into the internet and can even perform limited browsing. a Phone drone can take calls for the character. A handgun drone can fire it's ammunition, doing normal damage (but having a -2 to strike and is not trained in WP: self)
Other bonuses: The character enjoys a +10% to mechanical and electrical skills.

countermoves [Minor]
'Yeah..nice dragon punch. pity it's worthless against a true master'

The character can absorb the moves and fighting style of his opponent and develop impromptu reflexes to account for them.
If a fighting move is used against this character, it works perfectly the first time, but suffers a -1 to strike and -2 to damage each subsequent time.
furthermore, the character becomes accustomed to the defences of his opponent's, and adds +1 to strike and +2 to damage for each successive melee round of fighting that opponent.
Other abilities: +1 attack per melee against foes with more attacks per melee than him.
Notes: the bonuses remain for up to one hour per level. at the GM's option, the character can retain his bonuses against opponents of similiar fighting style (like a horde of ninjas for instance, or a small army of goons, but disspear when changing opponents with different fighting styles)

'Now you see me, now you d...'

The character can vanish to avoid danger. The character simply skips ahead in time a second or two to avoid damage. If the character is struck for damage, he may make an auto dodge as a response (add +2 to this auto dodge with a further +1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15) if successful, the character blinks out instead of taking damage.
Canny opponents can turn this power against the character though. By leaving an attack in the space the character has vanished from, the character reappears in the now occupied space. he takes half normal damage (instead of none) and loses this power for the rest of the melee round, and is shunted to the side enough to avoid being impaled.
(Johnny Punch is sick of Nihon-Go the teleporting ninja, as punch after punch meets nothing but air. Quick to improvise he launches a straight kick and leaves the extended leg in the space Nihon-Go vacates. A half second later nihongo reappears with Johnny's leg through his torso and is shunted to the left. he's taked reduced damage but the power is broken for a round.)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Severus Snape wrote:Hopefully this one hasn't already been done...

[b]Split Decision (Minor)

Something similiar in Transdimensional TMNT (one of the temporal magic spells IIRC)
Seems balanced. Looks good. I Approve.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Iczer wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:Hopefully this one hasn't already been done...

[b]Split Decision (Minor)

Something similiar in Transdimensional TMNT (one of the temporal magic spells IIRC)
Seems balanced. Looks good. I Approve.


I don't own Transdimensional TMNT, so I wasn't even aware that something similar existed.

And thanks for the vote of confidence!
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Stone Gargoyle
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Nice set of powers, Iczer. I especially like Whirling Blades. Mechanical Hommoculi seems useful but I might try and do a power like it to show how I would do it.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


Unread post by Steeler49er »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Steeler49er wrote:New Mega Power concept...
Expanded Scope (Mega) By Steeler49er
"I thought he was weaker, but then the earth just began to shake... Everywhere"

Being a Mega-being should mean more than gaining 'just another power' and it does. Megas selecting this ability do not gain another Mega-super power but rather have their all of their other powers Greatly increased by many folds over the normal. The Mega sees one of five of the following improvements implemented over each of their powers. Any of the below abilities may be added in any order to a given power, but may have only up-to five of the below for that given power.
• Range increases by 100 times.
• Powers that normally work at 'Touch Range only' may now work at 1 meter/yard per level.
• Area of effect increases by 10 times.
• Add +5 to the difficulties in resisting this power.
• Damage and damage effects increases by x4.
• Speed is increased by Five times and if it didn't see an increase per level; before this ability it now increases by 20% it's base per level.
• Increase the pool for any powers by 10X times. This counts towards powers like "Generate Force Fields", "Bend Reality", and "Power touch". More over, if the pool didn't increase then the super gains 10% of base per level.
• Power effects and bonuses triple. A power that normally granted you +3 to strike and +2 Attacks per melee would now grant you +6 to strike and +4 Attacks more per melee, A power like Growth now sees the super increase in height by 3 times normal (6 feet per point of PE).
Affectable or Creatable mass as well as normal maximum lifting/carry rates are Multiplied by three as well, meaning a super with MA: Metal could conjure 60lbs (not 20lbs) of metal at level one, or a super with Extraordinary PS can now lift 300 times their PS and Carry 600 times that number.
• Attribute bonuses increase by 50% or +1 more than usual, which ever is more.
• Effects such as healing see their rates increase by an amount multiple of PE bonus plus two.
• HP & DC bonuses double.
• Powers which grant an affectable number maximum and or which have a maximum number of uses in a time frame (such as the power "Mentally Control Others" where the power only effects 4 people at a time and anymore over that number gain a plus one bonus to resist, or "Healing factor" which may insta heal twice a day) see those numbers increase by one more over the norm per level, starting at level one. The same holds true for a power like "Multiple Lives" in which the super gains one more additional Life per level starting at level one. The power "Multiple Beings" sees a greater increase which adds an addition amount gained per level equal to the newly gained level (IE the super gains three more clones per level at level three to their normal base amount).
• Powers that normally grant the ability for their durations to be optionally extended to the "Permanent" level with the expenditure of Permanent attribute or ability loss (IE: Transmutation) now sees those losses dropped to a single HP/SDC and or Attribute point permanently. Further by expending double the original amount temporarily the Mega may make such an effect permanent, but said Attributes/DC loss only start to return after one week.
•The Mega being sees one of these aspects further increased, doubling for a single one of their powers. For instance if a player wishes for their EE: Light to have it's damage increased by x2 over the above listed (which brings it to a total multiple of x8 its' original nature) they can, even if EE: Light was their only power to begin with. However, this last bonus ability only works After the super makes a PE save vs. difficulty 10 (+1 for every use in under an hour and or every failed roll). A failed roll means that the super takes 1D6 points of HP loss per point the roll was failed by. Lost HP only begins to recover after one hour per point the roll failed by. Duration: is instant, unless the aspect chosen to be increased was duration or the duration was permanent, in which case it runs out per normal or not at all.

