Fictional City Names

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Re: Fictional City Names

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@Bathawk .. very cool's got me thinking of ideas for my own city, thanx. Keep posting your ideas.
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Re: Fictional City Names

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The Immortals: introduction

The final "native" superheroes in Tenbray Falls (not counting kirkman act "immigrants" or the PC's) are the six immortal superheroes that The Walker is clumsily trying to shake out of thier ennui. All six have retired, but this does not mean that they can't be involved in the post "Big Bust" life of Tenbray Falls

"Membership" (term used loosely, and note these are WWII heroes so names are supposed to be corny) Justin Credible, Doctor Mercury, Swift Victory, Mr. Apocalypse, The Phantom Voice, and Captain Boomer

Do understand the motivation of the immortals you have to know thier shared history. palladium is unique among superhero RPG's as it does not have much mention beyons a few paragraphs what WWII was like in the HU universe, I've had to create some of my own "mythology"

At the advent of WWII many superhumans who discovered thier abilities believed enrollment inthe armed service was a given. true, many had priorities in thier home cities; vendettas against mobsters, or a desire tosee the streets safe even in wartime, or perhaps just a distrust of the goverment.

But other superhumans felt differently, while many were American patrioys, and others saw the Axis powers as a menance to be stopped, just as many supers found the war as a the perfect outlet to use thier abilities, for good or ill. After all there wasn't much supervilliany to typicaly be found in Wyoming or Arkansas....and the "batmobiles" of the era couldn't get the average crimefighter to Europe.

While in the newsreels the "costumed mystery men" on the front lines were made to seem larger than life, The reactions of the average soldier and sailor was markedly different. Gaudy costumes, a gung-ho attitude and little sense of tactics might be ok for a costumed powerhouse....but it also made him a target as well as any normal G.I. that stood near him. As such many superhoes who were in costume were ostrasized by the rank and file soldiers, evn when well behind friendly lines

there were exceptions of course, afew Supers had abilities that made them indispensable to "fellow" soldiers, such as healing, forcefields, danger sense ect; these supers were welcomes into the normal soldiers platoons, but were made to wear uniformrs just liek his fellow soldiers. they may have not been fully accepted, but they were head and shoulders more valued than the brightly colored superhumans in "Metahumann Action groups" (front line superhero teams, or "MAG's")

Terminoogy at the time resulted in Supers being considered either "Mutt's" or "Bulls"

A "Bull" represented the average costumed hero....bullheaded, rushing in, and usually landing himself in trouble, more than that, the bright costumes made them targets or "Bullseyes"

A "Mutt' was a superhero in uniform, despite the derogatory sound, being a "mutt" meant you were one of the Dogfaces....just not quite of thier "breed" but close enough to a 'real" soldier

After the war most Bulls tried to go back home but had difficulty, many still needed an anemy to fight, or at least a "cause" to use thier abilities, and without any "real crime" or supervillainy in may parts of the country, many such Bulls became villians themselves....from a sense of boredom if not a sense of greed. Others turned off by the rampant anti-communisim and paranoia of the "McCarthy era" rejoined the military, the only "home" they knew from thier new superheroic lives. Sure the Korean and vietnamese conflicts were less black and white as fighting nazis. But the military superheroes of the day were happy protecting the lives of US servicement...and that was enough.

the Immortals though, have been in the game now for over 70 years. and they are tired. Part of the issue is how things have changed....

