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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by t0m »

*grey stumbles in, looking a little out of sorts and frazzled*

"anyone hear about the giant naked fire breathing guy they spotted stumbling around the tenements last night? what is this world coming to? i might consider moving to a safer neighborhood if this keeps up."

*the grin on his face is a mixture of embarrassment and a little bit of pride*
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by gaby »

Hi what do you think is good for a sea voyage?
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

gaby wrote:Hi what do you think is good for a sea voyage?

The old man considers a moment before he shrugs lightly. "I dunno... maybe a boat?" With a gleam in his eye, he grins and heads back behind his counter. "seriously though, I can think of a few things. Right off the top, there's a few things I posted awhile back, such as the Cloaks of the Manta and Stingray. Then there's the standard Swim as a Fish potions and Animal Metamorphosis charms (PFRPG pg 253) and the Bouyancy armor enchantment (PFRPG pg 249).I've also got a few new things right here;

Sharkskin Vest: A well tailored vest made from sharkskin leather of a dark grey color and rough texture. The vest provides the wearer with an AR of 12 and 50 SDC. When worn underwater, the vest's AR becomes the wearer's natural AR, SDC increases to 75, and the wearer gains the abilities and bonuses granted by a Swim as a Fish (Superior) spell (PFRPG pg 199) for as long as the character is at least half submerged in water. Cost: 20,000 gold (Special Note: The Sharkskin Vest can be combined with the Cloaks of the Manta and/or Stingray. Swim as a Fish abilities/bonuses will not stack, but the AR/SDC bonuses of the Vest will carry over to the Cloaks and the Stingray Cloak's stinger weapon will carry over to the Vest)

Air Bags: Appearing as ordinary large and small sacks, when openned the user feels a strong breeze of fresh air blowing from the openning of the sack. The breeze varies in intensity according to the size of the bag. The smallest Air Bags, about the size of a belt pouch, blows with the force of a gentle spring breeze, about maybe 5mph. The medium bags, roughly equal to a small sack, are roughly equal to a strong autumn wind, roughly 15-20 mph. Large Air Bags, equal to a typical large sack, have the strength and impact of a Wind Rush spell (PFRPG pg 223) when initially openned. After openning, the force dies down after 1 melee round to a more manageable stong storm wind of about 40 mph. The extra large Air Bag, easilly the size of a typical duffel bag, blasts out with a strength equal to a Wind Blast spell (PFRPG pg 227) cast at 6th level proficiency for 1 melee action. After the initial blast, the force dies down to a nearly gale force wind equal to the Wind Rush spell for the remainder of the melee, then further calming to a managable 50 mph. The uses for these items are limited only by one's imagination. The larger bags have rather obvious uses as weapons and can also be used as a source of wind for ships on a calm sea. The smaller ones can be used as an emergency source of breathable air, providing a handy counter to poison gas clouds, Vacuum spells, or being underwater (the medium one can easilly fit over a humanoid's head to provide a breathable atmosphere, while the smaller one would work more as a mouth covering) Other uses are left to your own creativity. Cost: Small (belt pouich size): 2000 gold, Medium (small sack size): 5000 gold, Large (large sack size): 10,000 gold, Extra Large (duffel bag size): 18,000 gold

Freshwater Charm: A simple charm composed of a freshwater pearl in a gold setting, it is activated by speaking the command word "unsalltuhd" and dipping the charm into the water to be affected. The effect is that of a Salt Water to Fresh spell (PFRPG pg 239) at 6th level proficiency. The charm may be activated twice per day. Cost: 3000 gold

"That should about do it, I think. If there's anything else you need, let me know. I'll be happy to help you out!"

Thanks for coming by! Come back again soon!
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

The noble elf has returned to your shop...Outside a parade of multiple solders, behind and in front of a 2 carts. 1st of these is a dead death weaver spider and web, 2nd is a dead ice dragon's. "My apologies about the dragons scull and the brains. I had to drive a rather large spear into it and stir. Other wise, it's fairly well intact, minus a few scales here and there. I did what I could to with weightlessness spells and the lesser permanency spells on the two to lighten the load. I figured you would like to buy them from me, so I am offering you first bid." Thinks for a moment, and says "However, I would like to have some clothing made from the spider's silk for my men and I. Um, I do not have the time nor the spells to do it, nor do I want them...but I was wondering if it would be possible to animate or turn the spider into a zombie and command it to make clothes from it's silk. And it was killed about 3 hours ago on the way back we encountered a village that was in need of aid. And, regrettably, in that same fight the earthenware containers with the tears broke when it hurled one of my men in to the wagon. So I will have to do something else. Not a big deal. I had fun."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:The noble elf has returned to your shop...Outside a parade of multiple solders, behind and in front of a 2 carts. 1st of these is a dead death weaver spider and web, 2nd is a dead ice dragon's. "My apologies about the dragons scull and the brains. I had to drive a rather large spear into it and stir. Other wise, it's fairly well intact, minus a few scales here and there. I did what I could to with weightlessness spells and the lesser permanency spells on the two to lighten the load. I figured you would like to buy them from me, so I am offering you first bid." Thinks for a moment, and says "However, I would like to have some clothing made from the spider's silk for my men and I. Um, I do not have the time nor the spells to do it, nor do I want them...but I was wondering if it would be possible to animate or turn the spider into a zombie and command it to make clothes from it's silk. And it was killed about 3 hours ago on the way back we encountered a village that was in need of aid. And, regrettably, in that same fight the earthenware containers with the tears broke when it hurled one of my men in to the wagon. So I will have to do something else. Not a big deal. I had fun."

The old man actually comes out of the shop to greet you with a friendly smile and a firm handshake as he looks over the remains of the creatures, nodding absently as he listens to the requests. "Nothing to worry about on the skull and brain. One can't expect someone to bring in a dragon's corpse without there being some form of collateral damages. Pity it had to be those particular parts, but the rest still seems to be relatively intact. As for placing a first bid on it.... let's see... near full set of teeth, all the claws and bones, minor damage to the skull, but it's pretty negligible for most purposes... both eyes, the tongue and heart all there... looks like the body has pretty much bled out on the trip home, but there may be something useful still floating around in there... and then there's the meat..." he chuckles lightly before removing his spectacles and cleaning them with the edge of his shirt. "Quite a catch here... Top of my head estimate for the whole deal... I'll can give you upwards of 4 million. Your choice on cash or goods. Clothes from the silk you've got... yes, it can be done, but you'd be better off finding a weaver and a tailor for that. If you want the clothes to be enchanted, see me after their made. And making the spider into a zombie clothing factory...", he gets a dubious look in his eye, shaking his head with a soft chuckle as he looks up to the noon sun, "... sorry, but it just isn't gonna happen... body's been dead for 3 hours and by the time midnight rolls around, which is when the ritual has to take place, it'll be too late. Plus, I'm not entirely certain where exactly the throat is on a spider where i'd have to draw a pentagram in my own blood. Kudos to your men for thinking outside the box, though." He pauses to glance at all of the soldiers with a brief nod and a quick thumbs up. "As for the loss of the tears, that is quite a terrible shame. To have gone so far and accomplished so much, only to have your prize destroyed by a damned sidetrack...", he pauses with a regretful shake of his head. he then brightens with a smile and claps the elf on the shoulder. "Ah well, at least you had a good time. besides, since this particular venue was a bust, you could always go to that ice dragon friend of yours and get some tears from her. It was a 'her', wasn't it? Then you can get your crystals made anyway! However you want to go about it, it's ultimately up to you. Now, you head for home, dismiss your men, take a long hot bath and consider my offer for the body you got here. I look forward to hearing all about your trip... after you get yourself cleaned up. I'll bring the tea and Mai Tais."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