Any effects of this power which use multiples see those multiple take affect After any and all other bonuses from other powers and abilities.
Above abilities are not stackable, only One ability per power.

This is way too powerful.

Dude I MUST be psychic cuz, I knew you'd say that :lol:

Well to adress that. Mega beings (as how they've been written up in the books) are Only all that Mega/powerful when one of the writers bother to Fudge the NPC's write up in some fanciful way by giving them Twenty powers and a gimped vulnerability that they'll never likely have to deal with (like the Blhaze). Other wise megas are just about as powerful as a Normal Super whos got the right mix/combo of powers. The reason for this seems to be that the Mega Supers tend to grant a bunch of (Almost racial) minor abilities and One mega power. And that mega power is little more than a Major power +5% more. Some of the Mega powers Are more powerful, others still pale compaired to Many pre-existing major powers in the books.

The reason I created this Mega Ability was because I noticed that (although I only use/allow Megas as NPCs in my games) neither their Mega power Nor their other abilities seemed to Really truly make the superbeings they are attatched to All that. A Mega SHOULD BE "just like a super" but several Times larger than life... Not someone with "One more Power" and a buncha little (seemingly racial) minor abilties-in addition to the something or nothings of power they may start out with. I'd rather see Pre-existing powers getting a "Boost"... Like you are a Super with CEF: Air but you are more powerful than someone Else with the same power.
EXAMPLE: You get to take 5 power boosts (Which I'm very open to negotiations on that number) if you take the Expanded Scope Mega-Ability so Maybe you Take "Area of Effect" and now you have a super with the ability to effect the weather whole states, as apposed to a pultry (although touted as large) AOE that is under a mile.
Additionally you pick "Duration Increase" (which seems to have been accidentally left out of the power) which increases the duration by one step (Minutes become dozen minutes, dozens of minute would become hours, hours bacomes several hours...etc) granting the power quite some staying power.
If we were to drop the Abilites granted down from 5 to let's say 3... One more Ability could be granted.
It could be a spike in Range, Damage, or maybe the ability to increase the difficulty to resist some aspect of the power! You've got the ability to do Allota tailoring with this Ability which is good, since having ANOTHER SUPER the 333rd version of CEF: AIR look statistically the exact same as everyone else with CEF: AIR is kind of unrealistic, and also a little childish for a super hero game... Unless everyones powers came from the Exact same source.

I realized making this Ability that it was over the top and that it would use some tweeks and reductions and just like any good car salesmen, I start overly big and let everyone and myself reduce things down to a more Realistic Level via discussion. So YES Do I agree that the Expanded Scope mega-ability needs some tweeks, sure but I'm not seeing any given by anyone, which is what this forum is about and what is what i'm gonna need before I can fix Expanded Scope.
IE Here's one: "Hey Steeler, hows about reducing/cutting down the number of granted boost by one or two, down from Five to three" for instance.

Then I (agree/disagree) and back to the table.
If my answer is "Sure" (which it is), then we have our first in-roads to a consensus.
But I'm gonna need some curtiques'.

Certainly I'm not gonna be able to change/modify/improve Expanded Scope to better fit the game untill I get some useful feed back.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.