5 Simple Rules For New Game Masters

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Damian Magecraft
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5 Simple Rules For New Game Masters

Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Ok I reference these rules quite often when giving advice to new gamers and game masters.
I posted them up once before but they seem to have been lost to time.
So once again here are my 5 Simple Rules for Good Gaming.

#1: What is good for one is good for all.
Also known as the Goose/Gander rule. It basically means any Power/skill/spell/gear the PCs have access to so do the NPCS.

#2: Actions have consequences.
Pretty self explanatory... every action (even good ones) will produce some kind of result beyond the immediate. The Party Kills that NPC that had the secret information to defeat the Bad Guy? Now they do not have access to that information. The party chases a petty tyrant from a town? The tale of their good deed spreads. The town folk are grateful; etc...

#3: Events do not stagnate.
The Party chooses to ignore a plot thread? That villain is not going to wait for the heroes to "get around" to him; He is going to continue with plans. What could this mean for our heroes? The Big Bad Evil Guy might be bigger and badder than he would have been if they had followed it when it was first presented. Or it could be that another band of heroes defeated him stealing the players thunder.

#4: The GM is god (to a point).
Regardless of what some players would have you think; the GM really is god (of his game world); he controls every thing in the game universe except the PCs. Arguing with him over a decision is tantamount to telling the gods they are running the universe wrong. (see rule #2)
But GMs are human and therefore fallible. If a Player disagrees with the you give them 5 minutes to calmly and rationally present their case. This does not mean you (the GM) have to change your call but you do have to give it a listen and actively consider it.
Players if the you are still not happy with the GMs call; do not continue to disrupt the game; this does nothing to further your case. Instead accept the call for the remainder of the game and then discuss it in further depth after the session is over.
Both sides need to remember that calm rational discussion will go farther than a shouting match will.

#5: Have Fun.
Do I really need to explain this?

I hope these will help others to have enjoyable games.
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Re: 5 Simple Rules For New Game Masters

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Well said........
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Re: 5 Simple Rules For New Game Masters

Unread post by GA »

Not sure I agree with rule number 1. The NPCs should probably be goons and maybe have half the abilty of PCs, unless they are like major villains. The PCs are supposed to be special. If every NPC is as special as they are it seems like that uniqueness would wear off.

Rule Number 4. The Only thing I would say about this point is if a player is expecting to use a power and get a result from it because the book says something and the player is following the book and in the GMs version the power doesn't act that way, well its pretty **** for the player. This is something I think the GM should hopefully address before the game starts and not just surprise players by breaking all their expectations of what they thought they were playing and it turns into something completely different.

Yes the GM is god in his game and yes his decisions are final (or at least should be final while the game is going on)....but if the GM is making major changes he should let the players know them before time or at the very least give them the opportunity to change their powers or skills so the player doesn't feel cheated.
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Re: 5 Simple Rules For New Game Masters

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Damian Magecraft wrote:#1: What is good for one is good for all.

Stupid two attacks for living rule...
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Re: 5 Simple Rules For New Game Masters

Unread post by Myrrhibis »

Damian Magecraft wrote:Ok I reference these rules quite often when giving advice to new gamers and game masters.
I posted them up once before but they seem to have been lost to time.
So once again here are my 5 Simple Rules for Good Gaming.

#1: What is good for one is good for all.
Also known as the Goose/Gander rule. It basically means any Power/skill/spell/gear the PCs have access to so do the NPCS.

#2: Actions have consequences.
Pretty self explanatory... every action (even good ones) will produce some kind of result beyond the immediate. The Party Kills that NPC that had the secret information to defeat the Bad Guy? Now they do not have access to that information. The party chases a petty tyrant from a town? The tale of their good deed spreads. The town folk are grateful; etc...

#3: Events do not stagnate.
The Party chooses to ignore a plot thread? That villain is not going to wait for the heroes to "get around" to him; He is going to continue with plans. What could this mean for our heroes? The Big Bad Evil Guy might be bigger and badder than he would have been if they had followed it when it was first presented. Or it could be that another band of heroes defeated him stealing the players thunder.

#4: The GM is god (to a point).
Regardless of what some players would have you think; the GM really is god (of his game world); he controls every thing in the game universe except the PCs. Arguing with him over a decision is tantamount to telling the gods they are running the universe wrong. (see rule #2)
But GMs are human and therefore fallible. If a Player disagrees with the you give them 5 minutes to calmly and rationally present their case. This does not mean you (the GM) have to change your call but you do have to give it a listen and actively consider it.
Players if the you are still not happy with the GMs call; do not continue to disrupt the game; this does nothing to further your case.
Instead accept the call for the remainder of the game and then discuss it in further depth after the session is over.
Both sides need to remember that calm rational discussion will go farther than a shouting match will.

#5: Have Fun.
Do I really need to explain this?

I hope these will help others to have enjoyable games.

So, so true.

#1 especially. There is a player, who no one in our group is willing to play under anymore because he constantly pulled this crap. Would break #5 & complain about something forEVER as a player, but heaven forbid trying to rationalize when he was running. And he'd "insist" on certain equipment per the main rule book for his characters, but when running & another player pointed out that "I'm L7 & i'd like a +1 bow since the melee folks got +1 weapons back at L4 when we all became valid" - uh uh, no siree.

I have found in 23 yrs of gaming, that #1 & #4 lead to the best enjoyment - everyone acts like adults that have a memory & a functioning brain.
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Re: 5 Simple Rules For New Game Masters

Unread post by Shorty Lickens »

Number 2 and 3 are VERY important. Some GM's forget it and most players too.
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