Alone and Hungry!

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by ZombieSlayer01 »

Equipment:9mm Pistol, 5 rounds, Bowie knife, Rope, Flashlight, 1 full bottle of water.

Senario:Your walking down the middle of a residental street at night. Alone with only the equipment listed above, your tired and hungry. You havnt eaten in days, your tired and looking for a place to sleep. Out of the corner of your eye you see a light coming out of a window from a nearby house and you smell food coming from it. You enter the house carefully and see a fire in a metal fire pit in the middle of the dinning room with a roast on a spit cooking over it. You see no sign of anybody or anything. What do you do?
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Tearstone »

Get the **** out, it's a trap.

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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Torval »

I would close to the door behind me quietly to try to keep the sound confined to inside of the house and call out quietly once, maybe twice, to see if anyone is home. If I do not get a human response fairly quickly, I would turn around and leave. As hungry and tried as I would be, it could be a trap or those people could be out somewhere close and may not appreciate coming back to find a random stranger in their hideout. Besides, without talking to someone, I wouldn't really know what is roasting. For all I know, it could be meat that spoiled a long time ago or some crazy person roasting zed.
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Razzinold »

I wouldn't walk straight into the house I would have scouted through the windows first, but since your scenario says I'm in the house already I'll play along :D

Now I would like to think that common sense would rule and I would assume trap and run, although I haven't eaten in days so that's a powerful incentive to stay in the house, I would check the house from top to bottom. If I discovered an empty house, I would skip the feast that is cooking and instead try and find some sealed canned food in the pantry (less likely it's been tampered with if still sealed). Who knows maybe some weirdos put a sedative in the food and they are watching on hidden cameras and when you get all nice and sleepy they watch on the monitor as some Zeds come and snack on you. Or like someone else mentioned, roasted what is cooking on the spit ? :puke:

(had to edit because some reason I was vomiting on the beginning of my sentence :mrgreen: )
Last edited by Razzinold on Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Chewie, no CHEWIE!
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Ravenwing »

Ignore the cooking food, it's obviously a trap, or more then likely part of someone, or a zed, after all where did these people get a roast, in the middle of the city, after the Zed outbreak? Answer? someone like me entering their house.

I'd leave, slip out as quiet as I did going in, and move to another part of the city/town until daylight, asking myself why I was insane enough to come out at night and try and move around in the first place. Since I should know by this point in time that Zeds are both more active at night, and can see better then me! Once I found an adequte hiding place until daylight, I'd search it for food, water, medicine, bags, or other containers, along with sleeping bags/blankets, and some basic gear and then find me a jeep, or SUV and get outta town.
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Severus Snape »

First of all, I wouldn't be scouting at night. Especially in a residential neighborhood, BY MYSELF. Why don't I just pin a $20 bill on my shirt, head for the projects, and yell "Victim here!"?

Second, I wouldn't walk down the middle of the street if it's a scouting mission. You're nothing more than a target for every cultist, murderer, bandit, and zed that is out and about at night. Assuming there isn't any power and the streetlights are off, the middle of the road is a good place to get run over by traffic from both directions.

Third, if I was that tired, why did I leave wherever it was that I was at prior to being the lone gunman in this scenario? Was I forced out? Was it too unsafe?

Fourth, if I'm that hungry, why didn't I scout during the day? What's wrong with using the sunlight to your advantage during the zombie apocalypse? Zed doesn't need light to see you, but you need the light to see him. Or her. Or whatever they refer to themselves as these days.

All in all, this scenario should not ever happen unless there are really extraneous circumstances that make it so. Which you haven't indicated, so I'm gonna say...

I wouldn't leave wherever I was at previously and wait til morning. And then go through the residential neighborhood, house by house, avoiding the one with the open door and smell of roasting whatever coming from inside until I find a house with a couple cans of spam or whatever got left behind in the pantry.
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Icefalcon »

Find an exit and fast. Find a nice high tree, climb to the top, tie myself to the trunk with the rope and sleep till morning when it makes more sense to be on the streets.
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

I'm kinda with snape on this one. SOOO many things I wouldn't be doing all stacked up on top of one another, I can't really answer the question. If I've got water and haven't "Eaten in days" I'm ok. You can go weeks with out food. Not that I'd be out in those circumstances anyway, but if I were I'd find some place to conceal myself from both Zed and who ever set that rather weird trap. At worst, the people setting the trap aren't going to let the meat go to waste and will at some point show themselves to eat it or something. At best.. after a while I can determine that whom ever set the trap is dead and I can make a plan for day time action where Zed doesn't come to munch my face.

But yeah the situation just screams "ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT"S A TRAP" in it's best Admiral Ackbar voice. I'd have to have a pretty serious head injury to 1) be out at night, 2) Walking down the road. 3) approach a strange house lit up at night. (( only survivors make lights/fire.. coming up on them at night will get cha killed as if you walked up on a zed)) 4)Surely wouldn't just mosey in the front door. 5) To be honest.. in that situation... too much like "TRAP!!" I don't think I'd trust the food even if I could get it and run. Could be poisioned or something.

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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Icefalcon »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:I'm kinda with snape on this one. SOOO many things I wouldn't be doing all stacked up on top of one another, I can't really answer the question. If I've got water and haven't "Eaten in days" I'm ok. You can go weeks with out food. Not that I'd be out in those circumstances anyway, but if I were I'd find some place to conceal myself from both Zed and who ever set that rather weird trap. At worst, the people setting the trap aren't going to let the meat go to waste and will at some point show themselves to eat it or something. At best.. after a while I can determine that whom ever set the trap is dead and I can make a plan for day time action where Zed doesn't come to munch my face.

But yeah the situation just screams "ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT"S A TRAP" in it's best Admiral Ackbar voice. I'd have to have a pretty serious head injury to 1) be out at night, 2) Walking down the road. 3) approach a strange house lit up at night. (( only survivors make lights/fire.. coming up on them at night will get cha killed as if you walked up on a zed)) 4)Surely wouldn't just mosey in the front door. 5) To be honest.. in that situation... too much like "TRAP!!" I don't think I'd trust the food even if I could get it and run. Could be poisioned or something.

I have to agree wholeheartedly with this. Only someone seriously suffering head trauma would break several of the cardinal rules of avoiding zeds or other dangers. Being in the center of the road is begging to get shot by bandits or seen by zeds. Being out at night makes you highly visible to zeds and them less visible to you. You wouldn't enter a strange house without at least checking the perimeter. Nobody leaves food unattended unless they are chased off or dead.
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Re: Alone and Hungry!

Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

i continue to skip down the street. :lol:
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