2012 Open House Game List

For discussion of the Palladium Open House, both past (May 2006 & May 2007) and possible future Open Houses. Who's going, games you're running or looking to play, etc.

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2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Post the following information here AND send it to palladium-gm@palladiumbooks.com



Name of the Game
Palladium Game Line
Brief Description
Minimum and Maximum player
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer)
Will pre-gen characters be provided?
Age Requirement
Day and time you would like to run
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Reelman »

Name of the Game – Pandora’s Box
Palladium Game Line - Rifts
Brief Description - Unknown danger lurks in a Golden Age bunker. Your predecessors failed to neutralize the source but kept it contained; will your team be so lucky? Game will utilize Dwarven Forge 3-D environment and minis.
Minimum and Maximum player – 3/6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer) – 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? - Yes
Age Requirement – 10+
Day and time you would like to run – VIP Thursday and Friday morning

Name of the Game – MAKE the best of it
Palladium Game Line – Dead Reign
Brief Description - Backs against the wall, the Zombie horde approaches. You must hold the horde at bay for 3 hours until the safe haven is evacuated. Can you MAKE it? Event will be played in real time.
Minimum and Maximum player – 4/8
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer) – 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? - Yes
Age Requirement – 13+
Day and time you would like to run – Saturday morning

Name of the Game – Unleash the Fury
Palladium Game Line - Rifts
Brief Description - Your Glitter Boy squad must protect the peace envoys from rogue elements trying to stop the peace talks. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
Minimum and Maximum player – 3/8
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer) – 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? - Yes
Age Requirement – 13+
Day and time you would like to run – Sunday morning

I may run a BTS2 Game Friday night but the jury is still out on that.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Reelman wrote:I may run a BTS2 Game Friday night but the jury is still out on that.

I you do and I'm not running a game at the time, you know I'll be there with bells on! :)
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Scott Gibbons »

Name of the Game: Rifts Battlefield
Palladium Game Line: Rifts Board Game
Brief Description: A board game based on the character classes found in the Rifts role playing game! (An earlier version was played at the last POH)
Minimum and Maximum player: 2 - 6 (bringing two complete games, so up to 12 people can be playing at once)
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): Typically about an hour
Will pre-gen characters be provided? : Yes
Age Requirement: 10 an up
Day and time you would like to run: Will probably be set up all weekend like last time, bringing two complete games

Name of the Game: What's going on out there?
Palladium Game Line: Rifts (Canada/Free Quebec)
Brief Description: A small town, important for covert reasons to Free Quebec, needs help eliminating the monster or monsters that are killing their cattle. Free Quebec answers by sending a squad of Glitter Boys (the player characters) to get rid of the problem. Thing is, there might just be more than meets the eyer here... [This adventure is set in the run-up to hostilities with the CS, after the declaration of war, but before actual combat begins.]
Minimum and Maximum player: 5 - 10
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes
Age Requirement: None
Day and time you would like to run: Any time Thursday, Friday or Saturday (except during the costume contest :D )

Name of the Game: Hie-ho, its through the mountain we go!
Palladium Game Line: Rifts (New German Republic)
Brief Description: A special-ops squad (the player characters) are assigned to get a group of hostages out of a Gargoyle aviary where they are being held as human-shields. The aviary is targeted for destruction, and High command wants them out before the battle begins. As luck would have it an ancient, pre-Rifts tunnel has been discovered that leads right into the aviary itself. This mission is going to be a cakewalk!
Minimum and Maximum player: 6 - 12
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes
Age Requirement: None
Day and time you would like to run: Any time Thursday, Friday or Saturday (except during the costume contest :D )

Name of the Game: Peter Denlich, I presume?
Palladium Game Line: Three Galaxies (Center on Phase World, to be exact)
Brief Description: The player characters are given a package by Thraxus and a friend. Their job: to deliver the package to one Peter Denlich who lives somewhere in Center. Great mountains of money will be theirs upon completion of this simple task. Of course a painful, lingering death will be theirs should they fail. Oh, and did I mention there is a time limit on this delivery? (See HERE for more details on the game and the types of characters that will be in the game.)
Minimum and Maximum player: 2 minimum, no maximum
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: I would love for people to bring their own characters (See HERE for more details), but I will have some generic ones for anyone who doesn't have one.
Age Requirement: None
Day and time you would like to run: Any time Thursday, Friday or Saturday, (except during the costume contest :D ) but would prefer Thursday evening
Last edited by Scott Gibbons on Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Name of the Game: The Lopanic Games
Palladium Game Line: Palladium Fantasy
Brief Description: Athlete, trainer, sponsor and their hired protection have made their way to Lopania for Gaston, the Professional Athlete O.C.C., to compete in the discus event of the Lopanic Games. Unexpected intrigue, mystery, high sacrifices and adventure unravel as the group investigates “the lion, the ditch & the warlock”.
Minimum and Maximum player: 1-6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours (unless you all die...)
Will pre-gen characters be provided: Yes. All mid-levels.
Age Requirement: 12yrs +
Day and time you would like to run: Same game to be run Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9am – 1pm
Special requirements: Players must be able to understand a British accent...
Last edited by The Dark Elf on Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic
Rifter 55 The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C.
Rifter 59 The Lopanic Games adventure "The Lion, the Ditch & the Warlock". Illustrations to this adventure can be found here.
Rifter 71 & 72 Double Issue Ninjas & Superspies adventure "On a Wing & a Prayer"
Rifter 80 Masters Unlimited
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Hendrik »

Hi there,

I would like to offer 3 games :-D :

Game 1 and 2
Palladium Game Line: BtS (with additional inspirations from Recon)

Brief Description: 1940s WW II adventure-archaeology style ;) and recon mission in Greece.

YOU might be all that will stand in the way of Axis' victory!

