FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by G »

Items that don't cost much and help you keep yourself alive:

-a canon (bible of your religion), morale will keep you alive and gather people around you
-book: how to survive the zombie apocalypse, self was in the library under science fiction :)
-seeds, if you find somewhere to settle down an apple tree provides a lot of apples pretty quickly. IF you are lucky they come with an apple (food)
-plastic ties and wooden spikes, access control etc.
-a dog whistle
-black sherpie
-boxcutter & string

-camoflage netting
-large crowbar
-a road flare AND/OR hand treated torch, keeps the zombies away & lets you see in the dark
-a few bottles of alcohol (to treat wounds or incinerate bodies)

-rain poncho, disposable
-a few bottles of water AND/OR power bars
-disposable lighter
-small head mounted flashlight, keeps your hands free and provides light
-heavy blanket
-hobo stove
-a bottle of advil AND/OR vitamins
-can opener
-a bar of soap
-a small mirror

The expensive stuff:
-$40+ a small watchdog: early warning system
-$60+ bicycle, quiet & fast enough to escape zombies or travel distances.
-$350+ IMO A crossbow is probably the best long distance weapon as its quiet, good for hunting and ammo is relatively plentiful.

Many of these should be on your equipment list. Please suggest more items that are really cheap and useful.
Last edited by G on Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

I do not see the need for the bible. Not everyone is Christian, much like I am not.

As for further stuff, try these:
-water treatment tabs
-canteen (or other water containers)
-survival kit (can range from $20 on up to $80 or more)
-first aid kit (again from the cheap to the expensive)
-rope (multitude of uses)
-2 or 3 knives (for tools as well as weapons)
-spool of wire and/or string
-good boots
-magnesium fire starter
-composition book and graphite pencils (for keeping track of danger areas, bad/good water, remembering what places have been cleared of useful supplies, and many other things)
-small tool bag (can keep screwdrivers, hammer, wrenches for tearing apart useful machine to scavenge parts for yourself or trade)
-leather clothing (harder for zombies to bite through)
-binoculars or scope
-sturdy walking stick
-folding shovel
-folding saw
-plastic footlocker (the Wal-Mart kind for college kids, great to give you something to bury extra supplies in)
-good plant/herb guide and/or survival manual

As a side note, once the apocalypse hits, everything you can put your hands on and keep away from the other guy is free.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Icefalcon wrote:I do not see the need for the bible. Not everyone is Christian, much like I am not.

As for further stuff, try these:
-water treatment tabs
-canteen (or other water containers)
-survival kit (can range from $20 on up to $80 or more)
-first aid kit (again from the cheap to the expensive)
-rope (multitude of uses)
-2 or 3 knives (for tools as well as weapons)
-spool of wire and/or string
-good boots
-magnesium fire starter
-composition book and graphite pencils (for keeping track of danger areas, bad/good water, remembering what places have been cleared of useful supplies, and many other things)
-small tool bag (can keep screwdrivers, hammer, wrenches for tearing apart useful machine to scavenge parts for yourself or trade)
-leather clothing (harder for zombies to bite through)
-binoculars or scope
-sturdy walking stick
-folding shovel
-folding saw
-plastic footlocker (the Wal-Mart kind for college kids, great to give you something to bury extra supplies in)
-good plant/herb guide and/or survival manual

As a side note, once the apocalypse hits, everything you can put your hands on and keep away from the other guy is free.

WRONG. Bibles are always important survival tools.

Paper makes an excellent fire starter.

End offensive post of the day.

Better though would be cotton balls and vasaline. Mix the cotton balls in vasline and toss the bunch in to a used medicine bottle. In my experience such a ball of cotton/vasaline will ignite very easily, more so typically than a cotton ball or lint on its own from a steel fire starter (or other source) and if well saturated with vasaline will typically burn for about 60-90 seconds with a good amount of heat. Your average pill bottle can hold around 20 of them, good for between 5-20 fires depending on the starting fire material, how wet it is, combustable, etc.

Then you just need a good steel and magnesium fire starter. Those tend to be good for upwards for several thousand strikes and will light most resonably flamable objects, such as lint, shaved tinder, paper, cotton, shaved bark, milk cotton, etc, etc.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by MurderCityDisciple »

azazel1024 wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:I do not see the need for the bible. Not everyone is Christian, much like I am not.

WRONG. Bibles are always important survival tools.

Paper makes an excellent fire starter.

End offensive post of the day.


Well at least you have enough tact to not suggest burning....ahem...a different so called Holy Book and no not the Book of Mormon either. Yes you guessed it Dianetics!!


