A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

Diabolists, Techno-Wizards & Psionicists, Oh my! All things that are Magics and Psionics in all Palladium Games.

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A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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Has anyone ever worked up a type of enchanter or such that would work similar to the techno wizard as far as creating magical rods and wands instead of guns, magic rings and other items that work like enchanted armor? Or can construct enchanted items for use by other magic users.

I really like Palladium Fantasy but I have also really enjoyed high fantasy instead a swords and sorcery setting (High end magic vs. low end magic settings).
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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The concepts behind TW's and the PF setting are incompatible. So it is moot point talking about a PF TW class.

Besides I've already written up a Enchanter class. However with the prohibition of any other "magic stuff maker class" other then alchemists in the PF setting it can't be played there if you are to stay "In Canon"
Anyone play testing I would need feed back from you.

Note: the lack of specifics in the "how to make stuff" is deliberate to let a GM and player have the freedom to make what they will. And that to write up any specifics would take more pages then the whole TW section in RUE.

Enchanter Mage

    This mage specializes in making charms, single use magic such as spell scrolls, enchanted object & weapons.  This is because unlike most mages, they can with little magical effort endow objects with magical powers.  However, this ability comes at a great cost, in that enchanters always cast spells as if they were still a new mage (level 1).  This has lead to these mages to not focus on casting invocations as so much as into 'being prepared' with an assortment of magical items on their person.
    Most enchanters spend a significant amount of time in figuring out how to attach different enchantments to different objects.  They do this through making careful calculations.  So when they are done with them, they will know what components they need and their placements.  The calculations will also tell the enchanter what inscriptions of runes, writing, or symbols will be needed for the magic to stay intact in the enchantment.  Each enchanter will have a style of their own, but they will fall into a few distinct categories based around what medium they use. The basic types of enchantment mediums are: Metal, wood, paper, plants, food, gems, and biologics.  Each type/school finds it is easier when working in their chosen field, then with using mediums from other other types of schools. There are those that claim no school and can work in any of the fields as well as the others. These are enchanters who know the lore of most or all of the schools. An enchanter knows the lore of the different schools, then they can substitute different physical components from that type into there creation they are making, if they don't have the component that their calculations ask for.
    The calculations for the different can take as short as a couple days for the least of the magical objects, or they can take years to complete for the greatest, depending on who complex the spells are to be enchanted into the object and how dedicated the mage attacks the completing the calculations.  The components will reflect the type of spell that is being enchanted into the object. 
Enchanters can also make 'on the spot' enchantments, however, these only give the enchantment one charge and will ether consume the object or other wise render the object unusable for further enchantments.
Note: this O.C.C. is unavailable in the P.F.R.P.G. setting.

Enchanter Mage Abilities
1.  Sense magical energy--is able to see magical energies as low as 4 P.P.E. when in direct Line of Sight, up to a range of 500 feet.

2.  Sense enchantment--is able to determine the what sort of enchantment a magic object has though examining/handling of the object for 2d6 min. range:touch

3.  Initial Spell Knowledge--the enchanter mage has a solid understanding of spell magic, how to tap Ley Lines & Nexus points, how to siphon off addition P.P.E. from them and people.  Even though these mages can cast spells like wizards, mystics and shifters; they are limited to first level spell strength when casting their spells as incantations because of their orientation to making enchanted objects. However they enjoy their full spell strength when making enchantments.
    An enchanter mage is primarily interested in spells to be included in their enchantment portfolio.
    At level one experience the character knows 4 spells from each of the first three spell levels.  At each new level of experience they can figure out two spells of equal or less to their own level of experience or may use the Mystic study's Randomizer table for their spell selection.

4. Learning new spells-- additional spells can be purchased/traded/learned at any time provided the mage can find a willing teacher, in half the time as normal mages. (One day per level of spell.)

5. Principles of magic--70%+2% per level, this is the basic skill for checking enchantment calculations. Once per 48 hours of calculations. Each spell level takes 48 hours to calculate out a enchantment formula (total time).  If a calculations roll fails then that 48 hr of calculations is complete then the process is repeated.

6.  Enchantment attachments--For prepared enchantments-1d4 hours per level of spells added, after the material components have been assembled and enchantments to be attached. [Yes, an enchanter might have all the components for a magical item all prepared for enchanting sitting in a box somewhere but not assembled nor enchanted yet.]
* For on the spot enchantments--3d6 min. with a 30%+5% for success.
When creating with the Talisman spell, or Create Scroll spell, the spell limits of these spells are raised by +1 level per 2 levels of experience that the Enchanter has.

