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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Specter wrote:Friend in Your Head (minor)

"Bwah! Wah? Who's there?"
"It is critical that you pay attention at this time"

The hero has a voice in his head but this isn't a sign of insanity. There is another intelligence that resides in the character's skull. The intelligence can monitor the outside world and is able to view what is around the hero and also has access to other forms of information retrieval, either connecting to computer systems, the spirit world, or has a vast wealth of memories.

1)The intelligence is able to analyze situations and provide helpful tips during combat. +1 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll

2)The intelligence knows how to do a lot of things or can find out how to do these things. Provides a +10% to any skills (or a base skill of 25%) other than physical. Takes five full minutes to be instructed by the intelligence and the bonus lasts 30 minutes plus 10 minutes per level. Bonus is not cumlative.

Other Bonuses:
+6 Initiative
+4 save vs psionics
+4 save vs mind control

GM note: this power should be able to provide the character with helpful information occassionally but is up to the GM's discretion on how often this occurs.

There are a number of powers on the books similar to this, both by myself and Iczer. This seems weak by comparison.
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Specter wrote:Overhaul (major)

"I have two speeds, crazy fast and grandma's seeing ghosts again fast.

The hero can get into any vehicle and within a few minutes have it purring like a space rocket. Damage is removed and the vehicle is transformed into something better. It shifts and changes becoming a space age version of its self.

Any vehicle is repaired and transformed at 5 cubic feet per melee round. This is happens automatically when the character is behind the steering wheel/control console. And repairs will continue if the vehicle is damaged while the hero is piloting it.

The engine is maxed out and modified with state of the art gear, bringing it to 250% capacity.

The vehicle develops an AR of 15 or gains +5 to the vehicle's AR if there is already one. (bullet proof windows, reinforced plating.)
+250 SDC

The vehicle develops a weapon system even if it wasn't military before.

1) Artillery: The vehicle grows a gun of some kind, machine gun, missle launcher, flame thrower, laser cannon, ect. Chosen as the hero gets into the vehicle.
Range:300 ft + 10 ft per level
Damage: 1D6 + 1D6 per level

2) Electrified Plating: If someone lands on the vehicle they can be fried.
Damage: 4D6

3) Adaptive Gimmick: The hero can have the car develop a specialized gimmick chosen when they first get in the car. A grappling hook, ejector seats, smoke screen, caltrops launcher, jump plates, parachute... ect.

Vehicles don't break down from mechanical failure while this hero is driving.

+15% to any pilot skills the hero has.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Any bonus on the artilliary?

Nah, I figured being able to give a buick a missle launcher or a machine gun was awesome enough.

What is the effective range on the plating, touch?

I suppose I should have put a range on this but it seemed obvious... yeah electrified plating means you would need to be on the plating to be shocked. Like if Batman drops on the top of your car or you slam into Terror and he starts climbing up onto the hood.
This seems a bit low powered for a Major power.

I admit you need a vehicle to make it work but it gives you boosted speed and power, a weapon system, armor, and a gimmick of choice. Every thing a hero needs and they can pick up a car in the city dump to use the power. Not to mention if this hero ever ends up in a cosmic campaign. I'd be happy to revise but I'm not sure what to increase without making it too powerful.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Melee (major)

"I will defeat your southern preying mantis with my shaolin flaming tiger!"

The hero instinctively knows martial arts... every martial art.

1) Identify style: 80%+3% the hero can identify a karate form within a few seconds, knows it's origins, and it's weaknesses. +2 to strike, parry, and dodge if the character spends a full minute studying someone in combat.

2) Change forms: the hero does not pick a hand to hand style at character creation. Instead they can pick any one from Ninjas and Superspies, Mystic China...ect. at the beginning of a melee round the hero can change his martial art form. This takes away all bonuses from the previous form.

3) The hero has this Hand to hand style at 5 levels over his own level.

At 5th level the hero may select two martial arts one 5 levels over his own level at the second at his own level. At level 10 the hero may select a third martial art also at his own level.

Additional Bonuses
+2 PP and PS
+2D4x10 sdc

This just seems WAY overpowered, in my opinion.

It is borderline over powered. I was a little iffy on allowing the third martial art but I was thinking about characters like Iron Fist who can go toe to toe with insane threats and come out on top with only the use of amazing martial art abilities. I suppose I should add some text to say they wouldn't get any martial art powers such as body hardening when they select the styles.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Doorway (major)
Any door becomes a portal to any other door, by touching the knob the character connects it to any other door on the planet. No chance of failure. If the character is familar with where they want to go they will be able to travel to that specific door. They can also generalize to a city, neighborhood, or even just "away".

1) Door to door. The hero may step between any doors on the planet without fail. Once the door closes it becomes a normal door again.

2)No door locked to the hero. Even when he is not porting through a door he will find no door locked when he goes to open it.

3) New Door. At level 8 the hero can create a door into any surface once the door is used to port out it just becomes a regular door again, often useless (unless he decides to walk back through that door someday) if it's bolted into the side of a mountain or onto a brick wall or in the desert sand.

4) Close door. At level 12 the hero can remove the door he just came through when he closes it. Both the orgin and/or destination point can be removed at a thought.

5)Doorways to other worlds. The hero can attempt to open doorways to moving vehicles, space craft or even other planets. This has a 30%+5% per level chance of success. These worlds/vehicles have to have doors until level 8 when the hero can just make a door.

This version just seems way overpowered.

How is it overpowered? It is a travel power and nothing else, it can't be used in combat. It's useless in places without doors until level 8. And as far as weight limit goes... anything he can get through a door... it's also not instant teleport... the character would have to carry by hand anything into the door. I could see dropping 3 and 4 to keep the limitation that the character isn't going anywhere if stuck in a desert.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Temporal Combat (major)
"I need to be in a dozen different places at the same time... can do!"

1) My own best friend: The hero can jump forward and backwards in time to team up with himself. He can jump within 1 minute + 1 minute per level. So at level one. he can have two of himself for 30 seconds or 4 of himself for 15 seconds but will be absent for the rest of that minute of combat.

2) ...And back again: The hero can jump forward or backward in time and space and then slingshot back to where he was mid action. 1 minute + 1 minute per level.

Example a) The hero is facing a villian with a sword. He runs and leaps at the villian then flashes forward and disarms the villian from behind. Slingshots back to his original leap now holding the sword.

Example b) The hero is thrown from a plane by a villian without a parachute. He travels back to the plane, grabs a chute and slingshote back to himself now with chute in hand.

Example c) running from a base with goons right on your heels you jump forward and set the base to self destruct. Then keep running as your actions are happening in the future.

3) Temporal Sight: Being able to see the quantum threads that hold the world together allows the hero to keep from going insane as he flips forward and back. He can also see distortion if time is being manipulated or changed by another.

Like I said before, I might do my own version of this. This just seems a tad too powerful.

Well this is about my favorite power that I came up with, I wanted to factor time travel into combat without making it just superspeed. Not sure how this is all that powerful as there are other powers that can do these things better like multiple self. This was supposed to be about flavor.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Specter wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Temporal Combat (major)
"I need to be in a dozen different places at the same time... can do!"

1) My own best friend: The hero can jump forward and backwards in time to team up with himself. He can jump within 1 minute + 1 minute per level. So at level one. he can have two of himself for 30 seconds or 4 of himself for 15 seconds but will be absent for the rest of that minute of combat.

2) ...And back again: The hero can jump forward or backward in time and space and then slingshot back to where he was mid action. 1 minute + 1 minute per level.

Example a) The hero is facing a villian with a sword. He runs and leaps at the villian then flashes forward and disarms the villian from behind. Slingshots back to his original leap now holding the sword.

Example b) The hero is thrown from a plane by a villian without a parachute. He travels back to the plane, grabs a chute and slingshote back to himself now with chute in hand.

Example c) running from a base with goons right on your heels you jump forward and set the base to self destruct. Then keep running as your actions are happening in the future.

3) Temporal Sight: Being able to see the quantum threads that hold the world together allows the hero to keep from going insane as he flips forward and back. He can also see distortion if time is being manipulated or changed by another.

Like I said before, I might do my own version of this. This just seems a tad too powerful.