"Your funny...You think that I would actually let the blood drain out. On the contrary. I do not wish to poison the land, air, nor the water with the fowl smelling blood of the ice dragon. And all that is missing is a fair part of the brain. Well, actually, the brain is still there; it's just, well...scrambled, and stuffed with wool to try to absorb the toxic on the way back. Where we got the wool, is another matter. There is a farmer who is really happy. He made 5,000 gold and got rid of the dragon in one swoop. And 4 million? Come now, the skeleton alone is worth a lot more than that. And the scales are worth upwards of 10. Look, minus the brain and urine and some dropping, and the whole in the scull; which can be repaired with a restoration spell it's a whole bloomen dragon. Not to mention this fine specimen of a demon spider which you can always animate it or make a mummy of it. After you've drained it, mind you. Now, it has most definitely bleed out some...more then the dragon. The ice dragons blood does not smell too good at all and is quite toxic, that is why the head is tied on top of the body. I was hoping for at least 75,000,000 for the two. Oh, and another matter..." And motions to his squire to come there. "You need to look at my spear. It's the one that slayed the dragon and when the spiders blood got on to it, a rather interesting thing happened. As you can see it glowed and is still glowing, and seams to have crystallized, but just over just the metal. If you can see it this well in the day light, think about what it will be at night. I am going to leave the spear and these things here. I am sure we can come to an agreement on price, after I have had a nice bath and felt the hands of a good masseuse and also had a really good stretch on the inverted rack I will be back."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:"Your funny...You think that I would actually let the blood drain out. On the contrary. I do not wish to poison the land, air, nor the water with the fowl smelling blood of the ice dragon. And all that is missing is a fair part of the brain. Well, actually, the brain is still there; it's just, well...scrambled, and stuffed with wool to try to absorb the toxic on the way back. Where we got the wool, is another matter. There is a farmer who is really happy. He made 5,000 gold and got rid of the dragon in one swoop. And 4 million? Come now, the skeleton alone is worth a lot more than that. And the scales are worth upwards of 10. Look, minus the brain and urine and some dropping, and the whole in the scull; which can be repaired with a restoration spell it's a whole bloomen dragon. Not to mention this fine specimen of a demon spider which you can always animate it or make a mummy of it. After you've drained it, mind you. Now, it has most definitely bleed out some...more then the dragon. The ice dragons blood does not smell too good at all and is quite toxic, that is why the head is tied on top of the body. I was hoping for at least 75,000,000 for the two. Oh, and another matter..." And motions to his squire to come there. "You need to look at my spear. It's the one that slayed the dragon and when the spiders blood got on to it, a rather interesting thing happened. As you can see it glowed and is still glowing, and seams to have crystallized, but just over just the metal. If you can see it this well in the day light, think about what it will be at night. I am going to leave the spear and these things here. I am sure we can come to an agreement on price, after I have had a nice bath and felt the hands of a good masseuse and also had a really good stretch on the inverted rack I will be back."

The old man arches a brow with a rather surprised expression, a smile creasing his features. "Well, that changes everything if the blood is still in there. I'll certainly have to re-evaluate my bid. But I gotta tell you, your estimate is only partially correct. You see, 75 million is the retail cost. I am a businessman... I never pay retail. I'll be happy to charge someone 75 million gold for a whole dragon carcass, but pay that much? I'd sooner put Shieldbreaker in the hands of Satahlus himself! Tell you what... I'll re-evaluate my bid, considering the blood is there, and while the brain is there, it its... scrambled... state, it isn't good for much of anything except rubbing into raw leather or cooking as a delicacy for rich folks. I'll even up the bid a bit for those two points. But if you're looking to sell these for that price, I'd say take them to your guild. Perhaps they'd appreciate the donation. I've no serious use for the Death Weaver beyond maybe some study and experimentation, so it could be worth something. How's about for the whole lot..." he considers a moment, lips moving silently as he calculates, "... 10 million. Anything beyond that I can just go out and slay my own. As for the spear, it'll probably take a couple days to research what we've got here, but if you're willing to part with it that long, I'll be happy to look into it. The blood of an Ice Dragon and the blood of a Death Weaver, eh? Can't imagine what kind of wierdness that could result in." With a gentle smile and a congratulatory pat on the back he turns and heads inside. "Anyway, welcome back! Get some rest and I'll see you later."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

He will say, "Actually you could get 75 million...for the skeleton. Then there is the hide which is worth 10 million. Ice dragon's fat and muscles are a key ingredient in a number of cures, according to a book on magical components...Mind you, it doesn't tell you how to mix them or what else goes in them. Blood 51,200,000...more actually, I roughly estimated that at it only having 50 gallons...which was true of the last dragon I slew, but I let it bleed some on the way back. Dang evil thing. Claws weigh, I wound say about 50lbs each. So 5 mill there. Why on Palladium anyone would buy ice dragons blood, except for as a poison is beyond me. The stuff stinks worse than the solders lav. Brain matter and blood which when combined with A death weavers blood has an ODD effect on metal. Need I go on? This this brute weighs about 22 tons, So, just figure it up. But let us wait to discuss a price until after I return. As for the spear, that's fine. I will entrust it to your care. I have given you a riddle." :-)

And upon his return about 6 hours later. "You can have them both for 25 mill...that will be enough to pay the families of 5 knights who died, build a stone bride, and employ some more men. But please try to find a way to reproduce the spiders silk. Hell, use goats if you have to; but try to find a way to reproduce it. That is very strong stuff, and if it didn't burn it would be a very nice light weight armor."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:He will say, "Actually you could get 75 million...for the skeleton. Then there is the hide which is worth 10 million. Ice dragon's fat and muscles are a key ingredient in a number of cures, according to a book on magical components...Mind you, it doesn't tell you how to mix them or what else goes in them. Blood 51,200,000...more actually, I roughly estimated that at it only having 50 gallons...which was true of the last dragon I slew, but I let it bleed some on the way back. Dang evil thing. Claws weigh, I wound say about 50lbs each. So 5 mill there. Why on Palladium anyone would buy ice dragons blood, except for as a poison is beyond me. The stuff stinks worse than the solders lav. Brain matter and blood which when combined with A death weavers blood has an ODD effect on metal. Need I go on? This this brute weighs about 22 tons, So, just figure it up. But let us wait to discuss a price until after I return. As for the spear, that's fine. I will entrust it to your care. I have given you a riddle." :-)

And upon his return about 6 hours later. "You can have them both for 25 mill...that will be enough to pay the families of 5 knights who died, build a stone bride, and employ some more men. But please try to find a way to reproduce the spiders silk. Hell, use goats if you have to; but try to find a way to reproduce it. That is very strong stuff, and if it didn't burn it would be a very nice light weight armor."

