Thathurla wrote:This site has some info on the Lamia.
Cool. I will check it out.
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Thathurla wrote:This site has some info on the Lamia.
MT-NME wrote:This has been rolling around in my head for awhile. Let me know what you think.
the Grey Elves
The Grey Elves are interdimensional travelers of time and space. A few have become stranded on the Palladium World. They are fascinated by magic, their own world being completely devoid of it.
Grey Elf RCC
Alignment: Any, typically Anarchist
Attributes: IQ 3D6+5 ME 3D6 MA 2D6 PS 2D6 PP 3D6+5 PE 2D6 PB 2D6 SPD 4D6
Hit Points: PE + 1D6 per level
SDC: 10 plus OCC and skill bonuses
PPE: None! Magic is completely foreign and unnatural to them. IF magic is learned they can use their ISP in place of PPE to fuel their spells
ISP: Base of 6D6+PE!
OCC: Any, except clergy. They favor psionic classes and avoid magic classes
HF: 5 due to their inhuman appearance
Physical Appearance: Very tall, inhumanly thin, an almond shaped head, large dark almond shaped eyes, ears are long and pointed, small thin mouth, no nose, no hair, pale blue skin. Males and females are virtually indistinguishable.
Height: 7-8 feet
Weight: 150-250 lbs.
Life Span: Unknown, they dont remember the last time one of them died of natural causes.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 ft, can see in total darkness, natural psionic talent, extremely double-jointed (+50% to escape artist) Special: Energy Conversion: Through practice and concentration, they are able to draw upon the ambient PPE reserves of ley lines, enchanted items, (even people!) They can then use it as ISP! Conversion rate is 3 PPE for every 1 ISP.
Base 25% +3 per level. A penalty of 15% is imposed for drawing from an unwilling source.
Magic: by OCC only, magic is unnatural to them so all spells will take twice as long to learn, and cost 50% more PPE, and all effects are reduced by 25%
Psionics: They are considered major psionics and automatically have Sense Magic, Telepathy, Empathy, Meditation, Empathetic Transmission, Mind Block Auto-Defense, and Telemechanics
Enemies & Allies: They are such a recent arrival to the world, they have yet to make any friends or foes.
Habitat: Another Dimension! They have been encountered in very few places, but have made contact with many of the major civilizations, mainly Humans (and their allies) and Wolfen.
Favorite Weapons: None, but they are fascinated by magical items and weapons.
Other Notes: NEVER worship any deities. In their travels across the Megaverse, they have come to realize that Gods do not exist, only more and more powerful beings.
Males tend to wear tight fitting clothes, while females lean towards loose billowing garments.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I really want to write more of these but have lacked inspiration. Hopefully I will post some more soon. Anything that anyone would like to see?
pblackcrow wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:I really want to write more of these but have lacked inspiration. Hopefully I will post some more soon. Anything that anyone would like to see?
Stats for a golden eagle and mongoose, would help me. Prehaps more creatures that can be mounts would also be most helpful. A large cat that likes to be petted, brushed, and is protective of those which are kind to it. Friendly to all, but those who harm its "servants" (it is a cat after all!).
pblackcrow wrote:Not quite what I had in mind, but that's a thought. Uh, question though...what kind of battle cat are we talking about? Like a switch cat from Rifter 21 (I think) or a mount from He-Man?
Maybe, He-Man since I did ask from mounts. But maybe not.
TheGameMaster wrote:I didn't think of the He-Man cat, that could work too, I don't have and Rifters, only Palladium Fantasy RPG. What I was talking about was a kitten that would morph into a large predetory cat that would fight for a perticular character, it could also understand simple commands like; attack, guard, fetch, fallow, etc
pblackcrow wrote:TheGameMaster wrote:I didn't think of the He-Man cat, that could work too, I don't have and Rifters, only Palladium Fantasy RPG. What I was talking about was a kitten that would morph into a large predetory cat that would fight for a perticular character, it could also understand simple commands like; attack, guard, fetch, fallow, etc
Right...That would be a "Switch Cat". You may want to d/l a copy of Rifter 21 from . There's a link to the palladium products on Palladium's main page. That's not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess that would work, well, for the most part anyway.
But I had envisioned a large "war cat" I would never turn on those who are being good to it, recognizes friends, that would willingly wear armor and attack people...yes, they made it. .
But as a mount, uh, yeah that would work too I guess. Oh, check out the new concepts ... p?t=162507 ... verse.html
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Battikas
Battikas are magically created creatures which resemble housecats in their normal form, but which transform to larger beasts when needed, usually in protection of their family or adopted caretakers , or at the command of their caretakers. They are intelligent animals and live in groups.
Battikas mate for life and are extremely affectionate and loving. The cat will stop at nothing to avenge the death of those they protect. They typically live in pairs or small families with 1d4 young (the kittens often being adopted by new caretakers before the age of 3; otherwise they will go off on their own and risk death trying to find new caretakers if not adopted by the existing caretakers). Due to their need to conserve energy, they cannot transform for more than a few hours per day. Due to this fact, they fear larger predators and have come to relay on their caretakers, with unmated young will die if not adopted by new caretakers.