Well this is about my favorite power that I came up with, I wanted to factor time travel into combat without making it just superspeed. Not sure how this is all that powerful as there are other powers that can do these things better like multiple self. This was supposed to be about flavor.

It's not asll that uberpowerful, but just giving feedback as I sees it.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Specter wrote:Nightmare Fuel (major)

"I sense fear in you... let's bring all of that to the surface"

The hero can see the fears that live in a person and make them very real.

1) Sense fear: Very few people are without fear those that are immune to fear and HF are immune to this as well. Sense fear 80%+3% per level

2) Become fear: The hero becomes a monsterous version of the target's worst (surface thought) fear.
Range: 100ft+50ft per level. The hero must stay within the range of his target or lose the transformation.
+200 sdc
+10 PS and PS is considered supernatural for the duration of the transformation.
+3 strike
AR 15
Any claws or blades do 3d6 plus punch damage
two additional attacks per melee while transformed
Wings are functional and fly at 50 mph
Horror Factor 10 (HF 16 for the target)

At the beginning of each melee round the target must roll vs HF. Every time they fail the save add an additional +2 PS and +50 sdc If they make their save 3 times in a row the transformation ends as they have overcome their fear.

Additional bonuses
+2 save vs Horror Factor
+2d6 x 10 SDC
+2 PE

This is similar to one Iczer did: ... Absorbtion
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Unread post by Specter »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Nightmare Fuel (major)

"I sense fear in you... let's bring all of that to the surface"

The hero can see the fears that live in a person and make them very real.

1) Sense fear: Very few people are without fear those that are immune to fear and HF are immune to this as well. Sense fear 80%+3% per level

2) Become fear: The hero becomes a monsterous version of the target's worst (surface thought) fear.
Range: 100ft+50ft per level. The hero must stay within the range of his target or lose the transformation.
+200 sdc
+10 PS and PS is considered supernatural for the duration of the transformation.
+3 strike
AR 15
Any claws or blades do 3d6 plus punch damage
two additional attacks per melee while transformed
Wings are functional and fly at 50 mph
Horror Factor 10 (HF 16 for the target)

At the beginning of each melee round the target must roll vs HF. Every time they fail the save add an additional +2 PS and +50 sdc If they make their save 3 times in a row the transformation ends as they have overcome their fear.

Additional bonuses
+2 save vs Horror Factor
+2d6 x 10 SDC
+2 PE

This is similar to one Iczer did: ... Absorbtion

That it is.... wasn't meaning to steal anyone elses ideas. Though I can promise, while not completely my original thought, I didn't steal it from Iczer.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Specter wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Nightmare Fuel (major)

"I sense fear in you... let's bring all of that to the surface"

The hero can see the fears that live in a person and make them very real.

1) Sense fear: Very few people are without fear those that are immune to fear and HF are immune to this as well. Sense fear 80%+3% per level

2) Become fear: The hero becomes a monsterous version of the target's worst (surface thought) fear.
Range: 100ft+50ft per level. The hero must stay within the range of his target or lose the transformation.
+200 sdc
+10 PS and PS is considered supernatural for the duration of the transformation.
+3 strike
AR 15
Any claws or blades do 3d6 plus punch damage
two additional attacks per melee while transformed
Wings are functional and fly at 50 mph
Horror Factor 10 (HF 16 for the target)

At the beginning of each melee round the target must roll vs HF. Every time they fail the save add an additional +2 PS and +50 sdc If they make their save 3 times in a row the transformation ends as they have overcome their fear.

Additional bonuses
+2 save vs Horror Factor
+2d6 x 10 SDC
+2 PE

This is similar to one Iczer did: ... Absorbtion

That it is.... wasn't meaning to steal anyone elses ideas. Though I can promise, while not completely my original thought, I didn't steal it from Iczer.

I wasn't saying you did, only that there are a lot of powers that get redundant here on the boards because others have thought of them before. I did get all the powers you posted here onto the wiki, btw.
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Matter Expulsion: Cement (major)

"Somebody'll be around with a jackhammer to get you out in about an hour"

The hero is able to expel cement from his body which quickly hardens to a rock hard consistancy.

1) Bolt of Cement: The hero flings a glob of cement roughly the size of a basketball at first level increasing in ammount every third level. The cement hits about as hard as a punch to the chest and then also quickdrys leaving a victim's limb immobilized on a called shot (-3 to strike)
To hit a hand/arm. -15% on all complex actions such as lock picking. -4 to strike and parry.
To hit a second hand/arm. All complex actions are at -50% - 8 to stike and parry.
To hit a foot/leg. Speed is cut in half and the victim is -4 to dodge.
To hit a second foot/leg. Speed is cut to 25% and the victim is -8 to dodge.

Range: 30ft + 5ft per level
Damage: 1d6 + 1d6 at levels 3.6.9,12,and 15.
Each bolt requires one melee attack.

2) Flood of cement: The hero pours out a pool of cement in front of himself. Anybody stepping into the pool becomes stuck until they can break the concrete holding their feet in place. And is -8 to dodge.

3) Encase: The hero can bind victim's hands or feet together. Bind people together or encase them in cocoons of concrete. This is nearly impossible to do while mid combat but can be done once the victim is immobilized.

Note: The hardened cement for 1-3 has an sdc of 30+5 sdc per level. To break off or out of with just brute strength would requite a PS of 36. Half if superhuman PS, one third for supernatural PS.

4) Create structure: The hero can use the cement to fill gaps, repair streets, fortify walls, build new walls, and with the art skill can even create statues. The cement is far too heavy and doesn't dry quickly enough to form bridges but can be used dam a stream or river.
Adds 50 sdc + 10 per level to a structure. by filling a wall with cement it greatly increases it's structure against things like gunfire. It takes 1 minute to reinforce a wall, fill a pot hole.... ect
The hero can create a wall completely out of cement. This takes 5 minutes to accomplish but creates a very sturdy and thick wall. SDC: 300 AR 14
Last edited by Specter on Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

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Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

Hmmm, all your powers listed seem to do with liquid cement, what about solid cement?
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AlanGunhouse wrote:Hmmm, all your powers listed seem to do with liquid cement, what about solid cement?

Well, there is Matter Expulsion: Stone in PU1... so I figured that basically covered that. Do you think the power isn't powerful enough to be a major and needs more?
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

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No, but in order to really cover what cement IS, it needs some dry effects...something like a set of "constructions" you can do with it. Bridge and wall at least.
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AlanGunhouse wrote:No, but in order to really cover what cement IS, it needs some dry effects...something like a set of "constructions" you can do with it. Bridge and wall at least.

Good idea, thank you.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Hey where is everyone!!!

This thread experiences lags from time to time. Someone will post eventually. Iczer sometimes goes a month without posting.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Best In Show: Major or Minor

Duration: Always on.
Area Of Effect: 500ft + 100ft per level of experience after 1st.
Effect: The base attributes of the holder of this power are set to be equal to the highest of anyone within the area of effect, with a minimum of 8. If only the number applies, this power is a minor one. This power becomes a major one when the number, category, resistances, and weaknesses are also taken on.

First new power in a long damn time. Hopefully it's ok.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Nightmare Fuel (major)

"I sense fear in you... let's bring all of that to the surface"

The hero can see the fears that live in a person and make them very real.

1) Sense fear: Very few people are without fear those that are immune to fear and HF are immune to this as well. Sense fear 80%+3% per level

2) Become fear: The hero becomes a monsterous version of the target's worst (surface thought) fear.
Range: 100ft+50ft per level. The hero must stay within the range of his target or lose the transformation.
+200 sdc
+10 PS and PS is considered supernatural for the duration of the transformation.
+3 strike
AR 15
Any claws or blades do 3d6 plus punch damage
two additional attacks per melee while transformed
Wings are functional and fly at 50 mph
Horror Factor 10 (HF 16 for the target)

At the beginning of each melee round the target must roll vs HF. Every time they fail the save add an additional +2 PS and +50 sdc If they make their save 3 times in a row the transformation ends as they have overcome their fear.

Additional bonuses
+2 save vs Horror Factor
+2d6 x 10 SDC
+2 PE

This is similar to one Iczer did: ... Absorbtion

Didn't I also create something similar with Dread Transformation?
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

MrTwist wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Specter wrote:Nightmare Fuel (major)

"I sense fear in you... let's bring all of that to the surface"

The hero can see the fears that live in a person and make them very real.

