Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Growing Up, These characters caught my eye most for whatever reason :

Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch or original Blaze)
Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson)
Wolverine (Logan) (Pre-bone claw era)
Hulk (banner)
He-Man (pre-cartoon era, comics)
Venom (brock or flash)
War Machine (Rhodes)
Rom, Space knight (rom)
The Thing (ben grim)
Warblade (rino)
Ripclaw (bear claw)
Swamp Thing (alec)
Cyborg (Victor Stone)
Bloodaxe the Exuctioner (Mystery era for ID)
Terraxe the Tamer (resurrection in human host)
Robocop (Murphy)
Guyver (sho and makashima)
Morbius the Living Vampire (90s comic)
Quasar (Wendell)

I’m going to limit myself up until I turned 20 (1994), As those were my “growing up” years. Have not seen many new characters that were interesting to be honest that caught my eye. Most have been rehashes of older characters or revamping the old characters themselves.


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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by BookWyrm »

I've always had a liking to have the powers of Mr. Fantastic. In a HU2 context, I would like the powers of Alter Limbs, Stretching (Elasticity) & Bio-Aura.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Nightmask »

Spider-man (long before quesada got ahold of him and had him making deals with demons).

Thor (something about having the power of a god and that hammer really appealed to me).

Wolverine (Regeneration and the metallic skeleton and claws was appealing).

Silver Surfer (pretty much a demi-god with the power to travel across the universe in virtually the blink of an eye, and so above the petty needs of mortal beings).

Molecule Man (hey who hadn't wanted the power to remake the world and even the entire solar system and never fear again?)

To name the ones most prominent in memory. Sometimes with the occasional desire of merging one or more of them together.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Gambit: Super agility, the charging and explosive kinetic ability. Fought with a staff. Whooed the women. I loved Gambit back in the day.

Spiderman: Again. That Super Agility. Super strength. (( Spidy doesn't often get mentioned as one of the stronger, but he's on up there in the scale)) Witty, the adhesion and webs were fun too.

Beast: Super Agility, (( I'm seeing a trend here)) Strength, but also the brains.

Nightcrawler: Super agility, he loved using swords, and the teleportation thing was boss. I even liked the prehensile tail. (( Note, when he punked out and turned into a bible thumper, he lost much appeal))

Hawkeye: Loved the bow. Love the witty/some what jerkish attitude, with out it being TOO much.

Thunderstrike: All of thor's coolness with out the "And TINE art my protectorate for I art THOR of Asgard, and I shall protect THEE!" sort of stuff. A more down to earth Thundergod. And I liked the hammer better. (( Sadly Thunderstrike totally punked out too. ))

I must have been the only kid on the planet that did NOT like Wolverine. I always, from the start, thought he was overplayed. His powers wern't bad, but he was just a jerk, with out the 'fun' side to it. He always struck me as a little short guy over compensating for being short by being angry at everyone all of the time. You'd think that his foes would figure out to just put some super strong magnets in the floor and laugh at him. Part of the reason I liked Gambit so much, was that Gambit was never scared of him and ragged on him all the time.

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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by PapaMambo »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:Gambit: Super agility, the charging and explosive kinetic ability. Fought with a staff. Whooed the women. I loved Gambit back in the day.

Spiderman: Again. That Super Agility. Super strength. (( Spidy doesn't often get mentioned as one of the stronger, but he's on up there in the scale)) Witty, the adhesion and webs were fun too.

Beast: Super Agility, (( I'm seeing a trend here)) Strength, but also the brains.

Nightcrawler: Super agility, he loved using swords, and the teleportation thing was boss. I even liked the prehensile tail. (( Note, when he punked out and turned into a bible thumper, he lost much appeal))

Hawkeye: Loved the bow. Love the witty/some what jerkish attitude, with out it being TOO much.

Thunderstrike: All of thor's coolness with out the "And TINE art my protectorate for I art THOR of Asgard, and I shall protect THEE!" sort of stuff. A more down to earth Thundergod. And I liked the hammer better. (( Sadly Thunderstrike totally punked out too. ))

I must have been the only kid on the planet that did NOT like Wolverine. I always, from the start, thought he was overplayed. His powers wern't bad, but he was just a jerk, with out the 'fun' side to it. He always struck me as a little short guy over compensating for being short by being angry at everyone all of the time. You'd think that his foes would figure out to just put some super strong magnets in the floor and laugh at him. Part of the reason I liked Gambit so much, was that Gambit was never scared of him and ragged on him all the time.

