Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

While at work this past hitch. (week long work rotation on the rigs lingo) I was thinking about a certain spell not being able to be used on any magical weapon or anything of that nature at all. I have to ask if this would then be possible.

Lenwen's Billy club of forget me..

a 2ft long MD Bolt. (1/3rd of which is threads to support Multiple Nuts) Able to hold 7 Nuts.

Each Nut is a magical construct in an of itself, with 3 spells (according to the Talismen spell)

The Top nut is a TW item. With multiple spells (3) and the ability to cast them 3 times a day and they are replenished every day.

So we have 5 nuts . 4 normal talismen nuts and 1 TW special nut, all on a MD 2ft long MD Bolt.
The nut closest to the handle (Nut 1) has the spell : Magical Adrenal Rush.
Nut 2 - Invulnerability.
Nut 3 - Carpet of Adhesion.
Nut 4 - Magic Net.
And the top TW created Nut has the following spells on it.
A - Energize Spell.
B - Speed weapon.
C - Sub-Partical Acceleration.

The item may sound crazy at first but if you think about it this way you could literally make 1 nut for any spell you would ever need (3x a day lvls 1-8). And interchange as your requirment's dictate to you. Also the item is a MD item, casting Speed weapon on the 2ft long Bolt shaft (its not a magical construct) now means you have 2x the total attacks with it. And then you can use the "magical adrenal rush) to add a couple more attacks on top of that .. Coupled with the spells I've listed would make this 1 very very nasty Billy club style weapon.

Is it legal by the books ?
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Giant2005 »

There is no reason (that I can see) for it to be illegal.
I don't see much point to it though... Why not use a more powerful weapon than a bolt/club and have all your spells on beads in a bead necklace like everyone else?

Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Giant2005 wrote:There is no reason (that I can see) for it to be illegal.
I don't see much point to it though... Why not use a more powerful weapon than a bolt/club and have all your spells on beads in a bead necklace like everyone else?

Utility my dear watson. And when they see you carrying a 2ft long bolt with a couple nuts on it .. they have literally no clue how deadly it really is . hehe.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Akashic Soldier »

Hrrmm... The more I read about Techno Wizardry the more strongly I believe in the ideals of the Coalition States...
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

ok what about this combo ?

10th lvl juicer. (assassin H2H)

9 attacks threw class and hand to hand .
+2 - Magical Adrenal Rush. (Left wristband , Talisman.)
11 Total so far.

x2 - Fleet Feet. (Right hand wrist band Talisman.)
22 Attacks per melee now.

x4 ( Duel wielding Battle fury blades each doubles your attacks using that blade.)\

88 total attacks per melee by the 10th lvl juicer using hand to hand assassin combined with Magical adrenal rush as well as fleet feet and duel wielding Battlefury Blades.

Legal or no ?
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Zer0 Kay
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

It's certainly more legal than this:
Cora’mir the Chimera
A Chimera is composed of multiple animals and Cora’mir is no exception. It is a fine weapon composed of several magical items each powerful on their own but combined they are surpassed by none.
The parts that compose Cora’mir are:
The Diamond of Ithan has to be a fake diamond as it is around 430 carats in size… but it isn’t. It is completely colorless, cut as a brilliant round with an extended pavilion, and would be considered flawless except there is a silver rune for power in the middle of the crystal. It was a perfectly flawless diamond until Ithan (creator of the famous armor spell) used it in his further defensive spells research. Some say that when Ithan was researching invulnerability he accidentally rediscovered rune magic and in the following tragic accident bound his soul to the diamond. This is supported by the presence of a life force. It exhibits no personality and is constantly warm (body heat) to the touch unless it’s being drained of energy. The diamond is a PPE battery capable of temporarily storing a great deal of energy. If rapidly filled (within 5 seconds) it will heat enough for the water in the air, that contacts it, to turn to steam feels about 130F. As it is emptied it cools, if entirely drained from a single spell it will cool enough for air around it to condensate and freeze, like touching an ice cube around 0F. Both are uncomfortable but not seriously damaging (1d6 SDC if held). This PPE can be used to power the spells locked within the stone or drawn out to power the users own spells. Of course the diamond is completely and utterly indestructible.
Name: Diamond of Ithan
 Indestructible
 Cast the following spells:
 Invulnerability
 Super Healing,
 Generate:
 11PPE / 2.4hrs
 Absorb:
 The stone may be used to absorb up to 110 points of PPE
 From:
 Ambient energy (leylines, nexi, etc.)
 Sacrifice (if the ritual is known)
 Spells (either cast upon it or parried by the user)
 absorbing a single PPE of any non-directed/permanent/standing spell (walls, wards, carpets, golems etc.) will cancel it
 Store:
 110 self generated PPE
 An additional 110 absorbed PPE can be temporarily stored.
 Two days after absorption this energy is released as light
 1KLux per PPE (between 30 and 130 KLux = Staring at the Sun)
 Dissipates at a rate of 1KLux/turn

The Thread of Binding seems to be a messily created tassel made of silver string. It is actually made of twisted silver rectangular links that form a fine chain. On the long sides of each link are impossibly small runes engraved into the silver. Twice per day this chain can be used to cast magic net or carpet of adhesion. If brought close to any gem it will move of its own accord somewhat like an octopus and envelop the gem in its mass of threads the longest two threads jutting straight out from opposite sides of the gem as if it was a solid needle piercing the gem. After a few moments inside the “cage” cracks will form across the gem and then the gem will suddenly crumble with an thunderous crack… nothing else happens.
Name: Thread of Binding
 Indestructible
 Can cast a total of two spells per day, the user can choose from the following.
 Magic net
 Carpet of adhesion
 When held the thread will attempt to grasp the nearest gem.
 If it gets a hold of a gem
 The gem will develop fractures after 15 seconds
 The gem will shatter into dust with a bang after a minute per carat

The Generator Stone is a psychic crystal energy rod from a dimension that is said to be the origin of over a thousand kinds of magic. This is different from others of its kind in that it has a symbiotic relationship with another item. It is also unique in that it is Indestructible, an ability usually only found in rune weapons. If removed from the symbiotic relationship it will cause the whole construct to break into its individual components.
Name: Generator Stone
 Indestructible
 Energize Wand (1 ISP per 2 melees in use or minutes unused)
 Damage: 2d6 blunt weapon
 Energy Bolt (6 ISP)
 Damage: 4d6
 Range: 100’
 Bonus: +5 strike
 Energy Field (50 ISP)
 Damage: 4d6 per melee/minute
 Radius: 9’
 Sparkling Balls of Energy (12 ISP for 3, 4 per each additional)
 Damage: 3d6
 Range: 60’
 Call Lightning (12 ISP)
 Damage: 1d6/lvl
 Range: 300’
 Dome of Energy (15 ISP per melee/minute)
 Damage: 1d6 when touched
 Impervious to non magic items and energies
 Can be pushed through but the person attempting to do so must spend an entire minute pushing. The person takes 5d6 damage and cannot attack or defend themselves

