Spatial Mage Fan rewrite

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Spatial Mage Fan rewrite

Unread post by madmarvin »

some of its the same as the rifter stuff some i have gleefully stolen from others, i have willfully plagerised others
if you see your stuff speak up and take credit. and if there are spelling errors deal with it lol.

Spatial mage
What is it that makes this person one with the Megaverse and not another? Fate? Astrology? Divine intervention? Favorite cereal? Nobody knows. What is known is that some people are born attuned to the dimensional energies that comprise the multiple dimensions of the Megaverse. These beings are very few in number and even then, the chances of a person realizing that he has this attunement are even rarer. However, for those few that are found and guided by another, or who have the raw talent to learn on their own, the path of the Spatial Mage is theirs to tread. The Spatial Mage is a master of spatial energies, able to warp and bend the reality of both physical and energy dimensions to his will; he can sense dimensional energies as easily as the rest of us feel hot and cold. A Spatial Mage, like a Shifter, is more aware of the workings and energies of rifts than other men of magic. However, where as the Shifter might be considered a student of such energies, the Spatial Mage is its master. Because the Spatial Mage is a fragment of the Megaverse itself, they are able to open and close rifts more easily than nearly any other being in existence, gods and alien intelligences included! This also allows the Spatial Mage the ability to control the energies of the Megaverse so far as to create a small dimension of his own, known as a "Dimensional Realm". These beings tend to be either wandering scholars or adventurers, equipped with this-and-that from all manner of dimensions. Their travels through the Megaverse and the knowledge they gain from such wanderings also result in them usually being very eccentric..Those Spatial Mages that decide to use their powers for the accumulation of wealth and power instead of knowledge are deadly foesindeed and are the distorted mirror images of their more benign brethren.

1. SENSE THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF RIFTS As per the Ley Line Walker ability, only all ranges are tripled.

2. LEY LINE PHASING As per the Ley Line Walker ability.

3. SHIFTERS DIMENSION SENSE same as shifter from RUE pg .121 except skill percentage starts at 55% +5% per level

4. CREATE DIMENSIONAL REALM Spatial Mages, at any time, may create a "realm", a pocket dimension of their own design. This is done by the creator permanentlysacraficing some P.P.E. from his permanent P.P.E. base. As the creator of such a realm goes up in levels, thus gaining more P.P.E., hecan improve his realm by sacraficing more permanent P.P.E. into it.More than one Spatial Mage may co-operate upon the creation of a realm, each sacraficing some of his P.P.E. into its developement.However, each of those who contributes is considered the "creator" with regards to accessibility to that realm. Thus, none of thosewho have contributed to a realm's creation can lock out any of the other contributors as each has equal control (no matter each person'sactual amount of P.P.E. Sacraficed).

5. SPELL CASTING At first level, the Spatial Mage At first level select a total of six (6)spells from the magic levels of one and two. Some of these spells operate the same (and have the samename) as their regular counterparts, yet are represented separately under the "Spatial Magic" section because their statistics differ,representing the Spatial Mage's greater ability to control dimensional energies.

6. LEARNING NEW SPELLS. The Spatial Mage will intuitively sense when he or she has reached a new metaphysical plateau (new level of experience). At each new junction in life (experience level), the characterwill find the time to meditate on life, his goals, and spatial magic. At second level experience the Spatial Mage can select a total of four (4) additional, new, magic spells from levels one, two, and three. Upon reaching third level of experience, the Spatial Mage can select three (3), new, spells from magic levels one through four. At fourth level and each additional level of experience, the Spatial Mage can select two (2) additional, new, spells from any of the levels, up to his corresponding experience level. Thus a sixth level Spatial Mage can select two new spells from any of the levels 1-6. An eighth level Spatial Mage can select two (2) new magic spells from levels 1-8. Unlike the other magic O.C.C.s, the Spatial Mage can not be taught nor purchase additional spatial magic spell knowledge. In fact, the character never even tries to learn additional spatial magic spells. They are simply a part of the characters natural ablities, and the Spatial Mage accepts this without question or regret. Spatial mages may use techno-wizard devices and the occasional rare scroll (if literate) , or may even change their occ to that of a normal spell casting class but can never learn spatial magic from or teach spatial magic To another.

7. P.P.E.Beginning P.P.E. is 3D6x10 plus his P.E. The character gains 2D6 P.P.E. per level. Note that if the character's racial P.P.E., either atthe beginning or per level, is greater, use that instead.

