Random Magical Items

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Random Magical Items

Unread post by Aaryq »

Howdy, folks.
What random magical items have you created? Have any of them been cursed? Go ahead and share them with us.
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Here are a few on mine.

001: IronHide ring nat AR 16, cursed with non-removal, inescapable and gender switching.
002: magic sword of lighting target....(long sword)
003: necklace of chromatic protection--uses a tiger eye as the focal point of the enchantment, useable four times per day
004: invisible eye spectacles of see the invisible--constant while worn, range LOS--silver rims wrapped with thread emeralds in a opposing double helixes. these glasses when are worn turn invisible.
005: magic ring--charismatic arua/charm--constant while worn
This ring's magic makes the wearer more attractive to the opposite sex in direct proportion to the amount of skin is exposed. This is added on top of the charm % from PB, with a max of 98%. The effects are constant while worn.
006: under-things of the environment--keeps the wearer dry and at a comfortable temp so even on the hottest or coldest climates. Dose not protect against heat/fire/cold/wet magic above 4th level nor vs. major natural events. (same basic idea as the Environmental tent in the PF2 main page 258)
007: Reserved for Mr Bond re-roll.
008: Armor of Kormath- appears to be a set of several interlocking ring bracelets
Made out of 'white metal' and is enchanted so the wearer 's PPE is used as damage capacity , in a pure SD environment its 1 PPE =10 SDC (in a MD environment its 1 PPE= 1MDC or 100 sdc), the enchantment creates a magical force field, nat AR 10, that take damage off the wearer's PPE level.
009: silver choker of truesight.
010: contraceptive silver bracelet--protects against both conception and disease
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by Amberjack »

Here are a few of mine. Cost/value not listed as not good a setting value of items.

Monks Bowl: A simple bowl of carved wood or clay, with nothing exceptional about its appearance, accept for a slight glitter in the bowls inner surface. Most are plain and unadorned, while others are carved, inlaid, inscribed, or painted in designs or images specific to a religious order or pantheon.
Regardless of whether decorated or plain, all such bowls have the same enchantment. The bowls magic can be activated twice per day, causing it to glow briefly and fill with a warm nutritious, hunger satisfying porridge. The bowl should be wiped clean before each use, as anything in the bowl when the magic is activated will be in the porridge. Cost:

Chalk of Passage: A simple piece if white chalk, carved with mystic runes and symbols, about four inches long, and almost an inch in diameter. The magic of the chalk allows the user to draw a door with a handle on a floor, wall, or ceiling, that creates a temporary opening or portal. The chalk is limited to opening doorways through barriers up to two feet thick, and each peace of chalk has only ten (1D10) charges before it crumbles into dust. The doorway remains until closed or until five minutes have passed. Cost:

Sacrificial Blade: An ornate double-edged dagger, usually with a hilt, cross piece and/or pommel shaped in evil demonic or monstrous designs, although some are completely unadorned of the type used during ritual sacrifice. No matter what the blades appearance they all function in the same way, to absorb and store the P.P.E. release of a sacrifice victim. Usually produced by alchemists involved with evil cults, or dark gods.
While many of these blades can be used and the stored P.P.E. accessed by anyone, some can only be accessed by a person bonded to the blade (Bonding to the blade requires cutting oneself with the blade and the permanent sacrifice of a point of P.P.E.). The blade can only store the P.P.E. of a single sacrifice, although there are rumors of blades that can absorb and store the energy of multiple sacrifices. Cost:

Arena Stones: These are a set of 6 or 8 carved and inlaid stone markers, the size of a breadbox, that when placed around an Arena, Pit, Amphitheater and activated will project in the space above the area encompassed by the stones an enlarged image of what is happening within the encompassed area in real time. They were invented by a pair of young western alchemists, who always seemed to end up in the nosebleed section on fit days, missing out on a lot of the action. So the invented the Arena Stones, so that no matter where you sat you could get a good view of the action.
Some of these stones also have the capability to record and play back the events . However, this is usually limited to within the last five minutes, and can only be played back once. These stone sets are rare outside of the Western Empire, but are spreading rapidly. Cost:

Seaman’s Duffel: A well-crafted, sturdy, heavy canvas or leather duffel bag commonly used amongst sailors. It has a number of enchantments, making it a favored item amongst seafarers who can afford it.
• Buoyant: The bag will not sink, and will float on the surface of water, even while fully loaded. It is also capable of supporting and keeping afloat the weight of an average humanoid.
• Waterproof: The bag will keep its contents dry, as long as it is properly secured .
The bag no matter canvas or leather is the equivalent to Leather Of Iron armor (A.R.: 15, and S.D.C.: 60), as far as attacks against it or its contents. A few Alchemists are known to make these for the large (i.e. giant) humanoids. Cost:

Blue Flame Torch:
A Blue Flame Torch, appears at first glance to be a simple pre-made torch. But upon closer examination, it becomes clear that it is not. The torch end is tightly wrapped in blue cloth, and covered in a thin layer of a blue oily substance. This oil while, feeling greasy, does not come off the torch, and is not combustible normally. The whole end is also wrapped, in a silvered wire cage.
When the command word is spoken, the cloth wrapped end will ignite into a bright blue-white flame that burns without heat. The light given off is about 50% brighter than that of a normal torch. These torches will also burn underwater. The torches actually come in three varieties, six, eight, and twelve hour durations. Although the magic works the same for all types, requiring a period equal to the time burned to recharge.
The torch has an additional property, of the flame turning a sickly green color in the presence of toxic or explosive gases or fumes, the green getting darker in relation to the level of gas present. In addition, 10 % of these torches have an additional ability – Blinding Flash (as the spell). While the torch is lit, a second command word will cause the torches flame to flare up, delivering a flash of blinding light, at the expense of burning out the torch’s magic. This last effect is usually only used as a last resort, due to the expense of the torch. Cost:

Pilgrim’s Sandals: A pair of simple, but well made sandals, of leather or plant fiber, with straps around the ankles and calves. That are enchanted in such a way that the wearer can walk in them for days, without blisters, chaffing, or rubbing, they always fit perfectly. They can be worn in hot or cold weather, in cold weather, the wearer will feel cold, but will not have to worry about frostbite. In warm wet weather, the wear need not be concerned with issues of disorders of the feet due to wet conditions. Cost:

Hammer-Fist Ring: This ring magically amplifies the damage a wearer does with his hand strikes. Adding 1D6, 2D4, or 2D6 depending on the ring. The rings magic is activated by its wearer, and costs the wearer 1 P.P.E. per activation. This PPE activation, while allowing any to use it, it is really of more use to spellcasters, who have PPE to spare. Cost:

Ship Wards: Ship-wards are actually a set of linked magic items that, when used together are valued by mariners worldwide. The set usually consists of a set of bronze plates, that need to be attached to the ship in specific locations , and a set of control medallions, usually enough for the captain and watch officers. The plates are secured two to a side and one fore and aft, as well as a master plate somewhere on the ships main-mast. The plates are nailed to the ship, but once attached magically adhere to the ship, so as not to fall off.
Each crewman from Captain to cabin boy must place a drop of their blood on the master plate, for the magic to recognize the crew. Done during a ritual, over seen by the Captain while in possession of the Master Control Medallion. This is done normally once a year, when new crew comes aboard, or old crew leave.
The magic will detect anyone who is not a crew member, who comes aboard, even if invisible, magically disguised, or shape-changed to look like one of the crew, and alert all those on board wearing a control medallion. The Medallion wearers can cause the system to produce an audible alarm to alert the rest of the crew. The system will also detect anyone tampering with the ships hull below the water line. The Master Control Medallion, can bypass some of the functions, to allow passengers aboard, as well as, Customs and harbor masters inspectors aboard. Cost:

Honing Stone: An Arcane sharpening stone, one surface marked with a mystic symbol. The stone is a dark gray, with a slightly oily feel to its surface. When used to sharpen a blade it adds a temporary damage bonus to the blade, and allows the blade to affect those only affected by magic weapons. Depending on the stone, it can provide a bonus of +1, +2, or +3 to damage, each more expensive than the other. Each stone has a limited number of charges, and one charge will sharpen a single hand held weapon (sword, axe, dagger, etc.), or six missile weapons (arrows, crossbow bolts, darts, small throwing knives, etc.). Each charge lasts for twelve/twenty-four hours. Cost:

Boots of the Wanderer: A sturdy, well made pair of heavy leather boots, of normal appearance. These boots never wear out, and keep the wearers feet warm and dry. They always fit perfectly, and never rub or create foot problems for their owner. The wearer fatigues at half the normal rate, and is at -5% to be tracked. They all come with a built in sheath for a boot knife in on of the boots (50L/50R), and 15% also have a hidden compartment in the opposite boot large enough to conceal a set of lock-picks, a small vial, or small knife. This compartment, can only be found if magically searched, a physical pat-down will not reveal this compartment. Cost:
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Amberjack wrote:Here are a few of mine. Cost/value not listed as not good a setting value of items.