The old man carefully considers the offer before nodding a bit with a grin. "You drive a very hard bargain, my friend. But considering that part of this is going to the grieving families, I will agree to it. I shall have one of my associates deliver the sum within a day." With a satisfied smile he shows you in to a seat by the hearth, settling into his old rocking chair as a table strides over bearing a pot of hot tea, in the very same pot you gave him as a gift, and a familiar looking short-stemmed glass filled with a fruity smelling concoction and sporting a tiny paper umbrella. He takes a steaming cup of tea in his hand and settles back in his chair as he resumes speaking. "By the way, on the subject of the ice dragon's blood; yes it is some damn foul smelling stuff and quite toxic, but it has the wonderful property of being a powerful form of anti-freeze solution. Makes for a very crucial component in creating potions and devices that render one resistant, or even impervious, to the effects of extreme cold. I've a feeling the anti-freeze properties of the Dragon's blood, mixed with the blood of the Death Weaver as it has on your spear, may have placed some related residual effect on your spear. I'll be doing some extensive research into it before I start any kind of testing, though. The only part that strikes me as odd is that it crystalized. Might have happened because of the brain matter being mixed in there, but like I said... extensive research. Then testing." He takes a sip from his cup and sets the cup to the side, leaving it to float next to his chair. "Now with reproducing the spider's silk, that's easilly done, but it's not going to be all that effective as armor. It is still essentially cloth, after all. It's the basic equivalent of making a shirt and pants with Thread of Iron. Sure, it's tough as hell, but it provides no impact protection, A sword wouldn't cut through it, but as sure as your mother gave you life, you'd still feel it hit you and yes, it would still hurt... a lot. The best armor equivalent you could possibly get from this stuff; maybe Soft Leather. And that's only if the stuff is woven several layers thick. Like, equal to a half dozen winter sweaters thick." He plucks his cup from the air and takes a sip, gazing over the rim at you with a gentle smile. Though, even at that thickness, it would still be pretty lightweight. Just bulky as all get out."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

relicandcheese wrote:Suddenly, a very sick looking wolfen stumbles through the door and falls to his hands and knees just inside, breathing quite heavy after an apparently long run. As you look at him with surprised curiousity, he slowly grab's the door handle and makes his way to his feet once more, albeit unsteady. He appears to have a few patches on his arms where tufts of fur have gone missing, and half of his face seems horribly burnt... not charred though... blistered horribly. He looks around and speaks weakly in his native tongue, "What in the world? Why would you set up shop here in the forest?!? Nevermind. Please sir. I need help..." Suddenly, he starts to heave like he's about to retch, then runs quickly outside. After a few moments of very unpleasant sounds, he stumbles back in, wiping his maw, and exposing skin. "I'm not going to make it. It just keeps getting worse. I've never experienced an illness like this. Please help... me...!" He shakes the hand he touched his face with, and fur scatters to your floor.

I'm totally loving this thread! :D :ok: I want to see if you can figure out what's up, and how you might help... if your willing or able...

"Blistered skin, missing fur, nausea, weakness. Have you been in the abandoned mines handling the funny glowing stones???" The elf will ask covering his mouth with his cloak.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

"Did you eat any of the dragon? Please, tell me; I must know! Where are the bodies of the others in your party and remains of the dragon is? I can not have it threatening my land again." he will say, and turn to Remus, "Try to help him but be careful. If it is as I suspect, he will you need help and any god you might serve. And clearly, I must alert my people."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

The old man gestures slightly and with a quick mental touch the young wolfen falls unconcious, only to be caught by tendrils of ectoplasm that spring up from the floor to carry him to a side room. With a rather grave expression he looks to the elf. "There will be no need to warn your people, my friend. This young man's sickness springs from an area much farther from here than you think. Either way, now that he is in here, his sickness is contained and of no threat to anyone beyond these walls. I would suggest that you head out yourself, lest you fall victim as well." With a short bow, he turns and hurries off to the room the wolfen was carried into, a flurry of activity erupting behind him as bottles, jars and vials come flying off of shelves in his wake, following him into the curtained sanctuary with a collection of bowls and instruments of strange design all trailed by a small column of dancing flames parading in with the odd procession. As the walking pyre vanishes behind the curtain, an odd shimmer in the air is seen in the doorway for the briefest of moments, followed by a deathly silence. From a darkened corner, a tiny creature emerges from the shadows, looking very much like a tiny fairy with demonic features (or vice versa) to light upon the countertop with a watchful eye.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

He will head out, but to be alone for awhile at the temple of the healing waters of Thoth. Leaves a note with Bubbles for the Alchemist about where he will be if needs anything, just dispatch a magic pigeon.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

relicandcheese wrote:(Fascinating... what have I gotten myself into...? :? )

That depends... have you gone through all 3 pages of this thread yet? :twisted:
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by t0m »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man gestures slightly and with a quick mental touch the young wolfen falls unconcious, only to be caught by tendrils of ectoplasm that spring up from the floor to carry him to a side room. With a rather grave expression he looks to the elf. "There will be no need to warn your people, my friend. This young man's sickness springs from an area much farther from here than you think. Either way, now that he is in here, his sickness is contained and of no threat to anyone beyond these walls. I would suggest that you head out yourself, lest you fall victim as well." With a short bow, he turns and hurries off to the room the wolfen was carried into, a flurry of activity erupting behind him as bottles, jars and vials come flying off of shelves in his wake, following him into the curtained sanctuary with a collection of bowls and instruments of strange design all trailed by a small column of dancing flames parading in with the odd procession. As the walking pyre vanishes behind the curtain, an odd shimmer in the air is seen in the doorway for the briefest of moments, followed by a deathly silence. From a darkened corner, a tiny creature emerges from the shadows, looking very much like a tiny fairy with demonic features (or vice versa) to light upon the countertop with a watchful eye.

'what can i do to help? is there anything i should get, or anyone who you need to get in contact with? one of my companions is a highly regarded healer/medical doctor...you remember, he is teaching at the university? could he help, or access some resources you need? he would actually probably like to see this in person. we may have some things at home that would help too...'

*this is more serious than telling stories and drinking unmarked potions for kicks...grey seems to switch into a whole new person as he quickly starts thinking of assets and contacts he has available, and preparing himself for whatever may be required of him*
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

relicandcheese wrote:(Fascinating... what have I gotten myself into...? :? )

(First he's going to use a X-Ray Vision spell to see how far the sickness has spread. Then he will probably decide to either do a heal all herb, lemon juice, and vinegar enigma, followed by a HOT bath in ginger to force sweat the toxins out Or simply a Negate Poison/Toxin spell. Or both. Then cold a dip in fresh water. Olive leaf, and possibly some hot stone to the feet to activate the meridians, and kick them in to over drive. Then he will do very careful repair work to try to strengthen the connections of them.)
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

The old man exits the curtained room with a light sheen of sweat dampening his furrowed brow, an odd glass tube tipped with a rather long needle in his hands as he heads behind the counter with a heavy sigh. Placing the tube under the counter and retrieving a small hand towel he wipes the sweat from his brow and smiles. "Well... that should get him back on his feet in no time." Tossing the towel to the side, he rummagews under the counter a few moments longer, coming back up with an ecclectic array of random gear and equipment, heading back into the curtained room with a sly grin. "Heya Tiv... now that I think about it, there IS this thing I need...."

(Actually, all I did was get him to the AFRI [Armed Forces Radiobiological Institute] for emergency treatment. Turns out his infection was only in the mid-stages, so his treatment there, with a little help from your's truly, was nothing short of "miraculous" in the exceptionally small amount of time it took. According to the scientists and professors there, he will make a full recovery within the next 36 hours, though likely less!)
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Dr. Avery »

JuliusCreed wrote:
TheGameMaster wrote:I'll take the cuffs, the crossbow, the Rope, and a silver tooth its (its a canine). What do you have as far as Swords and Spears?

The old man arches a brow with a rather inquisitive look before slowly nodding, a hand coming up to gently rub at the stubble on his chin. " Not exactly a 'bring 'em in alive' type are ya? Alright then, I can appreciate that... let's see what I have here then..."