It is the summer of 1941. The war is not going terribly well for the Allies. Almost all of Europe is either in German hands, in retreat, part of the Axis or a Nazi ally. The US are supporting notably Britain with ammunition, ships, etc. but are officially still neutral despite very serious diplomatic reprimands against the German Reich upon repeated U-Boots hits on U.S. convoy ships. Britain has won the Battle of Britain but her Army has not recovered from Dunkirk yet, Operation Crusader only sputters along. The future of the free world looks bleak. The knowledge of the technical superiority of the German forces has been learnt bitterly; courage and a just cause alone will only hold out against it for so long. But ... that is not all!

There is serious speculation about secret German projects far beyond what has been seen so far. There are even rumours that certain elements in the higher echelons of the Reich actively believe in and search for powerful artefacts, dabble in black magic and even worship a dark cult, although that is, of course, ludicrous.

YOU are a hastily assembled group of draftees and strange volunteers. You were drilled hard and have all received jump training at Camp General Robert Toombs in Georgia. You also received basic language training in Greek. You were not told why, but yours is not to ask but to do or die …

Although the game has a 1940s military background, female players will certainly have no problem to play (and not only nurses! I know better than that) and are certainly very welcome. Pre-gens will be offered, some will be PCCs, some will be higher level career soldiers ("Ordinary Person O.C.C.")

Minimum and Maximum player: 2-6
Length of game: 4-5 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes.
Age Requirement: Players of any age are welcome.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday (afternoon starting 01.00 pm) and Saturday (morning 10.00 am ...)

Game 3
Name of the Game: “Squid-U-Like”
Palladium Game Line: BtS

Brief Description: Elder evil is to be unleashed on mankind and only you stand in the way.

YOU are part of the Internet Organized Group of souls and free spirits (“IOGA”; A for anima, meaning soul and spirit in Latin), its members interested and believing in the supernatural. Many of this group are old and new hippies, loads of new agers, and all sorts of people believing in many, many strange things. Only YOU know the strangeness is the truth!

YOU are supernaturally talented and have decided to fight evil wherever you can. Recently, the forums have been full of strange hints, threads have been closed without reason, but what is more, you have heard rumours that the erstwhile free-for-all forums now have clandestine sections, invitation only. As hard as you have tried you never got into them. Now, however, you have heard that something bad will happen. As your friend and fellow poster FLWRPWR24 wrote to you, “Man, you will think I am blitzed, but I feel transubstantiated. See, I just got dibs on a coke and was gut wadding at Skippies’ when I overheard a pig talking to some Ivy Leaguers in REAL fancy rags. They sure had a gas, you know, but … evil like. Anywho, I heard them talking about IOGA and really seriously way-out weird stuff. The thing is they said something would be going down at the Nat History Museum on 21-5-2012, midnight. The bad stuff they said was so bad, only hearing it felt spaced-out insane. Man, that was a bad trip, so: I fired up my flip-flops and flaked out of the joint sooo quickly they probably did not even see me. Just wanted you to feel me on this, will talk to you later!” FLWRPWR24 never wrote another post and did not react to PMs.

The 21st May 2012 is a night of the new moon - and the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, “UN Diversity Day”, although you have a feeling that the kind of diversity you will find will not be the good sort. It is now the 21st. YOU have arranged to meet in front of the Natural History Museum.

Minimum and Maximum player: 2-6
Length of game: 4-5 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes.
Age Requirement: Players of any age are welcome.
Day and time you would like to run: Sunday (morning).

Handouts for Operation Minotaur (BtS Adventure published in RIFTER #83) Get them at the fabulous "House of BtS"![/quote]

May all your hits be crits!
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Name of the Game: Horrors in the Woodman Office Building
Palladium Game Line: Beyond the Supernatural
Brief Description: The “Woodman Office Building” was once a very modern and respectable office building. In its day, dentists, family practices, accounting firms, real estate brokers, insurance brokers and stock brokers and more could all be found at the Woodman. Today, it’s just another condemned building amongst many in one of the worst parts of town.
And it’s here where your group has tracked the creature you’ve been hunting all night. But the horrors that await you inside will be far more than you can expect to deal with. Vagrants, supernatural horrors, addicts, gang members, the criminally insane, illusions, entities, hallucinations, ghosts, a psychic serial killer and more await you. Can your group survive the horrors of the Woodman Office Building?
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-6
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: Due to subject matter, this game is best suited for ages 13 and above
Day and time you would like to run: I can run this on VIP Thursday night AND one of the other days that weekend if needed

Name of the Game: A Promise Unfulfilled
Palladium Game Line: Beyond the Supernatural
Brief Description: An old machine parts factory has recently been purchased by a big company with plans to update and upgrade the building into a tool and die company, bringing much needed jobs and commerce to the community or Roslyn, Washington. However, it seems that antique machines and scrap metal aren’t all that still lingers in the building.
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-6
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: Due to subject matter, this game is best suited for ages 13 and above
Day and time you would like to run: Anytime

Name of the Game: Into the Labyrinth
Palladium Game Line: Beyond the Supernatural
Brief Description: A member of the Lazlo Society has been kidnapped, and the kidnapper has invited a select few members of the Society to come to her rescue. She is being held deep within the bowels of an underground maintenance system. The many pipes, valves, machinery, catwalks, stairs and tunnels create a modern day labyrinth one can easily get lost in. Negotiating this labyrinth will be dangerous; water hazards, aging and faulty equipment, rats, wild dogs and more could all be obstacles. Even beyond these hazards lies numerous death traps requiring the group to have sharp wits and fast reflexes to survive and rescue their comrade.
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-6
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: Due to subject matter, this game is best suited for ages 13 and above
Day and time you would like to run: Anytime

