Practical Uses for Powers

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Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Okay, what about the average joe who doesn't want to dress up in tights and wrestle with villians (or heroes) in the city streets for a living, but who has somehow gotten super powers?

For example, if I got super powers right now, in the really-real world, most of them wouldn't do me a heck of a lot of good.
Sure, they'd be fun.
I'd even be willing to use them on bad guys, and do the hero bit.
But I don't have the time, energy, or money to run around at night hoping to run into criminals.
Say I happen to be walking to school one day and am hit by a stray cosmic beam of energy while being bitten by a radioactive critter of some sort...

Let me roll randomly to see what I'd get...

1 Major and 2 minor powers... (Roll some more dice)

Okay, Now I have the powers of:

Heightened Sense of Smell
Maniuplate Kinetic Energy

Animal Abilities: Nocturnal

What the heck good is that going to do me?
I suppose that I could start advertising that my odd-jobs business includes removing racoons, opossums, etc. from people's houses.
I could work longer hours without a flashlight. Whee.
I wouldn't need my glasses anymore, which would rock!
If I fell out of a tree I was working on, I'd take half damage.

Really, all these powers would be fun (except for the Super Smell ability. That would mostly suck.), and I sure wouldn't turn them down, but they wouldn't do me a heck of a lot of good.

I guess I could use my Manipulate Kinetic Energy power to become a baseball player. Of course, I don't like baseball and there are probably plenty of athletes out there who could outplay me even with my super powers....

More likely, I'd try to get my PI license (which I am already working on) and use my super sense of smell powers to help track missing people.

Roll randomly and see what you would get, then try to see what you would actually do with the powers in your real everyday life.
Let me know.
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Unread post by Snowtiger »

Control Radiation
A great power for a worker in a nuclear power plant, you'd never have to use those clumsy rad suits when taking care of minor core insulation breaches.

Animal Abilities/Control Insects & Arachnids
Great powers for various animal handlers at any given zoo. The characters with the former would always take care of animals of their type, using the more subtle aspects of their power(understanding of general grunts, growls and whines as well as expressions and body language, essentially being one of their own) to help vets and visitors to understand the animals better.

The characters with the latter would be the keepers of the various insect houses at any given zoo. Their power would help them in their job, allowing them to take care of their insects and arachnids better.

Underwater Abilities
Now here's a good one for professional divers and such. When you've got this power, you can say goodbye to clumsy diver's gear and pressure-related diseases. You can go in naked in most situations, but you should wear at least a wetsuit for esthetic purposes(somebody looking out a minisub cupola isn't counting on seeing your... ehm, private parts dangling about in the currents, when the depth gauge shows about a mile in depth).

Alter Physical Body
A natural power for international spies and such. With this you'll be able to slip through most tight spots, as you can alter your appearance at will.
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Unread post by ZEN »

LOL, unlike many of the more sane posters on the boards here, I really would go out and do the whole super hero thing.. my father was a fireman, then a security guard, even when we owned a fresh fish business our family busted an illegal shellfish trader.. I have participated in a town watchdog posse that led to the arrest of some burglers, I've chased off street kids spray painting on shop walls, and I guess I just have that "Hey punk, why don't you pick on someone your own size" mentality.

Give me so much as one minor super power in real life and I'm off to the shops to buy me a super hero outfit!
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

ZEN wrote:LOL, unlike many of the more sane posters on the boards here, I really would go out and do the whole super hero thing.. my father was a fireman, then a security guard, even when we owned a fresh fish business our family busted an illegal shellfish trader.. I have participated in a town watchdog posse that led to the arrest of some burglers, I've chased off street kids spray painting on shop walls, and I guess I just have that "Hey punk, why don't you pick on someone your own size" mentality.

Give me so much as one minor super power in real life and I'm off to the shops to buy me a super hero outfit!

roll yourself up some random powers and let us know how you'd go about being a super hero.
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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

Alrighty then, for the sake of the exercise let's roll on Kittenstomp's expanded mutant random power tables, and for the powers themselves...

44 -- Five Minor Abilities
Roll 1: Shadow Stepping
An incredibly useful power the more I think of it, particularly at night. Extremely useful when tailing someone as a private investigator, and also when being tailed by one ("Hey, I thought he went down this dead end alley..."). Also handy when trying to avoid using the subway after midnight (just shadow step your way home), and also when trying to get into theme parks, sporting events, or concerts after dark. Combined with the Antennae you could be a pretty good P.I. at night. Only catch is, you're pretty much screwed in well-lit areas or during the daytime.

Roll 2: Indestructible Bones
This would be good for any professional athlete (particularly a football player), professional stuntman, bull/bronco rider, or the aforementioned private investigator ("Okay Guido -- let's see you break both my legs!").

Roll 3: Antennae
As you've basically become a human bloodhound, this also would come in handy everywhere we use 'sniffer dogs' now -- searching for survivors/casualties in collapsed buildings (as has already been mentioned), tracking lost people/escaped criminals, sniffing out hidden drugs or explosives, gas leaks, etc. Also good for testing air fresheners, cooking (also mentioned before), and also never having to ask "Hey honey, what's for dinner?" Also could lead to some good work as a general contractor -- determining drafts/leaks around doors, windows, fireplaces, etc. Oh yeah, and there'd be absolutely NO doubt as to when the baby's diaper needs changing... :ugh The main downside is that they're not effective when covered... so I'd have to rig up some headgear that made it look like they were part of it ("Hey, it's my lucky alien hat!")