As protectors, they sit and watch visitors to their homes, and will sit close to their caretakers, sometimes even settling into their laps, to protect their caretakers. They will only transform and attack if they or their young are threatened, or if their caretakers are attacked or endangered. Rarely, they have been known to allow themselves to be ridden into battle, but only when there is no other option.
Alignment: Any, but usually principled.
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 1d6 (3d6 when transformed), P.P. 4d6, P.E. 2d6 (4d6 when transformed), P.B. 3d6, Spd 16, but with bursts of Speed of 22 for 1d4 minutes (Spd 22 when transformed, with burst of Speed of 50 for 1d4 minutes)
Hit Points: 4d6+10
S.D.C.: 2d6 (4d6+10 when transformed)
P.P.E.: 1d4X10
Size: 1 and 1/4 to 3 and 1/4 feet, plus tail: 12 inches (4 and 1/4 to 6 and 1/2 feet when transformed)
Weight: 6-15 pounds (125-200 pounds when transformed)
Natural A.R.: None (6 when transformed)
Horror Factor: None (8 when transformed)
Natural Abilities: Identify tracks 80%, track by sight (animals and humanoids) 80%, track by smell 50%, prowl 70%, swim 40%, climb 90%, leap 5 feet high and 6 feet long (twice that when transformed), Nightvision 60 feet.
Damage: Claws do 1d4 damage (2d4+4 when transformed), bite does 2 points of damage (1d6+2 when transformed)
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +1 to strike, +2 dodge, +6 Save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: None except transformation.
Psionics: None
Habitat: Domesticated animal unable to live in the wild, kept as pets.
Languages: Can understand comands from caretakers and communicate in a cat-like fashion with each other.
Enemies: Larger animal predators when not transformed; otherwise, none per se.
Allies: The people who adopt them and become their caretakers, typically humans, elves, gnomes and dwarves.
Value: 200 gold as pets.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The Sakill looks awesome!
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Snipe
A snipe is a large docile bird with a curved beak and coloring resembling a parrot. Due to their speed, wild ones are difficult to catch, but they are often founds as eggs and hatched in captivity. In captivity, they can be trained as riding animals.
Size: 6-8 feet tall
Weight: 300 to 600 pounds
Hit Points: 5d6+4
S.D.C.: 2d6+10
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Kick attack does 2d6, bite 2d4 damage, head butt or peck 1d6
Natural Abilities: Keen eyesight, can leap six feet high or 12 feet lengthwise.
Speed: 3d6+20, but can run at a speed of 66 (about 45mph) for 30+2d6 minutes before needing to rest.
Average Lifespan: 10-25 years
Value: 200 gold when trained as riding mount; meat (whole animal), 60 gold
Habitat: Wooded areas
Range: Yin-Sloth Jungles, Western Empire
Behavior: Eats insects and plants primarily, though it will feed on rodents and ground creatures if there is no other alternative. It is capable of running at great speed, for which it is valued as a riding mount but which also allows it to evade predators. They are found alone or in pairs, or in small family groups of 3d4 members. They nest on the ground and are fiefce in protestion of their young. They are relatively uncommon and hard to find.
TheGameMaster wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:Snipe
A snipe is a large docile bird with a curved beak and coloring resembling a parrot. Due to their speed, wild ones are difficult to catch, but they are often founds as eggs and hatched in captivity. In captivity, they can be trained as riding animals.
Size: 6-8 feet tall
Weight: 300 to 600 pounds
Hit Points: 5d6+4
S.D.C.: 2d6+10
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Kick attack does 2d6, bite 2d4 damage, head butt or peck 1d6
Natural Abilities: Keen eyesight, can leap six feet high or 12 feet lengthwise.
Speed: 3d6+20, but can run at a speed of 66 (about 45mph) for 30+2d6 minutes before needing to rest.
Average Lifespan: 10-25 years
Value: 200 gold when trained as riding mount; meat (whole animal), 60 gold
Habitat: Wooded areas
Range: Yin-Sloth Jungles, Western Empire
Behavior: Eats insects and plants primarily, though it will feed on rodents and ground creatures if there is no other alternative. It is capable of running at great speed, for which it is valued as a riding mount but which also allows it to evade predators. They are found alone or in pairs, or in small family groups of 3d4 members. They nest on the ground and are fiefce in protestion of their young. They are relatively uncommon and hard to find.
Who is up for a Snipe hunt? lol
Stone Gargoyle wrote:TheGameMaster wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:Snipe
A snipe is a large docile bird with a curved beak and coloring resembling a parrot. Due to their speed, wild ones are difficult to catch, but they are often founds as eggs and hatched in captivity. In captivity, they can be trained as riding animals.
Size: 6-8 feet tall
Weight: 300 to 600 pounds
Hit Points: 5d6+4
S.D.C.: 2d6+10
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Kick attack does 2d6, bite 2d4 damage, head butt or peck 1d6
Natural Abilities: Keen eyesight, can leap six feet high or 12 feet lengthwise.
Speed: 3d6+20, but can run at a speed of 66 (about 45mph) for 30+2d6 minutes before needing to rest.
