What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Daniel2112 wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Mutant Hominid Vagabond with 3 major and 3 minor super powers.
Make one of the powers Growth, and you can drop the size category down to 1, and spend all the Bio-E on enhancing attributes.
Using Palladium's rules/guidelines for defaulting skills, a Hominid with an Intelligence of 90 would have a 90% chance to default on any applicable skills, and with overall high attributes could fake it adequately with many other skills as well.

Super-powered mutant weasel juicers are also pretty nice, especially if you give them one of the optionally available N&S martial arts.

And a mutant octopus with multi-limb coordination, a bunch of MD knives, Sonic Flight and Spin At Extraordinary Speed?
People won't even know why they're exploding.

How the bloody blue hell do you get an I.Q. much above 30, much less to 90? And what are these skill default rules you speak of?

dragonfett wrote:The skill default rules that he speaks of basically states that for any skill that you do not have, you roll a percentile against your IQ (IIRC, correct me if I am wrong).

As to how to get an IQ above 30 (much less to 90), I have no fraking clue and am curious myself. What book(s) do(es) Mutant Hominid appear in KC?

Hominids are in Transdimensional TMNT, p. 16-17.
They have full hands and biped automatically, along with partial speech and looks.

After that, it gets kind of complicated, so I'll put it in a spoiler to save room. ;)

The special Hominid abilities that you can purchase with Bio-E are Extraordinary Intelligence Quotient, Extraordinary Mental Affinity, Extraordinary Mental Endurance, Extraordinary Physical Endurance, Extraordinary Physical Prowess, Extraordinary Physical Strength, Extraordinary Physical Beauty, and/or Extraordinary Speed.
None of these are the super powers, and each provides bonuses to the appropriate attribute.
They are normally only able to be purchased one time each, but Intelligence is a specific exception, so you can keep purchasing that ability as much as you like as long as you have enough Bio-E.
It costs 10 Bio-E per purchase, and provides a bonus of +10 to the character's Intelligence.

Starting with a basic Hominid, you get 15 Bio-E and start at size level 8.
If you drop the size level down to 1, you end up with 50 Bio-E to spend.
Theoretically, if you don't mind being very, very short, you could spend all of these points on IQ, increasing whatever your rolled IQ is by 50 points.
On an average roll of 10 points, this would be an IQ of 60.
+3 for being a Hominid, -8 for size, this would net out at 56, which isn't too shabby.

IIRC, there is an Extraordinary Intelligence super power in one of the Powers Unlimited books that provides a bonus of +10 to IQ, so that bumps it up to 66, and as a vagabond you can take that as one of your powers.

There is also a Cause of Mutation option for transdimensional Hominids in Transdimensional TMNT that provides a bonus 10 Bio-E, though a GM would have to rule if the skills there could be swapped out for a Vagabond OCC. If he allows it, this could be spent on another +10 to IQ, bumping things up to 76.

If you want any higher than that, you'd either have to find other super powers that enhance IQ and take those, OR (and this might be simpler) to roll a starting IQ higher than 10.
Theoretically you could roll a starting IQ of up to 30, which means your IQ score could be as high as 106 when all is said and done.

As for defaulting skills, the most official rule that we've been given is that when you're defaulting (trying to use a skill that you do not actually have, while attempting something that IS possible without that skill), you roll percentile dice, trying to roll under the appropriate attribute.

For example, if you don't have a Chess skill, but you want to try to play anyway (after somebody telling you the rules), then you'd have to roll percentile dice under your Intelligence skill.
If you have an IQ of 15, then you'd effectively have a 15% chance of success.
If you have an IQ of 106, then you'd effectively have a 98% chance of success (because skill percents typically max out at 98%).
Last edited by Killer Cyborg on Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

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A Nightspawn.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

MaioJKM wrote:I believe that extrordinary Intelligence gives you a starting I.Q. 0f 22 plus 1D6. Is out of powers unlimited 3.