Roll 4: Super Bounce
Again, handy for a professional football player (I've heard the phrase "He just bounces off the tacklers" too many times to ignore that one) or a professional stuntman. If you want to be a professional courier, using the bounce as a means of transportation could be useful as well as fun. Oh, and I have to say it -- you could always get work in a bar as (what else?) a BOUNCER! :lol:

Roll 5: Weightlessness
Again, good for a professional stuntman (falling off buildings) or professional cheerleader (let's put Servo at the top of that human pyramid). There's also working for NASA and helping to instruct astronauts on the in's and out's of working/maneuvering in zero-G. You can also help your child at the local kite-flying contest with the neatest kite of them all -- YOU.

CONCLUSION: This guy would make a good bomb/drug sniffer, pro stuntman, pro football player, or private investigator. Oh, and human kite. :ok:
Last edited by Uncle Servo on Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by PigLickJF »

Well, I got 4 minors:

Supervision: X-ray.
Ok, I admit, I'd likely use this one mostly to look through the clothes of hot chicks. It would be neat not to have to open the fridge or cupboards to choose a snack, too. On a more benevolent level, I'd gladly volunteer to help out with searching for survivors of various disasters across the globe.

Body Weapons
Well, I suppose I'd feel a bit safer walking down those dark alleys and such...mostly though, it would just be really handy to never have to go searching for a damn screwdriver, hammer etc when one is needed.

Energy Expulsion: Fire
This one I honestly probably wouldn't use much. Again, it would make me feel a bit safer in terms of self-defense, but purposely setting another person on fire is something I would only do under the most dire of circumstances. Other than lighting an occasional campfire or setting off some fireworks or something, I doubt I'd get much use out of this one.

Heightened sense of smell
Well, this would certainly make me even more vaulable in my capacity as a disaster search and rescue worker. Might improve my cooking a bit also. Would be kind of nice to not be as easy to sneak up on, but as was mentioned earlier, this seems like it would also be a major pain in the butt. Too many unpleasant smells too often to want to have this as a full-time power.


Unread post by HeroPenguin »

Sasquatch? Ice man that can become different beasts, like the sasquatch who keeps changing in description? Iono.

As for powers, I rolled on Kittenstomp's tables (gotta love 'em) and got one major and two minor:

Catastrophic System Failure,
and Enhanced Leaping.

... Shoot. System Failure I would probably never use in my day-to-day life, Giant is just funny, because I'm kinda small to begin with, and Enhanced Leaping... cool, but not that useful. Damn, I got screwed. Giant I could use to join a sport, but I don't really care about them, and Enhanced Leaping I guess could... I dunno, make me a good gymnast? These may help me be a decent hero, which is something I could definitely see myself doing, but other than that, boosauce. >_<
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Ive got APS stone
Ive got mecano link
and ive got Xray vision

APS stone is pretty sweet it will be nice to be that strong and tough
The sweetist power is Xray vision, this power will give me a reason
to live I will abuse it every chance I get.

The next sweetest power is mecano link Id use this power to become
a hacker id likely use this power to create my own webcomic and website
id also use it to hack into my online enemys computers inorder to crash them....
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by RockJock »

Uncle Servo:
You could be some giant bouncing ball. Sort of like a super bouncy ball.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

PigLickJF wrote:Energy Expulsion: Fire
This one I honestly probably wouldn't use much. Again, it would make me feel a bit safer in terms of self-defense, but purposely setting another person on fire is something I would only do under the most dire of circumstances. Other than lighting an occasional campfire or setting off some fireworks or something, I doubt I'd get much use out of this one.

Well, you could always learn how to weld...
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Unread post by znbrtn »

i gave it a try on ks's tables. i got 2 and 2
first one that i got was totem energy aura. probably only useful when i need to get somewhere. the fact that it damages anything it touches severely limits my interaction ability.
next i got regen: ultima. quite possibly one of my favorite powers in anything. i probably wouldn't WANT to use it all the time, but i probably would anyway. it seems that it would pretty much destroy my sense of fear.
then i got apsl ice........... i guess it would be easier to cool warm soda? this power seems almost useless in a lot of everyday situations.
finally, i got radar. it's hard to think of any SPECIFIC situations that i would use it in, but i would probably end up using it pretty much everywhere.
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Unread post by PigLickJF »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
PigLickJF wrote:Energy Expulsion: Fire
This one I honestly probably wouldn't use much. Again, it would make me feel a bit safer in terms of self-defense, but purposely setting another person on fire is something I would only do under the most dire of circumstances. Other than lighting an occasional campfire or setting off some fireworks or something, I doubt I'd get much use out of this one.

Well, you could always learn how to weld...

Heh, yah, i thought about stuff like that, but technically that power doesn't necessarily allow you to little delicate stuff like that. You can adjust how much damage it does (to a degree), but it's still a "flamethrower like blast or bolt." I guess it would be up to the person who got Major: GM Power- PigLick to decide if I could use it like that or not ;).

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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

Oh, by the way... I went back and edited my original post, filling in some practical uses for my powers.

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Enlarge Body Parts.

I am so wrong.
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Unread post by ZEN »

Alrighty, lets see what I get..
33: Two major super abilities (oh great, I'm a munchkin..)
17: Roll on the APS sub table (yep, definately munchkin)
92: APS: Wood (Whoa.. thats pretty cool)
35: Divine Aura (LOL, cheese, pure cheese)
But wait, what about mutations?
12: None (awww man, ok, so turning into wood is weird enough I guess)

Well I guess I become the spokesman for Greenpeace.. Sign up for the Kyoto accord America or feel my wrath!
I'd visit schools and speak to concert crowds about the importance of eating fruit and vegetables and urge people not to buy furniture and products built using non-recyclable materials or wood from native forests.