Average Lifespan: 10-25 years
Value: 200 gold when trained as riding mount; meat (whole animal), 60 gold
Habitat: Wooded areas
Range: Yin-Sloth Jungles, Western Empire
Behavior: Eats insects and plants primarily, though it will feed on rodents and ground creatures if there is no other alternative. It is capable of running at great speed, for which it is valued as a riding mount but which also allows it to evade predators. They are found alone or in pairs, or in small family groups of 3d4 members. They nest on the ground and are fiefce in protestion of their young. They are relatively uncommon and hard to find.
Who is up for a Snipe hunt? lol
I take that to mean you like it.
TheGameMaster wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:TheGameMaster wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:Snipe
A snipe is a large docile bird with a curved beak and coloring resembling a parrot. Due to their speed, wild ones are difficult to catch, but they are often founds as eggs and hatched in captivity. In captivity, they can be trained as riding animals.
Size: 6-8 feet tall
Weight: 300 to 600 pounds
Hit Points: 5d6+4
S.D.C.: 2d6+10
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Kick attack does 2d6, bite 2d4 damage, head butt or peck 1d6
Natural Abilities: Keen eyesight, can leap six feet high or 12 feet lengthwise.
Speed: 3d6+20, but can run at a speed of 66 (about 45mph) for 30+2d6 minutes before needing to rest.
Average Lifespan: 10-25 years
Value: 200 gold when trained as riding mount; meat (whole animal), 60 gold
Habitat: Wooded areas
Range: Yin-Sloth Jungles, Western Empire
Behavior: Eats insects and plants primarily, though it will feed on rodents and ground creatures if there is no other alternative. It is capable of running at great speed, for which it is valued as a riding mount but which also allows it to evade predators. They are found alone or in pairs, or in small family groups of 3d4 members. They nest on the ground and are fiefce in protestion of their young. They are relatively uncommon and hard to find.
Who is up for a Snipe hunt? lol
I take that to mean you like it.
Yes I do, sadly none of my current players are really interested in owning one, but I'm thinking of having a tribe in the Yin-Sloth Jungles give my group a hard time using their Snipe Mounts
pblackcrow wrote:Looks good, but 1 thing...200 gold??? 25,000 maybe. 200 makes little sense all things considered.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:pblackcrow wrote:Looks good, but 1 thing...200 gold??? 25,000 maybe. 200 makes little sense all things considered.
I am not in the business of normally raising and selling mounts. You are probably right about the 25,000 being more fair market value.
Edited.TheGameMaster wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:pblackcrow wrote:Looks good, but 1 thing...200 gold??? 25,000 maybe. 200 makes little sense all things considered.
I am not in the business of normally raising and selling mounts. You are probably right about the 25,000 being more fair market value.
He's got a point I guess, the average horse costs several thousand. A dead snipe could be worth only 200 but any form of live one should be worth more.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Chozo
.... snip
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:Chozo
.... snip
pblackcrow wrote::eek: 60 gold for a 350-700 lb bird? Uh, yes..."MY PARTY WILL TAKE 10!!! And how much for 100 gallons of barbeque sauce and about 10,000 buns? We have an army to feed."Just have a spot of fun with you. Though seriously, 125-450 whole bird for meat.
The sad thing is my grandmother had cast iron pot big enough for something that size.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Pig Toad
This is an enormous amphibian with tusks.
Size: 4-10 feet
Weight: 350-800 pounds
A.R.: Not applicable
Hit Points: 6d6+4
S.D.C.: 4d6+10
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Tusks do 2d6 points of damage; pouncing attack does 2d4 points of damage.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +3 to strike, +2 dodge
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet, prowl 50%, swim 70%, leaping 12 feet up or 20 feet across
Speed: 16, water 20
Average Life Span: 6-10 years
Value: Meat (whole animal): 200-400 gold
Habitat: Forest
Range: Great Northern Wilderness
Behavior: The pig toad is an aggressive animal that feeds on rodents and birds. It is nocturnal and hides during the day.
JuliusCreed wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:Pig Toad
This is an enormous amphibian with tusks.
Size: 4-10 feet
Weight: 350-800 pounds
A.R.: Not applicable
Hit Points: 6d6+4
S.D.C.: 4d6+10
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Tusks do 2d6 points of damage; pouncing attack does 2d4 points of damage.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +3 to strike, +2 dodge
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet, prowl 50%, swim 70%, leaping 12 feet up or 20 feet across
Speed: 16, water 20
Average Life Span: 6-10 years
Value: Meat (whole animal): 200-400 gold
Habitat: Forest
Range: Great Northern Wilderness
Behavior: The pig toad is an aggressive animal that feeds on rodents and birds. It is nocturnal and hides during the day.
Just a thought... how about a sort of pouncing/charge attack with the tusks, say double damage and using both of its attacks? And maybe give it more than 2 attacks. Sure it's bulk seems to slow it down, but the +1 Initiative implies it's deceptively quicker than it looks.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Pig toad has been edited to reflect JuliusCreed's suggestions.
JuliusCreed wrote:Stone Gargoyle wrote:Pig toad has been edited to reflect JuliusCreed's suggestions.
Glad I could contribute... keep the critters coming all!