011 Monks Bowl:

012 Chalk of Passage:

013 Sacrificial Blade:

014 Arena Stones:

015 Seaman’s Duffel:

016 Blue Flame Torch:

017 Pilgrim’s Sandals:

018 Hammer-Fist Ring:

019 Ship Wards: S

020 Honing Stone:

021 Boots of the Wanderer:

022 Tara's Tiara: lets the wearer make her hair into whatever hair styling she can think up. The only limitations are the length of the hair is not changed and nothing can be gripped by the hair. The hair can be woven around something very small, like a gem or a coin, but it can't reach out and choke anyone, nor to grip a knife and manipulate it.
023 Cleaning cloth: this cloth can clean any mundane grit, grim, rust or tarnish from an object; without damaging the object; with just one swipe. Magical rust, tarnish, dirt can be washed away with the cloth if used with soap and water.
024 Summer's Room: This room is an extra-dimensional room that can be attached to a largish object with a door large enough to crawl though. The room is in perpetual summer's light coming in through a window. The air in the room always stays fresh, and has a clean smell to it. (not a hospital's antiseptic smell)
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Here's a few minor items.

025: Never ending roll of T.P. Cost 250 gp, stays dry until unrolled. Lasts exactly 1 minute after pulled off the roll. So far it is only found in the Wisdom (Eastern Territories).

027: Never dry canteens. Cost: 10,000 gp. Guaranteed to keep any liquid fresh, at whatever temp it was first pored into it and filled full, and keep it full of that liquid; provided that the liquid is not magical in nature. For some reason, it will not work on potions or any other magical liquid.

028: Jungle/forest scented soap (in wilderness towns or villages General Store/trading post); scent is guaranteed to last for about 72 hours. (Hey, it is FAR better to smell like your surroundings.) 5-10 gold. It's not magical but does come in handy.

029: A permanent Globe of Daylight that has been locked it into a mirror box...8 sides, plus top and bottom are made out of silver, which has been polished to a mirror like quality, the 8 sides are like detachable silver throwing starts. The original ideas for it was from The Rifter: 21, page 82. We also have an insect repelling talisman on there that is constantly active.
Last edited by pblackcrow on Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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A magic light that ONLY shines on things worth seeing
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Re: Random Magical Items

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*coughs*randomizer numbers*coughs*
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by Amberjack »

33. A simple wooden bucket, enchanted so that any water it is used to retrieve will become drinkable, polluted/salt water/etc. it does not matter. Great for ship travel.
34. Small jewelry box with assortment of miniature - instruments that will animate and play music on command. Usually pre-programed with 1D4+1 songs.
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Wow... too many to list in one post, so here's a few teasers...

Smelling Stones: A flower shaped brooch of colored crystal. When the center is touched it emits a lightly scented perfume around the wearer. Other, more expensive versions have multiple scent options; just touch any part of the brooch other than the center and the brooch will change color and emit a different scent. Available scents include pretty much anything you can find in your local perfume, incense or scented soap shop. Cost: 250-1500 gold or more depending mostly on how many different scents the item creates

Magic Horse Brushes: You just got done with a hard days riding, set up camp and got your fire started. The last thing your tired body needs is more work brushing your horse down. Thank goodness for Magic Horse Brushes! Just say the magic word and these brushes get the job done for you in no time! From top to bottom, front to back, your horse will be brushed down and feeling fine before you can finish your dinner! And for a little extra, they even come in a self cleaning version! Cost: 300 gold (450 for self-cleaning)

Shade Torches: Hot summer days got you down? Do you really need a break from that pounding sun in the Bal-Gor Wastes? Then try Shade Torches! Just light like a regular torch and hold it over your head like a regular torch and you have instant portable shade. Comes in 3 different intensities for all your shade needs. There's Regular (like standing under a shade tree at high noon), Heavy (a moonless night in the forest), and Extreme (so dark nightvision can't penetrate). All affect a 20 ft diameter circle and last for 4 hours. Costs: Regular:150, Heavy:250, Extreme:400

Magic Tobacco: Literally dozens of different kinds. Here's a couple to try;
Talespinner's Blend: A rich aromatic blend of pipe tobacco, popular with Bards and grandfathers worldwide. Produces billowing clouds of smoke that take on shapes and images of whatever the storyteller/smoker is talking about. For example if a Bard is telling a tale of a great warrior battling a fearsome demon the smoke will produce images of a knight in full battle regalia battilng a fearsome demonic creature. The fun part is, the audience can be made a part of the story as well. None of the images made by the smoke can harm anything, nor can they take damage (they are just smoke after all), but it can make for quite a distraction, especially if the story teller comes up with some truly frightening or vivid images (GM's can apply a HF of up to 13 if the descriptions are particularly detailed) Cost:100-300 gold per ounce (1 ounce is good for about 2 hours of storytelling/smoking)
Vile Chaw: A particularly horrible tasting chewing tobacco, not really favored by anybody. It must be chewed for 1 full melee round and spat out. The chewer must make 2 saving throws vs. non-lethal poison to avoid spitting it out too soon. Failure means the chewer spits out the horrid stuff and spends the rest of the round retching and gagging (lose remaining attacks and -5 to parry/dodge for the rest of the round), while the now useless wad of chaw wriggles around on the ground and melts away to a sticky black sludge. Anyone making both saves manages to keep the stuff in for the alotted time and must spit it out at the beginning of the next round. When they do it writhes around and grows, taking the shape of a random Worm of Taut under the command of the chewer. it will remain in existance for 30 minutes or until destroyed. If for some insane reason the chewer does NOT spit the stuff out at the beginning of the next melee, just imagine what your character would look like with a Blow Worm suddenly exploding from his mouth. 'Nuff said. Cost: 250-500 gold per ounce (1 ounce=1 use)

More to come in the future.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Picture Portal: A landscape portrate that was painted with a magic paint brush. The artist travled to many different areas of palladium and painted may different landscapes. If someone steps into the portrate they will be transported to the landscape depicted. (The only way back is to have another portrate of where you want to go back to.

Quill of the Illiterate: A magic quill that was first made for a noble that could not read or write. By simply placing the quill in ink and then touching the tip to paper/parchment and letting it go, it will float there and write whatever the person says in the language it is spoken. Will continue to write any words that are clearly spoken (as long as they have a writen language to match) until the quill is removed from the paper/parchment, or runs out of room to write.( NOTE: will write on both sides of paper/parchment and will switch to other blank sheets if avalible.)
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Re: Random Magical Items

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42: Books of Messaging. What's written in one book is linked to appears to all of the books it is that are linked to if in a 500 mile radius, when the words "now send this message" in Elven are spoken while holding the book. Each book also comes with a "word wipe feature" to stop anyone from gaining the messages. The words that activates it are chosen by the persons that are buying it and they don't have to be holding it just be in 10 feet radius of it for it to work. Once done, it is easy enough to get the messages back, provided the others didn't erase their books as well. Destroying one book will destroys all that are linked to it. They will crumble to dust if one is burned, or like wise. They glow a faint blue when a new message has been received. Cost 5,000 gp per book, must number of books must be named in advance in order to link them..
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Re: Random Magical Items

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I dont do random items...

I do however do themed items...

Obedience Collars: These devices are attuned to a slave master and in the cases of field slaves to the overseers. With but a thought the attuned can activate the collar sending waves of pain (as per the agony spell at level 5 potency) screaming through the targeted slave or slaves.
The Persuader: This is a whip that with each strike acts as if it were the trigger of a series of wards. Every odd number strike activates a Pain ward (3rd level potency), Every even numbered strike activates an Agony ward (3rd level potency). The only exception to this is the Tenth strike activates a death ward (5th level potency).
Shock Gloves: simple hide gloves with a Pain ward (2nd level potency) that activates with every successful strike.
Slavers Crossbow: Rather than fire a bolt this Crossbow fires Magic net (5th level potency)
DM is correct by the way. - Ninjabunny
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Damian Magecraft wrote:I dont do random items...