Number One: The US militray is happy to have superhuman assets, but many superheroes simply go thier own way. The post war baby boom created a larger population witch created more problems domesticaly for superheroes to handle. The peace movement of the 60's got the anti-goverment mindsrt new momentum, and few supers wanted to involve themselves in the "wars of ideology" that the US involved itself in for a quarter century
By the 80's more superhumans were either "loose cannon" vigilantes. Or self absorbed mercearies who couldn't care less if they made a buck bounty hunting or being a spokeperson for breakfast cereal.

during this time the military was fairly desperate to cling to the generation of superheroes that belived that "America First" was the way to go. commissioned ranks, pay increases, and outright flattery or bribery was used to keep this super human generation in uniform

Which eventualy caaused problem number 2. During the 90's advances in scientific technology meant that th US (as well as other goverments) could create thier own superheroes. Bionics, Robotis, Eugenics and (of course) Super Soldiers....while not yet being mass produceced, were now available to replace the golden age supers. After all, many were dying off, if not from conflict, but form the advances of old age. Even those who were immune to the passage of time found themselves slowly ignored, thier "superstar" status in the military being replaces by younger metahumans who were soldiers first, and superhumans second. Eventualy one by one, the golden age heres were offered retirement and shown the door.

At the start of the war years however the OSS (office of Stretegic Services) was in charge of coordinating it's metahuman assets in the various armed services. it managed these duties often times from locations far away from the front lines as to not to provide an easy target for Allies enemies. Much like todays modern missile silos, a number of these organization centerers were situated in the American Midwest, and one of them in Tenbray Falls

Tenbray Falls was close enough to the US east coast (which for somereason was a breeding ground for superhumans in the early days) and was far enough from Detroit, which was already a potentional target for it's manufacturing centers during the way. Tenbray Falls as a haven for smuggling was also of note, and it was somewhat hoped that having an OSS metahuman training center would discourage not only potentional axis sabotouers who may try to gain access via Canada, but also discourage draft dodgers who may try to escape the country

There were dozens, perhaps hundreds of metahumans who visited Tenbray Falls as a result of involvment with teh OSS (and later the CIA). some visited only briefly as they awaited deployment, others were there for months being tested and trained in the use of thier abilities before Uncle Sam made use of them. And others found it convienient to relocate to Tenbray Falls with thier families.

The "Six" was not a team, in fact they didn't much care for each other. But they had all worked with each other during the war, and as "Golden Agers" faded away, retired, or died they found themselves working more and more often until they found themselves at the same (and sometimes only) table at MAG reunion dinners.

....many of them didn't mind when Uncle Sam gave them thier walking papers, and now by coincidence, each of the six has settled in one of the neighborhoods in Tenbray falls....or maybe it's not coincidence, after all they didn't really like each other, but they weren't going to move away just because one of thier "teammates" was a in seperate neighborhoods may have been a compromise, concious or not

oh, by the way, the original building that the OSS ran it's operations in Tenbray falls still stands. called "The Chantry" by the supers who visited it, The Chantry was located in the Redlawn district when it was a much better neighborhood. It had a dignified air about it up until it closed it's doors in 1969, it opened againas a gym from 1982 to 1988, and again as a soup kitchen from 1990 to 1994 but has been boarded up ever since

Plot Seed #1 at the end of the way, fifth columnists had infiltrated the Chantry and hid a chemical bomb somewhere inside. Over the decades, while never found, the bomb is unlikely to go off unless someone finds and tampers with it...of course a Supervillian, a terrorist group or some dumb kids are likely to sneak into abandoned(?) building to grab the weapon for themselves

Plot Seed #2 One of the new Kirkman act superteams has been given permission to convert the Chantry into it's new headquarters. unfortunately they discover a number of "squatters", homeless and drug addicts. The Kirkman team however has no reason to be gentle evicting the squatters. this will only fail to endear them to redlawn's residents. But if one gets hurt or killed do to thier negligence a drug powered (imbued) homeless man, Catharsis 1 (the "Whistler") or some other vigilante may decide to visit some payback on the rookie superteam (especialy if this Kirkman team is the PC's!)