How sappy
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Unread post by Iczer »

thagema wrote:Well, I figured I would give this a shot

OK, well, in real life I would take advantage of the Blue to Green program and go from the Navy to the Army and volunteer for service in Iraq. From there I would use these nifty abilities to take on some of those scum-sucking terrorists! In my off time, I would make ice for all my fellow soldiers' drinks and provide air conditioning! :-)...

Points, Laughs and then shakes his head.

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Unread post by Zenvis »

Maxam wrote:Vibration.


Enlarge Body Parts.

I am so wrong.

:thwak: I should of known that those naughty thoughts would slip in.
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Unread post by John Stargazer »

14: One Major, Three Minors.

36: Divine Aura
54 - 92: Wingless Flight
11 - 29: Extraordinary Physical Beauty
13 - 03: Extraordinary Mental Affinity

... I'm surprised I got rolls that work so well together.

Politics? Acting?

Something along those lines, I suppose.
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Unread post by John Stargazer »

I'm not religious enough to do it for real or hypocritical enough to fake it. ;)
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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

thagema wrote:
John Stargazer wrote:I'm not religious enough to do it for real or hypocritical enough to fake it. ;)

Well, if your not a hypocrit, then you pretty much just lost the politician part as well!

And a well-placed TAG by thagema! :ok::lol:

I guess that leaves acting then... so he can be the actor, and I'll be the stuntman with my indestructable bones and super-bouncing.

Just remember, the key to acting is sincerity. If you can fake that, you've got it made. :ok:
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Ok, here's what I got rolling on kittenstomp's tables:
5 minors

1)spit spikes: I can't be disarmed, so I could use this to assasinate people, errr or to stop terrorists, that sneeak o nto the plain...

2)unnoteworthy/forgettable: Again useful for an assasin. or a reporter, trying to sneak some where.

3)physical perfection: useful for flirting with guards who catch me trying to be somewhere I shouldn't...

4)healing factor:useful for running away(doesn't fatigue) or healing damage induced by above said guards...

5)Flight:space:useful for sneaking in somewhere I shouldn't be...

I also got "none" when I rolled for mutant characteristics, and adaptive reproduction....

I rolled pretty good, all in all.So I can see some interesting possibilities, I could be an investigative journalist, undrrcover cop/fed, or better yet go to work for NASA, as I'm fit enough and Flight:Space seems tailor made for an astronaut.
ANd then their are my kids....
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

Angryjack wrote:But I'm fertile.. Although... I wonder how many women would have me after I started to keep growing...

I will not comment... I will not comment... I will not comment... :lol:

Seems to me that you'd have problems fitting in no matter which one you took... but truth be told, I kinda like the experiment version better. Sounds like more fun (at least early on, you'd make one heck of an NBA player)... and you could have some fun messing around with the seismologists out in California, etc. -- "Hey y'all, watch me freak 'em out..." *causes a rumbling sound down in the earth*
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

OK, I finally broke down and decided that I have to get in on this one. Let's see what I roll......

97: Powers Affected by Emotions: At level one the Mutant receives one Major Super Ability and two Minor Super abilities (01-40) 4 Minor abilities (41-70) or 2 Major abilities (71-00). When upset emotionally the mutant’s powers will become more difficult to control, roll one the following table for specific effect. Will last for 1d4 minutes.

Not too bad (as long as I don't let my emotions get the better of me that is)

91: 2 Major abilities (Yes!)
90: Roll on the Superhuman Biology sub-table / 08: Divine Healing (PU1)

Not too bad. I kinda like this one actually. I can heal myself and other people. Cool

30: Roll on the Control Force sub-table / 17: Control Elemental Force: Earth (HU2)

Sweet. One of my favs.

69: Wild: The mutant loses all control of his powers. Abilities work either at full power or not at all, the mutant cannot control how much energy he is putting into anything. Furthermore, in this state all powers (unless contradictory) will activate.

Oh man, this could be bad. CEF: Earth activated at full power when I get upset. Combined with my Irish temper I can see this one getting messy real quick. Now to roll on the Mutant Characteristics table...

45: Two
35: Unusual Body / 05: Stocky: +50 lbs, +1d4 PS, +4d6 SDC, Superhuman Strength, -1 PB

bigger, stronger...guess I can live with that

82: Miscellaneous / 50: Fangs or Sharp Teeth: The character has an almost bestial appearance and powerful teeth & jaws. A bite attack does 2d6 damage.

Hmmm, wasn't counting on anything like that. Now I'm stocky with bestial teeth and jaws. Could be interesting being me. At least I've got Superhuman strength and can heal myself. They'll come in handy looking like this.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I decided to try rolling up a real life random experiment, just to see.

Nature: Chemical and radiation. Probably from smoking cigarettes and drinking as much as I do. And from sitting in front of a computer screen with the sun shining on me. Oh yeah, and my cell phone.

I'll ignore the nature of experiment part. Powers. 59%- two major.
Side effects. Breathe without Air, 77%. Nice, I like it.

Going by HU2 only.
1st major- 45%. Negate Super Powers. If other people in the world have super powers also, then I've just been forcibly drafted by the government. But, since I'm a waiter, this is pretty much useless.

2nd major- 96%. Transferral/Possession. Again, useless for a waiter. But, extremely useful for various reasons my evil mind can think up.

Well, in my line of work, this is pretty much useless.

Now, using Kittenstomps tables. I'll use the same rolls.