I do however do themed items...


48: slave coller (magic)--places a geas on the wearer making the one who held the leash handle their master. the Geas can be lifted by having the hands that places the coller on the person to willingly take it off. If a person willingly put it on themselves the change will be perminit. duration of geas: one year, saving throws: standered.once per melee till bespelled.
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

TheGameMaster wrote:Picture Portal: A landscape portrate that was painted with a magic paint brush. The artist travled to many different areas of palladium and painted may different landscapes. If someone steps into the portrate they will be transported to the landscape depicted. (The only way back is to have another portrate of where you want to go back to.

Quill of the Illiterate: A magic quill that was first made for a noble that could not read or write. By simply placing the quill in ink and then touching the tip to paper/parchment and letting it go, it will float there and write whatever the person says in the language it is spoken. Will continue to write any words that are clearly spoken (as long as they have a writen language to match) until the quill is removed from the paper/parchment, or runs out of room to write.( NOTE: will write on both sides of paper/parchment and will switch to other blank sheets if avalible.)

See the Quill of Literacy PFRPG pg260
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Hey all... back with a few more items for you. Use or lose as you see fit;

Gloves of Adhesion: A favorite among thieves, these normal normal looking gloves are made of a supple dark colored leather with arcane symbols sewn in silver thread around the cuff. The enchantment is simple; They're sticky. Wearing them adds a +20% bonus to Climb skill, a +15% to Pick Pockets and the wearer cannot be disarmed. The only drawback is if the wearer fails his Pick Pockets roll; The chance for the intent being recognized shoots up from 67% to 85%. But you're not going to fail your Pick pockets roll, are you? Also, while wearing the gloves, the user cannot throw a weapon (it sticks to the glove) Cost: 20,000+ gold and very rare

Venom Blade: A weapon enchantment that, when activated, turns the blade of the weapon a sickly green color. Strikes with the weapon do normal damage and the victim saves against Non-Lethal Poison or takes an additional 2d6 damage per round for 4 rounds (Save each round to avoid extra damage). Also comes in a Lethal Poison version that does 4d6 extra damage per round for 4 rounds (Save vs Lethal Poison each round to avoid damage) and two other types that cause Paralysis (Save vs Non-Lethal Poison or victim is paralyzed for 2d6 minutes) or Sleep (Save vs Harmful Drugs or victim falls asleep for 1d6 hours) More than one type of Venom Blade Enchantment can be placed on a single weapon, but it cannot be combined with a Flaming Sword/Knife. Cost: Non-Lethal Poison; 50,000 Lethal Poison; 60'000 Sleep or Paralaysis; 40,000

Ring of Transportation Summoning: A rather largish ring of plain design, it only functions when worn on the thumb. Once per day the wearer can activate the ring's power by prominently sticking his thumb out and waiting. Within 2 melee rounds, during which time the wearer can only defend himself, not attack (not even spell casting or psionics), some form of transportation will arrive to take the wearer and up to 4 other people to any destination within 500 miles of his current location. It is entirely up to the GM exactly what form the transport takes, be it a Dragon that will carry the wearer on his back, a horse drawn carriage, a small flock of Pegasus of even an army of Fairies. Whatever it is that shows up, it will NOT engage in combat, even if the wearer and/or any companions are currently fighting. The transportation will basically show up, holler "Come on!" and wait for 1 melee round before departing on their own. If you don't get in, sorry,,, your loss and the ring cannot be activated again for 24 hours. If, for some odd reason, the wearer or his companions attack the transportaion (for example a Dragon shows up and someone gets greedy) the transport will vanish instantly and the charge is wasted again. This applies even during transport. (bad thing if its flying) Cost: 50,000+ gold, often at least twice that

Hope you like these... more to come. Stay tuned!!
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

More random Magic Items from the mind of mad Uncle Remus!! Enjoy!

Spidey Suit: Not really a suit as a set of accessories consisting of fine black leather gloves, boots belt and ninja-style hood. Extremely popular among Thieves and Assassins, but there are no restrictions on who, or what, can wear it. When the entire set is worn, the user gets the following abilities;
Spidey Senses: Wearer gains Sixth Sense like the Psionic ability (PFRPG pg 171) as long as the set is worn. No ISP limitations.
Spidey Climbing; The gloves and boots work like the Gloves of Adhesion in my previous post but also allow the user to crawl/walk along walls and ceilings. SPD is reduced by 25% when crawling/walking on ceilings/upside down.
Spidey Webs: The gloves are capable of shooting out a Magic Net (PFRPG pg 195) to ensnare opponents. Effective level of proficiency is 6th. This can only be used 3 times per day. They also release a Web Line that extends out to a range of up to 200 feet, firmly adhering to whatever the end of it strikes (The line itself has no adhesive properties, just the tip of it). The Web Line can be used as a rope to climb obstacles, swing from one point to another, catch a fleeing opponent and/or tie them up, or whatever else you can think of to use a rope for. Other than being able to attach to whatever the line is released at, it has no other special properties and can be cut or burnt like a regular rope, though it is rather resilient. (15 SDC to cut it at any point) No limit to how much Web Line can be created, other than the 200 feet per activation.
Spidey Leaps: Boots give the wearer the ability to make tremendous leaps, up to 15 feet straight up or 20 feet across from a standstill. Double these distances with a short running start.
Spidey Strength: The outfit as a whole gives the wearer a PS of 24 or adds 4 points to PS if it is already 22 or higher.
Spidey Agility: The whole outfit adds 6 points to the wearer's PP
Cost: 150,000+ gold

Elemental Gauntlets: 4 different gauntlets imbued with elemental powers. They may be worn singly or in mixed or matched pairs. Listed price is for a single gauntlet.
Air Gauntlet: When activated, the gauntlet crackles with electrical energy, creating an Electrical Field around the wearer. (PFRPG pg225) While active, the Gauntlet can be used to cast the following at 6th level proficiency; Call Lightning (once per Melee), Vacuum, Wind Blast (once per Melee). The gauntlet remains active for 10 minutes and can be activated 3 times per day/24 hour period.
Earth Gauntlet: When activated, the wearer's skin turns to stone, granting him a natural AR of 14 and an additional 140 SDC. While active, the gauntlet can be used to cast th following at 6th level proficiency; Hopping Stones, Wall of Stone, Petrification (once per Melee). The gauntlet remains active for 10 minute and can be activated 3 times per day/24 hour period.
Fire Gauntlet: When activated, the gauntlet erupts with flames, giving the wearer the equivalent of Fiery Touch (PFRPG pg234). While active, the Gauntlet can be used to cast the following at 6th level proficiency; Flame Lick, Fire Ball (once per Melee), Mini-Fireballs. The gauntlet remains active for 10 minutes per activation and can be used 3 times per day/24 hour period.
Water Gauntlet: When activated, the wearer's skin becomes covered with an Armor of Ice, graning an AR of 14 and 100 SDC. While active, the gauntlet can be used to cast the following at 6th level proficiency; Fog of Fear, Shards of Ice, 10 Foot Ball of Ice (once per Melee). The gauntlet remains active for 10 minutes and can be activated 3 times per day/24 hour period.
Cost: 50,000+ gold each

Stay tuned for more from dear old Uncle Remus. Ciao!
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Sorry guys I've lost count.

Headband of familiar link: these bands work to enhance the range of a bonded familiar. Both the wizard and familiar must give a drop of blood for the creation, but once it's done the wizard can communicate with the familiar within an enhanced range of the GM's choosing. In my games their good for 0.5-1 mile.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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pblackcrow wrote:Sorry guys I've lost count.

60. Headband of familiar link: these bands work to enhance the range of a bonded familiar. Both the wizard and familiar must give a drop of blood for the creation, but once it's done the wizard can communicate with the familiar within an enhanced range of the GM's choosing. In my games their good for 0.5-1 mile.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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JuliusCreed wrote:
TheGameMaster wrote:Picture Portal: A landscape portrate that was painted with a magic paint brush. The artist travled to many different areas of palladium and painted may different landscapes. If someone steps into the portrate they will be transported to the landscape depicted. (The only way back is to have another portrate of where you want to go back to.