Name of the Game: Four Score and Seven Years
Palladium Game Line: Beyond the Supernatural
Brief Description: At only twenty years of age, Ghost Hunter Dale Sebesta hunted down, fought and destroyed the Arch Fiend Rukesh, sending its spirit back to the planes of Dyval. In the forty seven years since, Dale has destroyed many more supernatural creatures, has been a friend and mentor to many Lazlo agents, became a husband, a father, a grandfather, and has just retired from his career as a mechanic. He’s ready for some well deserved rest and relaxation.
Rukesh however, has other plans, having spent the last forty seven years enraged and humiliated over being slain by a mere human. Its lust for revenge has fueled its determination to be reborn as quickly as possible. Now Rukesh is back to full strength, has rounded up a band of Deevils, and has returned to Earth, hell bent on killing not only Dale, but all of his family and friends, including the player characters.
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-6
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: Due to subject matter, this game is best suited for ages 13 and above
Day and time you would like to run: Anytime

Name of the Game: Amber Alert
Palladium Game Line: Beyond the Supernatural
Brief Description: Seven year old Amber Mancini has been kidnapped under the dying light of day. Night has since fallen and is accompanied by the rain that pours over the crime scene. While the police have labeled this a common kidnapping, the murder of ravens that glare at the crime scene from above give a tell tale sign that this kidnapping was anything but common. Amber has been taken by something supernatural, and her time is running out!
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-6
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: Due to subject matter, this game is best suited for ages 13 and above
Day and time you would like to run: Anytime on Sunday
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Name of the Game: In Soviet Russia, Bunker Raids YOU!!!
Palladium Game Line: Rifts – Sovietski Preview
Brief Description: A small hamlet is being harassed by monsters of unknown origin. A group of Sovietski soldiers has tracked them back to their den, in an old pre-rifts bunker. It is time to clear them out and claim the bunker for Mother Russia.
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-6 players.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: VIP Thursday

Name of the Game: The Head of the Snake
Palladium Game Line – Rifts: Japan 2 Preview
Brief Description: An unlikely group of heroes has been tasked with eliminating a demon masquerading as an oppressive Shogun. Can the players succeed in raiding his castle, slaying the demon and restoring peace to the province?
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-6
Length of game 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday at 11 A.M.

Name of the Game: A Dish Best Served Cold
Palladium Game Line: Rifts - Triax 2, Rifter 55
Brief Description: With a battle raging on around them, a group from the NGR Armored Division is tasked with locating a downed dragonfly transport with valuable cargo. It appears to have shot down by the brodkil forces that are ravaging the town. Find the cargo and escape. Failure is not an option.
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-8 players.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday at 4 P.M.

Name of the Game: The Great Train Robbery
Palladium Game Line: Rifts - New West
Brief Description: Your rag-tag band of outlaws has to get to a special cargo container on the TW Iron Horse and steal the precious cargo for your client. Can you get the cargo and get off the train before it reaches the station?
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-6 players.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: Saturday at 11 A.M.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Greg Diaczyk »

These are the two game scenarios I'll be running, I will run multiple times if people are interested.

Name of the Game: *SNEAK PEAK *Rifts China 3: Masters of Magic!
Palladium Game Line: Rifts, Rifts China specifically
Brief Description: Journey into the Mists of China and become one of their great practitioners of magic to oppose the Yama Kings and attempt to bring about the restoration of Rifts China. Try out one of the new Practitioners of Magic O.C.C. such as the Taoist Priest (Tao Shih), Geomancer (Fang Shih), Chi Mage (Wu Shih), War Alchemist (Huo Yao Shih), Apothecary (Yao Ji Shih), Literarti (Shih Da Fu) or the Chinese Dragon Hatchling. Players will also be given the opportunity to become a Chinese Immortals some of which includes the Taoist Immortal, Yin Immortal, Undead Immortal, Alchemical Immortal and Heartless Immortal.
Minimum and Maximum Player: 8 Pre-gens will be available, more are weclome.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours

Name of the Game: The Fate of Easter Island
Palladium Game Line: Rifts, with a focus on Rifts Lemuria
Brief Description: Now assuming Rifts Lemuria is out... An unknown cabal of evil practitioners of magic are attempting to take over Easter Island to use its powers to bring something immeasurably evil into Rifts Earth... Characters will consist of Lemurians and even common O.C.C.'s from North and South America who have been rallied to defend Easter Island .
Minimum and Maximum Player: 8 Pre-gens will be available, more are weclome.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours
Greg Diaczyk,
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by RoadWarriorFWaNK »

Name of the Game: Powered By the Apocalypse
Palladium Game Line: Chaos Earth
Brief Description: Players take on various roles of NEMA operatives and survivors as they work together to keep a Rescue Shelter from collapsing. Or undermine each other to bid for power. Meanwhile, chaos beats at the doors!!
Minimum and Maximum player: Min 2, Max 4
Length of game: 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: none
Day and time you would like to run: Friday, anytime.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Rimdall »

Name of the Game: A Midwinter’s Malevolence
Palladium Game Line: BtS2
Brief Description: A freak snowstorm strands the team in Ruidoso, NM. A knock at the door reveals a runaway waif with an outlandish story. Can the investigators figure out the truth in time?
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-8
Length of game: 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: 13+
Day and time you would like to run: Friday (no time preference)

Name of the Game: Something’s Amiss in Sumeria
Palladium Game Line: BtS2
Brief Description: Troops gone missing in the vast desert and unbelievable drone footage prompt a visit by the team of investigators. Can they get to the root of the situation and set things right?
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-8
Length of game: 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: 13+
Day and time you would like to run: Saturday (no time preference)

Name of the Game: Rest and Relaxation at Last
Palladium Game Line: Rifts
Brief Description: Rotated to a 'quiet' posting after far too long on the front lines at Tolkeen, the squad of battle-fatigued Coalition soldiers is called on yet again; can the squad ride to the rescue?
Minimum and Maximum player: 3-8
Length of game: 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement:13+
Day and time you would like to run: Sunday morning
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Soldier of Od »

Okay, so despite my fears, I'm going to go for it:

Name of the Game: A Hanging at Belimar’s Creek
Palladium Game Line: Palladium Fantasy
Brief Description: As the sun rises slowly over the Highback Plains, the group happens upon the tiny, isolated settlement of Belimar’s Creek. In the deserted town square, hanging by his neck, the body of a man sways gently back and forth in the dawn breeze. Sure looks like a lynching. But in a town where no one will speak out, how will the players find out who killed the man, and why?
Minimum and Maximum players: 4-6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes. (Note: There will be a larger selection of characters to pick from than required for the game, to provide the players with a greater choice.)
Age Requirement: Minimum 13.
Day and time you would like to run: to be run twice – once on VIP Thursday, and once on Saturday Morning 09:00-13:00.