Starshard is a psychic crystal staff from the same dimension as the Generator Stone. It is also unique in that it is Indestructible, an ability usually only found in rune weapons. Though it may look like a scythe or sickle it has no sharp edges.
Name: Starshard
 Indestructible

 Energize (1 ISP per four melees/minutes):
 Damage:
 4d6
 Adjustments:
 +1 Parry
 +1 Initiative
 +1 Dodge
 Can’t be Surprised
 Understand & Speak all Languages (5 ISP per 10 minutes per users level, limit three times per day)
 Resist Fear (10 ISP per use, 5 min per level of the user up to 3 times per day)
 +4 to save vs. fear (i.e. HF), +1 to Init.
 Paralysis Bolt (8 ISP)
 Paralysis last 6 minutes, save vs. magic
 Blinding Flash (4 ISP)
 those affected are -4 to strike, parry & dodge for 1d6 melees, save vs. magic
 Banish Supernatural Creature (12 ISP per attempt)
 Forces creatures to leave the area for at least an hour. Creatures higher leveled than you can roll to save 14+
 Resist Charm (12 ISP per 24 hours)
 +2 save vs. all charms
 Cure Disease (20 ISP)
 Cures any disease
 Natural healing occurs twice as fast
 Cloud of Health or Sickness
 Green: (40 ISP per melee/minute, 5’ radius per level)
 restores 2d6 damage
 relieves discomforts
 negates poison
 negates disease
 +50% save vs. coma or death
 Black: (40 ISP, 1d4 hours, 5' radius per level, save 16+ for ½ penalties)
 loose 2d6 damage
 suffer from: (for 1d4 hours)
 fever
 nausea
 stomach cramps
 -2 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
 Reduced Spd. and Attacks/ Melee by ½
 -2 save vs. sickness & poisons
 Cloud of Knowledge or Trouble (60 ISP, 1d4 hours, 5' r/lvl)
 Yellow:
 restores memories lost by mystic, psychic or natural means
 +20% on all skills
 +1 init.
 concentration is sharp and focused
 Blue: (save 16+ to reduce penalties by ½ )
 Bad luck
 -1 on ALL combat rolls
 -1 vs. magic and psionics
 -4 vs. illusions
 -2 vs. poison & disease
 -10% on all skills

The Dragon’s Spine is made of dragon bone and somewhat shaped like a narrow spine though it is far too small to be a dragon’s never mind that it's a single piece, it is more likely that it is a claw of a very ancient dragon that was carved. Though it has a narrow edge along its “back” it isn’t sharp enough to cut and the tip can’t stab without great force behind it. It makes an effective club and throwing stick that flies incredibly far with excellent accuracy.
Name: Dragon’s Spine
 1d6x2 as a throwing stick
 1d6 as a blunt
 1d6x10 to dragons
 +3 thrown
 +2 vs. magic from dragons
 Indestructible
 Resistant to:
 Fire (half damage)
 Cold (half damage)
 Invulnerable to:
 All special powers or attacks of true dragons
 Impervious to psionics from dragons
 Fly as the Eagle at will
 Returns when thrown

The Drakeskull Staff is a unique Millennium Tree staff. In reality the item is only the top 8 inches and would be classified as a Millennium Tree wand due to its size but is considered a staff because of its power. The staff that runs through the wand is nothing but a normal stick and the appearance of this item varies greatly due to different sticks being used. Others have tried to “amp” up the power of this item by mounting it on a magic staff for some reason the Drakeskull Staff will consume any magic staff placed within it in a fire that has been known to burn for days (minutes equal to total level of spells/powers in it and mystic energy stored, for example 1x3rd, 2x1st and 1x5th level spell with 20 ISP and 10 PPE stored would burn for 40 minutes) on powerful staves before turning them to ash. As a melee weapon the Dragon staff is sorely lacking. As a mystic device it is exceptionally powerful.
Name: Drakeskull Staff

 1d4 as a blunt
 2d6 clawing strike
 6d6 to supernatural serpents
 2d% to vampires.
 -3 to strike
 Indestructible
 See the invisible
 Invulnerable to:
 Serpents’ venom
 Serpents’ breath
 Fire
 Convert:
 1PPE to 2 ISP
 2 ISP to 1PPE
 When released and commanded to change the staff will turn into a miniature dragon (4’ tall, 16’ long, 8’ wingspan)
 Damage Capacity:
 60 SDC
 20 HP
 or 80 MDC (in high magic settings)
 Will vanish after reaching 0 or after 1 hour
 HF 10
 4 attacks/ melee
 4d6 bite
 1d6 claw
 PS (supernatural): 10
 Intelligence of a well trained dog
 Spd. 18
 Fly 20 mph
 Eagle Sight
 Breath silver nitrate plasma
 1d6 damage x 10 to creatures vulnerable to silver.
 50’ range
 5’ area of effect

Ithan’s Dart is formed when the Thread of Binding envelops the Diamond of Ithan it becomes what some have deemed Ithan’s Dart. When thrown it flies at the intended target with an extremely high degree of accuracy as if it is guided. When it impales someone (4+ damage) it will continue to do damage as the links allow the person to bleed out. It is especially hazardous to Vampires as it does damage it also emits an inner glow through the facets which make cross shaped shadows everywhere like some sort of holy disco ball, to make matters worse for the vamps it even sticks to their mist form. Once the target is dead or if the dart does not impale or misses the target it returns to the user’s hand.
Name: Ithan’s Dart
 1d4 thrown
 1d% to vampires, ½ to those in a 10’ radius
 +5 throw
 Indestructible
 Can cast a total of two spells per day, the user can choose from the following.
 magic net
 carpet of adhesion
 Cast the following spells:
 Invulnerability (25 PPE)
 Super-Healing (70 PPE)
 Generate:
 11PPE / 2.4hrs
 Absorb:
 The stone may be used to absorb up to 110 points of PPE
 From:
 Ambient energy (leylines, nexi, etc.)
 Sacrifice (if the ritual is known)
 Spells (either cast upon it or parried by the user)
 absorbing a single PPE of any non-directed/permanent/standing spell (walls, wards, carpets, golems etc.) will cancel it
 Store:
 110 self generated PPE
 An additional 110 absorbed PPE can be temporarily stored.
 Two days after absorption this energy is released as sunlight
 1KLux per PPE (between 30 and 130 KLux = Staring at the Sun)
 Dissipates at a rate of 10KLux/turn
 Returns to user when thrown