*Wayfinder*: This little beauty was inspired by a book I read once. It's an exquisite longsword of unknown craftsmanship, though it is rumored that it was forged by some ancient and forgotten god. The blade is forged from an alien metal alloy of silvery-grey color with a darker grey mottling that seems to go several inches deep into the blade, even though the blade itself is only about a centimeter thick. The hilt is a simple metal rod, wrapped in dark leather and bound with double twisted wire. The pommel is a brushed steel "mushroom" style cap and the crosspiece is a simple bar with a slight upward curve at the ends. The center of the crosspiece bears a small symbol of an arrow pointing toward the blade. The sword possesses multiple powers but it also seems to possess a rather unique curse;
First: The sword seems to have a strange effect on the passage of time during a journey to the point that the normal travel time over great distances (ie 100+ miles) is cut in half. Over shorter journeys, Wayfinder has no appreciable affect.
Second: Wayfinder's greatest power; the ability to point out the direction of anyone or anything the character seeks. Similar to the Directional Indicator Device (see a few posts up) only this power is a bit more refined. As long as the wielder points the sword out in front of him, it will guide him to anything he wants to find as long as it is in the same plane of existance. Such things can be places, items, treasures, people, creatures... whatever. (At one point this sword was used to put together an adventuring party for a particularly difficult dungeon. Wayfinder was the deciding factor in who all went on the adventure by the wielder asking "Who is best suited for this adventure?". The sword proceeded to point out 7 adventurers who were immediately hired. The party suffered minor casualties with the death of one of the members, but was otherwise a rousing success. The one that died did so saving the party leader's life, so even he was chosen for a purpose)
As a weapon, Wayfinder does 2d6 damage and is +2 to Strike and Parry (quality bonuses, not magical)
Wayfinder's Curse: Any journey/quest taken up by the wielder of this sword will be more dangerous with hostile encounters being more numerous and/or dangerous. Wher the wielder might normally encounter a lone highwayman trying to rob him, he now faces a group of1d6+3 bandits instead, for example. GM's use your own discretion on exactly how this curse manifests itself. Cost: 250,000 gold
(Note: While this sword is unique, there are rumors of another 11 swords of similar appearance to this one, each with their own amazing and dangerous abilities. Stay tuned for more from this set to appear. Also I have a 75% off coupon to ANYONE that can name the book this came from; title and author required :D )
Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords
The Devil's Fish Hook: Actually a spear, this weapon is defined as a harpoon with a ring attached just under a wickedly barbed head for tying a rope to it. It may be used in standard melee combat as a spear doing 1d10 damage, or it may be thrown up to 150 ft at a target with a successful strike doing 2d6 damage and making the victim save vs. Magic at -3 or suffer the effects of an Agony spell (PFRPG pg 200) Victims foolish enough to pull the harpoon out after it strikes take an additional 2d6 damage and see the effects and duration of the Agony effects doubled (NO save) Particularly cruel/evil hunters like to attach a rope to the harpoon through the provided loop near the head so they can jerk the harpoon out themselves after it hits, inducing the Agony effect themselves. Cost: 25,000 gold

The Paralyzer: An ordinary looking weapon, usually a club or other blunt weapon, but can be any kind, that on command becomes surrounded with a field of crackling electrical energy. When so energized, all strikes from the weapon do an additional 1d6 damage and have a cumulative 15% chance of paralyzing the target per successful hit. Targets wearing metal armor take an additional 2d6 damage and see the percentage chance of paralysis increase to a cumulative 25% per strike. The enchantment may be activated up to 4 times per day for a duration of 5 melees. Cost: 20,000 gold to place this enchantment on a blunt weapon, ball and chain or staff. 30,000 to place on any bladed weapon, including swords, axes, knives, spears and polearms. This enchantment can also be placed on arrows and crossbow bolts, but is rather cost restrictive at 10,000 per each arrow.

"Anything else I might could interest you in? I still got a few cans of Pink Whoop-Ass left... that stuff goes pretty fast you know." The old man grins with a sly wink, gently nudging the man's ribs with a rather bony elbow.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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Oops, new to this. Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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Will we see more of them?
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Dr. Avery wrote:Oops, new to this. Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords.

Absolutely correct sir! Here's your coupon for 75% off any one item here at Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane! Congratulations and welcome to my shop. Is there anything I can get for you?
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

gaby wrote:Will we see more of them?

Yes, you will. Just stay tuned. Auntie Remus has been keeping me busy with things outside the lab so it's been tough to keep up with the shop lately. I'll be getting some new stock on the shelves here as soon as I can. So far Wayfinder and Sightblinder are on the shelves. I'm thinking Woundhealer will be next :D
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Dr. Avery »

Once long ago, in a now forgotten age ther existed a very special sword. A sword with three blades, two of which could be proppeled like missiles. As well, inside the hilt a hidden dagger for last resort. This blade was last known to have been possesed by a displaced prince. If good sir you could find said sword I would be most impressed.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Dr. Avery wrote:Once long ago, in a now forgotten age ther existed a very special sword. A sword with three blades, two of which could be proppeled like missiles. As well, inside the hilt a hidden dagger for last resort. This blade was last known to have been possesed by a displaced prince. If good sir you could find said sword I would be most impressed.

The old man raises a brow with a rather stunned expression. "Wow... I haven't heard about that weapon since I was... well, let's just say it was a very long time. The name of that weapon escapes me at the moment, but I am quite familiar with it. Three blades set into the hilt, two of which could be shot out at an opponent and a handy little dagger tucked inside the handle for emergencies. The displaced prince you speak of that wielded it was named Talon if memory serves correctly." With a simple gesture the described weapon floats from a darkened corner to the counter. "I believe this is the weapon you're talking about...."

Talon's Tri-Blade
A unique weapon of unknown origin appearing to be a bastard sword with three blades set side by side on a slightly oversized hilt. The bottom half of the handle may also be twisted and pulled away from the rest of the weapon to reveal a hidden dagger in the handle. Despite having three blades, the weapon is surprisingly lightweight, able to be wielded with either one or two hands. Additionally, the two outer blades may be launched at a target up to 50 feet away with a mental command. Damage from a blade fired in this way reduces the overall damage of the weapon until it is reassembled. Fully assembled the weapon does 6d6 damage. A fired blade inflicts 2d6 damage to the target and reduces the damage of the rest of the sword by the same amount. The blades may be fired singly or in a pair and are +3 to Strike. (no other bonuses apply) Fired blades do NOT return after striking. They must be reclaimed and replaced. As well as reducing the overall damage of the weapon, firing the blades affects the balance of the sword. Firing one imposes a -2 to strike and parry in hand-to-hand combat due to being slightly off-balance. Launching both blades gives the single-bladed weapon a +2 to strike and parry in combat. The dagger hidden in the hilt inflicts 1d6 damage. If it is removed, the sword can only be used with one hand. (obviously, since half of the handle is gone) Cost: 30,000 gold

(Special Note: 10 Geek Points for the "Sword and the Sorceror" movie reference circa 1982. Haven't seen that one in ages! :D )

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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

relicandcheese wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man exits the curtained room with a light sheen of sweat dampening his furrowed brow, an odd glass tube tipped with a rather long needle in his hands as he heads behind the counter with a heavy sigh. Placing the tube under the counter and retrieving a small hand towel he wipes the sweat from his brow and smiles. "Well... that should get him back on his feet in no time." Tossing the towel to the side, he rummagews under the counter a few moments longer, coming back up with an ecclectic array of random gear and equipment, heading back into the curtained room with a sly grin. "Heya Tiv... now that I think about it, there IS this thing I need...."

A muffled, Wolfen reply from the back, "Yes?"