Name of the Game: Remember, Remember the 5th of November…
Palladium Game Line: Nightbane
Brief Description: The British arm of the Nightbane Resistance has embarked upon a bold plan: they have managed to procure a small nuclear device, and plan to set it off in the heart of their enemy’s stronghold. Intelligence shows that on the 5th of November – Guy Fawkes Night - the local Nightlord is meeting with an avatar of King Moloch at his headquarters, the gothic replica of the Houses of Parliament in the Nightlands version of Britain’s capital, London. The Resistance may have a chance to destroy the Nightlord, a Moloch Avatar, and most of Nightlands London’s upper hierarchy all in one foul swoop, if the players can smuggle the device through the eerie, smog-shrouded lanes of the dark city and reach their goal…
Minimum and Maximum player: 6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes
Age Requirement: Minimum 13.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday Morning 09:00-13:00.
Rifter Contributor:
Rifter 61 – Purebred animal templates for Mutants in Avalon (After the Bomb)
Rifter 77 & 78 – Khemennu, City of the Eighteen Cosmic Gods (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 83 – The Prophet O.C.C. (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 83 – Half-Ogres (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 84 – Spellbound O.C.C. (Nightbane)
Rifter 85 – Relics of Empire: Elven Cities of the Old Kingdom (Palladium Fantasy)
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Soldier of Od wrote:Okay, so despite my fears, I'm going to go for it:

Name of the Game: A Hanging at Belimar’s Creek
Palladium Game Line: Palladium Fantasy
Brief Description: As the sun rises slowly over the Highback Plains, the group happens upon the tiny, isolated settlement of Belimar’s Creek. In the deserted town square, hanging by his neck, the body of a man sways gently back and forth in the dawn breeze. Sure looks like a lynching. But in a town where no one will speak out, how will the players find out who killed the man, and why?
Minimum and Maximum players: 4-6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes. (Note: There will be a larger selection of characters to pick from than required for the game, to provide the players with a greater choice.)
Age Requirement: Minimum 13.
Day and time you would like to run: to be run twice – once on VIP Thursday, and once on Saturday Morning 09:00-13:00.

Name of the Game: Remember, Remember the 5th of November…
Palladium Game Line: Nightbane
Brief Description: The British arm of the Nightbane Resistance has embarked upon a bold plan: they have managed to procure a small nuclear device, and plan to set it off in the heart of their enemy’s stronghold. Intelligence shows that on the 5th of November – Guy Fawkes Night - the local Nightlord is meeting with an avatar of King Moloch at his headquarters, the gothic replica of the Houses of Parliament in the Nightlands version of Britain’s capital, London. The Resistance may have a chance to destroy the Nightlord, a Moloch Avatar, and most of Nightlands London’s upper hierarchy all in one foul swoop, if the players can smuggle the device through the eerie, smog-shrouded lanes of the dark city and reach their goal…
Minimum and Maximum player: 6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes
Age Requirement: Minimum 13.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday Morning 09:00-13:00.

I would LOVE to play in either of these. I don't know what my schedule will look like though...
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Hendrik »


Very cool games, Soldier of Od! The English representation is strong this year (Dark Elves Lopan game is another one I am really interested in) :-).

The selection of games becomes more beautiful by the hour, I have already more games I am interested in than the OH will allow for - choice is a witch - love that about the OH!
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by keir451 »

T-shirt size: XL
Name of the Game: Raise the SDF-1
Palladium Game Line: Robotech Shadow Chronicles/Rifts
Brief Description: A new force has appeared on Earth after the Invid retreat and our UEEF Intelligence agent has gone dark. Your mission, should you choose to accept it(as UEEF personnel), is to go to Earth and gather intel on this new force and find out what happened to our agent, Lt. Holmes.
Minimum and Maximum players: 4-6
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours (depending on player's perhaps longer)
I will provide pre-generated characters, I will leave name, sex, height & weight up to players.
Age requirement: 20+
Day and time you would like to run: Friday 13:00 - 17:00 (1pm - 5pm)
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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The Galactus Kid wrote:I would LOVE to play in either of these. I don't know what my schedule will look like though...

Thanks! Would love to have you. I hope I can live up to the expectations!
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

This game should be ran from 1p-4p on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Name of the Game: H.M.S. Romero
Palladium Game Line: Dead Reign
Brief Description: The initial wave of zombies has passed. You survived, but now what? Zombies still scour the city. Human activity can still be heard. Gunshots are like clockbells in the distance. All this is shattered when a call from a loudspeaker can be heard. There's a boat picking up survivors and you got 3 hours to make the last port. Will you selfishly press on? Will you round up a group and fight through? Or will you join the rest of Humanity in Undeath and hunt the living?
Minimum and Maximum players: 4+
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours
Pre-generated characters: Yes (Sort of, some minor jotting of notes to occur prior to start)
Age requirement: 13+ (Language, Graphic Violence)
Day and time you would like to run: 1p-4p on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Reelman »

So here are the quick stats so far:

Event totals so far:

Rifts - 13
BTS - 11
Palladium Fantasy - 5
Robotech - 5
Dead Reign - 4
Nightbane - 1
Chaos Earth - 1
Heroes Unlimited - 1
Splicers - 0
Special (Board Game, etc) - 1

These totals include unique event times, if you stated any or multiple times available but did not state times, I only counted the event once.