1) Sense fear: Very few people are without fear those that are immune to fear and HF are immune to this as well. Sense fear 80%+3% per level

2) Become fear: The hero becomes a monsterous version of the target's worst (surface thought) fear.
Range: 100ft+50ft per level. The hero must stay within the range of his target or lose the transformation.
+200 sdc
+10 PS and PS is considered supernatural for the duration of the transformation.
+3 strike
AR 15
Any claws or blades do 3d6 plus punch damage
two additional attacks per melee while transformed
Wings are functional and fly at 50 mph
Horror Factor 10 (HF 16 for the target)

At the beginning of each melee round the target must roll vs HF. Every time they fail the save add an additional +2 PS and +50 sdc If they make their save 3 times in a row the transformation ends as they have overcome their fear.

Additional bonuses
+2 save vs Horror Factor
+2d6 x 10 SDC
+2 PE

This is similar to one Iczer did: ... Absorbtion

Didn't I also create something similar with Dread Transformation?

Yeah, and I think there were a couple versions of Dread Transformation if I recall correctly.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Hey where is everyone!!!

This thread experiences lags from time to time. Someone will post eventually. Iczer sometimes goes a month without posting.

My Bad.

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Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

MrTwist wrote:Best In Show: Major or Minor

Duration: Always on.
Area Of Effect: 500ft + 100ft per level of experience after 1st.
Effect: The base attributes of the holder of this power are set to be equal to the highest of anyone within the area of effect, with a minimum of 8. If only the number applies, this power is a minor one. This power becomes a major one when the number, category, resistances, and weaknesses are also taken on.

First new power in a long damn time. Hopefully it's ok.

So you are saying it is a minor power, but it can raise your every attribute to 30 if someone in range happens to have a 30? Not sure it that is actually a minor...

If it actually raises attributes PAST 30...should you run into someone with superhuman attributes, well it definitely becomes less likely to be a minor.
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Calcify earth [Major]
'Let's just bring this to my turf'

The character is home to a great variety of spores that function as if a rapidly growing form of coral like structures. With a little effort, he can send this outwards, allowing the colonies to spread and grow, with a lot of effort he can devestate terrain.

By expending all actions for the melee, the character can send out his bacteria to do his will. at the start of the next melee round, the bacteria has spread outwards as many feet as the character's ME score, have settled into the ground, eaten available mineral resources, multiplied and died, leaving their shells behind. Any section of earth in the area, including any natural or artificial mineral is affected, including corrodible metals and becomes covered in a crust, two to 7 inches thick with periodic spires. If the character expends his next melee round in concentration, he expands the affected zone by an additional ME in feet (which continues until he reaches a radius equal to 10 times his ME score in feet or stops concentrating)

The area is a jagged and rocky zone that is difficult to bypass. anyone wending their way through it on foot must move at a speed of 6 or less or suffer 1D4 damage every 10 feet moved. Car tyres will be slashed by their transit, and anyone who falls down in the area will take 3D6 additional damage from the jagged rocks. anyone running through the area must check for balance or fall (with the usual consequences) The affected area has an SDC equal to the character's MA for every 2 foot across area.

While standing in the affected area, the character can perform a number of feats.
1) Form spikes: the character can expend 2 actions to cause the growths to form rapidly upwards. a formed spike has 15 SDC per level and can grow 8 feet, plus 2 feet per level. It can be used to parry ranged attacks (+2 to parry only), support weight (each spike can support as much weight as the character's ME attribute expressed as PS), act as a ladder or bridge, or even be used as an attack ( no bonus to strike, but opponents are -4 to parry/dodge as the attack will be coming from an odd angle. the attack is sufficiently slow to sidestep/parry)

2) grow Body armour: the character can have his colonies expand over his body, forming jagged body armour. the body armour adds has an AR of 15 and posesses 20SDC per level (not considered natural armour). the armour's spiky growths inflict 2D6 in combat, and anyone foolish enough to grab or grapple him suffer 3D6 damage. It takes 3 actions to grow body armour

Duration: the calcification process is effectively permanent, though it is brittle, and has an AR of 4, so natural weathering can erode it fairly swiftly, and a man with a hammer can, with sufficient time, remove it.
Damage: the mineral leeching drains away about 5% of a substance's SDC. vehicles and sensitive objects will become effectely useless (Glass windows become opaque, metal precision parts become eroded and choked with the growths etc) it does not inrinsicly harm people.

Venomous beast [Major]
'Come my pretties...'

The character is toxic, and can weild his venom like a weapon.
1) toxic body. the character has the minor power of venomous touch. this makes him easy to smell, and pervades his entire body (meaning all his body is toxic, including blood and saliva. no creature will willingly bite him).
2) Venom immunity: the character is immune to all poisons and toxins, and enjoys a +5 to saving throws vs drugs. If the character wishes, he may exchange his type of venomous touch, for another venom he contacts.
3) Venomous beast: the character can draw his venom from his body to spawn a new lifeform. Little more than simple organic molecules, the creature s fuctionally no different to a housecat in size an abilities (2 attacks per melee HPequal to character's PE, SDC of 2D10, Speed 16, bite that inflicts 1 damage, +4 initiative, +3 strike +2 parry +6 dodge, climb 70% Swim 70% Prowl 70% leap 5 feet high and 8 long) the little beast has the character's venomous touch. The creature's appearance is selected by the character.
If the beast expires, the character cannot create a new one for 6 hours, when his venomous touch returns to him. if the character is in contact with his beast he can reabsorb it (gaining his venomous touch back)
even when he gives away his venomous touch, he remains immune to venoms and poisons.
Other bonuses: +30 SDC

Blood Power: [Minor]
'I have surpassed my limitations'

The character can force his body to push itself beyond it's normal levels.
If he posesses a power with a limited number of uses (Such as healing factor's rapid regenerations) he may expend 1D4 HP to gain another use.
If he has a power or ability that has a pool of points (Such as create force field) the expenditure of 2D4 HP replenishes 10% of them
If the character posesses a power or ability that has a cost to use or a penalty for use, he may instead expend 3D4 HP. (Such as avoiding the penalties for coming exiting the more martial uses of alter metabolism).
If the character has a pool of ISP, each HP can be spent to produce 3 ISP.
The expended HP do not recover from healing factors, regenerations or majical/psionic healing. Only natural rest recovers these HP, though HP recover at three times normal speed.

Distraction field: [major]
'hard to read minds when your brain's on fire isn't it'

The character can generate a field of energy that interferes with brainwaves. The character create a field some 30 feet across (+5 feet per level) that follows the character (Who is immune).
everyone inside the field must make a saving throw Vs psionics or become subject to the field's effects. because this is a physical energy field, and not a psionic effect, mind blocks do not prevent this.
Affected targets suffer the following effects;
1) Powers that require concentration to maintain cease, unless an extra action per melee round is expended (and if impossible, then the power is no longer maintained)
2) powers that require ISP cost 20% more
3) skills are performed at -15%, and combat skills are reduced by -2. Speed is reduced by half. Aimed attacks are not possible (they are all wild)
4) instantaneous powers are unnafected, but powers with a duration are reduced to 1/5th duration
5) Powers that require the use of 2 or more actions to use, cost an additional action.

The field requires an action to maintain every round. even those who save vs the effect will feel the energy, feeling like nails on a chalkboard right in the inner ear (Though the power is not in an of itself, audible in nature)

Unliving Flesh [Minor]
'I Know I've been hard on you lately'

The character can turn his flesh into a dead, inorganic substance. when he does so he halves his PP, MA, PB and Spd scores, but gains an AR of 14 and an SDC bonus of 15 per level. the flesh is dead and hard and as such the character is treated as an unliving but animate object. he is immune to poison, feels no pain, and does not bleed for example. The character can change back and forth with an action. while unliving, his flesh clearly resembles an inorganic texture, and he cannot heal himself.

