House Paladin

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House Paladin

Unread post by Lord Z »

I have often mentioned that I thought elements of the Splicers' culture would be resistant to any alteration of the human body. I thought it might be fun to give form to some of the old-schoolers.

HOUSE PALADIN was once one of the most powerful houses and a backbone of the Human Resistance. Although the house has grown in its military power, it has not grown as quickly as rival houses like Barren Marsh, Delong, and Febris. The primary difference is that there are areas of research that Paladin has been very resistant to exploit. Paladin has a very strict society and has come to define all that is good and bad about the old guard.

Most significantly, Paladin refuses any genetic alteration of humans within its walls. Citizens, even prisoners and mentally infirm, are strictly forbidden from being spliced -- or as Paladin sees it, strictly protected from being exploited and losing their humanity. This means Paladin has absolutely no Biotics. Paladin views newer variations of Biotics like the Metamorphs or Nightmares as profanity. Any Biotics, even diplomats traveling with legal immunity, found within the clearly marked territory of Paladin are arrested or escorted away. Any found within the underground cities are executed on sight.

Due to Paladin's pro-humanist culture, there are also no Skinjobs serving Paladin either. Instead, Paladin has developed stealth-themed Gorehounds and Host Armors which function almost as well. Even with these spies, Paladin's intelligence network is usually ever so slightly behind the curb.

Ironically, Paladin has no problem with residents altering their appearance to look like a different human.

Technojackers are viewed as a possibly dangerous mutation. Technojackers may be hired at mercenary status, but they may never hold rank in the House nor live there.

Although Paladin has lost some opportunities, it does what it does very well. By placing more of its R&D resources in other directions, they have developed some of the toughest bio-tech around. The Warmounts of Paladin have 10% more main body M.D.C. The mega-horses of Paladin have 20% more main body M.D.C. and run 20% faster. Gardeners are far more frequent among the ranks, and their plants grow twice as fast as the plants of Gardeners from any other house.

The culture of House Paladin is based upon the history and legends of the Court of Charlemange. Much of the underground architecture, fashions, and customs of the city-state follow this theme. Most living armors tend to be designed so that they look like scale mail and sometimes are worn with colorful cloth over it. All soldiers are issued living shields with the same appearance and MDC as the main body of the living armor (uses the W.P. Shield skill & may be modified with bio-e). Acid swords are always flamberges. Host Armors tend to be designed to resemble plate armor with visored helmets. Outriders are called Cavaliers, and Roughnecks are called Gallants. Everyone speaks French. Dreadguards are called Paladins (named after the 12 legendary senior knights in the court of Charlemange). Each Senator changes his name to match a particular knight from Charlemange's court -- (usually these 12 names, but the roster does differ from one year to the next) Roland the nephew; Rinaldo of Montalban; Namo, Duke of Bavaria; Salomon, king of Brittany; Turpin, the archbishop; Astolpho, of England; Ogier, the Dane; Malagigi, the Enchanter; Florismart, the friend, and Elbegast the Thief; El Cid of Spain; and Gano the traitor.

The warlord himself takes on the name 'Emperor Charlemange'. It is unclear how long the current warlord has been on the throne due to how they all have the same name and assume the same appearance. They even have their memories cleared when taking the throne so that the prejudices of their previous lives do not affect their judgement. The current warlord does claim to be have been serving for over 200 years. It is probably impossible to determine if that is true, and the Librarians who know are not telling. If true, this warlord probably remembers the original use of the Engineers, development of splicer bio-technology, and plenty of other secrets.

The social and economic order of Paladin is based on European feudalism. This means that citizens are divided into prisoners, then serfs, then guild members or government officials, then lesser nobility, and finally upper nobility. Advancement is only achievable by valor in battle -- not success in battle, valor. The Paladins of House Paladin tend to act with superiority to everyone below them, and in fact, they tend to be jerks to just about everybody.
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Re: House Paladin

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Still waiting on those House Creation rules.....
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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by krispy »

This is a really great concept mate, there is so much you can do with this House and the dynamics associated with the relationships they have with neighboring Houses...well done

i could see Hidden Advanced Bitoics involved in this House...and for some reason i can see a class called the Heretics being part of the House
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Re: House Paladin

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Sweet faction for the world.
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Lord Z
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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by Lord Z »

Thanks guys, I intended House Paladin to be a home for supporting characters, like a rival to the PC's own Great House. I suppose I could flesh Paladin out a little more.

For starters, my mind wandered to the idea of creating different breeds of megahorses. The breeds could have different talents or stats derived from the original breeds -- Clydesdales, Arabian, and my favorite, Takhi. For example, the Mongolian Takhi have an extra chromosome which helps to explain their significantly greater endurance and ability to survive on a scrub brush diet that would starve other horses. Vakim's unicorn suggestion would match this idea well. An amphibious horse would also be useful.

I could also incorporate the concept of uplifted but normal-looking animals that I suggested a few months back. That idea got a mixed response, but it did get a response. I could see Paladin surrounding their territory with packs of intelligent dolphins and apes that can maintain their own populations without having to be supported by the Genepools. Eh, maybe...
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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I hope that there will be more of this deployed soon for us to consume. This is good stuff. Please keep it coming.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Lord Z
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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by Lord Z »

Thank you, A.

I have been consulting with some French-speaking Palladium gamers, Hendrik and Gaby. They have offered an interesting insight. Thus, here is a peak at the culture of House Paladin.