Cora’mir’s Claw is formed when the Dragon Staff and Dragon’s Spine is combined in the correct configuration the narrowed edge takes on a metal sheen as it becomes a ridiculously sharp short sword as the spine expands and the edge turns to steel (hilt 10”, 23” blade, 30 overall 3lbs.). Cora’mir telepathically speaks to its welder “I am Cora’mir, you have assembled my flesh and bone, now find my heart, so we may become stronger. It is now of the hardest stone. I shall guide your sure to see, and there that stone is sure to be.” The dragon produced by the Drakeskull staff is amplified and carries the intellect of the blade.
Name: Cora’mir’s Claw

 2d6 sword
 1d6 when thrown
 1d12x10 vs. supernatural serpents
 1d4x100 vs. vampires
 +2 Parry & Strike
 +1 thrown
 +2 vs. magic from dragons
 Indestructible
 Never Dulls
 Telepathic link with user
 Fly as the Eagle at will
 See the invisible
 Resistant to:
 Cold (half damage)
 Invulnerable to:
 Serpents’ venom
 Serpents’ breath
 Fire
 Special powers or attacks of true dragons
 psionics from dragons
 Convert:
 1PPE to 2 ISP
 2 ISP to 1PPE
 When released and commanded to change the sword will turn into a small dragon (8’ tall, 32’ long, 16’ wingspan)
 Damage Capacity:
 120 SDC
 40 HP
 or 160 MDC (in high magic settings)
 regenerate 1d6 per melee
 Will vanish after reaching 0 or after 3 hours
 HF 12
 5 attacks/ melee
 5d6 bite
 2d6 Claw
 PS (supernatural): 15
 Spd 19
 Fly 40 mph
 IQ: 10
 Eagle Sight
 Breath silver nitrate plasma
 2d6 damage x 20 to creatures vulnerable to silver.
 100’ range
 10’ area of effect

Cora’mir’s Claw becomes Cora’mir’s Heart when it is combined with the Dart of Ithan. The diamond is suspended by the thin metal thread in the crook of its blade; the blade also extends to the length of a long sword (10” hilt, 34” blade, 41” overall, 4lbs.). “Find my soul of crystalline power. I will show, if you follow, in their own blood your enemies will be sure to wallow.” All the powers of the blade are increased.
Name: Cora’mir’s Heart

 2d8 sword
 1d8 thrown
 2d12x10 vs. supernatural serpents
 1d6x100 vs. vampires and vampire intelligences
 1d% vs. vampires, ½ to vampires w/I 20'
 4d6, 250’ beam of light only effects creatures of darkness
 +3 Parry & Strike
 +4 thrown
 +3 vs. magic from dragons
 +8 Supernatural PS
 +2 vs. poisons
 +6 vs. disease
 +100 DC natural AR 10 lasts 4 melees/ lvl. can be done 3 times per day
 Indestructible
 Never Dulls
 Telepathic link with user
 Can sense one another within 4 miles if separated.
 Fly as the Eagle at will
 See the invisible
 Returns when thrown
 If the owner desires the entire sword is absorbed by the diamond in order for it to appear less dangerous or just so it is easier to carry (1lb).
 Glows with a radiant light when in the presence of creatures of darkness (e.g. vamps, AI, VI, etc)
 Resistant to:
 Cold (half damage)
 Invulnerable to:
 Serpents’ venom
 Serpents’ breath
 Fire
 Special powers or attacks of true dragons
 psionics from dragons
 Generate:
 11PPE / 2.4hrs
 Absorb:
 The stone may be used to absorb up to 110 points of PPE
 From:
 Ambient energy (leylines, nexi, etc.)
 Sacrifice (if the ritual is known)
 Spells (either cast upon it or parried by the user)
 absorbing a single PPE of any non-directed/permanent/standing spell (walls, wards, carpets, golems etc.) will cancel it
 Store:
 110 self generated PPE
 An additional 110 absorbed PPE can be temporarily stored.
 Two days after absorption this energy is released as sunlight
 1KLux per PPE (between 30 and 130 KLux = Staring at the Sun)
 Dissipates at a rate of 10KLux/turn
 Convert:
 1PPE to 2 ISP
 2 ISP to 1PPE
 Can cast a total of two spells per day, the user can choose from the following.
 magic net
 carpet of adhesion
 Cast the following spells:
 Invulnerability (25 PPE)
 Super-Healing (70 PPE)
 Healing Powers
 Regenerate
 owners damage at a rate of 1d6 per melee round
 Internal organs in 24 hrs
 Small appendage 48 hours
 Whole limb in 72 hours
 Doesn’t work on whole head or brain
 When released and commanded to change the sword will turn into a dragon (16’ tall, 64’ long, 32’ wingspan)
 Damage Capacity:
 240 SDC
 80 HP
 or 320 MDC (in high magic settings)
 regenerate 2d6 per melee
 Will vanish after reaching 0 or after 6 hours
 HF 14
 6 attacks/ melee
 6d6 bite
 3d6 Claw
 PS (supernatural): 20
 Spd. 20
 Fly 80 mph
 IQ: 14
 Eagle Sight
 Breath silver nitrate plasma
 3d6 damage x 50 to creatures vulnerable to silver.
 200’ range
 20’ area of effect

Cora’mir’s Heart becomes Cora’mir’s Soul when the Generator Stone is placed into the hilt. When the rod is energized a crystal blade forms with the sound of cracking glass (when deactivated the sound is like shattering glass). The crystal surrounds the diamond and extends past the tip of the sword making it the length of a bastard sword (16” hilt, 39” blade, 51” overall, 6lbs.). All of the powers of the blade are again magnified. “Were I have lead you have followed, but now to receive all my power we must retrieve what is hallowed. From here on out it may be hard but for true power we must find the dark shard.” All the blades powers are magnified either through mystic capabilities or through the natural enhancement of the crystal.
Name: Cora’mir’s Soul