Cyber augmentation [Minor]
'Yeah well, my watch can outhink your computer'

The character's touch enhances the processing, memory, efficiency and stoage of electronuic components. By forming a cyberpathic link with an object (initiailly by touch, but afterwards extends 5 feet per level) he improves it's performance.
* Computers linked in this fashion triple their speed
* Electrical devices see their battery life extended by three times.
* energy weapons inflict an extra 2D6 damage and enjoy a 50% range boost
* any purely electrical function of a augmented device is tripled (the cooling capacity of a refridgerator, generator output, Memory storage.

The character is also resistant to electrical damage (half damage) and can conduct power and information across the surface of his body (he could touch a monitor and a computer and connect the two as if he were a USB cable for instance)

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I really like Calcify Earth. Should it take two actions to raise up a spike once you've used a whole round to set this up? Would you have the ability to snag anyone with this? Just asking, but I love the flavor... I think I'm going to give one of my villians for my next game this power.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

hell id go on spectors pods- Cherico

keep Specter's ass out of my general area when he fells naked- Rayven

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Reverberating Strike (Minor)

"Yeah, I took him down with just one punch. Er, which was technically ten punches, but I looked bad-ass, and that's the important thing, right?"

The hero can drive a wave of kinetic power into an opponent as he strikes - the adversary is then injured over and over and again, as this force smashes around their body.

To use this ability, the super being must attack with either a Power Punch or Power Kick, to generate maximum force and trigger the Reverberating Strike. If the character connects, his opponent takes damage as normal, but then also suffers the same amount of damage every subsequent melee round for a number of rounds equal to the hero’s experience level. For example, if a third level super being hits for 20 damage, his opponent automatically takes another 20 damage at the start of the next melee round and the two rounds after that, for a total loss of 80 S.D.C./Hit Points.

The first time the Reverberating Strike damages an opponent, they must save vs. pain (14 or higher, P.E. bonuses applicable) or lose half of their attacks/actions for the following melee round, as they recoil in shock at the unexpected and inexplicable pain.

This power can be used against inanimate objects, but given that the hero must strike with full force and this ability provides no automatic protection against the impact, he will probably break his hand/foot if he hits anything as tough as steel or stone.

Range: Melee.

Duration: Instant, for the initial strike. Subsequent damage is subtracted from the opponent’s S.D.C./Hit Points right at the start of the next melee round, before combatants roll for initiative.

Damage: As per the initial strike.

Attacks per Melee: As per the initial strike - the hero only needs to strike once, the kinetic wave imparted by that first hit causes all of the subsequent damage.

Limitations: The super being can only use this power once per minute at most, as it takes some time to build-up the necessary kinetic force. The kinetic power is expended even if the hero misses his target.

Reverberating Strike cannot be channelled through a weapon or a long-range attack; it only applies to hand to hand melee strikes (though it can be combined with powers that amplify the force of a strike, such as Power Channelling).

The character cannot pull his punches when he uses this ability - once the Reverberating Strike starts, it keeps hammering away at the opponent for the maximum possible duration and cannot be stopped before then. This could cause far more injury than the hero actually intended, if he has misjudged the durability of his adversary.

Animal Amalgamation (Major)

“I shall defeat these villains with a Rhinocehorse! Or a giraffopotamus? Actually, that might be overkill - maybe I should just send in a spidog or a waspito…”

The truly bizarre ability to take any two animals and meld them into one entirely new (and incredibly freaky) creature, which will faithfully obey the commands of it’s creator. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects and arachnids are all susceptible to this power; the super being can mix and match between radically different life forms as he pleases.

When the power is activated, the two selected animals disappear and a new, blended life form materialises moments later, with the best qualities of both. The mental/physical attributes, S.D.C./Hit Points and combat bonuses of this new hybrid are determined by taking whichever is the best score for each from either of the ’parent’ animals: for example, if the super being mixes an elephant with a house cat, he’d get a creature with the high P.S. and S.D.C. of the elephant, but the high P.P. of the cat. The amalgamated beast also has all of the natural abilities of both animals; e.g. a bat/shark crossbreed would have flight and sonar, plus deadly teeth, swimming proficiency and could breathe either air or water. If mixing two creatures of disparate sizes, the character can decide what ‘scale’ his creation will be on: if, for example, he mixed a whale with a wasp, he could have a massive, whale-sized hybrid, a tiny, wasp-sized beast or something halfway between the two (note that size does not affect attributes - the hybrid in this example would still have the S.D.C. of the whale and flight speed of the wasp, regardless of it‘s mass).

Typically, the amalgamated animals produced by this power are pretty unappealing, if not downright hideous - each hybrid will have a Horror Factor of 9 +1D4. G.M.s may wish to modify this slightly, depending on what animals have been blended; combining cute, furry mammals tends to provoke less fear (reduce Horror Factor by 2), while adding insects or arachnids into the mix usually produces something nightmarish (increase Horror Factor by up to 4 points). Note that the super being himself is not affected by his beast’s gruesome appearance; to his eyes, each hybrid is a living work of art.

The amalgamated creature is automatically under the complete control of the super being and will understand and obey simple commands - the character effectively has the power of Beastmaster (Powers Unlimited 1, page 14), but only when dealing with his own hybrids. If the creature is large enough, it can be ridden; the hero has an instinctive Horsemanship skill of 98%, but again this only applies to his own hybrids.

Note: For a wide selection of animal powers, see the ‘Creating Mutant Animals’ section of the HU main book (pages 168 - 178), the major powers of Animal Abilities and Animal Metamorphosis (pages 251 - 254) and Control Insects & Arachnids (pages 261 - 266).

Range: Both of the ’parent’ animals must be within 50 feet (15 m) + 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.

Damage: Neither of the participating animals are harmed by the amalgamation, though if the new, combined creature is injured during it’s brief existence, the beasts involved will suffer a proportionate amount of damage. For example, if the hero’s chimp/chicken hybrid loses 10% of it’s S.D.C. during a super-brawl, then the chimp and chicken involved will both lose 10% of their S.D.C. after they revert to normal. If an amalgamated creature is killed, both of it’s ’parents’ will also die.

Duration: The hybrid will last for up to ten minutes plus two minutes per experience level of the super being (twelve minutes at level one, fourteen minutes at level two, etc) before splitting back into two normal animals, though the hero can instantly separate them at any time.

Attacks Per Melee: Melding animals requires one full melee round of concentration; if the character is interrupted during this time, the attempt fails and neither animal is affected in any way.

Saving Throw: None; normal animals cannot resist this power.

Limitations: The hero cannot combine more than two animals, and only one hybrid can be sustained at a time.

This ability cannot affect humans or beings with at least human level intelligence (including non-humanoid aliens and intelligent mutant animals), inorganic or energy-based life forms, microscopic life or supernatural/magical creatures.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:00 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Specter wrote:Nightmare Fuel (major)

"I sense fear in you... let's bring all of that to the surface"

The hero can see the fears that live in a person and make them very real.

1) Sense fear: Very few people are without fear those that are immune to fear and HF are immune to this as well. Sense fear 80%+3% per level

2) Become fear: The hero becomes a monsterous version of the target's worst (surface thought) fear.
Range: 100ft+50ft per level. The hero must stay within the range of his target or lose the transformation.
+200 sdc
+10 PS and PS is considered supernatural for the duration of the transformation.
+3 strike
AR 15
Any claws or blades do 3d6 plus punch damage
two additional attacks per melee while transformed
Wings are functional and fly at 50 mph
Horror Factor 10 (HF 16 for the target)

At the beginning of each melee round the target must roll vs HF. Every time they fail the save add an additional +2 PS and +50 sdc If they make their save 3 times in a row the transformation ends as they have overcome their fear.

Additional bonuses
+2 save vs Horror Factor
+2d6 x 10 SDC
+2 PE

Since there is a mind reading component I would give Psi's the ability to resist this power. With those who have 'mind block' active an even better ability to resist.
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Literate Wolf wrote:I have one power idea I would like to toss onto the thread.

Mount - Minor
"They see me ridin'. They be hatin'"

The character can summon a mount for transportation purposes. It may appear as a single person vehicle, animal, mythological creature, robot, or a combination of the above. Though it has no combat abilities, it does have an AR of 12 + 1 per 4 levels of experience and 100 SDC + 5 per level of experience. The base speed is 60 MPH + 10 MPH per level of experience. It lasts until the character disperses it or is unconscious. Only the hero can ride the mount unless it can have an extra passenger but only if the hero allows a guest to ride along. If it is destroyed, the characters takes 1D6 damage to hit points. Two attacks is used to summon and/or disperse it during combat.