Quill of the Illiterate: A magic quill that was first made for a noble that could not read or write. By simply placing the quill in ink and then touching the tip to paper/parchment and letting it go, it will float there and write whatever the person says in the language it is spoken. Will continue to write any words that are clearly spoken (as long as they have a writen language to match) until the quill is removed from the paper/parchment, or runs out of room to write.( NOTE: will write on both sides of paper/parchment and will switch to other blank sheets if avalible.)

See the Quill of Literacy PFRPG pg260

I have 1st edition so my book didn't have that one listed.
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

TheGameMaster wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
TheGameMaster wrote:Picture Portal: A landscape portrate that was painted with a magic paint brush. The artist travled to many different areas of palladium and painted may different landscapes. If someone steps into the portrate they will be transported to the landscape depicted. (The only way back is to have another portrate of where you want to go back to.

Quill of the Illiterate: A magic quill that was first made for a noble that could not read or write. By simply placing the quill in ink and then touching the tip to paper/parchment and letting it go, it will float there and write whatever the person says in the language it is spoken. Will continue to write any words that are clearly spoken (as long as they have a writen language to match) until the quill is removed from the paper/parchment, or runs out of room to write.( NOTE: will write on both sides of paper/parchment and will switch to other blank sheets if avalible.)

See the Quill of Literacy PFRPG pg260

I have 1st edition so my book didn't have that one listed.

Makes sense. Sorry for any offense :D

Here's a few more items to peruse from the mind of Uncle Remus!

Friendship Bracelets: A simple bracelet made from strings of various colors woven together in a basic thin strand. They are bought in pairs or greater numbers as they must become bonded with at least 2 different people. The bonding process requires a drop of blood from each person to be involved in the link to be mixed together in a short magical ritual that involves each person involved standing in a circle, mixing their blood in a cup or chalice of no particular value or significance and dipping their bracelets into the mixture while humming some ancient tune (actually "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King).
Upon completion of the ritual, the wearers of the bracelets will be able to sense the general well being of the person that is bonded to them through the bracelet. If the bracelet is removed by one person it will be sensed immediately by the others in the circle of friends as an alarm of varying intensity based on the circumstances of the removal. For example if the person removes it just for a moment to wash his hands, the alarm would be a gentle momentary buzz. If he were forced to remove it by someone threatening to kill him if he didn't the alarm would be a bit more of a consistent and prominent buzz that would raise a bit of alarm.
The last ability of the bracelets is to issue a calling. If one of the wearers concentrates on one of his friends in the circle for a moment, he can issue a mental summons of sorts to that person, regardless of their location, even in another dimension. The friend is in no way obligated, much less compelled to answer the call, but will immediately sense the general nature of it, such as "Come to me, I need help" or Contact me quickly" or whatever. If one of the bracelet wearers dies, everyone in the circle will sense it and see the last few moments of his life flash through their minds, giving them all a glimpse of how he died and possibly what killed him, if anything. (Death by natural causes, such as old age or disease would show him lying on his death bed and quietly expiring) Cost: 1000 gold each (and remember, at least 2 must be bought and activated for them to work)

Whoop-Ass: A magical potion of sorts, at least along the lines of being a mystic liquid. Rather than drinking it, however, the user dumps the contents onto the ground to release the magical effect. This stuff comes in pint jars (called "cans") and is available in a wide variety of effects, each one represented by a different color. Here are just a few of the myriad varieties;
Red: Opponents will suddenly find any cloaks, capes, robes or other loose flowing clothing has been turned a bright red. Not too much of a problem until they see the herd of 30 rampaging bulls charging directly at them. Trampling damage is 1d6x10 per melee round for 2 rounds and victims lose all attacks and combat bonuses as they are mercilessly pounded into the ground. No saving throw, but victims are allowed ONE dodge at 17 or better. Cost: 1000 gold
Gold: Summons a Deevil Serpent (PFRPG pg 332) under the control of the openner. It will remain until all enemies have been defeated or for 10 melee rounds, whichever happens first. Cost: 1500 gold
Blue: All opponents within 50 feet of the openner save vs. Magic or suffer the effects of a Ward of Despair (PFRPG pg 128). Duration is equal to 6th level. Cost: 700 gold
Orange: Summons a Lesser Fire Elemental (Dragons and Gods pg. ) to do ther openner's bidding. will remain for 10 melees or until all opponents are slain/defeated. Cost: 1200 gold
Black: All opponents within 50 feet of the openner save vs. Magic or suffer the effects of a Ward of Death (PFRPG pg 128). Duration and damage are equal to 6th level. Cost: 1000 gold
Yellow: Opponents suddenly hear a loud horn blaring off to the side a moment before a runaway School Bus runs them down. Damage is a whopping 2d6x10 and victims may try and dodge at 16 or better. (Damage is based on Car Combat rules for Vehicle Damage found in N&S pg 137 using a 10 or 16 wheeler Semi-Truck travelling at 100mph) Cost: 1200 gold
Green: This stuff creates a sickly green cloud of foul-smelling fumes, similar to a Miasma when it comes to effects (PFRPG pg 222), but with the added effect of being poisonous, dealing 1d6 damage per melee round to everyone caught within it. Duration is 6 minutes. Cost: 700 gold

More to come! Stay tuned!
Last edited by JuliusCreed on Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Hey all! Uncle remus is back again, this time with a new twist on a magic item for ya!

Wizard Staff
As a warrior generally looks at his sword as an extension of himself, so too does a wizard think of his trusty staff. The biggest difference is that for a wizard the bond is much more involved and personal, so much so that after a certain period of time, a wizard's staff may start to exhibit some rather peculiar and/or useful traits about it, such as storing an extra bit of PPE for emergencies or perhaps storing a particular spell that the wizard uses quite often. The changes can even be physical in nature, like a small hollow that's just the right size for mounting/hiding a gem or jewel or the staff itself becoming more durable, maybe even indestructible. Please bear in mind that these changes and abilities only manifest because of the staff being in near constant contact with a particular wizard for an incredibly long time. It may take months for even one ability to manifest, if not years.
Below is a short list of some of the powers a Wizard Staff may get as it "grows" with its owner;

1: Light Show; The end of the staff can be made to erupt in a dazzling spray of sparks, lights and lightning-like arcs of energy. Generall a harmless display, but can be used as a show of power to the weak-minded and easilly impressed (ie anyone with a ME of 7 or less) Also makes great entertainment for the kids! Staves with this power are usually topped with a faceted crystal ot jewel of some kind, but this is not required.

2: Eternal Torch; The end of the staff can be commanded to glow with a light varying in intensity from a simple candle to a few torches. Maximum area of effect is a 20 foot radius around the staff. Like the Light Show power above, a staff will often be tipped with a faceted crystal or jewel, usually clear rather than colored.

3: Gift of Sol; The end of the staff glows with the equivalent of a Globe of Daylight spell, illuminating a 15 foot radius with true daylight. Very handy in repelling Vampires. As with the previous 2 powers, staves are often tipped with a crystal, but in the case of this power the crystal or gem is usually smooth and p[olished rather than faceted.

4: Ironwood; The staff becomes very tough and durable, able to take a lot of punishment and strain that would normally break a wooden staff. The staff gets an AR: 16 and SDC: 1d6x10+20. This is often one of the first powers to manifest in a Wizard Staff. Further growth in this power can take on any number of variations including being Resistant or even Impervious to Fire, or even the staff becoming Indestructible

5: Sorceror's Apprentice: Ever seen the part of Disney's Fantasia where Mickey turns the broom into a little animated helper? Same concept but with a staff instead of a broom. The staff suddenly splinters off a pair of arms and legs and can be commanded by its owner to assisst in any way it can. The ends of the arms can even splinter further at the ends to become the rough equivalent of hands for more delicate manipulation of items. In combat the Staff has AR:10, SDC: 30, 3 attacks per melee and does 1d6+1 damage per attack (no combat bonuses or penalties) If the staff also has the Ironwood power above, AR and SDC of the apprentice match the power. The staff remains in this form as long as the owner desires or until its SDC is reduced to zero, at which point it automatically goes back to staff form. In such a case the Apprentice power cannot be used again for 24 hours. Other abilities of the Apprentice are its lifting and carrying capacity of up to 200 lbs and a maximum running SPD of 15. Despite the fact that it can be made to have hands, it cannot effectively wield a weapon (it's just too clumsy for them)

6: Snake Staff; The staff can be commanded to take on the form of a large serpent to accompany/protect the Wizard. The snake is AR:10 SDC: 30 and has 3 attacks per melee doing 1d8 with a bite. It may also constrict its victims for 2d6 damage per melee (this attack also effectively immobilizes the victim, but uses all 3 attacks for the round) There is a possibility of the serpent being poisonous (50% chance) allowing the bite to do an additional 3d6 damage unless a successful save vs Lethal Poison is made. The Ironwood Power above affects the AR and SDC of the snake as well, giving it an equal AR and SDC. Staffs with this power will often have some kind of intricate scrollwork design or a picture of a serpent or snake carved into it. This is not a requirement however.