All this Christian/Religion talk with it's blood drinking and flesh eating is making me hungry...TIME FOR FRENCH BREAD PIZZA!!!!
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by MurderCityDisciple »

Here's some Free or Cheap ideas I came up with.

Baby Butt Wipes (avoiding rashes is tough without access to hygienic conditions )
Medicated Butt Wipes (for the times you are feeling the burn)
Mirror (for shaving, looking around corners etc.)
Zip Ties (great for zipping doors shut, restraining people/zombies)
Sidewalk Chalk (to mark your path or leaving messages)
Swiss Army Knife & Duct Tape (Hey McGuyver)
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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- Zip Lock Bags (keeps important items staying dry, freeze them and you have an ice pack or use large ones to hold rations of water)
- Alcohol based hand sanitizer (obvious reasons)
- File (keeps tools/weapons sharp)
- Bungie Cords (anything flapping around loose can make noise and if you want to secure something without tape or glue bungies might work)
- Flashlight with a RED light filter (wont ruin night vision and it is harder to see from far away)
- Chocolate covered Java beans (gives you a perk with some much needed calories)
- Coat hangers (clothes dry much quicker then they are hung up and it's quicker [although not as space effcient] to hang them on something rather then have a clothes line)
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Ohhhhh. I wouldn't have thought of zip ties, but yeah, those can be darn useful. As you mentioned, securing doors, attaching things to your pack, replacing (temporarily) broken shoe laces, handcuffing people, etc.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by flatline »

Learn how to tie a small variety of knots quickly and securely.
Learn how to recognize which knot is appropriate for a particular job.

A length of rope used to tie something down can be reused later. Once you use a length of tape, you usually don't get to use it again.

And you can find things to tie knots in just about anywhere.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by G »

I modified bible to cannon to be politically correct. I see lots of really good ideas in there, and quite a few that were more expensive than I intended - but thats okay they are still useful for others (not me, I'm keeping my list REALLY cheap or free). The problem with lots of the survival equipment people are suggesting is that the prices are really high for things like a compass, knife or survival kit in a post apocalyptic world ..whereas you could start with an entire kit for the price of each of these items. My list is meant for when you are bartering for things in game or starting with a half dozen stashes, etc.

More ideas:
$40 small climbing platform
Bandana: knots or survival
Playing cards: knots or survival or plants

Stuff I really liked so far:
-$250, low magnification weapon sight for the crossbow. This is expensive, so I would only have one on my char, not in a stash.
-$6 camo tape, I had considered putting it on my list originally, but I already had string and plastic (zip) ties, so I left it off.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

For the most part, when starting out in survival, all you need is a good knife. That can help you get or make all of the rest.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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I agree with Icefalcon. A solid fixed-blade knife can be everything you need in a survival situation (depending on you level of skill of course). Just for the essentials a knife can:
- Make feather sticks for kindling
- Split wood for fuel
- Notch a plank for a fire-board
- Shape a spindle and bow
- Chop branches for building a shelter
- Hammer stakes for tie-down points
- Lash to a stick as a spear for hunting and defense
- Skin and butcher your catch
- Notch and/or sharpen sticks for traps (both for hunting and defense)
- Skin and clean tree bark for natural cordage
- Open cans
- Smash windows
- Pry open doors and containers (be careful with this one)
- Signal like a mirror if the blade is shiny
- Some knives come with wire-breakers for fences and/or barbed wire
- Some knives have saw portions for more wood-shaping options
- Some knives have pry-bars or hammer-heads for more tool options

Likewise a good knife sheath often has:
- A drainage hole at the bottom (use sheath to blow air to fuel a fire, or like a snorkel underwater)
- A pocket for storing a small survival kit
- A sharpener for field touch-ups
- Room for attaching some spare cordage (for bows, spear lashing, trapping, fishing, etc.)
- Multiple mounting options for attaching to your gear depending on your need

All this, and much, much more in a tool that only requires basic levels of maintenance, is easy to find a replacement, is easily concealed, can mean the difference between survival in the wild or death.

Also, it makes a pretty handy weapon, or so I've been told.

"Knives are easy to hide. They don't jam, and they never run out of bullets. They come in handy when you want to do some close contact work." - The Butcher, 'Wanted'.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by MurderCityDisciple »

Ahhh....remember the good old days when the newest RAMBO KNIFE was something you looked forward to??
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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A crowbar is now and always will be the first thing I think of as utility equipment in the ZA.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Josh Hilden wrote:A crowbar is now and always will be the first thing I think of as utility equipment in the ZA.

I don't know how to start a fire, or build shelter, or catch food with a crowbar. Sounds like you are a very proficient survivalist.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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filo_clarke wrote:
Josh Hilden wrote:A crowbar is now and always will be the first thing I think of as utility equipment in the ZA.