1st major. 45%. Dimensional Manipulation subtables. 96%. Teleport. I can see how this would be useful to a waiter. I can go from kitchen to table in an instant. Of course, I'll need to see where I'm going. People move around constantly. Plus, getting to work would be easier. Screw worrying about parking spaces.

2nd major. 97%. Superhuman Biology subtable. 47%. Power Touch. Well, no more worrying about broken or chipped dishes. If something is chipped, I consider it a destroyed part, and not shattered. That's about it.

Either way, I have something useful. I like the second version better. Although both allow me to embark on a lucrative criminal career.

This is actually pretty fun. I'm gonna try totally random char generation. I'll just use the table in PU2, and Kittenstomp's where I need to.

91%. Alien. Wow, I can look like ET.

16%. Human like. Nevermind what I said previously. I still look like me. At least ET had a glowing finger and stuff.

81%. So close to Twilight world. Ah well. I'm from an Aquatic world. Since I look human, I think I'll go for not having gills.

44%. I don't like that. So I'll assume it said Mutant.

Let's try again. 44%. On Kittenstomp's table I have two unusual characteristics.

17%. Unusual skin. Wonderful.

58%. Tough skin. Great. I'm dense.

81%. Trauma induced change. Now let's see how many powers I have.

90%. 2 majors. Now the trauma part makes no sense. Let's reroll.

7%. I major and three minor.

90%. I'll do a minor first(determined by coin flip). Dimension Warping.

96%. Shadow Stepping. Rather useless. I work at a restaurant, not a haunted house. Of course, the criminal possibilities are nice.

62%. Another minor(again, coin flip). Matter Expulsion. Wonderful.

47%. Sleep Dust. Well, I can pretty much calm down most drunken fights. That's actually extremely useful. Also good for being a criminal.

12%. Major this time, due to the flip. APS subtable.

64%. APS: Rubber. I knew I'd get this one. Well, at least I can carry a bunch of plates. And, working at the bar would be much easier. Wouldn't have to walk very far. Of course, this still fits with the criminal motif also.

51%. Flight.

30%. Flight: Hover. I'm so happy. At least it's not glide. I wouldn't have to worrying about tripping or spilling when I have to move quickly. Well, move more than walking speed. I guess this might fit into being a criminal.

Well. This post showed three things.
1. I wasted time writing this.
2. Some people actually wasted time reading it.
3. If I get super powers, I'm gonna be a criminal. :)
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Hmmm I'm not satsfied how it ended for me. Here is the why :x
roll on mutant table
Metamorphosis: 1 Major 3 minors, at 5th level reroll powers and mutations
mhh seem that is better for me not aim for long term job
I roll on fertility talbe and i result sterile, well not much a problem for me, au countraire, this is the best news I could get, so far.
Let's check powers:
01 Heightened sense - 15 Heightened sense of Balance: ghh don't know for what I could use this, well i can work at great heights , for a while at least
77 Energy control - 56 exploding spheres: well usefull for parties, and for the end of year, If iw as american this would me me hot for 4th july.
81 energy control- 08 Charge object with explosive energy : mhh don't know for real work but thing are goign better, I basically cause things go boom whenever i go...not very lucrative but damn funny
for the major power
03 Absoprtion sub table 24 Borrow Power : Well i could earn some money for a while fighting other supehumans . seem a work that would pay well
Mutant trait :
Odd eye color: Grey (damn i wished for glowing eyes)
Odd Hair color: Bright Red flame (but if I'm almost bald!!! I've hair only on back and side of head and i shave it!!!)
Miscellaneous: Large goat like horns(well this at least will definitally hide the baldness)
now this will stuck untill i reach 5th level (don't know how much time it will took)
at 5th level i reroll my powers and mutat trait and I got
Heightened sense of awareness: good bye mountain and ballrooms, and welcome paranoia
anatomical indipendece: huh???!!! the freakiest power , well at least I'll not have to worry about being dismembered, plus there are plenty of nice advatage, i could watch tv with one eye , work at comp with my right hand and remaining eye, while the rest of me go to get a beer, Heigtened awareness help here a lot
Disintegration: hmm I'm starting to worry being defenseless against old enemies from my old mutant hunting times, plus i could make fortune in getting people rid of trash(mountain of trash, city invaded by filth, no problem call me at...)
The major power is what truly **** me off, no really is the power i truly hate, it make me angry, is the latest powers i will choose, given a chance
Holographic memory projection.... :-( :x of all sxxtty stinky miserable, lame, powers, just this i've to got!!! I mean if it was an holographic projection that allow me to project whatever i think, that would have been funny, I could entertain myself and others playing varint of movies or else(I alwayes dreamed to make a animated movie and work in animations field). but as it is now the only good thing for me is the holographic disguise. Plus I'm not a camera fan, so to speak, I dont like it, I dont have great love for it and generally I dont use it at all, Apower tha tturn me into aliving camera, well is prolly a waste. Well on the positive side i got photographic memory(i would have the same with heightened sense of recall wihtout wasting a major power)
Mutant Trait lemme see
Odd Hair color: stark white(like someone would notice, I shave my head since i was 16)
Unusual ears: Alien appearence (look like fins). Well I lsot my horns but i got some ears would make the envy fo spok
Unusual skin color: Green (Green?? now with such ears people start think i'm an alien. well better than demon i suppose)

Holographic memory poor-jection, I cannot beleive it, the dumbest and lamest power in absolute!!!
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Tyciol wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Heightened Sense of Smell
Maniuplate Kinetic Energy

Animal Abilities: Nocturnal

What the heck good is that going to do me?Really, all these powers would be fun and I sure wouldn't turn them down, but they wouldn't do me a heck of a lot of good.