7: Traveler's Heart; This power lets the wielder walk for longer periods of time with less rest, equivalent to having the Forced March physical skill, but with twice the Endurance rate. This power only functions as long as the staff is being used as a walking stick.

8: Wind Walker; This power allows the wizard to rise into, and walk through, the air at a height of approximately 25-30 feet. (great for taking shortcuts over forests instead of through them) Spd is equal to roughly half normal SPD attribute, unless the Traveller's heart power is also used. Then use the Forced March speed and reduce Traveller's Heart endurance rate by half (normal Forced March rate) Often a staff with this power is decorated with a few feathers of some sort.

9: Witches' Broom; The staff can be used like a classic Witches Broom, sat upon and flown. The staff can carry the wizard and up to 300 lbs of extra cargo or 2 extra passengers. Flying speed is about 40 mph and can be sustained as long as the Wizard remains concious. Advanced versions of this power can allow for faster flying speeds or more cargo capacity. (passengers are still limted to 2 though; there's only so much room to sit on a staff)

10: Just What I Need; Staves with this particularly useful power are always decorated in some way; feathers and beaded strings, a leather grip, carvings and inlays of various materials and designs, crystals or gems studded into the wood and all manner of creativity. This power allows for small useful things to suddenly manifest as part of the staff's decorations at helpful and opportune times. Need an extra gold piece to pay for your room at the inn? Right there in that little hollow looks like a coin. A ritual requires you to burn a hawk's wing feather? Isn't that one hanging there from a hawk? Need a particular gem to make a magic item work? That odd little crystal right there just might be.... well you get the picture.
It must be stressed that this power is not under the character's control. It is a way for the GM to give a little nudge of help to the Wizard when he really needs it. Be careful to not abuse this ability. Sublety is the key to making this power work well.

11: Eternal Watchman; Staves with this power are decorated much the same way as a staff with Just What I Need power above, but the decorations serve as a sort of alarm system for its owner. If trouble is approaching the decorations will shift and move to rattle clank jingle and generally get the Wizard's attention. Some Wizard Staves even have gone so far as to fall on their owner's sleeping heads to wake them just before an attack is launched against them. In game terms, as long as the wizard's staff is within arm's reach (not neccessarily being held) the wizard has a rough equivalent of a Psionic Sixth Sense.

12: Calling: If the wizard finds himself without his staff, he can issue the calling, bringing his staff to his hand with a thought. This can manifest in any number of ways from floating across the room to it's master's hand to teleporting to his side.

13: PPE Battery; Constant exposure to the mystic energies wielded by its master has given the staff a permanent repository of 1d4x5 PPE. As the staff continues to grow with the same wizard, so to can this amount grow, up to 2d6x20 PPE in some of the more ancient staves. This PPE is easilly accessed and used by the wizard the staff belongs to, but other practitioners of magic, even if allowed by the owner, may only be allowed up to 25% of thye energy. (it is basically tuned to be used by its master only)

14: Spell Storage; The wizard may invoke the effects if 1d4 spells from his staff rather than casting them himself. The PPE for these spells may come from either the wizard himself or from the staff if it has the PPE Battery ability above. The biggest advantage to this is if the wizard is under the effect of a Silence spell or otherwise incapable of speaking. The spells can only be ones that are know by the wizard. Higher levels of this power can allow for larger numbers of spells to be stored.

15: Far Strike; A power that usually manifests in the staves of more combat-oriented wizards, it allows the wielder to summon a telekinetic force to strike his enemies from a distance. Damage from the strike is typically 2d6 and can increase as the staff grows in power, up to a maximum of 6d6 or more (rumors abound of some particularly ancient wizard staves with this power doing 1d6x10 damage with a Far Strike) Range for the strike is up to 100 feet and is +6 to Strike. (Gandalf's battle with Saruman in Lord of nthe Rings is a great example of this power)

16: Kiss of the Rose; Causes the staff to grow sharp thorns along its length, increasing its damage in combat by 2d6. other manifestations of this power can have the thorns be poisonous, causing victims to save vs Non-Lethal Poison or suffer various effects such as extra damage, paralysis, sleep and so on.

17: Food Buds; This power occurs in staves that are made of wood ONLY. A number of small buds (about 1d6+2) sprout from the surface of the staff. These buds may be eaten, providing the equivalent of a full meal, though it's rather bitter tasting. They may also be planted in the ground. If this is done it will cause a full sized tree to grow from the ground within 24 hours, bearing edible fruits. The tree is permanent, remaining until destroyed by whatever means. Any bud that is planted is permanently lost, however. Buds that are eaten re-grow from the staff within 24 hours.

18: Leader's Bearing; A handy little power, when the staff is held and the wizard takes on a bold stance his MA is raised to 24 or gets a +6 if his MA is already 22 or higher, making him seem more powerful and intimidating. The effects are roughly equivalent to a Charismatic Aura spell. (Gandalf uses this power in the Lord of the Rings movie when Bilbo is arguing with him about giving up the One Ring)

19: Visage of the Ancients; Essentially the opposite of the Leader's Beraing power above, this power makes the wizard seem more frail and weak, adding to the illusion of just being a helpless old man. Neither of these powers actually changes the wizard's appearance in any way. They merely change how others perceive him. The use of other skills, such as Disguise and Impersonation, can really add to the affect though. (Gandalf makes great use of this power in Lord of the Rings as well when arriving before the King of Rohan... "Oh... you wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick now would you?")

20: Loremaster (aka Rosetta Staff); This power is an incredible help for beginniners and experienced wizard's alike. It requires the wizard to have carved designs of any sort along the length of his staff. The kind of design doesn't really matter, whether its intricate scrollwork, primitive animal pictures, child's drawings or whatever. The effect of the power is that when the wizard encounters symbols, circles, wards, written words or any other sort of unknown or even mystic writing/artwork, it allows for a chance for the symbols, writing, et.al., to be accurately identified/interpretted. For example, a wizard comes across an unknown symbol carved into a door. After inspecting the symbol and coming up with nothing, (ie failing a skill roll to interpret) he suddenly notices the same symbol carved into his staff and remembers carving it in there as a symbol from an ancient language he knows. This allows him a small chance to interpret the symbols on the door and identify them as a warning written in a dialect of said ancient language (Sure this power seems campy and far fetched, but how many times has an adventure gotten hung up because someone couldn't read a particular thing, or had a lot of damage done to a party because the wizard flubs his recognize symbols/wards skill?) The chance of successful re-interpretation is usually pretty small (about 25%-30%), or this percentile may be used as a bonus to a Lore or Language skill the wizard already has, as long as the staff is used for referrence.

Stay Tuned! More is on the way!
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Re: Random Magical Items

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That is one heck of a staff!
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

TheGameMaster wrote:That is one heck of a staff!

Ummmm... I feel a need to clarify here... those are powers that can manifest in a wizard's staff after a certain period of time of near constant contact with him... not a list of powers in one staff. As a general rule of thumb I usually allow one pwoer to be chosen by the player every 3rd or 4th level... maybe more or less depending on circumstances. The one thing that has to be stressed is that the wizard has to keep using the same staff for a very long time to get any of the powers listed
GM's are also highly encouraged to add to this list. Inspiration for a lot of these powers came from movies and books, For example Far Strike, Leader's Bearing and Visage of the Ancients were inspired by Lord of the Rings. The Snake Staff came from the Bible of all places (Moses and the pharoh's magician's all had one). And the PPE Battery and Spell Storage are pretty much just stereotypical cliche's
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Uncle Remus is at it again, folks! here's a few more of his delightful wares, available at an Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane near you!