The old man grins with a rather mischevious twinkle in his bespectacled eyes. "Quite simple really. The elven noble you saw when you stumbled in had just returned from a semi-successful mission to recover a quantity of Dragon's tears for an item he was wanting me to re-create for him. Sadly, just before he got back he was attacked and the container holding the tears was destroyed. He's not too broken up about it, luckily, but I'm certain he would greatly appreciate it if someone could acquire this vital component for me so I could make this item for him. How you go about getting them is of no concern to me. You may even be able to get him to help you out in some way if you feel inclined to ask him for assistance. Get this for me and I'm sure I can come up with some kind of suitable reward for your efforts."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Dr. Avery »

I shall take that very blade sir, and know that I am thouroughly impressed by the deppth of your knoweledge and craftigg ability.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Dr. Avery wrote:I shall take that very blade sir, and know that I am thouroughly impressed by the deppth of your knoweledge and craftigg ability.

The old man bows with a smile of gratitude. "Thank you, my friend. And feel free to return anytime for any and all of your alchemical needs. I try to keep my shelves stocked with new and unusual items as often as I can, so keep checking back for new stock." After assessing the discount for your coupon, he charges a mere 7500 gold for your new sword, sweeping the money away under the counter with a smile.

Thanks for coming by! Come back again soon!
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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relicandcheese wrote:Tiv looks at you wide eyed. "Wow! Dragon's tears? Hmm..." He begins to rub his hairless chin in deep thought. "Tell me more about this noble. I mean, do you value his friendship?"

He shrugs in a rather non-commital fashion with a gentle smile. "I consider him a friend and a valued customer. I imagine even if I couldn't make this for him he'd still be on a friendly basis with me as well as frequent my shop. He always seems to have such delightful puzzles and artifacts to inspect. That and he really appreciates a good Mai-Tai." He chuckles softly to himself before continuing. "Anyway, what I know for certain is that he's a member in good standing with his Mage's Guild, I'm pretty sure he's the ruler or at least a highly placed leader in his village, town, city or whatever it is, and he's directly responsible for the presence of that rather large Ice Dragon corpse in the cold storage room back there. Beyond that, I'd say if there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask him."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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relicandcheese wrote:Tiv's eyes narrow. "I see. I might just do that. Can I bring some of this, Buckler's concoction with me? It tastes awful, but it seems to work. I do feel quite a bit better." (Looks over himself in a mirror.) "The blisters seem to be healing nicely. I suppose my fur is gone for good...?"

"And where can I find that fine noble?"

The old man nods with a bright smile. "Excellent! Yes, you can take some more of that stuff with you. You still have one more dose to go through anyway, but don't take more than the remaining one. While it is healing you properly, too much will most certainly be the death of you." he sweeps his gaze over your features with an appraising gaze. "The blisters should be completely healed by the end of the day, truth be told. And actually, luck is with you. Your fur will in fact grow back. It'll take a couple weeks to see any significant growth and close to two months before it's back to its regular length, but it will come back. As for the noble... " he nods to the door you stumbled through with a wry grin, "you can find him out there, most likely at either a healing shrine of Thoth or at his Mage's Guild. If both prove fruitless, just ask around for the Lord of the land. I'm sure someone knows where he lives."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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The Undead Hunter steps in after the partialy bald Wolfen leaves, "Things just never get dull around here do they Uncle Remus? How have you been? It has been a while since I last saw you. From the looks of things buisness is going well as usual." He says as he stroles around the shop looking at all the odd knick nacks and what-nots.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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TheGameMaster wrote:The Undead Hunter steps in after the partialy bald Wolfen leaves, "Things just never get dull around here do they Uncle Remus? How have you been? It has been a while since I last saw you. From the looks of things buisness is going well as usual." He says as he stroles around the shop looking at all the odd knick nacks and what-nots.

The old man smiles, taking his old freind in a friendly embrace for a moment. "So good to see you again! Glad to see you're still alive and fighting. No things never truly get dull around her, at least never for very long. And business has been a bit slow as of late, but there is alwaysd a need for my special brand of services. So how have you been lately? Anything I can get for you today?"
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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The Hunter returns the friendly embrace, "I was just stopping by to see how you were doing, and to see if you needed help with anything? I also had an idea for an item you might consider working on, I know I could have used something like this in my travels as of late. its like a dowsing rod but instead of finding water, it finds eddible plants, and maybe small game. Just a thought"
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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The noble elf returns...This time dressed in an ivory cloak and vest, with a royal blue shirt and pants. Mingling with the bard, he will hand him or her a Gryphon coin (worth 100gd in the world of Dianar which is where this campaign is set...but possibly more on palladium/palladia, if I remember correctly, It's been awhile sense any of our character from Dianar has crossed over to palladia.) and says "Greetings, I am Akron. Would you please play or sing something to put this place ablaze with music?" And looks around and waits until Remus is not very busy. Then he will come up to the desk and say "I have the tears and say. Sorry...it has took me awhile, I am just now getting back. I was summoned to the emperors court as a juryman to settle a dispute between 2 of my fellow lords. On the way back, I ran into my friend the Kukulcan in the guise of an elven midwife at the Silver Unicorn Inn. She heard about me slaying the ice dragon. And was quite thrilled to run into me...Mainly because she had a job for me. A small independent village outside of the Empires domain had problems with a witch warlord with the help of her mind mages was attacking the independent towns, city states, etc...Kidnapping, torturing, and brainwashing young people. I dealt with her and her henchmen, but most of the young people killed themselves. Not all though, I was able to save a 10 boys and 4 girls and we were able to return them safely." and pauses for a bit to reflect. "Out of respect the Kukulcan gave me some of her tears. So, have you finished with my spear yet?"
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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Okeydokey wrote:A dwarf enters the room playing a simple tune on a mandolin, "Come on laugh, get it out o' your belly, yes a dwarven bard I be." "My friends, they laugh as well, which is why I come to you this day, in search of something to shove in their faces. If you have anything that may be useful... coin is no problem."

The old man smiles with a bemused gleam in his eye. "I wouldn't dream of laughing at you, friend Dwarf! Why, some of the greatest ballads of war and triumph in the world are composed and sung by Dwarves! And they're great for impromptu drinking songs as well! As for something to 'shove in their faces' I assume you mean a musical instrument of some sort. If not then please correct me and steer me in the right direction. If I'm correct, however, I have a rather fine selection of musical instruments already on the shelves a few posts back. I highly reccomend the Electric Guitar for you in particular. Or perhaps one of these other little items I've got here...."

Divine Harp: A smallish stringed harp of exceptional beauty and quality, when strummed it produces music often likened unto the voices of Angels. Indeed, the weapon does in fact sing along with the music being played, allowing the player to effectively perform a one-person duet. The enchantment on the instrument also grants a +15% bonus to the user's Play Musical Instruments skill. Cost: 15,000 gold

Talespinner's Lyre: A guitar-like stringed instrument favored primarilly by storytellers, the music from this instrument is unusually subdued, sounding more like background music behind the storyteller's voice, lending a more etherial quality to his words. What's more, dependent upon the story being told, the instrument will also produce subtle sound effects along with the music as appropriate to the story being told. For example if the story were about a titanic battle between two great armies, there would be the sounds of weapons clashing, armor rattling and clanking, horses and cries of victory or defeat in the background. Combined with the music also being played by the storyteller, this produces a quite immersive experience for the audience. Combined with the Magic Tobbacco, 'Talespinner's Blend', it would make for a complete entertainment experience... or a highly effective diversion. Cost: 25,000 gold

See what those can do for you, my friend! And good luck in your ventures!
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:The noble elf returns...This time dressed in an ivory cloak and vest, with a royal blue shirt and pants. Mingling with the bard, he will hand him or her a Gryphon coin (worth 100gd in the world of Dianar which is where this campaign is set...but possibly more on palladium/palladia, if I remember correctly, It's been awhile sense any of our character from Dianar has crossed over to palladia.) and says "Greetings, I am Akron. Would you please play or sing something to put this place ablaze with music?" And looks around and waits until Remus is not very busy. Then he will come up to the desk and say "I have the tears and say. Sorry...it has took me awhile, I am just now getting back. I was summoned to the emperors court as a juryman to settle a dispute between 2 of my fellow lords. On the way back, I ran into my friend the Kukulcan in the guise of an elven midwife at the Silver Unicorn Inn. She heard about me slaying the ice dragon. And was quite thrilled to run into me...Mainly because she had a job for me. A small independent village outside of the Empires domain had problems with a witch warlord with the help of her mind mages was attacking the independent towns, city states, etc...Kidnapping, torturing, and brainwashing young people. I dealt with her and her henchmen, but most of the young people killed themselves. Not all though, I was able to save a 10 boys and 4 girls and we were able to return them safely." and pauses for a bit to reflect. "Out of respect the Kukulcan gave me some of her tears. So, have you finished with my spear yet?"