Even better.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by BIBBI »

here's a fun one, A lizard mage and a super hero with the chaos magic power having a magic war over whether or not a conservator should help the kid whose parents he just killed, very entertaining.

Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Pubert1 wrote:I've always liked to play dragons and want to get to play an adult dragon at some point (A good GM could find things for me to do) but I also like playing Godling/demigods, Prometheans, Mystic Knights, and others. I really like games where the PCs are really strong characters that have to do more than maybe the average.

I was just wondering if other people like games like that and what characters they like to play that are more powerful?

My current favorite (which has a tendency to change quite a bit) is (again) the Maxi-Man.

The more that I play (which has been rare lately) that class the more deadly I see it really REALLY is .. as either the pc version or the npc version.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Athos »

I have always dreamed of playing a lizard mage... and not a nice, happy one either, but a mean and greedy one.
A godling would be wicked fun, especially at high levels :)
Playing someone with super powers would be almost a different game, but would be fun to try for a change, especially now that the vagabond is actually a playable class in RUE.

It is so hard to think of a game where this kind of super MDC character can be used. I would think a political game where each of the characters had a small kingdom or city state would be one scenario where the super powerful character is responsible for guarding/protecting a lot of weaklings. Another would be a cross dimensional mercenary group where they went to some nasty places like Dyval or Wormwood and fought, but that seems like that might get a bit old. Fun to think about though...
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by BIBBI »

Pubert1 wrote:
Lenwen wrote:My current favorite (which has a tendency to change quite a bit) is (again) the Maxi-Man.

The more that I play (which has been rare lately) that class the more deadly I see it really REALLY is .. as either the pc version or the npc version.

I've always liked them too. They can be ridiculous if you get the
Right tattoos. The one problem I have is it's hard to get more assuming you are a runaway.

I has another story, I was gm'ing a game with a maxi man in it, he inadvertently got a small Russian village to believe that he was a god. there was 6 people in the town who knew differently, out of a 50 person town. he then led a holy crusade against a vampire intelligence (this is the game my hydrokenisis example came from.)
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Good post, RS.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Cinos »

Athos wrote:I have always dreamed of playing a lizard mage... and not a nice, happy one either, but a mean and greedy one.

The one run by a friend is funny to watch between the two games he was in. The first due to his 'fondess' of Humans, and the game being on Rifts earth, he was a bit kinder, but every time he was dealing with non-humans, he got nasty quick. That said, he left more then one human a poor man (he just didn't like killing them, they where 'cute'). His second incarnation he became far more cruel since it was placed in Palladium Fantasy Chaos Age, where humans are less then common. I'll say first hand, they're a blast to play.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Pubert1 wrote:
Lenwen wrote:
Pubert1 wrote:I've always liked to play dragons and want to get to play an adult dragon at some point (A good GM could find things for me to do) but I also like playing Godling/demigods, Prometheans, Mystic Knights, and others. I really like games where the PCs are really strong characters that have to do more than maybe the average.

I was just wondering if other people like games like that and what characters they like to play that are more powerful?

My current favorite (which has a tendency to change quite a bit) is (again) the Maxi-Man.

The more that I play (which has been rare lately) that class the more deadly I see it really REALLY is .. as either the pc version or the npc version.

I've always liked them too. They can be ridiculous if you get the
Right tattoos. The one problem I have is it's hard to get more assuming you are a runaway.

Hence I never utilize the runaway aspect .. hehe
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

Not a runaway? I know that... but either that means you have to play a Splugorth campaign, where your char is just a minion among others, or he has to be a spy... and then you may have the problem of getting in touch with your higher ups when your level change tattoos are up for scribing.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Svartalf wrote:Not a runaway? I know that... but either that means you have to play a Splugorth campaign, where your char is just a minion among others, or he has to be a spy... and then you may have the problem of getting in touch with your higher ups when your level change tattoos are up for scribing.

How is that a problem if you have the means to get into contact with them as a spy in the first place ?

Remember .. canonly speaking .. NO ONE .. outside of atlantis knows (who) or (what) exactly the Atlantean minions are other then the Slavers .

