Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

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Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

I resently had an entertaining talk with some friends about RPG's and our first played character. So here I am showing my nerdy nature and asking others to do the same. Here's my questions listed below, then I'll give ya all my answers for yer entertainment.

1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

3) What motivated you to play these?

4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

Growing up I had three things that if I could be anything it was one of them. A dwarf, a Werewolf or a Yautja Predator (like the movies predator). I read the LOTR's while in grade school so when others played cowboys and indians I was the odd one that wanted to be a dwarf. LOL anyways while in the Army I was introduced to D&D by the GM that just transfered to my unit and was looking for players. He talked a big game about how you can be almost anything and handed me the PH book and the Monster Manual, read them both over the weekend and figured out I could be both a Dwarf and a Werewolf. How much sweeter could life be. Needless to say when I brought the idea to him he laughed till long after I gave up explaining how cool it would be and left for better leverage. I wanted to play this guy bad so I came back with a case of Hornsby's Draft Cider and after we finished it I asked again. Ended up playing it as a ranger and made it to 11th before the group got split up. Still a great friend and damn good GM.
I got into Rifts after coming to Kuwait contracting and a fellow co-worker wanted to GM a game and was looking for players so we looked thru some OCC's and RCC's and wasn't feeling it at first, it was different, but now I know it's a better RP'ing system, so he asked me the dreaded question what was my Super-Hero, well I got to be a lil twisted because I told him it was Predator, he looked at me like I was a mutant and sat there quite for a while, then said "Well, bud you sure are an odd one, but I don't think I've ever seen a RCC for one so maybe we could make one." I was so tickled my face turned as red as my beard and we went to work. The other 2 guys that played in the group were new to Rifts also and you should hear what they wanted to play, but thats their story.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by keir451 »

My very first RPG character was a Mutant Tiger partial conversion cyborg fighter pilot from TMNT, that then led me into Robotech where mt next character was a Cyclone Pilot, and then finally to Rifts where my first character was a feamle GB pilot (in the days when all we had was the original RPG).
For TMNT I just liked the idea of a Mutant Tiger, the rest was because I was sucha noob that I went overboard on the cybernetics. :lol:
When I changed gaming groups and started playing Robotech all the players (except myself and a players girlfriend) were military and I was really into the idea of a Special Forces soldier (which was part of the Cyclone pilots description in those days).
I started Rifts with the same group and had been expanding my gaming by playing female characters and the GB just looked waaaayyyy too cool to pass up.
Re the Predator; A guy by the name of Dustin Ramsey (or Ramses) once did an RCC work up for them. The site he used to have is long since defunct, so no worries about conversion issues anymore. :D
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

I just found his Predator RCC wow, way more powerful then the one we made, heres the link for his if anyones interested. ... /pred.html
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Rimmer »

Banhammer in 3.......2........1..........
I let my wife play rifts once....................she shot me in the back of the head with a naruni plasma pistol, gaffa taped a type 4 fusion block to my nether regions, and kicked my ass off the apc travelling at 100 MPH

gimme a break, my pc is a playa, not me.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

1) D&D as in the OLD boxed set Elf (I hate that they brought the cover and the box out of retirement for the travesty that is D&D 4)

2) There was just me and my best bro, so I played multiple characters. (Rogue Scientist, and FCB and a CK)

3) Motivation... we wanted to test out all of the classes so I took three... oops there was also a HU alien

4) The GM encouraged it.

Now what was my first munchy Rifts character? It was a custom Nightspawn (as in not randomly rolled... WAY OP) and I had convinced the GM to allow me to play it because he only entered the state in the same conditions that 6th Sense went off (RMB not RUE). He was also a Gizmoteer from N&S with dimensional travel science. He didn't have his becoming until after he left Nightspawn Earth and came into the Golden Age prior to Chaos Earth. He was caught by NEMA and they had him... wait a second I may have the back story still...
I'm going to try to do a less munchie Nightspawn with skillz. As a child he was withdrawn avoiding human contact when possible. He seemed to be more interested in making… things. As he grew his knowledge grew as did the quality of his machines… now people knew what they were looking at, GENIUS. The child excelled at all things technical but trailed in all other subjects, barely passing High School he was actually picked up by the Nations top tech College on a Full ride scholarship. Again just barely receiving his BS. The government recognized his talents from the "product" he turned out so gave him a scholarship to allow him to take any classes he chose. He could have had a Doctorates in multiple fields but because other non-technical requirements were never completed his degree simply doesn't reflect the amount of knowledge held within his skull. After completing the majority of his classes (he still goes back for new classes or lectures… only if they include labs) the government picked him up and placed him in DARPA.

While at DARPA he discovered a new energy and developed a fixed weapon using it. The effects caused any thing struck by the energy to be annihilated, from tin can to tank nothing was left behind. While trying to discover the exact effects of the weapon they discovered two things first, the items didn't in fact become destroyed but rather were transported to a parallel dimension and second, transporting everything to the same location is messy. His curiosity got the best of him one night he aimed the "PDT" at another location and transported another D-sponder the visual showed that it indeed transported to a new location in approximately the same location in the other dimension. That night he decided to test it on a live subject so across the divide went bugs who arrived safely… minus the tin sudden death from shock of being d-ported and melded with a tin can (oopsey). Curiosity again took hold… he wanted to go. He decided to select a… uncluttered location as well as extend the duration of the beam so that he could get back through (since video from d-sponders had shown a blue portal on the other side). When he crossed over his morphous form was awakened. At first he didn't notice this looking about in astonishment it seemed to be an underground hanger full of vehicles… advanced vehicles his grin grew…(something strange). As he attempted to pass back through the portal he discovered that the portal was one way…then he discovered the arm of some monster was reaching for the portal. He swung and put up as good a defense as he could muster, then realized those hands, those arms were connected… TO HIM!!! He quickly inspected the rest of his body, only now o_O noticing the lack of a nose, or eyelids or… skin, he screamed, what he heard was a roar then he passed out.

When he awoke he found himself in pitch black save a small light in the distance. He crawled on the floor toward the light noticing on occasion that his hands felt… normal. There was also the familiar feel of his lab coat and the weight of it's pockets pulling in awkward directions. As he reached the light he depressed the button and was blinded by light and deafened by Klaxons. Within minutes there was yelling and he was forced back to the ground where he was restrained. He was taken to a prison cell by a couple goons in some sort of armor, kinda like the stuff he was developing back home. He was interrogate, not being a fan of pain, he blurted out EVERYTHING… except the part about the monster (which must have been a dream, no a nightmare). His new "friends" weren't sure what to do with him, was he crazy, was he telling the truth, was the truth crazy. They brought in specialists in psychology to determine his mental state, as well as those in areas he spoke of to determine if what he was saying was the truth. His hosts revealed themselves as NEMA a military organization that defends all of Northern America and Mexico (guess NAFTA went a little too far). After his knowledge was hesitantly confirmed (the "specialists" didn't like being out done, though they always commented on how his technical writing skills were abhorrent) NEMA offered him a "supervised" position in their version of DARPA. He was placed in an underground facility with no knowledge of it's location other than it was in the central United States. Kept under close scrutiny he wasn't able to do much aside from develop equipment they requested. His many halted attempts to redesign a PDT only produced a small handheld device that allowed him to detect the energy, which he called PDE. He developed several new systems that were just coming to fruition, now entering their field testing phase. Thanksgiving came and instead of a Turkey dinner he got a transfer, escorted in an armored vehicle in a windowless compartment with armed guards, to another facility somewhere on the East coast.