Plot Seed #3 a riot has broken out in Redlawn! the reason may not be important (but plot seed #2 is an idea) and the rioters are trying to get at the PC's who are locked inside the's "assault on presinct 13" with the PC's trapped inside
Ideas for why the Pc's can't leave.....
---a deplorable criminal such as a child killer has been caught by the PC's, but the public wants it's pound of flesh before the PC's can get him in police custody....if the PC's can fly or teleport, the criminal has been already wounded and is too weak for such haphazard means of travel...if the PC's have paramedic skills or healing powers, the criminal has strapped c4 to his person and threatens to blow himself up if the PC's get too close
---same as before...but the PC's find out the criminal is innocent!
---instead of squatters The Chantry had been a meeting place for an evil cult. wether the cult has any supernatural assets is up to you, but they want thier "temple" back...the Pc's can't leave, otherwise they will have to take the Chantry bck from them at a later time

Ok tomorrow, i start writing about the individual members of the Six
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Re: Fictional City Names

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The Immortals, Part One:

Justin Credible aka Steven Lee, 7th level Expieriment, Anarchist, Minor Super abilities (5) adhesion, extraordinary physical prowess, extraordinary physical strength, longevity, nightstalking, also has hand to hand: assassin

One constant over the decades is that in high school there will always be the smart kids, and tere will be the more athleticaly inclined members of the student body who take it upon to torment the more intellectual among them.

Steven Lee was not one of the athleticaly inclined

It is true that while bright, Steven didn't do well inathletics, but his lack of popularity was mainly attributed to his lack of social graces. Inappropriate comments, and failed attempts to make himself seem "cool" only served to not only alienate Steven from his peers, but embittered him at an early age

With the likelyhood of America entering WWII, Steven was paranoid that he may get drafted, he spent late hours at school in his senior year attempting to do extra credit in the desperate hope to get a scholarship so he could avoid the draft by being a college student, it was during one of these late nights in the chemistry lab the "jocks" decided to play a joke on Steven

In truth a few firecrackers and some exploding bunsen burners didn't do as much damage as Stevens mad panic in the lab, the fact that the jocks had locked the door didn't help Stevens state of mind as the chemicals filled the lab and he passed out

When he came to, it didn't take long for him to realize that his body had become "supercharged"...being inhumanly strong and graceful, especialy at night with the strange added bonus of being able to climb any surface (his power of longevity would not become evident for years to come).
Now Steven came to a crossroads. he could either expiereince a tragedy, learn that great power brings great responsibility and become a wisecracking superhero daredevil....or embrace the embittered young man he had become and take his revenge on those who had tormented him.

Since this isn't Spider man's story you can geuss what route he took, the Jocks never stood a chance, three of them going to the hospital, and one of them walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

After the areneline rush wore off, Steven knew he was in trouble, he had made little attempt to concel his identity and would be expecting a visit from the police if his victims fingered him. As such he decided to enlist in the military as a way to hide, ironic, as his current situation stemmed from his eagerness to avoid military life.

As a non costumed super, Steven was initially a "mutt"....a uniformerd super serving alongside other uniformed GI's. He took well to militay life, in part to the wide lattitude he was given in killing nazis (who were just jocks with guns as far as he was concerened). However he soon developed a bad reputation among the enlisted men.

As one Sergeant put it: "The man is just incredible. And I don't just mean his powers, he has a wicked drive to hunt his fellow man, and the flexible morality to do what needs to be done, he creeps the men out though, and me as well,frankly I would rather be deal with Germans a hundred yards away than have that creepy m*****f***** in a foxhole with me"

Considering his abilities were being wasted at a squad level. he was assingned to the OSS office operating out of the Chantry in Tenbray Falls. They designed a "look" for him that they hoped the Germans would recognize and eventualy become fearful of, and then set him loose inside enemy lines in Germany.

After the war, Steven (now going by the code name"Justin Incedible") didn't even think about goign back to civilian life. He did not have the tempermeant or the discipline to become a spy, but the armed forces were more than happy to set him loose behind enemy lines no matter what conflict they were embroiled in. In fact the military was hoping to keep him on board whenthey started letting the Golden Age retire, as his powers had slowed his aging process, but new evidence that he may have been involved in war crimes convinced the armed services that Steven should "retire", and in 1982 Steven settled in Tenbray Falls Redlawn district, just a few blocks from the Chantry....just in case they needed him.