So as far as you contacting anyone from Atlantis .. there is quite literally no problem to be had . As no one know's anything other then then it possibly being evil ..

There in lies the rub . :P
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Anthar »

I've always liked these for power:
1. Godling with the choices of Mystic Knight, Harvester and Shifter. This combo with certain spells/victims can have over 100 PS, 200,000 PPE and 40,000 MDC.
2. Amaki Stone Man RCC with the Lord Magus OCC, once you reach the right level the thousands of SDC/HPs get turned into MDC.
3. The Elf-like multi armed dudes from the Land if the Damned with the Psi-tech PCC and given expert training in the Triax Dragonwing will get something like 24-26 attacks per melee at first level. This also works great if you got a Techno-Wizard buddy to help modify your Dragonwing, plus the Psi-tech can do all sorts of neat stuff with any tech that you can get your grubby little hands on.
4. Demigod Mutant Mega-hero with any powers that floats your boat with Mystic Knight as your Godling power selection and Demon Queller as your OCC selection. And add to that the special inherited "daddy power" that Demigods get.
Last edited by Anthar on Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

that demigod combination (MK/DQ) is already ugly (I tend to hate using the demigod's extended knowledge to bypass the repertoire limitation on mystics and other limited spell casters), but making it a megahero to boot? that's quite a bit overboard.

There's a difference between Powerful character and Complete Munchkin... and I've seen both.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Anthar »

Svartalf wrote:that demigod combination (MK/DQ) is already ugly (I tend to hate using the demigod's extended knowledge to bypass the repertoire limitation on mystics and other limited spell casters), but making it a megahero to boot? that's quite a bit overboard.

There's a difference between Powerful character and Complete Munchkin... and I've seen both.

To each their own, I wouldn't use these in a low powered game but they fit in just fine in a high powered game. After all dragons can have close to 10,000 MDC, a combined and properly equiped squad or platoon of soldiers exceeds MDC and attacks per melee of any one of the so called "Munchkin" characters. I would go so far to say that in Rifts there is no such thing as "Munckin" so long as you have a competent GM.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by RainOfSteel »

Rogue_Scientist wrote:Telemechanics - RUE pg 183.
  • Complete knowledge of how any non-intelligent machine operates: 80% skill level. Includes schematic diagrams.
  • Can tap into an artificially intelligent (ie, computer) memory bank without using a terminal.
  • Telepathic link to computers grants computer operation, repair, special codes, programming equal to an 88% skill level.
Thank you for listing the powers. :D I've set bold-face on the relevant sections above.

Once you have the codes to access the computer, you can do whatever you want, read whatever memory you want, add whatever memory you want, activate any existing programs, etc. It's crystal clear. If you choose to ignore that and house-rule lesser capabilities or create some type of "hacking" system that is not indicated in the rules, you may do so. The programming skill is 88% should a player decide to try and create new programs in the system, or perhaps interpret/analyze existing programs. That might be useful if players want to create new functionality in the system, but in many cases that will not occur. In most cases, a player will gain access to the system, take whatever information they want, and be gone.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

You understand that as per the list, you only get an 88% to do the complete hack, right?
Of course, if the computer's owners are psychic paranoid, they might want to make sure that it cannot be accessed by a telemech able guy... like put the server at least 5' away from any possible access point, so the intruder can hack only the terminal and has to use actual skills to get through to the main database.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Athos »

Svartalf wrote:You understand that as per the list, you only get an 88% to do the complete hack, right?
Of course, if the computer's owners are psychic paranoid, they might want to make sure that it cannot be accessed by a telemech able guy... like put the server at least 5' away from any possible access point, so the intruder can hack only the terminal and has to use actual skills to get through to the main database.

