Playing a Bearman longbowman

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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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I also don't have my books with me, but I think it would be a good idea. I remember reading somewhere about bows built especially for those with a high PS dealing greater damage and range...or maybe it was someone's house rule...can't remember...
I really dig the concept though. You see the bearman and think big brute with a club, when in fact he's a big cry baby who can shoot a bow like nobody's business and couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag (in melee).
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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Is there an issue with their claws interfering with the bow string?
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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i cant remember how big they are (bearmen, that is), but i would imagine they would use giant sized weapons, which give an extra d6 dmg to reflect the added size of the weapon and the strength required to use could also add in the dmg bonus from ps (but i think thats a house rule because im pretty sure normal archers dont get the ps bonus).
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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One of my players had a troll palladin. Great character because it didnt conform!

Claws may get in the way of a bow but I guess the Wolfen do it so hey!
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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Well, considering Bearmen and Kankoran get along very well (at least very well for a bearman) and the Kankoran are frequently Long Bowmen I see no problem with Bearmen being able to adopt the practices of the little fellows.
(Kankoran are one of my absolute favourite races, along with Danzi, and Bearmen)
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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Overkill wrote:Kankoran rock. I had a pair of NPC's named 'Sharp-Eyes-Shooting' and 'Left-Eye-Weary'. I never had a group more emotional then when I killed off Sharp Eyes in a heroic death. One player even cried! Damn, now thats story telling.

That is fabulous! made a player cry! I aspire to that level of GM'ing!
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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Had a Wolfen Pc with a high PP (About 21 I think ?) plus the "targeting" skill, coupled with giant sized weapons (plus 1 die from memory) his longbow was one of the most deadly things in the game.
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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I have an elf in my current campaign with uber PS (29- got double nat 6's for bunus die) she wants a strength bow too. She was raised by Jotan on Mt Nimoro and that accounts for some of her mega strength, always using giant things. They thougth she was cute when she growled at them, so they kept her instead of eating her. Name is George, (from the baby huey cartoon, I will love him and pet him and call him george). her PP is not that high, like only a 21 or so, but still using PS bow will help the party out.
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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Aim by sense of smell? Make him a minor psionic with the physical power of Nightvision (it's good for 600 feet), except it's for day-vision...?

It's strange that Longbowman is an optional OCC given the vision limitations.
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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I think the better bows are in eastern territories, but the troll in my party used a triple crossbow because he was strong enough to recock it.
Bearmen are 12 ft tall, i remember this because a character i dm'd ended up with a 6ft tall purple bearman with green frogs legs talking in bubbles, i.e he would talk but you wouldnt hear what he said until the bubble popped.

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The longbowman in my big adventure had a specialty bow made (i call them warbows, normal bows reinforced with metal so you can parry with them, and blades on either end so you can stab with them) in pretty much every big city he visited because he never hung around long enough to pickup the finished product.
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

Unread post by Juce734 »

Interesting concept but not sure it really works. The vision limitations, and claws on the string of the bow are some big flags to me. If your GM allows it then cool. Just seems really tough to force sense of.
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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kiralon wrote:I think the better bows are in eastern territories, but the troll in my party used a triple crossbow because he was strong enough to recock it.

It depends on what you mean by better. Check out the Vaquerrel Woods in the Western Empire. There's a shop in the regional capitol that does custom bows. Pretty sweet.
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

Unread post by kiralon »

Hotrod wrote:
kiralon wrote:I think the better bows are in eastern territories, but the troll in my party used a triple crossbow because he was strong enough to recock it.

It depends on what you mean by better. Check out the Vaquerrel Woods in the Western Empire. There's a shop in the regional capitol that does custom bows. Pretty sweet.

everalls bows in greenbough was the one i was thinking, the longbows do +3 damage and +1 strike arrows +40ft range

or +1 rof and +1 strike and +100ft range in the vequerrel woodlands
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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Yeah, the difference between those bows is mostly personal preference. I guess it depends on if you want rapid fire or the most damage per arrow.

Of course, Eastern Territories still wins, thanks to the millennium bow. +2 rof, +1d6 damage, and +200 feet to the usual range. Against mortals: +2 to strike. Against the supernatural: +6 to strike, and double damage. Oh, and you get unlimited ammunition; just pull back and release the arrow that magically appears. The magic arrows only disappear if you release the tension or pull them out of the intended target, and they are wood, so they'll work for staking vampires.

Only drawback I see to it is that the GM MAY not let you use special arrows with the millennium bow. Poisons would be tricky to use with the appearing arrows.

But yeah, you were right, Eastern Territories wins, thanks to the giant tree.
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

Unread post by Jedrious »

Hotrod wrote:Yeah, the difference between those bows is mostly personal preference. I guess it depends on if you want rapid fire or the most damage per arrow.

Of course, Eastern Territories still wins, thanks to the millennium bow. +2 rof, +1d6 damage, and +200 feet to the usual range. Against mortals: +2 to strike. Against the supernatural: +6 to strike, and double damage. Oh, and you get unlimited ammunition; just pull back and release the arrow that magically appears. The magic arrows only disappear if you release the tension or pull them out of the intended target, and they are wood, so they'll work for staking vampires.

Only drawback I see to it is that the GM MAY not let you use special arrows with the millennium bow. Poisons would be tricky to use with the appearing arrows.

But yeah, you were right, Eastern Territories wins, thanks to the giant tree.

slowly dripping bladder on the bow above where the arrow appears filled with the poison
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

Unread post by kiralon »

Jedrious wrote:
Hotrod wrote:Yeah, the difference between those bows is mostly personal preference. I guess it depends on if you want rapid fire or the most damage per arrow.

Of course, Eastern Territories still wins, thanks to the millennium bow. +2 rof, +1d6 damage, and +200 feet to the usual range. Against mortals: +2 to strike. Against the supernatural: +6 to strike, and double damage. Oh, and you get unlimited ammunition; just pull back and release the arrow that magically appears. The magic arrows only disappear if you release the tension or pull them out of the intended target, and they are wood, so they'll work for staking vampires.

Only drawback I see to it is that the GM MAY not let you use special arrows with the millennium bow. Poisons would be tricky to use with the appearing arrows.

But yeah, you were right, Eastern Territories wins, thanks to the giant tree.

slowly dripping bladder on the bow above where the arrow appears filled with the poison

The danzi also have the ta'thain arrows that do +1d6 dam, +2 strike and halve the natural AR of supernatural beings
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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There's also some kind of arrowhead used by a horse archer cavalry that inflicts extra damage.

Or, if you allow the Scathach OCC from Rifts England in, enchanted oak shafts are +1 to strike and +6 to damage. They also double the range.

How much do lightning arrows do again?
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

Unread post by kiralon »

Hotrod wrote:There's also some kind of arrowhead used by a horse archer cavalry that inflicts extra damage.

Or, if you allow the Scathach OCC from Rifts England in, enchanted oak shafts are +1 to strike and +6 to damage. They also double the range.

How much do lightning arrows do again?

50gazillionD6 for the weak ones
yourdeadsodontbotherrollingD100 for the stong ones x3 when snipped :)
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Re: Playing a Bearman longbowman

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6D6 for the heavy, according to PF2E, p335. And they cost 1200 gold a pop. Still, you can launch them from a short bow, so I guess they'd work, as long as you've got deep pockets.

I think I'd stick to more mundane-looking arrows, myself. Shooting lightning from a bow would be a great way to make yourself a priority target.
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