8. BONUSES: +3 to M.E., +2 to save vs. horror factor

9. Detect Spatial Anomalies Just as a normal person can sense the wind upon his skin or the temperature of his environment, so too can the Spatial Mage sense dimensional anomalies or abnormalities, such as dimensional pockets and dimensional realm entrances. The chance of the Spatial Mage detecting such a spatial event depends on its origin. The Spatial Mage gains +1 to Perception for the sake of detecting such dimensional anomalies at levels 2,4,7,9,12 and 14
* Spatial / Dimensional magic that alters reality's laws (e.g.: the Alter Environment spell or redirect damage spells): requires a successful moderate Perception roll and can be detected within 1,000 feet (305 m) per level of experience.
* Spatial / Dimensional magic that creates a dimensional anomaly (e.g. the Dimensional Pocket or Dimensional Vortex spells): requires a successful easy Perception roll and can
be detected within 2,500 feet (762 m) per level of experience.
* Spatial / Dimensional magic that warps reality or space (e.g.: the Teleport or Bottomless Pit spells): requires a successful easy Perception roll and can be detected within 2,500 feet (762 m) per level of experience.
* Spatial / Dimensional magic that the Game Master deems does not fit into any other category: requires a successful Perception roll ranging from easy to challenging, depending upon the Game Master's judgement. The range of detection is 25 feet (7.6 m) plus 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience.
* An entrance to another dimension, including those to another Spatial Mage's Dimensional Realm: requires a successful moderate Perception roll and can be detected within 100 feet (30.5 m) plus 25 feet (7.6 m) per level of experience.

10. Communication Rift: For 25 PPE the Spatial Mage can create a Communication Rift just
like the Shifter, but doesn't have to create it or target a ley line/nexus point since
they're so in tune to dimensional energies. If the mage doesn't know the location then
they need to make a skill roll. Skill is 49% base plus 2% per level, otherwise the rift
opens to a random point and the PPE is wasted. GMs might allow a re-direct with Plane
Skip or some other spell that can deal with re-routing rifts. Critical rolls such as
01-05% can either cost 1/2 PPE or double the duration (but not both). Rolling 98% or higher should center the rift on an evil/dangerous plane, such as Hades, Dyval or something else with something nasty nearby like an Alien Intelligence. It's up to the GM. Duration is for 1 minute per level.

11. Rifting on the Same World: Although we keep talking about travel from one world or dimensions to a completely different one, the Spatial mage can open a Rift of any kind to anywhere on the same planet, and for half the usual P.P.E. cost of jumping dimensions. Thus, he can open a Rift in a Chi-Town 'surb, step through it, and be in Rifts Russia, or Atlantis or anywhere. The only limitation is he must have visited the location in the past, or be linked to the location via a Communication Rift before he opens the portal. Typically one appears on a ley line nexus near the desired location. Ley line nexus points serve as a sort of cosmic bus stop, only the Spatial mage (and others with Rifting abilities and magic) can teleport from one nexus "bus stop" to the next. A stone pyramid works the same way and functions as a man-made dimensional bus stop. On a smaller scale, a Spatail mage can Rift from one location on a ley line to another or any connecting ley lines without ever having been to the exact location. All he has to do is spend the P.P.E., think about going to the middle of the line or the other end, or the next line, and boom, a portal opens and all he has to do is step through.

ATTRIBUTE REQUIREMENTS: none, the character is either born with the abilities or not.

RACIAL RESTRICTIONS: Nearly any race can be a Spatial Mage (Gamemaster's discretion).

Lore: Megaverse: The player is knowledgeable in the workings of dimensions, multiple planes of existance, theories on parallelworlds, etc. Base Skill: 25% + 5% a level.
Lore: Magic (+15%)
Basic Mathematics (+25%)
Languages: Speaks 5 languages from any dimension(s) (+20%)
Literacy in native language and 3 others from any dimension(s) (+20%)
Astronomy (+10%)
Hand to Hand Basic can be bought at the cost of one "other" skill,Expert at the cost of two and Martial Arts at the cost of three.
O.C.C. RELATED SKILLS: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at levels three and six, and one at levels nine andtwelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Basic Radio, Surveillance Systems and TV/Video only.
Domestic: Any (+10%)
Electrical: Basic Only
Espionage: Intelligence, Wilderness Survival and Tracking only
Mechanical: Basic OnlyMedical: Holistic Medicine or First Aid only (+5%)
Military: Camouflage only
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any except Robots
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any (+5%)
Science: Any (+10%)
Technical: Any (+15%)W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any-

SECONDARY SKILLS: The character gets to select six secondary skills from the previous list. These skills do not get the advantageof the bonus listed. All secondary skills start at the base level.

STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Items are limited to several changes of clothing, a backpack, a few pens and pencils, notebook, a pistol(energy or otherwise) with 1d4+1 extra clips, travelling shoes / boots, 50 feet of rope, a crucifix, a survival knife and several other common items.

MONEY: 2d4x100 in cash and 2d4x1000 in possessions

CYBERNETICS: Avoids cybernetics and bionics as it impairs their magic.

Spatial Mage
(1) 0,000 – 2,240
(2) 2,241 – 4,480
(3) 4,481 – 8,960
(4) 8,961 – 17,920
(5) 17,921 – 25,920
(6) 25,921 – 35,920
(7) 35,921 – 50,920
(8) 50,921 – 70,920
(9) 70,921 – 95,920
(10) 95,921 – 135,920
(11) 135,921 – 185,920
(12) 185,921 – 225,920
(13) 225,921 – 275,920
(14) 275,921 – 335,920
(15) 335,921 – 295,920
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Re: Spatial Mage Fan rewrite

Unread post by madmarvin »

to answer some of the questions before they start i took the idea that the spatial mage as more of a dimensional warlock/mystic which means that you can use it with other occ's with out haveing to convert spells as the spatial mages spells are more of natural spell like ablities. Requiring the same casting times as spells.

to answer another question of why would you use any teleport spell and not use dimensional portal, d-portal only opens to a nexus or on the same leyline as started. as for the space fold spell, it allows taking a whole fleet and not limited to a small portal.

here are some other spells that have dimensional effects

Spatial Magic
Level 2 Spells

Distant Voice
Range: 3000 feet (610 m) per level of experience; line of sight.
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
P.P.E.: 7
Distant Voice is a spell that allows two-way communication over great distances. Magic is used to create a doorway for sound between two points within range. Voices can pass both ways and he heard as if the speaker were only a few feet away. The only real limits to this spell are that the spell caster must know the person he wishes to speak with (at least in passing or by his appearance) and that individual must he partially visible, even if only a speck on the horizon. If they have never met, hut the character is known to the mage by reputation and photogaph, communication is still possible provided there is visual contact. Communication without visual contact can only he done between people who know each other extremely well, but has a very limited range of 1000 feet (304 m) maximum, regardless of experience, and each needs some object that once belonged to the other. Although limited, this form of magical communication cannot he easily monitored or traced (no radio waves, electronics or conventional power source or means of transmission); perfect for a group in hiding, However, a hidden microphone will he sensitive enough to pick up both conversations. Note: The Federation of Magic uses Distant Voice to communicate throughout North America

Wink out
Range: self.
Duration: varies
Saving Throw: unwilling travelers can try to save: stanard.
P.P.E.: 10 for 2 mins. The spell caster can increase then number of minutes he is winkined out at a dditional cost of 5 ppe per min 10 min max.
Same as the spell on pg. 82 of the "emgland" worldbook.

Level 3 Spells

Teleport self
range: 15 miles per level of experience
duration : instant
saving throw:none
PPE: 20
this spell functions exactly like teleport superior except that the mage can only take himself plus 150 lbs plus 15 lbs per level of experience in additional weight. The chances of success are the same as those listed under teleport superior.

Level 4 Spells

Rift to limbo
Range: nexus point:
Duration: Limbo: 2 hours per level of spell caster. May be set to automaticly reopen at a specific, predeterminded time, or upon the command of its creator. Otherwise, it opens at the end of the maximum duration period
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 40
This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 142 ofthe Rifts book of magic.

Level 5 Spells

Rift Teleportation
Range: Up to 300 miles per level of theSpell caster
Duration: roughly 1d4+4 seconds/. Half a melee round.
Saving Throw: +3 to save if an unwilling participant of this magic. A successful save means the character is not teleported with the others and remains at the nexus location where the rift was opened. Limitation: requires a ley line nexus and can only teleport to another ley line nexus with in the range of the spell caster.
P.P.E.: 50 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 142 ofthe Rifts book of magic.

Swallowing Rift
Range: Opens at the ley line nexus, but affects a one mile radius around the portal, triple if part of a triangular ley line grid..
Duration: 2 melee (30 seconds) per level of the spell caster/
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.:75 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 146 ofthe Rifts book magic.