Well let's see... you can control 2D4+1 nocturnal animals at level one...
You're excellent at browling around... and can see 10x better than most people... yes most of your work would orient around spying on others. In combat, your nocturnal buddies could help you, like vampire bats sucking opponent's necks. Manipulate kinetic energy is one of the best minor powers out there, you'd be really good in combat using it. Using throwing darts and combined with your stealth, perhaps learn some martial arts skills and you could do a ninja motif. You might even charge and throw your animals at people, like that crazy cat-throwing old woman from the Simpsons. Remember, living creatures are still objects, just ones that move.

Yeah, but the point of the post is what I would actually do with these powers.
I'm not a super-hero.
I run an Odd Jobs business and go to college.
I haven't gotten into a fight in years, not because I can't fight (Brown belt in Tae Kwon Do) but because it just hasn't come up in my life.
So combat skills would be nice, but aren't that likely to help me out any in real life.

But I suppose that mice count as Nocturnal Animals.
So I could get those pesky mice out of my kitchen...
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

quester wrote:OK, my turn, a mutant. Since I do not have PU 1 or 2 I'll just use HU2.
Cause: 41-60 (roled 52) Genitic Aberration
Unusual Physical Characteristics: 31-34 (rolled 33) Strange ears; 1-20 (rolled 02) Pointy. No problem there, already have one pointy ear.
Super Abilities: 31-45 (rolled 38) 1 Major Super Abilitie & 2 Minor Abilities
Major first: 76-77 (rolled 76) Multiple Beings/Selves 51-00 (rolled 53) 1 copy per level. Minor 51-54 (rolled 54) Healing Factor, 82-84 (rolled 83) Energy Resistance
OK, what to do with this, well I could start by using my copies to work at a fast food place while I go to school. Energy Resitance would keep minor burns from occuring while flipping burgers and such. Since Healing Factor makes it impossible to be tired get two jobs. Assuming minumum wage ($5.25/hr) at 40 hours with 2 jobs should give me a gross income of $21,840. This is with one copy. Add another $22,000 a year with every new duplicate. If the jobs I am working at have tuition reimbursment then get that from EACH job. Even after receiving a degree, keep the copies working in fast food for extra cash and to help with any reports. I could be a committee of one so to speak. "Sure boss, I can handle that big project that just came in. No, no, I don't need any extra help I'll take care of it."

Great Answer!

You might try training as an electrician... the Energy Resistance would come in handy for that, and it pays better than flipping burgers...
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

quester wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
quester wrote:OK, my turn, a mutant. Since I do not have PU 1 or 2 I'll just use HU2.
Cause: 41-60 (roled 52) Genitic Aberration
Unusual Physical Characteristics: 31-34 (rolled 33) Strange ears; 1-20 (rolled 02) Pointy. No problem there, already have one pointy ear.
Super Abilities: 31-45 (rolled 38) 1 Major Super Abilitie & 2 Minor Abilities
Major first: 76-77 (rolled 76) Multiple Beings/Selves 51-00 (rolled 53) 1 copy per level. Minor 51-54 (rolled 54) Healing Factor, 82-84 (rolled 83) Energy Resistance
OK, what to do with this, well I could start by using my copies to work at a fast food place while I go to school. Energy Resitance would keep minor burns from occuring while flipping burgers and such. Since Healing Factor makes it impossible to be tired get two jobs. Assuming minumum wage ($5.25/hr) at 40 hours with 2 jobs should give me a gross income of $21,840. This is with one copy. Add another $22,000 a year with every new duplicate. If the jobs I am working at have tuition reimbursment then get that from EACH job. Even after receiving a degree, keep the copies working in fast food for extra cash and to help with any reports. I could be a committee of one so to speak. "Sure boss, I can handle that big project that just came in. No, no, I don't need any extra help I'll take care of it."

Great Answer!

You might try training as an electrician... the Energy Resistance would come in handy for that, and it pays better than flipping burgers...

That is a possibility, but since I would have to learn everyting first it would be a lot more work than working in fast food, I know how to do all that now.

Sure... I was thinking a bit more long-term. If you have any aptitude or interest you could pick up the electrician thing pretty quick.

You could also win bets at bars by licking batteries or sticking a fork in an outlet...
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5 minor

Extra. ordinary. PE
personal force field
highten sense of smell
Physical perfection
EE. fire

Hum...actually, Ex.or. PE + Phys. per. + P forc shield works pretty good together.

heighten sense of smell... and fire expultion don't really fit.

I'd probably just be a really good looking pimp.
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DarkBrandon wrote:5 minor

Extra. ordinary. PE
personal force field
highten sense of smell
Physical perfection
EE. fire

Hum...actually, Ex.or. PE + Phys. per. + P forc shield works pretty good together.

heighten sense of smell... and fire expultion don't really fit.

I'd probably just be a really good looking pimp.

What, you're a pimp now?
Or have ambitions of being one?
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Killer Cyborg wrote:
DarkBrandon wrote:5 minor

Extra. ordinary. PE
personal force field
highten sense of smell
Physical perfection
EE. fire

Hum...actually, Ex.or. PE + Phys. per. + P forc shield works pretty good together.

heighten sense of smell... and fire expultion don't really fit.

I'd probably just be a really good looking pimp.

What, you're a pimp now?
Or have ambitions of being one?

Well, I don't like to tute my own I gets my hoz to do that.

I wouldn't say I have a strong pimp hand, but when I walk by, ketchup bottles explode.