I don't know how to start a fire, or build shelter, or catch food with a crowbar. Sounds like you are a very proficient survivalist.

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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

filo_clarke wrote:
Josh Hilden wrote:A crowbar is now and always will be the first thing I think of as utility equipment in the ZA.

I don't know how to start a fire, or build shelter, or catch food with a crowbar. Sounds like you are a very proficient survivalist.

Let me be fair by say that if you can find flint, you can start a fire with a crowbar. But I will say that a crowbar is only my first thought if I play a thief type character.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by flatline »

Out of curiosity, what's the dog whistle in the original post for?

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by G »

A dog..You can get a small watchdog for $40. A very good anti-zombie investment. I would be getting a quiet dog that growls when zombies are near, small enough to be carried but fast enough to keep up with a bicycle.

If you don't have a dog, you might I don't know annoy a pack of wild dogs into eating you/running away. Perhaps if you blow it a dog will come to see who is making that racket..

The loud barky dogs probably get eaten by zombies or bite them and possibly die from eating rotting flesh...
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Zamion138 »

G wrote:Items that don't cost much and help you keep yourself alive:

-a few bottles of alcohol (to treat wounds or incinerate bodies)

I agree with most of your stuff but you are for the are not incinerating much with alchol, go grab a bottle of it and poor it on a peice of steak or chicken and light it on fire, even in a bowl or empty trash can....

Id add bleach
coupple drops of bleach and you can clean water , one big bottle of bleach with clean alot fo gallons of water, even better get hydra shock as it doesnt turn into to salt (well salt water) as fast as liquad bleach and its lighter.
also if you have humans non zombiefied after you mixing bleach and amonia in a confined space and getting them to follow you through it will prove very bad for them.

small traps ...#1's are my fav's will let you live of mice and squairals and the like all the way up to racoons pretty easily and using them is a not a hard skill to lean and alot easier infact than making a working dead fall or snare.

The SAS filed guide , is pdf free and filled with wonderfull info.

i will say a bible is good even for non-belivers, its long, thick and you can read it a few times and get a diffrent story from it each time depending on how happy or wrathfull and such you feel while reading it , if you run into hardcore christians with food and medical supplies it can spring into your hand and be your "let me in brother passport" of sorts. it will start a fire if need be, just like the qur'an, and the Torah...nothing burns as good as a copy of Dianetics though so bear that in mind at all times.

the bible is kinda standerdized , so to get around a thinking zombie that was hopefully not a big reader with a great memory you can say on a wall, "meet me in that place thats like luke 32:12" or what not....its a code book like that.

pry bar and lock cutters, pry bar beats most things a lock cutter can get into but lock cutters are much quiter usaly, if you duck tape over the jaws pretty heavly over the lock by the way it sinlences it real well.

more important than a small dog would be a buddy , if you can get one or two that you can trust not to sell you down the river and at least think your worth a laugh around the campfire your doing great. few if any tools or preps or gear beats a reasonably nice human being that has your back in a fight, hunt, survival , and all around staying sain. find your accountbilabuddy and hold on to them.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

Zamion138 wrote:i will say a bible is good even for non-belivers, its long, thick and you can read it a few times and get a diffrent story from it each time depending on how happy or wrathfull and such you feel while reading it , if you run into hardcore christians with food and medical supplies it can spring into your hand and be your "let me in brother passport" of sorts. it will start a fire if need be, just like the qur'an, and the Torah...nothing burns as good as a copy of Dianetics though so bear that in mind at all times.

There are millions of books I would rather carry before I would carry a bible. Survival guides for example would be better for trade and your own usage. Not to mention that it add a few pounds of useless weight in my pack.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by robertbc73 »

Do Dead Reign zombies attack anything living or just humans?
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

robertbc73 wrote:Do Dead Reign zombies attack anything living or just humans?

They will occasionally attack animals but the PPE of animals "tastes sour" to them according to the books and they only get 1/4 of the animals PPE when it dies.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by MurderCityDisciple »

From the ever increasing amount of survival equipment on this list I am going to suggest either a burro, llama or a shopping cart.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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I'm going to suggest some Carabiner's and chain. For quickly locking shut chain link fence gates quickly. As seen in the recent episode of The Walking Dead.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by G »

Oberoth wrote:I'm going to suggest some Carabiner's and chain. For quickly locking shut chain link fence gates quickly. As seen in the recent episode of The Walking Dead.

While that was a good episode, that is a rather limited use item. You might be better off with zip ties or hand cuffs or a few other things.