 2d10 sword
 1d10 thrown
 3d12x10 vs. supernatural serpents
 1d8x100 vampires and alien intelligences
 2d% vs. vampires and vampire intelligences, ½ to targets w/i 30'
 4d12, 500’ beam of light only effects creatures of darkness
 +5 Parry
 +4 Strike
 +4 thrown
 +3 vs. magic from dragons
 +8 Supernatural PS
 +2 vs. poisons
 +6 vs. disease
 +1 initiative
 +1 dodge
 Can’t be surprised
 +200 DC natural AR 13 lasts 4 melees/ lvl. can be done 3 times per day
 Indestructible
 Never Dulls
 Telepathic link with user
 Fly as the Eagle at will
 See the invisible
 Returns when thrown
 If the owner desires the entire sword is absorbed by the diamond in order for it to appear less dangerous or jut so it is easier to carry (1lb).
 Resistant to:
 Cold (half damage)
 Electricity (half damage)
 Heat (half damage)
 Energy attacks (half damage) including:
 Electricity
 Heat
 Energy Based Psionics and Magic
 Invulnerable to:
 Serpents’ venom
 Serpents’ breath
 Fire
 Special powers or attacks of true dragons
 psionics from dragons
 possession
 Generate:
 11PPE / 2.4hrs
 660 ISP
 Absorb:
 The stone may be used to absorb up to 110 points of PPE
 From:
 Ambient energy (leylines, nexi, etc.)
 Sacrifice (if the ritual is known)
 Spells (either cast upon it or parried by the user)
 absorbing a single PPE of any non-directed/permanent/standing spell (walls, wards, carpets, golems etc.) will cancel it
 Store:
 110 self generated PPE
 An additional 110 absorbed PPE can be temporarily stored.
 Two days after absorption this energy is released as light
 1KLux per PPE (between 30 and 130 KLux = Staring at the Sun)
 Dissipates at a rate of 1KLux/turn
 Convert:
 1PPE to 2 ISP
 2 ISP to 1PPE
 Crystal Skin (24 ISP per 10 melees or per skin):
 AR 20
 DC 24
 No damage from:
 Lightning blasts
 Flame
 Light beams (lasers)
 Awaken and awareness(12 ISP per hour):
 All allies w/I 20’ are awake and fully alert
 +2 initiative
 Can’t be surprised
 Only effective when group is “camped”
 Can cast a total of two spells per day, the user can choose from the following.
 magic net
 carpet of adhesion
 Cast the following spells:
 Invulnerability (25 PPE)
 Super-Healing (70 PPE)
 When released and commanded to change the sword will turn into a dragon (32’ tall, 128’ long, 64’ wingspan)
 Damage Capacity:
 480 SDC
 160 HP
 or 640 MDC (in high magic settings)
 regenerate 3d6 per melee
 Will vanish after reaching 0 or after 12 hours
 HF 16
 7 attacks/ melee
 7d6 bite
 4d6 Claw
 PS (supernatural): 25
 Spd 21
 Fly 160 mph
 IQ: 18
 Eagle Sight
 Breath silver nitrate plasma
 4d6 damage x 80 to creatures vulnerable to silver.
 300’ range
 30’ area of effect

Cora’mir’s Soul becomes Cora’mir Zenith when it is combined with the Starshard. The staff is placed along the back of the crystal blade. When the staff is energized a crystal blade forms with the sound of cracking glass (if it is removed the sound is like shattering glass). A darker colored crystal engulfs the end of the crystal sword making the sword about the size of a great sword (16” hilt, 56” blade, 68” overall, 7lbs.). This is the culmination of the blades true power. “Now I am whole and you have my power, but your will is mine, your body not but dower. I am the widow who has taken her claim, end my foe and then I'll be tame.”
Name: Cora’mir’s Apex