CRYOGENICS?!? What the hell did they transfer him here for? He specialized in machines not people. He found that he had been transferred to aid in the final design and manufacture development of the machine, not for bio-development which had already been completed. The first was received by Christmas, and the first subject was Bugs II who was revived 24hrs after he was put under, just to be put under again for a week, then a month. Each test was successful the only observed side effect was nausia and a form of shock. By the middle of the next year they had 100 cryotubes manufactured delivered and installed for further testing. The first test was to make sure they powered up. Durring power-up tests the system the engineers noticed there was an odd drain, it seemed that each cryotube drew more power than the previous in an exponential curve. They had to switch from a single reactor to bleeding energy from all reactors in parallel into a device which would amplify the power, remove any irregularities and could compensate for the power curve. A few days before Christmas he felt a sting on his right leg. He reached into his pocket to discover his, now sticky, PDE detector. Withdrawing it he found it bloody, its face plate shattered and meter pegged. What bothered him was it was still reading high, not to mention he noticed that his BoNeS were a bit dry… this morn…ing. He looked around and saw everyone looking at him, there faces contorted… in sheer terror, then the mirror where only death stared back, then darkness… followed by intense cold, followed by dreams… not dreams nightmares. Two worlds becoming one. The sun eaten by darkness then regurgitated into the light the worlds separate into recognizable spheres but remain touching. Something… no everything different a feeling more than physical evidence. Closer, closer the vision got he could see people now… no only some were people others were all sorts of beasts who walked with the people who didn't even notice them. Then there were the shadowless shadows, people made of shadows who didn't cast shadows of their own also walking among the people, unnoticed. Then a voice telling him you are the Slayer of Demons and Murderer of Angels. You are death, the horned god, Cernunnos.

SIDE NOTE: The cryotube he was placed in was locked (which consists of a code lock out as well as a physical panell lockout which covers the readout. Another side effect of cryo-sleep could be loss of short term memory which fills in, in reverse (e.g. they'd remember that they locked him in before they remembered why).
Mind you I did actually make this as a less munchy Nightspawn... I've made far worse.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Slight001 »

1) Macross gene-enhanced human spec'd for VF Combat... he was literally born with the knowledge of how to pilot any VF.

2) CS Juicer... I'm still playing him in fact.

3) I like the concept of a super soldier. A human who isn't entirely human anymore and who risks his humanity to be a better warrior.

4) First GM integrated the class and background into the game, :mrgreen:, 2nd GM helped me pick the class out.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

So is this Nerd enough?

I have played or GM’d the following:

    I have played or GM’d the following:
      Palladium Fantasy
      Beyond the Supernatural
      Ninjas and Superspies
      Heroes Unlimited
      System Failure

    Leading Edge:

      AD&D (1st and 2nd ed.)
      Gamma World
      Boot Hill
      Top Secret
      Star Frontiers
      Marvel Superheroes

    FASA (also haven’t played since TSR/WOC/Hasbro acquired them, although I really liked how the Shadowrun creators stuck it to TSR/WOC/Hasbro by not allowing them to continuing publishing Shadowrun since FASA didn’t “own” the game):
      Battletech (yes I know it was a boardgame)
      Earth Dawn

    R. Talsorian:
      Cyberpunk 2020 (best cybernetic/bionic design and consequence system, best netrunning system)
      Bubblegum Crisis
      Teenagers from Outerspace
      Mekton (I, II and Zeta) (AWESOME equipment design system)
      Dream Park

    White Wolf:
      Were Wolf
      Street Fighter (only by peer pressure)

      Call of Cthulu

    Chaosium/Avalon Hill:
      Runequest (Most complicated PC creation system… according to Steve Jacksons' Murphy's Rules)

    Games Workshop:
      Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying
      Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader 1st ed.

    Wonderworld Press:
      Synnibar (Recognized as the worst RPG ever due to its rediculously complicated character creation system… wasn't around when Steve Jacksons' Murphy's Rules was published)
    Iron Crown Enterprises (wow I didn’t know that’s what I.C.E. meant guess I didn’t care):
      MERPS (now I did know that meant Middle Earth Role-Playing Game)

      Macho Women With Guns

    West End Games:
      Ghostbusters, International
      Star Wars
      Star Warrior

      Mutant Chronicles

    WotC (I had sworn to myself I would never do this but, I was suffering from RPG withdrawls):
      D&D 3.5
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

1. Likeher the Fighter, Human , old books(1977), remember he had a amulet of life giving, i was 8 and they were 16 and my uncle was the DM and the amulet was so if i died, but i soon figured out how to work it to my advantage, i was 5 level and they were at 3-4lvl by the end of the adventure lol, working the system.
2. the first three character for Rifts, i remember the day in Colorado Springs, Colorado, went into a toy store and there it was , Rifts , Got it my first character was a Cyborg, the guy was from the 20th century and ended up in rifts and got a new body, second was a Native american Juicer, a mantracker. third was a city rat on the run from his parents and the Coalition. well that was their backgounds.
3 bored with everyother RPG games and know palladium books system.
4. I was the GM, sold it as buck rogers(1980s)meets star wars meets D&D on steroids.
had to steal this from Zero Kay
I have played or GM’d the following:
Palladium Fantasy
Beyond the Supernatural
Ninjas and Superspies
Heroes Unlimited
System Failure
AD&D (1st and 2nd ed.)
Gamma World
Top Secret
Star Frontiers
Marvel Superheroes
Star Wars (6d,20d)
Elf Quest
DC superheroes
Twilght 2000
James Bond 007
Starship Troopers (RPG)
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

It can never be "nerdy enough" this is a website for nothing but SciFi Geeks and Fantasy Freaks and that other odd bunch. So I'm sure there isnt too much that'll catch us that off guard, and if there is and you have uncontrolable laughter at it, well share your comments. Especially if yer laughing at my own recalling of my first characters. Heres one from a friend of mine since he's not on this site I'm posting it for him. We were talking about D&D 3.5 this was before I played Rifts and he had never done a RPG that was book&dice only computer games. I had an awesome storyline writen up for an evil campaign and needed players so I did what my GM did for me and handed him the PH book and Monster Manual told him to look thru it and let me know what he was interested in, I figured it couldn't have been more wild then mine so what could it hurt. HE never looked in the PH Book and came back with this wild idea for a character. Alot of people have experimented with a half breed at one time and sometimes it works sometimes it sinks more horribly then the titanic. His idea for a character wasn't just the product of 2 races no he had to go all out and use 4, Fathers side was ogre-nymph halfbreed (call it Omph, other way might upset someone) and Mothers side was Drow and Dragonspawn (Black). Yeah I almost choked he called it an Omph Drogen LOL knowing it was his first time I decided to entertain him so in order for him to even think about playing it he had to come up with one hell 'o story for both sides and how they met and how he managed to survive till adulthood, 40 typed pages later I created a random features and abilities chart with variable ECL adjustment depending. I got to admit being the GM for this I got geek'd out too and into it when we were rolling it up, but as far as gameplay well the other guys played typical characters wizard of thay, orc cleric of grumsh and gnome rogue that idolized Cyric unhealthily so he started as a powerhouse, but was limited by his appearance and ECL. He soon realized that there is more to it then being the biggest and badest and went with a more conventional character. As for his first Rifts character it was a Gromek Bounty Hunter, nothing too crazy and his motivation for it was he loved Gargoyles as a teen growing up and picked the B.H. because it gave him a sweet ride and the right to have a bad attitude - Straight from his mouth, a Biker Gromek LOL.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Incriptus »

1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

I was 6 maybe 7. My older brothers [4 & 6 years older than myself] played D&D with their friends. There was a "Let your little brother play with you moment" and I made a Human Paladin. Our first run out they pushed my character into a vat of acid killing him. I went home crying.