It also obtains a random extra ability, only once for each instance, at 1st level and then at every 4rd level:
01% - Tunneling, it can travel underground at one quarter speed. Tunnel is refilled by material as the mount travels.
02-10% - Flight, speed is doubled while flying, either winged or wingless, player's choice.
11-20% - Extra Seat, it can carry one extra passenger.
21-30% - Aquatic, it can travel underwater at 1.5 land speed, able to breathe water, immune to water pressure.
31-40% - Enhanced Speed, + 15 MPH per level instead of + 5 MPH, not retroactive.
41-50% - Cargo, it can carry gear that weighs 150 lbs or less. When dispersed, gear doesn't disappear with the mount.
51-60% - Adhesive, it can travel up and down vertical surfaces at normal speed.
61-70% - Armor, it's AR protects the hero and gains + 10 SDC per level, no retroactive.
71-80% - Safety Features, impacts and other crash damage to the hero is reduced by half.
81-90% - Leaping, it can leap double the leaping distance of the hero.
91-99% - Stealth, not detected by radar and has Prowl 80%.
00% - War Mount, it has one attack per melee and shares the hero's combat bonuses. A melee attack from a mount does 3D6 SDC.

If you watch the RT southern cross episodes you might think that Dana Sterling has this power with having her hover cycle always nearby.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

There is a power to summon Netherbeasts and similar creatures already.
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Power Nap (Minor)

"Yes, that's a pillow and a blanket on my utility belt, what of it?"

The hero doesn’t merely sleep at night - he enters a kind of regenerative semi-coma that will significantly boost mental and physical performance upon waking.

If the super being has at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep (anything less than that is not sufficient to benefit from this power), then he will receive all of the bonuses listed below from the moment he wakes up and for up to four hours + 30 minutes per level of experience afterwards (four and a half hours at level one, five hours at level two, etc).

  • A bonus to M.A., M.E., P.E. and P.P. of 1 + half of the hero’s experience level (round fractions up): +2 at levels one and two, +3 at levels three and four, etc.

  • A bonus to initiative equal to half of the character’s experience level: +1 at levels one and two, +2 at levels three and four, etc.

  • One additional action/attack per melee round.

  • A bonus to all skills of 10% + 1% per level of experience.

  • Fatigues at half of his normal rate.

  • A bonus to save vs. disease and poison equal to half the character’s experience level, in addition to any bonuses granted by an increased P.E., if applicable. Even if the hero fails to save, the damage and duration of any contamination is halved.

  • A bonus to save vs. Horror Factor equal to the hero’s experience level: +1 at level one, +2 at level two, etc.


The super being never suffers from insomnia and can will himself to fall asleep within 1D4 seconds.

The hero is a pretty deep sleeper - he can certainly sleep through two or three people having a normal conversation in the same room.

If the character also has the power of Sleeplessness, he needs only three hours of uninterrupted sleep to gain the full bonuses listed above.

Incomplete Invulnerability (Minor)

"If I am to die, I would ask only this - shoot me in the heart, the heart that has loved this great country so much."

"Shoot him in the head."


The super being has achieved a level of indestructibility that protects against any damage: physical force, energy attacks, magical spells and weapons, and projectiles of any kind just bounce harmlessly off him. Unfortunately, this protection still has its limits…

The power only applies to certain parts of the character’s body, not the body as a whole. The character must choose which section of his anatomy is affected, from the following options:

Head. The character’s head and brain are indestructible; strikes to the head cause no damage at all.
The character‘s head butts inflict +4 damage.
The penalties from any attack designed to overwhelm the sensory organs (blinding light, deafening noise, repulsive smells, etc) are halved and cannot cause any permanent damage, e.g. staring into the sun can certainly dazzle the character, but could not cause permanent sight loss.
The character’s memories cannot be removed or altered by any means.

Torso. Includes the back, chest, throat and neck: strikes to these parts cause no damage.
The character’s indestructible neck cannot be broken and he cannot be strangled.
The penalties for gas attacks are halved and cannot cause any permanent damage (for example, smoke inhalation may make the hero gag and cough, but cannot actually harm his lungs).
The character can safely smother explosions by lying on grenades and bombs.
The character can never have a heart attack, even if opponents use paranormal methods to try and induce one.

Arms/Hands. Strikes to the hands and arms cause no damage.
+6 damage to strikes made with the hands, elbows or shoulders.
Opponents suffer a penalty of -5 to break out of the character’s holds.
The hero can parry a weapon with his bare hands, and with his full parry bonuses.
+10% to the Climbing skill.

Legs/Feet. Includes the hips, genitals and buttocks; strikes to these areas cause no damage.
+6 to damage from strikes made with the feet, shins or knees.
+10 to Speed and can jump 10% further horizontally and vertically.
Falls from any height cause no damage, if the hero can manage to land on his feet (this will require a successful maintain balance roll).

Note: Body parts protected by this power retain their normal appearance and full feeling, though strikes cause no appreciable pain. Opponents striking the hero's invulnerable flesh with their bare hands will actually take 1D4 damage per hit, unless they themselves are invulnerable or have a natural A.R. of 10 or more.

Limitations: The character can only choose one of the above options, so most of his body is as vulnerable as that of any human.

The character’s chosen body area cannot be transformed by any means and so cannot be combined with abilities like Stretching, Enlarge Body Parts or any of the Alter Physical Structure powers. However, the rest of his body can still be changed and this could lead to some pretty strange situations: partial Petrification, being turned into a frog by an evil sorcerer, but a frog that still has human legs or arms, and all manner of other oddness.

Summons (Minor)

"Now I've got you - prepare to die..."


"Er, what?"

"Don't worry, it'll make sense in a second..."

The power of the Summons gives the super being a means of travelling any distance in an instant, to fight at the side of his trusted allies. The downside is that the hero cannot initiate this - he must be summoned by someone else.

In order for an ally to call upon the hero, he or she must know the character’s true name. Then, he or she must say the name out loud to initiate the summons. Wherever the hero is, he will hear this call. He will instinctively have a rough idea of how far away the summoner is (within a mile, within a hundred miles, within a thousand miles, on the same planet, within the same solar system, within one light year, more than one light year, in another dimension) and know exactly who is summoning him, if it is someone he has entrusted his name to - if summoned by a stranger who has managed to uncover his true name, he will not be able to discern their identity.

Unless the hero wishes to resist the summons (see Saving Throw below), he will appear by the side of the summoner a moment later. The hero cannot take anyone with him and can only bring what equipment he has on his person at the time.

The super being cannot be summoned accidentally, even by people who call out his true name - they must actually want to summon the hero.

Range: Any; effectively unlimited.

Damage: None, to either the hero or his ally.

Duration: Instant.

Attacks Per Melee: The summoner must use up one attack/action to call forth the hero; the super being doesn’t lose any actions/attacks, but will be forced to drop whatever he's doing when called away.

Saving Throw: 21 or higher, minus the character’s experience level: this means he must roll 20 or higher at level one, 19 or higher at level two and so on. However, the hero can add in any bonuses from his M.E. or P.E., whichever is higher.

The hero has just a split second to decide if he wishes to resist the summons. If successful, he stays where he is and cannot be forcibly summoned by the same person again for the next 12 hours + one hour per level of experience (though he may choose to go if they call him again). If he fails, he is immediately drawn to the summoner, though he will appear 3D20 feet (0.3 m) away from their position.

Resisting the summons requires deliberate effort - if the hero is asleep or unconscious when the call comes in, he has no defence against it.

At the third level of experience, the super being gains the ability to delay travelling for up to one melee round, giving him a precious few seconds to grab a weapon, leave a note or do whatever he can manage in the time. This option does not apply if he has tried to resist the call and failed his saving throw.

Vulnerabilities: Anyone who learns the character’s true name can summon him. For obvious reasons, the hero should be extremely careful who he trusts with this information.