The old man smiles broadly seeing you, motioning for you to sit by the hearth where a pot of tea and a Mai Tai are already waiting on a small table. After completing his tasks he comes over and settles into his old rocking chair with a gentle sigh and a smile. "Glad to see you're back my friend! I hope everything went well with the emperor's court. Arguing nobles is always such a touchy business. And congratulations on the saving of the younglings. I trust you've gotten arrangements made for their safekeeping. Always had a soft spot for little ones myself. Might have to do with the fact that it's been so long since I've actually been young myself. " A soft chuckle escapes him as he takes a sip from his cup as though it had always been full, though he never actually touched the pot. "And thank you for the tears. My thanks to your Kukulcan friend, as well, for providing them. They will do marvelously in re-creating those crystals for you. From what i can see, there's enough here to get quite a few of them made. Exactly how many was it you wanted again?"
"As for that spear of yours, it gave me a devil of a time trying to figure it out, but it seems to have taken the qualities of Ice Dragons and Death Weavers and combine them in a few rather extraordinary ways. I've tried recreating the item in a few experiments with little to no success and can only determine that the powers of the spear are a fluke! A complete and total one in an infinity chance mistake! However, I am still working on trying to duplicate it. But, until I do, it seems this is a rather unique item."
With a slight gesture, the spear floats to his hand and he hands it over with a smile. The shaft of it is now a burnished black, slightly oily to the touch, but not so much as to have a troublesome grip. The head of it seems to be polished steel encased in a luminous light blue crystal, glowing slightly in the firelight. Now here's what this baby can do; Damage is 2d6+6 from the razor sharp crystal encasing the head. Victims struck must save vs Magic or be wracked with a bone numbing cold that inflicts an additional 1d6 damage and the penalties of -4 to Strike, Parry and Dodge and the loss of 1 attack. Making the save means half damage and penalties and no loss of attack. The weapon can also be used to cast a sort of Magic Net variant. It has all the same characteristics as the 4th level spell and is cast at 6th level proficiency. The differences are 1> It carries the same cold enchantment as the blade. Those caught in it save vs Magic or suffer the same effects described above. 2> It is actually resistant to a Dispel Magic Barriers spell! While Dispel Magic Barriers will instantly dispel a standard Magic Net, this one saves against the spell with a +4 bonus! It can still be cut through as well, but only by magic weapons or spells, and it will take 4 melees rather than the usual 2 as with the regular Magic Net. Finally, it is NOT indestructible. You may notice the shaft is about an inch shorter than when you gave it to me. Sorry about that, but it seemed the safest way to test. However, it is highly resilient. It has a total of 120 SDC and seems to regenerate damage at a rate of 10 SDC per hour. Overall, a very fine item you have here. May it keep you safe for as long as you live.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man smiles broadly seeing you, motioning for you to sit by the hearth where a pot of tea and a Mai Tai are already waiting on a small table. After completing his tasks he comes over and settles into his old rocking chair with a gentle sigh and a smile. "Glad to see you're back my friend! I hope everything went well with the emperor's court. Arguing nobles is always such a touchy business. And congratulations on the saving of the younglings. I trust you've gotten arrangements made for their safekeeping. Always had a soft spot for little ones myself. Might have to do with the fact that it's been so long since I've actually been young myself. " A soft chuckle escapes him as he takes a sip from his cup as though it had always been full, though he never actually touched the pot. "And thank you for the tears. My thanks to your Kukulcan friend, as well, for providing them. They will do marvelously in re-creating those crystals for you. From what i can see, there's enough here to get quite a few of them made. Exactly how many was it you wanted again?"
"As for that spear of yours, it gave me a devil of a time trying to figure it out, but it seems to have taken the qualities of Ice Dragons and Death Weavers and combine them in a few rather extraordinary ways. I've tried recreating the item in a few experiments with little to no success and can only determine that the powers of the spear are a fluke! A complete and total one in an infinity chance mistake! However, I am still working on trying to duplicate it. But, until I do, it seems this is a rather unique item."
With a slight gesture, the spear floats to his hand and he hands it over with a smile. The shaft of it is now a burnished black, slightly oily to the touch, but not so much as to have a troublesome grip. The head of it seems to be polished steel encased in a luminous light blue crystal, glowing slightly in the firelight. Now here's what this baby can do; Damage is 2d6+6 from the razor sharp crystal encasing the head. Victims struck must save vs Magic or be wracked with a bone numbing cold that inflicts an additional 1d6 damage and the penalties of -4 to Strike, Parry and Dodge and the loss of 1 attack. Making the save means half damage and penalties and no loss of attack. The weapon can also be used to cast a sort of Magic Net variant. It has all the same characteristics as the 4th level spell and is cast at 6th level proficiency. The differences are 1> It carries the same cold enchantment as the blade. Those caught in it save vs Magic or suffer the same effects described above. 2> It is actually resistant to a Dispel Magic Barriers spell! While Dispel Magic Barriers will instantly dispel a standard Magic Net, this one saves against the spell with a +4 bonus! It can still be cut through as well, but only by magic weapons or spells, and it will take 4 melees rather than the usual 2 as with the regular Magic Net. Finally, it is NOT indestructible. You may notice the shaft is about an inch shorter than when you gave it to me. Sorry about that, but it seemed the safest way to test. However, it is highly resilient. It has a total of 120 SDC and seems to regenerate damage at a rate of 10 SDC per hour. Overall, a very fine item you have here. May it keep you safe for as long as you live.

"My guess is that it could be the fact that the spear head was forged from a meteorite. But who knows? I found it on another world, not unlike this one but had these talking cat-men, and other really odd creatures, flying asps, etc. I brought it back for my smiths to forge 2 weapons from. The sword was lost on another adventure. As for how many crystals I would like...50, if possible for my knights." Sips the mai tai, "I could use about 14 of these next week...Summer taxes are coming up. I am going to be made out to be the bad guy, even though I did away with the wagon tax once I paid the earth warlocks and their elementals brothers to turn the roads into stone and put up the watch towers in the trees for there safty. I spent some of my own personal treasury to import them food and plants when the last frost killed their plants, and then I had the earth elemental bless the farmland when I did the roads. I also paid to shoe the cattle and horse afterwards. I arranged for the sewage to be cleaned out of river. I am building a library/university, and I am replacing the old unsafe rope bridges with stone bridges...Thanks in part to you. Yet I am bad guy in the summer and fall because I tax them. Shesh, I only take 10%...5 in the summer and 5 in the fall. From they way some of them carry on you'd think I was taking it all. But oh well."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:My guess is that it could be the fact that the spear head was forged from a meteorite. But who knows? I found it on another world, not unlike this one but had these talking cat-men, and other really odd creatures, flying asps, etc. I brought it back for my smiths to forge 2 weapons from. The sword was lost on another adventure. As for how many crystals I would like...50, if possible for my knights." Sips the mai tai, "I could use about 14 of these next week...Summer taxes are coming up. I am going to be made out to be the bad guy, even though I did away with the wagon tax once I paid the earth warlocks and their elementals brothers to turn the roads into stone and put up the watch towers in the trees for there safty. I spent some of my own personal treasury to import them food and plants when the last frost killed their plants, and then I had the earth elemental bless the farmland when I did the roads. I also paid to shoe the cattle and horse afterwards. I arranged for the sewage to be cleaned out of river. I am building a library/university, and I am replacing the old unsafe rope bridges with stone bridges...Thanks in part to you. Yet I am bad guy in the summer and fall because I tax them. Shesh, I only take 10%...5 in the summer and 5 in the fall. From they way some of them carry on you'd think I was taking it all. But oh well."