Civilian life though was good for Steven. In fact he had "mellowed out" some. While he had an extreme callous disregard for human life, killing had just gotten boring after 4 decades of it...there was just only so many ways you can garrote someone after all. he married a woman who he met through a computer dating service in 1986 and opened a pawn store (they didn't need the money, and business was horrible, but Steven needed a way to hide the sizeable income he still recieved from military) And his wife died of ovarian cancer in 2008, never knowing what activities her husband had been in...or that her "thirtysomething" husband was actualy over 80 years old

Steven...who also answers to "Justin"...has begun a more leiurly outlook on life. Having discovered that the last of the "original" bullies from his high school years died of lung cancer has lifted his spirits considerably. He has now come to think of his longevity as his greatest power, whatever enemy he can't knife or garrote he can simply kill with the passing of ime without lifting a finger. This attitude has made him something of a anti-human supremasist. Years of killing normal humans have given him a large ego when dealing with "norms" and he may be involved with any metahuman supramisist groups in the campaign world (though only as a silent member/donor, he considers putting on a costume behind himself now)

Unlike other members of the six, he would love to reminise with his former comrades in arms, though the feeling is not mutual, his penchant for gallows humor and eagerness as a "costumed assassin" alienated most of his peers as badly as it alienated the normal humans he assoicated with.

Plot Seed #1 During World War II, in febuary of 1945, allied bombers killed an estimated 500,000 germans, mostly civilians by completely detroying the city of Dresden, this had been considered either an act of "revenge" or an attempt to "depopulate" the Germans ability to replenish it's manpower.
If that is the case, it may not have been the aallies first attempt. Currently a United Nations force has decended on Tenbra Falls, lookign for Justin turns out that recently uncovered evidence that he may have been involved in war crimes in where he killed able bodied men who had not yet enrolled in the German military.
Being aware that in the post "Big Bust" era that Tenbray Falls authorities are not able to assist in this search. the United nations has been "generous" in temporarily boosting Tenbray Falls flagging police forces. In a shot time this "police force" may be found anywhere in the city...they aren't taking any chances being aware that Justin Credible is a coldblooded killer with most of his vitality retained
Where do the PC's stand? if they are "vigilantes" they may find themselves hampered by the surge in "officials" scouring the city. or perhaps they wish to help track down Steven? Rest assured though he won't surrender quietly, Justin Credible is more than capable in encaging in a cat and mouse game through the alleyways of Redlawn.
If captured, he may simply "disapear"...he knws where far too many bodies are buried for the US to risk embarrassment under interrogation. Also, once they fin/give on finding Steven the additional police forces will leave, resulting in yet another vaccuum that criminals in the city will take advantage of

Plot seed #2 Remember Catharsis? well apparently one evening she found Steven strangling two punks who had robbed his store earlier that night. While she has no issue with the killing themselves...of the"up close and personal" brutality of the act caught her off guard...things seem different when you kill someone with a sniper rifle a hundred yards away.
At the same time entranced and repulsed at the actions of the retired WW II superhero, Catharsis asks for trainign in the killing of criminals face-to-face. Amused Justin Credible agrees....he never had a protege before, and every old man needs a hobby. As a result any PC's encountering one of these anarchist metahumans stands a good chance of running into the other....But does catharsis have the stomach to kill with her own two hands?