The super being doesn’t automatically have any means of returning to his original location; if he’s dragged to another world or plane of existence, this could be a problem…
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Interesting posts, Senator Cybus. I shall have to peruse them when I have more time. :)
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Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

Senator Cybus wrote:Power Nap (Minor)

"Yes, that's a pillow and a blanket on my utility belt, what of it?"

The hero doesn’t merely sleep at night - he enters a kind of regenerative semi-coma that will significantly boost mental and physical performance upon waking.

If the super being has at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep (anything less than that is not sufficient to benefit from this power), then he will receive all of the bonuses listed below from the moment he wakes up and for up to four hours + 30 minutes per level of experience afterwards (four and a half hours at level one, five hours at level two, etc).

  • A bonus to M.A., M.E., P.E. and P.P. of 1 + half of the hero’s experience level (round fractions up): +2 at levels one and two, +3 at levels three and four, etc.

  • A bonus to initiative equal to half of the character’s experience level: +1 at levels one and two, +2 at levels three and four, etc.

  • One additional action/attack per melee round.

  • A bonus to all skills of 10% + 1% per level of experience.

  • Fatigues at half of his normal rate.

  • A bonus to save vs. disease and poison equal to half the character’s experience level, in addition to any bonuses granted by an increased P.E., if applicable. Even if the hero fails to save, the damage and duration of any contamination is halved.

  • A bonus to save vs. Horror Factor equal to the hero’s experience level: +1 at level one, +2 at level two, etc.


The super being never suffers from insomnia and can will himself to fall asleep within 1D4 seconds.

The hero is a pretty deep sleeper - he can certainly sleep through two or three people having a normal conversation in the same room.

If the character also has the power of Sleeplessness, he needs only three hours of uninterrupted sleep to gain the full bonuses listed above.

Incomplete Invulnerability (Minor)

"If I am to die, I would ask only this - shoot me in the heart, the heart that has loved this great country so much."

"Shoot him in the head."


The super being has achieved a level of indestructibility that protects against any damage: physical force, energy attacks, magical spells and weapons, and projectiles of any kind just bounce harmlessly off him. Unfortunately, this protection still has its limits…

The power only applies to certain parts of the character’s body, not the body as a whole. The character must choose which section of his anatomy is affected, from the following options:

Head. The character’s head and brain are indestructible; strikes to the head cause no damage at all.
The character‘s head butts inflict +4 damage.
The penalties from any attack designed to overwhelm the sensory organs (blinding light, deafening noise, repulsive smells, etc) are halved and cannot cause any permanent damage, e.g. staring into the sun can certainly dazzle the character, but could not cause permanent sight loss.
The character’s memories cannot be removed or altered by any means.

Torso. Includes the back, chest, throat and neck: strikes to these parts cause no damage.
The character’s indestructible neck cannot be broken and he cannot be strangled.
The penalties for gas attacks are halved and cannot cause any permanent damage (for example, smoke inhalation may make the hero gag and cough, but cannot actually harm his lungs).
The character can safely smother explosions by lying on grenades and bombs.
The character can never have a heart attack, even if opponents use paranormal methods to try and induce one.

Arms/Hands. Strikes to the hands and arms cause no damage.
+6 damage to strikes made with the hands, elbows or shoulders.
Opponents suffer a penalty of -5 to break out of the character’s holds.
The hero can parry a weapon with his bare hands, and with his full parry bonuses.
+10% to the Climbing skill.

Legs/Feet. Includes the hips, genitals and buttocks; strikes to these areas cause no damage.
+6 to damage from strikes made with the feet, shins or knees.
+10 to Speed and can jump 10% further horizontally and vertically.
Falls from any height cause no damage, if the hero can manage to land on his feet (this will require a successful maintain balance roll).

Note: Body parts protected by this power retain their normal appearance and full feeling, though strikes cause no appreciable pain. Opponents striking the hero's invulnerable flesh with their bare hands will actually take 1D4 damage per hit, unless they themselves are invulnerable or have a natural A.R. of 10 or more.

Limitations: The character can only choose one of the above options, so most of his body is as vulnerable as that of any human.

The character’s chosen body area cannot be transformed by any means and so cannot be combined with abilities like Stretching, Enlarge Body Parts or any of the Alter Physical Structure powers. However, the rest of his body can still be changed and this could lead to some pretty strange situations: partial Petrification, being turned into a frog by an evil sorcerer, but a frog that still has human legs or arms, and all manner of other oddness.

Summons (Minor)

"Now I've got you - prepare to die..."


"Er, what?"

"Don't worry, it'll make sense in a second..."

The power of the Summons gives the super being a means of travelling any distance in an instant, to fight at the side of his trusted allies. The downside is that the hero cannot initiate this - he must be summoned by someone else.

In order for an ally to call upon the hero, he or she must know the character’s true name. Then, he or she must say the name out loud to initiate the summons. Wherever the hero is, he will hear this call. He will instinctively have a rough idea of how far away the summoner is (within a mile, within a hundred miles, within a thousand miles, on the same planet, within the same solar system, within one light year, more than one light year, in another dimension) and know exactly who is summoning him, if it is someone he has entrusted his name to - if summoned by a stranger who has managed to uncover his true name, he will not be able to discern their identity.

Unless the hero wishes to resist the summons (see Saving Throw below), he will appear by the side of the summoner a moment later. The hero cannot take anyone with him and can only bring what equipment he has on his person at the time.

The super being cannot be summoned accidentally, even by people who call out his true name - they must actually want to summon the hero.

Range: Any; effectively unlimited.

Damage: None, to either the hero or his ally.

Duration: Instant.

Attacks Per Melee: The summoner must use up one attack/action to call forth the hero; the super being doesn’t lose any actions/attacks, but will be forced to drop whatever he's doing when called away.

Saving Throw: 21 or higher, minus the character’s experience level: this means he must roll 20 or higher at level one, 19 or higher at level two and so on. However, the hero can add in any bonuses from his M.E. or P.E., whichever is higher.

The hero has just a split second to decide if he wishes to resist the summons. If successful, he stays where he is and cannot be forcibly summoned by the same person again for the next 12 hours + one hour per level of experience (though he may choose to go if they call him again). If he fails, he is immediately drawn to the summoner, though he will appear 3D20 feet (0.3 m) away from their position.

Resisting the summons requires deliberate effort - if the hero is asleep or unconscious when the call comes in, he has no defence against it.

At the third level of experience, the super being gains the ability to delay travelling for up to one melee round, giving him a precious few seconds to grab a weapon, leave a note or do whatever he can manage in the time. This option does not apply if he has tried to resist the call and failed his saving throw.

Vulnerabilities: Anyone who learns the character’s true name can summon him. For obvious reasons, the hero should be extremely careful who he trusts with this information.

The super being doesn’t automatically have any means of returning to his original location; if he’s dragged to another world or plane of existence, this could be a problem…

The incomplete invulnerablity power should never be combined with immortality...
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AlanGunhouse wrote:The incomplete invulnerablity power should never be combined with immortality...

Huh? Why's that? :-?
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I created a psionic power like the power nap, only it allows the psychic to sleep for a limited time and wake refreshed.
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Affix Fate [Major]
'You know, I've been waiting all day for this'

The character can pull a little time into itself in preparation for the upcoming day.
at any point during the day, the character can make a D20 or D100 roll, locking in ito it's own special time loop. during the day, he may unleash that roll, adding his normal bonuses, in place of another, worse roll, effectively pulling a more perfect score foward.
Obviously the character can only substitute d20 rolls for other D20 rolls and D100 rolls for D100 rolls.
It takes one minute to 'store' a roll in time. The character can store 5 rolls in a given day.
At levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14 the character can add +1 to any D20 roll, Or subtract 5% from a D100 roll. these bonuses add to the character's normal bonus when it is pulled out of time.
at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13,and 15 he may store one extra roll per day.
At level three the character may also store a damage roll. This must be with the character's own powers or from melee attacks. When he pulls the damage out of time, the attack itself manifests briefly before vanishing (Eg: if Toshiro pulls his katana damage out from this morning's practise session while unarmed, his Katana briefly manifests for the strike.)
At Fifth level, the character can add both the past's and his current damage rolls together (PS damage bonuses are added only once though)
At fifth level, the charater can also pull whole actions from time, dropping a stored roll and gaining an extra action for the turn.