The Highen sense of smell would work well to let me know when my hoz is holdin out on me, and the EX fire...well...sometimes you need to keep your property in line.
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Unread post by Amberjack »

First Post, although know this thread has been inactive for a while decided to add to it anyway.
rolled mutant on Kittenstomps tables
80 % Powers grow with age
-Major: Force Aura
-Minor: Gravitational Plane
-Minor: Space Native
at progressive levels
-lvl:3 Flight-wingless
-lvl:6 Gravity control
-lvl:10 Supervision- Adv. Sight
-lvl:15 Longevity

rolled five mutant Characteristics
1. - Ambidextrous
2. - Odd hair Color-Dark Blue
3. - Odd Face- Angelic
4. - Tough Bones
5. - Incredibly Tall ( 7ft)

Also Divergent Evolution

with these I could see myself in the space program, perhaps volunteering for first manned Mars mission
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Unread post by JTwig »

HeroPenguin wrote:Sasquatch? Ice man that can become different beasts, like the sasquatch who keeps changing in description? Iono.

As for powers, I rolled on Kittenstomp's tables (gotta love 'em) and got one major and two minor:

Catastrophic System Failure,
and Enhanced Leaping.

... Shoot. System Failure I would probably never use in my day-to-day life, Giant is just funny, because I'm kinda small to begin with, and Enhanced Leaping... cool, but not that useful. Damn, I got screwed. Giant I could use to join a sport, but I don't really care about them, and Enhanced Leaping I guess could... I dunno, make me a good gymnast? These may help me be a decent hero, which is something I could definitely see myself doing, but other than that, boosauce. >_<

You mentioned sports. Just think of the basketball player you would make. You wouldn't even have to be a skilled shot, as you could leap from one end of the court to another and dunk the ball without dribbling once.
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Unread post by Sasqaricious »

Sure why not I am bored at work
Mutant - 79 - Powers grow with age (22 - 1 major, 2 minors)

Well lets see what happens starting with mutations......6 by this table

And where the dice land I got
Extraordinary Perception
Feline eyes
Very Bushy full hair
Lightweight bones
Tough Bones (Hmmm odd but who am I to argue)
Stocky - not much of a stretch for me as most people consider me stocky anyway.

Nothing major there at least I do not have to hide what I look like

Now for powers, I will include the progression ones as well and roll on Kittenstomps tables.

Minor 1 - 20 - Alternate Biology - 65 - Space Native (Cool)
Minor 2 - 45 - Enhanced Structural Capacity - 45 - Indestructible Bones
Major 1 - 46 - Enhanced Biology - 92 - Super Regeneration

Arguably none of these jobs help me in my day, but could come in handy for new careers.
For practical use.....any of the jobs that have hazardous environments would work.....become a nuclear technician.

Now for progression....

Level 3 - 90 - a major - 88 - Control Energy - 33 - Energy absorbtion
Level 6 - 01 - a minor - 54 - Flight - 52 - Flying force Disk
Level 10 - 97 - a major - 48 - Enhanced Biology - 30 - Immortality
Level 15 - 89 - a major - 14 - Speed - 00 - Superluminal Flight

Definitely cool....when and if I get to 15 and get bored of this world I can leave....that could be fun.
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Unread post by Al Blotto »

98 -- Two Major Abilities
Roll 1: 29: Intangibility

Roll 2: 97: Transferal/Possession

The best I can think of is using Intangibility to go from my second story room to the basement, sitting on the couch with the TV and using Possession to make my roommates bring me popcorn.
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Unread post by TJ_1976 »

I figure a mutation is more likely to happen then any cosmic rays, so I rolled on the following from Kittenstomp, Mutant power selection and mutant characteristics, and then the powers.

Mutant Characteristics: *2* characteristics: Unusual Ears: Pointed, and Odd eye color:Metallic Silver, red, or gold. Though I have gray eyes with gold flecks IRL so I don't understand this section very much on having yellow and gray as selections.

For powers I went to the Mutant power table and rolled a 8, 1 major and three minors, which I rolled First.

Minor 1: Instant Weapon

Minor 2: Spit Spikes

Minor 3: Night Stalking

Then I rolled the Major Power of Energy Doppleganger out of Energy Control power section.

I could easily see myself using these powers often considering the Instant weapon , even though in the book says only weapons, the pocket dimension doesn't know, or maybe it goes by your idea of a weapon, which I would be able to stick almost anything in there, cause I know almost anything can be used as a weapon, though jelly doughnuts only work as weapons on cops :-P

Energy Doppleganger would be the easiest power to use cause it wont be you getting hurt. spit spikes would be odd, not as fast as a gun ,but faster then a knife, and no matter how you use it it is basically gonna get you in court the first time you use it as attempted man slaughter.

I might carry a ski mask cause their common and anyone could have one, to stop the identifying of this person with powers. Night stalking seems wrong to me, like the power of one of my ex girlfriends. but some guy creeping around at night might get the cops called on you more often then not. , thats my two cents.
Last edited by TJ_1976 on Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by LostOne »

This seems like a fun thread that deserves to be kept alive.
rolled 1 major 2 minor

Mechanical Awareness - makes me a shoo-in for Secret Service, Law
Enforcement, bomb disposal, etc.

Energy Expulsion: Force Blast - seems to fit in well with the above.

Indestructible - Hmm....let's make my...bulletproof vest (the rigid plastic kind) indestructible...Or windshield of the vehicle I'm driving at the sniper, etc.

Definitely not powers I'd pick on my own, but they do seem to be something that could work well together.
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Unread post by Jesterzzn »

Okay, rolling on the generic table on p.226...

09: One Major, and 3 Minor.