As for the alcohol, a molotov cocktail is the cheapest anti-zombie area of effect weapon in the book starting at $2. Even something that just creates smoke costs more. I've got no problem using something more flammable, but I'm not convinced it would deal much more damage to zombies regardless.

I agree with having another person with you, which is why I suggested a child npc in the other thread.

Perhaps I should add cigars to the list, that way you can drink and smoke as the zombies take over. Or use the cigars to light the cocktails. Both have style.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

Something that occurred to me just recently. One of the hardest things to get after the zombies rise is fruit. Orchards need a lot of attention if they are going to produce. So in that case, multivitamins or vitamin C tablets are going to be a huge necessity.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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G wrote:While that was a good episode, that is a rather limited use item.

Granted. But so is half of everything else mentioned in this thread. A bible? Really?
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Oberoth wrote:
G wrote:While that was a good episode, that is a rather limited use item.

Granted. But so is half of everything else mentioned in this thread. A bible? Really?

Yes really. The zombie genre is about the humanity as much as fighting off hordes of zombies. Depression is a major concern & expect people to be committing suicide due to misery. Morality is another, especially in a world where might can make right. That is a completely separate topic/thread.

As for the people worried about potable water, remember that almost everyone has been given the "miracle cure", which means that you don't need to worry about bacteria, viruses, etc. Boiling water may be enough. I notice that they left this out of sourcebook one, which could have been an error. Sourcebook 2 specifically ignores it, when it mentions all sorts of effects of bad water going so far as to give you a table for bad effects. IF we want to ignore things it should be Zombie NAR, high sdc/hp, the moan, seeing life forces, tracking, etc.

Yes, that was why pain killers and vitamins were on my list....they are important! Although there are not too many people to eat the fruit off trees and if you are smart you are more likely to be in the wilderness where the food is, not in the cities where the zombies are.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Zamion138 »

Icefalcon wrote:
Zamion138 wrote:i will say a bible is good even for non-belivers, its long, thick and you can read it a few times and get a diffrent story from it each time depending on how happy or wrathfull and such you feel while reading it , if you run into hardcore christians with food and medical supplies it can spring into your hand and be your "let me in brother passport" of sorts. it will start a fire if need be, just like the qur'an, and the Torah...nothing burns as good as a copy of Dianetics though so bear that in mind at all times.

There are millions of books I would rather carry before I would carry a bible. Survival guides for example would be better for trade and your own usage. Not to mention that it add a few pounds of useless weight in my pack.

ohhh yeah me personaly , but your not thinking aobut trying to get into a possible bible thumper outpost. lets say some church or "The" church (roman catholic) has a safe zone set up and only lets in "good christians" to be saved from helps to have.
plus as i said makes a great code book
but yeah a copy of edible wild plants is 200x's more usefull i was just expanding on his thought of having one and why yes even for a non beliver it could be usefull
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

Zamion138 wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:
Zamion138 wrote:i will say a bible is good even for non-belivers, its long, thick and you can read it a few times and get a diffrent story from it each time depending on how happy or wrathfull and such you feel while reading it , if you run into hardcore christians with food and medical supplies it can spring into your hand and be your "let me in brother passport" of sorts. it will start a fire if need be, just like the qur'an, and the Torah...nothing burns as good as a copy of Dianetics though so bear that in mind at all times.

There are millions of books I would rather carry before I would carry a bible. Survival guides for example would be better for trade and your own usage. Not to mention that it add a few pounds of useless weight in my pack.

ohhh yeah me personaly , but your not thinking aobut trying to get into a possible bible thumper outpost. lets say some church or "The" church (roman catholic) has a safe zone set up and only lets in "good christians" to be saved from helps to have.
plus as i said makes a great code book
but yeah a copy of edible wild plants is 200x's more usefull i was just expanding on his thought of having one and why yes even for a non beliver it could be usefull

The use as a codebook is a clever one. I for one would rather use an Altendorf cypher (which use a common book and then states page, line #, and letter # in that line and is expressed in a series of numbers grouped by three) at least for written codes. For spoken codes, it more useful to speak a separate language or make up codewords and phrases with the people you are traveling with. Sign language is another way of communication that is both silent and hard for others to make out.

I will not argue that a bible would be useful for getting into a Christian based compound but being of another religion I would not want to stay there. If I want to get in, I know enough of the religion to get in (was raised Catholic for 19 years). Carrying a bible is not "proof" that you are a good christian, so why would they take your word right off the bat without asking a few questions to verify?