Other abilities: The character is unnusually prepared, and develops a tendency to be proactive and forward thinking. He gains a +4 to initiative and a +10% to detect ambush. The character can also sense other people using temporal manipulation powers, people attempting to one up this character using time powers will find their strike, parry and dodge bonuses against him are halved.

Obituary [Major]
'Your victims have a little more to say on the matter!'

The character can absorb the dead. More precisely an echo or fragment of the energy they posessed in life can be stored and used at a later date.

For the rank and file dead, the character need only to view a corpse, contact a ghost or fallen spirit, or visit their grave. The character gains an amount of this echo energy equal to the deceased's ME score, with a maximum of 30 (Plus 20 per level). any single corpse can be harvested this way once per month, and truly old or ancient sites have nothing to offer the character (Thier energy has vanished). If the target would object strenuously to being harvested in this fashion, then the deceased may make a saving throw (14+ ME bonus when alive applies). a failed saving throw means the energy given is halved and cannot be harvested again for the month. a successfull saving throw means no energy is available. a serial killer would have difficulty harvesting his victims.

Echo energy can be used to augment speed and strenth. Stored echo energy adds +1 to PS and Spd equal to 1/10th the stored energy. In addition 2 Echo energy may be expended as a blast of bio-energy inflicting 2D6 damage out to 90 feet with a +4 to strike. Echo energy may also be expended to heal HP and SDC on a 1:1 basis.

The character can also draw upon greater power. He may expend all his echo energy to call upon more powerful dead. In effect, he may call upon deceased superheroes (Or villains) to empower him. This effect is similiar to the major power of Mimic but it has some caveats.
1) It needs to be a cause the deceased could get behind in life. if it's not, then the attempt fails.
2) The deceased needs to be of a compatible alignment. if alignments are identical there is a 100% chance of co-operation. if they are the same type (Good, evil or selfish) then there is a 85% chance of co-operation. If good to selfish (or evil to selfish) there is a 65% chance of co-operation. a Good/evil split has only a 40% chance of success. if the Character can raise a good argument for co-operation (an abberant character using a principled hero's power in defence of the Hero's homeland, or a scrupulous hero channelling a truly vile diabolic villain in the cause of bloody and brutal venegence) then he may add his MA to the percentage chance.
3) Range and duration are irrellevant. The power stays or as long as is necessary and then vanishes. it cannot be called upon again for one month. 'as long as necessary' is a judgement call. this could be a single fight, or a prolonged campaign. as a rule of thumb, if the called upon energy is no longer needed urgently, then it fades in 2D10 minutes.

Other abilities: The character also posesses the minor power 'Sense death and destruction'
+1D4+1 to MA +2 to ME. Is immune to the HF of the undead and from death like effects (may even see them as appealing)

Multiply Power [Minor]
'Oh hey..that hurt..let me show you how much'

The character can use an opponent's powers against him. Similiar to the Mimic major ability, this power only copies something an opponent has visibly demonstrated in the last melee round. It cannot mimic purely passive powers (Like a target's particular resistances) nor an entire suite of abilities (only the aspect he has seen) nor does it last more than a few seconds of use (don't try to mimic flight for isntance) or physical abilities (and that goes double for winged flight).

Everything else is fair game, and is used at the character's level of experience rather than the copied subject's. The character cannot sense the powers and abilities of others without additional sensory powers.


More in a few
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SgtEliakon wrote:This power has great potential I think, however the example shows the one tiny I can see flaw. Do I have to say the name OUT LOUD to summon? I mean if I do then either I better be killing every bad guy, be great at whispering ( or something), or my ally better be okay at doing impromptu shows for prisioners at ALL the best lockups........ How about a mental ritual or some thing. dunno, just my two cents worth.

Well, you wouldn't really have to shout the name (the example just has someone doing that for 'comedic' effect. :oops:), but you would need to at least speak it, at least loud enough to be heard by someone standing right next to you.

I think that way, it encourages roleplay; the hero has to be real careful who he reveals his name to and his allies (most likely the other PCs) have to be smart about how they use it - duck into an empty alleyway, use background noise to cover it, etc. It adds an element of danger to the power, as the hero always has to be aware of the potential threat of a villain gaining leverage over him. At least, that's how I'd play it.

However, you could have an option of a mental ritual if you want: say, one melee round of intense concentration, during which the ally must focus solely on the hero's name and image (cannot speak, move, or perform skills during this time and taking any amount of damage ruins the Summons), after which the super being will appear, but 3D20 feet away. So, not as fast or accurate, but a viable alternative.

I'd stick with just the spoken option, but as a non-canon power, you should feel free to tweak it as you see fit. :)
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Intrinsic adaptation [Major]

'I have you now. if you even think of fighting back I will have already have you countered'

The character has the ability to bond with a target. By grappling with a foe, he can create a complex bond. The character must grapple his opponent and hold on for the melee round while he forms the bond. if unshaken, the target character almost literally welds himself to his opponent.

While welded to a target, the character has a number of special abilities.
* He is considered 'part' of the target. if he teleports, the character goes with him. If he turns to fire the character also turns to fire.
* Once a melee round, the character can choose to inflict 6D6 damage to the target by flexing and tearing at his own body.
* He shares all the target's immunities, and special healing abilities.

The target is also inconvenienced. To perform any meaningful action, he must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or simply be restrained by the character. any damage taken by the character is halved and shared with the target, so attacking him or hurting him can be harmfull to the host.

The character is pretty much immobile while attached to a target. he can speak, and use non physical powers but is down to a single action per melee round. His powers are not shared with the target unless he so desires it. He can allow or deny actions made by the target (see above) Damage to the target does not translate into damage to the character (unless he is willing.)

The character can be removed physically. as a type of grapple, brute force will do the job, and the character has an effective superhuman PS equal to his own PS plus his ME score for purposes of 'hanging on' to the target. If the target is attempting to wrench himself free the character is free to deny him the ability to do so (thus forcing the aforementioned saving throw)

Non physical attacks harm the character as normal. poisons, powers and posessions are all effective means of removing the character.

Power sacrafice [Minor]
'I was hurting, but then I figured I don't have much use for x-ray vision right now....'

The character can remove his own powers, turning them into strength and health for a limited duration.
Deleting a minor power heals 4D6 HP and 30 SDC and removes fatigue (as if a night's full rest was had) hunger and thirst.
Deleting a Major Power heals 6D6 HP and 80 SDC. In addition to removing hunger, fatigue and thirst, it also removes any disease, or poison from the character (permanently) and ejects unwanted psychic or semi-psychic influence.

SDC and HP totals may exceed their maximums. these bonus SDC vanish when the duration ends, but healed HP damage remains healed. (though not above their maximum totals)
a minor power is lost for 2D4 hours. when it returns the character's fatigue thirst and hunger returns (unless the character has rectified those issues prior).
Major powers return in 4D4 hours with the same caveats of hunger thirst and fatigue as above.

Snap shot [Minor]
'Let me see that again'

The character can take a snapshot of a physical moment, a single instant in time and return to it later.

When the character creates a snapshot, he captures every physical detail in a sphere 30 feet across (+10 feet per level).
when he recreates it later, he generates a holographic afterimage of the captured moment, and may physically re-examine that moment at his leisure, even gaining the assistance of others, who can also see the image.

The captured moment is a real time, 3D image. Even if the character could not see a suspect's face at the time, he could walk up to the captured image and examine it from a better angle afterward, or examine the contents of a locked room, by taking a snapshot, and then walking through the door of the illusion to see the other side.

The character can hold one snapshot per point of IQ, plus 2 others per level. he may discard unwanted snapshots. the images fade over time though, losing 1% of their accuracy and resolution every day. characters with enhanced or photographic memories reduce this to 1% per week.

Deflection field [Minor]
'Whoa..another near miss'

The character can use a type of forcefield around his body to bend and deflect blows. in effect he enjoys a base +2 to parry attacks he can see and parry normally and +2 to roll.
By expending an action per melee round he strengthens the power. all physical attacks that could strike him are subjected to a parry roll (with a total of +4 bonus). punches, kicks, even bullets are potentially turned aside. those he could not parry may still be affected by normal defences.