Equally important was my second character, a halfling. My Brothers's freinds didn't like the way that went down so they made me a second character and have me come in near the end of the run and assassinate my brothers.

. . . and people wonder why I'm evil today!

2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

Morg the Headhunter. Oddly enough I had the first source book before I had the main book. The character started out as just an Ultimax, then I got around to borrowing the main book and giving him a class.

My favorite thing about the character. Like everyone else at a young age I dropped the highest attribute into strength. Had a 23 P.S. was a 360 pound walking wall of muscles. Then I decided who cared about P.S. when you're in a power armor, so I droped the high P.S. and instead went for a high ME for some bonuses against Psionics. Well I decided to leave the weight the same, so instead of being a muscle head the guy suddenly turned into "the fat dude". He would be seen running across a battlefield with a cheezeburger in hand. Just slovenly obese, I love it!

3) What motivated you to play these?

It's what was available, I rarely make stuff up out of whole cloth or create conversions. Plus I was young.

4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

Quite standard really
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by CyCo »

Zer0 Kay wrote:So is this Nerd enough?

I have played or GM’d the following:

    I have played or GM’d the following:
      Palladium Fantasy
      Beyond the Supernatural
      Ninjas and Superspies
      Heroes Unlimited
      System Failure

    Leading Edge:

      AD&D (1st and 2nd ed.)
      Gamma World
      Boot Hill
      Top Secret
      Star Frontiers
      Marvel Superheroes

    FASA (also haven’t played since TSR/WOC/Hasbro acquired them, although I really liked how the Shadowrun creators stuck it to TSR/WOC/Hasbro by not allowing them to continuing publishing Shadowrun since FASA didn’t “own” the game):
      Battletech (yes I know it was a boardgame)
      Earth Dawn

    R. Talsorian:
      Cyberpunk 2020 (best cybernetic/bionic design and consequence system, best netrunning system)
      Bubblegum Crisis
      Teenagers from Outerspace
      Mekton (I, II and Zeta) (AWESOME equipment design system)
      Dream Park

    White Wolf:
      Were Wolf
      Street Fighter (only by peer pressure)

      Call of Cthulu

    Chaosium/Avalon Hill:
      Runequest (Most complicated PC creation system… according to Steve Jacksons' Murphy's Rules)

    Games Workshop:
      Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying
      Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader 1st ed.

    Wonderworld Press:
      Synnibar (Recognized as the worst RPG ever due to its rediculously complicated character creation system… wasn't around when Steve Jacksons' Murphy's Rules was published)
    Iron Crown Enterprises (wow I didn’t know that’s what I.C.E. meant guess I didn’t care):
      MERPS (now I did know that meant Middle Earth Role-Playing Game)

      Macho Women With Guns

    West End Games:
      Ghostbusters, International
      Star Wars
      Star Warrior

      Mutant Chronicles

    WotC (I had sworn to myself I would never do this but, I was suffering from RPG withdrawls):
      D&D 3.5

Not really.

Been playing over 25 years, and have played/ran over 100 game systems. More if you count different game settings (ie, AD&D, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, etc).

Me and one of the guys in my group total over 200 systems/settings and 50+ years of gaming.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

1) D&D basic (the red box) an axe wielding fighter named Hacker.
2) A nihonjin wilderness scout in NA.
3) 1st: to be able to play something with my brother. rifts: to play with other gamers
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

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1) Lord of The Rings RPG - Rohirrim Warrior
2) Rifts old edition Full Conversion Cyborg named The Baron(later undergone an hell of modification...included TW, Biowizardry, Phase word Tech and even a Runic axe in place of hand, for a brief period.) - Second characters ever played for Rifts was a Dogboy named D-best...not the best of names but hey were the 90's.
3) For the first one...*****ing Rohirrim!! That's why!! UH-hA RO-han!! For the full COnversion Cyborg, well I always dreamed to improve myself, in an easy way :P And I loved the idea of being a mix between robocop and ironman!
4) for the first one , well got no problem, was kinda straightforward warrior. For the rifts , well to blend better with the team i started with minimal built in weapons(Retractable blades in both arms and a retractable laser rod in leg).
"The baron is made of raw win. Search your feelings, you know it to be true."
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Franfrickle wrote:It can never be "nerdy enough" this is a website for nothing but SciFi Geeks and Fantasy Freaks and that other odd bunch. So I'm sure there isnt too much that'll catch us that off guard, and if there is and you have uncontrolable laughter at it, well share your comments. Especially if yer laughing at my own recalling of my first characters. Heres one from a friend of mine since he's not on this site I'm posting it for him. We were talking about D&D 3.5 this was before I played Rifts and he had never done a RPG that was book&dice only computer games. I had an awesome storyline writen up for an evil campaign and needed players so I did what my GM did for me and handed him the PH book and Monster Manual told him to look thru it and let me know what he was interested in, I figured it couldn't have been more wild then mine so what could it hurt. HE never looked in the PH Book and came back with this wild idea for a character. Alot of people have experimented with a half breed at one time and sometimes it works sometimes it sinks more horribly then the titanic. His idea for a character wasn't just the product of 2 races no he had to go all out and use 4, Fathers side was ogre-nymph halfbreed (call it Omph, other way might upset someone) and Mothers side was Drow and Dragonspawn (Black). Yeah I almost choked he called it an Omph Drogen LOL knowing it was his first time I decided to entertain him so in order for him to even think about playing it he had to come up with one hell 'o story for both sides and how they met and how he managed to survive till adulthood, 40 typed pages later I created a random features and abilities chart with variable ECL adjustment depending. I got to admit being the GM for this I got geek'd out too and into it when we were rolling it up, but as far as gameplay well the other guys played typical characters wizard of thay, orc cleric of grumsh and gnome rogue that idolized Cyric unhealthily so he started as a powerhouse, but was limited by his appearance and ECL. He soon realized that there is more to it then being the biggest and badest and went with a more conventional character. As for his first Rifts character it was a Gromek Bounty Hunter, nothing too crazy and his motivation for it was he loved Gargoyles as a teen growing up and picked the B.H. because it gave him a sweet ride and the right to have a bad attitude - Straight from his mouth, a Biker Gromek LOL.

Really? Nothing off guard? How many can say that they actually found Synnabar interesting? How many can say they own a copy of Iron Wood?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

CyCo wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:So is this Nerd enough?