Nahh.. you definitely weren't the only one who didn't like Wolverine. I personally think he's a one trick pony. It would be different if Marvel didn't have to adhere to the Comics Code, and made Wolvie the badass he SHOULD be, (and desperately tries to be). He's too watered down, and honestly, there are much more likeable characters around him. I do have to say though that I have started liking him more and more as he's been portrayed in the movies ( a little more tragic I suppose), but he really needs a reboot - think Blade, with all the violence that isn't watered down..
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Longshot... who wouldn't want to be infinitely lucky! (plus the chicks seemed to dig him...)
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Mercdog »

Oh, there's a few I suppose. :)

Ghost Rider, 90s Ketch
Moon Knight
Jack Russel, Werewolf by Night
Halloween Jack (X Men 2099)

Pitt, without the kid sidekick
Savage Dragon
Shadow Hawk
(I'm aware some of these aren't Image characters anymore, but thats where I was introduced to 'em. )

Malibu Comics/Ultraverse
Ghoul (Exiles and later Ultraforce)
Rampage or Harmonica (The Solution)
Alec Swan, aka Firearm

Batman (of course)
The Spectre

NOW Comics
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Superman Prime...nuff said :demon:
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Captain America:who do not want the body at the peak of Human ability.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

I think for many of us, it was more "Why stop at peak human, when you can be superhuman"

Nothing wrong with Cap (( or Batman for that matter)) but if given the choice.......

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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Severus Snape »

Why superheroes? I always wanted to be like some supervillains:

Mister Sinister
Morbius (before they turned him into a good guy)
Dr. Octopus
Mr. Freeze
Riddler (love the super high intelligence this guy displayed)

There are others, and this is not an "in this order" list.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Magneto, Sayge, CLoak, Rayven.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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I agree, superman prime but not evil or insane.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Slight001 »

Lets see...

Dark Hawk (still consider this one my favorite)
Spider Man (pre 2000 as I haven't collected since about that time...)
Crimson Spider (Ben rally)
Iron Man
Crimson Dynamo
War Machine

Green Lantern

Ultraverse (all of these are pre/marvel f-up)
Nightman (pre mage crap...)
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by csyphrett »

maybe Firestorm combined with Forge. I always liked the idea of making something out of nothing.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by NMI »

Iron Man
Dead Pool
Dr. Strange
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by LeeNapier »

There are a number of heroes I've wanted to be like, from time to time, but the one I always come back to is Calvin Rankin, The Mimic.

This is a guy who could, at one time, take on the entire team of the X-Men, and eventually absorbed some of their powers permanently through his long association with them.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Nightmask »

LeeNapier wrote:There are a number of heroes I've wanted to be like, from time to time, but the one I always come back to is Calvin Rankin, The Mimic.

This is a guy who could, at one time, take on the entire team of the X-Men, and eventually absorbed some of their powers permanently through his long association with them.

Calvin's been mostly on the villain side but yes I did like his power-set, but he's not something you can enjoy playing in a game because no GM I've seen would let in someone like him and RL well you'd need others around to copy powers from.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

I have this thing about lower powered heroes with regeneration...though oddly enough I have never been very fond of Wolverine as such. What I want is a character who is more a peak human (or slightly superhuman in Agility and possibly strength), and with good healing powers.

I will not name any by name, but I can think of a few that come close.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by novatomato »

The Question
Dr. Fate
Sandman (yes a villain, but it was a cool power)
Magneto (again, a villain but sweet powers)
Green/Yellow/every other colour nowadays Lantern
The Spectre
Silver Surfer
Can I not just say ALL OF THEM?
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Captain Shiva »

Batman.Iron Man,Green Lantern,Firestorm,Martian Manhunter,Captain America,Spider-Man
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by say652 »

cable. psionics bionics.
magneto. powers and charisma
robin. best sidekick in the biz
bane.titan juicer any one
vegeta. being a good guy is highly overrated
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Dobergirl »

Catwoman (hear me roar)
Supergirl (classic!)
Powergirl (Like superman but girl powers)
Wonderwoman (Always loved her!)
Huntress (Like female Batman)
Spiderwoman (Spiderman but with more powers!)
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Rachel Summers, except you know, male.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by PapaMambo »

Dobergirl wrote:Catwoman (hear me roar)
Supergirl (classic!)
Powergirl (Like superman but girl powers)
Wonderwoman (Always loved her!)
Huntress (Like female Batman)
Spiderwoman (Spiderman but with more powers!)

I gotta say.. I love Powergirl's "Girl Powers".. Both of 'em :wink:
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Juce734 »

For me...

Captain America

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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell.
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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

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The Beast wrote:Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell.

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Re: Superheroes you would most want to be Like ?? Abilitie-wise

Unread post by Dobergirl »

PapaMambo wrote:
Dobergirl wrote:Catwoman (hear me roar)
Supergirl (classic!)
Powergirl (Like superman but girl powers)
Wonderwoman (Always loved her!)
Huntress (Like female Batman)
Spiderwoman (Spiderman but with more powers!)

I gotta say.. I love Powergirl's "Girl Powers".. Both of 'em :wink:

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