Plot Seed #3 a mutant serial killer has been caught and is standing trial in Tenbray Falls, But he actualy has the best representation money can buy instead of a court appointed attorney. how can this be? the serial killer barely had the money to feed himself(serial killing dosen't really pay the bills) where is the money coming from?
You geussed it, Justin Credible is annonymously paying the killers legal bills. And at this rate he is either goign to get off on a tecnicallity, or at least be declared incompetent to stand trial. It seems Steven saw an interview with the killer where he declared that he was simply indulging in "survival of the fittest' and that mutants were superior to the cattle he killed.
Amazingly this resonated with feelings Steven had been having himself and he decided to take action. the PC's have to find out that he is behind the killers expensive counsel, and encourage him to stop supporting him by showing him that the serial killer is not a kindred spirit to Jutin Credible....then's hard to argue that the two ARE differnet!
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Re: Fictional City Names

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I just use regular town and city names. Here in Oz there are certainly enough odd places, unless you're playing a four-colour adventure, in which case every town needs to end with 'opis' or 'city' (bigopolis or mighty city, for example), or begin with 'new' (New Gisbourne).

The other thing if you're playing a 'realistic' game is that places were named by or for those that founded them, often for reasons that no longer really make sense to us in the present.

Towns and place names that are interesting I can think of, just off the top of my head: Emerald Beach (no emeralds there), Emerald, Attunga, Nambucca (means bendy river), Darwin (named for a scientist), the Glasshouse Mountains (named for glasshouse style kilns), the ominous-sounding Mt Warning, or the interesting Burning Mountain, and my personal favourite town in NSW, the metropolis of Wombat. Tell me, really, why the called the place Wombat?
I'd get up in the morning and watch the sun rise over the yardarm of my sky-ship as the sails billowed in the breeze and the land slid by 300-odd metres below. I'd grasp the mahogany ship's wheel, turn her nose a few points back onto the line, and feel pity for all those poor bastards below who have to work for a living. - My idea of the good life in Rifts.

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Re: Fictional City Names

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My personal favorite that I've used is Sentinel City. Originally named Sentinel, and placed on the west coast in WWII for a Pacific invasion that never quite panned out, they upgraded a CA city into a veritable fortress, with gun emplacements pointed out to sea. When the war ended (and they took the guns away), so did the government money, and the city floundered until a genius inventor and scientist made the city his home. They ran with the idea and started handing out tax breaks to science firms, and restructured the ocean-side wall into a series of interconnected archways, keeping the look but restoring the view.

Sentinel City is now the country's top scientific community, and the city has benefited from beta-testing a lot of the super-tech that these firms are producing, including the nation's first maglev mass transit system, and a SWAT team that uses exoskeletons in addition to regular vehicles.
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Re: Fictional City Names

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wow has it been really month since I updated Tenbray Falls?...sorry about that(for those that noticed)...partly to blame is having to wipe my hard drive after a bad trojan hit my system

expect entries for "Captain Boomer" & "The Phantom Voice" in the next day or two
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Re: Fictional City Names

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bathawk wrote:wow has it been really month since I updated Tenbray Falls?...sorry about that(for those that noticed)...partly to blame is having to wipe my hard drive after a bad trojan hit my system

expect entries for "Captain Boomer" & "The Phantom Voice" in the next day or two

When are we getting more Tenbray Falls updates?

Really loved this and have been planning to get it incorporated into my current duet game.
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Re: Fictional City Names

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Lol I just logged in and saw my last post was 10 months ago! And it was officialy a year since I started Tenbray Falls. Truthfuly I had moved on to my other setting the "Daniels Countyy Project"....but thoughts about Tenbray Falls keep popping in my head on the way to work

I wondered if anyone read the darn things? Should I bother coming back for updates? Then I logged in and saw Juce734 voice his curiosity a few weeks back (haven't been on the forums for a long time)

For Juce if no one else, I promise I'll buy myself a two liter of Dr.pepper and pick up on Tenbray Falls tonight or tomorrow with "Captain Boomer" (and no he has nothign to do with the DC character "Captain Boomerang" his origins go back a LOT farther than that)
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Re: Fictional City Names

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Chapter 9 (yes really!)