7.  Conversion of Spell scrolls--The enchanter mage use the principles of magic skill when converting a spell scroll to usable magic spell.  Uses the same "unsuccessful conversion" table and "successful scroll conversion" tables as a Wizard.(PFRGP2 book, page 105.)

8. Like with all mages the enchanter mages are living batteries of mystical energy. the Base P.P.E. of a enchanter mage is determined by rolling 2d6x10 and adding it to the PE attribute. add 3d6 P.P.E. per level.

9. Magic Bonuses: +1 vs magic at levels one, three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen.. +1 to spell strength at levels three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, and fifteen.

Enchanter Mage O.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, M.E. 14, P.E. 12
O.C.C. Skills
Literacy/Language Native Language--98
Mathematics: Advanced(+15%)
Computer Operation(+15%)
Two Lore skills of choice(+20%)
One language of choice(+15%)
One Technical skill  of choice(+15%)

Hand to hand: basic can be selected as one "OCC Related or Secondary skill, hand to hand: expert at the cost of two "other" skills, or martial arts (or assassin if an evil alignment) for the cost of three "other' skills.

O.C.C. Related skills: Select ten other skills with two of them from the science category. Plus select one additional skill at levels two, three, four, six, eight, and ten.  All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any(+10%)
Electrical: basic electronics only
Espionage: wilderness survival only
mechanical: Basic mechanic only (+5%)
medical: First Aid, paramedic, and Holistic medicine only(+10%)
military: none
physical: Any (but can only have one of the following: Boxing, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and Wrestling)
pilot: Any
pilot related: Any
rogue: Any
science: Any (+10%)
technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any(+5%)

Secondary Skills: The character may select 5 secondary skills from the listed above. These are additional areas of knowledge that only get the I.Q. bonus.

Standard Equipment:the Enchanter mage starts with 5 minor magical enchantment formulas and one enchanted item from each of the starting formula. Other stating equipment will be similar to other mage O.C.C.s of the given setting.

Money: The starting money will be similar to other mage O.C.C.s of the setting.

Specialty skills and Spells: If a Enchanter mage chooses a specialty school in which to participate, then he gets the spells and skills of that school to use. As stated before the basic types of enchantment mediums (schools) are: Metal, wood, paper (ink), plants, food, gems, and biologics.
Lore: Magic attributes of enchantment components
    This is the specialized lore of the magical attributes of the differing enchantment components that is the knowledge of how certain components will be build upon by the enchanter to make their magical enchantments.  This skill must be rolled once for every spell level during the calculations phase.  Any failed roll will make the enchantment weaker or some unintended side effect.  This skill is also rolled when the enchanter is choosing the actual enchantment components before starting the enchantment. This will let the enchanter to select quality components. A failed roll here will cause the enchantment to slowly eat up the enchanted object and components. Roll a % die to determent the number of times that particular enchantment will last. Base skill: 30%+5% per level.
Note: A specializing enchanter will get +30% to this skill, if dual specialized then the +30% is divided between the two skills

school spells: The specialized enchanter will get those spells which correspond to his specialty.  These spells are to be considered Specialized magic even if there is a similar common magic spell. The enchanter mage spells also are cast normally with out the enchanter's normal leveling penalties
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:11 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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These are spells assosiated with the class. Some of them have already been posted in the "Invented Magic" Topic.

Write Magical Calligraphy
    This spell attaches the spell effects to a paper type charm. Depending on the nature of the magic attached the magic works like a charm  ether area effect or by touch, or is released by the burning of the charm or a deliberate attack throw.

Make Paper
    This gathers fibers from the surroundings to make a ream of paper. A ream of paper is 144 sheets.

Reform Metal
    This lets the mage form any metal, 1 lb per level, into the shape he images. dose not affect rune weapons.

Purify Metal-- (esntailly same as purify ingredient but as a western style spell, and it only works on metals)
    This spell purifies the metal the enchanter is working with, separating out all impurities. the impurities are deposited near the metal being affected. When used on alloys, the differing metals are separated and each end up in its own nugget. Affects 2 lb  of metal per level. Dose not affect enchanted metals nor rune weapons made out of metal.

Alloy Metals
    This lets the mage to make purely alloyed metals for his creations. dose not affect rune weapons.

Read Stone-- (esentlly the same as the PSI power 'object read' but it doesn't open the mage to possession)

Reform Stone
    This lets the mage form any stone or rock, 2 lb per level, into the shape he images. dose not affect rune weapons.