Armor Enchantments: Any of the standard Item Enchantments that are usually placed on Rings, Bracelets, Charms, etc. can be now placed on a suit of Armor! All listed effects, bonuses and limitations apply. Cost is the listed price of the Enchantment plus an additional 30,000 gold for heavy armor (chain through plate), or and additional 20,000 for light armor (cloth, quilt and leather) Can be combined with standard Armor Enchantments as well, but the Armor is still limited to a maximum of 3 total Enchantments

Healing Armor; An enchantment placed on any suit of armor that works as long as the entire suit is worn. The enchanted armor will heal its wearer at a rate of 2 HP/SDC per hour in addition to standard healing rates. If the wearer falls into a Coma, the Healing continues at the same rate and gives the wearer a +15% bonus to be revived from it. Finally, twice per day, the suit can do a Super Healing of 2d6 HP or 4d6 SDC instantly. Cost: 50,000 gold

Voice Box: A small cube, about 2 inches to a side, of black metal inscribed with arcane symbols. When activated by pressing one of the sides, any spoken word will be translated through the box into the language represented by the side that is pressed. The box has a listening range of only 10 feet and can be heard clearly for up to 15 feet. The box must be "programmed" with the languages the owner wishes it to translate by pressing one side, saying the word "Speak" in a chosen language, then pressing the same side. From that point on, if that side is pressed, the box will translate in that language. A side can also be "re-programmed" by pressing the side, saying the word "Silence" in the language of that side, and pressing the side again and repeating the programming instructions above in a new language. This is proving to be a very popular item among scholars, bards who specialize in storytelling (not so much for singers. the box has a very flat, monotone voice) and especially travelling merchants. It Can NOT translate the Elemental languge of true Elementals/Warlocks. Skill proficiency is 95% for successful translation. If the roll fails, the box emits garbled gibberish and shuts down (can still be reactivated) Duration is until the box is shut off (press the side again) Cost: 5000+ gold

Mystic Maps: A 24 inch square map of the known world drawn on parchment. The owner of the map attunes it with a drop of his/her blood smudged into a corner. From then on the map will show his location on the map with a small bright red dot, effectively adding a +20% bonus to all forms of navigation. Don't let this little gem fall into the hands of your enemies. :twisted: A note for Diabolits: This map cannot be made indestructible by placing a silver rune on it! Yes it's parchment, but the map is aready drawn on it, thus the composition is altered and rendering it incapable of supporting the rune parchment ability. Cost: 1000 gold

Dimensional Tent: Really a misnomer (since I can't think of any other way to describe it), this is a tent that, when erected, has a larger space inside it. A simple 1 or 2 man pup tent is equivalent to a four man tent. 4 man is equal to an 8 man tent, and the 8 man tent is the equivalent of a small house complete with 3 seperate rooms! Anything left inside the tent will be stored in it util it is erected again, but it cannot be disassembled if living creatures are left inside, only non-living materials. Often the largest version is furnished like a house by its owner, complete with beds, tables, chairs etc., all of which are safely stored inside when the tent is taken down. Like the Environmental Tent, it does not protect against major acts of nature such as earthquakes, mudslides and such, nor does it share the Environmental Tents environment regulation abilities, though this can be added for an extra cost. Cost: 5000 for the small 2 man version, 8000 for the medium 4 man, and 10,000 for the large 8 man. Environmental versions add 5000 gold

That's all for now. Thank's for visiting old Uncle Remus! Come back soon!
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Re: Random Magical Items

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68 Ring of Wealth: The identity of this item's creator is lost into lore. With conflicting tales about it's creation. One tale is that was made for a god by a master smith of the realm. Another has it a mad dwarven wizard; a dwarven wizard, he must of been mad; for her Ledge Lady. While another has it it was made by an unknown god to test people of there devotions to him.
All the tales told end with the ring bringing misfortune to the possessor, ether loosing the the very ones they strive to protect, or loosing all of their earthly possessions, or being struck down by others who quest for the ring's power.
This ring, every lunar cycle does make 7 (powerless) duplicate rings of itself. For this power to be active, the ring must be worn by a single person from new moon to new moon. Each and ever following new moon the 7 rings will appear in the wearer's hand.
Curses: If the wearer of the ring does not use at least 1/7th of the gifted treasure for the good of others then the ring will bring upon the wearer a curse every month he continues his avorus greed.
To be rid of the curse(s), the wear but needs to gift the ring to another, or to give all the treasures from the ring to others for the number of curses he is under.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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just a bump to find this again easily
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Truth Coller:Any one who lies when wearing it gets a shock of pain.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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69. A tin marked "instant Dragon, just add water" Most times when you buy the tin and toss it in the water, it expands many times its size to make a large but not convincing dragon of a spongy material. But, the mad wizard who made these had a demented sense of humor; one in a hundred is a dragon! The tins cost 2000g each, but if you roll an 01 on your percentile then you got the real McCoy, worth well over a million gold. Don't tell your players! My players had a real tin, and traded it to Uncle Remus for several cans of whoop ass. Uncle got the best of that trade!
The answer to Life the Universe and Everything is 42!!! but just what is the question? hmm . .
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Justthis Guy wrote:69. A tin marked "instant Dragon, just add water" Most times when you buy the tin and toss it in the water, it expands many times its size to make a large but not convincing dragon of a spongy material. But, the mad wizard who made these had a demented sense of humor; one in a hundred is a dragon! The tins cost 2000g each, but if you roll an 01 on your percentile then you got the real McCoy, worth well over a million gold. Don't tell your players! My players had a real tin, and traded it to Uncle Remus for several cans of whoop ass. Uncle got the best of that trade!

Shhhhhhh... I'll never tell.... :twisted:
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Re: Random Magical Items

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72. Anti-Vampire Stakes: A clear glass or crystal stake, the inside of the stake is filled with daylight. They are at least twice as effective as a normal wooden stake. Can also be used as a light source
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Re: Random Magical Items

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I re-read through this thread and realized we skipped 47 lol so technicaly this is number 73

73: Psychic papers (inspred by Dr.Who). Scrolls, papers, even books with blank pages that make people see what ever the owner wants them to see. All the user needs is a basic thought of what they want the other person to see (e.g. pardon, official documents, letter etc.) and the person looking a paper's brain fills in the rest.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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I have expanded on the wizards staff a bit...Actually a lot.

21. Enhanced healing rate: Wizard heals at a rate of 2 HP or 5 SDC per hour, provided the staff is kept close by the wizard (10')
22. Dragon Staff: If the wizard has the head of a dragon like: http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... silver.png , he or she can opt to add a crystal to its mouth so it can breathe fire (fire opal), ice (blue topaz), sleep gas (moonstone), spit acid (golden quartz), shoot a large spout of water (aqua marine), spit electricity (rutilated quartz), OR spit poison (serpentine). (Player's choice.)
23. Magic Focus: Basically reduces the PPE required to cast spells by X %. To be used with logic and X # times per day with this! The more the percentage is the less number of times per day it can be used. As a general rule in our games 10% = 6 times per day, 15% = 5 times per day, 20% = 4 times per day, 25% = 3 times per day, 30% = 2 times per day, and 35% = 1 time per day. No, they may not be combined for a spell. If the player tries it have him roll on the unsuccessful conversion table on page 105 of PFRPG main book.
24. Hypnotic jewel: Basically, the gems in Jafar's cobra staff's eyes. Need I say more?
25. Cantrips: Enables the wizard to cast cantrips without using any PPE.
26. Phantom: Summons 1 phantom or up to 3 phantom footmen as per the air warlocks spells, once per day.
27. Healing: Can heal self or others 2d4 HP or 2d6 SDC 4 times per day.
28. Strengthen connection with familiar: Enables connection with familiar to be extended. In our games we do 1/4 a mile per level after you get your familiar. Requires a piece of the familiar to be on the staff (a section of shedded skin,,a tooth, a feather, a drop of blood in a vile, shedded hair made into a band or yarn, a piece of finger nail, etc.)
29. Communication with friends: This ability enables basically an opened communication with 1 friend per every 2 levels starting at level 2. Their mental forms go to into a large room inside the mind of the wizard, where 1 minute on the outside is the equivalent of an hour (add 10 minutes for every point of ME over 16) on the inside. And it can last for up to 5 minutes per level. Group conferencing is possible. If the friend can't spare the time right then either the wizard can brake the conversation or they can broke it at anytime. There they can talk, and project their thoughts in to a 1d, 2d, or 3d pictures. Provided that they are with in 5 miles of the wizards and the wizard has something of theirs on the staff and knows their true names. This staffs ability requires an IQ score of 16 or greater and a ME of 15 or greater to withstand the strain and maintain the connection.
30. Summon mount: The mount appears from out of nowhere. The requirements are: #1 that the wizard has bounded with said creature, and I by bond I mean spend 2d6 months taking care of the animal. #2. That the creature has not bonded with another and is with in 100 miles. #3. The staff must have something of it tied on to it.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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pblackcrow wrote:Here's a few minor items.