Captain Boomer/Geoffery Harper; Level 8 SPECIAL OCC...Flyboy from rifter #8 pg.21 offical source material for Systems Failure

Ferdinand Medina was a an imigrant to the united States who entered the country from his native Spain in 1937 at the age of 14 shortly after the German bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica. Though he had no family who lived in the village. The callousness of the german attack was enough for his family to send him away as he did not posess his familys geonetic predisposition torwards Invulnerability....yes THOSE Medina's.

Four years later when America joined World War II. Ferdinand couldn't "hide" any longer and joined the air force. While he was at best an average pilot, his willingness to take dangerous missions beyond all rational sense and come back alive allowed him to rise in the ranks quickly, even though he did develop a reputation as a "nutjob". But if you were to ask him, he would claim he "knew" he would be ok regardless of the risks he took.
As part of this reputation he was often asked to fly Allied Superhumans behind enemy lines, both "mutts" (uniformed supers) and "bulls" (costumed Supers).

This changed fairly quickly. after dropping a unit of "mutts" in Vichy occupied France in 1943 he was shut down and his plane crashed in a majestic fireball. However, Ferdinand was fine (other than having all his clothing burned off) It turned out he WAS one of the "Invulnerable Medinas"..just simply a late bloomer of sorts. But this left him with an issue, while he wished to continue the fight against the Germans, he felt honorbound by his family to keep his newfound Invulnerability a secret. After sneaking back home from behind enemy lines. He was able to convince the brass that the wakeup call he expierienced after gettign shot down had rattled him too much to go back in the air again. Partialy relieved, the brass, and trusting his war record at that point they allowed him to be a mission commander, allowing him to mentor his co-pilot Captain Harper as his replacement "Daredevil Ace" (ie; harper had just been cleared for duty after taking a bullet in the leg as a result of Medinas "Stunts"...he was both annoyed and thrilled that he wouldn't be flying with ferdinand anymore)

Geoffery never had much excitement in his life. Home Schooled he spent the majority of his young life helping his father on his fishing trawler. He loved fishing. The peaceful calm of the water, with the odd moment of excitement to keep things interesting.

But then the war started. Geoffery never considered himself a patriot or anti-American, and the war seemed a million miles away. but when his number came up, he did his duty and was drafted into the Air force. acting as co-pilot to cpt. Ferdinand Medina. Medina was really the only thing Harper feared in the sky. just as the war seemed so far away from homw. The germans still seemed distant from the cockpit...but Medina ws always right THERE! holloring at the top of his lungs as he flew thier cargo planes into enemy territory as if they were piloting a fighter. Though they became close friends, Geoffery was almost grateful when Medina would be staying on the ground.

Geoffery loved being in command of his own plane, "The Enderby" as it was called by the ground crew, but he always called her "samantha"...."Your ship will only take you as far as you take care of her" His father had told him. And geoffery found that never more true than in the air.

Captain Harper or "Boomer" as he became known served with distinction throughout the war. Taking the most risky assingments given to him with about as much emotion as one takes with thier morning coffee.

Harper continued to serve in the armed forces after the war ended, serving with distinction in the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, and even into the 80's on top secret goverment black ops. It's believed that he did so just so he could stay with "Samantha". As the enderby was constantly refitted to keep up with the times (and with a few greased palms by the medina family). But Harper's involment in the armed forces was more than an attachment to an old piece of aircraft.

he first saw it in 1944...a pale white messershmidt, with only it's markings to preak up it's profile. An oddity at first, Harper simply flew to avoid it.....After VE day, when his talents were needed in the south pacific during the last few months of the war, he saw 'it" again, a pale white "zero" which tailed him for miles before veering the Korean conflict it was a Mig-15....then a Mig 21 in Vietnam.
Despite no one else seeing these 'white aircraft" visualy or on Radar. The brass was willign to see it as "excentric' up until a secret mission to aid the contras during the 80's"the Enderby" was shot down with harper losing his arm in the process. No one knew how this occured, but with "Boomer" ranting about a white fighter jet. They chalked it up to too much stress between losing his arm and the delusions of a pilot who was already pushing 70

