question/opion. on the spell diminsional envolope, does it follow you around or is it kinda a stationary, like id have to cast it in the corner of a room or in a closet? Or cast it on say my boot and simply go into it when ever I want? Ive played in games where I basicly had a floating storage room behind me, And ive played where I had to cast it at least a foot locker of a robot or the corner of an apc..... What do you guys think its not to clear in the writing?
Envelope is stationary; it is described as an area with a door, not something you can run around with. Dimensional Pockets is mobile and stipulates that it must be cast on an object.
The spell's range indicates self, not an object. A better argument in favor of the space following your character around would be that the envelope is tethered directly to the character, because it's cast on self. That's clearly not what the spell was intended to do though. It's designed to create a bolt hole that the character can flee to or stash gear in, so the freewheeling dimension hopping lifestyle of d-wizards, d-warriors, and d-raiders don't become over encumbered. They can literally create a cache of dimension appropriate clothing and weapons that only they and other folks that know to look for it can find.
A better strategy than attempting to exploit the poor wording of this spell would be for you to write a 13th level version of the spell that will actually do what you want.
I was thinking that if some one was shooting at him he could fall back into it, waiting them out if they cant see the door. I do agree its not in the spirt of the spell though.
Zamion138 wrote:I was thinking that if some one was shooting at him he could fall back into it, waiting them out if they cant see the door.
That's what temporary time hole is for. It's even part of the spell description. It doesn't last as long and comes with some pretty limiting side effects though.
Zamion138 wrote:question/opinion. on the spell dimensional envelope, does it follow you around or is it kinda a stationary, like id have to cast it in the corner of a room or in a closet? Or cast it on say my boot and simply go into it when ever I want? I've played in games where I basically had a floating storage room behind me, And I've played where I had to cast it at least a foot locker of a robot or the corner of an APC..... What do you guys think its not to clear in the writing?
cause I like hats....
The text of the spell implies that it is anchored to a physical place. Like a doorway or a closet. Thus it can not be moved around. (yes it does not explicitly say so, so GMs do have a choice on how they want to rule how big the object is that it is anchored to.)
To be able to access the D-Envelop you need to be able to get through the opening it is anchored to. There is no 'funneling effect' so you could enter it through a boot. (unless the char was human sized and the boot was made for a big giant..)
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
cornholioprime wrote:Where is this spell located (in which Book)??
And isn't this the one limited to Dragons or some such, or is there another one for average joes?
Originally printed in WB3, also appears in BoM. At lower levels it is limited to Temporal classes, including the Temporal Raider, Wizard, and Warrior; high level spell casters (9+), gods, demons, and other supernatural beings may also learn it.
Zamion138 wrote:question/opinion. on the spell dimensional envelope, does it follow you around or is it kinda a stationary, like id have to cast it in the corner of a room or in a closet? Or cast it on say my boot and simply go into it when ever I want? I've played in games where I basically had a floating storage room behind me, And I've played where I had to cast it at least a foot locker of a robot or the corner of an APC..... What do you guys think its not to clear in the writing?
cause I like hats....
The text of the spell implies that it is anchored to a physical place. Like a doorway or a closet. Thus it can not be moved around. (yes it does not explicitly say so, so GMs do have a choice on how they want to rule how big the object is that it is anchored to.)
To be able to access the D-Envelop you need to be able to get through the opening it is anchored to. There is no 'funneling effect' so you could enter it through a boot. (unless the char was human sized and the boot was made for a big giant..)
so if I put it say between two trees normal people could walk through it but i could open the door and pull out my full BBQ and lawn mower......(no Im not actualy gonna be the only grounds keeping temporal raider in history its joke)
But if I put it in my cape I could hold up the cape and dive in then the cape would be laying on the ground waiting for my return .....if the capes destroyed does the door way go away?
The spell description for Dimensional Envelope does not indicate that it is anchored to anything, it creates an invisible doorway in a space. Dimensional Pocket is anchored to an object. Also, the space inside is described as the size of a closet. I wouldn't recommend barbequing in there.