027: Never dry canteens. Cost: 10,000 gp. Guaranteed to keep any liquid fresh, at whatever temp it was first pored into it and filled full, and keep it full of that liquid; provided that the liquid is not magical in nature. For some reason, it will not work on potions or any other magical liquid.

so let me get this straight. If I Fill the canteen full of hot, freshly made, Tomato Soup it will ALWAYS be full of hot, freshly made Tomato Soup?

So I can Never empty out all the soup and fill it with something different?

If this is the case it'd be a good idea to have several of these.
1. clean fresh water (cool or cold)
2. clean fresh Boiling water (for instant stews/soups or whatever needs boiled)
3. Clean Fresh warm/hot water (for bathing or cleaning things)
4. whatever other type of liquid you like at whatever temperature (milk, beer, ale, spirits, wine).
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Random Magical Items

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

74. The Devoted Guard: This suit of articulated full plate armor is a coppery red color with gold decoration accenting all pieces, however the copper appears more as rust and the gold is ruined and battered. The suit is a mess of scratches, dented layers and poorly fitting (and in some places, missing) joints and straps. When worn the suit seems heavy and awkward, as if it were about to fall right off the character. Yet when battle is near, the armor seems to rattle with excited anticipation, the wearer is affected by this as well, feeling their blood pound as their senses sharpen and the world around them slows down. When attacked, the wearer seems to always move just so to deflect attacks, like a wounded animal in a desperate attemt at survival. When an ally is attacked, the wearer can feel the urge to leap to their defense, even at the cost of his own safety.

AR: 15, SDC: 180/220
Devotion: +5 on "strike" rolls to intercept an enemy attack coming at an ally (counts as an action, but does not interrupt the character's next attack)
Insurmountable (Special): The armor deflects all attacks, even with it's seemingly poor amount of normal protection. When attacked by any source, the Devoted Guard makes a +8 roll with impact attempt automatically. If successful, the armor takes half the damage of the attack, even if the AR was defeated. If the AR was not defeated, the attack still only does half damage to the armor. Automatic Roll with Impact applies to all manner of attack, including spells, arrows, bladed weapons as well bludgeoning/impact damage.

Depleting the Armor's SDC will destroy it utterly. The armor can be fixed by normal means, but it will never go above 180 SDC.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Random Magical Items

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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Here's a few minor items.

027: Never dry canteens. Cost: 10,000 gp. Guaranteed to keep any liquid fresh, at whatever temp it was first pored into it and filled full, and keep it full of that liquid; provided that the liquid is not magical in nature. For some reason, it will not work on potions or any other magical liquid.

so let me get this straight. If I Fill the canteen full of hot, freshly made, Tomato Soup it will ALWAYS be full of hot, freshly made Tomato Soup?

So I can Never empty out all the soup and fill it with something different?

If this is the case it'd be a good idea to have several of these.
1. clean fresh water (cool or cold)
2. clean fresh Boiling water (for instant stews/soups or whatever needs boiled)
3. Clean Fresh warm/hot water (for bathing or cleaning things)
4. whatever other type of liquid you like at whatever temperature (milk, beer, ale, spirits, wine).

Yes. If it is filled. By the way, alcohol is a poison, so...nothing alcoholic will not work. However, wassail has it cooked out and can go in.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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the original write up doesn't say anything about poisons. it does forbid potions though. Is this an editorial add in or a typo.

No potion in the canteen = makes sense no problem
No alcohol in the canteen = makes less sense, but it is your creation.
No poison in the canteen = makes perfect sense I mean who would do that?

Unless you were an assassin and an @$$#0!e.

"Why hello random travelling party, you look very thirsty and weary. Have a drink from my everfull canteen. I assure you there is enough to go around. (moments later) Loot for me. loot for me. all of this glorious loot for me."
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Wizard's Athame
Small leaf bladed dagger
Does 1d4 (+1 damage per wizard level starting at +1 at level 1)
If blooded by doing no less then 3 points of damage to its owner (not anybody else)
it does 1d4 damage per level, x3 vs prone living Intelligent targets (animals yes, plants no) ignoring the targets own sdc.
If blooded strike kills the prone target the ppe multiplier for death is increased to
Lvl 1-3: x3
Lvl 4-7: x4
Lvl 9-12: x5
Lvl 13+: x6

The Athame is a small ceremonial dagger that is used by Wizards train in the Land of the South winds. They make the dagger themselves over the period of their apprenticeship, and the successful conclusion of the apprenticeship is the ritual casting of a spell powered by the ppe gathered from an animal sacrifice.
The dagger can be made out of many materials but bone, silver and copper are the most common for the handle, but the blade has to be made out of the tooth of a sand dragon, if the dagger is active and its owner is alive the blade is opaque like quartz, when the owner is dead the blade turns black and it loses all its properties. When the wizard reaches level 5 the dagger can then hold 1 spell that is less then level of the owner x5 ppe (i.e. level 6 wizards athame can hold 1 spell of 30 ppe or less).
These daggers grow more powerful the longer they stay with a wizard, and are almost unbreakable until the wizard dies (When wizard alive 30 sdc with any damage ignored that is less then the willpower of the wizard x2). If damaged the wizard can use 1hp a day to fix 1sdc.

Some athames can increase the spell strength of a ritual by +1 for every 5pts of damage done to owner, but these ones need to be fed blood at a rate of 7hp per week (1 drop a day effectively, but can go a week without taking damage. each week not fed does 7 points of damage to the dagger)
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Re: Random Magical Items

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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:the original write up doesn't say anything about poisons. it does forbid potions though. Is this an editorial add in or a typo.

No potion in the canteen = makes sense no problem
No alcohol in the canteen = makes less sense, but it is your creation.
No poison in the canteen = makes perfect sense I mean who would do that?

Unless you were an assassin and an @$$#0!e.

"Why hello random travelling party, you look very thirsty and weary. Have a drink from my everfull canteen. I assure you there is enough to go around. (moments later) Loot for me. loot for me. all of this glorious loot for me."

Sorry, liquids only. And sorry, melting gold down and poring it in will brake the glass in side. We've modified it since the post was made. And no, it was not an assassin, but a long bowman who filled her flask up with a paralyzing venom which she was going to try to sale to an alchemist. 4 games before this the (then 5) GMs met to talk about the PCs in my adventure getting drunk in the desert, and then griped at all 5 of us out for their characters dying, it made us make the rule that while it would be there, always fresh, it would not duplicate it. Same with the more powerful acids. It will hold anything, up to a certain temp. But it will not duplicate everything. This was put into place to keep player from abusing the system and moaning about it later.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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kiralon wrote:Wizard's Athame

Very cool.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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76. The Dragon's Whip

Imagine a whip with a dragon's head carved into the end of the handle (which is carved from a dragon's horn) on the handle is a small inscription in Dragonese (Must be closely examined to see it), "Those who faithfully serve the Church of Dragon Wright may receive all of the powers of the whip. Those who don't will receive a third.", with garnets for eyes, exquisite leather (dragon wing), which links to the person in 2 weeks, provided that only they use it and also that they have never killed a dragon with out just cause...If they have, the whip will strike them. Each time they attempt to use it, regardless of how ever many times they try to use it. Took us a while to figure that out. Once unfolded it is a 10' bull whip.

Once it has linked to the person. Regardless, the whip does 1d4x5. And will automatically extend an extra 5 foot if needed,

If the whip is linked to a non-magical OCC that serves the church faithfully, it will grab hold and let go whenever that is the intention of the person. Also will not strike the person or anyone but it's intended target. In short it becomes an extension of that person. And twice a day can the whip can do a power crack...Equal to the spell thunderclap in loudness, as an belt of lightning comes out (1d6x10) to the target, and anyone in close proximity (10') takes half...just do not roll a 1, if you do you will and everything in close proximity will take full damage.