I have played or GM’d the following:

    I have played or GM’d the following:
      Palladium Fantasy
      Beyond the Supernatural
      Ninjas and Superspies
      Heroes Unlimited
      System Failure

    Leading Edge:

      AD&D (1st and 2nd ed.)
      Gamma World
      Boot Hill
      Top Secret
      Star Frontiers
      Marvel Superheroes

    FASA (also haven’t played since TSR/WOC/Hasbro acquired them, although I really liked how the Shadowrun creators stuck it to TSR/WOC/Hasbro by not allowing them to continuing publishing Shadowrun since FASA didn’t “own” the game):
      Battletech (yes I know it was a boardgame)
      Earth Dawn

    R. Talsorian:
      Cyberpunk 2020 (best cybernetic/bionic design and consequence system, best netrunning system)
      Bubblegum Crisis
      Teenagers from Outerspace
      Mekton (I, II and Zeta) (AWESOME equipment design system)
      Dream Park

    White Wolf:
      Were Wolf
      Street Fighter (only by peer pressure)

      Call of Cthulu

    Chaosium/Avalon Hill:
      Runequest (Most complicated PC creation system… according to Steve Jacksons' Murphy's Rules)

    Games Workshop:
      Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying
      Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader 1st ed.

    Wonderworld Press:
      Synnibar (Recognized as the worst RPG ever due to its rediculously complicated character creation system… wasn't around when Steve Jacksons' Murphy's Rules was published)
    Iron Crown Enterprises (wow I didn’t know that’s what I.C.E. meant guess I didn’t care):
      MERPS (now I did know that meant Middle Earth Role-Playing Game)

      Macho Women With Guns

    West End Games:
      Ghostbusters, International
      Star Wars
      Star Warrior

      Mutant Chronicles

    WotC (I had sworn to myself I would never do this but, I was suffering from RPG withdrawls):
      D&D 3.5

Not really.

Been playing over 25 years, and have played/ran over 100 game systems. More if you count different game settings (ie, AD&D, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, etc).

Me and one of the guys in my group total over 200 systems/settings and 50+ years of gaming.

Darn... only 24 years for me. Man I miss THAC0 and Spelljammer. Only 39 different systems for me. Stopped trying new systems when D20 came out. I think all D20 (c) systems are just different settings on the same system. I liked learning new systems not just figuring out the nuances of its button fly, zipper or velcro. :)
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:1) D&D basic (the red box) an axe wielding fighter named Hacker.
2) A nihonjin wilderness scout in NA.
3) 1st: to be able to play something with my brother. rifts: to play with other gamers

Just couldn't say Japanese Wilderness Scout huh? Why didn't you take the extra step and use character map and get the hiraganna for it?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

Wow, I am really surpised this forum didn't get more posts and I kinda thought there would've been some more extravagent first characters, maybe some of ya that read but didnt post are just embaressed, it's ok if ye want to be a chicken. I do have to admit there is a lot of RPG history represented in this forum though. There's a couple I've never even heard of till now, but my hats off to ya for sticking with it.

Just to spice things up a bit I'd like to ask all GM's who are willing to share, what is the wildest, ridiculous or most bizarre character idea one of yer players has tried to talk ya into playing and if yer up to it, tell us a little about it, what yer initial reaction was and if ya let him/her actually play it?
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Nightmask »

First ever character was 1st Edition AD&D human Wizard named Morlockthe Massive (as a result of the random size/weight tables having him be quite overweight even though he had a 17 Constitution). Palladium-wise would be a delusional Mind Melter who thought he was a Jedi as a pre-created character at a convention.
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

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It was too long ago. I was in kindergarten or early grade school, and I have no idea what my first character was.
It was red box D&D, though.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by King Newt »

1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

My first character was a human fighter in D&D. This was early dungeons and dragons. Started playing in 1984. Yes i am old.

Description: He was a human fighter who wouldn't use magic. My GM gave everyone disads and mine was wouldn't use magic.

2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

My first Rifts character was a Dwarf Rotary fuser. I used the mage knight Fuser as my inspiration. He was a weapon smith. We were in a convoy with the other freaks and were being actively hunted by the Coalition. It was fun. We played like four games and then the GM (my wife) got tired of it.

3) What motivated you to play these?

I always like to play oddball characters. I hate plying the toughest character of the group, but I usually like my character to have a few added surprises.

4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

It wasn't tough to talk her into it. I wasn't that tough. I repaired weapons, but other than that I wasn't much to worry about.

Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Lenwen »

Franfrickle wrote:1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

3) What motivated you to play these?

4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

1) - Graysoncreed. Full Conversion borg .. (Rifts)

2) - Graysoncreed.

3) - Rifts was the new hotness in my area .

4) - They actually said it would be a good move as my other choice was a crazy .. and the GM was absolutely (to this day even) against anyone playing a crazy .. because no one ever has done soo .. convincingly enough .

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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Grafsburg »

1) I can't even remember, it's been so long.

2) Rogue Dog-Boy (actually a hyena, but I used the Dog Boy RCC as a template) Wilderness Scout.

3) It sounded like a fun idea at the time. I'm not even sure what motivated me to make him a mutant hyena, but I knew from the beginning I wanted to play a Wilderness Scout ever since I first heard of Rifts.

4) The GM was actually pretty supportive of it. He actually built the character for me since it was my first time ever playing, and he purposefully made the character as well-rounded as possible.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Athos »

1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

Basic D&D, circa 1976, a human wizard, only played him three or four times before DM moved, but it was enough, I was hooked on RPing. But in 1977 I got AD&D and I was in heaven. I had an original old school bard, an elf wizard/thief and a human dual classed fighter / wizard, all were a lot of fun...

2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

True Atlantean Ley Line Walker, still have him, he rocks.

3) What motivated you to play these?

Some seemed to fit the group I was in, most were spell casters and I have always been fascinated by the idea of magic.

4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

Never had a problem with DM's and my characters to be honest. Especially back in the 70's when I started playing, we were all in junior high and trying to figure out who we were and what we wanted to be. I was always fond of Gandalf, and other fictional heroes, (you might recognize the name :) ) and wanted to be like them.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

Athos wrote:Never had a problem with DM's and my characters to be honest. Especially back in the 70's when I started playing, we were all in junior high and trying to figure out who we were and what we wanted to be. I was always fond of Gandalf, and other fictional heroes, (you might recognize the name :) ) and wanted to be like them.

OK. Ye done got me curious, lol. I can think of 3 different Athos, but only one was a mage/caster sort. you got the obvious one from Three Musketeers then there is Athos from greek mythology and the last which I'm thinking you might be refering to being a castertype is from an old gameboy rpg called fire something, wanna say embre or emblem. I don't remember all of it and played it back while in S. Korea in '04, had somekind of battle with a dragon and I remember there was another character called Hawkeye <-- I think thats why I still remember the game. Been a while and haven't touched a gameboy since then. Hell I didn't even think that game was released in the US and I found it in some back-alley electronics store that specialized in blackmarket games and dvd's.
So if I got it let me know, curious as hell and if I don't have it then slap me upside the head and tell me who yer talking about
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

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I adopted the name Athos after the oldest of the three musketeers. He loved to drink and gamble, two of my three favorite things :)
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

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My all time favorite character by a player I was GMing for was a Captain Universe. He was a Mystic with a major insanity. He thought he was a god and used up all his PPE casting spells for his introduction. He was the type of player that after given guidelines for the game and knowing where the GM wanted the game to go would go someplace completely different (i.e. supposed to go to Oregon, went to Mexico). He also did terrible pranks, M80 and mutant cats is just one example. He was just funny... I never really did understand why the other players followed him, knowing that a) they wouldn't get paid, b) he was nuts, c) they were going into vampire territory.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