The historic culture of Paladin is a fractured as it is judgmental. Although French is the official tongue of the house, none of the members realize that the historic Charlemagne and his knights would not have spoken French. As a Frankish nobleman, Charlemagne would have likely spoken Latin. The warriors of Paladin also mix together obvious legend with historic fact as if they had equal merit. Their understanding of history is so bad and fractured, they think that Charles de Gaulle and Napoleon Bonaparte were contemporaries. The Paladinians would not care even if they did learn that they were wrong. Their culture is their culture, they like it that way, and they are not going to change it.

In their personal lives, the Splicers of Paladin live by the motto: Ca ne fait rien (it doesn't matter). They are quick to anger but also quick to forgive because life is too short of grudges. Besides, they reserve most of their animosity for the outside world. Because of this laisse-faire attitude and the fact that there are never openings for the Warlord position, duels have become much more rare than in other houses.

In military conflict, their motto is: On y va (let's go!). Although not foolish, the Splicers of Paladin do have a reputation for being brave and a little reckless. In the long run, this culture of valor has thinned the house of its most experienced soldiers and warmounts.

In geo-political terms, House Paladin is a fading world power. Its glory is fading, and the Paladinians are fine with that. They would rather die as a shining example of valor and humanisitic values than adapt and survive.
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“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
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Re: House Paladin

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House Paladin Adventure: Dog Spelled Backwards

This is a short adventure for a team of Splicers from House Paladin or a long range recon group opposed to House Paladin. Note -- this adventure was totally ripped off from an old Ghostbusters International RPG adventure.

In its never-ending quest to improve upon traditional models, House Paladin has tasked its Engineers with creating the most powerful gorehound ever to walk on four legs. This beast is more of a warmount than a traditional gorehound. The project was named Project Anubis, and the prototype was named Barghest. Bargest is a god among dogs, large as a bus and stealthy as a rat snake. Besides the usual gorehound abilities, Barghest has a new prototype brain based on the structure of a dolphin for extra intelligence and endurance. He also was born with a skin job-like second layer of flesh over his armor which grants it the stealth field of a spy. In terms of stats, Berghest has x10 M.D.C. of a regular gorehound, x10 the weight, x2 the running speed, and x10 the damage from a bite. He also has a variety of ranged weapons installed around his body.

Barghest, however, is a failed experiment. The problem is the new brain design. It never matured, even Barghest's body reached adulthood. So Barghest has the mind of puppy, and the world is his chew toy. Even worse, the dolphin structure of the brain means that Barghest only sleeps with one half of his brain at a time, so he never stops playing. Despite all efforts, this dog has proven impossible to train.

The PCs find a battlefield where Barghest was being trained (unsuccessfully) when the trainers were ambushed by a passing Machine patrol. Robots are littered all around with the corpses of three Splicers. All of the robots seem to have been crunched by huge jaws, and giantic paw prints lead off into the wilderness. Barghest is traveling invisibly, but he is leaving a trail of overturned boulders and broken trees which make him very easy to track.

If the PCs find Barghest, it will want to play. The PCs and the hound will be pestered by Machine patrols of increasing power as the Machine attempts to exterminate this powerful new threat. When robots shoot at Barghest, its first reaction will be to run in a random direction and only fight back when cornered. An Outrider can attempt to control Barghest, but this only works for 1D4 minutes before the beast's powerful mind regains control and gets distracted. Drugs can put Barghest to sleep completely but only for 1D10 minutes before his body develops a permanent immunity to that drug. Playing fetch or chase with Barghest works best for moving him in a desired direction, but this also works for 1D4 melee rounds at a time or 1D4 minutes at most.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by taalismn »

Lord Z wrote:House Paladin Adventure: Dog Spelled Backwards

This is a short adventure for a team of Splicers from House Paladin or a long range recon group opposed to House Paladin. Note -- this adventure was totally ripped off from an old Ghostbusters International RPG adventure.

In its never-ending quest to improve upon traditional models, House Paladin has tasked its Engineers with creating the most powerful gorehound ever to walk on four legs. This beast is more of a warmount than a traditional gorehound. The project was named Project Anubis, and the prototype was named Barghest. Bargest is a god among dogs, large as a bus and stealthy as a rat snake. Besides the usual gorehound abilities, Barghest has a new prototype brain based on the structure of a dolphin for extra intelligence and endurance. He also was born with a skin job-like second layer of flesh over his armor which grants it the stealth field of a spy. In terms of stats, Berghest has x10 M.D.C. of a regular gorehound, x10 the weight, x2 the running speed, and x10 the damage from a bite. He also has a variety of ranged weapons installed around his body..

:ok: Yep, this is very amusing as it reverses the cliche of the beautiful construct with the mind of a killer, and makes the superweapon a big dumb playful child(or puppy).
This has to be the first case where I've looked at a WMD and wanted to go " CUTE!"
Of course, Cuteness Kills.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by krispy »

you know what LZ i really like the concept of this House and i am trying to implement a slightly tweeked verion of it in a region in the state of Western Australia...its the foot in the door for me do bring in the cannon fodder shock troopers in the form of CS dog boys (MDC versions of course) and Lonestar's many other creations
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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by boxee »

Good job on this.

FYI Charlemange was a scholor spoke and read different languages.
He was loved by his people.

Thank you for mentioning House DeLong, very cool to have seen it.

I can see this as one of the rival houses, not overtly hostile but not on good terms either. I really like the Dog, well thought out. Love they use horses. Love the style of the house you did a great job.

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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a cool concept. Do you have any stats for your Barghest?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by abe »

for the mega-horses you could make a variation of the Pegasus, maybe?
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Re: House Paladin

Unread post by Shark_Force »

mega-horses can actually receive bio-e upgrades. most of them don't, but it is possible.

since there's already a wings upgrade, making your mega-horse into a pegasus should be a fairly straightforward process.
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