The old man chuckles softly with an understanding nod. "Yes, it's the ever-present curse of leadership; everyone is happy so long as you give, but the moment you take...", he gives a non-commital shrug with a heavy sigh. "As for the crystals, 50 I can do. 14 by next week will be pushing it a bit, but I can manage it well enough. I can have the other 36 ready about 3 weeks afterward. I'll get you what I have ready of them on a weely basis as they come available. But, considering you want the first 14 in a week I had best take these tears and get to work. If there's anything else I can get for you, let me know. And feel free to browse the shelves as long as you desire." With a gentle smile he stands and gives a polite bow before turning to head back to the lab.
Last edited by JuliusCreed on Tue May 03, 2011 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

To the dwarf: "Might I make a suggestion? Try a blow gun flute, a compound bow lap harp (load and pull back the longest cord), an ax gutar, or the mini cross bow banjo (Flip a switch on the top, and it fires a boat out the bottom. Takes a while to try to reload.)"
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:To the dwarf: "Might I make a suggestion? Try a blow gun flute, a compound bow lap harp (load and pull back the longest cord), an ax gutar, or the mini cross bow banjo (Flip a switch on the top, and it fires a boat out the bottom. Takes a while to try to reload.)"

Considering the sucker shoots a boat, it's not surprising that the reload takes a while. :D
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man chuckles softly with an understanding nod. "Yes, it's the ever-present curse of leadership; everyone is happy so long as you give, but the moment you take...", he gives a non-commital shrug with a heavy sigh. "As for the crystals, 50 I can do. 14 by next week will be pushing it a bit, but I can manage it well enough. I can have the other 36 ready about 3 weeks afterward. I'll get you what I have ready of them on a weely basis as they come available. But, considering you want the first 14 in a week I had best take these tears and get to work. If there's anything else I can get for you, let me know. And feel free to browse the shelves as long as you desire." With a gentle smile he stands and gives a polite bow before turning to head back to the lab.

"Don't rush yourself, I am sure you have orders more pressing than mine. But please do be careful with those tears. And uh, just keep me informed of any rumors you might hear of that might be of of interest to me, my king, or the emperor. Especially about the new mayor to the town of Lyn-Rygun...Who I appointed by popular vote, not by choice. I do not trust her, she is a bit too guild minded; if you know what I mean. But she won the peoples favor, so I will respect their choice. And also, we haven't discussed the price for those crystals as of yet."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

This is all awesome stuff and comments. Thanks JuliusCreed for your efforts and special thanks to Unkle Remus. :D
Mephisto: You have some morbid fantasies. I like it (okay)
pblackcrow:"If anyone deserves this it's you! (thwak) LOL...All in fun."
Natasha: Bob you're deadly. I like it.
Misfit KotLD: You're Gamer Bi-Polar.
Sanford: Excellent concept, Big Bob!
sasha: I think Bob gets the JUST A GAME award....for life.
Jerell: You sir, are ruthless, and that is why I like you.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

bigbobsr6000 wrote:This is all awesome stuff and comments. Thanks JuliusCreed for your efforts and special thanks to Unkle Remus. :D

:D Yet another satisfied customer! :D

Come back anytime big guy!
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by bigwhitehound »

The powerfully built mercenary wearing plate & chain armor and carrying a magic broadsword returns to the shop.
Hi Uncle Remus. How are you on this fine day. Those personal grooming products worked great. After I completed my quest to retrieve the Crown of Light, I used them at the Golden Plate Inn. I got lots of attention from the ladies (wink).
Anyway I found this odd long bow during my quest, (holds out the gold and ebony bow for Uncle Remus to see). From what I can tell it seems to work differently depending on how strong the user is and its damage seems to change depending on what is shot with it. I`m thinking of selling it since I already have a magic long bow. Any idea what it is and how much I should ask for it.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man chuckles softly with an understanding nod. "Yes, it's the ever-present curse of leadership; everyone is happy so long as you give, but the moment you take...", he gives a non-commital shrug with a heavy sigh. "As for the crystals, 50 I can do. 14 by next week will be pushing it a bit, but I can manage it well enough. I can have the other 36 ready about 3 weeks afterward. I'll get you what I have ready of them on a weely basis as they come available. But, considering you want the first 14 in a week I had best take these tears and get to work. If there's anything else I can get for you, let me know. And feel free to browse the shelves as long as you desire." With a gentle smile he stands and gives a polite bow before turning to head back to the lab.

"Don't rush yourself, I am sure you have orders more pressing than mine. But please do be careful with those tears. And uh, just keep me informed of any rumors you might hear of that might be of of interest to me, my king, or the emperor. Especially about the new mayor to the town of Lyn-Rygun...Who I appointed by popular vote, not by choice. I do not trust her, she is a bit too guild minded; if you know what I mean. But she won the peoples favor, so I will respect their choice. And also, we haven't discussed the price for those crystals as of yet."

The old man gives a grin and nods. No rush at all, really... I don't have all that much else to do that couldn't be handled by some of my assisstants, so you'll be able to get you your crystals right on schedule. As for the price, you are correct, we have not disscussed it. What say we just let the dragon carcass you brought in work as payment and call it squaresies? Heck, as much as it's actually worth, I could even throw in a significant discount on a couple of future purchases." He offers his hand with a bright smile and a gleam in his eye. "What say you, my friend... do we have an accord?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

bigwhitehound wrote:The powerfully built mercenary wearing plate & chain armor and carrying a magic broadsword returns to the shop.
Hi Uncle Remus. How are you on this fine day. Those personal grooming products worked great. After I completed my quest to retrieve the Crown of Light, I used them at the Golden Plate Inn. I got lots of attention from the ladies (wink).
Anyway I found this odd long bow during my quest, (holds out the gold and ebony bow for Uncle Remus to see). From what I can tell it seems to work differently depending on how strong the user is and its damage seems to change depending on what is shot with it. I`m thinking of selling it since I already have a magic long bow. Any idea what it is and how much I should ask for it.

The old man smiles as you enter, barely recognizing you as the grooming products seem to have done a magnificent job on you. "Glad they worked well for you... remember the warning on those Refreshing mints though. They're not a replacement for a hot bath and continued use is quite addictive." He eyes the bow you offer him, his hand raising a moment before it floats from your hand to hover before him, slowly turning in the air as he inspects it. "Nice looking work here... reminds me of a bow I made for an Elf years back. Quite the Vampire hunter he was. Or is. Not sure if he's still alive or not. Anyway, you say it acts differently depending on how strong its wielder is and what's shot from it? Could you explain those quirks in a bit more detail for me? I assume, of course, that you and a companion or two have experimented with it a bit."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by bigwhitehound »

JuliusCreed wrote:
bigwhitehound wrote:The powerfully built mercenary wearing plate & chain armor and carrying a magic broadsword returns to the shop.
Hi Uncle Remus. How are you on this fine day. Those personal grooming products worked great. After I completed my quest to retrieve the Crown of Light, I used them at the Golden Plate Inn. I got lots of attention from the ladies (wink).
Anyway I found this odd long bow during my quest, (holds out the gold and ebony bow for Uncle Remus to see). From what I can tell it seems to work differently depending on how strong the user is and its damage seems to change depending on what is shot with it. I`m thinking of selling it since I already have a magic long bow. Any idea what it is and how much I should ask for it.