Are you saying there is no WiFi in Rifts Earth? :)

Or maybe that telemechanics can't operate over wireless networking?
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

Telemechanics operate at range from the machine to be operated... if you operate the terminal, you still don't have psi access to the actual computer where the stuff you want to access is.

wifi connection does no carry psi waves... and if you got sensitive data, you may not want that kind of network in the first place.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Anthar »

Svartalf wrote:Telemechanics operate at range from the machine to be operated... if you operate the terminal, you still don't have psi access to the actual computer where the stuff you want to access is.

wifi connection does no carry psi waves... and if you got sensitive data, you may not want that kind of network in the first place.

There is a nifty Rifter article on computer hacking that says otherwise.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

I don't remember what part of that article disagrees with me, or in what riftzer it was, but if it says that psychically controlling the "dumb" terminal allows full access to the actual server, I call BS.
It might help normal hackers to be in the system, but a psychic needs to be in range of the actual machine he wants to fiddle.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Anthar »

If the terminal is connected to the server it is part of the network and within range.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

No it's not, you can't affect the mainframe directly and draw stuff from there if you don't have it itself within your 5' range. You just control the I/O device, but don't have real access .
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Anthar »

Range is meaningless if there is a network involved, the five foot range is for the manipulation of otherwise unconnected machines. When you have a network with terminals that is basically one big machine. So if you have access to a terminal you have access to the entire machine as long as it is actively connected to the whole.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

range is meaningful when your psyche is trying to reach the master machine... you're just saying that I can manipulate my computer from 50' away, in my kitchen, because I'm standing next to the power cables that also lead to it.

Sorry, but assuming Karl Prosek's personal computer is linked to Chi-Net, you still have to be within range to access it, not just within range of any computer linked to the net.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Anthar »

Svartalf wrote:range is meaningful when your psyche is trying to reach the master machine... you're just saying that I can manipulate my computer from 50' away, in my kitchen, because I'm standing next to the power cables that also lead to it.

Sorry, but assuming Karl Prosek's personal computer is linked to Chi-Net, you still have to be within range to access it, not just within range of any computer linked to the net.

His PC would be accessible if they were foolish enough to connect it to a public net. Check out the rules for Cyberjacking in Rifter #2 for some neat rules and countermeasures/security to block cyberjacking attempts. Though I would agree that a person would be limited by skill percentages in cyberjacking, telemechanics are difficult to countermeasure without security AI that can react quickly.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Anthar wrote:Range is meaningless if there is a network involved, the five foot range is for the manipulation of otherwise unconnected machines. When you have a network with terminals that is basically one big machine. So if you have access to a terminal you have access to the entire machine as long as it is actively connected to the whole.

In my experience, having the password for the terminal you're sitting at does not necessarily give you the password for every other computer that it's linked to.
You could use the one you're at to (telemechanically) access another computer, but you'd still need to hack your way in.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by rat_bastard »

My favorite part is to use telemechanics to get a password and sarcastically say "your password is "password", really?" :roll:
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Anthar wrote:Range is meaningless if there is a network involved, the five foot range is for the manipulation of otherwise unconnected machines. When you have a network with terminals that is basically one big machine. So if you have access to a terminal you have access to the entire machine as long as it is actively connected to the whole.

In my experience, having the password for the terminal you're sitting at does not necessarily give you the password for every other computer that it's linked to.
You could use the one you're at to (telemechanically) access another computer, but you'd still need to hack your way in.

But why does the cable or the wireless network present a block for the telemechanics? The wires within the machine don't. I like having the hacking skill on a nightspawn with the power lightning rider. :)
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

Technically, it's not the network that poses an obstacle, it's the fact that if you want things from the mainframe and only control a terminal, while the mainframe is out of range, then you have a terminal, but you must still hack the mainframe by conventional means since your psi powers can't access it.

Last time I checked, copper and fiberoptic (or radio waves) had no special psi transmitting properties.
Last edited by Svartalf on Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

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wait... this is a thread for powerful characters to play... so, NOT one for munchkin broken and illegal fantasies

Anthar, do you know any DM who'd let you play that übermunchkin Nxla witch (because that's what a harvester is) abomination? Not to mention that I'm not sure that choosing the same power three times is any too legal.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Anthar »

Svartalf wrote:wait... this is a thread for powerful characters to play... so, NOT one for munchkin broken and illegal fantasies

Anthar, do you know any DM who'd let you play that übermunchkin Nxla witch (because that's what a harvester is) abomination? Not to mention that I'm not sure that choosing the same power three times is any too legal.