As for the part about reading a bible for the stories, why would I want to? I am not Christian. It would be offensive to me to be stuck with one as my only reading material for a long time. That is what sparked my comment about a million other books I would rather have. If I want a book for entertainment or upliftment, I will read a copy of Lord of the Rings or something else of such epic proportions. I am not saying a bible would be useless to everyone, just myself. With that, I will leave the topic of religion and bibles there as I do not wish to turn this into a topic of religion.

To add a few more cheap items to the list:
-hatchet/camp axe
-utility belt
-suspenders (it will keep your pants from falling down while running from zombies)
-extra socks and underwear (best way to keep from catching some illness)
-aluminum foil (for antennae extensions as well as obvious uses)
-roll of electrical/duct/medical tape (I would carry one of each)
-wire cutters (for those chain link fences that pop up when running from zombies)
-lighter (I prefer Zippos, to light Moltov cocktails and other things)
-package of firecrackers (good zombie distraction)
-bottle of mouth wash (to kill as many mouth germs as possible)
-bag of hard candy (can keep you from coughing at the wrong time)
-Sharpie marker (leave a message for your pals on any surface)
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

G wrote:As for the people worried about potable water, remember that almost everyone has been given the "miracle cure", which means that you don't need to worry about bacteria, viruses, etc. Boiling water may be enough. I notice that they left this out of sourcebook one, which could have been an error. Sourcebook 2 specifically ignores it, when it mentions all sorts of effects of bad water going so far as to give you a table for bad effects.

According to the book, only 47% of the world population was inoculated. The estimate of 97% was never reached because of the Wave. It is also stated that it is thought that the vaccine was the cause of the zombies.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by azazel1024 »

If people had magic immune systems from it (that is if it isn't what turned everyone in to zombies), you wouldn't need to boil the water. Of course that doesn't mean the water might not be packed full of lots of lovely chemicals from improperly shut down nuke plants, chemical factories, paper mills, etc. Plenty of which probably weren't properly shut down, might have collapsed roofs, stuff leaking from them, etc.

Only water I'd trust would be well water, bottled water, snow melt or something close to a spring. That is if I had ANY choice in the matter.

As Icefalcon mentioned, less than half of everyone ever got the shot and assumedly, most of them became zombies in the end.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

Another cheapy that may save your life: lightbulbs. Spread a few dozen of these around your camp sight, especially at the easy access points, and they provide an easy alarm when the zombies step on them and they go pop.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Hystrix »

Icefalcon wrote:
Zamion138 wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:
Zamion138 wrote:i will say a bible is good even for non-belivers, its long, thick and you can read it a few times and get a diffrent story from it each time depending on how happy or wrathfull and such you feel while reading it , if you run into hardcore christians with food and medical supplies it can spring into your hand and be your "let me in brother passport" of sorts. it will start a fire if need be, just like the qur'an, and the Torah...nothing burns as good as a copy of Dianetics though so bear that in mind at all times.

There are millions of books I would rather carry before I would carry a bible. Survival guides for example would be better for trade and your own usage. Not to mention that it add a few pounds of useless weight in my pack.

ohhh yeah me personaly , but your not thinking aobut trying to get into a possible bible thumper outpost. lets say some church or "The" church (roman catholic) has a safe zone set up and only lets in "good christians" to be saved from helps to have.
plus as i said makes a great code book
but yeah a copy of edible wild plants is 200x's more usefull i was just expanding on his thought of having one and why yes even for a non beliver it could be usefull

The use as a codebook is a clever one. I for one would rather use an Altendorf cypher (which use a common book and then states page, line #, and letter # in that line and is expressed in a series of numbers grouped by three) at least for written codes. For spoken codes, it more useful to speak a separate language or make up codewords and phrases with the people you are traveling with. Sign language is another way of communication that is both silent and hard for others to make out.

I will not argue that a bible would be useful for getting into a Christian based compound but being of another religion I would not want to stay there. If I want to get in, I know enough of the religion to get in (was raised Catholic for 19 years). Carrying a bible is not "proof" that you are a good christian, so why would they take your word right off the bat without asking a few questions to verify?

As for the part about reading a bible for the stories, why would I want to? I am not Christian. It would be offensive to me to be stuck with one as my only reading material for a long time. That is what sparked my comment about a million other books I would rather have. If I want a book for entertainment or upliftment, I will read a copy of Lord of the Rings or something else of such epic proportions. I am not saying a bible would be useless to everyone, just myself. With that, I will leave the topic of religion and bibles there as I do not wish to turn this into a topic of religion.