Athos wrote:I adopted the name Athos after the oldest of the three musketeers. He loved to drink and gamble, two of my three favorite things :)

Hell I should've known, I don't think I ever met anyone that knew of the game, but for me it would have to be Porthos if any. He was more the life of a party and kinda carefree attitude that almost always saw the humor in anything. It's the kinda character I like to roleplay the most, one that is kinda a comic relief but can go balls to wall when the situation calls for it. I once played a Doppleganger in DnD 3.5 that was cursed with multiple personalities after mocking the god Mask, and one of them was modeled after Porthos's style but he was a cook instead of musketeer and wielded a ladle into a fight and always had a bottle in the other hand. My GM and I set the character up and made a random generation table to randomly determine race, sex, alignment, class/profession, personality, and even sexual orientation :lol: then and used the character to kinda throw the other players off and keep it entertaining, lol they didn't even realize it was the same character till almost the end, they thought I was just helping the GM with NPC's, LOL goodtimes.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Dog_O_War »

Franfrickle wrote:I resently had an entertaining talk with some friends about RPG's and our first played character. So here I am showing my nerdy nature and asking others to do the same. Here's my questions listed below, then I'll give ya all my answers for yer entertainment.

1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

It was D&D 2nd Ed. I had a half-elven ranger by the name of Wyren Waywatcher. By 2nd Ed. standards my character was terrible; I only just qualified for ranger, but I had a half-decent charisma (15, my highest stat). For whatever reason only bad luck would befall my character; I didn't have a bonus to save my life really. I had a terrible habit of throwing away my weapons, getting mauled by anything that used d6s for damage, and I lost a leg. My only real advantage was using things that people normally wouldn't consider an advantage; we came across a room full of magic swords once, and my friend had picked up two cursed swords; they would draw themselves if you reached for a different weapon, and had a -1 to attack (but not damage). After de-cursing my friend, I purposefully took those swords because I already had no attack bonus and had the terrible habit of throwing my weapons away. With these in-hand I couldn't throw my weapons away, and they still were considered magic weapons - which was great for when we fought a will-o-the-wisp; I needed 20's to hit the thing regardless of the attack penalty.

Also, I had a decent intelligence, and could speak a few different languages; coupled with my decent charisma score, that got us out of a couple of scrapes as well.
Franfrickle wrote:2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

I was talked into playing a stock dogboy with a C-18 while everyone else was rolling around in MDC vehicles, PA, were borgs, line-walkers, etc... It became immediately apparent that I had been duped when none of my natural dogboy advantages meant anything. I was Toto to everyone elses' Dorthy; just along for the ride. I wasn't allowed anything cool or neat, and at the time I didn't know any better. I did know I was effectively useless though, and every encounter we had proved it.

Franfrickle wrote:3) What motivated you to play these?

Wyren was motivated by a love for fantasy games, novels, and creativity.

That dogboy was motivated by an utter lack of understanding of the game; I pick that race because I thought it was 'cool'. I was penalized for it.

Franfrickle wrote:4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

I talked no one into anything; I was talked into the dogboy, but the ranger I was encouraged to play, as I was encouraged to play whichever class I liked.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Scrud »

My first character and my first rifts character was a flame panther from South America, it was just the first book I picked up and the character seemed cool. I played with him for a while before I got bored, but much more importantly is my second character that I chose. He was an elf slayer from Russia. A real rough and tumble bad ass with a suave side. I've been playing that character on and off for about 8 years now, and seeing as I made him when I was still in high school theres been a lot of change he has seen a steady transition to the regal spellsword. He is currently a 10th lvl slayer 6th lvl High Magus, sort of a magical monster hunting batman
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Dead Boy »

Franfrickle wrote:1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

That would be Aries, a Dwarf Fighter for AD&D. I think I was 12 at the time. My brother was playing the game with some others and he liked it so much he talked me into giving it a go. So I glossed over the books, went with the simplest character to make and play that required the least amount of homework (I was horribly lazy back then, and semi-illiterate due to my laziness). I got the name (obviously) from Greek mythology thinking I was being so clever for using such an "obscure" source... and then a month later I cracked a copy of the Deities & Demigods book to see I wasn't so clever after all. Description-wise, Aries as a typical Dwarf who was as wide across the shoulders as he was tall (about three feet both ways). Ignoring the rules as I did then, he dual-wielded two two-handed swords for maximum damage thanks to his fudged 18-00% strength, which was later wished up to the 25 max. At one time, briefly, he had two large rubies on his helmet covering his eyes due to his short-lived Cyclops-esque laser vision (brother was trying to spice up the game with mutant powers; pre Marvel or DC RPGs, which weren't that great in their first incarnations, though I still have the DC RPG around here somewhere).

It wasn't till I was 14 that I bothered to start playing with my brother's group and got around to kind of reading the character classes to make a better character. 15 was when I started getting in to Champions and when I REALLY started caring about silly things like the rules, game mechanics, and character conception.

Franfrickle wrote:2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

That would be James Dark, my CS Military Specialist (I was 20 years old then) when Rifts JUST came out. This time I was the one who talked my brother into trying my new RPG. He made a 'Borg by the name of ... I forget... I'll have to ask him. As the one running the first game, I was able to set the tone, so running a Coalition character was not problem nor was the CS-themed campaign that followed stemming from that first game. Though other characters came and went, Dark managed to survive and was retired a few years later when my brother moved to Minnesota.

Franfrickle wrote:3) What motivated you to play these?

Aries: Sloth

James Dark: Because I have literally been a CS-man from day one of this game!

Franfrickle wrote:4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

See Q&A #1.
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Dunia »

Franfrickle wrote:1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

Mutant. This is a Swedish Roleplaying Game (which later spawned: Mutant 2, Mutant 2.2 Mutant Space and Mutant Chronicles). It is placed in Scandinavia and the lands around the Baltic Sea a bit after the 3rd World War and a new, Human Empire called the Pyri-Community, which hates all mutants (there are animals, human and plant mutants).

I played a Rubbit. A Rubbit is a very intelligent rabbit (or hare) that walks on its hind-legs and has arms instead of front legs. They are just about 2.5 feet high and is one of the few races that has adapted very well to this new world by re-inventing steam power, telegraphs and a few other things and use tools.
What I liked about the rubbits was that they are so afraid of all meat-eaters (humans, bears, wolves, foxes) that they have declared war on all of them as they believe that a good offence is the best defence. And this war they fight with a dilligent and a focused mind, through infiltration, sabotage, massacers and terrorist actions and they will not stop until there are no meat-eaters left in the world.

My Rubbit - Lt Hyzenthlay Wolfnibbler - was along range spy who travelled with other adventures to make a map of all meat-eating societies so that my leaders could know where they were located and could prepare The liberation of Scandinavia. Like most Rubbits, Hyzentlay could control her hatred and instead of kiling the other players convinced herself that she used them as tools for the war to come. If they would help her kill a few humans/bears/dragon etc then that would be a few enemies that the rubbits would not have to fight later. But she knew that in the end, if her ''friends'' would not agree to go vegentarian in the end, when The Liberation came, she would have to kill them....

Franfrickle wrote:2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

A Psi Ghost/Psi Stalker hybrid that had escaped Lone Star

Franfrickle wrote:3) What motivated you to play these?