Meld Stone
    This lets the mage to meld together two or more (2+1 per level) stones for his creations. This dose not effect the magical attributes of the stones melded. Dose not affect rune weapons made out of stone.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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Here are some examples of items made by a Enchanter.
Note: I did play one char of this class in the Nightbane setting, so there are some NB refferences in the text.]
Globe of Daylight ring--using gold and a clear quartz, once per day or feed PPE to activate(2)

spell ring---aura of power...twice daily

necklace of chromatic protection--uses a tiger eye as the focal point of the enchantment, useable four times per day

arrowheads of light--using small diamonds to contain light target spells, the spell is activated when the diamond shatters on impact once use items

charm of protection verses Nightbane talents for were tigers--this charm is a melding of three types of gems and semiprecious stones, Tiger eyes, black diamonds, and moon stone. the stones contain the two spells absorption and attribute reversal, the 2nd making it so the wearing were tiger is 'totally invulnerable to NB talents and partial fertility with Bane'.

spell ring--light healing-(gold ring with topaz stones)-takes PPE from the wearer and uses it to cast it on the wearer till the wearer is out of PPE(6) the ring has three casting actions per 15 sec.

Spell ring--alter aura--needs a moonstone (glows in moonlight, but is just a rock in any other light), gold & silver alloy base for the ring, having the ring decorated in elvish.  is used to hide Bane'ness or other types of things...must be set at time of creation, written in elvish.  works 24/7
spell ring--light healing-(gold ring with topaz stones)-takes PPE from the wearer and uses it to cast it on the wearer till the wearer is out of PPE(6) the ring has three casting actions per 15 sec. (on a necklace)

Spell ring--alter aura--needs a clear diamond and a gold & silver alloyed ring, decorated with elvish writing. Is used to hide magic. on and in the wearer.
invisible eye glasses of see the invisible--constant while worn, range LOS--silver rims wrapped with thread emeralds in a opposing double helixes. these glasses when are worn turn invisible.

 magic ring--charismatic aura/charm--constant while worn
This ring's magic makes the wearer more attractive to the opposite sex in direct proportion to the amount of skin is exposed. This is added on top of the charm % from PB, with a max of 98%. The effects are constant while worn.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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I figured a lot of this was covered by Alchemist/Diabolist abilities.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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Tor wrote:I figured a lot of this was covered by Alchemist/Diabolist abilities.

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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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Whats wrong with having more options for a setting?

Besides, I really enjoy the techno wizard in rifts and when I read threw the fantasy book I seem its rather limited. You have rune items but they are hard to obtain. You have the alchemist who is the GM's tool for coming up with stuff. But over all Palladium is a rather limited magic setting.

Diabolist works with glyphs but cannot cast spells or the like. They feel like a partial mage I fear to say.

The summoner works with circles and minions.

the actual wizard cast spells but beyond the limited talisman spell, create scroll, amulet. They don't get to create anything of magical spiffiness.

Without turning to rune items, the alchemist has a monopoly on the while set of run toys and such.

So honestly where is the harm or how does it diminish the setting to have a magic class that crafts rechargeable magic items like fireball wands / lightning rods, crossbows that shoot TK bolts, and other elements of high magic as long as it takes PPE to recharge and such its only really a use to the magical/psychic empowered. Compared to the power of rune items they are just gimic magical toys. Since the GM can pick and choose what his players would be allowed to play and thus the nature of the game I cannot fathom why is would be so frowned upon.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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VR Dragon wrote:Whats wrong with having more options for a setting?

Read up on how restrictive the medieval era was and you will understand how restrictive the society was back then. And since fantasy settings are based in the medieval era you will understand why there are more "men at arms" classes then "men of knowledge" classes.
Percentage wise 90-95% of the people would be Farmers or unskilled workers.
What I am disapointed of is that there was no feedback on the class I posted. :x
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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VR Dragon wrote:Diabolist works with glyphs but cannot cast spells or the like. They feel like a partial mage I fear to say.
Diabolists are free to also become Wizards, and vice versa. That's actually what Alchemists do (along with becoming a Summoner).
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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Tor wrote:
VR Dragon wrote:Diabolist works with glyphs but cannot cast spells or the like. They feel like a partial mage I fear to say.
Diabolists are free to also become Wizards, and vice versa. That's actually what Alchemists do (along with becoming a Summoner).
Actually VR mis-speaks...
While its true that Diabolists work with glyphs and such it is not true to say they cannot cast spells.