Bill wrote:The spell description for Dimensional Envelope does not indicate that it is anchored to anything, it creates an invisible doorway in a space. Dimensional Pocket is anchored to an object. Also, the space inside is described as the size of a closet. I wouldn't recommend barbequing in there.
So what you are saying it is anchored to a space/location, and can not be moved.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
cornholioprime wrote:Where is this spell located (in which Book)??
And isn't this the one limited to Dragons or some such, or is there another one for average joes?
Originally printed in WB3, also appears in BoM. At lower levels it is limited to Temporal classes, including the Temporal Raider, Wizard, and Warrior; high level spell casters (9+), gods, demons, and other supernatural beings may also learn it.
Didn't see it in the Book of Magic (the very first place I looked), but then again I only looked in the alphabetical index in the back.
Thanks for the info.
Anyway, now that I looked at and read the description, it seems clear to me that the Door
A]] stays in one place;
B]] Is not necessarily anchored to any vertical surface (and in fact, might not even need to be anchored to the ground).
Page 76, Rifts: England:
A Shifter can sense a Dimensional Envelope when he is within 50 feet of it. By concentrating and walking around the area......
EDIT: I found the answer.
ALSO ON PAGE 76 OF RIFTS: ENGLAND: Under the section called "Dimensional Pocket:"
This spell is similar to Dimensional Envelope except that the Dimensional Pocket is portable......
Based on the information in the TWO articles, I now not only believe that the Dimensional Envelope is non-portable, but also stationary; that is to say, if you deliberately cast the spell on the side of a wall in your house, but your house was either damaged, or destroyed, or moved as a whole unit, that the Envelope would stay in the exact same spot until it was dispelled.
The Kevinomicon, Book of Siembieda 3:16.
16 Blessed art Thou above all others, O COALITION STATES, beloved of Kevin;
17 For Thou art allowed to do Evil without Limit, nor do thy Enemies retaliate.
18 Thy Military be run by Fools and Dotards.
19 Yet thy Nation suffers not. Praise be unto Him that protects thee from all harm!!
cornholioprime wrote:Based on the information in the TWO articles, I now not only believe that the Dimensional Envelope is non-portable, but also stationary; that is to say, if you deliberately cast the spell on the side of a wall in your house, but your house was either damaged, or destroyed, or moved as a whole unit, that the Envelope would stay in the exact same spot until it was dispelled.
Indeed it is stationary but stationary in relation to what? That's the real question. A question there's no real answer to. After all the Earth moves too. All you can really go with is whatever works best in your game. Personally I'd go with it working in large vehicles like a Death's Head Transport or larger.
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." -George Orwell
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cornholioprime wrote:Based on the information in the TWO articles, I now not only believe that the Dimensional Envelope is non-portable, but also stationary; that is to say, if you deliberately cast the spell on the side of a wall in your house, but your house was either damaged, or destroyed, or moved as a whole unit, that the Envelope would stay in the exact same spot until it was dispelled.
Indeed it is stationary but stationary in relation to what? That's the real question. A question there's no real answer to. After all the Earth moves too. All you can really go with is whatever works best in your game. Personally I'd go with it working in large vehicles like a Death's Head Transport or larger.
what about the exploer robot from the old rifts book? great team vhiecle by the way. I can see it not working on say my boot but if its got a wall thats large enough for a door or port hole I think you should be able to do it.
Zamion138 wrote:what about the exploer robot from the old rifts book? great team vhiecle by the way. I can see it not working on say my boot but if its got a wall thats large enough for a door or port hole I think you should be able to do it.
I see no problem with that.
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." -George Orwell
***Posting of articles does not imply endorsement of such***
I Have no problem with D-E being acnhored to a object or a space. So long as it is anchored to something. Not just there floating there like a portable hole.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
the spell is cast on the opening so it depends on the openening. eg it has to be known about it being there shifter temporal mage and others in list. it has to be attached, just like d-pocket how ever you must consider if you cast it on a normal sized door you cant get a car in there.
Dirty player trick
I created a hidden d envelope in the cargo door of our groups spaceship. being paranoid because the gm was opt to send a crazy temporal mage at us just so they can see it. a pannel(door) slid back to reveal another door(d envelope cast here) was in its own sealed environment so sorry no you couldn't detect it. .