Grow food [Minor]
'Hmmm.....People tell me I'm sweet all the time'

The character grows food. from his own flesh. The food takes the form of a type of fruit or vegetable (or even fungus) formed from his own flesh, and can be harvested harmlessly. The character by defualt produces enough food in a day to feed a single normal human with a normal appetite. He can eat this food himself, becoming self sustaining or feed another. By expending 3 HP, he can produce, on the spot, food for an additional 1D4 people, though starvation becomes the least of this character's problems if he must resort to this too often.

Having plant like abilities reaps additional benefits. he is immune to plant toxins, heals twice as fast as normal as long as he's had six hours of sunlight exposure and smells like the food he produces. As long as he spends an hour or so cleaning himself up of a day, he looks relatively normal, otherwise he may have a small penalty to PB while he is sprouting grapes from his face.

The food keeps poorly, wasting away in a day after harvesting unless preserved convetionally (and the character's friends may take a while getting used to eating Preserves made from the character's own excreted plant matter)

Enhanced movement [Minor]
'I can getherefasterthanthat oh...I overshot'

The character can fold space and jiggle time when he moves, enhancing his effective speed by simply dilating the distance. when he uses this ability, he multiplies his movement speed (not Spd score) by 5 times, but he has a few problems.

He's not actually any faster. He posesses relative speed, but his momentum is normal. as a result he's not generating any extra force.
He's pretty much blind. the outside world blurs when he's moving. He can go somewhere fast, but not see anything on the way.
It takes concentration. entering the zen like state required to maintain this enhanced movement means that he must devote all his attention to running (or flying, swimming, jumping etc). Combat is right out, any bonuses you may get for racing to your target is negated by you dividing your focus (net result is -2 to strike unless the attack is a bodyblock/tackle, full body ram or leap attack against a target) and steering is clumsy. any obstacle that has less than 20 feet of clearance is pretty much unavoidable (the character may have to dodge (14+) to stop before collision.)
However when moving from point A to B in a relatively clear path, the character is very fast.

The character can apply this power to leaps as well, leaping 5 times normal distance. if han make a roll with punch/fall/impact after a fall, then damage is either halved as normal, or treated as 1/5th the distance.

Dark spot [Minor]
'Here I am'

The character can negate the effect of light on his person. when doing so, he appears as a black form. he does not become invisible; light doesn't pass through him, it just loses all energy when it strikes him.

The consequences of this mean;
* +20% to prowl in area's of darkness
* Immune to light, and lasers including the effects of blindess.
* cannot be recognised by others. Is just a dark shape.

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CoalitionMerc wrote:Hopefully someone can read this quickly i am in search of a power that is like sonic vision (being able to use sound to see) i think it has been made my groups first meeting is tommorrow and i need this power for my character (think a super blind character enhanced hearing enhanced smell and enhanced touch with sonic vision on top of it)

Why not just radar? or the minor ability "sonar"?
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Powers Unlimited 2 has an official Gestalt power category (though it doesn't have the option of Gestalt robots that the Rifter has).
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Senator Cybus wrote:Powers Unlimited 2 has an official Gestalt power category (though it doesn't have the option of Gestalt robots that the Rifter has).

Maybe someone could expand on the official one to make it include such things as robots?
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Unread post by PapaMambo »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:Powers Unlimited 2 has an official Gestalt power category (though it doesn't have the option of Gestalt robots that the Rifter has).

Maybe someone could expand on the official one to make it include such things as robots?

Groan... I can just see the Voltron, Power Ranger, and Titan Maximum ripoffs now...
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AlanGunhouse wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Best In Show: Major or Minor

Duration: Always on.
Area Of Effect: 500ft + 100ft per level of experience after 1st.
Effect: The base attributes of the holder of this power are set to be equal to the highest of anyone within the area of effect, with a minimum of 8. If only the number applies, this power is a minor one. This power becomes a major one when the number, category, resistances, and weaknesses are also taken on.

First new power in a long damn time. Hopefully it's ok.

So you are saying it is a minor power, but it can raise your every attribute to 30 if someone in range happens to have a 30? Not sure it that is actually a minor...

If it actually raises attributes PAST 30...should you run into someone with superhuman attributes, well it definitely becomes less likely to be a minor.

I like options when it comes down to powers. Having major and minor versions of a power makes them more versatile.
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MrTwist wrote:
AlanGunhouse wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Best In Show: Major or Minor

Duration: Always on.
Area Of Effect: 500ft + 100ft per level of experience after 1st.
Effect: The base attributes of the holder of this power are set to be equal to the highest of anyone within the area of effect, with a minimum of 8. If only the number applies, this power is a minor one. This power becomes a major one when the number, category, resistances, and weaknesses are also taken on.

First new power in a long damn time. Hopefully it's ok.

So you are saying it is a minor power, but it can raise your every attribute to 30 if someone in range happens to have a 30? Not sure it that is actually a minor...

If it actually raises attributes PAST 30...should you run into someone with superhuman attributes, well it definitely becomes less likely to be a minor.

I like options when it comes down to powers. Having major and minor versions of a power makes them more versatile.
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MrTwist wrote:
AlanGunhouse wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Best In Show: Major or Minor

Duration: Always on.
Area Of Effect: 500ft + 100ft per level of experience after 1st.
Effect: The base attributes of the holder of this power are set to be equal to the highest of anyone within the area of effect, with a minimum of 8. If only the number applies, this power is a minor one. This power becomes a major one when the number, category, resistances, and weaknesses are also taken on.

First new power in a long damn time. Hopefully it's ok.

So you are saying it is a minor power, but it can raise your every attribute to 30 if someone in range happens to have a 30? Not sure it that is actually a minor...

If it actually raises attributes PAST 30...should you run into someone with superhuman attributes, well it definitely becomes less likely to be a minor.

I like options when it comes down to powers. Having major and minor versions of a power makes them more versatile.

That's one of the reasons I sometimes make major versions of minor abilities I write. It is fun to think about what a minor ability could possibly mutate into.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I do the same thing, sometimes, with the powers from HU2 and the various PU books. Every once in awhile when creating a character, I come up with a concept which can't be fully realized with the powers available. I've turned majors into minors by stripping away parts I found too powerful or unnecessary, and turned minor powers in major ones by taking them to their next logical(in my opinion) level. In fact a previous power of mine, Ghosting, came from stripping down Intangibility.

Another way of bringing Intangibility down to a minor version would be to give it a maximum duration of one melee action per level, every other level, or even only every fifth level(personal preference). There might be a limit to how often you can use it within a certain time frame. You could also take away the other bonuses beside the H.F.

I think it would be pretty fun, if I ever got the time for it, to strip down the various major powers from HU2 into minor versions. Even Invulnerability can be made into a minor simply by turning it into a power that requires activation and limiting both it's duration and amount of use.
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There are already minor versions of many major powers in the PU books. For example, Dispersal as a a minor variation of intangibility, or immunity to melee attacks as a minor invulnerability...
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AlanGunhouse wrote:There are already minor versions of many major powers in the PU books. For example, Dispersal as a a minor variation of intangibility, or immunity to melee attacks as a minor invulnerability...

True, there are. Sometimes, though, they don't exactly fit what I'm looking for which is why I'll just tweak the specifics of the power in order to suit me.
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Yeah, one thing I did in an HU game I am running is give some basic tweaking that someone could make a power more specific to their vision of the character AS LONG AS THE END RESULT WAS NO MORE POWERFUL.
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AlanGunhouse wrote:Yeah, one thing I did in an HU game I am running is give some basic tweaking that someone could make a power more specific to their vision of the character AS LONG AS THE END RESULT WAS NO MORE POWERFUL.

Game balance is always a big issue when tweaking powers. Some people think because you are modifying a power it means you can just add a bunch of stuff without taking some out. It doesn't work that way.
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Yep, need to lose something to gain something with a tweak, and what you lose has to be equal or greater in value.
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Does anyone have a problem with the teleport power?
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Well, it is one of those powers that does not do well what it does in comics. In comics, characters almost never teleport into things or miss their destination...and can often use teleportation to dodge or even attack and dodge in the same action.
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That is why a number of variant teleport powers have been written. They have been collected in the Black Wault Wiki for easy reference: ... rs_-_Major
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