They can cast magic but only within the confines of their specialty.
Think of it as spell booby traps or spell time bombs.
And while that specialty is difficult to master for most players if you give the right person the class they are nigh unstoppable.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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All I'm asking for is the ability to make rechargeable magic wands and rods, maybe some magic horse shoes that allow a horse to run along a ley line, or a enchanted wagon that does not need horses but has a wood stove/boiler and is empowered with the techno wizard equivalent to the steam engine conversion. Not very world ending and would enhance my feeling that magic isn't limited so much and the setting is indeed more magical.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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VR Dragon wrote:All I'm asking for is the ability to make rechargeable magic wands and rods, maybe some magic horse shoes that allow a horse to run along a ley line, or a enchanted wagon that does not need horses but has a wood stove/boiler and is empowered with the techno wizard equivalent to the steam engine conversion. Not very world ending and would enhance my feeling that magic isn't limited so much and the setting is indeed more magical.
Problem is that any class given that level of power will be abused.
No one has yet created an "Enchanter" class that is not munchkin or broken in the extreme.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:What I am disappointed of is that there was no feedback on the class I posted. :x

Damian Magecraft wrote:Problem is that any class given that level of power will be abused.
No one has yet created an "Enchanter" class that is not munchkin or broken in the extreme.

If you have found a problem with the class I posted then enumerate the problems you have found.
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:What I am disappointed of is that there was no feedback on the class I posted. :x

Damian Magecraft wrote:Problem is that any class given that level of power will be abused.
No one has yet created an "Enchanter" class that is not munchkin or broken in the extreme.

If you have found a problem with the class I posted then enumerate the problems you have found.
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

No problem, my GM just won't allow anything not printed in a rifter or source book. So it does me no good. So don't blow a gasket man.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:What I am disapointed of is that there was no feedback on the class I posted. :x

You made three lengthy posts that didn't address the Original Poster's question, and you're upset that nobody responded to your posts?
Dude, start your own thread.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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Killer Cyborg wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:What I am disappointed of is that there was no feedback on the class I posted. :x

You made three lengthy posts that didn't address the Original Poster's question, and you're upset that nobody responded to your posts?
Dude, start your own thread.

The OP asked for an enchanter class people had made, I posted the Enchanter class I made, yes.
That it did not "Copy" the TW class [Even though it shares the "the magic items can be made quickly" class concept.] as published in the RMB detracts from it in no way. In a small way it could be considered that TW style of enchanting would be a subset of the enchanter class I posted. This is because the TW is more a Gem Enchanter then a true techno wizard. (A true TW combines magic and tech, where what is presented in the books is a gem enchanter that makes magic items out of tech shells. The best example of real Techno Wizardry is in Rifter 60.)(Yes, Again I am looking past the labels to see what truly is.)

A Enchanter that used gems as the basis of their enchantments would have to, since RUE, follow the gem limitations found in RUE.

The idea of a PF TW class is moot. It can't be done due to the incompatibility of class-setting concepts. So I gave the closest thing I could.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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No reason it can't be done, only thing limiting it is some sense people have that palladium would be ruined or spoiled by having a Techno Wizard or the like in it.

I don't see PF as this perfect world, I find it rather conan the barbarian almost and I am not really in love with the swords and limited magic approach to fantasy.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

Unread post by Sir Dellis »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:What I am disapointed of is that there was no feedback on the class I posted. :x

You made three lengthy posts that didn't address the Original Poster's question, and you're upset that nobody responded to your posts?
Dude, start your own thread.

I have to agree with Cyborg here...new thread for the class you posted
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

Unread post by Tor »

Damian Magecraft wrote:No one has yet created an "Enchanter" class that is not munchkin or broken in the extreme.
Munchkin is a state of mind of players and broken is a relative power comparison. Most of the time letting someone play a dragon is also "broken" and prone to munchkin-selection.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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What different between a TW,s weapons and items and Alchemist,s Weapons and items is Alachemist,s Ones have a Permanet PPE power source and can be used by any Occ,TW,s Ones do no have the Power source so only Ones you can use them,must use ther own PPE,limiting ther user to Magic Occ.
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Re: A version of a Techno Wizard for a PF?

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Normal Magic items: Are self powering and can be used by most peoples. Are not limited to spell effects. Most spell effects limited to 3 times per day.

Typical TW Magic items: Limited to mimicking spell effects, limited by avalible PPE and...
**Normal (most): powered by the user and can only be used by Chi users, PPE users, and ISP users.

**Special TW magic items can be made so mundanes can activate them, but the building of these is more difficult then the normal TW Magic items. These also require a PPE payload to power the tw magic item.

***True TW magic items intigrates magic options into otherwise mundane tech devices, without disabling the tech of the device. (i.e.: mixing magic with tech, which is the basic concept idea of the TW class. Even though the TW class did not get constructed that way.) Can be ether normal or special tw items as above.
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