My Rubbit - Because I like the concept of a militant Rabbit with strong nazi tendencies who place ordinary rabbits in work camps etc.
My Rifts character - My GM

Franfrickle wrote:4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

I am a girl, I just show some cleavege and I get what I want...and when I do not get what I want I pout my lips and look very sad and vulnerable...dont you guys do that?

No, to be honest, I just looked through the various races and say''can I play this?'' Then I sit down with my GM and try to build up how this character will fit in the world/the group and teh GM's plans.
When it comes to my Rubbit, me and my GM (nowdays my Husband - heck, we met in that RPG campaign all those years ago - I cant believe it) had quite long talks and we looked together at the world, and he helped to flesh out my character to give it more colour and flare. I just looked at the picture in the book and knew that this race was so me :)
For Rifts, it was more my GM who made me this hybrid as he really wanted me to play in the campaign, and I debated for 3 weeks what to choose, a Psi Stalker or a Psi Ghost and when my deadline came and passed two times he decided that he should make a Psi Stalker/Psi Ghost Hybrid that had escaped from Lone Star.
I remember that I had the Psi Ghost Intangability, the psi Stalker's Senses and need for PPE and that I was sterile and had a phoba for doctors and people in lab-coats as well as labs. It was fun.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by CyCo »

Dunia wrote:Mutant. This is a Swedish Roleplaying Game (which later spawned: Mutant 2, Mutant 2.2 Mutant Space and Mutant Chronicles).

Really? Mutant Chronicles is an equal tie for my favorite game system, Cyberpunk 2020. I love both systems and settings. I never knew Mutant Chronicles was any other game before that.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Snake Eyes »

My very first RPG.....
TSR's Marvel Super Heroes RPG (1985).....later it was Robotech (1986), then Shadowrun 2nd edition (one game), my first Rifts game was around 2002/2003 (two games).
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Nightmask »

Snake Eyes wrote:My very first RPG.....
TSR's Marvel Super Heroes RPG (1985).....later it was Robotech (1986), then Shadowrun 2nd edition (one game), my first Rifts game was around 2002/2003 (two games).

*High Five's another who's played the wonderful Marvel Super Heroes RPG*
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

Snake Eyes wrote:My very first RPG.....
TSR's Marvel Super Heroes RPG (1985).....later it was Robotech (1986), then Shadowrun 2nd edition (one game), my first Rifts game was around 2002/2003 (two games).

Ok but what were the first Characters?
1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.
2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?
3) What motivated you to play these?
4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

Dunia wrote:
Franfrickle wrote:1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

Mutant. This is a Swedish Roleplaying Game (which later spawned: Mutant 2, Mutant 2.2 Mutant Space and Mutant Chronicles). It is placed in Scandinavia and the lands around the Baltic Sea a bit after the 3rd World War and a new, Human Empire called the Pyri-Community, which hates all mutants (there are animals, human and plant mutants).

I played a Rubbit. A Rubbit is a very intelligent rabbit (or hare) that walks on its hind-legs and has arms instead of front legs. They are just about 2.5 feet high and is one of the few races that has adapted very well to this new world by re-inventing steam power, telegraphs and a few other things and use tools.
What I liked about the rubbits was that they are so afraid of all meat-eaters (humans, bears, wolves, foxes) that they have declared war on all of them as they believe that a good offence is the best defence. And this war they fight with a dilligent and a focused mind, through infiltration, sabotage, massacers and terrorist actions and they will not stop until there are no meat-eaters left in the world.

My Rubbit - Lt Hyzenthlay Wolfnibbler - was along range spy who travelled with other adventures to make a map of all meat-eating societies so that my leaders could know where they were located and could prepare The liberation of Scandinavia. Like most Rubbits, Hyzentlay could control her hatred and instead of kiling the other players convinced herself that she used them as tools for the war to come. If they would help her kill a few humans/bears/dragon etc then that would be a few enemies that the rubbits would not have to fight later. But she knew that in the end, if her ''friends'' would not agree to go vegentarian in the end, when The Liberation came, she would have to kill them....

I am a girl, I just show some cleavege and I get what I want...and when I do not get what I want I pout my lips and look very sad and vulnerable...dont you guys do that?

I got to admit this has been one of the most enjoyable postings I've read on here. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed all of them its just this posting has such Voice and it portrays a clearer picture and shows how much of an impression Lt Hyznthlay Wolfnibbler made on you, guessing you liked the book too. Beundransvärd! Thank you for sharing, All of you.

Loved the last part of the quote too, but I'll stick with bribbing them using Beer, Draft Cider or Mead
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Nightmask »

Dunia wrote:
Franfrickle wrote:1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

Mutant. This is a Swedish Roleplaying Game (which later spawned: Mutant 2, Mutant 2.2 Mutant Space and Mutant Chronicles). It is placed in Scandinavia and the lands around the Baltic Sea a bit after the 3rd World War and a new, Human Empire called the Pyri-Community, which hates all mutants (there are animals, human and plant mutants).

I played a Rubbit. A Rubbit is a very intelligent rabbit (or hare) that walks on its hind-legs and has arms instead of front legs. They are just about 2.5 feet high and is one of the few races that has adapted very well to this new world by re-inventing steam power, telegraphs and a few other things and use tools.
What I liked about the rubbits was that they are so afraid of all meat-eaters (humans, bears, wolves, foxes) that they have declared war on all of them as they believe that a good offence is the best defence. And this war they fight with a dilligent and a focused mind, through infiltration, sabotage, massacers and terrorist actions and they will not stop until there are no meat-eaters left in the world.

My Rubbit - Lt Hyzenthlay Wolfnibbler - was along range spy who travelled with other adventures to make a map of all meat-eating societies so that my leaders could know where they were located and could prepare The liberation of Scandinavia. Like most Rubbits, Hyzentlay could control her hatred and instead of kiling the other players convinced herself that she used them as tools for the war to come. If they would help her kill a few humans/bears/dragon etc then that would be a few enemies that the rubbits would not have to fight later. But she knew that in the end, if her ''friends'' would not agree to go vegentarian in the end, when The Liberation came, she would have to kill them....

Franfrickle wrote:2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

A Psi Ghost/Psi Stalker hybrid that had escaped Lone Star

Franfrickle wrote:3) What motivated you to play these?

My Rubbit - Because I like the concept of a militant Rabbit with strong nazi tendencies who place ordinary rabbits in work camps etc.

Sounds like you'd like the old Albedo RPG then, along with the various political intrigues amongst the various anthropomorphic animal races (in the comic that was never finished in the last few issues they find a human corpse in a ship far more advanced than anything that they have but you never learn more) there's the Independent Lapine Rupublic, an empire of xenophobic nazi-ish anthro rabbits who feel all other races should be subjugated and/or destroyed. To give you an idea of how far they'll go, they were preparing to implement the use of kinetic kill weapons on cities by launching projectiles at near light speeds that would shrapnel in an atmosphere creating a massive non-nuclear shockwave to pulverize a city and the surrounding area. I think they even did at least one attack like that in the comic.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Voodoolaw »

I am pretty sure mine was in the TSR Marvel Super Heroes RPG. I rolled up a total random mutant with flight and darkforce generation (or manipulation, one of the two). We generally played campaigns with random rolls for character generation, with the exception of being a mutant in most games. This became a kind of running joke for our group because 9 out of 10 random rolled characters of mine came up with at least one of the two darkforce powers.