"Captain Boomer" retired to tenbray falls, he liked lake when he visted the Chantry once or twice in the old days. And settled in the pembroke (little Columbia) district with a part time job managing the railyards from a watchtower, looking every bit the grizzled sea Captain sitting in his "lighthouse"
Captain "Boomer" Harper is not an imortal by any stretch. A final parting gift from the Medina's was a cybernetic arm that he wears to this day. While it looks fearsome, it dosen't increase his strngth past human levels (PS: 14) or have any weapons. What ist does however is keep constant monitoring of his body's systems. heartrate, respiration, EKG. It even injects insulin when required and does minor dialysis. (He jokes that parts of it came from samantha, but the arm is too advanced for such materials)...he does hwever keep parts of the Enderby in his garage however.....Still over the sounds of the trains and the truck that come into the yard. harper swears he can hear something. Maybe a 747, or a private jet...but still, somethign familiar that he recalls hearing in the engines of Messershmidts, Zeros and Migs.......

Plot Seed #1 Ok so what WAS the story behind the "white planes"? Did one shoot Captain Boomer down? he's convinced so, but even he admits he didn't see it that night. If it wasn't the "white plane" what are they? why did they never attack Captain Boomer?. And if they didn't shoot him down in the 80's who did?

Plot Seed #2 A flying villian is captured in Tenbray falls...thing is he/she wears a white costume and flies (a jetpack would be even more noticeable, while a Mechanical Genius in a one man flyer would send Captain Boomer over the edge) How does Captain boomer react when he is somehow convinced that the supervillian is somehow connected to the "white planes"?

Plot Seed #3 remember when Captain boomer keeps pieces of the Enderly in his garage? turns out one of his black ops "passengers" scrawled something on the inside of the plane. Now someone wants it. Is it a confession? a formula? a goodbye note to his family? or simply a "kilry was here"? regardless as the weakest of the "immortals" the PC's will have to protect captain boomer

Plot Seed #4 of course there is Ferdinand. It's up to the GM to determine if he's still alive (the medinas are invulnerable, not immortal), but this does explain how "the Walker" ultimately learned of them (Ferdinand ferried each of the Immortals at some point during the war)...but how does The walker react if one of these "Great Men" he's supposed to seek out turns out to be a grizzled old man who carries his life suport with himself whereever he goes?
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Re: Fictional City Names

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So glad to see this return! Love getting more and more info on this fictional place.
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Re: Fictional City Names

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Your welcome! a fan of one is still a fan. Going to try and hold myself to at least one entry a week....finish up the immortals, a dozen villians, noteworthy "low level" supers/normals, and finaly notable locales (the chantry, the half finished abandoned prison site outside of town ect;)

should keep me busy through the holidays
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Re: Fictional City Names

Unread post by Juce734 »

bathawk wrote:Your welcome! a fan of one is still a fan. Going to try and hold myself to at least one entry a week....finish up the immortals, a dozen villians, noteworthy "low level" supers/normals, and finaly notable locales (the chantry, the half finished abandoned prison site outside of town ect;)

should keep me busy through the holidays

I like the future of this thread. Sounds like a well thought out plan. Hope you can keep up with it.
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Re: Fictional City Names

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Iczer wrote:I'm in the most unimaginative city in the world. I live in 'Townsville

Have you met the powerpuff girls?
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Re: Fictional City Names

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Also, I prefer Tenebrae falls to tenbray falls.IMO....
Otherwise his is fairly well done...
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Re: Fictional City Names

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I prefer generic place names, like Metro City, which was the locale of one of my longest campaigns. It had an Asian Town district and a French Quarter which was populated by Zeta Rheticulans put there as part of the government's alien quarantine policy.
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Re: Fictional City Names

Unread post by DevastationBob »

I always liked Campaign City as a name.

Also had Bigg City and Heliopolis, AZ.

BTW I am enjoying Bathawk's post as well, keep 'em coming. What's the "Daniels Countyy Project"?
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