Total Events by day/time segment:

VIP Thursday - 6
Friday Morning - 3
Friday Afternoon - 6
Friday Evening - 3.5*
Friday TBD - 3
Saturday Morning - 5
Saturday Afternoon - 3
Saturday Evening - 1
Saturday TBD - 3.5*
Sunday Morning - 5
Sunday Afternoon - 1
Sunday TBD - 1

*Uneven number of events stated as anytime divided over Friday and Saturday.

I know the board game will run multiple times but I only counted it once as I was not sure how to err on running lots/some/few times, no slight was meant. I also made some assumptions for folks that did not state preferences for date/time.

Saturday afternoon and evening are both pretty thin even counting the TBD games.
Pleasantly surprised how well BTS is represented and just as surprised that there is only 1 Heroes Unlimited Games.

UPDATED - 3/27/2012
Last edited by Reelman on Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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Xavier72 wrote:I'm now tempted to run an HU2 game; problem is, it's not fully developed and I don't want to spread myself thin. Will there be any opportunities for pick-up games duning the event?

There are usually as many unscheduled pickup games as scheduled ones, so go for it!
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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Xavier72 wrote:Thanks for the encouragement, Reelman; it'll go to the bottom of the list, but I'll have something ready just in case. It will be based in Armageddon Unlimited (an amazing book). Someone must answer the call of light.

Woo hoo! A HU game at last!

Oh, and if the power-that-be want, I can run two of my scheduled games, "What's going on out there?" and "Hie-ho, its through the mountain we go!" twice each if it helps.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

I'll be your Huckleberry.

Name of the Game: Invasion!
Palladium Game Line: Heroes Unlimited 2E
Brief Description: The top heroes of the world have disappeared and the aliens are invading, leaving the second string to step up and save the world..
Minimum and Maximum players: 4-8
Length of game 4-6 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes.
Age Requirement: Minimum 16. Sorry, but the Phase World debacle of '09 scared me off of younger..
Day and time you would like to run: Friday afternoon.

The top 14 images in my Heroes Unlimited gallery are all for this game, check them out.

There may be more, but that's what I've got right now. I may run this one more than once too.. I have difficulty coming to a conclusion, so maybe it will be extended after hours at the hotel too..
Last edited by MADMANMIKE on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Jorel »

Be nice if there were an HU option on the actual game list. People are looking at that list and deciding if there are games they want in on. Some of those are people who haven't bought tickets. The more game options, the more people will want to attend, the more tickets will sell ahead of time.
I'm seeing some pretty big holes with no Splicers or HU and those are games with pretty strong followings. Stronger than BTS I thought, but I guess not. 11 BTS games seems like a lot. I would almost consider running a HU game, except I'll most likely be juggling my kids. Also I'm a slow and lazy GM, don't tell my players that though, they may not have noticed.
Hopefully a few more games pop up here to fill in those massive gaping holes. Also I don't see Mechanoids, Systems Failure, or 2 of my favorites, After the Bomb (TMNT) and Ninjas & Superspies. Those last 2 are also a bigger draw that are in some need of games. I could think of some decent general adventures for any of those systems, but I am too busy with my family to get anything together, and I would not be able to dedicate the time or attention to running a game at the POH. If anyone wants help making a character or 2 let me know as I could fit in time for something like that. Just tryin to help any way I can.

Edit:3M to save the day with an HU game moments before I post.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Reelman »

Xavier72 wrote:
As we continue to add to the list, do we need to submit by e-mail as well?

I would go ahead and submit the additional event so it can be added to the master list, go ahead and note it is an addition. Thanks, great to see some HU events added!
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Yes. ALWAYS SUBMIT BY E-MAIL. This is the unofficial list that we compile when we send the games in.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

I'd been GMing for 21 years, and never had a character death. Until that 13 year old made such a nuisance of himself the two Germans, playing an Orc Headhunter and a Kittani warrior, spaced him.
Minions - Character Sheets <---- UPDATED LINK TO MY DA PAGE!!!
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by kamikazzijoe »

MADMANMIKE wrote:I'd been GMing for 21 years, and never had a character death. Until that 13 year old made such a nuisance of himself the two Germans, playing an Orc Headhunter and a Kittani warrior, spaced him.

That was one of my favorite moments. "No no, the neck." At least until that bizarre radio ploy actually worked!
Dr. Doom v.3.0 wrote:
You should change your title to Necromancer.

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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by kamikazzijoe »

My full write up on another computer but i'll put this here so people can pester me until i put it up

Game name: Munchking
Game line: HU pvp
Dr. Doom v.3.0 wrote:
You should change your title to Necromancer.

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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

MADMANMIKE wrote:I'd been GMing for 21 years, and never had a character death. Until that 13 year old made such a nuisance of himself the two Germans, playing an Orc Headhunter and a Kittani warrior, spaced him.

was that the kid who cried?
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Uhm.. I don't know.. He didn't cry at my game, but it may have been him. He was in some of the pics of Carmen's Robotech game in 2010...
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Reelman wrote:Name of the Game – Pandora’s Box
Palladium Game Line - Rifts
Brief Description - Unknown danger lurks in a Golden Age bunker. Your predecessors failed to neutralize the source but kept it contained; will your team be so lucky? Game will utilize Dwarven Forge 3-D environment and minis.
Minimum and Maximum player – 3/6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer) – 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? - Yes
Age Requirement – 10+
Day and time you would like to run – VIP Thursday and Friday morning

Name of the Game – MAKE the best of it
Palladium Game Line – Dead Reign
Brief Description - Backs against the wall, the Zombie horde approaches. You must hold the horde at bay for 3 hours until the safe haven is evacuated. Can you MAKE it? Event will be played in real time.
Minimum and Maximum player – 4/8
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer) – 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? - Yes
Age Requirement – 13+
Day and time you would like to run – Saturday morning

Name of the Game – Unleash the Fury
Palladium Game Line - Rifts
Brief Description - Your Glitter Boy squad must protect the peace envoys from rogue elements trying to stop the peace talks. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
Minimum and Maximum player – 3/8
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer) – 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? - Yes
Age Requirement – 13+
Day and time you would like to run – Sunday morning

I may run a BTS2 Game Friday night but the jury is still out on that.