Says right in the description of the power that you can choose multiple times, and according to the description the Harvester is a form of Necromancer.

And Pubert1 the Amaki Stone man is a SDC creature and the limitations for all the Magus classes require that the race be SDC.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

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which still doesn't explain a godling from the Nxla pantheon (if there even is such a thing), and even less whether you have a DM playing the kind of Ubermunchkin dark campaigns where that kind of thing might have a place as a PC.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Crucible »

I NEVER get to play, just GM. One of my favorites to have in a group is a Human Mutant made from Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by BIBBI »

Svartalf wrote:Anthar, do you know any DM who'd let you play that übermunchkin Nxla witch (because that's what a harvester is) abomination?

me. I will gm for any characters that you could want to play
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

Only if he was an Oni to start with
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

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Svartalf wrote:Technically, it's not the network that poses an obstacle, it's the fact that if you want things from the mainframe and only control a terminal, while the mainframe is out of range, then you have a terminal, but you must still hack the mainframe by conventional means since your psi powers can't access it.

Last time I checked, copper and fiberoptic (or radio waves) had no special psi transmitting properties.

OK out of range... I can understand that. The servers aren't always beyond range from the terminal though.

Too bad a Nightspawn with Lightning Rider can't also have telemechanics :( and there is no magic version, maybe the one that makes mechanicial parts fail.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

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[quote="Zer0 Kay wrote:
But why does the cable or the wireless network present a block for the telemechanics?

It doesn't. But neither does it somehow extend the power beyond it's normal range.

A network is not "one giant machine". It's several machines daisy-chained together. Allowing Telemechanics to work on every machine in a network just because they communicate with each other is like saying you can cast Bio-Manipulation: Paralysis and take out an entire group of guys just because they're talking to each other. Or holding hands or something. The idea that "connected" = "same" is just silly.

Here's a few sample networks:
1) Computer <--> Computer
2) Computer <--> Hub <--> Printer, Computer, etc. Multiple connections.
3) Client <--> Router <--> Switch <--> Server

#3 is probably what you have in your house or office. Both routers and switches are actually computers, in that they take input, provide output, and execute commands. They run their own software, usually based on Linux. It's actually possible to dial into your router at home by entering the correct IP in your address bar.

Wow... you talk about snide and then you put this up??? I have a Masters in Information Security. Need we go through topologies? How about IEEE standards? :nh: you make too many assumptions so that is just you and mption whoever that is.

People talking to each other is completely different than computers hooked up to a cabled network. A cabled network is physically networked. Though I can accept that it is out of range and the power doesn't work at the same time I can see how someone could classify it as one big machine especially if it uses distributed processing, storage or other "cloud" type systems. Bio-Manipulation no... something that actually shocks... yes.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Svartalf wrote:Technically, it's not the network that poses an obstacle, it's the fact that if you want things from the mainframe and only control a terminal, while the mainframe is out of range, then you have a terminal, but you must still hack the mainframe by conventional means since your psi powers can't access it.

Last time I checked, copper and fiberoptic (or radio waves) had no special psi transmitting properties.

OK out of range... I can understand that. The servers aren't always beyond range from the terminal though.

Too bad a Nightspawn with Lightning Rider can't also have telemechanics :( and there is no magic version, maybe the one that makes mechanicial parts fail.