To add a few more cheap items to the list:
-hatchet/camp axe
-utility belt
-suspenders (it will keep your pants from falling down while running from zombies)
-extra socks and underwear (best way to keep from catching some illness)
-aluminum foil (for antennae extensions as well as obvious uses)
-roll of electrical/duct/medical tape (I would carry one of each)
-wire cutters (for those chain link fences that pop up when running from zombies)
-lighter (I prefer Zippos, to light Moltov cocktails and other things)
-package of firecrackers (good zombie distraction)
-bottle of mouth wash (to kill as many mouth germs as possible)
-bag of hard candy (can keep you from coughing at the wrong time)
-Sharpie marker (leave a message for your pals on any surface)

Hey Ice, not picking on you at all about this. You not wanting a Bible is your choice. I respect that.

However, I think you may be missing one (more selfish) use for a Bible --- As a trad-able item.

While you may have no use for it, others would. While folks are scrambling to get guns and ammo, and food to survive, little things get forgotten. Someone will want one and not have it. That person will likly want it, and will trade it for something you want.

And you can name your price. :wink:
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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There's at least one bible in every hotel and motel room and tons of them in any bookstore.

I think they would be plentiful and easy to procure which makes them a low value item for bartering.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Hystrix »

flatline wrote:There's at least one bible in every hotel and motel room and tons of them in any bookstore.

I think they would be plentiful and easy to procure which makes them a low value item for bartering.


Maybe. It depends on where you are, and how long after the Apocalypse we are talking.

I'm not saying it's a sure thing, but with the right buyer it could be worth something.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

On the one hand, Hystrix is right in that "common" items will quickly become uncommon due to weather, fires, and just general destruction on the part of people. On the other hand, Flatline is right in the fact that there are so many bibles just floating around, that they will not become rare any time soon.

I am not arguing the validity of people wanting one. I was merely pointing out that not everyone wants or needs one. Out of all of the equipment that could keep you alive, the bible is least vital of them. For one thing, there are much more useful books that can teach you to survive in the wilderness, ones on medicine and surgery, books on homesteading or farming, manuals on training dogs for various purposes, and any number of useful skills in a world with no electricity and no stores. For another, discounting books for a moment, the bible would take up valuable room in your pack that could be used for more useful items such as water purification tablets, emergency blanket, or even a few boxes of ammunition.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Icefalcon wrote:On the one hand, Hystrix is right in that "common" items will quickly become uncommon due to weather, fires, and just general destruction on the part of people. On the other hand, Flatline is right in the fact that there are so many bibles just floating around, that they will not become rare any time soon.

I am not arguing the validity of people wanting one. I was merely pointing out that not everyone wants or needs one. Out of all of the equipment that could keep you alive, the bible is least vital of them. For one thing, there are much more useful books that can teach you to survive in the wilderness, ones on medicine and surgery, books on homesteading or farming, manuals on training dogs for various purposes, and any number of useful skills in a world with no electricity and no stores. For another, discounting books for a moment, the bible would take up valuable room in your pack that could be used for more useful items such as water purification tablets, emergency blanket, or even a few boxes of ammunition.

1. See Book of Eli for how common Bibles are. See The Walking Dead for how common "common" item are.

2. As for usefulness. I think you are down playing how useful a Bible might be to someone who doesn't have one, but wants one. When I was in Army Basic Training, I had a Bible. It was the only literature I was allowed to have. I can't imagine getting through Basic Training without it. I can imagine a Zombie Apocalypse would be worse, and need would be greater.

3. As far as size goes, some Bibles are small enough to take very little room. Again it comes down to how important it is to the individual.

4. I totally agree through that there are other useful books that are more useful in given situations. A book on farming (THe Poor Farmers Almanac?) would be useful, if you can farm somewhere. However, it would be useless if you can't (hiding underground).

5. I totally respect if you have no use for it in your game. I guess I just saw movies like The Book of Eli which inspired me (as did the OP). I was thinking of a potential roleplaying/ story angle. Not everyone has to see it that way, I guess.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

yup there are sure alot of bibles out there, about since this world, the element of natures are going to have a field day, without noone fixing that hole in the roof , the longer it sit the likely hood of it surviving deceases( see the show life after people)
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Ravenwing »

Hystrix wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:On the one hand, Hystrix is right in that "common" items will quickly become uncommon due to weather, fires, and just general destruction on the part of people. On the other hand, Flatline is right in the fact that there are so many bibles just floating around, that they will not become rare any time soon.

I am not arguing the validity of people wanting one. I was merely pointing out that not everyone wants or needs one. Out of all of the equipment that could keep you alive, the bible is least vital of them. For one thing, there are much more useful books that can teach you to survive in the wilderness, ones on medicine and surgery, books on homesteading or farming, manuals on training dogs for various purposes, and any number of useful skills in a world with no electricity and no stores. For another, discounting books for a moment, the bible would take up valuable room in your pack that could be used for more useful items such as water purification tablets, emergency blanket, or even a few boxes of ammunition.

