Rathorc Lemenger wrote:And here it is:
Human: Homo-Infernicus
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: About a year after the skeleton of the skeleton of the Angel was found, another skeleton was found in a cave that was half a world away from where the Angel skeleton was discovered. This skeleton could not be more different from either normal Humans or the “Angels”. In fact it was so different that when first discovered, the people thought that it may have been some type of alien being. Once the skeleton was fully uncovered, it was found to have characteristics of what could be considered to be the “classic” Demon or Devil from different religions. Upon further in-depth studies of the skeletal remains, it was found that it was also, just like the Angel remains, to be a variant of human. But a variation that was taken to the extreme due to differing environmental and climatic changes.
Once news about the new discovery got out to the world at large, there was mass panic in many cities across the globe. After about a week of civil unrest, the governments of the world and many of the main religious leaders (including the Pope in Rome) called for the people to calm down. But, about two months after the mass riots had calmed down, a group broke into the storage facility of the museum that was holding onto the remains for study and stole the remains. The group (which was a different group from the ones who stole the Angel skeletal remains) had left a note where the remains were kept that said that they were seizing the remains for themselves so they can bring about the coming of a “Hell on Earth”.
After a two month world wide man hunt, the group was located, but unfortunately they didn’t have the remains with them. The leader of the cult told the officials that they will never be discovered because, once the group had extracted the needed DNA from the remains in order to clone the creature. The leader then told the official that they had destroyed the remains so they couldn’t be studied anymore. The leader then told the people who were interrogating him that the group had impregnated a number of women through out the world with the cells of the being so they can finalize the plans that were starting to come together after many years of waiting and preparing. The leader then told the official that, by using the beings once they had reached adult-hood, they were going to become the main rulers of the planet and all the people would bow down before the “Children of the One True God”.
Size Level: 12.
Height: 7-9 ½ feet.
Weight: 500-750 lbs.
Build: Medium.
Mutant Changes and Costs:
Total BIO-E: 25.
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +4 M.E., +3 M.A., +3 to P.S., Beastly Strength, -2 to P.B., +5 Spd. (Flight).
Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the bat can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands: Automatically gets Extra Limbs: A set of fully developed arms and hands. Wings move to shoulder blades.
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Partial: Voice is deep and scratchy. 5 BIO-E for Full
Looks: Automatically Partial & Weird: Appears to be a Humanoid with tough, scaly skin, a pair of large, Bat-like wings, a muzzled head with a pair of large horns, a large, wide mouth with large, sharp teeth, and glowing, Reptile-like eyes. Instead of normal Human legs, it stands on a pair of Bovine-like legs. Skin ranges in colour from deep red to a light, neon orange. Hair is long and scraggily. Large, wide hands that end in sharp claws. Has a large, muscular, Reptilian tail.
Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Horns.
5 Bio-E for2D4 damage Heavy Claws.
10 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Heavy Claws.
10 Bio-E for 3D6+2 damage Teeth.
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Glide.
Automatically gets Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +20 S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
10 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
10 Bio-E for Prehensile Tail.
10 Bio-E for Medium Natural Body Armour: A.R.: 11, +35 S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
15 Bio-E for Crushing Strength.
15 Bio-E for Raptor Flight.
15 Bio-E for Silent Flight.
20 Bio-E for Heavy Natural Body Armour: A.R.: 14, +50 S.D.C.
20 Bio-E for Energy Resistance: Fire: This grants the ability to withstand fiery environment for a limited time. Also, it doesn’t take the first 5 points of damage of fire per round.
25 Bio-E for Energy Expulsion: Fire Blade: Has the ability to create a blade of pure flame from the hand.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore: Must eat meat RAW.
-15 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings.
-20 Bio-E for Pure Evil Alignment: This means that no matter what, the character is EVIL, with absolutely NO conscience what-so-ever.
Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
P.S.: This creature is NOT meant to offend anyone.
P.P.S.: The general plotline for this creature is in the discription.