We made a lot of Rifts characters when I was in middle (high?) school, but most of them never got into a real game. My first Rifts character was either a Juicer, Cyber-Knight, Wormwood Knight Hospitaller, or Wormwood Monk. I really don't recall anymore. Of the four, I only recall actually playing the CK. Good times. We didn't really know the rules. Someone just told a story and we rolled some dice when it made sense to us. It was a while before we realized dodges used actions. Ignorance was bliss.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Snake Eyes »

1) My character in marvel was a 4-armed mutant with adamantium skin, he had fire and cold blasts....he could shoot the fire from two hands and the cold/ice from the other two......he was somewhat a nut-case. in one scenario he was 'attacked' by the local police, he destroyed the police cars, then decided to turn on these 'inferior humans', he froze a few police, then he was going to hit them with a fire blast........the others in the group stopped him because it would have killed the police........before we stopped playing Marvel, my character was on the run from the authorities.

2) My Robotech character was a veritech pilot......i played him till he hit L-10, then he got killed (can't remember how), i used that character for a long time.......didn't play Robotech again till i GMed it back in May (this year).

3) My Shadowrun (or was it cyberpunk), can't was only one game

4) My Rifts character was a human cyborg (FC), she was really interesting, ended up getting killed blowing herself and the dragon up (she was implanted with a micro nuke).
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

I just want to thank everyone that took the time to post here sharing with everyone a little about themselves and to you future posters also. I can tell there is a plethora of RPing knowledge on this site from members all over the world and I'm sure there can be alot learned from quite a bit of you. I must also admit I am jealous of those of you that have been able to maintain a character for so long, but while I haven't been able to be around the same group and play off the same character for an extended period of time, mostly anything more then a year, it has allowed me as I'm sure others the chance to gain experience from a wide range of Players/GM's and the insane roleplaying styles and, for lack of a better word, unique ideas they come up with.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Saitou Hajime »

Here is my Go. Technically my first RPG character was a Street Duelist for Car Wars.

My first RIFTS character was a Rogue Scholar, with my real name, he lasted one game.

It was different, why read a book when you can be a hero in your own story.

I have played or GM’d the following:

    I have played or GM’d the following:
      Palladium Fantasy
      Ninjas and Superspies
      Heroes Unlimited
      System Failure

    Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone Publishing:
      Advance Fighting Fantasy

      Legend of the Five Rings 1st edition
      Legend of the Five Rings 2nd edition
      Legend of the Five Rings 3rd edition
      Legend of the Five Rings 4th edition

      AD&D (1st and 2nd ed.)
      Top Secret
      Marvel Superheroes

    R. Talsorian:
      Cyberpunk 2020 (best cybernetic/bionic design and consequence system, best netrunning system)

    White Wolf:
      Were Wolf
      Street Fighter and loved it.

      Call of Cthulu

    Steve Jackson Games:
      Car Wars

    Lost Unicorn:
      Star Trek next Generation

    Games Workshop:
      Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying
      Dark Hearsy

    Iron Crown Enterprises (wow I didn’t know that’s what I.C.E. meant guess I didn’t care):
      MERPS (now I did know that meant Middle Earth Role-Playing Game)
      Rolemaster Fantasy

    West End Games:
      Star Wars

      D&D 3.0
      D&D 3.5
      D&D 4.0
Subjugator wrote:I got my first job at age 12 (maybe 11, but I think 12) and worked more or less continuously until today. I had to so I could eat properly. Doing so as a kid detracted from my educational experience, which was bad enough to begin with . . .

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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by ikillbugsdead »

This is actually entertaining so,

#1 First character ever was a mutant great dane with full looks, speech and legs. he also happened to think he was one Dwight Eisenhower, but we didn't hold that against him.

#2 By the time I got in Rifts I was the GM in the group so I really didn't get to "play" for quiet a while. When I did finally get to just sit back and cause trouble it was as a near human headhunter technohound. Funny thing was, it was a low tech game. I got all my hardware, but no weapons, except for a couple of explosive finger joints the GM missed. He started out basically a nice guy.... After a few years however he as a kleptomaniac, a pathological liar, and a pyro.... So yeah, things got interesting. Oh and did I mention the whole "I have a womans arm because it was what the doc had? thing?

#3 I played him cause the technohound just tickles me pink, still does actually. Headhunters in general are a blast to play and just have a good "Rifty" feel to them.

#4 My DM loved him. I worked hard to help keep the group together, and other then his irrational love of his old truck, he was mostly sane.... for a while. After I killed the GM's favorite npc because he was looking at me funny, and then brought a bit of CS heat down on our heads when I kinda blew up most of a small town because the so called "merc" who I believed to be a filthy CS plant insulted my beloved truck.... Well, after that he wasn't so fond of me anymore.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Franfrickle »

ikillbugsdead wrote:This is actually entertaining so,

#1 First character ever was a mutant great dane with full looks, speech and legs. he also happened to think he was one Dwight Eisenhower, but we didn't hold that against him.

#2 By the time I got in Rifts I was the GM in the group so I really didn't get to "play" for quiet a while. When I did finally get to just sit back and cause trouble it was as a near human headhunter technohound. Funny thing was, it was a low tech game. I got all my hardware, but no weapons, except for a couple of explosive finger joints the GM missed. He started out basically a nice guy.... After a few years however he as a kleptomaniac, a pathological liar, and a pyro.... So yeah, things got interesting. Oh and did I mention the whole "I have a womans arm because it was what the doc had? thing?

#3 I played him cause the technohound just tickles me pink, still does actually. Headhunters in general are a blast to play and just have a good "Rifty" feel to them.

#4 My DM loved him. I worked hard to help keep the group together, and other then his irrational love of his old truck, he was mostly sane.... for a while. After I killed the GM's favorite npc because he was looking at me funny, and then brought a bit of CS heat down on our heads when I kinda blew up most of a small town because the so called "merc" who I believed to be a filthy CS plant insulted my beloved truck.... Well, after that he wasn't so fond of me anymore.

Lol, that sounds like an enjoyable PC to roleplay in-game with. I love insanities especially when they are played out well instead of just how some take them just for the bonuses it gives sometimes. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by johnkretzer »

1st Character: That I remember and play beyond a one shot was a in AD&D Elf Rogue. I can't remember his name but played him for a long time.

1st Rifts Character: Gypsey Healer...died second session.

Motivation: Just got a concept and go with it. Usuialy I read alot of non-fiction which sometime inspires it did with my gypsy Healer.

GMs Reaction: When I first started it was just me and my he was encouraging.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Thinyser »

Franfrickle wrote:I resently had an entertaining talk with some friends about RPG's and our first played character. So here I am showing my nerdy nature and asking others to do the same. Here's my questions listed below, then I'll give ya all my answers for yer entertainment.

1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

3) What motivated you to play these?