Alignment: Anarchist anyone touching the weapon of any other alignment will suffer 3d6 damage
 2d%x2sword (2d20)
 1d%x2thrown (1d20)
 4d%x10 vs. supernatural serpents (4d12x10)
 1d%x100 vs. all creatures of darkness (1d10x100)
 3d%x10 vs. vampires and alien intelligences w/I 400’ (3d%), (½ to targets w/i 40')
 4d20x10 (4d20), 10,000’ (1000’) beam of light only effects creatures of darkness
 +6 Parry
 -6 to parry energy shots
 +4 Strike
 +4 thrown
 +3 vs. magic from dragons
 +8 Supernatural PS
 +2 vs. poisons
 +6 vs. disease
 +2 initiative
 +2 dodge
 +1 to all saving throws
 Can’t be surprised
 +300 DC natural AR 16 lasts 4 melees/ lvl. can be done 3 times per day
 Drink Souls
 Mortals must roll a 14 or higher to save
 Immortals must roll a 16 or higher and get to add their bonus vs. lethal poisons.
 If the roll is failed the person is painfully changed to immobile, living crystal from the wound out.
 Once the victim is entirely changed they shatter into a sparkling cloud of crystal particles. Their last scream sounding crystalline.
 Indestructible
 Never Dulls
 Telepathic link with user
 Fly as the Eagle at will
 See the invisible
 Returns when thrown
 Weapon and owner can sense each other in a 4 mile radius and the weapon can be summoned by the user from up to 5 miles per user lvl or the sword can choose to do so when within the 4 mile radius.
 If the owner desires the entire sword is absorbed by the diamond in order for it to appear less dangerous or jut so it is easier to Resistant to:
 Cold (half damage)
 Electricity (half damage)
 Heat (half damage)
 Energy attacks (half damage) including:
 Electricity
 Heat
 Energy Based Psionics and Magic
 Invulnerable to:
 Serpents’ venom
 Serpents’ breath
 Fire
 Special powers or attacks of true dragons
 psionics from dragons
 possession
 Generate:
 11PPE / 2.4hrs
 660 ISP
 Absorb:
 The stone may be used to absorb up to 110 points of PPE
 From:
 Ambient energy (leylines, nexi, etc.)
 Sacrifice (if the ritual is known)
 Spells (either cast upon it or parried by the user)
 absorbing a single PPE of any non-directed/permanent/standing spell (walls, wards, carpets, golems etc.) will cancel it
 Store:
 110 self generated PPE
 An additional 110 absorbed PPE can be temporarily stored.
 Two days after absorption this energy is released as light
 1KLux per PPE (between 30 and 130 KLux = Staring at the Sun)
 Dissipates at a rate of 1KLux/turn
 Reduction:
 ½ ISP or PPE to use powers
 Convert:
 1PPE to 2 ISP
 2 ISP to 1PPE
 Crystal Skin (24 ISP per 10 melees or per skin):
 AR 20
 DC 24
 No damage from:
 Lightning blasts
 Flame
 Light beams (lasers)
 Awaken and alert (12 ISP per hour):
 All allies w/I 20’ are awake and fully alert when attacked
 +2 initiative
 Can’t be surprised
 Only effective when group is “camped”
 Guards will not fall asleep
 Understand & Speak all Languages (5 ISP per 10 minutes per users level, limit three times per day)
 Resist Fear (10 ISP per use, 5 min per level of the user up to 3 times per day)
 +4 to save vs. fear (i.e. HF), +1 to Init.
 Paralysis Bolt (8 ISP)
 Paralysis last 6 minutes, save vs. magic
 Blinding Flash (4 ISP)
 those affected are -4 to strike, parry & dodge for 1d6 melees, save vs. magic
 Banish Supernatural Creature (12 ISP per attempt)
 Forces creatures to leave the area for at least an hour. Creatures higher leveled than you can roll to save 14+
 Resist Charm (12 ISP per 24 hours)
 +2 save vs. all charms
 Cure Disease (20 ISP)
 Cures any disease
 Natural healing occurs twice as fast
 Cloud of Health or Sickness
 Green: (40 ISP per melee/minute, 5’ radius per level)
 restores 2d6 damage
 relieves discomforts
 negates poison
 negates disease
 +50% save vs. coma or death
 Black: (40 ISP, 1d4 hours, 5' radius per level, save 16+ for ½ penalties)
 loose 2d6 damage
 suffer from: (for 1d4 hours)
 fever
 nausea
 stomach cramps
 -2 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
 Reduced Spd. and Attacks/ Melee by ½
 -2 save vs. sickness & poisons
 Cloud of Knowledge or Trouble (60 ISP, 1d4 hours, 5' r/lvl)
 Yellow:
 restores memories lost by mystic, psychic or natural means
 +20% on all skills
 +1 initiative
 concentration is sharp and focused
 Blue: (save 16+ to reduce penalties by ½)
 Bad luck
 -1 on ALL combat rolls
 -1 vs. magic and psionics
 -4 vs. illusions
 -2 vs. poison & disease
 -10% on all skills
 Slash, Slash, Slash!!! (S3!) Can use the following spell like effects:
 Warped space by looking through the crystal blade
 *Annihilate when thrown at target. The dark crystal absorbs the blade and becomes a black energy sphere
 magic net by slashing an ‘x’ in the air toward the target
 Giant by thrusting the sword into the air over your head (sword grows too with no change to abilities)
 1 turn of Speed Weapon by spinning the sword around your index finger (this is one of the reasons why it has the ring)
 Sanctuary as long as the blade is spun over your head (this is the other reason… for the ring)
 Armorbane by punching the armor with the hilt
 carpet of adhesion by drawing a line on the ground pointing toward the target |
 Impenetrable wall of force by drawing a line on the ground in front of you---
 Invulnerability by performing a roman salute
 Super-Healing by pressing the hilt over your heart, pommel pointed up then pulling it across your chest.
 Leyline Shutdown by cutting across the leyline width wise.
 Mystic Portal by vertically slashing the air or a vertical surface (e.g. a wall)
 Swap Places by pointing at the target then the ground below you.
 Expel devils and demons from this dimension by throwing the sword into the air where it will hang suspended until all the demons or devils roll to save and are expelled or unaffected, it will then slowly drop back toward the earth.
 89% vs. lesser
 44% vs. greater
 Circle of protection: superior by raising the sword above your head and stabbing it into the ground (duration 5 minutes per lvl.)
 Can cast the following spells
 Vicious Circle (175 PPE)
 Warrior Horde (550 PPE)
 When released and commanded to change the sword will turn into a giant dragon (64’ tall, 256’ long, 128’ wingspan)
 Damage Capacity:
 960 SDC
 320 HP
 or 1280 MDC (in high magic settings)
 regenerate 4d6 per melee
 Will vanish after reaching 0 or after 24 hours (e.g. may remain in dragon form indefinitely)
 HF 18
 8 attacks/ melee
 8d6 bite
 5d6 Claw
 PS (supernatural): 30
 Spd 22
 Fly 320 mph
 IQ: 26
 Eagle Sight
 Breath silver nitrate plasma
 5d6 damage x 100 to creatures vulnerable to silver.
 400’ range
 40’ area of effect
 Destruction?!? If ANYONE attempts to destroy the blade (striking, twisting,or otherwise, with INTENT), the entire blade will “shatter” (doing no damage to the welder… unless they did it) into a lethal cloud of fragments that strike the assailant causing 3d6x10 damage, 20% knock down (6d6x10, 40% knockdown on leylines), after which the cloud will coalesce into the dragon. “My destruction is impossible but yours is imminent.”
 CURSE! Once the blade reaches this stage the player is filled with the desire to destroy Styphon (the pretender). Once completed the personality becomes submissive to that of the user. The dark crystal becomes the same color as the rest of the crystal and looses all S3! Abilities and all sword damage is a 10th listed damage (value given in parenthesis).

:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Akashic Soldier »

I think that I'd let someone play Zeus his bad-self if he wanted too and he wowed me with his story... to me thats just a juicer... assassin? With a bunch of deadly gear.
I mean like, if its a rules question it looks like it all works out... but I guess I just find this approach unflattering.
Clearly you have original and interesting ideas it is just a shame that it all seems to go into crunching and munchkining.

PS: It doesnt count if you want to play Juicer-Zeus and then make up a story afterwards. lol
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Mack »

Lenwen wrote:While at work this past hitch. (week long work rotation on the rigs lingo) I was thinking about a certain spell not being able to be used on any magical weapon or anything of that nature at all. I have to ask if this would then be possible.

Lenwen's Billy club of forget me..

a 2ft long MD Bolt. (1/3rd of which is threads to support Multiple Nuts) Able to hold 7 Nuts.

Each Nut is a magical construct in an of itself, with 3 spells (according to the Talismen spell)

The Top nut is a TW item. With multiple spells (3) and the ability to cast them 3 times a day and they are replenished every day.

So we have 5 nuts . 4 normal talismen nuts and 1 TW special nut, all on a MD 2ft long MD Bolt.
The nut closest to the handle (Nut 1) has the spell : Magical Adrenal Rush.
Nut 2 - Invulnerability.
Nut 3 - Carpet of Adhesion.
Nut 4 - Magic Net.
And the top TW created Nut has the following spells on it.
A - Energize Spell.
B - Speed weapon.
C - Sub-Partical Acceleration.

The item may sound crazy at first but if you think about it this way you could literally make 1 nut for any spell you would ever need (3x a day lvls 1-8). And interchange as your requirment's dictate to you. Also the item is a MD item, casting Speed weapon on the 2ft long Bolt shaft (its not a magical construct) now means you have 2x the total attacks with it. And then you can use the "magical adrenal rush) to add a couple more attacks on top of that .. Coupled with the spells I've listed would make this 1 very very nasty Billy club style weapon.

Is it legal by the books ?

I'd rule it illegal. See the first Creation Guideline on RUE p130.