Involved Observer wrote:Name of the Game: Rifts Combat Arena
Palladium Game Line: Rifts Board Game
Brief Description: A board game based on the character classes found in the Rifts role playing game! (It was played at the last POH)
Minimum and Maximum player: 2 - 6
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): Typically about an hour
Will pre-gen characters be provided? : Yes
Age Requirement: 10 an up
Day and time you would like to run: Will probably be set up all weekend like last time

Name of the Game: What's going on out there?
Palladium Game Line: Rifts (Canada/Free Quebec)
Brief Description: A small town, important for covert reasons to Free Quebec, needs help eliminating the monster or monsters that are killing their cattle. Free Quebec answers by sending a squad of Glitter Boys (the player characters) to get rid of the problem. Thing is, there might just be more than meets the eyer here... [This adventure is set in the run-up to hostilities with the CS, after the declaration of war, but before actual combat begins.]
Minimum and Maximum player: 5 - 10
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes
Age Requirement: None
Day and time you would like to run: Any time Thursday, Friday or Saturday (except during the costume contest :D )

Name of the Game: Hie-ho, its through the mountain we go!
Palladium Game Line: Rifts (New German Republic)
Brief Description: A special-ops squad (the player characters) are assigned to get a group of hostages out of a Gargoyle aviary where they are being held as human-shields. The aviary is targeted for destruction, and High command wants them out before the battle begins. As luck would have it an ancient, pre-Rifts tunnel has been discovered that leads right into the aviary itself. This mission is going to be a cakewalk!
Minimum and Maximum player: 6 - 12
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: Yes
Age Requirement: None
Day and time you would like to run: Any time Thursday, Friday or Saturday (except during the costume contest :D )

Name of the Game: Peter Denlich, I presume?
Palladium Game Line: Three Galaxies (Center on Phase World, to be exact)
Brief Description: The player characters are given a package by Thraxus and a friend. Their job: to deliver the package to one Peter Denlich who lives somewhere in Center. Great mountains of money will be theirs upon completion of this simple task. Of course a painful, lingering death will be theirs should they fail. Oh, and did I mention there is a time limit on this delivery? (See HERE for more details on the game and the types of characters that will be in the game.)
Minimum and Maximum player: 2 minimum, no maximum
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided?: No
Age Requirement: None
Day and time you would like to run: Any time Thursday, Friday or Saturday, (except during the costume contest :D ) but would prefer Thursday evening

The Galactus Kid wrote:Name of the Game: In Soviet Russia, Bunker Raids YOU!!!
Palladium Game Line: Rifts – Sovietski Preview
Brief Description: A small hamlet is being harassed by monsters of unknown origin. A group of Sovietski soldiers has tracked them back to their den, in an old pre-rifts bunker. It is time to clear them out and claim the bunker for Mother Russia.
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-6 players.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: VIP Thursday

Name of the Game: The Head of the Snake
Palladium Game Line – Rifts: Japan 2 Preview
Brief Description: An unlikely group of heroes has been tasked with eliminating a demon masquerading as an oppressive Shogun. Can the players succeed in raiding his castle, slaying the demon and restoring peace to the province?
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-6
Length of game 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday at 11 A.M.

Name of the Game: A Dish Best Served Cold
Palladium Game Line: Rifts - Triax 2, Rifter 55
Brief Description: With a battle raging on around them, a group from the NGR Armored Division is tasked with locating a downed dragonfly transport with valuable cargo. It appears to have shot down by the brodkil forces that are ravaging the town. Find the cargo and escape. Failure is not an option.
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-8 players.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday at 4 P.M.

Name of the Game: The Great Train Robbery
Palladium Game Line: Rifts - New West
Brief Description: Your rag-tag band of outlaws has to get to a special cargo container on the TW Iron Horse and steal the precious cargo for your client. Can you get the cargo and get off the train before it reaches the station?
Minimum and Maximum player: 4-6 players.
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours.
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement 13 and up.
Day and time you would like to run: Saturday at 11 A.M.

Xavier72 wrote:I'm running two games, the first twice.
GAME 1 and 2:
Name of the Game: Errand of Mercy
Palladium System: Robotech: Shadow Chronicles
Brief Description: Your patchwork team of UEEF soldiers, initially on assignment to get a power plan up and running, are ordered to investigate attacks by bandits on a local community. Two-bit thugs don't stand a chance against our tech, right?
Min/Max Players: 5-8
Game Length: 3-4 hrs
Pre-gen Characters Provided? YES
Age Requirement: Any age welcome
Day/Time to run: Friday night and Saturday Morning

Name of Game: Bad Habits Die Hard
Palladium System: Robotech: Macross
Brief Description: Your mecha team lies in ambush, hoping to catch a rogue Zentraedi raiding party off guard. Hope the intel guessed right. Raids have been aimed at manufacturing and agricultural communities, attempting to slow the reconstruction, and must be stopped. More importantly, the power behind them must also be found.
Min/Max Players: 4-8
Game Length: 3-4 hrs
Pre-gen Charactersprovided? YES
Age requirement: Any
Day/Time to run: Saturday night

RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:Name of the Game: Powered By the Apocalypse
Palladium Game Line: Chaos Earth
Brief Description: Players take on various roles of NEMA operatives and survivors as they work together to keep a Rescue Shelter from collapsing. Or undermine each other to bid for power. Meanwhile, chaos beats at the doors!!
Minimum and Maximum player: Min 2, Max 4
Length of game: 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: none
Day and time you would like to run: Friday, anytime.