4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

Growing up I had three things that if I could be anything it was one of them. A dwarf, a Werewolf or a Yautja Predator (like the movies predator). I read the LOTR's while in grade school so when others played cowboys and indians I was the odd one that wanted to be a dwarf. LOL anyways while in the Army I was introduced to D&D by the GM that just transfered to my unit and was looking for players. He talked a big game about how you can be almost anything and handed me the PH book and the Monster Manual, read them both over the weekend and figured out I could be both a Dwarf and a Werewolf. How much sweeter could life be. Needless to say when I brought the idea to him he laughed till long after I gave up explaining how cool it would be and left for better leverage. I wanted to play this guy bad so I came back with a case of Hornsby's Draft Cider and after we finished it I asked again. Ended up playing it as a ranger and made it to 11th before the group got split up. Still a great friend and damn good GM.
I got into Rifts after coming to Kuwait contracting and a fellow co-worker wanted to GM a game and was looking for players so we looked thru some OCC's and RCC's and wasn't feeling it at first, it was different, but now I know it's a better RP'ing system, so he asked me the dreaded question what was my Super-Hero, well I got to be a lil twisted because I told him it was Predator, he looked at me like I was a mutant and sat there quite for a while, then said "Well, bud you sure are an odd one, but I don't think I've ever seen a RCC for one so maybe we could make one." I was so tickled my face turned as red as my beard and we went to work. The other 2 guys that played in the group were new to Rifts also and you should hear what they wanted to play, but thats their story.

1) Halfling Thief in AD&D

2) First Rifts character was a Nightbane. Morphus form was a Spider Centauroid, With Metal Exoskeleton, Bat wings, and gun arms (one 12 gauge one 7.62mm sniper rifle). He was a beast in both ranged and melee combat.

3) I don't think I had a motivation other than wanting to play them at the time.

4) The Halfling was a pushover and never did much of anything other than search for "traps, treasure, & secret doors" and die at the hands of another party member that found an intelligent weapon that hated thieves and had a stronger will than the character that posses it.
The NB was a in a high power campaign so it was all good. There was another NB with chainsaw hands, and several other high powered characters. The other NB and I took out a bal-rog by ourselves (only minor help from the party) Netted about 100lbs of demon bones (before the new rules for demons only leaving a handful of bones when they die). At 7000 gold an ounce we had a good haul but had to leave it buried on PFRPG and rift back to NB and never saw any of that money Though I still know where its at. :D
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Illendaver »

Meomad Slatefoot. A Dwarf fighter/cleric from AD&D 2nd edition. She was old to start with, went adventuring to score enough cash to move her clan into a fortress (which she personally killed the necromancer who was the previous tennant) and opened up her own brewery. She lived a long (for the campaign) and happy life. Best intro to RPGing that I can think of. I still have her Char sheet around here somewhere.

My first Rifts Char was a Russian Cyborg that got rifted into an alternate Rifts world where the NEMAns stayed alive by hiding in Ohio. Joined up and was a frontline beatstick against the CS.

The reason I wanted to play the old Dwarf was so that I could act like somebodys nice grandma (but passing around beer instead of cookies). I wanted to be a cyborg ever since I saw Terminator 2 when I was 11.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

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1) Box Set D&D and Box Set AD&D - Human Ranger - I always loved Aragorn in LoTR!
2) Undead Slayer - Wanted to try out the new tattoo magic from the just released Atlantis book!
3) See 2nd half of 1 & 2
4) The party in Rifts that I was joining already had a Undead Slayer in it so it wasn't hard to justify. I had been the GM of a different Rifts group when the game first came out and wanted to try playing so I joined a new group around the time of Atlantis' release.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Chronicle »

I had something form an OLD game called "Tunnels and Trolls" Called it TNT for short
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Timmee »

Franfrickle wrote:I resently had an entertaining talk with some friends about RPG's and our first played character. So here I am showing my nerdy nature and asking others to do the same. Here's my questions listed below, then I'll give ya all my answers for yer entertainment.

1) First RP'ing character ever? Give a description of what race and all that and what RPG it was played in.

2) If #1) wasn't in Rifts then what was your first Rifts character?

3) What motivated you to play these?

4) Now be honest, what was your DM/GM's reaction/response to it and how did you talk them into it?

Growing up I had three things that if I could be anything it was one of them. A dwarf, a Werewolf or a Yautja Predator (like the movies predator). I read the LOTR's while in grade school so when others played cowboys and indians I was the odd one that wanted to be a dwarf. LOL anyways while in the Army I was introduced to D&D by the GM that just transfered to my unit and was looking for players. He talked a big game about how you can be almost anything and handed me the PH book and the Monster Manual, read them both over the weekend and figured out I could be both a Dwarf and a Werewolf. How much sweeter could life be. Needless to say when I brought the idea to him he laughed till long after I gave up explaining how cool it would be and left for better leverage. I wanted to play this guy bad so I came back with a case of Hornsby's Draft Cider and after we finished it I asked again. Ended up playing it as a ranger and made it to 11th before the group got split up. Still a great friend and damn good GM.
I got into Rifts after coming to Kuwait contracting and a fellow co-worker wanted to GM a game and was looking for players so we looked thru some OCC's and RCC's and wasn't feeling it at first, it was different, but now I know it's a better RP'ing system, so he asked me the dreaded question what was my Super-Hero, well I got to be a lil twisted because I told him it was Predator, he looked at me like I was a mutant and sat there quite for a while, then said "Well, bud you sure are an odd one, but I don't think I've ever seen a RCC for one so maybe we could make one." I was so tickled my face turned as red as my beard and we went to work. The other 2 guys that played in the group were new to Rifts also and you should hear what they wanted to play, but thats their story.

My first real character was a D&D 3rd edition Fighter/Rogue that used a +2 Manual of Bodily Health (bringing my Constitution to 20). My character had more hit points than the pure Fighter :D .

My first Rifts character was an NGR Intelligence Commando, piloting a Dragon Wing. I still have the character sheet, but I'm not sure he's in the same reality/universe as my current character.
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Re: Show yer Nerd, First RP Character ever

Unread post by Ashendale »

1. My first character was a female, Malamute, feral-born Dog-Boy called Cinder (she had the mutation abnormality of a unique fur color, and so I picked a rust-red.) She had a particular fondness for mechanics and used a gigantic wrench as a weapon (this thing had to be at least 3 foot long.)

2. This was not only my first RIFTS character, but also my first role playing character!

3. Upon first flipping through the RUE, I stumbled upon the Dog-Boy R.C.C. and fell in love. It was only after I started writing one up that I realized just how powerful they can be, and also, how much I truly disliked the Coalition States (I have, since then, played in Coalition campaigns, but that wariness and mistrust lingers still.) So I decided to make her a feral-born Dog-Boy, not just to dissolve most link with the Coalition, but to fit in with the party a bit better.

4. The DM, my Dad, was honestly just ecstatic that i took an interest in the game, so I think he let me get away with more than he should have. Thinking back now, I realize how strange it must have been for a Dog-Boy to have attained such mechanical skills, but compared to other R.C.C.s and O.C.C.s, her proficiencies were relatively low. Being raised in a small community under the Coalition's radar and by the owner of an auto-shop probably helped, though, and also influenced many of my psionic ability selections.

As time went on, though, I focused on mechanical and electrical skills, eventually obtaining almost the same skill set and abilities as a certified Operator O.C.C. This proved to be the downfall of my Dad's "character killer" ending (which was set in place because we would have to end the campaign anyway, and due to hard feelings between players.) I managed to use my skills to the party's advantage and completely sabotage a Coalition raid by taking over one of the command ships (on the bare 003% chance of success), and took out the rest of our opposition. The campaign was thus concluded, and I haven't played Cinder (who made to around level 9) since. But it was epic.

She inspired the creation of several of my Operator O.C.C.s and other such character classes.
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