(However, if it works for your gaming table and your GM, go right ahead.)
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Giant2005 »

Lenwen wrote:ok what about this combo ?

10th lvl juicer. (assassin H2H)

9 attacks threw class and hand to hand .
+2 - Magical Adrenal Rush. (Left wristband , Talisman.)
11 Total so far.

x2 - Fleet Feet. (Right hand wrist band Talisman.)
22 Attacks per melee now.

x4 ( Duel wielding Battle fury blades each doubles your attacks using that blade.)\

88 total attacks per melee by the 10th lvl juicer using hand to hand assassin combined with Magical adrenal rush as well as fleet feet and duel wielding Battlefury Blades.

Legal or no ?

I can't comment on the use of Fleet Feet because I can't seem to find anywhere it is printed. Checked Federation of Magic, RUE and Book of Magic and can't seem to find it...
The rest of it is perfectly legal.

If Fleet Feet exists and doubles attacks, you still won't have 88 attacks. Multiplicative effects are limited to your base skill, not modified. The +2 from Magic Adrenal Rush won't be multiplied.
The math would be: 4(9x2+2) resulting in 80 attacks.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by The Beast »

Giant2005 wrote:
Lenwen wrote:ok what about this combo ?

10th lvl juicer. (assassin H2H)

9 attacks threw class and hand to hand .
+2 - Magical Adrenal Rush. (Left wristband , Talisman.)
11 Total so far.

x2 - Fleet Feet. (Right hand wrist band Talisman.)
22 Attacks per melee now.

x4 ( Duel wielding Battle fury blades each doubles your attacks using that blade.)\

88 total attacks per melee by the 10th lvl juicer using hand to hand assassin combined with Magical adrenal rush as well as fleet feet and duel wielding Battlefury Blades.

Legal or no ?

I can't comment on the use of Fleet Feet because I can't seem to find anywhere it is printed. Checked Federation of Magic, RUE and Book of Magic and can't seem to find it...
The rest of it is perfectly legal.

If Fleet Feet exists and doubles attacks, you still won't have 88 attacks. Multiplicative effects are limited to your base skill, not modified. The +2 from Magic Adrenal Rush won't be multiplied.
The math would be: 4(9x2+2) resulting in 80 attacks.

Fleet Feet is from the High Seas book for PFRPG, on page 9.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Akashic Soldier »

.... can I have a cookie too? :(
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Akashic Soldier »

*nom nom nom*

Sleep time. Zzz Zzz Zzz.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Mack wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Is it legal by the books ?

I'd rule it illegal. See the first Creation Guideline on RUE p130.

After just reading that very passage Mack it does go on to say you can make a TW energy canon out of a washing machine but it would be very difficult, under that very precedent how is it opposable to do that to some nuts ?
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Mack »

How would you relate the form of a nut to Invulnerability (or any of the other spells)? I can kind of imagine a TW cannon built from a washing machine, but there's nothing to work with in a nut.

You might as well create custom Talismans and bypass TW altogether.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Kagashi »

I thought TW was based off of a functional item... Like:

- a conventional laser pistol empowered with the firebolt spell to shoot said spell out of the barrel.
- See the Invisible in a pair of goggles.
- a jet pack that casts Fly like the Eagle.
- a hard hat that casts Armor of Ithan.
- an old atari joystick that casts Animate and Control Dead

This idea just looks like somebody is empowering hunks of metal with random that case, you just use the Talisman spell since that's what it does. Then cast Iron Wood (or what ever the spell is that turns metal to MDC) on the bar to make it MDC and finally cast Empower Weapon to make it deal MD with physical strikes.
Last edited by Kagashi on Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Kagashi »

The Beast wrote:
Giant2005 wrote:
Lenwen wrote:ok what about this combo ?

10th lvl juicer. (assassin H2H)

9 attacks threw class and hand to hand .
+2 - Magical Adrenal Rush. (Left wristband , Talisman.)
11 Total so far.

x2 - Fleet Feet. (Right hand wrist band Talisman.)
22 Attacks per melee now.

x4 ( Duel wielding Battle fury blades each doubles your attacks using that blade.)\

88 total attacks per melee by the 10th lvl juicer using hand to hand assassin combined with Magical adrenal rush as well as fleet feet and duel wielding Battlefury Blades.

Legal or no ?

I can't comment on the use of Fleet Feet because I can't seem to find anywhere it is printed. Checked Federation of Magic, RUE and Book of Magic and can't seem to find it...
The rest of it is perfectly legal.

If Fleet Feet exists and doubles attacks, you still won't have 88 attacks. Multiplicative effects are limited to your base skill, not modified. The +2 from Magic Adrenal Rush won't be multiplied.
The math would be: 4(9x2+2) resulting in 80 attacks.

Fleet Feet is from the High Seas book for PFRPG, on page 9.

Also page 186 in Palladium Fantasy 2nd Ed.

Yes, the combo would be legal; and no, I do not think it would produce that many number of attacks. I still believe you are still stacking bonuses wrong. I come up with only 38 attacks because I double only the base number attacks, not temporary boosts. 9+2+9+9+9=38. But that's a topic for a different thread that always goes around in circles because Palladium still has not commented on the rule officially and both ways can be interpreted to be correct. Either way, a dude with 38 or 88 attacks against somebody going to have a tremendous advantage.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Anthar »

Lenwen wrote:While at work this past hitch. (week long work rotation on the rigs lingo) I was thinking about a certain spell not being able to be used on any magical weapon or anything of that nature at all. I have to ask if this would then be possible.

Lenwen's Billy club of forget me..

a 2ft long MD Bolt. (1/3rd of which is threads to support Multiple Nuts) Able to hold 7 Nuts.

Each Nut is a magical construct in an of itself, with 3 spells (according to the Talismen spell)

The Top nut is a TW item. With multiple spells (3) and the ability to cast them 3 times a day and they are replenished every day.

So we have 5 nuts . 4 normal talismen nuts and 1 TW special nut, all on a MD 2ft long MD Bolt.
The nut closest to the handle (Nut 1) has the spell : Magical Adrenal Rush.
Nut 2 - Invulnerability.
Nut 3 - Carpet of Adhesion.
Nut 4 - Magic Net.
And the top TW created Nut has the following spells on it.
A - Energize Spell.
B - Speed weapon.
C - Sub-Partical Acceleration.

The item may sound crazy at first but if you think about it this way you could literally make 1 nut for any spell you would ever need (3x a day lvls 1-8). And interchange as your requirment's dictate to you. Also the item is a MD item, casting Speed weapon on the 2ft long Bolt shaft (its not a magical construct) now means you have 2x the total attacks with it. And then you can use the "magical adrenal rush) to add a couple more attacks on top of that .. Coupled with the spells I've listed would make this 1 very very nasty Billy club style weapon.