1. See Book of Eli for how common Bibles are. See The Walking Dead for how common "common" item are.

2. As for usefulness. I think you are down playing how useful a Bible might be to someone who doesn't have one, but wants one. When I was in Army Basic Training, I had a Bible. It was the only literature I was allowed to have. I can't imagine getting through Basic Training without it. I can imagine a Zombie Apocalypse would be worse, and need would be greater.

3. As far as size goes, some Bibles are small enough to take very little room. Again it comes down to how important it is to the individual.

4. I totally agree through that there are other useful books that are more useful in given situations. A book on farming (THe Poor Farmers Almanac?) would be useful, if you can farm somewhere. However, it would be useless if you can't (hiding underground).

5. I totally respect if you have no use for it in your game. I guess I just saw movies like The Book of Eli which inspired me (as did the OP). I was thinking of a potential roleplaying/ story angle. Not everyone has to see it that way, I guess.

lol. When I hit Basic I was handed two books.

One was 4.5 inches x 4.5 Inches and about 3 inches in thickness. The cover was Forest Camo, and in black plain stencil like font was Titled.......
US. Army Handbook. 1997 Infantryman's Edition.
It was the single most important book I had, and have ever had. In it's 800 pages was how to live, breath and think US Army. It included survival techniques, basic procedures, etc. Every six months I was issued a new one.

The other book was a 4 inch x 3 inch and about 2 inches in thickness. It had a red leather cover, and gold fancy font on the cover, titled......
The Holy Bible, King James Version.
I flipped through it every once in a while. When I was discharged, I still had the original I'd been given at Reception Battalion.

Also one of the cheapest, but most needed survival items is Condoms. Whats the point of surviving the Zombie Apocalypse if you die from an STD?
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Blindscout »

Ravenwing wrote:Also one of the cheapest, but most needed survival items is Condoms. Whats the point of surviving the Zombie Apocalypse if you die from an STD?

:lol: :lol:

Thankya, i needed a good laugh. They are also good for more than just canoodling too. As discussed here.
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Any experiment of any kind that starts with "hold my beer" should make the property owner immune to frivolous lawsuits.

Mack wrote:Oh, and if the POTUS evey gave me a nuke, I think I'd aim it at Bieber.

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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

I am surprised nobody has mentioned any simple hand tools in their posts.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Icefalcon wrote:I am surprised nobody has mentioned any simple hand tools in their posts.

Does a rock pick count? That was one of my choices.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Icefalcon »

flatline wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:I am surprised nobody has mentioned any simple hand tools in their posts.

Does a rock pick count? That was one of my choices.


My mistake, I didn't notice until I went back over the posts again. Yes, it counts. And I have noticed crowbars mentioned as well. What I was more thinking of though, was things like screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches and things like that.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Peanut Butter: Store bought peanut butter is a great survival resource for the apocalypse, for many reasons;
1. It is loaded with fat, sugar, protein, and salt. One or two tablespoons worth of the stuff gives a surprising amount of
nutrition. Some types of peanut butter even have added vitamins and minerals for extra nutrition.
2. It lasts forever. Peanut butter doesn’t go bad very quickly and doesn’t need to be refrigerated to survive.
3. It is good right out of the jar. It doesn’t need to be heated or prepared in any way to serve.
4. It comes packed and ready to travel. Usually in sturdy plastic jars (which are good for other things once the peanut
butter is gone) it can be thrown in the bottom of a backpack or bed of a truck without too much fear of breaking.
5. It is extremely common. Seriously, nearly every kitchen in North America is likely to have a half-a-jar of peanut butter in
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Chapstick: Little tubes of survival goodness! (Note: Chapstick is just one brand, but many others work well too, like Lipsyl, or my personal favorite Burt’s Bees)
1. Apply to lips to prevent chapping (duh!)
2. Apply to face and hands in hot or cold weather. Many brands of lip balm have SPF rated sunscreen ingredients for hot weather, and in the cold the thin layer of grease will keep the skin on your face from drying out, preventing wind burn or even frostbite.
3. Apply to blisters and burns as a lubricant to ease pain from rubbing the affected area.
4. Apply to a carbon-steel blade instead of oil to prevent rust. The lip-balm won’t run like oil and stays in place.
5. Rub onto tinder to help start a fire, the components in many lip balms are perfect for starting fires. Rub some onto cotton balls, pocket lint, cotton threads from clothes, etc. to start a fire much more easily.
6. Lubricate the top end of a bow drill to facilitate your fire-building even further.
7. Mix it with ash and apply to face to keep glare down, or as an impromptu camouflage. It is waterproof so it won’t wear off quickly when sweating.
8. Can be used as an emergency waterproofing treatment to fabric and globs of the stuff can be used to seal small holes against leaks.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Tomahawk: A terrific survival tool and defense weapon. Some are cheap enough to be a perfect back-up tool for a bug-out bag, without having to think about where the money was spent.
1. As a weapon it can hack, slash, pierce, and bludgeon as the situation requires, but it can also be used to hook an opponent’s weapon or arm, trip an enemy’s leg, or even pull a neck. It can be thrown a short distance, and is not too large to conceal.
2. As a tool it can split wood, hammer stakes, pry doors, smash glass, dig holes, penetrate metal, chop chains and locks, etc. With experience it can be used for fine carving, medium to heavy skinning, primitive cordage making and a host of other detailed work.
3. They are easy to sharpen, and usually don’t mind accumulating a little rust without sacrificing functionality.
4. Finally, they are bulletproof when it comes to durability. A properly made tomahawk is going to be able to take a beating without fear of damaging the head. The handle can usually be replaced with scavenged materials, while using the head of the tomahawk as the tool for making it.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Blindscout »