If the effing mainframe is in range, and not shielded by a suitable wall or whatnot, then the question is moot because the psychic will talk to god rather than to some ineffectual saint
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Dunia »

My favourite character I played was a Psi-Stalker who had the PsiNet Agent skill package intead of the Psi-Stalker's (I was allowed to keep the racial skills and Running from Psi Stalker) and the GM gave me two languages (not mentioned in PsiNet Agent, and I could choose whatever vehicle I wanted within reason, so I took Tanks/APCs instead of Hoovercraft)
Later in the campaign, I was admitted to the Psibattalion (I got the bonuses), but even without those, it was a fun character, most because of the RP within the group and my RPing the hunger for PPE once every week in GM.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Svartalf »

Rogue_Scientist wrote:
and according to the description the Harvester is a form of Necromancer.

Pretty sure Harvesting is a specialized form of magic not listed in the original Demigod/Godling write-up. Just because they can learn Necromantic magic doesn't mean they're Necromancers.

I wouldn't allow it, but to each his own.

It's not listed in the Pantheons book, but then again that was published before Psyscape was.

and it's described as a form of necromancy that is given by Nxla... which I take to mean it's the gift side of a witch pact, since Nxla is the only source of that particular brand of magic.
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Pubert1 wrote:
Rogue_Scientist wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Wow... you talk about snide and then you put this up??? I have a Masters in Information Security.

Nobody cares. I'm sorry that my oversimplified laymans example offended you. If you can't understand the intent behind dumbing things down for people who don't understand the difference between "special codes" and "passwords", then I don't know what to tell you.

Oh, and Mr. "Masters in IS"? Your quote tags are broken. Might want to check your syntax.

Zer0 Kay wrote:People talking to each other is completely different than computers hooked up to a cabled network.

Says you. Technically they're connected by a "wireless network". Wifi uses radio frequencies in the low Ghz range. Human speech is just lower frequency. Herp derp. The example stands.

Zer0 Kay wrote:A cabled network is physically networked. Though I can accept that it is out of range and the power doesn't work at the same time I can see how someone could classify it as one big machine especially if it uses distributed processing, storage or other "cloud" type systems. Bio-Manipulation no... something that actually shocks... yes.

Society uses distributed processing. People use distributed processing. A player group is a bunch of people working together towards a common goal. They organize and distribute workload in a manner not unlike a computer. They're still separate entities. What affects one does not necessarily affect the other, regardless of physical contact.

If you have a point, it was lost on me. Seems you agree with the "out of range" explanation. Herp-a-derping over simplified explanations is unnecessary.

I'm replying to this one because it's just the last one of the bunch, but I'm going to go ahead and try to simplify this and say that Telemechanics is a power best left to the interpretation of the GM. Personally, I tend to stretch powers/abilities if I find what the character is doing to be clever and I allow it. But again, I'm thinking it's more of a to each his own kind of thing

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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by Failgoat »

my personal favorite is without a doubt the cosmo-knight. but some of my players have made some really good ones over the years.

1. shifter. never took this class all that serious till my cousin played one and showed how "god-like" they are in a world filled with rifts

2. oni ninja from phase world. i once killed my entire play group with one oni ninja chic. as a gm, it just doesnt get any better than that! :D

3. titan mystic knight self explanatory over powered character.

4. rahu man battle mage the most powerful character i have ever made. seriously, i self-retired him at level 4, it just wasnt fair to the other players.

there are many more but those are the ones coming to mind.
still waiting for another tale from alrik vas....
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Re: What's your favorite powerful Rifts character to play?

Unread post by MikelAmroni »

For physical powerhouse, my Demigod True Atlantean Warlock Marine (Son of Hercules, so I took super strength) was pretty awesome. He also had a Dragon Rod Rune Weapon (I love magic net at will) and still had his Warlock Marine Flying Power Armor. It lacked the subtlety of the high level True Atlantean Undead Slayer or the Godling Daughter of Hades and Persophone, but it was fun none the less.

More recently I made a demigod (of Ameratsu) Oni Monk (using the wormwood monk class using the defensive option, though I could probably remake it with Demon Queller if I tried) and who had a Millennium Staff. It was powerful, but it was also not a very aggressive character either. He was made as a pacifist scholar who was none the less intent on putting himself in harms way if it defended another - though usually it was either to take the damage or somehow dissipate it.
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