keir451 wrote:T-shirt size: XL
Name of the Game: Raise the SDF-1
Palladium Game Line: Robotech Shadow Chronicles/Rifts
Brief Description: A new force has appeared on Earth after the Invid retreat and our UEEF Intelligence agent has gone dark. Your mission, should you choose to accept it(as UEEF personnel), is to go to Earth and gather intel on this new force and find out what happened to our agent, Lt. Holmes.
Minimum and Maximum players: 4-6
Length of game: 3 to 4 hours (depending on player's perhaps longer)
I will provide pre-generated characters, I will leave name, sex, height & weight up to players.
Age requirement: 20+
Day and time you would like to run: Friday 13:00 - 17:00 (1pm - 5pm)

Ninjapuppy wrote:Name of the Game: Contact
Palladium Game Line: Robotech, Macross era.
Brief Description: After 10 years of civil war an alien battlecruiser breaks through hyperspace fold and crashes on the remote Macross Island. During preparations in celebration of its completion, the SDF-1 and the UEDF in orbit around earth are faced with a threat they could not have possibly imagined. Play as a Veritech/Destroid Pilot, Civilian or Zentraedi. A new take on the series, staring the players!
Minimum and Maximum player Minimum: 3, up to 9 players, looking for groups of 3 (Veritech and destroyed wings of 3 individuals, etc).
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): Start time will be 12:00 game will run till I'm hungry!
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes. Military, Civilian and Zentraedi character sheets.
Age Requirement: No.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday after noon, will continue if anyone wishes to play into the evening. If the game does not pan out on friday, I will attempt to start the game again Saturday after noon, and run it into the evening.

Robotech, Glittor Boys, and Japan, and Phase World. Man I cannot wait!
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by kamikazzijoe »

The Galactus Kid wrote:
MADMANMIKE wrote:I'd been GMing for 21 years, and never had a character death. Until that 13 year old made such a nuisance of himself the two Germans, playing an Orc Headhunter and a Kittani warrior, spaced him.

was that the kid who cried?

Same person different game. Poor Mike was the commander. (The really funny Mike , not the mad one or the suicidal one)
He was planning the unofficial OH that was to blast spice girls through kev's window until he relented and let us in.
Dr. Doom v.3.0 wrote:
You should change your title to Necromancer.

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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by dpenwood »

Oh wow, I totally missed this post. I e-mailed my game list to palladium-gm (and got confirmation) weeks/months ago though... Anyways, here's what I'm planning on running:

Title: Groundhog Day
RPG/world setting: Rifts
Pre-gen characters provided? Yes
Description of the game: One of the players has stumbled over a secret in the wilderness of western Pennsylvania that the Coalition is
patrolling. What is the Coalition doing in this part of the wilderness? What mystery are they investigating? Find out!

Max players: 6

Running time: 3-4 hours

What days: Saturday and Sunday

Time: Saturday (any time), Sunday (morning)

Multiple games: Can run same game multiples times if needed, but also have two other events planned.

Minimum Age: I think this game would be "PG-13". No sex, basic mega-damage violence, and my bad guys don't use much foul language.

T-Shirt Size: XL

Second Event
Title: Band of Bothers
RPG/world setting: Heroes Unlimited
Pre-gen characters provided? Yes
Description of the game: "Band of Bothers". A local super hero in Century Station has been assassinated! It's up to you, his loyal [quirky and not-as-powerful] side kicks, to find out who killed him, why, and to save the day against an evil boss who threatens Century Station!

Max players: 7

Running time: 3-4 hours

What days: Saturday and Sunday

Time: Saturday (any time), Sunday (morning)

Multiple games: Can run same game multiples times if needed, but also have two other events planned.

Minimum Age: I think this game would be "PG-13". No sex, basic violence, and my bad guys don't use much foul language.

T-Shirt Size: XL

Third Event
Title: The GregsList Menace
RPG/world setting: Ninjas & Superspies
Pre-gen characters provided? Yes
Description of the game: A terrorist is threatening an attack using a weapon of mass destruction (sound familiar?). The party, part of an elite spy organization, must discover where in the world the attack will originate from and neutralize it before many innocent people are killed!

Max players: 6

Running time: 3-4 hours

What days: Saturday and Sunday

Time: Saturday (any time), Sunday (morning)

Multiple games: Can run same game multiples times if needed, but also have two other events planned.

Minimum Age: I think this game would be "PG-13". No sex, basic violence, and my bad guys don't use much foul language.

T-Shirt Size: XL
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Warwolf »

Better late than never, I suppose:


On the Way to Wonderland

It's two years since our heroes saved the town from CS saboteurs. But Silver Falls has fallen on hard times with one mine playing out and the other seeing dwindling returns. The war in Tolkeen drags on and more refugees funnel through the town every month leading to increased theft and violence between ever more desperate people. But one small band of the displaced shows up in town bearing heavy burdens and keeping powerful secrets. One of which is the existence of a hidden kingdom in the mountains populated by the mythical "Neemans." Can the players help them find this Wonderland? Or will the journey end in shattered dreams and broken hearts?

When: Thursday Evening

Players: 4-6

Rating: PG-13

Pre-Gens?: Yes

Heroes Unlimited


You and your fellow heroes are in the middle of a routine patrol of Truman City when you spot a burning apartment block. Little do you know, what you may find could draw you inexorably into a race against the clock… with your lives, the fate of the city, and your reputations as heroes at stake.

When: Friday Afternoon

Players: 4-6

Rating: PG-13

Pre-Gens?: Yes


Tales of The Crypt

The machinations of Dr. Heron have been halted for now, but the Factions have reason to assemble your Night Crew once more. It seems that a major player in the Nightlord power structure will be at an unannounced meeting in downtown Springfield, Missouri. But what could be so important in a city so small that it doesn’t even have a Nightlands twin?
(Note: This game may just include some upcoming Nightbane source material that's still in the manuscript phase... maybe. 8-) )

When: Saturday Evening

Players: 4-6

Rating: PG-13

Pre-Gens?: Yes

For those of you who attended in 2010, a couple of these may look familiar. That's because I was SUPPOSED to run them then but had to swap them out for different games at the last minute. I'm happy to report that they will definitely be running as advertised this year (though the schedule is still subject to final approval, of course). That means that each of these adventures is 100% new to the Open House.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Reguoc »

Here are the specifics:

Game 1
Zombie High School
Dead Reign

You are part of the pep squad for the local high school prepping for the big pep rally at the end of the day when suddenly your coach gets sick. You start to take her to the nurses office, when all heck breaks loose! Looks like everyone has come down with something? You heard everyone rave about the mystery meat at lunch, but your team was busy practicing then too - you don't get to be state champs by eating cafeteria food after all! Looks like you might have to use all your moves to get out of school early today...or you may be the next round of mystery meat!