Is it legal by the books ?

It sounds too nutty to me. :D but appears to be legal.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Lenwen wrote:ok what about this combo ?

10th lvl juicer. (assassin H2H)

9 attacks threw class and hand to hand .
+2 - Magical Adrenal Rush. (Left wristband , Talisman.)
11 Total so far.

x2 - Fleet Feet. (Right hand wrist band Talisman.)
22 Attacks per melee now.

x4 ( Duel wielding Battle fury blades each doubles your attacks using that blade.)\

88 total attacks per melee by the 10th lvl juicer using hand to hand assassin combined with Magical adrenal rush as well as fleet feet and duel wielding Battlefury Blades.

Legal or no ?

Legal, but I believe that the math should be different, with the doubling affecting only base speed, not enhanced speed.
So it should be:
9 attacks
x2 from Fleet Feet (18 total)
+2 from Magical Adrenaline Rush (20 total)
x2 from each Battle Fury Blade (this comes last, because of the odd way in which the spell works)

For a total of 80 attacks per melee.

I'm not sure if the Battle Fury Blade's doubling would stack with itself, though, so it might "only" be 40 attacks per melee.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

There in is where I was also troubled.. if the juicer has paired weapons as a skill and duel wields them would they not double his attacks using just his swords?
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Lenwen wrote:There in is where I was also troubled.. if the juicer has paired weapons as a skill and duel wields them would they not double his attacks using just his swords?

I've been thinking it over, and I think it would indeed work.

My concern was that generally it's assumed that the same spell or effect cannot affect the same target: otherwise, you could just have somebody cast Fleet Feet on themselves 100 times, and have 200x speed.
But in this case, each sword has a different effect- each sword makes it so the wearer gets x2 attacks (in the funky way that this effect works) for that particular sword.
So I'd say that there's no overlap.
Sword A's effect is to double the attacks with Sword A.
Sword B's effect is to double the attacks with Sword B.
No overlap, so the effects should work in conjunction.

80 attacks (with those swords) is my official answer.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Kagashi »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Lenwen wrote:There in is where I was also troubled.. if the juicer has paired weapons as a skill and duel wields them would they not double his attacks using just his swords?

I've been thinking it over, and I think it would indeed work.

My concern was that generally it's assumed that the same spell or effect cannot affect the same target: otherwise, you could just have somebody cast Fleet Feet on themselves 100 times, and have 200x speed.
But in this case, each sword has a different effect- each sword makes it so the wearer gets x2 attacks (in the funky way that this effect works) for that particular sword.
So I'd say that there's no overlap.
Sword A's effect is to double the attacks with Sword A.
Sword B's effect is to double the attacks with Sword B.
No overlap, so the effects should work in conjunction.

80 attacks (with those swords) is my official answer.

I concur. I always just assumed it was another "double attacks" stack, but the wording is different upon reading further. This combo would provide 80 in my book as well.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Giant2005 »

Kagashi wrote:
The Beast wrote:
Giant2005 wrote:
Lenwen wrote:ok what about this combo ?

10th lvl juicer. (assassin H2H)

9 attacks threw class and hand to hand .
+2 - Magical Adrenal Rush. (Left wristband , Talisman.)
11 Total so far.

x2 - Fleet Feet. (Right hand wrist band Talisman.)
22 Attacks per melee now.

x4 ( Duel wielding Battle fury blades each doubles your attacks using that blade.)\

88 total attacks per melee by the 10th lvl juicer using hand to hand assassin combined with Magical adrenal rush as well as fleet feet and duel wielding Battlefury Blades.

Legal or no ?

I can't comment on the use of Fleet Feet because I can't seem to find anywhere it is printed. Checked Federation of Magic, RUE and Book of Magic and can't seem to find it...
The rest of it is perfectly legal.

If Fleet Feet exists and doubles attacks, you still won't have 88 attacks. Multiplicative effects are limited to your base skill, not modified. The +2 from Magic Adrenal Rush won't be multiplied.
The math would be: 4(9x2+2) resulting in 80 attacks.

Fleet Feet is from the High Seas book for PFRPG, on page 9.

Also page 186 in Palladium Fantasy 2nd Ed.

Yes, the combo would be legal; and no, I do not think it would produce that many number of attacks. I still believe you are still stacking bonuses wrong. I come up with only 38 attacks because I double only the base number attacks, not temporary boosts. 9+2+9+9+9=38. But that's a topic for a different thread that always goes around in circles because Palladium still has not commented on the rule officially and both ways can be interpreted to be correct. Either way, a dude with 38 or 88 attacks against somebody going to have a tremendous advantage.

There is a question in the Book of Magic related to stacking strength enhancing spells. Strength boosting spells stack exactly as you described and I see no reason as to why those same mechanics wouldn't apply to other buff spells.
The Battle Fury Blades are different though and work differently.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Giant2005 wrote:
Kagashi wrote:
The Beast wrote:
Giant2005 wrote:
Lenwen wrote:ok what about this combo ?

10th lvl juicer. (assassin H2H)

9 attacks threw class and hand to hand .
+2 - Magical Adrenal Rush. (Left wristband , Talisman.)
11 Total so far.

x2 - Fleet Feet. (Right hand wrist band Talisman.)
22 Attacks per melee now.

x4 ( Duel wielding Battle fury blades each doubles your attacks using that blade.)\

88 total attacks per melee by the 10th lvl juicer using hand to hand assassin combined with Magical adrenal rush as well as fleet feet and duel wielding Battlefury Blades.

Legal or no ?

I can't comment on the use of Fleet Feet because I can't seem to find anywhere it is printed. Checked Federation of Magic, RUE and Book of Magic and can't seem to find it...
The rest of it is perfectly legal.

If Fleet Feet exists and doubles attacks, you still won't have 88 attacks. Multiplicative effects are limited to your base skill, not modified. The +2 from Magic Adrenal Rush won't be multiplied.
The math would be: 4(9x2+2) resulting in 80 attacks.

Fleet Feet is from the High Seas book for PFRPG, on page 9.

Also page 186 in Palladium Fantasy 2nd Ed.

Yes, the combo would be legal; and no, I do not think it would produce that many number of attacks. I still believe you are still stacking bonuses wrong. I come up with only 38 attacks because I double only the base number attacks, not temporary boosts. 9+2+9+9+9=38. But that's a topic for a different thread that always goes around in circles because Palladium still has not commented on the rule officially and both ways can be interpreted to be correct. Either way, a dude with 38 or 88 attacks against somebody going to have a tremendous advantage.