  • (75) Mecano-Link - I suppose there are many possibilities here. Lets see what else I get...
  • (70:26) Extraordinary Physical Strength - Nice to have. My P.S is probably under 20 already so it gets a nice bump up to 29. That means I can lift about 5800 pounds over my head, or about the equivalent of a large family sedan. So maybe, construction work or strongman competitions (boy would I look out of place).
  • (16) Energy Expulsion: Fire - I guess another welder and cigarette lighter.
  • (17) Re-roll
  • (16) Okaay...
  • (55) Supervision: X-Ray - Which is pretty funny since my real job is as a shift manager in a hospital radiology department. I guess now I don't even need the machines. If only I had rolled for Magnetism I could do my own MRI scans. :lol:

All together the powers don't seem to coordinate too well, however there are several things I could do individually. Obviously with my major power, being an Electrical Engineer would be as easy as thought. However I would probably use it for more mundane things like kicking the crap out of people in video games. 8-)
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Unread post by Iczer »

Quester wrote:
Seradan wrote:IF you reabsorb the copies, you get all their knowledge... I'd flip the burgers and send them out to get the degrees... then I'd reabsorb them, gain the knowledge (and obviously my name would be on the degree...) and then spit out new, fully educated copies... Keep one or two going to school for new things all the time, and then reabsorbing all of them and spitting them back out.... If you get rich enough, you could start using plastic surgery on your dupes, and then create a whole team all working together... You imagine 2-5-10 copies all working with the knowledge of about 15 different degrees? Even if you don't retain much, if your IQ is even fairly good, you'll be set...

I'd definitely be spewing out new guys with more credentials though... Either work in my own business where I can submit fake reports and just contract things out, or, I'd send them to completely different jobs and earn a bunch of incomes...

Imagine this scenario: You've got a deadline, and you've got 5 clones... You wake up with the clones inside you and get yourself ready until you are about 15 minutes before you're ready to walk out of the door.. You pop out all your clones, they, already having been shaved, showered etc, just need to put on their respective clothing and masks of some sort...

You go into work where everyone on your team follows you as the leader, and you work together with one mind, even though you've been an amalgam of experiences.. So you have less need to debate, argue or fight... Anything that is said is known at the end of the day, and everyone grows during each experience... You'd be a team that knew exacttly what tweaked everyone else off, and it would do it for you as well...

You'd be very rich, very quickly... If you don't know enough in a given area, one clone studies it while everyone else works on their respective works.. When one becomes an expert, they all do...

Come to think of it, those of you who know Star Trek could easily think of it as a tiny Borg collective... Only a few people, but extremely capable...

The only problem is that according to the rules, only the original can learn new skills.

actually, i think it says only the original can gain in, I always interperated, Experience points.

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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

I got a mutant with ambidextrous and 2 majors. Copy Physical Structure and Slo Motion Control. Got Mutant recepter for the genetics thing. Great, I'm Grunge with the ability to make others go slow. Bleach, lets try that again.

Whoo-Hoo! Stocky and Broad! I'm a freaking amazon! IRL I'm about six foot five or so, so i would be almost that wide. Not sombody any normal person would want to meet down a dark alley... Got three more, so here we go. retractable claws, two toned eyes (Green whites with silver ireses), and very long hair (sweet! I can finally have my pony-tail!). For the genetics area, synchronus evolution.
This time i rolled 4 minors, oh goody!
1) Wingless flight. Sweet, no more rush hour traffic for me, and I can play oh so many pranks with this... muahahahaha!
2) Re-rolled this one, was superhuman PS, but I already got that. Received Speed Tasking. Excellent, I already pretty much wander through my job in a daze, now I can daydream even more! 3) Solar Powered. Even better, just move to Hawaii, and most of my material needs will be met.
4) And finally, Underwater abilities. Wow, guess I will be moving to Hawaii later on. What with the ability to fly, not need food, and breath underwater I will be a shoe-in for lifeguard and tour guide. Maybe be a search and rescue agent...
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by LostOne »

GammaGreen wrote:I think I just turned myself into a torpedo :wink:

You'd need self-explosion for that to be effective. :)

But interesting group of powers, for sure.
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

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Origin wrote:And maybe excrete some burn-soothing aloe.
That is so gross I award you "BEST FIRST POST EVAR!"
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

ok first roll 7 Im a symbiot
Apperance-buglike things that scurry under
the skin

400 year life span

food source human waste

benifits for the host rolled a 4
increased hit points
increased reflexes
lets the host breath in air water vacume
increased body control

super powers
two major and two minors 86
Force manupulation
Distort space
wingless flight
super human strength

wow this is freaking awsome
but in the end I would just use it to move around
and move stuff with my mind.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Far to fun a thread to let it lie.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Quester wrote:
Seradan wrote:IF you reabsorb the copies, you get all their knowledge... I'd flip the burgers and send them out to get the degrees... then I'd reabsorb them, gain the knowledge (and obviously my name would be on the degree...) and then spit out new, fully educated copies... Keep one or two going to school for new things all the time, and then reabsorbing all of them and spitting them back out.... If you get rich enough, you could start using plastic surgery on your dupes, and then create a whole team all working together... You imagine 2-5-10 copies all working with the knowledge of about 15 different degrees? Even if you don't retain much, if your IQ is even fairly good, you'll be set...

I'd definitely be spewing out new guys with more credentials though... Either work in my own business where I can submit fake reports and just contract things out, or, I'd send them to completely different jobs and earn a bunch of incomes...