Level 6 Spells

Time hole
duration: special
savint throw : none
ppe: 70
the mage can teleport himself and his possessions into a stasis field in a limbo-like dimension. The time hole is a white void the wizard inhabites. He controls a 40 foot area per level of experience and can not go beyond this area of control. There is nothing to see or do in the time hole, except for what the character may have brought with him. Like wise, there is no food or water except what is taken into the strange dimension.
The advantage of the time hole is that amn of magic can effectively disappear for days or weeks and be nowhere to be found. In this way the mage can hide away from enemies when he needs to recover from physical damage or PPE exhaustion. He can aso use the TIME to prepare for sombat, make plans or to study in absolute isolation and seclusion.
In the Time Hole time passes normally, so the character will age as usual. However outsie the Time Hole, time is moving at a much slower rate, thus for every 12 hours inside a time hole, only 2 hours pass in the outside world of humans. This means the mage can spend 2 days / 48 hours in the time hole but appeat to have been gone for only eight hours. The mage can stay in a time hole for 36 hrs (6 hrs real time) per level of experience.

Level 7 Spells

Summon Ally
Range: 2000 miles (160 km)
Duration: Instant teleport, but the ritual takes 20 minutes.
Saving Throw: Special; the ally must he willing or this magic will not work on him.
P.P.E.: 150
Summon Ally is a ritual that requires the making of a magic circle and a large amount of P.P.E. Near the end of the ritual, the ally desired will magically sense the identity of those who seek his aid, whether it be the circle maker or allylfriend(s) involved in the ritual. At the end of the ritual, the ally(s) involved in making the circle speaks, saying the ally’s name and these words, “Your aid is most desperately needed. I (or we) beseech you, please come to our aid. Will you come to us this very moment?” If the ally responds, “yes.“ he is magically teleported that very instant, and appears in the center of the ritual circle. The magic is done. The circle can only be used once and can only bring one specific person. To get others, the entire ceremony must be repeated.,
Note: The ally who is summoned must be known to the summoners and a t~“aelly ”, willing to come, must be genuinely needed (not just wanted for a friendly gathering), and has no time to gather his possessions, weapons or associates. Whatever he has on his person at the time he is summoned is all that comes with him. Animals and people cannot he brought along even if holding tightly onto the summoned “ally.” The summoning does not work if the desired individual is in another dimension,or out of range. This is a one-way spell that brings one character to the location of the ritual makers. If the “ally” responds no, the P.P.E. is spent and the ritual is over without results. However, the “ally” will know who it was who had requested his aid, and he may elect to try to find them through conventional means. However, this will take time and locating them may be difficult or even impossible, for the magic does no1 convey where they were or why they need him.

Range: 500 feet (61 m) or one person by touch.
Duration: 2 week per level of experience.
Saving Throw: -2
P.P.E.: 140
As the mage casts this spell, a black mist envelops the target, then disappears, along with all trace of the victim. The mist forces the victim through a dimensional doorway to a pocket dimension between all other dimensions. There is nothing in this pocket dimension. It is completely empty, devoid of light, sound, ambient P.P.E. and even air. The victim is magically sustained, so he need not fear starvation or asphyxiation, but there is absolutely no escape for non-spell casters and the distortion prevents the character from healing or recovering P.P.E. or I.S.P. (a week is equal to 2D6 hours). The target must simply wait until the spell wears off, or the spell caster releases him, Spell casters with some sort of dimensional travel spell, or whom are dragons, gods and other supernatural beings with dimensional teleport, can escape upon successful use of their spell or natural ability. Being trapped in the Void is a rather unsettling experience ~ thankfully, time is distorted and a week seems like only a few hours to the victim.

Triangulated Teleportation
Range: The spell may include the spell caster only, or two others by touch, or the spell caster and two others by touch. Teleportation range is 200,000 miles (320,000 km) per level of the spell caster. Or for double the P.P.E., one light-year per level of the spell caster!
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
P.P.E.: 40
The spell requires a homing signal to triangulate upon to make a perfect Teleportation. The destination of the Teleport spell is the exact location of the beacon. The beacon or signal can be magical in nature or technological. In either case, the spell locks in on its coordinates and sends those being teleported to that exact location. The spell does not work without a steady signal to home in upon. If the signal is weak or intermittent, the spell could deposit those being teleported in the middle of nowhere,anywhere between the starting point and the destination,and in space that's a huge area. If the destination is magically "blocked" for Teleportation,the travelers are "bounced" back to their starting point, the P.P.E. is expended and the Teleportation travelers are dazed, -8on Perception Rolls and all combat actions (strike, parry, etc.),-30% on skill performance and reduce Spd by 30% for ID6+2 melee rounds.

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