There is a question in the Book of Magic related to stacking strength enhancing spells. Strength boosting spells stack exactly as you described and I see no reason as to why those same mechanics wouldn't apply to other buff spells.
The Battle Fury Blades are different though and work differently.

Smashed said it best above. KC's example would be assuming every attack was directed with a strike with the blade. So yes, you get 20 APM by the stacking rules in BoM, which is what KC did as well. Then, should you take into consideration dual strike with paired weapons, you get 40 "sword strikes", 20 with each hand. (not really APM, because you cant dodge or even parry if you do this). Then each sword allows you to do your extra hit, thus 40 per hand. That equals 80 "sword strikes". I hastily used the term "APM" when I concurred with KC, but bottom line, the character still has the option to be striking 80 times in 15 seconds. Which is pretty much all for nothing if you are faced with a sniper 2000 yards away.

Had the swords ability simply stated "doubles the attacks per melee" as I originally assumed without rereading the description, my quoted example would stand, but it doesn't.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Akashic Soldier wrote:.... can I have a cookie too? :(

The cookie is a lie.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Tech Ninja wrote:Anyone that came to my table of gaming buds with that sort of character would no longer be welcome to game with us. But clearly, everyone plays their games for different types of fun. (role-playing vs. roll-playing). Pretty much any gaming system can be broken. Okay, cool. Have a cookie. Then what happens?

Personally, I'm the guy that'll have the most fun with a class like the Cowboy, Saloon Bum, or a Vagabond. Classes that other people write off as "not powerful enough lol". Guess I'll have a cookie, too.

Uh... yeah, cuz a GM couldn't possibly make a power game where the players still have to role-play right? :roll: My campaign is stuffed with things many would consider munchkin yet over 90 percent of our game is role-playing. I had one "child" quit because he wasn't able to get his munchkin ego stroked. All he tried to do was destroy and lord over NPCs... but my NPCs aren't panzies, cannon fodder or stupid so in his inability to figure out a "roll-playing" method to get around the situation and be the victor he ran off crying.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Mack wrote:How would you relate the form of a nut to Invulnerability (or any of the other spells)? I can kind of imagine a TW cannon built from a washing machine, but there's nothing to work with in a nut.

You might as well create custom Talismans and bypass TW altogether.

:D They aren't really nuts they're masses of nanites that just look like nuts. Hundreds of thousands of items to "work." Yeah... that's the ticket. :)
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Mack wrote:How would you relate the form of a nut to Invulnerability (or any of the other spells)? I can kind of imagine a TW cannon built from a washing machine, but there's nothing to work with in a nut.

You might as well create custom Talismans and bypass TW altogether.

Ok so then perhaps certain spells. Like perhaps those which could be used on blunt style attacks could be used on the nut .
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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:roll: Geez it is so difficult not to make a joke with so much talk about it. ARGHHH must resist... so many puns, so many crass jokes. :lol:
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Lenwen wrote:
Mack wrote:How would you relate the form of a nut to Invulnerability (or any of the other spells)? I can kind of imagine a TW cannon built from a washing machine, but there's nothing to work with in a nut.

You might as well create custom Talismans and bypass TW altogether.

Ok so then perhaps certain spells. Like perhaps those which could be used on blunt style attacks could be used on the nut .

That's a better idea, but still not quite right. A blunt attack would apply to the rod holding the nut, not the nut itself.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Arcanus wrote:I wouldn't allow it unless you replaced the nuts with small devices of some kinds.

That's what SHE said!

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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Killer Cyborg wrote:
Arcanus wrote:I wouldn't allow it unless you replaced the nuts with small devices of some kinds.

That's what SHE said!


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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Bravo. I was trying to think of something that would be funny and wouldnt result in me getting banned. That was perfect.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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As for concerns that a bolt with some nuts on is isn't "techno" enough, I personally agree... BUT there's nothing techno about swords either, and there are plenty of TW swords.
So there's plenty of precedence.
Really, nuts and bolts are at least machine components, so I'd rank them as slightly more techno than a sword anyway.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Tech Ninja wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Uh... yeah, cuz a GM couldn't possibly make a power game where the players still have to role-play right? :roll: My campaign is stuffed with things many would consider munchkin yet over 90 percent of our game is role-playing. I had one "child" quit because he wasn't able to get his munchkin ego stroked. All he tried to do was destroy and lord over NPCs... but my NPCs aren't panzies, cannon fodder or stupid so in his inability to figure out a "roll-playing" method to get around the situation and be the victor he ran off crying.

Power games are one thing, EIGHTY attacks is just something else.

Yeah... that does seem silly and somehow miscalculated, but if ones enemies also have 80 attacks then it isn't very munchkin is it. Plus unless they have Mhui Thai (sp?) from N&S they still have to take actions in turn and if the enemy still only has 1 attack but that one attack cripples and almost destroys you making those other 79 attacks impossible then they don't matter much. It could definately be turned into an issue of quality over quantity.
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Killer Cyborg wrote:
Arcanus wrote:I wouldn't allow it unless you replaced the nuts with small devices of some kinds.

That's what SHE said!


What did she say? :roll: So I have an important question (not really) do you grab this thing by the nuts or rod when your waving it around? Oh geez that was just wrong. (self :thwak:)
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Len... you started this all to see how many bad puns people couldn't resist posting didn't you. :)
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Zer0 Kay wrote:Len... you started this all to see how many bad puns people couldn't resist posting didn't you. :)


Only if it makes me look smurter haha

Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Arcanus wrote:I wouldn't allow it unless you replaced the nuts with small devices of some kinds.

That's what SHE said!


What did she say? :roll: So I have an important question (not really) do you grab this thing by the nuts or rod when your waving it around? Oh geez that was just wrong. (self :thwak:)

Haha love eet!!!

but all honesty if there was a way to post pictures from my cell I could show you all exactly what I am attempting. Here lol
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Lenwen wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Arcanus wrote:I wouldn't allow it unless you replaced the nuts with small devices of some kinds.

That's what SHE said!


What did she say? :roll: So I have an important question (not really) do you grab this thing by the nuts or rod when your waving it around? Oh geez that was just wrong. (self :thwak:)

Haha love eet!!!

but all honesty if there was a way to post pictures from my cell I could show you all exactly what I am attempting. Here lol

:shock: You can't post those, you'd be banned and possibly brought up on some charges. :lol:... wait at least I hope that is a joke :(
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Combination's that may not be legal yes or no ?

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Lenwen wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Len... you started this all to see how many bad puns people couldn't resist posting didn't you. :)


Only if it makes me look smurter haha

:roll: :lol
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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