The old man smiles as you enter, barely recognizing you as the grooming products seem to have done a magnificent job on you. "Glad they worked well for you... remember the warning on those Refreshing mints though. They're not a replacement for a hot bath and continued use is quite addictive." He eyes the bow you offer him, his hand raising a moment before it floats from your hand to hover before him, slowly turning in the air as he inspects it. "Nice looking work here... reminds me of a bow I made for an Elf years back. Quite the Vampire hunter he was. Or is. Not sure if he's still alive or not. Anyway, you say it acts differently depending on how strong its wielder is and what's shot from it? Could you explain those quirks in a bit more detail for me? I assume, of course, that you and a companion or two have experimented with it a bit."

Well, first off when we found it my Elf Long bowman friend used it to kill a vampire, standard silver tipped arrow, usual results. He than gave it to me and I used a steel arrow to shoot a evil Knight in plate armour, the arrow went straight through the knight. Killing him. Left a real nasty hole in his armor too.
My Elf friend has a regular strength of P.S. 15, I have a SN P.S.23, we realized the bow seemed to add our strength to the arrows, also the vampire acted as if it was in A LOT of pain before it collapsed, the evil knight (human, diabolic) was knocked off his feet and killed, but that's all.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

bigwhitehound wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
bigwhitehound wrote:The powerfully built mercenary wearing plate & chain armor and carrying a magic broadsword returns to the shop.
Hi Uncle Remus. How are you on this fine day. Those personal grooming products worked great. After I completed my quest to retrieve the Crown of Light, I used them at the Golden Plate Inn. I got lots of attention from the ladies (wink).
Anyway I found this odd long bow during my quest, (holds out the gold and ebony bow for Uncle Remus to see). From what I can tell it seems to work differently depending on how strong the user is and its damage seems to change depending on what is shot with it. I`m thinking of selling it since I already have a magic long bow. Any idea what it is and how much I should ask for it.

The old man smiles as you enter, barely recognizing you as the grooming products seem to have done a magnificent job on you. "Glad they worked well for you... remember the warning on those Refreshing mints though. They're not a replacement for a hot bath and continued use is quite addictive." He eyes the bow you offer him, his hand raising a moment before it floats from your hand to hover before him, slowly turning in the air as he inspects it. "Nice looking work here... reminds me of a bow I made for an Elf years back. Quite the Vampire hunter he was. Or is. Not sure if he's still alive or not. Anyway, you say it acts differently depending on how strong its wielder is and what's shot from it? Could you explain those quirks in a bit more detail for me? I assume, of course, that you and a companion or two have experimented with it a bit."

Well, first off when we found it my Elf Long bowman friend used it to kill a vampire, standard silver tipped arrow, usual results. He than gave it to me and I used a steel arrow to shoot a evil Knight in plate armour, the arrow went straight through the knight. Killing him. Left a real nasty hole in his armor too.
My Elf friend has a regular strength of P.S. 15, I have a SN P.S.23, we realized the bow seemed to add our strength to the arrows, also the vampire acted as if it was in A LOT of pain before it collapsed, the evil knight (human, diabolic) was knocked off his feet and killed, but that's all.

The old man listens carefully, nodding a bit as he continues to inspect the bow. "I see... very interesting. Seems you may be overestimating the abilities a bit here though. If the Vampire had a basically normal reaction to a silver tipped arrow fired by a normal strength person, while the normal target you shot reacted as though being hit by supernatural strength, it stands to reason that if you had shot the vampire with a silver arrow, the reaction would have been nearly identical to the normal arrow you shot at the normal target. Simply put, the power of the bow seems to lie in translating its wielder's strength to the shot fired. If the wielder possesses a supernatural strength, the shots will strike with supernatural force, most likely being the equivalent of the full strength punch from SNPS tables plus the damage of the arrow and any equivalent damage bonuses. I'm betting if the wielder has an extraordinary, albeit normal, strength, the arrows would also strike with an equivalent force, thus allowing for normal longbow arrow damage plus the wielder's damage bonuses. A non-extraordinary normal strength would likely only apply any damage bonuses gained from combat skills. The only hitch in any of this is your description of the vampire seeming to be in an extraordinary amount of pain after being shot. While not unusual, it seems unlikely that a silver arrow would cause any particularly inordinate amount of discomfort to the undead. Any other powers it may possess would require further research." He furrows a brow for a moment, considering. "At present, with what I can tell you about it, these are your options... First, I can buy it from you now for the price of about..... 75,000 gold. Second, I can take it off your hands for a few days for further research and experimentation to get a better idea of what it's capable of and give you a more accurate and potentially higher price. Third, and finally, you can just keep it for yourself and discover what it's capable of through your own trial and error." The old man smiles warmly, brows lofting slightly as he awaits your decision.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man chuckles softly with an understanding nod. "Yes, it's the ever-present curse of leadership; everyone is happy so long as you give, but the moment you take...", he gives a non-commital shrug with a heavy sigh. "As for the crystals, 50 I can do. 14 by next week will be pushing it a bit, but I can manage it well enough. I can have the other 36 ready about 3 weeks afterward. I'll get you what I have ready of them on a weely basis as they come available. But, considering you want the first 14 in a week I had best take these tears and get to work. If there's anything else I can get for you, let me know. And feel free to browse the shelves as long as you desire." With a gentle smile he stands and gives a polite bow before turning to head back to the lab.

"Don't rush yourself, I am sure you have orders more pressing than mine. But please do be careful with those tears. And uh, just keep me informed of any rumors you might hear of that might be of of interest to me, my king, or the emperor. Especially about the new mayor to the town of Lyn-Rygun...Who I appointed by popular vote, not by choice. I do not trust her, she is a bit too guild minded; if you know what I mean. But she won the peoples favor, so I will respect their choice. And also, we haven't discussed the price for those crystals as of yet."

The old man gives a grin and nods. No rush at all, really... I don't have all that much else to do that couldn't be handled by some of my assisstants, so you'll be able to get you your crystals right on schedule. As for the price, you are correct, we have not disscussed it. What say we just let the dragon carcass you brought in work as payment and call it squaresies? Heck, as much as it's actually worth, I could even throw in a significant discount on a couple of future purchases." He offers his hand with a bright smile and a gleam in his eye. "What say you, my friend... do we have an accord?"

The elf will grasp his forearm and shakes, and say "Yes, we hard an accord." And will bow politely. "I shall send you what is left of the rest of the meteorite to experiment with by a squire later. I have got some death warrants that I have been putting off for a while now. As well as some other unpleasantries of being the lord of the realm." Sighs reluctantly and leaves.
Ankh, udja, seneb.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by bigwhitehound »

The merc rubs his chin thinking.... I was really thinking at a 100,000-200,000 gold range. You see there's this old castle I've wanted to buy... hum. OK Uncle Remus you hold on to the bow for now, and try to get me a better price for it. If you can get at least 100,000 gold, I'll give you a commission, say.... 10%? or the equivalent in trade/favors.
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