If a wizard bonds with it, who faithfully serves the Church of Dragon Wright, the wizard will also be able to learn 1 living fire magic spells per week, per his or her own level. IE: If PC is 12 level, he would be able to learn 1 new spell from each of the 12 levels, within 12 weeks. And will retain the knowledge as long as it has not bonded with anyone else.

That is in addition to all of the normal and cool stuff from a holy weapon can do.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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6" weapons...Alchemist can enchant weapons to shrink and be restored 3 times per day both ways. Weapons can stay shrunken for any amount of times, same for restored.

Wizard's Seal/Stamp rings:
Seal makes it possible for anyone to read the document the wearer writes, as long as it is used as the signature seal/stamp.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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(note: this was created shortly after the 1st book of the Siege on Tolkeen 1st printing was published.)
78 The Eye of Combat(cat collar)--+200 ppe, cast spells as normal H2H attacks
Made a single gem stone of Xanthine the size of a quail egg, mounted in a gantrium surround, on a dragon hide strap.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Love magic items.
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Dragons Bow:

Made of dragonwood (a wood that looks like it is flames) with 2 bronze dragons at either end to hold the string. An ornately carved recurved bow offers the bowman the following ability:
1. to see at a maximum of 2500 feet in both day and night as if the targets were it were close up.
2. double strength bonus, upto 50 PS...Never beyond.
3. to shoot at a distance of 50 foot x PS.

CAN NOT BE SHOT with a normal PS less then 16, and will brake if pulled back by a strength greater then a normal PS 25 (Remember, it doubles the persons draw strength.)
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Re: Random Magical Items

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The Sword of Avaren Frostfire
also known as GloryBlade, Plotfinder, Plotbreaker, Kingslayer, Dragonslayer and a few other names, but usually preceded by Avaren's
The sword itself looks to be a piece of art sculpted from enchanted silver (mithril) in the shape of a longsword, the pommel is a diamond with a living shamrock inside, the hilt is wrapped in white leather from a (luck)dragon (sorry falkor), the quillions or crosspiece is a crescent of silver, reminiscent of the moon. The blade itself seems to be made up of silverwhite, blue edged scales that looks snake skin like, and the blade itself undulates slightly.
1 Handed
+2 strike, +1 Parry, 2d6+3 Damage x2 VS Supernatural Evil Creatures
2 Handed
+2 Strike, +3 Parry, 4d6+3 Damage x2 vs Supernatural Evil Creatures and 1d6x10 vs Alien intelligences
Reroll a failed save from a supernatural evil source on a roll of 4-6 on a 1d6.

The curse only kicks in after the weapon is used to kill something, and when this happens the wielder is suddenly sure the weapon is cursed, but won't know what the curse is. Any relatively learned person (alchemist, scholar, high level priest) can usually give an idea of what the curse is.
Curse: May you live in interesting times
This is a world shakingly powerful curse, but mostly subtlely so. Every 3rd random encounter roll has to be an encounter of some sort, if an encounter table is low is harmless and high is dangerous and in percentile the roll gets rerolled if its lower than %70 and its rolled twice and if that it too powerful for the party to handle the 2 encounters face off with each other as well as the party.
If there are any plots in the area (like if the book/adventure says the demon controlling the duke can only be found by climbing down the well), something unlikely will occur to force it to happen. Or if pirates are thinking of raiding a town, the characters will be asked to join in, or if the princess gets kidnapped, it will occur in front of the characters. People will eventually notice the pc's are involved in all sorts of shenanigans, even if they had nothing to do with it other than being innocent bystanders. Kings will get involved, so will demon lords and armies, but the random things that occur do seem to be weighted in the wielders benefit, so if it causes a demon to appear, chances are there is an undead hunter nearby looking for it etc.

The curse will cause all sorts of unlikely things to return the weapon to its owner if thrown away/lost/stolen.
and the curse can be removed from the person (never the weapon) but only by a priest of level 12 or higher and the wielder has to give up the blade.

One of my current pc's im dm'ing has this, it has caused them to buy hams, the hams were being used to smuggle gems into the capital (put inside the hams before curing), which we found out when we left the hams behind and the thieves gild asked where there hams were, but before they got nasty about it some guards happened along and didn't quite believe what was going on so questions were going to be asked at a temple of ra, but on the way in someone was breaking out with a magical staff who ko'd the guards but the party chased to a ship where he was getting away, but the next ship along was a friend of one of the party members who agreed to give chase and so on. The wielder has removed the curse twice, but still hasn't got rid of the weapon (and has bound himself to it again by killing something with it after the remove curse)
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Keth's Ward Animator Wand
(Made by the Elven Sorceress Shaynal Nighteater)

Ever have problems getting passed that warded door that the evil necromancer is hiding behind, or is that summoner bringing in the undead by the hundreds, if yes then you need Keth's Ward Animator, its a simple device and you don't need to be a Wizard to use it.*[sup]1[/sup]
What it does is without interfering with the magic weave itself, it lets the wards targeted potentially take a holiday and wander off for a short while, the effects aren't permanent so be quick, but it will generally let you past any*[sup]2[/sup] wards that you might come across.

When activated the KWA tries to enchant each one of the wards of a ward combination, with a success chance of %5 per ward cumulative *[sup]3[/sup], so the more complex the ward group, the more likely it is to succeed.

Once any ward is animated the ward group is disabled (with a few small exceptions) and the animated ward will wander off and try to find something interesting to do, and strangely enough the ward or symbol animated will be attracted to things of its ilk. The Ward or symbol will remain animated for 1d6 minutes per level of the wand wielder. The ward can be picked up and is as solid as copper wire, but it has to be put back near the ward group in the last minute because if the ward isn't back into position in the last 60 seconds the ward group or circle will activate, potentially warning the maker. The animated ward will also do its best to get back into position so you don't *[sup]4[/sup] have to worry about it running off, never to be seen again.

Animated Ward
Known Languages - All that the wielder of the wand knows plus elven
Spoken Language is however a strange high pitched squeak that isn't understandable by anyone short of a deity or an old one.
Stats - are all 1d4+4 except pp (2d6+12), PB (2d6+12 usually very cute) and speed (3d6)
Level - 1d4
HP - 10
SDC - None
+8 to all saving throws
%5 chance of being a wizard with all level 1-4 spells and unlimited ppe
Allies: no one per se
Enemies: As above, except maybe Zavor, Zavor find animated wards to be very tasty and also makes them split.

Keth's Ward Animator Wand
%5 Chance cumulative of animating a ward or a symbol, which temporarily deactivates the ward chain
Can be used once per day, activation word is ACBA, resets at sunrise.

This wand was made by the Archmage Shaynal Nighteater, for her husband Keth Bowfighter, as he kept on running afoul of enemy wards and circles.

*[sup]1[/sup] - The being using the item does need to have PPE to be able to active the Wand, but it doesn't use any on usage.
*[sup]2[/sup] - The Alarm ward will still unfortunately be set off, and rune combinations in the ward sequence reset the chance back to %5
*[sup]3[/sup] - Roll for each ward, symbol and rune in the ward group, or circle.
*[sup]4[/sup] - This might be a lie
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Re: Random Magical Items

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Wizards StaffThis is an item made by apprentices to show their mastery of the first circle of magic. The staff can be made out of different materials decided by the creator, and other then the effects of the materials used the staff can be then used as a ppe battery, spell store and/or a fetish.
Storing PPE:
For each PPE point placed in the staff by the wizard, his personal ppe store drops by 1 permanently (or until the staff is destroyed) but 2 ppe are placed in the staff. This is done at creation and cant be changed so if the wizard uses 100 of his own ppe, the staff gets 200 but the wizard is now down by 100 ppe until the staff is destroyed, he then gets the ppe back that he sacrificed at the rate of 1 point per level per day (eg lvl 7 wizard max ppe goes up by 7 a day until it is back at the normal amount the wizard had) to the maximum the wizard had.
Spell Storing:

For each spell per day stored in the staff the staff can cast 2 spells per day, this returns at the rate of 1 per day
but each spell per day stored drops the wizards personal spells per day by the same amount stored.
Fetish/Keyed to a spell
The staff can help reduce the ppe cost of particular spells (1 spell per level of the wizard who made the staff)
When the spells are chosen the cost of the spells are reduced by the wizards levelx2 to a maximum of half the spells cost
so a staff keyed to fireball (20ppe) made by a level 6 wizard (lvl 6 (x2) = 12 ppe per casting, but can only bettered by half so cost for fireball while staff is held is 10ppe.
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