Speaking of basic tools, let's not forget the humble screwdriver. I have one of these nifty little buggers. I bought it for I think....five dollars about 15 years ago and it still works about as well as it did when I bought it. The one I have is the "professional" model, it has 3 of the most common phillips head and 3 flat head drivers. The best part is is that the unit is self contained. Unless you break the casing (and the casing is pretty damned tough) you wont lose the bits, unlike other 6 in 1 screwdrivers. I very rarely need to use any screwdriver other than this one. It will be coming with me in the event the feces hit the air circulation device.
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Any experiment of any kind that starts with "hold my beer" should make the property owner immune to frivolous lawsuits.

Mack wrote:Oh, and if the POTUS evey gave me a nuke, I think I'd aim it at Bieber.

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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

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Ziplock bags. Useful for keeping things organized and dry.
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Re: FREE or cheap equipment that will keep you ALIVE

Unread post by Tearstone »

There are a lot of good ideas and suggestions for tools in here.

If you're going to make a fire kit, I would recommend the following: Armageddon firesteel with palm scraper - It's a little pricier, but worth every penny.
Large magnesium bar with firesteel from (good backup, and the magnesium will help start even damp or wet tinder)
I would carry a pill bottle with vaseline soaked cotton. I'd only use about 1/3 of a ball of cotton sized glob of vaseline. It seems to burn much longer that way, uses less fuel.
Might carry a jar of vaseline and a bag of cotton balls for secondary purposes as well
A magnification/Frenzer lense with 5x power magnification or greater (if the sun is out you can start a fire)
1-4 disposable lighters (zippo's require fuel and constantly reloading, and they leak)

10'c's of Survivability kit
Cutting tool - knife, tomahawk, axe, saw
Container - 32 oz steel bottle with fitting cup, cooking, water purification, making char cloth/rope/wood
Cordage - 550 paracord 100', or 100' bank/trot line, minimum
Combustion - firesteel, matches, lighter, frenzer lense
Cover - large tarp, for shelter building and assisting visiblity.
Cargo - a pack that you can put your gear and other things into
Candeling - Headlamp, hands free navigation and map reading
Compass - navigation
Combination tool - something like a leatherman or other multi-tool that allows many different functions
Cloth or Bandana - filtering water for drinking, can make sand and/or charcoal filter on the fly. Also serves to bind wounds, can keep sweat out of eyes, can be made into cordage, or even char cloth.

Canvas sail needle - suturing, punching and stitching, effecting repair
I also recommend getting an altoids tin, which you can fill with fishing line, hooks, weights/sinkers, as well as safety pins and a few other things to make a pocket fishing kit, that can also be used to make char cloth.

Other items to include are duct tape, zip ties, super-glue and so on.

Why super glue? It seals wounds, but you can also use it to help effect repairs and seal doorways. You can seal a door with fast-dry glue in about 30-60 seconds and it is effectively welded shut. Great for escaping zombies, making barricades, and the like. It can also be used to glue door knobs and locks shut, and completely foul up weapons for sabotage.

For weapons you can make bush bows, PVC bows, and sling bows. A rabbit stick will help with small game. A .22lr firearm can go a long way to aiding in survivability, as well as a 12 gauge, single-shot, or even double-barrel. With a slight modification these can even shoot black powder like a musket. Just requires frequent cleaning. There's a lot more that I could probably talk on, but there's been a lot of good suggestions in this thread.

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