Imagine this scenario: You've got a deadline, and you've got 5 clones... You wake up with the clones inside you and get yourself ready until you are about 15 minutes before you're ready to walk out of the door.. You pop out all your clones, they, already having been shaved, showered etc, just need to put on their respective clothing and masks of some sort...

You go into work where everyone on your team follows you as the leader, and you work together with one mind, even though you've been an amalgam of experiences.. So you have less need to debate, argue or fight... Anything that is said is known at the end of the day, and everyone grows during each experience... You'd be a team that knew exacttly what tweaked everyone else off, and it would do it for you as well...

You'd be very rich, very quickly... If you don't know enough in a given area, one clone studies it while everyone else works on their respective works.. When one becomes an expert, they all do...

Come to think of it, those of you who know Star Trek could easily think of it as a tiny Borg collective... Only a few people, but extremely capable...

The only problem is that according to the rules, only the original can learn new skills.

This reminds me of a recent TV show where just before he graduates from HS a guy learns that his sister had magically duplicated him and and sent the duplicate off to college.Her plan is to sipmly merge the two and then he won't hav eot go off to college.
It goes horribly wrong of course, as the duplicate had become a hippy in college and her post-merger brother was now a hippie.
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Nightmask »

Sir_Spirit wrote:
Quester wrote:
Seradan wrote:IF you reabsorb the copies, you get all their knowledge... I'd flip the burgers and send them out to get the degrees... then I'd reabsorb them, gain the knowledge (and obviously my name would be on the degree...) and then spit out new, fully educated copies... Keep one or two going to school for new things all the time, and then reabsorbing all of them and spitting them back out.... If you get rich enough, you could start using plastic surgery on your dupes, and then create a whole team all working together... You imagine 2-5-10 copies all working with the knowledge of about 15 different degrees? Even if you don't retain much, if your IQ is even fairly good, you'll be set...

I'd definitely be spewing out new guys with more credentials though... Either work in my own business where I can submit fake reports and just contract things out, or, I'd send them to completely different jobs and earn a bunch of incomes...

Imagine this scenario: You've got a deadline, and you've got 5 clones... You wake up with the clones inside you and get yourself ready until you are about 15 minutes before you're ready to walk out of the door.. You pop out all your clones, they, already having been shaved, showered etc, just need to put on their respective clothing and masks of some sort...

You go into work where everyone on your team follows you as the leader, and you work together with one mind, even though you've been an amalgam of experiences.. So you have less need to debate, argue or fight... Anything that is said is known at the end of the day, and everyone grows during each experience... You'd be a team that knew exacttly what tweaked everyone else off, and it would do it for you as well...

You'd be very rich, very quickly... If you don't know enough in a given area, one clone studies it while everyone else works on their respective works.. When one becomes an expert, they all do...

Come to think of it, those of you who know Star Trek could easily think of it as a tiny Borg collective... Only a few people, but extremely capable...

The only problem is that according to the rules, only the original can learn new skills.

This reminds me of a recent TV show where just before he graduates from HS a guy learns that his sister had magically duplicated him and and sent the duplicate off to college.Her plan is to sipmly merge the two and then he won't hav eot go off to college.
It goes horribly wrong of course, as the duplicate had become a hippy in college and her post-merger brother was now a hippie.

Reminds me of how someone on another forum site is an obsessed fanboy of Madrox from Marvel with the same reasoning going on. That Madrox can just create copies, send them to learn things then reabsorb them to gain huge amounts of skills and knowledge even though first off your College Engineer clone requires at least four years in college (successful mind you) before it's acquired those engineering skills and has to deal with completely contrary memories ('gee on April 4th I was in the college library studying for exams, oh but I was off rescuing people from a collapsed building that day, but wasn't I off a the track betting on the trifecta?').

So in game even if you could do that there's the obvious 'Sorry while your copy is doing that you've got 4 years of game time to wait before anything useful occurs', as well as 'yeah your copy might have learned Tae Kwon Do but because you absorbed him you failed to gain anything because YOUR body didn't learn it just the copy's'. You also can't expect 5 copies studying the same thing to mean you learn five times faster, they're all you so they make all the same mistakes and aren't going to let you speed things up.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

I recall a character I had with Rocket Fists who worked as a courier, could deliver anywhere faster than anyone...
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Severus Snape
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by Severus Snape »

Ok, so let me see what powers I end up with...

Mutant Power Selection
95 - Powers affected by emotions
  • 43 - 4 Minors
  • 57 - Powers are enhanced, duration, range and damage of powers are enhanced by 30% but cannot be dampened and will do full damage and last full duration.

Minor Powers
51/79 - Underwater Propulsion
49/72 - Underwater Abilities
83/75 - Frequency Absorption
75/00 - EE Sonic Screech

Mutant Characteristics
80 - Four
  • 97/06 - Oversized Arms (+2d4 to PS, strength is extraordinary. -1 PB)
  • 67/61 - Large Clawed Hands (About 50% larger than a normal person’s hands. Damage is 3d6)
  • 89/76 - Unusual Ears, Alien Appearance
  • 22/00 - Unusual Skin Color, Metallic

Wow. While the powers and stuff I rolled do work well together, I'm not exactly thrilled about being turned into a long armed dolphin with claws. Which is essentially what I now am. More comfortable in the water, able to propel myself through the water easily, and I can absorb, redirect, and screech out frequencies. Wow.
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

Switch out the Frequency Absorption (which does not work well under water) with Sonar
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Severus Snape
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Re: Practical Uses for Powers

Unread post by Severus Snape »

In addition to that, I think I'll switch out the oversized arms and the clawed hands for webbed hands and feet. Now I really am an underwater being.
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