4-8 players

3-4 hours

Pregens provided


Friday AM/afternoon

Game 2
Misery, Inc.

Dead Reign

You and your friends have been doing ok since the outbreak. The old green van with the custom paint job has served you well, but you are always just scrapping by. You heard a nearby safe haven needs some help and are heading that way to see what gives - just another day for the meddling kids of Misery Inc.

3-4 hours

4-8 players

Pre-gens provided


Friday am/afternoon

Game 3

The Bungling Brothers Circus!

Dead Reign

Your train just left a small town in western Pennsylvania heading east towards your big gigs! For some reason the train keeps picking up speed...when you call the engineer no one answers...looks like you are going to need to head up there yourself to see what's going on. As you reach for the door to the dining car your hear some strange sounds up ahead...looks like the noise woke up some of the other circus folk too...somebody might be sick in there so I guess you better check it out

4-8 players (more if needed)

Length of game 3-4 hours.

Pre-gens: Yes


Friday afternoon/evening.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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Ok, just over a week away from the start of the 2012 Palladium Open House, or as I like to call it "Sheer awesomeness wrapped around total incredibleness sprinkled with brilliant genius and all rolled up in sheer-total-brilliance weekend." :lol:

So, that having been said, anyone have any idea if we're going to get a schedule of games and events before the start of the event? And if so, will we be able to pre-register for specific games?

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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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I heard Wayne (I think) mention that they wouldn't have time to provide an early schedule. I guess it will be at the Open House when we get there, though I like to plan ahead. Last time we got there after 5 on Thurs. and we missed signing up for the games we originally wanted. Worked out great cause I got to play Triax 2 with Galactus' Kid, but I was hoping for Carl's Megaverse in Flames game.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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I'm going to have to move one of my games from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. I'll be speaking with Wayne to get some shuffling done, and I'll post my editied times.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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Shinitenshi wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:I'm going to have to move one of my games from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. I'll be speaking with Wayne to get some shuffling done, and I'll post my editied times.

Would this be the Japan 2 game??


Oh, and brownies. :wink: hahaha
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Jorel »

Rumor has it there is not going to be any advance schedule. I hope that isn't the case. I like to plan ahead. With my wife and I bringing the kids, we'll be alternating games. It will be a lot harder to plan who does what if we have to wait til we get there to figure that out. I'm guessing they haven't even worked it out yet.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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I know Wayne is working on it today, so it might be up this afternoon if they have any intention of pre-releasing the game schedule.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Jorel »

So...where is this schedule? I sure would like to know what is being offered and when. I've seen the list here, but also know that isn't everything. I sure would be grateful to be able to plan ahead.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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Last edited by Jorel on Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:Name of the Game: Powered By the Apocalypse
Palladium Game Line: Chaos Earth
Brief Description: Players take on various roles of NEMA operatives and survivors as they work together to keep a Rescue Shelter from collapsing. Or undermine each other to bid for power. Meanwhile, chaos beats at the doors!!
Minimum and Maximum player: Min 2, Max 4
Length of game: 4 hours
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes
Age Requirement: none
Day and time you would like to run: Friday, anytime.

I want in on this game at some point. I'll have to see if I can balance it.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

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As far as I know, the schedule has not been posted. I asked Wayne about it and he said that it may be posted on the main palladium books homepage if he gets it all compiled in time. That is where you should keep looking.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Jorel »

I oopsed because I replied when I meant to PM. So I deleted the message. Oops.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Wayne Smith »

I'm working on the schedule now, and intend to post it today.

I was just going through this thread looking for any games that weren't emailed to me, to make sure I have everything (and yes, I found one).
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Jorel »

Yeah for planning ahead. Thanks Wayne.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Wayne Smith »

Ninjapuppy wrote:Name of the Game: Contact
Palladium Game Line: Robotech, Macross era.
Brief Description: After 10 years of civil war an alien battlecruiser breaks through hyperspace fold and crashes on the remote Macross Island. During preparations in celebration of its completion, the SDF-1 and the UEDF in orbit around earth are faced with a threat they could not have possibly imagined. Play as a Veritech/Destroid Pilot, Civilian or Zentraedi. A new take on the series, staring the players!
Minimum and Maximum player Minimum: 3, up to 9 players, looking for groups of 3 (Veritech and destroyed wings of 3 individuals, etc).
Length of game (typically 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer): Start time will be 12:00 game will run till I'm hungry!
Will pre-gen characters be provided? Yes. Military, Civilian and Zentraedi character sheets.
Age Requirement: No.
Day and time you would like to run: Friday after noon, will continue if anyone wishes to play into the evening. If the game does not pan out on friday, I will attempt to start the game again Saturday after noon, and run it into the evening.

Please do two things for me:
1. Send me your name so I can add this game to the schedule. (palladium-gm ~at~ palladiumbooks.com)
2. Change your email address in the forums. The one you are registered under bounced.

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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by MikeM »

I'm looking forward to seeing the game list and I'm not even going to be there :(
I hope you all have a great time and please let us know all the fun you had.
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Re: 2012 Open House Game List

Unread post by Wayne Smith »

Okay, it's not finished yet, but here's the schedule so far:


I've still got over 20 games to add to it, so don't panic if you don't see yours yet.

If you do see yours, and have an urgent need to change something about it, now is the time to tell me.
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